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English course 5 th exam (unite one)

#NOTE: Translator Do not Allowed .

1_ over 200 young representative in the conference discussed one of the following :
A_ oil and water resources in the middle east B_Action for a better world
C_ development in every continites D_both (B and C )

2_Before 1800 most immigration to America from ……. Then from ………..
A_ Britain / Europe B_Europe , Britain / All over the world
C_ Europe / Britain D_Britain , Europe / All over the world

3_ you have fill your landing card before ?

A_ you get boarding pass B_ go through costums
C_ go through departure lounge D_ your plane lands

4_ Azad used ………..

A_ Email to call his teacher B_ skype to call Mr. reilly
C_mobile phone to call his teacher D_skype to call stella

5_ Grade 12 student Layla Jaff was …………..

A_ Too relaxed about her exam B_ failed last test
C_ Too anxious about her exam D_ ( A and D )

6_Grade 12 student Steve hall was……………

A_ Too relaxed about his exam B_ failed last test
C_ Too anxious about his exam D_ ( A and B )
7_ Azad Qadr could not visit ……..
A_ state liberty B_ staten island
C_ ESB D_ central park

8_ Empire state building still now ……………

A_ Tallest building in the world B_ Grate tourism attraction
C_ Tourist do not visit it C_ All of them

9_ Welcome back Azad now , I had like you to give our English class a short presentation

on your experiences in New York . ( Who said that ) :

A_ the mayor of new York B_ Audience

C_kate Reilly D_ stella

10_ The past participle (p.p) of of verb [ take] is ……….

A_ took B_ take
C_ taked D_ taken

11_ My moom can not wish a dish alone …….. help her .
A_ lets B_why not C_ I suggest D_ what about

12_ when some one is agree to ………, the expression …… used:
A_suggestion / good idea B_ suggestion / No I do not think so
C_ advice / good idea C_advice / No I do not think so

13_ choose the correct form of tage Question :

A_students have to say here, have not they ? B_sherzad has anew book, has not he?
C_They have gone earliar , have not they? D_ He had finish soon , had not he?

14_when I give an advice to your sister . I will say …………………… to her:

A_You should to have an extra papers B_You need to come later
C_yuor brother should to go home D_All of them

15_we called the police , ………… ?

A_ are not you B_ did not we
C_ are not_we D_ did not you

16_ ………. worker , was you ?

A_ I was not B_ was they
C_ was not I D_ was not they

17_I started to understand this subjet ……….. than before

A_ Better B_ worse
C_ bad D_ worst

18_ Ahmed is the ……......... student in the class .

A_ more clever B_ most clever
C_ cleverest D_ ( B and C )

19_ if my car costs 80 000 $ and your car costs 70 000 $ :

A_ my mobile is cheaper than yours. B_ your mobile is cheaper than mine.
C_ my mobile is more cheaper than yours. D_ both ( B and C )

20_ Captain Bill used ……….. to attack Dr. Livesey.

(A. pistol B. gun C. sword D. knife )
21_ The man was missing two of his left hand.
( A. Pew B. Jim Hawkins C. Black Dog D. Bill )

22_Dr. Livesey advised Captain Bill......

( A_ not to drink rum B_to drink rum C_ to drink water D_ to have stroke )

23_One of the tattoos was written ………….

( A_ Bad wind B_Here is treasure C_ Fair wind D_ bad luck )

24_when captin bell told jim about the place of treasure he suggest jim to told doctor
unless when ?
A_ They get black spot on me B_see black dog or seaman one leg
C_ Drink too much rum D_both ( A and B )

25_ After captin fighted with black dog he crushed to the floor then doctor livesey
adviced him to lie in the bed for …………:
A_ several months B_ several days
C_ a week D_ six hours

Action is the foundational key to all success.

Teacher : Haval .k Ahmed

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