Tc-New Process

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The Tempcore process, designed to produce reinforcing bars with high yield

strength, good weldabilty and superior ductiity, involves the direct heat treat-
ment of the bar leaving a hot rollng mil. It is based on the tempering of a
previously quenched surface layer by the heat supplied from the core of the
product. A total of 26 companies can produce Tempcore bars with an anticipat-
ed production of approximately 1.5 millon tons in 1984.

Tempcore: A new process for the production of

high-quality reinforcing bars
Pierre Simon, Engineer, Mario Economopoulos, Chief Engineer, Rolling Mills Dept., and Paul Niles, Director-Steel
Branch, Centre de Recherches Metallurgiques (C.R.M.), Liege, Belgium

FOR many years, has been a strong trend in t.he Eu- and requires ductile reinforcing steels. Therefore, the re-
ropean market toward high-quality reinforcing bars. The re- quirements for a guaranteed uniform elongation of up to 4%
quired qualities are high yield strength, good weldability was developed for welded as well as as-received reinforcing
and superior ductilit.y. bars. Some standards also prescribe that reinforcing bars
When the guaranteed yield strength of rebars is increased, have to pass a bending and rebending test, even on small-
the weight of reinforcing bars used for a particular construc- diameter mandrels (down to 3 or 4 times the bar diameter) at
tion is reduced and, consequently, the cost of the structure is -20°C (-4°F).
reduced. This evolution is illustrated by the tendency in Eu- These requirements led to the definition of a modern rein-
ropean standards to prescribe higher yield strengths. The forcement, ie, a high-strength, weldable, tough and ductile
400 MPa grade (approximately 60 ksi yield strength) is com- reinforcing ba'r.
mon while there is already a market for the 500 MPa grade
and, in some countries, for the 600 MPa grade.
Prefabrication is extensively used as it is advantageous in
reducing costs; 3-dimensional reinforcing structures are Fig. 1 - Safety concepts used in the design of steel reinforce-
manufactured in fabricat.ion shops and transported directly ments.
on site. This procedure demands assembling techniques Yield stress of the reinforcement
which provide the required dimensional accuracy and the a
maintenance of that accuracy during several handlings until
the final positioning at the construction site. In many cases,
tied connections have insufficient strength while mechanical I____J/" .. "
splices are not always applicable. Welding then becomes a
must. For economic reasons, lap or tack welding of reinforce- Service stress in the construct ion
ments needs simple procedures, easy to apply and to control.
Thus, preheating must be avoided and, for the shielded met-
al arc process, the use of titania-coated electrodes must be
possihle. High carbon steels do not meet these requirements
because they are embrittled by the low heat input or are sen- f
sitive to hydrogen diffusion. Defined in such a drastic way, 1.. Stress concept
weldability of reinforcing bars requires low carbon (C ,
0.25% or even ',0.22% for the tack welding process) and low Safety = Service stress
Yield stress
carbon equivalent steels (C , 0.45%).
For many decades, the design of a concrete structure was
based on a stress concept, ie, on the assumption that the a
loads which normally appear in service induce only elastic
stresses in the reinforcing steel. In such a case, the safety of a
st.ructure can be defined in t.erms of a st.ress, ie, t.he
ratio between t.he service stress and yield stress of the rein-
forcing bars (Fig. Ia).
However, recent rl'search work by t.he European Commit-
tee for Concrete (e.KB.) has led to the conclusion t.hat. a
stress-based calculat ion of the reinforced concrete is not. suf-
ficient. because, for several structures, local plastic deforma-
tions have to be absorbed without failure of the reinforcing €
bars, eg, when tamping occurs. In these circumstances, the Possible plastic strain Un ¡form elonga tion
in the construction of the reinforcement
safety of a building is expressed in terms of a strain ratio, eg,
the ratio between the local plastic deformation liable to oc- 1b. Strain concept
cur and the uniform elongation of the reinforcing bar (Fig. Plastic strain
Safety =
Ib). This design procedure is now adopted in many countries Uniform elongation

