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Architect Career Model - Certification Application -

Candidate Guidance V5
Architect Profession
June 2019
Version Updates Summary
Date Version Change Summary Page

Jun 27, 5 Certification: Where to Start - added reference to slack channel to find a mentor p..6
Certification Guidance: Common to all - added reference to anonymised real example project and certification applications p. 11
Certification Guidance: L2 Specific - added point on expired badges and evidence of past certification p. 13
Certification Guidance: Cross Certification from Technical Specialist to Architect – added point re past L2 certification evidence p. 15
Certification Guidance: L3 Specific – added point on past L2 certification evidence p. 16
Experience Section: Project Profiles – page moved to this section to align with where projects are now covered in certification form p. 19
Experience Section: Credentials L1 - added note re Profession Champion suitability for higher levels p. 25
Experience Section: L3 Only – added link to sample support letter template p. 35
Sept 4 Certification: Where to start –noted that mentor will be required to approve project and certification application forms p. 6
Certification Application Process – updated to reflect new review process with Mentor and one SME and mention Appeal process p. 8
Certification Guidance: updated guidance on referring to more evidence in project applications or CV p. 11
Certification Guidance: Alternative Evidence - added examples of alternatives to the leadership badges p.12
Certification Guidance: L2 Specific - added point on the three L2 certification paths p. 13
Certification Guidance: L1/L2 Certification - updated Design Thinking badge section and how to indicate path on the form p. 14
Certification Guidance: Cross Certification from Technical Specialist to Architect – added guidance on this new path P. 15

Certification Guidance: L3 Specific - added point on the two L3 certification paths P. 16

Certification Guidance: Project Profiles – mentioned two projects required for cross-certification p. 18
Note: The latest version of this document can be found in the References section of the Architect Resource Centre wiki.
2 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Version Updates Summary
Date Version Change Summary Page

Certification Guidance: Project Profiles – mentioned two projects required for cross-certification p. 18

Certification Guidance: What to Expect – updated to refer to a single SME p. 36

Certification Interview – updated to refer to a single SME p. 38

Appendix: Updated process flow diagrams p. 48-49

July 6, 3 Certification Application Process: updated to mention the appeal process p..7
Experience Section: Updated guidance to reflect the form may be returned for revision only once and mention the appeal p.34
June 2 Certification Guidance: Alternative Evidence - added examples of alternatives to the leadership badges p.11
2018 Certification Guidance: Profession Core – update to Industry Knowledge related criteria p.10, p.13
p.15, p.23
p.24, p.26
Certification Guidance: Project Profiles - added guidance on the need for criteria to be met across all projects p.16

Note: The latest version of this document can be found in the References section of the Architect Resource Centre wiki.

3 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

4 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

5 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Certification - Where to Start

⎻ Refer to the Architect Resource Centre wiki, starting with the Architect Career Model Roadmap for the
certification criteria and associated badges required to achieve Certification at levels 1, 2 and 3.
⎻ As you start or continue along the roadmap, ensure that you have engaged an architect already certified
at the level you are pursuing (or higher) as a mentor to guide you on your journey. Your mentor will be
required to approve your project and certification application forms before they are assigned for Subject
Matter Expert review.
⎻ To find a mentor:
⎻ Contact your manager or your local Architect Profession Leader
⎻ Search for an Architect Certification mentor on CoachMe
⎻ Ask on the #ibm-architect slack channel which you can find via ‘browse channels’ within any workspace

⎻ The Architect Career Model encourages you to earn badges ‘as you go’. Document and submit your
badge applications for leadership (giveback) activities and projects soon after completing them.
⎻ Track the badges you earn along the way, either on your profile on the Acclaim site or in the badges view in Your Learning.
⎻ Ensure you plan time to complete the required Architect education, including the profession core Design
Thinking badge which is required by certified architects at all levels, and the business unit badges
(where required). Engage your manager’s support for any courses requiring funding.

