MacWorld 8903 March 1989-SE30

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Macintosh SE jO

·, I

ByB. R. Ross
~,W . ~YI°'~ -~ /
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1(\ \~ 9J X: Qll \X!0 I '\
Fasten your seatbelts, Mac®fans. You 're soft Mail. You can send and receive infor­
about to enter the Microsoft Zone. mation between members in your work­
Earlier this week I witnessed a demo of group even if they're on a PC. Nice.
Microsoft's products that left me feeling But the real beauty is that you can
as enlightened as the day I first set my access Microsoft Mail direcfly from the
eyes on a Macintosh~ File menu when you 're in Microsoft Word
Here's a company with a reputation for 4.0. No other company can offer that kind
' .JI singularly superior products. B l1t what of integration. Or this ldnd:
they showed me pushed the envelope of A product line that all works together.
f, software productivity: With other applications
A complete line of on the Mac. And even
products for tlIBMac that Here's a company with a with such PC standards
all work together. reputation for singularly like Lotus® 1-2-3®, Mi­
The significance of superior products. But crosoft Word 5.0 and ,.

which hit me like a ton what they showed me WordPerfect®.
of bricks when I saw pushed the envelope of
What's more, every
them in action. product is supported by •'
software productivity: A
For instance, I saw a on-line help and a com­
chart in your very favor­ complete line of products prehensive manual. Or
ite spreadsheet and mine, that all work together. you can call one number
Microsoft®Excel, updated for unlimited technical
from within Microsoft support.
Word 4.0 usingjustafew keystrokes .And Obviously, I'm impressed. So much so,
then pasted into PowerPoint®for an in­ that I've asked Microsoft to send copies of
credible looking presentation. their Macintosh product line brochure in
And with just as little effort, the ever­ time for our next meeting. If you can't
capable Microso(t Word 4.0 was merged make it, you can always get a free copy by
with Microsoft 's database agplication, calling (800) 541 - 261, Dept. 192.
File, for a mass mailing. Fellow Macphjles, man your Macs.
As if that wasn ' t enough, I saw their Because we 're entering a new age of com­
versatile integrated program Works share patibility-or at least Microsoft is.
files with Microsoft Excel and Word. And I don't know about you, but I plan
What really blew me away is Micro­ on going along for the ride.


J'" - • J • I •

Customers in Canada, call l4 16l 673·76~8. Out iucNorth /\ mcrica. cali t206l 882·866 1. ©°Copyri gH1,I9S9 Micro "ft Corpo,!;,11011. /\ II right Tcklved. Mior soft, the M i<;r~oft lqg a ~d r1 1,•c rPomt af~ rcgish
Lotu s and 1·2·3 are registered t radema rks of Lotus Dcvt:lupmcnl Corpora tion, \\lordPe rfl:ct is a registt:;rt d \radt-m~lr R of WordPerfcct.Corpor!1t ion. ,' ~ / . · • ,,1

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Atfarch 1989 The Macintosh®Magazine

Departments 85 Macworld News

13 Mac Bulle tin
• Better Co lorfor the 11 New co lor
Late-breaking news.
printer from Tektronix.

19 Commentary/Jerry Borrell • Hot \Vires A modem that transmits at

Reflec tions on software trends. 19,200 bits per second.

31 Letters
• Let Milo Handle tbe Math
Paracomp's Milo executes common
41 David Bunnell
math o perations.
Examining the latest virus inva ·ion.
• LightningSccm A low-cost, hand­
45 Steven Levy held scanner.
011 the Cover A !vice for Mac owners w ith CPU envy.
It may look esse111ia lly Plus OS/2 1.1 , micro-mainframe con­
tbe same, but on tbe 61 State of the Mac nec tivity, Hayes moderns, CAD/CAM,
inside tbe SH/30 is a Tho m Hogan broadband LA adapter for the ll,
wbole new 11U1dJine Our new column ist wonders if the and more.
- injc1ct, it may be­ Mac 11 is showing signs of age.
com e tbe next Macin­
75 How To/Insights on QuarkXpress 2.0
tosb standard (fJ. 112).
Steve McKinstry
(Pboto by Paul Franz ­
Explo it the power of the press.
199 New Products
A quick look at new Macimosh
hardware, softw ar , and accessories.

227 How To/Quick Tips

Lon Pool e
Avoiding ImageWriter paper jam s,
indents and subheads in MacWrite,
fi nding time zones, and more.

237 How To/Getting Started with Tax

Jim Heid
Proceed with caution if you decide to
computerize your return .

249 Updates
The latest software upgrade news.

253 Where to Buy

Contac t information fo r products in
this issue.

292 Best-Sellers

2 March 19 9
156 Studio/8 1.0
Colo r bitmap painting software.

158 OmniPage
ca nning software package.

160 G330-70 Color Thermal Transfer

Thermal color printer.
Tabulating opinion
polls on tbe Mac, Mac­ 163 Findswell 2.0
world News (p. 85). Utility for locati ng doc uments in
Features 165 Springboard Publisher 1.0
Page-layout program.
112 The Mac SE Turns 030
Bruce F \Vebster 167 FORTRAN Compilers
Squeezing the Mac II 's power into Language Syste ms Fortran Compile r ·,
the SE. Mactran Plus, MacForcran/ bo11ldyou do your
MacFortran/020. own four-color-pro­
118 Processors: Is Faster Better? cess separations 011
Bruce F Webster 172 Standout 1/Je .\lac? ee ·: electing
We put E and II accelerator boards Desktop pre entation program with a Color Separator"
through their paces. style sheets. onp. 128.

128 Selecting a Color Separator 174 Desktop Printer and Printer Driver
Steve Roth Brorher HL-8 Laser Printe r and
Strategies fo r becoming a colo r Mac Printworks for the Mac/Laser Version.
179 FastPath 4
138 Mac Fax: Not Ready for Prime Time Gateway for connect ing LocalTalk
DaveKoshu­ LANs and Ethernet networks.
Fax modem might sou nd appealing,
but can they really deliver? 181 BackFax
Fax softwa re for AppleFax modem.
146 Mac II Utility Kit
Thom Hogan 183 Animated Adventure Games
Agrab bag of Mac II utilities that Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge 1.50
handle proble ms ranging from color and Po lice Quest: In Pursuit of the
to compatibility. Death Angel 1. 50.

186 DTP Advisor

Desktop publishing tutorial and
Sbould you automate project-manageme nt HyperCard stack.
your tax return? See
"Getting Started witb 188 V.I.P. 2.51
Tax Software" (p. 237). Interac tive Macintosh software

190 HyperCard Entertainment Stacks

Amanda Stories, Volume I and II , and
The Manhole 1.2.

192 Mac II 19-inch Monochrome Displays

Nutmeg 19 and DualPage Display
Syste m .

195 Window Shopping

Icon Factory, scriptExpen, and more.

:\1acworld 3
MacGoH~ ~
,. ,__Goll_

Editor-in-Chief Marketing and Advertising Sales

jerry Bo rrell Director ofAdvertising Sales:
Patricia Navone (4 15/243-0505)
E.xecwive Editor: David Ushijima Senior Accoullf Manager/No. California

Ma naging Editor: Charles Barrett (San Francisco): Penny Rigby (4 15/243-0505)

Senior Editor: Adria n Mello No . California (Sanjose): Cherie La France

Editorial Manage1~ Jane Lagas (415/243-0505)

Associate Editors: Deborah Branscum, Northwest: Regina T. Salaices (4 15/243-0505)

Joe Matazzoni, Tom Moran, Carol Person, Midwest: Shannon Dolan (312/ 827-4477)

Cheryl Spencer, Suzanne Stefanac Southeast: Kathy Isaacs (404/ 394-0758)

East Coast Editor: Brita Meng New England: Joan Flynn (508/879-0700)

Senio1· Production Editor: Luis A. Camus Eastern Advertising Manager: Bill Thompson

Assistant Editors: Cathy E. Abes, Mark Hurlow, (201/ 967/ 1350)

Mary Marga ret Lewis, Liza Weiman Mid-Atlantic: Annette Bremer (201/ 967-1350)

A premium edition of the Senior Copy &iitor: Ruth Henrich So. California, Southwest, Texas:

Copy Edilors: Emily Bower, William Freais, Lisa Hillgren, Cathi Tucker (714/250-1307)

best selling Macintosh Felicity O'Meara, Katherine L. Ulrich, Macworld Cata log: Carol Felde, Niki Stranz

game in the world. O'Brien You ng Director ofMa rketing Seroices: Sandi Vargas
MacGolf Classic puts you into Editorial Assistants: Pamda T. Creighton,
a full perspective 3-D simulation of Ann Ga rrison Circulation
realistic golf action. You match your Editoi·ia/ Administrative Assistants: Lyn Taylor, Circulation Director: Daniel Omm
skills against fairways, roughs , sand Joyce C. Ripp Circula tion Ma nager: Lindsay Davidson
traps, water hazards and trees. Contributing Editors: ancy E. Dunn, Fulfillme11t Coordinator: Evelyn Adenau
Roben C. Eckhardt, Erfen Fenton, Promotion Coordinator: Lori Hitchcock
MacGolfs two courses are
Danny Goodman, Ro b Hahn, Jim Heid, Circulation Assistafll: Catherine Huchting
together with the four MacCourses:M
Dave Kosiur, Steven Levy, Lon Poole, Single-Copy Sales Director: George Clark
for a total of 108 holes, all in vivid full
Charles Seiter, Franklin Tessler, Single-Copy Sales Rep: Martin Garchar
screen color on the Macintosh II.
Bmce F. Webster
MacGolf Classic gives you a Research
player's eye view and an aerial over­ Art and Design Director: Cheryl Woodard
view of each hole with close up options. An Director: Christopher Burg Manager: Ralph Ames
You have complete control of your Designe1:· Dennis McLeod Market Analyst: Dusty Roady Pedersen
position, ball placement, ball speed Associate Alt Director: Joa nne Hoffman Research Assistants: Bill Segovia, Scott Shores
and direction, and selection of all 14 Sen ior Design Associates: Leslie Barton,
clubs. Spectacular digitized graphics Tom Morgan March 1989
and sounds add to the excitement. Desig n Associate: Hae Yuon Kim Volume 6, Number 3
MacworllP (ISSN 074 1-86l7) is published monthly by PCW Com­
MacGolf Classic is so close munications, In c., 501 Second St., Sa n Francisco, CA 94 107. Sub­
to the real thing it will improve your James E. Martin scription rates are S30 for 12 issues, S(,() for 24 issues, and S90 fo r
36 issues. Foreign o rders must be prepaid in U.S. runds with
golf game. Every challenge should President and Publisher :.1clditional postngc. Acid $16 per ye:u from a nd Mexico;
be this spectacular. Macworld Communications :.1dd SJ6 per YL":lr for surface nuil or S95 per ye:ir for ainnail from
Steven J. Rosenfield all olher rountrk-.. Sccond-cl;iss po.<roge paid "' San Francisco.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mac11orld, P.O . Box
Associate Publisher 54529. Boulder, CO 80323-4529. For d .,-.ikr inquiries call 800/62 1­
5461, in C.11ifo m i:t R00/52 1-8'155. F.d itori:il and h lL'iint.-ss offices: 501
S<-cond St.. Son Francisco. CA 91 107 , 4 151213-0505.
Production For subscriber services call toll-free 800/ 525-0643 (in Colorado
Senio1· Production Manager: Anne Foley 303/447-9330) o r write: Subs<.Tiber Services, P.O. !lox 54529.
Boulder, CO 80322-4529.
Edilorial Production Manager: Ellyn L. Hament Macworltl ls a publlc:ulon of PCW Contmun k":.nions , lnc. Macu:o rld
Pmduction Editor: Susan M. Ford is an independent joum :il ncx :1ffilb.te!d with Appl e Computer, Inc.
Assistant Production Ma nager: APPLE. the APPU; LOGO, MAC, MACINTOSH, >nd MACWORLD
are registt:n.-d trJ.dcm:irks. :ind MACLElTER is :i trodcm:uic of
Claudia Dawn Smukler Apple Computer, Inc. Printed in the Unitt...od Sta t ~ of America.
lead Typeset/er: Mark L. Duran Copyright C 1989 PCW Commu nications. Inc. All righL• rescn•<'CI.
Macworltl is :i member of JOO Communicmion.s, th~ world's largest
Typeseller: Barbara Tannenbaum
publishe r of computer-relatL-<l infom1atio n . JOG Communk"3tions
©1 988 PCAI 612/427-4789 MacGolf and Adve11islng Booking Coordinator: publishes over 80 compu1er publicatio ns in more 1h ~m 28 major
MacCourses are trademarks of PCAI. tepha nie Cady countries. Founcc..-n millio n people re3d one or mo~ JDG
Communicuions puhlic:uions each month.
Advel1isi11g Billing Coordinator: So Fong Yip

Circle 290 on reader service card

4 March 1989
Use · y To Prevent

Network Decay.

It used to be afact of life:as the size of your peripherals. It's as easyto manage as it is to set
PhoneNet®or AppleTalK network went up its per­ up. The NetBlidge lets you define,add and delete
fo1mance went down. But the Shiva etBlidge has internetwork 'zones' to match workflow or office
changed that for good.Just plug one in every 10th layout. You can also control file and pelipheral
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"Best value in AppleTalk b1idges" quick status rep01t on your entire network or any
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pait of it. You can see at aglance how mai1y devices
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paid for Because the NetBlidge maintains perfor­ network. Get all tl1e network pe1fom1ai1ce you paid
mance byreducing network congestion. You can for with aShivaNetBlidge. Call 1-800-458-3550,
plug in additional etBlidges to build an expanded or write Shiva 155 Second St.,Cainblidge,MA
'internetwork; including hundreds of Macs and 02141, for the naine of your nearest Shiva dealer

by Shiva

We're Putting Networks To Work™

OK.w•tadmktwn1f1bu)· 1~Modem for U9 }l ~ if)"OU dhick~Na.\lodenls $;91Jlistprictbt' }I Maaoo an""'*T'afkntNorit - tfltnominllUmk - thcro:slpcr Mac ti $1 9.jl..SCdJ lhtbna dnl JnM.ltld
T~Sd.\IOdm-ShA-, ~ Kq;bkm!T~ ll')U - llJ)-csM.icroc'Ofl&pclhoduru. l nt ! ~riltt.Applt:Sh;att-App&rf.amptdrr.lnc..; Tops - SuftM~saentS.lnc.

Circle 421 on reader service card

FO 1
Now you can buy your
Macintosh II with a powerful tool
which will dramatically increase
your productivity with every use. Our display is perfectly suited
Or, if you're putting photo,
A Radius Display. for working with software like graphs into your Macintosh, our
Radius offers displays for every Microsoft Word and 4th Dimension. Radius Gray Scale Display"'lets you
type of Macintosh user and every If you're incorporating your create and manipulate life,like
Macintosh software application. word processing into page layout images in 256 shades of gray across
If you 're involved primarily and design,we suggest that the the same expansive TPD.
in intensive word processing and Radius Two Page Display™ is clearly Scan your photographs, then
database management, we heartily the choice for you. do your own retouching using Image
recommend our FPD. You have the same flicker,free Studio or Digital Darkroom.
The Radius Full Page Display"' resolution of the FPD with a full When you 're ready, just print
shows you an entire 8Yi"x 11" paper, two,page horizontal layout. Ideal for out on aLaserWriter or download to
like page.With a refresh rate of 69 Hz, viewing a magazine spread. Essential a Linotronic. You'll get startlingly
it is virtually flicker,free . for creating architectural plans. beautiful and gratifying results.
JRIZED DEALER Di~pl~~uJl~~~i~~o~~~a~:t~t,

For professional publishers and And should you need it, our
• map screen dumps. And our Gray
Scale and Color Displays let you save
engineering designers, the Radius Color Display is more than willing to any part of your screen in a PICT file .
Color Display"'offers you the latest in work instantly in gray scale.With So before you buy your
digital design,Radius innovation sharp, crystal clear resolution. Macintosh II anywhere else,call
and Trinitron color technology. Best of all, no matter which 1,403,434,1010 for a brochure and
You can work with 256 brilliant Radius display you do choose, you the name of your nearest Radius
colors at one time from the Macintosh get the classic Radius firmware. Authorized Dealer.
palette of 16.7 million hues. All of our displays offer you It's clearly the thing to do.
Create dazzling layouts with Tear,off Menus which can be posi,
color photos. Draw dynamic 3D color tioned anywhere on the screen.
illustrations. Design a new circuit
board. Or, simplify a complicated
catalogue. All in vivid, living color.
And built,in screen savers, control
panel access, as well as adjustable
menu and menu bar type size. Intelligent Hardwarern
Color imQ.Rt courtts'J of Scirtx Corporaoon, l1J ar.d Qwarlt, Inc AU 01 htr brand and product n.amt.s art ttadtmarlu or rtgisrtmi rusdtmarlu o/ 1ht.1t rtsptcric.'f' hottltn_ Circle 46 on reader service card
PC\V Communication.s, fne,

David Bunnell

Teach Your Mac To Juggle


Lee Vidmer
Font/DA Juggler.. Plus Masterjuggler"'
juggling fonts, desk acces.sories (DA's), FKeys Add applications, windows and sound play to the John Griffin
and sounds may be a feat for some utilities- but talents of thepopular Font/DA Juggler Plus and Vice President
not for Font/DA juggler Plus. you have the amazing Masterjuggler. Now, one
With an agility that would am:v.e even the utility has the expertise to provide compre­ James E. M.artio
keenest eye, Font/DA juggler Plus provides hensive management of fonts, DA's, FKeys, Vice Pres/dell/
unlimited acces.s to fonts, DA's, FKeys and sounds sounds, applications, windows and sound play.
without having to install them in your system In addition to being first to compress Jacqueline Poitier
file and cat up valuable memory space. In fact, sounds, Masterjuggler has an extensive list of Vice President
Font/()A juggler Plus sets the pace that similar exclusive features includingthe ability to:
utilities follow. For example, DiVFont juggler • Open applications and documents without Cheryl Woodard
was the first to: returning to the finder Vice President
• Provide 100% Multifinder compatibility •Open multiple applications or play multiple
• Automatically reopen user-selected files sounds with single commands Andrew Fluegelmao
• Incorporate a view function to inspect files • Switch between open applications from a pop· 1943-1985
up menu under Multlfinder Fou nding /!t,litor
• Displaysample fonts in nine styles
• Hide the current application windows before
• Resolve numberingconflicts
switching under MuhiFinder Ad.ministration
• Network downloadable printer and screen fonts
• Bring to the front any selectable window in the Director of Finance: Vicki Pcilcn
• Merge screen font style variations into one open application via a pop-up menu Co1porate Business Manage1:·
family • View font faces and sizes in a file before or after ChrisLina W , Spence
• Convert fonts to the new type NM opening the file Accounting Mcmager. Pat Murphy
• Font Compression • Display and print name or number conflicts Administrati1 , Sen1ices Manager.
Font/DA juggler Plus continues to surpass among theavailable fonts, DA's, FKeys amt Joseph Woilcnwcber
even the newest release of its nearest competitor sounds Employee Nelat io ns Manager: She lly Ginenthai
(... 11) with the following exclusive capabilities: • Set the default application font Technical Se11Jices Manage1:· Wally Clegg

• Displayand print a font or list of fonts in • Assign sounds to seven different Macintosh Assistant to the President (Macworld Co111m1mi­

hundreds of size and style combinations operations and assign application-and alert­ calion.s).' Susan Miller
specific sounds Assistant to the Associate Publisher (Macworld
• Copyand renumber Fonts, DA's, Fkeys and
• Play r.indom sounds and continuous sound Comm1111icatio11s): Cynthia J Meade
• Convert digitized sound fi les into Macintosh
So, if your Mac could use juggling lessons, and HyperCard sound resources =-'JOG
put Font/DA juggler Plus to work on your system
So, watch the amazing Masterjuggler at
and sit back and enjoy the shuw.
work and see how easily your Mac leanis to
Still only $59.95 juggle even the toughest situations.
Suggested Retail $89.95

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AlSclt lWl<tjuggler. Foolllll)!J!gler mtndenwbol Al.loll. Int

©1989 ALSoft, Inc,

Circle 35 on reader service card

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Symantec Utilities for Macintosh (SUM) is Corporate Guardian stays out of sight, loading automatically every time

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Because in addition to six other indispensable utilities, SUM of your hard disk data. So that, in a crash, your data is safe.

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Seven smart utilities. 5 Mice,

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S''MANTEC.. Symantec Corporation, 10201 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, C(\ 95014. 4081253-9600. .
Currmt SUM Usn'S can upgrmklonr.w Vtn ion I . I bySt:ndinxyourcurrm/SUM diskondchtckormoneyordu/or$ 10.00loSUMllPIJrtlk. Symanlt't: 10201Torrt' API"'., Cu/)('rtino. CA 95014. !tfocZap USt'ncof/
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Circle 237 on reader service card



Imagine what you could do with an advanced type, and mix sizes, styles, fonts and colors in the
lrawing program that was actually easy to use. same type block. 2. Not only can you import
A program that could give you the freedom PICT, EPS and TIFF images, you can actually work
o create more with your Macintosh®than any with them. There's no easier way to enhance
1ther drawing program; even work as sophisticat­ existing artwork. 3. Choose graduated, radial
~d as the illustrations in this ad. and patterned fills from our extensive library, or
That's the power of Aldus®FreeHandTM 2.0. create your own PostScript®-language fill patterns
\nd here are some of the things you'll be able to for special effects. 4. Now PANTONE®* Colors
lo with it. are available in Aldus FreeHand 2.0. So it's easy
1. Achieve unequalled control over your to see and specify the colors you want. 5. Use
ype. Curve text on a path, create stroked and filled the autotrace function to convert any PICT or


scanned TIFF image to instant line art. It'll both To experience creative freedom first-hand
save time and expand your options. 6. Our visit an authorized Aldus dealer, or call 1-800-333­
blend feature allows you to transform one shape 2538, Department C-2 to order a free self-running
into another and produce airbrush effects with demo disk.t
colors. 7. A built-in color separation capability
for spot and process color makes it easy to out­
put separated film-saving hours of production f\1!•)t1Aldt1S
time. 8. Make short work of technical
411 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 622-5500.
•Pantone, Inc:scheck-standard trddemark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials.
+O ffer expires April 30, 1989 and is good in U.S. and Canada only. The demo disk requires a
drawings with the most comprehensive set of Macin tosh Plus. SE or II.
Aldus and the Aldus logo are registered trademarks and Aldus Fr c Hand is a trademark of Aldus
advanced PostScript-language tools available; Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Syste ms Inc. Macintosh is a registe r ·d
trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. PANTONE· is a rei:isl •red trade mark of Pantone, Inc. Process
color reproduction may not match PANTONE· identified solid color standards. Refer to current
plus a set of familiar Macintosh drawing tools. PANTONE ' Color Publications fo r the accurate color. ©1988 Aldu s Corporation. All rights reserved

Circle 329 on reader service card




Being MORE productive means every­ Once you have an outline,
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organized. And it shows in everything you do. with a double-click of the
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even more graphics, click again and get; every art
,_ ..._ outline for you. tool imaginable. And because of MORE H's outline,
Outlines make MO RE II
when you change the master slide, the rest change
productivity easier. j ust click automatically. So making 1000 slides is as easy
the mouse 011 any part of as making one.
an 011 //in e a11 d gel charts
and slides, i11sla11//y. Click on another outline, add a
Shott slides in few paragraphs using MORE H's
35m m, or present
them li ve on-screen.
full-power word processing and
co mplete with bingo. You've got a memo. Or a
wowing video
letter. Or a proposal.
'' • Add pages, pull in some
--~ charts and there's a
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board-room quality
presentation ...
.. totally spell-checked,
with text, graphics, Write bea11 /if 11l/y wil I
fonts and Styles to rival MORE /f's co mplete word
anything created on any processing.
other program.
Now go live. MORE II includes advanced,
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(complete with video effects like dissolves,
builds, wipes, and fades) on any MAC connected to
virtually any projection device.
Fol'_Planning, writing, and presentations,
MORE II shows results. It's the only software that
~l!C;;:l helps you master
all three stages in MOREJ.C
the art of persuasion. 7== __..,.
Without becoming - _,_ - ­
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For MORE II product
and upgrade* information,
call (800)228-4122 Ext. 747G.


Mac Bulletin

Wingz Flies at Last bling to 2000 dpi. The scan­ to make available in the first signers, and technicaJ
• Wingz, the long-awaited ner comes bundled with the quarter of 1989. The SIMMs illustrators.
super spreadsheet from In­ new software and retails for will run in the Mac IIx or the Adob has als an nounced
formix Software, began ship­ $8995. Anyone who pur­ Mac II with A/UX installed. ten additio ns to the Adobe
chased the scanner before In a few months when Apple Type Library: Avenir, Sabon.
ping in January. The program
includes innovative cell­ the software was included releases system software with ITC Ba uhaus, Caslon Open .
definition capabilities, 3-D will receive the software true (or "clean") 32-bit Face, Life, Frutiger, Linotype
charting, and a scripting lan­ free. For further information, capability, Mac II users witl1 Centennial, Serifa, Stempel
guage that replaces macros. contact Bameyscan, in the 4MB SLMMs installed wiJl Garamond , and Garamond 3.
In Learn mode Wingz dis­ Berkeley, California, at be able to access 32MB of Collector's Edition 2­
plays mouse and keyboard 415/ 524-6648. memo1y. Sophisticated graph­ Pa tt rn and Textures lists
commands within the script­ ics applications, complex for 225; Adobe Streamline
ing language on a split mathematical programs, and lists for 395. Each requires
screen. Perhaps Wingz's What's Next engineering workstations will only a lac Plus and Adobe
all run much faster with lllustrator 88, but a 2 IB SE,
most impressive feature, from Lotus? 32MB of resident memory. Tl or Tix and a Po tScript
however, is its extremely
powerful interface-definition • Software giant Lotus For more infonnation, printer are recomme nded.
capability, which enables Development Corporation contact Clearpoint Research for further information, con­
users to write their own com­ has reportedly agreed to ac­ Corpo ration , in Hopkinton, tact Aclol Systems, in
mand bar and pull-down quire all the assets of PS Massachusetts, at Mou ntain View, California,
menus and save one or Publishing, a developer of 508/435-2000. at 415/ 961-4400.
more interfaces for each Macintosh applications. Lo­
application. tus, which does not currently
Wingz sells for $395. For offer a text and graphics Enhancing Many Fonts,
more information, contact package for the Mac, will Illustrator 88 Many Printers
Infonnix Software, in Lenexa, gain the rights to PS Com­
pose, a typesetting package, • Adobe Systems has • Bitstream , a major
Kansas, at 913/492-3800. developed two new tools to p layer in tl1e font ga me,
and PS Collage, a sophisti­
cated graphics program. enhance Adobe Illustrator 88: bas anno un ced that it will
Both products are in Collector's Edition 2-Pat­ soon release its entire type­
Barneyscan Ships development. terns and Textures, and face library fo r use w itl1
PS Publishing president Adobe Streamline. Collector's Ma into b-driven Po tScript
Color-Retouching Edition 2 is a series of 400 page-description language
Robert Simon will remain on
Software board and oversee expan­ standard U.S. Geological type ·etter · typicaJly used in
sion of the Sausalito, Cali­ Survey and American In­ comm rcia l print hops and
• Bameyscan Corporation stitute of Architects pauerns
fornia-based company's staff. service burea u " The Bit­
has added Bameyscan XP , a
For further information, con­ and textures, divided into the stream fo nt will work on
powerful color-graphics soft­
tact PS Publishing at following five categories: any Po:tScript-controlled
ware package, to its Bamey­
415/ 331-1285. basic graphic patterns; clas­ typesetter, such a the Lino­
scan Mac II 35mm color slide
sics geometric; o rnamental; tronic, the Tegra/Varityper
scanner. The software, which
geological and caitographic; VT600, and Compugraphic's
runs in either 8-bit or 24-bit
mode, is compatible with
4MB SIMMs from topographic and weather CG-9400-PS, and will offer
patterns. tl1e sa me tuality and func­
Apple's 32-bit version of Clearpoint Adobe Streamline is the
QuickDraw. It adds photo
• Clearpoint Research high-speed new generation (continues
enhancement, manipulation,
Corporation is currently test­ of Adobe Illustrator's auto­
and retouching capabilities
ing its 4MB single inline trace tool for converting bit­
to the Bameyscan Mac II, memory module (SIMM), map aitwork into Illustrator
which has a hardware reso­
which the company expects files . It is designed for desk­
lution of 1000 dot5 per inch, top publishers, graphic de­
with built-in software dou­

Macworl d 13
Mac Bulletin

tio nality as Ad obe fonts but more information about dle Image Capture 2 motion blur, programmable
in mu ch greate r variety. The Matrox NG-1281 , call Matrox, shading, and texture maps.
Bitstream fonts will also in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, ..... Scion Corporation has The program operates in
work o n a -called PostScript­ introduced the Image Cap­ two modes: an interactive
at 514/ 685-2630.
clone printe rs such as the ture 2 Board for dle Mac II. mode for tweaking images,
The board allows users to and a batch mode for produc­
Itek Graphix IGX 7000 PS
capture, crop, and automati­ ing large-scale animations. It
and Compugraphic's Genies Beware of
typesetters. The first batch of cally center black-and-white reads and writes PICT, PICT
Green Stripes or 24-bit color images in real II and dle new 32-bit Quick­
fonts re leased in Fe bruary,
featu~·es typefaces that Adobe ..... Beware of dle Mega­
time, and it requires no ad­ D1raw formats , as weU as
doe no t offe r. Bitstream's ditional monitor. It also trans­ Pixar-format image files such
ROM 1.1, a green-striped CD lates and displays images as a
pl a n is to release a total of ROM disk that contains over as PICIO and Texture. The
1000 fonts by d1e second bitmap in 256 levels of gray, program requires at least one
335MB of public domain and and provides high-quality
qua rte r o f 1989. sharewa re files, produced by lMB T-800 module containing
The Bitstream Typeface halftone in1ages when used
Nimbus Information Systems four transputers.
Libra ry will be available from with high-resolution output Reyes 1.0 for the Mac II is
of Charlottesville, Virginia, in devices such as the Li­
Bitstream at a list price of cooperation with Quantum expected to list for $2000. A
$50 p er font , with a mini­ notronic 100 or 300. developer version is sched­
Leap Technologies of Coral The Image Capture 2
mum purchase of four fonts . Gables, Florida. The data­ uled for release in March 1989,
For mo re info rmation , call Board lists for $1195 includ­
eating, hard disk-crashing and an end-user version for
Bitstream , in Cambridge, ing software, and comes with
nVIR virus infected the disks the third quarter. For more
Massachusetts, at a cable and, for a limited
during duplication. You don't infonnation, contact Levco, in
617/ 497-6222. time, a free color upgrade.
have to worry about the red­ San Diego, California, at 619/
For further information, 457-2011 , or Pixar, in San
striped de mo version 1.0 or contact Scion Corporation,
dle blue-striped version 2.0 Rafael, California, at
in Walkersville, Maryland , at
Fast New that replaced the infected 415/ 258-8100.
301/ 845-4045.
Graphics Board Quantum Leap discovered
fromMatrox the virus shortly after ship­
RenderMan Viking Files
ping on Friday, December 9,
..... Quebec-based Mat.rox
1988. It quickly notified all for the Mac II Chapter 11
Electronics Syste ms has
custome rs and began replac­ ..... Viking Technologies has
anno unced the NG-1281 , the ..... Levco has ported dle
ing the infected disks on filed for bankruptcy under
first Mac lI colo r graphics 1.0 version of Reyes, dle
December 12. According to Chapter 11 in an effort to
boa rd that ca n display 1280 renderer that uses Pixar's
Quantum Leap , the virus had clear its debts and start over.
by 1024 pixels. lnte nded for RenderMan protocol, to ilie
infected a utility program A company spokesperson
a pplicatio ns including high­ Mac II. RenderMan is a ma­
bundled with hard disks man­ stated that Viking is still
e nd CAD, simulations, and chine-independent interface
ufactured by CMS Enhance­ accepting and filling orders
process control , the board is between programs that pro­
ments. CMS says that it is not and has not ceased to do so
scheduled to ship in April duce imaging information
sure if the virus originated at any time. The company
and will cost about $5000. and programs that use that
with its utilities, but that it has distributes games and desk
A Mac II with the NG-1281 information to produce high­
impleme nted six or seven accessories including Cyclops
board will be able to run quality renderings.
procedures to eliminate fu­ and Menu Clock. Its subsidi­
major CA D packages such as The Mac II version of
ture occurrences. The com­ a1y, Uptime, distributes
VersaCacl and AutoCAD at a Reyes 1.0 makes use of
pany is also providing free Ez-Typer DA.
speed comparable to mat Levco's TransLink, a trans­
software dlat eliminates the For further information,
of a well-equipped Apollo puter-based accelerator, to
virus. contact Viking Technologies,
worksr.atio n. Th e board runs perform the re nde ring. The
For further information, in Newport, Rhode Island, at
unde r Apple' 32-bit Quick.­ renderer is source-code
contact Quantum Leap, in 800/437-1033. D
Draw, al o lated for April identical to Pixar's renderer
Coral Gables, Florida, at
release. Expected d rawing for the Sun and other com­
305/ 446-2477.
perfo rmance is in th e neigh­ puters, and it supports ad­
bo rhood of 12.5 million 8-bit vanced techniques such as
pixels pe r second and 35,000
characte r per second. Fo r

14 March 1989
PRESENTING THE WRITEMOVE But its the only ink jet printer of higher print quality than the lmage­
PORTABLE PRINTER. any size that gives you almost unlim­ Writer"'ll, for not much more money.
Most printers are sentenced by ited freedom to reduce and enlarge Which could bring a whole
their own sheer bulk to lifelong con­ type and documents. Because its the new meaning tothe phrase'lreedom
finement on a desktop. only one with outline fonts-imag­ of the press."
But now GCCTechnologies"'has ing software that provides function­ To exercise that freedom. see
created aprinter for the Macintosh" ality otherwise available only with your authorized GCC Technologies
with considerably more freedom laser printers. dealer for a WriteMove demon­
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WriteMove weighs a scant
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x103A'' (Any smaller and you couldn't
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programs like PageMaker.®And then
silently print them out at192-DPI reso­
get the paper in.) lution. In other words, you get much - TECHNOLOGIES

• tn Canada. (800) 263-1405 © 1988 GCC Technol{)(JlfJS. Inc C,CC Tochnolonies .and WnteMOVP,:-"'rP. lrarlemmk..c:; :md the GC<: Technnlogios loQn 1s ~ r~1stP.fPrl 1ro:1dernarkof GCC fochnclogies. Inc M'lClntosh and
lmagcWrncr arc 1eglSlcrcd trademafksof Apple Computer, Inc PageMaker 1sa registered trademark of Ndus Corp. Mrcrosolt 1sa registered trademark of M icmsolt Corp.Suggestt.'<1 manulac1urcrSretatl price: $699




Portable Printer
Novell presents anet
even the pickiest
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So when Novell set out to network the number one local area network in the world,
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caveat preserve the Mac environment Create AFP compatibility also means that
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pickiest of all Macintosh users. And none are ible with future Macintosh hardware and
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Full AppleTalk compatibility. Working advantage of new Macintosh product releases
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ated a version of NetWare® that is compatible Freedom to choose. NetWare for
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You get all the performance, security,
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To satisfy your need for a powerful For network solutions,

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Circle 347 on reader service card


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With so many hard drives available
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difficult. Luckily, Cirrus Drives from if any other drive measures up. ~ ::c
C3 !:;
LaCie offer such an outstanding • Drives require no initialization to start-up . [B" 0
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Drives are available in our award
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Prices shown are cash prices and do nol include shipping. Add 3%for VI ~ or Mastercard, 5%[or American Express. Add 7"11, for msh handling. Cirrus. l;iCie. Silverlining, Silverserverand Siiloerplauer are
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Circle 145 on reader service card
Commentary/Jerry Borrell


Where's It All Going?

Reflections on software trends

After a year-lo ng spare of vapor­ Today, software is evolving beyond anothe r application, and paste or attach
ware, preannouncemenrs, and consumer product fami lies and the adva ntages they material. It's easier, of course, if you have
beta testing, Macintosh softwa re has en­ offer in training, distribution, and re tai l. MulriFi nder. Then you can open multiple
tered a new e ra of maturiry. A lot of Developers want to build products w indows and copy a nd paste between
good product a re being shipped. One around core tech no logy or around a cen­ applications. ti ll going back and forth
of the most inreresring aspects of the tral product. This idea somewhat resem­ for operatio n ·, such as making changes
new software is the thinking behind iL bles the approach to core code or devel­ to a graphic you wa nt to incorporate into
all , the corporate strategies. opment platform techno logies espo used Word, is a rea l pain.
Jn the "ole clays," a softwa re com­ by Bill Gates and others. Gates promotes The ba ·ic concept of core technolo­
pany cou ld bring o ut a single product, the concept of a common core of code gies is that data flows between applica­
the n sit back and write printer drivers d1at is adapted to different computers. tio ns and documents- wiili minimal
and new versions-and make a good He has two reasons: first, software devel­ work on the user's part. This is where
deal of mon y doing it. Encl of story. But opers need to amortize the cost of devel­ you say, "Yeah, Microsoft developed Hot
with th xamp l s of Microsoft a nd Soft­ opment over seve ral platforms; and sec­ Links some whi le ago, and they already
ware Publish ing, developers began to ond , softwa re compani es ca nnot afford do that." True, but only for some prod­
think rhat they ne cled a product family. to maintain huge staff-; of programmers ucts, and the usefulness is quite limited .
The broader the product Hne, I suppo e for differem mach ines. ln the future , 80 The next step is the development of link '
the thinking wenr , the more likely a per­ percent of application · code will be com­ that update othe r documents or applica­
son wou ld b co own evera l products mon and the remainder will relate to the tions automatica ll y. Let's say you make a
from a ingle company-particu larly if unique interface of a given mach ine , says change in you r orga nization chart. You
d1e products wer good , with good sup­ Gares. (Some suggest smacks of pro­ wa nt a copy sent to your printer, you
port upgrades a nd sim.ilar interface gramming by commi ttee toward the low­ want the employee manual updated you
functions across several products. est common denominator.) want a copy sent via E-mail to all your
At first s ftware developers took the employees.
approach of producing a product fo r Core Technology Or let's use th is column as a n exam­
each of the major categories. Compa nies The core technology concept is sim­ ple. Whe n I'm clone I want to send it to
wou ld strive to deve lop a word proces­ ilar to the core code concept, but goes my editor, Deborah Branscum. I want
sor, a spreadsheet, a database. Such an beyond it in focusi ng on how different a notice sent to the managing editor to
approach means that precio us reta il shelf applications should communicate with notify him that it's in to Deb. I want a
space is absorbed by the major develop­ o ne a nother. Micro oft makes no bones copy ent to a PageMa ke r template and
e rs' products, whi ch the dealers often about planning to accomplish this. Ar printed our in d1e production de partment
prefer. When a dealer works with o nly present, Microsoft's applications share so that its le ngth ca n be detem1ined. And
a few compan ies, training store staff is very little underlying code. For insta nce, I want the same printout sent to the a rt
easier, pape1work is simpler, a nd there Microsoft Ma il, PowerPoint, Word , Excel, department ·o designe rs can consider
may be better volume discounrs for deal­ and Works a re each qu ire distinct. layout alte rnatives. What's more , I wa nt
er purchase . And it's often easier to sell Microsoft's goa l is to ensure that a to push o ne button to do all that. Auto­
produ ces from a well-k nown compa ny. If future version of Mail will allow users matic links between programs wi ll make
the products are respected a nd attractive­ of the Microsoft product family to gain
ly packaged and they sell well many greater efficiency. Say you're working on ( COiiIi II 11es)
dealer want nothing more . So the a document in \'<ford , and you want to
she lve tend to fi ll up with multiple cop­ incorporate the file or a portion of it in a
ies of sofrware from the better-known message. Ideally, you could just select
developer··. the text and se nd it a a n E-mai l message
from w ithin Word. In teacl, you must quit
your app li cation in the Finder, launch

Macworld 19
Commentary/Jerry Borrell

that p ossible . No doubt I'll have to wa lk

through all of those steps o nce to create
a macrolike fu nction that performs all the
steps. But the point is that a pplicatio ns
w ill ta lk to one a nothe r in many new
and useful ways.
To use today's complex Macintosh software, ou have two
choices. You can puzzle over lengthy, hard-to-use manuals. Or Several companies are obviously
use QulckCard'" Reference Guides which provide concise step­ thinking about how to do this: Microsoft ,
by-step instructions for every feature plus keyboard commands . Aldus, Cricket, Letraset, Lotus (yes, I said
You'll also discover those special features buried in the manuals Lotus) , Claris, and Ashton -Tate. True , not
QuickCard Reference Guides save time-and increase the valu
your software. Get the guides used by corporations, unive all of those companies have a word pro­
and professionals! cessor, a spreadsheet, and a database.
•All Information on one BYz"x11" reference card But the core technologies approach is
• Step-by-step Instructions for each feature
• Dozens of tips and shortcuts exte nding to all a reas of softwa re, fro m
• All the special techniques "hidden" the big three of applicatio ns to areas
In the manuals such as desktop publishing, gra phics,
• Organized for Instant use
• New users get up to speed quickly and communications. You should expect
• Experienced users learn new skills to see strategic all ia nces between compa­
• Highest quality non-glare laminated vinyl
• Quick, easy, enjoyable to use! rties w hose products do not compete
D Microsoft Excel 1.x D Microsoft Works 1.x but who can benefit fro m easy transfe r
D Microsoft Word 3.x D Microsoft Works 2.x D PageMaker 3.x D Ready Set Go! 4.x of data.
D Word Perfect 1.x D Universal Mac Guide (step-by-step guide to all of the Macintosh's features) The motivation be hind this evolutio n
"x" means all versions is the hope that companies ca n lock cus­
To order, phone or send your name, address and check for $14.95 for each QulckCard Reference Guide tome rs into their product families. A com­
plus $1.95 shipping per order. Or charge to your VISA/MC by sending complete card number
and expiration date. Be sure to specify which guides you want. ,, p any's success w ill depend upon how
Round Lake Publishing Co. Dept. MW-3
well it manages to build integrated appli­
415 Main SI., Ridgefield, CT 06877
cations based o n core technologies.
Order line -(203) 438-5255

There are two possible results . New­

e r develope rs w ith innovative products
may be frozen out of the market by the
bigger companies. Or Mac software may
be on the way to a new and higher level

Diagraming and
INSPIRATION:M • Communicate effectively to
a wide range of audiences.
of pe rfo rmance and efficie ncy.

System 7.0
Outlining to
Communicate Ideas
• Fully Integrated: change tl1e
diagrani, the outline changes
also, and vice versa.
Additional adva nces w ill dep end
upon what Apple does next. Mo re signi­
fica nt changes in how we use software
and Infonnation.
• Capture ideas quickly in
graphic or outline fonn.
- Reports & Proposals­
Project Planning &Timelines
-Outlines-Charts &
will be based upon the evolution of sys­
te m software . And Apple is not sim ply
sitting by while these tre nds develo p.
• Organize and refine infor­
mation easily and efficiently. COMMUNICATE.
Diagranis-Action Items &
Notes-Managing Meetings
Despite the fact that Apple spun off
its software division to form Claris, many
developers believe that the company has
"l11Spiratio11 is a neat !aQ' to lake a11 idea and '111spiratio11 from Ceres So.ft1wre ojfers building
represent it in a visualJonna/. It lets you see blocks for creating ea\)' cul andpaste diagrams merely changed its app roach and is still
your ideas, 11uJking them easier to wu/erstand" and 011t/i11es." in the business of applications softwa re .
- Michael}. Miller HVFOlfORIJJ -MacWeek For example, AFP, the AppleTalk Filing
Protocol included w ith Apple system
i. "-~:;,c;:ucJ 0 ~~r:~o,.,..,u1 ""'•trn'• ""~""•" software , allows the Mac to tra nslate files
,., H•~M ' Wtic:IH0'9t1
8:- SMMIY 0•1°*1.•'
from one compute r to anothe r (PC to the
11 1
C. ~ llt R"'°P•'t
Po u lDI• Co11tpelllfo" Mac) and fro m o ne application to anoth­
A. D«iltfa~i.
By !Ill Out nooo-t ~ lti,'r !WW ~· "OMdtot<• e r (Lotus to Excel). Forme rly these func­
~!1CHll·"" .... oetiil"i•f\llOl•l'CCIU 1""'"'"""1j:tt.
8 ~Blew.v.
C~y 1(11ttlnfancr.~tlil ''•~·ol'IO
tions were provided by third-party p rod­
C P~I P41W.S
Ellat*!"«l~b*U, comlti;OUC lll Dfill'ld ...., l»O ucts such as DataVis fro m Ta ngent Tech­
nologies. Macros once created by Affin­
ity's Tempo can now be accomp lished
NEW VERSION w ith MacroMaker in Apple's syste m soft­
INSPIRATION $175 Visa/MC ware. Communicmions links o nce made
Demo alw available. Ceres Software, Inc. through products from Alisa Syste ms o r
9498 S.W. Barbur Blvd. #103
Call 800-366-4565 Portland, OR 97219

Circle 365 on reader service card

22 March 1989
A Th an architect, E Smooth
fine hairlines like ours continuous color
arc pure poetry. blending inspired this art
director to new heights.
B Auto-tracing built
this banana from a F What are mere
scanned-in produce ad. words compared to
In split seconds. WYSIWYG te>.1 with
special effects?
C Multi-point bezier
curves make drawing a G After he slipped
bunch easier. Colors are away, we added rich
added in layers. Postscript$ gray scales
to the gorilla's leftovers.
D Auto-resizing
helped this V.P. of Sales
display the fruits of
his labor, graphically.

H ow an architect, an MBA, and an art direc­

tor developed instant talent in precision
drawing. And a gorilla developed mild indigestion.
Meet Canvas 2.0. The new top banana. Able to help even
ordinary people draw extraordinary things.
typesetter, or film printer you wane.
Like we said: go bananas.
But do it soon. While we' re still throwing in Canvas 2.0
DA for free. It's a special desk accessory version that puts some
80%of these features right under your Apple menu.
Easy enough for almost any primate to master. And if all this hasn't convinced you that Canvas 2.0 is the
Use our Bezier curves and smooth polygons to build any drawing prograin you've been waiting for, send us 19.95 to re­
shape. Add or delete control points and join, split, open or ceive a fully featured Demo Copy. With which you can finish
close them at will. convincing yourself.
Use Auto-Tracing to save countless hours by converting After all , power like this can be very apeeling.
existing bit-mapped images - pictures like dip art or scanned
graphics - into easily manipulated Canvas 2.0 objects. Canvas 2-0 (including Canvas 2.0 DA) $299.95
Work across unlimited layers. View, print or save them Site licenses available
in any combination . Draw in millions of colors, or with Canvas 2.0 Demo Disk $9.95
Postscript gray scales and patterns. For more information or a demonstration of this or any of Deneba's
Experience heart-stopping accuracy (64,000 DPI) and other products, see your local dealer or call us at 1-soo.6-cANVAS. In
Florida, call (305) 594-6965.
fineness of line (1/1000"). Zoom around from 3% tO 3200% of
3305 Northwest 74th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33122
original size. Draw continuously up to 9 feet square. Import
"Read only.
and export freely, using PICT, PICT2, TIFF, MacPaint- or


© 1988 Deneba Systems, Inc.

MacDrnw... formats . Output t0 any Mac compatible primer, All product names mentioned are tndemarks of their respective holders.

S 0 F T W A R E

These unretouched drawings were created in Canvas 2.0 and output io a Mlrrus film printer.
Circle 217 on reader service ciard
Commentary/Jerry Borrell

Pacer Software can now be made by

other third-party developers for their
own applications through the Apple
Communications Toolkit, which became
available last year.
o what's next? There are major ex­
pectations for system software version
7.0. Repo1ted ly it will contain broadcast­
sta ndard video, 32-bit color, graphics,
and E-mail functions. Designing system
software is a black art, so 7.0 may not
include all of these functions. StiU , they
are likely extensions to the operating sys­
te m-especially E-mail. Since many Macs
a re connected through LocalTalk to print­
e rs, why not add a simple E-mail func­
tion? And how ma ny times have you
You n eed a gray scale scanner for your
wanted lo use a graphic tool to modify
Mac. So you go to your ImageWriter.®
the application you were working with?
Wouldn't it make sense to be able to
Pop out the ribbon cartridge. Snap in
pull down a paint/draw palette from the
ThunderScan.®Insert your artwork.
me nu bar within the application?
And quicker than you can say Van Go~
In fact, one logical evolutionary step
for the e ntire Desktop/Finder metaphor
you're already going.
would be to lessen the distinctions be­
tween applications. Applications could
ThunderScan lets you import quality images into all
reside in a me nu bar, a nd could be ac­
cessible to any window or windows we
painting, drawing and desktop publishing programs.

might need . Subsets of applications

Contrast and brightness are fully adjustable.
shou ld be accessible from w ithin other
And now ThunderScan 5.0 loads TIFF files and lets
you cfu.-play and edit grays o n your Mac II.
This is, perhaps, the real crux of
Priced at just $249, ThunderScan proves you can become
curre nt tre nds in software evolution for
microcomputers. \Vhile the OS/2 ma­
an artist, with just a little change.

chines are com ing up to speed with a

graphka l interface, Apple must come up
with an adva nce in system software. We

• . 7/uuJtrcS..~
21 Orinda way. Orinda. CA ~S63
aJI rep at the mantra that multitasking is
the next hurdle. But to date, onJy back­
ground printing, fax , and other less-than­
T1ulllerware" 41512S4-6S81 FAX: 4l5/2S4-3047 revoluLionary uses are appearing. Multi­
tasking is certainly important, but the
·n.urKkrxan l• comp:ulhlc wilh rhc Madnio• h 512K enhanced, Plus, SE and ~toe II and all lrr~•gcWrircr
ways in which we use applications seem
model• cxccpr the LQ. Use on rhc Mac II requires our /bwer Acc=oryfor Mad11tosb II.

Tiwndc."fScaJ1, Thundcl'W'Jre and iL'i logo art! tradL-ntark.s ofn1undt."IW'JIC, Inc. M3dmosh and lmagc..Wrilt..-r

arc rrndcmark.• of Apple Com purcr. Inc. C>J9fl91lrunderw:uc. Inc. ·

fundamentally more important.
Apple is, no doubt, deep in discus­
sion on ways to advance its system soft­
ware architecture. One possibility is that
Apple bring about a new definition of
system software.
Apple could approach this redefini­
tion in two ways. One way would be to
make system softwa re with an open ar­
chitecture so that third-pa rty de velopers
could add functionality. Re member how
well this works with CPUs? You build a
machine with an open backplane. Com­
petition creates low prices. And devel­
Circle 176 on reader service card

24 March 1989




ou've probably seen our only one organized the same way a MultiFinder" and HyperCard"' and
competitor's ads. The ones user thinks - by contextual mean­ works smoothly and simultaneously
touting Wm . R Buckley,Jr.'s fondness ing, instead of by part'of speech. with 95%ofall Macintosh• software.
for their electronic thesaurus. And the only one that provides Including every major word pro­
"It's a bloody miracle. . .," Mr. separate short definitions for every cessing or desktop publishing pro­
Buckley enthuses. meaning group. gram on the market.
Heck. Even Microsoft believed BigThes is very fast: under a sec­ So.
him enough to include a copy with ond, on average. It's also very easy to If bow you say what you say is
their popular word processor. use: simply important to you, here's your one
Well . double-click on chance at catching up with Buckley
All we can say is "Sorry, Bill." any word in your before he catches on.
And ''Sorry, Microsoft," too. Appar· open document BigThes. It's positively the last
ently even smart guys like you get for an instant word in words.
fooled sometimes. lookup. BigThesaurus­
Because at 100,000 root words ­ It provides (Hard disk required)

and an utterly humongous 1.4 mil­ unlimited cross For more information or a demonsuation oftlils or
anyofDencba's other producrs,sec your local dealer
lion combined synonyms , anto­ referencing, remembers the last 20 or call us at 1·800-622-682'7. lo Florida, call (305)
nyms, related, compared and con­ words you've worked with, and sup­ 594-6965.
trasted offerings - our BigThes
weighs in at some 6 ¥3 times the vo­
cabulary power of that little pro­
gram you're using.
ports multiple open lookup

-- eneba

Installed as a desk accessory, s 0 F T W A R E

BigThes is compatible with 3305 Nonhwcs1 ?4 th Avenue, Miami, Flori da 33122
And ours is the only one based Cl 1988 Dcnd>2 System, Inc.

on the renowned Merriam-Webster A11 produa names mentioned att u:adcmarks of their re·

spc=cti•-e hollkrs.

Thesaurus : the world 's most

And the
Commentary/Jerry Borrell

opers have room to innovate within a

stable environment.
Lf Apple were able to advance the
Finder by taking the concept of software
. •...

modules and building hooks into system
oftwar so that applications could com­
• • • municate or interact more easily, it would
'----­ allow third-party developers to thrive and
innovate while moving the Mac interface
forward. Apple could spend its precious
resources on adva ncing the underlying
functions of system software rather than
using staff and time in application devel­
Power Base
opment. It might also dissipate some of
$lZ 9 ·95 Turbo Mouse the fervor develop rs express toward
advancing the inte rface along nonsanc­

--===~ ~\
tioned paths (Silicon Beach's SuperCard
is an example of this).
( =
- ­= = Tthink pragmatism will force Apple
to limit the kinds of functions it can add
to sy tern software. But I'm often wrong,

'!o order or for more

information. call our Toll Free n.u mber.
If you prefer. circle the number
1-800-882-9199 and in some ways it looks like Apple will
continue to add application functions to
system software such as graphics, E-mail,
below on the reader service card word processing, and spreadsheets.
and we'll send you a free brochure Apple may need to create products
with these and other items of interest.
28045 Ranney Pkwy .• WesUake OH 44145 that demonstrate the environment that it
e nvisions just as MacPaint and MacWrite
Circle 388 on reader service card we re considered (at times) to be demon­
·trations of the Macintosh approach for
third-party developers.
Frankly, Tdon't know if an open


softwa re architecture a pproach is pos­
sible with existing operating system
cod , or whether this will require the


This priceless professional tool is how easy it is to publish like a pro

complete rewrite of system software for
1990 already announced by John Sculley.
As a new version of the Finder is said to
be a couple of years away, it's possible.
yours free. Simply mail the coupon ~eJ~NCTlON with your Macintosh" or IBM" PC
below or call Adobe Systems toll· computer, PostScript printer and I do know that Apple wants to take
free at 800-83-FONTS. a little help from Font & Function,
Adobe, developer of the Adobe" the Adobe Type Catalog.
advantage of the built-in memory man­
Type Library and PostScripf soft­ Get yours today. FREE. Just call agement unit of the Motorola 68030. I
ware, is the world's authority on 800-83-FONTS. Or write Font & also believe that the 68030 will become
electronic publishing. Function, P.O. Box 7900, Mountain
This full-color, 1r x1S: 32·page View, CA 94039-7900. the base level CPU chip for the Mac over
Font & Function~ catalog is jam- the next several years and that the sys­
packed with helpful tips and prob- ~ uU.1~ :J tem architecture will more easily evolve
lem·solving advice from Adobe ~~ ill !Jll.I' ..
type and design experts. Plus, it's . • 1! from the 68030 toward future hardware

FREE ,.,. -~ ~ ~1 ~ 1
got samples, interviews and more ~· /(
fF'c,,, . _. ...... S<:• • 1" •"•'""•""•"•""''' •""
1rioAdobtJooo:1ndFontl.F11nctlon11re rrademart.sol and software architectures.
than 300 high-quality Ado~ type- • :!z.::~7:.:=~:::".:.~~~~::::S.;,...
facesforyoutoorder. Youllsee ,,....,.,,.,,"'.,,..,,...,a....,......,.......
What's It All Mean?


---------- • 01-12-02·2 •

Apple's next version of system soft­
ware is all-important. It is such a com­
plex re lease that there may have to be an
I To receive your free Font
NAME I inte rim release (forget the numbers), but
& Function Adobe Type
I Catalog, mail to : Font & I the next one will determine how the Mac
I Function, P.O. Box 7900, TrTl.E
I will fare in its battl with OS/2 and PS/ 2
Mountain View, CA machines. You ca n b t that we'll be
I 94039-7900. Please allow COMPANY I
4 weeks for delivery. looking closely when it comes out. D
I use a 0 Macintosh O IBM ADDRESS CITY
I PC computer (Check I
I appropriate box[es)) STATE ZIP PHONE I

26 March 1989





I t's quite simple, really.

All we're saying is that the lim­

supplements included).
Plus instant access to Proximity/ stand-alone batch checker, if you
ited scale spell checkers that come
Merriam-Webster's Concise 85,000 prefer.
tacked onto today's word processing
word reference dictionary with com­
HyperCard- - or use it as the ultimate

Let Coach ~ work with you

packages are, in a word, underpowered.
plete definitions, hyphenation, uses interactively (as you type) , or use it to
Oh , theywork okay as long as every­
and tenses. scan your completed document., at high
one's content to use more or less the
And a new little something we call speed, identifying and suggesting cor­
same words all the time. But then, same­
BigThe~; by far the most complete rections to any grammar or spelling
ness is not (}Xactly a highly regarded
electron1c thesaurus available today. problems it encounters.
concept amongst Macintosh users.
Based on over 100,000 root words from You see, despite all its power, we've
Thank goodness there's an alterna­
tpe Fenowned Merriam-Webster The­ made Spelling Coach Professionalvery
tive. A program designed to help you
saurus, this l.4 million w0rdinteractive easyto get along with . And, onceyou':ve
forge ahead imo brave new worlds of
thesaurus dwarfs i.ts closest competitor used it, downright impossible to get
verbal iiidividuality. With Merriam­
by a factor of more than six times. along without.
Webster at your side.
Simply install Spelling Coach Pro­ To settle for anything less wou Id be,
Spelling Coach Professional:· A
fessional as a desk accessory - for in a word, incogitant.
program applauded regularly over the
smooth use with over 95% of all Mac
years, by reviewers and users alike.
software including MultiFinder · and Spelling Coach Professional'" Ver 3.l $195.00
Many felt Coach's powerful and
(Hard disk required)
Site licenses and network
cleverly interwoven spell check­
versions available.
ing, dictionary definition and

hf,.l:~;:,:.=;.=.:......-.,,,,...,,,,,.,.,,, •...,,,,.......JCl~nY eind

to Ccrmel, BigThesaurus"' only $99.95
thesaurus functions were un­
,..,.,,iQv!Hn 70 degrees.· (Hard disk required) ·
beatable. Hypertext taken to the

final frontier.
.... ~
For more information or a demon·
stration of this or any of Deneba's
Yet our brand new Version

,..,.., . ..
,..,...,. ...
t1r1gm1111ur11 lo other products, see your local dealer
,..-,.W..ciNJ m101ur11 ere.
3.1 proves them wrong. For now,
.... ..........

or call us at 1-800-622-6827. In Florida,
we've made what was solidly ~!!!!i!~~c-~c~-c~-c~-c~i~~~~~r-~-~-~~~,~~~~··~oe~r~~~~~~ ca11 (305) 594-6965.
hefty utterly gargantuan. 3305 Nor1hwest 74th Ave., Miami, FL 33122
Consider the following. A
193,000 word user-amendable
Pro xi mi ty/Merriam -Webster~
spelling dictionary (with medi ­
cal , legal technical, geograph­
ical & biographical
Whether you want your output on plain paper or photo-media, Varityper
The Number

is the # l Choice for PostScript lmagesetters.

Vari typer is the only supplier to offer a choice or four high resolution,
PostScript imagesetters. F'rom 600 dpi plain paper output to 2400 dpi
photo-media output, Varityper has the choices for your precise needs.
All Varityper's PostScri pt imagesetters employ laser diode technology
with fu ll page buffering to give you the highest quality, fastest and most
precise imagesetters . . . at prices up to 1/3 less than other equipment.
No matter what your needs . .. whether it's plain paper or photo-media,
for forms. brochures, newspapers, ads. proposals, newsletters. books or
reports . . . Varityper has a PostScript imagesetter to help you create
more effective communications. With Varityper, you're governed by the
job and never by the limitations of your equipment.
For more infonnalion about any of I arityper 's full line ofimagese//ers
usin_q the PostScript page description /angua.qe from Adobe Systems.
Inc. . call today
(In New Jersey 201/887-8000 x-999)

fi{)() dpi plain paper imageseffrr

Up to/ /" • 17"formot, 7pages/ mi11.
f'ostSrript Interpreter
I 2Mh RMI. 20Mb disk for approx. JOO fonts
.15 fo nl< s/andard

611() dpi plain flOP" imageSl!ller
/1 1 ~ · • I /"format, IO pages ·min.
l '<l.<tSrripl Interpreter
liMh RAM. 20Mh disk for appro.r. 100 fo11t.<
35 font.<standard
Of Imagesetters
with Adobe's

1200 dpi photo- media ima~seller

1.50 ft. media supply. 1.5 inches/ min.
PostScript Interpreter
-IMb RAM. 20Mb font disk for approx. JOO fonts
3.5 fonts standard
40,lfb Paye Buffer IVinchester
Optional disk for approx. 200 fonts
1200 to :!400 dpi photo-media imagesetter
1.50 fl media supplµ. 20 inches / min.
l'ostScript lnterpretl!T
HMh RAM. 40Mh font disk for approx. 200 fonts
3.5 fonts standard
.Q/Nh l 'u_qc /luffl'f IVinchcstcr
Optimwl Ji.<k for approx. .'iOO font.<

Circle 93 on reader service card

Introducing the Sharp JX-300 letter size color each element to give a range of 16.7 million colors. Not
scanner. to mention 256 gray scales for monochrome systems.
Our affordable, new JX-300 can scan the most Both are compatible with the leading PC systems.
appetizing color originals up to 81/2 x 11'.' It also has Sharp also offers the JX-730 color inkjet printer
a small footprint and fixed scanning bed to give you to give you plain paper color printouts that are faithful
more usable desk space. to your originals.
This new color scanner joins our larger, widely If you 're looking into scanners-even black and
acclaimed JX-450, which handles originals up to white scanners-don't overlook the future. The future
II" X 17". The JX-450 Commodore IBM Apple IBM sun is mouth watering color.
also scans 35mm slides Amiga PC/AT Macintosh II PS/2 Microsystems For information, call
and overhead trans­ 1-800-BE-SHARP.

parencies with an

optional mirror unit.

Both units scan at

300 d.p.i . resolution SHAR~
and 256 shades for COME SHARP PRODUCTS'.

<ti 1988 Sharp Electronics Circle 327 on reader service card

Simulated Picture on Monitors JX-300 JX-450
Aforum for Macworld readers

Tipping the Scales

In " The Great Write-Off" ( ovember 1988),
Jim Heid compared th ree word processing
programs and eventually declared Micro­
soft Word co be the w inner. Although
Heid's comparisons are quite good as far as
they go, he did not include symbolic refer­
encing. If I have a 20-page repon w ith 19
figures in it and I insen a new figure as the
first figure in the document, I must go me­
ticulously through the article and change
all counting numbers referring to figures.
Unless, of course, I am using FullWrite Pro­
fessional. Then the program itself will do

The phone numberfor Sp ectral Soft ware,
maker ofMacAuto (New Prodll!:ts, No­
vember 1988), is 4151964-9580.

MacNet provides access to Connect's PC/

Mac network services (New Products,
November 1988).

The phone numberfor Opcode Systems,

maker of Timecode Machine Desk Acces­
sory (New Products, November 1988), is
the updating. And figure counting is just beta tester for FullWrite, I winced audibly
Everex and Tecmar tape drives do use one example of Fu llWrite's superior sym­ throughout, but I can find no fault.
write ver~fication ("Why Say No to Back­
bolic referencing ability. If Heid had con­ I upgraded my SE to 2MB so that I
up?" November 1988). sidered this variable, then at least for users could use FullWrite. I recommended it to
who have to create long and complex
friends and was responsible for my depart­
To enter a user ID and a password on the documents (such as scholarly articles), the
ment ordering it. However, what reviewers
same line, you must separate them with a sca les would have come down resoun­
had little chance to test-and w hat a large
backslash, not a semicolon (lnsights on ding ly on the side of FullWrite. number of users need-is the use of the
CompuServe.January 1989). }on Sticklen
word processor for large documents. Re­
East Lansing, Michigan
cently I had the gruesome experience of
The phone numberfor Advanced Logical transferring a 317-page document to Full­
Soft ware, maker ofAnatool 2.0 and Still Staggering Write. And I am still stagge ring.
BLUE/60(letters,januai:J' 1989), is Many thanks for Jim Heid's superb review FullWrite claims to be chapter­
2131653 -5786. of the three leadi ng word processors (''The oriented; hence, I formatted a segment of
Great Write-Off," November 1988). As a the work into a document oflOO pages
The phone numberfor Sic/on e Corpora­ with 25-page chapters, but even so, in the
tion, maker of the Si3 033 accelerator
board, is4081734-9151. (co111in11es)

Macworld 31

last chapter the applicat ion slowed to a

crawl. I cou ld type four letters beto re one
of them showed on the screen. To move
the cursor a few lines required at least fi ve
seconds, and to close the document , I
wa ited live minutes! Ashto n-Tare advises
reduci ng chapters to 10- 15 pages, w hich is
ridiculous, and doesn·t change the end re­
sult. If I were to break up the book into a
series of documents, I could use neirher
the Index Entry nor rhe Contents function.
Spurred by your rev iew, I also tested
WordPer fec t ( it s manual recommends a
maximum length of 70 pages per docu­
ment). onlv to find chat it coo cook an eter­
nity to get co a g iven page, even wi th a
67-page segmenr. On the ocher hand,
Microsoft Word (which I hate) reac ted in­
stantly to the Go To and Close commands
and kept up the same typing-response
speed at the encl of the document as ar the
beginning, even w hen pushed co 167
pages. (Wo rd 3.0's manual recommends a
maximum of 250 pages per document, but
offers the opportunity to merge docu­


ments, thus affording rh e index ing and

table-of-contents possibilities.)
Conclusions: It is impossibl e to w rite a
full-length book with FullWrite and almost
impossible wit h WordPerfect. With great

your business!"

regret, l am returning to Microsoft Word . I

wi ll miss the Posted otes, rh e conven ient
pagination , the sidebars, and the ease of
use of FullWrite, but its sluggishness and
the impossibilit y of long documents give
me nochoic .
Blake Lee Spahr
Only one thing could be worse
Berkeley, California
than a document arriving late: arriving wrong!

A Prized Stack
Apoor impression made by a badly written letter or report, I was disappointed that , 1eve Drazga's De­
littered with errors, can lose a contract or a sale. veloper Stack die.I not win the grand prize
in Macworld's SuperScacks contest. Be­
MacProof points out possible errors

TM cause his stack is a useful tool provided at

in style, usage, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
such generous terms to the Mac commu­
nit y, I hope you wi ll reconsider your deci­
It also allows you to analyze the structure
sion . Steve Drazga deserves credit for
and flow of a document.
opening up Hyp<.:rCa rd development to the
beginning user, as he has for me.
Since MacProof works as a Desk Accessory,
Da11iel \V. Collison
you can check for errors, review solutions,
Del roil, Michigan
and make corrections without ever leaving your document.
\Ve ce rta h1~J1 didn 't m ean to damn witb
A few clicks of the mouse
faint praise Develop er Stack or tbe otber
turns suggestions into corrections.
applications tbat received Honorable
11ention. \Ve m eant to honor them as the
With MacProof your document arrives on time and right ! 011/standing works tbey are. Altbougb the
Circle 472 on reader service card judges bad some reseruations abo111 1be
user inte1face of hotb Develop er Stack

Mk your locru d~ler for MacProofrn

or call at (800) 354 5656
D~:!~;s~l!A~EE (C0 /1/illl teS)

for information about the d~ler Ltx~nise USA, Inc.

nearest you. 115 Eas1400 Sou1h
Sui1e 1000
Sall Lake Cily, lah 84 111
Td .: (801) 350 9100 Fa.' : (801) 350 9051




Transferring files from

one system to another
is somewhat pointless
~st:; if you spe.nd most
- ofyour time re­
formatting the data.
Which is why we introduced
MacLinkP/us for Wang. Whether you're run­
ning a Wang VS system, an OIS or a Wang PC, Wang Word Processing Microsoft Word
MacLinkP/us provides a complete solution for
document transfer and file conversion. to ASCII or print files is necessary.
MacLinkP/us includes the entire collection ofmore MacLinkP/us doesn't stop there, however. It offers full Wang
than 40 translators- the key to accurate conversion of VS Workstation capabilities, allowing easy access to Wang word
file formats such as rulers, indents, bold and plain text processing, data processing and electronic mail. All 32 Wang
styles,margins, tabs, underlines, superscripts, subscripts, Workstation functions can be executed through familiar Macin­
paragraphs, and tabular tables. If it looks acertain way on tosh menus or command keys, and you'll even be able to use the
aWang, it will look the same way on aMac. And, ofcourse, mouse on Wang displays.
vice-versa. No time-wasting and difficult pre-conversion Software for the Macintosh, software for the Wang (8" or
5.25"), software for the PC and adirect connect cable
(you can use aHayes or compatible modem ifyou
prefer), is included in theMacLinkP/us
package; everything you need to be ['--""'""""
up and running in minutes.
So call (203) 268-0030 for
your nearest DataViz dealer,
because no matter which Wang
system you're using, there's a
MacLinkP/us solution to con­
nect it to the Mac.
Wang 2110 Terminal Macintosh 2110 Terminal Emulation
Who says you can't have
the best of both worlds.

35 Corporate Drive

Trumbull, Connecticut 06611

Circle 281 on reader service card
and Robertson Reed Smith's Stack Starter,

both are valuable tools for stack builders.
Developers like Drazga and Smith have
made exceptional'contributions to the
vast community ofstack designers.-Ed.

AND YOURS The Beast Bytes Back

In response to your review of our TG-4000
tape backup unit ("40MB Tape Backups,"
Reviews, ovember 1988), we at Tallgrass
would like to suggest an alternative to the
analogy of Beauty and the Beast: Form Fol­
lows Function.
We are in the systems business, and
the 4000 was designed to provide systems
flexibility to our customers. Although you
can order it as a stand-alone tape backup
unit or as a stand-alone disk product, the
"Beast" was also designed to be field up­
gradable. That same functional cabinet can
house a 40MB tape drive plus a 40MB or a
lOOMB hard disk, or dual disk drives, if you
Volume2 prefer. Additionally, the Tallgrass 4000 user
has the option of beginning with any com­
mosm ponent and upgrading with any other at
~ ~ragon any time. That translates into an external
SCSI disk tape combination with capacities
ro~~ from 40MB to 200MB.
We feel that, coupled with the best
I, 2 & 3 -Three volumes consist·
pricing and the only three-year warranty in
ing of six different original laser fonts.

Each volume includes a FREE

Volume3 the industry, the Beast is the best buy for
Keys" symbol laser font and a "1Ypeface
your backup buck.
Use And Selection Guide" HYj>erCard Stack.

Only $99- suggested retail price per volume.

·1;arB~ David F. Horton
Tallgrass Technologies
Your designer on a disk, actually four disks of
highly-detailed PostScript'* IEPSJ illustrations
•risC() ~ Overland Park, Kansas
to take your desktop pulilishfag out of the ordi ·
nary. Includes a FREE "ArtSym bol" laser font ~ fJ,-ih-U
Scanners Revealed
and a "Graphic Design Tips" HyperCard Stack.
Only S99- s uggestea retail price.
I wane to commend Jim Heid for his clear
To order, call 1DLL-FREE 1-800-822-0772 or see your dealer.
and accurate article on scanners in the No­
For a FREEdemo disk and printed samples, just send us a blank disk.
vember issue of Macworld ("Getting Start­
OLDUVAI Corporation, 7520 Red Road, Suite A, South Miami, FL33!43 (305) 665·4665-Fax(305) 665·0671
ed with Scanners"). Subjects such as
scanned images and halftones are becom­
Circle 284 on reader service card ing increasingly important, yet are difficult
for most people to grasp. This article
should go a long way toward demystifying
the subject.
Steve Carlsen
Seattle, Washington
Macwor/d is a popular ite m around the office, and your copy may
wind up on someone else's bookshelf. But you can replace your Who Keeps the Books?
Your article "Who Keeps the Books?"
"borrowed" cop ies of Macwor/d easily. Back issues are available,
(Septe mber 1988) was excellent. It shows
postage-free, for just $6 each while supplies last. that you did your homework quite well. (I
write accounting packages for the MS-DOS
Send your check or money order, payable to Macwor/d, a long with world.)
the issue date and number of copies desired to Macwor/d, 144 What interests me is the address and
Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107. phone number of P. G. Backhelpers, whose
reclining chair you featured so promi­


34 March 1989

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Circle 470 on reader service card


nernly in your article. All my years of sitting

at my computer have led to a back problem
that just might be helped by this company's
William McDonald
Leeds, New York

P. G. Backhelpers is a retail store in Fair­

field, New jersey, that catei·s to its own
geographical area because the owners
feel they can properly serve customers
only through personal consultation.
They suggest that tbose outside the area
consult a physical therapy practice, or­
thopedic surgeon, or chiropractor to find
a local source ofsimilar products. -Ed.

Plastic Fantastic
What happened to the plastic mailing cov­
er to which we have become accustomed?
Macworld used to arrive in mint condition.
The October 1988 issue, however, looked
like it had been in a dentist's reception of­
fice for a few months. The cover was
scratched beyond recognition.
I have every issue from your premier
issue in 1984, all in perfect condition.
Please bring back the plastic bag.
Orian Watts
Sidney, Montana

We apologize/or the inconvenience. Your

copies should once again be arriving
safely wrapped in plastic. - Ed.

Prolix Charm
Since reading the words gormless syco­
phant in Jerry Borrell's column in the Oc­
tober 1988 issue (my spell checker didn't
choke on either word), I haven't been able
to watch the Tonight Show without dou­
bling up with laughter. Thanks very much
for the bit of joy those words inspired.
Gordon Snyder
Sacramento, California

Letters should be mailed to Letters,

Macworld, 501 Second St., San Francisco,
CA 94107, or sent electronically to
CompuServe (703 70, 702) or MCI Mail
(addressed to Macworld). Include a re­
turn address. We regret that, due to the
high volume ofmail received, we 're un­
able to respondpersonally to each lette1:
We reserve the right to edit all letters. All
published letters become the property of
Macworld. o
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Circle 220 on reader service card

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Circle 102 on reader service card

David Bunnell

Safety Last?

Is Robert Morris guilty as charged,

or shall we let him off

with a slap on the wrist?

It had to happen. Someone was bound What Morris has done is a variation on the an elite, and the kind of computer power
to write a virus that would invade a large story we've gotten accustomed to hearing, they have espoused is still not in enough
number of computers and gain national that security bloops most often happen in hands. What Morris and other adept hack­
attention. Even though this invasion oc­ mundane, hands-on situations rather than ers have done in the realm of breaking into
curred last faJI, it's worth discussing now, at the conceptual, "top brass" level. Re­ systems is still outside the ken of most
because any computer virus raises issues member The China 5)mdrome? It was a users. It's not so much that power is still
beyond the immediate havoc it creates. stuck valve, not a geopolitical shoving synonymous with break-in, but that the
The news coverage about Robert T match, that caused the destructive cycle to skill to program, customize, and spread
Morris, a graduate student at Cornell Uni­ kick in. Same with a virus. By and large, certain functions throughout computer
versity, and the virus he wrote, was so per­ creating one is intended to be more of a systems can be put to some good uses.
vasive for a time that you'd think he had nose tweak than a punch co the solar But I don't think Robert Morris should
perpetrated something akin to a nuclear plexus. be tarred and feathered, either. It seems
meltdown. But although it created many One aspect of this newest postvirus clear from his public statements that he
headaches and much embarrassment, Mor­ debate revolves around Morris himself. never intended his virus to cause massive
ris's virus, which invaded some 6000 uni­ Should he be severely punished so that havoc. It was simply more clever (and trav­
versity and defense computers linked to other hackers will think twice before at­ eled further) than he expected. Apparently
ARPANET, did not cause any lasting tempting similar feats, or should he be put he is remorseful about the chaos he
damage. on a high-tech work furlough to use his caused, and I doubt that he will go this far
I had to laugh at much of the hysterical considerable skills in making computer again. It turns out that Morris is a super­
tone (and inaccurate information) of the systems more secure? talented programmer, and it's unlikely that
news coverage of this story. The reporter Unlike some hackers, I don't see Mor­ many other programmers have the skill to
on one of my local TY stations kept using ris as a hero, the D. B. Cooper of computer­ create similar viruses. He has the potential
worm and virus interchangeably. Had he dom. The old hacker ethic that encourages to make major contributions to software
read the November issue of Macworld, invasion and tampering with computer sys­ development and computer security. Di­
he'd have known that a worm is a piece of tems evolved at a time when mainframe recting his skill to these more positive
code that eats into a program's memory computers were controlled entirely by (and lucrative) pursuits seems to be the
but does not travel, while a virus replicates large institutions. Hackers believed chat best course of action. I've always liked the
itself, often in order to rewrite code, erase they had a certain moral imperative to lib­ face that some reformed burglars go imo
sectors, or even bomb whole programs. erate computer power. Although my expe­ the business of advising us on how to se­
It seems to me that Morris has done rience has been solely on the personal cure our valuables. It makes sense to me
us a big favor by exposing the vulnerability computer side, I was sympathetic to these that they would have the best advice. So
of many of our computer systems, which early mainframe hackers. The computer could Morris.
too often are like houses with doors and priesthood had to be infiltrated, and hack­ Meanwhile, we all need to take pre­
windows that don't lock. They invite mis­ ers were the first to recognize that unless cautionary measures to ensure the integ­
chief. And mischievous is how we should computer power was in more hands, com­ rity of our systems. A more malevolent
describe this incident, rather than malevo­ puting in general could all too easily be­ hacker might strike next time. Don't forget
lent. Just as vandalism is mischievous, I come an oppressive institution in its own to install locks on your doors and win­
think letting a virus loose is destructive, right. Now, years after that political strug­ dows, and then use them. o
but it doesn't call for life imprisonment. gle began, the computer world is com­
pletely transformed, and the hacker ethic
needs to be updated. Considering the lip
service they have given co computer de­
mocracy, hackers themselves have created

Macworld 41




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MNP is a tr.tdcm:i.rk of !\·ticrorom, Inc.

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Circle 469 on reader service card

Steven Levy

The Next Best Thing

Advicefor Mac owners with CPU envy

On the day after, I found myself in a room

with two objects of desire. Black cubes
stuffed with unspeakably wondrous digital
mojo. Machines that had Silicon Valley
squ irming with ecscasy. (Maybe the whole
country quirming with ecstasy.) These
were prototypes of the ext computer,
which had been introduced the pre­
vious day.
You have heard news of this event per­
haps? It was described as a computer
Woodstock, though in reality it bore little
resemblance to chat serend ipitous oucbursc
thac became cultural hiscorv. It was more
like the compute r industry's version of che
ultimate film pre mie re, the difference be­
ing that no one seemed to mind that, save
for a few well-crafted scenes, the movie
wasn't exhibited. It was like Steven Spiel­
be rg renting an opera house in October
and describing his sequel to E. T , plan ned
for relea e next summer. And then step­
ping out of the way so he wouldn't be flat­
tened by the herd of theate r operators
stamped ing to reserve their prints.
Now, after month · of speculation, I
and some fellow write rs were alone with
the machines, which, significantly, were not
turned on. That was no surprise: after all,
there won't be crash-proof versions of the
software until well into 1989. Still, the com­ date. Bue we weren't looking ac the com­ the Macintosh. The forme r chairman of the
pute r was impressive, especially in light of puters. journalists all, the seven of us in the boa rd at Apple Computer. Known to MBAs
what we had learned about it yesterday: the room were looking at the door. Because as "Mr. Entrepreneur." Known to IBM as
power of a mainframe in a 12-inch cube. A that was where the real story was going to "partner" (Big Blue has licensed NextStep,
visual display cri per than Melba toast. appear. And sure enough, before we could a softwa re-developme nt system; for this
More storage than Allied Van Lines. A fully savor the aroma of the coffee poured privilege they reportedly gave jobs a $10
sound system that will make Dolby look in mugs emblazoned with the $100,000 mil lion fee and respectability worth sev­
like a piker. Al l in all, the litanywenr, this Next logo, the story appeared , in the form eral times that figure). Known to his em­
would be the hottest machine in creation, of a trim , slickly dressed, neatly coiffed 33­ ployees as a cross between Simon Legree,
the one the dead would rise up for, the year-old who looked like the car who just Preston Tucker, and George Gipper, Steve
computer that was so cool that the upcom­ swallowed che computer industry. Jobs, blazing onto the comeback trail , on
ing decade had inked it in as its steady Guess who. the covers of Business \Veek and News­
week; the visionary behind the ext
Heeee's Back computer.
Steven Levy is a Macworld columnist and tbe au· You don't have co guess, do you? You
tbor ofThe Unicorn's ecret: Murder in the Age of know this man. He was the force behind (continues)
Aquarius (Prentice·Hall, 1988).

Macworld 45
Steven Levy

"Well," he asks us still with that g rin. price. It also looks hot, with its hardware
"What do you think?" stuffed in a black cube that could have
There is ome ambivalent mumbling been salvaged from a George Lucas film .
from the peanut gallery. After all as jour­ All this and cursor keys! ls it any wonder
nali ts we have to be, uh, objective, that l want one? Because, although I did not
don't we? reply 10 Steve Jobs that clay, I was thinking
SL..·\ SHED We don't. More to the point, we aren't. exactly what he wanted me to think.
Our Ad Budget Though to our credit we did not sink to the
to provide you with bait and bleat out the words that Steve Jobs Pain in the Next
longed to hear (Oh Steve your machine is But first impressions aren't every­
every benefit possible. mahvelous, Apple is a goner, you. 've done thing. Now that I've had some time to mull
Compare us to all the rest . it again!), we did just as good-we gave over the ext computer, 1 think I can safely
It's a deal you can't refuse! Jobs and the unveiling cove rage as if it assure my fellow Macintosh owners that we
were the event of the decade. How much of have no cause to junk our machines any­
List -
e ­~
•• this was due to the man, and not the tech­ time soon. Of course, this early reevalua­
nology? Just about all fit. It was a rare tion is largely speculative, since there are
Of Best-selling chance for business reporters to practice no ext computers available for hands-on
gut celebrity journalism, and since the na­ testing. But I can see several obstacles on
Business Sense 1.01 $ 70.56 tion at large cares more about celebrity
DeskPaint 2.0 18.52 the path to Next's goal-to be the "com­
Digital Darkroom 37.53 than it does about computers, editors re­ puter of the nineties"-andJobs, celebrity
PowerMath II 24.29 garded too much coverage of Next as just or not, wi ll have to address them before his
Symantec Utilities 13.97 about the right amount. Steve Jobs was company fulfills its considerable potential.
smart enough to go with the flow ; indeed, Fir t of all , he wi ll have to figure out
Sample .Ca,. he was canny enough to direct it, so he and some way to deal with the problem of soft­
~tt Sfl~- his company could get maximum impact
from the long-postponed introduction.
ware distribution . Though one of the nicest

Fax STF Modem
$ 565.00
Make no mistake about it: the press,
and the computer press in particular,
features of the Next machi ne is the brand­
new optical di k technology, the computer
is handicapped by the lack of any other
Gemini 030 AccelJ 20 MHZ 1383.60 wantedJobs's machine to be a hit. That way, built-in storage medium. No floppy disk,
Proviz Color Video Digitizer 1322.10 our coverage wou ld be just ified, and we'd for instance. I suspect that this choice was
Cornerstone sgl. pg. 15"/SE 889.20 have the colorful CEO to write about for motivated by "religion," the sameJobs­
Tempo II 79.00 the next few years. Never before in the insp ired perfectionism that dictated five
computer field has the line between years ago just what the Macintosh would
Sample __,,.~ journalism and public relations been and would not have. As a result, the Mac
so blurred. appeared with brand-new 3Yz-inch disk
Lis~IPfl~-L But it would be unfair to say chat the technology but no external storage, and
Of ~ ~~~!:f accolades bestowed upon the ext com­
puter were groundle s. On first impression
users got sore wrists swapping disks back
and forth. With the Next machine users
Black Ribbons $ 3. 75 the ext machine looks like a winner. It is look forward to the ultimate disk swap:
Mac Flip (Holds 80 disks) 14.40 a well-conceived computing engine for the
MacOpener (Opens Mac case) 16.75 backing up a 256-megabyce optical disk.
Sony DS/DD (10 Boxed) 17.50 1990s. lt also benefits from the ame;e ne Jobs himself ·uggested ways to get
sais quoi with which the Macintosh around that problem (users can plug in
brimmed upon it introduction. SCSI storage devices for backup, for in­
It incorporates several state-of-the-art stance). But his response was weak when
innovations (most notably a rewritable op­ someone asked him how commercial soft­
tical disk drive that cheaply stores e nough ware would be d istributed. Those optical
information to fi ll a small library), and un­ disks will cost about $50 each, and few de­
veils a daring new architecture centered velopers see the m as a good medium for
around a virtual "mainframe-on-two­ distribution. Jobs said that developers
chips." It includes a development system could save money by putting documenta­
that allows even novice programmers to tion on the disk and not printing it. (This
dramatically cut the time it take co create suggestion ignores the fact that hard-copy
software for the machine. Its audio capabil­ documentation is the be t hedge against
ities enable it nor only to }nthesize music, piracy.)Jobs's ocher suggestions ranged
but co carry on the practical work of voice­ from "getcing programs from the network"
mail and other digital-sound tasks. (good for shareware, not good for com­
At $8500 for a machine and printer, mercial software) co the idea of a Next­
Next delivers the power and features of
technology that costs more than twice chat (continu es)

Circle 473 on reader service card

46 March 1989
Yes! Please rush me your free 1989 Buick Dimensions Disk package,
in the following format: ( J IBM 5-1 /4"
( J IBM 3-1 /2"
( J Apple Macintosh BOOK

Street Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____..:. ._ _ _ _ _ __

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Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. IBM Is a registered trademark of lnternatJonal Business
Machines Corp.
Steven Levy

distributed disk loaded with hundreds of produce can't run on the students' own For instance, I hear that WriteNow's
intentionally disabled programs that could computers? It is a huge step backward if performance on the Next machine is not
be activated by getting (for a price) the Next is proposing a series of computing significantly better than it is on the Mac.
code that unleashes the program. Devel­ centers on campuses where students will Keep in mind that most compute r users
opers are not wild about that idea, eithe r. have to wait in line to use the machines. stick to simple applications like word­
Eventually.Jobs mumbled something about We've all foug ht long and hard for the "one processing, spreadsheets, page layout, and
site licensing on campus. Software distri­ person, one machine" concept. Why give it databases. When Jobs demonstrated the
bution is an issue that Next must work out up for multipixel graphics and Shakespeare­ Next machine, he didn't use any of those
more carefully. online? (I have heard that books are a low­ programs-he had some wirehead pro­
The second big problem is the ma­ cost and user-friendly medium, ideal for fessor from Reed College come onstage
chine's price. It is very low for a powerfu l students.) I don't thinkJobs wants us to and use the Next machine to visually plot
workstat ion, but high for a personal com­ give up the personal computing ideal­ the mathe matically challenging problem of
puter. Most college students can get Mac he'd prefer a price closer to the $3000 he strange attractors. A certain percentage of
SE-ImageWriter combinations at a third of originally shot for, but he can't do it now. computer users on campuses wi ll fi nd this
the cost of the Next line.Jobs points out useful, but I suspect that, like myself, most
that since Next technology is brand-new, Strange-Attractor Processing folks have relatively little need to plot
the component prices are at their peak and Finally, I think that as people get ac­ strange attractors during the course of a
will eventually come down considerably. customed to what the Next machine can day. Nor are we constantly performing the
(This statement, though, is at odds with his and can't do,Jobs will have to cope with an other kinds of simulations that the Next
boasting about the allegedly huge price increasingly vocal "so-what" factor. While machine seems to specialize in, stuff like
breaks he has gotten from suppliers.) In the Next technology is truly amazing, until rotating pictures of complex molecules.
any case, the price had better come down, we see conceptual breakthroughs in soft­ Right now,Jobs's answer to the prac­
because right now the Next machi ne is too ware applications, the machi ne really won't ticality question is that the Next machine is
costly for students. do more for most people than a plain old directed at a special audience-those in­
Jobs concedes this, but says that his SE wil I. The Macintosh popularized a revo­ volved in higher education, who do have
initial market will be the universities them­ lutionary form of computing clearly visible reasons to rotate molecules and explore
selves, and some facu lty. But what good is it in every application. The Next machine other esoteric pursuits. Bue this disclaimer
to put easy-to-program Next boxes in the provides a clear advantage only to those
hands of professors if the courseware they who are attempting the kinds of tasks that
a Macintosh can't easily perform.

If E-Machines This is the

told you the T16™ value you've
color Macintosh been demanding. Actual
monitor set the size 72 dpi, with a palette of 16. 7 mil­
standard to which all odi asprre, you'd proba­ lion brilliant colors on a Sony Trinitron modi­
bly think we were tooting our own horn. fied to E-Machines' exacting specs.
But what would you think if we told you You can put a little color in the cheeks of
MacUser Labs made the T16 the standard your company president next time you produce
bearer? It's true. Of the 25 color monitors they the newsletter. Or use color to distinguish mul­
tested, MacUser Labs scaled their ratings of all tiple layers and objects in CAD drawings. Or
the monitors against the best monitor-the T16. create charts to transform complex numbers
into easily understood color graphs.
Nearly two Apples for the price of one. Whatever you
With a Tl6, you'll have almost do on your Macin­
twice the working space of Apple's 13" tosh, you'll do it
monitor. Yet your color display won't more productively
cost any more than your Macintosh II. withaT16.
seems coy. After all, ac the introduccion Macincosh. At one point in che Mac's life funding of which would be relevant to
Jobs proudly showed slides illustracing the cycle ic appeared thac innovacion would Nexc , which hopes to ell computers in
exc machine ascending co operacing sys­ not be enough, and the machine needed droves to colleges-I asked jobs which
cem supremacy in the entire compucer some oucside booscs to become successful. candidace would better help his company if
world around 1992-thus accepcing the ba­ lf similar, unforeseen booscs aid the Nexc elected. He didn't have tl1e slightest idea.
con from che Mac operating syscem, which, machine, ceveJobs will have done ic again , Once again ,Jobs had zipped himself
jobs opined, would peak in 1989 and then and those magazine cover scories will and his ceam into a cocoon where develop­
begin ics decline. (He says he already has seem prescient ing ground-break ing technology was the
noced "cracks in che Mac operacing sys­ obsessive funct ion. Though that degree of
cem," presumably cracks chac will widen co Election, What Election? solipsism can be dangerous, it can also
chasms by che cime che Nexc machine is A final anecdote about che well-docu­ break a team from the bounds of conven­
ready for mass production.) mented Mr.Jobs. Ac the end of our conver­ tional thinking. Great things can emerge.
Is chis adm iccedly self-serving pre­ sation thac day, someone mentioned thac This is what has happened with che Next
diccion credible? If and on ly if sofcware Sceve's ducies ac this day-after-the-intro ses­ machine, and it has already had a be neficial
developers-big companies, noc jusc the sion were aki n co a spin doctor 's. This cerm effect on the industry. I can now go back to
elbow-pacch crowd Jobs is currently -referring t.o someone who puts the most my Macintosh knowing that future versions
wooi ng-come up wich as-yec-undreamed­ positive face on events-had become well of the Mac will be better than they would
of ways co exploit the cerrific powers of the known during the presidential election have been otherwise-because Apple has
Next machine. The big danger for Jobs is campaign, then nearing a climax. Butjobs to respond to the Next machine.
that his compecicors, notably Apple, mighc was totally unfamiliar with the term. It No one is happier with the way things
well incorporace many of his innovacions seems that his dedication to bringing his unfolded than Steve Jobs, who ended ou r
into ics future offerings and win the cus­ computer to market had been so complete meeting with many questions yet un­
comers that ext is aiming for. In that case, that he totally missed the gist of the Du­ answered. But we do have answers to at
the Nexc machine will have benefited all of kakis-Bush battle. Knowing that both can­ least two big questions.
us by raising the technological ance-while didates had made certain promises con­ Is the Next machine great? Looks that
fai ling in the markecplace. cerning higher education- the federal way. What should Mac owners do? Un less
The rosy scenario, though, is that the you're into the scientific simulations and
calentedjobs will once again have the ben­ such, go back to your MultiFinders. And
efit of luck on his side-as he did with the check out Next in 1992 or so. o

50 72 hertz We'd like

'AS Wifu othei E-Machines models. !he H9 ~ to color your
imoge is velY sharp ood hos excSIMt cdor qidly _J eliminates
. I ... ...r.itV is comporolie to !hi T16, 11111 flflflflicker. thinking.
gray putilV. moge lfNll II.A H9 ls~ 'MW ltl
.ful lhlse woo wont olorger saeen, 11 111 . • !hi Try star­ Of course
go. EdM<Khines hos ooce again prodlKed owmnei 1fl
cllloi iOOllitof market. ginto a 19­ we would-but
inch monitor you should de­
with a 60 hertz refresh rate for an 8-hour day. cide for yourself ~-
You'll be watching a constantly throb­ if the T16 and
bing screen, and your eyes will feel like they Tl9 are as good
put in a 24-hour day. Not exactly conclusive to as MacUser thinks. Go see one and conduct
getting things done. The T19 has the fastest your own review. For details, write E-Machines
available refresh rate of 72 Hz. Now that's at 9305 SW Gemini Drive, Beaverton, OR
refreshing. 97005 or call us direct for your nearest dealer:
Even more refreshing, the T16 and 1-503-646-6699.
T19 are the only color monitors certified to •
comply with ANSI Human Factors Specifica­ -.=.£-MACHINES
tion 100.
- We make room for your ideas.
Circle 101 on reader service card
We've taken the

bite out ofmoving

up to a100 megabyte

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It's never been more DirectDrive 100 encryption utility tl1at follows the
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If you thought you'd have to settle Was $1249, now $1099 Data Encryption tandard.
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For Mac II Worldwide doorstep delivery
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E\ eryjasmine 100 megabyte hard
And yes, we ve included the rev­ on duty Mondaytl1rough Friday from
olutionary BackPac 100 that can turn disk drive comes to) our door loaded
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Whether your Mac is a Plus, SE or II,
Jasmine's 100 MB hard disk drives are
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We'vetaken the bite out of
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1740 Army Street San Francisco, California 94124 415-282-1111 FAX: 415-648-1625
C1988Jasminc Technologies, Inc.DircaDri\\:, lnncrDril.:, Dril'e\l:~re, DEScryptur, Ot'lllOWJre, llackf>.ic are 1radcinark.1 ofJasmine Technologies, Inc. Macimosh Is a n.>gislcred trademark ofApple Computer, Inc.S)mamec" Utilities
for Machuosh is a trademark ofSymamcc Corp. Rcdux is otradcinark of Microsccds.

Circle 457 on reader service card

Tbe seco11d

a mm al Send u• your be•t •tackware by March 1 5 , 1989. We'll award

prl•e• to the mo.t outstanding HyporCard application• and deHrlbe the

HyperC" rd winning SuperStack• In a feature artlclo In the November 1989 l••ue of

Macworld. Judging criteria wlll Include creative and appropriate u•e of
applicatio11 Hype.Card, Interface de•lgn !Including u•e of graphic• and •ound), pro·
_ "'! gram,. Ing elegance, and •ucceH In m-tlng the goal of the program for the
co11test Intended audlonco. Wo re•erve the right to change an entry'• category, ff
appropriate. Judge• may elect not to make an award In each category.
spo11sored by
Apple Computer, COMMERCIAL Stacks dl•trlbuted for a fee.

CUSTOM Stacks cu•tom-mado for a bualneH, govemment agency, or non­

Ba11tam Books,
profit organl•atlon.

a11d Macworld EDUCATIONAL Curriculum. teacher-training. and teacher/administrator

productivity materials, as well a• training or •eH·lnatructlon stacks for the
general publlc.

NONCOMMERCIAL HyperCard application• available through noncomm•r·

clal channels (shareware, freeware), plus •tack• designed for penonal use
and not distributed at all.

How to Enter
lntrlea are due In our office on March 15, 1989 . No more than two 12) •n·
tries per contestant. lach entry mud Include dl•k• (clearly labeled with the
stack name, your name, addr•••, and phone numben); documentation llf
noceuary); a $ 5 entry fee; and a one·poge •ummary headed with the stack
name, conteat category (commercial, noncommerclal, eclucatlonDI, or cua­
tom), and K-count, as well as your name, addrea•, and phone numbeH. In
the •ummary, •tat• the purpo•• and Intended audience of your entry and note If It require• any •pedal hardware
(CD ROM drive, for example). Mention the ll•t price or •ugg••l•d •hareware fee and explain how the •tack la
being dl•trlbuted. You may also mention any •pedal feature• you want to call to the affentlon of the iudg••·
Sorry, disks wlll not be retun1od. lmploy••• of the aponaon are not ellglble to enter.
Winning •tack• from the 1988 SuperStack• contest are not eligible. Make your check or
money ordor payable to PCW Communication•. Send entries to SuporStocks, Macworld,
501 Second St., San FranclHo, CA 94107; Affn.1 Mocworld ldltorlal. Plus, a special award of a
4MB memory up·
grade from Notional

.'•' ll

,, '
• '
bHt HyperCard In·

11.' Ii? "

~ terface de•lgn, be•t Hype.Cord
multimedia application, beat
11 II
• 1 and beat stack available for
Smart, too. The desktop film recorder you've been
waiting for. ProColor. ® From Matrix.
Super-sharp, artist-quality graphics on 35mm
slides or Polaroid instant prints.
Millions of colors. For the most stunning presen­
tations you've ever seen .. . or shown.
Compatibility? Total. I •800·852 ·85 ii
Mac II. IBM PC. In NY: 1-914-365-0190
Popular graphics software. Plus every Matrix fi1m
recorder, thermal printer and presentation system.
And if you've been printing on a laser printer or a plot­
ter, you can output to a ProColor just as easily.
All for about six grand.
How do we do it? Easily. We've been at it a long time.
Ask anyone who uses our recorders. Such as Allstate.
AT&T Lotus Development Corp. And GM. ·
They're pretty smart cookies themselves.
Guess it takes one to know one.

Circle 460 on reader service card
Win a ·Mac II, a ruevision 32-bit color board, or a Tektronix color p rinter!

