English9 q3 Week2 QA v4

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3rd Quarter
Week 2

Development and Quality Assurance Team

Developer: Marissa R. Villamon, EdD

Evaluator: Cherryl A.Adante
Learning Area Supervisor: Camela G. Lerio, PhD

Illustration Credits:
Title Page: Marieto Cleben V. Lozada
Visual Cues: Ivin Mae M. Ambos

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Competency: Differentiate biases from prejudices.

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have:

o recognized the perceived situations as bias and prejudice;

o constructed sample sentences of bias from prejudice based on
the picture; and
o expressed the importance of differentiating biases from
prejudice in a creative way.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

Are you familiar with this quote?

Photo Credit: Pastor Debra Jordan

This is a common English idiom that means one should not prejudge an
opinion, characteristics or the true value of something or someone just by
seeing the surface or by assessing superficial details alone.

(rob@enteravalon/Big Stock spreads-racism-against-and-among-ethnic-chinese)

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
How about examining those pictures? Those thought provoking pictures
also talk about biases in the classroom. The first picture shows an example of
gender bias scenario in the classroom while the second reveals about the
Covid 19 pandemic stigma that enabled this Chinese boy to be taunted in his
school because of being Chinese.
Do we have the same thoughts as you go through over the given
images? If yes, then you have the ability to identify bias and prejudice. What
is prejudice?

Prejudice is an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or

without knowledge thought or reason. It simply means to prejudge others

An individual may be prejudiced against others based on factors such

as race, age, gender, sexual orientation, class status, religion, nationality, and
amongst other things. Look at these examples.

a. That guy who is physically disabled is also mentally incapacitated.
b. Lesbians and gays are not participative in any group activities and are
just distractions.

The situations talk about discrimination for it tells us unfavourable

opinion and pre-judges about others. It is unfair to prejudge someone without
even knowing them and their capabilities.

Another term that causes confusion and is often used interchangeably

with “prejudice” is “bias”. But these two terms differ from each other. Let’s
examine how it differs from the former. What is bias?

Bias means a tendency to favor one person, group, thing or point of view
over another, often in an unfair way.

Bias therefore is a prejudice in favor or against one person thing or group

compared with another, usually considered to be unfair. Bias is actually the
action that happens to a person or one group or multiple groups because of
the way you felt about them. This is very unfair and the result is an unfair action
of some sort.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
A bias is the actual result of prejudice. Bias is the action and prejudice
is the thought. Consider the following examples.

a. Mrs. Sanchez always assigns girls as group leaders because they
are more active than boys.
b. I voted for Cynthia because she is rich and famous compared to

In the given examples, a certain group or people is given favor than the
other. In number one, girls are favored over boys. In number two, a rich and
beautiful candidate is given more preference than a middle class ones. This is
what it means to be bias.

Activity 1. By This, I Can Tell!

Directions. Read the following situations. In a separate sheet of paper, copy

the box below. Identify whether the perceived situation is biased or prejudiced.
Write only the number on the column where they belong.

1. I have been hearing a lot of reports of bombings, kidnappings and

ambush in Zamboanga. I think it is safer to stay here in Surigao del Sur
where I can live a peaceful life.
2. Most people from Manila are arrogant. They always look down Bisaya
people. So, it’s better not to add friends coming from Manila in my FB
3. For Randy, whose father is a woodcutter, cutting down trees is okay as
long as all these trees are capable to cut.
4. All members of LGBTQ community are hypocrites. They are fighting for
their rights but are negligent of showing decency to the eyes of the


Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Activity 2: I Think, I Write
Below are pictures showing situations of biases and prejudices. On a
separate sheet of paper, construct samples sentences based on the picture.
Be guided by the scoring rubrics given. Are you ready to write?

1 2
. .

https://nation.com.pk/15-Jul-2020/delineating-islamophobia- https://nolisoli.ph/44375/norman-king-safeguard/

__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

3 4
. .

https://www.voicesofyouth.org/covid-19-your-voices-against https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-prejudice-2795476

__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________




Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.

