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Caribbean Scholarship Scheme

“Silver and gold may vanish away

But a good education will never decay”.
I do not know who wrote that saying, but it remains very true. There can be no doubt that the
Scheme is for an excellent purpose; and since education earns the very experience, any plan we
allow is to spread the experience worth looking at.
After 3 or 1 years of regular payments, the entire amount paid by the Parents will be reimbursed
when the child is admitted to secondary educational institution. A scholarship will be granted to
the next 3 successive years. Any tertiary level course, five months or longer in an academic year
Since the entire amount paid to the Scheme is refunded in the first year except for the interest
which has been earned, loss is minimized. Even if the child earns another scholarship, these
amounts will be paid. The payments for years 2-4 will be determined each year by the returns on
the Scheme’s investments and the number of qualifying students.
The insured must qualify on benefits are lost. Payment cannot be transferred from one child to
another. Payment and benefits are

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