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Nombre: Matrícula:


Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
CULTURA GLOBAL Yesika Mireya De la Cerda Quiroga
Módulo: 1 Actividad: Tarea 1
Fecha: 2 / Febrero / 2023

1. In this module, we have learned about the 3 elements that

constitute intercultural competence: Knowledge, Skills and

1. If you were the teacher, what values ​should you promote

within the classroom to avoid stereotypes towards other
I would focus on the values ​of respect, equality, and
understanding, also helping my students who will bond with their
new classmates, and will begin to share many experiences.
2. In terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, what does the
new student need to learn?
They require knowing basic facts about the new culture of which
they will be a part, as well as basic knowledge such as the
reasoning of the language in which they will communicate and
other data about the values ​and beliefs that characterize the
3. In terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, what does the
teacher and their friends need to learn?
Regarding abilities, they need a high level of patience and
perseverance to recognize cultural aspects and stereotypes, as
well as social abilities to find similarities in culture through
communication. The reaction that first-year students have to have
is respect, curiosity and open-mindedness.
4. As you learned, Mckinnon affirms that knowledge, skills and
attitudes lead to internal and external outcomes. What are the
desired outcomes for a foreign student in a new school?
It feels like a new student is having trouble adjusting to their peers
and is able to connect and befriend everyone without having to
alter their culture to adjust.

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