6 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

7 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

How the Certification Review Process works
While your form is in draft status, you may ‘Invite’ your mentor to ‘read-only’ access. They may provide you
feedback outside the form tool.
Once submitted, your certification form will go through two levels of review and approval:-
1. Mentor - your mentor will be required to review the form and will have the options to
⎻ Return for changes or
⎻ Approve
2. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Review – one SME Reviewer will be assigned by the Architect Profession
to review the form. They will have the options to
– Approve or
– Decline
As changes will not be possible at the SME review stage, early and frequent engagement with your mentor to
discuss and review your certification application prior to submission is critical.
If approved, a certification badge will be automatically issued to you with a three year expiry date, at which
time you will be required to recertify based on criteria applicable at that time.
If declined, your Profession Leader will discuss the outcome with you and a resubmission date will be set in
the form, after which you may resubmit your application. You should work with your mentor to address the
criteria gaps and recommendations. The SME reviewer’s feedback will be captured in a ‘Returning Applicant‘
section on the form and will be taken into account by a new SME reviewer upon resubmission.
– If there is strong disagreement with a decline decision, your manager may appeal the decision by
emailing your Profession Leader, which will invoke the Appeal Process.
8 27 June 2019 Refer to appendix for process flow diagrams IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
What’s in the Certification Application form?
The following 3 Sections comprise the application content for certification (all levels):
⎻ Experience (brief descriptions of experience which in some cases may relate back to the completed project

▪ Experience in the IT industry ▪ Implementation Impact

▪ Experience producing architecture ▪ Business Development
▪ Architectural Leadership ▪ Industry Knowledge
▪ Breadth of Architectural Experience

⎻ Credentials (confirmation) – have you completed all of the badges (or evidence) for the requested
certification level relating to Profession Core, Giveback, Education, BU Requirements?
▪ The form will automatically display your earned badges. Alternative evidence fields are also available
where evidence other than badges is to be presented.
⎻ Other Criteria – OpenCA Conformance Criteria not previously checked in the project profile badge
applications such as: solution assessment, project planning, consulting techniques, negotiation,
communication. Similar to Project Profile applications.
⎻ Level 3 Certification requires Reference Letters and additional OpenCA conformance criteria including:
practice architecture, architectural vision, strategic leadership, breadth of experience, business impact,
process and procedures, and special projects.
9 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

10 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

General guidance common to all three levels
⎻ You may reference a project profile or CV in response to a question. Please make sure the response is
complete, and can stand independent of the referenced source:
▪ Must include a summary (one paragraph) of the evidence that provides a response to the question.
▪ Must indicate the specific section/s in the profile or CV where more information can be found.
▪ Simply writing ‘refer to project x/my CV’ is not acceptable – the SME should be able to easily and
quickly find the specific evidence you are pointing to.

⎻ All Architects applying for any certification level are expected to have achieved the Design Thinking
Practitioner badge and completed one hour of Industry Education from their chosen Industry Channel.
▪ Badges achieved at higher levels for Design Thinking and Industry badges can be offered as
alternatives to meet those criteria. Refer to the Profession Core page for more details.
⎻ Be aware of your specific Business Unit badge requirements. The form provides a hyperlink to the
requirements and the associated implementation policy.

⎻ The Certification Application is more than just a checklist that pre-requisite badges and training are
▪ You need to provide sufficient reinforcement of the content, and demonstrate that you have the
appropriate level of knowledge and understanding to be certified at this level.
▪ The guidance section of the wiki has some anonymized examples of real certification and project submissions.

11 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

General guidance common to all three levels (cont’d)
You may elect to demonstrate equivalence in situations where you have fulfilled the certification criteria
using alternate approaches, such as different education or other professional experiences.

– A typical L2 example is demonstration of project management skills. The minimum project

management requirement is the completion of PM54G. You may, however, demonstrate equivalency
in other ways:
▪ PMI certification.
▪ Completion of undergraduate or graduate level project management courses.
▪ The burden is on you to present proof of course completion or PMI certificate in this case.
– It will be up to the SME reviewer to determine if equivalency has been sufficiently demonstrated.