Macfutosll Mastern II


Art Contest

Categories Prizes
Fine Arts Three grand-prize winners wlll take away a Macintosh
lllusfl'atlon II, a 32·blt NuVlsta color capture and display board, or a
Graphic Design Tektronix color Image printer. Winners In each contest category
Animation/ Video wlll choose one product from a selection of tap programs,
Technical lllusfl'atfon Including Adobe lllusfl'ator, Aldus FreeHand, PageMaker 3.0, lmageStudlo, ReadyS.tGo, YldeoWorks
3·D/lmage Synthesis II, PowerPolnt, SuperPalnt, Dlgltal Darkroom, and PlxelPalnt Professional. In addition, winners' work
Architectural Renderlng/llevatfons wlll be published In a Macworld feature article and In our 1990 graphics calendar. Grand-prise win·
Buslness/ lnfonnatfonal GraphlH ners wlll also receive an expenses-paid trip to Macworld Expo Boston to claim their prises.
Wiid Card'

"Pr'ie<~ iiot don't lit ~~ ony of tr. otiierrntegoiies. Try us.

Entries must be received no later than March 10, 1989, and must
be accompanied by an entry form. Please send hard and disk copies of each
piece (disks may be omlHed when pieces run ._..-''-"'"""LC::oc_ _,, to more than BOOK). Sllde1 are
acceptable hard copy for color graphics and for mixed-media or sculptural pieces. For ludglng purposes,
.!. - --- -- - -~ however, orlglnal1 are preferable; these will be returned If you
Include retum postage and packaging. Animated entries may be
lntry Form
on disk or half-Inch videotape, as appropriate. Since work wlll
Send one entry form with each 1ubml11lon to Macintosh Masters, be Iudged on technical Inno­
Macworld, 501 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107. vation as well aa aeathetlc
value, -•h piece should be
accompanied by a detalled de·
scrlptlon of how It was pro•
duced. Please submit no more
than four works (Include an
entryfonnfor-ch). Macworld
Title of work--- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ­
reserves the right to repro­
Contest category _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ~

duce winning entries.

Submission fonnat(1)•

_ On disk __Hard copy __Slide __VHS video __Beta video

Required to view disk copy•

Software _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Hardwar• ~-----------------------

All submissions must b e rece ived 'by March 10, 1989 [art credits}
M Hodges lve11ell. Cooc ep~uclisi lbrrxill!el.
Bion LPini ldogl. llov;j C. Dickiison lmoun•oinl.
Gooier DunzeWolff lcom~af

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I

MACIK).\ll ND Letrasef MictOsoft· lektronix I

Sii. i C O N Bf. .\ C l t
·. "lir ........,.,, 11,
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.. .. .

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~=:: ;:. : . ,' .. :
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... >--.
'" • .
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~............ ··.

;I?Iace data ent]y fields on your form

where ifilormation is filled in. FaSt Forms

ana .
1i..,; -~·· -·­...
Networking Software &Hardware MacKids Educational Programs
CE Software Quick Mail
Farrallon PhoneNET AppleTalk
PhoneNET Din 8 or DB9
Shiva NetModem V1200
NetModem V2400
SuperMac Software Acknowledge
by Nordic Software
Timbuktu 65. Multi-User SuperlaserSpool 199. MacKids is a complete series of
TrafficWatch 149. Symantec tnBox-MacConnection 75.
lnlosphere lnBox-Starter Kil V2.0
twelve quality educational software
MacServe (Network Sotrware) 155. (3 Personal Connections) 199. products for the Mac specifically
LaCie Silverserver 92. TOPS designed to teach and entertain
Microsoft Tops 2.0, Tops Dos or Net Print 119.
Microsoft Mail 1-4 users 195. Tops Repeater or Flashbox 129.
kids. Whether your children are
Olduvai Software Clip Share 109. Tops Flashcard 169. preschoolers or young adults,

Font Sharer 149. Tops Teleconnector Dins or DB9 39.

there's a MacKids package that
will give them the learning edge.
Desk Accessory Programs Preschool Disk I (3-7), Preschool
Affinity Microsystems Tempo II 89. Imagine Software Disk 2 (3-7), CoinWorks (4-12),
AffiniFile 46. Smart Alarms & Appointment Diary 35.
Beyond Inc. Menu Fonts 2 30. Mainstay
ClockWorks (4-10), Early Elemen­
Borland SideKick V2.0 65. Think'n Time 61. tary I (6-9), Lemonade Stand
Cassady & Greene, Inc. Olduvai Software (6-16), FlashWorks (6-adult), Naval
HyperDialer 26. DA Switcher 25.
OuickDex 1.4A 32. Solutions, International Battle (6-adult), Word Search
CE Software DiskTop 3.0 27. Super Glue 52. (6-adult), Alphabetizer (7-adult), EarthWorks (IO-adult), or
Deneba Software SmarlScrap & The Clipper V2.0 46. BodyWorks (IO-adult).
Comment 2.0 54. Symmetry

Electronic Arts Disk Tools Plus 31. HyperDA (Req. 512K} 38. Each Program _. _.. _. _. . ... ____ ___ _. _. . .. . .. .. __ . _. _. _. __. . . . __ .. _.28.

Exodus Software Retriever 59. TENpoinlO Openlt' 59.

MAC-101 Keyboard by DataDesk Spelling & Grammar Checkers

Aegis Development Bectronic Arts Thunderl 123 30.
Doug Clapp's Word Tools 2nd Edition 42. Lundeen & Associates WorksPtus Spell 1.1 46.
If you are looking to re­ A.LP. Syslems MacProof 3.0 115. Mlcrotytics, Inc.
place your Mac's key­ Deneba Software Spelling Coach 3.0 Word Finder (Synonym Finder) 33.
board , the MAC-101 by (Webster's!Medicalllegal/Hyphenation) 54. Sensible Software Sensible Grammar 54.
Coach Merriam Webster's Thesaurus 2.0 35. Working Software Spellswell 2.0 45.
DataDesk is the way to Spelling Coach 3.0 Professional 105. Lookup (Makes Spelling Suggestions} 30.
go. It comes in an ADB
version for the Mac SE
and ll, and a non-ADB
Accounting Packages
version for the Mac 512 Aatrix Software Aalrix TimeMinder 109. Insight Expert GL, AR, or AP 455.
Aalrix Payroll Plus 159. MECA Managing Your Money 128.
and MacPlus. The posi­ Bedlord Software Simply Accounting 219. Monogram Business Sense 279.

tive tactile, firm feel IOI Chang Labs Dollars &$ense 4.0 81­
includes a full numeric New Enhanced Version Ill Modules! Nor1h Edge Software Timeslips Ill 117.

Rags to Riches Gen. 3-Pak Peachtree Back To Basics Professional

keypad, 15 function keys, (GLIARIAP) 289. (GLIARIAPllNV) 159.
6 page control keys, and Rags lo Riches GL, AR. or AP 120. Sottview Taxview Planner 65.
Dae Software Dae- Easy Light 45_ California or New York Supplements
a T-style cursor pad. Intuit Quicken Special33. MacinTax Federal
Keyboard status indicator lights let you know when everything is go­ Layered Insight One Write 185. Survivor Software MacMoney 3.0 (En. Ver.) 62.
ing smoothly. Includes IOI-Keys desk accessory software, a powerful
macro utility which allows you to exploit the full power of the func­
tion keys with almost any Macintosh appli~ation. Macinware SE Ext. Carrying Case
MAC-IOI Keyboard (Specify ADB or non-ADB) .. .. ___ ... __.. __ 145.
by I/O Design
Communications Software The Macinware SE Ext. Carry­
ing Case protects your Mac SE,
Compuserve lnslgna SoflPC 479_ Plus, or 512K and its extended
Compuserve Starter Kit 24. Software Ventures
Grolier On Line Encyclopedia 32. Microphone II (Includes Glue)
keyboard in safety and style. It's
Compuserve Navigator 45. Solutions, International made of rugged IOOO Denier
DataViz MacLink Plus wi!h Cable 145. BackFax 129. Dupont Cordura nylon, and
Dow Jones Synergy Software
Desktop Express 95. VersaTerm 69.
surrounds your machine with a
Freesoft Red Ryder V10.3 54. VersaTerm-Pro 195. fu ll half-inch of high-density
Hayes Smartcom II 3.0 88. Traveling Software LAP-LINK 84. foam padding. There's room for
an external hard drive, a mouse,
Word Processors & Desktop Publishing cords, and disks, so your com­
Access Technology Mind Write 2.0 95. Microsoft Microsoft Word 4.0 255.
plete system travels with you in
Mind Write Express 149. Postcraft International, Inc. one compact unit. ALI stress
Allan Bonadio Associates Laser Fx Font Packs 1-6 ea. 29. points are cross-box stitched for
Expressionist 2.0 79. Laser Fx 114.
Aldus Corporation Quark, Inc. QuarkXPress V2.0 499.
added safety. A convenient
PageMaker 3.0 399. Silicon Beach Software shoulder strap is included , and you can choose platinum grey or navy
Ashton Tale Silicon Press
FullWrile Professional
41 . blue colors.
269. Symantec More II Call
Broderbund DTP Advisor 47. Symmetry Acta V2.0 46. SE Carrying Case . __ . .. . __ . _. _._. ____. __ ... _. .. . __ _. _. _. .. ___ . ___ 75.
Caere Omnipage 569. Acta Advantage 69.
Claris MacWrite 5.0 105. T/Maker Company
Letraset WrileNow V2.0 109.
Ready, Set, Go! 4.5 279. Word Perteet Corporation
Letra Studio
LetraFonts (Various Vol. 1-45 ea)
Word Perteet
Working Sohware Quickletter
185. Visit us in the Electronic Mall'" on Compuserve -GO PP
Specials good through
Game Software
March 31, 1989.

Access World Class Leader Board Golf 34. Mlcrosott Flight Simulalor 1.02 32.

Accolade Hard Ball or Mean 18 23. Micro Sports MSFL Pro Draft 26.

4th & Inches 24. MSFL Pro League Football

Activision Shanghai or Jinxter 24. or 500 Great Teams 32.

Corruption 27. Miles Computing Inc. Down Hill Racer 24.

Universal Military Simulator or Manhole 30. Harrier Strike Mission II

Might and Magic 36. or The Fool's Errand 27.

Sky Travel 45. Mlndscape Balance of Power 1990,

Artworx Bridge 5.0 22. Crossword Magic or Citadel 30.

Avalon Hill Mac Pro Football 28. Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True 30.

Broderbund Ancient Art of War or At Sea 27. King Of Chicago. Shadowgale or

ShufflePuck Cale or Ultima Ill 24. Joker Poker 30.

Poster Maker Plus 36. Defender of the Crown, Colony

Bullseye Software or The Uninvited 30.

P51 Mustang or Ferrari Grand Prix 32. Practical Computer Appications

Cassady &Greene, Inc. Crystal Quest 26. MacGoll or Lunar Rescue 35.

Crystal Quest w/Critter Editor 42. MacCourses 32.

~ @.JJ.l(w)

Centron Crapsmaster, Road Racer 41 .

Roulettemasler or BlackJack Ace

Discovery Software Arknoid
Mac Golf Classics
Primera Smash Hit Racquetball II
21 . . .
Now Shippmg ~
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Electronic Arts ChessMaster 2000 28. Sierra On-Line Leisure Suit Larry 23.
Chuck Yeager Flight Simulator
or Life & Death 32.
Space Quest or Space Quest II
Police Quest
Standard Air by .....
Starfleet I 37. Silicon Beach Software
Scrabble 26. Dark Castle or Apache Strike 27.
One-On-One, Pinball Construction Sel Beyond Dark Castle 27.
Seven Cities of Gold, SkyFox, or Sir·Tech Mac Wizardry 35. Customer Service (203) 378-3662 • FAX (203) 381-9043
Patton vs Rommel 15. SoftStream, Inc. Colour Billiards 35.
EPYX Sub Battle Simulator (Mac or Mac//) 29. Mac Man or Solitaire DA 24. Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P. M.
Hayden Software Sargon IV 29. Sphere, Inc. Tetris 20. Saturdays 10 A.M . to 6 P. M. (Eastern Time)
Infinity Software, LTD. GATO, Orbiter or Pt-109 26.
Go or GrandSlam Tennis 27. Solitaire Royale (Mac or Mac//) 20. OUR POLICIES
fnfocom Leather Goddesses of Phobos Falcon 2.0 32.
or Hilchhiker's Guide 15. Studio Zero Orbital Mech 29. • We accept MASTERCARD and VISA with no added surcharge.
Beyond Zork. Zork Trilogy or QualerStaff 30. XOR Software NFL Challenge 59. • Your credit card is not charged until we ship.
Zork Zero 36. Pro Challenge or Basketball Challenge 29. • If we must ship a partial order the shipment that completes the order is sent
freight free.
• If you arc ordering by mail, we accept private and company checks. With
SuperSpool, SuperLaserSpool, DiskFit MASTERCARD and VISA orders include card number and expiration date.
Connecticut residents add 7.5% sales tax.
& Sentinel by SuperMac Software • Locations more than I day away shipped via Federal Express Standard Air
Sooner or later you'll find that • Federal Express Priority I service also available.
you have to spool-up, back-up or • Sorry, we cannot accept COD orde rs.
lock-up your data and it's a safe SHIPPING
bet that SuperMac has just the • Continental United States: Add $3.00 per order to cover Federal Express Standard
programs you'll be looking for. Air service. APO/ FPO orders shipped 1st Class Mail (add 3% S5.00 Min charge).
SuperSpool and Superlaser­ Alaska, Hawaii and Outside Continental US: call or write for information.
Spool return control of your Mac RETURNS
to YOU while your printer is busy • Defective software will be replaced immediately by the same item. Defective hard­
printing. Disk.Fit is a utility that ware will be replaced or repaired at our own discretion. Call customer service at
(203) 378-3662 to obtain a Return Authorization Number before returning goods
let's you quickly backup your hard for replacement. Products purchased in error subject to a 20% restocking fee.
disk to floppies keeping your data
protected from electronic tribula­ All items subject lo availability. Prices subject to change without notice.
tions. And, Sentinel allows you to Mail-in orders (especially from foreign countries), please furnish telephone
lock up your private documents
by encrypting the data, keeping it safe from prying eyes!

SuperSpool 5.0 ... . .. . ..... .. .... .. ........ .... . .. . . . . ..... ... ... 54.

SuperLaserSpool 2.0 . . . .. . . ... . ....... .. ... ..... . ... .. . . ......... 82.

Diskfit 1.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.

Sentinel 2.0 . . . ............. . ........ .... .... .. ..... ....... .. . . . . 155.

Abaton lnterFax 12/48 329. Practical Peripherals
Anchor Automation Practical Modem Mini 1200SA 79.
MacPac 2400E wi sottware & cable 179. Practical Modem 1200SA 109.
Epic Practical Modem 2400SA 181.
Epic 2400 Int SE 315. MacCommpack
Epic 2400 Int Mac II 315. (2 400SA w!Mictophone II & Cable) 229.
Epic 2400 Mini Ext Prometheus
(Hayes Compatible) 179. Promodem 2400M Ext
Everex Emac 2400 Baud 225. (Soffware & Cable) 199.
Hayes Mlcrocomputing Promodem 2400
Smartmodem 1200 299. (Hayes Compatible) 255.
Smartmodem 2400 449. Supra Corporation Supra Modem 2400 149.
MDldeas Commlink 2400
Mi gent
Migent Pocket Modem
(ext. 30011200 Baud)

U.S. Robotics
Courier 1200 (Hayes Compatible)
Courier 2400 (Hayes Compatible)
Courier 2400E (Hayes Compatible)
75 Research Drive,
Stratford, CT 06497
Novation Novation Parrot 1200 109. Courier HST 9600 (Hayes Compatible) 689. Circle 44 on reader service card
Utility Software Quicken by Intuit
ALSoft Disk Express 35. Olduvai Software
Font/DA Juggler Plus 42. Icon-I~ or MultiClip 39. Quicken is the fastest, easiest way
Berkeley System Design Read-ltl TS (For Thunderscan) 79. to cut through personal and small
Stepping Out II Spec/al 52. Read-It! O.C.R. 2.0 (For Image Scanners) 199.
CE Software PCPC HFS Back-Up 3.0 54.
business paper work. In minutes
OuicKeys (Macro Program) 53. Softworks you'll get a handle on your finances
Central Point Software Copy II Mac Stack Cleaner 29. without having to bother with any
(Includes MacTools) 20. HyperTools 1 or 2 59.
PC Tools Deluxe Mac 45. SuperMac Software

of the burdensome terminology and

Emerald City Software LaserTalk 187. SuperSpool 5.0 Special 54. repetitive entry that most account­

Fifth Generation Systems Suilcase II 44. SuperlaserSpool 2.0 Spec/al 82. ing packages require. Quicken is

FastBack For The Macintosh 54. Disklil 1.4 Specla/ 54.

Power Station 32. Sentinel 2.0 Speclal 155.

flexible; it lets you enter an unlim­
HJC Virex 69. Symantec MacSQZ! 49. ited number of transactions, expense

lcom Simulations On Cue 36. Symantec Utilities for Mac (S.U.M.) 59.
and income categories, and check­
TMON 89. Williams & Macias
lnlosphere Liaison 179. myDiskLabeler w/Color 31.
ing accounts. Quicken lets you write
Microlytics, Inc. GOfer 44. myDiskLabeler wI LaserWriter Option 34. checks, make and track budgets,

Microseeds Redux 65. Working Software

manage cash flow, and even recon­
ScreenGems 49. Findswell 2.0 (Document Finder) 36.
cile unbalanced accounts. Now
Printers & Digitizers Quicken links directly with MacinTax to save you even more time at
tax time!
Digital V"tSion Selkosha
Computer Eyes-Mac 209. SP1000 (fmagewriter Comp.) 235.
Quicken ..... . ..... .. .. .. . . . . ...... .. ... . ......................... 33.

Koala Technologies Corp. Summagraphics Bit Pad Plus 329.

MacVision 2.0 (Digffizer) 219. ThunderWare

Kurta IS ADB Tablet

Cordless 4 Button Cursor
ThunderScan V4.0 with Power Port
Mac II Power Accessory

DataBase Management
Acius 4th Dimension 489. Claris FileMaker II 239.
4D Runtime 239. Fox Software Fox Base Plus 208.
Stepping Out II by Activision Reports lor Hypercard
Focal Point & Business Class Bundle
Microsoft Microsott File 2.0
Nordic HyperCONTROL
Cily To City
Berkeley System Design, Inc. Apple Computer HyperCard
Ashton Tate dBASE Mac 1.0
Odesta Double Helix II
DataDesk Professional
Blythe Sottware Omnis 3 Plus/Express 129. Software Discoveries RecordHolderPlus 45.
Stepping Out II is a program de­ Borland Reflex Plus 165. TENpointO Focal Point II 125.
signed to expand the capabilities of

any standard Macintosh display to

give it the same feel and features as

Educational/Creative Software
a full page display. Now you can Ars Nova Practica Musica 79. Electronic Arts Mavis Beacon Typing 36.
Barron's Barron's SAT 35. Venture's Business Simulator 47.
choose the screen size which is most Bible Research The Word (KJV or NIV) 165. Deluxe Music Construction Set V2.5 85.
comfortable for you. Working with Bogas Productions Studio Session 49. 1st Byle/Electronlc Arts Kid Talk, Speller
large spreadsheets and full page String Quartet Counlry or Heavy Metal 15. Bee, First Shapes, or Math Talk 32.
Super Studio Session 79. Great Wave Software KidsTime 26.
layouts becomes easy since you are Bright Star Technology Alphabet Blocks 32. Number Maze 27.
no longer limited by small windows Talking Tiles 69. Crystal Paint 27.
and slow scrolling. For detail work Broderbund Clip Sounds 36. Individual Typing Instructor Encore 26.
Jam Session or Black &While Movies 30. Learning Company Reader Rabbit 33.
on small areas you can enlarge any Sensei Geometry, Calculus or Physics 59. Mlndscape Perfect Score SAT
portion of the big screen up to six­ Type! 20. w/ The Perfect College 46.
teen times. Handy features and ease Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego? 27. Niles & Associates End Note 82.
Coda Mac Drums 32. Nordic
of use makes Stepping Out 11 the ultimate viewing tool for any Mac. Perceive 65. MacKids Educational Prog. (ea) Special 28.
Davidson & Associates Simon & Schuster Typing Tutor IV 35.
Stepping Out II ... ..... ........ .. . . .. . .. ....... . . . . .... . .. ...... . 52.
Speed Reader II 39. Springboard Top Honors 59.
Malh Blasler or Word Attack! 27. Family Matters or Atlas Explorer 28.
Disk Drives/Hard Disks/Upgrades
Applied Engineering MacRAMS
(1 MB SIMMS Mac+, SE, II) 489.
MacSnap 548S (512Eto 2MB w/ SCSI) 599. Studio/8 by Electronic Arts
MacSnap Plus 2 (MacPlus lo
AST Research 2MB Non Expandable) 439. Professional artists and amateurs
Mac286 Co-Processor (Mac II) Call MacSnap 2SE or 1024 Option
CMS (1 MB or Mac/I Memory Exp.) 439.

alike will enjoy the power that

Compact Series SC30 (Mac+ISElll) 649. SCSI Interface/ Port 109. Studio/8 reveals in the Mac II.

Compact Series SC45 (Mac+/SE/II) 859. MacSnap Toolkit (lorx driver, Studio/8 is the first full-color, full­
SD Series MacStackSD20 (Mac+ISE/11) 569. opener & grounding set) 15.
SD Series MacStackSD60 (Mac+ISElll) 849. Everex feature user friendly paint program
Cutting Edge Emac 20D (20Mg Hard Disk) 520. designed specifically for artists. It
Cutting Edge 800k Drive Special 175. Emac 20 Deluxe 585. feature versatile airbrush, paint­
Cutting Edge Wedge XL 30 Per.;onal Computer Peripherals
Plus SCSI Hard Drive 629. Beige or Platinum Color. Optional bru h, icon-based drawing tools
Cutting Edge Wedge XL 45 Built-In Modems Available. and color routines that you can
Plus SCSI Hard Drive 829. MacBcttom HD-21 customize. You'll be rid of hassles
Cutting Edge XL 30 lnlernal Hard Drive 505. (2()+MB SCSI Hard Disk) 659.
Cutting Edge XL 45 lnlernal Hard Drive 645. MacBcttom HD-32 (32MB SCSI HD) 699. with custom typesetting because
Dove Computer Corporation MacBcttom HD -45 (45MB SCSI HD) 859. Studio/8 supports full text-editing
Maralhon 020 Accelerator MacBcttom HD-70 (70MB
MSE 1 (16 Mhz) 585. SCSI Hard Disk) Plat only 999.
features in the same text box and
MSE 2 (16 Mhz w/1MB) 979. Rodime Rodime 20 Plus Ext 629. allows you to dynamically resize
MSE 3(16 Mhz w/ Math Co-processor) 779. Rodime 45 Plus (Ext. 45MB SCSI) 939. and redefine blocks of type, plus shear, rotate, and skew text. Studio/8
MSE4 (16 Mhz wi t MB & Math Chip) 1159. Rodime 450RX (Int. 45MB Mac SE/II) 829.
MacSnap 524 (512K lo 7MB) 315. Rodime 100 Plus (Ext. 100MB SCSIJ 1169. comes bundled with on-line help, a slide show program with built-in
MacSnap 524E (512E to IMB) 289. Rodime 140 Plus (Ext. 740MB SCSI) 1319. production features, a free font disk, and a library of backgrounds
MacSnap 524S (512E to /MB wt SCSI) 379. Rodime 1000 RX (Int. 100MB Mac/I) 1045. and textures.
MacSnap 548 (572K to 2MB) 459. Video Technology
MacSnap 548E (512E to 2MB) 54g. Laser 800k External Drive 185. St udio/8 . . .. ... ... ...... . ...... .. .. . ... .... . . .... .... . ............ 319.

Business Software Accessories

Abacus Concepts Mainstay Abaton ProPoinl (ADB Mouse Apple Security Kit 34.
StatView II Capture 42. for Mac SE & Mac II) 89. Antiglare Polarizing Filler 33.
(Mac+, SE, II w/ 68020& 68881) 349. Mac Flow 2.0 or Mac Schedule 115. Asher Engineering MOdem/ Fax Protector 10 15.
StatView SEt Graphics 229. Meta Sottware MetaDesign 199. Turbo Trackball (Mac & Mac+ or MOdem/Fax Protector 20 25.
Access Technology Trapeze 2.1 159. Micro Planning Sottware Mac SE & Mac If) 69. Power Tree Surge Suppressors
Ashton Tate Full Impact 249. Micro Planner 6.0 325. CH Products Mirage: Quad or ADB 110. 20, or 50) Call
Bo~and Eureka! The Sol·1er 129. Microsoft Microsoft Works 2.0 189. (Turns Joystick Info Mouse) 39. Printer Mulller Stand (80 & 132) 24.
BrainPower ArchiText 182. Microsolt Excel 1.5 255. Mach IV Plus: Quad or ADB 65. Printer Muffler 80 43.
StatView 512 Plus 175. Satori Sottware Curtis Manulacturing System Saver Mac (Beige or Platinum) 64.

Math View Professional 144. Bulk Mailer 3.2 79. Emerald-Surge Suppressor-SP·2 36. Super Base 34.

DataScan 118. Bulk Mailer Plus 195. Ruby-Surge Suppressor·SPF·2 55. System Saver SE 55.

Bravo Technologies MacCalc 79. Components GL 389. Cutting Edge Cutting Edge MCK·1050K Masterpiece Mac II 105.

Chang laboratories Select Micro Systems, Inc. Keyboard w/Ouickeys 149. New Turbo Mouse (Reg. or ADBI 119.

CAT. Contacts•Activities•Time 229. Exstatix or MapMaker 219. DataDesk Moblus

Claris MacProject II 395. Shana Corporation MAC· 101 Keyboard/Beige Fanny Mac OT (Beige or Plalinum) 60.

Cognition Technology MacSMARTS 135. Fast Forms 89. (128k / 512k & MacPlus) Special 145. Mouse Systems

02 Sottware MacSpin 2.0 189. Sottworks Client 129. MAC· 101ADBKeyboard/ Platinum A• Mouse (MacPlus) 65.

Individual 101 Macros For Excel 37. Synex Mac Envelope 4.0 59. (Mac SE & Mac II) Special 145. At ADB Mouse (Mac SE/ Mac II) 85.

Leglsott WillMaker 3.0 34. Mac Invoice 32. Ergolron Mousecleaner 360' 15. Mouslrak MousePad 7" x9" Size 8.

Lundeen & Associates Systat Systat 3.2 MacTill (Mac. SE or ff) 68. MousePad 9"x11" Size 9.

WorksPlus Commands 59. (Specif't MacPlus. SE or Mac ff) 459. Farallon Orange Micro Grappler Spooler 39.

MacRecorder Sound System Grappler C/Mac/GS 79.

(Mac SE or Mac ff) 139. Grappler LIO or Grappler L/S 92.
Cutting Edge 800K External Drive Impulse Audio Digitizer wtsoundware
110 Design Mac Luggage in Navy
145. Ribbons
Available in Black, Blue, Brown, Green,
Orange, Purple, Red. Yellow, Silver & Gold
Macinware Plus Carrying Case 64.
by Cutting Edge Macinware SE Carrying Case
lmageware II Carrying Case
Special 75.
lmageWriter Ribbon
lmageWriler Black 6-pack
HDware 54. lmageWriter Rainbow Pack 16Colors) 20.
The Cutting Edge BOOK External Kalmar Designs lmageWriter II-Four Color Ribbon 9.
Disk Drive is the solution for Mac Teakwood Roll· Top Disk Cases: lmageWriter LO Black 17.
owners who are tired of swapping Micro Cabinet (holds 45 disks) 14. lmageWriter LO Four Color 20.
Double Micro Cabinet (holds 90 disks) 21 . Seikosha Ribbon Black 6.
disks when using large programs Triple Micro Cabinet (holds 135 disks) 31 . Silicon Comlorts MacChimney
or files. This external drive does Kensington External Disk Drive Cover 8. (Very Ellective Cardboard
everything that Apple's does, at a Extra Long ADB Keyboard Cable 25. Lamina/a Convection Cooling Device) 16.
Macintosh II Stand 20. Smith & Bellows
much more reasonable price. It's Macintosh II Monitor Extension Cable 33. Mahogany Disk Case (holds 96) 30.
fully compatible with the Mac Mouse Pocket (Reg. or ADB) 8. Sopris Softworks
Mouseway (Mousepad) 8. High Trek Carry Cases • Platinum Gray, Navy
512KE, MacPlus, SE, and II. Use lmageWriler or lmageWriter II Cover 9. lmagewriter II Case 49.
of the drive is exactly the same as Macintosh Plus/SE Dust Cover 9. Macintosh Plus, SE w/Standard Kybd 59.
for the internal drive you already Macintosh SE w/extended Kybd Cover 9. Macintosh SE & Extended Kybd Case 69.
Mouse Cleaning Kit wl Pocket 17. Targus lmagewriter II Carry Case Blk. 49.
own, so there are no new keyboard Disk Drive Cleaning Kil 20. Macintosh Plus Carry Case Blk. 59.
commands or other tricks to learn. Increase your computing efficiency Till/Swivel 22. Deluxe MacPlus·XKB Blk. 69.
economically with the Cutting Edge BOOK External Disk Drive today!
Cutting Edge SOOK External Disk Drive .. . . . . . ...... ... ........ 175.
Blank Media
Single Sided 31':" Diskettes Sony 3\'i" DSI DD Disks (box of 10) 19.
Bulk (Sony) 3\'i" SS/DD Disks (tO) 12. Fuji 31':" DS/DD Disks (box of 10) 19.
Graphics Software Sony 31'1" SS/ DO Disks (box ol 10) 13. Maxell 31':" OS/DD Disks (box of 10)
Verbatim 31':" OS/DD Disks (box of 10)
Double Sided 31':" Diskettes
JG Graphics Images Wilh lmpac~ 59. laserware Laserpaint Color II 359. Bulk (Sony) 31'1" OS/ DD (10) 17. 3M 31':" OS/OD Disks (box of 10) 20.
Images With Impact Business 1 75. Letrasel Centech 31':" DS/ DD Color Disks (10) 19.
ABA Software Draw It Again Sam 2.0 79. lmageStudio 1.5 or StandOul 279.
Graphist Paint II 289. Macromind Videoworks II 175.
Adobe Systems Adobe Illustrator 88 319. Videoworks II Accelerator
Videoworks II Driver for Hypercard
11 8.

Adobe Fonts (Various volumes) Call
Aldus Freehand
349. Micro Illusions Borland Turbo Pascal 65. Microsott Microsoft Quick Basic 65.
Allsys Corp. FONTastic Plus 2.0 54. PhOton Paint 179. Turbo Pascal Tutor 46. Smethers & Barnes Prototyper 72.
Fontographer 2.2 239. Micro CAO/CAM MGMStation 685. Consulair Mac 68000 Dev. System 59. Symantec Lightspeed C 95.
Ashton Tale Full Paint 69. Micro: Maps Mainstay V.l.P. 2.5 Lightspeed Pascal 65.
Broderbund Print Shop or Clip Charts 36. MacAtlas Paint 2.0 (MacPaint Format) 45. (Visual lnteraclive Programming) 109. T.M.L
Drawing Tables 79. MacAtlas Hyper Atlas 64. Manx Aztec C 65. TML Pascal II (Includes MPW) 79.
CE Software Calendar Maker 3.1 27. MacAtlas Professional Aztec MPW C 99. TML Source Code Library II 42.
Claris MacPaint II 105. (PICT/ MacDraw Version) 129. Axtec C t SDB 99. ZedcoreZBasic 5.0 105.
MacDraw II 309. Mlcrosott Microsoft PowerPoinl 2.0 255.
Cricket Software Crickel Draw 169. Olduvai Software
Cncket Paint or Pictograph 99. Post·ART II (4-Disk SeQ 59.
Cricket Graph 119. ArtFonts 1. 2 or 3 59.
Cricket Presents 289. Silicon Beach Software

Deneba Soltware Canvas DA 1.0 56. SuperPaint 2.0 109.

Canvas 2.0 (Includes Desk Accessory) 169. Digital Darkroom 157.

Drr•m Maker Super 3D


MacGallery (Hypercard or Paint) 28. Solutions International

Cliptures 97. The Curator (Catalog Your Art) 79.

Duhl-Click Software Springboard Certificate Maker 24.

World Class Fonts: Various Vol. 1·6 (ea) 45. 'v\brks of Art Assortment

WetPaint Vanous Vol. 1·16 (ea) 45. Holiday, or Education 28.

Electronic Arts 'v\brks ot Art Laser Art or Fonts 59.

Sludio 8 (Mac/I} Special 319. Springboard Publisher 109.

Enzan-Hoshigumi USA SuperMac Sottware Pixel Paint 209.

MacCalltgraphy 2.0 105. Symmetry

Japanese Clip Art Call Picture Base & Wet Paint Bundle 95.

Foundation Publishing Comic People

Comic Strip Factory
Generic Sottware Geneuc GADD
Graphsott Mini Cad 4.0
T/Maker Click Art Letters I, Letters II.

Personal Graphics, Effects.

Business Image. or Holidays (each)

Chri stian Images

75 Resea rch Drive,

Stratford, CT 06497
800,/832-3201 ~
Innovative Data Design Dreams 279. Click Art EPS Illustrations 75.

MacDratt 1.2B 149. Zedcor DeskPaint 2.0 69.


"Although this category, unlike "4rh Dimension from ACIUS, Inc.

spreadsheets and word proces­ of Cupertino, California,
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clear leader. and in rich database develop­
41h Dimension, the powerful first ment environment."
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"I can't imagine a data­
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you won't be able to solve • Multi-user
with 4 1h Dimension." • Intuitive interface
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"Users with no experience or
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ing files and fields." 1-800-952-6300 Askfor Dept. A22

"For searches and sorts - database
operations that are performed
interactively - 4D's performance Demo version bundled
curve is probably the best of the on all Jasmine
four programs (Omnis 3 Plus, Hard Disk Drives.
Double Helix Il, dBASE Mac, and
4rh Dimension)."
Davit/ Brmult, Mac\VEEK,jamtary 19, 1988 •

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All otber brand na mes are trad emarks of 1beir 111a 1111­ Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-4444
State of the Mac

Tbe Macintosh II may
be showing signs ofage

by Thom Hogan

This column is about the state of

the art in the Macintosh world . I'll give
you insight into what's happening on the
leading edge of development, both
inside a nd outside Apple.
When I received a preproduction
Macintosh from Apple in late 1983, I
thought the machine was nirvana incar­
nate. I spent the next two clays filling
up a 400K disk by drawing pictures o ne
bit at a time. It didn't matter to me that
drawing pixel by pixel was an ineffi­
cient way to work-until the Mac came
around , I didn't have any way of doing
the same thing, especially if my goal was
to place a picture into something I was
w riting.
Like all early Mac worshippers, I
ignored the slow scrolling, the agoniz­
ingly slow disk 1/0, the long wait for a
crude printed copy of my work, the in­
cessant disk swapping, and so on. But it
didn't take long before speed became
critical to me. And so I continued to use
my IBM AT to do most of the work
around the office.
In 1987 the introduction of the Mac­
intosh II changed all that. Here was a
machine that used all the Mac's graphics­
oriented software a nd peripherals, but it astounded me with its speed, huge heart's content. Once agai n I fell in
amounts of memo1y, large-capacity hard love and experienced a technology­
disks, detailed color displays, a nd more. induced high.
Thom Hogan is tbe president ofMacreations, Suddenly, doing my work on the Mac But now the Mac II may be showing
a Macintosh software develope1~ and tbe seemed a reasonable choice. With a crop signs of old age. What was once the
publisher oftbe Macintosh II Re po1t . His of new software, a Mac II , a LaserWriter, speed demon of Macdom is now outrnn
reference book, Progranm1er's Macintosh MultiFincler, and 8 megabytes of RAM , I by mere accelerator-equ ipped SEs. The
Sourcebook, was recently pub/is/Jed by could load up my workspace, cut and Next computer uses many of the same
Microsoji Press. paste things between applicatio ns, and
create masterpiece documents to my (cont inues)

Macworld 61
compone nts as a Mac TI but runs so much
faste r that those of us who require pe r­
forma nce computers are trying to figure
Macintosh Features
out how to get o ne without reenrolling Macintosh model 128K/512K Plus SE II 11x· Future
in college. Was the Mac TT a two-year
performa nce patch o n the agi ng Mac Processor speed 8MHz SM Hz SM Hz 16MHz 16MHz 2S-33MHz
architecture? Does the introductio n of Internal/ external bus width 32/ 16 32/ 16 32/ 16 32/ 32 32/ 32 32/ 32
superfast personal machines like the Memory speed 150ns 150ns 120ns 120ns 120ns 60-lOOns
Next cube mea n the e nd o f the Mac II? Coprocessors none none none 68881 68882/ 68851 68882/ 68851
In this first column I wa nt to tackl e Additional tasks video/ sound video/ sound none none none none
the ve1y qu estio ns J just posed about the 'The 68030-based SE introduced in January is vinually identical in features to lhc llx.
Mac Il's architecture. What we all want to
know is this: Has Apple left e nough room
in the current Mac Il design for perform­
ance improvements that might restore the dard Macintosh. For the most part, we've tions about the Mac IT 's generally fast
Tl 's stature as a leading-edge machine? simply believed Apple's marketing hype. performance. But the fact that the Ilx
By the e ncl of th is column, I hope you'll Apple told us that the speed of the only improved pe rformance 10 to 15
be able to make a n in fo rmed gu ess at Mac IT ca me from the 32-bit abilities of percent ov r the II bothe red me just
the a nswer. the 68020 processor, the presence of a e nough to make me start looking deeper.
floating-point processor (the 68881), and And the answers I found were not the
Beyond the Marketing Hype the uBus video olution (which relieved o nes I expected .
Those of us who've used Mac IIs fo r the processor of having to ha ndle screen A finite numbe r of things can affect
a ny lengLh o f time w ill never be able to updates). When the Mac lix was intro­ system processing speed (see "Macintosh
go back to an unaccelerated Plus o r SE. duced last October, Apple's public rela­ Features"). The most important factors
But few o f u have stopped to determine tio ns machine refocused around the for the Macintosh line up are
just what it was that gave the Mac II its 68030 and the 68882, new generation of
appa r nt peed adva ntage over a sta n- the chips used in the Mac TI. At one time
I, too, tacitly accepted Apple's explana­

62 March 1989
continuo usly;
• the presence or absence of copro­
How Features Enhance System Performance cessing chips that perform tasks faster or
Macintosh model 128K/512K Plus SE n JL-x• Future .. more efficie ntly than the central proces­
sor-in the Motorola chip fam il y, copro­
Processor speed 0% 0% 80% 0% 50-- 100% cessor chips can perform critical nu meri­
Internal/External bus width 0% 0% <5% 0% 0%
cal or memory-intensive work while the
Memory speed 0% <1 <}6 0% 10- 15% 2S-50% main processor goes o n to the nex'l. task;
Coprocessors 0% 0% IS-25% 10-30% 0% • add itional system tasks, like
Additional tasks 0% 7-JO"lti 0% 0% 0%
sound, video, or disk manipu lation
Overall increase 0% lO"Ai 80- 100% 10-'15% 100"/ti perfonned by the processor (instead of
by subsystems)-every add itional task
'The 68030-based SE introduced in January shares 1he s.ime perfo rman ce charac1eris1ics as 1hc llx.
the CPU has to perform cuts into the
•• ·n1e pcrforn1ance increases fo r fu1ure models arc estima tes. The o pcrcem figure for addi1io nal 1asks could be changed
amount of time it can devote to your
drammically by dedica1ed SCSI , 1/0. and bus comrollers; you can speed up hard disk 1/0 50 percem or more by
adding a dedicated , caching SCSI comrollcr 1ha1 perforn1s d irect memory access, for example. Such a change would also application.
affect any overall increa se, of course. Since each element in "Macintosh
Features" affects the overa ll performance
The numbers here show the improvement in pe1formance for each jeatu re over the earlier model of the Maci ntosh, you 're probably won­
(for example, the SE's lack ofadditional task load improves performance about 7 to 10 percent ouer de ring how each of the m contributes to
the Plus and ! 28K/512K models) . or steals from the overall speed of the
machine. "How Features Enhance Per­
• the clock speed of the proces­ information it ca n pass through the formance " has the same feature matrix,
sor- faster processors mea n faster processor; but now shows w hat kind of improve­
computing; • the speed with which memory re­ ment each item makes. These numbe rs
• the number of bits of data a pro­ sponds to processor req uests- the pro­ are based on tests I conducted in a n
cessor can hand! inte rnall y and exte r­ cesso r shouldn't have to wait for any
nally at o ne time-the more bits the component in Lhe machine, especiall y (continu es)
machine can handle at once, the more the memo ry , which is accessed almost

Macworlcl 63
anlX .
The road to success will always
be paved in triplicate. But with new
SmartForm"' software and Macintosh
personal computers, it's no longer the
tollway it once was.
The SmartForm concept is sim­
ple: you can't reduce the paperwork,
so reduce the amount ofpaper. And
the printing, shipping and storage
costs that go with it.
-~ SmartForm Designer"' includes
all you need to whip out crisp, professional forms
in a hurry. Fields, lists, check boxes, grids, combs,
lines, ovals, rectangles-everything. And
their sizes and locations can be pin­
pointed to the exact inch, centimeter,
point or pica.
Type flexibility is almost unlim­
ited.You can reverse, condense and
expand fonts, adjust leading and
1989 Claris Corporori0tL 440 Code Al'enue. Mounwin Vi"'' CA 94043:

effort to isolate the speed contributio ns sole ly through fas ter processors and Playing the Numbers
of individual features , and they hould memory. Exa minatio n of Motorola's But the tables don 't tell the whole
be used as rough estimates o nly. Word literature on the 68030 (the p rocessor story. ore that tl1e 68881 numeric pro­
processor and spreadsheets work in used in the Ilx and expected in most ce sor in the II eems to give only a ma r­
decidedly different ways. (The word future Macs) shows that the chip itself gi nal (less than 25 percent) improvement
processor's spe d is mostl y de pe ndent only improves overa ll perfom1ance about o n system speed . The 68882 in the Ilx
o n screen display peed, while the 10 to 15 percent over a same-speed can achieve up to 30 perce nt improve­
spreadsheer's abilities are more directly 68020 (the chip in the original Mac TI). ment on some instructions but generally
affected by a numbe r-crunching copro­ Indeed , in some cases, the 68020 and averages o nly a 10 to 15 percent im­
cessor, for exa mple.) To make the results 68030 perform some benclm1ark tests in proveme nr ove r the 68881. Yet Apple has
reasonably predictive, the refore, Taver­ the sa me amount of time. The 68030 claimed fro m clay one tl1at the prese nce
aged speed tests for four o r five typica l does o ffe r improved me mo1y handling. ft of a 68881 o r 68882 floating-point copro­
software tasks to come up with each of keeps internal copies both of frequently cessor means that numeric calculations
the numbers in "How Features Enhance used data and instructions (that is, it rea lly fly o n the IT compared to previous
Pe rformance." Admittedly, my tests were caches the m); the 68020 reme mbe rs o nly models. And all compute rs are constantly
not exha ustive, but the results should freque ntly used instnictions. Tn add ition, working with numbe rs, right? Wrong.
be indicative of what's happening, o n the 68030 requires only one wait state fo r The 68881 doesn't seem to contrib­
average, in the Macintosh line. me mory accesses, unlike the 68020/ ute much to the Mac U's pe rforma nce
The only things that make a signifi­ 68851 combinatio n. (During a wa it state , because it isn't used very often. The
ca nt diffe re nce in the Mac H's overall a CPU wa its an e ntire clock cycle for the trouble , it seems, is Apple's SANE (Stan­
speed over previous models are the pro­ memory to get the req uested data ready dard Apple umerics Environment) rou­
cessor's clock speed and the presence of before it attempts to retrieve the info nna­ tines in ROM. SANE is a set of numeric
a 68881 coprocessor for fl oating-point tion.) The difference in speeds between fl oating-point calcu lation routines that
math work. Moreover, almost all the the 68020 and 68030 is not due to any Apple designed ma ny years ago. Float­
in1proveme nt in future models w ill come fundamental change in internal structure,
instruction set, o r additio nal processing
efficie ncies, but is strictly due to its
me mory ha ndling.

64 March 1989
takes manyforms.
You can even give your forms "intelligent" fea­
tures like automatic calculating and instant help.
Then, SmartForm Assistant"' lets everyone else
in your company fill in your forms on a Macintosh.
Quickly and accurately. But it won't let anyone tam­
per with your designs.
With the SmartForm system, all your forms
171e SmartFonn system lets you design professional-quality

businessjbnns on a Macintosh. 7J1en lets anyone with a Macintosh.fill them in.

are stored on a Macintosh.You don't print a copy

until you've filled one out.
customize type sizes from 4 to 127 points. That can save you a bundle in shipping and
You can create sophisticated graphics and storage costs. And when you move to a more pres­
logos right in the program. Or copy art from other tigious address, the price of success won't include
programs and paste it into your forms. thousands of dollars' worth of outdated forms.
You can design complex multipart and multi­ Finally, SmartForm will integrate with your
page forms. And custom forms up to XJ' x 35? other Macintosh software. So you can easily transfer
In fact,you can do everything on a Macintosh information from forms to spreadsheets ordatabases.
that a professional forms designer does on a drafting If all this sounds like great form to you, call
table. Only faster, easier and without paper cuts. 800-3CLARIS, ext. 500, for more
But you won't have to redraw the forms you're details. And learn how you can CLAR.IS
currently using. Just scan them in. turn a paper loss into a real gain.
415-961-8946. Claris. SnwnFonn S11wnFom1 Designer and S11wnFonn Assistant Off! mufemarl<s of Claris Corporario1t Maci111oslr Is a regis/Rred mufemari< ofApple Computer. Inc For il/formarion in Canada. call 800-668-8948.

ing-point calculation is o ne of the trickier the 68881 directly fo r most floating­ I've always admired Radius's engineering
chores facing a software designer. By point tasks. efforts, and here again it appears that the
placing these routines in ROM , Apple The real sca ndal, however, is that linle company has managed to do some­
solved the need fo r placing similar code programs that claim to be using the math thing Apple can't.
in every application it or other compa­ chip-as Microsoft Excel does in its
nies might write in the futu re. Today About Microsoft Excel dialog box-don't Memory like an Elephant
almost any Macintosh software that actually use the 68881 directly, except in SANE routines aren't alone in ho ld­
needs to make a calculation involving a few special situations (transcendental ing down speed. The Mac II's memo ry is
nonin teger numbers does so by calling functions, fo r example, use the math as lumbering as an ele phant.
SANE to do the work. chip). Instead , the programmers of the A 33MHz 68030, w hich is currently
Unfortunately, SANE is not so sanely world leave the compiler defaults in the state of the art in Motorolaville, ex­
designed. Fi rst, it uses much higher pre­ place, and almost every compiler defaults pects to get data it requests from the bus
cisio n than that specified by the Institute to calling SANE fo r floating-point nu­ in about 25 nanoseconds (ns). The pro­
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers meric calculations. Thus, one reason fo r cessors in the II and Ilx run at half this
(IEEE) standard used by most other the Mac H's relative slowness is that it speed , and each requ ires about 50ns to
personal computers. Second, SANE underutil izes tlle components built into 60ns to do tlle same thing. In other
doesn't always ca ll the numeric copro­ it. Try this experiment: find a friend with words, from the time the processor says,
cessor to do the work, even w hen the an SE that has a Radius accelerator "I want the data at such-and-such an
68881 chip is present and could handle board . Get a copy of the file named add ress," to the time it expects to be able
the task. Third , even w hen SANE does Radius SANE. Stick this file in the System to find that data takes all of 60ns in a
use the 68881, SANE adds another level Folder of a Mac II and reboot. You'll standard Mac II.
of handling to the whole operation and now get, o n average, about a 28 percent Probably for reasons of supply and
adds additional e1Tor checking, all of improvement in performance over the price, Apple chose to use the same 120ns
w hich slows down the actual calculation. standard Mac 11 for numeric work tl1at
With the Mac II, a programmer would calls SANE routines. (You'll also get a (continues)
get better performance by simply calling higher error magnitude on round-offs,
but still lower than the IEEE standard.)

Macworld 65
M30 30 Mb External M40 & M40 + 40 Mb Externals

Economy. Mirror's great looks in a zero-footrrint Our most popular drive. Enough sto~e for most
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M80 & M80 + 80 Mb Externals MlOO, M200 100 & 200 Mb Externals

Again, your choice: high speed orlower price. We'll
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Mega-memory at a micro price. And talk about
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We set the standards for low-rost removable
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Shop the price on other 80 Mb drives. Ours is less secure storage medium. Preformatted. Just plug and library on aFriday night." Try it for 30 clays, and if
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Our numbers look as good as our products. *Mirror Hard Drive Value Package:
Quality is always a better value. Especially
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M60 60 Mb External

You won't find abrand-name 60 Mb drive for less. AVisionScan scanner-an unlimited supply of art VtSionScan works as aDA so you don't have to exit
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Internal Hard Drives: 30, 40, 80, 100, 200

Only Min-or Technologies allows you to add an Think of it as a huge floppy disk. Using media hundred dollars less than the competition, complete
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Circle 424 on reader service card

State of the Mac

memory SIMMs (Single InJine Memory

Modules) in the Mac II as it used in the
SE. Comparing the numbers is telling:
120ns memory cannot possibly keep up
with the 16MHz CPU in the Mac II, since
the CPU wants everything in about 60ns.
(Indeed, Mac SIMMs can't even keep up
with the 8MHz CPU in the Mac SE.) In
order to get all the components talking at
the same time, Apple imposes a penalty
of two wait states on the processor in the
II (one wait state in the Plus and SE). In
"a tool the nx, the presence of the built-in 68851
reduces this to one wait state. The num­
bers don't quite seem to add up because
of an added factor-memory refresh, a
process required to recharge every mem­
ory location at periodic intervals. We'll
ignore the refreshing of the Mac's dyna­
mic RAM because virtually aU personal
computers currently pay this small per­
formance penalty. What's important is
-BYTE, December 1988 those two cycles the CPU waits every
time it needs a piece of data or a new
ArchiText is a versatile and practical applica­ instruction.
tion that lets you retrieve, organize and analyze large amounts I've mentioned that the 68030 chip
of text quickly and efficiently. It is the perfect research tool for has built-in data and instruction caches.
graduate students, medical or legal professionals, writers or Caching is the process of keeping a small
anyone involved in research on a day-to-day basis. amount of often used information avail­
able for high-speed access. The built-in
You enter text into ArchiText by typing it directly into the caches in the llx's 68030 are 128 bits in
program, pasting it from the Clipboard, or by importing ASCII size. That's not very big, and that's one
text documents. You can then split, combine and/or link of tl1e reasons why the on-chip caching
together any number of related items within your text on easy­ doesn't make a lot of difference in the
to-use graphic "maps". You can search for words or word Ilx's overall speed. The originaJ II has
combinations using the Boolean operators AND and OR. onJy 128 bits of instruction cache (and
Searches may be conducted at the sentence, paragraph or no data cache).
document level. ArchiText, Version 2.0 gives you even more Computer design theory says that a
well-designed, memory-based cache of
power for your research needs:
between 32K and 128K should improve
• Import a virtually unlimited amount of text in one
general memory access enough to im­
prove performance by some 60 percent.
Does design theory come close to pre­
• Import native word processing files such as Microsoft dicting what happens in tl1e real world
Word™, MacWrite™, and WordPerfect™ in addition to of computer applications?
text files. The improvement comes because
items in the cache are in special high­
• Search and link external native word processing files on speed memory that is available to the
disk without converting them to ArchiText format. processor immediately (in about 60ns on
the Il) instead of after two extra dock
• Access a keyword frequency list (alphabetically or by cycles. That is, data in cached memory
frequency order) for all or parts of the document. can be accessed in less than half the time
it takes to access data in noncached
Call or write us today for a Free ArchiText demo disk! memory, a performance gain of at least
100 percent. The question is, how often
ArchlText 2.0 ... $349.95. Demo Disk is free. Requires at least a
is the data the CPU wants in the cache?
Macintosh Plus using System 4.2 or later and Finder 6.0 or later.

According to Ron Garrett, DayStar

Digital's director of engineering, the
30497 Canwood St. • Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (continues)
800-345-0519 • 818-707-1712 (in CA)• FAX 818-707-0114
Circle 383 on reader service card

68 March 1989
nudcmarks: M'1CCC$SOrict. Master Pittc, Super&.se, System Saver, Kensington Md the Keruington logo/ Kensington Microware Ud. Apple, Mac. Macintosh/Apple Computer, lac. Cl 1988 Kensington Mkroware Ltd.
State of the Mac

highest percentage of "hits" on data in

the cache attainable in a standard Mac
work session would be in the 70 to 80
percent range. With the right size cache,
then, about 75 percent of the time the
cache would contain the data the CPU
was requesting. The rest of the time, the
data would have to be loaded from
regular memory. Overall, then, cached
memory accesses data in about 66 per­
cent of the time it takes noncached
memory to access the same information,
for the average performance gain of
slightly more than 60 percent.
Garrett took a careful look at the
code the CPU in a Mac was executing
and how much of it, on average, was
repetitions of the same items. Fortu­
nately, in the Mac design, repetition is
high because all applications are con­
stantly calling pieces of the Macintosh
Toolbox (the ROM). As it turns out,
sections of tl1e ROM code are called so
often by most programs that most of the
data that ends up in a well-designed
cache is actually ROM code, and thus the
speed improvement from using a mem­
ory cache applies about equally to soft­
ware. There are exceptions to this rnle,
however (HyperCard doesn't like other
caches-it uses its own), so you may find
that some programs do a little better than
60 percent, some a little worse.
Indeed, caching is exactly the tack
taken by the Radius 25MHz accelerator
for the SE. Despite its use of the Mac's
slow memory and the lack of a true 32­
bit bus, it still outperforms the standard
Mac II by a significant margin on CPU­
only tests (see "Processors: Is Faster
Better?" in this issue). When disk TIO,
specifically write-to-disk, is a significant
factor in a test, the Radius Accelerator 25
loses its advantage over the standard Mac
II. (The recompile test is an example.
Compiling is a sequential task, and tl1e
cache becomes a disadvantage at that
DayStar Digital's Mac 20MX-25
accelerator board also uses memory
caching. At the CPU-intensive tasks, the
caching is so effective that this board
easily outperforms the unenhanced Mac
II-it manages to cut times for CPU­
intensive work by 30 to 40 percent. But
the Mac 20MX-25 slows down the minute
it has to perform writes to disk. Obvious­

(con tinues)

Circle 317 on reader service card

70 March 1989
The table

Applewould have designed,

had ~eygone into

the furniture business.

Any company with the vision to create a efficiency. Rest assured that as your comfort MacTable.It's the workspace that organizes
product as elegant and useful as the Macintosh.. increases,so does your productivity. the tools that organize your life. And it's
would have hit it big in any industry. Finally, there's the overall design - sleek, available by calling (800) 722-6263 which,
Fortunately, Apple, chose computers. contemporary, and mindful of the future of by the way, is not Apple's phone number.
We, on the other hand,chose to make your computing needs. Because MacTable's


furniture. More specifically,the MacTable. surface panels can be arranged, your

Like the Macintosh itself, the lacTable was workspace can accommodate any model of
created to put information at your fingertips, Macintosh, from the Plus to the Mac II ... to
quickly and easily. We accomplish this by who knows what. The Mac periphernl.
thinking of the workspace not as an inflexible Surprisinglyenough, all of this Mac-like
monolith, but as a network of individual versatility and European beechwood fram ing To order your MacTable or
surfaces onto which you can place each of
your Mac components, like your printer,
is more than affordable: only $289 for
MacTable and $139 for the optional roll-away
a£J for more information call:
TOLL FREE(800)722-6263
modem,external drive,mouse,even manuals. cabinet (doubles as a Laserwriter stand); $269 ffi] inWA state (206) 481-5434
Everything with plentyof elbow room,easily for the matching,ergonomically balanced Prices do not include U.P.S. shipping.
within reach, and there when youneed it. chair; lateral file cabinet $239;bookshelves

Next, each surface tilts to optimize your $119; and two-door cabinet $159.
eye-to-screen and hand-to-component
r.0. Box 3217, Redmond,WA 98073·3217
MQ(!'obfui'Signpalenlperuling. Mfl(lll/J/4 is a rtgislemi tmtkmarlt ofScandinm:lan Com{luler flJrni/ure, lncl{lple Is a lrlldemark of.mufMocin/a$b is a lrademarli llcn""110,4¥J(t Compultr, Inc. Ptices andda/gnswbj«l tocbango ~1'/boul nolia.

Circle 296 on reader service card

State of the Mac

MathType 2.0
ly, caching can improve performance.
Has Apple gotten around to caching? No.
Will it? Let's hope so. Memory caching is
about the only way to offset the high
Equations for Word Processing price of memory upgrades. If Apple
would couple caching with direct mem­
ory access disk VO, a technique in which
If you need an easy way to create technical reports, slides, class data is moved to and from memory with­
notes, research papers, or even entire books, then MathType is the out the CPU's intervention, the overall
tool you've been looking for. It's an intelligent equation editor for result would be a spectacular improve­
the Apple Macintosh or for IBM PCs and compatibles that lets you ment in performance.
build up complex equations using simple point-and-click
techniques ... The Bottom Line
I haven't begun to exhaust the sub­
ject of how Apple could improve the
performance of the Mac II. (In fact, any
discussion of the Mac II's performance
has to get around to the video display.
Next month I'll tackle Apple's new 24/32­
bit QuickDraw color standards in depth.)
Yet one thing should be clear from the
discussion so far: the Mac II is faster
mostly because the CPU runs at a higher
speed. I find that quite ironic. If that had
been known back in 1987, many of us
might have waited and bought an accel­
erator card for our SEs. True, the Mac II
Bosellne: 16 t
has other attractive features, and speed
isn't the only attribute that made us pull
out our wallets and contribute to Apple's
Import the finished equation into your word-processing document, rise in the Fortune 500. But now that the
and get publication-quality results like this . .. speed high has worn off, I can only
question what Apple is spending its $65

{J.'(~AMrdxr ,; ~ {(1 A;(x)j'dxr

million R&D budget on-it certainly isn't
in building a state-of-the-art machine.
I'm about out of room, and I've
wandered a bit from where I started. But
I do hope that you've gotten an idea of
MathType 2.0 has all the highly-acclaimed features of earlier
things to come. The Macintosh II is a
versions, and some important new ones, too: near state-of-the-art machine. As such, it
•Automatically applies the rules ofmathematical typesetting· is driving Apple's development teams to
•Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Pict, and TIFF output test the limits of what is possible. I'll be
•Optional T£X, Mathematica, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 interfaces tackling tough, technology-related issues
• User-defined palettes and expression macros in upcoming columns, issues that you'll
•Runs as a DA on the Mac, under MS Windows on the PC need to be aware of to take best advan­
•Fractional type sizes and positioning to 1!32nd ofa point tage of the Mac II.
• On-line context-sensitive Help system In the meantime, some of you may
•Fast keyboard access to all symbols, templates, and expressions have specific questions or comments
All this, and much more, and the price is still only $149. about the Macintosh II. I try to answer as
Call or write for a FREE brochure and working demo disk. much of my mail as possible; a question
with a self-addressed stamped envelope
almost always gets a reply. But a better
. . .Design
way is to leave me an electronic mail
query. I can be reached as THOGAN on

GEnie, minniefloppy on Bix, or as

6475-B East Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 392

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Circle 165 on reader service card

72 March 1989
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Insights on QuarkXpress 2.0

Find the freedom ofthe press

at your fingertips

by Steve McKinstry

If freedom of the press belongs only co the Al U.S. News and World
individual who owns one, then anyone Report, art director

with QuarkXpress 2.0 and a Macintosh can Rob Covey uses Quark­
raise a liccle Citizen Kane. The newest and Xpr11ss as a quick color­
most imporcant feacures in Xpress 2.0 are proojing and mock-up

cools that manage style, color, and imaging. toolfor covers and in­
Styles in Xpr s 2.0 allow complex formats side pages.

to be applied quickly and ea ily. U ing the

new color enhancements, process CMYK
(cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) separa­
tions can be primed directly to fi lm. And
imaging controls offer special contrast and
color effects. What follows are some tips on
applying these new tricks to your own

Between a Rocle and a Hard Space

Each style sheet is designed with its
own leading (the space between lines),
which can create awkward spaci ng be­
tween paragraphs and can throw baseline
alignment off in parallel column . To re­
duce or increase cl1e carriage return space
between paragraphs, you can choo e vari­
ous leading increments by selecting Size
under the Style menu; for custom spacing
between paragraphs, you can create a style
for bard spaces (see "Hard Spaces").
Select Show Invisibles under the View low 2 points, and making the type style changing the leading and point size to 3,
menu to ee where carriage returns and bold wil I make the carriage returns wider 6, 9, or 12 points. You can also "cheat" a
other punctuation marks fa ll. To create chis and easier to see with Invisibles turned 1-point hard space based on the 2-point
hard-space style, go to the Edit menu and on.) Close Character, select Formats, and style by changing the leading to 1 point
select Style Sheets. Choose New and give set the leading to 2 points. Alignment under Formats when altering the style.
the style a name (Hspace-spt, for example). should be on the left side for easy viewing.
Now choose Character; for chis example, Highlight the carriage return between Adding Bullets to Your Arsenal
set a Helvetica Bold type style at 2 points. paragraphs and choose the Hspace-2pt Although QuarkXpress 2.0 has no pro­
(Xpress doesn't allow font point izes be- style you created. The spacing between grammed bullet-creation function, here
paragraphs will shrink to 2 points, and are two methods for producing bullets.
each additional carriage return will add The first method produces indented
Designer Steve McKinstry•specializes in publish· another two points of leading. You can now text with standard fill-character bullets. Af­
ing design and consultation. Formerly associate adjust the alignment of text until it's where ter creating style attributes for font, size
design director for the Chicago Tribune, be now you want it. (use 10 point for this example), style, and
runs a company called Media Design, based in You can base other hard-space styles leading, choose Formats from the Style
Anacortes, Washington. on this one by renaming the style and Sheets dialog box. For this example, set the
(con tinues)

Macworld 75
How To/Insights

This scyle will indem each paragraph
of bulleced items 2 picas, wi ch 1 pica be­
tween each item. The first line of each item
LUCKY NUMBER wi ll be flush left Ac the beginning of each
first line, manually tab twice. One solid
leader dot will appear in the first 6 points.
(10-point type was used fo r this example.
The first cab will need co be set wide r
when using larger point sizes.)
Use che scyle above as a basis for che
second mechod, wh ich produces indented
cexc with a cuscom bullet. Set Tabs for one,
and on ly one, le fc align ment cab ac 2 picas.
Delete any fill characcers. Save and cag each
Hard Spaces
paragraph you wish co begin with a bulle c
S~vle sheers can be createdfor "'bard spaces" to

with this new tyle. Manua lly tab once in

adjust carriage rerw-n space between para·
fro nt of each first line.
grapbs. Tbe style sheers sbown be re bave user­
Now highlight all paragraphs cagged
dejined 3€ -key equivalents, an option available
with this style. Go co the Edit menu and
11 12 in Xpress 2 .0 for users witb extended keyboards.
choose FincVChange ( 3C-F). Click off Ignore
1. 9" x 9" x 3" Padded Pocket for External Attributes co expand the FincVChange dia­
Disk Drive, Modem, or Accessories. log box. Under Find Whac , enter \t to
2. Padded Compartment for Mouse and Cords. search for the sing le cab space in from of
3. Padded Compartment fits ANY Extended the firsc line of each bulleted item. Under
Keyboard . Change To enter n \ t to insert a lowercase
4. Padded Flap separates Hard Disk from n in front of the cab (see "Sophisticated
Bulle ts"). Click on Font and choose Zapf
5. 1h'' High Density Foam for Maximum
Protection. Ur.ntlinGo1hit) 19 Pl) IPl•lnl llletlel llh•Ot.: IOGS I
Dingbats. Click on Point 'ize and choose a
6. Navy Blue, Platinum Grey, Jet Black or
(track: amount: 0) lHorlz
100'1. I UUlgnmtinl:
Ju\llfledl (left Indent: 2pl lrl"l • J pl lftl!jlht
desired size. Click on Find Next, then o n
Burgundy Cordura"' Nylon Outer Shell
lnde nl: Op)tlHding: ID Pit fJUCf' ldOff'! Op)
UpDce 1111i11r: 0.-1 the Change and Find button. This will re­
place the tab with a square bullet (the
7. Heavy Duty Metal Hardware Throughout. lob•

."l 1

8. Stress Points Cross and Box Stttched for Position:
equivalent of a lowercase n ). To choose
Added Support. rm thoreclef! other Zapf Dingbats, substitute their key­
9. Padded Handle for Comfort, features board equivalents for then in the
Velcro Enclosure. above example.
1O. 2" Stitt Nylon Webbing Maintains Shape. Simple Bullets

11 . Shoulder Strap with Slip Stop Pad.

Simple bullets can be created by setting tab stops

'Edit Slylo
U11m ragtt \llJl'w u1111ues
12. Outer Handle to Assist in Shoulder Carrying.
and using a.fill cbaracre1; sucb as tbe round bul­
rtnd whet : Ch.n9e to:

13. LIFETIME WARRANTY let selected wben cboosing Option-8.

[tlil'••• ln\t I [®
I I•\•'••I
rGlfanl===:Jfil"nSl r®ront~ifllSluSl

#' t~e
righr inde nt to 2 picas. Sec rhe firsc line in­ 1!!!!!!!.~ I',, ~ l.!!!!.!!fttblQ I•~ pt ~
dent to - 2 picas. And set che space below rgJ .style ®Slyl
r:J1~ (J'{\O~ each paragraph to 1 pica. ext choose Tabs
il rr11n
O BOld
Q 11e11 c
osmell top1
® Pleln
Oi~IC ep_S"

to sec one lefc alignment tab at 6 poincs o ournne DAii.Caps
O Supernrtpl
D Dutllne ·0 811 Caps
0 Sh•dow 0 .Shedaw GJ"5l;!perl~~~t
(see "Simple Bullets"). Click inside che Fill O Strike Jhf'U OSub1crlpJ O Slrtke,thru 0 Subl~!~P ..
' O ulhole word @Partial IUoriJ C&l lgnor~ Cate Elfp~Or.:~:~~!!:lb~~e~
Character box and press Opc io n-8 to create t

a ci rcular bullec. This allows just enough

( Find NeHt JI Chang•, lhen Find 11 1
Change!J ._l.,!tia"g1111 '1m· l ...

• Auto section, chae!£i!_pagi .tiiuri­

on our com­
space for one solid leader dot to show be­ berine, and 110iy jwnp numbering 10' CJUte
plete line of fore the firsc tab. If you allow coo much hassle fiM accuncy in P"ll" oumbenns.

luggage Prod­
uct s . Call or
write for a free
Color Brodlure
space, several dot. wi ll show; if you allow
coo lictle space, no dots will how. ow
place a second lefc alignmenc cab ac 2 picas.
y , ... N;
~TEP ~N~ REPEAT §oct~om 1
l)pll Tl- ...
or for the dealer nearest You.
Sophisticated Bullets
Hl00·241-2122 Save the changes and appl)' che scrle to More sopbisticared fonnauing can be clone on
IN PA. (215) 524·7277
each paragraph you wish co begin wich a bulleted items by using Xpress's Find!Cbange
standard bullet. box. Here a special cbarncter and tab stop are
ACKNOWLEDGED P.O. Box 156 • EXTON • PA• 19341 searched and replaced witb a bullet ofa cl((fe rent
fon t and size.
Circle 385 on reader service card

76 March 1989
January 1989
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

1:30 Ml~~~

010 Tuesday, January 10 355

1189 \,

' •

Like many of you, Larry R. decided it was time to add a PosT­

ScRIPP imagesetter to his operation.
So he called in the leading imagesetter vendors-Linotype and
AGFA Compugraphic-and listened to what they had to say. He
asked a lot of questions. And checked into what their machines could
do for him.
Then Larry decided to buy a CG9400-PS POST­
SCRIPT laser imagesetter from AGFA Compugraphic.
Larry found that while many companies now
offer POSTSCRIPT imagesetters, the 9400-PS was
the only machine that offered the features he need­
ed at a price he could afford.
Larry's 9400-PS gives him the high-reso­
lution, 2400 dpi output his customers want.
Yet it costs less than $40,000 . That's about
half the cost of a Linotype®L-300. (Their
comparably-priced L-200 has a max­
imum resolution of only 1700 dpi.)
Larry was also concerned about
throughput, especially for pages with
graphics. He found that the 9400-PS's
standard 6MB RAM-two times what the L-200 offers-would
let him run complicated jobs without lengthy processing times.


AGFA and Compugraphic a rc regi stered tradema rks and CG TYPE nnd Genies are tradcm;i rks of AGFA Corporatio n. Ado be and PosrScRIPT a rc rcgi5tcrcd trade ma rks and Atl~s is a
store up to 1,000 fonts on-line, because it has the most standard

storage capacity available in a PosTSCRIPT imagesetter.


What's more, Larry knows that he can also use the 9400's writ­

ing engine to output the non-POSTSCRIPT files that are still a major

part of his business-and probably yours.

The 9400-PS was designed with its Adobe®Atlas raster image

processor (RIP) as a separate unit. This design lets Larry add our 1 !1 1. lliil=I
GenicsTM RIP to his _.. .!l!!I
system to output
files from his cur­
rent Compugraphic
front-end system, plus other selected input systems.
The separate RIP concept also means that Larry can upgrade
either his RIP or writing engine in the future without having to re­
place his entire machine.
Most important, Larry knows that if he needs service, an

AGFA Compugraphic service technician will be in his shop within

a single business day, guaranteed. AGFA Compugraphic has over

400 service engineers nationwide, five times as many as our closest

competitor. We can even train his operators to use Macintoshes

and popular page layout applications at one of our classrooms

around the country.


Whether you're a typesetter, printer, publisher, designer, or
run an in-plant shop, the 9400-PS is the most cost-effective way to
_~~ add high-resolution PosTSCRIPT output to your operation.
~ If you'd like to speak to an AGFA Compugraphic
representative or get more information on what the
9400-PS can do for you, send in the attached reply
card or give us a call toll-free at 1-800-227-2780.
We'll also send you our free H yperCardTM
POSTSCRIPT Overview diskette. It will introduce
you to AGFA Compugraphic's family of POST­
SCRIPT output devices. (You'll need a Macintosh
with HyperCard to view this diskette).

trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Maci nrosh is :t registe red u adcmark and HypcrCa.rd is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Linot ype is a rrgistcrcd trademark of Linotype Corporation.

. . . . .~E ILY



arry's new 9400-PS is part of a growing family of PosTSCRIPT
output devices from AGFA Compugraphic. We also offer our new
CG9600-PS, our faster POSTSCRIPT imagesetter, and the CG9700-PS,
which offers wide-carriage PosTSCRIPT imagesetter output.
AGFA Compugraphic also offers high-performance PosTSCRIPT
plain-paper printers. And a full line of high-resolution scanners that let
you add line art and continuous tone images to your PosTSCRIPT files.
If you'd like to know more about our imagesetters, plain-paper print­
ers and scanners, call us toll-free at 1-800-227-2780. We'll put you in
touch with an AGFA Compugraphic representative or a dealer near you.
Rules that Go with the Flow the encl of the la -t paragra ph line and press
Rules placed within a paragraph will Shift-Rernrn. Paragraphs must be in justi­
nm move with the text. A Ithough Xpress fied rexr. This feature can also be used to
doesn't address this problem directly, there stretch head lines across columns.
is a solution. and it is much like the one for
creating a style for hard pace-. But instead Showin g Off You r Best Attributes
of replacing a carriag return with a hard You don't need style sheers to carry
space, you replace it w ith the underscore over the alignment, leading, and indent at­
feature of the keyboard. Here's how it
works. Begin by selec ting Style Sheets
tributes of one paragraph to another. You
ca n use one formatted paragraph to format 680301%~~~/~

from the Edit menu. In this example, you others.

will create a style that pl aces a I -point rule Make sure the text is in the same text
Step a Generation Ahead
under a 10-point, all ca ps, subhead style. frame, or linked. Format one paragraph, Powerful new Macintosh-rMsoftware needs
Fir ·t create the subhead style in Franklin then highlight the others you wish to a new generation of hardware. Advan ced
Gothic Bold (or simil ar face) with the fol­ change to the same style. Positio n the cur­ graphics and engin eering software now
lowing attri butes: 9 points, all caps, Align­ sor arrow over the formatted paragraph has the potential to make your M ac II or
ment Left, 9-point lead ing, and 6 po ints of and use Option-Shift-cl ick. The high lighted M ac llx perform better th an high-end work­
space above. Name it HedSubBld-9. paragraphs will cha nge to the formatted station costing $25 .000 or more. But
Nex t create the rule style. Name the style. oftware alone won't get you th e workstation
style RuleBlk-1 for 1-point black rule. Click yo u need - the D ayStarrn 331030
on Character, choose a light typeface-such Mixing Type Styles Acce lerator JITMwill upgrade yo ur M ac
as Helvetica Light , and enter 3 points for You can change a wo rd or words in a 11 / ll x hardware into a powerhous e work­
size. \ ' hen you choose the underscore key, paragraph to another style by highlighting station. and at a fraction of the cost.
this \Yill produce a line weight close to 1 it and changing the attributes one by one Take Your Mac II Past Its Limits
poim. I f you set the horizolllal scaling co under the Style menu. But highlighting a Complex illustrating , drawing and CAD
300 percent, you wil I need fewer key­ single word in a paragraph and taggi ng ir layout is no longer a drag , click and wait.
strokes to create a line based on 3 points. w ith a new style convert s the entire para­ The DayStar 33/ 030 Accelerator II can
Click OK, and then Formats. Set the lead­ graph to that style. To speed up the process increase your Mac 11 / ll x speed from 16
ing to +O and the alignment to Left. of changing attributes, o r to use formatted M Hz to a blazing fa st 33 MHz .
Tag the subhead text with the style style sheers, insert a ca rriage return before A state-of-th e-art 33 MH z 68030 pro­
HeclSubBlcl-9. Adel another paragraph re­ and after the word to make it a separate cessor and high speed data cache adds th e
turn an I highlight it. T::1g it with the style paragraph . Tag the word w ith a style and power th at lets you fl y - everything runs
Ru leBlk-1. Using the underscore key, create delete the carriage returns. Make sure at we ll over twi ce th e speed , an d up to four
a rul e under the subhead. When the line the parag raph is set fo r absolute leading times faster th an yo ur standard M ac 11 / I Ix.
begins to wrap under the first line, use the so spacing from baseline to baseline Ki ck in the afterburn er with th e o pti o nal
Backspace key to return the line to the end is the same. 33 MH z 68882 m ath coprocessor. o r
of the first line. If the line has a bad fit with use yo ur ex isting 68881 .
the column \vidth, use :1€-J to widen or:!€ -[ Style Sheet Libr ar ies
Th e Acce lerator II i full y compatibl e with
to shorten the line. You now have a I -point A lot of time and effort are invested in
line 6 po ints under the subhead that w ill creating text and color styles for a publica­ sta ndard Mac 11/ ll x software,
move w ith the tvpe. tio n. Currently, QuarkXpress is unable to in cl uding A/ UX T~t
\Xlith a little experimentation, you can export individual styles. although it can
also create 3-poilll rules and 6-point rules copy a document 's complete set of styles.
by substantially increasi ng the rule's point You can create specific libraries of
size and decreasing the scaling and lead­ stvle sheets, however, and here's how:
ing. Choosing an extrabold type works oj)en a new document and append styles
best for creating thicker ru les. from ex isting documents to its style sheets.
Delete unwanted styles from the list and
Forced Justification save the new document, as Style Librarv­
Call our toll-free hotline today to receive th e
The la t line in a paragraph of justi fied Features Section , ror example. Do this for name of the nearest DayStar dealer.
tex t i · usuallv flush w ith the left-hand mar­ each library needed. This wil l organize
gin. You can i'Orce that line, or any line, to vou r stvles on a more selec tive basis and
0 1her brands and product names are lradcmarks or reg islercd
justify across the column measure. This is ;ninimize the number of style lists. rrademarks of rheir re pe tiv • holders. Product specificatio ns
arc subjecr to change wilhou r nollce. (i:) 1988 DaySlar Digital. In c.
particularly useful when you must cm a Because you ca n export styles to word
sto r y in the midd le ofa paragraph and send processing prog rams, y< u can speed up
the remainder as a text fil e to someone
working on a separace page on another
computer. Click the text insertion tool at
the production cycle by having writers use
only the styles you \vanr them to use when DAYSTAR
0 G T A L
( co11ti1111es) 5556 Atlanta Highway • Fl°""''Y Bra nch. Georgi a 30542
(404) 967 ·2077 • FAX (404) 967 ·30 18
Circle 477 on reader service card

\facworld 77
William Lombardo, Mode/making & Illustration Roy Sa11tiago, Busi11ess Presentatio11
Created witlr Swivel 3D a11d PixelPaint A11imated Swivel 3D images i11 Video Works

"A superb presentation tool ... "An amazing 3-D visualization

Swivel 3D raises the standard of tool that is easier to use than
3-D graphics on the Macintosh." any of the 3-D packages .... "
Joost Romeu, Mac Week Laslo Vespremi, MacWeek

"It's a speed-demon. It's your "The most intuitive interface ever

basic $395 must-have." created for moving around in a
Salvatore Parascadolo, MacUser computer environment ....
A visualization tool that will keep
"Creating objects with complex you up around the clock ­
swfaces couldn't be easier ...only with a smile on your face."
Swivel 3D lets you cast shadows Jack Davis, Verbum
on images."
David Peltz, Mac World

Jim Ludtke, Graplric Artist

Magazine il/11stratio11 created wit Ii Swivel 3D.

Paracomp Redefines the

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Swivel 30, the essential Graphics Tool

Swivel 3D lets you create stunning graphics never before possible. An extensive library of images,
By simply rotating, scaling and casting shadows, Swivel 30 shapes an'd alphabets, is included.
generates a limitless amount of images from a single 30 Swivel 30 is a powerful graphics
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the power to produce your best graphic presentations and animation, business presentations,
animations. and graphic design - it is the
essential tool for all of your graphic
Create beautiful illustrations by combining the visual power needs.
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images can be easily moved to popular paint and draw
programs. For animation, Swivel 3D pastes a series of color Suggested Retail
Price: $395
animation frames to the Scrapbook which you can easily
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Minimum System
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Swivel 30 is the first and only program to feature Linking. Paracomp, Inc.
Linking allows you to create realistic images with wheels, 123 Townsend Street, Suite 310
doors, levers, arms, legs, and objects that move. San Francisco, CA 94107, 415-543-3848

Swivel 30 is a tradema rk of Harvill /VPL Resea rch, Inc. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Circle 213 on reader service card

How To/Insights

preparing a document This encourages at a time, separate documents of elements

consistency in formatting and helps writers such as jump lines, quotes, and drop caps
organize their information. It also saves can be created in library documents (see
paragraph tagging during pagination. "Format Libraries"). You can open this
To make your styles pan of the default
system, use the menu seleClions available £dll \t 111 ll em rag~ Uiew Ull1111u
hrrna1 ut111••
after launching Xpress (before opening a
document on the desktop) to append
styles and colors. By Aul.h:>r Mac20MX

Using PageMaker Style Sheets llllt BAii.
You can use Microsoft Word to import
jlTDllv O>ntlrued on <Non•>
PageMaker style sheets into Xpress. In For the SE, Plus and 512Ke
PageMaker, use the Export command un­ !nm.Y ccnaruid i'Om ~ <Nana>
The highly rated Novy Mac20MX acceler­
der the File menu to export elected docu­
ator can move your M acintoshrn into high
ment text usi ng the Microsoft Word 3.0 file
gear. Upgrade our SE , Plu s or 512Ke for
format Do not select the Export Tags op ­
less than one-third the price of a Mac II
tion. The file, with its text and tagged ·
an d achieve equal or better speed . Th e
styles, can be opened in Xpress using the
Mac20MX will dramatically increase your
Get Text command in the File menu. Click Format Lib raries
desktop performan ce. Move through page
on Include Style Sheets when selecting the Additional Xpress libraries can store desig n ele­
layout as fast as yo u ca n move yo ur mou se.
text file to be placed. Most of the style attri­ ments tbat are presized, colored, andformatted.
Spreadsheets scro ll and ca lculate in a
butes ( font, size, indents, leading, tabs, and Users can cut and paste tbese elements into
fraction of th e tim e. Engineering CAD is
so on) are carried over as new stvles in documents as needed, sa1iingfor111at ting time.
a breeze.
Xpress. Attributes (color, for one) that are
not supported by style sheets in Microsoft document as a second w indow while work­ Go Fast or Faster
Word cannoc be carried over. Xpress style ing on a page and copy the items into posi­ The Mac20MX uses a 32-bit 68020 pro­
sheets can be imported into PageMaker by tion as needed. cessor and comes in 16 or 25 MHz
opening them in Microsoft Word and sav­ You can design, store, and position speeds. The 16 MHz version races with th e
ing them as Word files. quote styles, logos, and photographs as Mac II -that's four times faster than your
needed. Remember to design their ele­ basic Macintosh. You will speed your
Tempting Templates ments w ithin their own parent box so they Macintosh up an amazing six times faster
Creating templates saves time. They can be moved together. Here are a few with the 25 MHz version. Or purchase
can include positioned-picture frames and more examples: the 16 MHz version today and yo u can
text frames with all the style attributes of A customized dummy initial cap ( T, upgrade to 25 MH z at any time. On top
color, shading, rules, spacing, tabs, indents, for example) can be stored w ithin a small of this, spreadsheet and CAD number
font , and size. When you open a saved tem­ text frame in a va riet y of line depths, point crunching will fly up to one hundred
plate and enter type in the formatted text sizes, font styles, and colors. When you times faster with the optional 68881 math
frame, the style att ributes assigned to need a drop cap, go to your librar y of for­ coprocessor.
that frame automatically apply to the matted elements and copy and position the Easy to Handle
t) ped text cap into a text paragraph for an automatic Our special features can optimize your
This also works when you're placing wrap. Delete the first text character in the Macintosh operations. Hard drives wi ll
text from a document, but there's a hitch. If paragraph and retype it or paste it in place operate properly, and most big screen
the tex t is placed from a word processor, of the dummy initial cap. Adjust the width monitors will plug right in and go to
the style attributes of the word processor of the text box as needed. work. Sound quality is faithfu lly maintained
file override the formatted tex t frame 's Jump lines can be stored w ith their at all speeds. Games and o ld sofware can
style attributes and you will have to format automatic page-numbering information. sti ll run with the origina l 68000 processor.
all over again. However, if you save the text Then they can be copied from the library
from the word proces. or in ASClI format and positioned for instant numbering of Call our toll-free hotline today to receive
first and then place it, the style attributes of jump lines to the next page. Real keywords the name of the nearest DayStar dea ler.
the formatted text frame w ill apply to the (or stor y slugs) typed over these dummy 1-800-962-2077
placed text. positions w ill pick up the underlying style 01hcr brands and product names are tradem ru ksor regisiered trademarks ol
!h eir respl'Ctiw holders. Produci speci ficatio n ~ arc subjecl lo changewi 1hou1
Minitemplates can be created as a attributes. no1Jcc. © 1988 DayStar Digll.11, Inc.
library of formatted element . Because
Xpress can open more than one document (cowi1111 es)

5556 Allanra Highway • Flowery Branch. Georgia 30542
(404) 967·2077 • FAX (404) 967-301 8

Circle 476 on rea der service card

Macworl cl 79
Before you give your

next presentation,

press this button.

Tum Desktop Presentations

Into Conference Room Power
Your Macintosh® is one of need . And YideoShow can
the best tools arou nd for cre­ operate as the cornerstone of
ating great presentation ·a fu ll system for creating
images. Now VideoShow® presentations in a variety of
can take those images into media .
the conference room where
Brilliant Slides, Too
you' ll really impress yo ur
When you need profes­
audience with high-resol ution
sional quality high-resolution
presentations in up to
slides , simply add Photo­
100,000 brilliant colors on
Metric® SlideMaker® to turn
screen. And it 's as easy as
your great images into great
pressing a button .
slides. At your desk. No
Create your images with
guesswork. No service
your favorite graphics or
bureau . No delays. No
presentation software like
Microsoft® PowerPoint rn, problems.
VideoShmv·s wirele.1'.1' remote co111rol /WIS you in compleie
Aldus® Persuasion n•, Syman­ command of your prese111r11io11.
And Instant Overheads
tec rn MORE 11 "', etc. Then YideoShow with Print­
take your presentation diskette from your Maci ntosh Maker® software and a color printer, produces sharp,
into the conference room . Insert it into VideoShow bri lliantly colored
and press the button. overhead transpar­
YideoShow turns your images into exciting , board­ encies and hard­
room-quali ty presentations with dynamic transition copy handouts.
effects, all in brilliant full color. Even if you've cre­ Easily and
ated your images on a Mac® SE or Plus. instantly.
And your Macintosh can remain in your office
You have to see
while yo u're in the conference room. Just connect
VideoShow to
YideoShow to a color monitor or large-screen video
believe it. Call
projector. Insert your presentation disk , and press
the button. today 800-556­
1234, ext. 234.
Easy On Your Budget In California,
With three models, starting at $ 1795 . there 's a call 800-441­
VideoS how unit to fit every budget and presentation 2345 , ext. 234.
VideoShow i" w1 elec1m 11ic prese111a1io11
unit for 011tst(111di111: co11fere11ce room

General Parametrics Corporation The leader in desktop presentation products

TradcmarkJOw n..:r; Aldu :-.. Pi.!r).Ua)<,ionlA!t.Ju :-. Corporation: ~ l ac . /\bt·inio.;h/ /\ppk C11111JH1h: r. Im:.: PhotuMi.:tri l" . Print ~1ak cr. Sli<ldvlakcr. VilicoS howlGcnc r;d Poira111c1m ·:. 'orpora linn :
Micro~nft. PnwcrPt1i 11t1 Mi no:.nf1 Cmpora1i on: t-.·10RE II . .Sym:1111 c1.:/Sy111;1n1c l· Corp11r;1ti11n .

Circle 467 on reader service card

How To/Insights

Conlrasl Control
71Jese 11110 images ilfus­
trate Xpress'.s ability

to a lter !be comrast

curves in allf o ur col­
ors f or sp eciaI ejj'e cts.

Affordable AppleShare
O Nega llue
Compatible File Server
o~;:;:;:;::;==~. li:EJ I Ca nce l ~
Convert your PC or PS/ 2 ® into an
AppleShare 1M com patib le file server with
Color Kudos by selecting CMYK after selecting the the DayStar FSlOO File Server System. It
Xpress offers separation features for Pantone color and turning on the separa­ works just like a dedicated Appl eSha re
spot colors or combined four-color plates tion process. server, allowing Macs and PC's to share
made up ofCMYK values. Un.fortunately, storage space and exchange files on the
you can't see Illustrator images in color be­ Changing Your Image server. The FS100 is the most cost-effective
cause Illustrator does not save and load a QuarkXpress's imaging feacures no'vv server available. Take advantage of inex­
color bitmap image of the file. You can see offer expanded controls over modifying pensive PC, XT and AT clones, or bring
FreeHand illustration s in color, but thev color images. Achieve special conrrast ef­ yo ur old surp lu s machines back into ser­
don't separate out with rhe Xpress colo;·s in fects on color images by manipulating the vice. It's simp le to install and offers remote
CMYK. comrast line (see "Contrast Control" ). You administration from both Macs and PC's.
Mixing colors in Xpress is similar to can alter individual color contrast on im­ Plug Micro Channel
creating style sheets. According to Xpress's ported color images for HSB (hue, satura­ into L.ocalTall< TM
manual , you can mix colors by dragging tion and brightness), CMYK, CMY (cyan, Connect the IBM ® PS/ 2 Micro Channel
the cursor through a color wheel. This fea­ magenta, and yellow), and RGB values. or PC, XT, AT and compatib les directly
ture does not work in Xpress 2.0, however, Although Xpress's black-and-white into the LocalTalk network with the
and you must enter CMYK percentages nu­ controls can't compete with the editing fea­ DayStar LT200 Interface Boards. With
mericall y, creating a small color swatch tures of stand-alone programs like Image­ the LT200 , a PS/ 2 or PC will access
along with the color. Name the new color Studio and Digital Darkroom , they do have TOPs, E-Mail , or AppleShare program s.
and it, as well as the swatch , becomes part their uses. For example, you can change Additionally. you can print from virtua lly
of your permanent color style for that the screen pattern from dot to line. (Note, any DOS app li cation to PostScript®
document. however, that you won't see these changes compatible printers, in cluding the Apple®
For accurate color percentages, mix until printed.) You can change black-and­ LaserWriter.®
your colors according to a printer 's color white bitrnapped, TIFF, and other image
guide, not according to the colors appear­ formats supported by Xpress by adding a
ing on the screen. You will have a better color or screen tint in addition to the spe­
chance of getting the correct screen va lues cial contrast effects.
for the final printing. Like the style sheets,
colors can be appended and managed Other Tips?
thro ug h custo m libraries. The same pe r­ If vou've fo und a shortcut o r undocu­ Call our toll-free ho1line today to receive the name
centages of color mixed in Illustrator and mented trick that's not mentioned here, of the nearest DayStar dealer.
QuarkXpress will print differentl y. Quark is share it with other 1\!Jacworld readers by 1-800-962-2077
planning to fix this problem in a future sending it to Quick Tips, l1acworld, 501 01 her brands and pro<lud nam(!') dre 1radem.1rko;. or regis1ered
1rademarks of 1heir rcspt-dlve holders. Pro<luc.I sp 1fic.11ion.::, ar(• .;.ubj{'<.I
relea se. Second St. , San Francisco, CA 94107. o lo change \\'ilhoul no1!ce. 'fH988 DayS1ar Digital. Inc

Xpress offers a complete line of Pan­

tone colors that are truer to their on-screen
representation than CMYK colors because
they were created with their RGB ( red­
green-blue) counterparts. Pantone colors
See W/Jere to Buy to r contact information.
5556 Alla nla Highway • Flowery Bran ch. Georgia 30542
can be selec ted by color or number. You
(404) 967-2077 • FAX (404) 967-301 8
can separate the colors into CMYK va lues
Circle 404 on reader service card

Macworld 81
A new and advanced paint,

editing and special effects progratn.

For the serious artist, with capabilities and speed

beyond any other Macintosh paint software

CUSTO~UZING COLOR PALETTES Create and save your own set of colors - one at a time with color picker, or a range of

Jiii - l
colors using RGB and/or HLS tables. Blend any range of colors fro m 2 to 256. Change palettes to change the color scheme of any illustration.
r- I -, DD ----=--~~

]~§§~~-- ' ··-=-~

~ -~ !J ---­ fl_ om­
New, Exclusive "Magic-like" Special Effects
• 2 Layers with Paint and Edit features on both. Graphist Paint II is a new hi-end paint program with all of the
standard painting tools , file formats and 16 Macintosh standard
• Incrust selected images from Stencil layer onto top layer. modes ... PLUS you can:
• New Pixel Brush allows you to create customized • Import all of the standard formats, PixelPaint and video inputs
paint brushes. (driver built-in) including PAINT, PICT I and II, TIFF and RIFF.
• Export many different formats for direct integration with other
• New "water drop" tool allows selective blending of colors. software to provide a more complete and better art solution.
• New "thermometer" displays colors on the palette. • Digitize existing images from a video camera or a television
(NTSC or PAL) with on-screen viewing, for subsequent editing.
• New spherization of any image including text. • Select from 16. 7 Million colors, supporting 1 palette of 256
• Two to ten times faster than any other advanced Macintosh colors at a time , on each of 2 screens.
paint or draw program. • Pixel by pixel editing.

Take any two images, on two
layers . . . incrust an image from
one onto the other - in any
position - or onto any other
illustration - in any position ­
or back onto the full original. Main original Jncrusting in progress Incrusting completed

Take any image, or text . . .
define the area ... and create
a 3-D sphere of the entire image,
or text.
Spherize Type Spherize Art Create Custom Spheres

Customize color palettes by
changing RGB and/or HLS wave .-----­ ~

forms - or use the standard
Macintosh color picker. Red, Green. Blue wave fomi Hue, Luminosity, Saturation Macintosh Color Picker

Graphist Paint II is packed with so many new features you'll

want to get your hands on it right away. For full information and
the name of the Graphist Paint dealer nearest to you call:
1-800-234-0230. Aba Software, Inc.
41 Gre at Valley Parkway
Mal\"e m , PA 19355
P1xelPa1nt ts a registered tradema rk of Super Mac Software. Circle 340 on reader service car
a Division of Scientific Micro Systems.
If your business is using Now, you can identify problems
....- AppleTalk networks, then you're on any Macintosh, reconfigure or update
ready for the next big advance in software, teach people new applications,
office communications. or manage servers and other shared
Introducing Timbuktu, resources. Right from your own Macintosh.
the new application for your Or any other Macintosh, for that matter.
network that lets you access For those pressured with meeting
and share resources. It's just the demand for more computing power,
what you'd expect from the while justifying the cost to management,
people who brought you the Timbuktu offers a profitable solution.
PhoneNET System. And relief.
Granted, the name is a little Timbuktu lets everyone access
unconventional. But the time and any workstation and its databases, FAX
money Timbuktu saves will appeal to even modems, print spoolers, servers, and main­
the most conservative minds. frame connections. If you're concerned
Install Timbuktu on each Macintosh, about security, the password protection
and everyone on the network can access feature will limit access to any device.
other Macintoshes, share screens, and You can also use Macintosh lls as servers
control the operation of each other's com­ without buying keyboards, monitors,
puters. In fact, you can access your own or video cards.
computer from another computer on Timbuktu. What we're talking
the network. (Our companion product, about is people working together, sharing
Timbuktu/Remote, works the same way resources, and helping each other get the
over modems.) job done. Only now you can do it over the
So, if you're the one who's always network, with united stations. To find out
fixing things on the network, helping solve more about Timbuktu and the rest of the
computer puzzles, and other office heroics, PhoneNET System, call (415) 849-2331
then leave your running shoes at home. for the Farallon dealer nearest you.

-~ Fam/Ion™2150 Kittredge Street, Berkeley. CA 94704

Phone NET Is a registered trademark, and Timbuktu and Timbukt u/Remote are tradema rks of Farallon Computtng, Inc. Macin tosti and AppleTalk are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc. C> 1988 Farallon Computing, Inc.

Circle 150 on reader service card

Macworld News


Tektronix Color Tektronix's Phaser

Pri111Station can
Printer drive the company's
thermal color
In answer to the Mac­ printer and mo110­
intosh 11 world 's clam ­ chrome laser pri11t­
o r for a be tter color er. Its ColorQ11ick
printer, Te ktro ni x has rolled out Ink-jet Printer ts
a colo r ink-jet printe r and an specially designed
upg raded version of its existing for tbe Mac JI.
46930, a 300-dpi thermal trans­
fer printer. In addition, Tek­
tro nix introduced a three-part
family of pha e r printers. One
pan, the printer controller,
drives the other two parts-a
PostScript-compatible, thermal
colo r printer, and a mono ­
chrome lase r printe r.
The hea rt of the Phaser fam­
ily is a Mac II -size box called
the Phaser PrintStation. The
box contain · a printe r control ­
le r with SM B of me mor y (ex­ the rmal printer. The laser printe r d ithe rs seven basic col­ making them inco mpatible
pandable to llMB), a 40M B printe r costs anothe r $3000, or" (Dithe ring involves alter­ with much of the available oft­
hard disk , and an AppleTalk still keeping the cost nating the elms of different col­ ware. The ColorQuick, how­
connector. A colo r interpreter below that of the QM printer. o rs to produce a new color.) ever, uses a Chooser-level
suppo rts both Post cript and You can auach an Apple Laser­ Thus the appare nr resolutio n QuickDraw drive r that works
f-/PGL (the lang uage that drives Writer to the PrintStatio n dips far below the actual 300 with all QuickDraw applica­
most pe n plotters), and you can through a serial port, and use dors pe r inch (dpi ), making the tio ns and suppo rts bitmap
reprogram the inte rpreter to the Lase rWriter as a spool o utput unsuitable for camera­ font s.
work with any Tektronix colo r server. In addition , you can ready art. In addit io n, it's nearly Even better, the ColorQuick
printer (only one at a time, purchase a second contro lle r imposs ible to match colors o n can produce 4096 colo rs at 216
however). The 40MB hard disk board so you can have two col­ the Mac 11 's screen with color · clpi , by manual ditbering­
contains the same 35 fo nts o r printe rs, two black-and­ o n the printo ut. you create colors by making
available o n an Apple Laser­ white printe rs, and a l.aser­ On the o the r hand, Tekcronix patte rns of dors. In compari­
Write r, and it ca n spool images. Writer, all attached to a network has given users an inexpensive son, both the PaintJet and the
PrimStatio n soft wa re lets users at o nce. way to get reasonable color Sharp JX-730 print at o nly 180
on a ne twork check the spooler Even though the Phaser fa m­ printouts from a Mac II. The dpi. Also unlike the PaintJet
in o rde r LO see what jobs are ily's price is comparatively low new ColorQuick Ink-jet Printe r, and the harp, the ColorQuick
there and to control their own and the set-up flex ible, you may which costs Ies than 3000, is can be o rdered with a SCSI
print jobs. well questio n whe the r the out­ the first color ink-jet printer port for faster printing speeds.
The Pha ·er Prim ratio n, bun­ put you get from any Postscript specifically designed for the The printer can print o n plain
d led with the PostScript color colo r therma l printer is worth Macintosh. Others, such as or coated paper, or on transpar­
printer e ngine, costs under the cost. In o rde r to produce a Hewle tt-Packard's Pai ntJe t e ncy film at one minute per
$16,000-$6000 less than the large pale tte of colo rs, the (which was o rigina lly desig ned
equiva le nt QMS PostScript to work with IBM PCs), require (conti1111es)
specia l third-party d rivers,

Macworld 5
Macworld News

page in draft mode (lower res­ will enable any company to cre­ code that is the sa me as that of
olutio n), and two minutes per ate its own recipe book fro m all Schlumbe rger's VAX main­
page in full resolmion mode. of its pre-existing symbols. frame version.
The printer accepts le tter- o r Company chairman Wally MacBravo consists of three
legal-size paper, as well as 11­ Olins states the organization's verv Mac-like elements: lac­
by-17-inch and 12-by-18-inch pa­ design philosophy: "Strategy, Bra~10 Modeler, a ~1495 3-0
per, so you can produce full 11­ structure, and style, rather than wireframe and ·urface modele r
by-17-inch print with margins mere logos, are the basis for a package; i'l'1acBravo Detailer. a
and no image loss. good corporate identity." For $1995 drafting package; and a
If you want to use the Color­ further information, contact $495 IGES translator. The three
WolffOlins d esig n ed this logo may also be obtained toge the r
Quick on an AppleTalk net­ Claude Alverson at Wolff-O lins,
when the FF/ Group became the
work, you can attach it to the in San Francisco, California, at for $3295.
31 Corpora tion. 4151981-2400. - Fern.Friedman MacBravo Modeler supports
Phaser PrintSration. Later ver­
sions of the ColorQuick wil l warped , swept, ru led, and off­
support the SE directly and in­ Claude Alverson, director of set surfaces, as well as surface
clude outline fonts . Wolff Olins's new San Francisco intersectio ns. It provides exten­
For an encore, Tektronix bas branch office, envisions even sive geometric construction ca­
more far-reaching uses for the pability and le ts yo u work in
enhanced it 4693D Color Im­
age Printer. This 300-dpi ther­ Mac.'His corporate-design pro­ Workstation­ 2-0 work planes, which are
posals always state that the cli­
mal printer now accepts full
ent must acquire a Mac. Then Class CAD/CAM then combined to form precise
3-0 models. These models in ­
resolution, 24-bit color images
in its minimum configuration the Corporate Book, which is
a recipe book containing all
for the Mac II corporate IEEE standard dou­
of 4MB of memory, and prints
those image at 300 dpi. Fully graphic representations of a Apple has always tout­
loaded with 12MB the printer company's symbol and specifi­ ed the Mac 11 a · a
can hold three full images in­ cations about bow it shou ld ap­ • good computer fo r
stead of the previous limit pear, is created and delivered CAD/CAM. Now the fourth ­
of two. And Tektronix has online to the cl ient for ongoing largest mechanica l CAO/CAM
tweaked the color matching ca­ use . When an employee is software company in the world
hired, for example, new busi­ - The Sch lumberger Technol­
pabi lities so that printed blues
and g reens match the screen ness cards can be instantly cre­ ogies CAD/CAM Division of
slightly bette r. But don't plan to ated from the database of de­ Ann Arbor, Michigan-is mak­
sell that citex system any time signs in the Corporate Book ing its existing Bravo3 CAO/ Sd1l11mberger 's Bravo3 CAD/
without the original arcwork. CAM software available on the
soon. For mo re information, CAM software is now available
The result? A consistent vi­ Macintosh. Called MacBravo,
contact Tektro nix, P.O. Box as MacBravofor th e Mac.
sual identity. And Wolff Olins this product line uses source
14689, Portland, OR 97215·
plans to market software that
800/225-5434.-Cbeiy / Spencer ble-precisio n floating point ca l­
culations , which is impo rtant
for machining accuracy. The
soft wa re allows up to eight
model viewports to be simulta­
Identity Online neously displayed; each can be
saved , zoomed , and rotated .
WolffOlins, one offal­ MacBravo Detailer also refe r­
rope's oldest and larg­ ences the 3-0 models.
est design firms, has ln addition to doing 2-0
gone all-Mac. The London­ mechan ica l de ta il drafting,
based company, known for its MacBravo Detailer also oper­
pioneering work in the field of ates in c njunction with Mac­
corporate identity, has 30 Macs Bravo Modeler for detailing
in place, 6 of them Mac Us. It 3-0 models. It conforms with
uses the machines to design ANS!, ISO and DI N dimensio n­
total corporate-image packages ing standards, and has exten­
-every thing from offices to of­ sive geometric construc tion, di ­
fice forms to vehicles to prod­ me nsioning, text, and labeling
ucts. The company's directors facilities. You can display 3-0
believe that the Mac offers models in a 3-0 viewpon wh ile
unique design solutions and 2-0 views are being created.
makes design modification
mo re efficient. Cla ude Alverson beads the Sa11 Fra ncisco office o/Wolff Oli11s, a
Lon do11-based l11te r 11atlo11al d esign.firm that bas gon e a ll-Mac. 87
The SilverView­ you with a high contrast,
family of high rock solid image.
resolution 21·
display systems Finally, with your choice of
offers the lsgest three models offering 2. 16
viewing sea or 256 grey levels, SilverView
available any­

SilverView's full size two page display Is

achieved with a new 21" flat screen moni­
tor, which provides nell'ly 16" x 12" of ac­
tive display area.