4 3 2 1
Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Quality of sentence is sentence is sentence has a sentence has
Writing written in an written in an little style or no style or
extraordinary interesting style voice; gives voice; gives no
style and voice; and voice; some new new
very informative somewhat information but information
and well- informative and poorly organized &very poorly
organized organized organized

Grammar, sentences has sentence has few sentence has a sentence has
Usage & no misspelled spelling and number of so many
Mechanics words, punctuation spelling, spelling,
punctuation or errors, minor punctuation or punctuation &
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors errors that it
interferes with
the meaning

Activity 3. Speaking My Thoughts

Having fully understood the lessons, it is now time for you to express your
feelings on the importance of differentiating biases and prejudices. From the two
tasks written below, choose one and accomplish your chosen activity considering
the guided scoring rubrics. Ready?
Task 1. (This activity is for those who have internet connections and gadgets)
Post on FB your thoughts about the importance of differentiating bias and prejudice.
Do not forget to tag your English teacher. In posting, write your name first, followed
by the hashtags:
#(Your Name)
FB Post Scoring Rubric

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Very Good (4 pt)s) Good (3 pts) Fair (2 pts) Needs
Improvement (1 pt)
post provide post provide more post provide post show no
comprehensive insights, under- minimal insight, evidence of insight,
insight, standing or understanding or understanding nor
Content understanding or reflective thought reflective thought reflective thought about
And reflective thought about the about the the
Creativity about the importance of importance of importance of
importance of of differentiating biasdifferentiating differentiating
differentiating bias and prejudice bias and prejudice bias and prejudice
and prejudice.
post is written in a post is written in a post is written in a posting does not reflect
style that is very style that is style that is not so an awareness of the
appealing and appealing and appealing and audience and it is
appropriate for the appropriate for theappropriate for the difficult to identify
intended audience and intended audienceintended audience the author’s voice
a consistent voice is and a consistent and an attempt is
evident throughout voice is evident made to use a
throughout consistent voice
selects and inserts selects and inserts selects and inserts does not insert any
fine & high quality quality graphics low quality graphics graphics and multimedia
Text Layout,
graphics and multimediaand multimedia toand multimedia to
Use Of
to enhance the visualwhich do not enhance the visual
enhance the visual appeal and increase enhance the appeal and increase
appeal and increase the
the readability content the readability
posted and tagged theposted and posted and Posted and
teacher on time tagged the tagged the tagged the teacher three
Timeliness &
or before the teacher one day teacher or two or four days late
due date late after the due days late after the after the due
date due date date

Task 2. (Note: This option is for students who do not have gadgets and cannot
gain access to the internet)

In a separate sheet of bond paper, compose a two-stanza poem which

talks about the importance of differentiating bias and prejudice. Be guided by
this scoring rubric on the next page.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Excellent ( 3 pts) Average ( 2 pts) Poor ( 1 pt)

Cohesiveness the poem goes The poem goes the poem does
perfectly together. somewhat together but not go together.
there is unity between needs more the lines and
lines and stanzas cohesiveness. the lines stanzas sway
which connect with and stanzas sometimes from the topic
the topic sway from the topic
Use of Poetic the poem uses 3 or the poem uses 1 or 2 the poem uses
Elements more poetic elements poetic elements but no poetic
to enhance the poem touches a little the elements
and touches the emotions of the reader
emotions of the
Rhythm the poem uses rhythm the poem uses minimal the poem does
throughout, which rhythm but may waver not have any
benefits the poetic a way that distracts the noticeable
tone reader and negatively rhythm
affects the tone
Creativity the poem uses 3 or the poem uses 1 or 2 the poem does
more unique metaphors and similes not use unique
metaphors and similes to describe situations, metaphors and
to describe situations, objects and people similes
objects and people

Formative Test

Directions: Choose the correct answer that is best reflected in the given
scenario. Write BIAS, PREJUDICE or NO BIAS/PREJUDICE your answer sheet.

_____1. Nene in her senior high school years gets pregnant. Her neighbor,
Maria, thinks that Nene is immoral and flirt.

_____2. Most of the people in the barrio have chickens in their yards, only a
few have cows. It is because it is easier to tend to chickens than cows.

_____3. Carlo is very fat tricycle driver. Whenever he eats lunch at the
carenderia, Aling Lucring gives him a smaller piece of chicken .

_____4. All policemen are abusive of their power and authority in the
society.They are not afraid to pick a fight in the neighborhood and
they feel superior than others in the community.

_____5. The teachers grouped and assigned the grade 9 students to do an

experiment in Chemistry. However, Desiree, the daughter of the

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
municipal doctor refuses to include Cora -a Mamanwa-girl in their

Answer Key

Activity 1
1 2

3 4

Activity 2.
Learner’s output may vary

Activity 3
Learner’s output may vary







Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Self-Learning Modules, Learner’s
Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd Central Office. Furthermore, utilization
of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.

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