– If you have earned badges that are similar to the professions leadership badges, these can be
included in the additional evidence section of the certification application. Some examples include:
▪ A Technical Leadership Exchange or Regional Technical Exchange Speaker Badge
▪ An IBM Redbooks Badge

– Similarly, if you have completed other profession giveback (e.g. ‘specialized chair assignments’) not
covered by a leadership badge, you may include these in the alternative evidence section in place of
a leadership badge example. These will be evaluated by the SME during their review.

– Note, equivalency cannot be accepted for an alternative to the Architectural Thinking workshop.
12 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Specific Guidance – Levels 1 & 2
Level 1
– You must indicate which two projects, for which you earned L1 project badges, are to be considered
for this application.

Level 2
- There are three paths for L2 Certification. You must identify the path being taken:-
1. Level 1 to Level 2 Certification
- - You have a current or past Architect Level 1 Certification
- - Your current or expired L1 certification badge will be auto-display in the form.
- - If your certification lapsed prior to the sunset of Career Framework (CF) and you were not retroactively
issued a badge, you must include evidence of the past certification, such as a certification email from CF or
the Architect Profession. Refer to guidance on past evidence for examples of what is and isn’t acceptable.
- You must indicate which three projects are to be considered for this application.

1. L1/L2 Converged Certification (see next page for requirements)

1. - You must indicate which three projects are to be considered for this application

2. Cross-Certification from Technical Specialist to Architect (see page 14 for requirements)

1. - You must indicate which two projects are to be considered for this application
- The evidence documented should reflect your ability to tie your actions to the business results and
13 27 June 2019
understanding of risk. IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Converged Certification – L1/L2
For converged L1-L2 Certification you must:
- Meet all criteria for L2 Certification per the career roadmap.
- Meet some criteria from Level 1 as indicated in the table below.
- This evidence is to be provided in the Architect L2 Certification application form. You must indicate in
the certification path section at the top of the form that you are pursuing the L1/L2 converged
certification path.

Architect Career Model L1/L2 Converged Certification Path Requirement

Professions Core L1 Profession Core Badges/Education – Design Thinking and Industry
Leadership Badges L2 Leadership Badges (3 mentor badges + 2 non-mentor leadership badges)
Project Profile Badges 3 x L2 Architect Project Badges
Architect Curriculum L1 and L2 Education – Architectural Thinking, Method, Project Planning, Consulting
Business Unit Badges L2 BU Badges
Certification Badge L2 Certification Badge

14 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Cross-Certification from Technical Specialist to Architect
For Cross-Certification from Technical Specialist you must:
- Have a current or past IBM Technical Specialist Level 2 or Level 3 Certification.
- Your current or expired Technical Specialist badge will auto-display in the form.
- If your certification lapsed prior to the sunset of Career Framework (CF) and you were not retroactively issued a
badge, you must include evidence of the past certification, such as a certification confirmation email from CF or the
Technical Specialist Profession. Refer to guidance on past evidence for examples of what is and isn’t acceptable.
- Meet criteria for L2 Certification per the career roadmap – however, only 2 project badges are required.
- Meet some criteria from Level 1 as indicated in the table below.
- This evidence is to be provided in the Architect L2 Certification application form. You must indicate in
the certification path section at the top of the form that you are pursuing Cross-Certification.

Architect Career Model Cross-Certification from Technical Specialist to Architect Path Requirement
Professions Core L1 Profession Core Badges/Education – Design Thinking and Industry
Leadership Badges L2 Leadership Badges (3 mentor badges + 2 non-mentor leadership badges)
May use badges earned for the Technical Specialist Profession, however, one mentor badge
must relate to mentoring an Architect.
Project Profile Badges 2 x L2 Architect Project Badges
Architect Curriculum L1 and L2 Education – Architectural Thinking, Method, Project Planning, Consulting
Business Unit Badges L2 BU Badges (unless requirements are common across both professions and already
15 27 June 2019-
Certification Badge L2 Certification Badge
IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Specific Guidance – Level 3

Level 3
- You must indicate which three projects are to be considered for this application.

- Letters of support should confirm your role and be descriptive enough to validate the strategic nature
and success of your projects.