The SilverView two page display allows

you to display two full pages simultan&­
ously, in actual size ~'?-? TlD T
at 1152x870pixels, £ .L/F.L represents the premium dis·
because we are not play system for publishing,
only big but we are 31 graphic design and imagin'g
also 72 dpi. applications.

All SilverView systems have a paper white SilverView, the performance

display, a high 76 Hz refresh rate. and a leader and the most comfort­
flat screen to eliminate glare and provide able monitor eve!' made_
Macworld News

MacBravo Modele r and De­ machematical expressions com­ Modu le costs 745. The Broad­
taile r bath are user-custo miz­ bined with no rmal text and band Modu le and the Ethernet
able and provide parame tric graphics. Milo has a suggested Adapto r Module are also ava il­
prog ramming and a unique re cail price of $249.95 and is able separatel y fo r $350 and
( patemed) Mousescroke Recog­ available fro m Paracomp or $200, respec tively. The Broad­
nitio n System, which le ts you from distributo rs includi ng Talk-Ethe rne t Gateway costs
draw symbols wich the mo use Softsel and Bons u. $3550. Fo r furthe r informatio n,
to inicime common operatio n ·. Adding credence to the no­ co ntact Cactus Computer, in
Both packages suppo rt the tion that che Mac is becoming a Carrollton, Texas. at 21 41
LaserWrice r, the ImageWricer, comple te CAD machine , Para­ Cactus's board co1111ects tbe II 416-0525. -Sharon Fisher
and a variecy of pen plotce rs. comp is also introd ucing Mac­ to a broadband 11etwo,-k.
You can import and exporc fi les VLSI, a software package for
in Clipboard , IGES, PICl~ and design ing and laying ouc Very some broadband ne two rks also
Inte rleaf publishing system fo r­ Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) ca rry closed-circui t video.)
macs, and FA (Necwork File
Access) for mac for VAX yscems.
chips. MacVLSI wi ll cost about
$3000 w hen it becomes avail­
Each chan rtel transmits at a d if·
ferern frequency, and you adjust
A Mac's Brain in
MacBravo will be marke ced able in March (a less expensive the boa rds on your computer a PC Body?
exclusively chrough a cad re of academic ver io n with fewer to rece ive that frequ ncy.
Apple-trained resellers. For features will al ·o be offered ). The BroadTalk board allows In a concinuing at­

furth e r informacion, concacc

Schlumberger Techno logies
in Ann Arbor, Michigan , at
For more in formation call Para­
comp in Sa n Francisco, ac
the user to choose amo ng four
freq ue ncies, o ne of which is
used by the IBM PC Net wo rk ,
te mpt to make the IBM
PC look more Iike a
Macintos h, IB!VI and Microsoft
3131995-6000. -David l. Peltz meaning that Mac users can have shipped version 1.1 of Op­
communicate with PCs o n that erating System/2 (OS/2) with
kind of LA1 . The board in ­ the Presentat io n lanager
cludes a plug-in, 2 megab it­ graph ical use r interface- a
Cactus Slices per-second broadband mo dem
module that you can easily re­
Hey Milo, Can Up Broadband place to change freq ue ncies.
You Help Me Cac tus Computer has
With an Etherne t Ad<iptor
Modu le, the board can also be
with My Math? introd uced the Broad­ used as a standard Mac 11 Ethe r­
Talk adapte r board for net adapter, transmitting at
Got che concepc of connecting the Mac II co a 10 megabits per second.
step-funccio ns, buc too broadband netwo rk. Cac tus also offe rs a Broad­
cired co calcu lace an­ A broadband ne twork , unlike Ta lk-Et hernet gateway, wh ich
o ther seep? Paracomp's Milo, ocher LA Ns such as LocalTalk allows use rs o n a broadband 05121.1 sbij1s witb tbe Presenta­
the first WYSIWYG rnache mati­ and Ethe rne t, divides the trans­ ne twork to communicate with tion Manager g,-apbical user
ca l pro ble m solver for che Mac­ missio n capacity o n the wire use rs o n an Ethe rne t ne t·work . interface.
intosh, help execuce common inco segments, in much the The BroadTalk Adapto r
math o perations qu ickly and same way that a cable TV trans­ Board wi th a Broadband Mod­ multitaski ng, single-user o pe r­
easily. Milo includes a technical missio n supports multiple ule co ·t 895, while an adapt­ ating syste m that u es the pro­
wo rd-processing capabil ity, channel · o n one cable. (In fact , er with an Etherne t Adapror tected-mode operation of PCs
graphics tools, and a symbolic based on 80286 and 80386 mi­
algebra program. croprocessors. It allows use rs
"Milo is like an intelligent to tap up to ·16Ml3 of memor y
piece of pape r," accord ing to or up to lGU of virtual me mory.
Ro n Aviczur, who developed the Othe r features new in OS/2
prog ram as a stude nt at Stan­ 1.1 include allowance fo r a sin­
ford nive rsity. "The user gle fi le robe larger than 32MB,
guides the machematic · but DATA<h12 as well as suppo rt for the
Mi lo does all the work." The named-pipes inte rface, a meth ­
program lets you manipulate od fo r communicating be tween
compIicated mach expressions processes and programs that is
by click ing che mo use, and cre­ eas ier and faste r than existing
ate sc ie nt ific docume ncs with me thods o n the PC.
the word processor wh ile pe r­ Ir's recom me nded that PCs
form ing algebraic compuca­ running OS/2 have at least 2Ml3
DATA<h 11 DATA Ch 11 DATA Ch 12 DATA Ch 12 DATA<h 11 DATA Ch 11
tio ns. Another fi rsc for Milo is of me mo ry, or 2.5 MB ifthey·re
that the documents can contain Cactus Computer b e lps Mac II use rs connect to broadba11d 11e t­
works, wbicb tlivide tbe tra11smisslo11 capacity into segments. Yo11 (co111i1111es )
adjustyour compute,-'s boanls to receive at di.fferentfrequencies.

Macworld 89
The Only Macintosh Source That's Completely Operational On Macintosh.


Deneba Software Aba Software Zedcor Inc
Coach Professional ........... ....... 109. Draw It Again Sam! .................... 88. Deskpaint V.2.0 .......................... 65.
Accessories Graphist Paint 11 ........................ 375.
Coach Thesaurus ....................... 36.
Electronic Arts Aldus Educational
Thunder ..... ... ........... ...•......... ...... 32. Freehand .................................. 445.
Pro Point (Mac SE/11) ................ 113.
Fox Software Pagemaker 3.0 ................. .... .... 510. Bible Research Systems
Addison Wesley
Foxbase+/Mac .......................... 209 . Altsys The Word - NIV & KJV..... ........ 179.
Inside Macintosh, Vol. 1-4 .. .. ea. 21.
Freesoft Fontastic Plus ....... ..... .. ...... ... ...... 75.
Inside Macintosh, Vol. 5 ..... .. ..... . 23. Borland
Red Ryder 10.3 ... .. ......... ... ......... 54 . Fontographer .................. ....... .. . 239. Eureka : The Solver ........ ... ....... 128.
Asher Engineering
Lundeen & Associates Broderbund Bright Star Technology
Turbo Trackball ADS (Mac SElll) .. 85 .
Works Plus Command .............. . 62 . Poster Maker Plus ... ................... 39. Alphabel Blocks (Requires 1 Meg) ..... 30.
Bantam Books
Works Plus Spell 1.1 ......... ......... 47. Print Shop .................................. 39.
Adobe Illustrator: Handbook ..... .. 19. Broderbund
Mecca Compucraft Type! ...... ..................... ......••....... 25.
Hypercard Handbook ............... .. 23.
Managing Your Money ............. 128. Mac Art Library .... ... .................. 159.
Benko-Wren Great Wave Software
Mediagenlc Cricket Software Kids Time ............ ....................... 26.
Macstation II ....... ...... ... .......... ..... 75.
Focal Point II ....................... ..... 128. Cricket Draw ..... .................... .... 168.
Datadesk Mlndscape
Reports .................... ................... 68. Cricket Presents ................... .... 285. SAT.I Perfect Score ................. 47.
Hyper Dialer ............................... 29 .
Micro Lytics Pict-O·Graph .............. ...... ... ..... 104 .
Mac 101 Keyboard ..... .......... .. .. 149. Nordic
Gofer .......................................... 44 . Deneba Software • Alphabetizer • Bodyworks
Word Finder .... ............................ 34 . Canvas 2.0 ........... .................... 168. • Clockworks • Coinworks
Mactiil SE/512k/Plus .................. 72 .
Dubl-Cllck Software • Earthworks • Flashworks
Mouse Cleaner 360° .................. 12. • Lemonade S1and • Naval Battle
Excel ....................... .. ............. ... 249 .
~ :Vol 1 & 2 (Classic Clip Art)
Golden Ribbons • Preschool Disk 1 • Word Search
File 2.0 ................................... ... 139.
Vol 3 & 4 (For Publishing)
lmagewriler Ribbons -Black ........... 4. Vol 5 & 6 (Animal Kingdom) • Preschool Disk 2 .. ............... each 28.
Word ....................... .................. 249.

Kalmar Designs - Teakwood D<sk Fde Vol 7 & 8 (Special Occassions) The Learning Company
Works 2.0 .... ........................ ..... 198.
Vol 9 & 10 (Prinler"s Helper)
Cabinet (Holds 45 Disks) ...... ..... 19. Reader Rabbit ......................... ... 36.
Write ......................................... 113.
Vol 11 & 12 (Industrial Revolution)
Cabinet (Holds 90 Disks) ........... 29. True Basic
Monogram Vol 13 & 14 (Old Earth Almanac)
Kensington Mlcroware • Algebra • Arilhmetic
Dollars & Sense 4.0 ........ ........... 80. Vol 15 & 16 (lsland life) ............ each 43.
System Saver Mac Fan .............. 68. World Class Foots·
• Calculus • Discrete Mathematics
Business Sense ..... .............. ..... 262. • Pre-Calculus • Probability Theory
Turbo Mouse ....... ........ ............. 119. Vol 1 & 2 (The Originals)

Odesta Vol 3 & 4 (The Stylish)

• Truestat .................................. each 35.

Double Helix Release 2 ............ 337. Vol 5 & 6 (The Giants) .......... .... each 43.

Joystick (Quickstick) ADS .... ...... 39.

Mac Packs - Grey,Wine.Navy
Olduvai Software Foundation Publications Games
Read-ii ! ...... .... ..................... ...... 199. Comic Strip Factory .............. ...... 40.
lmagewriter Bag ...... ...... ..... ....... . 49.
Read -It! (for Thunderscan) .... ..... 79. Comic People 1vo1.1 Off;ce Days) ...... 25 .
Mac Plu s/SE Bag .. ..... .............. .. 68. Access Software
Peripherals Computers & Supplies Innovative Data Design
Mac SE Bao Xt (Ex 1ended Keyboard) . • .• . 74. World Class Leader Board ......... 30.
Kaleidagraph V 1.1 ............... ... .. 124 . Dreams ........................ ............. 398.
Mac Zone
Versa Term Pro 2.20 ........ .. ...... 198. Macdraft 1.2b ...... ..... ......... ....... 149.
Noise & Surge Protector ............ 24 .
Hardball .... ............. ............. ....... . 27.
800k Disk Drive ... .................. ... 189.
Versa Term V 3.20 ... ............. ..... 68 . Laserware Activision
Personal Bibliographic Laserpaint Color II ...... ..... ......... 359.
Mouse Pad ........ .. ........... .............. 6.
Universal Military Simulator ........ 34 .
Tool Kit To Open Mac ............ .... 20.
Pro-Cite .. ........................... ....... 295 . Letraset

MSC Technologies Select Micro Systems Image Studio ..... ...... ................. 299.
Ancient Art Of War ..................... 30 .

Map Maker 3.X ...................... ... 221 . Letra Studio .................... ... .... ... 327.

A+ Mouse ADS (SE/Mac II) ........ 85. Ancient Art Of War At Sea ......... 30 .

Softview Ready , Set, Go 4.5 .. .....•........... 289.

A+ Mouse (512/Plus) .................. 65. Autoduel ....................... ...... ........ 28 .

MacinTax 1988 ........................... 64. Ready , Set. Show .............. ....... 189.

Orange Micro Moebius ...................................... 28 .

Tax View Planner ....................... 48 . Macromlnd

Grappler Mac .............................. 78. Shufflepuck Cafe ........................ 28.

Grappler Mac LO ........................ 91. Software Discoveries Video Works II .......................... 179. Bullseye Software
Record Holder Plus .................... 44 . Video Works II Hypercard Dnver ••••• • • 62 .
Grappler Mac LS .......... .............. 99. Ferrari Grand Prix ...................... 32 .
Scancofurn Software Ventures Microsoft P-51 Mustang Flighl Simulator .......... 31 .
Microphone 1.5 ............... ...... .... 109. Power Point 2.0 ........... ... ...... .... 249 .
Mac Table With Cabinet ...... ..... 375. Discovery Software
Microphone 11 .............. .............. 221 . Postcraft International
Smith & Bellows - D" kene Chest Arkanoid ..................................... 30 .
Survivor Software Laser Fx ........ ........ ............ ....... 117.
Mahogany (Holds 96 Disks) ........... 35 . Electronic Arts
Sony Disks
Mac Money V. 3.0 .... .... .......... ... 64 . Shana Enterprises Chessmaster 2000 ...... ...... .... ..... 28 .
Symantec Fast Forms Construction Kit ....... 96.
Double Sided - 1O Pack ............ .. 18.
Chuck Yeager's Adv. Flight Trainer .... 32 .
MacSOZ! 1.5 ................ .............. 49 . Siiicon Beach Software

Double Sided - Bulk .. ....... 1.75 each

Scrabble ... .................................. 25.
Single Sided · 10 Pack ........... .. .. 14.
More II ... ....... .. .... ... .... ....... ... ... .. 249. Digital Darkroom .. .................... . 179.
T/Maker Silicon Press .... .......... ................. 48.

Single Sided · Bulk .. ..... ... 1.20 each

Sub Battle .. ....... ...... .................... 31 .
Soprls Softworks - Bluo. W•ne. Grey Write Now 2.0 .. ... .... .................. 119. Super 3·D ......... ........................ 177.
Greene Inc
lmagewriter I or II Bag ........ ....... .45. Traveling Software Super 3·D (Enhanced) ............. 297.
Crystal Quest 2.2 ..... ....... ............ 26.
Laplink ................ .............. .......... 89 . Super Paint .......... ....................... 89.

Mac 51 2/Plu s/SE Bag ..... ........... 50. Henderson & Associates
Mac SE (Ext. Keyboard) Bag ..... 68. Wordperfect Corp Supermac Software Real Poker .................................. 25.
WordperfeC1 .................•............ 189. Pixel Paint 2.0 .......................... 289. Infinity
Business Go ............................................... 27.
Graphics Picture Base 1.2 & Pb Retriever ........ 62. Grand Slam Tennis .................... 27.
T/Maker lnfocom
3G Graphics Click Art Business Images ......... 33. Quarterstaff ................................ 35.
4th Dimension ............... ............ Call
Business I ................................... 65. Click Art Christian Images .. ........ 36 . Medlagenlc
AEC Information Management
Graphics & Symbols 1 ................ 58 . EPS Illustrations ....................... .. 75. Might & Magic ................. ............ 38.
AEC Information Manager ........ 575.
Aeg is Development Shanghai ................. ................... 24 .
Doug Clapp"s Word Tools ................ 45.
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Flight Simulator ........................ .. 36
Miles Computing ·
Downhill Racer ........... .... ............ 23 .
The Fool's Errand ....... ... ............. 27 Everex

Harrier Strike Mission II .............. 2s: EMAC 20-ID ......... .. ... ... ...... ..... . 470.

Mlndscape EMAC 401D Intern al ........... .. .... 730.

Aussie Joker Poker .................. .. 34 . EMAC 601D Internal ....... .......... B9B.
·Balance Of Power (1990 Edition) EMAC BOID Interna l ........ ....... 11BO.

• Colony • Crossword Magic Borland

• Deja Vu • Shadowgate Turbo Pascal 1.1 ...... ... ............... 65
Zone B1-ll ........... ... ......... ..... ..... 99B.
• Uninvited • Trust & Betrayal ..... ea. 30. Microsoft ·
Tape Back Up Systems
Deja Vu 11 (Lost In Las Vegas) ........ 32 .
CMS Quick Basic ... ....... ...................... 69.
PBI Software Symantec
Tapestack 60 Meg .... .......... ... ... 725.

Strategic Conquest Plus ............. 34. Lightspeed C ......... ................... 107.

Lightspeed Pascal 2.0 .... ..•. ..... .. . 77.
EMAC 40/60 DTL Di x ........ .... . 1795. Berkley System Design
Lunar Rescue ......... ...... ....... ....... 32 .
Just Enough Pascal .. ..... ........... .4B.
EMAC 60/60 DTL Di x .. .. .... ..... 1B95. Stepping Out 2.0 ...............
Mac Golf .......... ..................•.... .... 35.
Tml Systems
EMAC 60T Tape Back Up ... .. ... B45. Beyond
Mac Courses .......... ......... ........... 2B.
Tml Pascal If ...... .. ....................... 79.
Datadesk Menufonts 2 Version 2.01 .......... 31 .
Mac Golf Classic ............. .... ....... 54 .
True Basic

Mac 101 Keyboard .. .... ........ ..... 149. Borland

Mac Racquetball .......... .... ... ........ 36 .
3-D Graphics Toolkit ............. ..... 49 .

Memory/Accelerator Boards Sidekick 2.0 ................ ............... . 65 .

Road Racer ........ ... .............. ... .... 49 .
Busi ness Graphics Toolkit .......... 35 .

Dove CE Software

Silicon Beach Software Scientific Graphics Toolkit ..... ..... 35.

Macsnap 2S E ... .. ......... ...... ....... 439. Calendarmaker Ver. 3.0 ..... ...... .. 27.

• Apache Strike • DarkCastle True Basic Version 2.0 ........... .... 59.

Macsnap 524 (512k to 1meg) ........ 312. Disktop ........ ............................... 27.

·Beyond Dark Castle ........ each 27. Zedcor Inc

Macs nap 524e (512ke to lmeg) .... 284 . Quick Keys .... ............................. 54 .

Sir Tech Z Basic 5.0 .. ...... ................. ...... 115.

Macsnap 524s (512ke to 1meg Quick Mail (1 0 Users) ............... 174.

Wizardry ............. ........................ 40.

w/SCSI Port) ...................................... 378. Central Point Software
Macsnap 54B (512k To 2meg) ....... 575. Copy II Mac ...... .......... .... ....... ... .. 22.
Pt 109 ... .. ..... .................... ....... .... 32 .
Macsnap 54Be (512ke To 2meg) ... 539.
PC Tools Deluxe ........ ....... ......... 4B.
• Gato 1.4 • Orbiter ..... ... ... each 2B.

Macsnap 54Bs (512ke To 2meg Datashield

Solitaire Royale ... ... ........... ..... .... 21.
Ars Nova
w/SCSI Port) ...................................... 598. MacD irector ... .. ........... ....... ....... 120.
Tetris - Mac II (In color) ............ 25.
Practica Musica 2.0 .... ... ....•.. ..... 7B.
Marathon 020: Mse2 ... ... ... ....... 975 . Dubl-Click Software
Tetris - Mac Plus, SE & II .......... 22 .
Bogas Productions
Marathon 020: Mse3 ... ...... ....... 774. Calcu lator Construction Set .. ..... 36 .
Spinnaker Super Studio Session ................. 79.
Marathon 020 : Mse4 .. .. .......... 1154. Fifth Generation
Sargon IV .......... .... ......... ........... 30 . Studio Session .... ... .... .... ... .... ..... 49.
Plus 2 12 Meg Upgrade. Plus Onlyl ...... 429 . Fast Back ... ........ ...... ... ........... .... 53 .
·Country ·String Quartet
SCSI Port Adapter ... ......... ........ 115. Power Station 2.3 ........ ...... ....... .. 36 .
Hardware • Heavy Metal ..... ... ....... .... . each 15.
Daystar Digital Suitcase II ....... ....... ..................... 44.
33/030 Accelerator II ............. . 46BO. Greene Inc
.All ha rdwar~ irems with memoty chips . Jam Session ..... ....... ... .... ............ 30.
Novy Mac20mx-16mhz (SE/+) .... .... 699. Quickdex ..... ....... ..... .............. ... .. 32 .
Pnces are sub1ect to change on a daily basis. Coda
Macintosh HJC Software
Mac Drums ..................... . .......... 3B .
256k SIMM Module ( 120 Ns) .. CA LL Virex ... ............ ......... ......... .. ........ 6B.
External Hard Drives Electronic Arts
2 One Megabyte Surlace Mount Imagine Software
Cms - Scsl External Hard Drives
Dix Music Construction Set 2.0 ......... 69.
SIM Ms (120 Ns) .. .... ... .. ..... ..... CALL Smart Alarms ...... ..... .... ............... 34.
Macstack 20 Meg ... ....... .... ....... 529.
Great Wave Software
Hayes Smart Alarms Multiuser ......... ..... B2 .
Macstack 30 Meg .......... ...•.. ..... 615 .
Concertware + 4.0 ............ .......... 39 .
Smartmodem 1200 ................. .. 299 . Kent Marsh
Macstack 43 Meg .......... ... ........ 7B5 .
Concertware + Midi 4.0 .... .......... 7B.
Smartmodem 2400 ... ............. ... 467 . Mac Safe .... .......... .. ........ ............ BB.
Macstack 60 Meg ..................... 849 .
In comm Night Watch .................. ...... ....... . BB.
Macstack B1 Meg .. ..... ....•. ...... 1235.
Mac Record er .... ....... ..... .... ..... .. 150.
Turbo 1200 Baud Modem ........ .. 99. Mac Master
Macstack 140 Meg ................. 1495.
Turbo 2400 EC Baud Modem ... 274. Fedit + Version 1 .07 .......... ........ 2B.
Macstack 170 Meg ................. 1695.
Audio Digitizer .... ............... ....... 145.
Turbo 4800 EC Baud Modem ... 339. Mainstay
Mark Of The Unicorn
Turbo 9600 EC Baud Modem ... 599. Think N Time ...... ....... ................. 59.
EMAC 20 D ........... ...... .............. 520.
Professional Composer V.2.2 .... ..... 395.
Megagraphics Typenow ....... .............................. 27.
EMAC 40·1M P + Impact Series ....... B50 .
Pro. Pertormer V. 2.3.1 ... ...... ...... ... 325 .
2008 8 Bit Color Board /II .••..•.. ..• •. 1369. Meta
EMAC 60-IM P Impact Series .......... 998.
Passport Designs
Megascreen 19.. Display ........ 129B. Design 2.3 ....... ......................... 220.
EMAC 80-IMP Impact Series ........ 1295.
MasterTracksJr ....................... 102.
Megascreen 2008 Color Ill .......... . 3945. Mlcroseeds
EMAC 40 DLX Deluxe .............. 995.
Master Tracks Pro 3.0 ..... .... ..... 275.
Nuvotech Redu x ..... ................ .... ..... ..... .. .... 65 .
EMAC 60 DLX Deluxe .......... .. 1075.
Notewriter ........... ... ....... .... .. ...... 199.
Turbo Net: "PN-20B" .... ......... ..... 30. Paragon Courseware
EMAC BO DLX Deluxe ........ .... 1325.
Passport Midi Interlace ......... ... ... 97.
Turbo Net: "PN-209· ........... ....... 30. Qued-M ............... ... ....... .. ....... .. 105.
We also carry drives from 150 meg to Resonate
1.2 Gigabytes - Call for latest prices. Sharp Solutions

Listen 2.0 ......... ... .. ........ .... .... ...... 65.

Jx 450 Color Scanner ........ ..... 5995. Backfax .. ............... ......... ....... .... 139.

Internal Drives for Mac SE Shiva Corporation

Smartscrap & The Clipper 2.0 ........... 49 .

CMS Netbridge .................. ................ 319 .

Utilities Super Glue ............. .................... 51 .

Pro 30-SE/I R ......... .................. 505. Netmodem V1200 ........ ...... ...... 335 .
The Curator ............ .......... .. .. ...... 79 .

Pro 45-SE/I R .. .................. ... .... 725. Netmodem V2400 .. .................. 459 .
Affinity Supermac Software

Pro 100-SEll R ....................... 1493. Netserial X232 ............ ... .. ... ...... 308.
Affini File .. ............ ... ........ ............ 45. Disk Fit 1.4 ........... ..................... . 60.

Everex Solana Electronics Tempo II ...... ...... ...... ....... ....... ..... BB. Network Disk Fit ...... ....... .......... 245.

EMAC 40SE Internal ... .. ........... 730. A-Server .. ....... .... ... ... ............ .... 516 . Al soft Sentinel ............. ........... .. ....... ... 149.

EMAC GOSE Internal ...... ... ....... 929. STF Technologies Disk Express ... ........ .............. ... .. 33 . Super Laser Spool . Multi User .......... 240.

EMAC BOSE Internal .... .. ... ... .. 1180. Fax STF ..................... ....... .. ...... 554 . Font/Da Juggler Plus ....... ... .. ...... 41. Super Laser Spool · Single User ......... 79.

Seagate Supra Corp. Master Juggler ..... ........ ...... ........ 63. Superspoo l 5.0 ................... .. ...... 55 .

30-SE/ll .. ... ... ........................ ... 445. Supra Modem 2400 Baud ........ 145.
45-SE/ll ................. ........ .......... 625.
100-SE/ ll ............................... 1045.
T-1000 9600 Bps Modem ... ..... . 749.
Order your products today by calling:
Trailblazer + 18.000 Bps Modem ... 122B.


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Macworld News

running both M -DOS and ticipated in the project, pan of proved accurate in predicting
0 12 applications. Howeve r, the Eanes Independent School the ac tual outcome of the elec­
up co 4MB may actually be District's "Learning Today . . . tion. But the main w inners here
necessary. Leading Tomorrow" program, were the students, who learned
A number of applications designed to help students learn first-hand about the political
that u. e OS/2 w ich the Pre ema­ by experience about politics process as a rea l event, not a
tion tanager, including Micro­ and leadership. canned TV production.
soft Excel, have also been an­ Dan Hampton, a consu ltant -Felicity O'Meara
nounced. IBM sells OS/2 1.1 for and developer with Strata ys­
340. sers of OS/ 2 1.0 can up­ tems in Austin , chose the multi­
grade free of charge, w hile M ­ user version of Omnis 3 Plus
DO users can upgrade for version 3.3 as a platform for
$283.-SharonFisher creating the data-entry and re­
porting application for the poll .
si ng Omnis's basic push­
button screen, Hampton cre­
and My
ated a straightforward three­ Mainframe
What's Your button interface: Dukak is,
Bush , and ndecidecl. It took Ava tar and Digital
Opinion? 20 studems six minutes to learn Communications Asso­ DCA'sMaclRMA TLPM letsMac­
the s. stem, a simple macter of • ciates have each an ­ WorkStati<m users display IBM
Can public opinion clicking the mouse bunon on nounced micro-co-mainframe mai nframe applications.
polls predict the ouc­ che appropriate choice. products that make it easier for
come of major elec­ On che evenings of Novem­ Macintoshes to com municate MacIRMA TLPM is bu ndled
tions? Studems in Austin , Texas, ber 2 and 3, students placed w ith IBM mainframes. with Apple's Mac\XforkStation
sec out to find the answer last calls from a phone bank oflOO Avatar' MacMainFrame III software and is licensed to cor­
overnber with a major nation­ phones on stage at che school OFT (Distributed Function Ter­ porations for 2500. Mac!RMA
;il opin ion pol I of nearl y 30,000 auditorium. l \venty-five run­ TLPM requires MacIRMA, a
voters-a sample size larger ners brought re. ults from the Macintosh-to-IBM mainframe
than that of any rher pol I ur­ phone bank to the student· at hardware/software connec­
veying the 1988 presidential the Macs who entered the data tivity product that lists for
election. Students in the 5th, instantly and produced tally 1195.
8th, 11th, and 12th grades con­ sheets every half-hour. For further information, con­
ducted the survey wich che help The resu lts? In the national tact Avatar Corporation in Hop­
of ten networked Mac Pluses, poll, 46 percent were for Bush, kinton, Massachusetts, at 508/
SEs, and Ifs donated by Apple 33 percent chose Dukakis, and 435-6872, or Digital Communi­
Compurer, and an easy-to-learn 19 percent were undecided. In cat ions Associates in Alpha­
data-entry application based on Texa it wa 51 percent Bush, 40 Avatar's MacMat11Frame IIIDFT retta Georgia at 4041442-4000.
Omnis 3 Plus from Blyth oft­ percent Dukak is, and 9 percent software allows the Mac II to -Sharon Fisher
wa re. l n all, 4500 students par­ undecided. These results emulate an IBM 3270 termi11al.

minal) support for the Mac II

means that users can have up
to five host sessions running si­ Movement
multaneously, including appli­
cations and fi le tra n:fers, over a Music
single cable. This softwa re,
which allows th e Mac II to em­ We all dance to the
ulate an IBM 3270 terminal is music, right? But we
available for $495 ( 1295 in­ can't easily jitterbug
cluding a MacMainFrame II t >Tchaikovsky pirouette en
board). pointe to the Pointer Sisters,
DCAs MacJRM A TLPM waltz to Led Zeppelin, or bump
(Transport Layer Protocol Mod­ and grind to Mantovani. Our
ule) enables users of Mac\Xfork­ li mbs may know how they want
Station to graphically display co move, but we till have to
IBM mainframe applications. It spi n the right record and then
also permi ts graphica l user in­
Students i11 Austi11, Texas, used ten 11etworked Mac Pluses, SEs, and terfaces to be added to main­ (cominues)
l/s to co11duct tlJeir own presidential election poll. frame applications.

Macworld 93
About two dozen accounting even for non-accounting personnel. General ledger • Manages multiple compa­
packages mn on the Macintosh®. Instead of dealing with "integratable nies, up to 2,000 accounts, five bank accounts,
99 depanments o r profit centers; unlimited
How can you be sure you 're choosing modules," you have one program disk transactions. •Handles checks to Sl trillion.
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Monogram Business Sense"' makes Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts automatically on posting. •Transactions can be
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completely satisfied, return it to us Budgeting. TI1ey all work alike. Invoicing • Easy to use • Fully integrated into
within 60 days and we'll exchange it Moving from one to another is as easy AR and GL.
for any accounting progra m of equal as pulling down a menu. Accounts Receivable •Provides detailed
value. Any accounting program. history and analysis for up to 2,000 customers,
We're that confident. '* Fiie ldll GL Report RR / RP/Payroll Report with credit limit warning and automatic credit
Business Sense is a fully­
Accoun• name IChecking Recount I ( Show
memos. • Calculates and applies finance charges
and discounts. •Handles partial payments.
integrated, full-featured program
Recount number tot 0 I I: (;::=o=o=n.= ::: •Tracks commissions. •Produces aging reports.
that's exceptionally easy to learn
Account BalentH by month . ( Accounts Payable • Manages up co 500
and use. There simply isn't a
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better accounting package for
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small businesses.
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fonns. •Provides vendor analysis.
ot File Cdll Function GL Report RR / RP / Payroll Rep Payroll •Manages up to 100 employees, 10
Cl 1:567.82 .............................................................. ..

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Nearly every aspect ofyour financial
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This extraordinary ease of
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You won't find any of the (213) 533-5120 FAX: (213) 533 1365
Business Sense helps you anticipate your cash flow
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Other accounting software can be Business Sense. The best
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Business Sense is easy to use- business. We guarantee it.
Guarantee: Purchase Business Sense Version 1. 2 between January 1, 1989 and June 30, 1989. If for any reason you
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available at retail. regardless or publisher, with a publisher's suggested relail list price up to the $495 suggested
ret:til list price of Business Sense. I[ you wish to trade for a more expensive program, you must make up the
retail price difference. No cash reftincls. d d
Circle 87 on rea er service car
Macworld News

Mac II's 8-megahertz 68020. play synthesized or recorded

The boards foreshadow the sounds directly from Hyper­
arrival of realistic sounds and Card or VideoWorks
strik ing scenes that can be in­ applications.
corporated into software Spectral Innovations' Mac­
applications. DSP is a more general-purpose
DigiDesign's ound Accelera­ processor board containing a
tor for the SE and II is aimed 16- or 24-mega11ertz DSP32
squarely at audio applications, chip from AT&T. The DSP32 is
although the company offers a capableof 12 million floating­
developer package that also en­ poim operation:-. per second ,
courages applications outside providing greater accuracy and
the music and recording mar­ access to a wider range of data
kets. The $1295 board contains than the Motorola 56001.
a 20-MHz Motorola 56001 chip The board, in its $2249 stan­
the same DSP used in the ext dard configuration, accepts
machine. Two 16-bit digital-to­ add-on piggyback boards; the
analog converters allow the 16-bit analog-to-digital and digi­
board to output stereo sound at tal-to-analog option lists for
Mark Coniglio, a student at California Institute ofthe Arts, has CD audio-quality sample rates $486. A version of the board
created a system that translates a dancer's movements directly (44.l kHz). that uses AT&T's next-genera­
into music. DigiDesign's excernal AD I tion DSP32C chip will operate
box, when connected to the at over twice the speed (50MHz)
follow che beac. Thac funda­ dancer's movement so that the Sound Accelerator's expansion of the DSP32 board and will be
me mal face is changing, how­ audience continues to experi­ port, lets che board process able co address over 16MB of
ever, at lease in the realm of ence synchrony. stereo sound for applications data, le tting the board process
high culture; experimental The program responds intel­ like direc t-to -disk recording. true color 24-bit images on the
composer Mark Coniglio ligently to music as well as to Using the company's Sound De­ fly. To simplify application de­
has creaced a system called movement, and can thus pro­ signer software, a sound accel­ velopment, Spec tral Innova­
MidiDancer thac cranslaces a vide a live musician with inter­ erator- equipped Mac can re­ tions offers an MPW-compatible
dancer's movements directly active accompaniment. cord, compress, process, and C compiler that compiles
into music. For furthe r information, play bad< CD-quality sound DSPcode.
Coniglio, a scudem ac Califor­ write to Mark Coniglio, 24700 in real-time from disk. Digi­
nia lnstituce of the Arts' (Cal­ McBean Pkwy., Valencia CA Design's sound drivers let you (continues)
Arts) music school in Valencia, 91355.-Ann Garrison
California, attaches posicion
sensors co a dancer's joims,
such as che elbows and knees,
and connects the sensor .to a
small radio transmitter worn
by the dancer. As the dancer
move , the transmitter sends Computing
signals to a Macintosh com­
pute r running Coniglio's Imer­ Speeches, chorales,
actor oftware. The Mac con­ and landscapes may
verts those signals into MlDl set the tone for the
information and routes it ro next generat ion of personal
synthesizers that play it as compute r software . With the
music. addition of a device called a
lnte ractor can trans late a digital signal processor (DSP)
dance r's movements in ' I va ri­ ro the Macintosh, Mac software
ety of ways, depending on the could take a gia nt tep forward .
score Coniglio composes. An Two boards, DigiDesign's
arm move ment may produce a Sound Accelerator and Spectral
chord; a hip-twist, a melod ic Innovations' MacDSP, both
fragment; a knee-bend , a shipping for the Mac, anticipate
change in volume. Interactor the coming of real-life inter­
can also respond rhythmically, faces. Both boards contain digi­
but Coniglio's scores general!) tal signal processors that let
allow the rhythm to reflect the them manipulate data at speeds DigiDesign's So1md Accelerator co11tai11s a digital signalproces­
up to ten times faster than the sor that lets it manipulate data ten times asfast as the /l's 68020.

Macworld 95
Micro/Removable Cartridge Hard Disk Drive Micro/Stack Series Fixed Hard Disk Drives
The Micro/Removable, 25 ms, 45 MB winchester hard MicroNet offers 30, 46, 62, 91, 173 MB, fast access hard
disk is faster than some fixed hard disks. They are excel­ disk drives, as well as a 150 and 300 MB streaming tape
lent for organizing related data or for fast back-up of fixed backup system in a stackable cabinet. Internal brackets
hard disk drives. The cartridges can be locked away for available for the Macintosh SE or II. Great care was
security or safely mailed to remote locations and have taken in the design of these systems to ensure reliabilty.
the reliability of a floppy diskette. You can boot from the 150, 300, 600 MB, 16.5 ms, Wren Ill, IV and V Systems.
removable, if needed, and the system is compatible with MicroNet specializes in Control Data drives that are
the Macintosh Plus, SE or Macintosh II. Utility includes industry known for their reliability and speed. Internal
password protection and a DA to mount volume. and external systems with tape combinations available.

Dealers circle 275 on reader service card End Users circle 398 on reader service card
Macworld News

Fo r more info rmatio n con­ works this magic by deducing

tact Dig iDesign in Menlo Park, gray values from the dithe red
California, at 4151327-8811 , and bitmap provided by the scan­
Spec tral Innovatio ns in Sun ­ ner. What results is a lower-res­
nyva le, Califo rnia, at 408/ o lution image that includes
734-1314. -David Ushijhna gray scales. Yo u can save the
image as a fl at, dithe red bitmap
o r as a g ray-scale image in Tl FF,
EPS, PICT, o r Paint fo rm at, or in
ThunderScan 's native fo rmat.
Where There's The pre release ve rsion I
looked at requ ired a steady
Thunder ... hand fo r high-resolutio n scan­
ning (it beeps at you if yo u
Looking fo r a low-cost move too fas t), but mo re speed
scanne r but d on't have is top o n the list of improve­
an lmageWrite r to me nts.for the release version.
latch it o nto? Yo u might want to ln additio n, the software will
take a look at Thunde rScan's include a DA that le ts you u ·e
successor, due co ship in De­ the scanne r fro m within an ap ­ Tecmar's N11Li11k System allows Mac Ifs aud IBM PCs <md PS/2s to
cembe r 1988. plicatio n while retaining most share cartridge tape drives.
Lighm ingSca n, Thunder­ of the application's capabil ities,
ware's new . 495 handheld including cutting, copying, ro­ an adapte r board that allows transfer rate and freeing the
scanne r, will capture a 4Vi­ tating, and saving selectio ns. Mac lls and IBM PCs and PS/2s C I po rt fo r use with othe r
inch-wide strip at up to 400 dpi , For furth e r informatio n, con­ to share the company's Quality pe ripherals.
in e ithe r line-arc mode o r any tact Thu nde rware in Orinda, Tape fam ily of DC600 cartridge The NuLink Syste m lists for
of three halftone/dithe r modes. Cali forn ia, at 4151254-6581. tape drives. $395, the QT-Mac80 fo r $1795,
The device co nnects to the -Steve Roth The NuLink ystem includes and the QT-Mac150 fo r $2795.
Mac's SCSI po re throug h an a single-slo t inte rface board l·or furthe r info rmatio n, con­
inte rface box, and you adjust that's compatible with the Mac tact l ecmar in Solon, Ohio, at
scanning mode and brightness II's uBus desig n, a connecting 216/349-0600.- Ann Garrison
on the scanning unit itself. You cable , and QTBackup soft ware.
set it up, start the ·oft ware,
the n roll the scanne r over the
Macs and IBM The co mpany ho pes co release
software this yea r that will le t
image you want co capture.
Lig htning can comes with
PCs Share the diffe re nt computers share
fi les as well as tape drives.
the latest incarnatio n ofThun · Backup Tecmar is also introducing
de rwa re's ·ofcware, Thunder­ two additio nal QT-Mac tape Choose Your
Scan versio n 5.0, w hich le ts
you contro l an image's contrast
n Macs and IBM PCs
keep moving in to­
drives. The QT-Mac80, an
86MB tape drive syste m based
o n a DC2000-type mini ~-inc h

and brightness afte r it's been gethe r, and develo pe rs
scanned , even tho ug h the hand keep wo rking to make sure that data ca rtridge, connec ts direc t­ Hayes Microcomputer
scanne r itself can't capture the two svste ms learn to talk ly to the SCS I po rt o n the Mac Products has intro­
g ray-scale images. The software things o ut. Now Tecmar offers Plus, SE, and II and includes all duced the Smart­
the features of the QT-Mac40 mo de m 2400M, a 2400-baud
Lightning Sca11, but with twice the backup mode m, and ve rsio n 3.1 of its
Thrmderware's speecl-6MB per minuce. The Smancom II communications
bandhe ld scanner, tape drive e nables you to hack soft wa re. The Smartcom II V3.l
c01111ects to the up any size disk on mu ltiple utility lets a Mac 11 suppo rt up
Mac's SCSI port cartridges, and it reproduces to live Smanmo de m 2400Ms,
through an inter­ Apple A/UX parti tio ns. which Mac use rs o n an Apple ­
face ho.-.:. You adjust The QT-l'vlaclSO, a 150MB Ta lk network can access via
the sca11 ,,i11g mode subsystem, is repon ed h· the HayesCon nect, a utility includ­
and b1·ight11ess 011 hig hest-capacit y ca rtridge tape ed with each mo de m. Hayes­
t/Je unit itself. drive for the lac yet. 13asecl o n Connect reportedly lets you
a DC600 data cartridge , it uses access the mode ms while still
the uLink adapte r board to at­ using your existing communi­
tach to any hig h-speed Nu Bus
expansio n slrn in the Mac II , rco111i1111es)
thus capitali zing on the sys­
te m's nea r-] 1'vl13-per-second

M:1cworltl 97
This gray scale monitor

won't display dullfins!

Whethe r you're a desktop And , while your ed ito r may

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the SHADOWGRAPH gives you love the image.
impressive detailing. With its Call PCPC for more details.
high resolution display of 1024
by 768 pixels, yo u ge t up to 256 Personal Computer
o f the sharpest grays at 72 dots Peripherals Corporation
pe r inch. (800) 622-2888 (813) 884-3 092
Circle 223 on reader service card
your MAC + LightFax 9624 FaxModem =

the World at your fingertips

It's a state-of-the-art, external, high-speed fax and a 2400

baud 100% Hayes™ compatible modem. LightFax 9624
turns your Mac into a powerful world communication ma­
chine at a lower cost than a standard fax . Plus it offers so­
phisticated capabilities not found on standard fax machines,
including document composition/editing , file storage,
name card data management, scheduled sending (when
the phone rates are cheaper), broadcasting (sending docu­
ments to multiple addresses) , file queuing (sending multi-

$799 00

pie files), etc. LightFax 9624 has BACKGROUND OPERA­
TION, that is you don't have to quit your application for your
complete with LightFax-MAC software MAC to receive a fax . With optional LightSpeed 200 dpi
scanner you can scan documents into your MAC, for fax
transmission or for use with your favorite paint program. Use
LightFax 9624 also with your PC, with optional software. Finally click the mouse and your LightFax 9624 becomes a 2400 baud
modem with Bell & CCIT standards for worldwide standards compatibility. To learn more about all the exciting capabilities of Light­
Fax 9624 consult your nearest Apple dealer or call us for information.

Never buy another ribbon !!!

Special Offer: FREE MOUSEPAD or a PhotoArt Disk with any order >60.00, a $12.00 value
MaclnkerTM , the original, automatic ribbon re-inker. The lmagewriter
Over 100,000 sold since 1982 Maclnker (mod 2341M) re-inks lmagewriter I/II black & single color car­
tridges. The Universal Maclnker also re-inks hundreds of different car­
tridge types (including the lma~ewriter LQ) with suitable adaptors.
Extra dark, dot matrix, lubricated ink yields a truly better than new print
quality and extends print-head life. New feltless dispenser ensures
precise ink metering . Number of re-inkings/cartridge is 60-100. With
the Multicolor Adaptor (mod M422, $40.00) Maclnker can re-ink the
multicolor lmagewriter II cartridges . We have a full range of optional
accessories, inks & cartridges , indelible ink, heat transfer etc. Colors:
red , green , blue, yellow, purple, brown , orange, silver, gold . Ask for
free catalog . In 1982 we pioneered re-inking technology and are dedi­
cated to its development.
lmagewriter I/II Maclnker (mod 2341M) ....•....•.......•.•................42.00
Multicolor Adaptor (mod M422) .•...•............................•.•..........40.00
Heat Transfer Adaptor ..............................................................30.00
Epson Maclnker (mod 271 EP) ..................................•..............42.00
Universal Cartridge Maclnker ..................................................68.50
MacInker $42.00 lmagewriter cartridges ... 3.15/ea ...•................•..4-color ....• 10.00/ea
Heat Transfer cartridges ...•.....................................•...•.......•.9.00/ea
Extra ink bottle ................. 3.00/ea ...................... pint ..........•.... 18.50
lmagewriter I & II Maclnker, complete with free bottle Macintosh Disks 3.5" DS (pack of 10) ... 15.00
of ink, reservoir cover and ink meter/dispenser. Mouse Pad (sale) ..........................•••........• 5.00
Classic PhotoArt collection (5 disks) .... 59.00

Moby Dick 120 wall disk holder ....•..•...••39.95
Moby Dick 240 wall disk holder ...••....•.•. 49.95


MS4-MACB, 4 port 8 p!n DIN-8 connectors ....•...... 50.00

All our modems are100% guaran­
MS4-MAC9h4 port 9 pm connectors ..•.•.................50.00

SCSI Swltc 2 port ...............................................46.00

teed Hayes ™ compatible and
SCSI Switch 4 port .................•..•..........................59.00
have a 2 year warranty. Full front
Cables ..••.•.•.•.•.......................•...•••.........................16.00
panel lights, auto answer.dial, re­
peat, call progress monitoring and
speaker control. Superior signal to
noise ratio and noise rejection. In­
cludes software
Order Toll Free 800-547-3303 1200 AT 300/1200 baud .............................................................99.00
in Oregon (503)626-2291- fax(503)643·5379

Mercury 2400 baud (also supports Europe V21 ,V22) ............239.00

Capricorn World Minimodem, 300/1200 baud, pocket size
Immediate shipment - 30 days money back guarante
Bell 103/212A & European CCIT V21,V22 standards .•••136.00
Cable Mac to Modem (specify Macintosh type) .....•.............•...16.00
Computer Friends, Inc.
Quicklink™ Software (If purchased separately) .....................29.95
14250 NW Science Park Dr. Portland OR 97229

Circle 61 on reader service card

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© Copyright 1988 Microcomputer Accessories, Inc. Circle 276 on reader service card
Macworld News

catio ns program such as Reel and the imposing Chameleox,

Ryder o r Crosstalk. whose colo rs children can
O ther new fea tures of Smart­ change, we re created in Mac­
com JI V3 .1 include the capa­ Draw and printed o ut in sec­
bility co "learn" Autopilot se­ tio ns in actual size.
q uences, defi ne multiple sets of "We are going to see an ex­
clickable butto ns, and send plosion of Macintosh-gene rated
fi les, g ro ups of fi les, o r the con­ art in the near future," Meltzer
tents of a folder. The cl ickable says. And thanks to he r effo rts,
buttons can initiate an Auto­ some of that art will be created
pilot seque nce, and Autopilot by people who used to be
ca n prompt you to key in add i­ scared of co mpute rs. For info r­
tional info rmatio n whe n re­ matio n on Meltze r's work­
q ui red. In add itio n, HyperCard sho ps, call he r at 503/285-3131
applicatio ns can automatically in Portland, Oregon.-Felicity
li nk to and return from Sman ­ O'Meara
com II.
Anothe r utility incl uded
with the Smanmodem 2400M
is HayesConnect Se rver, which
Hayes says is the fi rst data com­
mu nicatio ns program co use
OSI for the Rest
the Apple Data Streaming of Us
Protocol to support communi­
cat io ns via modem over Apple- In a move that sho uld
Portland artist Bonnie Meltzer uses the Mac in every aspect ofbe1­
art and gives worksbops an<l lectures on tbe Macintosb as an art­
ist's tool.
Iii help integrate Macin­
toshes with he teroge­
neous networks, Touch Com­
municatio ns has announced
the modem alone, $599 bun­ ing basic ideas to creating the Open Systems Inte rconnect
dled with the new version of fi nal designs for her large-scale (OSI) client softwa re fo r the
Smartcom 11. For mo re infor­ sculptures-and also for grant Mac.
matio n, contac t Hayes Micro­ proposals, mailing lists, and in­ Clie nt software runs o n the
computer Products in Atlanta, vitations to openings. She com­ user's machine and communi­
at 4041449-8791. pares the computer's reception cates with a serve r machine,
amo ng artists to that of past such as a DEC VAX (standard
innovatio ns like oil paint, Maci ntosh network access is
stre tched canvas, and the me­ mapped onto VMS security
chanical loom: all were mis­ mechanisms to protect the
trusted at first. VAX's fi les). The software is
Combating To help clear up this misun­ also desig ned to commun icate
Tb is se ries ofmodem boards in
tbe Mac II lets tbe II work as a
Computer de rstanding, Meltzer gives
workshops and lectures o n the
with OSI server imple me nta­
tio ns from o ther vendors, such
11etwork modem-server. Phobias Macintosh as an artist's tool. as Sunlink OSI fro m Sun
She introduces her students Microsystems.
Ta lk networks. With the soft­ If you're reading this, to basic Mac concepts and tech­ With this software, users can
ware and multiple modems o n chances are you're a niques, the n g uides them also re direct print requests to
the Mac 11 , the computer be­ • Macintosh e nthusiast th rough hand s-o n sessio ns with re mote ne twork printers; store
comes a modem serve r, elim­ - and maybe you think com­ draw and paint programs. The and gain access to fi les o n re­
inat ing the need to ded icate a puterpho bia is a th ing of the workshops culminate in the mote To uch OSI servers using
phone line to ever y system. past. But according to Bonnie students' making a collabora­ Macintosh commands; and
"You can click on HayesCon­ Meltzer, an artist in Po rtland, tive, large-sca le work of art communicate with Touch OSI
nec t, see the status of th e mo­ Oregon, it's very commo n fo r using the computer alo ng with se rvers by emulating a te rm i­
dems, the n choose a modem artists (and university art de­ traditional art materials. nal, so that existing terminal­
and configure the software to partme nts) to fear and distrust Zipperpillar Park , a popular, emulation applications can
work with that mode m," sa id compute rs. All compute rs, eve n interactive sc ulpture environ­ continue to work.
Dennis Hayes, president of the the fr ie nd ly, icon-based Mac­ me nt at the Po rtl and Childre n's OSI is a set of inte rnatio nally
company. g raphical inte rface notwith­ Museum, is a high-visibility ex­ standard communications pro­
The Smartmodem 2400M standing. Meltzer uses the Mac­ ample of Meltzer's recent Mac­ tocols that is supported by a
and Smartcom II V3.1 began intosh in every aspec t of her assisted work. Creatures like
shipping in .January. The esti­ art, fro m ske tching and d raw­ the 8-foot-long Silvergater, with (co111inues)
mated retail price is $549 for its flippable hinged scales,

Macworlcl 101
ou are looking at the leading edge in desktop
publishing design. The distinctive documents
featured here were created using ordinary page NETWORK COMPATIBILITY · Your entire office can
layout software programs such as Page· access the worlds grandest collection of clip art
Makern.•, ReadySetGoT\1 and X-Pressn.1• What and fonts from one single CO ROM unit
makes them extraordinary is the innovative use of ARTROOM SUBSCRIPTION • Keep your ArtRoom
PostScriptTM clip art, fonts and clip photography by Image growing with our $249 quarterly subscriptions.
Club. You get anew ArtRoom disc every 4months that
Take a look atthe art room of the future. The will feawre more art, fonts and templates. ·
· ArtRoom·•M is a CD ROM disc which contains over 100 MB THE DARKROOM CD ROM FEATURES:
· (125 disks) of Image Club EPS clip art and PostScript fonts 375 PHOTOGRAPHS · in 256 grey scale TIFF format
·our entire library on one convenient compact disc. The ENLARGE, reduce or crop without loss of quality
EDIT with Digital DarkRoom or Image Studio.
ArtRoom is compatible with your Macintosh (HFS format)
or PC(High Sierra format) and any Postscript printer such
Image Club's famous clip art and font collections
Image Club Graphics Inc.
as the LaserWriter or Linotronic.
The DarkRoomTMis our newest CD ROM. a 500 MB
are available for your Macintosh or PC as separate floppy
disk packages starting from $99 or the entire $2500 library
'9[J2 11 St. SE
stock photo library containing over 350 useful clip
photographs ideal for any publishing project
on the ArtRoom CD ROM disc for $999. The DarkRoom clip Colgi , Alberta TZC 3C2'
photography library is available only on CD for S499. If you
The ArtRoom and DarkRoom CD ROM require a

would like to try Image Club's clip art and fonts, ask for the · Far -(403) 261-7013
Mac or PC compatible CO ROM disc drive.

State of the Art trial package. A volume of PostScript clip

THE ARTROOM CD ROM FEATURES: art. the ArtRoom guided tour, a Postscript type face and
DIGIT-ART'" · Over 1500 high resolution
our 1988 product catalog for onlyS59. To orderthe trial
encapsulated PostScript clip art images
HOTIYPE'" ·The complete sot of over 100 fonts package or any Image Club product call 1-800-661-9410 or
PAGES'" · Over 50 pages of publishing templates see your dealer. For more information and PC compatibil­
ARTROOM RETRIEVER"' · A handy desk accessory ity information call 403-262-8008.
that lets you quickly access any image with the .Image Club Digit-Art clip art. HotType fonts, The
push of abutton (Mac version only} ArtRoom CD and the DarkRoom CD are your creative
FONT JUGGLER '~ - Instantly installs fonts (Mac version} tools for better design. Sales Agent Inquiries Invited,
Macworld News

number of vendors. Because head parking protects your and voice messaging. Wre n
the Touch OSI softwa re sup­ data, and an external SCSI ad­ drives are available through
ports OSI profi les such as Tech­ dress sw itch means you do n't value-added resellers, includ­
nica l and Office Pro tocol 3.0 have to ope n your drive and go ing Relax,Jasmine, MicroNet
(TOP 3.0), Manufacturing Auto­ to the back and get o ut your Technology, CMS Enhance­
mation Protocol 3.0 (MAP 3.0), Word processi software 72" tweeze rs to move plastic jump­ ments, FWB Software, and
and Government OSI Profile ers around o n pins: the add ress GCC Technologies.
(GOSIP), a Macintos h running comes up in a window and vou The n the re are the MacinStor
Touch OSI can communicate change it by pressing a buno n. products, a whole ga ng of
with othe r vendo rs' imple me n­ The $499 HDD32 is preformat­ 45MB to SOOM B optical and
tatio ns of chose protocols. ted , so you can take the hard hard disks fro m Storage Dimen­
The Touch OSI client soft­ disk out of the box, hook up sions. The 800MB product is
ware costs $395 ( $940 if bun­ two cables, and get back to the LaserStor, a write-once,
dled with Ethe rne t network work. read-many (WORM) o ptical
contro lle r hardware). Touch Ehman's hard disk was de­ drive for data-intensive applica­
OSI VMS server software fo r signed in the tradition of the tio ns such as desktop publish­
the VAX starts at $3000. Mac as an easy computer to ing, CAD/CAM, image process­
For further infor mation, con­ use , and the company claims ing, database distributio n, and
tact To uch Communications in that its price is also easy to pay­ docume nt storage and
Scotts Valley, Ca lifo rnia, ac -at least $100 less than any­ re trieval.
4081438-4800.- Sharon Fisher thing comparable. Inte rnal MacinStor hard
Next is the Wren famil y of disks for the SE range from
inte rnal 5Y4-inch hard drives 45MB ($1249) to 90MB ($1649),
from lmprimis Technologies, a inte rnal hard disks fo r the II
subsidiary of Control Data Cor­ and llx range fro m 45MB
poration. The new Wren drives ($1249) to 630MB ($7799), and
Reader Survey: Most ofthe respondents to our range from 383MB before for­ ex te rnal hard disks fo r the Plus
Desktop survey use word processing
software to create desktop
matting to l.2GB before fo rmat­
ting. Access times range from
and up range from 45MB
($1449) to 180MB ($3199). The
Presentations presentations.
MacinStor's 45MB to
We mailed o ur read­ use spreadsheet software, and BOOMB optical and
e r's survey on desktop 33 percent use o ther software. hard disks are
• presentations to 1000 When actually giving presen­ some ofthe many
randomly selected Macworld tations, 59 percent use over­ new storage
reade rs, and received 450 re­ head transparencies, 19 percent options.
sponses. Of those respondents, use the Mac screen, 13 percent
218 ( 48 percent) use a personal use slides, 4 percent combine
computer to prepare desktop overhead transparencies and
presentations. Among those slides, and 4 percent combine
218, 72 percent use word pro­ overhead transparencies and
cessing software, 56 pe rcent the Mac screen. Not surpris­
use specialized desktop pre­ ingly, only 15 pe rcent said that
sentation packages, 42 percent connection to a slide-making
service was very important.
10 to l6Y2 milliseconds, and hard disks have an average ac­
data transfer rates range from cess time of 14 ms and data
.~o you,.c.'Ul'l'ently use apetsonal 15 to 21 megabits per second . transfer rates of up to 15 mega­
c:r6mpuler to prepare de8ktop Standard features include bits pe r second. The ir standard
preserttatioos? New Hard Disks 40,000 ho urs mean time be­ features include automatic
twee n fa ilures, balanced rotary head parking, dual 50-pin SCSI
There are some new voice-coi l ac tuator, auto matic connec tors, external te rmina­
exte rnal , internal, head parking, and a dedicated tion, and power and access
mag netic, optical, 32­ head landing zone. indicators.
Based OQ450 respondents. megabyte to 1.2-gigabyte, $499 The l.2GB Wren VII is made For further info rmatio n, con­
to $2095 hard disk o ptio ns for possible by zoned-bit recording tact Ehman Engineering in
you data savers. technology; it is designed for Evanston, Wyom ing, at 307/
Forty-eigbt percent ofthe 450 The Ehman Engineering office equipme rn manufac tur­ 789-3830; Sto rage Dimensions
respondents to our survey use HDD32 is a 32MB external hard ing and for building syste ms for in San.Jose, California, at 408/
PCsfor desktop presentations. disk that connects co the SCSI high-performance 3-D visualiz­ 879-0300; o r Imprimis Technol­
port and has an access time of ation, high-end text retrieva l, ogy in Minneapolis, at 612/
12 milliseco nds. Automatic 936-6271.-Ann Carrison

Macworkl 103
Callfrom near.

The four-digit number next to each product is 4066 The Analyzer Bundle
the product 's ITEM NUMBER. Please refer to (includes OataScan, OesignScope,
this number when ordering. Thank you. and StatView 512 +) . . . . . . . . . $325.
Bravo Technologies . . . NCP
SOFTWARE 1539 MacCalc 1.2D . . . . . . . . . . . 79.
Bright Star Technology .. . NCP
We only carry the latest versions of
1402 Al phabet Blocks 3.01 . . . . . 32.
products. Version numbers in our ads are
3961 Talking Tiles 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 .
current at press time.
3962 HyperAnimator 1.5 (includes Stax, a
MacConnection exclusive!) . 79 .
CP denotes copy-protected.
Broderbund Software . . . NCP
NCP denotes not copy-protected.
4314 Type! 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
1423 Jam Session 1.1 (CP) . . .. . . .. . . . 30.
Aatrix Software ... NCP 1427 Print Shop 1.3 . ........ . .. . . . . . 36.
3976 Aatrix Payroll 3.05 . . . . . . . ... .. . $99. 4065 Poster Maker Plus 2.5 . . . . . . . . . . . 36.
4020 Aatrix TimeMinder 1.7 . . . . . . .... 109. 4465 DTP Advisor 1.0 . .. . . . ..... .. .. 47.
3958 Aatrix Payroll PLUS 3.02 . . . . .... 159. SuperMac Software ... NCP 1422 Geometry 1.0 (CP) . . .... . .. . . .. 59.
Abacus Concepts ... NCP Sm1i11d 2.0-Keep confidential files private­ 1426 Physics 1.1 (CP) .. ... . .. .... . . . 59 .
4482 StatView SE + Graphics 1.03 .. . .. 229. conveniently. Sentinel will encrypt and secure 4067 Calculus 1.0 (CP) . . . .. . . ... . .. . 59.
4481 StatView 111 .03 ...... . ........ 349. 4501 Drawing Table 1.0 . . ... . . . . .. .. . 78.
your files over 100 times faster than competing
Access Technology .. . NCP 4291 Clip Animations ... . . . . . ...... . 36.
3959 MindWrite 2.0 ..... . ...... .. .. . 95 . Macintosh encryption software . . . . . . . S155. 4110 Clip Sounds (sound effects/music) . 36.
4109 MindWriteExpress 2.0 . .. .. . .... 145. 1430 VideoWorks II HyperCard Driver 1.2 60.
4576 66 New Caledonia . .. .. . ... . . . 257.
1432 VideoWorks II Accelerator 1.1 . ... 118.
4577 67 ITC Clearface .. ..... . . . .. . . 257.
1431 VideoWorks II 2.0 .. . . . . . . .. . . 118.
4578 68 Americana .. .. ... . .. . . .. .. 127.
Caere .. . NCP
4579 69 ITC Serif Gothic .... ... .. ... 187.
4476 OmniPage 1.0 .. .. . . ...... . .. 565.
Affinity Microsystems .. . NCP
1014 Affinifile 1.1 . . . . . 46.
1635 Nutri-Calc Plus 1.1 . . . ..... . . .. 169.
1016 Tempo 111 .0 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 89 .
Casady & Greene . . . NCP
Aldus ... NCP 2269 QuickDEX 1.4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .
1330 Freehand 2.0 . . ... . ....... . . . 349. 1575 Fluent Fonts 2.0 . . ....... . .. .. . 27 .
1331 PageMaker 3.01 ..... . ... ... .. 399. FLUENT LASER FONTS
Altsys .. . NCP 1576 Badoni (V1 ) ....... . .... .. . .. . 46.
1194 FONTastic Plus 2.01 . . ..... . . ... 54. 1587 San Serif (V2) ..... ... .. ...... . 46.
1195 Fontographer 2.4 .1 (CP) . . .. .. . . 239. 1588 Ritz/Right Bank (V3) . . .. .. . . . . . . 46.
Apple Computer .. . NCP 1589 Monterey (V4) ........ . . ...... . 46.
1118 HyperCard 1.2. 1 . . . . . . . . 42. 1590 Regency Seri pl/Calligraphy (VS) ... 46.
Ars Nova . . . NCP 1591 Prelude Script (V6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.
LaCie ... NCP
121 5 Practica Musica 2.07 ... ... .. . . . 75. 1592 Coventry ScripVZephyr (V7) .... . . 46.
Sih!lrsetVer 1.1-Powerful server utiliry lets local
Ashton-Tate . .. NCP 1593 Gregorian/Dorovar (VB) . . . 46.
and remote users share hard drives and modems.
1323 FullPaint 1.0SE . . .... . .. . . . . . . . 69. 1594 Cyrillic (V9) .... . ... . . ... . . . ... 46.
4098 Full Impact 1.0 . . .. ... . . .... . . 249. 1577 Badoni Ultra (V10) . . . . . . . . . . . 46.
Also provides complete hard disk management,

1324 FullWrite 1.0 ... . . .. .... . . . . . . 269. 1578 SansSerifBold(V11) .. . .. .. ... 46.
fast disk duplication and nerwork chatter . S92.
1322 dBASE Mac 1.0 . . .. .. ... . .. . . 295. 1579 Sans Serif Extra Bold (V12) . . . . 46.
Berkeley System Design NCP 1580 Gatsby Light (V13) . . . . . . . . . . 46.
1346 Trapeze 2.1 . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . 155. 1541 Stepping Out 112.01 . . .. .. . ... . . 52. 1581 Micro {V14) . . . . . . . . . 46.
Acius ... NCP Beyond, Inc . . .. NCP 1582 Micro Extended (V15). 46.
1010 4th Dimension 1.0.6 . . . . . . 469 . 4203 MenuFonts 2.02 .. ... ..... .. ... 30.
4024 4th Dimension Runtime . . 235 . Blyth ... NCP
Adobe Systems . . . NCP 1470 Omnis 3 Plus/Express 3.25 . .. .. . 129.
1137 Adobe Illustrator '88 1.6 . . 309. 4318 Omnis 3 Plu s/Express 3.3 (3 users) 399.
1138 The Collector's Edition . . . . . . 79 . Bogas Productions .. . NCP
1142 Newsletters/Publishing Pack 1 ... 255 . 1461 Studio Session 1.2SE .... . .. . . .. 49.
4565 Forms and Schedules Pack 2 .. . . 309 . 4255 Super Studio Session 1.0 .. .. . . .. 75.
4566 Presentations Pack 3 ...... . ... 309. 1458 Country Disk . . .......... . . . . . . 15.
1459 Heavy Metal Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
MacConnection carries /he entire 1460 String Quartet Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
Adobe Typ e Library (volumes 1-69). Borland International ... NCP
Listed below are Adobe's newest 1512 Turbo Pascal Tutor 1.0 . . ........ . 46.
typefaces at press time 1511 TurboPascal1 .1. ......... . . 68.
1507 Numerical Methods Toolbox . 6?.
4567 57 ITC Kabel ...... . .. . . .. ... 127. 1510 Sidekick 2.0 ... . ... .. ... . . .. .. 68.
4568 58 OCR A, OCR B, MICR . .. . .... 97 . 1506 Eureka: The Solver 1.0 . . . . . . . . . 133.
4569 59 Helvetica 111 ... . . . ..... . ... 127. 1508 Reflex Plus 1.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189. SoftView ... NCP
4570 60 Helvetica #2 ..... . ..... .. . . 187. BrainPower ... NCP 1\!Uic In Tax 1988-A sophisticated income tax
4571 61 Helvetica 113 . . . ............ 187. 1532 DataSca n 1.0 ... . ... . ... . .... 118.
4572 62 Times Ten . . . . . . . . . 127. 1535 DesignScope 1.15 . . . . . . 128.
preparation program that allows you to
4573 63 Kaufmann ..... ... . . .. .. . . . 97. 1534 MathView Professional 1.0 . . 144. organize, store, and print out tax information.
4574 64 Clarendon . .. . .... .... . .. . . 97 . 1537 StatView512 + 1.2 . 175. Includes 74 IRS forms and schedules . . . . $65.
4575 65 Peignot . . . . . . . ...... . 97 . 3960 ArchiText 1.03 . . 182.
Callfrom far.
1670 Cricket Presents 2.0 . .... . . . .. $289. 3938 MathTalk Fractions . ....... .. . . $33.
Dae Software . .. NCP 3935 Speller Bee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.
4502 Dac·Easy Light 1.0 .... . . ..... . . 44 . Enzan-Hoshigumi USA . .. NCP
DataVlz ... NCP 1879 MacCalligraphy 2.0 . . . ..... . ... 99.
1823 Maclink Plus 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145. 1880 Year of the Dragon . .. . . . .. ..... 21 .
Davidson . .. CP 1881 Japaneze Clip Art Scroll 1 " Heaven" . 52.
1734 Math Blaster! 1.0 .. ... . ........ 27. 1882 Japaneze Clip Art Scroll 2 " Earth" .. 52.
Deneba Software .. . NCP 1878 Japaneze Clip Art " Borders" Scroll . 65.
1770 Merriam·Webster's Thesaurus 2.0 . 35. Farallon Computing ..• NCP
4700 Big Thesaurus (1.4 million words!) . . 54. 4208 Timbuktu 2.0.1 . . . ... . . . ....... 69.
1767 Comment 2.0 ... . . . . . . . . . . 54 . 2199 MacRecorder 1.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135.
1768 Coach Professional 3.0A . .. . . ... 105. 4684 ScreenRecorder 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . 135.
1769 Canvas 2.0 ............... . .. 159. Fifth Generation Systems ••. NCP
DreamMaker ... NCP 4287 Pyro! 3.0 (screen saver) . . . . . . . . . . 15.
4115 MacGallery (HyperCard format) . . . 28.
4088 MacGallery (MacPaint format) . . . . 28.
Niles & ASsociates ... NCP Dubl-Click Software .. . NCP
&uiN01l 1.0-Stop typing bibliographies! 1824 Calculator Construction Set 1.04 .. . 36.
EndNote will do it for you. Stores 32,000 3972 World-Class Fonts! Originals (1 -2) .. 45.
3973 World-Class Fonts! The Stylish (3-4) . 45.
references. Adds bibliographies to all major 3974 World-Class Fonts! The Giants (5-6) . 45.
word processor documents. . . . . . . . . . . . $82. 3964 WetPaint Classic Clip-Art (1 -2) . . . . . 45.
3965 WetPaint For Publishing (3-4) . . . . . 45.
1583 Galileo Roman (V16). ... 46. 3966 WetPaint Animal Kingdom (5-6) . . . . 45.
1584 Campanile·Giotto (V17) .......... 46. 3967 WetPaint Special Occasions (7-8) . . 45.
1585 Alexandria (V18) ... ...... .. ... . 46. 3968 WetPaint Printer's Helper (9-10) ... . 45.
1586 Jolt Casual (V19) ....... . .. .. ... 46. 3969 Wet Paint Industrial Revolution (11-12) 45.
4204 Gazelle & Kells Meath (V20) . . . . . . 46. 3970 WetPaint Old Earth Almanac (13-14) 45.
4205 Paladin & Abalene (V21) . . . . . . . . . 46. 3971 WetPaint Island Life (15-16). . . . . . 45.
4206 Collegiate (V22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46. Electronic Arts .• . NCP
CE Software ••• NCP 1543 Thunder! 1.1 (Batteries Included) . . 30. Microsoft .. . NCP
1727 CalendarMaker3.0 ............. 27. 1843 Disk Tools Plus 1.01 ........... . 31. PO\wPoi111 2.0-Compose complete boardroom­
1728 Disktop 3.04 .... . ........... . . 27. 4619 Mavis Beacon Typing 1.2B . .. . . .. 35. qualiry presentations. Design and arrange
4689 MockPackage Plu s Utilities 4.4 .... 27. 1846 Delu xe Music Construction Set 2.0 . 61 .
1729 OuicKeys 1.1 . . ... ... .. .. . . . .. 53. 4315 Studio/8 1.0 ..... . . ... .... . .. 319.
35mm slides, flipchans, overheads, etc.1 all
3963 OuickMail 1.05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159. 3941 SmoothTalker 2.0 . .. . ..... . ... . 33. within one program.. _.. . ..... ... . . S255.
Challenger Software ... NCP 3940 First Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.
1610 Mac3D 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119. 3936 KidTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33. 3954 PowerStation 2.5 ... ... .. . .special 29.

Chang Labs . . . NCP 3939 MathTalk . . ... . ......... . .. _ . . 33. 3955 Suitcase II 1.2 ............... . . 44.

1613 Rags to Riches Ledger 3.1 . . . . . . 120. 3953 FastBack Mac 1.03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54.

1617 Rags to Riches Receivables 3.1 120. Foundation Publishing .•. NCP

1614 Rags to Riches Payables 3.1 . . . . . 120. 2384 Comic Strip Factory 1.6 .. . ..... . . 44.

1622 Rags to Riches 3-Pak . ......... 289. 2385 Comic People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.

1611 C.A.T. 2.0 . . .... ............. 229. Fox Software ... NCP
1615 Professional Billing 2.9 ......... 239. 4195 FoxBASE+ /Mac 1.1..... . . .. . . . 208.
1612 Inventory Control 2.6 . . . . ... .. . 239. 4580 FoxBASE +/Runtime 1.1 . . . . . . . . . 158.
1616 Professional 3·Pak .......... . . 359 . Freesoft •.. NCP
1618 Retail Business 3·Pak .... .. .. .. 359. 2219 Red Ryder 10.3 . . .... . . . .. . . ... 54 .
Claris ... NCP FWB Software •.• NCP
1123 MacPaint II 2.0 ........ . ...... 102. 2232 Hard Disk Partition 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 40.
1129 MacWrite 5.0 ..... ... . . . .. . .. 102. 2231 Hard Disk Util 2.03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.
4196 FileMaker II 4.0 . ...... . . . ... . . 237. 4683 Hard Disk DeadBolt 1.0 . .. . .. . . .. 53.
1117 MacDraw 112.0 .... . . . . . ..... . 325. Generic Software . .. NCP
1125 MacProject II 2.0 ... . . .. .. .. .. 395 . 4319 Generic CADD Level 1 1.0.1 .. .. . . 54.
Coda Music Systems •. • CP Intuit ... NCP
4411 Flow Charts & Schedules .... . . . . . 18.
4367 MacDrums 1.01 ...... . ... . ... . 32. Q11icke111.0t- Complete easy·tO·use personal
4402 Home Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.
4483 Perceive 1.0 (NCP) . ... .. .... . .. 52. and small business accounting software.
4401 Basic Home Design ..... ... . . .. . 35.
Cricket Software . . • NCP 4410 Commercial/Residential Furnishings. 35.
1669 Pict·O-Graph 1.0 .. . . . ... _... . . 89 .
Automates check writing. budgeting. tax
4400 HeatingNentilation/Air Conditioning . 35.
4346 Cricket Paint 1.0 . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 99. recordkeeping. and more. Now links direct to.
4409 Bathroom Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.
1668 Cricket Graph 1.3 .... . .. . .. . . . 119. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S33.
4403 Kitchen Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.
1667 Cricket Draw 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169. 4404 Landscaping Architecture . . . . . . . . 49.


MacConnection1 14 Mill Street, Marl~ NH 03456 1-800/622-5472 (J().3/446-7711 ~ (J().3/446-7791
Call fromyouroffice.
2619 Image Studio 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $279. Microsoft .. . NCP
4709 LetraStudio 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289. 4471 QuickBasic 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.
Linguist's Software ... NCP 2863 Chart 1.02 ..... . ... . . . . . ...... 79.
2649 Tech . . . . ................ . ... 59. 2885 Write 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 79.
2643 LaserTech . . . . . . . .... . .. .. .. . . 79. 2866 File 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129.
4681 RSV Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79. 2884 Works 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.
4682 Vulgate (Latin Bible) . . . . . . . 79. 2865 Excel 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE FONTS 2882 Word 3.02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255.
2628 SuperFrenchlGermanlSpanish . ... 39. 2878 PowerPoint 2.0 .. . 255.
2635 MacKana/Basic Kanji. . . . . . . . . . . . 39. 2875 Microsoft Mail 1.36 (1-4 users) . . . . 195.
2630 MacGreek . . . .... . ... . ........ 59 . 2872 Microsoft Mail 1.36 (5-10 users) .. . 325.
2631 MacHebrew . . .......... ... ... 59. 2873 Microsoft Mail 1.36 (11 -20 users) .. 489.
2636 MacKanji 2.0 . ... . .. . .... . . . . . . 59. 2874 Microsoft Mail 1.36 (21 -32 users) . . 639.
2637 MacKorean . .. . .. . . . ..... . .... 59. Miles Computing .. . NCP
2637 MacThai .. . ..... . ..... .. ..... 59. 2768 Orchestra of Fonts Vol. 4 ... .special 15.
2625 MacChinese Cantonese . ... . . ... 79. 2771 Mac the Ripper Vol. 3 . .. .... . .... 32.
2626 Cantonese Supplement. . . . . . . . . . 39. 2769 Peoples. Places &Things Vol. 5 . . . . 32.
}et 1.0-Fly land or carrier-based missions with 2645 MacChinese Mandari n . ....... . . 79. Mindscape .. . CP
2646 Mandarin Supplement. .. . . . .. ... 39. 2748 The Perfect Score: SAT 1.0 . 46.
Macintosh Jet! Features include enhanced
2647 Greek/Hebrew/Phonetic . . . . . 89. Monogram ... NCP
graphics and optional multi-player flight FOREIGN LASER FONTS 2780 Dollars &Sense 4.1C . . . . 81 .
mode ...... . .... . ....... . .. . .... . $32. 2639 LaserFrenchlGerman/Spanish . . 79. 2779 Business Sense 1.01 . . . . . 279.
2640 LaserGreek ... . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . 79. Niles & Associates . .. NCP
4405 Pipe Fittings . .. ......... .. .... 49.
2642 LaserKorean .......... . . .. . . . .89. 4602 EndNote 1.0 ... . . . ... . ........ 82.
Great Wave Software ... NCP 2638 LaserCyrilic ...... .. . .... .. .. .115. Nolo Press ... NCP
2277 TimeMasters 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. 4228 For the Record 1.0 . . ............ 29.
2276 KidsTime 1.2 . . . 26. 2981 WillMaker 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.
4334 NumberMaze 1.0 ...... . . . . . ... 27. North Edge Software .. . NCP
2270 American Discovery 2.1 .. . ... . . . . 27. 2986 Timeslips Ill 1.06A . . ........... 117.
2272 Crystal Paint 1.0 .... . ... . .. . ... 27. Odesta ... NCP
2273 ConcertWare + 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 39. 421 1 OataDesk Professional 2.0 ... . ... 289.
2271 ConcertWare + MIDI 4.0 . . . . . . . 79. 3014 GeoQuery 1.0 .... . ... .. ..... . 205.
ICOM Simulations ... NCP 3013 Double Helix II 2.0R51 . . . . 339.
4084 On Cue 1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. Olduvai Software ... NCP
4085 TMON 2.8.1 ...... . . . . . . . . . .. . 89. 3031 Icon-It! 1.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.
ldeaform .. . NCP 4667 Art Clips (formerly Post-Art). . . . . . . . 51.
2419 DiskQuick 2.10 . . . ..... . ...... 27. 3035 Read-lt!TS 1.06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79.
2418 HyperBook Maker 1.0 ... . . ...... 31. 3030 FontShare 1.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149.
2420 Macl abeler Plus 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. 3034 Read-It! 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199.
lndlvldual Software ... NCP OWL International .. . NCP
4209 Typing Instructor Encore . . . . . . . . . 26. 3082 Guide 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.
4491 101 Scripts & Buttons for HyperCard 37. Pro Paracomp . . . NCP
2943 101 Macros for Excel . ........... 37. Panorama 1.0-Database that combines the speed 4664 Milo 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159.
lnfosphere .. . CP and simpUcity of aspreadsheet with powerful 4597 Swivel 301 .0 ........ . . . . . . .. 249.
2513 LaserServe 2.0 ......... . . . .... 62. PCPC ... NCP
2514 MacServe 2.4 . . . . . . ..... 155.
forms capabilities. Includes clairvoyance, 3175 HFS Backup 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . 54 .

4595 Liaison 1.0A . . . . . . . . . . . . 185. outlining FlashArt, charts, and macros . $209. Postcraft International . .. NCP

Innovative Data Design ... NCP 3157 Laser FX 1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.

2417 MacDraft 1.2B ................ 149. Lundeen & Associates . .. NCP

4707 Dreams 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279. 2684 WorksPlus Spell 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.
4710 Residential Construction 1.0 ...... 139. 2683 WorksPlus Command 1. 1 . . . . . 5 7.
Insignia ... NCP Manx Software .. . NCP
4089 SoftPC 1.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479. 4068 Aztec C 3.6B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.
Intuit ... NCP 4316 Aztec C UniTools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.
2425 Quicken 1.01. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33. 4317 Aztec SOB 3.6B . . . . .. ... . ... . . 65.
Kent Marsh Ltd. ... NCP 4069 Aztec MPW C 3. 6B . . ........... 99.
2591 The NightWatch 1.02 . . . . . . . 89. 4075 Aztec C + SOB 3.6B . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.
2592 MacSafe 1.08C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89. MECA ... NCP
LaCie ... NCP 2796 Managing Your Money 2.0 . . . . . . . 128.
4335 Silverserver 1.1 ....... . .. ... . .. 92 . MEDIAGENIC ... NCP
Layered .. . NCP 1334 City to City 1.0 .. . . ..... . .. . .. . . 30.
2613 Insight OneWrite 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . 185. 4295 Focal PoinUBusiness Class Bundle . . 48.
2609 Insight Expert AP 2.02. . . . . . . . . 459. 4591 Open It! 1.0 .... .. .... . . . . . . . .. 54 .
2610 Insight Expert AR 2. 10 .. . ... . ... 459. 1338 Reports! 1.2 ........ .. ........ 59. Solutions ... N-CP
261 1 Insight Expert GL 2.02 . . . . . . . . . 459. 4638 Focal Point 111 .0 ...... . .. . ..... 119. SmanSaap& rhe Oipper 2.0-Lets you easily find
261 2 Insight Expert Inventory 2.0 . . . . 459. Mlcrolytlcs .. . NCP pictures in any scrapbook by name or with a
2614 Insight Expert Time Billing 2.0 . . . 459. 2733 Word Finder 2.0. . . . . . . 33. pictorial tableof contents.The CUpper is a
Learning Company . .. CP 2732 GOfer 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44.
2670 Reader Rabbit 2.0 ......... . .... 33. Microseeds Publishing ... NCP cropping and scaUng tool that is used to reduce
Letraset ... NCP 4210 Screen Gems 1.0 ...... . .... . . . . 47. or enlarge graphics. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . S46.
2621 Ready,Set.Go!4 4.5 .. . . . . . . ... 275. 2913 Redux 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.
Call from your car.

Laser FX Pack I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29. 3378 Multi-User SuperlaserSpool 2.0 .. $199.

4059 Laser FX Pack II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 3377 Diskfit 1.4.1 . .. .. . ... . . . . .. . ... 54.
4060 Laser FX Pack Ill . ...... .. . . ... . 29. 3379 Network Diskfit 1.4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 199.
4061 Laser FX Pack IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 3381 Sentinel 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155.
4062 Laser FX Pack V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 3380 PixelPaint 1.1 .. ... . . .. ... . . . . . 199.
4063 Laser FX Pack VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 4086 Acknowledge 1.0. . . . . .. .. . . .. . 329.
Pro Plus .. . CP Survivor Software . .. NCP
4310 Wall Street Investor 3.0 . .. .. . . ... 469. 3289 MacMoney 3.02 .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. 62 .
ProVUE Development ... NCP Symantec . .. NCP
4582 Panorama 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209. 3982 MacSOZ! 1.5 . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ... 49.
Quark ... NCP 3983 S.U.M . 1.02 .. ...... . . . . . . . . . 59.
3230 Quark XPress 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call 3422 More II 2.0 . . . . . . ... . ... . . .. . . 225.

4621 OuarkStyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call 4644 Just Enough Pascal 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . 45.

Rubicon Publishing .. . CP 3421 Lightspeed Pascal 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 65.

3272 Dinner At Eight·Encore Edition 1.03 . 45. 4645 Lightspeed Pascal/Just Enough Pascal

Satori ... NCP Broderbund Software ... NCP

Bundle .. . .. . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . 87.

3320 BulkMailer 3.22 . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. 79. Drawing "/able1.0-A professional quality draw·
3420 Lightspeed C 3.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.

3321 BulkMailer Plus 3.22 . . . . . . . . . . . 195. ing tool for creating a range of illustrations,
Symmetry .. . NCP

3322 Legal Billing 1.85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369. maps, diagrams, etc. Supports impon of EPS,
3318 HyperDA 1.1 . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . 35.

3323 Legal Billing II 2.56 . . ... . .. . . . . 539. 4504 Acta Advantage 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.

3324 Project Billing 1.54. . . . . . . . . . . . . 409.

PICT, and Paint files and includes extensive
4160 PictureBase 1.23.WetPaint Bundle . . 95.

clip-an libraries. Color on the Mac 11 . . . . S78.

Synergy . . . NCP

3130 VersaTerm 3.20 .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . 65.

3283 Printworks (H P laser) 3.0 .. ... .. .. 85. 3129 KaleidaGraph 1.10 . . . . . . . .... . 120.

SoftVlew .. . NCP 3131 VersaTerm-PRO 3 .0. . . . . . . . . . . . 195.

3471 MaclnUse 2.0 . .. . . . . . ...... . . . 42. 3G Graphics .. . NCP

3981 FormSet Business Forms Edition 1.1 55. 3942 Images with Impact! : Graphics and

3473 TaxView Planner 2.0 (1988-1992) . . 64 . Symbols 1 .. ... ....... . . . . . . . 59.

3470 MaclnTax 1988 . . . .... . . . .. . . . . 65. 4583 Images with Impact! : Business 1. 69.

Software Discoveries . . . NCP Think Educational . .. CP

3374 Merge Write 1.0 . . . .. . . .. . .. . ... 34. 3615 MacEdgell1 .0 .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 27.

3373 Record Holder Plus 3.0 . . ... . .. .. 45. 3616 Mind Over Mac 1.4 . . . ... .. .. . .. 27 .

Software Ventures ... NCP T/Maker .. . NCP

3454 Microphone 1.5 . . . . ... .. . .. . .. 119. 3640 ClickArt Personal Graphics. . . . . . . 28.

3455 Microphone 112.0 . . .. . .. ...... 225. 3642 ClickArt Publications .. . .. . .... . . 28.

Softworks, Inc. .. . NCP 3632 ClickArt Business Images . . . . . . . . 28.

4601 Stack Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 3636 ClickArt Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.

Generic Software ... NCP 4599 HyperTools #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59. 3637 ClickArt Letters Vol. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 28.

Ce11lricCADD Level 1 1.0. 1-Gives users true 4600 HyperTools #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59. 3638 ClickArt Letters Vol. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 28.

CAD capabilities including a variety of drawing

tools, floating point precision to 16 decimal
Solutions, International ... NCP
3448 SmartScrap & The Clipper 2.0 . . . . . 46.
3449 SuperGlue 1.05 . .. ... . .. ... . .. . 52.
~ __ ...
places, 256 different layers, and more. . . . S54. 3446 The Curator 1.05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79. I
~ !...:.. ~ "r":;"..;.
4308 BackFAX (reqs. Apple FAX modem) 129. : ~ ~ £!MV • '!'1.lfii,,,._...-_
3978 Components GL 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 389. Spinnaker/Hayden ... CP -~~-::- ..
Sensible Software . .. NCP 2329 SAT Score Improvement 1.0 . . . . .. . 58. .. ii "
~~-;;' "-::-
4692 BookEnds 1.0 . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . 54. Springboard ... CP
3375 Sensible Grammar 1.1D . . . . . . . . 54. 3530 Certificate Maker 2.0 .... .. .. . .. . 24.
Silicon Beach Software . .. NCP 3532 Certificate Maker Library Vol. 1 . . . . . 18.
3504 Silicon Press 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 3531 Early Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.
3508 World Builder 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 41 . 4493 Atlas Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.
3506 SuperPaint 2.0 . . . . .. . . . . .... . . 129. 4495 Family Matters . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . 28.
3507 Super3D 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157. 4492 Works of Art Assortment Series .. . . . 28.
3980 Digital Darkroom 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 157. 4494 Works of Art Education Series . . . . . 28.
Simon & Schuster .. . NCP 4496 Works of Art Holiday Series . . . . . . . 28.
4230 The Fully Powered Mac Book ..... . 24 . 4498 Works of Art Laser Art Business . . . . 59. CE Software ... NCP
3305 Typing Tutor IV 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 4499 Works of Art Laser Fonts Vol. 1 . . . . . 59. MockPackn~ Plus Utilities 4.4-A professional
SmethersBarnes .. . NCP 4497 Top Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59. desk accessory set designed for increased
1478 Prototyper 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72. 4500 Springboard Publisher 1.0 . . . . . . . 109.
SoftStyle .. . NCP SuperMac Software . . . NCP
productivity. Plus six outstanding utilities,
3282 Printworks (Dot Matrix) 3.5 . . . . . . . . 43. 3383 SuperSpool 5.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54. including Aask (an INIT manager) . . .. . . S27.
3281 Printworks (Daisywheel) 3.0 . . . . . . . 56. 3382 SuperlaserSpool 2.0 .. . . . . . . . . . . 82.


Mac:C.onnection, 14 Mill Street, Marlow, NH 03456 1-800/622-5472 603/446-7711 &.X 6031446-7791
W'll get it there

ClickArt Effects 1.01 .... . . .... . $28 . 3783 myDisklabeler w/Color 2.8.11 . .. $31 .

3633 Christian Images ...... .. . . . .. . . 35 . 3784 myDiskLabeler w/LaserWriter 2.8.1LI 34 .

3635 EPS Illustrations . . . ... . . .... 75 . WordPerfect ... NCP

3639 WriteNow 2.0 . ... . .... . . . .... 109. 3800 WordPerfect Mac 1.0.1 . . . . . . . . . 185.

TML Systems .. . NCP Working Software .. • NCP

3548 Source Code Library II 1.0 . . . . . . 42 . 3790 Lookup 1.0C ................ . . 29 .

tatView· u
I,,,,,._.... .,,... ~-~..-...~·
3549 TML Pascal 113.0 (W!MPW 3.0). 75. 3788 Findswell 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.

TOPS ... NCP 3792 Spellswell 2.0G .............. . . 45.

4189 TOPS Teleconnector (08-9). . . . . 39. 3789 Spellswell Legal Dictionary 1.0 . 60.

4188 TOPS Teleconnector (DIN-8) . .. . . 39. 3791 Spellswell Medical Dictionary 1.0 .. 60.

3726 TOPS for DOS 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 119. 4693 Quick Letter 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.

3724 NetPrint 2.0 . . .... ......... 119. Zedcor ... NCP

3723 TOPS Mac 2.1. . . . . . 149. 3986 DeskPaint 2.0 .. ... .......•. . .. 69.

4598 TOPS Flash Box (90 days) . . . . . . . 125. 3985 ZBasic 5.0 ..... . .. . .. . . .. . . . . 99.

3725 TOPS Repeater (90 days) . . . . . . . 132.

3720 TOPS Flashcard (90 days) . . . . . . 169. ENTERTAINMENT Abacus <Z<!ncepW... N€P
3417 lnBoxStarterKit2.2..... 199. Stt11View 111.03-Award-winning statistical
3418 lnBox Connection Mac 2.2 ....... 75. Addison-Wesley .. . NCP
analysis program, now with presentation
Traveling Software ... NCP 4407 The Hobbit ...... . . . ... 24.

3729 LAP-LINK Mac 2.0 . 84 . 4474 Fellowship of the Ring. . . . . . . ... 24.

quallry color graphics. The only statistics

True BASIC, Inc. .. . NCP Accolade .. • CP
package to receive a uFive Mouse Rating'
LANGUAGE & TOOLKITS 1184 Hardball . . . . . . .. ........ 23.
&om MacUser! .. . ... . . . ... . .... . . $349.
3587 True BASIC 2.01 . . . . 59. 4484 Mean 18 ......... . . .. .. . .... . 24.

3570 Advanced String .. . . . . ..... . ... 49. 4485 4th & Inches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 .
Epyx ... NCP
3574 Business Graphics . . ......... . . 49. 2037 Sub Battle Simulator . . . 29.
3579 Mathematicians Toolkit 1.0 . . . . . 49. 4660 Sub Battle Simulator for Mac II . . . . . 29.
3583 Scientific Graphics . . .... .. . . . .. 49. Infinity Software . .. CP
3584 Sorting & Searchi ng . . . . . ... .. . . 49. 2518 GO ........ . . ........... . . . . 27.
3588 3D Graphics 1.2 ... . .. . . ....... 49. 2519 Grand Slam Tennis ..... .. .. . ... 27.
4178 Communications2.0 ........... 49. MEDIAGENIC .. . CP
EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE 4590 Corruption...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.
3571 Algebra 3.0 ..... . .... . ... . . .. 35. 4486 Manhole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
3573 Arithmetic 1.2 . . . ........ 35. 4475 Quarterstaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
3575 Calculus 1.2 ... ... . ... . ....... 35. 4679 Universal Military Simulator .. . . ... 30.
3577 Discrete Math 1.2 .. . .. . • ........35 . 4490 Might and Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.
3580 Pre-Calculus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 4592 Zerk Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.
3581 Probability 1.2 . ... . . . ....... . . 35. MicroProse .. . CP
3586 Trigonometry 1.2 . .. . ......... . . 35 . 4697 Pirates! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.
3585 TrueSTAT 3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49. Microsoft .. . CP
Unicorn ... CP 2868 Flight Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.
3751 Animal Kingdom ... . ........ .. . 27 . Silicon Beach Software ... NCP Micro Sports ... NCP
3752 Decimal Dungeon . ... . . .... . . 27. SuperPaim 2.0-Award-winning graphics soft­ 2787 MSFL Pro League Football . . . . . . . 32.
3753 Fraction Action ... . . . . .. . . .. ... 27. ware for the Mac combines painting and Miles Computing ... CP
3755 Mac Robots .... .. .. . ....... .. 27 . 2764 Down Hill Racer. ..... . ......... 24.
3756 Math Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . drawing capabilities in a single program with 2767 Harrier Strike Mission 11 1.2 .. ... . . . 32.
3754 Read-A-Rama ... . . 32. asimple, elegant interface . . . .. .. .... $129. 2765 Fool's Errand 1.1 . . . ..... .. . .... 32.
William & Macias .. . NCP 2763 Fool 's Errand Hint booklet. . . . . . . . 7.
3779 DiskFinder 1.07 . . . . . . . . . . 29. Access Software •.. NCP
Mindscape .. . CP
4655 World Class Leader Board Golf. . .
28. 4083 Balance of Power 1990 30.
Blue Chip .. • CP
3987 Colony ........ 30.
1441 Millionaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
35. 2743 Crossword Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
Broderbund Software ... CP
2745 Deja Vu. . ..... 30.
4099 Shuttlepuck Cafe (air hockey) . . . .
24 . 4596 Deja Vu II . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
411 1 Moebius (adventure &arcade) ....
24 . 2749 Shadowgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.
4229 Where in World Carmen San Diego?
27. 2750 Trust & Betrayal : Legacy uf Siboot 30.
1421 Ancient Art of War .......... . . ..
27. 2751 Uninvited . . . . . 30.
4540 Ancient Art of War at Sea ... . . . ...
27. PBI Software .. . CP
Bullseye ... CP
3110 Strategic Conquest Plus 1.3 . . ..... 35.
1544 Ferrari Grand Prix ... . .. . ... .. ..
32. PCAI ... CP
4074 P51 Mustang Flight Simulator ... ...
32. 4321 Lunar Rescue .. .. ..... . ...... . 34.
Casady & Greene .. • CP
4517 Road Racer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.
2268 Crystal Quest 2.2C . . . . . . . . . .
26. 4212 MacCourses ..... ... . . .... . ... 29.
4119 Crystal Quest w/Critter Editor (NCP) .
42. 3144 MacGolf 2.0 35.
Discovery Software .. . NCP
4320 MacGolf Classic . . . . . . . . . . 54 .
Satori ... 4408 Arkanoid ... .. . .... ... . .... .. .
27. Primera Software ... NCP
Compont11ts CL 1.0-Customize your accounting Electronic Arts .. . CP
3169 Smash Hit Racquetball II . . . . . . . . 22.
with this flexible system. Build special journals 1851 Scrabble .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .
26. Sierra On-Line .. . CP
1850 Reach for the Stars . . . .
26. 4161 Mother Goose . . ......... 19.
and reports. Fast and intuitive. Includes presenta­ 1842 Chessmaster 2000 . . . . . . . .
28. 3397 Leisure Suit Larry ... . . .......... 23.
tion quality forms capability ......... $389. 4064 Chuck Yeager Flight Simulator . . . . . 32.
3394 King 's Quest I . . . . . . . . . 29 .
4588 Life & Death (surgery simulation) .. . 32.
3395 King's Quest II . . .. . . . . ... .. . . . . 29.
aThe pacl<age beat me home!77
Dear MacConnection, 8:00 PM and before I could drive home
I am writing to tell you that an item the next morning, the package arrived.
which I ordered beat me home. I was To top it off, I live in a small Kentucky
visiting my brother and his family who town, about an hour1s drive &om the
live about two hours from my home. nearest airport. What service! I dorrt
While I was there, I decided to order an know how you do it. Keep up the Sallie Evans
item for my Mac. Well, I ordered it before good work. North Middletown, KY


MacC.onnection, 14 Mill Street, Marlow, NH 03456 1-800/622-5472 603/446-7711 FAX 603/446-7791

©Copyright 1989 PC Connection, Inc. MacC.onnection is adivision and trademark of PC Connection, Inc.

