IPR Question Paper

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DATE 03/11/2022 TIME: 10:30 am to 01.

00 pm


End-Semester Examination (Odd-Semester)
October-November, 2022
SEMESTER - IX (BATCH OF 2018-2023)
Full Mark: 45 Duration: 2 hrs 30 mins.
General Instructions
1. No clarifications can be sought on tlhe auestion 2aner Iu case of any ambiguity in the questton papEr

students expected to rely on the question paper as it is and respona to lt.


2 Notes, books, other written and printed matter, other examinations aids, and electronic devices, including
but not limited to mobile
phones, laptops and dieital diaries, are strictly prohibited in the examination
hall. Any candidate
found in possession of any of the above during the examinations, either ms1de or
outside te Examination hall will be treated as
unfair means.
3. Start a new page for each question and take care to identify each answer clearly with the
number of the question and, where appropriate, the part you are answering and write your
answers in sequence i.e. number wise.
Material allowed in the Examination hall: No Materials Allowed


1. Explain the procedure for inlernational filing of Trademark application under Madrid Protocol? Explain the
advantages of filing of PCT application.
[4+2-6 Marks]
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of merger and acquisition of companies? Explain with the help
of case studies how acquision of Pharma Industries affected prices of medicines, Innovation and R&D?

[2+5+=7 Marks]
3. Explain the importance of IP securitization. What are the challenges faced by the IP owners in case of 1P
securitization explain with the help of examples or case studies?

(2+5-7 Marks]
4. TATA LId Co. is engaged in production and manufacture of various goods including automobiles and also in
the service sectors. TATA Ltd I desires to acquire NELCO Ltd which is engaged in the manufacture of spare
parts of automobile. NELCO is having various IP lke patents, design and trade mark in their IP portfolio
Prepare IP audit plan and IP Due diligence to be exercised for acquisition of NEL Co Ltd. Explain with
reasons the type of IP valuation method it should adopt for the valuation of IP assets of NELCO Ltd

3+2+5 10 Marks]
5. Explain the interface of Intellectual
property and
Competition law.
Explain with case laws or examples
various Kinds of restrictive agreements used by IP owners against the licensee. What are the remedies
under Indian laws to restrict anti-competitive practices?

[2+5+3=10 Marks]

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6. Write Short notes on any two given below
a. Types of IP Audit
b. IP Due
C. Taxation of IP

[2.5+2.5-5 Marks]

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