- The Level 3 package should reflect a higher level of writing. Include conclusive statements in the
evidence, demonstrating your ability to tie the skill/activity to business results.
- There are two paths for L3 Certification. You must identify the path being taken:-

1. Level 2 to Level 3 Certification

1. - Your current or expired Architect L2 Certification badge will be auto-pulled into the form.
2. - If your certification lapsed prior to the sunset of Career Framework and you were not retroactively issued a
badge, you must include evidence of the past certification, such as a certification confirmation email from CF
or the Architect Profession. Refer to guidance on past evidence for examples of what is and isn’t acceptable.

2. L2/L3 Converged Certification

1. - If you have not previously earned Architect Level 2 certification, you may pursue the L2/L3 converged path
providing you meet the eligibility criteria (refer next page).

16 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Converged Certification – L2/L3

Available to highly experienced architects (including new hires or those from acquisitions),
with more than 7 years of Architect experience:
- You must have the endorsements of both your manager as well as your L3 Certified Architect Mentor
prior to pursuing this path.
- In addition to validating the L3 technical and strategic leadership, innovation, and thought
leadership of a candidate, this path also validates your technical experience and capabilities as an
Architect expected at Level 2.
- You must meet all L3 criteria as well as the L1 and L2 criteria indicated below.

Architect Career Model L2/L3 Converged Certification Path Requirement

Professions Core L1 Profession Core Badges/Education – Design Thinking and Industry
Leadership Badges L3 Leadership Badges (5 mentor badges + 3 non-mentor leadership badges)
Project Profile Badges 2 x L2 Architect Project Badges + 3 x L3 Architect Project Badges
Architect Curriculum L1 and L2 Education – Architectural Thinking, Method, Project Planning, Consulting Techniques

Business Unit Badges L3 BU Badges

Certification Badge L3 Certification Badge

17 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

18 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Project Profiles review
⎻ The certification form will provide links to your approved project profiles for SME review
⎻ As each project profile was initially reviewed and approved independently of the others, the SME reviewer will
check each profile for the following attributes:
– The projects can be for the same client, but need to be distinct enough from one another to be considered
– Projects should be sufficiently varied to demonstrate architectural breadth
– The profiles must reflect the level of skill commensurate with the badge level
– If some criteria were not met in individual projects, together, the projects must address all the criteria.
⎻ Levels 1
– Minimum two projects undertaken within the last 8 years.
– One of the projects must be performed while employed by IBM.
⎻ Levels 2
– Minimum three projects undertaken within the last 8 years. (NB. Two projects for Cross-Certification)
– One of the projects must be performed while employed by IBM.
⎻ Level 3
– Minimum three project profiles undertaken within the last 8 years.
– One of the projects must be performed while employed by IBM.
– The profiles must emphasize your leadership and technical contribution to the outcome of the project.

Refer to the Architect Career Model - Project
27 June 2019
Badges - Candidate Guidance document for detailed guidance.
IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Experiences common to Levels 1 and 2

Criteria Level 1 Level 2

Experience in IT Industry Minimum 4 years Minimum 5 years
(Review CV) experience within the last
8 years
Experience producing architecture Minimum 2 years Minimum 4 years
At least 1 year in IBM
performing in an Architect
Architectural Leadership: Minimum 1 year Minimum 2 years
experience providing architectural knowledge, direction, and
leadership to guide the team to perform the work to completion (to
be documented in the Architectural Leadership core capability).
Breadth of Architectural Experience: Experienced Deep
▪ Involved the application and integration of a variety of
elements that came together to produce the architecture
▪ Encompassed multiple viewpoints to define the architecture
▪ Utilized multiple architectural styles
▪ Utilized multiple and diverse technologies

20 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Experience common to Levels 1 and 2

⎻ If you are applying for Level 1 certification, you are expected to demonstrate an experienced level of
skill for each of the criteria. Any of the following conditions may apply:
▪ You worked on projects either alone or with minimal supervision
▪ You performed as a member of an architectural project team, and were responsible for a
subsection of the project
▪ You demonstrated the application of the architectural skills effectively

