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ON THE EMMAUS ROAD February 3, 2023

Following up on the Annual Meeting, I held a Q&A session after worship. About a dozen sat with
me with questions, completely about our diocesan future. The first question is, how will the
decision be made where our “home” will be? The Parish Council, in consultation with our bishop
and wherever we end up will make the final decision. However, a “head” that doesn’t listen to its
body is doomed to failure. That begins with me knowing you, knowing us, and looking for several
that are a good fit for us. I’ve been doing research, talking to bishops of several dioceses, talking to
clergy in those dioceses. I see my role as a gatherer of information at this point, sharing what I’ve
learned. Some of our clergy have been in meetings with other clergy. In the not-so-distant future, I’ll
share what I’ve learned, and then the council will get more involved, talking directly with bishops,
clergy, and lay people in other dioceses. We’ll report to you, answer questions, learn of your

I say all that knowing full well that the Holy Spirit may surprise us. Something may happen in which
the International Diocese is called to continue and we with it. The way I see it, my and our job is to
gather information, build relationships, and trust the Lord.

Along those lines, next week, I and Joshua Nelson will be attending a regional gathering of priests in
Bozeman Monday-Thursday. They are part of the Diocese of Western Anglicans, headquartered in
Los Angeles. There’s a group of churches, or a deanery, in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah
that are working on forming a new diocese out. We’ve met two of their priests, had some talks about
their dreams. It will be part retreat, part reconnaissance trip for us.


"Four Chaplains Day" is to be observed annually on February 3 in America by the unanimous

resolution of the U.S. Congress in 1988. It is a day to remember February 3, 1943, when one of the
most remarkable and inspiring acts of heroism in the history of warfare took place in World War II.
It is a day to honor the heroism of the Four Chaplains, who selflessly gave their lives "that others
may live."

On February 3, 1943, the Dorchester, a converted luxury cruise ship, was transporting Army troops
to Greenland, escorted by three Coast Guard Cutters and accompanied by two slow moving

On board were some 900 troops, and four chaplains, of diverse religions and backgrounds, but of
a commitment to serve God, country, and all the troops, regardless of their religious beliefs, or non-
belief. The four Chaplains are: George Fox (Methodist), John Washington (Roman Catholic), Rabbi
Alexander Goode, and Clark Poling (Dutch Reformed).
At approximately 12:55 a.m., in the dead of a freezing night, the Dorchester was hit by a torpedo
fired by German U-boat 233 in an area so infested with German submarines it was known as
"Torpedo Junction."

The few survivors testified to the selfless act of the four Chaplains:
“The ship started sinking and as I left the ship, I looked back and saw the chaplains with their hands clasped,
praying for the boys. They never made any attempt to save themselves, but they did try to save the others. I think their
names should be on the list of "'The Greatest Heroes' of this war," testified Grady L. Clark.

"I saw all four chaplains take off their life belts and give them to soldiers who had none. The last I saw of them they
were still praying, talking, and preaching to the soldiers," attested survivor Thomas W. Myers Jr.


Sunday Readings: 5th Sunday of Epiphany: 2 Kings 22:8-20; Psalm 27; 1 Cor 2:1-16; Matt 5:13-
Next Sundays Readings: World Mission Sunday: Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 67; Acts 1:1-8; Matthew

The sermons are recorded, and are easy to find at the new website or app. You may watch or
choose audio only.

Daily Office Schedule—The Daily Office is the regular cycle of prayer and Bible reading from the
Book of Common Prayer. Try using the “Family Prayers” that start on page 66 in the 2019 Prayer
Book. If it’s all new, just do the New Testament. The list of readings is in the Prayer Book 2019 on
page 740, (February, year I).

The daily readings are also on our App under Bible/Plan. You can also download the application or
use your computer here:



8:00 10:30
Lector Dave N. Jim V.
Acolyte Kelsey Holly
Chalice Caroline
Jr. Acolyte Sam & Sawyer
Ushers Thompson Tom/Mike
Prayer team Denise Hampton
Children’s church Cat
Nursery None
Flowers Bazile
Hospitality Open Open

8:00 10:30
Lector Mary Scott
Acolyte Candi Josh
Chalice Ryan
Jr. Acolyte Diego & Sierra
Ushers Cadwell Van Keuren
Prayer team Cheryl Hampton
Children’s church Candi
Flowers Covarrubias (in memory of Frank Covarrubias)
Hospitality Wood

Sunday: 8:00 Eucharist; 9:30 Choir or Class; 10:30 Eucharist; 6:00 Communion in Calhan
Wednesday: 9:00 Holy Eucharist; 10:00 Class
Next Sunday: Youth Group at 12:30



Precious Emmaus Family,

Romans 12:10 states, “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each
other.” (NLT) As Mark and I enter our second year after celebrating our second Christmas with this
wonderful family of God, we continue to be joyfully humbled by your love, support, graciousness,
and generosity. Thank-you so much for your monetary and particular gifts to us this Christmas.