Just for the record, all the ads in this series feature real live MacConnection customers and the real live letters they wrote us. Really!

Overnight. $3.

4002 19" Monitor for Mac Plus.... . . $1349. INFORMATION SERVICES

4003 19 " Monitor for Mac SE . ..... . . 1349.
4004 19" Monitor for Mac II . . . . .... . 1449. CompuServe

Nuvotech .. . 1 year 1676 CompuServe Information Service . $24.

3001 TurboNet ST (DB-9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 1671 Grolier's Online Encyclopedia .. ... 32.

3000 TurboNet ST (DIN·B) . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 1673 CompuServe Navigator 2.02 . . ... 45.

Orange Micro . . . 1 year 1674 Standard Service/Navigator Bundle 59.

4488 Grappler Spooler . . . . ..... .. .. . 39. Dow Jones

3036 Grappler C/Mac/GS . . . ...... . . . 79. 1789 Dow Jones Membership Kit ...... 24.

4487 Grappler LS . .. .. ......... . . .. 92 . 1785 Desktop Express 1.03 .......... 95.

4076 Grappler LO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103. 1786 Market Manager Plus 2.0 ....... 189.

PCPC .•. 2 years

3177 HD·WSI (Apple HD-20 to SCSI) . .. 269. ACCESSORIES
3181 MacBottom HD 21 SCSI .. . . . . . . 659.
3180 MacBottom HD 21 w/Modem .... 759. Bantam Books

3185 MacBottom HD 32 SCSI ...... . . 699. 1403 Complete HyperCard Handbook .. 23 .

3184 MacBottom HD 32 w/Modem . ... 829. Computer Coverup

Practical Peripherals .. . 5 years
3189 MacBottom HD 45 SCSI .... . ... 859. 1723 lmageWriter II Cover . . . ..... • . . .. 8.
Mac Comm1111icatio11s Pack-Includes external
3188 MacBottom HD 45 w/Modem . . .. 979. 1722 lmageWrite r LO Cover . . . ...... .. 8.
2400SA Modem, cable, and top-selling
3190 MacBottom HD 70 SCSI ....... . 999. 1720 Mac Plus Cover Set. .... . ....... 10.

4658 MacBottom HD 84 SCSI ....... 1249. 1725 Mac SE Ext. Keyboard Cover Set .. 10.

communication software. Hayes compatible,

3176 MacBottom IHD 144 Meg (1 yr) . . 1495. 4657 LaserWriter II Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.
auto-answer. A superior value! . . . . . . . . S229.
Practical Peripherals ••. 5 years Goldstein & Blair

3100 1200 Baud External Modem ... ... 79. 2267 The Macintosh Bible (2nd Edition) . . 21 .
3270 lmageWriter II Rainbow Six Pack. . . 20.
3102 2400 Baud External Modem ..... 181. 3260 lmageWriter LO Black Ribbon ..... 17.
3089 Mac Communications Pack ..... 229. 4011 lmageWriter LO 4-color Ribbon ... 20.
Sharp ••. 90 days Soprls Softworks .. . lifetime
3453 JX-450 Color Scanner 4017 lmageWriter II Cover . . ........ . . 11.
(includes IEEE card and cable) . . 5895. 4019 Mac SE & Ext. Keyboard Cover ... . 15.
Shiva •.. 1 year 4012 High Trek lmageWriter II carry case . 49.
4347 NetBridge. ....... . ....... .. . 279. 4013 High Trek Mac Plus carry case ... . 59 .
3444 NetSerial X232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289. 4014 High Trek Mac SE & ext. kybd. case 69.
3443 NetModem V2400 . . . . . . . . . . . . 479. Targus
Summagraphics .. . 90 days 3618 lmageWriter II Carry Case .... .... 49.
4298 BitPad Plus ADB .. . . .. .. ...... 329. 3617 Mac Plus/SE Carry Case .... .. ... 59.
Thunderware .•• 90 days 4015 Mac SE & Ext. Kybd . Carry Case .. 69.
3648 ThunderScan 5.0 with PowerPort . 189.
3646 MacPlus/SE Power Accessory . : .. 29 . OUR POLICY '
3645 Mac II Power Accesso ry ... .. . ... 42. • We accept VISA and MASTERCARD.
• No surcharge added for credit card orders.
DISKS Nutmeg s ... days • Your card is not charged until we ship .
15" Mo11iror-A superb full page display designed • If we must ship a panial order. we never charge
2214 Fuji 3V2" OS/DD Disks . . . . . . . . . . 19. freight on the shipment{s) that complete the order.
to be the ultimate in rock-solid image clarity • No sales lax.
3297 Sony 3W' OS/DD Disks . . . . . . . . . 19.
3772 Verbatim 3W' DS/DD Disks . . . . . . 19.
and ergonomic design for professional use. • All U.S. shipments insured; no additional c harge.
2792 MAXELL 3 112" OS/DD Disks . . . . . . 19. For Mac II or SE, please specify . . . . . . . S999. • APO/FPO orders shipped 1st Class Mail, charged by
• Upon receipt and approval , personal and company
110 Design ... lifetime chec ks now clear the same day for immediate
2378 MacLuggage HDware ... ... .... 49. shipment of your order.
2379 MacLuggage lmageware II . . .... . 49. • COO max. $1000. Cash or certilied check.
2376 MacLuggage Macinware Plus . . . . 64. • 120 day limited warranty on all products. Deleclive
2381 MacLuggage Macinware SE . ..... 75. software replaced immediately. Delective hardware
MacConnection repaired or replaced at our discretion. All items
subject to availability. Prices subject lo change
4623 Solid Oak Disk Case, made by New
without notice.
England craftsman (holds 90 disks) . 29. • To order. call us anytime Monday through Friday 9:00
Moustrak to 9:00 EST. or Saturday 9:00 to 5:30 EST. You can
2694 Moustrak Pad (standard 7" x 9") . . . . 8. call our business offices al 603/446· 7711 Monday
2692 Moustrak Pad(/arge9"x11") . ..... _9. through Friday 9:00 to 5:30 EST.
2693 Moustrak Pad UF (9"x11 ") . ...... 10.
Moustrak Designer Series
(Features selected photos from the Continental US: Barring massive computer lailures
book, ''A Day in the Life of America.") and other natu ral or unnatural catastrophes. all
non-C.0 .0 . orders phoned into MacConnection by
Dove Computer ... 90 clays 4077 Window Washer 1 . .. ... . . .. .. . 12.
8 PM EST will ship Airborne the same night lor next day
711e Mara1!to11 Family of workstation products are 4006 Th understorm 2 .... ....... .... 12.
delivery. except for those within UPS Ground Zone 1
4007 Old Cajun 3 . ....... . . ....... . 12.
designed to expand productivity and system 4008 Vietnam Memorial 4 .. .. . . . ..... 12.
(which is also an overnight service). The total freight
c harge on any order placed with MacConnection is
flexibility. Included are accelerator boards for the 4009 Dance Class 5 . ....... .. . ... . . 12. now $3. Backorders will also ship Airborne overnight
Mac II andSE, combination EtherNet adaptors, 4010 Tea Lesson 6 ................. 12 . al no additional charge. Some areas require an
and serial/parallel boards. Call to learn more. Ribbons additional day delivery.
3255 lmageWriter II Ribbon .......... .. 4. Hawaii, Ala ska and Outside Continental US: Call
3261 lmageWrite r II 4-color Ribbon ...... 9. 6031446-7711 for inlormation.
from lnost anywhere.

3396 King's Quest Ill . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . $29.

4589 lnterFax Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . $329.

3399 Space Quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.

Asher Engineering ... lifetime

3400 Space Quest II ........ .... . .. . . 29.

1212 Turbo Trackball ADB . . . . . .. ..... 69.

3398 Police Quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.

1211 Ouadlynx Trackball (non ADB) ..... 69.

Silicon Beach Software . . . NCP

AST Research . . . 6 months ·
3500 Airborne! (CP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
4666 Mac 86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . call
3505 Enchanted Scepters (CP). . . . . . . . . 21 .
1229 Mac 286 .......... ... . .. . . . .. call
3503 Dark Castle 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.
Cutting Edge •.• 1 year
3502 Beyond Dark Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.
3988 CE 105ADB Keyboard w/OuicKeys 149.
3501 Apache Strike 1.1 (MacSE & II) . .... 27.
3989 800k Disk Drive (platinum) . . . . . . . 175.
Simon & Schuster ... CP 3990 The Wedge XL 30 + SCSI Drive ... 579.
3303 Star Trek- Kobayashi Alternative ....24 . 3991 The Wedge XL 45 + SCSI Drive . . . 729.
3304 Star Trek-Promethian Prophecy . .. 24 . Datadesk ••. 2 years
Sir-Tech .. . CP 1819 MAC-101 Keyboard(beige) .. .. . . 145.
3347 Mac Wizardry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 1820 MAC-101 Keyboard (platinum) . . . . 145.
Softstream , Inc • ... NCP 1821 MAC·101 Keyboard (ADB) . . . . . . . 145.
4071 Mac• Man {wladapter) . .......... 24. Dove Computer· .. . 90 days Olduvai Software ... NCP
4072 The Solitaire DA . . . ........ .. . . . 24. FastNet networking products . . . . . . call Ruuf./lf O.C.R. 2.0-Fully trainable O.C.R. for
4073 Colour Billiards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 1801 SCSI Interface/Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109. use with any scanner. Creates text files &om
4078 Game Pak (above 3 titles). .. ..... . 75. 1807 MacSnap 524E . .. .... ..... .. . 289.
SPHERE, Inc. .•• NCP 1809 MacSnap 524S ...... . ..... . .. 379. books newspapers price lists etc. ew super­
4175 Solitaire Royale 1.1 (for Mac SE) . ... 20. 1811 MacSnap 548 ....... .. . .special 499. fast version 2.0 includes ''EasyLearn11 •• • S199.
4001 Solitaire Royale (for Mac II) . . . . . . . . 20. 1812 MacSnap 548S ............... 599.
3464 Tetris 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 1800 MacSnap 2SE ...... ... .. . .... 439. 4264 PocketHammer80........... $1499.
4472 Tetris (for Mac II) . .......•....... 24. 3999 Hammer1 55 .... . ...... ..... 2899 .
3462 PT-109 ... .. ...... .. . .. . . ..... 26. 4000 Hammer300 . .. ... .. . . . . . ... 3999 .
3460 GATO 1.42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. Hayes .• . 2 years
3461 Orbiter 1.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. 2300 Smartcomll 3.0B .... . .. . .. . . . . 88.
3459 Falcon 2.0 . . . ............... .. 32 . 2304 Smartmodem 1200 .... .. . .•.. . 299.
Spinnaker/Hayden .. . CP 2307 Smartmodem 2400 ........ . . .. 449 .
2328 Sargon IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. Kensington . . . 1 year
Subloglc .•. CP 2563 Mouse Pocket ADS ....... .. . . .. 8.
4698 Jet 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 32. 2577 Mouseway(mousepad) ....... . .. 8.
XOR .•. NCP 2569 Mac Plus or SE Cover . .. ... ... ... 9.
3816 Pro Challenge ............ .. ... 29. 4126 LaserWriter II Cover........ . .. . . 17.
3815 NFL Challenge ...... . .... . .... 59. 2589 Universal Printer Stand ........ . . 15.
2562 Mouse Cleaning Kit w/Pocket . . . . . 17.
2545 Universal Copy Stand ........... 22.
HARDWARE 2573 Maccessories Tilt/Swivel .... . ... . 22.
Thunderware .. . 90 days 4643 Mac II Stand and Cable Kit . . . . . . . 65.
Manulacturer's standard limited 11m11derSca11 5.0 witli Power Pon-Tums an 2556 Maccessories Anti-Glare Filter.... . 33 .
warranty period is listed alter each ImageWriter into a high·resolurion image 2559 Apple Security System ... .. ..... 34 .
company name. Some products in their scanner. Images look better than ever with new 2568 Maccessories SuperBase . . . . . . . . 34 .
line may have other warranty periods. 2585 Printer Muffler 80 ....... . . . . ... 43 .
version 5.0 software. Now with gray scale 2586 Printer Muffler 80 Stand . .. ... .. . 24 .
1 Meg SIMMs .. .... . . .. . . ... .. .call display and editing on the Mac Il. . . . . . S189. 2583 Printer Muffler 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.
Abston . .. 5 years 2584 Printer Muffler 132 Stand ... . . ... 24 .
1188 ProPoint ADS ............ .. ... 89. 1797 MacSnap Plus 2 ... . ........ . . 439.
4070 SystemSaverSE . .... ... .... . .. 52 .
ACCELERATOR BOARDS 2566 System Saver Mac (platinum) . ... . 64.
1793 MaraThon 020 MSE1 ... . . .. . . . 585. 2546 Maccessories A-B Box . ......... 64.
,.....,. ScreenRecorder' 1794 MaraThon 020 MSE2 (1 Meg) . . . 979. 2560 MasterPiece 400 . .. .. . .... . . . .. 64 .
1795 MaraThon 020 MSE3 (math chip) .. 779. 2561 MasterPiece Mac II . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.
1796 MaraThon 020 MSEI\ (1 Meg/chip) 1159. 2547 New Turbo Mouse ADB . ........ 109.
4231 MaraThon 020 MSE4x4 .. . . .... 2195. 2576 New Turbo Mouse for Mac Plus . . . 109.
1803 1024 Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439. Koala Technologies .• . 90 days
4663 Marathon 030 Accelerator 32 Mhz 1039. 2593 MacVision 2.0 . .. ... .. ... . .. .. 219.
Ergotron . . . 1 year Kraft Systems •.. 5 years
2004 Mouse Cleaner 360 ° . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 2600 3·Button OuickStick . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.
3992 The Muzzle (covers power outlet) .. 62. 4082 3·Button OuickStick ADB ... . .... 51 .
1998 MacTilt {platinum) . . .. . ... ... ... 68. Kurta ••. lifetime
2000 MacTilt SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68. 2604 IS ADB Tablet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255.
1999 MacTilt Large ....... ... . . . . .. . 85. 2605 Cordless 4 Button Cursor {1 year) . . 65.
Farallon Computing .•• 1 year Moblus Technologies .. . 1 year
2202 PhoneNET·AppleTalk 120 . ... . .. . . 9. 4470 Fanny Mac OT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.
Farallon ... NCP 2203 PhoneNET PLUS (DIN-8) . . . . . . . . 35. MSC Technologies .•. lifetime
Saee11Ruordu 1.0-Lers you create acontinuous 2204 PhoneNET PLUS (08-9) . . . . . . . . . 35. 2808 A + Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.
2205 PhoneNET Punch Down Block .... 69. 2809 A + Mouse ADB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.
"tape'' of any activity on your screen. Tupes can 2201 TrafficWatch 1.08. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145. Nutmeg Systems . •. 90 days
be combined with HyperCard andMacRecorder 2206 PhoneNET StarController . . . . . 1199. 2992 15" Monitor for Mac Plus . . ...... call
to create multimedia presentations . . ... $135. FWB Software . . • 1 year 2994 15" Monitor for Mac SE .. .special 999.
4263 PocketHammer40 . ......... . . 999. 2993 15" Monitor for Mac II ... .special 999.
The Mac SE Turns 030

Apple squeezes 68030 power into a small

box. Now you can have y our 030 and

travel with it too.

by Bruce F. Webster

A nyone who has models come with an internal hard disk­

lugged around a Mac II can attest co ics size 40 or 80 megabytes.
and weighc. Powerful ic is; ponable ic's not The internal floppy drive has also
Since Apple introduced che Macimosh SE changed: it's a Floppy Drive High Density
and che Macintosh II cwo years ago, there's (FDHD), the same kind that's in the Mac
been a large gap in che produce line. The Ilx. This drive formats, reads, and writes to
descendam of che classic Macimosh- che 400K, 800K, and 1.2MB Macintosh floppy
SE- was small, transpon able, somewhat disks. It can also read fro m and write to
expandable, and slightly faster chan its pre­ MS-DOS disks formatted at 720K and
decessors. By contrast, the Mac II offers a 1.44MB (with help fro m Apple File Ex­
treme ndous boost over the SE in comput­ change software). It does this thanks to
ing power, full support for color, and a the SWIM (Super Wozniak Integrated
wide-open architecture; but it also eats up Machine) disk controller chip. A revised
more desk space than a typical MS-DOS (and improved) version of the Apple File
computer. Exchange utility, which transfe rs data
After two years, Apple is finally taking between Mac and MS-DOS formats, is in­
the first step toward bridging thac chasm. cluded with the new machine 's System
The newest versio n of the Mac SE trans­ (version 6.0.3).
plams the Mac IIx's arch itecture-and There are other majo r changes inside.
power-co an SE box. Like the Mac Ilx, the Macintosh SE/30 uses
a 16-MHz 68030 chip as its central process­
The Ilx Reduced ing unit (CPU), as well as a 16-MHz 68882
On the outside, the new machine chip for doing floating-point math. By con­
looks pretty much like an SE, with just a trast, the Mac SE's CPU is an 8-MHz 68000,
few mino r differences. The ports along and it has no floating-po int ch ip. The result:
the back are idemica l to the SE's, but since a five-fold improvement in general pe rfor­
there's no space for a second internal mance over the SE, and a much greater
floppy drive, che case no lo nger sports a speed-up for math- intensive applicat ions.
pop-out cover for a second drive. The new Also, the 68030 (unlike the 68020 and
68000) has a built-in Paged Memory Man­
agement Unit ( PM MU), aiding upport of a
Bruce F. \Vebster is a free -lance writer and soft ­
ware engineer living out amongst tbe redu•oods true multitasking operating syste m. How­
near Soquel, California. ever, until Apple ships System 7 later this
year, the Mac operating system wi ll be un-


able to utilize the PMMU. Ironically, Apple expand the Mac SF.130 to 32MB of RAM.
is not offering A/UX, its multitasking UN IX Note that RAM access times are the same
software, o n the new machine . as on the Mac 11 and IIx: 120 nanoseconds
Memo ry is another area whe re the (or fas te r).
Mac SF./30 d iffers from the SE. The numbe r The Macintosh SF./30 also uses a 256K
of SIM M slo ts do ubles fro m 4 to 8. This ROM SIMM that is essentially ide ntical to
means that you can expand an SF./30 to the Mac IIx's. In other words, the ROM
8MB of RAM with no d iffic ulty (othe r than used by the SF.130 isn't soldered in place o r
paying for the RA M). Apple says that the even socketed ; instead, it's on a module,
slots are designed to accommodate highe r­ just like the RAM. This makes ROM up­
densitv SIMMs; this means that w he n 4MB g rades very easy-snap out the o ld ROM
SIMMs become available, you'll be able to SIMM and snap in the new o ne.

A/UX Version 1.1

The latest revisio n of A/UX Interface Toolbox, the standa rd enables develope rs o r pub­
grants well-be haved Mac intosh software all Mac applications lishe rs to distribute large num­
applications and desk accesso­ use to communicace w ith the bers of A/UX files for less than
ries exit visas from the land of Mac and with the o utside world $2 per disk- the current CD
the Finder and work pe rmits in (see "UNIX and the Toolbox"). ROM dupl icatio n price.
the land of UNIX. A/UX version A/UX version 1.1 suppo rts di­ Apple re mains uncommitted
1.1 can run o ne Macintosh-com­ rect and spooled printing o n in the banles fo r UNIX-standard
patible applicatio n and multiple LaserWriters and othe r Loca l­ supremacy that are being
UNIX background tasks at the Talk network printe rs, so UN IX fought by UN IX-founder AT&T
same time. users can share primers with and its partne r Sun Micro ­
Program developers and standard Mac operating system systems on o ne side , and OSF
users can transfer Mac applica­ users. A/UX still does no t rec­ ( the Open Soft ware Founda­
tions and docume nts from the ognize AppleShare file servers tio n-a coalition of compute r
Mac o peracing system to A/UX o n a LocalTalk ne twork, makers includ ing Dig ital Equip­
using a fi le-exchange applica­ however. ment Cor poration, Apo llo,
tio n called HFX. Yo u launch ap ­ Tape and CD ROM suppo rt Hewlett-Packard, and IBM) o n
plications unde r A/UX using are also new in A/UX 1.1. For the other side. The new version
the standard U IX shell. The re the fi rst time, Apple is distribut­ of A/UX conforms to the POSIX
is st ill no Finde r-like interface ing A/UX software on 40M B Draft 12 set of standards, w hich
fo r starting A/UX applications tape cartridges, and standard positions Apple to be able to
and managing A/U X files. U IX tape backup comm ands sell Mac Ils to the federal gov­
For a standard Mac applica­ can now be used with the Ap ­ e rnme nt as UNIX workstatio ns.
tion to work in A/UX 1.1, it must ple Tape Backup 40SC tape It also includes the X Window
be 32-bit clean, a requirement drive. In additio n, A/UX 1.1 rec­ System version X.11 .3, the cur­
that concerns its program ognizes the Apple CO ROM re nt de fac to standard low-level
code. Basically, an immigrant drive as a 500MB read-o nly disk window communication sys­
applicatio n must not make as­ drive. The new release thereby te m fo r UN IX. - Lon Poole
sumptions about its enviro n­
me nt and must not take sho rt­
cuts (Apple publishes derailed
compatibility guidelines fo r
soft ware develo pe rs). Many
popular applicat io ns and desk
accessories are compaci ble , in­
cluding the Chooser and the
Contro l Panel. This degree of
compatibility is possible be­
cause the new version of A/UX
supports mosc of the Mac User UNIX and the Toolbox

114 March 1989

As fo r sound , the SE/30 comes with
die Apple Sound Chip, also the same as the
Mac II's and Mac ll x's. This chip is capable
of synthesizing up to four voices, and it out­
puts sound in true stereo. To accommodate
these sound capabilities, the SE/30 has a
stereo jack on the back, instead of an SE­
type sound port.
Like the SE, the SE/30 offe rs a single
expansion port, bur the similaritv e nds
there. The port, ca lled the 030 D.irect Po rt ,
uses a 120-pin connecto r, in stead of the 96­
pin connector o n the Mac SE. The new
connector gives boards direct access ro all
rhe 68030 signals. Ir also has full 32-bit ad­
dress and data lines, and works with exist­
ing NuBus software drive rs. So far, devel­
opers who are anno uncing expansio n
boards fo r the Macintosh SE/30 include
Avatar, Kine tics, Supe rMac, and Digidesign.
Avatar will ship a 3270 mainframe commu­
nicario ns board. Kinetics is producing a
new version of its EtherPorr series of Ethe r­
net boards. SuperMac wil l ship an 8-bit
gray-scale and colo r video board . And Digi­
design will ship its Sound Accele rato r d igi­
tal signal processing board.
One resulr of cramming the equiva­
le nt of a Mac llx into such a small box is a RAM and an 80MB hard disk-essentially Inside the Cage
loss of space. The expansio n boards no the same configuration as a Mac Ilx-ancl b.pansion boards
longer sit on top of the system board. In­ wil l list for $6569 withour the keyboard , as now m ount vertical~)'
opposed to jusr under $9700 for a similarly in tbe SE/30, along
equipped Mac lbc See Sta te of!be Mac, in tbe edge oftbe cbassis
this issue. and next to tbe bigb­
If you have a Mac SE, \'OUhaven 't been density.floppy dri11e.
left o ut Apple plans to off~r a logic-boa rd­ Tbe new 120-pin ex ­
ancl-chassis upgrade starring in March; pansion connector
pricing info rmarion was unavailable at doesn 't accept boards
press time. The upg rade will provide a new designedfor tbe SE's
board-mounting sche me that solves the ex­ 96-pi11 connecto1:
pansion board problem. Apple will also sell Sbown bere is Super­
Rear Connectors stead , the chassis has been re desig ned so an internal version of the FDHD drive, so Mac 's Spectrum/SE/or
Tbe SE!JO's back panel that the boards stand straight up alo ng o ne that you can upg rade disk cl rive if you tbe SE/30. 'l11e board
is identical to tbe 1Wac side. The new design allows for better want; if not, y0t'1r old SOOK drive will work displc~)'s 256 colors
SE's. Tbe connectors cooling and avoids the proble m of trying just fine . and displays 640 by
ji·om left to rigbt are to squeeze the expansio n board in be­ The Mac SE/30 will ship with Syste m 480 pixels on Apple's
for tbe Apple Desktop tween the system board and rhe bo ttom 6.0.3, which offers some minor revisions 13-in cb color monitor
Bus (2), cm external of the chassis. specific to the SE/30, and will lncluJe an or 1024 by 768 pi.xels
floppy drive, a SCSI de­ improved Apple File Exchange utilit y. Ap­ on SuperMac's 19- incb
uice, a serial printer Price Tags Compared ple has stressed that o nly two groups of Spectru111111onito1:
or Apple'falk, a m o­ The Macintosh SE/30 sho uld be ship­ people need 6.0.3 : SE/30 use rs, who will SuperMac claims tbe
dem, and a11 amplifier ping even as you read this. Apple is offer­ get i ~ with the machine, and users of the SEl30's color display
or beadpbones. Unlike ing two configuratio ns. The low-encl sys­ Apple File Exchange program. updcuesfaster tban tbe
on tbe SI:.~ tbe beacl­ tem comes with lMB of RAM and a 40MB 1Hac ll '.5.
pbone connector is hard disk and will sell fo r $4869 witho ut Which Road to Take
110w a true stereo rhe keyboard. By comparison, a somewhar Apple sees rhe Mac SE/30 addressing
jack. slower Mac II with lMB of RAM , a 40MB rhe same markets as rhe lvlac SE, but wirh a
hard disk, and a 4-bit mo nochro me display highe r price rag. The overall market is
lists for around $6457. The mo re powerful
version of rhe SE/30 comes with 4MB of

Macworld 115
Macintosh SE/30 Specifications

Here are the Macintosh E/30 's of up w 14 MB, and with an in­ SCSI port ( DB-25 pinout), ca­
technical specifications accord­ ternal SCSI hard disk (either pable of supporting up to six
ing to Apple at the time of the 40MB or SOMB); can also sup­ external devices (hard disk,
product preview port an external floppy drive scanner, tape backup unit, and
• Processor: Motorola and one or more external SCSI so on).
MC68030 (32-bit data and ad­ hard disks. Two Apple Desktop Bus
dress paths, built-in Paged • Video display: Standard (ADB) connectors for key­
Memory Management Unit), Macintosh display (9-inch diag­ board, mouse, and Other low­
running at 15.6672 MH z. ona l tube, 512-by-342-pixel res­ speed serial devices. Two
• Coprocessor: Motorola o lution, monochrome) ; can RS-232/ RS-422 serial pon s
JVIC68882, running ac 15.6672 support external monochrome, (Apple standard).
MHz. gray-scale, or color monitor via Stereo sound output mini­
•RAM: Holds up to 8MB the 030 Direct Slot. phone jack (Sony Walkman
( using IMB SIM Ms) on system • Sound: Apple Sound Chip standard).
board ; supports memory ex­ is capable of synthesizing four •Mouse: Standard ADB
pansion via 030 Direct Slot. Sys­ voices using wave-tables and mouse ( mechanical tracking,
tem board Slivl M slots also sup­ playing back sampled sounds optica l shaft, tracking 100 :±: 10
port higher density SIM Ms in stereo. internal mo naural pulses per inch).
( 4MB, ] 6 18). Has 256 bvtes of speaker and ex ternal stereo • .~vstem software: Released
battery-backed parameter RAM. output jack. with System 6.0.3 (6.0.2 with
•!<OM: Has 256K of ROM ; • Clock/calendar: CMOS minor revisi ons for SE/30).
ROM code almost identical custom chip with long-life • Power: Autoconfiguring
to that of the Mac llx, includ­ lithium batter v. power supply (120/ 240 volts,
ing full support of color and •Internal e.xpansion: frequency from 48 Hz to 62
gray-scale graphics and video. internal 030 Direct Slot (120­ Hz); produces up to 75 wans
Mounted via a SIMM socket, al­ pin Euro-DI connec to r), giv­ for internal use.
lowing easy ROM upgrades. ing full 68030 signals and 32-bit •Fan: 10 CFJ'vl Radial.
• Mass storage: Comes stan­ address and data lines. • Size: 13.6 inches high by
dard with both an interna l •Ports: Floppy drive port , 9.6 inches wide by 10.9 inches
Floppy Drive l ligh Density ca pable of supporting either a deep (standard Mac SE case).
( FDHD ), supporting fo rmats regular or an FDHD. • \Veigbt: 21Y2 pounds.

whac Apple term s general productiuity­ chip used in the Nexc machine.
meaning anyone who wants to work on a At university pricing levels-typically
Mac and who can afford the svstem. The 50 percent of list price-rhe SE/30 could
company is targeting a number of specific be a very enticing \vorkstation w hen com­
markets, though, most notably higher edu­ pared \Vith the Next, with its $6500 price
cation , consultants, accountants, business, tag. On the other hand, in the uni ve rsity
and government. market, Apple's cu rrent lack of support fo r
It looks as rhough the Nex t computer A /UX on the Macintosh SE/30 is curious.
has highly influenced the marketing plan s
at Apple. The higher-educatio n market­ Fight or Switch
place was mentioned repeatedly during For those of us already stung by the
the recent Macintosh SE/30 prev iew. as \vas Mac price increases in the fall , th e econom­
che concept of the SE/30 as a music \vork­ ics of the Macintosh SE/30 are a bit more
stat ion. The Apple marketing ceam put a lot questionable, especially g iven the 9- inch
of emphasis on the machine's sound and screen. If you don't have a computer at all ,
music capabilities and referred repeatedly you may want co consider buying a Mac II
to third-party expansion boards containing instead ; it's somewhat slower, but it "s far
digital signal processor (DSP) chips. Digi­ more flexible and expandable. Or, if you
clesign plans to announce an SE/30 versi on like the portability of the smaller Macs, you
of its Sound Accelerat o r board containing
the iv lotorola 560001 DSP chip, rh e same

11 6 March 1989
might find it cheaper and easier to get an Macintosh SE/30. In fact SuperMac, the first
SE and one of the high-end accele rator company to annou nce such a board, wi ll
boards (see "Processors: Is Fa ter Better?" offer an 8-bit color and gray-scale video
in this issue). A number of accelerators of­ board that works with an external color
fer performance close to or even better or monochrome mon itor.
than that of the Macintosh SE/30, and if Ap­ The most compelling reason to buy a
ple 's history is any guide, the SE/30 up­ Mac SE/30, though , might be to avoid obso­
grade will be at a premium price. lescence. It's interesti ng to note that Apple
So, why would you want to buy a Mac went straight to the 68030168882, bypass­
E/30, instead of, say, a Mac SE or even a ing the original Mac II arch itecture ( 68020/
Mac II? Aside from the boost in computing 68881/68851). It looks as though Apple has
power, and the compatibili ty with the lead­
ing edge of Mac architec ture, there are a
few reasons (see 'f\IUX Version l.l '").
One obvious reason would be if you
could run A X. Bur A/UX on the Macin­
tosh SE/30 remains a question mark; ar rhe
product preview, Apple officials stared that
the SE/30 would not support A/UX. This is
curious, since there are probably lots of
power users out there who wou ld welcome
a self-contained, transportable U IX
workstation- and they may see one in
the future.
Anorher reason is the fact that the Mac
E/30 uses the same ROM as the Mac llx.
Thjs means that the Maci ntosh SE/30 has
fu ll support for Color QuickDraw in ROM ,
unlike the Mac SE. Because of the Mac
SE/30's 030 Direct Slor, expect co see thi rd­
party video boards allowing you to hook
up color and gray-scale monitors to the

chosen the 68030 as the new standard for SE/30 Circt1it Card
Mac SE
Performa11ce 127.2 the Macintosh line. The 8-MI-Iz 68000 in 7Z1e SE/30'.~ circuit
CPU: 8-MHz 68000
FPU: none
25.8 the Mac Plu · and Mac SE is getting a bit card contains SIMM
I ran tbis simple set of Normolized 40.5
dated, and even the 16- !Hz 68020 in the slots for up to 81'1/3 of
benchmarks on four performonce: 1.0 10.2 Mac II is no longer a performance sta nd­ RAM (top left). 'l/Je
Apple macbines. l.ower 42.4 out. Using the 68030 in the Mac SE/30 256K ROM nou•pl111-:s
lolol 350.1

times represent faster bodes well for the machine·s long-term into a SI.I/ill socket
pe1fonnance. Com ­ prospects. Add to that the completeness of (lower le.fl) like 0 11 tbe
Mac II
putation time is t/Je
CPU: I6·MHz 68020 18.2 the 030 Direct Slot, and you have a ma­ Mac /Ix . T/Je 120-pin
sum oftbe Sieve, 1llu· 10.9 chi ne that will probably survive longe r e.\pw1sio11 conn ector
FPU: I6-MHz 6888 I 5.2
trix, and Sort test Normalized 22.5 tha n its predecessors, most of which have is on the ho110111 edge
times. Floating l'oint is performance:3.3 3.3 ! been discontinued withi n about three oftbe hoard, belou; tbe
tbe sum oftbe Float
lotol 105.5
years of the ir introduct ions. 68030 C/'U (lower
and Savage bencb· The an nouncement of the Macintosh center) and the litb·
mark times. 7/Je SE/30 SE/30 is not earthshaking, nor does it i11m baltery ( fotl'er
Graphical test mea­ CPU: 16-MHz 68030 break new ground. It does, howeve r, eswb left). 'l1Jl' 6888.2 is lo­
sures tbe time it takes FPU: I6·MHz 68882 lish Apple 's comm itment to the classic J\llac catedj11st belotu tbe
to draw 200 circles Normalized product line, and it provides users with an RAM SIMM sockets.
and 2000 recta11gles. perlormonce:3.9 Apple-supported alternative to eirher a Note tbe extensire use
Tbe spread.~beet was 101ol90.6 small, slow Mac or a large, powerful one. of VLSI cbips to reduce
run witb £\·eel 7. - and Most important, it fills a gap in rhe Mac in­ tbe overall parts co11111.
a 235K clocwne111. Tbe Mac llx 17.6 tosh family, which has threatened to split
16.2 into two separate product lines. And in
recalc test document CPU: 16-MHz 68030 8.9
contained 300 rows FPU: I6·MHz 68882 5.0 doing so, the SE/30 offers a new level of
and 26 col11m11s, eacb Normo lized 17.4 power and portability for the Macintosh
cell being multiplied performance: 4.0 2.7
communitv. D
by two otbers. lotal 87.4
See \\!here 10 Buy for contact in format ion.

Macworlcl ff?
118 March 1989

Is Faster Better?

You can speed up an

by Bruce F. Webster SE and a Mac II by
adding an accelerator
board. Butjust how
powerful is that boost?

he fates can be cruel at times. When Apple announced

the Macintosh SE and II, the SE was something of an improve­
ment over the Plus, but the Mac II had all the horsepower: a
16-MHz 68020, 68881 floating-point processor, 32-bit data bus,
and so on. Unfortunately, the II also had a high price. Even
worse, just when you finally had the money together for a
Mac II, Apple went and raised the price of an entry-level
system by $1100, or nearly 30 percent. And, of course, you
also learned that a Mac II was no longer the top-of-the-line
system; the Mac Ilx with its 68030 processor was taking
top honors.

Macworld ll9
Dove's MaraTbun 0:)0 \Xtell cheer up, pilgri m- there are some options
contains a 68030 pro­ available to you. For about 1000- 2000, you can turn
cessor 011 a small pigp,y ­ a Mac SE into a . ystem char outperforms a l'vlac II in
back /Joard , pro11idi11g many areas. A nd if you've gor a Mac 11, you can boost
a quick and simple its power beyond that of a Mac I Ix.
upgrade. You can boost a rvl ac SE's or ffs power by add ing
an accelerator hoard-a circuit board containing a
high-speed processor (68000, 68020, 68030) mosr of­
ten running at a higher rate of speed than your currenr
system. These boards usually have an optional float­
ing-po int processor (68881/882) and sockets for high­
speecl RAM. The result: higher performance for your
A number of boards are currently available, with
more cropping up all the time. For this article, l looked
at ten 68020 boards for the SE. For comparison l also
looked at one high-speed 68000 board, the Turbo SE
from Siclone (see "Accelerator Features").
All the SE boards are designed to plug into the
Mac SE's system board, using the expansion slot. All of­
fer an optional 68881 llo::uing-poinr chip; if you wish ,
Tbe DayStar Ma c you can substitute the 68882 chip instead- it's pin
20.I JX -25 /Jas some of compatible (you just plug it into the same socket the
tbe.fastest limes f/1 o ur 68881 would use) and run s about twice as fast as the
bencb111arks. Tbe 68881. Each board accepts a va r ying amount of mem ­
hoard also bus o n e of or y and some can also use memory o n the SE system
t/Je.fas/est clock sp eeds. board. A few boards ofter a connector for a large­
scre en display, usually from a specific vendor (the
same company, in at least one c 1se). And each board
comes w ith some software to help you get the most
speed from rhm bo;i rcl , as well as to give you some
control over its teatures.
I also looked at three 68030 accelerator boards
tor the Mac IL Because of bus and timing considera­
tions, these boards don't plug into one of the Mac II
slots; in stead, they replace the 68020 processor o n the
Mac II system boa rd . 1\llaraThon 030 from Dove and
the Over 030 from Computer System A ·sociates have
no RAM and, in fac t, contai n little more than the 68030
processor and a few control chips. The Accelerator
33/030 from Da _ tar Digital is a larger, more complex
board that includes a 32 1< stat ic RAM cache; a 68882
T/Je N{/dius boards floating-point chip is optional.
were price a nd pe1:for­
111a11ce cba111ps. /Jotb '020 Questions
sped up a Mac SH Why do these va rious accelerator boards (and the
u sing 32K rncbes­ Mac IT) get work clone so fast? There are four major
no extra RAJ\/ 111as reasons:
requ ired. • high clock speed

120 i\ larch 1989 Pl IOTOGRAPHS BY FH.EO STIMSON

• wide daca path improvement by a factor up\Yards of 100: a more rea lis­
• floating-point hardware tic figure would be 2 to 25 times foster, depending on
• instruction and data caches the application and how much calculatio n it's actually
Let's look at each of these fac tors and how the,· do ing.
contribme to improved performance. · A fourth, minor fac tor involves the 68020's in ­
Think of a complex mechanical dev ice, sitting in stntction cache. This tiny piece or memory on the
a barn somewhere. To perfo rm a particular function, 68020 holds a copy of the la st 64 in structions that the
you push a given button and cra nk a handle so many 68020 executed . along w ith their addresses. \'\!hen the
times. To do the next function , you push another but­ 68020 goes to fetch the next instruct ion, iL first checks
con and again cran k the handle some number of times. to see if that instruct ion is already in the cache: if so.
Each type of operation requires a certain number of .then Lhe 68020 loads the instruction from the cache,
cranks; some require more cran ks, others less. Rut the eliminating the entire process of fetching that data
time it takes for a given function to be completed de­ from memo rv.
pends not just on the number of cranks required, but
on how fast you turn the crank. Selecting an Accelerator
A microprocessor is something like that mechan­ Once you·ve decide I to supercharge your Mac SE
ical device. Each instruction that the processor exe­ with an accelerato r. you need to figure o ur~ ·hat factors
cutes requires a certain number of cranks, known as are important ro you. Let ·s look at some possibilities.
clock cycles (or simply cycles). The clock speed of a • Specific pe1fo rnw11ce You might expec t that
microprocessor tells you how many cycles that unit boards with identical contigurations (processors , clock
run s in a second. The M68000 chip that ser ves as the speed, memory) would yield identica l resu lts, bur that
CPU (central processing unit) of the Mac SE run s at is not the case. For exa mple, The I lyperCharger 020
7.8336MHz, o r roughly 7,833,600 cycle. per second. and the Mac 20MX-16 both have 16-MHz 68020 CPUs
This means that if rhe average CP instruction takes and 16-MHz 68881 FPUs. I tested both w ith 4.VIB of100­
7 cycles to run , then the M68000 is performing about ns DRAM. They were run on the same Mac ·E, using
one million instruction · each econd. the same programs and files. under the same version
A ll of these accelerator boards gain pan of their of the ope rating system. And yet the Mac 20MX-16 was
speed by increasing the clock rate of the 68020 by any­ an average of 50 percent faster in " Pure Tests." A close r
whe re from 16MHz to 33MHz, making the CP two to analys is, however, shows th at most of the speed differ­
four times faster than the ' E"s CP . This doesn·r mean ences occurred in the General, Floating-Point, and
that every application or operation will run two to Graphica l benchmarks , and that the HyperCharger
th ree times faste r, though, since various element s of held it: own in the Application Load test, even beat ing
the y rem (such as rhe disk driYes. memor y, and the the Mac 20NIX-16 in o ne. ote also the wide ,·ariarion
design of the board itself) ca n slow a task down, re ­ in times l<>r the floating-point benchmarks: the Radius
gardless of how fas t the CP runs. boards ca me our faster than just about anything else.
The speed of transm itting data and instruct ions These are nor co111prehensi,·c benchmarks, but they
has rwo components: rhe w idth of the data path and do show that each boa rd has its own strengths and
the speed of the memor y. The M68000 ha s a 16-bit data weaknesses.
bus, w hich means that it can onlv fetch two bnes ( 16 • Clock speed A few of the boards offer 20-Ml lz
bits) ar a rime. B\' contrast, the M68020 has a 32 -bir or 25-MHz versio ns in add ition to the regular 16-M Hz
data bus, so that it ca n read four byres at a time (and it version: o n the Mac II the chips go up to 33 1Hz. So
doe · so fa rer than the i\1168000 reads two bytes, due to you can buy 20-MHz versions of the Orion and Gemin i
the higher clock peed). boards, and 25-MHz ,·ersio ns o f the Radius and Mac
The Mac SE usually comes with 150-nanosecond 20 IX boa rds. However, with the higher megahertz
dynamic RAM (150-ns DRAM). This means that it takes boards the speed increase usually isn·r that dramatic.
150 ns-150 billionths of a second, or about half the For exa mple, the lt 1clius 2S-MJ-lz boa rd was only about
time it Lakes light ro travel the length of a footba ll field 15 perce nt fa ster than the l{adius 16-MJ-lz hoa rd , but it
- to complete a memor y access. This is pretty fas t, but costs 70 percent more. The Mac20MX showed more
accelerator boa rd s that can hold additional memory improvement-the 25-M l lz version was about 30 per­
usually require 120-ns (or faster) DRAM, because the cent faster than the 16-M l lz hoard- hut the price di f­
processor on them runs at such a high speed. fe rence was even greater. almost 90 percent.
A third factor, the presence of a float ing-point unit
( FPU), can make an enormous difference in situatio ns
where lots of floating-poi nt ( real-number) calculations
are going on. You 'll often hear claims of performance

Macworld 121
Accelerator Features

Accel e r ator Boards Manufac turer

Base Price Processors 68851 PMMU R AM Co nfigurations
for Mac SE
Excelerator XL 20 Irwin Magnetics
$995 20-MHz 68020 optional lMB, 2MB, 4MB, 5MB, 8MB
Excelerator XL 25 Irwin Magnetics
$1595 25·MJ-lz 68020 optional J:\1B, 2MB, 4MB, 5M B, 8MB
Gemfnj 0201030 Total ystems
995 16·MHz 68020 OMB, lMB, 4MB
Gemini 020/030 Tota l Systems
$1495 20-M J-lz 68020 OMB, 1MB,4M B
Gemini 0201030 Thtal Sy terns
1695 20-MHz 68030 OMB, lMB, IB
HyperCharger 020 GCC Technologies
$999 16-MHz 68020 O/\IB, I MB, 4 ~B
Mac20MX·1 DayStar Digital
895 16-MHz 68020 OMB, lMB, 4MB
Mac 201'1X-25 DaySiar Digital
$1695 25 -MJ-lz 68020 OMB, lMB, 4MB
MaraThon 029 Dove Computer
899 16-MHz68020 OMB, 1MB,4i\ffi
Orion Accelerato r MacPeak
16·M Hz68020 optional lMB, 21vlB, 4MB, 5M B, 8MB
Orion Accelerator MacPeak
20-MHz 68020 optional lMB 2M13, 4MB, 5MB, SMB
Pro digy E Levco
51499 ( w/1 ;\IB and 881 ) 16·MHz 68020 o ptional
Radius Accelerator 16 Radius
$995 (w/32K cache) 16-M Hz 68020
Radius Accelerator 25 Radius
$1695 (w/32K cache) 25 -MJ-lz 68020 32K static RAM cache
Turbo SE Siclone Sales &
S398 16-MM.z 68000 OMB, lMB, 2.5MB, 4.MB

68030 B oard s for Mac II

33/030 Accelerator II Da)• tar Digital
6000 $7000 w/ 882) 33-MHz 68030 OQtional
l\laraThon 030 Dove Computer
25-MHz 68030 no ne
MaraThon 030 Dove Com.Quter
33·MHz 68030 none
Over030 CSA
25-MHz 68030 none

• Floating point processor support All the SE for transcendental function s (such as sine, cosine, or
accele rator boards I surveved have a socket fo r a 68881 logarithms), wh ich SA E handles itself for greater pre­
floating-point chip. Motorola's newer chip, the 68882, cisio n. Most of the manufacturers let applications ac­
is pin compatible and (according to Motorola) works cess the 68881 directly; Rad ius even offers its own
about twice as fast; Motorola plans to discontinue the highly optimized SA E package, which probably ac­
68881 completely sometime in the future. All the counts for them beating the pants off everyone e lse in
boa rd manufacturers will sell you a 68881, but you the floating-point benchmark.
mig ht warn to shop around or consider mail order • Control software Each board comes with soft·
for a better deal. And if you can't afford a floating· ware that lets you control its features , such as turning
point ch ip right away, you can always buy it later and the accelerator off or disabling the 68020 cache, usu·
plug it in. ally from within the Control Panel. Some boards offer
More impo rcant, you should know that the re are a lot of optio ns. For example, the Orion software let.
some dramatic variations in how the various accelera· you set clock speed for both processor ·, memory
to rs support 68881 for existing applicat io ns via the speed, 68881 usage, whether or not to copy the ROM
SA E (Standard Apple Numerics Environment) library. to high-speed RAl\1 at startup, and whether o r not to
SANE automatically links into the 68881/882, except recognize more than 4MB of memo ry.
Most of the boards le t you enable or disable the
accelerator. However, they usually have you do it via a

122 Ylarch 1989

you can use the same board in a Mac 512KE, Mac Plus,
o r Mac SE.
• Price This may be the major factor for many of
you. No matte r how nifty a given board is, if you can't
afford it, you'll have to get something less expensive.
The prices liste d in 'f\ccele rator Features" can be mis­
leading, since most boards won't perfo rm at the ir peak
System Board RAM Used Expansion Ports witho ut high-speed RAM on the m. The majo r excep­
tio ns are the Radius boards, which pe rfo rm at to p
speed with no additio nal RAM, because they have a
built-in 32K cache. Of course, if you compare the m co a
Mac II with 4MB of RAM , all of the accele rato r boards
are inexpe nsive.

Memory Trade-Offs
This is such a majo r to pic for accele rato r boards
that it deserves a sectio n all to itself. When you buy
and install an accele rato r board, you have to think a lot
about me mo ry. Specifically, you ha\'e to think abo ut
the following:
• How much me mo ry do you have in your SE
curre ntly?
• What kind of me mory is it?
• How much me mo ry do you have o n your accel­
erato r board?
• How much me mo ry can vou actually use?
any amount
any amount no ne
The Mac SE can have. o ne fo ur men~ory config­
1 ---~­
urations: lM B, 2MB, 2. 5MB, and 4MB. Likewise, most
any amount ---~ i----·-
---- ---~­
accele raror boards accept a va rie ty of configuratio ns,
ranging from no me mory at all tO 8MI3, depe nding o n
the board. It is possible, with the right board and
enoug h me mo ry modules, to stick 12MB into a Mac SE,
but you can't use it all.
Each boa rd has limitatio ns on its use of syste m
board RAM . Some boards, such as the Orio n, won't

prog ramme r's switch; which Apple does not ship with
the Mac SE. If you buy an accelerator board , check to
see if it requires a programmer's switch; if so, have
your dea le r stick o ne o n fo r you.
· • Fte:xibility This is a combinatio n of factors,
most of which I-lave to do with the ability to upgrade
and e nhance the board. Some boards do n't give you a
lot of o ptio ns. For example, the Prodigy SE comes with
a 68881 chip and you have to purchase some me mo ry .
(lMB, 2M B, o r 4MB). Furthermore, the Prodigy doesn t
use the standard SIMM mo dules, so you can upgrade
only thro ugh Levco. By contrast, the Ge mini 020/030
le ts you start o ut with a 16-MHz 68020 and no memory,
and the n upgrade th rough various configuratio ns ro a
20-MHz 68030, 20-MHz 68882, and 4MB of RAM . And
use it at all, except for low-level video and sound. The mentio ned earl ier. The Mac SE is quite content with
Orio n Accelerator requires only that two 256K SIMMs 150-ns DRAM , but such memory would slow down
be installed o n the system board. most accelerator boards. Some boards won't even
Other boards accept certain combinations of ac­ work with 150-ns DRAM , which means that you'll have
cele rator- and S) stem-board RAM . For example, you to buy additio nal (and more expensive) memo ry to get
don't have to have any memory at all o n the Mac 20MX , full performance out of your system. All the boards
Hype rCharge r 020, MaraThon 020, o r Gemini 020/030 except the Prodigy SE (from Levco) and the Rad ius
boa rd s. However, without the ir own me mory, these boards accept regular SIMM modules, like those used
boards run at less than full speed, since they must use in the Macintosh SE itself.
the slower me mory o n the SE syste m board. The bottom line i ·: look before you leap. Memory
Once you tart adding memory, certain re tric­ is a very expensive commodity right now and may be
tio ns apply, depending on the board. Dove's MaraThon for some time to come. It could be frustrat ing to spend
020 comes with software modu les fo r one of six or so $1000-$2000 on an accelerator board, only to find o ut
configuratio ns; othe r setups aren't allowed. Alo ng the that you need to spend anothe r Sl000- $2000 o n high­
same lines, I had to do some minor solde ring, recon­ speecl RAM to get any performance o ut of it.
necting a clipped resistor on the SE system board, be­ The Rad ius board s take a different approach from
cause the Gemini 020/030 wouldn't work with the the others. There is no RAM expansio n on the board it­
2.5M I3 configuratio n that the SE had . self; instead , each board uses 32K of high-speed static
Some board s wi ll use leftove r system board RAM RAM, along with special circuitry, as a code-and-data
as a disk cache or RAM disk, eve n if the accelerator write-through cache. This cache works like the in­
board is fully loaded with memory. For example, the structio n cache o n the 68020, hut o n a g rander scale,
Prodigy SE le ts you use all of . yste m board RAM as a since it stores both code and data in the cache. It's
recoverable RAM disk that can survive a system crash called a write-through cache because whenever the
o r restart (tho ugh no t, obviously, a power failure). 68020 writes data back out to memor y, it actually
Likewise, the HyperCharger 020 can use portio ns of writes to th e cache , which then (independent of the
syste m board RAM as a disk cache (to help improve CPU) transfers the data on clown to the svstem board
disk-access speed). RAM. Rad ius claim. a 98 percent bit rate, which means
Once you stan cal king about syste m boa rd and that during a typical period of usage, the 68020 finds
accd e rato r RAM , you run into the issue of RAM speed, what it needs in the cache 98 percent of the time .

If you buy one of these boards, how are you going
to get it in ?The safest way i. to have your dealer install
it; then if anything goes wrong, it's the dealer's fault,
and the deale r has to fix it, presumab ly at no extra
You mig ht, hmvever, decide to buy a board via
mail o rde r and install it yourself. Having received a
dozen o r so different accelerator boards, and hav ing
put each o ne in several times, I got very good at in­
stalling and taking the m out. However, as the com­
me rcials say, we're professio nal dumm ies, and you
sho uld n't try this at ho me.
\VARN/NG: High-uoltage components may cause
physical /.?arm to you as well as to the machine. Jn
addition, you. may void the Apple warranty the min­
ute you open tbe machine.-Ed.
Once you have installed the accelerator boa rd in
the Mac, you need [0 insta ll the accompanying soft­
ware. Most of the accele rator compan ies have kept up
with the times, and installing their sofrware consists of
d ro pping an INIT fi le into the System Folder on the
start-up device. When you restart, the System loads the
Is the '030 Something?

If che 68020 is good, che 68030 '020 and che '030? Some, buc me nt, chough nor as dramacic
muse be beccer, right? Afcer all, not a large amounc. Note, for as you might want.
Apple has included it in cheir example , che difference be­ The 331030 Acceleracor II
mp-end Mac Ilx. Well, yes, che tween the Mac II and che Mac fro m DayScar Digical, does pro­
68030 is better, but che ques­ llx in che benchmarks "Test ing vide a significa nt performance
cion is: how much beccer? The fo r Speed." The Mac lb:, which improvement, buc ac a price.
major difference becween the has a 68030 running ac the Thar board has a 33-MHz
cwo processors is chat che same clock speed (16 MHz) as 68030, a 33-MHz 68882, and a
68030 has memory manage­ the 68020 in che Mac II , does 32K stat ic HAM cache ( much
ment logic builc-in. You may be perform be ner, but not by a like thac on che Radius boards);
aware char che Mac 11 and a few greac amount: on ly by about 20 the resulcing improvemenc in
of che accelerato r boards have a percent overall. speed is just under 100 pe rcenc
socket fo r a 68851 Paged Mem­ The Ge mini 0201030 board (cwice as fasc as a Mac II) fo r
ory Management Unic (PMMU). lets you puc a 68030 into a Mac mosc cescs. The price is sceep:
This chip is designed to sim­ SE. You can also upg rade a Mac $6000 for a regular board,
plify imple mentacion of a mulci­ ll wich one of chree products. $7000 for one wich a 68882
cask ing, mulciuser operacing Two of che produc es, che O ver floacing-poinc unit.
system, such as A/UX. With the 030 from Compucer Syscem In short, most 68030 up­
68030 you no longer need che Associaces and che MaraThon grades are n'c wonh the cost,
excra chip; che 68030 does ev­ 030 from Dove, provide quick un less you have a Joe of money
erything for )OU. Also the and simple upgrades. Both are to spend and really, really need
68030 has a data cacbe char jusc a 68030 on a small piggy­ chat last 20+ percent of speed.
keeps crack of up co 16 long­ back board , with che minimal As the price comes down and
words (8 byres each) of daca logic required to interface wich the clock speeds go up, chough,
and the addresse · char go wich che regular 68020 sockec o n chese boards wil l provide yet
the m. che Mac II syscem board; both another way to increase the
How much performance dif­ produces provide improve- performance of che Macinrosh.
ference i chere becween che

necessary software and execuces ic; you can usually se­ board's "slow" RAM co the disk cache, vou force appli­
lec t opcions fro m the Control Panel. A few boards, such cations to load inco the fa scer RAM on the accelerator
as che Prodigy SE, le e you sec o pcio ns ch rough a desk board .
accessory; others such as DayStar's Mac 20tv1X use a Nex t, be sure chat the accelerator and the fl oat ing·
scand-alone applicacio n for configuracion. Don'c worry poinr processor are both enabled. You do thac via
abouc chicken-and-egg problems; you can sca n up whatever control software comes with che board. You
your syscem before installing this sofcware, drop the sho uld also e nable che 68020 instruccion cache, un less
INIT inco che System Fo lder, and chen rescan to make you come across a program that can 't ru n wich it o n be­
sure everything's been done correc tl~' cause of self-mod ifying code. This problem is increas­
ing ly rare, since such programs also crash o n the Mac
System Configuration 11, and Apple doesn't provide software comrol of the
Most of the accelerarors run fas ter with the Macin­ 68020 instruccio n cache o n chat syste m.
cosh disk cache enabled. The cache reduces the impact
ofche biggest bottleneck remaining o n a system: che
disk drives. For example, the Turbo E performed the
Recompile benchmark in 121 seconds with a 256K
cache enabled, a o pposed to 192 seconds wi ch no
cache e nabled . By assign ing some of the SE system

Macworld 125
Testing for Speed

lb paraphrase Disraeli, chere • Grapbical adds the re­ Recompile measures rhe
are three types of dishonesty: sults of two benchmarks; the time it takes for TML Pascal II ,
lies, damned lies, and bench· first puts up 200 circles with a running under the Macintosh
marks. Or that·. how it seems rad ius of 100 pixels , alternating Programmer's Workshop
in an industry where competi· black and whi te; the second (MPW), to recomp ile all its unit
tors and fans throw confl icting puts up 2000 rec tangles that are interfaces (some 20 fi les).
figures back ancl forth . Sti ll , 200 pixels by 200 pixels, alter­ "Tota ls" adds up the ti mes
benchmarks ( li ke I Q tests) nating black and w hite. displayed in che other three
measu re whatever they mea­ " Real World " shows the ac­ graphs. You can clearl y see
sure, and we gain some benefit celerated speed of some ever y· w hich boards excel at which
by looking ar chem. day activities on an Excel 1.5 test , and which board come
I used eight d ifferent bench­ spreadsheet with 26 columns out overa l l. You' ll need to refer
marks to test the accelerator and 300 rows. Several timings to "Accelerator Features" to
boards. I selected these bench ­ were made fo r each test and the choose a price/ performance
marks to test both pure and results were averaged. trade-off you can live with.
rea l-wo rld performance. All
Pure Tests Real· Wo rld Tests
benchmarks were run under
the fol lowing configuration: Day\ lar 33/ 030
Dcyllar 33/ 030

• System release 5.0 (System RodM2S

Excelerat or XL25

Excekrotor XL 2S
Mora1hon 030

4.2/Finder 6.0)
MoroThan 030
Exceleralor XL 20

• Disk cache d isabled Exce~rolor XL 20

Mac 20MX-2S

• QuickerGraf 1.1 insta lled

• 1 hi t per pixel (t he Mac ll)
• Finder for Pure Tests ,
Moc 20MX·2S

Rodi ui l6

Gemini 1030/16 MHz)

Unenhancet! Moc ll x

Unenhanced Moc I • -:::.

Unenhorxed 030 IE •

Prodigy SE .
Orion Accelerator
• •

Multirinder (with no other ap·

plications load d) for all others
• All fi les residing on the
Dr ion Amkrolor

Moc 20MX·l6

Unenhanced 030 IE

Moc 20MX-16

Unenhon<ed Mac
Gemini 1030/ 16 MHz)

interna l Mac SE hard d isk

• 020 board s had a 68881
chip installed; 030 boards had a
Unenharxed Mac I
Prodigy IE

Gemini 1020/ 16 Mitzi

Gemini ID20/ 16 MHz)

Morolhan 020

HyperChargtr 020

MaraThan 020
lodiui 25

68882 chip installed; the un­

Hyp<rCha rger 020 · · -
enhancecl SE did not have a
math coprocessor. UnenhancedTuibolE
Mac IE •
-::::..~. .- Unenhonced
Turbo IE
Mac 16

"' Pure Tests" shows the re­ Mconds 0 SO I00 ISO 200 2SO S.Conds D I00 200 300 ~00 500 600
sults from three sets of tests . • Genetal • floaling poinl • Groph<al • Doc 1a•ie • Doc lood • App lood • iecaku~le
• General acids up the


times of rhree pure bench­ Reco mpile Totals

marks: the standard Sieve of D~rar 33/ D30

Eratosthenes ( 100 iterations), a UncnhancedMoc llx UnenhancedMoc II•

selec tion son on 1000 seven­ Unenhanced 030 IE Excelerolor XL2S

Unenhon<ed lhx II ,
Unenharxed 030 SE

character stri ngs that were in Excekroloc XL 25

ExcekrolorXL 20

reve rse order, and multiplying hceleralor XL 20

Unenhanced Moc II

two 64 -by-64- inreger matrices. Mac 20MX-2S Mac 20MX·2S

• Floating Point adds the Ori00 Auele101or Rodiui 2S

Prodigy IE OrionAmkralor

results or two fl oating-po int

Marolhon 020 Prod"igylE

tests. The first test performs Mac 20MX·l6 Mac 20MX-16

10,000 additions, subtractions, ll yperCha rger 020 Gemini 1030/ 16 MH1)

multiplicat ions, and divisions; Gtnini 1030/ 16 MHz) Radius 16

the second ( che Sa\·age bench­ Radius 2S Gemini 1010/ 16 MH1l

Gemini1020/ 16 MH!) Maralhan 010

mark), executes 1000 times a Rodiui 16 HyperCharger 010

statement containing calls to Turbo IE Turbo IE

Tan(). Ar Tan(). Exp(), Ln ( ), Unenhanced Mac SE Unenhanced Mac SE

and Sqrt(), and also contains a Seconds 0 so 100 ISO 200 1SO Se<onds 0 150 soo ISO 1000
multiplicatio n and an addition. • Pure l10l1 lolol • Rtol·world 1e1l1I01al • Re<ompik 10101

126 J\larch 1989

Third, ifvou want to, and ifvou can, set up a RA M fas te r SE hard disk, eithe r fro m Apple o r fro m a third
disk. The Prodigy SE and both Mac 20MX board · come parry.
with RAM disk software. The Prodigy RAM disk is Floating-point perfo rmance varied sig nificantly
g reat; it uses leftove r RAM o n the SE system board and among the boards, though even the slowest was a
preserves its contents in case the system crashes or g reat improvement-five times faster than the un­
you accidemly restart. The Mac 20/VIX boards come enhanced Mac SE. The fas test SE board (the Radius 25)
with two RAM disk programs; one of them , RAMStan was anothe r five-fold improveme nt over the slowest
1.4, doesn't wo rk prope rly under System 5.0, but the board (the Turbo SE), making it about 25 times fa te r
othe r o ne does wo rk and makes for some sig nificant than a regular Mac SE. The d iffe rences have to do with
improvements. how well the soft ware supplied with the boa rd patches
in the SANE (Standard Apple Nume rics Environme nt)
Performance routines to the M68881 float ing-point processor.
The benchmarks provide a simple review of the
relative pe rformance of the accele rato r boards. While A Real Boost
they were done carefull y and rigoro usly, they still If the Macintosh SE seems slow to you, the re are
shouldn't be construed as anything more than simple defin itely ways to p erk it up. Accele rato r boa rds are
co mparisons; they certainly do n·t establish the superi­ one answer, provided you can afford o ne of them. On
ority or inferio rity of a given board. 'Testing for
Spe ed" discusses the benchmarks and how they we re Tbe MCIC /Ix bCIS a
set up. 6803 0 processor run­
The closest thing to a clear winner in this less­ ning a t 16Mbz , but its
than-stiff competition is Irwin's Excelerator board. The p e1forn1C1n ce is on~1 ·
20-M Hz 68020 version was fas ter than any of the othe r about 20 p ercent bet·
Mac SE boards and the 25-MHz version was even fas te r ter tban a Mac II using
than that. Since the Excele rato r is almost ide ntical tO a 68020 p rocessor
the Orion Accelerator, I can chalk the performance dif­ ru n n ing at 16M/-lz .
fe rence up to one major facror: the ability to load the
co nte nts of the 256K Mac SE ROM in the hig h-speed
me morv on the board. The Orio n soft ware had this the othe r hand , compared with the cost of a Mac II ,
option, but I was never able to get it to wo rk; nor did most of these boards look pretty goo d. And besides:
this feature work in the soft ware that acco mpanied the it's hard to carrv a Mac II with a monito r o nto a plane.
20-M Hz Irwin board which , consequently, gave a de­ The best performance was by the two boards
cent but unspectacular perfo rmance. Whe n I tried the from Irwin, and since the 25-MHz board i · o nly mar­
software for the 25-MHz Irwin boa rd, it loaded ROM ginally faste r than the 20-M Hz board , you ·re be ·t off
into RA.J\11 just fine. That same software also worked buying the 20-MHz board and using the extra 00
with the 20-MHz board. The pe rfo rmance fo r bo th toward high-speed RA M. The price/performance win­
boards increased dramaticall) whe n I loaded the ir ne rs, tho ugh, are the Radius boards. All the othe r Mac
ROM into RAM. SE boards require high-speed RAM (100-ns o r faste r)
The Radius Accele rator 25 and DavStar' Mac to achieve highest pe rformance. And while RAM
20MX-25 were close behind the Irwin board ; no big prices may finally be o n the way clown , RAM's still
surprise, since they also had fas t clock speeds. The Ra­ going to cost a fa ir amount. The Radius boards achieve
d iu. had an edge o n in truction executio n, while the the ir perfor mance witho ut any additional RA I costs.
DavStar had the best disk-acce s times. Use of a RAM Accele rating a Mac SE can increase produc tivity
disk o n the DayStar makes p e rfo rmance really sing; and provide a psycho logica l boost as well. An accelera­
the Recompile result d ropped from 138 se conds to 27 tor helps bring you to the poi nt where you're not wait­
seconds, which is an amazing improveme nt over the ing for the Mac co finish a task, it's waiting fo r you. just
247-second time for a regular Mac SE ( running off the be sure that it"s going to do what you need it co do, at a
hard disk, no less). price you're willing to pay. c
The Recompile benchmark also reflects the d iffe r­
ence in hard d isk access times for the Mac SE and Mac See Wbere to Buy for contac t info rmatio n.
IL This suggests ano ther sou rce of improveme nt: a

Bruce F. \'(/ebster is Cl !Vlacworld contributing editor and a

freelance writer living in t/Je redwood~ n eC1r Sc111ta Cruz,

Mac\Yorld 12
128 March 1989
The ABCs ofCMYK:
part two in our series
on color separation

by Steve Rotb

ILLl!'tTKAlU..)~ H"i Kl 'IJ' \A'\l>f..Rl :\ ~~ Macworld 129

Strategies your printer with the four film negatives, ready to
go. You may or may not need to have the graphics
The first approach is to do your color traditionally: stripped in, depending on the software and type of
print black-and-white pages, mark the areas where you graphics you use.
want color, have professional separations made of any
color art, and then send the entire package to the Do It Yourself
printer's, where it can be assembled by hand. The obvious question to ask about this approach
The next possibility is to turn to a service that will is whether going to all that trouble will save you any
produce separations for you from your electronic files. money. The answer, as usual, is that it depends-in
There's only one full-service bureau right now: Image this case mostly on the type of work you do and on
South's Color Cutter service, which separates Page­ how good you are at making the technology
Maker files that contain Adobe Illustrator and Aldus work for you.
FreeHand images. Let's leave aside the efficiencies you may derive
If you use color photographs and have deep from doing design , layout, and art-creation on the
pockets, you can consider a hybrid desktop/worksta­ computer, and concentrate on production. Linotronic
tion arrangement. Such systems cost tens of thousands film costs between $10 and $14 a page; that's $40 to
of dollars and employ a high-end scanner and dedi­ $56 for four process separations if all goes well. Add
cated image-processing software . The Mac handles $50 for a color proof, and you're at about $100. Conven­
type and page design and uses low-resolution color tional separation costs vary widely, depending on the
scans o n a for-position-only basis. When it's time to size of the image and the level of quality you demand,
produce the final film , the Mac pages are passed to the but $150 is a ballpark figure for separating a color slide
workstation, where the high-resolution scans are to 3-by-5-inch film (including the proof). If you do lots
merged in. one of these systems is online yet, which of work with a separation house, that figure can go as
is why I cover them in the "In the Works" section low as $60. On the other hand, if you want any color
of this article. correction, it can easily mount to $300.
The three solutions just discussed don't sound The other major cost consideration has to do with
much like desktop publishing, which is why the last stripping. No matter how you create separations, strip­
option is the one that generates the most excitement. ping them into a page costs about $15. Prices for cre­
This route is for do- it-yourselfers: build the color im­ ating tinted sidebars, rules, and type vary widely, de­
ages on screen, use Mac software to separate them, pending on the printer, how many times you use a tint
send the Postscript output to a Linotronic, and present in a document , how many of the process colors are in­
cluded in the tint, and even the width of lines sur­
rounding tinted elements (hairline boxes cost more to
Take the Xpress Way
fill with tints, because they require more accuracy).
Tbis Qua.rkXpress
One major commercial printer charges $5 per color
page is made up of
for dropping in square tints-into a sidebar, for in­
type and grapbics cre­
stance. Reverse or solid type in a tint will run you $16 a
ated in Xpress, a low­
color. So if you have a headline, a sidebar, and a side­
resolution black-and­
bar head , each in a two-color tint , plus one four-color
white seem (the dog)
graphic, you're in for $90. A color key of that page
that was colorized, a
(four overlaid color films that enable you to proof the
page ofcolor swatches
stripper's work) will cost another $30 or so.
created in Adobe lllus­
Of course, some pages are much more complex
trato1; and a scanned
than the one just described, and some graphics de­
color TIFF image
mand expensive film work as well. It 's not unusual for
(wbicb Xpress is not
stripping on a complex color page to run anywhere
able to separate). 'The
from $200 to $1000-plus the cost of separations. If
separations were out­
you use QuarkXpress and lllustrator or the PageMaker/
put asfilm at 133 lpi.
Separator combination , you can produce film for the
same complex page with no stripping charges at all
(see "Take the Xpress Way").
Those savings sound wonderful , but this is where
the quality problems associated with Linotronic sep­
arations come in. You may run into moire patterns or
banding on your separation , and have to re run the
film. That's another $100 for the film and proof. $100
here and $100 there, and pretty soon you've e rased
your savings. On the other hand, if you know how to
work within the system's limitations (see "Color Sep­
aration Explained," part one of this two-part series, in
last month's Macworld), you can usually get by with
one trip to the Lino.

130 March 1989

Even if you use P.<.1geMaker to build pages for
Colo r Cutter, all the color elements come from lllus­
trato r-sidebars, colo red type, mid so o n. You don"t use
PageM<tl<er's color specifications. Th is is bot hersome ff
you want, to r exrunple, color subheads, since vou have to
place them <t'> graphics rather thm1 include the;n in the
text where they w ill flow with design and
editing ch:mges.
Also, you're limited to Illustrator's spacing controls
( no mm1ual kerning), you can"t specify a column width
for colored type o r justify a column (you LL'ie a hru·d re­
turn for each line in lllusrraro r), and rhe color elements
don't show up in color in PageMaker. FreeHand doesn't
have ~u1y of these problems, which is why Image South
recommends using it for creating colo red t~ve.

Illustrator 1ivo Ways

Tbe g rapbic at tbe upper left was created in Illustra tor an d
separated in Separato 1: Notice the 1•e1:1• complete pri11ti11g i11­
forma tio11, wbidJ Separator includes a1110111c1tical~1· 11'be11 it
prints a separmion. On tbe lower rigbt, tbe sam e l1111strator
file bas been incorporated i11 a PageMaker page, 11'1.1icb was
separated ~l ' tbe Colo r Culler Sen•ice.

17' WuHUdM
pro~Dc. t 11ttiN1-~
~ ... lka:~'<ai•>l!I

~C'11.~pte> ..... Dt

f'ltl.bu• IW5rl<itpY1-......C'11. .. ..k .. 11("1

-us--~"" u..... .... ,..,~.-.w.­

Qo...,rw,....0r1v>Clb.n­ ........... &...-.-­

..,.,..._._.,Ol ....
1'uT~ •.O.•kl.,..__...._
The bottom line is that as far a"S making separations '"" "'... a,... ... ~ N.o.MfW.-.Do~

Color Photo I A here

6',,°"""".,00.~ -~ac.£«ca.­

goes, if you·re using object-oriented Mac graphics and ,.• .,,......._C"\l,.hn: ......

U'tW•i<ll • oc~~- . . .

·""·"""'..."i l,.-.­
N.Qr.IJ ..... ~O,,.

tints, you cm1 probably save some money, since the re­ l"tlllM-~ttii

Qr...J JW'O\f'$

sults for these elements are prerry consistent. You e<m ...
- - drl!Mw• m. Qwii.I pd ....._._._.. &w.._w.i
•illl • llii lp.we-~
also separate bitmapped. paint-type graphics and color '"""Ji'"'
""°' ._._....WccMIWWllt~.lf
.... DI~-..... ,.,...,.1.
.._ F,...,,.,
screen shots with good results, though final colo rs may ~-
t)adpnlp'O. ~ ......
,141 .. n,,._ -~ · "'~'"....,.,. ..,,,,_.,_)
not match the on-screen versio ns exactly. Separat ing .-.~e11.
"fflllrilfl •tA.I~ ......
~ c.c.O.U"'°'t9't 0.
}w. l lJ,.0...
()gjdpvff- Pf JWI~_.,..,....,.. Mnn•••t
photographs is much harder tl1m1 doing g raphics, so the
SI"'. . . _
_...__Ooliitllftl ~ •1.n(. ~
need to rerun fi lm ma~ well eat ao;\'ay ru1y sayings on sep­
arations you might have realized. tripping is where tl1e

o.;.t~..- 0rir ~­
~ .... tn• .w. ...,,,._ ........._
big savings come in. The more complex your pages and ,.,_........
,.,, ,, _ _ _
.....°"'.. Dl'p.tb.I•

............ ~&«I..-.

;hJ&of.-or.QWisw ~""rioti •icaJ,-~

tl1e bigger your si:ripping bills, tl1e more you stand Lo qwo.
Del'*' ­ ,...dl!O_.....,.._..,.0..
..._~Qu.l.lpo ...

save. Oil ....,.,..
•tilj • ~,..._~ _....._ ... °"""...


.,..... ...... 0. ,_itw.­
.,....... .... •:.t.... .._ .,.IJll


b.TII:-­ ..__ &u.._ ......
•Wil •.n.,_._.._ ~· t.i~ptn~ Ur °""".........

Available Software N.Ow'il~...,Dr,....t.vo.

~ · U: · -'1 •1-'*-
,,...... _......,.. ...
r..... 11io1oonw • llli • ... •t,.-
Nt-~ I N , OitlJ'SW
Oc. pca... . .
N l!tn~ •PIO • .U

•ki lPMa _ _ ...,,.. ,'4

With these strategy i . . ues in mind let's rake a look

at the software tool. that can take you fro m un­
screen to linescreen s.
Once you've built your pages mid placed all the col­
Color Cutter or elements, you save the fi le a<; PostScript and send it to
Color Cutter is not actua lly a softwa re program , Image ·outh. The compru1y sends you back the separated
o r to be more precise, it's a prog ram that you can·t buy. p·1ges fo r $72 a page plu<> $10 for every minute of Lino
Image South (formerl y People's Publishing) uses Colo r rime above three minutes per piece of film. For tl1at price,
Cutter to separate electronic files for you. You send rh e you get all four layers plus ma<>k'> a5 necessar y for colo r
files, Image South ends you back the fi lm. Color Cut­ photos, and Image South will go in <md build traps for
ter w ill s parate colo r Illustrator fi les, either by them­ you. The company also offers training ruid consulting,
selves or on PageMak er pages (see " Illustrato r Two and may help subsidize your equipmern purcha5es, de­
Ways"). You can also use FreeI-Iand, but Image South pending on the volume of your btL':iiness.
recom mends Illustrator for g raphics because it saves One key component of the Color Cuuer ser vice is
CMYK percernages, no t RGB, in irs EPS fi les (see "Col­ tl1at Image South provides its CLL5tomers with a program
o r Models and Colo r Palettes"). Note: Freel-la nd 2 .0, called MultiSend. MultiSend does severnl things, but the
just shipping as tbis article wen1 to p ress, does save most impon<mr is rhar it reads Illustrator EPS files and
CNIYK values. -Ed.

Macworld 131
Color Models and Color Palettes

Different programs take diffe r­ The RGB and HSB models well. Modern Artist has the
ent approaches to specifying are most commo n with greatest probJem with mis­
colors for fo ur-co lo r process scanned images, since most matched co lor palettes.
separat ion. The four predo mi­ colo r scanners capture infor­ PMS ( Pantone Matching Sys­
nant mode ls are recVgreen/blue matio n in RGB fo rm. Since tem) palettes constitute a spe­
( RGB), hue/saturatio n/ bright­ the re is no such thing as a cial case. In standard printing ,
ness ( HSB), cyan/magenta/yel­ printed RGB o r HSB color Pantone colors are typ ically
low/black ( CMYK), and palette chart, it's hard to know how the printed using special inks that
colo r. While each of these color you see o n screen will ac­ produce particular shades. On
schemes has its p lace, the vari­ tually print o nce it's been con­ the Mac, software make rs pro ­
ety of models o fte n makes it verted to CMYK. vide a library of Pantone shades
ha rd to move images between To make things confusing, that can be simulated using
programs, or to separate the some programs let you specify CMYK. Thus the Panto ne sys­
o utput fro m one program using colo rs using one mo del, but tem is used o n ly as a color stan ­
anothe r. they store the colo r va lues d ard . Since CMYK equivalents
Since final o utput of separa­ using another. When you ex­ don't exactly match the PMS
tion s is always based on CMYK po rt a CMYK-specced Free ­ charts, however, it's mo re reli­
va lues, that syste m is the mo del Hand image in EPS format , for able to simply sp ecify CMYK
of choice fo r specifying colors. instance, it saves RGB values, colors to begin with , using a
It le ts you explicitly contro l all not CMYK, mak ing the fi le CMYKchart.
fo ur values, and you can use much less usefu l if color sep ­ There is a simple rule he re:
w idely available primed CMYK a ratio ns are the goal. use CMYK sp ecificatio ns w he n­
charts to see what colo rs will A colo r palette can use any ever possible. ( It's not gener­
co me off press. The CMYK of the th ree color models to ally possible with scanned im­
mo del is standard in o bjec t­ store colors, but the values are ages, in which case you have to
o riented programs such as accessed by selecting fro m a rely o n the limited colo r corre­
FreeHand, lllustraror, and me nu, or palette, of ( usual ly spondence between your colo r
QuarkXpress, and it's also 256) colors. If the palette display and the primed results.)
available in some bitmapped changes, as when you o pen a Do n't use PMS pale ttes, and
painting programs, such as fi le created with o ne program do n't use RGB or HSB if you
Pixe lPaint. in another, the colors change as have CMYK ava ilab le .

builds dummy files. The dummies contain a PICT re pre­ Adobe Separator
sentation fo r placing in PageMaker, along with a few Adobe Illustrato r 88 comes with a "tand-alo ne
lines of the actual Postscript that point to the full Post­ application called Adobe Separator, w hich separates Il­
script file on disk. This lets you place the same image nu­ lustrato r and some other PostScript files. If you specify
meroll'> times without eating disk space, and lets you CMYK colors to create your Illustrator document , Sep­
change the image throughout a document without going arator simply separates o ut those colors. If you use the
throug h and re placing it. When MultiSend prints a P lS palene included w ith Illustrator 88, the program
document, it incorporates the e:\1ernal PostScript tiles either produces a separate piece of film for each PM S
where they're required. color or conve rts any of those PM S colors to the ir pro­
The Color Cutte r process doesn't let you comrol ev­ cess equivalents. Separator includes more info rmat io n
erything yourself, it ca.ts mo re than doing everything o n the final film - including file name, process-colo r
yourself, and it forces vou to LL5e 1llustr..ito r o r FreeHan<l name, and even colo r bars-than any o the r Mac pro­
for color elements. 01i the othe r hand, it's g reat nor to gram (see "Separators Compared.,).
have to worry about traps, it's cheaper than traditional Separator provides on ly limited opt io ns for mod­
methods (at least with complex pages), the quality is ex­ ifying screen frequency, and the angles fo r each fre­
cellent (screen tints are guar.:mteed to within 2 percent), quency are fi xed (see "Separato r Pros and Cons.. ). If
and the turnaround is fast. you really want that control , you have to use a word
processor to change the (com me nte d but undocu­
mented) PostScript Printe r Descriptio n files.

132 March 1989

Separator's separations are consistently good, Adob e Separator••• 2.0 Separator Pros
though there are still some pro blems with banding at I Chooser ... I LaserWrller Prlnl All at1dCons
line screens over 120 lines per inch ( lpi) and when I Open PS ... I Progresslue Colors.BO (561 M 7 42 points I T/Jere 's 011~1· one dia­
!Open PPO ... I L300_47 0.PPO (Linolronlc 300 11H.DI
producing large areas covered by gradations. Moires log hox in Separato1;
make their appearance, but they're not as frequent or Poge Size: I Leller 1613 H 791 points I I so all tbe separation
Orientation: ~
as bad as those produced by Aldus FreeHand. If there Emul•ion: I Up !Right Aeod lngl I controls are in one
is no black in the colors specified, Separator rarely Image: I Positlue I place. Tbe drawback is
troubles you with moires. The difficulty of changing Holrtone: ~ tbat no options are
screen angles in order to eliminate moires when they Seporotion: I Process Cya n I I Print One
pJuen for c/Ja11[.!i11R
do occur, however, is inexcusable. Lobel: jProgresslue Colors.OB (Proceu Cynnl
screen angle.
Nevertheless, Illustrator and Separato r are pro­
grams of choice for color illustration o n the Mac, espe­
I lu Pro<•" ) I ~ I sole< t n11 I
l fllJCmtum l i l•' IHI """'' I
cially since the Illustrator PostScript fo rmat has be­
come some thing of a standard.

Separator and PageMaker ors for page elements in PageMaker, creat ing full-color,
For those who want to use PageMaker to create CMYK-specced pages, right o n screen. The bad news is
full-color pages, there's good news and bad news and that you can't do anything with those color pages ex­
good news. The good news is that you can specify col­ cept print spot-colo r overlays o r black-and-white re n­
ditions-no process seps.
The good ne\vs is that you can create color ele­
ments with Illustrato r or Freel-land, place them on
PageMaker pages, save those pages co disk as e ncap­
sulated Postscript (choose print, select a single page,
hold down Option-:!€, and click OK in the print dialog
box), and separate the m with Separator. You still need
to separate color bitmaps and PICT files separately and
strip them in , but everything else comes out in place.
This combination approach to building pages has
all the limitations discussed in the section o n Color
Cutter. You can't see the colo r o n the page, color sub­
heads don't flow with the tex t, and if you are using
Illustrator, you are stuck with its limited type-handling
for color type .
The o ther proble m with this approach is the num­
ber of large, redundant files you e ncl up with: the illus­
trator color elements, the PageMaker pages, and the
printed-to-disk Postscript pages. And if you want to
change any color elements, you have to modify them
in lllustrato r o r Freel-land , then place them again in
PageMake r.
All those limitations make the lllustrator/Free­
J-land/PageMake r/Separator scenario a bit unwieldy,
but in return you get to work with the most popular
tools on the market.

Aldus FreeHand
FreeHand gives you more control over the separa­
tion process than any prog ram , and aside from colo r
bars, includes eve rything o n the final Alm chm a
printer might need.
The overprim feature in Freel-land applies o nly to
"Custom" colors, which generally means those colo rs
that will be printed with PJ\115 inks. This is useful when
you want your printer to create knockouts and traps for
Tbese images were created and separated witb Freel-land. 71;e
two- and three-color printing, but it can't be used to
image on tbe bouom was printed using the Normalize trans/er
overprint black, and you ca n't overprint selected o b­
option, wbicb adjusts tbe gray transition specijical~v for Lino­
jects, as you can in Illustrator.
tronic Imagesellers.

Mac.w orld 133

Freel-land's separations are ever y bit as good as LaserPaint's method of -pecifying colo rs is infu ­
Separator's, except wi th founta ins. Freel-land's fou n­ riating. In earl ier versions you could specify CMYK
tains employ a complex PostScript method that doesn't percentages, although the resulting colors were acces­
bear description here. The result is a propensity to r se­ sible only as color swatches on a palette or as PMS
rious moire pattern s (see "Am I Normal?")-that is, numbers that you assigned (at random , or according to
when the fountain s don't crash the Lino. Altsys, creato r any scheme you dev ised ). In the latest release, Laser­
of Freel-land, is working on a fix tor these problems, w~re has eli111inated CM YK speccing entirely! A ll that's
and version 49.4 of Postscript, w hich should be ava il ­ left is RGB. The w ho le approach to specifying colo rs,
able soon as an upgrade to L-300 owners, should especially with the Auto -Airbrush ( fountain ) tool, is
help solve the problem of crashes. If you avoid foun ­ incred ibly wrongheaded.
tains, or keep them si mple, FreeHand produces to p­ To it s cred it, LaserPainc is the first commercially
notch separat ions. available Mac program (and at this writing still th e
Note: Freef-lcmd 2.0, released as tbis article was only one) to produce separations from 8-bit as well as
going to press, adds overprin ting/or lines and.fills 24-bit color TIFF and PICT2 bitmapped images. It is
and a Pantone palet!e. CJ\ll YK color p ees a re now the only program implementing undercolor remova l
saved in EPSfiles using CM YK val11es, not RGB. Dia­ and gray-component replacemenc w hen it creates seps,
log boxes /Jave also been consolidated, so separation and it even lets you do your own gamma colo r correc­
controls are more easiZ)' accessible. \\7e were unable tion for color bitmaps ( Photo lac and Pixel Paint Pro­
to test for quality and compatibility in tbe latest fessional w ill do al l these things when they ship).
version.-Ed. LaserPaint takes an unusual but flex ible approach
to separations. After impo rting o r creating your an ,
LaserPaint Color II you choose f our Color Separate, and Lase rPaint cre­
LaserPaint is like a precocious, annoying child. It ates four new Lase rPaint files, o ne fo r each color. You
bothers the heck out of vou when vou fi rs1 meet it, but can open each of those files and edic it (and you need
you can't help being impressed by ·it abilities and may co, if only to write the colo r name on the layers). \X hen
even come grudgingly to like it. LaserPaint separates you print from the original, fu ll -color fi le, LaserPaint
more file types than anything el se on the market does. opens and print · each of the , eparated fi le ·, one
But its features are implemented in odd ways, and after the other. You can also choose Line Colo r ep ­
some obv ious things are missing (such as including a arate if you want color ove rlays for each color
color name on each piece of film). in the document.

Separators Compared

ColorSep 1.0 Adobe Separator 2.0 Aldus FreeHand 1.0 LaserPaln.t Color Cutter
Color II l.9.2C (service)
Fi le 1vpes separated J\ !od ern A rt isr
lll us1r:uor, FrecHand fi les. some 8 · and 24-b it TIFF and 1'1CT2 Pagei\!aker with
PICT fi les
some impo rted EPS
imported EPS b i1m aps and objec1s, !llu s1ra1o r and
( including Page;\!aker ).
1.ascrl'aint Freel-l and
some 01her Pos1Scrip1

UCR2 • •
GCl{ 2
• •
Set frequenc y • •3 • • •
Set angle • • • n/ a
Auto matic trapping

Overprint colo rs n/ a • • •
Overprint objects n/a • •
Co111 rol do1shape
• • •
Adjust transfer • • •
Prims on film
registration mark • • • • •
crop marks • • • • •
color bars
• •
color name • • • •
filename • • • •
date • • • •
Price 4955 4955 495 595 72/page+
1 Specifications subject 10 change. -! Undcrcolor remo,·al/gr:iy-component repl acemem . J Limited sdection :l\·ai lable. • Possible t0 se1 angle h y editing l'l'O tile.

134 March 1989

LaserPaint i the best choice around ifvou want to
separate color screen shots or other images created
with color paint programs. It handles colors very well ,
without modifying the palette and screwing up the
color scheme. It also works with color scans, though
the quality still doesn't match that of commercial sep­
arations and the program is very slow in 24-bit mode
( ee "The Face of the Future"). It also works well with
objects created and colored with in the program,
though the Auto Airbrush-created fountains consis­
tently fail to separate proper!)~

Modern Artist
Modern Art ist is well known as a color paint pro­
gram, but until recently there hasn't been a good
method for getting lodern Artist images into print.
The new Color ep utility th;n comes with 1vlodern
Artist 2.0 solves that problem, although the version l
tested , 1.0, had some serious problems. It generally
works with images saved in Modern Arr i r's propri­
e tary PICT mode, but when I tried to separate Modern
Art ist standard PICT files or a Pixe!Paint PICT file , the
program had a variety of difficulties, from crashing re­
peatedly to changing the color palette to priming sep­
arations with a distinctly underwater appearance.
Even with proprietary files the program has a ten­
The Face ofthe F11t11re
dency to crash.
Images A, B. and Care 133-lpi Macseparario11s made.from a
Computer Friends says it tested ColorSep 1.0 with
24-bit BarneyScan scan. q( a 35mm slide. D L~ a conventional
Apple's System version 5.0, and that it works fine with separation ofrbe same slide. Image A, sepamrecl using Ava­
any System version up through that number. As I write lon's PbotoMac, augurs a better.future.for tbe Mac as a pre­
press tool. Band C reflect tbe level ofquality we're used to see­
ing.from Mac pboro separations: B was made in LaserPaint
Color II, and C was separated by PrePress Tecbnologies'
SpectrePrint. (Pboto.11ac and SpectrePrim were botb in pre­
Beta Software1
release for111 wben tbese separations were 111ade.)

QuarkXpress 2.0 PixelPaint Professio nal Ph oto Mac

this, the company is working on an upgrade for System
6.0 and above. The upgrade will be shipped free to
Xpress \\'ilh Illustrator 8·bi1 TIFF and PICT bitmaps 8- and 2 -bi! TIFF and registered user ; call or write Computer Friends if you
haven't received it yet. If you 're thinking of buying
Modern Artist and need ColorSep be sure you get a
good demo of the separation-printing function first to
• • be sure the corrections are in place .
• • When you are work ing with proprietary files,
• • • ColorSep le ts you control the brightness of the entire
• • image on each of the process colors individually, as
well as specify percentages for undercolor removal.
n/ a n/a You can also sharpen or smooth any image. Another
n/a n/a useful feature lets you enter an ide ntifier that is
• printed on each layer. If you choo. e to Spool the seps,
• ColorSep will save four Postscript fi les on disk, wh ich
• • • you can then download .
• •
• • • 1f you want full-color pages, right from your Mac
• • • to the Lino, u ing a single program, QuarkXpress is the
• only choice right now. The program lets you specify
95 595 695 the fill and outline colors for any frame on the page,
select colors for type (bllt not different colors for out­
' Price includes graphics applic:11io 11. lines and fi ll s), and even colorize a black-and-white

Macworkl .135
If you want more complex g raphics on the page,
Xpress can import and separate Illustrator 88 colo r im­
age (tho ugh it won't display the m in color). Be tween
Xpress and Ill uscracor, you can include almost all the
color elements you might need.
There is o ne fatal fl aw in this magnificent sce­
nario, however: the colo rs you pecify in Xpress don't
match printed process colo r charts. They come out coo
dark . If you spec ify some color swatches in Illustrato r,
specify the same colors in Xpress, and separate them
side-by-side o n an Xpress page, the Illustrator colo rs
come o ut fi ne , but the Xpress colo rs are way off. Quark
says it's working o n chis proble m, and should have it
fixed by the time you read this. Watch for version 2.01 .

Bitmap In the Works

Compar Ison
This image was cre­ In add itio n to the programs me ntioned above, there
clled in Pixe/Paillf uer­ are a few packages that are o n the verge of release at
sion 1.0 and separated this writing, including two correc tion and separatio n
with tbree paint pro­ programs fo r colo r scans.
gram facilities. A is a • PbotoJ\llac, fro m Avalon, at first glance may look
laserPa i/1/ separation like another color pai nt program , but it's ac tually a
at 133 lpi; B was sepa­ tool for manipulating and separating colo r scans. Its
tools fo r la ·soing noncontig uous areas (even finding
boundaries automat ically, w ithin limits) and modify­
ing the colors for those selections far surpass anything
currently available o n the Mac.
The be ta version I worked with le ts you control
the percentages for g ray-compo nent enhanceme nt
(encompassing both unde rcolo r re moval and gray­
component re placement) and control the percentages
fo r gray balance- a key factor in getting accurate col­
ors on press. The gray-balance controls let you specify
percentages of cyan, magenta , and yellow that com­
bine to create g ray. The program will also correct col­
ors auto maticall v fo r coated stock, uncoated stock, and
newsprint (see ,;Expe rt Color Control").
Pho toMac is designed to work with scanned im­
ages , which use RGI3 values, so all colo rs are sp ecced
using RGB o r hue/saturatio n/brightness (HSB). Since
the re is no me thod fo r ca librating the monito r to
match printed re ·ult -, it's diffic ult to know what screen
colors wi ll come o ut looking like.
• Pi.xe/Pain.t is a color paint pro­
gram with bui lt-in separation capabilities. It's limited
to working with 8-bit images , tho ug h PixelScan , in­
cluded with the program, conve rts 24-bit images
to 8-bit. Yo u can set the percentage of undercolor re­
mova l and the maximum ink bu ildup (how much to tal
ink i. permissible for a given spot), and the de nsity
(C) ranges for all fou r proce. . colors (specifying the mini­
mum and maximum percentages for each).
bitmap ( not dot-by-dot, howeve r-one colo r f6r the PixelPaint Professional stands out among paint
whole bitmap). Most desktop publishers simply want programs, because you can specify colors using CMYK
something o n the order of a headline in ruby red and percentages, in addition to being able to use RGB ,
subheads in royal blue with a green background tint, HSB, and the mo T complete electronic Pantone library
and Xpress can give you just that , easily and quick ly. on the marke t (for whatever that's worth ). Pixe!Paint
Professio nal is a promising conte nde r, though its in­
ability to handle 24-bir image restricts it to paint­
variety graphics.