⎻ If you are applying for Level 2 certification, you are expected to demonstrate a deeper level of skill for
each of the criteria relative to Level 1. Any of the following conditions may apply:
▪ You were entirely responsible for a major subjection of a complex project
▪ You served as Lead Architect on a complex project, leading other Architects
▪ You demonstrated deep application of architectural practices, mentoring others
▪ You were critically involved in the strategic development of the solution
▪ You were involved in the training of others for the critical skills

21 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Experience specific to Level 2
All evidence at this level must demonstrate subject matter expertise, capable of mentoring, teaching and
leading others.

Criteria Description

Implementation Impact Experience implementing the designed solution, taking responsibility for the
implications of their architectural decisions and influencing a successful conclusion
that meets business intent

Business Development Experience as a leader on at least one major bid, contract negotiation, or business
case development effort as an Architect

Industry Knowledge Multiple project experiences defining solutions within a specific client industry

22 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Experience specific to Level 3
Criteria Description

Practice Architecture IBM Expert (L2) Certified Architect, or

If you are applying for L2/L3 converged certification, the requirements stated earlier in this
document must be fulfilled
Establish Architectural Demonstrated architectural leadership and demonstrated impact in a significant opportunity or
Vision project.
A significant project should include some or all of the following attributes:
▪ A complex project that includes more than one technology focus
▪ A multinational client, or geographically diverse client locations
▪ A project that includes more than one IBM business unit
Demonstrate Strategic Anticipated, defined and communicated innovative concepts in a strategic IT or business
Leadership environment
Breadth of Demonstrate the breadth of experience resulting in client value and effective team leadership.
Architectural Evidence must emphasize leadership experiences. The breadth can apply to client industry,
Experience types of technologies and/or diversity of the teams
Demonstrate Business Demonstrate significant impact on the business by leading complex projects, applications, or
Impact system-of-systems architectures
Establish Architectural Experience defining architectural processes, policies, and procedures. This includes, but is not
Process, Policies and limited to, selecting and adapting the proper architectural methods, governance, and technical
Procedures standards necessary to realize a strategic IT or business system
Conduct Special Demonstrate leadership in conducting special architectural projects or special strategic
Architectural Projects initiatives
23 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Experience specific to Level 3
⎻ For Level 3, you are to demonstrate distinct leadership skills through your projects and experiences.
Any of the following conditions may apply:
▪ You served as Lead Architect on a complex project, leading other Architects
▪ You led the adoption of methods to the project, guiding team members
▪ You were deeply involved in the strategic development of the solution
▪ You drove process improvement initiatives
▪ You drove the creation of intellectual capital from the project deliverables

⎻ In the Career Model

▪ The Level 3 criteria is more strongly focused on leadership and complexity, and less on the specific
skills as an Architect
▪ As the candidate has achieved Level 2 certification already, it is understood that you are a strong
Architect with leadership potential
▪ The Level 3 criteria focuses on applying those leadership skills, demonstrating innovation and
substantial business value to the Client and IBM

24 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Credentials – Level 1
Prerequisite badges
– Education badges were not issued prior to 2017. Include your evidence in the “exception” part of the
document. Evidence can be a copy of the completion certificate or record/report of the course completion.

Criteria Description
Industry Knowledge You must have completed one hour of Industry Education. However, an Industry badge is an
Education acceptable alternative. Refer to the Profession Core page for more details on Industry badges.

Design Thinking Badge You must have earned a Design Thinking badge. The minimum requirement is Enterprise Design
Thinking Practitioner, but higher levels in the Design Thinking badge family are accepted as
Architectural Thinking You must have earned the Architectural Thinking badge
Method Training Team Solution Design (TSD) badge or completed the Unified Method Framework (UMF) course
Leadership Badges You must have mentored at least 1 protégé – IBM Mentor badge
You must also have earned at least one other badge:
▪ Intellectual Capital/Intellectual Property Creator badge
▪ Speaker/Presenter badge
▪ Teacher/Educator badge
▪ Profession Champion* badge
Alternative evidence to non-mentor leadership badges may be provided directly in the form.
*This badge is more suitable for those applying for higher levels and who have been performing SME Reviews.
Business unit / Demonstrate continued professional development in the context of their job role / business unit
specialization skills through attainment of required business unit badge requirements (as required).