Love and God bless you! Deacon Deborah

Dear People of Emmaus,

Please forgive my tardiness with this note - no excuses! My heart is always overwhelmed by your
support, kindnesses, prayers, and extravagant generosity! What a privilege it is to serve among such
ardent Christ Followers; indeed, faithful Image-bearers! Many thanks for wonderful Christmas gift.
We were richly blessed!
Grace, Peace, and Love,
Deacon Erin

Dear Emmaus family, Susanne and I extend to you our gratitude for the generous end
of year bonus we received upon our return from Williamsburg, at the end of
December. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! Our journey on the Emmaus Road
continues to be filled with JOY because of all of you. We look forward to going forward
in faith with all of you . . . on the Emmaus Road!

With gratitude, Jim & Susanne Dorman


Sunday Class
We will study the lessons and psalm for each Sunday using the Blue Letter Bible, the biggest boost
to biblical literacy since the printing press. Other topics, also using the BLB, by common consent.
Bunny trails are tolerated but not encouraged. Sundays at 9:30 through February 19. No class 1/29.

End of Year Giving Reports

Parishioners may sign in to Church Community Builder to retrieve their report at any time. We will
be sending out reports in the mail.



Shrove Sunday Pancake Supper and Variety Show
Sunday February 19, 5:00 pm
Sign Up to share an act Sunday.


“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Save the date: March 25, 2023, Special Women’s Lenten Gathering 9-Noon
We have a guest speaker, Susan Atwood, Bishop Bill’s wife. Susan will lead us in a deep look at
forgiveness - a particularly challenging Lenten topic. She has explored Jesus’ clear directive in the
Lord’s Prayer in a beautiful personal, practical, and powerful way. Please join to welcome Susan and
learn the discipline of forgiveness- requesting it, receiving it and giving it. This is a rare opportunity
to get to know our Bishop’s exceptional wife. So come and invite other women in your life for this
special time. RSVP to Deacon Erin


Deacon Jim Dorman to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood
Joshua Nelson to the Sacred Order of Deacons (Transitional)
Saturday March 25, 1:30 pm at Emmaus

Sunday, March 26
Amazon has announced it is discontinuing its charity outreach program, Amazon Smile, by 20
February. It will direct its charity outreach through a new, completely different program. This
means Emmaus will no longer receive any money from Amazon purchases you make after that date,
although Amazon will generously make a one-time donation to the parish of three months of what
we earned in 2022 as it closes Amazon Smile.

We're very grateful to everyone who made purchases from Amazon Smile through the years. Every
time you used that program, you helped our church. Thank you very much.



Emmaus does loyalty programs with King Soopers and Safeway.

Dear Safeway Gift Card Users

Safeway is making some changes to its Community Giving Gift Card program. They will take effect
on 4 January 2023.

You can continue to use the cards you have now, with whatever balance is on them, beyond 4 Jan.
The major change, however, is that after 4 Jan you will no longer be able to reload
them. Essentially, once the balance on your present card is zero, it will no longer be of any use.

Our Safeway representative said he will send me new, reloadable cards before 4 Jan for
distribution. The cards he sends me will be connected to our Emmaus account as before. Although
the new cards will have no balance on them (and consequently no cost to you), they will be
reloadable, and the Church will continue to receive money, as we have in the past, when you put
money on them.

The advantage is there will be no upfront costs for the cards, but they will require loading before
first use.

I'll let you know when you I get the cards by making an announcement in this newsletter and after
the church services.

Again, the 4 Jan transition date will have no impact on the balance you have on your current
card. You can continue to use it after that date if you have money on it. It's just that you will no
longer be able to reload that old card. I should get the new, reloadable cards on or before 4 Jan for
distribution. I'll then bring them to Church to give to you. However, they'll come with a zero
balance, and you'll have to put money on them before you can use them the first time.

Our Safeway card users provide a steady stream of income to Emmaus for which we're extremely
grateful, and I hope you'll continue to use the new cards as you've done with the cards you have
now. -- Scott
Emmaus Anglicans for Life Chapter News
Each week in the Emmaus Road there will be recurring suggested life affirming websites and
ongoing information. However, starting in January 2023, once a month there will also be a personal
contribution by one of our chapter members.

This Month’s Article from Scott Gough, Sr. Warden

Abortionists must deny the humanity of unborn children. Otherwise, abortion is, by definition,
homicide. One tactic to do this is manipulation of the language of pregnancy. Hence, a zygote is
merely a "clump of cells," or an unborn child's heartbeat is "electrical activity."

The article below puts paid to the arguments that unborn children, from the moment of conception,
are not human beings. It addresses each of the abortionists' fallacies about the nature of personhood
for unborn children, and when it obtains.

We're expected to believe tortured, illogical and incoherent arguments that belie what science and
common sense tell us. They use that manipulative language I mentioned to distract and confuse.
Hopefully this article will equip us all to deal with this devious attempt to deny what we know to be
true - a human being is created, through God's grace, at conception. -- Scott

Check out the following websites:

Anglican for Life SUMMIT 2023. You can access a full list of speakers, the event schedule, or
register by visiting

Live Action News to include:
Facebook: Live Action News

National Right to Life Committee:

Sanctity of Life Ministries:

Colorado: Colorado Citizens for Life Facebook | Twitter

AFA Action Alert < (Relating particularly to TAKE ACTION: At Least 177
Churches and Pro-Life Centers Are Victims of Violence)

As our forming Anglicans for Life Chapter moves forward, there will be more information and
websites forthcoming.