136 March 1989

• PhotoShop is che name going around for a hoc Sepan.uon Setup Expert C:Olor
new color-scanning and image-edicing tool that prom­ @Negollue
SU.en lines Per Inch: [filJ Control
ises to put the current crop of applicacions to shame. le PhotoMac offers the
will be marketed with the BarneyScan slide scanner Magenta~• most sophisticated
under che name BarneyScan XP, and it has also been 8lac:ll: @:)• CMYK separation and
licensed to Adobe Systems. PhotoShop allows images correction capabilities
Gray component E:nhoncement: Grey 8atence:
to be split into separate RGB or CMYK channels; each ~~ of a~v Mac program to
starting Den11ty Cyon ~DO ~
channel can be edited, corrected, and merged with Gnsy Remoucl ~~ Mogenlo 90 ~ date.
Sieck Replo<es &niy ~~
other channels before separations are made. VtllOUI 90 ~

• Color System I is a complete scanning/image - - -· - , ~~ j

editing/page makeup/color separation hardware and
software system based on the Macintosh II and che
UltreSetter, a high-resolution (up co 3000 dpi) oucpuc handle the electronic stripping and image-manage­
device. The system will work with BarneyScan, ment end of this arrangement, whether such a service
Eikonix, and other color scanners. It will oucpuc co will save you money will depend on overall econ­
film, RC paper, and 3M dry silver material (for proof­ omies of computer versus manual business. No single
ing). And it will support typefaces from the Compu­ part of the process will be a big saver. True, you ·11
graphic, Adobe, and Bicstream libraries. Complete avoid mechanical stripping, but you 'II have to pay
turnkey systems will cost $40,000 and up. much higher rates for the digital stripping you 'II
•Enterprise, which may have been released by still require. And you 'II still be paying co have a pro­
the time you read this, is the ortly moderately priced fessional separation made.
Mac program besides QuarkXpress that will produce
and separate pages with color type and graphics in
place. Enterprise works with single pages only, but you Final Advice
can specify CMYK colors for any page element. At
$795, ic's targeted for those who produce high-quality, As things stand now, QuarkXpress, Image South's Col­
single-page display ads. or Cutter Service, and the PageMaker/Separator com­
• ImageStudio, the color version. Watch for this bination promise the greatest savings for color pub­
in the first quarter of '89. le will handle 24-bic TIFF lishers using the Mac (along with Enterprise, when it's
and PICT, but will include "simple default-level separa­ released), because you can create full-color pages with
tion capabilities" only, according to Letrasec. A follow­ type, graphics, rules, and tint boxes all in place, saving
up scand-alone utility will offer full-blown separation the stripping costs that add up so fast.
control. The object programs Illustrator and FreeHand of­
• SpectreMatch and SpectrePrint are two prod­ fer the most consistent results if you want co separate
uces from PrePress Technologies. Originally created Mac graphics. The bitmap separators like LaserPaint
for IBM compatibles, these programs are now being and ColorSep work well, though the color correspon­
ported co the Mac. They run $3000 and $6000, respec­ dence they provide isn't as good as that of the object
cively, and require a 4MB Mac II wich a 24-bic card, so programs. And as the photos in "The Face of the Fu­
chey aren't for casual separators. For professionals, ture" show, new software is even making separations
however, they offer control chac's unavailable with of scans an economic reality.
other Mac programs, such as highlight and shadow In parting I have to offer just one caveat: you
control for cyan, magenta, and yellow, and adjuscment never get something for nothing. Making your own
of gradations for highlight, 11.t-tone, midtone, ¥.-tone, separations can give you a new level of control, save
and shadow areas. you money, and in some instances speed turnaround
time, but you have to be ready for the difficulties that
Hybrid Systems always arise when you bring an out-of-house job in­
When you gee into the area of color scans, espe­ house. Learning to set your own type wasn't that hard,
cially when you wane a full-page output with separated and the slight drop in typographic quality it involved
color photos in place, you are beyond the realm of was more than offset by the advantages. But as these
current Macincosh software. Several systems are articles have demonstrated, the world of color printing
emerging, however, chat combine the page-making is far more complex. Before you cross the final desktop
powers of Macintosh software with the scanning and publishing frontier, think twice about whether you're
color separation prowess of expensive prepress sys­ ready for the inevitable challenges you'll face as a
tems. Crosfield has announced an interface chat will Macintosh pioneer. o
import ReadySetGo pages, so scanned separations can
be merged on the Crosfield system. And Cyber­ See Where to Buy for contact information.
Publishing's CyberChrome system will merge scanned
separations onco pages from either PageMaker or
Steve Roth is the editor ofReal World PostScript (Addison­
The advantages of these systems remain co be de­ U'.esley, 1988) and thefom1er editor of Personal Publishing
termined. The disadvantage is obvious: the relatively
high initial cost. Even if service bureaus spring up to

Macworld 137

- )

or sending and receiving docu­

, 'IJ
Since a fax modem can automatica llv se nd docu­ by Dave Kosiur ,.

ment~ from the Mac's hard disk , you can dispense with
mems on the spm, the latest weapon of business is the
facsimile, or fax for short There are curremly over the scanner-unles~ , of course, you also have hard
one million fax units in operation in the United States, cop~ to send. As far as theyrime r is concerned, you
with another two million units installed worldwide. may find that when you receive a fax , the electronic
Now that fax modems are available for the Macintosh, document is all you need. In any case, the printer
you and your Mac won't be lefl out1side of this world­ you already use should be good e nough for
wide networking system. priming most faxes.
A fax modem lets you amomacically receive faxes 'Fax modem paramete rs- telephone numbers,
on a Mac. (But you will need a hard disk, because the transmission quality, and so forth- are controlled
faxes take up so much space.) You can send electronic by Mac software, rather than with a physical control
files stored on a Mac directly to stand-alone fax units panel. It's this sohware that de te rmines how easy and
and other fax modems. You don't have to print docu­ convenient a fax modem is to use. Thus, the fax soft­
mems to transmit tl1em. In fact , sending a fax is just as ware is at least as important as the fax mode m in es­
simple as printing a document on a LaserWrite r or an tablishing a fax syste m's desirability and efficie ncy.
lmageWriter-a few dicks of the mouse and it's off As this article is being written, two companies are
Let's delve into the machine fo a momem to see shipping fax mode ms for the Mac: Apple and its Apple­
how the fax-Mac marriage works. You might already be Fax Modem, and STF Technologies and the FAXstf. Jn
familiar with the basic components of a fax machine : a
a printer, a modem, and a control panel (see
"Putting the Pieces Togethe r''). Dave Kosiw; a Macworld contributing editm; is tbe publisber
.I' ~

of Connecrions, an international newsletter concerned witb

Macintosb networking He has two Apple Talk network zones
in his bouse.
Putting the Pieces Together
The diagram be low shows how ment has 3.7 million dots per back into digital form ( 4). The
two lacs equipped with fax page ; the lac's fax software fax software decompre ses the
modems duplicate the trans­ compresses the image to re­ document, restoring the origi­
mission process of two stand­ duce transmission time (2). nal image (5). The receiving
alone facs imi le machines. Most The Mac fax modem then Mac can either view this image
of the time \!lac fax mode m converts the compressed d igi­ onscreen or print it on a laser
users will probably se nd fi les tal data into an analog signal printe r ( 6). When you send
produced on the Mac, a process that is compatible with the tele­ copy between two stand-alo ne
that doesn't require scanni ng. phone ne two rk and sends it to facsimile machines, the same
But if you want to send a copy another Mac fax mode m (3). process takes place, but the fax
of a paper original (as you Reve rsing this process, the machines themselves handle all
would with a fax machi ne), receiving Mac an swers the the steps.
you'll have to use a Mac scan­ phone transmission and con­
ner (1). A typical scanned docu­ verts the analog pho ne signal

J! I( ..
J!'"J! E

9 I= l-z:--1 = 9 tI =I 11­


::: GI
e.E ::.. ::..
..... I ~ ~
· -.S: "1
... Cl
.f E

I 2 3 4 s 6
Scan Compress Send Receive Decompress Print

additio n, Solutio ns Inte rnatio nal offers Backl·ax, a soft­ de ms and regular modems use different communica­
ware product de ·igned specifically for use with Ap­ tio ns standards. Standards for fax transmission are dic­
ple's AppleFax Modem. I was able to actually test the tated by the Consultative Committee for Internatio nal
AppleFax Modem and the FAXi;tf, as well as BackFax. Telegraph and Telephone ( CCITT). Fax modems use
Abaton's InterFax was also ava ilable for testing in the the CCITT standard for Group 3 faxes , which requires
fin al stages of its development , but Cypress Re. earch's devices to send and rece ive images in a line-by-line
FaxPlus and Genius's TransFax were only ava ilable fo r raster format ( unlike the bit-by-bit format used by reg­
examination, no t testing. ular modems) and has no e rro r-checking capability so
the rece iving modem can't resend inco rrec t lines. If a
Getting Connecte d fax modem is designed with both fax chips and regular
What should you look for in a fax modem? Cer­ mode m chips, however it can perform double duty.
ra in capabilities eme rge as the bare minimum for an When choosing a fax modem you sho uld con­
acc<::ptable fax modem. These include compat ibility sider which CCITT standards it conforms with. Of the
with fax scandards, transmission speed , o n-screen fo ur sets of sta ndards, Group 3 is curre ntly the most
viewing of received faxes, use r-defined address books popular (see "What Group Does What?''). At the very
and distribution lists, scheduling fo r del ayed fax tran s­ least, a fax modem should be compatible with Group
missio ns , and backg round o pe ratio n. Yo u can see how 3 fax units.
the va rio us Mac fax offerings compare in the table Standard Group 3 fax machines recognize 9600
"Facts o n Fax." bits-per-second (bps) transm i ·sion ; however, they
You wonder \vhy you can't use a regular modem can lower the ir ·peeds to match the transmission
to send and receive faxes? The answer is that fax mo ­ speed of anothe r fax statio n. For the fax, transmitting
at 4800 bp will take twice as long as transmitting at

140 March 1989

Facts on Fax
AppleFax Modem
fl: 13

i1 ll
Inte rFax TransFax
Company Apple Computer Solutions Cypress Research STF Technologies Abaton Genius
Price $729 $245 S995 $695 $495 $1295
Polling • • • •
Background operation • • • • •
File translations • • • • •
TIFF n/a • • • •
Glue n/a • •
PICT n/a • • • • •
MacPaint n/a • • • • •
Regular modem
n/a •
n/a 2400bps

1200 bps
Speed of fax modem ( in bps) 9600 n/a 9600 4800 4800 9600
Auto redialing • • • • •
Forwarding • •
Binary fi le transfers
Speed ( in bps)
• • • •
9600 9600 9600 n/a n/a 9600
Magnification of received fax fil e variable 25%' 50%' 200%. 5%-100%
Pass-through for external modem • n/a
Pass-through for external phone • n/a • • •

Multiple address books
• • • • • •
lmpon text address files • •

Group distribution lists

• • • • •
Scheduled transmissions
• • • • • •
Multiple files to o ne recipient
• • • • •
Multiple recipients for one fi le
• • • • • •
Activit y log • • • • • •
Cover sheet
Resizable facsimile original 33%, 66%

33%, 67%


33%, 67%
Manual connection • •
Adjustable length to fax page • • • •
Image rotation • •

9600 bps. The longer the transmission, the more ex­ substituting nicely designed screen fonts for the char­
pensive the phone bill. Un less you have money tO acters, you're looking at bitmaps that once were char­
burn, and don't care if fax transmission takes longer, acters. Good fax modem software not only displays
look for a 9600-bps fax modem. the images, but also magnifies them.
You'll need to view received documents on the Many stand-alone fax machines allow you to sto re
Mac's screen, if only to determine their contents. Un­ frequently used telephone numbers in their memories
fortunately, most fax documents are illegible on the for easy access. Similarly, fax modems should be able
Mac's screen, which displays at on ly 72 dots per inch to access numbers stored in an address book on the
( dpi). Because fax documents have a resolution of 200 Mac. The ability to keep multiple address books and to
dpi , a lot of detail in the fax document can get lost on­ group addresses into distribution lists are also handy
screen without magnification. lfthe fax document is features for heavily used faxes.
skewed a little while being fed into the fax, the charac­ You mav not want to send all faxes immediatelv.
ters probably look even worse. Remember, you 're not Some information might not have to get to the recip­
ie nt until the next day, or the recipient's fax machine
might be available only at certain hours of the day. If

Macworld 141
CCITTjax standard~ device (a LaserWriter, for example) that's connec ted to
bave evolved to take the computer. When you want to send a fax, you select
aduam age of improve­
What Gr oup Does What? the fax driver from the Chooser ; then you "print'' to
ments in tecbnolop,y. it as you would to a LaserWriter from w ithin an
Group Signal Typ e Compression Speed
For example, many application.
Group 3faxes can The software then converts the document into
Analog None 6 minutes
communicate witb facsimile format and either se nd s it immed iately, or
2 Analog Limited 3 minutes
Group 2 f a:x-es, lmt tbe stores it on disk if you schedule the document for
3 Digital Complex < 1 minute
in verse isn 't true. transmission at a later time. All of the current fax soft­
4 Digital Complex < I 0 seconds
ware allows you to modify transmission times, delete
unsent faxes, or resend them in the event of a commu­
nicat ions problem.

AppleFax Envelopes :o Un tit led - I AppleFax Mod em

"/be AppleFax sq(l11'are Even after a one-year delay in its introduction, the

uses different e1111elope AppleFax Modem still has problems, especially as far
icons to represent dif
ferent stages of/c1.x ·t: flo Address * Chi co go 0 <f ice

as engineering is concerned. I've seen units that had
trouble w ith the power switch, as well as with the
preparation. Of tbe FaHRddresses switch that lets you change between fax modem oper­
f our envelopes sbown ffi Brita Meng
I!) Che11ron
IQ I"" Fax @J I ation and pass-through mode. The pass-through mode
in tbe window (note Hain Offices prevents the AppleFax mo dem from interfering with
!ID Chicago Office
tbe lack of a zoom
I!) Comp u ter Met...
other serial devices which can be attached to the fax
box), tbe one on tbe i1liJ Ma in Offices [':: F~~'" @J[ modem's second serial port.
upper left 1~~ new; the ffi MldWest Office 2 1369471 22
Although it's one of the smallest modem units
one on tbe upper rig/Jt ffi SF Offi ce (only the FAX<;tf is smaller), the separate power supply
bas been addressed, for the AppleFax Modem is the largest. The Applefax
but bas n o contellls; Modem cannot ac t as a regular modem because it
tbe en uelop e in tbe sec­ communicates according to the CCITT standard. There
ond row is reac~I' to be is a provision for sending lvlac files to another Apple­
se171: wbile tbe one a t that's the case, the abilitv to schedule fax transmis­ Fax Modem at 9600 bps. This file-transfer capability is
t/Je bo/10111 is a f a.\· re­ sions-for any time of clay or even on a different day­ nice to have.
cei11ed.fro111 anotber becomes important. The AppleFax software leaves much to be desired.
station. Douhle-click­ Unless you're willing to devote a Mac to serve as a I didn't find the interface of the program to be terribly
inf!. on any envelope fax unit (an expensive proposition), fax modem soft­ intuitive. And Apple's is the only software of the lot
displays its contents. ware should run in the background on the Mac. By that does not operate in the background, under either
this, I don't mean just compatible w ith Multi Finder, but Finder o r Multi Finder. To make matters worse, you
actual background operation: the open application must have the fax modem turned on and connected if
runs whether it's ac tive ( in the foreground) or inactive you want to use the AppleFax application, even if you
( in the background). If you have fax software that op­ only want to view a received fax or simply update a
erates only in the foreground, you'll find that you miss phone book. That's bad design.
some incoming fax traffic simply because you don't There are no magnification options for viewing
have the application active. fax documents; none of the windows has a zoom box
Another feature, called polling, can make using to fill up the sc reen automatica ll y (see "AppleFax
fax modems mo re effici ent and cost-effective. Poll ing Envelopes"). On the positive side, you can use the
enables a fax modem to send documents to and re­ AppleFax Modem to poll other fax units for messages.
ceive documents from another fax in one phone call. You can also route faxes to a second destination via
Without polling, it would take two phone calls to get other AppleFaJ< 1 'v1odems.
eve r ything clone-one to send your faxes to a fax sta­
tion, the second to receive your faxes from that sa me BackFax
stat ion. Since the first minute of a phone call is the BackFax manages to fil I most of the holes in Ap­
most expensive, reducing the number of short phone ple's own AppleFax software. For instance, BackFax­
calls between fax units w ith polling can reduce as the name implies- allows you to run an Applefax
operating costs. Modem in the background , with or w ithout Multi­
Fincler. It also includes file translations to MacPaint,
PICT, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), TIFF, and Glue
The Lineup form ats. One nice feature is BackFax 's support of user­
created cover pages. You can create and store up to five
A Mac fax modem consists of two pan s, the ac tual different cover pages and ass ign a different one to each
hardware and the software that controls that hardware. transm itted document (see "BackFax").
To the Mac, a fax modem looks like just another output

142 Ma rch 1989


AppleFax Modem BackFax FaxPlus FAXstf .I nterFax TransFa·x

Company Apple Computer Solut ions Cypress Research
STF Technologies Abacon Genius
Price $729 $245 S995
$695 $495 $1295
Polling • • • •
Background operation • • • • •
File translations • • • • •
n/a • • • •
n/a • •
n/a • • • • •
n/ a • • • • •

Regular modem
n/a •
n/a 2400 bps 1200 bps

Speed of fax modem ( in bps) 9600 n/a 9600 4800 4800
Auto redialing • • • • •
Forwarding • •
Binary file transfers
Speed (in bps)



9600 n/a

i\<lagnification of received fax file variable 25%' 50% ' 200%'

Pass-through for external modem • n/a

Pass-through for external phone • n/a • • • •
Multiple address books • • • • • •
Import text address files • •
Group distribution lists • • • • •
Scheduled transmissions • • • • • •
Multiple files to one recipient • • • • •
Mu lt iple recipients for one file • • • • • •
Activity log • • • • • •
Cover sheet • • •
Resizable facsimile original 33%, 66% 33% ,67% variable 33%,67%
Manual connection • •
Adjustab le length to fax page • • • •
Image rotation • •

9600 bps. The longer the transmission, the more ex­ substituting nicely designed screen fonts for the char­
pensive the phone bill. Unless you have money to acters, you're looking at bitmaps that once were char­
burn, and don't care if fax transmission takes longer, acters. Good fax modem software not only displays
look for a 9600-bps fax modem. the images, but also magnifies them.
You'll need to view received documents on the Many stand-alone fax machines allow you to store
Mac's screen, if only to determine their contents. Un­ frequently used telephone numbers in their memories
fortunately, most fax documents are illegible on the for easy access. Similarly, fax modems should be able
Mac's screen, which displays at only 72 dots per inch to access numbers stored in an address book on the
( dpi). Because fax documents have a resolution of 200 Mac. The ability to keep multiple address books and to
dpi, a lot of detail in the fax document can get lost on­ group addresses into distribution lists are also handy
screen without magnification. If the fax document is features for heavily used faxes.
skewed a little while being fed into the fax, the charac­ You may not want to send all faxes immediately.
ters probably look even worse. Remember, you 're not Some information might not have to get to the recip­
ient until the next day, or the recipient's fax machine
might be available only at certain hours of the day. If

Macworld 141
CCIT7jax standards device (a LaserWriter, for exa mple) chat's connected to
bave evolved to take the computer. \Xlhen you want to send a fa x, you select
advantage of impro/'e·
What Group Does What? the fax driver from the Chooser ; then you "print" co
ments in tec/Jnology. it as you would co a LaserWricer from within an
Group Signal Typ e Com p r ession Sp eed
For e.Yample, many application.

Croup 3 fa.xes can The software then converts the document into

1 Analog None 6 minutes

co1111111111icate wit/J facsimile format and eid1er send it immed iately, or
2 Analog Limited 3 minutc'i
Croup 2 faxes, b11t t/Je stores it on disk if you schedule the document for
3 D ig ital Complex < I minute
inverse isn 't true. transmission at a later time. All of the current fax soft­
4 Digital Co mplex < I Oseconds
ware allows you to mod ify transmission times, delete
unsent faxes, or resend them in the event of a commu­
nication s problem.

AppleFax Envelopes ID Unti tl ed - I AppleFax Modem

Tbe AppleFax soji111are Q Even after a one-year delay in its introductio n, the
uses different em •elope AppleFax Modem still has problems, espec ially as far
icons to represent dif ~ as engineering is concerned. rve seen units chat had
ferent stap,es of/ax ~ ·­ Ho Address ... trouble w ith the power switch , as wel I as with the
prepamtio11. Oftbe FaHAddresses switch chat lets you change between fax modem oper·
four envelopes sbow11 I!} Brita Meng IQ ID+ Fa>: (g]I arion and pass-through mode. The pass-through mode
in tbe w indow (note (!} Cheuron tta in Offie.s prevents the AppleFax modem from interferi ng with
(!) Chicago Office
tbe lack ofa zoom other serial devices wh ich can be attached to the fax
l!l Comp uter Met...
box), tbe 0 11e on tbe
upper left is n ew; t/Je
!1ii M11in Offices
l!l MldWes t Offi ce
I"' Fa~@ll ·;.;·
modem's second serial port.
Although it's one of the smallest modem units
:! 1369471'22
o n e 0 11 tbe upper rigbt (!) SF Office (only the FAXstf is smaller), the separate power supply
bas been addressed, for the AppleFax Modem is the largest. The AppleFax
but bas 110 conte11ts: Modem cannot act as a regular modem because it
tbe en uelope i11 tbe sec· communicates accord ing to the CCITT standa rd. There
ond row is readv to /Je is a provision for se ndi ng Mac fi les to another Apple­
sent: wbile tbe o n e ut that's the case, the abil ity to schedule fax transmis­ Fax Modem at 9600 bps. This fi le-transfer capabili ty is
tbe bo110111 is a fax re· sions- for any time of day or even on a different clay­ nice to have.
ceivedfro 111 anotber becomes important. The AppleFax software leaves much to be desired .
station. Double-click· Unless you're wi lli ng to d vote a Mac tO serve as a l d idn't find the interface of the program to be terribly
inp, 0 11 any en velope fax unit (an expensive proposition), fax modem soft· intuitive. And Apple 's is the onl y software of the lot
displc~vs its co111e11ts. ware should run in the background on the Mac. By that does not ope rate in the background, under either
this, I don't mean just compatible w ith Mulrif.inder, but Finder or Multi Finder. To make matters worse, you
actual background operat io n: the open application must have the fax modem turned on and con nected if
run s whether it's active ( in the fo reg round ) or inactive you want co use the AppleFax applicat ion, even if you
( in the background). If you have fax software that op­ only wane to view a received fax o r simply update a
erates only in the foreground you'll fi nd that you miss phone book. That's bad design.
some incoming fax tra ffic simply because you don't There are no magnification opcions for view ing
have the application active. fax documents; none of the windows has a zoom box
Another feature , called polling, can make using to fi ll up the screen automatically (see "AppleFax
fax modems more efficient and cost-effec tive. Polling Envelopes''). On the positive side, you can use che
enable- a fax modem to send documents to and re­ AppleFax Modem to poll other fax units for messages.
ceive documents from another fax in one phone call. You can also route faxes to a second destination via
Wid1out poll ing, it would take two phone calls to get orher AppleFax Modems.
eve r ything clone-one to send your faxes to a fax sta­
tion, the second co receive your faxes from thm same BackFax
scat ion. Since the first minu.te of a phone ca ll is the BackFax manages to fill most of the holes in Ap­
most expensive, reducing the number of short phone ple's own AppleFax oftware. For inscance, BackFax­
ca ll s between fax units with polling ca n reduce as the name implies-allows you to run an AppleFax
operating costs. Modem in che background, with o r ~vithout Multi­
Finder. It also includes fi le translacions to MacPaint,
PICT, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), TIFF, and Glue
The Lineup formats. One nice feature is BackFax 's support of user­
created cover pages. You can create and store up to fi,·e
A Mac fax m dem consists of two pans, the actual different cover pages and assign a different one to each
hardware and the software that controls that hardware. transmitted documem (see "BackFax ..).
To the l ac, a fax modem looks I ik ju t anorher output

142 March 1989

Bue rhe produce, comparible only wirh rhe Apple­ ' S file £dit FaH Uiew Window' Lo g BackFax
Fax Modem, has irs own problems. For example, Solu­ Sent Messn es Part oftbe BackFax in­
Se nd Cop ...
rions, rhe program's developer, seems co have forgor­ B•<kfffH
~ To T i me Sent Pege s
1e1face resembles tbat
ren chat users may wam co view rheir faxes. There are fox lest orow Bnte tleng I 46 PM. I0/ 6 / 88 3 ofSolutions' sister
fe x test orow1 Brllo tleng 12 S9 P1·1. I 0 / 6/88 3
no magnificarion optio ns in BackFax. stimpl e fe)( ooc Brno Meng 1 I 32 A~l . 10/6/ 88 3 product, Desktop Ex­
Unt!lied-1 Brito Heng I I 46 Ptl, 9/28/88 1 press. You can l'iew
FAXstf separate logs for sent
STF Technologies' FAXstf is rhe mosr compact unit and receiued mes­
of all , about the size of a pocket calculator. The FAX­ sages. Double-clicking
stf's size is an indicator of its simplicity. It's only a 4800­ Sample FuUWl'ite Doc (A on tbe name ofa fax
bps fax modem with no fr ill s. - in tbis case, a mes­
Jazz lnstru
STF's Fa,Xi\1anager software also has a clean, sim­ sage tbat bas a!readv
l'l'<lmDl.i.lml.8 New Or
ple look. It 's nor too difficult to figure out how to use 8 KmlU Clly ID IWiq B bop, been se111-clispla1's a
the program to create phone entries and send faxes - cldiutlan. 'Jbaoc .... lbooc w
while Ibo mulio Dell 11 lllld lo pin zoomable window
(see "FAXstf Phone Book"). A Manual Send feature al­ witb the contents oftbe
lows you to dial a number, speak to the person on the document (front-most
ocher end, and the n start a fax transmission without windou>).
hanging up. If you use the FAXstf in the background, orientations. The address/phone book-wh ich is actu­
then you'll need to launch another applicat ion, the ally a DA-is o ne of the most complete I've seen; you
FaxMonitor, which controls the fax modem. Fax­ can enter not only a street address, bur also e lectronic
Monitor operates independently of FaxManager. mail information for each recipient (see "FaxPlus Soft­
FAXstf includes a few reductions and magnifica­ ware"). And the software functions in the background,
tions for viewing faxes, good enough for most pur­ even without MultiFinder.
poses. You can print, o r cut and paste, bitmaps of re­ If you must use the same phone Ii ne for voice and
ceived files. Also, the sofrware does nor support fax transmissions, the FaxPlus lets you converse with
group-distribution lists. the receiving party, then switch over to fax
Abaton's I merFax 12/48 is a 4800-bps fax modem r Ill file [c!it FaH Wi ndow 111 1111' FAXstfPh01re Book
that includes an additional 1200-bps modem. But as I Oe\llnnlloni FAXstf's pbone book
______ ______1~~
;~' ' "'~' '°"' " ~
with the FAXstf, sending faxes at the InterFax·s maxi­ does not allow you to
Oe\tlnntlo n Se tup :
mum 4800 bps will up your transmission costs. Name: jsn Technologiu assign names to
The InterFax software consists of three compo­ groups to simplify
Phone: '~---------~'
nents: the fax driver (selectable via the Chooser), an
Imerfax Control fi le, and the InterFax application. The i conce1 J m FoH 'Schedule
widespread fa.x trans­
missions. Sbown /Jere
InterFax Control file installs a CDEV file that, when ac­ -------------< ft ,., t l'i .... t •1
is a sample pbone
Ac.ti f&H ft · d'1.,.1· ~
cessed from the Control Panel, controls the fax mo­ .._"800
- ..... .... ....0
-~. ~~~,.
- , -----< Tttu,Oc-1 13 1988 1 O;> P11t1 en11:v, along witb tbe
fl"Ol"l'JIU S:Ston ~~••ful IV CQl!OPl• l ..O
dem. You can turn the receive/send function of the fax ~.!!~._. .. !':":';..-~.;:; . ~~.~-·~·!! ..':.'...... ..... actil'ity log andfa.x
tr;; ~
modem on or off, view the status of fax traffic, or can­ ~-----~
scbedule windows. Tbe
cel a fax receipt or transmission. Yo u use the InterFax calendar and clock in
application to set up an address/phone book and to tbe lower rip,bt oftbe
view fax documents. figure enable you to
When you view a document, there are two meth­ rescbeclule anyfax's
ods for setting magnificatio n: type in a percentage, or 11 / ~11 a:e 10 07 All transmission date
ask the program to map a specified number of fax pix­ and time.
els to o ne screen pixel (see "InterFax Software"). You
can also change the orientation of the image on the Transfax
page. As an added feature , InterFax has a menu choice The TransFax includes an on-board micro proces­
for converting fax documems to and from certain sor and 256K of RAM so that the unit can function in­
graphics formats, namely MacPai nt, PICT, or TIFF. dependently of the Mac. With 256K of RAM, for in­
stance, the TransFax can receive up ro e ight fax pages
FaxPlus when the Mac is turned off Once the Mac is on , you
At first glance, the FaxPlus from Cypress Research can transfer the received faxes to the Mac. You can also
looks like a regular modem; it actually contains a store up co e ighr fax pages in the TransFax 's memory
9600-bps fax modem and a 2400-bps modem. From a for later transmission to other cl ients.
hardware viewpoint, the FaxPlus thus offers you the · TransFax's software is a specially writte n version
most communications capabilities for your mone~c ofBackFax, so it works just like BackFax with the
The sofrware has many of the features you'd ex­
pect to find in a good fax program . There is variable
magnification for viewing documents, as well as sup­
port for saving faxes in different fi le formats and image

Macwo rld 143

InterFax Software Phone Conuert 216-dpi resolution . If you want to send crisp, readable
lnterFax is tbe on~) ' text via either of these fax modems, 1 advise you to use
software tbCll sbo111s ~~~nll Mognincauon onlv the lmageWriter LQ fonts. If you don't, you'll encl
you tbe time it takes to ~ Redu ce or Enlarge: llEill 3 up with a case of the jaggies as the programs attempt
PiHel Rollo: lfaH PiHels: I Screen PIHels)
send or receive a fax.
0 1: 1 @2:1 0 4:1 0 0: 1 0 Dlher
to deal with the regular 72-dpi screen fonts.
It also o.ffers tbe m ost The InterFax uses a slightly different approach to
flexible option s.for font representation . Instead of using the LQ fonts,
cbanginp, tbe mag nifi­ Abaton includes two ofBitstream's outline fonts, SWA
cation ofa.fax docu ­ operation as well as po Swiss (which resembles Helvetica) and SWA Dutch
ment.for viewing multiple addresseesandd (which resembles Times). Again , if you use Other fonts ,
la edtransmissions. they w ill often appear jagged.
Ma nificntion 150 o
Unless my math is w rong, 216 isn't equal to 196
Opened Moll
Dote Time raH Machine p. Elnp s. Document
or 203. Because ofthaL inequality, the AppleFax and
10/28/88 10 18 'J1 2 1 3 .~:S 79 79 2·1.. - r.)I; 10/28/88 10 .19 AM FAX.'>Lf soft ware ea cl 1i11troduce a sealing factor for al 1
10/7/83 2 12 PM Er-it• l•t.l'HJ 2·r r..,)( 1on1ea 21 2 PH faxes. Any fax you receive looks smaller than the o rigi­
Deliuered Moll nal, and any fax you send out is larger than the orig inal
Dat e lime fan Machine p. Cl a ps . Do cument (see "What You See Is Not What You Get").
10 /7/83
2 ·?9 Pt1
1 2 ~ PM
Erit• r·1ffl)
1 '12'
FAX RSO f.lx Int dod
r AX RSO h x lut do<J
Also, since the fax resolution is not the same in
the vertica l and ho rizontal directions, the current soft­
ware does not scale documents the sa me in both di­
FaxPl11s Software r 41 File Edit FaHPlus'" Preferences (gj) rections. This problem doesn't affec t text-onlv docu­
Tbe window used to 0i ments ver y much, but it can be ver y noticeable in
address a.fax e1111e/ope
and determine its con­
tents resembles a11 c1c­
t11al en 11elop e. 7/Je c1tl·
dress goes into tbe
Which address would you like to use ?

ti!'u.:_(212) 555 · 8!6-;.

l fb Y.obb

- ~~=-' :
(41 5) 55 5·54. 66



drawings. A ny drawing that you send or rece ive will
have neither the correct size no r the correct propor­
tions (2°3/216, or 0.9398, in the hori zontal direction, and
196/216, or 0.9074, in the vertical direc tion ). Thus CAD/
CAM drawings or precision artwork are nearl y worth­
upper half oftbe win­ less when sent ove r these two fax modems.
.... tti
Jnebel :i Snuth

f a:.: • 3 0 1 i~'5~- t ~ .::~

dow; enclosed.files ap ­ BackFax attempts to get around this problem by

Mailing Li
pear in tbe lower ba(f You moy enter o new address ~ offering what it ca lls Best Resolution and Exact Resolu ­
instead of choosing abo~ ~
o.f the window >vu @ Q tion options w hen viewing or printing faxes. When
can select ji·om an Y1t w Tt r miria you 're printing to a Lase rWriter, the Best Resolution
address hook (fore­
ground), or y ou ccm

option maps ever y fax pixel to a LaserWriter pixel, re­
ducing a fax page to about two-thirds of its original
add n ew addresses size. On the other hand, the Exact Resolution option
and pbone numbers attempts to match the orig inal page size; this is the
witb tbe text-ent1y box AppleFax Modem. The major changes to the software only means I've found for retaining an image's exact
at tbe bot10 111 of tbe handle communications w ith TransFax 's processor and dimensions when using a fax modem.
address book windom memorv.
There Are Advantages . ..
On Different Scales If you don't already have a fax machine in your
When is a pixel not a pixel? The answer is, when office, then the idea of linking a fax modem to the
you send it via fax modem. You can get documents Mac might be appea ling. After all, a fax modem occu­
into, and out of, Macs using a fax modern , but my tests pies less room than a fax machine and provides a di ­
with the AppleFax Modem and FAXstf uncovered some rect link between the computer and your fax-based
scaling problems that result from dealing w ith the un­ clients. And well -wr itten fax modem software provides
usual specifications of fax documents. you with fax features, such as schedu ling, address
The CCITT defines Group 3 faxes as having either books, document storage, and unattended operation,
a standard resolution of 203 by 98 dpi o r a fine resolu­ that only the higher- encl, more expensive fax
tion of 203 by 196 dpi. Since none of these numbers machines offer.
translate easily to the 72-dpi screen re ·o lution of the One feature that low-encl fa x units don't include is
Mac, the 216-dpi resolution of the lrnageWriter LQ, o r a distribution list. Distribution lists simply enable you
the 300-dpi resollllion of the Lase rWriter, it appears to send the same fax document to all members of a
that the Apple and STF developers have cut some cor­ group by selec ting the group's name. Except for the
ners in translating the fax resolutions into something ones in FAX">tf, address book can also group phone
usable on the Mac. And therein lie the problems. numbers, for example, under the names Midwest Of­
Both the Apple Fax Modem and the FAXstf ship fices or Sales Reps.
with ImageWriter LQ fonts, which are cletinecl for a !f all fax-related correspondence that you·cl handle
is l\tlac-based, then the fax modem is a definite plus

144 March 1989

over rhe regular fax. You can send any Mac document What You See Is Not
to someone else without printing a hard copy and What You Get
scanning it through a fax. And you can srore anything
With the introduction of facsimile mo­
You sacrifice docu­
you receive directly o n a hard disk. dems from Abaton, Apple, Cypress ment q11ali(l' a11d i111­
Abaron's lnterFax and Cypress Research's FaxPlus Research and STFTechnologies, Mac age acc11rac1• 11'/Je11
can operate as regular mode ms. If you're inclined ro you use afa.Y 111ode111
dial information services and bulletin boards or trans­ 111itb a sta11dardfax
fer files , these fax mode ms offer you m0 re bang for With the introduction of facsimile mo­ macbi11e. A fax sent
your buck. Not on ly that, but getting rwo functions in dems from Abaton, Apple, Cypress from tbe AppleFax Mo ­
one box might reduce clurrer around your desk. Research and STF Technologies, Mac dem a11d recei1 •ed 0 11
a Ricob Rapicom 20'S
.. . and There Are Disadvantages rabo1•e) is improper(\ '
Since all fax transmissions are bitmaps, rhe files With the introduction of facsimile mo­ scaled Anot/Jer doc11­
can take up a lot of disk space. Even si mple word pro­ me111 (ee l/fer) se/l/
cessor fi les will increase in size. For example, a 10­
dems from Abaton, Apple, Cypress
from tbe Ricoh l<ap ­
page, double-spaced MacWrire fi le that's all text occu­ Research and STF Technologies, Mac ico111 20'S to tbe Apple­
pies 24K on my disk. When BackFax conve rted it into Fax 111ode111 is i111prop­
facsimile format before transmission, it took up 737 K. er(r scaled and re1:1·
A rather simple cover page for Backfax takes up 54K Hold On to Your Checkbook unclem: Co111pare
on the disk. When I first thought of using a fax modem , I was tbe111 botb to t/Je on/!.i­
Some of the CCITT test charts I used for rev iew­ intrigued by the idea of being able to receive faxes 11al laser-pri11ted
ing the fax modems had a lot of informatio n o n them; from clients and then inserting rhe fax material into doc11111e111 (hotto111).
the scanned images rook up around 450K per fi le as other documents, such as page layouts. Unfortunately,
PICT files, bur expanded ro l.2MB when FAXc;tf con­ the quality of the Group 3 fax standard and the inabil­
verted them into fax documents. Handling faxes ity of most fax software to represent correctly propor­
through a fax modem is definitely not meant for floppy­ tio ned graphics keep me from cutt ing-and-pasting
based systems. And, if you're handling a lot of fax traf­
fic, even a 20MB hard disk may be roo sma ll.
It's one thing to scan a sheet of fax paper ro deter­ Careful Reading
mine the subject of the document and file it. Ir's quire ?ext quctfi(l' s1!/Ters
another to try the same thing with a fax ti le on the grectt(1• in a fax trans­
Mac. All the programs J've seen use some fo rm of a mission Notice tbe
dare-time stamp for received faxes; you then have abc def ghijklmn op qrst U\l'w'XyZ deterioratio11 q/ tbis
to view them in the fax program to determine the I 0-point /1e/1 •etica
contents. When you translate fax documents to a dif document C(/terfax
ferent fi le format, you can give the tiles more mean­ transmission (ahol'e)
ingful names. compared to tbe o ri~i-
I've already discussed the problems of displaying parts of my fax files into other documents. I'd have ro 11al in Reac~)'SetG'o
faxes on the 72-dpi screen of the Mac, so I'll o nly say a ask my clients ro use fonts sizes larger than 12-point ro (be/ou>).
few words here. Programs that don't offer magnifica­ make documents readable (see "Careful Reading");
tion of at least 150 percent for o n-screen viewing are they'd also have to be warned ro provide some d imen­
worth less. I don't expect to print all of the faxes I re­ sional information for drawings if they want me to re­
ceive, so being able to read them on my Mac is a defi­ produce the exact size in my documents. Faxing
nite requirement. After all , isn't being able to keep should be relatively painless and these unneeded con­
everything in electronic form the whole idea of straints make it a bother.
a fax modem? Working with the currently available fax modem
Fax modems have other financial and logist ica l packages, I've yet to find one package that has it al l.
disadvantages too. First, they work on ly for fi les a l­ The hardware is definitely capably designed and ready
ready on the Mac. If you need ro transmit paper docu­ to provide the link to the rest of the fax world out
ments, you'll need a scanner. That increa ·es rhe cost of there. But the combination of the scaling problems
setting up a Mac-fax modem by around $1500. Second, and poor interface design in the software keeps me
ro create high-quality o ut put from the faxes you re­ from actually buying one for my business. No one fax
ceive, you'll need an ImageWriter LQ o r a LaserWrirer. package has all the features I want ro make faxing from
Finally, should the fax modem be a resource for more rhe Mac easy and useful. If I had ro buy some kind of
than one person, ic may become a nuisance for the per­ fax unit right now, I'd probably settle for a stand-alone
son who must work on the Mac that the fax modem fax machine. Given a few more months, I might change
is connected to. my mind and buy a fax modem. For the time be ing, I
think I'll just hold on to my money. o

See \Vbere to Buy for contact information.

Macworld 145
Mac II
Kit { I i!itie._,· that

.fill the 1llac JI s

w:~/i Lcare gaps

by Thom Hogan I f you use a Mac II,

you've probably noticed that Apple left
some gaps in the utility software that
tions are shareware; the remainder are
commercial programs available from deal­
ers or through the mail. All of the share­
comes with the machine. Those gaps range ware products described in this article are
from the merely exasperating (you can't available on large online services such as
change the colors on your color computer) CompuServe, GEnie, and the Source. Yc>U
to the swear-word-provoking (the bomb may freely download and try our these pro­
appears and the System refuses to ac­ grams at your leisure. The authors of share­
knowledge the Restart button). The solu­ ware products are taking a gamble on your
tion: fill the gaps by adding several key honesty. They're betting that once you 'vc
software utilities. These handy little pro­ seen and used their product, you'll send in
grams will not only solve some of the Mac the product's registration fee.
II's oversights, bur will also make your use
of the Mac II more fun and more efficiem. Crashproofing
You need a utility to fix the following gen­ The most frustrating problem you're
eral problems: likely to encounter is crashes caused by
• screen size and type software written prior to the Mac Il's intro­
incompatibilities duction. You 've probably heard some of the
• insufficient coloring resources stories: MacWrite wouldn't run on a Mac II ,
• problems with capturing and manip­ public domain programs of all kinds were
ulating color graphics causing frequent crashes, and most com­
• inability to organize and optimize munications programs had problems run­
high-capacity hard disks ning on a II. Some software would even
• 68020 instruction cache problems crash the system so badly that the comput­
• HyperCard's dependence on Mac er refused to reboot from the hard disk.
Plus and SE screens Fortunately, most of these problems
• difficulty getting keys to work as have been solved. MacWrite and most oth­
labeled er programs have been revised, and Apple
I haven't tackled all of these problems
but I'll address the worst ones. Some solu­


nn·dei >,<C>;U PRAM. The PRAM is an area of me mo ry that CacheKey !NIT le ts you defi ne an
-­ 10
Ctlll -- 10
I stores the system date and time, the beep F-key (prede fined as 31:-Shift-9) that toggles
-· 10
l sound, the alarm data, the start-up device, the instruction cache whe n pressed. It
-­ 10
·­ 10
s and othe r such data whe n the powe r is off. comes in several variations. One example
·­ ID 11
Disruption of the PRAM can mean that the is an INIT that automatica lly turns the
computer no longer starts up from the cache off at start-up, anothe r turns it
l1i hard disk and won't recognize settings for on at start-up.
the clock and the desktop patte rn . Until Since I only use the cache toggle once
This item hes no color resource. A Syste m 6.0, the PRAM was unprotected. If a month , I use Toggle Cache-a CDEV
color resource will be edded to the you still use Syste m 5.0 or earlie r, get an (control panel device.) Afte r dragging
me. !NIT called PRAM Fix and put it in your Sys­ Togg le Cache into the Syste m Folde r, ope n
te m Folde r. This !NIT knows whe n the the Control Panel and doublecl ick on the
PRAM has been corrupted and resets it so ToggleCache II icon to open the toggle
that you boot up from your syste m even if checkbox.
it is corrupted . (Syste m 6.0, or later, users
Mark Color should not use th is I IT Reme mbe r co Getting Along with Color
fla m~ Co lor
Commena Color remove it if you upgrade from an ear­ Too bad Apple didn't think to provide
lie r syste m.) any color utilities. You see, as delivered , the
Mac II has no way to let you color d ia log
Exorcising Cache Goblins boxes, me nus, or icons; no way to change
ine times out of ten, you can elimi­ the color lookup table be ing used by the
nate or recover from repeating crash prob­ System; and no way to capture, view, or
Color Menus
lems with one of three solutions: turn off print color screens. And don't even begin
8\VllC works a lot like ResEdit. In this example,
MultiFinder, change your monitor configu­ to think of using the Clipboard to handle
the Finder's m enu colors are being changed. Se­
ration in the Control Panel from Color to color graphics. If you paid the extra bucks
lect a file, in this case the Finde1; and then pick a
Black & White/Grays, or install and use an for color, you're sure as heck going to want
resource typ e (top left). Once 8\VIIC op ens the
instruction cache toggle. To unde rstand to get some thing fo r that money. To correct
MENU resources, you have to figure out which ID
what an instruction cache toggle is, you those deficie ncies, you'll need a whole
number corresponds to the resource you want to
need to take a closer look at the Mac II's diskful of utilities.
change. The top right screen shows MENU ID= 1,
68020 processor. This processor differs To begin with, unless you·re able to
the Apple menu, chosen . The center screen shows
from the 68000 processor in the Plus and read between the lines in I nside Macin­
a warning when y ou create a n ew resource f or
the SE in one primary way: it has a small tosh Volume V (Addison-Wesley, 1988) jug­
the Finder-an m ctb (m en u color table). Click
built-in instruction cache . The cache stores gle ResEdit resources in hexadeci mal nota­
on the OK button to continue. Ybu choose the ex­
the most recently used instructions, which tion, and keep 32-digit numbe rs in your
act color from Apple's Color Picker dialog, which
speeds up operations by reducing the head, you won't be able to edit color re­
appears when y ou double click on one of the
number of times the processor must re­ sources with the tools Apple supplies. The
f ourfields identify ing different components in
trieve instructions from me mory. Some three things you will be able to do with
the MENU resource that can be colored.
software programs that predate the Mac II color resources are change the desktop
make modifications to stored instructions patte rn to a colored pattern, change these­
as the program runs. When you run these lection inversion to a color, and assign one
has finally fixed the Mac Il 's syste m soft­ programs on a 68020 Macintosh, the pro­ of seven colors co icon outlines (see "Mak­
ware so that the computer should never cessor won't always make the modifica­ ing Solid Icons" for a twist on this).
forget the boot device afte r a crash. Nev­ tions, since it does not always return co Curiously, Russ Wedmore at Apple did
ertheless, it is still possible to find pro­ memory for instructions already stored write a CDEV named Kolor, which allows
grams that need a utility to run on the Mac­ in the cache. The likely result is a sys­ you to change resource colors. Apple chose
intosh II. To work with these programs you te m crash. not to d istribute it because of anticipated
need two utilities: a PRAM protector and Motorola did provide the ability to customer-support proble ms-Kolar is an
an instruction cache toggle. turn off the instruction cache in the 68020, un fi nished work with bugs and incomple te
A PRAM protector allows you to re­ but apparently Apple didn't read that page feat ures. But it is available on a numbe r of
cover more easily from some of the most of the manual. So the onus is on the user bulletin board syste ms.
common crashes, which are caused bv soft­ community to come up with something to
ware's overwriting the parame ter RAM or turn the cache off for self-modifying pro­
grams- an instruction cache toggle. I
know of two, CacheKey INIT and Toggle
Cache .

148 March 1989

Kolor can change the color of con­ mapped images like FullPaint and early
trols, windows, me nus, or selections (see versions of MacPaint. The official Apple fix
"Kolor"). You can change the colors of con­ is time consuming and annoying-click on
trols, including the borde r, fill, text, and the Monitors icon, change the Control
scroll box. Some programs won't recog­ Panel setting to Black & White/Grays. A
nize certain color assignments made with quicke r way to switch monitor modes is to
Kolor, so windows might appear in black insta ll an F-key called Switch-a- roo. Switch­
and white despite your color selections. a-roo is a shareware product that is also
A commercial product called Color­ available as part of the commercial Screen
izer includes a CDEV called Colors that is Gems package (see "Screen Gems").
superior to Kolar in two ways: it adds a set Many early Mac programs fixed the
of predefined color combinations, and it locat ion of d ialog boxes and ale rts. The
lets you create color stare-up screens. Un­ standard Mac II screen is bigger than the
fortunately, the predefined color combina­ scree n on the SE or the Plus ( 640 bv 480 Screen Gems
tions Palomar Software chose to include pixels versus 512 by 342). With a 19~inch Screen Gems includes five programs: Switch­
remind me of the loud and overbearing monitor hooked up to the Mac II , you may a-roo, Dimmer, ColorDesk, TN-3, and Globe.
colors found in trendy cafes. Everyone I find yourself mousing over a lot of te rritory Switcb-a-roo is an F-key that can turn offcolor
know uses the pastel color combination to get to a dialog box positioned for the wbenyou don't need it, producing up to a 181
called Miami Vice. Plus and the SE. The shareware !NIT p ercent speed improvement. Dimmer is a screen
Additional utilities let you color other Fronr&Center fixes this problem by posi­ save1: ColorDesk substitutes a color picture (in
resources. You can color Apple-supplied tion ing dialog boxes near the po inter PICTfonnal) for the desktop pauem. TN-3 allows
alert icons (Stop, Caution, Note) by using when called. This can be a little disorient­ you to cbange tbe Color menu in tbe Finder
ResEdit to paste in the cicn resources avail­ ing at first , but once you get used to it you (foreground).
able in a shareware file called Color CIC s. don't have to move the mouse so much.
You might color the Stop sign red, for ex­ What if you want your Mac 11 display to
ample, to reinforce the meaning of the vi­ simulate the smaller screen of a Mac Plus or Control Ponel
sual cue given by this alert icon. Another SE? This problem comes up often in an of­ , .,.,.~,,~. 1
I- I 18Jti..ct ea.di• j¢lliijWM
shareware resource file called Color Map fice of mixed Macs-perhaps you're devel­ • Bord<r D Fm • T•xt • Thumb
has a colored map you can paste into the oping a spreadsheet on a Mac II for use by
Apple Map CDEV One last shareware re­ someone with an SE, and you'd like to see P' 'ftl"EIJ
source file, Color Cursor, changes the usual it the way he or she will. With Screene r, ~Kolor
• Bord<r •
• Lneslboxts
TIU• t•xt 0 s.olcqround fill
D Till• bar
arrow cursor into one that has the same you can reduce the Mac II's resolution
colored stripes as in the Apple logo. It's not
much use, but it's an interesting diversion.
One especially useful shareware util­
down to Plus or SE size and back again (see
"Sizing Up the Screen"). e Mi!>
.0 F:U•
• $p1'cf.
•z •
D Mtnu bir
Menu title l•xt
Item b>ekground
ity called BWIIC (stands for black and HyperCard Reconciliations
white to color) works like ResEdit but le ts HyperCard and the Macintosh II are ~
The quick brown
fo x jwnps over tht
you assign different colors to dialog boxes, not friend s. HyperCard's most annoying ...~dog . ( Reuert ] 1.o
controls, menus, menu bars, and windows trait rears its head when you use it with
of individual programs (see "Color MultiFinder. The card window works prop­ Kolo r
Menus"). Mv favorite use for this utilitv is erly, but the command window can e nd up Tbe Ko/or CDEV was used to assign colors to var­
coloring the Finder's menu bar and dialog floating on top of another program's win­ ious resources such as tbe menu bar at tbe top of
boxes a different color from the standard dow. To deal with this problem and to tbe screen, the windowframe, and the controls.
one (defined by Kolor or Colors). That way, make using HyperCard with MulriFinder Clicking on an interface component in the Ko/or
when running under MultiFinder, I can easier, Mike Swaine developed a simple window makes the Color Picker dialog box ap­
easily tell when I'm in the Finde r and when script, Hide HyperCard, that creates some p em: Witb this dialog you can select a new color
I'm in an application, since the menu bar interesting buttons on a card. Not only for the interface component.
changes colors when the Finder is act ive. does pressing one of these buttons hide
the card and command windows properly, dow. Click on that edge, and HyperCard is
Fixing Screen Incompatibilities but it hides them where the button is lo ­ restored correctly to where it was. You can
Some programs won't run with the cated in the card. For example, a butto n in order a copy of the script and instructions
color turned on. Examples are programs the lower right corne r would cause the for using it by sending a stamped, self-
that deal only with black-and-white bit- Hype rCard window to be hidden in rhe
lower right corner of the desktop-all you
see is the top left edge of the hidden win-

Macworld 149
Making Solid Icons

Ever wish you could have solid, Fi nder fi le o n the floppy d isk. 6. Bom from the floppy to
colo red folders on the desktop? 2. Find the resource LAYO = see the differences.
Well , Apple built in a method 128, highlig ht it, and selec t Don't be upset when icons
of making them. You need Ope n Genera l fro m the File (like the Trash Can) appear
ResEdit to make the changes, me nu . as blobs of black when you
and I suggest that you do this 3. Selec t Find Hex fro m the bom from this disk. Select an
o n a separate floppy copy of the Search me nu ; find the numbe r icon, select a Color from the
Syste m. Then copy the mod­ OOOOOOOD (you must do this o n Colo rs menu , and the blobs
ified System file over onto the an unmodified System fi le to will change from black to col­
hard disk. (Hint: Boor from the find this set of bytes). ors ( if you didn't select black).
hard disk to edit the ystem fi le 4. If OOOOOOOD is found, type Do this for all the blackened
o n the flo ppy; boot from the in the change va lue OOC8000D icons on the desktop. Yo u'll
floppy to copy the System file to and click o n the Change button. probably also want to change
the hard disk.) 5. Select Quit from the File you r desktop pattern, as well.
1. Start ResEdit and ope n the me nu and save the changes
when prompted.

addressed e nvelope to HyperCard Script , Fo rget 3€-Shi ft-3 and 3€-Shift-4-they don't ucts that can be used to capture screen
c/o Macreations, 329 Ho rizon Wav, Pacifica, work unless the display is in monochrome images on the Mac II: Screen Dump II ,
CA 94044. . mode (two colo rs). Even then , these com­ ColorSnapShor, and Snaps hot. Each has
Anothe r pro ble m with Hype rCa rcl is mands behave unexpec tedly. For exam­ advantages and disadvantages. Screen
that it ca n't use color. Fo rtunately, Hype r­ ple, 3€-Shift-3 rotates the image sideways in Dump II , the first of the products, creates
Card 's ability to read XCMDs has permitted the resulting MacPaint file. replacement F-keys for the ones Apple sup­
someone to write a "colo r hook" for Hype r­ So how do you get good screen shots plies for print and screen capture. Neither
Card, which, with a little bit of extra wo rk, with a II? In the com me rcial rea lm, you 'll F-key does anything fa ncy, unless you call
le ts you add colo r to cards. Colo rCards in­ li ne! Mai nstay's Capture. Capture is an lNIT swapping light colors for white pixels and
stalls as an XCMD, but to use it, you have Yo u save a copy of the displ ay by press­ dark colo rs for black pixels fancy. Screen
to add cal ls to the XCMD in every script ing 3€-Shift-C A cro. s-hair cursor appears, Dump 11 doesn't rotate images, although it
that deals with the info rmation you wa nt which le ts you drag a selectio n rectangle may crop the m to fit in a standard MacPaint
colo red. Moreover, there is a limitation o n over me nu ·, dialog boxes, DAs, and just fi le. Installation is simple and reasonably
how color is used , apparently due to the abo ut anything else that can appear on the idiorproof. Make sure that you have no con­
way Bill Atkinson designed the scree n up ­ display. If you ho ld the Optio n key down flicting F-keys whe n you create the new
date ro ut ines fo r Hype rCard. To wit, no two while dragging the cross-hair cursor, a ones, or else you'll see the infamous bomb.
colors may be used closer than 18 pixels to­ PICT file is saved in your rom direcrory­ In orher words, if you want to replace
gethe r in the ho rizo nta l direction. The au­ the way 3€-S hift 3 wou ld, if it worked. This Apple 's F-keys, get into ResEdit and cut
tho rs of Colo rCa rcls, l3ill and Steve Tuttle, saves me mo ry hy avoid ing the Clipboard: a them out of the Syste m fi le, then install
cal l these colo r zones (see "In Living Hy­ full screen may rake as much as 2MB of Screen Dump 11.
percolor"). If all you're inte rested in do ing storage space o n the Clipboa rd. SnapShor and ColorSnapShot are
is colo ring background s o r adding colo r Colo rizer also comes with screen cap ­ much more elaborate screen-capture rou­
text, single-colo r icons, o r buttons, Colo r­ ture and screen print utilities. These are tines, for monochrome screens and colo r
Cards does the jo b reliably and without a simply colo r version. of what Apple sup­ displays, respectively. Both allow you to
lot of extra work. plies, and you can insta ll them as F-keys. choose the fi le name and the file format for
On a LaserWriter, the prim screen F-key the saved image. With ColorSnapSho t, for
Capturing Screen Images maps light colors ro \vhite , dark colors to example, you can save in Grayview, GIFF,
A problem that seems to frustrate al­ black. Screens are saved as PICT files in the PixelPaint, StartupScreen , PICT, and Clip­
most every Mac 11 user at some point is directory in use. board formats. You may also select o nly a
captu ring or priming color screen images. On the shareware side , one group portion of the screen. You can capture an
seems to be do ing the most work to allevi­ image of the screen with the menus pulled
ate the color screen shot proble m. A share­
\\·a re company ca lled Mark 3 Software has
cle,·eloped, gel this , three separate prod­

1')0 March 1989

down by pressing 3€-Caps Lock-Shifc, and Two excellent programs, QuicKeys
the number you specify. Remember, how­ and Tempo II, go much further than Macro­
ever, that color displays are memory inten­ Maker. Most users l know substitute one or
sive. In some situations (like 19-inch dis­ the other for MacroMaker.
plays) with !ors of color, you won't be able Unlike MacroMaker, both programs al­
to fir the resulting image on an SOOK floppy. low you to create an autoboot sequence­ ··~
Furthermore, if you don't have enough a set of actions that your computer always Mou st
RAM, you may not be able to capture or performs when you start up. For example,
edit the screen image. ColorSnapShor
crashed many times while I was using it.
you could create a sequence that automat­
ically logs onto MacNet, downloads your !
Nevertheless, ColorSnapShor is one of the mail , copies all the mail into a single word­
most useful Mac II utilities I've come processing file, then brings up that file with lU
across; I know of no other way to do some the day's mail. Scrtt.ntr
of the things it does (the figures in this ar­ Tempo II is an INIT that you invoke 3.

ticle were captured with ColorSnapShor). with a desk accessory or F-key; QuicKeys is
a CDEY. Both programs enable you to as­
Pleose set the correct moHlmum
Macro Madness sign functions to keys Fl through F12. You
coordlnotes for your screen:
Next in the list of gaps comes Ebe can also assign functions to the other la­
keyboard. Those of you who've bought a beled keys. Home, for example, could be Uerticol Resolution:~
Mac II recently probably have System made to perform the equivalent of moving Horlzontol Resolution:~
6.0.2, which includes MacroMaker. Macro­ both scrollbar boxes to their original posi­
Maker is Apple 's belated fix to make the big tions (top or left).
keyboard-the one with function keys Which of the two is for you? Well, For an Rpple Monitor, these coordinates
should be 640H4BO(HHU).
across the top-work properly. Depending Tempo II is a little easier to learn than
on the software you use MacroMaker with, QuicKeys, and it has a function called Sizing Up the Screen
the Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, Help, Autopaste that assigns any graphics or text Tbe Screener CDEV lets you indicate a screen
Home, End, PageUp, and PageDown keys you can cut to the Clipboard to a key. size different from tbe Mac II'.~ default size (top).
may or may not work. Microsoft Word , for Tempo II also has a CrashCatcher option Clicking on tbe Otber Size button produces a di­
example, can interpret only the last five of useful to programmers or program testers. alog box in wbicb you can set tbe screen's bori­
these keys. Apple's official position is that Finally, Tempo II has some nice branching zontal and vertical dimensions (bottom).
these keys are labeled to match their IBM capabilities that enable you to build macros
PC counterparts, and the only time you that change in function, depending upon
should expect them to work as they are la­ selected text. QuicKeys is a little more Mac­
beled is when you 're running IBM PC soft­ intosh-like, iC handles sets of macros better,
ware on the Mac. MacroMaker lets you dis­ prints keyboard templates so you can re­
regard Apple 's unbecoming preference for member the macros you've assigned, and
allocating function keys to MS-DOS. You comes with more thorough documenta­
can simply assign these keys to any func­ tion. Either program is suitable for replac­
tion you want. ing MacroMaker. Beyond that, you 'll prob­
You won't have MacroMaker, though , ably find Tempo II more interesting if you
unless you have System 6.0 or later. I know like programming (building macros for a
of three commonly available solutions that spreadsheet is a programming action), and
will put those keys to work for you with an you'll like QuicKeys better if you don't.
earlier system. The simplest utility, F1F4, is Both programs are worth the extra money.
a shareware INIT file that assigns the Undo, In Living Hypercolor
Cut, Copy, and Paste functions to keys Fl See Where to Buy for contact information. HyperCard is particular about coloring borizon­
through F4. It takes little memory, does the tal regions. Eacb ofthe letters in tbe word color
job unobtrusively, and requires no mai nte­ can be assigned a separate colo1; but close hori­
nance. Put it in your System Folder once zontal positioning ofcolors in tbe same pixel
and it'll be there every time you start up, Tbom Hogan is publisher and coeditor oftbe row is impossible.
Macintosh II Repon, a montbly newsletter for
unless you hold down the Option key
while booting. Don't install F1F4 if you've 1\!lac II owners. He bas also written eigbt com­
gor MacroMaker installed, however. puter-oriented books, including tbe recent~)' pub­
lisbed Programmer's Macintosh Sourcebookfr om
Microsoft Press.

Macworld 151


Macinto~h Conte~t

Ma~orltl la proutl to offer you an opportunity to cast your voh for excellence In co•putl...-and pert.op•
win the ultlm- Maclntoah hardware and aoftwaro ayah•. Each yoar wo lnvlh all af our roaden ta volco
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Uauolly wo 9lvo you our opinion• on the lateat Mac proclucta, but now, with tho World·CI- Macintosh, wo want ta hear what you think. Which Mac producta do you find al9nlflcant? Which havo aorvetl
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your choice ~i, tho ottachocl conteat·•ntry ferm, you can both rowarcl tho ha!"I wortc af your favorih product
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You alao -rn a chance ta win horclwaro and aoftwaro worth thouaanda of dollara. To ahow you our appro•
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lntrloa aouat bo rocolvetl no lohr than Morch t II, t 080; we wlll announce tho roaulta In our Sophmltor luao.
To accurahly refloct roadora' proferoncea, wo'll pultllah f19uroa for all al9nlflcant voh·90Hon In -ch
catosory. n.. followln9 explanatlona doflno product catosorfoa that aro not ..ff.ovldonl, ta holp you coat
your voha approprl-ly.
lach person may enter the contest only once. Entries must be printed by hand or typed on the form Included
In Macworld or on a reasonable facsimile. Your entry must Include at least one product vote, plus your name,
address, and daytime phone number. lntrles must be received no later than March 15, 1989 . Employees
of PCW Communications are not ellglble. Thank you and good luckl

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Send Entries toi 1989 Worfd·Class Macintosh Contest, M-Olld, 501 Second st., San Francisco, CA 941 07.
1989 World·Class Macintosh Entry Form

PleDH .,.. thla entry fonw to vote for protllfCts yo11 are fa•lllar with and would recommend, 11ta..d on tholr portor..anco and valuo.
Choo.. ono pro4uct por category; you noocl not vote In an catogorlea. Ellglblo proclucta MU•t bo compatlblo with tho Maclntoah
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three lte... ore provlcloclt 11) correct product na•e, 121 -nufacturer namo, ancl (3) •otlol number (for hardware only). Version
numbon of 1oftware proclucta are not rettulro4. Pleaae print or typo your ontry; It muat bo rocolvocl by March 15, 1989.


Altematlvo MoH Storage

Co111111unlcatlon1 Board
CPU Upgrade
Graphic• Board
Hartl Diak (80MB or le1a)
Hartl Diak (abovo 80MB)
Input Device
Moll Pra111l1ln9 Nowco111or
Printer-Dot Matrlz


8lack•a11d· Whlto Paint
8u1lno1a Acc-ntlng
8ualnoH Praaontatlon Graphics
Color Palllf
Co111puter·aldocl Doalgn
Da,.baao Mana90111ont
Doak Accouory
Doaktop Pultll...lng
Drawln9/ llluatratlon/ Anl11tatlon
Pllo lorvor
lntogratocl Package
Mlcro-to·MabtfraMo Co111111unlcatlon•
Moat PreMl1lng Newcomer
Pononal Plnance/ Tazoa
Pro9ra111mlng knguago
Praloct Manae••-•
Outllno ProceHlng
Utility-Diak and Fiio
Word Procouor


Altematlve MU8 All typo• of •au atorage deYicoa eJ<Cept hard dldca. E.1<aMpl•• Include eJ<temal floppy drlv.., re•ovaltle
cartridge drlvea, and tape backup units.

Co••unlcatlou ._,.. Add-In board• that help tho Mac communicate with other Mac• and other computera. l.1<ampl•• Include Ith•
•mot boarda, and 8086 and 80286 coproc•Hor boarda.

CPU Upgrade Produch that lncreaae the Mac'• proceHlng capoblllty, either by ualng faater 68000a, or 68881, 68020,
or 68030 dovlcea.

Moaochroin• or gray•acalo monltora that ••rv• either a• a componoat of the Mac II or aa a11 altematlve
to the atandard dlaplay provided by other Maclntoah ayatoma.

GraphlaB-" Add-In looarda that let the Mac II dlaplay color or gray scale l•agea.

Input Device Mice, -ckballa, graphic• tablets, koylooarcb, foyatlc"-v•rythlng lout dlgltlzera a11d acannen.

Any prlntl11g device, other than a dot matrl.1< printer or plotter, that produce• color output. hampl•• In·
clude thermal prlnten and lnk·l•t prlnten.

Bualn••• Accounting A aerl.. or an Integrated package rather than a alnglo modulo (auch aa a lodger). You can chooae a modu·
lar package or an all-In-one program as long aa It la designed for aorlous bualnoH uae.

Bualneu Pro..ntatlon Package• that produce or lay out teJ<t; pie, bar, or lino charts; or other graphic• uaod by ltualnoupooplo
Graphic• to preaent lnfonnatlon.

Computer-aided Dealgn Computer-aided dealgn Includes products that offer two• and three-dimensional capaltllltloa for working
with geometry, eapeclally for appllcatlona In mechanical, archltectural, and electrlcal onglnoorlng.

Deak Accoaaory Ally program• that lnatall under the Apple menu and that don't flt In any other category. l.1<ampl•• Include
calculatora, notopada, schedulers, calendara, and phone dlalera.

lducatlon/Tralnlng Training program• provide tutorlala on auch aublecta as typing or computer appllcatlona. lducatlon soft­
ware Includes couraewaro, e.1<amlnatlon•preparatlon programs, and learning alda for children.

Fiie Server Products that enable multlple network user• to ahare one storage device.

Integrated Package Products that Include ..veral appllcatlon-auch aa word proceHor, spreadsheet, charting program, and
data managel'-lhat ahare data and a command structure. Tho appllcatlons may lie on one dlak or In
separate modules.

Mlcro•te•Malnfra1110 Programs that perfonn tormlnal emulation and data conversion for mainframes and minicomputers.

Outline ProceHlng Stand-alone programs or doak accoaaorloa that organize Ideas and notes In outline form.

Peraonal Finance/Ta••• Programs that help you retrieve and handle stock Information; that perform portfollo management; that
aHlat In fundamental or technical analyala; and that help you plan or proparo your ta.1<oa.

Proloct Managomont Programs that manage reaourcoa and achodullng, usually for largo, complicated taska.

Utlllty Programs that porfonn a wide variety of housekeeping chorea, such as flle conversion, flle recovery, disk
backup, and keyboard enhancement.

Most Promising Newcomer

Which new produc'-ln both tho hardware and software catogorl•-re making an Impact? (You may vote
for a product you've cited In another claHlflcatlon.) for our purposes, "new" products are thoao released
within the last sl.1< months.

could prove to be a major drawback.

Studio/8 1.0
Below the main tool icons in the tool
palette are nine tool modifiers that change
the way many of the drawing and selection
Color bitmap palnti11g software. Pros: Pou1e1ful selectio11 ofdrawing 100/s; object-oriemed ca­ cools function . The tool modifiers include
pabilities; useful special effects. Cons: Slow response speed wirb so111e oflbe brusbes; random priming controls to toggle the grid, fill/frame, selec­
bugs. Company: Electronic Aris. Listprice: $494.94. Requires: /,\/13: works 0 11~) ' on Mac II; 2,11/3 tion, constraining, transparency, and FatBits
and 8-bir video card recommended. modes, among others. The tool modifiers,
which are linked to the numeric keypad on
the Mac II keyboard, allow you to toggle
Color paint offerings for the Mac The brush tool is unique in the diver­ the modes while drawing.
are becoming increasingly sophis­ sity of operation it offers: besides standard Independent vertical and horizontal
ticated. Take Studio/8, for exam­ single-color brushes, any selected area ca n line we ights, zoom magnifications (1 , 2, 4,
ple. This new bitmap color painting pro­ be turned into a brush, and documents 6, and 8 times), fi ll patterns, gradients, and
gram from Electronic Arts has a multitude stored on disk can be loaded into the pro­ the main color palette are all implemenced
of powerful painting tools and special ef­ gram as brushes. Also the brush editi ng as rear-off menus that can be placed any­
fects that will delight any digital artist cur­ dialog box shows the last eight custom where on the screen. (A nd the program
rently using programs such as SuperMac's brushes that you created. One of the pro­ can save the positions of the default draw­
PixelPaint and Computer Friends' Modern gram's main menus is devoced entirely to ing window, tool palettes, and rear-off pal­
Artist. It's rich in features and boasts an special-effects modes for the brushes, in­ ettes for future work sessions.)
excellent user interface and respectable cluding unique goodies such as neon and Printing images is a straightforward
performance. watercolor brushes. sing some of the spe­ proce but while I had success printing
cial-effec ts brushes exposed one of the Studio/8 images to a variety of color output
A Palette of Choices program's principal problems: the brushes devices ( including the Tektronix 46930
Studio/8' Tool Palene contains many respond so slowly that rhe familiar wrist­ color thermal-wax printer and Presentation
of the standard drawing devices (rectan­ watch indicator appears now and then dur­ Technologies' Montage film recorder),
gles, circles, lines, paint bucket, paint­ ing rhe process. For artists who depend on some of the princouts had vertical white
brush) plus features usually found only in a quick and responsive paintbrush, this streaks running the e ntire length of the
object-oriented graphics programs. The
familiar spray can is absent; instead, you
file Edit Selection Brush TeHI Mast Goodies Windows Custom Color
get a programmable airbrush with adjust­
Studio/8 lets you cre­
able flow rate and dissipation, which more
C//e cusrom colors ~V
closely approximates the functionality of Color mlKer:
blending and smear­
its real world counterpart. You get the nor­
ing colors in a Color
mal polygon tool as well as a variable-side
Mixer window, wbicb
polygon (triangles, hexagons , and so on);
automatically regis­
and you can add vertices and reshape the
rers eacb new~v cre­
polygon immediately after creating it. The
C//ed sbade. >vu selecr
program also incorporates a bezier tool
wbicb colors 10 in­
with fully adjustable control points, like the
clude in your cus10111

one found in Adobe Illustrator. Besides the
standard lasso and marquee selectors,

1111 i"l""" rn
there is a polygonal selector, which works
exactly like a polygon drawing tool, except l"l"""
II l"l "'
I ll......
1111" 11 "
11 ""'
11 11 II ll::JM
I :m:+l
ll!f+t=Jll 111 J+ml
111 1
that it elects the region on the screen that
fa lls inside the polygon you draw. ( Cleer Ml•lng Rru) ( aur Rll l

156 March 1989

While most other color painting programs
offe r a similar tool, Studio/S's dropper
adds some special capabilities: by double­
clicking on a color on the screen, you bring
up a dialog box that allows you to change
the selec ted color co anv othe r while view­
ing the results on the screen. Also, clicking
on a color in the color pale tte with the
droppe r cool causes the color co flash anv­
whe re ic appears on the screen-a color.
"find " function not available in anv oche r
Mac color painting program. ·

Very Special Effects

Scudio/8 is capable of some stunning
visual effec ts, includ ing some in 3-D. A per­
spec tive dialog box allows you to set a
three-dime nsional vancage point by rotat­
ing a grid-plane in any axis. You selec t any
object on the screen, it can e ithe r be indi­
vidually mapped onto the pe rspective
plane, or the pe rspective plane can be
filled with the selec ted image (with one of
three user-selected re nde ring qualities)­
rotation, distortion, and be nd ing cools al­
low even more manipulation, resulcing in
some breathtaking visuals.
The masking feature is exte nsive and
well impleme nted: any color o r selected
area (or combination of the two) can be set
ro a mask. When the mask is activated, any
drawing tool or special effect wi ll work
o nly within o r outside of the mask area.
Masks can be saved co disk as pe rmane nt
stencils and can be loaded inco any docu­
me nt. With a separate Slip Color dialog box
you can choose a color or range of colors
for selec tion by the lasso, marquee, or
polygon. By using the tool modifiers that
Tbe screen display sbou1s some of r/Je special e)Jecrs of Studio!B in rbe pe1·specrive plane ofan objecr apply to the mask and slip colors, you can
(rbe srrange pa((ern fadi11g off in r/Je /Jackgro1111d). exerci e extre mely precise control over
what portion of an image the drawing and
selection tools affect.
printed page. The problem occurred ran­ gradations can be named and saved in the Studio/8 pays close attention to small
domly, so I cannot acrribure it co any spe­ program·s Prefere nces file (whe re they are but important details: whe n selecting a
ci fi c seque nce of ac tions or condi tions. maintained independent of any particular docume nt to open, you can view the image
document). in a small, scaled display (Studio/8 can
Color My World Color gradations are easy to create ope n PICT II, MacPaint, and color TIFF
Stud io/8 doesn't skimp in its color­ and ed it, and you can use e ither the exist­ images; and I was successful in ope ning a
hand ling capabilities. You can work with ing colo rs in the curre nt colo r palette or 24-bit scanned TI FF file that Studio/8 con­
eithe r a default Apple syste m pale tte, 256 create new colors, de pending on the be­ ve rted into 8-bit format, with exceptional
gray shades, or a custom color pa lecre (Stu ­ ginning and endi ng colors of a gradie nt color optimization). Whe n creating custom
dio/8 also wo rks with 4-bit/16-colo r Mac 11 range. Each gradie nt can also have a grids, you can select an object on the
video cards). Colo rs can be created in a textu re value, which provides a grainy screen and use the rectangular horizontal
numbe r of ways , includ ing a unique Colo r texture to an othe rwise banded gradation and vertical dime nsions as a basis for che
Mixer window that allmvs you to smear var­ between colors. The re are two gradie nt grid constraint, an imme nsely useful fea­
ious colo rs togethe r to create new shades. modes: shape fi tt ing and uni fo rm , which tu re. The FatBits window is movable and
and a color table that au tomar ical ly creates can be inte rchanged to achieve a numbe r resizable , and you can switch the view to
inte rmed iate shades between a numbe r of of 3-0 shading effec ts.
fixed base co lors. Custom colo r ranges and A pickup, or d ropper tool, le ts you se­ (conrinues)
lect a color on the screen and make it the
curre nt fo reground , or painting color.

Macwo rld 157


• ti fll• 1011 ~tlullon ll11nn TIM I Mink (OIOI (IOOOltt WlnCIOllO has a QuickScan command that bypasses
the dialog box and uses the curre nt
The Settings command in the l ext
Scanning software package. Pros: Easy to me nu le ts vou set some scanne r-specific
use; works with a few dif.(ere/1/ scanners (Apple options: Resolution (200, 240, o r 300 dpi );
Scanne1; HP Sccm}et) ; adju.sts 10 a variezv of To ne (Line Art , 1-Ialfcone Fatting, Halfto ne
f onts, sizes, and layouts. Cons: Docume111a1ion Baver); Contrast (Normal, Dark , Light);
is tbin; software tllloria f is inadequate; may not Da·ta Type (Normal, Mirro r, Invert); and
do a ff you want it to. Company: Cciere Co1pora­ Docume nt Size (Lette r, Legal, Card).
1ion. List price: $795. Requires: 4MB: bard Since a docume nt may require spe­
disk ; Mac fl (or Mac SE witb 68020 accelerator cific settings, OmniPage lees you save all
board). the curre nt settings as a pe rsonalized com­
Color aml Line-Weight Palettes
mand sec. Fo r exam ple , if you scan in arti­
Tbe color a11d line-weigbt pale11es can be torn off
cles fro m each issue of a given magazine,
and placed anywbere on tbe screen. Tl.le back­

ground g rupbic is an example ofStudio/B's per·

spectil'e-mapping capabilities.

have the ac tual size of the image appear in

- -
• : . The scanne r is a neat inve ntion.

it, select a few o ptio ns, and presto

- the image is in your Macintosh. You can
then manipulate , cut and paste , and per­
form all the usual Macintosh functio ns o n
you can fig ure o ut the o ptimum settings
-o You plo p a document o r image o n o nce, the n save the m to disk. The next
time you want to scan an article, you load
chat file in (using the Load command in
the Pe rsonalize me nu ) and proceed w ith
your scan.
the FatBits window, while the magnified it. If the re's text in the scanned image,
view is vi ible everywhere e lse in the main however, it doesn't gee read in as cha rac­
drawing window. A Trace With Brush com­ te rs-just as indistinguishable bits.
mand traces a selected area automat ically
with the currently selected brush shape Easy to Use
and colo r; by using chis command with Bue suffe r no more (or at least not as
neon brushes, you can create special type much), for with OmniPage's auto matic text
and border effects that would othe rwise be recognition and ex trac tio n you can place a 1ttnalll<S.'ll::',a111'11Q"''"
difficult to create. o~I ~Mdll:llU 11­
docume nt in your scanner and a few min­ .,,..._ IM{lnmnr 11\an how
The docu me ntation is well illustrated, utes later be ed iti ng a Mac text fi le de rived qUlddyll pertlnas cenatll
. . . . '19.. ..
• trp..,-1..., _

1. -.w..1"9 ­
wb.~iU,'l}'\lu AlllDlilllll>
v •I M'-'td f"Cf! ICC? ­
,_illl f f _ \,... tr. T,.,. tfl • '• •
with exceptio nal o rganization and clarity. fro m chat document. Furthermo re, you can t •• , . .. . ......., . . . . . . .. ....

~'IX!a lill li1wnc..tih•11'1UT

f l ll.,.......,,tv >Q"'911 . • lcr..

•lM U'ot .. 1. , .......... ........,. .

There are even some colo r places explain­ extract text from images, whethe r chose ~. ft '~ hdpful 111 lu.w
I\ W. l.N • V- , • ..--r- ' ·

ho•nmchmlbal tlml!wlll ln­ - •t1.. -~ · ·­

ing how colo r cools work. The prog ram it­ images come fro m a scanner, a paint pro­
,.,,.,..,.,...,Iii• u.,...
..,..1,.. te.ou. 11·- t..-....,.
I r.111-'l _."Ii..., ~:hpa>­
self has a comple te, illustrated , online help gram , o r even another type of computer 011a3M8 M;11:U :.ndan :i
faci lity. Also included in the five-d isk set syste m. OmniPage doesn't work perfectly,
are scanned marble and wood textures, a but the amazing th ing is that it works at all OmniPage in Action
selec tio n of custo m brushes, and an excel­ -especially given the wide varie ty of OmniPage can scan a document as an image or
lent slide show program that you can use fonts, po int sizes, and layouts that this soft­ as text, as this screen sbows. fl a lso sbows bow
co easily create slick full -screen presen­ ware package can handle. welt OmniPage can pull text out ofa fess-tba n ­
tatio ns with an assortme nt of fade and dis­ OmniPage is e asy to use. Yo u simply crisp il'nage.
solve effects. put your docume nt in the canner and se­
lec t the Scan command in the Text me nu . A
Pick Up That Brush dialog box appears, letting you sec certain OmniPage adapted auto matica lly and
Studio/8 is a powerfu l color paint ing optio ns for the docume nt you're scanning: worked just fi ne with the Apple Scanner
prog ram that addresses most of the needs Input Page Layout (Single Column, Multiple and the HP Scanjec. I also tried OmniPage
of the colo r artist-anyone inte rested in Columns, o r Financial Form); Single or with the Dest PC Scan 1000, but couldn't
producing colo r bitmapped images on the Multiple Pages; File Format (ASC ll, Mac­ gee the combination to work, although the
Mac II should conside r it. Jf you spend a Wrice, or Excel); Scan Area; Output Page Dest Publish Pac soft ware worked satisfac­
little time learning co use its vase number Layout (Auto Pasteup, Manual Galley, Auto to rily with the PC Scan 1000.
of capabilities, vou will be rewarded bv Galley); and so o n. Whe n ready, you click OmniPage actually handles bot h text
al 1 the colo rs the e ncl of the ra inbo~. the OK butto n. The docume nt is the n and images. You can can and save images
- Dewiel Bied ny scanned in. OmniPage searches the image as e ither TIFF files-TIFF is the closest
for text, marks off each block of text it thing co an industry standard for graphics
See \Vhere to Buy fo r contac t informatio n. fi nds, and strips out the rest of the image. It
the n converts each block of text image into (co m i111.1es)
an ac tual text document. OmniPage also

158 March 1989

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Circle 357 on reader service card

Revie w s

images-or in Unco mpressed formac ( a

normal bitmap). However, OmniPage
doesn't have as many options or features
G330-70 Color
for image-manipulation as bund led scan­
ner software like AppleScan or Desk
Thermal Transfer
General tex t recognition is a difficult
task, and OmniPage is sensitive to different
factors. For example, if the document is Tb e rmal colo r p d nte 1: Pros: Simple, fJff·
slanted more than a little to one side or the dictable i11te1/ace. Co n s: 1:._ffectil'e r esol11tio 11
other, the recognition rate d rops dramati­ 011lr 75 dpi: prints scr een imap,es 0 11~1 •: ca11 '1
cally. Even so, I was impressed at how wel I pri111.f11!! pa,~es: c11rsm; 111e1111 bt11: c111d all 01ber
the program did with a variety of docu­ d esktup dewils 011screen appear 0 11 pri1110111.
A 256-colo r Pixe//1a i111 s1111bw:~1 p rimed in );ic·
ments. However, if you 're expecting to Company: Mils11/Jisbi U ec1ro11ics Am er ica.
Jure " (../096 col o r s) m ode.
scan in a complex document and get every­ List price: 59 00. Requires: ,\Jaci111osb I! 11 •i 1b
thing exactly the same, ready to be ed ited Maci/7/osb JI Video Card; colo r 1110 11i1o r C/l/(I
and printed, you're in for a bit of a disap ­ l"ideo m em o rl' e.\pt111sio11 r ecomm e11ded.
pointmenc. Font type, point size, and gen­
eral layout is not preserved, and recogni ­
tion can drop off dramatically if che print is Color output devices are here, and
too small or of an unusual type. Even so, they're here in a variety of flavors.
OmniPage easily outperformed the Dest l·or the person who"s trying to get
PC Scan lOOO's Pub Iish Pac. printed copies of colorful Mac II docu­
The OmniPage documentation is not ments, though, mo re choices doesn't nec­
that extensive, given the complexities of essarih- mean easi<.:r choice ·. There are
the subject. An accompanying I IyperCa rd many i.merfaces avai lable w ith the current
tutorial stack has a number of problems: crop of color printers, and no one interface
it's more of a reference than a tutorial ; you is capable of printing all types of color
can't use it concurrentl y with OmniPage; screens and documents (see " Priming a 71Je sam e s1111b11rst printed i 11 "'li11e " (125 colo rs)
the use r interface is incomplete and incon­ Rainbow," Macu •o /'/d, Januar y 1989). A new m ode. 11Je limited colo rpalelle i11 line m o d e
sistent; and the stack has some real bugs. entry into this fray is the Mit subi shi cau ses tbe sunburst 10 appear banded.
Version 1.0 of OmniPage runs only on G330-70 thermal color printer, w hich
a 68020 processor, that is, a Mac 11or 'I Mac doesn"t connect to your 1vlacintosh the
SE w ith a 68020 accelerator board. I expe­ same way other pr imers do. l nstead it uses Unique Interface
rienced some problems running Omni­ the sa me analog video signals that drive The G330-70 comes with an adapter
Page under Multi Finder: I got a ·'This appli­ the AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Mon­ cable that connects a l acintosh II Video
cation has unexpected ly quit" message. It's itor. In other wo rd s, the G330-70 simply Carel to its color monitor. By interpreting
not clear whether lack of memory caused reproduces the same image you see on video signals d irectl y, the G330-70 avoids
the problem, since OmniPage was set up to your screen. This unique inter face is both the need for a printer driver. Consequently.
use 3MB of RAM and was being run on a the primer's greatest asset and its most you don't have to wonder if the application
Mac II with SMB. severe liabi Iit y. you 're running support s Postscript color,
Col< r QuickDraw, standard QuickDraw
Should You Buy OmniPage? colo r, or PICT II. You don't have to wait a
OmniPage does its job and does it ad­ long time for images to be generated w hen
equately. However, I wou ld strongly urge you print. You don't have to have any driv­
you to try it out on someone else's system ers in the System Folder or select a dev ice
before buying it. If it can scan the docu­ with the Chooser. When you push the front
ments you're interested in- and in a fo rm panel 's Screen bunon , you get a hard copy
suitable for your purposes-then Omni ­ replica of your display, in living color. And
Page can greatly increase the usefulness of because the d irect video interface requires
vour scanner and save vou hours of time as no drivers, rasterizers, or complex control­
~vell.-Bruce \Vebster · lers ( it's using the hardware and software
built in to a Mac II to generate the images),
See Wbere to Buy fo r contact info rmation. it costs thousands less than ot her Macin­
tosh-compatible color thermal transfer
A sn aps/Jut ofa t.111ical Maci111osb d eskl op
prillled i11 dilbered m ode. 11Je G.HO· 70 e1•e11
The G330-70 u:es a three-color ink
prillls /11 1//-d o11'll l·ulur 111e1111s. { Tbe colo r bw1do;
sheet ( ribbon ) to print six colors ( red,
i111/Je Globe 11'i11du 11· are a 11 a r !(f"acl of!be appfi.
cc11io 11s. 1w1 c~/ tbe G3:i0· 70.)

160 March 1989

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Send us

the best design using

CG TYPE and FontLinet

Win an Agfa Scannet

Show off your creativity FontLiner. an exciting new pro­

with CG TYPE and FontLiner.™ gram by Taylored Graphics. lets
Enter the CG TYPE Excellence you convert CG TYPE charac­
Contest. Send us your hottest ters into PosrScR1Pr®artwork.
design-logo. ad. headline. Use that artwork instantly
newsletter. or brochure. Take with either Adobe Illustrator"'
first place and win an Agfa Focus or Aldus FreeHand'.M Then let
800 Scanner! Get your design in print. your typographic creativity loose
too. Photographs of the winning design
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FREE. A 5129.95
Win the Agfa Focus 800 Scanner. 800 dpi.
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ll1e Mitsubisbi name. However, none of these utilities is as

G330-70 color tber­ convenient and easy to use as Findswell,
mal transfer primer from Working oftware.
uses a three-color ink
sbeet 10 print s1); col­ Seek and You Shall Find
ors. It also bas a ditber The concept behind Findswell is sim­
mode that will display ple; it locates and opens files from within
4096 colors. standard Macintosh applications. It does
this by adding a button to the Open and
Save dialog boxes of each application.
Clicking on the Findswell button opens
Findswell's List and Command Window,
which displays a list of the last severa l files
opened, regard less of where they are lo­
cated on the hard disk. For example, say
you save a marketing report in a folder
called Marketing. You then open another
document in another folder but you find
you need to refer to the marketing report.
green, blue, yellow, magenta and cyan), Macintosh II. With its direct video interface You don't have to navigate up and clown
plus black, at 150 dpi. Because the resolu­ you won't have compatibility problems be­ several folders; instead, the List and Com­
tion of the Macintosh screen is only about tween your applications and the printer. If mand Window displays the file name of the
75 pixels per inch, the G330-70 can repre­ you can see it, you can print it (though, like marketing report in its list. To open it, all
sent each pixel with four dots that can be all thermal color primers the G330-70 can't you do is double-click on its name in the
combined to reproduce 125 colors. If you reproduce as many colors as the Macintosh list. You can set up the list so that it always
want to print graphic images that use a color display). The screen snapshot ap­ includes documents you use often.
wider range of colors, the G330-70 has a proach, though, makes the G330-70 a good Findswell can also search for a partic­
dithered mode that will displa) 4096 col­ choice only if you're confident that you'll ular file or folder. B~ cHcking on the Find
ors, though dithering reduces the effec­ never want to make color prims larger than button in the List and Command Window,
tive resolution of the print. It prints on the screen o r with resolution higher than Findswell takes you to another window
8Vi-by-11-inch thermal transfer paper or 75 dpi, and only if you can live with the that allows you to set a search parameter
transparency film suitable for over­ cursor, menu bar, and other desktop inci­ by entering part o r all of a file 's name. Finds­
head projections. dentals in your output. Alchough the well then searches the disk and lists every
G330-70 is well documented and performs occurrence of the search parameter. The
The Screen, the Whole Screen, without a hitch, most users would probably
and Nothing But the Screen be better off spending a few thousand (co111inuesJ
Though the direct video interface more and getting a device with a standard
eliminates a number of compatibility ques­ printer driver. -Ron Risley
Control Panel
tions and makes the G330-70 exceptionally
simple to set up and use, the technique car­ See \Vhere to Buy for contact information. Q FINDSWELL™
ries with it some significant limitations.
Output resolution is limited to the scree n :11111 ~Shrlup icon ~D~-::-~v-•~-;'---~IQ~
resolution of75 dpi , roughly the same as an !!I!!! 0 Optn Find dl•lo9 TrutFor m

Findswell 2.0
:~~ rn ( 01~h~tt7J
ImageWriter in Faster mode. The primer

always prints the entire screen, including
!!ll!i Rdd ... ](
menu bar, cursor, window frames , and so
on. There's no way to print just the image Utility for locati11g a11d openi11gjiles,
you're inte re ted in, and Mitsubishi doesn't folders, a11d applicatio11s. Pros: £ytraordi­
supply any utilities for hiding the cursor or nari~1· easy to use. Cons: Incompatible u•itb
menu bar. Perhaps the worst restriction some applications. Company: \Vorkinf{ Soft­
is the fact that you can't ever print more ware. List price: $59.95. Requires: 512KE;
than what's on the screen; to print larger bard disk.
color documents you would have to print Co11trol Panel

them a screenful at a time , then carefully Tbe Macinlosh Co11trol Panel pennitsyou to se­
cut and paste them together (with scissors As efficient as the Hierarchical File lect Findswel/'s options. You cc111/Jm •e Fi11ds1t'ell

and glue). System (I-IFS) is, attempting to automat ical~I ' disable itselffor particular appli­

find a specific file in the labyrinth catio11s, andyou can set tbe m1111ber ofprel'i­
Snapshot Approach of a hard disk's nested folde rs can be ous~1 · opened.files tbat you u•ai1t Finds well to

The G330-70 is a relatively inexpen­ downright frustrating. Apple and third­ remem/Je1:

sive way to get quality color output from a party developers have attempted to miti­
gate the problem with desk accessories
that search a hard disk for a certain file

Macworld 163
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have not created enough pages co hold the

text, Springboard Publisher flows cexr into
lnfo:Fllemnlcer f:Checlcs unformatted pages. However, once you im­

Publisher 1.0
port text, changes co a layout cake much
longer co redraw, since Springboard muse
Modlfitd : Frl,Stp 16, 1988 Sizo: 23552b'Jlu
also reformat the text.
Page-layout program. Pros: Ha.~) ' to use; If you import cexc into a nonback­
( SICJfl :)(:S reliable; auto111atical!yjlows text: specia l effects ground frame, you can still have it flow
m CJ flrnen<1mm11 Memo

~ -D!IJc11o1ne111of•Nlu•s•u1e1s 1111~ n[DOpen XO B sudJ as word wrap around grapbics.- can 01Jerlay from page to page automatically by setting
one x o ]
grapbics wit/J text:supports a vnriety offo nt sizes up links. This involves simply selecting the
o D Customer Nnmes and paint and draw tools. Cons: Sometimes frames and picking the Link Frames com­
D D FlleMnlcer Help
m D finllswell bard to alignJiwnes, lines, and boxes. Company: mand. You can import text in MacWrite,
[F older :l!lN ]
Iii D nn11swe11 . ~1t Springboard P11blisbe1: List price: 1199.95. Microsoft Word , or cexc-only format.
Iii CJ rlml s u•ell'~. ~it Requires: 11"1/3. Springboard Publisher provides a
0 D IMS 500 FlleMnlcer Find :l!l f
solid secof word processing features for
entering text directly into a layout. You can
List a1ld Comma1ld Window
The Ferraris of desktop publish­ choose the margins, justification , line spac­
\Vben you click tbe Findswel/ bu/Ion in t/Je Open
ing, PageMaker and QuarkXpress, ing, and indentation for a block of text. Text
or Save dialog box ofcm application, tbe List and
-~~ are feature laden , performance can be formatted in any font or style, in­
Command \Vindow appears. electing a file in
oriented , and expe nsive. Springboard Pub­ cluding superscripts and subscripts. Paine
tbis window permits you to 11ie11 tbefile's loca­
li her is more like a Volkswagen-it con­ sizes range from 9 to 72 depending on the
tion on tbe bard disk, modification date, ~vpe,
tains a basic feature set, run reliably, and font. You can control character spacing
and size.
comes cheap. The program doesn 't offer somewhat by defining the number of pix­
QuarkXpress's advanced typographic con­ els betwee n characters (up to a total of 64)
trols or use PageMaker's clever pasteboard and lines (up to 72).
thermometer displays how much of the metaphor, but Springboard Publisher lees The program contains a search-and­
hard disk Findswell has already searched. you produce well-designed newsletters, re­ replace feature (a sorely missed option in
As it finds matching files , Findswell lists ports, or fliers quickly. PageMake r) and lees you set cab scops that
the file names in a dialog box. If a file is leave spaces blank, or fill them in with
compatible with the active application, you A Frame-Based Publisher dots, dotted lines, or solid lines. Aside from
have the option of opening the file directly Creat ing page layouts with Spring­ use in creating a cable of contents, I also
from chis dialog box. You can also select board Publisher is easy. The program uses found che filled tab stops handy for tabbed
any file and Findswell will display informa­ frames fo r holding cext and graphics, much headings and price lists.
tion about the file-when it was last mod­ as QuarkXpress does. You draw a frame on
ified, its size, its creation type. rhe page, and if you aren't happy with its (co ntinues)
just drag Findswell into the Syste m fi le position, you drag it into place or resize it.
to install it. The next time you boot up, the Each time you draw a frame, a dialog box
program will automatically appea r when­ appears chat lets you specify whether it's a
ever you choose the Ope n or ave com­ cexc or graphics frame and che style and
mands. Also included are options for con­ width of borde r (if any) that ir should have.
figuring the program for your work style. For text frames , you also specify the mun­
From the Comrol Panel you can choose the ber of columns and their width .
files you wane Findswell to always display Overlappi ng frames create special ef­
in the Lise and Command Window. (You can fects. For instance, you can place a newsle r­
cer's logo in a graphics frame and then - =
also disable Findswell for the few applica­ - · 1nanly•d••d ••lm•n, • t1ndymelntalHcL Oownftue~ , gulltwue
C2I rfin t tom t llUng "' ~ OUIClft' t CIHny tH In 11\e fedll\l llfM.. Th• D"' d• ~ultt
tions it doesn't support, such as OverVue place a text frame containing a title ove r r. liauo, •lmoo lntltt.nt. flecty: 1t1ni111•d .nd gluiud
w1nt lo git taln(I." t11 uld. NI UIH Und 1nd lrrtt1t ed
e t Cler·• · ' I
by 1111
and TrueForm.) Findswell 's nine-page doc­ the graphic. Ifche graphic is dark , you can u1ougbl o f htulng 11 unlHd lhe ao1 t 1fl1r dirt. Oa t of
been fit11led lly tllrllhuoe11, 1n11AP&ln1t1d e.1 tu ti p 111U
1 n1U hed
, ... 1Uernaon. The

invert the text so that it i white. Placing t n p aownrtltft' w•t1M Ht• mora ttm1, a...s l\.aw•• 11r11dy la flt • IOftl
ume ntation is all you need to learn the pro­ Algbl .

gram. Findswell also includes Program text frames on cop of one anocher is handy
Launcher, which allows you to launch Finds­ fo r adding pull quotes or sidebars because
well directly from the Finde r, rathe r than the text in the bottom frame automatically Graphics Palettes
having co use it through an application. wraps around rhe top frame. Springboard Publisber offers many of tbe same
Like Suitcase, Findswell is tremen­ To create new pages in Springboard tools as MacDraw a nd MacPaint. To access tbe
dously practical-an indi pensable addi­ Publisher you can copy and paste a fo rmat­ grapbics pale/le, select a g rapbic frame and dou­
tion to m) hard disk. I wou ldn't be without ted page or pecify a cercain number of un­ ble-click on it. >vu can tben edit tbe g rapbic or
it.-Keith Thompson formatted page to add via an Inserc Pages add to it. You can use tbefree/Jand tool (tbe bot­
dialog box. Alte rnately, the program can tom left tool in. tbe side pale/le) to trace around
See Where to Buy for contact info rmation. creace the pages for you when you import tbe edges ofa g rapbic, so tbat text wraps around
text. lf you place imported text in rhe bot­ tbesbape.
tom frame , or background , Springboard
automatically flows the text into the back­
ground frames of successive pages. If you

Macworld 165
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Frames tvitb Flair ' • file Edit

Every time you create ere to
l R Nt'.111$18/ler ofLlter1Tr. !

a frame, Springboard M u sin s

Publisbe1· displays this
dialog box. >vu define
[ Define select ed rreme es:
® Gro ph lcs O TeH t
=1 H OK ll Compilers

( Concel J
theframe as graphic
O Crop Image t o frame size Language Systems Fortran Compiler 1.1
or text, and choose a Bor der St yle
border sty le, widtb, o - -- ­ Bo rder Width Pros: Easy to use; MPW interface; many
0 ===== ® No Border language extensions; built-in editor; segmenta­
and pat1ern. You can O = = = == 0 tp t - - - ­
" It's only O = === 0 2 pt - - -­ tion capability. Cons: Large overbead witb MPW;
even crop the grapbic o0
to fit in tbejrame.
clrcllng some
were loud , 111
o ========
0 -- ­ - --------­
4 pt-~~~
6pt _ _ __ no on-screen listing during compile; no symbolic
want to get g 0 ····· ··· ···· .. 0 8 pt e debugge1: Company: Language Systems.
t hough t or ho 0 ••••• •• ••• • • • 0 t2 pt s hod List price: $345 witb MPW, $250 without.
been foul ed b oon. The
trip dow nrlue or 11 long Requires: JMB.
nig h t.
Mactran Plus J.O Pros: Easy to use, built-in
"Come on, 11
l!=:=============================!J editor; easy Toolbox inte1face and control of
" God domn It, CID ~ D , you kn ow he's t o hell end gone by now - It 's been 11 compilation process; many language extensions;
week end a holf. • And y was ongry. Part or his lrrltotl on sprong rrom on
11w11reness t hot , despit e his er uments, he was oln to do os his wife w ishe d. on-screen listing during compile; symbolic
debugger; batch capability. Cons: No MPW
compatibility; unnecessaty switching between
compiler and editor. Company: DCM Data
Putting Pizzazz on the Page program includes a freehand drawing tool , Products. Listprice: $399. Requires: 512KE.
Although much of Springboard Pub­ paintbrush, spray can, paint bucket, pencil , MacFortran/MacFortran/020 Pros: Many
lisher consists of no-nonsen ·e features for and eraser. A shapes palette conta ins language extensions; sy mbolic debugger;
quick and easy publishing, the program rounded and straight-edged rectangles, an segmentation capability; batch capability. Cons:
does offer a few of the snazzy features oval, and a polygon. No built-in editor; no on-screen listing during
found in QuarkXpress or PageMaker-for images can be flipped horizontally or compile. Company: Absoft. Listprice:
instance wrapping text around a frame or vertically. You can also freely rotate an im­ MacFortran $295, MacFortran/020 $495.
an object. You can define boundaries for age, although I had a hard time doing so Requires: Mac 512K.
wrapping text by tracing the outline of a without chopping part of it off. The skew
graphic or let the program do it for you. and distort options are a lot of fun, espe­
Springboard Publisher was more accurate cially when you use them to slam text. (You FORTRA is a favorite language
in tracing than I was, but by tracing an ob­ have co enter the text in a graphic frame co among engineers and scientists,
ject my elf, I could close off areas where I slant or rorate it.) primarily because it predates
did not wanr text to appear. For instance, many other programming lan­
when the program traced a drawing of a Fast and Easy Design guages and because large
horse, the word the fit in between the In one day, I was able to create several amounts of software have been
horse's ears. Somehow that just didn't look nice layouts using Springboard Publisher. written in it. Three new FORTRA
natural. o I traced the horse's outline with The only thing that bugged me about the ~ compilers are vying for this lucra­
the freeform tool treating the space be­ program was trying co align frames to the ~ rive marker-Language Systems
tween the ears as though it were fi lled in. margins of a document or connect two Fortran Compiler 1.1, Mactran Plus 3.0, and
onartists will find pringboard Pub­ lines. Springboard Publisher i nor as accu­ MacFortran 2.3 (as well as its Mac II vari­
lisher's graphics features sufficient. On the rate as PageMaker, so sometimes I had to ant, Macfortran/020).
simplest level, the program imports graph­ redraw a frame or line a few times before I Because the programming process
ics in MacPa int, FullPaint, or PICT format. goc it perfectly aligned. Still, it's accurate can be long and arduous, it is important to
(For $5 postage and handling, you can or­ enough chat I doubt anyone viewing a have a compiler chat provides more than
der e ither a Holiday Series or an Assort­ primed document would notice the slight basic compilation (as all three reviewed
ment Series of clip an images when you misalignment. here do). A compile r should create a whole
buy pringboard Publisher.) All graphics pringboard Publisher is a coopera­ programming environment that makes it
can be scaled up or down to any percent­ tive, straightforward program that excels in easy for programmers to do exactly what
age from 1 to 200 co fie into a defined area creating attractive layouts quickly and eas­ they want-repeating commands or
on a layout. You can also crop imported im­ ily. And, if you have the time, you can fuss switching between editing and compiling,
ages. While Springboard does import color over detai ls, such as creating perfect char­ for example.
graphics, once it converts every nonwhite acter spacing or getting words to wrap as
pixel to black, few color images are usable. tightly as possible around graphics. If desk­ Basic Features and Performance
Springboard Publisher offers Mac­ top publi bing isn't the main part of your The three compilers share certain fea­
Draw and MacPaint-like tool for creating job, but you need to create snazzier pages tures and offer similar performance. For in ­
your own graphics within a layout. The than your word processor allows, Spring­
board Publisher is the package you need. (co minues)
- Cbe1J1! Spencer

See Where to Buy for contact information.