25 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Credentials – Level 2
All evidence must demonstrate subject matter expertise, capable of mentoring, teaching and leading

Criteria Description
Industry Knowledge Education Industry education from L1
Design Thinking Badge IBM Design Thinking badge from L1

Architect Level 1 Badges Architectural Thinking and Method training from L1

Project Management Project Management training (minimum PM54G) (no badge issued)
Client Consulting Skills Client education - Core Consulting (no badge issued)
Leadership Badges You must have mentored at least 3 protégés, at least one must be currently active –
IBM Mentor badge

You must have earned at least two other badges:

▪ Intellectual Capital/Intellectual Property Creator badge
▪ Profession Champion badge
▪ Speaker/Presenter badge
▪ Teacher/Educator badge
Alternative evidence to badges may be provided directly in the form.

Business unit / specialization Fulfillment of required business unit badge requirements (as required). Provide links to
skills issued badges
26 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation
Credentials – Level 2 (cont’d)
⎻ Evidence of Achievement
▪ Architects certified at Level 1 starting in 2017 are understood to have completed all the required L1
• This is not the case for Architects who were certified prior to 2017, as earlier L1 certification did
not include Industry Training, IBM Design Thinking or the Business Unit badge requirements.
• Architects who were L1 certified prior to 2017 must present evidence of all outstanding L1
▪ Architects who do not have a prior L1 certification have to present evidence of completion for all L1
and L2 training, including the Business Unit badges.
⎻ This criteria may be evidenced by attaching your respective badges or training records. Training
records could include Your Learning reports and/or copies of course completion certificates.
⎻ Education badges were not issued prior to 2017. You must include your evidence in the “exception”
part of the document.

27 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Credentials – Level 3
Criteria Description
Professions Core Industry Education and IBM Design Thinking badges from L1
Leadership Minimum 5 protégés, at least one must be current – IBM Mentor badge
Must also show at least three giveback activities in addition to mentoring. For example:
▪ Intellectual Capital/Intellectual Property Creator badge
▪ Profession Champion badge
▪ Speaker/Presenter badge
▪ Teacher/Educator badge
Alternative evidence to badges may be provided directly in the form.

Project Profiles Minimum 3 Architect project profiles describing significant projects, engagements, or activities
undertaken within the last 8 years. These profiles must emphasize the candidate’s leadership and
technical contribution to the outcome of the project.

Education There is no specific curriculum for L3 certification. You must, however, demonstrate continued
expansion and enhancement of their professional skills, evidenced through a copy of you IBM
Learning Record. Guideline is 80 to 120 hours of activities in the past 3 years.
All training requirements from L1 and L2 must be fulfilled.

Business unit / Demonstrate continued professional development in the context of your job role / business unit
specialization skills through attainment of required business unit badge requirements (as required).

Contributions to the You must make significant contributions to the IBM Architecture Profession with the objective of
Architect Profession promoting the growth of the profession itself.

28 28 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Other Criteria
Level 1

⎻ All evidence must demonstrate your application of architectural practices either independently or
with minimal supervision.

Level 2

– All evidence must demonstrate your role as a subject matter expert, capable of mentoring, teaching
and leading others.

Level 3

– All evidence must demonstrate your advanced Architect skills applied in strategic and innovative
solutions to complex business problems.

⎻ Your project profiles, final certification application and interview all serve as evidence regarding your
professional communication skills.

29 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Solution Assessment
The descriptions for Levels 1 and 2 are the same, but the evidence you provide needs to be
consistent with the expectation for each respective level.
Level 2 projects are expected to be more complex and the demonstrated skill level must be deeper,
and demonstrate you working independently or leading a team.