March 1984 Iron and Steel Engineer 53

The Tempcore process
Existing methods for the production of high-st.renglh wrlda-
Iilr rrinforcIng Iiars can be c1assifil'd into t.wo distinct. cate-
gories. The first category consists of bars used in t.he as-
rolled condition after cooling in still air. For these bars, the
c '.2
'.6 Current: Predicted
yield strength can be increased by modifying the chemical 0 '.0
composition. The C and Mn contents have to be kept low to :ê
avoid a significant decrease in weldaliility. This problem can 0.8
be solved by adding small quantities of microalloying ele- 0.6
ments such as Nb or V. However, this solution is expensive.
The second category consists of bars submitted to a strain 0,4
hardening after hot rolling, for instance by cold deformation.
For such bars, the yield strength can be increased by increas- 0,2
ing the amount of strain. This method enables the produc-
tion of high-strength weldable reinforcing bars but the addi- a 74 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
tional cost of cold deformation is relatively expensive, espe-
Fig. 2 - Tempcore production.
cially for small diameters. Moreover, it greatly decreases the
uniform elongation.
, To avoid the drawback of these existing methods, C.R.M.
concei\"ed, 10 years ago, the Tempcore process which im-
proves the steel quality and decreases production costs. cy of this system is such that a surface layi'r of the bar is
After initial laboratory t rials at C.H.M., the first industrial quenched into martensite, the core remaining austenitic.
Tempcore installation came on stream at the Arbed, Esch- This quenching treatment is stopped when a determined
Schiffange plant in 1975. Additional installations in the thickness of martensite has been formed.
Benelux countries followed rapidly at Miniere et Metallurgi- When the bar leaves the high rate cooling section, the tem-
que de Rodange, Cockerill-Sambre and Hoogovens. Soon, perature gradient established in the cross-section causes
new installations were placed in operation, first in Europe heat to flow from the center to the surface. This results in a
and later in other parts of the world. A total of 17 installa- self-tempering of the martensite. The name Tempcore was
tions are in operation and eight more are planned or will chosen to ilustrate the fact that the martensitic layer is
,'start operation in the near future (Table 1). Worldwide ex- TEMPered by the heat which is left inside the CORE after
pansion of the process is illustrated in Fig. 2, together with the interruption of the quenching stage.
predicted production in 1984. Finally, during slow cooling of the bar on the cooling bed,
the austenitic core transforms, generally to ferrite and pearl-
Principle - The Tempcore process essentially consists of ite.
a special heat treatment from the heat of rolling, illustrated The temperature-time history of a bar is shown in Fig. 3,
schematically in Fig. :3. in relation to the CCT diagram. The three stages of the pro-
A bar leaving the last stand of a hot rolling mil passes cess are: quenching of the surface layer; self-tempering of the
through a special water cooling system. The cooling efficien- martensite; and transformation of the core. In some cases

TABLE I Tempcore installations

Fig. 3 - Tempcore process and relationship with eeT diagram.
In operation
Il ~ o o
Arbed S.A., Schlffange, Elsenwerk-Gesellschalt Austenite Marlensile Tempered F.,rile -Pearlite
Luxembourg Maximilanshülte mbH,
S.A. Metallurgique et Minlere de
Rodange-Athus, Rodange,
Cockeril-Sambre S.A.,
Haidhof, West Germany
Arbed Saarstahl GmbH,
Völkllngen, Wei;t Germany
Yon Moos Stahl, Emmenbrücke,
Marcinelle, Belgium Switzerland
Hoogovens-IJmuiden B.V.
IJmuiden, The Netherlands ~ /
ALPA, Porcheville, France
Manufer, Montpon, France
Sacilor, Homécourt, France
Under construction or planned
Sidenor, Thessalonlki, Greece oc
Sheerness Steel Co. Ltd., Norsk Jernverk als, Mo-I-Rana, 1000
Sheerness, U.K. Norway
North Star Steel CO.,l Monroe, Elkem als, Christiana, Norway
U.S. Stahl-und Walzwerke 800
Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd., Marienhulte GmbH, Graz,
Port Kembla, Australia Austria
Broken Hil Proprietary Co., Ltd., Voest-Alpine AG, Donawilz,
Newcastle, Australia Austria 600
Badische Stahlwerke AG, Kehl, Lech-Stalwerke GmbH,
West Germany Meltingen, West Germany
Hoesch Hultenwerke AG, The Tata Iron 8. Steel Co., Ltd., 400
Dortmund, West Germany Jamshedpur, ,dia
Max Aicher KG, Annahülte, West Rashtrlya Ispat Nigam Ltd.,
Germany Visakhapatnam, India 200
1 Plain carbon and alloy bars (not reinforcing bars).