Macworld 16
Most presentation software seems to be for people Persuasion automatically formats your outline into pro­
with lots of time and a degr e in graphic design. But if fessional-looking slides or overheads,
ym 're like most business professionals, you proba­ ' using one of the program's pre-format­
bly have neithe r. ._ ted d signs or one of your own.
So we borrowed a page from our PageMaker® ......._..._.,, You can literally create and
experience, and deve loped a new technology for auto­ · ~, change a presentation as
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The technology is AutoTemplate'. M
The program is Aldus® Persuasion~ M And
it's the most streamlined way to create great
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If you want to embellish
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Using the AutoTemplate technology, all creative with text formats, styles,
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stance, all three are full implememations of Language Systems Fortran Language Systems has provided clear
Fortran-77, the standard for FORTRAN As of th is writing, o nly Language and co mple te documentation , which is de­
compilers. (I tested this by compiling some Systems Fortran runs with MPW (version signed to be used in conju nct ion with the
standard Fortran-77 programs o n each of 2.0.2), which gives it a clear advantage over MPW documentatio n.
them, and I did not encounter any prob­ the others. Because Language yste ms For­
lems.) All offer debugging facil ities, a link­ tran does not have its own stand-alone Mactran Plus
er to merge several modules into a single applicatio n, you must access its compiler Mactran Plus has features that set it
program, and vario us language extensions. from within MPW But MPW provides doz­ apart fro m the other compilers. First, it
On a Mac Plus with 1 megabyte of ens of programming too ls, wh ich makes it auto matically lists a program on the screen
RAM and an Apple Hard Disk 20, all three invaluable. as it compiles it, so you can see line con­
co mpilers were reasonably fast at compil­ Language Systems Fortran also use · taining e rrors when they are detected.
ing my programs. Mactran Plus took 18 sec­ rhe MPW editor, which is a standard Mac Since you can also suspe nd , resume, and
o nds to launch and compile 28 lines of cut-and-paste editor. It allows both edit ing stop prog ram compilatio n and execution at
fOlffRA code. Absoft's MacFortran too k and compilation windows to be open on any rime, you can correct the error imme­
just 14 seconds to do the sam e. The Lan­ the same desktop, allowing for eas) switch­ diately. Mactran Plus offers a symbolic de­
guage Systems compiler, w hich runs ·mder ing. LS Fortran has a sta ndard Mac Toolbox bugger that e nables you to set breakpo ints
the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop interface, as described in the several vol­ in a program, step through a program, ex­
(MPW), took a minute and a half; bur most umes of Inside Macintosh. Because the amine and modify variables, and o bserve
of the difference is due co the overhead of program runs under MP\'«, it allows fo r variables as they change. It also shows you
statement as they are be ing executed.
Mactran Plus has a built-in cut-and­
Fortra11 u11der MPW r • File Edit Find M11rk Window Dlrecto r;y Build paste editor, but using it is a bit cu mber­
Language Systems For­ h11rd disk:MPW:Worksheet some. After you compile or run a program,
tran enables you to NewFo I der narne._ • Ne.wFo I der name...
you have to select the Edit optio n from one
Open notne_ • Open r-n I -r) 1- U (names _ ]
edit your program Par ameters parameters_ • Pc:reu11eters l porome ter_ J > porome:ter-s of the me nus in order to return to editing.
Pas te /Re9Exp/ • Pas te 1-c coun tJ salec t i on (wi ndow)
using the editor witbin Pr i n t f l IL • Pr i nt lopt ion... J (f l le_ J < f ile ~ progress Mactran Plus removes the editing window
NlP\V. You type com­ Rep loc:e /RttgExp / s t ring • Rep l ace C-c c oun tJ se l ec ti on r ep lwin®..1 1
Save • I ndo.,_ • Save I -a I wI ndOUl.- 1 from the screen auto matically after you
mands for compila­ Search Re9Exp f i le... • Sear ch ! opti on... I pa l l ern !f l l e.• J < f l l e > found
have used the editor, rega rdless of whe the r
Se t lnome lva luel J • Set (name Cvalue l J > vari ab lell s l tmIT1
tion and link ing in to Vo lumes volume_. • Volumes l-1 J l volume ... J > volume:L ls t IO or not you wish to close it-so you have to
tbe worksheet window, MPw sh. n to 1 11!!i'!!it11111111wrn~HiH:II:mmm:m:mm111111 m1um11m:1;rn:::::mrn::mmm1mm11mummmm:::;:m:::1::im:::mm1mc 12J
keep reselecting Edie.
and MPW executes herd dlsk:MPW:FEH11mples:Newton.f
Besides suppo rting the standard FOR­
them, saving tbe re­ ~ II
sults in tbe worksbeet
c This progrom so lves a se l ect i on of !unctions
vs I nQ Neu ton ' s me thod and demons l r o tes th• use
• I •• II ·I. TRAN-7 language , Mactran Plus offers
for reference. Since all
of pr oc:edura I par a11eter pass i ng . " I•
1 i l I
various language extensio ns, from the next
versio n of the Ame rican National Stand ards
c: Th is pr ogr am was adopted f l"'om a series of programs
command>are re­ c
I n lhe book : " FORTRAN Progr ams f or Sclen l ls l s and
Eng i neers " by Al an A. Ml Iler , Sybe x, 1982
Institute (A SI) FORTRAN standard and
tain ed in tbe work­ c from VAX FORTRAN. It offer several data
sbeet, commands nev­ pr0Qr01t Newl onSol ve
types, although not as man y as Language
er n eed to be retyped. IQI I L.;
Systems FORTRAN.
Mactran Plus is the only one of the
three compile rs ro offe r a simple toolbox
MPW However, the advantages of using easy linking with program modules writ­ interface, which DCM calls the High Level
MPW outweigh the increased time. ten in other languages, such as C and Pa ­ Toolbox Interface. Using the commands in
sing the Sieve of Eratost he nes cal. One serious d isadvantage of LS Fo rtran this inte rface, I was able to program a sim­
benchmark, a program that calculates is that it lacks a symbolic debugger and re­ ple figure-drawing prog ram , complete with
prime numbe rs, I ran a program to deter­ lies instead on the low-level debugging fa. menus, in less than an ho ur. This inte rface
mine all the prime number lower than cilities offered by the MacsBug debugge r is fairly complete and is easier ro program
30,000. Mactran Plus took 6 seconds, Mac­ underMPW than the Apple Toolbox (also offered by
Fortran took 5 seconds, and Language Sys­ Language Systems Fortran offe rs a Mac tran Plus).
te ms Fortran locked in at 2 seconds. number of extensions to the standard For­ Mactran Plus offers a batch mode, in
Thus, run times are likely to be ro ughly tran-77 language, many of them based o n which complex sequences of program
comparable. FORTRAN o n the DEC VAX-convenient compilations, module linkages, and pro­
Finally, all three compile rs can create for the many scientists and e ngineers who gram executions can be writte n in a com­
68020 code for the Mac II (although from use the VAX. The program also offers a mand (batd1 ) fi le, which can the n be run .
Absoft, you get this suppo rt on ly if you buy large variety of data types. And for people This allows the user to avoid repeating
the MacFortran/020 compiler); and all who write large programs that exceed the complex sequences of commands.
three also offer support for the 68881, the available me mo ry in the machine, LS For­
Mac Ir's math coprocessor. tran offers segmentation. This enables you (co111i1111es)
to divide your program into segments that
are loaded into memo ry separately on

170 March 1989

·ac perform
ever you do. In color
,hies. In true color.
.e. In business. Or in
d SuperMac to.your reper­
create some classics of
·:able now at authorized
e dealers nationwide.

Mactran Plus has easy-to-read docu­ variety of formats: imported Pl CT, PICT2,
mentation, divided into a users' guide,
describing how to use the system, and a
Standout 1.0
EPS, TIFF (essential if you are planning to
use scanned images), or RIFF graphics can
language guide, describing features of be cropped, rescaled, and superimposed.
the language. Desktop presentation program. Pros: In ­ Charts and tables are integ ral to any
cludes sty lesbeets and templates; advanced text presentation. StandOut cannot boast the
MacFortran features. Cons: No readily available way to gen ­ chart-hand ling capabilities of a dedicated
Absofc was involved in Microsoft For­ emte slides. Compmiy: Letraset USA. List price: chart designer; however, its pie, scatter,
tran's development, so it is not surprising $395. Requires: I WB. line column, and bar chart capabilities can
that Absoft's Macfortran is similar to probably take care of most of your charting
Microsoft Fortran, the first FORTRAN avail­ needs. Using the Clipboard, you can im­
able for the Mac. Microsoft Fortran had sev­ Previously released as Ready­ port portions of Microsoft Excel spread­
eral deficiencies, and these have not been SetShow, Standout is a presenta­ sheets as chartable data or as tabular
remedied in Macfortran. tion program that e mploys the material.
MacFortran does not have a built-in gridwork layout approach of ReadySetGo, For flow chart diagrams, Standout
editor, relying instead on the Apple-sup­ the layout program also written by Manhat­ adds a triangle, a diamond, and a parallelo·
plied Edit program. This means you fre­ tan Graphics and so ld by Letraset. Stand­ gram to the standard line, rectangle, and
quently have to switch between Mac­ Out's design grids enable you to rough out ellipse objects. To facilitate the positioning
Fortran and Edit during the program­ a slide design quickly-before using de­ of text and graphics, tandOut provides auto­
development process. For efficient use of tailed style sheets, templates, and other matic text runaround. Drop-shadow effects;
MacFortran, you need to load both Mac­ convenie nt design aids-to ens ure an ac­ customized arrowheads; and automatic
Fortran and Edit into MultiFinder, and use curate, consistent presentation. frame , leader, and trailer callouts are also
Multifinder to switch between them. included. Other programs can emulate
MacFortran has the ability to load . From Grids to Style Sheets these options, but having them directly
modules that have not been explicitly You place elements common to all available speeds up the de ign process
linked into a program, as the program exe­ slides on a Master Slide. You can design considerably.
cutes. Like Mactran Plus, it enables you to each slide individually or recall previously You can attach color to backgrounds,
execute batch command files, called saved slide designs from a scrollable tem­ text, and object outlines and fills. Though
scripts, in MacFortran. Like its two compet­ plate field contai ning black-and-white de­ StandOut's pull-down color me nu is lim­
itors, it can also call the Mac Toolbox. sign miniatures (see "Design Templates"). ited to 9 colors, users with full color capa­
MacFortran has a symbolic debugger, Style shee ts let you specify font ize, style, bility can acce s a unique tandOut 256­
so you can single-step through a program, and alignment; word and paragraph spac­ color scroll bar or choose a custom color
set breakpoints, and examine and set pro­ ing; leading; indents; and color designa­ from Apple's 16-million-plus color palette
gram variables. tions. And although slide shows usually (see "Style and Color").
MacFortran's documentation is gener­ contain only a few words, tandOut's spell­
ally well-written, but several sections of it ing checker and glossary come in handy. From Slide to Show
seem haphazardly appended. You can arrange your completed slides
Text, Charts, and Pictures by dragging miniature images of them into
Comparison You can fine-tune text blocks with proper sequence. StandOut will use the
MacFortran has no clear advantages StandOut's precise kerning, tracking, and slide designs to generate speaker's notes
over its two competitors, and its lack of control over superscripts and subscripts, as and audience handouts. Each speaker's
built-in editing is a clear disadvantage. well as its text- and format-sens itive find­
Although it's adequate, it ranks as my and-replace capability. tandOut accepts a (continues)
third choice.
Mactran Plus, with its ability to create
Style and Color
Mac-style applications easily, without a de­
Pictured on top ofone
tailed knowledge of the Toolbox, is the best
qf StandOut'.s slide
bet for the FORTRAN programmer who
screens is StandOut'.s
wants to explore programming for the
style selector and its
Mac without ex1Jloring the intricacies of
unique Color Selec101:
Inside Macintosh or learning the MPW
Right now, Language Systems offers
the most complete FORTRAN on the
market-Matt Zeidenberg

See Where to Buy for contact information.

:mr.:1 L~ ·•


.;..'TD":11T.Do• '=-­
...~ ~­ ~·;

172 March 1989

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h ll . . . .
·o-p r :'
,.,... ,~l l ,_1
tional effects (for example, Wipe Right, The Brother's Keeper
Venetian Blind, Random). To plug in the Mac, it turns out, you
StandOut comes with a user manual , need a $100 Macintosh conversion kit ,
tucorial, quick-reference guide, and design which includes an adapte r cable and a soft­
guide. A user manual supplement elabo­ ware printer driver called the MacDriver.
rates on color options and keyboard slide­ The MacDriver, however, contains no
show control. driver for che Hl-8. le includes on ly drivers
for the company's dot matrix and daisy
StandOut Outstanding wheel printers. Brocher says chat one of
Standout brings sophisticated desk­ these drivers-the one for the Brother
top publishing featu res, such as kerning, TwinRiter-works with the HL-8. Usi ng the
tracking, and style sheets, to deskcop pre­ buttons on the HL-8's front panel, you si m­
Design Templates
sentation. Though che program's interface ply set it to TwinRiter e mulation mode.
Double-clicking on a design miniature imrne­
is not cleanly developed, and not e nough Now the shock: the HL-8 with the Mac­
diate{y transfers its design elements to tbe slide.
attention has been given to ScandOut's au­ Driver provides only three fonts , one of
You can add, delete, or reposition text and object
tomatic slide-show capability, if you have a which is inacce ·sible to the Mac. The HL-8
blocks. You can also name and add new designs
good sense of design and a reliable slide­ can't print any normal Macintosh laser
to tbe template.
generating source you can count on Stand­ fonts , and you can't download any new
Out fo r outstanding desktop presenta­ ones. Of the two usable fonts, one, called
tions. -}oost Romeu Compressed, resembles the Mac's Monaco
note contai ns a single black-and-white re­ font, and comes only in one size (8-point).
duced slide image and room to append re­ See Where to Buy for contac t information. The other, available in a 10-point (Elite)
lated text or graphics. All of Standout's and a 12-point (Pica) size, resembles the
graphics and text tools are ava ilable, so Mac's Courier. Neither font i · available in
pages can be as elaborate as you like. any other point ize. The third built-i n font,
Audience handouts consisting of only Desktop Printer Anelia, which looks like the Mac's Times
two, four, or eight slide reductions ar­ font , has no corresponding screen font ,
ranged on a page are disappointing. The and Printer Driver making it theoretically inaccessible to
best way to make handouts is to recopy the the Mac. The Hl-8 fonts do not suppo rt
slide-show file and tailor-make a set of Option-key characters uch as copyright,
Brother HL-8 Desktop Laser Printer.

"speaker's notes" for distribution. trademark, or diacricical marks. These lim­

Pros: Fast printing of text- 011~1· documents.

A much more serious concern , how­ itations reveal the I-1L-8's Brocher ancestry:
Cons: Has only tbree fonts, in one size eacb;

ever, is how to produce slides or transpar­ even with the MacDriver, it's no more flex­
does not support PostScript, AppleTalk, down­

encies once your presentation has been de­ ible than an electric typewriter.
loadable fonts; extremely convoluted

signed. Rather than limic ScandOut's oucpuc Since the Hl-8 is a non-PostScript
installation, wiring, and inte1face; bewildering

co a parcicular slide-generacing service cen­ printer, it won't print from programs

manual. Company: Brotber In ternational.

ter, Manhattan Graphics opted for an out­ like Illustrator and FreeHand. With the
Listprice: $2895. Requires: 512KE.

put format it believed would work with MacDriver, the Hl-8 is limited to printing
masc graphics applications and deskcop Printworksfor the Mac/Laser Version.
72-dpi bitmapped graphics, even from
film primers-the PICT/PICT2 fo rmat. Pros: Wakes otherwise incompatible printers
object-orie nted (MacDraw-type) programs,
work witb tbe Mac; installs a useful page-preview
alt hough the HL-8 is capable of 300 dpi.
Does Standout Stand Out? into all applications. Cons: Somewbat conjusing
And the MacDriver software, unlike the
ScandOut compares favorably with installation. Company: Pboenix Tecbnologiesl
LaserWriter driver, has no smoothing
other desktop presentation programs. Softstyle Products. Listprice: $145.
routines to soften the jaggies of72-dpi
However, its slightly cumbersome user in­ Requires: 512K.
terface (which requires you to return to
the menu and toolbox too frequently) and Enter the Hero
its disconcerting horizontal cop-of-the­ You will be amazed by the HL-8 Evencually, a technician ac Brocher ad­
screen toolbox slow down operations laser printe r from Brother Interna­ mitted to me that the Brother MacDriver
unnecessarily. tional, the veteran printer manu­ kit isn't very useful. He recommended the
Today's presentations depend on facturer. Amazed, that is, that Brother is $145 Princworks for the Mac/Laser Version
transparencies and slides created at a ser­ marketing ic as a Macintosh printer. instead, a software and cable package from
vice center. But desktop presentations of When you unpack the HL-8, you will Phoenix/Softstyle.
the future will probably choreograph and notice that it doesn't have a port to plug in Printworks is the closest thing to a
display presentations e nti rely from the an AppleTalk or Mac printer cable . This hero in this story. With this special printer
computer screen. StandOut has not been discovery is only the first of many unpleas­ driver, you can trick the HL-8 into thinking
opcimi zed for scand-alone operation. Jn ant surprises. that it's a Hewlen-Packard Laserjec printer,
Slide Show mode, StandOut limits you to eliminating some of the MacDriver's limita­
manual (mouse-dick) slide-swicchi~g or tions. For example, with Printworks the
fixed interval aucoswitching, in e ither case Hl-8 can print MacDraw graphics at fu ll
e mploying only one of its fourteen transi­

174 March 1989

For popular color and grayscale
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The f-IL -8 laser printer has seve ral attractive t()ntS( in mo re than
.fi·om Brother Interna­ one point size, of course) and the potential
tio na l is 17.9 inc/Jes for adding more. For $700 less you could
wide, 19 inc/Jes lollR, buv a Pe rsonal Laser Printer Plus from GCC
and9. 1 incbes tall. Techno logies, which offers 13 font fa milies
and the capacity for more font s as they be­
come ava il able. Roth the LaserWriter SC
and the PLP Plus are designed to r the Mac
and are easy to operate.
l f vou have an IBM and a Mac th at
need to share a printer- precisely the mar­
ket niche the HL-8 purports co fill - here's
another idea. Instead of buying an HL-8
and using its HP Lase1:Jet emulation mode,
simpl y buy a LaserJet and pocket the $200
you'll save. Not only will Print works still
work its magic, but you'll have one less
300-dpi resolutio n. With Printwork s you But there's yet anoth er complication : conversi on to make on the road ro Mac
can al so print Option-key characters. And since Print work s treats the HL-8 as an HP compatibility.
Printworks helps to ove rcome the biggest Lase1:Jet, the printer fonts listed in the Font Does the HL-8 have any good fea­
drawback of the 1-n.-8-its lack of different Adjustment DA are all Lase1jet foms, not tures? One: it prints tex t much faster than
fonts and sizes-by letting you print bit­ l-U,-8 fonts. What Mac owners know as Postscript printers. Thar's because Post­
mapped (low resolution) versi ons of any Times and HL-8 call s Anelia, Printwo rks script printers store each character as a
Mac screen fonts, much as the Apple Image­ call s Roman-8. You have to use trial and er­ hollow outline, so that tex t can be resized,
Writer does. Furth ermore, Printworks, like ror to figure out w hich fonts are which, and reshaped, or shaded. The HL-8's fonts
the ImageWriter, w ill search your system which Mac screen foms you should map aren't outline fonts; instead, it stores each
fo r a scree n font twice the size of the one them to. But even when you've chosen character as a solid shape of fixed si ze, like
you're trying to print; if the double-size a Mac font to he the screen stand-in for a charac ter on a daisy wheel printer. Unlike
font is installed, Printworks w ill reduce it Anelia, vou're in fo r another headache: the its Postscript rivals, the l-IL-8 ha :> no calcu­
by 50 percent, doubling the resolution of printout doesn't match the formatting lating to do to print tex t; it simply pops
the printed text. shown on the screen, since the Mac display each memori zed character"irnage onto the
The Printworks package also gives shows one to nt and prints another. page-a very quick process. If the HL-8
you access to the HL-8's third built-in font, were n't so expensive, it might merit con­
Anelia. Printworks has a desk accessory Oh, Brother sideration as a lightning-fa st, text-only
cal led Font Adjustment, w hich lets you map If all this sound s confusing, l'll trans­ business printer.
any Mac screen font co one o f th e three late: For the 2895 you'd pay for an HL-8, The l-IL-8 has one fundamental prob­
printer fonts. you could buy a LaserWriter IISC, which lem: even with the excel lent Printworks
driver, it betrays all of the Mac's standards
Tb,.ee-Font Monte of simplicity and ease of use. Getting the
71Je HL -8 is extre111ez1• l-IL-8 to work with the Mac is an inexcusa­
The Brother HL-8 offers three fonts: Anelia, bly technical, convoluted process. And you
fast ifyou prilll text
onz1•Cllld use o n e ofits Pica/Elite, which resembles the won't get any help from the poorl y trans­
tbree builr-info nts. In lated manual. Try, for example, to wade
tbe Pica!l:'lite sty le, the Mac's Courier font, through this grammatica l morass: " lf the
capitals are s/Jorter and Compressed, an 8 - point font. printer have different point size fonts
1ba11 tall lowercase let­ w hich have the same character pitch, in
ters, as you can see in this case this command mav be useful even
This example took 17 seconds to print. for fi xed pitch font." ­
tbe word Elite. 'f'lJe
f>alatino example Really, though, your understanding of
was created by / 1ri11t­ the manual is irrelevant, since the manual
worksfro111 tbe il1 ­ doesn't even mention the Macintosh. Th at's
stalled 24-jJoint screen
With Printworks, the HL-8 can print bitmapped versions because the l-IL-8 is not, in fac t , a Macin­
/ 0 111. Print u•orhs a lso of Mac screen fon1S . This is Times 12 point. tosh printer. It is an IBM printer. It may
bas a n optio n to 11se a even be a good IBM printer. But Brother
scree11fo11tfour ti111es This is 12-point Palatino, which looks better fools nobody- or so I fervently hope-in
larger tbm1 tbe !ext on claiming that the HL-8 is equally at home
becausePrintworks is scaling 24-point with the Macintos h. -Da uid Pogue
!be screen -48-p oint
in tbis ca se-1b11s cre­ Palatino for resolution that's twice as good.
ating ei:en ji1 w r See Where to B uy for contac t information.
resolutio n. This example took over three minutes to print.

176 March 1989

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0 [Node 220] C01ifig11rations

Gate.,..a g ···-·······················-···--······················---···-··-··--··---······--···-·---"···--··-········· : Co nfi gu ration··-·-···:
f estPet h"' Serial Numbe r : 42949 0 7647 PROM Versi on : 3. 1
71Je selected FastPat/J
(11ode 220) was fast
Currentl y Do\\lnloooed file: None K-ST AR
Lest Confi gurati on Date : Tue Oc t I I , 1988 08 :50 :25 ' ' c01~figured o n Octo ­
Gatewayfor connecting LocalTa/k LANs Cur r ent Config uratio n Fi l e: None ![K- STAR Data...) I
'·····-················--····-·························-·······-····-·"··--·················································-·-············•·'-·······-···' ·-····-····················-····---········'
ber 11, 1988, and
and Ethernet networks. Pros: Autocon­ served as a l.oca!Tafk ­
r··· LocalTalk Si de ···················································--·--····-··········-···········"t·-··-· ......., ,...s.,..itches· .
fig ure option .for App leTa!k-on(v networks; K-Star ! AppleTalk Zone Name L£& 111 0 fl u1 o Con fi f) I Etbernet gateway. The
simplifies 'f'CPIIP configurations; dynamic as­ l /\ppleTel k Net Number ~ i !D Remote Boot i AppleTafk z o ne n a m e
signm ent ofIP a ddresses p ossible:tJateway can · Apple Tel k Node N•i mber 220

................................. .! 1uas tbe foccil (u n de ­

be configured fro m eitber Loca fla!k or Etbem et Log.. . ji11ed) zone n a m e,
Ethernet Side ····················;:::=======:::.::===~·;
side. Cons: Manua l doesn 't offer enougb exam ­ Appl eTelk Zo ne Name . f-l±__--~--------' [ Option s... ) a11d tbe n et 11w11ber
ples of IP a ddressing Company: Kinetics. Appl eTel k Net Number . @..___J was 0. Selecting tbe
Ethernet Add ress 080089A004 16 [ Re set )
Listprice : $2 795. Requires: Ma c 512KE; K-Star Data /m110 11
AppleTel k Node Number I SO
Loca!Ta fk and Etbernet cabling [ Re sta rt J leads 10 a11otber
Help .......................................................................................,•....................,................................0••••••. ,

Mei n dialog box . This i s t he basi c co nfiguratio n date for the f est Peth [ Go ) screen tbat includes
\\/ hose name ap pears in the titl e bar of t he "1indo\\I. To change t he info r111crtio11 on IP
name , use the ""Name ..: · option under the Gate\\ley menu. [ Pause J
, , The FastPat h gateway fo r connec- nets a11d s11/J11ets.
V-~ ting AppleTalk Loca l Area Net­
' : works (LANs) and Ethe rnet ne t­
works was the first pro duc t offe red by AppleTalk netwo rk, much like othe r de­ Ring Out the Old
Kine tics. Since then the marker has ma­ vices that use the AppleTalk protocols. The FastPath Manage r II software re­
tured, and so has the FastPath line. The lat­ However, you can use the new soft wa re, tains the capabilities of its predecessor, but
est model, FastPath 4, adds featu res that FastPath Manager II, co specify some of features a re desig ned configuratio n win­
make it easier to set up links between FastPath's panrme ters, such as ne t names o r dow. A Help area has been added to pro­
AppleTalk LANs and links to networks net numbers, if you wish to reco nfigure vide info rmatio n about any of the o ptio ns
based on Transmissio n Control Pro tocol/ your existing AppleTalk netwo rk layout. shown in the co nfig uratio n window. The
Inte rne t Prmocols (TCP/IP). Also, you may config ure FastJ>ath 4 th rough Help window conte nts change according co
e ithe r the LocalTalk o r the Etherne t con­ the field or button that you access (see
Looks Aren't Deceiving nec tio n; you could configure prio r mo de ls "Configuratio ns").
The re are two no ticeable hardware o nly through LocalTalk. Kinetics has also clo ne a good job of
d iffe re nces be twee n FasrPath 4 and prio r FastPath Manager II really shines improving the FastPath manual. lt now con­
models. First, FasrPath 4 now has from­ whe n it comes to co nfiguring FastPach 4 for tains all the informatio n you neecl ro set up
panel lights that show power on/off, data in use with TCP/IP ne tworks. Because IP ad­ FastPath , w he ther it's fo r an AppleTalk-only
transmission, and daca received. That im­ dresses are static, you usually must selec t network o r a TCP/IP ne t. The o nl y useful
mediately resolves o ne proble m I had with an appro priate IP address fo r e ach device. item that's missing fro m the manual is the
the o lde r mo dels: l couldn't easily tell ifthe The re is a somewhat complex se t of rules JP subne tting worksheet, w hich used to be
unit was wrned on. The second improve­ for assig ning IP addresses according to included in the FastPath Documentatio n
me nt is built-in suppo rt for bo th thin-wire nets and subnets, each of which de te r­ Adde ndum that shipped with versio n 3.0 of
and thick-wire Ethe rnet. In the past, you mines which dev ices can talk to o ne FastPath Manager.
had to buy a diffe re nt model for each clit~ anothe r. To simplify the assignme nt of FastPath 4 isn't any fas te r than its pre­
fe re nt cabling sche me. these addresses, Kine tics includes address­ decessors in serving as a gateway be tween
The re are many othe r changes to the management software ca lled K-Star. With LocalTalk and Ethernet. The major advan­
inte rnal hardware . The most sig nificant is K-Star loaded on FastPath 4, users do n't tages of the new model are its aurocon­
additio nal RAM (256K, expa ndable to have co worry about assig ning an IJ> ad­ figuration fo r AppleTalk-o nly nets, the in­
512K), w hich allows you co take g reater ad­ dress to their Macs; K-Star does it novative K-Star soft ware for dealing with
va mage of some of the new software that dvnamicallv. TCP/IP nets, and the combination of both
Kine tics provides with the unit. · Whe n ·an AppleTalk device o n a Local­ thin-wire and thick-wire connectio ns in
Talk network sends infor mation through a o ne model. Whe the r you inte nd to use
Simple Links FasrPath gateway configured for IP, the Fast­ FastPath 4 with Ethe rne t to extend and link
Accompanying firm ware allows you to Path can encapsulate the AppleTalk packe t LocalTalk LA s, or to use it to link Macin ­
all[o matically set up FastPath as a gateway in an IP packet. With this kind of suppo rt, toshes to a host computer ove r a TC P/IP
between a LocalTalk net and an Ethe rne t you can use FastPaths o n a complex IP net­ ne t, FastPath 4 is designed to make your
ne twork witho ut specifying any parame­ work (one that includes bridges, fo r exam­ job easie r. And it achieves that goal.
te rs. Once you make the connectio n, Fast­ ple) to connect two or mo re LocalTalk - Dave Kosiur
Path dynamically configures itself to the LA Ns. ln addition, FastPath 4 can route
AppleTa lk packe ts and TCP/IP packe ts See \'(!her e to Buy fo r contact info rmatio n.
simultaneously o n the network.

Macworld 179
If you're concerned

that $499 is too little to pay for the new

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we'll give you 30 Qays

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The Ehman 32 MB Hard Drive

is vivid proof that you don't always get
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actually significantly less than the leading
20 MB drives on the market. But please
don't judge us by our price.
True value is based on perform­
ance and price, and the Ehman drive
really hums. Its access speed of 23 milli­
seconds is almost three times faster than
some competitive offerings. And while it
includes all the usual utility software and
necessary cables, it may be what's not
included that you'll appreciate the most. ..
noise. In fact the Ehman drive provides
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You may be wondering how we
can provide so much for so little. The sim­
ple answer is excellent engineering and an
obsession with efficiency. Ehman has
been a leading OEM manufacturer of
Macintosh peripherals since 1985. We
know how to design better Macintosh
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and the margins thin so we can provide
our customers with the very best values.
In case you're still not convinced
we 'II give you 30 days to return your pur­
chase with no questions asked. In addi­
tion we back our products with a two-year
warranty, compared to as little
as 90 days for same manu­
facturers. Ehman drives are
compatible with the Mac Plus;·
Mac SE;· and the Mac II'" and
come in a variety of sizes. So call
1-800-257-1666 today for the best

Ehman Engineering, Inc. value in Macintosh peripherals.

PeriP-herals Designed for Value All product n:imes mentioned are trademarb or !heir respective holdcD.

Circle 452 on rea der service card


dress book can consist of a single individ­ o rder to read it-after all , electronic stor­
ual's fax pho ne numbe rs and distribution age of faxes is o ne of the reasons I con­
lists composed of groups of these num­ nected my Mac co a fax mo dem in the
be rs. You can create new address books first place.
Softwarefor sending and receiving and transfe r fax numbe rs bet ween any of Altho ugh I like dealing with faxes o n
facsimiles with the AppleFax Modem. your add ress books. my Mac's screen , you might want to use
Pros: Alfows background receipt and transm is­ BackFax's AutoPrint o ption in some situa­
sion. offacsimile.files, even witbout M11l1iFinder; Under Cover tio ns. With it you can automatically print
con verts fa csimile files 10 7/Fr; PIC7; MacPaint, BackFax offers the unique ability to any fax upon receipt Say you have one Mac
EPS, and Glue formats; supports user-defined make cover pages. You can use any Mac ap­ accing as che central fax machine, and you
cover pages. Cons: No zoom optionsfor viewing plicatio n co desig n a cover page, bearing in have to distribute hard copies of faxes to
ft1csim ilejiles; cannot a/l/om a tical~)' assign cou­ mind that the uppe rmost five inches of the your coworkers. Since a LaserWriter can
er pages. Company: Solutions in ternationa l. page will be used for ro uting info rmation. take fo ur to five minutes to print a si ng le
Listprice: $245. Requires: JMIJ: bu rd disk The n, theoretical ly, you select BackFax's fax page, you may be bette r off letting
recommended MailSaver icon fro m the Chooser and print BackFax auco matically print the faxes you
to BackFax with the Make Cove r Page op­ receive overnight for distribution in
tio n selec ted. However, BackFax fai led to the mo rning.
It seemed on ly natural that sotne­ recognize the cover pages l created until I
one would eventually offer sofc­ used ResEdit to change thei r file rype to Solving Apple's Problems
ware to compe nsate fo r the short­ match that of Back.Fax's cover page exam­ As its name implies, BackFax enables
comings of the AppleFax Modem (see ple . Unfort unately, you can't specify part ic­ you to use your AppleFax Mo dem in the
Macworld 's ] anuary issue). Solucions lnter­ ular cover pages for fax numbe rs in your background on any Mac with at least 1
national has done just that wich its Back.Fax address book, which would be a real megabyte of RAM , w hecher or not you're
software. If you have an AppleFax Modem time -saver. running Multi Finder. Back.Fax will briefly
and are dissat isfied with Apple's soft ware, BackFax makes good use of file trans­ display a dialog box w hen you're in an­
BackFax shou ld relieve most of your latio ns. You can tran slate any fax fi le into other application, inform ing you if you've
disconte nt. a MacPaint-, PJCT-, TIFF-, EPS-, o r Glue­ received a fa.-x or a Mac file; at least you'll
formatte d fi le , o r vice versa, within Back­ no lo nger need to dedicate a Mac to o nly
Boxes, Cabinets, and Books Fax. This allows you to use fax fil es as send ing and receiving faxes.
The main Back.Fax window includes g raphics , although you'll always be limited Just as important, you can use Back.Fax
icons for In and Ouc boxes, In and Out file to the maximum 200-dot-per- inch (clpi) co set up address books and reschedule fax
cabinets, address books, and cover sheers. resolutio n of faxes . transmissio ns witho ut be ing connected to
Clicking on any icon o pe ns a window that Reg rettably, BackFax lacks any zoom the Apple Fax Mode m. I found Apple's insis­
displays the conte nts of pe rtine nt fi les; optio ns fo r viewing fax docume nts on the tence that , in o rde r to use its software, the
clicking o n the Out fi le cabinet, fo r exam­ screen. Faxes viewed at the standard Mac's fax modem be powere d o n and connected
ple, displays a window containing a list of 72 -dpi resolution are often illegible ; if you to vour Mac, to be a nuisance.
Sent Messages (see "Central Cont rol"). simply want to re ad a fax o n your Mac with · Fi nally, BackFax resolves AppleFax's
BackFax le ts you maintain multiple ad­ BackFax, you may be om of luck. I do n't inability to maintain the pro per dimen­
dress books anywhe re o n your disk. An ad­ want to be fo rced to print a copy of a fax in sio ns of text or graphics objeccs in a fax .
Fo r CA D/CAM drawings, this could be
fatal. BackFax includes an Exact Size op­
Central Control ' s File Edit FaH Ulew Windows log
tio n to r viewing and printing faxes that
Clicking on tbe Out BockfRH Sent Messa es
NotCol'IM'CtPd Send Cop ... Res end •.• prope rly maps the fax's pixels to either the
file-cabin et icon dis­
tl.Q!M To Time Sent Poges screen o r the prime r. Be wary of using
plays tbe Sell/ Messages D Send fox t est dr ow ... BrHo Meng 1:46 PM. 10/6/88 ·3
Back.Fax's Best Resolution o ptio n, wh ich
window, wbicb shows O Receive fox t es t drow! ... Brrto Meng 12:59 PM, I 0/6/BB 3
sompl e f ox doc . Brfto Meng 11 :32 AM. I 0/6/BB 3 maps each fax pixel to a Lase rWriter pi xel,
a list ofa l/faxes that Unti tl ed- I Brito Meng 11' 46 PM, 9/26/BB
since it prints a two-thirds-size image.
baue been se111, a long
Back.Fax software is a welco me acid-o n
witb dates and times.
Sample Full1Mite Doc (AppleFax) for B,.
for more efficient use of your AppleFax Mo­
Double-clicking tbe
11 dem. However, since the purchase ofBack­
third en11:y in tbe Sent Jazz Instrumentation Fax brings the cost of a fax modem system
Messages window
(without scan ne r) co about $1000, I find ic
(titled "sample fax
difficult to recommend this software if
doc . .. ")opens a win­
you're shopping for a fax syste m for the
dow with cm ilnage of
first time.-Dave Kosiur
tbeactual document
(in Ibis case, tbe front
See Where to Buy fo r contact info rmatio n.
window, labeled
"sample Jax doc
(fw)-JA ").

Macworld 181
This is not just another display clone. It's CRT for superb resolution, and a glossy CRT
the new Magnavox Analog Color (MAC) face for crystal clear images. Graphics and
display, specifically designed and engineered text on the MAC display shine at their best.
to compliment the Macintosh II system. The integrated tilt-base provides the ultimate
When we decided to develop a display in user comfort.
exclusively for the Macintosh II, we started Additionally we offer a solid, two-year
with two objectives: Make it work better, and warranty instead 9f the usual 90 days. And
make it cost less. the $699 retail makes this a great value.
Our 14" MAC display appeals to even Designing a superior display for the
the most discriminating user. It's equipped Macintosh II system was smart. Offering it for
with our new proprietary 0.29mm dot pitch $300 less, that's very smart.

Apple Madntosh II ls a registered tradema rk or Apple Comptller. Inc.
© 1988 Phillps Consumer Eleccroni~s Company
A Division or No rlh Amctican Phillps Corporation
Smart.\€ry smart.

There are several mazes to complicate

Animated things-Roger must be guided through a
tangle of poisonous roots in one maze and
Adventure Games negotiate pitch-dark tunnels and ladders
in another-but experi enced gamesters
should encounter minimal difficulty along
Space Quest II: Vobaul's Revenge 1.50.
the way. As in the o riginal game, Space
Pros: Excellent a ni111ation directed by pft()'er
Quest II succeeds w ith the humor of its
input: cleuer()' scripted with 111atu re b1111101:
animatio n and scripting.
Cons: Graphics c01~(11sing wbe11 uiewed in
black and uibite. Company: Sierra On-Une.
Listprice: $49.95. Requires: 5 12K.
Law Enforcement by the Book
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the D eath Police Quest

Police Quest: In Pursuit oftbe Deatb Angel utilizes the same interactive an ima­ A park scene. Jv u must follow real p olice metb­
Angel 1.50. Pros: f:.)·cellem animation tion as Sierra's other games, but represents od~.- improper arrest procedures can !-{el you

directed by p!a)ler i11p11t; cleuer()' scripted with a departure from fantasy. Your input directs killed.

ma ture b11mo1: Cons: Bombed during gam e. street police officer Sonny Bonds (who
Company: Sierra On -Line. List price: $49.9 5. moves remarkably like Roger Wilco)
Requires: 512K. through a rea listic routine of briefings, the courthouse and the jail. You experi ­
duty shifts, and offduty ca maraderie- he ence the boredom of uneventful pat rol
even applies for promotion. The goal of the time. You catch a speeder and write a ticket
-¢- Atfr Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, game is Lo have Sonny be successful as a ( actually, you type "give ticket to driver" ).
~(:- and Po lice Quest: In Pursuit of the patrolman , earn promot ion to detective, You even arrest a drunk driver and take
~ Death Angel are virtually guaran­ then bring a notori ous drug dea ler to jus­ him to jail for book ing. In anoth er case,
~· teed to please color-crazed Mac II tice. Codeveloped by a former police offi ­ you have to deal w ith warrants and court
{Ll;r users. But for those w ho make cer, Police Quest requires Sonny to follow appearances.
lJ their quests in black and w hite on actual police procedures (from perform ing If you fol lmv the procedures and per­
a 512K, Plus, or SE, these animated games a walk-around inspection of his patro l car form well on traffic patrol, you'll ea rn Son­
may seem less inviting. to reading his arrestees their Miranda ny"s promotion to detective and be able to
rights). You must study an abbreviated bur proceed to the next part of the game-a
Laughing at Danger realistic police manual that contains vir­ disappointingly straightforward encounter
Space Quest 11 continues the adven­ tually ever ything you need to know to \vi n (feaw ring a bit of poker playing) \V ith a
tures of space janitor Roger \Xlilco, the the game. drug-dealing murderer. nfo rtunately, Po­
amusingly animated hero of Space Quest: Once Officer Sonny enters his police lice Quest plays like a long version of a rou ­
The Sarien Encounter. Once again, there is cruiser, the computer displays an overh ead tine T V cop show, and you ca n't lose if you
much to enjoy in walking hapless Roger view of the city of Ly tton. Cars on the just f()llow the manual. The game begs fo r
through a series of typica l adventure-game streets stop and go at traffic lights and a challenging mystery with red herrings,
puzzlements and Mr. Bill- like deaths. With sometimes break traffic laws. Yo u direct multiple suspec ts, and rea listic plot t wists.
either keyboard or mouse, you direct him the police ca r 's movement around rown,
through a 3-D ca rtoon universe-he walks obeying traffic rules, avoiding collisions, Haste Makes Waste
behind rocks and trees, up and clown and becoming familiar with the city's Regrettably, there were sig ns of haste
stairs, sometimes completely out of view. parks, hangouts, and official buildings, like in the creation of these Lwo games. Jf you
selec ted By Name from Po lice Quest's View
menu (handy if you "re stori ng lots of saved
Space Quest
games), the program bombed. As of this
Rop,er W'ilco continu es
wri ting this bug had been ll xecl, hut an­
bis space adl'e/1/ure in
ot her oversight may not have been. In
Space Qu est II fro111
Space Quest II , a yellow rope that stands
tbe space station. 'IZ>e
out on a gray rock in color looks like shad­
action 11/0l'es to ajll/t·
ow ing or textu re in black and white; w ith­
# e planet.
out color, the accompanying text descrip ­
tion is confusing. Attention to details like
this one is \Yhat l have come to expect
from Sierra On -Line's history of innovation
and quality.-Keitb McCandless

See Wlbe r e to Buy for contact info rm ation.

Macworld 183

s File Eclit Formulo Formot Doto Options

And not just on Excel

Mocro Winclow
Fill Down and MacDraw®II like we've shown
you here.
But on data bases like
FileMaker®II. Where a 1,500­
record sort that takes almost 2
minutes on a Mac SE is wrapped
up in less than 12 seconds with
the help of the Excelerator.
On word processors like
MacWrite®5.0.Where a 46-page
report is opened in less than 30
seconds instead of over 2 minutes.
Excel with Excel. It takes almost 17 seconds to fill this spreadsheet on the Mac SE.
Or less than 4 seconds with the Excelerator Xl 25 board. And on and on. Because
s File Ecllt Loyout nrronge Pen Font Size Style with an onboard math coprocessor,
~O Test clrowing - Loyer#I the Excelerator moves things
even faster. Up to 100 times faster
"'D on all those number crunching
0 jobs that make a Mac dawdle.
Or for that matter, you can
-i, access up to 8 megabytes of high
speed memory. In no time at all.
And with that, we're back
to our time-saving point.
The Excelerator XL25 is
just one of the new MacPower™
products from Irwin. Products
Be quicker on the draw. l'Ott can draw this on the Mac SE in about 42 seconds. that include high-performance
Or under 6 seconds with the Excelerator Xl 25 board. accelerators, flicker-free monitors
Enough of this dillydallying. and no-hassle tape backups.
If you're doing business with a From the people who already
Mac, you're spending time you don't have back up more people than anybody.
to spend. Any and all of which can make
Starting now, you can put a new you many times more productive.
fleet of power products from Irwin to To see for yourself, take a walk
work on your Mac. over to your local computer store.
And fly through all sorts of produc­ Or just call
tivity tasks like never before. 1-800-222-5871
If that's beginning to sound like for the name of the
blue sky, just take our Excelerator™ XL25 dealer nearest you.
board as hard and fast proof. So.What are
It drives a Mac SE up to eight full you waiting for?
times faster.
That's right. Faster than a Mac II.
Or faster than you can clap your hands. 11\WIRr

() }!)8!} /ntJin Jn tcrna tim1al Inc., :! IOI Com mmw.1ct1/llt II/HI.. l11m A rbor. Ml 4HIOfi. 1':.Xrrlrmtorm11/ Mt1d-bn ·r1w· lrwlt·nuuh· nf /nc·itt /11ti•nu1ti11m1f. hw.

Ma r/Jram Filr.M akl'ra1td A·far Writc arc rr~Utrrrd tmdemarks o/Cli1ris Cur(N1'1Jtion. Oth rr bm111/ 1H' pmd11( / mzmrs t1r,. trudruw,ks 11r r--rJ.:i.ilrreJ trad1'"'''' h of thrir " '.(fH'rlit•r• h11tdrn:

Circle 82 on reader service card


publi sher to exa mine the objec tive, targec glossar y, or project-management forms , or
DTP Advisor
audience, audience features , and strategies
behind the propo eel pro jec t. A section on
directly to tutorials on initial planning,
graphic design, page layout, typesetting
tactics offers useful hint · and tips o n bro­ particulars, an production, mechanicals, or
Desktop publisbit1g tutorial and project­ chures and flyers, newsletters, posters, cal­ printing processes. This nesting and inter­
ma11age ment HyperCarll stack. Pros: a
enda rs, and variety of other specific linking of information illustrates the pro ­
gram's excellent use of the HyperCard in­
E.xce/le111 resource for hegi1111ing electronic p11/J­ projec ts.
lisbers:p rojec1-111a11age111e111forms11sejitlfor Logging dates inco the Pro ject Sched­ terface as an instructional tool.
m ore experienced publisbers. Cons: Some sec­ ule Form is onlv half the bactle. As the ac­ J early all the illustrations on individ­
tio ns of tbe 1u1orial- 11 01ab~i · a 11die11ce cma~1 •sis companying tutorial points out, "A sche l­ ual card s are actuall y buttons that trigger
a11d creatil'e resource 111a 11ageme111- rel'eal a ute is only as good as your ability to meet animations or sounds, o r open w indows
socia l bias. Company: Bmderbuml Software. dead lines." Figuring the costs of even a that contain addi tional information. Many
List price: $79.95. Requires: JM/3. moderately complicated print projec t ca n print term s are technical conundrums to
be a headache, but the Project Estimate the newcomer, and the program thought­
Forms and Worksheets make it easier by fully sta rs each unfamiliar word . Clicking
/~ The dawn of desktop publishing itemizing and automat ica lly ca lculating in­ on starred words pops the glossar y defini­
~~ prom ised us that anyone \\' i ~h ac­ dividual coses. Form s for print bids and tion onto the screen.
~ cess ro the appropriate desktop free- lance assignments are also included. Many neophytes are intimidated by
publishing hardware and softwa re could You may need help when consulting schematics and mechanica ls, prepress rep­
take an initial idea and see it through to the w ith a printing house: the Typography resentat ions of final products that are inte·
printed page. It soon beca me apparent, gral elements of the publishing process.
however, that few new elec tronic pub­ DTP Advisor's tutorial on mechanical s is
lishers have much gr aphic design expe ri ­ particularly graceful and informat ive. And
ence, and almost none are privy to the fin ­ f'U~t OTf'/1-ff. t.-r:ffll'
"'" anyone putting out a first brochure o r
e-...1SehU _ _ __
er points of the printing process itself. DTP o.1v1p1.,. _ _ __
ll:• .. wu• - - - - -1 newsletter can benefit from the discussion
Advisor, an elega nt HyperCard sc::ick from ,.,
P 1p1 . _ _ - ­
C.\of"$.p or1t ­
on the advantages of one-, two-, three-, and

Br0derbund Software, attempts to fi ll

those gaps by serving as both a tutorial
for design and print production and as a

,, .. ~Is

,..,~. ----
0uU'4ttov...- - - _ _
~~:: ---

- four-column layouts.

Strong and Weak Points

project-management system for graphic Rt··~
k lbol"rr..I..,
The ·ections of the tutorial that focus
an s projects. tt"OIK
0.1i¥ '"1 0•t*
C...*-'.I Ntt...c: t-.. - - ­
on the technical aspects of publishing are
From the first control ca rd through the ......
Ml<l'IMll$' 11 ....Ir : -
Tirll __-_
-_-_ ­ --·-­
Othtrhltn.c t totu - - - - ­ far more informative and professional than
dozens of subsequent tutorial card s and Pnftt PR! Nl lt(; lfil l D -­ those that deal wich planning and person­
project-management forms , it is obvious Printing Specifications nel management. When exploring a poten­
that DTPAdv isor's designers have a strong Nouice publisbers ojien.fi11d it d[/.ficult 10 COii/ · tial audience, for instance, the new pub­
aesthetic sense and good fam iliarity with 1111111ica1e tbeir n eeds 10 a pri111i11g bo 11se. 7Z1e lisher is advised , "The male of the species
the subject matter. Unfort unately, invalu­ Printing Speqficatio11s Form co111ai11s e11 ou,~ b is a rather predictable creature. He still
able advice fo r the novice publisher is detailed i1!fo rma1ion to auoid botcbec/j obs wul tend s to respond to messages that appea l
sometimes offset by an editorial attitude redu ce cost Ol'ern111s. to his ego, his wa llet and his ca r." And , a
that some may find inappropri ate. few paragraphs lacer, DTP Advisor notes
that " When promoting o r marketing 10 a
Project-Management Forms Specifications Form and the Printing Speci­ business audience, it is impo rtant to know
The project-management forms that fi cat ions Form should rrove use ful. Both somet hing about that business or about
make up the backbone of the program are are detailed enough to help the publisher businesses in general."
linked to tutorial card s that illustrate­ and printer avoid cost ly misunderstandings When hiring illustrators, DTP Advisor
through text, images, and animation-the (see " Printing Specifications'"). Linked in­ grumbles, "Unfonunately, you wi ll have to
planning and design stages of a publishing format ion on typographical history, charac­ communicate verbally." And, w hen hiring
project. The tuto rial cards also give de­ teri stics, fa milies, and letter form parts is photog raphers, "Experience and ego usu­
tailed information on typog raphy, art pro ­ fasci nating. Complex printi ng cechniques ally determine the fee."
duction, and the actual printing process. -offset lithography, leuerpres. , ilk­ The author ·' opinions were no doubt
Advisor includes a full, easily accessible scr ening, and mulcicolor printing-are shaped by personal experience, but there
glossar y of technical term s as well as a als covered in depth. The HyperCarcl ani ­ is an ed itorial pomposit y in bl anket state­
database for sto ring info rmation on mation of a four-color sheetfecl press in ments such as these that undermi nes the
source ·, writers, artists, photographers, action is particularly >veil done. rea l value of the prog ram.
and printers.
Tutoria l cards supplementing che Proj ­ Tutor in a Stack (co111i1111es)
ec t Definition Form encourage the new The Program Menu ser ves as the
clearinghouse for information and form s
included in the tack. l:kmons lead to the

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© 1988 Bcrol USA, Br<ntwood, Tcnncsscc 37024 -2248

Circle 459 on reader service card


Press Time cedures ( including 3 user-defi ned exten­ between the mouse and the keyboard
Electronic publishing's great advan­ sions); 6 icons for object types; and 6 for when you are creating instructions that
tage is that individual users have the op­ logic forms. perto rm computations can be annoying.
portunity to maintain control over their For example, if you want to create a Fortunately, I was able to use CE Software's
publications and to bypass expensive type­ wi ndow in your program, you would first QuicKeys to create keyboard equivalents
setting and art production costs. But few click on the Window icon and a list ot"win ­ for frequently performed operations. An­
new publishers are satisfied w ith the fruits dow-related procedures appea rs. Selec ting ot her approach is to select the procedure
of their desktop labor. They need the kinds New Window from this list brings up a tem­ you want to repeat, copy and paste, and
of information offered in DTP Advisor. plate to r specifying the type of w indow you then edit the contents. You w ill also have
Priced somewhere between books on want to create (see " Procedu re Box "). The to cut and paste ro reorder any program
self-publishing and a private consu ltant, procedures available create objec ts, or per­ commands.
DTP Advisor reflects considerable exper­ form operations on objects, and appear in VI.P. lacks predefined constant names
tise and organizational skill . Iffledgling a flowchart format. for such things as w indow types, fonts,
electronic publishers are willing to over­ When you want to execute a proce­ standard dialog item · ( like controls), cur­
look its rhetoric, the program offers an ef­ dure conditionally, selec t the logic form if­ sors and patterns. Instead of descriptive
fective crash course in desktop publi h­ then-else, fill in the requested information, names, you need to remember that a stan­
ing.-Suzanne Stefan ac and place the icon in the appropriate dard document window w ith a zoom box
branch of rhe structure provided. is 7, a check-box control is 3, the New York
See Where to Buy for contact information. Defining objec ts is as eas~ as clicking font is 2, the watch cursor is 4, and so on.
on the appropriate Object Type icon and V l.P. provide · source-level debugging
answering the questions in the dialog box with an integrated debugger. You can set
that appears. breakpoints, step th rough you r program
V.I.P. 2.51 How Well Does It Fare?
one statement at a time, obse rve it, and al­
ter variable va lues. Again, because the de­
Unfortunately, V l.P.'s manual is little bugger did so much so well , I was unhappy
Graphic approach to program develop­ more than a reference and doesn't ade­ not ro find watchpoints implemented.
ment. Pros: Ee1sy to use; tbree user-defined quately explain the underl ying concepts of (Watchpoints are breakpoints that are only
toolbox extensions; point-and-click inle1face; programming or how the tools in V I.P. tie in effect if a specific condition exists- to r
Hypertext-like jlowcbarl enuironmenl. Cons: together. M.I.P.'s manual provides a good example, Break here if the linelength variable is
Poor p rinling i/1/e1fe1ce: docwnentCltio n wee1k on introduction and tutorial for V l.P, but less than 0.)
extensibilily; ce111no1 gen erate DAs: needs more should have included graphic displays of You can add procedures to V. I.P. in one
predefined cons/ClntS. Company: Mainstc~)" the Vl.P logic flow in addition to the text of the three user-defined icons available in
Listprice: $149 .95. Requires: 5 72 KE; JMB program listing. the toolbox. This is one of VI.P's stronge ' t
recommended. VI.P promotes icon-based, point-and ­ features, similar to the XCMDIXFC capa­
click programming and doe: it well. The bility in HyperCard . Unfortunately, the doc­
only time you need the keyboard is to fill umentation of this capabi lity is extremely
Vl.P. (Visual Interactive Program­ in values. But I was disappointed that there sparse, w ith no good example-it exists
ming) offers a graphic approach to are no keyboard alternatives for the point­ only as a brief appen lix. Further, the 2.5
Macintosh software development. and-click operations. Constantl y moving addendum manual states that the format
Its goal is to help you interactively develop for these procedures has changed, but it
Macintosh applications, or create and mod­ doesn't tell in w hat manner.
" • rue Cd lt Rouune' 5p edal Run
ify prototypes of applications, without an meln Vl.P performs noticeabl y better than
ex tensive knowledge of In.side Macintosh, the BASIC interpreters I've seen, but it runs
the Mac programming bible published in slmver than any of the compiled languages.
five volumes bv Addison-Wesley (1985­ When you turn off the debugger and save
1988). Mainstay also offers M.I.P. (Macin­ in a compiled torm , performance
tosh Introductory Programming), a com­ improves.
plementary product that i essentially a tu­ Online help is provided via a desk ac­
torial introduction to Vl.P. and includes a cessor y based on Mainstay's Think 'n Time.
demo version ofV l.P. ; M.I.P is offered sep­ The reasonably usefu l help system has a
erately for $49.95. treelike approach to topic selection. One
annoyance when using the help system is
Procedure Box
An Untraditional Approach that you mu ·t consrantly switch between
Tbe VJ.P. screen witb 1/Je Pro cedure toolbox open
Traditional software development on the Help I-beam cu rsor and the VI.P. cursor.
e1/lows y ou to specify pammetersf or a n eu· 11 •i11 ­
the Macintosh usually involves program­
do/ll. '/1Je box's botto m line (!be e1s1erisk li11e ) is
ming in C, Pasca l, BASIC, or Assembler. In An Objective Look
f or co111111ents. From top to bo1to111 on tbe le.ft are
VI.P. you don't learn a traditional program­ Vl.P. is an excellent alternative to
1/Je Object toolbox, tbe logicfor111 toolbox, a nd
ming language; instead you work with a BASIC for anyone interested in learning to
tbe Procedure toolbox.
toolbox of icon metaphors for various pro­ program on the Macintosh. It is also an ex­
gramming chores. The V l.P tools consist of
18 icons each representing a class of pro­ (co111i1111esJ

188 March 1989

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eel lent device f(x creating functional pro­ Today, however, a handful of HyperCa rd
tot ypes of applications, but it's not yet an stacks suggest a new genre: interactive
envi ron ment for creating commercial fiction for nonreaclers.
products. In shun , it's a great environment
for the casual i'vlac programmer and a use­ Inigo and Your Faithful Camel
fu l tool for serious soft ware developers The first of these interac tive can oons
who need to make prototypes before pro­ was Inigo Gets Out, a delightful pictu re
gramming in a mo re trad itional develop­ stor y by Amanda Goodenough that quickly
ment system. found its way onto public domain bullet in
Visual, object-oriented approaches ro boa rd s eve r ywhere. Inigo, a puff-ball cat,
programming are the coming trend, ancl responds to clicks on the screen by explor­
\~ l.P is among the fi rst of the breed. In its ing an environment fu ll of the kind of sur­ One Camel to Go
currern state, it could be li kened to the prises you'd find in a children's sto r ybook. l'op-11p camel. \'ilbe11 you dick t/Je mysterio us
512K Mac. lt·s useful and capab le of doi ng Bu t unlike a storybo k, this stack responds box, it op en s, r e1'eafi11f!, a det~i.:/Jted camel u •itb
reall y nice things, but it still needs w me to the whim s of th e explo rer : click on the the key to tbe n ext t1tll'ent11re.
enhancements and po lishing to really birdbath, and the birds disappear in a
catch fire.-Dennis Col.Jen fl urry offeathers; click on the river and In­
igo falls in w ith a splcisb. Inigo Gets Out
See \,'(lbere to IJ11y for contac t inf()rmation. proved to be as popu lar with adults as w ith
children; Bi ll Atkinson showed it off to ap­
preciative crowds at HyperCarcl demon­
wations w hen it c 1me out last year.
HyperCard With the help of HyperTalk crearor
Dan Winkler, Goodenough has created
Entertainment several more interac tive children's story
stacks, sold in inexpensive IYtckages called
Stacks Amanda Stories, Volumes I and II. Volume I
contains four Inigo stories, including a re­ A Cup ofGood Cl1eer
fined version of Inigo Gets Out. Volume II A.fm1ci.f11lj ourney d own a ril •er wkesyo11 past
Amanda Stories, Volume I and Vo lume II. chronicles the explorations of Your Fai th­ jloatinf!, chessboards and t/Jro11gb tahyri11tbia11
Pros: l :°J1tertui11i11g/oryo1111l:i cbifdre11: stack fu l Camel, a silly- looking ca mel with an corridors. Sudden~)', you see a r ep,af rub/Jit, 111bu
scri{Jls aru eas1• Jo exa111i11e. Cons: Si111ple sJories offbeat sense of humor (see "One Camel seems to think yo11 '1•ejtoated into /.11:~ 111u n1i11/!,
tack /'ariety : o lder cbifdre11111t~ 1 · lose i11terest to Go'").
q11icld1: Company: "/'l.1e \loyu,f.ier Co111pa11y.
cup of tea.
Listp,.ice: $ 79.'J'i p er 1•of11111 e. Requires: 1Mli: Interactive, Not Hyperactive
bard dis/.!. There's no wh ite-knuck led hyperten­ manhole, you have almost end less choices
Tbe Manbo le 1.2. Pros: /111al:i i11a til'e, sion in any of these stori es; they have the for explo ring the visua ll y dazzling world
i111111e11se./(111wsy l/'orfd 11'it/J 11011fi11ear str11c­ same kind of gentle pac ing you find in the above and below it. There are all kinds of
t11re: dazz ling l'is11afs {II/(/ bifu rio11s de/C/ifs: simplest children's books. The Aman(h connect ions between scenes, some obv i­
appeals lo a11yo11e old e11011p,b to 11se a 1110 11se. stori es are especially appealing to very ous and some surprising. Hop in the boat
Cons: \le1y tw ;l.!,e: requires bard disk: sw ck sen/i ts young children w ho are just developing and you might find yourself in the rabbit's
are bidde11.fro111 casu a l l!m11 •s i11g Company: mouse skills. Each collection comes w ith teacup (see "A Cup of Good Cheer ");
Acti1 •isiu11. List price: $49. 95. Requires: I .11/J: a title screen that allows a child to S\Vitch choose a channel on the dragon's remote­
bard dis/..1. from stor y to stor y w ithout using the menu control TV and you teleport to almost any­

bar. '!b ung mousketeers ofre n spend hours where. '\ hen you return to the d ragon's
exploring these stories over and over. den ( there are severa l ways to get there)

Personal computers prov ide Older children might explore them once he may or may nm be home. The Manhole
voungs1ers with all kinds of enter­ or twice and then examine the underlying universe keeps changing, making iL fun for
tainrnent possibi lit ies, from corn ­ ·cripts for HyperTalk tricks. kids-and adults \Yith a sense of adventure
pureri zed ,·ersions of traditional games to and a sense of humo r- to explo re over
unique entertainment form s that demand Enter The Manhole and over. The rea list ic sounds, the fanrasy­
acci,·e inw1lvement o n the pan of the play­ If the Amanda .-tories define a rn: w filled graphics, and the stack construction
er. lnteracrive !inion is particu larly promis­ genre, The Manho le certainl y expands are tru ly impressive.
ing in this regard , both as an ent erta inmern the bouncb ries of it. This five-disk super­
med ium and as a tool [(1r educatio n. stack- the fi rst children's software to re­ Buttoning Up
Lint i l now. most interactive ti cc io n has quire a hard disk-comains a strange and While explo ring these stacks, my

taken the form of text advcrnures aimed at beauti ful dreamworld that includes a couch­ young software testers t<.1und th em to be

older users, \\·ith solid reading ski I ls, ,-v ho potato rabbit, a musical roll -top desk and a free of any apparent bugs. But once they

enjoy soh·ing complex mental puzzles. jive-ta lking dragon, for sta rters.
The Manhole isn't re ally a story; once (co111i1111es)
you beg in the journey by click ing on the

190 ;\ larch 1989

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learned that they cou ld ho ld down the op­ The onlv controls available ro che user are tions. The documentation made reference
tion and :if: keys to see outlines of hidden power (on/off) and brighcness. A number to a floppy disk with a screen saver INIT on
buttons, they started reporting occasiona l of other concrols-including centering, it, but no disk accompanied my display.
HyperCarcl alert boxes and frozen screens. size and focus along both the x and y The Dual Page's resolution is crisp,
It's unclear what caused these surprises, axes-are inside the unit, and can only be w ith no sight of blurring but there is some
but it appears to be the result of a negative accessed w ith tools. slight visible bowing along the left and
interaction between the sound generators The monitor itsel f has a built-in tilt­ right edges. Beyond that , the display is fine.
in HyperCard and Apple's System 6.0.2; the and-swivel base, with a 12Y2-by-1I Y2-inch The extra re:olurion really makes a differ­
problems disappeared when I substituted footpri nt and is larger (19 inches wide by ence: I cou ld view entire pages ( top to bot­
System 5.0. Hopefully Apple w ill correct 17 inches deep and 17Y2 inches high) than com) in PageMaker and ReadySetGo. A sim ­
the problem in future rel eases. It's discour­ some of the early Mac II offerings. ple graphics benchmark-drawing 200
aging when preschoolers uncover ci rcles and then 2000 rectangles-showed
System bugs. Nutmeg19 an actual difference in graphics perfor­
Frozen screens notwithstanding, I The Nutmeg uisplay uses a small (9­ mance (14.1 seconds on the Nutmeg ,·ersus
highly recommend both of these stacks for inch ) video board and comes with built-in 18.4 seconds on rhe Dual Page}
young chi ldren. Older children and adu lts video cable and power cable. As with most One unusual problem did show up.
may o r may not be charmed by the simple such systems, there isn't much to installa­ I booted up the arcade game Arkanoid on
Amanda Stories; it's a question of taste. But tion : pop the Mac II lid, find an open slot, each display (with only that di splay"s video
it's hard to imagine a playful soul of any age stick the card in, close che lid, plug the board insta lled in the Mac ll ). The game
who wou ldn't enjoy exploring the mind­ monitor in , and power up. ran fine with the 1utmeg display, w ith the
tickling world inside The Manhole. The Nutmeg display is clear and crisp, game centered on the screen. On the Dual­
-Georcqe Beekman with no visible bowing or other distortion Page, however, it started our centered (dur­
along the edges. Some very minor blurring ing the boot process), then rel ocated to the
See \'(!here to 1J11y for contact info rmation. exists along the right edge, and the display top of the display and stayed there, leav ing
is slightly off-center horizontally ( toward the old image in the middle. More impor­
the right), but these are minor fau lts. The tant, the Dual Page somehow slowed the

Mac II 19-inch display is well -propon ioned; when I com­

pared a real-lite ruler to the one displayed
game down dramatically, making it so easy
that I fina lly quit.

Monochrome in ReadySetGo3 (Actual Size mode), the

horizontal resolucion marched reality and
Which one to buy? Well , the Dual Page
gives more room to PageMaker, ReadySet­

Displays there was on ly a slight stretching alo;1g

the vertical. 13oth that stretching and the
Go, and so on. The higher resolution, espe­
cially vert ica lly, really does make a differ­
slightly off-center di -play can be fixed by ence in word processing, page layout, and
Nutmeg 19. Pros: Cl eC11; srmigbr image: bi~b opening up the case and using the H­ other large-screen applications. On the
(J024- l~p-7H6p ixel) r esul11ricm . Con s: No d oc11­
cerner and V-size cornrols. other hand, the Nutmeg system costs less,
111e11rurio 11. Compa11y: N11 r111eg 5)1sre111s. graphics run faster on it, and it offers sta n­
Listprice: $1899. DualPage Display System dard (72 dpi) resolution, so that the image
The Dual Page Display System has a size on the screen is the same as that
DualPage Displ ay System. Pros: f-ligb larger board (13 inches), which gives high­ printed. Hoth monitors are more than ac­
(1 J52 - l~v - B92 pixe{) r esol11rio 11. Cons: Small rexr: er resolution than the Nutmeg 19 (1152 b~' ceptable; it's just a case of picking the o ne
som e bowing Company: Cor11ersro 11e 892) on the same monitor. This one comes that suits your needs and your pocket­
'feclm o logy. Listprice: $2 19 5. with two manuals: a thin 4-page manual for book-Bruce V?ebster
the monitor, and a 24-page install ation
See \Vber e to Buy for contact information .

manual with plenty of step-by-step instruc­
It's nm unusual to find compe.ting
color video boards using the same
monitor. PCPC and SuperMac both Macil/{osb II 19 -incb
use the Sony 19- inch. The same is true of 1110 11ocbro 111e 1110 11i­
some monochrome displays. The Nutmeg rors: rbe Nufl11ef.!. 19
19 (from Nutmeg Systems) and the Dual­ (011 rbe rigbr)jro 111
Page D isplay System (from Cornerstone Nl.lf111eg Sysrems and
Technology) borh use the Sampo UDS-1902, rbe Dua/Page Display
a 19-inch monochrome CRT Each company Sy sre111fro m Cor11er­
just st icks a label on the front and adds its sro11e ·1ecb110 /ugy
own video boa rd .
The monochrome Sampo 19- inch is
attractively designed and a decent per­
former. It has a 64-KHz refresh rate, with a
max imum resolution of 1280 by 960 pixels.

192 March 1989

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Window Shopping

A quick and easy tutorial on HyperCard)

typing and wordprocessing) and easy
f ant selection

by Lawrence Stevens

Although I've taken a few cou rses in pro­ steps. If you choose Set from the Com­ speed, the program demonstrates how the
gramming and even published a chi ldren's mand menu, the program brings you to a visual effect will look. You can either ac­
book on BASIC, I'm not much of a hacker. second menu that asks what kind of prop­ cept it, in which case the syntax for that
My writer's mind, which is always looking erty you want co set-button, background, effec t appears at the top of the Command
for three different wavs co sav the sa me field , and so on. If you click on Buuon, you menu, or cry another effect.
thing, can't get used [0 rh e sn1all subsets of get a dialog box that asks if this is to be This utility is for experienced Hyper­
English that make up programming lan­ a background button or a card bunon. Card programmers who \Vant to minimize
guages. Besides, I'm a sloppy typist and Choose Card, and you see a second box the ir typing (as well as the clanger of what
speller, so even when I use the language that asks what·you want co name the but ­ our teachers used to ca ll '"foolish errors")
correc tly, I rend to make syntax errors. ton. If you give it a numeric name, script­ and also for new HyperCard programmers
Because of all this, it was not until late Expert asks if it is a name or an ID number. who warn co lea rn the language.
one Friday afrernoon Lhat I fin ally broke ex t you are shown a third menu screen of If you're a no,·ice programmer you
open some packages of HyperCard devel­ attributes for style, locat io n, and icon. If may be able to gee srnnecl using scripc­
opmem tools. I expec ted to put in a tew you click on Style, a fourth menu screen Expert, but you 're going to need other re­
hours w ith them and spend the weekend asks you to choose among the va rious sources to keep going. Explanations of the
recuperating. But scriptExpert and Icon styles, such as Transparent, Rectangle, or commands are given in small Help boxes
Factory made HyperCard programming so Opaque. After making that choice, you are that appear when you Option-cl ick on 'lll
easy and the Sound Resource Libraries returned to the Command menu where the item in the Command menu. In some func­
made it so much fun , that I ended up syntax set the style of card button u{NAME}" to tions, the explanations are clear, but in och­
spending most of the weekend working rectangle is displayed, ready for cuuing and ers, Lhey leave you as confused as when
with them. The tinal result was a bizarre pasting. you started. For example, rh e Click Help
stack in w hich bunon commands, special If you selec t Visua l from the Com­ box says you can "click ... a pair uf­
effec ts, and music combined in a way that mand menu , the program displays a menu nates separated by a comma." But it doesn't
was more bewildering than useful. But I card that lists HyperCard 's visual effects. explain how you find the coordinates on
now consider myself a junior I IyperCarcl After you make the selection and set the the card.
programmer, and that's not bad after on ly And there is no help for menus other
about 15 or 20 hours of work . than the Command menu. So at the System
Message menu , which has no Help boxes,
scriptExpert you are left wondering about the meaning
Both a teaching and development coo l, of messages such as Idle and Suspend.
scriptExperc provides a menu approach to If these problems were fixed, script­
scripting HyperCard. For exa mple, if you Experr could become a complete Hyper­
\\ant your Mac to beep twice each time Card learning too l. Bu t at $79.95, even with
you click on a burcon, you first go to script­ these problems, it·s an excellem scan .
Expert's list of system messages and select
mouse p ( this means the action will occur HyperTalk Pocket Reference
when the mouse is clicked). You then go to I had hoped that the HyperTttlk
Lhe Command menu, also ca lled the Main Pocket Reference ( Hype rpress Publishing
Ca rel , and click on Beep. The program asks scrijJtE.1.1>ert's Main Car<I Corporation, 1988) wou ld clea r up some
you how many times, and you type 2. The ·1iie 11'11i1e area ar tbe top co111ai11s I ~l '{J erfc1/~1 of the questions left unanswered hy script­
correct symax, ready co be pasted into your sen/JI ge11eruted by 11.> e program. {/tbe script 1 :, Expen, but this handbook ( I wou ldn·t call
bucron's script, appea rs at the top ofche too long rojit in t/Je 11 •i11dou\ yo11 can scroll or a 4-by-11-inch book ·'pocket") only helped
screen. 11se t/Je Zoo111 /11 /1111101110 see all of it. After I bl! a little. The book lists commands b~·cace-
With more complicated commands, script is complete. you click tbe Sare lm11011,
scriptExpen walks you th rough all the ll'bicb cw s tbe script fro1111/Jis care/ and takes it (c:o111i1111es)
to tbe last c:mdyou 1uere 11si11g so you can paste
it rbere.

i\faC\YOrld 195
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gory, and after each command it gives the structor (prim, black female) pictured on r11e Retu me Cducotlon Employmenl ISi'
syntax, a brief description ( u ·ual ly two the cover of the package, and partly be­ PCRSONRl IHfORMRllO N Mll lfRRV INfORM RTI ON

lines but up to six line ·), and someti mes an "°'ome: I r rom: r - 1 To: i - - ­
cause I didn't see why th e Mac world et Addreu. : I Bron ch:!
example of the usage. needed yet another typing program. Now J OU OBJCCJI U( I flan k: I
£nt er your job abj ecllue: l relnlna :
If you have a genera l idea of a com­ I'm sorr y I waited. Mavis Beacon Teaches I
mand but can't remember the exact svntax, Typing is unique. As I sa id in a past col­ - 5CHO OL INfORM111ION
l lo: r -

this book wi ll help you. If you're unfa;niliar umn , I'm not sure that bells and wh istles iiltime:
with the commands, on ly about 70 percent in typing programs really trans late into . 1i.
h t,Zlp:
of the explanations offer enough informa­ quicker learn ing. But if you like bells and of \ l udy
Zip: ~
J ob Diestrlollon: ~

tion to help you. wh istles, Mavis Beacon Teaches ~r ping Deurlnllon of Sl udlu: ;;
But, after all , this is a reference book, gives you more than any other package. I
nor a primer. Few people could lea rn a for­ The program is partly an expen sys­ Resume Writer
e ign language by scanning a dictionary, but te m with Mavis Beacon ( not a rea l pe rson) Mauis Beacon 7eacbes 7)1ping includes a resume
they'd have a hard time progressing in a as th e expert. She is a tough but under­ wrirer ro belp you ger a newjob after you learn
new language without one. For $11.95, stand ing instructor. At times she may chide ro rype. l'bu fill out sborrforms like tbe ones dis­
HyperTalk Pocket Reference is a prett~ you for ask ing to quit soon after you stan ; played and tbe program organizes tbe informa­
good dict ionary. the Quit dialog box reads: "You'll never rion imo a professional-looking resume.
learn that way.'' Other times she'll suggest
Icon Facto ry that you knock off fo r a while: "You 've
A . tack should contain buttons whose made a lot of mistakes o ne afte r anothe r. hitting two keys at a time, and hitting in the
icons are good re minders of the buttons' Do you want to take a break?" She may play right row but with the wrong finger.
functions. Icon Fac tory provides a way of music o r a metronome to h Ip pace your I'll leave it tO educational theorists to
creati ng those butto ns. There are two parts typing, o r display o r hide a digital o r ana­ decide if this customized approach actual ly
to this package. The first is a library of log stopwatch. -She may show you the en­ produces better results. But it is certainly
icons that you can simply paste into an) of tire paragraph that you will be typing or unique. For 49.95, thi would be my first
your stacks. The second is the Factory di -play only one line at a time. She may al­ choice among typing programs.
where you can alter or create buttons from low you to retype a mistyped character o r
scratch using the FacBits mode , as in Mac­ the e ntire word. She may make you play MenuFo n ts 2.01
Paint. You can also import icons fro m any the in structio nal video game that comes MenuFonts 2 replaces an application's
application. After creating a new o r altered with th e package after every three lessons , fo nt menu with a menu that displays font
button, you can save it in the Library as o r ·he may stretch it out to every six names in their actual font. If you have a Im
well a· paste it into a card. This utility is les ons. Basically, the program experi ­ of fonts , the o nly reasonable way tO re­
easy to use, it works well , and the docu­ ments with all these choices, calculates rhe member what they look like is to have a
mentation is clear. It costs 49.95. way in which you work best, and custom­ font menu that displays them the way they
izes Ms. Beacon's lessons LO fit. actually look. Menu Fonts 2 can change the
Sound Resource Library 1 and 2 Before each lesson, you are shown a size of the fonts in the menu (from 9 to 24
What made my lost HyperCard week­ picture of a blackboa rd with the goals of points). And it has a keyscroll feature that
e nd the most fun was playing with the the lesson written in neat cursive letters. can save you scroll ing down the menu ;
sou nds in B & B Soundworks' Sound Re­ (What else?) In each lesson you work o n a with it you can, for example, get to all the
source Libraries. There are human voices row or a letter combinatio n. The lesson fonts that sta rt with the le tter N by typing
(Angry mother: "This room is a pigsty."), proceeds by displaying chancters that you an N If you collect fonts and can pare
office sounds (Mac typing), animal sound s are to type. The re is also an animated pic­ 49.95 and about 25K of disk space, this
(dog barking), and a wide range of musical ture of a keyboard and a pair of hands program is for you.
instruments. whose lingers guide you by pointing to the
You insta ll the sounds in your stack correc t key. Word Pro cessing: the
using the Hesource Mover, an Apple utility After each lesson, you are given a drill Usable Portable Guide
that comes with the library and works in which you practice the lesson and your Word Processing: the Usable Portable
much like the Font/DA mover. The Hyper­ weak letters and letter combinations. As Guide (The Writing Resource, 1988), by
Card script for playing sound is easy to use: you type, a gauge displays your speed and Jon Haber and Herbert R. Haber, provides
play{NAME}. accuracv in real time. hasic instruct io ns for 11 word processing
Sound effects are useful in dressing Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing uses a programs, including two for the Mac (Mac­
up presentation stacks such as product wide range of paramete rs in both creating Write and Microsoft Word 3.0). The instruc­
demonstrations. Sound becomes o ld on the lessons and in generating graphs that tions are clear, concise, and as far as I could
a stack that you use o n a regu lar basis, measure progress. All typing programs de te rmine, accurate. Fo r $11.95, this won't
like your address book. It's fun to choose look to r such things as weak le tters, weak make you a power use r of any of these pro­
and install sounds, so buv these ($49.95 le tte r combinations, a weak hand, weak fin­ grams, but if you find yourself moving fro m
each) and enjoy. · gers, and weak rows. But Mavis Beacon office to office and working o n a number of
Teaches Typing tracks more subtle e rrors, different programs, this book may help get
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 1.2B such as slow transition between two keys, you off ro a quick start. o
I've been putting off reviewing this
o ne fo r a couple of months. I was turned See Where to Buy for contact information.
off pa nly by the ste reotyped typing in­

Macworld 197
With CompuServe,

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Now there's a faster, easier way CompuServe makes good business Tu fax from your computer, all
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computer to any fax machine in the For example, when you're away bership. Tu join, call 800 848-8199,
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fax board to your computer and sac­ your laptop or another computer. you're already a CompuServe mem­
rificing an expansion slot. Composing and sending from your ber, type GO FAX at any ! prompt.
CompuServe has added the keyboard gives your recipient a sharp­
speed and convenience of fax to its er, cleaner fax. And CompuServe
long list of business-building ser­
vices. And the price of faxing on
sends you a confirmation of every
fax you send.

Circle 319 on reader service card

New Products

Information on the Mac's latest hardware,

software, and accessories

Edited by Ma1y Margaret Lewis

This section covers Macintosh prod­ unlimited display colo rs at 1024-by-768­ ing. Shipped with preformatted latest
ucts formally announced but not yet pixe l resolution. Model RE1475 $645· Apple System Folde r. Tmpact-40 $1295·
evaluated by MacworM. All prices are Model RE1520 995. Re lisys, 408/ 945­ Impact-40 Plus $1355; lmpact-80 $1715.
suggested retail. Please call endors 9000. Everex, 415/ 498-1111.
for information on availability.
Datacopy 730GS Deskto p scanne r with FlashBox Device that e nables Macs a nd
HARD\VARE 64-level (6-bit) o r 16-Ievel ( 4-bit) gray IBM PCs to communicate over LocalTalk­
tones. Scans al resolutions of 60 to 450 compatible networks at 770 kilobits per
second. Automatically selects correct
CD-Star Compact disk system fo r speed for FlashTalk or AppleTalk . $189.
transfer of archival records. Stores digital TOPS Divisio n, Sun Microsystems,
data and digitized images on one system 415/ 549-5900.
fo r search and display. 5 1/4-inch and 12­
inch disk available. Expa ndable data­ Macintosh Floppy Drive Repair Tool
base. Price de pends o n custom configu­ Macintosh adapter board that enables
ration. Conve rsion Dynamics, yo u to align a nd test 400K or SOOK drives
404/ 355-2197. with any AVA Floppy Drive Teste r
products. 1 o specia lized software
Color Monitor and Color Multiscan required . $285. AVA Instrume ntation,
Monitor Mac-compatible 14-inch analog 408/ 336-2281 .
monitor (model RE1475) with nonglare
display, 35 kHz sca nning frequ ency and Datacopy 730GS
640-by-480-pixe l re ·olution at 84 dpi.
VGA and Mac II-compatible color multis­ dpi , with 27 va riable settings. Accepts
can mo nito r (mode l RE1520) with 15-inch docume nts in va rious forms-including
nongla re display, a nalog video input, and single sheets, layouts, and books. $1995.
Xerox Imaging Systems, 415/ 965-7900.

DayStar 33/ 030 Acceler.ttor II Accel­

erator card based on the Mo torola 68030
processor that increases speed of the Mac
II by two to five times, de pe nding o n
ap plication. Runs at 33.33 MHz, with zero
68030 wait states. Compatible with all
standard Mac II software and Apple's
A/UX o perating system. $6000. DaySta r Macbztosb Floppy Drive Repafr Tool
Digital , 404/ 967-2077.
Memorybank High Capacity Bacln1p
Emac Impact Series External Hard Integrated 2.3 gigabyte tape backup for
Drives Available in 40MI3, 60M B, and Memo1yba nk. Compatible with any Mac
80.MB capacities. Feature from-mounted
Color M11llisca11 Mo11itor power switch status lig hts , automatic (co11ti1111es)
head park external SCSI address se lector,
and exte rnal te rminator for da isy-ch ain­

Macworld 199
New Products

mode l. Backs up d isks unatte nded. AdaFlow Addition to lconix PowerTools

$15,600-$17,900. Northe rn Telecom
Memory Systems Division, 800/ 521-3278.

Nulink Adapter Board Single-slot

CASE suite. Supports Buhr <liagranuning
techniques. Groups sim ilar objects with
operations, and connects them with
a lone module $1995; can be purchased
SEs rr Mac 11 Systems
inte rface board compatible w ith NuBus. as part of an o bject-orie nted design
package. Iconix Software Engineering,
Provides the inte rface to the Tecmar QT­
Macl 50 and the PC, PS/ 2, a nd NuBus 21 3/ 458-0092.
Mac SE-soor.- 2Floppy - Ext KErnsr4500. Now 3188. I e nviro nme nts. $395. Tecma r,
Mac 1 1-soor.-2mt>-SONY ro.OR usr8300. Now 6488. : 216/ 349-0600. Adobe Font Folio Hard d isk containing
HI-PERFORMANCE CONFIGURED PACKAGES. .. AT LOW PRICES I entire Adobe Type Libra1y, totaling more
One Megabyte Memory Modules than 300 typefaces. Works with Mac Plus,
HARD DRIVES : One megabyte m mo1y-expansion SE, and Mac IT. lMB min. me mory.
20mb. EXT. LIST 700. NOW 488.:
32mb. EXT. LIST 900. NOW 598. I modules for the Mac Plus and Mac SE. $9600. Adobe Systems, 415/ 961-4400.
46mb. EXT. LIST 1100. NOW 788.: Call compa ny for current price. Clear­
42- REMOVABLE LIST 1800. NOW 1198. 1 point Research Corporation, Applications and Routines for 4th
617/ 435-6184. Dimension Teach nonprogrammers
how to w rite basic business programs in
PCPC Jetstream Tape Backup System 4th Dimension . You use cut and paste
Tape backup system for the Mac Plus, modu les to create a libra1y o f common ly
SE, and TI that archives data from any used procedures. lMB min . memo1y.
size storage device, from 20MB to 2.3 $129. DucSoft, 419/ 626-6797.
gigabytes at up to I 4.4MB per minute.
CALL FOR INFO. ON HARD DRIVES & OTHER SIZES Backs up multiple drives on o ne tape . Arkanoid Arcade-style game that tests
$5995 . Pe rsonal Computer Periphera ls your reflexes. Dodge and d estroy Ko n­
MAC MOtHTORS Corporation, 813/ 884-3092. erds, Pyradoks, Tri-Spheres, and the like.
SE FULL PAGE 8/W LIST 1200. NOW 988.
Has high-score table and variable skill
SONY 13 COLOR. LIST 800. NOW 598. RGB Color Thermal Printer Produces levels. $49.95. Discovery Software,
E-MACHINE 16 COLOR NOW 1998. 240 clpi on paper a nd overhead transpar­ 201/ 268-9877.
CALLFOR INFO. ON MONITORs & OTHER MAKES encies in 72 seconds. Chooser-compat­
ihle driver le t<; you control prinre r Azimuth Mapping program for graphic
PRINTERS fu nctions via pu ll-clown me nu. $6595. artists that accurately draws global views
RGB Technology, 703/ 556-0666. of a ll countries in the world , and all
states in the United States, fro m any
Sound Accelerator Digital signal proc­ distance or angle . lMB min . memo1y.
PLP LASER+ LIST 2000. NOW 1698.
essing (OSP) card for the Mac II and SE, $395. Diehl Grnphsoft, 301/ 461-9488.
BLP LASER LIST 4200. NOW 3198.
based on the Motorola 56001 DSP chip.
Provides ste reo playback of sounds Color Session Software tl1at lets the Mac
ACCESSORIES directly from the computer, and performs e m ulate an HP 2397 color graphics
DATADesk 101 LIST 200. Now 148. most sound processing and synthesis tenninal. Has up to 16 color palettes,
2400 BO. Modem LIST 250. NOW 168. functions in rea l time. $1295. Digidesign, e mulates dithe red area-fi ll patte rns with
( cu11ti1111es)
Telebit TlOOO Multispeed modem that
runs at throughput of up Lo 9600 bps
witho ut data compression. Continua lly
analyzes line cond itions and adjusts its
speed . $795; optional stand $15. Te lebit,
415/ 979-3800.

Abra 2000 Mac Human resource man­
ageme nt system. Base system has mo re
than 50 st.a nda rd re po ns for things like
sala1y reviews, tele phone directo ry, and
be nefit plan e nroll ment. Optiona l attend­ Color Session
ance mod ule. lMB min. me mo 1y. Abra
2000 Mac Base System $995; /\rtendance
Module $395. Abra MacDabra ,
Circle 354 on reader service card

200 March 1989

New Products
AFTER THE Mac colors , and contains all HP pens and

drawing modes. 512K min. memory.
$399. Tym1ab , 512/ 478-0611.

CompuFat Kit Com puces body far
percentage for p o ple five yea rs o ld and

up. Comes with ca lipers and HyperCard
stack with instructions and graphics. lMB
min. memory. $34.95. HyperCraft,

505/ 522-2709.

ComputerEyes Black-and-white image

capture from VCR, ca mera, or any
standard video source. Scans images in
either 6 or 24 seconds, and saves images

Ten years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence

in larger-than-screen formats. Compatible
with lmage\Xfriter and Laser\Xfriter. 512KE
min. memory. $249.95. Digi1al Vision,
our founding fathers created what historians have called the 6 17/ 329-5400.
greatest single doc ument struck off by the hand and mind of man.

Comp uterEyes

Cricket Paint Third-generation mono­

chrome paint program. FreshPaint feature
turns any drawn shape into a bitmap
image when you deselect it. lMB min.
memory. 195. Cricket Software,
215/ 251-9890.
Our founding fathers created the Constitution of the United
States. daMat.h Desk accessory for mathemati­
For the first tim e in history. power was granted by the people cal-expression eva luation , plotting, and
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T he freedom unleashed by the Constitution allowed in up to three va riables- bui lding on
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As we commemorate the Bicentennial of the Constitution. tables of values for any expre sions.
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the Constitution .
Disk Manager Mac Automatically
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The words we live by Ontrack 800/752-1333 or 612/ 937-1107.

To learn more about t~c . Constitutio_n write : Constitutio1~. Wash!n~n. "'fl

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202 March 1989


Disk Manager Mac

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At last, a faster w-ay

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ragna, 408/ 433-5467. to learn Microsoft Word,

Firepower Arcade-style action game

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computer, another person, or over a

modem . Tank and battle continuous Forget about strugg ling through manua ls. Personal Train ing Systems
shoot 'em up action. 512K min. memory. audio training programs are a fas t, effective way to learn the leadi ng
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With your own personal tutor on cassette tape, you ca n lea rn
Flex Expert system toolkit that combines quickly, completely a nd at your own pace. The re ar modu les for
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Uses IF-THE rule format, backward and Our training syste ms are so effective, they're unconditio nally
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Tr.:tininE_t Systems · Pcr:ton:il Tr:. 1 inin~ Sy.. . ttc>lllS ; Apple, Ma<.·. in1 0.iih , t-l ypcrC:ird · Apple Compu11..·r, lnr:.; AIUu.., l'a~t.·Makcr , Aldu.,
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Food Processor II
Circle 42 on reader service card

Macwo rl<I 203

QMS introduces


of improvements

to PostScript printing.

ColorScripf 100.
The world's first color
Postscript printer.
Postscript printing is no longer simply
a black-and-white issue. Thanks to
the QMS ColorScript 100.
Now QMS has opened just a single
your projects to a range of keystroke, not a hundred
~- new graphic possibilities marker strokes. Even commercial
J!!!'! using Adobe PostScript, the printing proofs and in-house color separations
industry-standard language of the can be produced and color-matched. All this
desktop publishing revolution. will help save the two things every business
Now; your proposals, presentation graphics needs. Time and money.
and publications can go from gray to glorious. QMS worked closely with Adobe Systems,
Graphic design color schemes can change with software developers and users to design the
ColorScript 100. All agree it's a breakthrough.
That's not surprising since QMS offers more
PostScript products than anyone else.
The ColorScript 100 uses a revolutionary
thermal transfer process that produces true
300x300-dpi resolution. That means you can
generate thousands of brilliant colors with
pinpoint registration that can match the color
swatches scattered on this page.
The printer is built around an intelligent
controller. running a 68020 processor. equiva­ Pictured are just some ofthe ways design­
lent to the one in the Macintosh II. That
makes it a powerful computer in its own right.
ers are using the QMS ColorScript 100.

A 16 MHz processing speed makes it respon­ The creative director at one design jinn

sive. Especially to things like deadlines. You notes: "~'re doing comps in minutes

can print an 8 1/2"xll" page in just a single that used to take hours.

minute. An ll"x17" page in under two. The quality is fantastic."

The system's large 8 megabyte memory A computer design sys­

can handle complex applications. And a 20 tem manager in the

megabyte hard disk offers generous Midwest says: "Our

space for downloadable typefaces to clients are getting more
complement its 35 resident Adobe typefaces. options, in less time, at
Compatibility is also built in. The lower costs."
ColorScript 100 connects with Macintosh~
IBM~ Compaq®and other compatible
PCs, along with minicomputers,
workstations and mainframes.
That means you can work
with Aldus FreeHandr~
Micrografx Designerr~
Quark XPressr~ Adobe
Illustrator 88r~ AutoDesk
AutoCAD and most pro­
grams written under Micro­
soft® Windows. Plus all the new SALES FORECAST

programs that are being devel­

oped to join dozens of other color­
compatible applications.
The ColorScript 100 is yet
another useful solution from
QMS. Solutions that have
made us a leader in print
technology. That's one fact
we don't mind giving you in
black and white.
For information on the
QMS ColorScript 100, includ­
ing print samples, a complete
list of compatible software and information on

financing, call 1-800-631-2692, ext. 202. More Useful Solutions.

Circle 104 on reader service card

New Products

sra nda rds. Expandable database of memo ry . Basic applicatio n plus runtime
2400-3000 foods and 30 nurrie nts. 512K e ngine 5675; mulriuser version $1250;
min . me mo1y. $250. Esha Research, de mo copy $15. Sea mless Software
503/ 585-6242. Systems Co rpo ratio n, 312/ 939-6647.

For the Record Softwa re/ book package Keymaster Auromatica ll y creates screen
rhar centralize · fin ancial, I ga l, and fon ts, supports up to 16 graphic cha rac­
personal records . Pro mprs yo u to record ters pe r font, and impo rts art from most
e me rgency info rmatio n, va luable objects, drawing programs inro Postscript. Has
business inte rests, a nd credit ca rds. On­ built-in fo nt editor. Supports all filled a nd
screen note pads a nd era s- refe re nces. stroked figure styles. 1MI3 min. me mo ry .
5121<E min . me mo ry . $49.95. Nola Press, $99.95. Alt.sys Corporation , 214/424-4888.
415/ 549-1976.
MacMoney Invoicit Prints invo ices a nd
Harmony Grid Real-time musica l keeps clie nt records fo r small businesse ·.
instrume nt program that teaches ha r­ Acid-o n modul e to MacMoney, perso nal
mo ny concepts w hile you pl ay. Yo u a nd small-business fin a ncial-manageme nt
contro l melody, modes, chords, and package. 512K min. me mory. $74 .95.
rhythm with rh e mouse and keyboard . Survivo r Software, 213/ 410-9527.
Metro no me keys allow gradual or
metrical te mpo changes. 128K min. Mail Dex Desk accessory rolodex-style
mernrny. $99. Hip Sofrwa re Corporation, clarabase, envelope and label printe r, and
617/ 661-2447. pho ne diale r. Sea rches e ntries for full o r

) . R. ll. Tolkien Adventure Games

Att e mpt to sto p Sa uron, keeper o f the g )C '°PJ~tC) 198BbyMtss- ~luhtdSonv .... Strvieff, k
1°'1S Brdu'y Road, Lu Anftlts . Co\ 90064
er.,. Gnnt>t1""1&.TH'-.::..Kr•D °"'1'4"11,C.-d ; S> 1ot.a1C.ds :'460
ring, fro m achieving ultimate powe r in ::!: 181 Use Modem to Dior w u tc oncel l
Th e Fellowship of the Rin g, or quest to ;i 1810 Slorlup
Modem Speaker On
destroy the ri ng in The Shadows of wllh Enuelope .(Confl9ure Lobels ... .J eo.....,
Mordor, or rake the role of Bilbo Bag­ '
,, ... . . 3

gins and set out on a magica l journey

in The Hobbit. 512K min. me mory.

06 15 Bndliury 1.4
l.cs ~1 ... , CA '90°'4
$39.95. Addison-Wesley,
617/ 944-3700. f­
. to t""1U ,,,nt.,.
M"il D ex

partia l matches to given crite ria. Prints

three-across mailing labels and e nve­
lopes. 512KE mjn. me mo ry; requires
System 5.0 or later ve rsion . $49.95.
Mission Accomplished Software Services,
213/ 870-2441.
J.R.R. To lkie11 A d ve11tm·e Gm11e
MetCom Modula-2 Programming
Environment Exte nsion of Pascal for
Juri Docket Civil litiga tion database the l'vlac. lntegrarecl e nvironme nt with
appl ica tio n that auto nn tica ll y post data, rnultiwindow te>.1: editor, o ne-pass
integrates multiple files, and distributes Modula-2 compile r, and inte ractive
funcri ons amo ng users. Establish your source-level debugger. lMB min. mem­
own system o f passwo rds, atto rney o ry. $245. Metropolis Compute r Net­
codes, and custo m fo rm letters. lMB min. wo rks, 51 4/ 866-4776.


Circle 187 on reader service card

206 Ma rch 1989



.....__________ l'll ~!~K~~6 DeskJet for the Mac--------------l

Affordable Macintosh Publishing
In the past, Macintosh users had to choose between
printers they could afford and output that looked good.
Crappier LS
Mac Serial l.asef/Dctk.let
Laser quality, previously out of reach, is now avai lable to
everyone regardless of his budget. The new Desk}et 300 The Grappler LS is the latest Macintosh interface solution
DPI printer from Hewlett Packard provides the solution. from Orange Micro. The Grappler LS connects the HP
With a retail price of only S995, the DeskJet offers quality Desk}et or any HP compatible serial laser printer to the
matching that of the Apple LaserWriter IISC, at a cost below Macintosh Plus, SE, or II and drives it at its full 300 DPI
that of the lmageWriter LQ. At only 14 lbs., the DeskJet resolution. To achieve this, the Grappler uses a standard
easily follows you to where the work is. Additional features Apple printer driver and translates the output for your
include easy front paper loading, affordable and convenient printer, allowing compatibility with hundreds of popular
ink cartridges, and envelope printing. If you need top qual· packages.
ity output for the home, school, or small business, the The Grappler LS comes complete with cabling, spooling
Desk}et delivers. software, and 3 fonts families (Times, Helvetica, and
Courier look-alikes) Look for the Grappler LS and other
The Desl\Jet and the Grappler LS Orange Micro products to bring the best printing solutions
Unti l recently, the only problem with the Desk}et was that it to you and your Macintosh.
didn't work with the Mac. Now the Grappler LS printer
interface provides a complete solution, allowing the Desk­
NEW! Optional Grappler LQ/LS font package!
Jet to print from the Macintosh at a professional 300 DPI. Make your Grappler output even more effective with
Now your letters, homework, proposals, and every docu­ three new complete font families and five special head­
ment you produce can have that laser quality desktop pub· line fonts. Families: ITC Garamond Book, ITC Zapf Chan­
lishing look. cery Medium Italic, Dutch Italic. Headlines: Blippo
Black, Broadway, Cloister Black, Bitstream Cooper Black,
Quick Draw Printer Resolution Price and ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic.
Apple LaserWriter llSC 300 DPI $2,799 See your Apple dealer today or contact:
Aoole lmaQeWriter LQ 216 DPI $1,399
Hewlett Packard DeskJet
Aoole lmaaeWriter II
1400 N. Lakeview Ave ., Anaheim, CA 92807
Grappler: MacinK>sh . lmagoY'.Jnter. Laserwr11er. ,· PP'lt!: HewtAlt Packard. OeskJe1. (800)223-8029 in CA (714)779-2772
are trademarks of Orango Micro. Inc . Apple Computer. Inc .. and the Hewlett
Packard Company, Inc . respochvety.

c Ofange MICfo. Inc 1988 Circle 575 on reader service card

New Products

Net/ One TCP-Mac Sta ndards-based

communications package that lets Macs
communica te over TCP/ IP-based net­
works. Runs o n Ethe rTa lk a nd Loca lTalk
networks. 1M l3 min. me mo ry. $250 pe r
license. Unge rmann-Bass, 408/ 496-01 11 .

Nextra Knowledge-acquisi tion too l fo r

Nexpert Object. Uses illustrations w hile
interviewing an expe n o n a given
subject, and compiles that in formatio n
into a know ledge base for expe rt
Object. 1MB mi n. me mo ry. $4000.
Neuro n Data , 415/ 321-4488.
West Coast, East Coast, a nd Gulf Coast.
Displays one clay or seve n consecutive
clays in sta ndard o r day light saving tim e,
in 12- o r 24-ho ur clocks. 512K min.
me mory. Sl 9.95. Zi hua, 408/ 372-015 5.


Nutrition Stack Keeps a dai ly log of

your meals a nd ca lculate. daily totals of
p rotein, ca rbo hydrate, fat , riber, cho les­
te rol sodium , eight vita mi ns, and six
mine ra ls. lMU min . me mory. $49.95. Big
Byte Sofrware, 617/ 444-3028.

Order House Business-manageme nt

software tracks people and services, a nd
inve nto1y ite ms linked w ith related notes
a nd comments. Includes Genera l Ledger.
l MB min. memo1y; 2 IB recomme nded .
$995. Elefu nt Softwa re, 15/ 843-7725.

Pairs Kern ing data for the Mac. Ra nges

from 250 to 800 ke rning pai rs pe r table .
Has a volume fo r each Acl be typefa ce;
works with Qua rkXpress, FreeHancl , a nd
PageMa ke r. l MB min . mc:mo1y. Prices
range from $25 to $130 p •r volume;
quantity discount ava ilab le. Pairs Soft­
wa re, 416/ 42 1-9900.
\'\'c'll sc-nd you a bibliosraphy of our reviews and more informal.ion
(co 111 i1111es)
about MacMoney. Just call or write. Address wri tten requests lo
'Reviews', Survivor Software Ltd ., Sui le 450, 11.222 LaCien ega Blvd., Inglewood,
CA 90304. Phone (213) 410-9527. List price 5119.95 (MacMo ney), $79.95 (ln voici t).
H ord wore: Maci n tosh 512KE, XL, Plu s, SE & II.

