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Name:      Date:     

Grammar: Conjunctions

Small, short sentences can lead to choppy, uneven writing. Conjunctions combine
short sentences, creating a smoother writing style that is easier to read. Coordinating
conjunctions, such as and or but, as well as subordinating conjunctions, such as after
or until, enable writers to combine short sentences.

Read the following groups of sentences. Combine the sentences using conjunctions
such as and, but, or, although, because, or unless. Write each new sentence on the
lines provided.
1. Alex and his brother went to the grocery store. They forgot to take their shopping
list. They came home.


2. You think soccer is fun. I don’t. Chris doesn’t.

3. The mothers baked cookies. The fathers put up the decorations.

4. Our country once had dense forests. Today many forests are gone.

5. The store has canned peaches. The store has canned mixed fruit.

6. We went to the beach on vacation. We could have gone to the mountains.

7. I could not go to the football game. I was sick.`

8. Our team cannot go to the semifinals. They need to win the playoffs.

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Name:      Date:     

Grammar: Conjunctions

A Read the following paragraph. Then, rewrite the paragraph by using conjunctions to
combine sentences where needed.
Albert ran track. Elsa ran track. Both were members of the same school
track team. Albert’s favorite event was the 100-meter run. Elsa’s was the long
jump. Their team trained after school. They also trained on Saturdays. To
warm up, Albert ran up and down the bleacher stairs by the track. Elsa did
long leg stretches to warm up. As members of our school’s winning track team,
both Albert and Elsa had learned the discipline of hard work and practice.

B Read the following sentences. Then, add the missing conjunctions.

1. Ramone did not win the art award, he had expected to win.

2. We could go to the skating rink to the ball field.

3. We could not go to the beach the weather was cold


4. Our team would not go to the playoffs we did not win enough

5. We entered our dog in the pet show, she did not win.

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