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Received: 29 January 2019 Revised: 10 April 2019 Accepted: 16 May 2019

DOI: 10.1002/dvdy.64


The generation of granule cells during the development and

evolution of the cerebellum

Angelo Iulianella1 | Richard J. Wingate2 | Cecilia B. Moens3 | Emily Capaldo1

Department of Medical Neuroscience and
Brain Repair Centre, Life Science Research
Institute, Dalhousie University, Halifax, The cerebellum coordinates vestibular input into the hindbrain to control balance and
Nova Scotia, Canada movement, and its anatomical complexity is increasingly viewed as a high-
MRC Centre of Neurodevelopmental
throughput processing center for sensory and cognitive functions. Cerebellum devel-
Disorders, King's College London,
London, UK opment however is relatively simple, and arises from a specialized structure in the
Division of Basic Sciences, Fred anterior hindbrain called the rhombic lip, which along with the ventricular zone of
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, the rostral-most dorsal hindbrain region, give rise to the distinct cell types that consti-
tute the cerebellum. Granule cells, being the most numerous cell types, arise from
Correspondence the rhombic lip and form a dense and distinct layer of the cerebellar cortex. In this
Angelo Iulianella, Department of Medical short review, we describe the various strategies used by amniotes and anamniotes to
Neuroscience and Brain Repair Centre, Life
Science Research Institute, Dalhousie generate and diversify granule cell types during cerebellar development.
University, 1348 Summer Street, Halifax,
NS, Canada B3H-4R2. KEYWORDS
Email: amniotes, anamniotes, Atoh1, cerebellum, Cux2, external granular layer, granule cells

Funding information
Canadian Institutes of Health Research,
Grant/Award Number: PJT-156364; Natural
Sciences and Engineering Council of
Canada, Grant/Award Number: RGPIN-

1 | INTRODUCTION granule cells, we are only beginning to appreciate the diverse

molecular and developmental strategies used in different verte-
The cerebellum has been studied since the time of Santiago brates to diversify progenitor pools in the cerebellar primordium.
Ramon y Cajal at the turn of the 20th century for its simple In this review, we focus on the morphogenesis of the cerebellum
three-layered structure, yet complex connectivity. Cajal once and lineage diversification of its progenitors during develop-
described the intricate anatomy of the cerebellum, and particu- ment, with particular focus on granule cell neurons (GCN).
larly the endlessly diverting beauty of a Purkinje cell (PC), the
main output/integrator neurons of the cerebellum, by comparison
2 | O V E R V I E W O F C E R E B E L L AR
to trees: “In our parks are there any trees more elegant and luxu- ANATOMY
rious than the PCs from the cerebellum?”1 While the cellular
anatomy and organization of the cerebellum have been studied The cerebellum sits inferior to the cerebrum and posterior to
for more than a century, we have yet to have a comprehensive the brainstem, comprising the dorsal wall of the fourth ven-
understanding of how the different cell types arise and ultimately tricle. It was once thought to only be involved in regulating
organize into circuits. Even within a single-cell type, such as motor function, however recent research has suggested that
Javier DeFelipe; Cajal's butterflies of the soul. alterations in cerebellar anatomy and function can not only
11/cajal-butterflies-of-the-soul-cerebral-cortex/ lead to ataxias but can also contribute to autism spectrum

506 © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Developmental Dynamics. 2019;248:506–513.