Circle 112 on reader service card

208 i\lhtrc h 1989
New Products

Panorama Database structured like a Real Estate Partners Small-scale real

spreadsheet. Sorts, analyzes, categorizes, estate and personal investment analysis
calculates, and charts records. Ope ns up program. Answers questions about
to 25 windows at a time. lMB min . prope rty, cash-flow projections, and in­
memory. $395. ProVue Developme nt vestme nt potential. 512K min. memory;
Corporation, 714/892-8199. requires external disk drive and printer.
$295. Meta Venture Technology,

Sonar Professional Text-retrieval
·­- -­
- -...a.1.: ........
program with automatic hype1text
linking. Searches free-fo1m text in
multipl e files without requiring the user
P51 Mustang Flight Simulator Fly into to set up a database. lMB min. memory;
enemy-held Northern Europe to tangle 2.5MB with MultiFinder. $795. Virginia
with Me109s; seek and destroy ground Systems Software Services, 804/739-3200.
targets. Replay any maneuver in forward
or reverse. Enemy pilot ba ils out of the Stack Cleaner HyperCard utility kit.
plane when hit; parachute o pens in air. Menu Maker feature modifies or adds
Panorama Digitized sound. lMB min. memory. me nu bar or pop-up menus to Hyper­
$59.95. Bullseye Software, 702/ 265-2298. Card stacks; Script Cleaner lets you make
Pirates Role-playing game in which you code changes to selected stacks; other
can choose from 6 diffe re nt time periods; PrintSpec Printing specifications utilities eliminate manual operations for
9 types of ships; and over 50 differe nt program for simple and complex jobs. splitting, merging, and cloning stacks.
islands and nations to visit, trade with, or Translates specifications into complete lMB min. memory. $49.95 . Softworks,
ca pture. Graphic depictions of pirates phrases and sentences. Print jobs can 800/ 874-8662 or 800/ 535-0900.
and accurate represe ntations of pirate be defined in sets of pages, or sets of
ships of the clay. 512KE min. memory. components, which allow you to work (continues)
$54.95. MicroProse Software, in units appropriate to the specification
301/771-1151, ext. 228. category within the job. lMB min.
memory. $595. Straight Edge Software,

Up till now, adding graphics screen and PostScript font files

to a document has required quite a which are easily added to your font editing and graphics
bit of juggling with the clipboard menu. An integrated bitmap font design software. Altsys offers a
and/ or scrapbook. With KeyMast:er '" editor allows you to touch up the sophisticated selection of fonts and
you only have to cut and paste or screen fonts for optimum appearance. font editing programs that allow you
import your artwork one last time. Your new Key Master font works just to easily design custom fonts and
KeyMaster, from Altsys Corporation, like any other font. Drawing and logos. You know our products:
creates high resolution PostScript® redrawing your artwork is now as fOrtf~, fONTMT1c '"PLU8, f.L\C£5 '~.
fonts from your artwork. easy as selecting a character. Aldus FreeHand. and now­
KeyMast:er imports images in In about five minutes, you can KeyMast:er .
EPS format from Aldus® FreeHand'" organize a library of drawings into a Now it's your turn to create an
and Adobe'" rLlustrator'", and in PICT font ready for use in any Macintosh impact - with KeyMast:er!
format from MacDraw®II. SuperPaint application. Company logos. sym­
and other popular object oriented bols, signatures. and graphics can be 1
Macintosh® drawing programs. Each used in line with regular text. With t-\LT5\ 5
KeyMaster font supports up to 16 KeyMaster. access to your art is as
720 Avenue F. Suite 109
graphic characters. close as a keystroke! Plano. Texas 75074
Once an image has been import­ KeyMaster is brought to you by (214) 424-4888
ed, KeyMaster automatically creates Altsys Corporation, the leader in font 1<e9Mast:er suggested retail price $99.95
Circle 35 on reader service card
Leader ofthe Mac!


The Experts Agree:

FoxBASE +/Mac's New Version 1.10 is the Ultimate

Relational Database Management System for the Macintosh!

Don Crabb, Irifo World, July 11, 1988: FoxBASE+ /Mac Version 1.10 includes everything you love
"FoxBASE+/Mac proved to be as easy to use as any Mac about the original FoxBASE +/Mac PLUS a new form genera­
relational database we've tested."
tor, an outstanding application generator and a complete tem­
Macworld, September, 1988:
plate language system-all designed to save you time and
"FoxBASE+/Mac deserves serious consideration as both a
effort! Now you can develop complete database applications
stand-alone database product and a connectivity solution. "
in just minutes!
Richard Skrinde, MacUse1; September, 1988: And now Fox Software introduces FoxBASE+ /Mac Multi-User,
"FoxBASE+/Mac is a racehorse that will outrun the other
leading the industry with the ultimate in data sharing ­
Macintosh databases."
concurrent data access! For the first time, networked Macs
Arthur Fuller, Computing Canada, June 9, 1988: and PCs can simultaneously share the same data fi les!* In
"So phenomenally great that it justifies the purchase of a
addition, FoxBASE+ /Mac Multi-User supports an unlimited
Macintosh just to run it!"
number of users on your network.
Michael Masterson, MacWEEK, June 7, 1988: Even with all these enhancements, Version 1.10 doesn't cost
"FoxBASE + /Mac proves beyond a doubt that the Mac is a any more - it's still only $395! And our new Multi-User is
suitable platform for supporting fast database operations."
just $595!
BYTE, September, 1988:
FoxBASE+/Mac earned an exceptional 7.0 rating on
"FoxBASE+ /Mac combines dBASE compatibility with a
Info World's Software Review, and a 4.5 rating onMacUser's
strong list of features and a work environment with which
scale. It's the one Mac database system that has it all!
Mac users will feel comfortable."
Join the experts NOW! Contact your local quality software
Charles Seiter,, Macworld, October, 1988: dealer, or order your copy of FoxBASE+ /Mac by calling
"It's the fastest general purpose Mac database, often ten to
(419) 874-0162, Ext. 650. Free demo package available.
a hundred times faster than its competitors."
Why be a follower when you can go with the leader!

~~~~~~~~~~~ Fox Software ~~~~

Nothing Runs Like a Fox.
Fox Software (419) 874-0162, Ext. 650
• Requ ires a copy orFox BA S f~+/L AN, our PC rnultl·usersoft ware, on the network fi le server. ll8 W. South Boundary FAX: (419) 874-8678
Fox BASE+/Mac and Fox HASE+/Mac Mul ti· User are tradema rks of fox Software. dBASE ls a trnd c·
mark of Ashton·Tate. Macin tosh is a trad emark of Apple Computer, Inc. Perrysburg, OH 43551 TELEX: 6503040827 FOX
Circle 152 on reader service card
In the world of that used to take minutes language lets you
desktop publish­ to print are now in your print detailed
ing, no personal hands in seconds. You drawings with
computer can spend more time creating fine lines, solic
match the power and less time waiting to blacks and
of a Macintosh®. see what you've created. smoothly
It's the only choice. But when it That makes you graduated
comes to a page printer, you need more productive grays.
to choose the one with performance than ever.
to match. Now you can choose the Mix in text usini
power of the Qume CrystalPrint the wide range
Publisher™· of resident
authentic type­
With its ultra-high speed, compact faces from ITC
size and PostScript®-compatible and Bitstream®.
page description language, the The result - elegant
CrystalPrint Publisher gives you images with print
choices no other page printer quality not even the
can. LaserWriter Il can
Choose Print match.
Choose Quality
Productivity You need top print Choose
quality to fully ex­ Convenience
Publisher maximizes your produc­
press your creativity. The Publishers
tivity. Put more simply, it's fast.
footprint is more
Faster than any printer with Adobe®
Publisher delivers. than 43% smaller
PostScript® Faster than Apple®
The Publisher's
than the ·Laser­
LaserWriter® IINTX . Even faster
Writer Il.
than LaserWriter IINTX with a hard
compatible page That's the smalles·
disk. The Publisher still wins. And
at a price less than LaserWriter IlNr.

So illustrations and type

°C)ume Corporation, 1988. Qume and the Qume logo are registered trademarks of Qwne Corp. CrystalPrint Publisher is a trademark of Qume Corp. Apple, Macintosh and laser­
Writer are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PageMaker is a registered trademark of Aldus Corp. Adobe and Adobe Illustrator 88 are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Bitstream is a trademark of Bitstream, Inc. ITC is a trademark of International Typeface Corp.

Graphic Proof of Quality and Speed
You know graphic quality when you see it. That's why we

used an original printout taken directly from the CrystalPrint

?age printer. Which means the Publisher to produce the artwork for the adjacent page.

ublisher stays close and conven­

So you can see the fine lines, the well-formed characters

.ent - where you need it- even in

and uniform blacks for yourself.

:he most space conscious environ­

ments. You also know the importance of speed

The l..aserWriter IINT takes 172 seconds longer to print

Compare, the same page. Even the expensive, top-of-the-line l..aser­

Then Choose Writer IINTX takes longer.

Let your Qume dealer

show you the power
of the CrystalPrint
Publisher. Ask them to print this
page on the Publisher and then on
m Apple LaserWriter II. After that,
the choice is yours. Choose the CrystaJPrint Publislzer lAserWriter llmx lAserWriter llNT
winner and you'll choose Crystal­
Print Publisher. With its speed,
print quality and convenience, no Now, the choice is yours. Choose CrystalPrint Publisher
other page printer can match the and choose print quality and speed. Then spend more time
power of your Macintosh. Crystal­ creating and less time
Print Publisher is the power to waiting to see what you've
choose. For information or a dem­ created.
onstration, contact your nearest
CrystalPrint Publisher ...
Qume dealer or distributor. Or
contact Qume at (800) 223-2479. The Power to Choose.


The Company with Peripheral Vision.

Artwork composed using Aldus PageMaker"' and Adobe Illustrator 88"' Qume Corporation, 500 Yosemite Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035 (800) 223-2479

End users circle 353 on reader service card

Dealers circle 115 on reader service card
New Products

To Artemis Leads you dialogue-style desk articulating model mounts

thro ugh a series of questions designed to with brackets under desktop o r shelf;
probe root psychological blocks that articu lating model rolls out from steel
prevent you from achieving and main­ enclosure that supports CPU and
ta ining your goals. 1MB min . memory. monitor. Underdesk Articu lating mod­
$139. icolea , 714/ 536-2038. el $1 49.95; Articulating model $159.95.
Microcomputer Accessories,
Volume One: Art Noveau Images 213/ 301-9400.
PostScript art based on copyright-free Art
Nouveau designs from the end of the (co11ti1wes)
Tetrisfor l11e Mac II nineteenth centwy and the beginning of
the twentieth ce ntury. File sizes range
from 65K to 2251<. Usable by EPS­
Tetris for the Mac II Color version for compatible Mac programs. 1MB min.
the Mac II. The object of this game, memory. $79.95 . Silicon Designs,
designed by two oviet programmers, is 415/ 254-1460.
to arrange falling patterns of squares into
solid rows. Features 11 original composi­
tions ba eel on Ru ·ian folk ongs; ad­
vanced player and tournament modes.
1 IB min. memory. · 39.95. Spectrum
HoloByte, 415/ 552-358 .

Tide Guide 89 Ocean tide predictor that Volume 011e: Art Nouveau Images
annotates high and low tides on a graph
for 200 orth Am ri an locations on the
West Coast, East Coast, and Gulf Coast.
Displays one clay or seven consecutive ACCESSORIES Arl'iculating Key board Jh·awers
days in standard o r daylight saving time,
in 12- or 24-hour clocks. 512K min. Articulating Keyboard Drawers
memory. $19.95. Zihua , 408/ 372-0155. Keyboard drawers that raise, lower, and
tilt a computer keyboard to suit the user.
Release buttons move drawers. Under-

Multimedia, we give you the tools, you giye your imagination

Everybody talks about multimedia, Computer Friends was the first to do
Captu red at 24 bits with ColorFreeze-24™ , something about it. We are still the first to give you a complete, professional
color separated with Modern Artist™ 2.0 and integrated solution for your TV, print, animation and paint production
requirements, at a price you can afford.

ColorFreeze-24™, Electron­
ic Color Photography.
Gen-Lock Over­ Capture high
lay Card. ·· ~
quality color or
Basic tool for
multimedia pre­ -.~f;~:;;tj//Y_!{it .
black and white
shots from cam­
sentations. Send era or VCR,
your presenta­ modify and
tions to video or tape them on save in your favorite paint program
VCR. Overlay graphics on live or desk-top publishing program
video. Available with animation (QuarkXpress™, PageMaker™
so~ware . etc.).

Modern Artist™ 2.0 PanChroma™ Printer

Most complete and F in ally 300
dP.I color
versatile color printing in a
paint program. compacf, reli­
Spectacular special a bf e and
Call toll free 1-800-547-3303 for complete affordable
effects. Includes 4
information on our products and multimedia, thermal color
color separation for printer. Produce beautiful color
animation packages or consult your nearest professional color illustrations or instant color trans­
Apple Dealer printing. parencies for your presentations.

Computer Friends, Inc. 142so NW Science Park Dr. - Portland OR 97229 - tel. (503)626-2291 - fax (503)643-5379

Circle 68 on reader service card

from MacWarehouse..... ..
Emerald City Software
DlskFlt 1.5 (SuperMac)
Lasertalk 1.0 .............. .................... 187.
DiskFit makes it easy to backup or
Fifth Generation
re store files on your hard disk drive.
PowerStation ..... ............... ...... .......... 32.
DiskFit saves you time because it
Suitcase II .. ................. ..................... 45.
backs ug only the files
ICOM Simulations
you have changed
On Cue .............. .......... ......... .. .......... 36.
since the last back­
Kent Marsh
up. DiskFit can
MacSale or NightWatch ... ........... ea 89.
verify each
La Cle
SilverServer .............. ... ..... ..... .......... 92.

~:g!~~~·:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::: j6:

files onto i
so you kno
your files are
Wet Paint GOfer ........ ... .................................... 44.
safe . It discards
/Picture B Olduvai
old version of files ,
Bundle (Symm~tn'
~~~~hh8.i'.~e ·::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::: 1~~:

so your backup set

Wet Paint is a . ·Of, lniages for letters, doesn't keep
reports, advertising and pµsmess fonns. Includes growing! Version
Icon-Ill .... ... .... ......... ....... ........ .......... . 39 .

m aps, holiday and restauraiit''graphics. PictureBase MultiClip ...................... :............... ..... 36.
1.5 supports for a
is a database manager for graphic files. Buy both PCPC
variety of cartridge
and save a bundle! (graphics) $99. HFS Backup 3.0 ............. .................. 54.
tape drives, includ­
HYPERWARE Simon and Schuster
ing the Apple tape
backup system.
Fully Powered Mac .......................... 24.

Business Class & Focal Point .......... 48.

Software Power Company
It's the Fastest
Focal Point II ..... ....................... ........ 89 .
PowerOP 1.4 .................................... 39.
backup available.
Reports for HyperCard ..................... 59.
(utilities) $54.
DiskFit or SuperSpool 5.0 ........... ea 54.

Complete HyperCard Handbook ... .. 23.

Sentinal 2.0 ......................... ........... 155.

Beacon Technologies
SuperlaserSpool 2.0 .. .................. ... 82.

HyperBible International Version ... 195.

Symantec Corporation
HyperBible King James Version .... 159.
Symantec Utilities for Macintosh ..... . 59.
Sidekick 2.0 ................. ..................... 65.
CE Software
Brain Power
QuickMail ............... .................... . 165.
ArchiText ............................ ......... ... 182.
Affinl~ QuickDEX ........................... ............. 32.
Bright Star Technology
AffiniF1le ......... .................................. 46. Exodus Software
CompuServe Navigator ... ............. 45.
HyperAnimator .. ....... ........................ 79.
Allan Bonadio Associates Retriever .............. ........... ................. 59.

Data VIZ
HyperPress Publishing
Expressionist 2.0 (equation edtr) ..... 79. Solutions
Maclink Plus w/Cable ................ 145.

~~~:a~~d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Script Expert ............................. .. ..... 49.


SmartScrap & The Clipper ........ ....... 35.


Red Ryder 10.3 ........... .... ...... ....... 54.
Open ITI .......................... ................. 49.

Video Works II HyperCard Driver .. .... 60.


LANGUAGES Smartcom II .. ................... ............. 88.

lnSlgnia Solutions
HyperAtlas ..... ............ .................... .. 64.
Turbo Pascal .. ...... .. .......................... 65.
Soft PC (Mac II) .......................... 479.
Power Up
Turbo Database Mac .............. ......... 65.
Software Ventures
HyperTutor ..... ........... ....................... 29.
Manx Software Systems
Microphone 11 .. ....... .... ................. 225.
Softworks, Inc.

Aztec C or Unitools ..................... ea 65.

HyperTools #1 or #2 ................... ea 59.

Aztec C+SDB ................................... 99 .

~~~~~~~d~~ti~ ~
Stack Cleaner ........... ....................... 39.
Aztec C+MPW .................................. 99.
8 8 .................... 349.


HyperDA .................................... ..... . 38.

Basic Interpreter 3.0 ......................... 62.

UTILITIES QuickBasic ................... ....... ... ... ....... 65 .


4th Dimension .. .. .... .... .... ............. 489.

Tempo 11 ........ .................................. . 89.

Prototyper ........... .. ........................... 72 .

Berkeley System Design, Inc.

dBase Mac ..... .. ...... ..................... 295.

Stepping Out II ................................. 52.

MalUScreen Video Card CAPP's Lightspeed C or Pascal .... .. 49.

Beyond, Inc.
(Moblus Technoloefes) Just Enough Pascal 1.0 ................... 44.
Reflex Plus ................................. 165.

MenuFonts 2 ... ........... ................... ... 30.

Increase your screen size almost three Lightspeed C 3.0 ....... ....... ................ 95.

CE Software
times with the NEW MultiScreen Video Lightspeed Pascal .............. .............. 65.
FileMaker 11 .............................. ... 239.

DiskTop 3.0.2 .. ...... ........... ...... .......... 27.

Card that lets you connect inexpensive Zedcor
Fox Software

QuicKeys (macro programmer) ........ 53.

14" m onitors to your Macintosh SE. You ZBasic 5.0 ...................................... 105.
FoxBASE+/ Mac ..... ..................... 208.

Central Point
can choose from three different screen
Copy II Mac (with Mac Tools) ........... 20.
resolutions . including 72 dpi. Displays up
PC Tools Deluxe For Mac ............... .40.
to a full page lengthwise and works with
your built-in Mac screen for additional
Canvas 2.0 (Dcneba)
workspace . Plugs into SE expansion
This revolutionary upgrade
slot. Its flicker-free screen is ideal for
sets the standard for
desktop publishing! (disk drives) $349.
drawing programs by
blending powerful drawing
capabilities with convenient
easy-to-use paint features.
Features include autotrace,
multi-point Bezier cuives,
unlimited layers, 16.7
million colors for
MacSnap 1 Meg surface mount
24-bit Macll
CMOS SIMMS for the Macintosh Plus,
support, hairlines
SE and Mac II (DOVE) Expand your Plus
to 111, OOOth of an
or SE to 2560K using MacSnap 2S. Pre­
inch, improved
serves future expandability. $750 For
precision to 64,000
Maximum memory in the Plus and SE.
dpi. PostScript
or a 4 Meg expansion for the Mac 11. the
MacSnap 4S utilizes state of the art low
scales in one­
profile 1 Meg surface mount CMOS
SIMMS. $1488. The MacSnap 8S ex­
increments, TIFF
pands the Mac II to 8 Megs for the Ulti­
and bit-map
mate in power and m em ory. $2975.
256K surface mount MacSnap products
and zoom
are available for the SE and Plus $439.
Included with each MacSnap product is
ranging from 3%
the high-performance Ram Snap soft­
to 3,000%.
ware utility. (memory upgrades)
(graphics) $169.
For price, quality and service you won't find a better source for
your Mac needs. If you don't see it here, give us a call. Most
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MacWAREHOUSE CATALOG FCC9 I Inquiries: 201-367-0440
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I don't need to order right now, but please RUSH me my

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•.. ~

PageMaker 3.0 ............................... 399.


DTP Advisor ..................................... 47.


Image Studio or Ready.Set.Go! ..... 279.


Read-It! 2.0 (OCR) ............. ............ 199.

Extended Keyboard
Carry Case <Tarau1)
Pamper your Mac with a
Targus carrying case made of
Zilicone treated nylon to give
you water-proof durability and an
Im pact absorbing high-
I Quark
density foam layer with a son
protective lining for com­
Xpress or QuarkStyle ....... ......... ..... Call .

Ovaltune Solutions
plete protection. Cus­
Creates audio-visual SuperGlue 1.05 .. ......................... .. ... 52.
hioned shoulder pad
performance with a Springboard
and handles provide extra
variety of Kaleidoscope Springboard Publisher ... .. .............. 109.
com fort and convenience.
graphics . Synchronizes Target
Plus there's room for
any graphics program Scoop .............. ........... .... SPECIAL 189.
everything from your
with music. Can be Mac, a hard disk drive
and the Extended Key­
played through your NETWORKING
board to pockets
MacSpeaker or MIDI
synthesizer. (music) PRODUCTS
for your mouse,
$95. Connect Inc.
floppies , cables
MacNet ........... .......... ........ ................ 43.
and pens.
Fa ration
Timbuktu 2.0.1 ............................... Call.

TurboNET ............................ ...... ...... 30.


Network DiskFit .............................. 199.


TOPS 2.0 ................................ ....... 119.

Video lnatruc:Uon
(Voice & Video)
Breeze through Mac soft­
Thundencan ware like Pagemake r 3.0, Software for Recognition Tech
Converts your Word 4.0 and Hypercard MacEqn ...................................... ...... 24.
ImageWriter into a with the ease o f an old pro.
scanner with special You 11 have your very own MUSIC AND SOUND
effect s such as rotation, one-to-one trainer on vide­ Coda

linescreens, captions, otape. Each program is MacDrums ........... ...... ....................... 32.

and frames of various simple and easy to use , Perceive ....................... .. ......... .... ... .. 52.

sizes. It is packaged averaging 90 minutes in Electronic Arts

complete for the Mac length with graphic ex­ Delu xe Music Construction 2.5 .. ...... 84.

512K, 5 12KE, Plus and amples . Titles include Farallon Computing

SE (input/output) $199. "GetUnlJ Started" for Word MacRecorder (records sound) ....... 139.

4.0 . Pa11emaker 3.0 and Great Wave

Hypercard. "Advanced ConcertWare + MIDI 4.0 ................. . 79.

Techniques" cover new Impulse

software features for Word Audio Digitizer w/SoundWave ........ 149.

4.0 and Pagemaker 3.0. lntelllgent Music

All the programs are pro­ OvalTune ................. ........................ 95.

fessionally tested and pro­ Opcode Systems

duced . It's an entertaining. Music Mouse .. .................................. 39.

easy way to get the most Passport Designs

from your programs! Master Tracks Pro ....................... ... 259.

(education) $35. each tape NoteWriter ......... ........................... .. 169.

FONTS MacMoney 3.02 ............................... 62.


SuperLaserSpool 2.0 Fonts ..... ......................................... Call.


SuperLaserSpooI lets Altsys

Abacus Concepts
Alphabet Blocks ................ ............... 32.

you use your Mac Fantastic Plus 2.0 ............................ 54.

StatView II (req. Mac II, or Plus/SE
Talking Tiles .. ................................... 69.

while printing docu­ Letraset

w/68881 co-processor) ................... 349.
Bootware Software

ments - no more LetraStudio ............................ ....... .. 369.

StatView SE+Graphics ...... .. ..... ...... 229.
ResumeWriter Pro ........................... 75.

waiting! LaserQueue LetraFon1s (various) .. ............... ... ea 59 .

Brain Power

accessory lets you Olduvai

StatView 512+ (requires 512k) ....... 175.
Calculus, Geometry, Physics ea. .. ... 59.

control when and ArtFonts ....... ........................... ......... 59.

D2 Software
Type ......................................... .. ...... 20.

where your document

is printed - even CAD/CAM MacSpin 2.0 .. ................ .... ......... .. .. 189.

Math Blaster .. ....... ............................ 27.

allows you to preview

your spooled MiniCad Plus .................... ........ ...... 525.
Data Desk Professional .................. 289.
Speed Reader II ... .. .. ........................ 39.

Innovative Data
Great Wave

documents. (utilities)
$82. MacDraf11 .2a ....... ......................... 155.
Milo .. ....................... ........................ 169.
Kids Time .............. ................... ........ 26.

Dreams .. ...... ......... ...................... .. . 315.

Select Micro Systems, Inc.


MGMS1ation (professional CAD) ... Call .

Exstatix .. .............................. .......... 219.

~~~~~~~~~:r~~-~.~-- . . . . ... . . . '. . ..

MncMon,ey MacVlslon 2.0 (Koala)
Turn your video camera
into a scanner!
MacVlsion accepts any
standard NTSC signal
including camcorder.
Payroll 3.5 ........................................ 99.
VCRs, videodiscs and DC
Payroll PLUS .................................. 159.
players. It digitizes and
displays an image 640
Simply Accounting ......................... 219.
pixels wide by 480 lines
MacMoney 3.02 Intuit
high, with 256 shades of
This versatile, powerful Quicken .................... ........................ 33.
gray. It stores images in
and intuitive accounting MECA
TIFF, RIFF, MacPaint ,
package from Survivor Managing Your Money ................... 128.
and EPS file formats, so
Software is a full double­ Monogram
you can export them to
entry personal bookkeep­ Business Sense .................... ......... 279.
Image Studio. Page­
ing system and financial Dollars & Sense ...... .. ................... .... 81.
maker. and even to
planning tool. Integrates Softvlew
Hypercardl MacVision
with MaclnTax. (finance) MaclnTax Federal '88 ....... ..... .. .... .... 69.
dlgl!izes 3D objects from
$62. TaxView Planner ............ ....... ........... 64.
any video source! (input/
output) $225.
Clnu1 Drive Kits
(La Cle Ltd) Manaatna Your Money
With lhese kits and A fully integrated software
Double Hel ix 11 ............ .......... ....... ... 339.
your choice ofa 3 l/2" program addressing every
Double Helix II MultiUser Kit .... ...... Call.
embedded SCSI drive, aspect of personal and
GeoQuery ...................................... 199.
you can put together small business finance.
Park Row Incorporated
your own internal, or Write and print checks, set
Publish or Perish ........................ ...... 21 .
external drive for any up a personal budget ,
Personal Bibliographic
SCSI-equipped Mac. estimate your taxes and
Pro·Cite ........ ............. ..................... 199 .
Internal kits come with more. (finance) $128.
Software Discoveries
a universal bracket:
Record Holder Plus .......... .......... ...... 45.
external kits come with
the award -winning
B{]SINESS SOFTWARE Orrus case and a Cor­
Access Technology
dura Carryingbag. Kits
Trapeze 2. 1 ............................. ....... 159.
come with SilverLln­
ing and SilverServer
Full Impact .... .. ................................ 249.
software. (disk drives)
MacCalc ................... ........................ 79.
Niies & Associates

BreakThrough Productions
End Note .......................................... 82.
MacDraw 112.0 .......... .................... . 329.

Market Master .. ........................... ... 185.

MacPaint 2.0 ..................... ............. 105.

Market Master RIA ........ ........ ......... 245.

Qued/M ...................... ............. ....... 109.

Cl aris
Cricket Draw ........ .... ...................... 169.

MacProject II ..... ...... .... ...... ............. 395.

Acta Advantage w/DA ...................... 69.
Cricket Paint .................... SPECIAL 99 .
Cognition Technology
Pict-0 -Graph (color on the Mac JI) ... 99.
Save time storing and
MacSMARTS 3.2 ........... ................ 135.
retrieving Information. It ·s the
WriteNow 2.0 ... .............................. 109.

WordPerfect Corp.
Canvas 2.0 .............. ..... ..... ............. 169.
easy way to search for
Cricket Graph ..... .......................... .. 119.
references and edit them.
WordPerfect .... .... .. .. ..... .................. 185.
Dream Maker

Rearrange data any way you

Cricket Presents ..... .. .... ...... ... ....... .. 289.
SPELLING CHECKERS Cliptures, Business images ............. 97.
like. Makes smooth sailing out
~i~{g:i~annn~rn~l~~t~~·~·~·~'.~~~~ ......... 385.

MacGallery ........... ...... ...................... 28.

Electronic Arts
of sorting and organizing.
Great for research papers and
Doug Clapp's Word Tools .. .............. 42.
Studio/8 .......................................... 319.

Excel 1.5 ....................................... . 249.

articles. (spelling) CALL.

PowerPoint 2.0 .................•............ Call.

MacProof 3.0 .... .............................. 115.
Photon Paint ... ................... ........ .... 179.

Works 2.0 ............................... ........ 189. Deneba Software


Bigthesaurus ......... ..... .......... ............ 53.

MacAtlas Pro (MacDraw format) .... 129.