Know that the Lord is God, it is he who made us, and we are his: we are this people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm
100:3 NIV
Please take the time to visit the Anglicans for Life website ( It is filled with
valuable life-affirming information.



One of Sunday morning’s simple pleasures is coffee and refreshments after church. Please sign up in
the narthex for a Sunday. The church provides coffee and paper goods. Feel free to keep it simple or
take it over the top. Expect 40-50 at 8:00, 60-75 at 10:30. Please clean up afterwards.



The Website: It’s still at The website has up to date service information, an
introduction to the parish and our clergy, past sermons and more. It includes On-line giving. If
you’re happy with your current giving method, no need to change.

The APP: Emmaus Anglican (Colorado) is available at the Google Play Store or the Apple App
Store. There is a few “Emmaus Anglicans” out there. You’ll recognize ours by “Colorado” and the
familiar Jerusalem Cross. You can use the app to watch or listen to past sermons, get the calendar,
message between members, and give. On the bottom of the screen will be a Giving Icon; tap that
and enter a $1 donation (you do not have to complete the donation). Next, set up your account with
a name, email address and password. You can then back out of the app or go back to the home
screen. If you wish to donate or set up a recurring gift, you can do so right away.



Don’t know what to do when someone is at an intersection asking for money? We encourage you to
NOT give money. However, Caroline Cooley and her kids have assembled a simple give away bag of
items to bless someone living outdoors. Pick up a few to keep in your car...and give away.


SUNDAY MORNING. HEALING PRAYER. If you would like prayer for healing...or anything...a
trained prayer minister, lay or clergy, will be present to anoint you and pray for the Holy Spirit to do
a wonder in you during communion.


Have a prayer request? Have a praise report? Please contact Geri Harmony We’ll include them in our Monday Prayers & Praises email (with your



TIMELINE: The Town hopes to be working on our property in April. Weather will impact them.
Our current entrance will not be abandoned until the new is functioning. They hope to be
done with the intersection by the spring of 2024.

Our architect and Fr. Theron met with the Douglas County Building department on 1/12 to discuss
the process going forward. First comes the Site Improvement Plan or SIP. This includes things like
soil’s reports, engineering, storm water, and landscape plans. After that, the Building Permit process.
Our architect will share the project with some of his regular contractors to get a price estimate.
When we have an approved project, we’ll present the WHOLE THING to the parish and begin
fundraising in earnest—most likely in late May or June.

The project seeks to address two main priorities which were determined through extensive parish

1) Dedicated space for Children’s Ministry including Children’s Church and Nursery.

2) Better separation of all the parts of the building so it can be used more effectively. Like, the
bathrooms not in the entryway, doors between the entryway (narthex) and sanctuary, a larger kitchen
opening to the outdoors.


We currently have $170,386.27 in the Building Fund. This is a good solid amount for this phase of
the project, especially if the gifts keep coming in—engineering, developing plans, getting
government approval. With the likely need for engineering costs for water detention, we’re going to
need another $100,000 plus get through the pre-construction phase.

Total construction w/ water detention is estimated at $780,000. Need: $$609,614

Scheduling: The lay schedule is managed by Larry Renton. If you serve one of the regularly
scheduled ministries— Lectors, Acolyte, Chalice, Prayer Team—please communicate days you are
unavailable to serve to him. Please also email him at if you switch
Sundays with someone so that he is aware of the change. If you find yourself unable to serve on
your scheduled Sunday, please email him by Wednesday before you’re scheduled to serve.
Interested in Serving?

Choir: Contact Cheryl Maloney

Acolyte—Contact Art Suro
Chalice bearer—Contact Art Suro
Usher—Contact Jim & Betty Harper
Lector—Contact Denise Walker
Prayer Station—Contact Kent or Geri Harmony
Children’s Church/Formation—Contact Cat Hoemke

Pray for guidance which of these ministries fits your skill set; ask those who are doing these chores
now about them. Let one of the clergy know when you decide.

Emmaus on Facebook
Friend us! Like us.

Emmaus Anglican Church

995 N. Ridge Road 80104 303-663-3372
+ Music Minister: Cheryl Maloney (719) 684-3733
+ Deacon and Chaplain: Rev. Erin Cook (720) 217-9013
+ Deacon Jim Dorman (719) 358-1877;
+ Assistant Priest: Fr. Charles Johnsen (720) 270-5260
+ Deacon Deborah Robbins: (540) 272-1464
+ Administrative Assistant for Publications, website and app maintenance:
Robbin Thompson,
+ Administrative Assistant for Lay Ministry Scheduling and Lectors:
Larry Renton.
+ Rector: Fr. Theron Walker (303) 877-9621

Parish Council: Fr. Theron, Scott Gough (Sr. Warden), Dominic Bazile (Jr. Warden), Art Suro
(Treasurer), Marti Gordon, Holly Van’T Land (Secretary), Stuart Schutta.

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