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Kurdistan Regional Government English course Examination Grade: tweleve

Education Directorate of Bardarash second Course/ unit five Time: 20 minutes
Grdapan Preparatory School Date: july30/2019
1) Reporter chris carr in the youth conference focused on ……..... a part of the world that until recently ……… at all
A_kurdistan / was not free B_Halabja / was not free C_kurdistan / was free D_Iraq / goverment
2) ……….Who invented chris carr for the ……..
A_ Dr.Haval_lunch B_the museum director_dinner C_Dr.Haval_breakfast D_the museum_lunch
3) In 1987-1988 Saddam used horrific chemical weapon first on ……….. and ……… then on ………
A_Halabja_Balisan_shekh Wassanan B_ shekh Wassanan_Halabja_Balisan
C_shekh Wassanan_Balisan_Halabja D_ Balisan_Shikh Wassanan_Halabja
4) It was very hard for Dr.Haval to talk about the ………… the of all happened in very recent times.
A_worst persecution B_long history of the Kurdish people C_kurdistan`s recent development D_horrific chemical weapon
5) Reduce atmospheric emissions so as to limit climate change. (this sentence refer to)
A_Tessa stone B_Azad Qadr C_Maria Delgado D_Leon Beck

6) Rosa Gomes speech was about …………………………………..

A_ final technological solution for food crisis B_ Reduce atmospheric emission
C_Explore space to find other planets D_reach world agreement to get rid all weapons of war

7) I `d hate to forget space exploration completely.(this statement was said by…………)

A_chris carr B_Rosa gomez C_Haji buhari D_sita kumar

8) A small satellite was sent last year so that ……………

A_it could send B_it could sent C_it will send D_it will sent
9) This local market has 50% sale ……..sell its good fast.

A_in order to B_so as to C_A and B D_in order that

10) People join social sites ……….chatting with friends.

A_for the purpose of B_so as to C_A and B D_none

11) My sister called on a day ……… I was feeling very sick.

A_who B_where C_why D_none

12) The car was carrying the sick man . He was badly injured
A_the car was carrying the sick man who he was badly injured
B_the car was carrying the sick man who was badly injured
C_the car which was badly injured carrying the sick man
D_the car who was badly injured carrying the sick man

Break a leg

Teacher : Haval K. Ahmed

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