~~~~Wt~~ach Pro ........................ 105.

~~~~i~~t.'.°.~ .................. ......... ........... 99 .

Word Finder (synonym finder) ..... .... 33 .


Sensible Software
Art Clips ................. ............. ............. 69.

BookEnds ................. .. ............ ...... . Call.


Sensible Grammar ............ ....... .. ..... . 54.

Swivel 3D ..... .......... ........... ............ . 265.

Working Software
Silicon Beach

Spellswell 2.0 .. ................... ............. . 45 .

Digital Darkroom or Super 3D ........ Call .

GRAPHICS ~~ri:i~~i~t 2.0 ......... ...................... Call.

3G Graphics
Curator (graphics management) ...... 79 . SupraModem 2400
Images w/lmpact
More bauds for the buck!
Graphics & Symbols 1 ................. .... 59.
Pixel Paint Pro ................. ... .. .......... Call.
The SupraModem gives you
Business 1 .............. ......................... 75.
2400 baud performance for
Abs Software
P1ctureBase & WetPaint ..... ............. . 99.
less than the cost of 1200
Draw It Again Sam 2.0 ..................... 79.
bps units. Offers complete
GraphistPaint II ............... ............... 289.
ClickArt EPS Illustrations ................. 75.
support of the Hayes "AT"
command set, auto answer/
Freehand 2.0 ...................... .... ........ 349 .
Deskpaint 2.0 ................. .................. 69.
originate, passthrough phone
DESKTOP P{]BLJSHING jack, programmable-volume
Drawing Table ............................ ..... . 79.
PROD{]CTS speaker, and a one year
PosterMaker Plus ...... ....................... 36 .
warranty. (modems) $149.
R TypeStyler ...................................... Call .

The Computerized ce Tool

V1de0Works 11 .. ...... ....... .................. 175.
ACE-Textures, Fill , and Patterns ... 168.

puts new life into your study of the Bible, CE Softwa re

Illustrator 88 ................................... 319.

using HyperCard "s interface. Over 100,000 CalendarMaker ................................ 27 .

Streamline ................ ...................... 295 .

notes and cross refefrences, Aldas-, 7000 i.--• -'--V1S_

an~- MA~TE""C_R=---_..,..
S,,.""R_A""o accepted ""'.,--surcharge.
No -.,---------.......;;....==.:._...;__ MWC.:.9'­
toplcs and Glossary o Terms. nter1ace to
• Your credit card will not be charged until your order Is shipped.
any word processor. Easy word and phrase
• Hwe must ship a partial order, we pay the freight on the remaining portion.
search ofscripture. Ready made studies for
• All U.S. shipments are insured at no extra charge.
meetings. Available in the New lntema­ • C.O.D. orders accepted (add $6.00 lnciudlng shipping) - $1 ,000 maximum.
lional Version $195 . and the King James
Cash, money order, or cashier's check.
Version $159. Great gifi item! (hyperware)
• Corporate purchase orders accepted subject to credit approval.
• All products are covered b(. a 120 day nmlted warranty.
Nolo Press
:H&,i{~bldents add 7.5% sa es tax. NJ residents add 6.0% sales tax.
The math Processor for
the Mac! Mllo Is the first
For the Record ........ ...... ............... .... 29.
• All orders add $3.00 per Older. We ship Airborne Express overnight unless math processor that
WiilMaker ......................................... 34.
UPS ground de~vers overnight (Some rural areas require an eXlra day.) combines mathematical
North Edge Software
• Orders placed by 5:00 pm Eastern time (weekdays) for "in stock" ttems ship calculations with graphing
nmeslips Ill (time/expense tracking)117 .
same day (bam"ll system fS11ure, etc.) tor overnight delivery.
• C.O.D. orders sh11> via UPS (Blue Label tt you BJe more than 2 days trom us and word processing
lk Mailer 3 2 79
via UPS ground). Charge is $6 inclldlng shipping. capabilities. Solve
Bu · ............. .................... · • Alaska, Hawaii, outside continental U.S., APO/FPO call 201-367-0440 for problems with a click of
Shana Enterprises Information. the mouse. Milo is an
Fastforms u-~- -- • ~
Softvlew ! Construction Kit .......... .. 89. ·!Jol- software replaced Immediately. ~·~are replaced or •• ,.... , ~ at
our discmJon essential tool for scientists,
FormSet .................. .. .................. ..... 55. I'm Kerry, call me at :
engineers, and math stu­

~~;~~~us~ .o i9iiii"l ......................... .... 42

. 1-800-255-6227
dents. (statistics) $169.

~~u~:~~~c ······ ·· · · ·· ·· ······· · ·· ··· · · · ········· 269 · (1-800-ALL-MACS)

More 11 ................... .............. .......... 225. lnqulrla: 201 -367-0440 Canada: fl00.255-6447 FAX# 201-905-927



FullWrite Professional ..... .. ............. 269.

1690 Oak Street , P.O. Box 1579,
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MacWrite 5.0 ........ ................ .... ...... 105.

SATURDAY 8A.M. lo 8 P.M. (Eastern Time)

NOW OPEN SUNDAYS! 8 A.Ill to 8 P.M. (Eastern Time)
Word 4 (updated word processor) . 249.

Wrile 1.0 ............... .......................... 113.

© Copyright t988 MicroWarehouse, Inc. MacWAAEHOUSE™ is a division ol MlcroWarehouse, Inc. MacWAAEHOUSE •M and
M1cr0Warehouse are trademarks ol MlcroWarehouse, Inc. Item availability and price subject to change without notice.
MaclnTax Federal
1988 (Sol'tvlew)
This sophisticated, easy to use MEMORY UPGRADES
income tax preparation pro­ 1 MEG SIMMS ...................... ....... .. Call.
gram allows you to o rganize, AST
store, and print out income Mac286 Co-Processor (Mac II} .... 1079.
tax information . Includes CMS
74 IRS forms, schedules, CMS TapeStack 60 Meg .... ..... .. ..... Call.
statements and work­ MacStack 20 Meg ....... ............. .... .. 569.
sheets. Links forms auto­ MacStack 40 Meg .......... ....... ......... 789.
matically to reduce input MacStack 60 Meg .............. ............ 849.
errors. Program features Cutting Edge
the IRS instruction SOOK Disk Drive "NEW" .. ................ 175. World Oass Leader Board
booklet on-line . All Wedge XL 30 Plus .... ............ .. .. ..... 629. Play the courses that challenge
forms can be printed, Wedge XL 45 Plus ... .. .. .. ........... ..... 829. !he greatest golfers or create
complete with data XL 30 Internal or 45 Internal .......... Call. your own . Digitized sound,
onto blank paper Dayna Communications practice putting greens and
or preprinted forms, DaynaFile single 360K (5 114'1 ...... 529. driving range. Choose your
both IRS approved . Dove dub, distance and type of
(finance) $69. MacSnap 2S .......... .... ...... ........ .. ..... 750. shot. For I to 4 players.
MacSnap 2SE ..... ...... ...... ....... .... .... 439. (entertainment).$34.
MacSnap 4S .. .............................. 1488.
MacSnap SS .................... .......... .. 2975.
MacSnap SCSI Interface Port ........ 109.
MacSnap 524E (512k to 1 meg) .... 289.
Mlndscape MacSnap 524S .............................. 379 .
Perfect Score S.A.T ......................... 46 . MacSnap 548E (512k to 2 meg) .... 549.
Simon & Schuster Word 4.0
i~~~o~~~~!vTCiiiiwiiri<.5 35
· (Microsoft)
Word 4.0 adds
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing ........ 36 . new page design
Voice & Video capabilities! Create
HyperCard Getting Started .............. 35. newsletters with Payroll PLUS
PageMaker 3 .0 Video Tape .. ........ ... 35. multiple columns. This complete payroll
Word 4.0 Video Tape ...... ...... ............ 35 Automatically program provides
wrap text around Federal, State, Local,
GAMES graphics. Tables and FICA tables plus 8
Access Software Inc. are a breeze. Use user-defined miscellane­
World Class Leader Board ..... .. ...... . 34. Style Sheets to ous deductions.
Artworx create tables with Calculates hourly wages
BRIDGE 5.0 ........................... .......... 22. self-calculating or salary. Prints
GrailQuest ............... ..... .... ... ......... .... 19. columns. Word paychecks and m ore.
Broderbund 4.0 has a spelling (finance) $159.
Ancient A rt of War At Sea ................ 27. checker, hyphena­
Shurtlepuck Cafe ....... .......... ... ..... .. ... 22. tion, glossaty,
mail merge, and
MacTllt (Ergotron) indexing. Word
Neck and back pains disappear like magic 4.0 also includes
w hen you put your Mac on a MacTilt. SuperPaint I. I at
You'll be more productive when those no exlra charge .
aches and pains from improper viewing (word processing) MacSnap 548S ..... ............ ............. 599.
angles go away. MacTilt raises your $249. MacSnap Plus 2 ... .............. ..... ....... 439.
screen 4 inches ofT the desk and gives MacSnap 1024 Mem. Exp . Board. Call.
you a swivel and Iii! joint so you can fine ­ Centron Software, Inc.
MaraThon SP .... ............................. 189.
tune your viewing angle and minimize BlackJack or CrapsMaster .......... ea 27 .
Mara Thon Accelerators ................. Call.
glare. The tilt covers a 30 degree angle CasinoMaster (5 pack) .. .. ....... ...... .. .. 55 .
Everex Swivel 30
and the swivel goes around a full 360. Discovery Software
EMAC 20D {hard drive) ............... ... 520. Swivel 30 is the ONLY 30
(accessories) $68. Arkanoid .. ... .... .... ........ ....... ..... .......... 27.
EMAC 20D Deluxe (0 footprint) ..... 585. drawing program with color and
Electronic Arts
EMAC 40D Deluxe (0 footprint) .. ... 995. it's fast. Start with 20 drawings
Chessmaster 2000 (deluxe chess) .. 28.
EMAC 60T (tape backup) .............. 895. and Swivel's intuitive interface
Patton vs. Rommel (strategy) .......... 15.
EMAC FS-102 ......................... ..... 2495. turns them into 30 objects. Use
Starfleet I: The War Begins ....... ...... . 37.
Impact Hard Drives .......... ......... ..... Call. the "Tweening" function for
Chuck Yeager Adv. Flight Trainer .... 32 .
La Cle Ltd. animation. Comes with a library
3 .5 Mounting Kit w/SilverServer & of pre-drawn images and
Sub Battle Sim ulator ........................ 29.
Silverlining .................... ............ ...... 99. supports PICT and MacPaint
Leather Goddess of Phobos ..... ....... 15.
Cirrus Drive Kits .. ........... .. .............. Call. files. (graphics) $265.
Micro Sports
MSFL Pro League Football .. .... ........ 32.
Mlndscape Casino Master (Centron)
Balance of Power. Deja Vu · ..... .. ea 30 . Become a Master of Casino Gambling!
Shadowgate, Uninvited · .. .. ......... ea 30 . Five separate Casino Games Include
Nemesis Blackjack Ace, Crapsmaster, Roulette
Go Master .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .............. ... ... . 49. Master, Pol<ermaster
Joseki Tutor ................ ..................... 30 . and Baccarat Master.
PCAI Learn and practice at
MacCourses ................................... .. 32. your own pace! Exact
MacGolf 2 .0 ...................................... 35. table simulation ,
MacGolf Classic .. ...... ................ ...... . 54. mouse controlled
Road Race r ... .. ............. .. .................. 45. betting, selectable
Sierra ON-Line bankroll, sto red win/
Leisure Suit Larry ........... .................. 23 . lose statistics and
Silicon Beach complete manual for
Apache Strike, Dark Castle · ....... ea 27. rules and strategy
Beyond Dark Castle ..... ........ ............ 27. included for each
Simon & Schuster game . Recommended
Where in the World is Star Trek:Kobayashi Al ternative ...... 24. and used by
Carmen San Diego ........... ............... 25 . Spectrum HoloByte professional gamblers !
Bullseye Falcon 2.0 ..... ................................... 32 . Buy individual games
Ferrari Grand Prix (racing) .......... ... .. 32 . PT109 , Gato .. .. .... .... ............. ...... ea . 26 . $27 ea or get the 5­
P51 Mustang ............................ ..... .. . 32 . Solitare Royale or Tetris ..... ........ ea 20. game Casino Master
Casady & Greene The Software Toolworks Package $55.
Crystal Quest 2.2 w/Critter Editor .... 42 . The Hunt for Red October ................ 29. (entertainment)
Th£ BIG Th£saurus
Contains over 100.000 root
words from the Merriam­ Miniscribe
Mor£ II (Symantec)
Webster Collegiate 20Mb Raw Int. Drive Kit ................. 379.
From reports to

Thesaurus. Insert s replace­ 45Mb Raw Int. Drive Kit ........... .... .. 549.
speeches you're a

pro with More II.

ment words directly into

your document. Compatible MultiScreen Video Card ................. 349_
Use the outliner to

capture and organize

with Multifinder and

Hypercard . (spelling) $53. MacBottom HD21 (SCSI) ...... .... Call for
your thoughts. Plan

MacBottom HD32 (SCSI) ........... special

the presentation

MacBottom HD45 (SCSI) ..... .......... 859. using the full ­

MacBottom HD21 w/Modem .......... 779 . function word

processing section.

Finish with stunning


graphics, forrnalled

handouts and a self­

running slide show.

More !rs graphic

tools help you create

and import charts,

BASF 3.5" Doubl" graphs, diagrams

Sided Doubl£ D£nSity and illustrations to

High capacity diskettes make your points. It

with no capacity for reads PCT. PJCT2

error. Every bit, every and EPS mes.

bite on every track of (business) $235.

each BASF 3.5' Diskette
is certified 100% error
free. Warranted for life.
(media)$17. MAC · 101 Keyboard (Data Desk) Kurta

Features 10 l keys including a

IS/ADB Tablet ... ..... ........................ 259.

numeric keypad, a separate T-shaped

Cordless 4 Button Cursor .......... ....... 95.
cursor keypad . Cancel Key, Option
Mouse Systems Ama ray

and Command keys at both ends,

A+ Mouse (512/Plus or SEii/) ........ Call.
MediMate Flex Pac .... -........... .. ........ 12_
definable function keys, plus
New Image Computer Friends, Inc.

scrolling, page control, and zooming

MacScan (flatbed) ................... ..... 1749.

Maclnker (IW & IW II) ........ ....... ........ 41.

keys. Comes with free macro
Seikosha America Ergotron

software and manufacturers two

Seikosha Printer (dot-matrix) ......... 235.
MacTilt or MacTiit SE .......... ............. 68.
year warranty. (input/output) CALL.
Summagraphics Mouse Cleaner 360 .................... ...... 15.

1/0 Designs

Bit Pad Plus .......... ......................... 329.

MacBottom HD32 w/Modem .......... 829.

Image Ware II Carrying Case .......... -. 49 .

MacBottom HD45 w/Modem .......... 979.

lmage"'."riter LO Ribbon .............. ... Call.
LighlningScan ......... ............... .... .... Call.

WSI (With SCSI Interface) .... .. ....... 269.

ThunderScan 4.0 (incl. Powerport) 199. IW II Ribbons-Black or Color ......... Call.

M£dlaMat£ Peripheral Land, Inc.

Macinware Plus Carrying Case ... ..... 64.

Have all your programs Infinity Turbo 40 Meg ................... 1299.

Macinware SE Carrying Case .......... 75_

at your finger tips! UniMac


MediaMate holds 10 3.5 or 5.25 Int. Mounting Kits ......... Call.

Anti-Glare Filter .. .............. ................ 33.

3 1/2 inch disks in an Storware ....... ., ... ....... ....... ............ ...... 69.
Apple Security Kit ............................. 34.

easy access design. Disk Drive Cleaning Kit ....... ............. 20.

When not in use, it folds Mac II Stand w/Cable Kit .................. 65.

up for easy storage.

Abaton MODEMS • d"
MasterPiece Mac II ........................ 105.

(accessones) $12. lnterFax 12/48 ..... .......... -.... ....... ..... Call .
~ ;.J· Modem/FAX Protector 20 ................ 25.
Best Data Products
= PowerTree SurgeProtectors .......... Call.
SmartOne 2400/ 1200 with cable
System Saver ..... .............................. 64.
and software ......................... ........ . 169.
Moblus Products
~i..,;:~rd'JJI Everex
Fannx Mac QT ................................ 60.
EMAC 2400 .......................... .......... 225.
SE Silencer ................. ............. ........ 39.
Omnium Corporation
Smartmodem 1200 .........._........... .. 299.
Mac Desktop Workstation ... ............. 75.
Smartmodem 2400 .............. ......... .449.
Impact Hard Drives (Everex) Orange Micro

Smartmodem 9600 (V series) ........ 985.

The EMAC Impact Hard Drive series
Grappler UQ or LS ...... ..................... 92.
features high speed 19 ms performance, Targus, Ltd.

Pocket Modem (ext. 30011200 baud)115.

external SCSI addressing. external
Deluxe Pius/SE-XKB Case (black) .. 69.
termination, whisper quiet operation and lmageWriter II Case (black) ............. 49.
Promodem 2400 ............................ 309.
a compact. slim-line chassis 2 112 x 6 x Mac Plus/SE Case (black) .............. 59.
10 1/2 in .. (disk drives) EMAC Impact 60
NetModem 1200 ..... ................. ...... 359.
MB or EMAC Impact 40MB Plus. CALL.

Supra Modem 2400 ....................... 149.

US Robotics

Courier 1200 Modem .... ........... ...... 199.

I'm Kerry , ca ll me at:
Courier 2400 Modem ..................... 349.


Sp£lling Coach
Complete on-line spell­
ing and reference sys­
DS/DD (box of 10) ............ .............. .. 17.


DS/DD (box of 10) .. ............ ...... ...... .. 19.


SS/DD (box of 10) ............................ 13.

tem includes Merriam­ OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: ONLY $3.

Webster's 158,000 INPOT/OOTPOT

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Turbo Trackball (5 12/Plus or Sel l/) .. 69_

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245,000 synonym
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85.000 real definition s! telephone staff is standing by,

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Mac 101 Keyboard ...... ................... Call .
seven days a week. Place your


New Turbo Mouse .. ........................ 109.

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Circle 78 on reader service card
New Products

Cable Sender/ Tracer Kit Test kit for MacLift Lifts the screen of Mac 51 2K,

LA system administrators and ca bl e Plus, or SE at an angle; the fro nt feet o f

insta llers. D etects cable runs in Ooors, the computer fit into o ne of the device's
w alls, and ceiling ·. $195. Microtest, five grooves. Raises Lh<.: fro nt of the Mac
602/ 971-6464.
( co111i1111es)
Floppiclene Disk drive clea ning kits for
3 1/2-, 5 1/~-. and 8-inch form aned disks.
Each kit consists of 50 di ·po able
clea ning disks, clea ning solvent, and
reusab le disk envelo pe. $35 per kit.
Tech-Sa-Port, 412/661 -2629.

The Incliner Po rtable, fo1wa rd -tilting

computer ca rt. H o lds any Mac, a small
primer, and a vari ety of peripherals.
Makes the computer and equipment
accessible fro m lounge chairs, sofa s, and
bed ' . H andcra fted solid oa k . $599.
Jensto n Manufacturing, 512/ 653-0414.

Joystick/Keyboard Assembly Metal

enclosure for Mac II keyboa rd , w ith bui lt­ T/Je I11cli11er
in joystick mouse replace ment and
removable silicon sea l that ad heres to the Mach IV Plus Mouse repl acement fo r all
tanclard Mac 11 k eyb oa rd. $495 ; joystick mouse- in tensive progra ms. Cursor m oves
alo ne $129. CTI Electronics Corporatio n, in same directio n as stick handle wi th
203/ 386-9779. in creasing speeds as you mo ve the stick
l'arth r from its ce nter. $89.95. CH MacbIVPlus
Products , 619/744-8546.


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Circle 403 on reader service card Circle 26 on reader service card

If you're losing your passion for running the
sameoldprograms on your Mac~ add alittleexcite­
ment to the relationship. Start writing your own,
with the new Microsoft®QuickBASIC for the
BASIC is already
the easiest language to
currttote = I
learn on the Mac. And
WHIL E currffote<endNote
cell pleyNote{noteArrey(currHote))
now, with new Micro­
soft QuickBASIC, ifs
even easier.
It can sing. We've built the
compiler and the inter- ___._...-a_.__.... _
preter into one program. ! Micl'osoft
GOSUB setupWlndow
GOSUO se tupVarlobl es.
Which means you can
::;:;;;: ~....v:::'; :J ~= ~~~~~~~~~~:~;:~rop ;-' compile and execute The wnsummate new Microsoft
MENU ON : MOUSE ON whatever your heart de- QuickBASICfortheMacintosh.
sires vvith asilnple double click of the mouse.
Weve even added a complimentary personal
finance program so you can practice. See any
Microsoft dealer for a trial run.
~5 ~
99 ·
f ram e c::3!J You're going to have alot of fun programming
@ Cffi
speed 50
your own Mac, even when you're getting down to
serious busine&:>. With newMicrosoft QuickBASIC,
It can dance. you'll learn how to customize business applica­
tions and programs so theymeet your specific
needs and work with existing applications.
And don't be surprised at some of the inge­
nious things you can create right off the bat.
That's perfectly natural.

Q 1988 Microsoft Corporation. All righls resel'-ed. Microsoft and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. ~lacintosh and ~ lac are registered trademarks of Apple Computn, Inc.
fl>rtions of Microsoft Quid;BASICfor the ~lacintosh """' d"'~lopetl and are copyrighred by Abson Corporation,
Auburn Hills, Michigan, and are based on a vmion of the Abson AC/BASIC" compiler. All righls resen-ed.

It can even spit nickels.

New Products

getting low; unit shut<> off when battery

gets down to 10 vo lts. $179.95. Statpower
Technologies, 604/4 20-1585.
Apple Numerics Mam1a~ Second
Surelock Security Kit Steel-cable and Edition Updated manual describes SANE
brass-lock security syste m designed to on the various processors used in the
secure Macs and peripherals from theft. Apple TT a nd Macintosh family of com­
$39.95. Reiko, 206/ 672-5353. puters. lncludes new information on
IEEE-standard aritlunetic and the SANE
Textured Papers for Impact Printers e ngines for Apple JIGS and Mac II
Three new papers: riblaid available in computers. $29.95. Addison Wesley,
MacLift white, ivory, a nd gray; line n (25 percent 617/ 944-3700. 0
cotton) with e mbossed texture in white,
by up to 2 inches. Platinum or beige. gray, and blu e; a nd brushed cotton (50 'Jo have your product considered for
$12.95. Cordry-Berg Enterprises, pe rcent cotton) with woven finish in inclusion in New Products, send an
714/ 361-2557. white, ivory, and blue. $24.95 per box of announcement with product name,
250 fanfold sheets. James River Corpora­ description, minimum mem01y, peripher­
Manifesto Executive Desk/Work­ tion, 413/589-7592. als required, pricing, company name,
station Handmade oak desk/worksta­ and phone number to New Products
tion with moto rized platfo rm for the Mac. Editor, Macworld, 501 Second St., San.
Press a button or turn a key to lift the Francisco, CA 94107. \Ve reseroe the right
computer up to use the Manifesto as a to edit press releases.
workstation, or place it flush for use as
a desktop. Ho lds Mac, printe r, scanner,
and storage. $1995. Sunrise Technologies,
800/446-5991 or 619/466-5991.

PClOO+ Power Inverter Produces 100

watts of AC powe r from any 12-volt
battery source. Requires no permanent
mounting. Alarm sounds when batte ry is
Ma11ifesto Executive Desk

Romancing the Mac

With Je!Unlc Express™. It's a remarkable
new generation of printer driver for
Macintosh computers and DeskJet ,
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Simplicity, speed, versatility and
dependability - without the 'jaggies'.
But that's only part of the story.
JetLinlc Express employs the same
leading-edge outline font technology Capture Video Images: $249.95!
used by Postscript"' laser printers,
the standard in desktop publishing. Caplure real ·worl d images on your Mac 512E , Mac Plus. SE. or

Mac II from any slandard video source (video camera . VCR).

This allows you the flexibility to create various On the screen ...

fonts, sizes and styles with astonishing results. CompulerEyes includes several options lor images display. and

Where reliability, quality and speed count most, JetUnlc Express achieves edit oplions such as shrink. expand . scroll, and more.

first-rank performance. The competition doesn't even come close to delivering Behind the scenes ...

300 dpi in large fonts and sizes without the 'jaggies'. CompulerEyes acquires larger· lhan·screen images with 256 gray levels

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So if you're looking for a printer driver with a heart, we've got your number. On paper. .. .
Now all you have to do is push ours. You'll get what you need in record time. Compu1erEyes saves images on disk m several file formats
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Mac Daisy LinlcTM conUnues to be the preferred tool tor the da/sywhee/ PageMaker. Hypercard. MacPaint- virtually all the popular
printers and typewriters. graphics programs.
Think of rhe poSS1b1h11es'
ComputerEyes is backed by a one year warranty and the success of
over 20.000 sys1ems sold. See your dealer or order direct.

GDT Softworks Inc.

P.O. Box 1865, Polnl Roberts, Wa. 98281
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To order call 800· 346· 0090

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Mac Daisy Link & Jellink Express are lrademar1<s of GOT Softworks, Inc.
66 Easlern Ave iii.• iii.•
DeskJet and LaserJet are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Co., Inc.
Dedham. MA 02026 ~<:?_~Q'
Macintosh Is a roglslered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

Postscript Is a registered lrademark of Adobe Syslems, Inc.

Circle 439 on reader service card Circle 242 on reader service card

You've known us as AppleCrate. We are now Crate Inner ~ (jll1ll E 1

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lnnerCrate: our solution for your Mac SE and Mac II
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Circle 97 on reader service card


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Just call 1-800-BACKUPl for the dealer
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0 1989 Irwin Maanetic 5}".!.tems, lnc .• 2 101 Commonwt-alth Blvd., Ann Arbor; Ml 48105. lrwln and EiThpe arc rtili Uiidtmarlis and
AccuTrak is a trademark of Irwin MagnetM: SYJ1IC'm1, Inc. All other brand or product name:1al'l! tradr mariul or rrgisltrt'd tradrrMrlia of their mpcctive holdeD.

Circle 471 on reader service card

Quick Tips
Answers to your questions

by Lon Poole

The down-up commotion an lmageWrite r violently rather than g racefully. Instead of

II makes before it prints the first page of a lnserled, getting the comparatively polite syste m­
docume nt on pin-feed pape r may jam the Closed, and error message with its bomb icon and re­
pape r. As reported in last Octobe r's Qu ick Not Selected start button, I hear horrible crackling
Tips, you can avoid the jam by starting noises and see flashing lines running
printing on the second sheet of paper; by lnserled,
across my screen. Is any harm being done?
choosing the Manual Feed option in the Closed, and
Why is my Mac be having so violently?
Print dialog box; or by fo rsaking pin-feed Selected Does this behavior come under the head­
paper and getting a sheet feeder. Ejected, ing of bombs?
On closer inspection of the phenome­ Closed, and Chris W Anagnost

non, Ron Zammit of San Luis Obispo, Cali­ Not Selected Dover, New.Jersey

fornia, observed that the pape r doesn't jam

if the print head is ce ntered left to right.
The clear plastic pap e r guides on either
side of the princ head direct the paper be­
Closed, and
A Video and audio static does signify
a bomb, o r crash, much like a sys­
te m e rror, but less controlled . The rude
neath the pressure rolle rs during the sights and sounds occur whe n a damaged
Inserted or Ejected,
down-up movemenc. A proble m occurs application program or damaged Syste m
Open, and
only when an application leaves the head soft wa re writes random info rmation in
Not Selected
off-cente r after printing a docume nt. You the areas of me mory used by the display
can manually ce nte r the print head by lift­ Inserted or Ejected, screen and sound circuit Usually, the only
ing the ribbon cover to create an e rror con­ Open, and harm done is a loss of al1work comple ted
dition, replacing the cover, and pushi ng the Selected since you last saved . However, there is a re­
Select button on the prime r. Switching the mote clanger of corrupting a disk, partic­
printe r's power off and on also centers ularly if the crash occurs while saving to
the print head . Icon Tell disk. The risk is a bit g reate r if you are sav­
Glancing at a disk icon tells you wbetber tbe disk ing to a 400K disk d rive. To recover, you
Don't Ask Me That Again is selected, wbetber tbe icon is op e11 (so you can must switch the Mac off and on or press the
Have you had enough of the Finde r in­ see tbe disk directory window), and in. some reset button on the programme r's switch
terrupting you with comme nts like "That cases wbetber tbe disk is inserted or ejected ( if it is installed).
ite m is locked or in use and cannot be re­

moved " and ''.Are you sure you want to

throw away the application - - -?" You lcon Disguises
could haul out ResEclit and pe rmane ntly Disk icons have several diffe re nt FontCorruption
sile nce those warnings, as one reade r sug­ looks- white, gray, or black; with or with­ l have a corrupted screen fo nt
gested. But you can easily overr ide the out lines de picting the disk label and shut­ (Adobe Garamond) in my Syste m fil e that
Finde r's warnings about re moving applica­ te r. What do they all mean? causes a syste m e rror whe never I try to use
tions, syste m files, and locked ite ms by Dave Reese it. The same syste m e rror occurs whe n I
pressing Option while you drag the ite m in Stoughton, Massachusetts trv to remove the font w ith Font/DA Mover
question to the Trash. When you press that (v°ersion 3.6). The font seems fi ne on the
Option key, you'll hear the Finde r clearing
its throat as a subtle re minde r to proceed
with caution.
A We' re all gra phically orie nted he re,
aren't we? Look at "Icon Tell" for
the answer to this question.
floppy-disk copy, but causes the error
whe n it's in any fi le on the hard d isk. I'm
using a Mac SE with an inte rnal hard disk
and Syste m 4.2. Is the re any utility software
that I can use to remove just the one fo nt?

Q Violent Reaction
On some occasions whe n the re is
software incompat ibility, my Mac SE reac ts
(com inues)

Macworld 227
The fastestwayto
get here.
Claris CAD can't reduce the huge number of
two-dimensional drawings it takes to get a plane offthe
ground Bllf it makes them a lot easier to do.

Claris CAD supports ANSI Yl4.5

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AcCllrately drmving graceful Clln>es

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Claris CAD can help .wu design ei'l!ryrhingfrom

electronic schematics to rite box they come in

Claris CAD is the

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Less time leaming. More
time creating.

With the ability to drmv in

layers. Jt>U can hide essen­
tial details like wiring and
plumbingjust a dick
beneath an elegant exterior

Drmv the lines offine design asfinely as.wu

wish.from 1.5 inches to .0001 mm.

IC> 1989 Claris Corpmrition. 440 Cbde A11?111ie. Mo1111111i11 Vietti CalifiJmla 94041: .//5-962-8946. Sinner Ki1 i11c/11des de111011.srrolio11 sojlware. hllorial 11orkbook and 1ideo. Offer cxp/fl'S Sep1emher 30. 1989. A special
Is to start here.

Claris CAD is the first professional 2-D design and Fillets, l11nge111s, keyboard entl)Idouble lines Customizable pens, dashed lines, hatch
drafting tool to fully utilize the i11111itfre Maci111osh and automatic dimensioning tum your ideas into panems and dimension appearance gil'e you
11cy ofworking So it t11kes hours to team. nor days. realities with exacting precision a new lei¥?{of1¥?rsatiliry.

Claris CAD makes it easier to sell your i11Spirations. Plot your plans, concept Keeping the 1•ision in your revisiollS is ea.I)~

sketches, schematics and working drawings exactly as JOU see them. mm them into Because you doni hm'f? to redrmv from scratch

slides or overheads, or cut and paste them illlo proposals and reports.

Claris CAD integrates with other CAD software via optional

Here's the next step: order the Claris CAD Staner Kit.just $29.95
IGES and DXF co/ll'ersion programs. So JOU can move them to larger
(refundable when you buy the complete prowam). To order. call
CA.DICAM systemsfor 3-D modeling and prototyping
800-628-2100. And see how imelligent design begets intelligent design.

Introducing ClarisCAD. CLAR. IS~

introduCJory price is amllab/e to regisJered MacDraw II 1tSRrs. Ca/1800-628-2100. Claris is a tmdemark and MacDraw is a reyistered trademark ofClaris Corporation. Macintosh is a reyisJered tmdenuirk ofApple
Compute< Inc DXFis a rrodemark ofAuJoDesk. /nc For the 11ame of1he Claris dealer nean!SI JOI< ea/1800-JCLARIS, ext. 200. /11 Canoda. ca/1800-668-8948.
How To/Quick Tips

Any thoughts as to the cause( I use a lot You may be able co alleviate chis prob­
lem by increasing the tension on the paper
Made Easy!
of font and this is the on ly one that has
caused a problem. I got the fonts from coming out of the printer. Try advancing
the Linotronic service bureau where I one sheet of paper through and letting it
do business. hang there. Try attaching a light weight,
Kirk \¥Ii/le
such as a clothespin or binder clip, to the
Irvine, California
exiting paper. Let the exiting paper fall co
the floor.

A If the font works on other disks.

something may be wrong with the
System file on your hard disk. To eliminate
To eliminate the problem, switch to
single-sheet paper. I highly recommend
using a cue-sheet feeder on an lmageWrite r
this possibility, replace the System file II. It really works well, but be ca reful re­
and other items in the hard disk's System moving and re insta lling it so you don't
Folder with like-named ite ms from a clean break the plastic hinges that hold the two
copy of the latest System Tools and Printing halves together.
Tools disks. yscem version 6.0.2 was the
latest at this writing. Before replacing your
current System Folder, be sure to make a
copy of it in ase something goes wrong.
Fonts are resources, so you can proba­
blv remove the troublesome font from vour
Q Comparing Times
and Distances
The Map device in the Control Panel oper­
Sy.seem file using Apple 's resource utility, ates properly on our school's office Mac SE,
ResEdit. The font will have one FOND re­ but not on mine at home. The Time Zone/
ource and many FONT resources, one for Time Difference feature , which is sup­
each different point size installed and an posed to calcu late the time zone and the
additional one for an imaginary size 0 font. time difference between the chosen city
To see the size 0 resource, you may have to and Greenwich Mean Time, always shows
- PHYSICS~~ L open the FO T resources using the Open the same answer for both.
General command in ResEdic's File menu. jerry A. Neff

You can get the latest version of ResEdit Curtis, Nebraska

Milo is the first math processor with documentation from Apple Program­
that combines mathematical
calculations with graphing and
word-processing capabilities.
mer's and Developer's As ociation
(2061251-6548), or your local user group
should have it.
A The Time Zone feature indicates
the numbe r of hours and minutes
that the location marked by the flashing
Milo effortlessly describes a star is ahead of or behind Greenwich Mean
problem, solves it, and graphs Time. The Time Difference feature (which
your solution. Our WYSIWYG
interface allows you to easily
manipulate expressions with a
Q Squasbed Lines
I've had a problem with my lmage­
Writer II primer for years. One line of prim
you access by clicking the words Time
Zone) shows the time difference between
the location marked by the flashing star
click of the mouse. No program­ and the location marked by a flashing
ming language required! Easily near the top of the page gets distorted. cross, which is called the Current Location.
move your results to any word I'd sure appreciate any direction you If the Current Location is in the same time
processor or desktop publishing could sugge t. zone as Greenwich Mean Time, then the
application. Milo is the essential Bob Ricketts Time Zone and Time Difference will be
tool for all users of mathematics. Irvine, California the same.
You can change the Current Location
Introd11ctory Retail Price $249.
A Pin-feed paper may buckle slightly
as the perforation goes through the
using Map. First find or add the location
you want to designate. The n click the Set

The Math Processor for the Macintosh~
lmageWriter's pinch roller (also ca lled the
pape r bail), resulting in a flattened line.
The glitch occurs about 1 inch from the top
button. The flashing cross visibly confirms
the setti ng.
When you change the Current Loca­
of the page on an ImageWriter II. The pa­ tion, Map automatica lly adjusts the time
per feed path is different on an Image­ and date in the Mac's clock according to
PARACOMP Writer I, where the glitch occurs about \12 the time d ifference between the new and
123 Townsend Street, Suite 310 inch from the rap of the page. old Current Location. The Current Location
San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 543-3848 is stored in the Mac's battery-powered
Works on all Macintoshes with al least 512K RA>vl. memory, along with the time of day and
!01988 Para comp, Inc. Milo is a trademark of
Paracomp, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark
other semipermanent Control Panel sec­
of Apple Computer. Inc.
Circle 229 on reader service card

230 March 1989

Like the best removable hard So when you think about it,
disk drives on the market, ours the real question is not why our
gives you 42 megabytes capacity removable drive costs so little.
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get unlimited storage, and un­ Call now to place your order,
precedented portability and or for more information.
security, just as you'd expect.
It delivers super-fast 25 ms
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It comes with the MacTREE Plus hard disk manage­
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What's the big difference? Simple. Buy ours and you'II
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two year limited warranty in the high-capacity removable
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(203-488-7744 CT)

© 1989 Microtech lnternatioJUl!. Inc. All product !lAllles are trademarks or ~stered trademarks or their~"" owners. the two year limit..i wam!Jlty is offered on the subsysttm only.
Microttth ban! disk cartridges come with a one year warranty. Pricing and specifications are subject to change.
MasterCard and VlS& accepted at no extra charge.

Circle 458 on reader service card

How To/Quick Tips

tings. These setting are retained while print head is hitting low on the ribbon­
the lac i off and when you restart with for example, if yellow text is red at the bot­
another startup disk. tom-apply the shim to the end of the rib­
Incidentally, Map estimates the time bon cartridge nearest the front of the
zone for a newly added location from its printer. If the prim head is hitting high on
When you do accounting you·11 longitude. Many time-zone boundaries are the ribbon-red tex t is yellow at the top,
want something more than database determined politically, however. For exam­ for example-apply the shim to the end of
adaptations , spreadsheet templates or
converted MS-DOS programs. A// three ple, let's say Map gue ses your hometown the cartridge nearest the print head.
of our fine accounting programs were of Curtis is in the Mountain time zone, Test your shim using the primer's self­
created especially for the Macintosh! test fe ature ( hold down the Form Feed but­
whereas it's actually in the Central time
Multi ledger'" zone. You can manua lly enter the proper ton as you switch on the primer). Adjust
Now you can get General Ledger, hours and minutes and click Add City to the thickness of the shim by add ing or re­
Accounts Receivable, Accounts Pay­ record the new locat ion. If the Add City moving layers of masking tape or tiny la­
able, and Inventory tracking together
in one completely integrated program button is dimmed, click the Remove bels to get the best results. Don't make the
... at a fraction of the cost of buying City button first. shim so thick that you can't snap the car­
individual GIL, AfR , NP, and tridge into place easily, though. I used 22
Inventory modules .
Payroll ImageWriter Color labels (about 3/16-inch thick overall) to cor­
This easy-to-learn , easy-to-use Tip: Does your ImageWriter II print rect one of my ribbons, and the cartridge
payroll system is ideal for most or­ still snapped into place easily. lf you have
ganizations or businesses with 1 to
a rainbow where it should print a solid
1000 employees. Use it as a stand­ color? Mv dealer savs this is a common to make the him so thick the cartridge
alone program or integrate it with problem.with many different brands of won't snap into place, give up and get an ­
either of our ledger programs.
color ribbons. The ImageWriter II 's ribbon­ other ribbon.
Cash Ledger adjustmem mechanism (described in Greg Pitt
This is a full -featured accounting ImageWriter II Technical Reference, pub­ Superio1; Wisconsin
system for businesses or organiza­
tions using cash-basis reporting. It lished in 1987 by Addison-Wesley) isn't al­
can also be used by accountants or ways adequate. The solution is to make a Flush Left with Indents
other professionals who require Tip: Here's an easy way to do in­
"write-up· capability.
shim of masking tape or tiny self-adhesive
labels. dented paragraphs and flush-left subheads
Build the shim by layeri ng rape or in MacWrite: Set the automatic first-line
labels on the underside of the ribbon indentation , but also set an ordinary tab
cartridge in a solid flat area that contacts a about two characters from the right margin
flat part of the ribbon deck (see "Color (see "Flush Indents"). At the end of a regu­
Shimmy"). Don't let the shim touch any lar indented paragraph, press Return and
holes, depressions, or protrusions. If the the n Tab. The next line appears flush left,
ready for a subhead. (If it doesn't, move
the tab close r to the right margin.) This
method works with any word processor
that allows automatic indents.
Shel Horowitz
Northampton, Massachusetts

Pressing Return, asyou suggest, places a

blank line above the subhead. To suppress
the blank line, press Tab without pressing
Retw-ri. Ifyou have other tabs set, you
may have to press Tab more than once to
get to the next line. And if the.first word
ofthe subhead is short enough that it re­
Multiledger ­ 5395.00 mains at the end ofthe previous line, you
Payroll - $295.00
Cash Ledger - $195.00 may have to prefix it with a fe w blank
Full -lunctioning demo disks available spaces to make it appear at the left
Dealer inquiries welcome margin.
Shim here ii the

bottoms of 1horode~
Moving or Resizing
CHECK . MARK ore the wrong color.
Tip: In MacDraw and MacDraw II,
SOFTWARE INC. choosing the Show Size command from
t 520 E. Mulberry I Suite 200 Color Shimmy
Fl. Collins, Colorado USA 80524 the Layout menu makes it easier to tell
303-484·3541 In Canada 416-731·0744 lfyou r /111age\'Vriter II selftest prints two colors
whether you're moving or resizing an ob­
wbere tbere sbould be one,fix ii witb a sbim
made oftape or labels applied 10 tbe underside (continues)
oftbe rib/Jo11 cartridge.

232 March 1989

·e challenge the·competition
to match our five year warrant}t
We'll even gjve them the plans!

Other manufacturers offer you SIZE ACCESSTTME INTERNAL EXTERNAL So for quality, economy, and
a one maybe two year warr~ty 20 65 NIA $ 532.00 five full years of unmatche~
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80 19' $ 949.00 $1039.00
probably tells you something 100 19' $1099.00 $1199.00 tech hard disk drive. .,
about the way they ~e them. 150 16 $1399.00" $1469.00 For the rest of you guys, its
320 18 $2699.00.. NIA back to the drawing board.
Only Microtech gives you a . uantum"s DtsCachc allows access Limes l d p
five year limited Warranty. And
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In fact
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Excruciating qualityes1gntr °· .
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1 800 325-1895
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. and ~upportstaffinthebusmess.
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tting the fastest drives avail­
Size for size, you re 5?J~acTREE Plus the hard - -
able. Each one bunsystedled
disk management . . W1 m, and DS BACKUP. 'And all for the (203-488-7744 in CT)
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trade= ~
roduct names are trademarks or registered
spec :~
ID the
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restrictions and
OUons subject to change without nobce.

Th S year limited

ts offered cos ty are available
n:rms and conditions of the 5 year warran
MasterCard an isa
upon request Prices and
d Vi accepted at no extra c~&~·

Circle 243 on reader service card

How To/Quick Tips

Flush /n,lents Use a backup application tbat lets you

Tbis Mac\Vrite formal · back up and restore a single file, like
ting ruler gives in­ HDBackup. Apple includes HDBackup
dented paragrapbs with the Macintosh System Software. Or

-~ ra)R:!~~~:t-:~~ ~~a~;';:..:;~:~~~~~~ ~::!~~~heJher i'·.~r f.:.·;·'

when you press Re­
turn, but lets y ou cre­ 91
1 better yet, use a.file-compression utili~v
such as Stufflt, which can reduce file size
ate jlusb-left beadings conducted under instrument flight rules or vlsuel night rules, vigilance shell be an rnatnlat(led
operation isby ~'
•. .•:;!:.:..'• 40 to 50 percent. It's shareware, avail­
by pressing 'fc1b once eech persoq operating an aircraft so as to see and avoid other aircraft In compllance .,,Ith th1s ablefrom user groups (BCS Mac at
·sec;.tion. Wiien a rule. of this section gives another aircraft lhe right of Yay, he shall QIYO '!f8Y to 1m,::::
or twice to ~et 10 1be that aircraft and maij not pm over, under ; or ahead of it, unless "'ell clear. . igifi 6171367-8080 or BMUG at 4151549·
s1ar1 ofa n ew line. ( b) I a distress . An aircraft in distress h8$ the riqht of "'ay over all other al r traffic••, ~H'l!
2684) orfrom the author ( 18 to Ray­

(c) C.aver9iq . When aircraft of the same t11teqory are convergll)9 at epproximately ' 1i~~
the same altitude (except heed-on, or nearly so) the aircraft to the other's rlght has the righl of ;:m, mond Lau, 100-04 70th Ave., Forest Hills,
"'ay. If the aircraft are of different ca.tegorles- - ili!!!l' NY113 75). o
( 1) A belloon hes the right of Yay over any other category of aircraft; i«lt1:i
( 2) A gilder has the right of yay over an ei rshl p, at rplane or rotorcraft; W.liJii
(3) An airship hes the right or vay over an airplane or rotorcraft .
Hovever , an aircraft tovlng or refueling other aircraft he$ lhe right of vay over all other We pay from $25 to $100for tips pub­
engine-driven aircraft .
· ·(d) Approechi ng heed-o n. When aircraft are approaching each other heed-on.I>or lished here. Send 11ps or questions (in ­
oearl y so, eac/1 pilot·of.each aircraft shall alter course to the right. · '.S'
clude your address and phone number)
to Quick Tips, Macworld, 501 Second St.,
jeer. If the size changes as you drag, then wouldn't fit on an BOOK disk? You had room San Francisco, CA94107. Send electronic
you're resizing. If the size disappears in for it on your hard disk, but no way to get it mail to. CompuServe (70370, 702) or
MacDraw, or is replaced by offse ts in Mac­ there. Next time take a copy of a backup MCI Mail (addressed to Macworld). All
Draw II ( look for A symbols in the mea­ application and several blank floppy disks. published submissions become the prop­
surements), then you 're moving the o bject. Scan your images to the service bureau 's erty ofMacworld
David L. Chang hard disk. If an image exceeds SOOK, "back
Okemos, Michigan up" the fi le to your blank disks. Back at
your Mac, "restore" the fi le to yo ur
Bagging the Big Ones hard disk.
Tip: Have you ever scanned an image Diana Shannon
at a service bureau only to discover that it Princeton, New.fersey

Prevent Macintosh Theft!

Affordable Large Format Plotting
Heavy duty 10· steel cabl e
(7 x 19) secures and locks
co mpute r. printer. other
equipment . up lo 4 compo·
nents . The unique Mac·
(Sugg. rel. $2295)
Kablit system incudes 2
brackets lhat snap into
existing slots on the Mac­
intosh keyboard and com­
pute r. Additional hardware A- D
inc luded for other Mac
peripherals (disk drive. $2295
printe rs). Th e un ique Mac· (Sugg. rel. $2695)
Kablit syst em utilizes exist·
ing sec urily slols on th e keyboard and
EXCLUSIVE! comput e r and ex isting screws in other
periph eral equipmenl. The system in­
Proprietary components (Pal. Pend .)
pe rmit on ly your key to release Mac­ c ludes 2 brackets fo r th e security slots A-E
Kablit. When ordering mu ltiple units .
plus unique Kablit fa steners for pe ri ­
phe ral s. C able passes through Kablit
specify locks to be keyed differently (Sugg. rel. $2995)
la st en e r s. preven t ing r emova l of Made In USA
or alike . Specify Mac, Mac Plus SE, scre w s Features that say value ...
or Mac II. K . Economical: $1,000 less than other large
0ther abl1t systems tor IBM. Apple, others. Repeatability and Resolution: .004 assures
formal plolters. quality suilable for th e most demanding
Money b ack if re turned
Compatible: Operates with all po,>ular app l icalion~ including PCB artwork.
in 30 d ays.
CAD software supporting DWPL.•• ~cuum Paper Hold Down guarantees
, ,.. ~-.
Phone o r send c h eck.
!llnl tiple Media Slus as small as 81.IJ" x perfec t registration.

~ -~~
II" or as large as 36" x 48" eliminates the CALL NOW AND WE.LL SEND YOU

Secure-It, Inc. need for a second plotte r. A FREE SAMPLE PLC.Yr.

Practical speed you can really use: ( 415) 490-8380
$39.95 + $3.00 shipping/ handling 18 Maple Court IO" per second as.~ ur es good drawing
throughput while optimizing the speed
Dealer inquiries invited.
East Longmeadow. MA 01028
Quantity pricing also avail able for mult ipl e
purc hases from schools. institut ion s, busi­ 800·451-7592 413-525-10:-,·3 a t whic h most plotte r pens can draw ZEFl/CON
without skipping. 40491 Encyclopedia Circle,Fremont, Ca 94538
nesses. industrials. etc Send P.O . Dealer Inquiries Invited
OM/PL is a 1rademarlc ol Houston Instrument

Circle 239 on reader service card Circle 267 on reader service card

234 March 1989

Some companies just take and re-tested before it goes out the door. So they never
your order for SIMMs, then pack comeback.
up their tents and move on. Add to that our unbeatable pricing, prompt service
Another city, another show. and after sales support, and you've got the greatest
Next time call memory company on earth.
Microtech. We're the So, the next time you need memory, the choice is
Macintosh memory clear. Call Microtech.
experts. In fact,
we're the nation's
biggest indepen­
dent supplier of Macintosh
memory, serving all kinds of companies,
from Westinghouse and WordPerfect, 29 Business Park Drive, Branford, CT 06405
to General Electric and the U.S. Department
of Energy. And for some very good reasons.
We maintain a mammoth inventory of 2- 8"
MB SIMMs for the Macintosh Plus, SE, IT, IIx and
LaserWriter IT, ready to ship today. Each one is tested,

(203-488-7744 CT)

• 8 MB SIMM kits for the Macintosh II, llx and 1.4.scrWritcr U. Prices and avaiLlbility subject to change without notice.
© 1989 Microtcch International, Inc. AU product 114l!1cs are tmdCJDMl<s or ~tcml trademarks of their respective owners.
MasterCard and V1Sa accepted at no extra charge.

Circle 62 on reader service card

Getting Started
with Tax Software
Will tax-preparation software save you
money or waste your time? Read the attached
and write your answer on Line ~ Part A.

byJim Heid

Filing a tax return is more taxing than ever.

Orbiting around Form 1040 are more than
30 schedules and forms for reporting ev­
e rything from business expe nses co the in­
come of childre n unde r age 14 who have
investme nts. And the Tax Reform Act of
1986 didn't make things any easie r. Replac­
ing multiple tax bracke ts with just two tax
bracke ts sounded as if ic would simplify the
process, but re membe r th<it the bill was
drafted by politicians. Behind the tax act
lurks one of the most drast ic tax-syste m
ove rhauls in United States history. Dozens
of new rules, new inte rpretations of old
rules, and rea ms of new for ms and sched­
ules have made comple ting a tax re turn as
easy as filling out a checklist- for a space
shuttle launch.
Seve ral tax-pre paration packages are
available fo r the Mac. Most work along with
a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft
Excel ; one is a stand-alone application; and
anothe r runs unde r Apple 's Hype rCard.
Although they all work differently, they do
share a common claim: that using the Mac
to pre pare tax returns will save time and
Don't believe it-at least not without too complex for such claims to apply to ev­ software yet, see "Eve ry Little Bit Helps," to
doing some research first. The tax world is e ryone. Tax-preparation software works for learn about othe r ways the Mac can assist
some people, but it is important to de te r­ at tax time.
mine whethe r or not you're in the lucky
The author wishes to thank Barton Coodeve f or group. This month , we'll tour the world of Filling In the Blanks
sharin •his e>..pertise with tax law and tax-prepa­ Macintosh tax sofrware and look at the fac­ Given that completing a tax re turn in ­
ra tion software. tors to consider befo re you decide whe ther volves plugging in numbe rs and calculating
or nor to computerize your return. If you sums, it's not surprising that most tax soft­
Jim Heid is a Ma(.world conlribuling editor wbo aren't inte rested in taking chances with tax ware runs along with a spread sheet pro-
f ocuses eacb montb on a different aspec1ofMac
fundm nentals. (co ntin ues)

Macworld 237
The proven resource for

Macintosh systems & support.


: : :II :.


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Circle 86 on reader service card

For More Information Write: Cacre Corporation 100 Cooper Court
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OmniPa,;e i1 a r eg iat e red lraJc mnk of Coere Co rp orati on. MS· DOS and
MS.WinduwRur~ t rademark • of Microsofl Corp oration . © 1988 Cacrc Cor1m r1itio 11 .
•U c~ i &
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publi shed by Addi.s.on-Weslcy Publi 11 hi ng. e Cop yri ght 1988. Cae re Corporation. All r ig bt1 reKr vcd.

Circle 426 on reader service card

How To/Getting Started

Every Little Bit Helps

Lightening the load at tax time also an ideal first step toward curs when figures don't prove
doesn't have to mean using a computerizing your return, out-that is, when net profit
tax-preparation program. The since you'll learn about tax reg­ doesn't equal gross profit mi­
Mac can help in other ways. ulations and preparation. And nus expenses. At the heart of
• Tax planning. Many tax because you don't sign the re­ this problem is a fa ilure to ac­
software firms also offer tax­ sult and submit it to the IRS, curately record expenses and
planning software. With prod­ there's no risk. income. Accounting software
ucts such as EZWare's Microsoft • Organizing deductions. can help you do that, and can
Excel-based EZTax-Plan and Instead of handing your tax also provide an audit trail-a
SoftView's TaxView Planner, preparer a shoebox filled with report that lets you retrace your
you enter key figures from last receipts, use a database man­ accounting steps to verify a cal­
year's return, and the software ager or a spreadsheet program cu lation or track down a spe­
projects your taxes for this year. to itemize and total your deduc­ cific piece of information. For
From there, you can experi­ tions accord ing to the catego­ details on accounting software,
ment with different strategies­ ries on Schedule C. By doing see "Who Keeps the Books?"
such as increasing IRA deposits this groundwork, you'll save Macworld, September 1988.
or postponing a major pur­ money on preparation fees.
chase or sale-and see how • Accounting A classic
they would affect your taxes. problem in tax preparation oc­
Using tax-plann ing software is

gram. EZWare's highly regarded EZTax se­ ~ Iii rue Cdll rormula rormnl D11Uo Opllons Macro Window r II: rHe Edit rormula rormet Dela Op llont Macro Window
A7 I 0 47
ries, Island Computer's Taxmaster, and !QUICK Sth l!d C
Chesapeake Software/MG's Tax Pro each ••• c , ...... .,An,.... C.nun M 19r11 hUW•reCorDOt1t10fl. V8 7· S.Oo•u l'flHf I - lftCON:

~ =~~::;~=L;~: ;b;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~: ~...;,~

:-1er• Mv• Ju hf IH
aacrn I• rzru-PRf:P
•~HI 1
Jt~ H JC I• tM left •f ..<.ll flrM •r Mkf•11 9'• Y••I t• ....
consist of a number of spreadsheet docu­ U•• , ....... ''-j i ••· Ca•-M- 0 l• •-• •11 •utlill hr9Hi.
• rum l 040 rorni!903-MDVlllQ UI PI ~

2 COSTS OF' 0000& IOLO A'C>/OA Oflt:MTIOtfS ... •• , .. .2 . 0 ,00

f'f0" 11 ( Lite. IC' u n Lite 2)..•. ·~···· . . ..-:J . :50,45' .00
ments that you open and use with Micro­ 0Nk.t • l 1 ~- ru~llt1D9 forsa 45 62' -0tpnd~oa

OTKJll I ~ lffJ UlfO" IU. , _ I T TIU: CA:DU nt:F'lHJ f'EC\0 . 4 .. , __ _ _ _

soft Excel (which you must buy separately). q'==~~: : \~!:!::::',.

s t!itbtdwt1C • Pnf\t fr. . 8llt-lfttU
~:: ::!'.zC::::=~~!:Utto.
f.,-11 4791 · 8.,tnm Asxt Gita

~r II -
l ttCO"I:
< I 0 ~.

5c:beill1lt- 0 · Cll'iltl ~N , .,.. 4 9$2 - l lWntftllM lfltunt

Spreadsheet-based tax programs take t!c:'*'"' C- Rlt 11t.t.I, Plrtntrsbip, tlt

5c:bed11t1 cs- h tl1Mted l u:f'lr 19H
, .,.. 4912 • hm11-s.n Dhlri lumeos

' "'"' 6 251 -Alttr..ttvt

advantage of a spreadsheet's abil ity to cal­ $( bMI _, , r - hr m l!Ull'll

Schedttl• ~ .. Credit f•r OOtrl !f
f• rm625Z - lra ltllmtntS.I•

hrm 8582 - Pt.ulvt Actt'lilfll OS~

5"hMhl1t 5l - 5ttr• [ m1tl••rrwnt l a f.,-in8598 ·HI)~ MllrtqilQI IMerirst

culate numbers according to stored formu­ f tr11112.I06 - ( lllJ~UM lxpt flMt

rorniZ l1 9-s.kofhsiot-..
ru m86 15- l uMCllllclru 11nder 14

~ IA1' rt9 - 0e4t.c"tlolllt.M""td

... , prefH. Copv I
las. (For spreadsheet basics, see "Gening r.,-m22 10•Uf!dtr·IJlltm• l .tTa.
f.,-• 244 1 • tNlf•c.trtCrtfU
~-Aatlp 1 Rlttw•

Uttt.r - Clkat lmi rctt. . L.ttttr

,.., ,...ut. c..,.,, 2
n.tpr9tlt, C....>
Started with preadsheets," Macworld, r.,-. JIOO· 8cn6neutn.:lb
'-·• · GtN n l P1Jr-- $•!1!lhi:w:r.st11

July 1988.) With most packages, each IRS

form and schedule is stored in a separate r Ii: rile Cdlt rormula rormot Date Opllons Ma cro Window Spreadsheet Taxes
F3'1 I I :ROUNO(lotel.c,rnd>

document that's linked to a Form 1040 Witb EZW'are '.~ EZ7ax-Prep, used witb Microsoft
,.,... fl04D

Excel, tbejirst step in filing a return is to open tbe

document. When you complete a given
form or schedule-such as Schedule B, for forms and scbedu/es y ou'll need (Part!). In Part
reporting interest and dividend income­ II, Scbeclule C is being completed. In Part III,
the software copies its total to the appro­ EZTax-Prep bas copied tbe tota l from Scbeclu /e C
priate line on Form 1040, thus eliminating to tbe appropriate line on Form 1040. Tbe bot­
the error-prone task of manually copying tom oftbe Form 1040 document displays a run­
one form's total to a line on another form ·- cz1....
ning total oftaxable income and tbe taxes owed.
(see "Spreadsheet Taxes"). na. encn :
lfCll TlftX :
TOTM, 'lfliI •
...... .oo:1
.. oee . oo
flO.I GM INC : ~ . 049 . 00
From :r.vz 211 . !JS bradl.•t
YOU GUE : 12 880 . Ga
Another benefit of spreadsheet-based
tax software is that it lets you plug in differ­
ent numbers to see how they affect your course, you have to know enough about won Macworld 's World-Class award for
return. What if I stashed more money in tax ambiguities to ask the questions in the tax-preparation software two years in a
my IRA? What if I depreciated the laser first place. row. MaclnTax takes the Mac's what-you­
printer over a longer period? What if I One tax product that doesn't require see-is-whm-you-get operating style to its
didn't report my gambling win nings? With Excel but provides the same "what- if" ben ­ limit by displaying accurate facsimiles of
tax software, answering such questions efits is SoftView's MaclnTax , which has the IRS's own daunting documents. Fi lling
is as easy as typing in new va lues and
watching the spreadsheet recalc ulate. Of (continues)

210 March 1989

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Dealers circle 492 on reader service card

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How To/Getting Started

out a MaclnTax form is similar to complet­ With MaclnTax you can enter different
ing a paper form, except that you don't values as you work on your return to test
need an eraser. different strategies. MaclnTax has more Which form oo you want to rtle?

smarts-technically speaking, it performs 0 fol'!ft 1040EZ

Or a calculator. Like a spreadsheet, ~ Form 1040A ond Ale.tad schedulu
0 fofm 1040 ona teleted forms end tcheOules
MaclnTax calculates values for you. When more error trapping-than many spread­ 0 Form 1040)( - Amended retum
D Form 4868 (extensJon of time to me..rorm 1040 or 1040A)
you arrive at a line that requires a total sheet-based products. For example, if D I don't know

from another form or schedule, double­ you enter a Social Security number for a
click in the space where that total should spouse, and then specify your filing status
appear and the related form appears for as single, MaclnTax notifies you of the in­
you to fill out. MaclnTax copies the total consistency. And because MaclnTax is a
from this form to the appropriate line of stand-alone application, you don't have to
Form 1040 (see "Filling In the Forms"). own Excel in order to use it.
MaclnTax even includes electronic versions
of the IRS's instructions. Double-click on a Questions and Answers
given line, and a window appears contain­ If you prefer more hand-holding in Do uou ht11Ye cny of the followtng W-2 forms?

W-2 <Woge end Tox Stotement) l8l G

ing the IRS's instructions for that line. your tax software, check out StackWorks'
W-2P (Annuities. Pensions. Rettrea Po!l. or IRA} D t&I
• • me
Tax Stacks, which was in development at
this writing and scheduled for delivery in
January 1989. Tax Stacks runs under Ap­
ple's HyperCard and takes a very linear,
stepwise approach to completing a tax re­
turn. With spreadsheet-based products
and with MaclnTax, you can move to an­
other form without completing the form
you're working on-just as if you were
jumping from one paper form to another
on your desk. With Tax Stacks, you prepare
a return by working through a tax ques­
tionnaire that uses yes/no questions and ac­
curate facsimiles of key schedules and
forms to gently interrogate you for the nec­
essary information (see "Taxes in Hyper­
' ' Fiie £4il
Card"). When you've finished, you can pre­
view the return on the screen and correct
entries by clicking on them, and you can
print IRS-approved hard copy. ·­
Step 1
If you're a tax novice, Tax Stacks' step­ ......

•.-c:--...... ---.. .-......... .....-..i.._. ... _ t .........
l"wt1-..HttAUtt."""'r_.._..ff ... n.'""·-•_...........1

~ ~ :::..a~~'Ttt:-:..:=:-:~ i.-::~.:.r.r~
wise approach may be best for you. Be­
cause you can't easily jump between forms,

.. ..,,...

= ""._tw
·~·'- -~.. ~~.
2 · ~..;;.:;.;t~ -·-···---·-----·-··-·---·--·-·· .......---+­
you're less likely to forget to enter a key
value. lfyou can't complete a given card,
;re~r;~-:::~·· ··~~~~==- click on the card's flag icon, and Tax Stacks
returns to it later. Other icons display IRS
instructions, a calculator, and a notepad.
And when you get depressed thinking
about how your tax dollars are spent, click
on the joke icon to read one of Tax Stacks' Taxes in HyperCard
Filling In the Forms many built-in tax jokes, which include Tax Stacks runs under HyperCard and turns tax
\Vith Mac/nTax, you complete a return by filling knee-slappers like "Give a politician a preparation into a question-and-answer session.
in accurale on-screen facsimiles ofIRS forms. In hand, and he'll put it in your pocket.'' In Par/ I, /he desired form is being specified.
a line that requires figures from a different fonn As you can see, each category of tax­ Checking the "/don't know" box displays /be IRS
or schedule, double-clicking on the space where preparation software relies on different instruc1ions 1ellin.g you which form to consider
the numbers should appear brings up !he rela1ed data-entry techniques: from navigating filing. After a few more questions, you reach the
schedule. Here, in line 8 ofForm 1040, MaclnTax spreadsheet cells to shuffling on-screen card in Part /I, which asks ifyou haveforms W-2
has copied the total from Schedule B (shown. in. IRS forms to completing a questionnaire. or W-2P. Ifyou answer "Yes," the appropriate
Par/ II). Which approach is best? At first glance, you form appears so thal you can enter ifs contents
might assume that MaclnTax's approach is (Par/ Ill). The interrogation process continues
more Mac-like because it accurately repro­ until Tax Slacks has /he information. it needs to
complete your return.. Part IV shows a 7ax Stacks
(continues) preview ofa comple1ed Form 1040.

242 March 1989

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Circle 185 on reader service card

How To/Getting Started
duces on screen what you see on paper.
But chis approach also assumes that the IRS
Some programs do little more than
turn the Mac into an electronic typewriter

forms themselves provide the best, most
efficient way to enter data-an assumption
with which many would disagree. On the
and calculator: they calculate the numbers
you enter, and then use lookup tables to
determine your tax. With inexpensive,
Macintosh Plus Entry System
Complete System includes: other hand, MaclnTax checks your entries spreadsheet-based products such as Tax­
• Macintosh Plus Computer w I more carefully than many spreadsheet­ master and Tax Pro, the onus is on you to
1 Megabyte of memory based packages-and accurate data entry know the tax laws, which forms and sched­
1 Internal SOO K Drive
Keyboard, Mouse & Pad is more important than fast data entry. As ules to file, and how to file them.
• Cutttm! Edge SOOK External Dr. for Tax Stacks, its stepwise approach would More ambitious programs, including
• Apple fmageWrtter II w / Cable slow down experienced tax preparers but MaclnTax, Tax Stacks, and the EZTax series,
• HyperCard Software
•Diskettes-Box of 10 may be less intimidating for tax and do more of the work for you. They know
• Compui:er Paper-Pk,!! of 500 spreadsheet neophytes. how various forms and schedules interre­
Sugg. list $2760 CDA $ 2075 late, and based on your input, will help you
Specify package #8910
Macintosh Plus 20 System The Form Factor determine which ones to use. Of course,
Same as above system with one Because a tax return's final resting this extra measure of intelligence can't
internal SOOK disk drtve and an place is on paper, you should also assess make up for tax ignorance on your part.
External Everex 20 Meg. Hard Dr a tax program's printing prowess-spe­ Another way good tax software earns
Sugg. list$ 3260 CDA $ 2399
Speafy package #8911 cifically, its ability to print forms you can its keep is by using error-trapping routines
sign and submit to the IRS. The IRS accepts to guard against inaccurate data entry. No
Macintosh SE Super System computer-printed versions of Form 1040, tax program can prevent you from typing
Complete System Includes: but the hard copy must accurately mimic 15000 instead of 1500, but a good pro­
• Macintosh SE Computer w/ the real thing. For most other forms and gram should keep you from making inap­
2 Internal SOOK Drtves schedules, you can submit hard copy that propriate entries, such as typing a letter
1 Megabyte of Memory
Keyboard and Mouse differs from the official format, but each where a number belongs.
• ImageWrtter II Prtnter line must be visually separated from every Why all the fuss about accuracy? The
• ImageWriter cable other by a horizontal line.
• HypeICard Software answer is penalties. Tax penalties were
•Diskettes-Box of 10 MaclnTax and the EZTax series print originally imposed to assure compliance,
• Computer Paper-Pkg of 500 IRS-accepted Form 1040's. MaclnTax prints but many have evolved into downright
• Dust Cover for Macintosh SE
• Dust Cover for ImageWrtter II the other forms and schedules in the IRS punitive laws. You might call forgetting to
•Mouse Pad format as well. With the EZTax series, you enter a number from a W-2 or a 1099 form
Sugg. list $3980 CDA $ 3099 have two ways to produce an official Form an honest mistake, but the IRS calls it neg­
Specify package #8970
1040. You can print the entire form by ligence and finds you guilty until you
Mac SE/20 Super System using the custom printer driver included prove yourself innocent. The bottom line:
Same as the above system except
includes one BOOK floppy drtve with the software, or you can print just the mistakes are going to cost you. Developers
and an Apple 20 Megabyte numbers, combine them with a transparent of tax software-especially of programs
internal hard drtve. overlay of the form, and then photocopy that do more than simply calculate values
Sugg. list $ 4469 CDA $ 3599
Specify package #8971 both to produce the final product. The -have a degree of legal accountability
Macintosh SE/45 EZTax series can also print on preprinted, similar to that of tax preparers, but the
Performance System continuous-feed tax forms available from buck always stops with the person whose
Same as the SE/20 Super form suppliers such as Nelco Tax Forms of signature is on the return.
System except indudes two BOOK Green Bay, Wisconsin.
floppy drives and an 45 Meg.
(29ms) internal hard drtve. Then there's the manual-labor ap­ ShouldYou Prepare Yourself?
Sugg list $5055 CDA $ 3799 proach taken by Tax Pro and Taxmaster. How do you decide if you can benefit
Specify package #8945 With these programs, you copy the output from tax-preparation software? Start by an­
Write for CDA's Free Catalog to the official furm 1040 by hand. This swering a few questions.
Complete Line of Hardware, Soft.ware error-prone approach is unsuitable for a
and Accessories
Do you prepareyour own taxes
professional tax preparer, but individual now? If so, you have a head start over
SlllpplDg Information
Sh!Plllnl! Chal'Jtes - UPS Ground Sh!Plllnnl!. add 3% taxpayers might find it an acceptable trade­ people who don't. You've already struggled
($3~5o Diln): UPs Blue 2-<lav service amt Al'O/Fl'O
Shipping. add 8'16 ($8.50 minJ: Alaska. Hawaii. PR. off, given these products' $50 price tags. with the concepts and the instructions, and
add 6% 1$6.50 min). Foreig,. Orders - ship via DHL.
Please call or fax for rates and more Info. Payment you can apply your combat experience to
Visa. MC, Ameit. Discover, Optima welcome. Amex
add 2% of order. Cashier Checks and Money orders
Accuracy Counts the world of tax software. If you've never
ship promptly. persona] checks are held 10 days for
clearing. NO COD& please.
Entering data and printing forms are prepared your own return, it may be too
All Prices Subject to change. Apple. Macintosh, important, but the trickiest pare of prepar­ late to think about buying tax software this
HyperCanl, L8serWrtter a:nd ImageWrtter are
n!glstered trademarks. & la a trademark of Apple ing a tax return occurs in between chose year, since you'll have two learning curves


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Circle 32 on reader service card
244 March 1989

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Circle 195 on reader service card

How To/Getting Started

-and an audit. But if your last return had late in the season, and updates should re­ Anticipateyour results. Don't simply
the girth of a small novel, proceed with flect the latest rules. plug numbers into the computer and trust
caution. If you're involved in a partnership that the tax software will know what to do
or an S corporation, or if you own multiple Advice for the Determined with them. If you don't have a rough idea of
rental properties, you're subject to passive­ If you've read this far and are still de­ what your return should look like when
loss limitations, and that means a fairly termined to computerize your tax return, you're finished, you aren't ready to start.
complex tax return. You're also a candidate you're braver than I am. In addition to Know your limits. It's easy to sink so
for a complex return if you 're subject to the wishing you luck, I can, thanks to my ac­ much time and energy into a complex proj­
alternative minimum tax or if you have countant, offer a few words of advice. ect that you can't let go when the going
large and varied types of interest expenses. Educate yourself. Tax software won't gets rough. If you get stuck, get help; the
The regulations governing these types of make you a competent tax preparer any time you've invested in the software will
returns are so complicated that many pro­ more than a word processor will make you enable you to talk more intelligently with a
fessional tax preparers seek assistance a good writer. Learn about those aspects of preparer.
from large tax-preparation bureaus. So if tax law that affect you. A good place to start If I sound cautious about the world of
you do anticipate filing a complex return, is by reading a tax guide such as The Price computerized tax preparation, it's because
make sure your program includes the Waterhouse Personal Tax Adviser, pub­ I am. Tax-preparation software has been
forms and schedules you'll need. lished each year by Bantam Books. This a boon to professional tax preparers, but
How much are you willing to spend clearly written volume does a good job of that's because they use the software to au­
on software? Because regulations and tax demystifying the rules and terminology of tomate the mechanical process of complet­
rates change yearly, a tax package is good taxation. (It's bundled with MaclnTax.) ing a return. They don't look at a tax pro­
for only one year. Yearly updates are avail­ First organize your data manually. gram as a mentor that will tell them what
able to registered users, but they aren't Have your W-2's, 1099's, and everything to do, and neither should you. Carelessly
free. Depending on the complexity of your else you need close at hand. Tax software using a tax program isn't the only way you
return and on what a professional would can't cure disorganization, so sort through can get into trouble with the federal gov­
charge to complete it, it may not be cost­ those shoeboxes and get your paperwork ernment, after all. You could use a modem
effective for you to update a package every in order before you begin. to break into the IRS's computers and
year. And speaking of updates, find out change your refund.
when they'll be available before buying. But who needs the trouble? o
The IRS often changes its rules or its forms
See Where to Buy for contact information.





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246 March 1989

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current list price. ' Expert Plus. Version 2.0 upgrade
expected in April 1989. Human MacHerbal version 1.1, database of
Alchemy version 1.2 has 16-bit Intellect. Systems, 1670 S. Am­ traditional Chinese herbal medi­
stereo sound editing; sound pro­ phlett Blyd.,,#3.26, San )\1ateo, cine, has revised user guide with
cessing; and network support to CA '.94402;- ~15/57'1 ~5939. Free; ' two new appendixes. Includes
E-mu Systems Emulator IU, Ro­ $498 new. alphabetical listing of all thera­
land S-50, and Rolan.ct S-330 dig­ peutic categories in the database;
ital sampling instruments. SCSI I.nterleaf Publishet1 for the Apple tells how to change program's
sample aump capacity for EJiu­ Macintosh-II versi0n 3.5,sup-" default setting for wholesale herb
lator III and Ensoniq EPS (with ports the Apple Font Manager's suppliers; adds a list of mail-order
SCSI serial port option). Blank . open font architecture; converts herb suppliers. Summerland
Software, P.O. Box 6561, San ·" typed-in text to graphic fonts that Press, P.O. Box 77, ~ummerlaild,
Francisco, CA 94101; 415/ 863­ ~~,· can .be si?ed, stret;,clled, filled, · CA 93067; 800/542-5233 i.rl Cal­
9224. $25; $495 new. and rotated; supportS a variety of ifornia, 800/543-5233 elsewhere.
monitors; and mns under Multi­ $35; $295 new.
Cue version 2.1 can import and play Finder. Interleaf, 6404 Ivy Ln.,
back MIDI files. Opcode Systems, #408, Greenbelt, MB 20'770; .501/ MacVision version 2.0 captures
Inc., 1024 Hamilton Ct., Menlo 982-0991. Free; $2495new. video images from VCR, camcor­
Park, CA 94025; 415/321-8977. der, or video camera and rums
For owners of version 2.0 $20 LaserPaint Color II version 1.9 can them into gray-scale digitized
plus $5 s/h; for owners of earlier cut and paste between 8-bit and images on the Mac IL For Mac
versions $75 plus $) s/h; 2'}--bit ·colqr scanned 1n1ages. Plus and SE systems, the image is
$595 new. ·Transparency modes for color­ translated into a 512-by-342-pixel ,
wash effect.5 on gray-scale scans. dithered bitmap. Imports RIFF
FoxBase+/Mac version 1.10 Jets you Imports and saves in most Macin­ and TIFF files. Koala Technolo­
create data-input-and-editing • .0 tosh file formats. taserWare, P.O. gies, 269 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts
screens without programming. Box 668, San Rafael,' CA 94915; Valley, CA 95o66-4029; 408/438­
You can create screens by mov­ y 415/453-9500. Free; $595 new. 0946. $79.95; $399.95 new.
ing selected objects into place.
Pictures may be inserted any­ Mat:Architrion version 4.0 has been Managing Your Money version io
where on fomlS. Fox Software, designed for builders· in United does rapid searches for accounts/
118 W. South Boundary, Perrys­ States. User-defined library of budgets when recording a trans­
burg, OH 43551; 419/874-0162. primi!ives ,allows identification 9f action, includes updated tax laws,
Free; $395 new. elements by n~e, fl!.ther than by and sorts transactions by date
number: Capacity for unlimited within accounts. Prints to screen
InfoLogic Envelope version 1.1 runs entries in 3-D, Frames, and 2-D
with lmageWriter and l..aserWriter symbol libraries. Runs faster. Lets (continues)
printers. InfoLogic, 1937 Regent you produce elements in plan
St., Niskayuna, NY 12309; 518/ and section view . Automatically
370-5510. $5; $25 new. 249

or disk and can print loan amorti­ 200 Seventh Ave., Santa Cruz, QuickMail version 1.0.5 increases
zation schedules. Meca Ventures, CA 95062; 408/476-0147. Free; run-time speed by apprm;imately
Inc.,. 355 Riverside Ave., West­ $595 new. 50 percent over original version.
port, CT 06880; 203/ 226-2400. CE Software, 1854 Fuller Rd.,
$49.95; $219.98 new. Nemesis Go Master version 3.0 lets West Des Moines, IA 50265; 515/
you increase the amount of time 224-1995. Free; $300 per package
Microsoft File version 2.0 comes the machine takes to centemplate new (10 users per package).
bundied with SuperPaint 1.1 by its moves and enables you to
Silicon Beach and with AutoMac watch the machine consider its QuickShare version 2.0 lets you
ill 2.0 by Genesis Micro Software. various possibJe moves. Has print PostScript-formatted PC files
New features include multicol­ automatic game-replay feature. directly on a Mac-compatible
umn label support, horizontal Raced 15Q by the American Go printer and redirec;t Mac files to a
and vertical blank-space com­ Association's human tournaments PC printer port. Gives you access
pression, and memo field . In­ rating system. Toyogo, Inc., 76 to up to eight Macintosh virtual
cludes indexing default, data for­ Bedford St., #34, Lexington, MA disks residing on a PC. Compat­
mulas, editable user preference, 02173; 617/ 861-0488. Free; ible .Systems Corp., J,J.0. Drawer
'~ custom ,Paper size, and zoom $79 new. ,,,, 17220, Boulder, CO 80308-7220;
box. Microsoft Corp. 16011 N.E. 303/ 444-9532. $75; $465 new.
36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, Parameter Manager -Plus version
WA 98073-9717; 206/ 882-8080. 3.0, data acquisition and· analysis Sniffer version 2.0 uses a 111achioe­
. Free if purchased after May 1, software, allows for gfaph sizes larlguage compiler for complex
' 1988; $50 if purchased before of up to 406 inches by 400 filters and triggers and can be
then; $195 new. inches. Can handle up to 32,767 triggered by an external elec­
graphs from a single data set. Im­ tronic signal. Automatically re­
Microsoft.Works ve~ion 2.0 in­ ports data without constructing a cognizes mam1facturer IDs.
cludes. new drawjng tools, template and no longer requires Color-codes protocol layers of
60,000-word integrated spelling additional time to generate multi­ the OSI Reference Model, and
checker with customizable dic­ ple graphs. Rebus Development supports spreadsheet comma­
tionary, and larger spreadsheet Co1p., 2330B Walsh Ave., Santa separated value (CSV) formats.
wjth cell notes and date/ time Clara, CA 95051; 408/127-0348. Network General Corp., 1945A
functions . Supports color for the For owners of version 2.2 $25; Charleston Rd., Mountain: View,
Mac IL Print Preview feature lets for owners of version 2.0 $50; CA 94043; 415/965-1800. If you
you view pages of a document for owners of version 1.0 $100; . have a warranty $50; if y:ou don't
before printing. Microsoft Corp., $595 new; ·if bundled ~th PM have a warranty $350. Co;ntact
16011 N.E. 36th Way, Box 97017, Talk $100; communications vendor for list price. D
Redmond, WA 97017; 206/ 882­ option $795.
8080. $75 to registered Microsoft To have products listed in this
·' Works users; free if purchased Publish or Perish version 3.0 lets -­ se.ction; send,
after AQ.gust 1, ·1988; $295 new. you load references ifi text-file an outline ofmajor changes
format, one field per line; rede­ since the previous release, up­
~usic Publisher version 2.0 lets you fine field names for uses other grade price, suggested retail price,
transpo,se by modal, chromatic, than bibliographic referenc::e; and company name, mailing address,
or di~tonic method. Includes globally define field style. Park and phone number to Updates,
automatic measure-numbering. Row, 4640 Jewell St., #101, San Macworld, 501 Second St., San
Automatically places odd beat Diego, CA 92109; 619/ 581-6778. Francisco, C~ 94107.
markings, and aligns lyrics to $10; $49.95 new.
notes. 1ncludes MIDI Playback,
MIDI Input, and custom note­
spacing features. Graphic Notes,

250 March 1989





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Whereto Buy

n1is /isti11g provides co111pw9 1addresses a11d pbo11e numbers for products
111e111ioned i11 Ibis i · ~11e . It /low sei•era/ tt'ee/.> for responses to Reader Seroice Ca rd
i11quiries. A.~leris/..~' i11dica/e ve11dors ll'bo prefer tu /;e co11/acted by p/Jone.

Service 0
750 Adobe Illustrator 88. Adobe Systems, Lnc., P.O. Box 7900, Mountain View, CA 94039-7900; 415/ 961-4400, 800/ 833-6687.

751 Aldus FreeHand Ald us Corp., 411 First Ave. S, Sea ttle, WA 98104; 206/ 622-5500.

752 Amanda Stories, Volume I & Volume II. The Voyager Compa ny, 1351 Pacific Coast Hwy., Sa nta Monica, CA 90401;

213/ 451-1383.

753 Apple Fax Modem. Apple Computer, Inc., 20525 Mariani Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014; 408/ 996-1010.

75 4 BackFax. Solutions International, 30 Commerce St., Williston , Vr 05495; 802/ 658-5506.

755 BameyScan XP. Ba rneyScan, Inc. , 1198 Tenth St. , Berkeley, CA 94710; 415/ 524-6648.

756 Brother HL-8 Desktop Laser Printer. Brother International, 8 Corporate Pl. , Piscata way, t ~ 08854; 201 / 981-0300,

800/ 284-4357.
• BWIIC. Shareware by Rick- Giles, P.O. Box 207, Acad ia Un iversity, Wolfv ille, Nova Scotia, Canada BOP lXO .
• CachcKey INIT. Shareware by Chris Demetriou, 859 Woodacres Rd., Sa nta Monica, CA 90402.

757 Capture. Mainstay, 5311-B Derry Ave., Agoura Hills, CA 91301; 818/ 991-6540.

• ColorCards. Shareware by Bill & Steve Tuttle/ lmaginetic Neovision.

• Color Cursor. Shareware by Mattl1ias Urlichs.

758 Colorizer. Palomar Softwa re, Inc. , P.O. Box 120, Ocea nside, CA 92054; 619/ 721-7000.

• Color Map. Sharewa re on CompuServe.

• ColorSnapShot. hareware by Mark 3 Softwa re , 215 Thayer Pond Rd., Wilto n, CT 06897.

759 Color System I. Knowledge Engineering, 115 Mason St. , Greenwich, CT 06830; 203/ 622-8770.

• DTP Advisor. Br©derbund Software , Inc., 17 Paul Dr. , an Rafael , CA 94903-2101 ; 415/ 492-3200, 800/ 527-6263.

760 DualPage Display System. Cornerstone Technology, Inc., 1883 Ringwood Ave., San Jose, CA 95131 ; 408/ 279-1600.

761 Enterprise. Foundation Publishi ng, Inc. , 5100 Eden Ave., ;=307, Edina, MN 55436; 612/925-6027.
• Excelcrator XL 20. Irwin Magnetics, 2101 Commonwea lth Blvd. Ann Arbor, Ml 48105; 313/ 930-9000.
• Excelerator XL 25. Irwin Magnetics, 2101 Commonwealth Dlvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105; 313/ 930-9000.

762 EZTax-Plan Business Editlon. EZWa re Corp., P.O. Box 620, 13ala Cynwycl , PA 19004; 215/ 667-4064, 800/ 543-1040.

763 EZTa.x-Plan Personal Edition. EZWare Corp., P.O . Box 620, Bala Cynwycl, PA 19004; 215/ 667-4064 , 800/ 543-1040.

764 EZTax-Prep 1040. EZWa re Corp ., P.O. Box 620, Bal a Cynwycl, PA 19004; 215/ 667-4064 , 800/ 543-1040.

• FastPath 4. Kinecics, Inc., 2500 Camino Diablo , Walnu t Creek, CA 94596; 415/ 947-0998.

765 FaxPlus. Cypress Research Corp. 296 Elizabeth St. , 3rd Floor, New York , NY 1001 2; 212/ 475-7782.

766 FAXstf. FA,'Xstf, 48431 Milmont Dr. , Fremont , CA 94538; 816/ 584-7727, 800/ 444-5321.

767 Findswc:ll. Working Software , Inc. , P.O. Box 1844, Sa nta Cruz, CA 95061-1844; 408/423-5696, 800/ 331 -4321.

• F1F4. Shareware on CompuServe.

• Front & Cente.r . Sharewa re by Pete Helme, 1939 Ma rshall Ave., "'25, St. Paul , M 55104.
768 Gemini 020/ 030. Total Syste ms Int grated , 99 W. Te nt h Ave., #333, Eugene, OR 97401 ; 503/ 345-7395.

769 Graphics Master 4. Dean Lem Associa tes, Inc. , 1526 Pontius Ave ., Ste . C, Los Ange les, CA 92024; 213/ 478-0092,

800/ 562-2562.

770 G330-70 Color Thermal Transfer Printer. Mitsubishi Electronics America, Inc., 991 Knox • t., Torrance, CA 90502;


Macworld 253
All tax programs should look

and print like this one.

KKDIA.1.I All Scl'ltdul• A . ltunlred 01duc l lon1

!. .... , ....

....... ,,._,, · ---------­
=-:- .::__=:. -..-=-===-----·
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• M.~ •.. ~~.t.~1.. .\ ,.~.1.1~'~'-···· · ······ ··· ······ ·

• :i:t.~.1.~ .•~.l.'!'.'! ...•...•..•.. ....•....•... .••••.••.•. 1--~'""'"""'
t J.9:4i\r1'1.......... ....................... ..... ... • »~=
11 :Z:!Rl.....~.~-~.n·•...............................
1 .- ,.... ·-·
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-___·-·--- ,,.,
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!5.'!-!'.li ........ .. ........... ... .......... .......... 1--~...-

,_ 0-. •• =~-;,.::.~~ ==·=~:.:-..:.';..:::

'·················· · · - ················· ······· ·· ···· · -~-

~ ....................-···········-.. ················1------l--f

' T • ~t..itR!';'1~'········ ·· · · .. ·······.. ·· ············ ..

• ••.\IP.P.\~., ...,..~~~f•• ~.......... .... . ..... ..

cJhl,u•• ~•••s.11,tit;c;f.IP.Hi'.i:-!'•• •••••••••••••••••• ••

-' .'l'.f.~t ~.'!'••MH.\ ~;u:t.••••• .•••••••••••.••••.••.•

• P.t~~.,~.\ ~?................................- .. ...

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Better yet, all tax programs should I ..........•..•.. _,, ..... ... ....................... ..

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©SoftView, Inc. 1988. SoftView, Maclnlax and the SoftView logo are registered trademarks of SoftVi e1v, Inc. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
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Circle 406 on reader service card

Whereto Buy
S c;f\'iCt!

• Hide HyperCard. Shareware by Macreations, 329 Horizon Way, Pacifica , CA 94044.

771 HyperCharger 020. GCC Technologies, 580 Winte r St., Waltham, MA 02154; 617/ 890-0880, 800/ 634-9737.

772 Hypeflalk Pocket Reference. Hyperpress Publishi ng Corp., P.O. Box 8243, Foster City, CA 94404; 415/ 345-4620.

773 Icon Factory. Hype rpress Publi hing Corp., P.O . Box 8243 , foster City, CA 94404 ; 415/ 345-4620.

774 lmageStudio. Le traset USA, 40 Eisenhower Dr., Paramus, 1 07653; 201 / 845-6100, 800/ 526-9703 .

775 InterFax. Abaton, a divi ion of Everex, 48431 Milmont Dr. , Fre mo nt, CA 94538; 415/ 683-2226, 800/ 444-5321.


• Kolor. Shareware by Russ We tmore , 1O"l Los Gatos Blvd., =5 , Los Gatos, CA 95032 .

776 Language Systems Fortran Compiler. Language Systems, Inc., 44 1 Carlisle Dr. , He rndo n, VA 22070; 703/ 478-0181.

777 LaserPalnt Color n. Lase rWare , Inc., P.O . Box 668, San Rafae l, CA 94915; 415/ 453-9500, 800/ 367-6898 .


MacFortran. Absoft Corp. , 2781 Bond St., Roche te r Hi lls, Ml 48309; 313/ 853-0050.

MacFortran/020. Absoft Corp., 2781 Bo nd St. , Rochester Hills, MT 48309; 313/ 853-0050.

780 MaclnTa.x. SoftView, Inc., 4820 Adohr Ln., Ste . F, Cama rillo, CA 93010; 805/ 388-2626, 800/ 622-6829.

781 Mactran Plus. DCM Data Products, Inc., 1710 Two Ta ndy Center, Ft. Worth, TX 76102; 817/ 870-2202.

782 Mac 20M:X-16. DayStar Digita l, Inc., 5556 Atlanta Hwy ., Flower Branch, GA 30542; 404/ 967-2077, 800/ 962-2077.

783 Mac 20MX-25. DayStar Digita l, Inc., 5556 Atlanta Hwy ., Flower Branch , GA 30542; 404/ 967-2077, 800/ 962-2077.

784 The Manhole. Activision, 3885 Bohannon Dr. , Menlo Park, CA 94025; 415/ 329-0800.

785 MaraThon 020. Dove Computer Corp ., 1200 1 . 23rd St. , Wilmingto n, NC 28405; 919 63-7918, 800/ 622-7627.

786 MaraThon 030. Dove Compute r Corp., 1200 . 23rd l. , Wilmington , NC 28405; 919n63-7918, 800/ 622-7627.

787 Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. The oftware Toolworks, 13557 Ventura Blvd., She rman Oaks, CA 91 423; 818/ 907-6789.

• Menu Fonts 2. Beyond , Inc., Box 31990, Tucson, AZ 85751 ; 602/290-9790.

788 Modern Artist. Computer Friends, Inc., 14250 .W. Scie nce Park Dr. , Portland, OR 97229; 503/ 626-2291, 800/ 547-3303.
789 Musical Instruments Sound Resource Ilbrary. I3 & B Soundworks, P.O . Box 7828, Sa n Jose, CA 95150; 408/ 241-7986.
790 Nutmeg 19. Nutmeg Systems, Inc. , 25 South Ave ., New Canaan, CT 06840; 203/ 966-3226.
791 OmniPage. Caere Corp ., 100 Cooper Ct., Los Gatos, CA 95030; 408/ 395-7000.
792 Over 030. Computer Syste m Associates, 7564 Tracie St., San Diego, CA 92121 ; 619/ 566-3911.
793 PageMakcr. Aldus Corp. , 411 First Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98104; 206/ 622-5500 .

794 PhotoMac. Data Translatio n, Inc., 100 Locke Dr., Marlborough, MA 01 752; 508/ 481-3700.

• Pl.xc!Palnt Professional. SuperMac Technology, 295 1 . Berna rdo Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043; 415/ 964-8884.

795 Police Quest. Sierra On-Line , Inc., P.O. Box 485, Coar egold , CA 93614 ; 209/ 683-6858.

• PrlntworksforthcMac/LaserVersion. Phoenix Technologies, Ltd., 846 University St. , Norwood , MA 02062; 617/ 551-4000.
• Prodigy SE. Levco, 6160 Lusk Blvd., Ste. C-203, San Diego, CA 92121 ; 619/ 457-2011.
796 QuarkXpress. Quark, Inc., 300 S. Jackson, ~100 , Denver, CO 80209; 303/ 934-2211 , 800/ 356-9363.

797 QuicKeys. CE Softwa re, P.O . Box 65580, West D s Moines, lA 50265; 515/ 224-1995 , 800/ 523-7638.

798 Radius Accelerator 16. Radius, Inc., 404 E. Plumeria Dr., San Jose, CA 95134; 408/ 434-1010.

799 Radius Accelerator 25. Radius, Tnc., 404 E. Plume ria Dr., San Jose, CA 95134; 408/ 434-1010.

• Real World PostScript. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Ro ute 128/Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867; 61 7/ 944-3700.
•Screen Dump n. Shareware by Mark 3 Software , 215 Thaye r Pond Rd ., Wilton, CT 06897.
• Screener. Sharewa re by Frank Price/ AOC Software, 612 Doheny Rd ., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

800 Screen Gems. Microseeds, 7030B \YI . Hillsboro ugh Ave ., Ta mpa , FL 33615; 813/ 878-2142.

801 scriptE.-xpert. Hyperpress Publishing Corp., P.O. Box 8243, Foster City, CA 94404· 415/ 345-4620.

• Snapshot. Shareware by Frank Price/ AOC oflwa re , 612 Dohe ny Rd ., Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

802 Sound Effects Sound Resource Ubrary. B & B o undworks, P.O. Box 7828, San Jose, CA 95150; 408/ 241-7986.

803 Space Quest n. Sierra On-Line, Inc., P.O . 1:3ox 485 , Coarsegold , CA 93614; 209/ 683-6858.

804 SpectreMatch. Prepress Technologies, Inc., 53 Encinitas Blvd., -"'11 4, Encinitas, CA 92024; 619/753-0194.

256 March 1989

SuperPaint 2.0

Setting the Standard. Again.

1 These faces were

created using th e
freehand Bezier tool,
3 Special effects,
such as these bubbles
which allows you to
on the water, can be
create editable
easily created with
Bezier paths quickly
custom - programmed,
and easily. Color
plug - in paint tools.
preview lets you
design on screen and
in color.
4 The freehand
Bezier tool provided
2 Both painting the precise control
and drawing features necessary to draw
were used to create this architectural
this scientific illus­ column.

Dorsal fin

SuperPaint, the best-selling graphics program for the pages, work in landscape view, or use SuperBitsTM to edit
Macintosh®, has always set the standard against which other bitmaps of any size and resolution -you can even edit a full
software is compared. And we just raised that standard. page at 300 dpi. Plus you can preview your image in color
In Version 2.0, SuperPaint gives you more graphics before printing.
power than the costly "professional" drawing programs, yet More power, more flexibility, and easier to use. That's
it's easier to use. Draw spontaneously with the freehand SuperPaint 2.0 - setting the standard for Macintosh
Bezier tool, for example. You don't have to get it perfect the graphics._ .again.
first time-the Bezier path is completely editable, so you can
progressively refine your work. Or use AutoTrace™ to Suggested retail price: $199. Upgrade from 1.0 or 1.1 : $50.
instantly convert any bitmapped image to an object-oriented
line drawing. System requirements:
Then, with a mouse click, you can further refine your Macintosh Plus, SE or Macintosh JI;
graphic with the most flexible and sophisticated painting System 6.0 or later
tools available on the Mac, including a slick new airbrush that Silicon Beach Software, Inc .
works just like the real thing. Plug-in paint tools can be P.O. Box 261430
custom-programmed and will show up in the tool palette. San Diego, CA 92126 • (619) 695-6956
We've added nearly all the other features you wanted,
AutoTra ce. SuperBirs and the Silicon Beach Software logo
too. You can set any document size for printing multiple are trademarks of Silicon Beach Software. Inc. Macintosh
is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. SOFT WARE

Circle 266 on reader service card

Whereto Buy

805 SpectrePrint. Prep ress Technologies Inc., 534 Encinitas Blvd., ~ 11 4 , Encinitas, CA 9202 ; 619/ 753-0194.

806 Springboard Publisher. Springboard Software, Inc., 7808 Creekridge Circle, Minneapo li M 1 55 35; 612/ 94 -3915.

807 Standout. Letraset USA, 40 Eisenhower Dr. , Para mus, NJ 07653; 201/ 845-6100, 800/ 526-9703.

808 Studio/ 8. Electronic Arts, P.O. Box 7530, San Mateo, CA 94403 ; 415/ 571-7171, 800/24 5 525.

• Switch-a-roo. Shareware by Bill Steinberg.

809 TaxMaster 1988 Preparer. Island Comp uter Se rvices, 3501 E. Yacht Dr., Long Beach, C 28461; 919/ 278-9483, 800/826-7146.

810 TaxMaster 1989 Planner. Island Computer Services, 3501 E. Yacht Dr. , Long Beach, NC 28461; 919/278-9483, 800/826-7146.

811 Tax Pro. Chesapea ke Software/ MG, P.O. Box 101 4, Richmond, VA 23208-101 4; 804/ 358-7802.

812 Tax Stacks. StackWorks, Inc., P.O. Box 426, Urba na, IL 61801 ; 217/ 328-5257.

813 TaxView Planner. SoftYiew, lnc., 4820 Adohr Ln., Ste. f , Camarillo, CA 93010; 805/ 388-2626, 800/ 622-6829.

814 Tempo II. Affinity Microsystems, Ltd ., 1050 Wa lnut Sr., ;:42, Boulder, CO 80302; 303/ 442-4840, 800/ 367-6771.

815 33/ 030 Accelerator II. DayStar Digital, Inc., 5556 Atlanta Fhvy., Flower Branch GA 30542; 404/ 967-2077, 800/ 962-2077.

•Toggle Cache. Sharewa re by Jan Eugenides, P.O. Box 151, Maynard, MA 01754.

816 Turbo SE. Siclone Sa les & Engineering Corp., 1169 Borregas Ave., Sunnyva le, CA 94089; 408/734-9151, 800/ 862-2636 .

817 V.I.P. (Visual Interactive Programming). Mai nstay, 53 11-B Derry Ave. , Agoura Hills, CA 91301 ; 818/ 991-6540.
818 Word Processing: the Usable Portable Guide. Usable Portable Publications, Inc., 5 Wood ide Rd ., Winchester, MA 01890;
617/729-1943. 0

Public domain software and sbarewa re are available througb 011/lne l11/om1atlon services; user groups (cnll 8001538-9696 ext. -oo f or infonnation on
a local user group); or mail-order clearingbouses such as Budgctby tes (8001356-3551 f or orders, 9 13/271-6022 in Kansas), Educomp (800/843-949 7.
6191259-0255 in California), or the Public Domain Excbange (800/33 7-8 125, 408/496-0624 in Califomia).

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Circle 293 on reader service card

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Product Index
-- •Software
-- 165
Design Scieticc, 72

--• Hardware
­- VJdeo
I.expertise, 32

Acius, 6o Microsoft, 223 Boards 61 Computer Friends, 99

401 Advanced Gravis, 180 229 Paracomp, 230 403 American Miao Distributors, 222 467 Gcn02I Paramctrics Corp., 80
379 Asfa Compugr.iphic, 162 42 Penonal Training Systems, 203 127 Cle:irpoint, 92 Magnavox, 182
329 Aldus Freehand, 10-11 375 ae:trp<>in1, 92
306 Aldus Persuaslon, 168-169 476 DaySbr, 79
220 Ashton-Tate, 38-39 EnlelUlnment 404 DaySbr, 81 MlscdJancous
187 Berkeley Sysiem Design, 206 290 PCAJ, 4 477 DaySbr, 77 403 American Micro Distributo rs, 222
383 Brainpower, Inc., 68 266 Silicon Beach Software, 257 82 Irwin Magnetics, 184-185 150 Farallon, 84
365 Ceres Software, 22 196 National Semiconductor, 166 337 lma8e aub GrJphics, I02
Checkmark Sollware, 232 347 Novell, 16· 17 46o Matrix, 53
a.r1s, 247 Networking 445 Truevision, 178 575 Oran8e Miao, 207
Claris, 62.05 319 Compuserve, 198 296 ScanCo, 71
165 Design Science, 72 150 Farallon, 84 186 Sun Rernarkcting, 259

355 Dow Jones Software, 178 Top.<, 74 Dlgltizen/Sautners 26 Trimar USA, Inc.. 222

155 Dubl-Cllck, 194 242 Digital Vision, 224

152 Pox Software, 211 356 Pixelogic, 189

360 lnformix, 42-43 Personal Business/Rome 327 Sharp, 30 Accessories

472 Lcxpenise, 32 '297 Shana Corp., 55 176 Thunderware, 24

Microsoft, IFC-1 112 Survivor Software, 208 376 Xerox Imaging Systems, 251
Floppy Disks
87 Monogram, 94
479 BASF, 86
213 Paracomp, 78

42 Personal Training Systems, 203 Utilities Display

456 SBT, 193 35 Alsoft, 8 101 E-Machines, 48-49

297 Shana Corp., 55 187 Berkeley System Design, 206 354 MacMail, 200
419 SoftView, Inc., 254 357 413 Mobius Technology, 189 Anthro Corp., 36
Central Point Software, 159
223 Personal Computer

296 ScanCo, 71

237 Symantec, 9 346 Deneba, 25
215 Symantec, 12 180 Deneba, 27 Peripherals Corp., 98

491 [~t . 24 1 439 GOT Softworks, 224 117 Sigma Designs, 88

492 Sysl2t, 241 478 Multicomp, 246

195 GE Rental/Lease, 245

284 Olduv:ll, 34
406 MacAcademy, 255
CAD/CAM 317 Preferred Publishers, Inc., 70 Hard Dlob'SIOrallC
403 American Micro Distributors, 222 Macworld Expo, 268-269
454 Autodesk, 20-21 237 Symantec, 9
293 Safeware, 258
459 Berol USA, 187 470 Xlree, 35 233 Corel Sy.terns, 164

Claris, 228-229 'Y7 Crate, 225

77 Graphsoft, 236 452 Ehman Engineering, Inc., 180

Vertk:al 440 Hard Drives lnt'I. 196
68 Computer Friends, 214
Communlcadon Adobe Systems, Inc., 26 337 Image aub Graphics, 102
426 <:acre Corp., 239 102 Jasmine, 40 385 uo Design, 76
379 Asfa Compugraphlc, 162
457 Jasmine, 50-51 30 Kensington Software, 69
319 Compuserve, 198 Chedunark Software, 232 192 Kensington Software, BC
Connect, Inc.. 191 229 Paracomp, 230 145 l.aCie, 18
276 Micro Computer Accessories, 100
281 Dataviz, 33 456 SBT, 193 354 MacMail, 200
275 MicroNct, 96 388 Micro Vision, 26
Top.<, 74
239 Secure-It, 234
398 MicroNct, 96

Dala Management 458 Microtech Internat ional, 231

Acius, 6o Word Proc:aslng 243 Miaotech International, 233 • MailOrder

401 Advanced Gravis, 180 220 Ashton-Tate, 38-39 62 Microtech International, 235
42 Personal Training Sysiems, 203 a.ns, 247 424 Minor Technologies, 66-07 5 Beverly Hills Computer, 264-265
317 Preferred Publishers, Inc.. 70 180 Deneba, 27 449 Multiple Zones lnt'I, 90-91 32 CDA, 244
451 PmVUE, 196 165 Design Science, 72 223 Personal Computer 'Y7 Crate, 225
Microsoft, IFC-1 Peripherals Corp., 98 562 Diskette Connection, 262

Graphks/Deslltop Publishing Round Lake Publishing, 22 149 Rodilne, 201 368 Dr- Mac, Inc., 263

340 Aba Software, Inc., 82-83 215 Symantec, 12 Se:lgate Technology, 37 86 Mac Products, 238

Adobe Systems, Inc., 26 332 T/ Maker, IBC 416 Storage Dimensions, 161 MacConnection, 104-111

401 Advanced Gravis, 180 475 Working Software, 191 320 Tallgras.< Technol<>sies. 248 264 Mad.and, 266

379 Agfa Compugr.iphic, 162 6 Ta1Jgra55 Ted1noJ<>si.,., 248 354 MacMail, 200

329 Aldus Preehand, 10-11 321 Tecmar, 252 78 MacWarehouse, 215-221

306 Aldus Persuasion, 168-169 Mlsa:Uaneous 411 Micro Star, 267

35 Altsys, 210 329 Aldus Freehand, 10-11 478 Multicomp, 246

187 Berkeley System Design, 206 306 Aldus Pers uasion, 168-169 l!xpllllSlon/UPSNc!et 449 Multiple Zones Int'!, 90·91

426 Caere Corp., 239 Checkmark Software, 232 161 Micron, 194 45 Opeti Mac, 261

365 Ceres Software, 22 439 GOT Softworks, 224 44 Programs Plus, 56-59

61 Compu1er friends, 99 Microsoft, IFC-1 473 Software Library, 46

400 CTA, 270 Microsoft, 223 Modems

305 USA Flex/Comar!<, 262

217 Deneba, 23 419 SoftView, Inc., 254 68 Computer Friends, 21 4

155 Dubl-Click, 194 469 Ven-Tel, 44

467 General Paramctrtcs Corp., 80

337 Image Oub Graphics, 102

393 NuEquatlon, 207 Prlnten

213 Paracomp, 78 Compugraphlc, 76 A· H

115 Qume, 212-213 575 Or.mge Micro, 207

353 Qumc, 212·213 104 QMSll.aserconnection, 204-205

215 Symantec, 12 115 Qume, 212·213

353 Qume, 212·213

143 Tektronix, 209

93 Varityper, 28-29

260 March 1989

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41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 44 1 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 75B 759 760
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65 66 67 68 69 70 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 46 1 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 7B1 7B2 7B3 7B4 7B5 766 7B7 7BB 7B9 790
71 72 73 74 75 76 17 78 79 80 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 801 B02 B03 804 805 806 807 808 B09 BIO
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 811 812 813 814 B\5 B16 817 BlB B19 820
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 821 822 823 824 B25 B26 B27 B2B 829 830
111 112 113 114 115 116 11 7 118 119 120 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B36 B37 B3B B39 840
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 1JO 321 J22 J23 J24 325 326 327 J28 329 JJO 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 5JO B41 B42 B43 B44 B45 B46 B47 848 849 B50
1J 1 1J2 133 134 1J5 136 137 138 139 140 3J 1 332 J33 3J4 J35 336 3J7 338 J39 J40 5J1 532 53J 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 851 B52 853 854 855 B56 B57 858 859 B60
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161 162 16J 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 361 362 J6J J64 J65 J66 J6 7 368 369 J70 561 562 56J 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 8B\ 882 883 B84 885 886 887 888 889 B90
171 172 17J 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 J71 J72 37J J74 J75 J76 377 378 379 J80 571 572 57J 574 575 576 577 578 579 5BO 891 B92 893 B94 895 896 897 898 899 900
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491 492 49J 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 811 812 813 B\4 815 816 B\7 8\B 819 820
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\ 11 112 11J 114 11 5 116 11 7 118 119 120 Jl 1 J12 J1J J14 315 316 317 318 319 511 512 51J 514 831 832 B33 B34 835 836 B37 83B 839 840
J20 515 516 517 518 519 520 841 842 B43 844 845 846 847 848 849 850
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 lJO 321 J22 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 JJO 52 1 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 5JO 851 852 853 854 855 856 857
\Jl 1J2 1J3 1J4 858 859 860
1J5 1J6 1J7 138 139 140 3J 1 JJ2 3JJ JJ4 335 336 337 J38 339 J40 53 1 5J2 5JJ 5J4 5J5 5J6 5J7 538 SJ9 540 86\ 862 B63 864 865 866 867 86B 869 870
141 142 143 144 14 5 146 147 148 149 150 J4 1 J42 34J J44 345 346 347 348 349 350 54 1 542 54J 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 871 872 B73 874 875 876 877 878 879 880
151 152 15J 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 351 352 J53 J54 J55 356 357 358 359 J60 55 1 552 55J 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 881 882 883 884 B85 886 887 888 889 890
161 162 16J 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 36 1 J62 363 364 J65 J66 J67 368 369 370 56 1 562 56J 564 565 566 567 56B 569 570 891 892 893 894 895 B96 897 898 899 900
\ 71 172 17J 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 J7 1 J72 J7J 374 375 J76 J77 378 379 J80 57 1 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 38 1 J82 J83 J84 385 J86 JB7 38B J89 390 58 1 5B2 58J 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 91\ 91 2 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920
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Advertiser Index


340 Aba Software, Inc .. 82-83

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Malri.,, 53
For Macintosh Plus.SE .II
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Adobe Systems, Inc., 26 276 i\·ticro Computer Accessories. 100 Ram II+II - Cost Effective $CALL
40 1 Advanc..-d Gr.ivc<, 180 4 11 Micro Star, 267
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306 Aldus Persuasion, 168-169 275 MicroNet, 96
35 Alsoft, 8 Microsoft, IFC-1 Two 1 Megabyte SIMMs $CAL "' .
35 Altsys, 2 10 Microsoft , 223
403 American Micro Distributors, 222 458 Microtech lmern:u ional, 231
Anthro Corp., 36 243 Microtech International, 233 Fo r Macintosh Plus
220 Ashto n-T:u e, 38-39 62 f\Hcrotec h Internati o nal, 235
454 Autodesk, 20-2 1 388 Micro Vision , 26 RarnPlus 2- Cost Effective $CALL
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459 Berol USA, 187 87 Monogram, 94 RarnPlus 4- $CALL prices!
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Buick, 47 196 Semiconductor, 166 Reliable delivery for over 4 years! RAM upgraded.
426 Caere Corp., 239 347 Novell , 16 -17
32 CDA. 244 393 NuEquation, 207
357 CcntrJI Point Software, 159
365 Ceres Software, 22
Chcckmark Software, 232
Olduvai, 34
Open Mac, 261
Orange Micro, 207
Claris, 62-65 213 Paracomp, 78 Mac II to NTSC (Television) Converter
Cbris. 247 229 Paracomp, 230
Claris, 228-229 290 PCAI. 4 Connect your Mac II to NTSC video.
127 Clearpoint. 92 223 Personal Computer Record your Macintosh images to video tape, or use for
375 Clearpoint, 92 Peripher~ls Corp., 98
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61 Comput<.~ Friends, 99 317 Preferred Publisher.;, Inc., 70
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Ask nbou1 our
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242 Digirnl Vision , 22·1 297 Shana Corp., 55
562 Diskeue Con nection, 262 327 Sharp , 30
Dow Jones Sof1w;1rc, 178
Dr.,M:ic, Inc .. 263
Dubl-Click, 194
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GF. Rental/Lease. 245
Gene.Tai ParJmclrics Corp., 80 ll 2
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440 Hard Drives Int '!, 196 215 Symantec, 12
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Ven-Tel, 44
Working Software, 19 1
OPEN MAC Enterprises
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MacWarehou~e. 2 15·22 l
Xtree , 35
Zericon, 234
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Smart Alarms & Appl. Diary ......... 32
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Smart Alarms Multi·User ... .. .... ..... 79

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Acta 2.0 ........................... .............39

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TR~~PEt:~kGM~~~~~·~ ············ · ···· 82

Simply Accounting ...................... 199


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Dreams ··· ·················· ········· ·· ······ 265

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Write Now 2.0 ................ ....... ...... 109

JX-450 Color Scanner .............. 5295


Color Max II ............................. 3760

LaserView 19 in. SE ................. 1599

Silver Server ................................ 89
LaserView 19 in. fl .................... 1679

Mac Cale ....... ............................... 72

TOPS for Mac ........ .......... .......... 116
SilverView SE/11........................ 1419

Ready, Set, Go 4.0 ...... .............. 275
TOPS Flashcard ················ ········· 165

Talking Tiles ........... .......... ...... ...... 71

Image Studio ..... ............ ... .......... 275
MacEnhancer ............................. 155

Hyper Animator .......... .... .............. 7g

Drawing Table .. ............................ 81

Printshop ......... ··· ·························· 37


IN..... .. ... ..... .. ..39

Performer ············ ····· ···· ···· ·· ········ 316

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Wordperfect ............................ .. .. 195


Bit Pad Plus ADB ......... .. .... ...... .. 325


~ 2400 Baud External Modem ....... 140

Professional Composer ........ ... ... 396
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Managing Your Money .. ... ... ....... 125

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CE SOOK Disk Drive ....... ............ 172

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QuicKeys ...................................... 50

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Excel ...... ........................... ......... 250

File 2.0 ....................................... 137

Wedge XL 20+ ....... .................... 475

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Wedge XL 45+ ........................... 825


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Mac -1 01 .. ............... .... ........... ... 156

QT Mac 40 Tape Backup ........... 975

Disktop .... ................................ ... .. 26

,Works ............ ................. ... ......... 1g5

Quickmail ... ..... .......... ................. 153

Flight Simulator ............................ 34

Power Point ................................ 2S9
68020 Accelerator Boards for Mac
ThunderScan 4.0 with Pwr Port . 193

CHANG LABS Quick Basic .................. ..... ...... ..... 73

MSE 1 ......................... .... ........... 550
Mac II Power Accessory .............. 41

C.A.T. 2.0 .................................. 22S

MSE 2 1MB ................ .............. 975

MSE 3 Math Co-processor .. ..... 734

Will Maker ..... ... ..... .......................33
MacDraw 11 •... .. •.. ..•.•.• ....... .•••••.•.•319
MSE 4 1MB and Math Co-pro 1155

Acc. or Macll Memory Exp........ 459

• Corp0rate Accounrs Welcome. Please send
FileMaker II ................................ 23S
MacProject II .. .......... .. ........ ... ..... 388
Timeslips Il l ................................ 11S Macsnap 1024 ... ......................... 446

Macsnap 2H ............................... 685

.. Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX accepted.
Macsnap 2S ........................... .... 734
• Credit card is not charged until order Is
Compuserve Navigator ................ 40
Wall Street Investor .................... 319
Macsnap 4H ............................. 1357

&~rv~~~.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::::i~~
Macsnap 4S ...................... ....... 1455
.. California residents add 6.S'I'. sales tax
MacSnap Plus 2 ... ...................... 446
• Toordercallani1imeMoo · Fri. 10 - 9EST
Pict- o-Graph ........................ ....... 1OS
• Enquiriescan(818)501 ·6581 . FAX.(818)
Cricket Graph ..... ..... ... ... ............. 119

Cricket Draw .............................. 169

Cricket Presents ......................... 28S


Super Paint 2.0 ..................... ..... 123

·• All prices subject to cllange w11hout not!Oe.

Dark Castle ................................. .26
PhoneNET Star Controller ....... 1225
• All orders add $5. Shipped Federal
PhoneNET Punch Down Block Wire

Mac Link Plus ........... ... ... ... ....... .. 103

Silicon Press ................................40
Expr..S Standard Air
Beyond Dark Castle ..................... 26
Kit .. ........ .. ................................. .... 68
• Same clay shlppirig on orders pieced by ·
Super 3D .......... ..... ..................... 1S2
Timbuktu ............... ............ ........... 78
dBFast Mac .. ......................... ..... 115
Digital Darkroom ........................ 1S2
TraflicWatch ............................... 155
.. Deledive software wiD be replaced

Canvas 2.0 ........ .. ....................... 150

Write Move ................................. 519
immediately by the same ttem. catl
TaxView Planner .......................... 63
customer servico at(8t8) 501-0961 for
Coach ........ ................................... 51
Form Set Business Forms ... ........ 50

Comment 2.0 ............................... 51

AA number before ratumlng defective
Macintax ..... .................................. 63
Data Cell 20 .......................... ..... 499
Coach Thesaurus ......................... 31
Data Cell 30S .............................624

Coach Professional ...................... 99

Dr. Mac Inc.

Microphone II ......................... .... 219

Data Cell 65 ...............................828

14542 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200


Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Wet Paint Vol. 1 & 2 ............... .. .... 43


Circle 368 on reader service card

Hard Drives Epson Printers
GCC Write Move

AST FX-850, FX-1050, L0-500

Portable ink-jet printer .... .. .. 5529

20 mg/20 mg Tape Back-up ... 5 749



(Mac Plus, SE, II)

Big Picture 17" Monochrome 5 1298

SD 20 Megabyte . .. ... ... .. .. s499

Big Picture T-16 Color ... . .. 5 269a

SD 30 Megabyte .. ..... . ..... s599

Big Picture T-19 Color ...... 5 449a

SD 60 Megabyte ............. 5 799

SD 80 Megabyte .... ... .. . . 5 1249
14" Color ... . .. . .... . ... .. .. . 5 53a

CMS Pro Series Internal Mac SE/II


30 Megabyte SE rear . . ....... s499

Viking 1 19" ...... ... . .. .. .. 5 149a

45 Megabyte SE rear ......... s549

Epson LX-aOO
Viking 2400 24" ....... .. . . . 5 189a

65 Megabyte SE rear ......... sagg

9 pin, 180 cps . ...... .. . .. .. . . 5 199
Viking GS 19" ........ .... .. 5249a

80 Megabyte SE rear .. .... . s11·99

Grappler C/ Mac . .. . . . . . . . . .... 579
Viking 10 Color 19" .. ... . ... 5 389a

100 Megabyte SE rear .. . ... 5 1489

Sigma Design
40 Megabyte Mac II .......... s549
Epson LQ-500
Pageview Pl us/ SE 15" ..... . . . 598a
60 Megabyte Mac 11 •••••••••• 5699
24 pin , 1ao cps ...... .. . ... . . . 5369
Silverview 21 " ... ... . . . . . .. . . 5 152a
80 Megabyte Mac 11 •••••••• 5 1145
Grappler LO ....... ........... sag
Siverview 256 Gray Shades . 5 239a
150 Megabyte Mac II . .. .. ... 1879
Hewlett Packard Colormax 19" ..... .. . .... .. 53a9a
300 Megabyte Mac II . . ..... 5 2749
DeskJet ....... .. ............ . s59a
Cutting Edge
Grappler LS ...... .. ........ . . . sag
BOOK External Drive . ......... 5 175

Wedge XL30 . ..... ......... . . 5625

SP 1000 AP .................. 5215

Wedge XL45 ................. 5825

lmagewriter Compatible
External 200 . . ............... s499

External 20 Zero Footprint .... 5549

Impact 40 . . .. .. .... ... .. ... . . s549

·Impact 40 plus ... . ... . ..... .. 5849

Impact 60 ....... ...... . . . .... sgag

Impact 80 .................. s1349

Internal Mac II 20 Megabyte .. 5445

Magnovox 14" Mac Display

Internal Mac II 91 Megabyte 5 1395

640 x 4aO Resolution ..... . . .. s53a

Fine Dot Pitch , T ilt & Swivel Base

Micro Net Technology

General Computer
External 300 Megabyte 5 2995

PLP Laser . .. ... . .... . . . .. . 5 159a Scanners

External 620 Megabyte s3995

PLP Plus ... ... . ... . ... ..... 5 169a Hewlett Packard ScanJet ... 51395
Business Laser Plus ........ 53298 Microtek
300C 16 gray levels .. .. .. . .. 51349
300QS 64 gray levels .. .. .. . 51949
300G 256 gray levels ... .... 52749
400G 256 graylevels 400 dpi s3349
All Scanners bundled w/Software.

Please call for competitive system pricing.

279 South Beverly Drive. Suite 1200. Beverly Hills. California 90212

Hard Drive s449

Accessories Generic Computer Supply

A baton Disks Box of 10 DS/ DD . .. . ... . 5 17

Propoint .. ... ....... . .. ...... . s93

Mouse Pad ..... .. .............. s7

Monitor Stand . ... ... . ...... . .. s13

CH Products
Printer Stand 80 column ....... 514

Flightstick . ... .. . .. . .. ... ..... 5 48

Printer Stand 132 column . .. ... 5 19

Mach IV Joystick . .. . .. ... . . . .. 5 48

Surge Protector 6 outlet .. ... . . 5 18

Mirage ... . ........ .. ...... .... 538

AST Kennsington
Cutting Edge
20 mg/ 20 mg Tape Back-up ... 5749
Mac 105 ADB Keyboa rd . . . ... 5 129
Su per base ... .. .............. . 533

Limited quantity
System Saver .... . ... ......... s53

Datadesk Keyboard
System Saver SE .. . .... . . ..... 552

Mac 101 or ADB version ...... 5 129

Security System ..... .. . ..... . . 534

Modems Hyperdialer . ....... . . .... .. ... 5 25

Mac 11 System Stand ..... .. . .. 5 19

A baton I nterFax .. .... . ..... . . 5389

Masterpiece Mac 11 •••••• • • • •• 5 105

Beverly Hills Dust Covers/Carrying Cases Keyboard Cable ADB .. . ..... .. 525

External 1200 Baud ... ... ...... 599

Mac/ Plus/ Se ..... . . . .. . . ..... . 5 15
Mon itor Extention Kit ... . .. .... 533

External 2400 Baud ........... 5 149

Keyboard (specify type) .. ... .. . s9
MacTilt & Swivel ............ .. 522

Internal 2400 Mac 11 ••.••. .• •• 5 199

Mac II CPU only . ... .. . . ... . .. s12
Turbo Mouse ....... .. . . ... ... 5 118

Mac 11 with Mono Monitor ...... 5 19

Turbo Mouse ADB ... .. .. .... 5 118

Epic Technology
Mac 11 with Color Monitor .... .. 5 19

Internal 2400 Mac 11 .•• . .• • ... 5319

lmagewriter 11 Printer .. . ... . ... . s9

Everex lmagewriter LO Printer .. .... . . 5 14

Mac Trac Trackball . .. . ... . . . . . 578

Emac External 2400 .. .. . . . . .. 5219

Laserwriter Printer ... . ......... 524

Low prices, great service!

Practical Peripherals Imagewriter 11 Carrying Case .. . 559

Mac Pack 2400 .. .. . .. ..... . .. 5 239

Mac Plus/ SE Carrying Case .... 5 59

U.S. Robotics Mac SE w/ Ext . Keyboard .. .. . . 569

External 2400 ....... . . . . . .... s169

DCA MacTilt . . ... . .. . ...... . . . . .. . . 568

Mac Irma-Mac II or SE ........ 5795

Muzzle ... ........ .. . .. ....... . s53

Dove Computer
MacSnap Tool Kit ..... . . . ..... s15
MacSnap Plus 2 .............. Call
Mac Recorder Sound System . . 5 129

MacSnap 2 SE .... .. .. .. ..... Call

MacSnap 524S .... ... ........ Call
• Pl ain and simple. Hardware; yo ur satis­ Ultra quiet
MacSnap 548S. .... ... . . ... ... Call
faction guaranteed or your money back.
Internal Fan
MaraThon 020 Accelerator .. .. 5549
• Software; defective so ftware will be
Keeps it cool & quiet .... .. . . s3995
Co-Processor 68881 . . .. . ..... 5249
replac ed immediately . Manufacturers
policies prohibit us from o ffering refunds
Call for SIMM prices on opened software. Mobius
GCC Technologies
• We accept most major credit cards w it h Fanny Mac QT . . . .... . .. .. . .. . 558

no surcharge added. SE Silencer .. ... ... . ...... .. .. 539

Hypercharger 020 Accelerator . 5679

• Your credit card is not charged until we
Tape Back-up Systems ship. Mouse System
CMS 60 Megabyte External
• Please allow 10 days for personal and A + Mouse ........ . ..... .... .. . 565

company checks to clear. A + ADB Mouse .... . . . .... ... . . 579

TS-60 . ..... . .............. ... s729

• C.0.0 . orders accepted.
Micro Net Technology • We gladly accept purchase orders from
150 Megabyte External .... . 5 1499
most major institutions. SHIPPING
• International orders accepted . All items in stock will ship in 24 hours. We
Software • California. Texas , Georgia and Arizona offer daily service from Federal Express,
Aldus Pagemaker ............ s339
res idents please add the appropriate UPS. U.S. Postal Service . UPS ground
Microsoft Excel. . . .. . . ........ 5 239
local sales tax. shipments, please add 50¢ per pound. UPS
Microsoft Word . .. . ..... .. . . . s239
• To Place orders ca ll Monday thru Friday Air Shipments , please add s1 per pound .
7AM to 6PM P.S.T. M inimum shipping charge s4.00.
Microsoft Works . . ..... .. .. . .. 5 189

• Prices and availablility subject to change.

Circle 5 on reader service card
The Lowest Prices with Technical Support, Too!
WARNING: Beware of money-back offers on hardware! Macland sells only NEW, NEVER USED
merchandise. We will not send you re-packaged, slightly-used hard disks.
SO Megabyte

External Hard Drives CMS Enhancements 80 .. . ...... $1 ,099.

MicroNet80 .. . ............... ... $889.

Quantum 80* ............ .. ... .. . $889.

Giga Cell 20 . ............. ... ... . $499.

100 Megabyte

Crate 20 . .. ... . .......... . .. . ... $539.

Conner 100 .... ........ , . .. ...... $899.


CMS Enhancements 30 .. . ...... . . $589.

MicroNet30 ... ....... .... , .. .... $579.

Mac II Internal

Conner40 . . .. . ... ........ ...... . $669.

Hard Drives

orate 40 . ......... . .. . ..... ..... $649.

45 Cartridge Drive
MicroNet 46 ... . . . ...... .. ... ... . $699.
Quantum 40* ...... .. . ........... $749.
Conner40 ... . .. .. ...... .. ... .... $549.
Crate 40 ...... . ... . .. ... . . . ..... $549. Tape Back-Ups
CMS Enhancements 60 ... . . .. ... . $749.
Quantum 40* . ..... . .. .. .... ... .. $625.
Crate 60 ........................ $699.
60Megabyte CMS Enhancements 60 . . . ... .. ... $699

MicroNet 62 ........... .. . .... . .. $739.

CMS Enhancements 60 . . . . . . ..... $659. Crate 60 . ........ ·~· . ... . ... ... . $669.

SO Megabyte
Crate 60 ............... .. ·~· . .. . $599. Irwin 40 ......... . . ... ..... . ..... $899.

CMS Enhancements 81 ...... . .. $1 ,099.

Micro Net 62 . .... . .. . .. . . .. ... .. . $629. Irwin 80 ... . .. . .. . ... . ......... $1 ,099.

Crate80 .. ... . ......... .... . . . $1,149.

MicroNet 150 .. ...... .. ... . . . .. $1,349.

SO Megabyte
MicroNet 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979.
CMS Enhancements 81 ... ... .. ... $999.
Quantum 80* .. ......... ... ... ... $979.
Crate 80 .. . ... ... .. . ...... . ... $1 ,079. Hardware Accessories
MicroNetBO ........... . . . .. .. . .. $889.
CDC 90 .. . ........ .. .. .......... $999.
Quantum BO* ....... . ........... . $889. Anchor-5 year warranty

MicroNet 91 ... ..... ... ....... . . . $999.

(includes Cable & Software)

90Megabwte 2400 Baud Modem . .. .. . . . .. ..... $149.

140 Megabyte
CDC 90 . . ............. . . . ...... . $899.
Rodime 140 ............ .. . .... . $1 ,299.
MicroNet 91 ............. ... .. . . . $899. Everex
2400 Baud Modem & Cable . ....... $209.

150 Megabyte 100 Megabyte

CDC 150 . .......... ... ...... . . $1,949. CMS Enhancements 102 .......... $999. Farrallon

MicroNet 150 .... ... .... . ...... $1 ,949. Conner 100 ....... . ........ . . .... $899. Mac Recorder . . . ......... ...... .. $135.

140 Megabyte Phone Net Connector .... ... .. .. .. . $34.

173 Megabyte - -=-­

CDC 173 ...... .. . ..... ........ $1,649. CMS Enhancements 140 ... : .... $1, 149. General Computer

MicroNet 173 ...... ....... .. . .. $1,649. Rodime 144 .. .. .. .. . ... . .. ..... $1, 199. Business Laser Printer .....•.... $3,199.

Personal Laser Printer .......... $1,499.

Drives over 173 Meg Call for Price 150 Megabyte

CMS Enhancements 150 . . . .. . .. $1,749. Qume
CDC 150 ................. . .... $1,699. ScriRt 10 Laser Printer •....... ~~S3.299J

MicroNet 150 ..... . ..... .... .. . $1,699. Radius

Rad us 16 ± ACCelerator .... ~· .. ~· .:$739

Internal Hard Drives 173 Megabyte

Radius 25 Accelerator . . . . . . . .... ~1,249.

CDC 173 ... .. ........ . .. . .... . $1 ,549.

for the SE MicroNet 173 .. ....•..... .. . . . . $1,549. Full Page Display +, SE .. . .. . . . . $1,299.

Full Page Display II L ' • • • • • , • ·~L· $1,37~

300 Megabyte Two Page Display SE, II . . . . .... . $1,849.

CDC 300 ... ... .... . . . . ...... . . $2,349.
CMS Enhancements 30 .. . .. ·- .. ,_ $469.
Radius Color Monitor . . . ...... . . .. . Call.

CMS Enhancements 300 . ... ... . $2,679.

Crate 30 ..... . . . ....... . ...... .. $499.
Crate 300 . .. ... ... .. .. . .. ..... $2,295.
MicroNet 300 ... ... .. . . . .... .. . $2,349. Memo~y

Conner40 ........ ...... . ........ $549.

Priam 327 ..................... $2,295.
Quantum 40* ..................•. $625.
Removables All hard disk drives carry a manufacturers
CMS Enhancements 45 ...... . .... $659.
one year warranty except for the Crate &
MicroNet46 ... . . ........ . ....... $649.
MicroNet 45 ......... $1, 199.

• JJ . . . . . . .
Quantum drives which have a manufactur­
(includes one cartridge).
ers Two Year Warranty.
Crate 50 ............ ...... .... .. $639.
45 Cartridge .. . ..... .. . .......... $119.

•All Quantum Drives carry a manufacturers TWo Year Warranty.

For Ordering and Technical Support Call 1·800-333·3353

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Circle 411 on reader service card

. .I


.. ,-,
Register for MACWORID Expo/Washington conference
sessions by March 24. And save $15, by George.
This is your chance to pre-register for MACWORLD Expo/Washington, D.C., April 26-28, 1989, at the Washington, D.C.
Convention Center. Please choose your package and fill out this form completely. Incomplete forms will be returned.
Use one form per person. And make photocopies to register additional people. Then send the completed form(s)
along with your payment to: MACWORLD Expo, P.O. Box 67, Westwood, MA 02090. Registration coupons must be
received by March 24. And registration fees are non-refundable. For further information, call Mitch Hall Associates at
617-326-9955. U.S. and Canadian attendees will be mailed their badges on or around April 5. All other badges will be
held at the Pre-registration Counter at the Washington, D.C. Convention Center for pick up beginning Tuesday, April 25,
1989. Registration coupons received after March 24 will be returned to you .
Please register me for:
0 Package One $65 Conference O Package 'IWo $20 Admission to 0 Please rush me detailed informa­
sessions* and exhibits. Pre-register exhibits only. Pre-register by tion (including pricing) about the
by March 24. $80 at door. March 24. Mac Masters Series.
Please send my badge and further information to:
Please check one· O Home Address O Company Address
Last Name I I I I CIIIIJJ First Name LJ~~~~~~
Mailing Address I I I I I I I 11 I l=rJTI I I
City, State, Zip
If mailing to company address:

Title .-I..,.I- .-I-.,--..,...I--,!---,-----,---,---.---i----,-1-.I---.--,

company OJ I l=rT I 0] I l I I CJ.~~~~~

0 Check enclosed (make payable to MACWORLD Exposition) Amount$_ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __
D MasterCard D Visa D American Express Amount:$___________________
Account Number I I I I I LLlJ_LJ:lJ I / I I I I I] (Include all numbers)
Expiration Date
Cardholder Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(Signature necessary to be valid.)

If cardholder is other than registrant, please print name below:

Last Name I I I I I I I I I I I I First Name l~~~l~~~~~

Cash only at the door. After March 24, you must register at the show.
Please check the appropriate boxes:

Your Industry or profession Your title Size of your organization ff. 0 Apple II+

a. 0 Manufacturer k. O CEO/president/ (number of employees gg. 0 Apple lie

(noncomputer) vice president national/international) hh. 0 Apple lie

b. 0 Manufacturer (computer I. [ J Comptroller v. 0 Under50 ii. 0 Apple Ill

industry) m. O DP/MIS manager w. 0 50-99 jj. D Apple II GS

c. 0 Distributor/dealer/ n. C! Owner/Partner x. 0 100-499 kk. [J None

retailer/service o. O Engineer y. Q 500-999 II. Cl Other (specify)_ __
d. 0 Finance/insurance/real p. iJ Doctor/lawyer/ z. 0 1,000-5,000

estate dentist/CPA aa. D Over 5,000 Where will you be staying

e. 0 Professional q. D Educator Which personal computer(s) while at MACWORLD

(law/medicine) r. LJ Consultant
do you own/or use? Expo/Washington, D.C.?
f. 0 Communications/ s. u Marketing bb. 0 Macintosh mm. 0 Home

publishing t. :=1 Sales cc. 0 Macintosh Plus nn. 0 With friends

g. 0 Education u. O Other (Specify)_ __ dd. 0 Macintosh SE oo. 0 Hotel (specify)_ _

h. D Government ee. 0 Macintosh II
i. 0 Consultant pp. [_J Other (specify)_ _ _
j. D Other (specify)_ __

•All conferenct-st:'s~ions ;ue on a lirst-nJmc . first-sl'rn•d hasi o; willl no gu:i.r,..,ult.>ed seating.

Please fill out this form rompletely and send it. along with )'mir '"·heck or m1111ey order to : \1,.\C\\'( )RJ.D Expo. P< >. box li'i, \\·es1wc1od, ~1,\ 1)2090.

Here's a New to
sound busi­ MACWORLD
ness deal for Expo: The
anyone who Mac Masters
appreciates the value of a dollar. Series of Private Executive Hotel, 659-9000; Wash­
Register by March 24 for the first-ever Seminars. ington Marriott, 872-1500;
MACWORLD Expo/Vrashington D.C.­ MACWORLD Expo/Washington Washington Plaza Hotel, 842
April 26, 27, and 28-and save $15. will feature a series of private, limited­ 1300; The Henley Park Hot :
That means you pay just $65, attendance, no-nonsense seminars on 638-5200; Days Inn Down­
instead of $80 at the door, for three-day the subjects executive users want to town, 842-1020. Call soon to
admission to the original Macintosh hear about most-networking, spread­ ensure reservations.
computer show at the Washington, sheets, data­ Avoid long lines and save.
D.C. Convention Center. This one low bases, desktop Register for MACWORLD Expo/
fee allows you to attend all conference publishing and Washington conference sessions*
sessions* and visit all exhibits. presentations, before March 24
Meet and talk HyperCard, telecommunications and save $15.
with more than and more. Simply fill out
300 exhibitors Each practical, in-depth seminar the attached
spread over gives you the rare opportunity to learn registration form and mail it with your
200,000 square feet of space. And take directly from Macintosh masters. Pick check or money order for $65 (or
part in dynamic seminars and work­ up pointers and shortcuts you can put supply credit card information) to the
shops run by the biggest names in the to work right away. And get the straight address on the form. After March 24,
Macintosh industry, people like John story on major applications and ven­ the cost is $80 and you must register
Sculley, Bill Atkinson, and Jerry Bor­ dors in your on-site. Registrations received after
rell . Plus you'll hear from the gurus of subject area. March 24 will be returned.
the Macintosh in the federal govern­ If you would If you want to attend the exhibits
ment, C. Lloyd Mahaffey, Dave Lavery, like to know only, admission is $20. And if you're a
and Steven Woit. more about the Mac Masters Series, student, the pre-registration cost is just
There's something for everyone please check the appropriate box on $15. But you
in business or the attached reply form . Or call 214­ must send us a
government. 554-0111. We'll send you an informa­ copy of your
It doesn't mat­ tion package, including pricing, student l.D. with
ter whether you immediately. your registration form to qualify. We
a Mac to run a private business Save on airfare and hotels. encourage you to register now and
or.manage an agency of the federal American avoid long lines at the door.
government. In three days, under one Airlines is offer­ If the registration form is missing
roof, you'll gather more useful informa­ ing special air­ from this ad, please call Mitch Hall
tion than you could in weeks of running fares to attendees Associates at 617-326-9955. We'll be
around to computer stores. of MACWORLD Expo/Washington. happy to send you one.
MACWORLD Expo/Washington Simply call 1-800-433-1790 and ask for Don't miss this opportunity to
is a hands-on , do-it-yourself show. STAR File# S16676. You'll automati­ attend the first-ever MACWORLD
You can create cally receive a discount. Expo/
professional­ MACWORLD Expo/Washington Washington.
quality presenta­ has also arranged for special rates at And save fifteen
tion visuals-on a variety of hotels in area code 202: Washingtons.
the spot. Compose newsletters, reports, Comfort Inn Downtown, 289-5959; JW
brochures, and ads. Send or receive Marriott, 393­
messages from Mac to Mac, or Mac to 2000; Grand
PC, or Mac to DEC. Witness the power Hyatt Washing­
of HyperCard. Try your hand at anima­ ton, 582-1234;
tion or graphics. And much more. Hyatt Regency, 737-1234; Quality Inn,
There's literally something for every 638-1616; Ritz Carlton, 293-2100; The
Macintosh user-from novice to aficio­ Bellevue Hotel, 1-800-327-6667; Holi­
nado-including special sessions for day Inn-The Governor's HS., 296-2100;
educators, engineers, attorneys, health· The Mayflower, 347-3000; Hotel Wash­ •All cQnferencc sessions nre on n llrst~me . first·served basis with no
gueranleed seating.

care professionals, real estate agents, ington, 638-5900; Holiday Inn-Thomas MACWORLO E.xposillon Is produced by World Expo Corp., and by Miich Hall AssoclAtcs. MAC\l.'ORLD Upos!Uon is a

bankers and financial managers, Circle, 737-1200; One Washington regiSlered 1rademark of World Expo Corp .. Inc.

home office, Circle, 872-1680; MAC\\ORLD Exp0$ltlon Is the orighl.111 Macintosh computer show. lti
sponsored by MACWORLD, the Macintosh"" ~laga.ziM, a member ol
corporate and Vista Interna­ lhe lDCCommunkalloru/lnc. f•mlly. 1''1\i(.'V.URLO Exposition is an
Lndcpcndent trade show not affiliated with ApPc Computer, Inc.
government tional, 429-1700; APPi..£ and 1he APPLE LOGO af't registtrcd tradtm.a.tb and

MAC. MAONTOSH.andMAO\Oft!Datt lnldemartaol

users. Embassy Square Apple Comput"'. Inc.

ti instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruicesiif

Now Macworld connects you with the world of

Macintosh products instantly. And cost-effectively.
The Macworld Catalog is your immediate
access to hundreds ofMacintosh products, manu­
facturers, and services. Each month, this special
direct response section brings you detailed product
infonnation arranged by category- so you can
quickly compare prices and capabilities. Then
pick up the phone and order!
For the best Macintosh buys, scroll
through The Macworld Catalog.
ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, SeruicesT

Financial . . . . . . . . . .285
Reference Mgmt. . . . . .288
Accessories Software
Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . .285
Religion. . . . . . . . . . .289
Furniture . . . . . . . . . .273 Architecture . . . . . . . .280 Fund Raising . . . . . . . .286
Rental . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Hardware ... . . . . .273 Astrology ... . . . . . . .281 Genealogy .. . . .. ...286
Retail . . . . . . . . . . . .290
Mouse Pads .. . . . . .273 Bar Code . . . . . . . . . .281 Graphics . . . . . . . . . .286
Sales/Marketing . . . . . .290
Supplies... . ... .. .. 273 Bus~ness . . . . . . . . . . .281 Health . . . . . . . . . . . .286
Scientific . . . . . . . . . .290
Business Mgmt . . . . . . .281 Investment . . . . . .. ..286
Statistics . . . . . . . . . .290
Clip Art. . . . . . . . . . .282 Languages . . . . . . . . .286
Utilities . ... . .. . . . .290
Hardware Communications . . . . .282 Medical . . . . . . . . . . .287
Word Processors . . . . .291
Data Base .. .. . . . . . .282 Music/MIDI. . . . . . . . .287

Bar Code . . . . . . . . . .274

Desktop Publishing . . . .282 Politics . .. . . . . . . . .287

Computer Systems . . . .274

Document Mgmt. . . . . .283 Programming Tools. . . .288
Data Acquisition . . . . . .275
Educational . . . . . . . .283 Public Domain . . . . . . .288

Emulators . . . . . . . . .275 Business Opportunities 291

Engineering . . . . . . . .284 Real Estate . . . . . . . . .288

Expansion Chassis . . . .275 Mailing Lists . . . . . . . .291

Entertainment . . . . . . .284 Recreational . . . . . . . .288

Memory Upgrade . . . . .275

Miscellaneous . . . . . . .277 Categories are subject to change
Networking . . . . . . . .278
Peripherals . . . . . . . . .278


Printers . . . . . . . . . . .278
Advertising Rates & Information
The ftfacwot'ld Catalog
The Macworld Catalog section is a monthly link-up for adver­
Ilypercard Stacks tisers and volume purchasers of Macintosh-related products and
services. The Catalog offers advertisers a low-cost marketing

278 opportunity and provides readers with a timely, easy-to-use menu

for product buying. Yo~~an

Display ads are sold by column inches (2" minimum).

Standard red is available as a second color. Text-only listings are

Services available for a minimum of three issues at $322 per issue ($965
total). w

Take advantage of the direct link

For more information, space closings, and material dead­ with your burers that maximizes
Computer Insurance ...279 lines, please call toll-free 800/888-8622. exposure al a low cost.
Tbe Macworld Catalog reOects
Data Conversion . . . . . . 279 the expanding corporale Macintosh
audience whose purchasing ac1ivi1ies
Desktop Output . . . . . .279 Instant Link: The Macworld Account Managers increasing!)' include mail order. The
Macintosh Products, Catalog Ni ki Stranz, cos1-effcc1ive direct response advertis·
Desktop Publishing . . . .279 Manufacturers, 50 I Second Street Western U.S. ing available mon1hly in The Macworltl
Services San Francisco, Carol Felde, Catalog links you ins1an1ly wilh nearly
Disk Duplication . . . . .280 500,000 qualified buyers.
CA 94 107 Eastern U.S. Gel inlO the link. Call 800.888.8622
800/888-8622 and place your ad now!
Laser Recharge .. ... .280
Training... . .280 800.888.8622
For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen call 800/888-8622.
ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruices~
o~~~~The Macworld Catalog~~~~t!J
Hardware )
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Company Logo Specialist
Grey, Green & Red Pads MacDisks
TURBO MOUSE• Size: 9Y4'' x 8" x %"
Furmture Now you can own the Winner of • 12 pads S9.50 w/ logo for less.
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denser image, and finer edge of
line will allow enhanced capabil ity
for 300 dpi to reproduce on cam­
CIRCLE 6n ON READER SERVICE CARD (__M_o_u_se_P_a_ds_ _) era. Call or write for sa mples today.
MCJV ISA accepted.
Mouse Pads CG Grapbic Art Supp(J\ Inc.,
Custom Print ing Available Cloth: 481 \Vasbington St., NY 10013,
TIZIO LAMP SALE Blue, Gray, Burgu ndy, Red, Brown, 8001342­5858 FAX# 2121941-9765
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Size: 8 x 7Yi, Bx 9Y1, 8Y2 x 11
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144 2.85 3.10 3.35 leather, neoprene backed.
PLASTIC: Blue, Platinum, Grav &
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MC 12 Pads-6.50 36-6.00
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11 4 Wuhin on St., South Norwalk, CT 06854
Ave N , Minneapolis, MN 55441 VISA/MC (215) 647-8534
CIRC\E6200N READER SERVICE CARD 1-8001328-0077, 6121557·191 7
For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.
ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruicesiif



Mac, keyboard & mouse.


Bar Code
Reg. $32 .............. NOW $25
Moun ts o n th e
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are new type permanenl disk labels of mic11Hh1n plastic CMS Hartl Drives CALl..
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prOleded by durable larmnation Write wilh lhe non·smear
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600/541-4351 , P.O Box 2761. Abilene, TX 79604. V/MC.

For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, SeruicesT
o~~~~The Macworld Catalog~~~~BJ

DISCOUNT MACINTOSH ( Expansion Chassis )

Macintosh Plus ........................... $Call
Macintosh SE 2 800k drive ......... $Call Expansion·Chassis for

Macintosh SE 30mb intemal.. .... $2695 the MACINTOSH

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Macintosh II 40mb intemal.. ...... $3995 system from Second Wave, Inc.
ExpanSE Plus, ExpanSE, and
Macintosh II 60mb intemal.. ...... $4150 Expanse II allow you to custom
Apple keyboard for SE or II. ........ $100 configure your Macintosh with a
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Datadesk 101 keyboard ................ $140 Accelerators • Monitors• MS·DOS 41 MEG EXTERNAL
Apple 13" color monitor.. ............. $750 Communications • Data Acquisition
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Mac II 8 bit video card ................. $495 SECOND WAVE, INC. 100 MEG UP - Call
Rts in SE+Mac II with 2 driv•
lmagewriter II w/cable ................. $450 9430 Research Blvd., Bldg. II, #260
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External fits under Mac
Image writer LQ w/cable ..............$995 (512) 343-9661 Seegatit-Miniscribe-Ouantum
Apple laserwriter II NT .............. $3695 CIRCLE 687 ON READtR SoRVlCE CARD
P.O. Box 154-Ayden, NC 28513
General Computer P.L.P. Plus .... $1595 800422-8591-919-7464961
C.M.S. external hard drives ........ $Call
SIMM chips in stock ................... $Call CIRCLE 694 ON READER SERVICE CARD

KIWI COMPUTERS O·ae·s mus~ be preoa d by C<lst11er:: [!',e:•. or n·c'1('V o•di~·

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ness since 1982. Tamauc, FL 33351
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The MacPacq transforms the Mac­
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Biopac Systems, 5960 J\llandarin 12813 Lindley Drive Raleigh, NC 27614
D1:, #D5 , Goleta, CA9311 7, (919) 846-1411


For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, caU 800/888-8622 .

• Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacture rs, Seruicesiif

.o~~~§The Macworld Catalog~~~§0

---( Memory Upgrade )

The 11pplic11tion " HyperC11rd" could not

Memory 0 be opened ( 1.000K needed. 509K

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270 Cimino Street • San Jose, CA 9S 12S Macintosh Plus. SE and II are registered trademarks of Apple Computer,lnc.



276 For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.
ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacture rs, Seruicesiif

For the Mac Plus/SE and
j;­ Mac 11 / llx j;­ DON'T LET THIS
SOFTSTEP IV is a module with no onboard memory. The user
supplies 256K SIMMs to build a 2 meg upgrade for a Mac Plus.
Upgrade your Mac Plus/SE from 1 Meg to 2 Megs by I N-L/NE
using your existing 256K SIMMs. MEMORY
SOFTSTEP II installation Illustrated
Upgrade your Mac II from 1 Meg to 4 Megs or from SIMMS

2 Megs to 5 or 8 Megs using your existing 256K SIMMs
omputer • 1 MEG SOJ
SOFTSTEP Ill is a module with no onboard memory. The user
supplies 4-256K SIMMs to make 1 meg SIMMs . SOFTSTEP Ill c. • 256K SIMMS
is for the Mac 11 / llx and Is placed in the SIMM socket. CDC ENTERPRISE (714) 630-4633
All Computer Care
ORDERS & INFO products carry a 2970·F E. LA PALMA, ANAHEIM, CA 92806

In MN (612) (2273)
5124 Russell Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55410
1 yearwarranty.

Visa/MC Accepted

FAX: (612) 925-2720

Dealer in uiries welcome

Upgrade w/Accu-Simms
Upgrade your Mac Plus, SE o r Mac 128K 1D 512K Same Day
Mac SE w11'ytid
Madi wl1'ytxl
!I with o ur surface mounted one 128K to ~12Ke Turn-Around lmagoWri.. 1
128K IO MaePfus on Macintosh LBserWril.!r NTX
M EG SIMM modules. We asse mble, 128K to 2MB Plu! Upgrades and Harclwar•/Acc.
test, and have strict q ualit y cont ro l, 512K IO MacPlus
512Ke to MacPtus
Computer CMS 20-300M B
Repalrslll aoo KO rive
and can give a li fe time wa rranry. SCSl n ll!rlaa! 12·2400 Modem
$275.00 per meg. (Qt y. discounts.) Solkosha Prin ~

Full instructions co me with o rder.

Uyd fW Syslrms S lmmons Consulting Bepalrt!parlt
n""nal Drives
(All SIMMS are 120NS or fas te r.)
~ 1 2K..........S 679 5526 Pemberton Street Keyboatds
51 2Ke .......S 689 Rcpt Mouse
Prices may be lowe r by the time MacPlu& .....s11•9 Philadelphia, Pa. 19143 Logic Boatds

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We DO NOT c:1wic crcdit ccdo until order 1hipo


For your ad to appear on The Macwor/d Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, SeruicesT
o~~~§The Macworld Catalog~~~§0

CLIENT means Business!

(____N_e_tw_o_rki_.____!ong~~) ( Peripherals )
Ilype rBook 1" Maker • S59.95
Client '", a user customizable client
• Prints your HyperCard stack as & sales management system , main­
a collated, ready-to-staple book.
PhoneNET® System tains custo mers, business & finan­
·Your book
The PhoneN ET Svstem is a network can show cial informatio n, comract historv &
so lution incl. hardware & software
9-Track Tape the cards more. Specs Features: Pop-up ·
to build networks, man age & use Subsystem For full size, choice lists for field s, redefine field
them to their full potential. Com­ the Macintosh.. half size, nam es & fonrnns, search by anv
or 1/4 size. combination o f fields, maii labels.
ponem s incl. PhoneNET Connec­
• Another print option: both s ides, Includes latest HyperCard®. $195.
tors, Pho ne ET Repeater, 8-1 t2" X 11 " notebook format.
Pho ne1 ET StarCom roller'" w/Star­ Softworks, Inc., l~O. Box 2285,
• Create new stacks automatically /-/11111ington, CT 06484,
Command"' network mgmt. soft­ from cards in any other stacks.
ware, TrafficWatch '" network analv­ 2031926-1116
• Review: Oct. 88 Macworld, p. 192
sis software, PhoneNET™, - ldeaform Inc. (515) 472-7256
CheckNET'", Timbuktu "' & Tim­ P.O. llox 1540, Fairfield , IA 52556
buktu/Hemote'" to operate o ther Exchange data files between your
MacRecorder"' Sound Sys.
computers o n local Apple'lalk net· Macintosh and any mainframe or When graphic & tex t are nor
work or remote sites, & Screen­ mini-computer using IBM compat­ enough, give presentations a dra­
ible 1600 or 6250 BPI 9-track tape.
Recorc.ler ™ to record screen ses­ maric dimensio n- narration &
sions for later viewing. Unit can also be used for disk sound. MacRecorder Sound Svstem
Fara/Ion Computing, 2150 Kit·
backup. Transfer rate is up to 1
megabyte per minute via your SCSI HC ORGANISER is an audio workshop. Record, edit ,
tredge St., Berkeley, CA 94704, interface. Subsystem includes, tape Personal Information play back li ve or pre-recorded
drive, software, and complete
4151849-2331 sound. Includes: Digitizer & Souncl­
documentation. For more Management Stack
information. call us today! Edit '" allows you to add voice,
+Rolodex+ To-Do Lists+
music & sound effec ts to Hyper­
Ethernet for the Mac
Kinetics provides Ethernet hard­
0URLSTRR._ +Mall Merge +Action Items+
Stands alone or interfaces with Focal
Card'", Video \\'forks'" , StudioSes­
%21 Irondale Avenue P oint & downloads to the Z88 !aptop, sion '",.famSession '", & more; &
ware & software for all l acimosh®
Chatsworth. CA 91311 PSJO N Organiser, and the WristMac. Hvpersound'" lets vou record &
computers. Producrs include:
Telephone: (818) 882-5822 \mrk w/sound wi1hi.n f-{l'perCarc/.
• FastPath: AppleTalk Ethernet Macintosh is • tnd.rmuk of
+FREE+ Combine MacRecorder w/ our
gateway • EtherSC: SCSI-Ethernet Apple Computer, lnc. "Free• CS50 value) wtth purchase of Focal
Point II, W r!stMac, PSION Organiser II, or ScreenRecorder'" (avai l. sep­
comroller • EtherPon SE: lmerna l CIRCLE 733 ON READER SERVICE CARD Z88 fromMAXSotutlons. a.JI for pri c.,.. arately) to creme multi-media
Ethernet card for the Mac SE. MAX SOLUTIONS"' presemations.
• EtherPon II : Internal Ethernet 241121h St. Del Mar, CA 92014 Fara/1011 Computing, 2150 Kit­
card for Mac II. AppleTa lk , TCP/ IP& V isa (619) 481-0479 MC
tredge St., Berkeley, CA 94704,
DECnet suppo rced.
Kinetics, Inc. 2500 Camino
Oiab/o, \Va/mil Creek, CA 94596
H ercard Stacks


HyperCONTROLTM HyperTools™ #1 : Icon Editor, Alignment

('-_ _P_r_in_te_r_ __.) & Array Creation Tools, Scan Cards,
Report Generator... Script & Font Tools, XCMD tools, Button
Tools and more. 16Toolsin all for stack de­
Apple Daisywheel Printer • print selected cards sign! $99.95
• manipulate data field layouts
TRUE lener quality on all Mac's & HyperTools™ #2: Multiple Choice Lists
• print faster than H-Card reports for Fields, Field Sorting, Formatting &
Apple II's. Proport, spacing, bold­
face, 198 columns. Fast Ocps speed • save data in text files Data Validation, Sound Tools, Group
and full 130 character printwheel. Perfect for mailing labels. Tools, Font Tools and more. 16 tools for
NEW 449, RECONDITI01 ED $349 Just $59.95, P&H included. visual presentation of dataI $99 .95
Worl<>.,.HnHyp.c.ud. lnrt:Jldcnlnd~d.
includes easy MAC point & click Stack CleanerTM: Complete menu crea­
_pJNT~O 800-228-0417 tion & editing facility for stacks. A script
driver software & cable. New bi -d i
Hy ~
~?: NORDJCSOFTWARE cleaner to reduce the sire of scripts by using
tractor $99, sheetfeeder $49. All . .· 3939 Norlh 48th
, Lincoln, NE 68504 standard abbreviations . Plus utilities to
heavy duty w ith 90-day guarantee.
402-466-6502 merge, split, and clone stacks. $49.95
Quality Discount Compwers, Inc. ,
135 Artist View D1:, \'Vellington,
NV 89444, 7021465-24 73,
Softworks Inc PO Box 2285 Huntington, CT 06484 (203)926-1116

For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622 .

ti Instant Link : Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruicesilf

'llnde Ma;'( fias

( Desktop Publishing )
excellent stax for
taxing times. Laser Pr inting Ser vices
LaserWriter (300-dpi )/Li norype
Extract your
LlOO (1270-dpi ) output of your
refund with Tax
(SDll[) MadlBM files. Disk or modem. 24
hr. service. Linotype $7 per page
Stackrn and MH

SURES YOUR COMPUTER. ( 3.50 volume discoum). Laser­

Safeware-provides fu ll replacemen t of Writer .-o per pg. Desktop pub­
Excape the pres­
hardware. media. and purchased lishing specialists in consulting &
sure with What's---"""'""""

H is/Her Face...?e and Angus

software. A~ little at $39 a year pro­

vides comprehensive coveraiie. No
design services. Harclware/sofrware
sales. Offset printing & bindery ser­
1· MacFlye .
lists of eq uipm ent needed. One call vices available. Rent IBM/Mac $5 hr.
does it all! Ca ll 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET Adobe font dealer. Check our low
I Write 11ow for your f ree
(Sat. 9 to 5}. SAFEWARE. The
Rax of Stax™ catalog.
InsuranceAgency Inc. 2922 N. l-lij.1h St..
Laser Priming Services, 26058 \V.
PO Box 0221 1. Columbus. 01-1 43202
12-Mile Rd., Soutbfield, Ml 4803 4,
~ 800-848-3469 3131356-1004 (MI),
P.O. Box 2719, Dept. 4
(Local - fil4-2fi2-0559} 8001722-3475 (Nat '/.),
Oakland , CA 94602
CIRCLE 624 ON l\EADffi SERVICE CARD Modem: 3131356-3 786


( Data Conversion )
Typ e/Imagesettin g
Island Color Pro ductions has so

IN VIRTUALLY ANY FORMAT! • High-resolution typesening
CONVERSIONS o. - ON DISKS OR TAPES! • Linocronic imagesetting
Conversion services to or from
• Laser priming
Need ro m.Xe global clnngcs in scri p!i? Syst-. llk1: or move groups of objcas? M.Xe over 1250 computer systems:
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onro rhe Tools Workdesk"' 2nd use rhe • MacWrlte• • FileMaker" • Whether keyboard , disk. or
CALL THE INDUSTRY LEA DERS • Microsoh Word"/Works" • Jazz"
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counr, sorr, number, find, 2dd soft
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more! lnrroduaory price S59.95 · 1/IOIJ'l\W\$ 1:t hir1~ ~ Island Color Productions,
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11 Stony Brook Ave., St01~v Brook,
(312) 459-6010 3325 Witsllire Blvd. Ste. 1202
NY 11 790, 5161751-0485 (voice),
~- 165 Arll n ~ ton Heights Rd #MC LosAngeles. CA 90010

516175 1-0430 (24-bi: modem

PO Box 5201. Mission Hills, CA 91345
Buffa o Grove, IL 60080 800/825-8251 • 213/387-4477
on line)

Desktop Output
2 Gr e at Business Stacks
Copyrights; 7h:1demark & Patem s
A comprehensive government in­
format ion stack with " fill -out-on­
screen" forms. Complete How-To
guidelines. Suggested Retail ~49 . 95 .
Business Le11erBase
An expandable letterbase stack of

200 plus business letters in 12 cate­

gories. Includes letter writing guide

& much more!

Suggested Retail $99.95.

Aardl'Clrk Softwar e, 14400 Ella

Blvd. #150, Houston, TX 77014,
7131872 -8085

For your ad to appear on Tbe Macworkl Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, SeruicesT

o~~~§The Macworld Catalog~~~§0

Printers +
1Ypogr• phera TONER P.C . Coplet & Laser Printer Ownets (_____ Trairu'ng_)
_ --=­
We help top-notch designers achieve high
resolution type & graphics using desktop
tools. Keep your standards while lowering LOW AS lkW' $34.95 Company Development 1
your costs. Original electronic art and ' i
PostScript specieI effects our specialty. •24 :>lO'LJ~~'ll!J{JJ UPS to: Stacks
• 1270 & 2540 dpi pages from Linotype L'lOOs
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St. MO
Create Computer-Based
Color separations• Scitex system • Award· •'B'ETPE~ TJ{M{9(J,'W 63104 Training In HYPERCARD

winning prepress, printing, binding & mailing Four disks, 32 stacks, almost 3 megs

• 18 messengers I • Adobe dealer •COliYR.5 .9t'll.9tli..MJL'E

of routines, templates and scripts­

We ere the most knowledgeable people you

will talk lo. Call Mary Ann Ostberg for more
information about our superb services.
We buy empties - $10 .00 a roadmap for developingCBT in

HyperCard. 100-page User Manual

212 925-2420 / 201 522-8778 / 215 627•7200 I TOU. FREE HI00~1- II PA215-524-9780
314-n6-11ss with documentation, instructions

609662-9111 800-88-TONER and aulhoring ideas. Price: $1 35.

PO BOX 506•EXTON•PA•19341 No licensing fees First Reference, Inc.


CIRCLE 691 ON READER SERVICE CARO or royalties. VISA 516 Fifth Ave. #706

or MasterCard. New York, NY 10036

New Vers10n 1 1 (212) 730-8211


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24 Hour Profes.siona l deta iling syste m by ar­
chitec ts. Pre-d rawn compo ne nts t0
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• Labels/Sleeves
=~~: <~_80_0_-_7_7_7_-8_4_4_4~

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CIRCLE $6 ON READERSERVICE CARO g raphics. Includes wa ll and cross
In WA (206) 633-0524
sectio ns, deta ils and inte rio r e leva­
tions. 8" x 10" format for wo rk ing
d rawings. S189.00 Supe r Pa int
Data Northwest, Inc. Long Life Laser Cartridge Recharge
Data Duplicating re q ui re d .
• JIJI Sim. W.r Hartll · SHmt. WA lilf/OJ Desktop Architect Co.
LASTS 30-50% LONGER! 634 N /-ligb St.,
For Apple, H.P. & 25 more using C.non EP Englnes.. .·~~···!w
10<Wo Money Back Guarantee In writing!
...-. Columbu s, 0 1-1 43215
( Laser Recharge )
sEND $38.SO + S3.00 S1H Texas Toner Cartridge Co. Time Saver Payroll 111 V.5.0
With Each Cartridge To: 11408 Audella Rd. #4740, Dallas, TX 75243
National Laser Recharge 214/475-5006 Bu siness Oppon unltles Available
• Full Featured Payroll system .
Save your money! Let us recharge • Salaried, ho urly, comm . & tip
your loner canridges for HP Series
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others. All Canon, PC models state & local truces • 401k deduc­
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TONER £!~~I~dges!
user • Mo nthly & q uarte rly re­
Lo11g life method for only $49 ports , incl. 941, FU"li\ /940 , SUTA
incl. s/h . Up to 7 charges per
canridgc Color avail. We buy BETTER THAN NEW!
& Canon PC Copiers I~ • Prints checks and W-2 forms
emp ties -S 10 . Send cartridge e 20 ~ MORE TONER FromS4495 • Flexible-easy to use! Re quires
w/check or Money Order To: e DARKER PRINT Microsoft face/ $99.50 + 3 slh.
e 1~ GUARANTEED We buy empties
National laser Recharge WIUow Producta Corp. call for brochure MCIVISA/Chk. De mo $15 + 3 s/h
1413 W. Loop 281, Ste. JOI 31 57 WIUow An , Pg h, PA 15234 , • WIUOW (applie d to pu rchase).
Lo11gl'iew, TX 75(J()4 CRCLE 638 ON READER SERVICE CARO \"('estern Software Associates,
110 El Dorado Rd., \Valnut Creek,
CIRCLE n6 ON READER SERV1Cl' CAflD CA94595, 4151932-3999

For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruicesiif
o~~~§The Macworld Catalog~~~§0
Graphic Astrology •Monthly payments
•Loan Amortizations
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•Future Values
The Gamma Series . .. •Depreciations •Rates of Return
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Perfect Chart Interpre ter 5199.50
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Time Cycles Research Supports Laser & Mac II 311 MENDOaNO .4 VENUE, SUITE 22, SANTA. II~, CA.UFOl/Nl.4 9S«U
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Write or Call for brochure
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ORClE 731 ON READER SERVICE CARD Strategic Business & Marketing Plans
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management, inves tors or cl ients. A
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800.888.8622 1-800-422-9010 ext. 4091
260 Sheridan Ave .• Suite 219


Palo Alto, CA 94306

For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacturers, Seruicesiif
=o~~~§The Macworld Catalog~~~§t!J
( Business Mgmt. )
( Data Base )
Bookends Mac
Bookends'" is a specialized data­
base for managing your references.
You can quickly put your finger on
any art icle from books, journals, or
newspapers. \'\1hc n it comes time to
prim your bibliography, Bookends
outputs your bibliography in al­
mo t any style w ithout reemering
references. 99.95.

Designed by advertising professionals fo r ad

Sensible Soft war e, Inc., 335 E. Big

agencies: job management: traffic; Job

cos ting; payables; time sheets; estimates:

Bea11e1; Ste. 207, 7i·oy, Ml 48083,

receivables ; POs; flexi ble billing; exporting:

Cu stomizable! $2495. Trlal·Slze $40.

3 131528-1950

Working Computer

San Diego CA

619 721-0501
( Desktop Publishing )
( Clip Art )
By Microspoc pr ims mu lticolored
graphics & text from mosc Macin­
tosh® soft wa re using the Image­
Writer II. MacPalene w ill colorpr im
Professiona[ Qji.afity documents from MacDraw, Mac­
W e've got the look 0,ou n eed! Draft, MiniCad, MacPr oj ect, Mac­
•Borders & Oesigns •And Iota more l
• Orieinab by lop com.mnclal artists.• Mo.n,. (ormnt.a.
\'(lrite, } AZZ, Micr osoft Cbart,
\'(lord, Excel etc. ( nm MacPaint.)

Postscript $54.9Vdisk. plus SI Shpg. TX

:•MJ I I
R.~ odd 8% rnx.

lt prints black as a true black
instead of mi xing a black. $69.
CompSer uCo, 800 Freedom,
Art P.O. BOX 2142, ROUND ROC K. T X i8680
Slidell, LA 704-8, 8001272-5533
or 5 041649-0484

Totem Graphics
5 109-A Capitol Blvd.
Tumwater, WA 9850 1-4415
(206)352- 185 1
CIK:LE71 3 ON READER SERVICE CARD ( Communications )
PacerLink (was pcLINK)
Connects Macs to VA X (VMS and
• Business &Commercial $69.95 ' ULTRI X), Stratus and UNIX systems.
• Borders $129.95 (4 disk sel)
• Christmas $89.95 (2 disk sel)
• Equestrian $89.95 (2 disk sel)
Supports serial line, re mme modem,
direc t Ethernet, and Applelhlk

• Lading OCR IClftw.- CS.veloper

• US Maps w/Counlies $229.95 (4 disk set) bridged to Ethernet communicat ions • Support MAC I PCl1\r/AT/PS2
Art...•re SY>ltmS Inc • •332 B~nd Rd • Rale>llh. NC U61l9
media. Provides termin al emulation • RMd text from documents,

FOt U'IQUltits (91 9) 872 · 6511

form, boob and rnegezlnn

MacAtlas™ To Order 1-800-426-3858

(VT220. vrJOO, VT240/241), file tran ­
fer, vi rtual disk, and prim services.
ullng "SPOT" OCR program

• Tn1lllllble for Englllh and foreign

iangmge ci..c:tenl
Professionally drawn maps of the USA
PacerSbare ex tension enables the
by state, world regions by counl ry,
• Worb with lll09I -niwn
and all 50 slales by county!
VAXNMS system to ac t as an Apple­ • FAX and netwOltdng capablllty
Paint $79 •Draw (PICT) $199 • EPSF $199
Share compatible fi le ser ve r. • CU.tomlnd IOftware available
• Llli:ge Inventory of canon,

To order or request information ploaso call:

Pacer Soft ware, Inc., P-80Jllo and HP -nnera

800-334-4291 7911 Herscbel Ave. # 402, La}olla, • FrH "SPOT" prognim
M'ICrOMops Sonwae. ne.. Boll 757. l~ . NJoasJO CA92037, 6191454-0565 Awold file mlddleman-Go dlrectl
E R.A6STAFF 802-779-3341

For your ad to appear on The Macworld Catalog screen, call 800/888-8622.

ti Instant Link: Macintosh Products, Manufacture rs, Seruicesilf
.Japanese Desktop Publishing ~~'"Jfdh
Kanji PageMaker TM Teach children, 6 months and up, number
quantity recognition (1-100) and math
• Supports varied multi-co lumn formats concepts (+,-, x, +). Call (408)739-9517
• Supports Kanji JIS level I and II or send $39.95 (plus tax) to: Babyware,
•Compatible with Kanji Talk 2.0 730 Bantry Court, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
• Compatible with EGWord 3.0 FREE book-Teach Your Baby Math
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~ ~
~ Business Software
1.. ~
Hard Disks*
46 1 Microsoft Word Microsofi 4 1
2 2 Microsoft Works MicrosofP Rodime Systems
37 3 Microsoft Excel Microsoft- 2 SD Macstack 20 MB
3 4 PageMaker Aldus
114 3 Rodime 20 Plus External
2i2 5 MacWrite Claris
Rodime Systems
6 6 WordPerfect for the Macintosh WordPerfec~
13 3 4 FX.20 General Co1'f1:Puter
6 7 Adobe Illustrator/Illustrator 88 2 2 5 Pro Series 30-SE Internal
Adobe Systems CMS Enhancements
8 FreeHand Aldus
9 Sue erPaint Silica Beach
10 QuarkXpress Quark
Add-In Boards
6 1 1 Radius Accelerator Radius
Education Software 1 2 Apple 2MB Memory Expansion
Kit Apple Comp u te1·
13 2 1 3 2 3 Radius lnterfaceJDispla}I Radius
Q9 2 Math Blaster Davidson & Associates 3 4 Mac286 ASif Research
26 3 3 Typing futor Simon & Schuster 2 4 5 Micro Snap Memory Expansion
Comp uter Sof~war:e Kit Microtech International
26 4 KidsTime Great Wa· e Software
5 Geometry Sensei Software
Product Watch
Entertainment Software Editors' choice of! other recent or forthcoming products
of particulai; inte rest.
29 2 MacGolf PCAJ Aldus FreeHand 2.0 Aldus color
28 2 Flight Simulator MicrosofP drawing package
25 3 3 Dark: Castle Silieon Beach Sof tware Mor~ II Symantec p esentation
11 4 4 Falcon Spectrum HoloByte graphics
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Networking/Data Communications
25 ~--
Source: exc/usivit!Inf oCorp survey of m ore
than 125 Macintosh retailers and selected
9 3 2 LocalTalkApple Computer mail-order suppliers. Covers sales during
16 4 3 PhoneNet Fara/Ion Computinf$ j)'ovember 1988.

4 AppleShare AJ?.' leComputer

•IIJoes not include hard disks installed al the
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f actory.
The WriteNow difference:

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Search for aword 2.4 sec 7.6 sec
9.5 sec 9.7 sec
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1 min 48.0 sec
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12.4 sec 12.3 sec
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10 reasons why you
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