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Steps to be followed if No Server connection appears in SAP Logon Pad or

Load balancing error appears after SAP GUI installation.

1. Open the BSNL ERP Helpdesk Portal

2. Click the “Implementation” tab. Navigate to “Implementation Plan” option.
3. From here download the file “Script_files.rar” at a suitable location on your PC. It is available at
point no. 3 under “SAP GUI Installation and Configuration” section.
4. Unzip it and execute the “RUNME.BAT” file available in unzipped folder as an administrator.

If problem still persists, then kindly do these manual steps:

 For Windows XP SP 2/3

a. Copy “saplogon.ini” and “sapmsg.ini” files available in unzipped “Script_files_all”

folder to the following paths:
(i) C:\Windows\
(ii) C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\SAP\Common\
b. Copy “hosts” and “services” file to the following path:
(i) C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\

 For Windows 7 & Vista

a. Copy “saplogon.ini” and “sapmsg.ini” files to the following paths:

(i) C:\Windows\
(ii) Path in Windows 7
C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\ Roaming \SAP\Common\
Path in Windows Vista
C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\ Local\VirtualStore\Windows\
b. Copy “hosts” and “services” file to the following path:
(i) C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\

Note: Please unhide all the folders and take back up of your old Hosts & services file before
performing above activities.

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