Level 1 Assessed the integrity and risks inherent in a proposed solution against the underlying business
Level 2 intent with minimum supervision so that the recommendations and findings were appropriate, were
acceptable to the client, and could be implemented.

Level 3 Led the assessment of the solution integrity and risks inherent in a proposed complex solution,
large and complex project, or critical situation against the underlying business intent -- so that the
recommendations and findings were appropriate, were acceptable to the client, and could be

30 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Project Planning
For all three levels, the focus is on the development of project plans, and not their execution. The
Architect drives or contributes the development of the project plan at the levels of complexity with
respect to the certification level.

Level 1 Planned, produced, and delivered cohesive and traceable work product content across multiple domains
with minimum supervision. Identified and sequenced delivery of components of a system's parts, based on
resource estimates, outline costs, benefits, and dependencies

Level 2 Developed approach and plans for architectural engagements and ensured that the approach and plans for
delivery of the architecture were driven from and supported the defined architecture. This project planning
activity was carried out for complex projects

Level 3 Developed approach and plans for architectural engagements and ensured that the approach and plans for
delivery of the architecture were driven from and support the defined architecture. This project planning
activity was carried out for large, complex, or cross-organizational projects

31 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Consulting Techniques
Level 1
– Applied consulting techniques in a client environment. Presented the rationale with minimum
supervision so that stakeholders accepted the choices and agreed with the rationale

Level 2
– Mastered the application of consulting techniques in a client environment. Presented the rationale
so that stakeholders accepted the choices and agreed with the rationale

Level 3
– Not assessed at this level

32 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Level 1
– Mediated opposing viewpoints and negotiated equitable outcomes to ensure successful and stable
progress toward delivering the business intent with minimal supervision

Level 2
– Mediated opposing viewpoints and negotiated equitable outcomes to ensure successful and stable
progress toward delivering the business intent

Level 3
– Not assessed at this level

33 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Level 1
– Applied effective written and verbal communication skills in project deliverables in a client
environment with minimal supervision.

Level 2
– Applied effective written and verbal communication skills in articulating architectural deliverables in
a client environment.

Level 3
– Advocated architectures and strategies to business executives and project leaders to gain
stakeholder commitment.

34 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

References – Level 3 only
⎻ You must provide letters of support from technical leaders, business leaders or client leaders, a
minimum 3, recommended 6 to 10 letters.

⎻ References should reflect a variety of people, including executives, technical leaders, Distinguished
Engineers, clients and vendors.

⎻ Reference letters should include the following content:

▪ Indication of the author’s position: title, role, etc.
▪ Length of time the author has known you.
▪ The project(s) or context under which you worked together.
▪ Your qualities, described in the author’s own words.
▪ Examples or anecdotes of your capabilities.
▪ Author’s contact information.

▪ Refer to the sample template for what may be included in a support letter.

35 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

What to expect

⎻ Refer to the next section on certification interviews for specific guidance on your interview.
⎻ Your certification assessment will be based on your written application, your interview with the SME
reviewer and input from others such as referees (for Level 3).
⎻ The SME reviewer will only have the options to Approve or Decline your form.
⎻ If your application is declined, the SME comments will indicate the areas that need to be addressed
prior to re-application. A ‘re-submission availability date’ will also be recorded on the form by the
SME. This is the date after which you may resubmit your form. It is recommended to use this time
to reflect on the feedback, engage your mentor for guidance, follow the recommendations and then
resubmit your application.
⎻ If there is strong disagreement with a decline decision, your manager may appeal the decision
by emailing your Profession Leader, which will invoke the Appeal Process.

36 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

37 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Preparing for the Certification Application interview

⎻ You will be interviewed by one SME per the certification review process outlined previously
⎻ Scheduling the interview is the SME Reviewer’s responsibility.
⎻ The SME will inform you regarding the areas of doubt you may need to clarify. Use this information as
an opportunity to be better prepared and allow for a more productive interview.
⎻ The interview is an opportunity for you to clarify any areas of question on your application, as well as to
represent your skills and experiences through a conversation.
⎻ It is advised that you request your mentor’s assistance in setting up a mock interview to give you an
idea of the questions that will be asked. Ask your mentor to reach out to other certified Architects and
SME reviewers to assist you with a mock interview.