disorder.1-5 Its study thus has important implications for our layer of the cerebellar cortex. The MFs communicate with
understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders. Anatomi- GCs in glomeruli via ascending axons.11,12 PCs, along with
cally, the cerebellum is tightly organized as a dense tri- Bergmann glia, constitute the PL, which is the middle layer
laminar structure consisting of an internal granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex. PCs receive input in the ML, for-
(IGL), Purkinje cell layer (PL), and molecular layer (ML), ming synapses with GCs, CFs, and interneurons.11,13-15
comprised of interneurons, these layers combined pack a tre- Finally, there are interneurons within the ML, exemplified
mendous degree of processing power. The anatomical orga- by the stellate and basket cells.16 Importantly, PCs form the
nization and connectivity of the cerebellum allows it to only output from the cerebellar cortex to extra-cerebellar
efficiently function as a byway for processing a myriad of nuclei, as well as cerebellar nuclei, which in turn make up
sensory modalities and cognitive tasks requiring rapid com- the remaining output from the cerebellum.12,17-19
munication between distinct brain centers. This includes ves-
tibular input to refine locomotion, sensory integration from 3 | DEVELOPMENT O F GRANULE
specific facial nuclei, principally including the trigeminal, CELLS
that processes information from the head and face and asso-
ciated glands, and input from autonomic motor pathways The cerebellum arises from the most anterior hindbrain seg-
emanating from hindbrain derivatives, particularly the pons. ment, rhombomere 1,20,21 and its formation is influenced by
The basic cerebellar circuit is highly compact (Figure 1). the adjacent mid-hindbrain or isthmic region, which defines
Incoming climbing fibers (CFs) from the inferior olive synapse the anterior boundary of the future cerebellum. Chimeric stud-
primarily on PCs, while mossy fibers (MFs), which make up ies using the quail/chick marker system revealed that the cere-
the bulk of the cerebellar afferents, synapse predominantly on bellum is derived from dorsal rhombomere 121-23 and that
granule cells, while both project collaterals to cerebellar GCs are specifically derived from the boundary between non-
nuclei.6-10 Granule cells (GCs) and Golgi cells coinhabit neural fourth ventricle roof plate and neural epithelium21; a
the granule cell layer, which in amniotes is the innermost region known as the rhombic lip (RL).24 The development of
the RL is partially dependent on the function of Zic125 and
completely dependent on the function of Atoh1/Math1,26-28
which is induced by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) sig-
nals from the roof plate.29,30
Perhaps paradoxically, the first-born Atoh1-expressing
cells from the avian as well as mammalian cerebellar anlagen
are fated to an extra-cerebellar region.27,31 These Atoh1-
expressing cells are not RL derivatives but instead originate
from an FGF8-induced Atoh1 expression domain within the
isthmus.31 As development progresses, the retreat of fibroblast
growth factor signaling at the isthmus derepresses BMP sig-
nals from the roof plate, which promotes the formation of the
first migratory populations derived from Atoh1 expressing RL
progenitors in discrete temporal cohorts, as well as the precur-
sors of the deep cerebellar nuclei.8,31 Subsequently, RL pro-
genitors generate migratory GC precursors,27 which assemble
as a distinctive secondary proliferative layer on the surface of
the cerebellum. It is the formation of a secondary germinal
FIGURE 1 Schematic of the microarchitecture of the cerebellar epithelium, the external granule layer (EGL) that allows GC
cortex circuitry depicting the three layers: molecular layer (ML), to become the most numerous neuronal cell type in the central
Purkinje cell layer (PL), and granule cell layer (GL). The main nervous system.32-34 The EGL subsequently gives rise to
excitatory neuronal connections involve the mossy fibers (MFs),
inwardly, radially migrating postmitotic GCs that occupy the
climbing fibers (CFs), granule cell neurons (GCN), and parallel fibers
(PFs). The principal inhibitory connections involve Purkinje neurons
Avian EGL precursors arise from the entire caudal border
(PN), and a diversity of interneurons types including stellate cells
(SCs), basket cells (BCs), and Golgi cell (GC) interneurons. The local
of the cerebellum, from the midline to the caudolateral cor-
circuit excitatory input pathways include CF and MF. MF synapse onto ner or RL.35 In rodents, there is more proliferation at the
GCN, which give rise to excitatory PF. Both PF and CF synapse caudal-lateral region of the cerebellar anlage, suggesting that
directly onto PN, which outputs signals from the cerebellar cortex the RL gives rise to most of the cerebellar EGL.36 These pre-
through synapses on the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) cursors migrate rostrally, following a tangential migration

pattern up and over the developing fourth ventricle and cere- Nestin-positive glial cells act as a progenitor reservoir in the
bellar anlage, often crossing the midline from both medial adult cerebellum to supply newborn GCN upon cerebellar
and lateral origins.22,37,38 Early born GC precursors accumu- damage, such as that caused by the massive cell death accom-
late furthest from the RL in the rostral cerebellar anlagen, panying irradiation. Presumably, the embryonic origin of
with later born cells filling in more caudally by migrating a these nestin-positive “reserve” GC precursor cells is the cere-
shorter distance.21,39 RL derivatives tend to be clonally bellar VZ, which is distinct from the RL region. This finding
related and migrate as distinct streams that disperse along gives us hope for the regenerative properties of the cerebellum
the mediolateral axis as they emerge from the RL. As was after injury from oncogenesis and the side effects of using
observed for the cerebellar anlage ventricular zone (VZ) chemotherapy and radiation. What is perhaps most stunning
derivatives, clones can have either large or small migration about this discovery is that newborn GCs originating from the
ranges.35 Interestingly, migrating cells within the EGL are damaged brain were able to migrate away from the interstices
distinctly unipolar,21,35 suggesting a strong attractive and/or of the cerebellum and reconstitute an EGL. Future work
repulsive drive, while cells found in the superficial, more should mine the intriguing mechanisms that guide the migra-
proliferative EGL tend to have more complex morphologies. tion of these cells to maintain the overall anatomical architec-
Indeed, the migration of RL derivatives is driven by a com- ture and wiring of the adult cerebellum. In summary, there are
bination of slit-mediated chemorepulsion from the RL40 and at least two independent mechanisms for generating GCs in
netrin-mediated attraction.40,41 the cerebellum: an embryonic source derived from the RL,
Once precursors have migrated to fill in the EGL they and an adult reservoir residing in the radial glial cell niche.
begin a variable number of rounds of transit amplifying, This leads us to ask how diversity is generated within a
symmetrical divisions,42 and are characterized by the expres- common pool of GC precursors, such as the Atoh1-positive
sion of the neural progenitor marker Pax6.37 After their ter- EGL pool, and whether different vertebrates have utilized
minal division, postmitotic GCs switch their migration distinct mechanisms of achieving this diversity during the
pattern from tangential (oriented in the anteroposterior axis course of evolution? This question is best addressed using a
of the cerebellar analge) to radial (oriented ventrodorsally), comparative approach in the major classes of vertebrates.
and translocate to the forming IGL (reviewed by Reference
). In birds, the migration of cells from the EGL to the IGL 4 | ATOH1 D I V E R S I F I C A T I O N
occurs within “ribbons,” or raphes, which are molecularly IN TELEOSTS
distinct stripes separating molecularly distinct cellular
domains first visible at E8.16,34,38 As GCs migrate radially We know from studies in the mouse that Atoh1 plays a central
inwards to the IGL, they pass in between differentially role in the diversification of RL progenitors and specification
expressing EphA4 segments.34 These migrating cells express of cerebellar GC. Atoh1 loss-of-function mutants display a
the transcription factors Neurod1,44 Zic1,25,45 and Pax6.37 lack of the EGL, agenic RL, and cerebellar nuclei.26,28,49
Neurod1 seems to be important for terminating the prolifera- Interestingly, in amniotes Atoh1 is expressed in the RL
tion of EGL GC precursors by down regulating the expres- throughout development, but its expression oscillates from
sion of another helix-loop-helix transcription factor Atoh1, low to high levels along with the successive renewal of pro-
thereby promoting migration to the IGL. When neurod1 is genitor populations.27,31 This suggests that a single Atoh1
aberrantly expressed in the early E4 chicken RL, EGL cell gene is reused at several points during cerebellar development
proliferation is decreased, along with the loss of the prefer- to promote the formation of different cell types from RL pro-
ential migration into the IGL directly.46 genitors. The situation is more complex in teleosts, which due
Shh is vitally important for GC precursor proliferation to genome duplication deep in their phylogeny have more
and differentiation. When E11 or E12 chicken embryonic paralogs of some genes than tetrapods do.50 Zebrafish pos-
cerebellar EGL explants are treated with Shh they express sess three Atoh1 genes: atoh1a, atoh1b, and atoh1c. They
higher levels of Gli1 and Zic1, two transcriptional targets of are all expressed in the anterior hindbrain during the forma-
Shh signaling in GCs.32,47 Shh from PCs acts directly on the tion of the cerebellar primordium, with important differences
proliferation of GC in the outer EGL and indirectly influ- in nonoverlapping domains.51-53 Atoh1a and atoh1b are
ences their differentiation in the inner EGL by inducing the broadly expressed, encompassing the entire rhombic lip and
differentiation of radial glia, which in turn stimulates GC hindbrain, with the former being more strongly expressed. In
differentiation and migration to the IGL.32 contrast, atoh1c is activated early in hindbrain development,
It is well established that GC neurons arise from the RL within the isthmic organizer at the mid-hindbrain junction,
during development. However, work from Wojcinski et al48 and then highly restricted to the upper RL throughout cere-
has shown that there is a surprising secondary source of GCs bellar development, persisting there after the other paralogs
that are mobilized only under specific conditions. Namely, have been turned off. This suggests that the different