38 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

The Certification Application interview

⎻ Interview responses should be provided in a professional and courteous manner. The questions you are
asked will be specific and criteria-based.
⎻ Questions may be open-ended, related to a case study or sample scenario to substantiate your
⎻ During the interview process, you will be informed of any concerns the SME may have with your
qualifications, and will be given an opportunity to address those items.
⎻ Please do not ask the SME for their assessment during the interview.
⎻ The interview will be 30-60 minutes long. No follow-up emails or additional information will be
requested or should be sent unsolicited.
⎻ The interview is not the opportunity to provide your opinion or personal feelings regarding the
certification process or any other aspect regarding the profession.

39 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

The Certification Application interview (cont’d)
⎻ You will be asked to provide some background in terms of your career.

Level 1
– You will be asked questions to ascertain that you work as an Architect with minimal supervision.
Level 2
– You will be asked questions to ascertain evidence of greater responsibility, more complexity and more
team leadership as an Architect.
Level 3
– You will be asked questions to demonstrate your technical leadership, working on projects that are
complex in nature, innovative, of significant value to the client and IBM.

40 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Example Certification interview questions

Project / Engagement
SME Reviewers are given guidance regarding the interview questions they can ask, but the scope
of the interview is ultimately their decision. They can ask questions that refer back to your
project profiles or any of the other content in your application. That said, you can expect
questions such as the following:

⎻ What is the most complex project profile described in your package and why?
⎻ What was the most successful project in which you have ever been involved and why was it
more successful than other ones you managed, participated in, or influenced? What was your
role in this project?
⎻ What was your worst experience on an engagement and how did you handle it?
⎻ In your three engagements, you performed different roles and responsibilities. Please explain
how you view the differences; that is, was there growth? Did any specific role give you a
different insight into the engagement?

41 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Example Certification interview questions

Architect Role / Achievements

The following sample questions relate to your role, achievements, challenges:

⎻ How would I know your work is architecting and not just providing expert advice?
⎻ What do you find to be the biggest challenge to you as an architect?
⎻ Looking at all your activities, what was your “masterpiece” and why?
⎻ What was your biggest setback? Was there something to learn from it?
⎻ What has been your most difficult architecture assignment so far? What lessons did you learn
from it?

42 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Example Certification interview questions

Technical and Architectural Skill

The following sample questions relate to technology, trends, and skill improvements:

⎻ What do you see as the important upcoming technology trends? How will those trends affect IBM’s
business model?
⎻ What specifically have you done to increase your skill in areas where you had development

43 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Additional Comments specific to Level 3 for the Certification Application interview

Technical and Architectural Skill

⎻ The Level 3 interview will focus more on soft skills, leadership and business oriented skills relative
to Levels 1 and 2. Examples interview topics may include:
▪ Embracing challenge
▪ Collaborating globally
▪ Acting with systematic perspective
▪ Building mutual trust
▪ Influencing through expertise
▪ Continuously transforming
▪ Partnering for client success
▪ Communicating for impact
▪ Helping IBMers succeed

44 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Overview – Content

Why – Where to Start
Project Badges The Certification Interview

The Certification
Why Project BadgesApplication Process References/Links

Certification Guidance

Experience Section

45 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation


⎻ Architect Career Model - Project Badges – Candidate Guidance - provides detailed guidance to
candidates on selecting and writing projects as well as the SME review and conversation.

⎻ Candidate Guidance – includes additional collateral such as blogs, videos and other written documents
providing useful tips. This page will be ongoingly enhanced so check back often.

⎻ Architect Resource Centre Wiki – central repository for information regarding the Architect Career

46 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation


For more information on the Career Model for Technical

Professions, visit the Career Model for Technical Professions

For more detail on the Architect certification roadmap, visit the

Architect Resource Centre wiki.

47 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation


48 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

Appendix (cont’d)

49 27 June 2019 IBM Confidential © 2017 IBM Corporation

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