zebrafish atoh1 paralogs have evolved to act within sub- superficially localized proliferative EGL.44 This finding sug-
domains and at different times to specify distinct cell types, gests that a shift in the timing of Neurod1 expression may
contrasting with the reactivation of Atoh1 in the mammalian suppress a potentially transit-amplifying pool of GC precur-
RL to parse out the distinct cerebellar fates. To test this sors in amphibians. Correspondingly, overexpressing
hypothesis, the Moens lab set out to map out the derivatives Neurod1 earlier than normal in the cerebellar primordium of
of atoh1c-expressing cells using a photoactivatable atoh1c birds leads to a premature repression of Atoh1 expression and
genetic lineage construct. They discovered that the early promotes the radial migration of granule cell precursors.46
atoh1c-expressing isthmic progenitors gave rise to anterior Why then do metamorphic amphibians have a non-
hindbrain neurons outside the cerebellum, likely analogous proliferative EGL? One possibility is that the appearance of
to the neurons derived from an early isthmic domain of the EGL is related to the constraints on embryonic brain
atoh1 expression described in the chick.31 Atoh1c RL pro- growth in terrestrial vertebrates. A superficial GC layer
genitors give rise to granule neurons as expected.53 Interest- allows for a rapid and even distribution of GC across the cer-
ingly the deletion of atoh1c eliminated most but not all ebellum within a limited embryonic period. The subsequent
granule neurons in the cerebellar corpus, homologous to the emergence of proliferation in the EGL appears to have been
mammalian cerebellar vermis, however atoh1a; atoh1c dou- a secondary feature that then allowed the enormous expan-
ble mutants lacked all GC neurons in the corpus. Combined
sion of cerebellar size in birds and mammals, facilitated by
with the finding that atoh1a and atoh1c mark non-
Shh expression in PCs. Intriguingly, in reptiles, where there
overlapping derivatives in the corpus, this data suggest that
is a wide diversity of cerebellar form, it is unclear whether
the different atoh1 genes in the zebrafish genome may spec-
Neurod1 plays a role in regulating EGL proliferation and
ify different GC neuron subpopulations. The teleost genome
hence the size and shape of the cerebellum (Figure 2).
duplication may thus have provided a mechanism for the
diversification of granule neuron types. Future single-cell
transcriptomic approaches in fish and mouse will reveal the
extent and conservation of this GC diversity.


A key difference between amniotes and anamniotes is the

absence of an external EGL in the latter.54 Given the impor-
tance of the EGL in generating vast numbers of GC in birds
and mammals, how do fish, reptiles, and amphibians go
about diversifying and maximizing the number of GC? To
address this question requires a broader view of GC develop-
ment across a range of vertebrates. An interesting conclusion
from studies of cartilaginous and basal ray-finned fishes is
that GC number may be proportional to the rostral-caudal FIGURE 2 Vertebrate evolutionary relationships based on the
extent of the Atoh1-positive RL of the cerebellum in ances- presence of proliferation in the EGL during cerebellar development. An
tral vertebrates.51,54 In the absence of secondary prolifera- EGL that comprises transit-amplifying granule cell precursors first
tion, the number of adult GC is simply determined by the emerged in the mammalian/reptilian lineage. While birds and mammals
length of the cerebellar RL and the duration of cell prolifera- both exhibit a transit-amplifying EGL (filled red lines), the status of the
tion. In fish, the brain continues to grow throughout life. EGL in non-avian reptiles is unknown (empty red lines). Tadpoles do
An EGL first appears during the life cycle of the amphib- not exhibit an EGL, but at metamorphosis, a non-proliferative EGL
ian. Remarkably, tadpoles have a fish-like embryonic cere- appears that is characterized by expression of Neurod1, which is
associated with neural differentiation (black lines). In birds and
bellum, but at metamorphosis and with the development of a
mammals, where the EGL contains dividing cells, Neurod1 expression
tetrapod body plan, GCs accumulate over the surface of the
is seen in the IGL only. There is a range of cerebellar anatomies in
cerebellum in a nonproliferative external layer. Work from reptiles, from the flat plate-like amphibian to the tri-foliated crocodilian
the Wingate lab has shown that in Xenopus a critical GC pre- cerebellum. The presence of a Neurod1-positive EGL and IGL, and
cursor determinant Neurod1 is expressed within this layer.46 Shh-expressing PCs are denoted by the filled-in boxes on the right.
By contrast, in amniotes Neurod1 expression is restricted to (Phylogenetic tree adapted from Reference 55). EGL, external granule
inwardly migrating GC and is excluded from the more layer; IGL, internal granule cell layer; PC, Purkinje cell

FIGURE 3 Cux2 is a rhombic lip and external granule layer marker that identifies tangentially and radially migrating cerebellar precursor
cells. (A) 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained section of an E12.5 mouse anterior hindbrain showing the formation of the cerebellum and RL in
the fourth ventricle region. (B) Section of the Cb showing tdTomato+ cells from an E16.5 Cux2CreER(T2);R26rTomato transgenic embryo pulsed
with tamoxifen at E12.5 to activate the tdTomato reporter gene. Cux2+ cells were found in the RL, EGL, and migratory precursor cells.
(C) Summary of Cux2+ cell movements in the fetal mouse brain. Tangentially migrating cells (red arrows) moved along the dorsal surface of the Cb
to invade the developing EGL (yellow arrows), and core of the cerebellar primordium, which migrate radially toward the EGL (black arrows).
(D) Still images of migrating Cux2+ cells form E14.5 Cux2CreER(T2);R26rtdTomato transgenic embryo pulsed with tamoxifen at E12.5 to label
the RL and EGL. Elapsed time (t) in slice cultures is indicated in minutes, showing the distinct unipolar morphology of migratory RL derivatives
that expressed Cux2. 4thV, fourth ventricle; Cb, cerebellar primordium; ChP, Choroid plexus; EGL/egl, external granular level; Mb, midbrain; NTZ,
nuclear transitory zone; PC plate, Purkinje cell plate; RL, rhombic lip; VZ, ventricular zone. Scale (A) 100 μm, (C) 50 μm

6 | D O E S TH E R H O M B I C L I P and unipolar brush cells (UBCs). Moreover, Atoh1 expression

POSSESS MULTIPOTENT OR throughout the time course of RL development is consistent
LINEAGE-RESTRICTED with it potentially defining a multipotent cerebellar progenitor.
PROGENITORS? However, recent work has identified the transcription factor
Cux2 as a fate-restricted marker of the RL (Figure 3B).56 Sim-
The next question we will address concerns the possible ilar to Atoh1, Cux2 is expressed early and widely in the RL
molecular mechanisms that generate different cell fates that and the rostral hindbrain of both chicken and mouse embryos.
arise from the RL. More specifically, does the RL possess However, genetic lineage mapping of Cux2-expressing cells
multipotent or a combination of lineage-restricted progeni- during cerebellar development revealed a preference in the
tors? As described above, Atoh1 is a definitive marker of the labeling of proliferative GC precursors in the EGL, migratory
RL, and defines a lineage that includes cerebellar nuclei, GC, GC forming the IGL, and UBC. An inducible Cux2Cre driver

was used in these studies, so it was surprising that irrespective Cux2 would be highly expressed in the RL of species that
of when the driver was activated, the vast majority of cells possess a transit-amplifying GCL, and less so or not at all in
labeled were GC (Figure 3).56 Since GC and UBC arise at the the species that lack it, such as amphibians. Future investiga-
same time from the RL region,57 it is not surprising that there tions across a range of vertebrates will determine whether a
was significant Cux2-lineage restriction to these cell types. regulatory network of Cux and proneural factors correlate
But, the highly restrictive fate mapping of Cux2-positive RL with the acquisition and expansion of an EGL.
contrasted with the wider potential of Atoh1-expressing pro-
genitors and argues for the presence of lineage-restricted
transit-amplifying progenitors coexisting with multipotent pro- 7 | CONCLUSION
genitors. Interestingly, previous work demonstrated that Cux2
acts upstream of Neurod1 and downstream of Notch1 signal- Cerebellar GCs are the most numerous cells in the cerebel-
ing in spinal cord progenitors.58,59 Given that both Atoh1 and lum. This allows for the high neuronal density and ability of
Neurod1 function downstream of Notch1 signaling, it is possi- this ancient part of the vertebrate brain to process multiple
ble that Cux2 acts within RL progenitors to reinforce sensory modalities from the brain stem, and regulate fine
Atoh1-modulated gene regulatory networks to diversify RL motor control. Emerging evidence from a number of labs
derivatives, including GCs. Alternatively, Cux2 may play a suggests that multiple strategies have been used during the
role in the temporal segregation of RL fates by acting within course of evolution to diversify and increase the numbers of
Atoh1-expressing cells to bias their development to transit- cerebellar GC produced from the RL. This leads us to specu-
amplifying populations. To test this idea, Cux2 was over- late that the formation of a dense and computationally pow-
expressed early in the chicken embryonic anterior hindbrain, erful cerebellar GC layer is under strong selection pressure
which gives rise to the RL. We observed a colocalization of in vertebrates. The expansion of the GC layer can be
the Cux2-overexpressing cells with markers for transit ampli- achieved in any number of ways, such as diversifying the
fying and migratory GC.56 However, Cux2 overexpression did function of Atoh1 paralogs, by expanding the Atoh1 within
not appear to shift the proportion of progenitors developing the RL, or by altering the timing of Neurod1 expression to
into GC over other cell fates. Moreover, Cux2 mouse mutants promote the production of transit-amplifying granule precur-
did not show any major cerebellar defects (Capaldo and sor cells. Also important is the role of other regulatory fac-
Iulianella, unpublished), possibly due to a redundancy with the tors such as Neurod1, Cux2, and Zic1 that act within the RL
related gene Cux1, which is also expressed in the developing and EGL to expand and diversify cerebellar cell types during
GCs.60 A third possibility is that Cux2 activity in the RL and development.
EGL delineate subsets of GC neurons, similar to what we
argue for Atoh1 gene diversification in teleosts. Interestingly,
fate mapping using a Cux2creER(T2);Rosa26rtdtomato ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
reporter mouse line showed a preference for the labeling of
The AI lab is supported by funds from the Natural Sciences
GC in the anterior folia, irrespective of when Cre activity was
and Engineering Council of Canada (RGPIN-04475-2015)
induced (Figure 3B).56 These data are consistent with previ-
and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PJT-156364).
ous findings suggesting the presence of distinct subtypes of
We thank Samantha Moore (AI lab) for making Figure 1 and
GCs along the anteroposterior (and mediolateral) axis of the
comments to the manuscript. This review originated from the
folia.44,61 It is unclear what the significance of the patterning
participation of AI, RJW, and CBM in a mini-symposium
of GC subtypes is, but it is tempting to speculate that it under-
entitled as “New Perspectives in the Development and Evolu-
lies the microcircuitry responsible for the functional segrega-
tion of the Cerebellum,” held at the annual meeting of the
tion of distinct behavior tasks within cerebellar lobules.62-64
American Association of Anatomists/Experimental Biology
Given its expression in the RL of amniotes, Cux2 may be
on April 21st to 24th 2018 at San Diego.
a defining characteristic of vertebrates that develop their cere-
bella through an EGL transit-amplifying stage. If this was the
case, then one would expect to see tangentially migrating OR CI D
Cux2-positive RL cells contributing to EGL formation.
Indeed, time lapse imaging of Cux2-expressing cells in the Angelo Iulianella
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Toward consilience in reptile phylogeny: miRNAs support an

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