54 Iron and Steel Engineer March 1984

and depending on the cooling conditions, the austenite layer
ø 28mm
located below the quenched skin can be transformed partial-
eC_0.19%;Mn-0.a4 %
ly or even completely to bainite. In this case, the bars pro-
. c_ 0.16 0/0;, Mn- 0,70010
duced by the process exhibit three concentric cross-sectional
layers (Fig. 4): tempered martensite; bainite; and ferrite- 600
pearlite. Q.
Results - The main control parameters of the process are .c
quenching time and water flow rate. Õi
The influence of quenching time on the yield strength of ~ 550
the bars is shown in Fig. 5; the longer the quenching time, the i:ai
higher.the yield strength. Excessive quenching times must, :;
however, be avoided because this would not insure a suffi-
cient ductility. 500
The influence of water flow rate and steel composition on
the yield strength of rebars is ilustrated in Fig. 6. Similar
relationships exist for different water pressures.
Process control is simple as the tempering temperature- 450
defined as the maximum temperature reached by the surface
of the bar during the self-tempering stage-is directly relat-
ed to the mechanical properties of the bars. An example of
the yield strength-tempering temperature relationships for
a given chemical composition and several diameters is shown 400
in Fig. 7. For a specified steel composition and diameter, 100 200 300 400
there is an uneqùivocal relationship between the tempering
Water flow rate, m3¡ h
temperature and the mechanical properties. Thus, the re-
quired mechanical properties can be developed by only.vary- Fig. 6 - Effect of water flow rate and steel composition on yield

ing the cooling power of the quenching installation (ie, the strength.
length of the quenching line and cooling water flow rate) to
maintain the tempering temperature in a predetermined
range. For a given composition, a large range of yield strength can
The flexibility of the process is also ilustrated by Fig. 7. be achieved by changing only the cooling power of the
quenching installation. In this example, grades having a
yield strength of 400 and 500 Mpa can be produced by using
the same steel (C 0.16%, and Mn 0.70%) for all diameters.
Industrial applications
The Tempcore process makes it possible to produce welda-
ble high-strength rebars without the addition of microalloy-
Tempered Martensite ing elements. To produce high-quality reinforcing bars eco-
nomically, there are several requirements which have to be
Bainite fulfiled by the quenching installation.
Ferrite- Pear I iie To achieve. the required properties, it is necessary to
choose cooling systems which provide a high-cooling effi-
ciency. Two types of cooling systems are compared in Table
II. For the same rollng conditions and tempering tempera-

Fig. 7 Example of yield strength-tempering temperature relation-

Fig. 4 Structure of reinforcing bar produced by Tempcore pro-
Fig. 5 - Effect of quenching time on yield strength and elongation. :: 16_18mm

600 25 ~ 600
*- ~
20_22mm ~.
~ \.
25_28mm 0 o. ~
.c '0

à .l\. 0\\ .
~ :! 550
-~ 500 20 c
500 Á \\
~ \\.

Á \..l .\~
400 15
450 ~.l .'8
Á '"

300 400
o 0.8
10 soo 550 650 700

Quenching time, S Tempering temperature. DC

March 1984 Iron and Steel Engineer 55

TABLE II Comparison of coöling systems
Bar Finishing Finishing Tempering Length of
Cooling dla, speed, temperature, temperature, quenching Martensite"
system mm metres/s °c °c line, metres %

A 25 10 1050 605 16.0 33;1

B 25 10 1050 605 31.0 23.6

ture, cooling system B, with a lower cooling efficiency, re- cooling efficiency with a suitable dragging force within the
quires a cooling length of 31 metres and produces only 23.6% cooling system. Short cooling nozzles were used with high
martensite. Cooling system A requires only 16 metres and water flow rates of up to 60 cu metres/hr and a quenching
produces 33.1% martensite. Cooling system A wil obviously length of 1 metre. As a result, it was possible to limit the
produce bars with a higher yield strength than system B. length of the quenching installation to 9 metres.
It is also of prime importance that the quenching effect is In the case of mil B (Fig. 10), the constraints were: limited
homogeneous. Fig. 8 shows macrographs of two bars. Bar A availability of water; and the requirement to perform fast
has been quenchedwith a nonadapted cooling system which changes between Tempcore products and other products
explains the eccentricity of the martensite layer. Bar B has such as flats. In this situation, long cooling nozzles (approxi-
been quenched with well designed cooling systems (good hy- mately 3.5 metres) fed at a relatively high préssUle (12 kg/sq
draulic design and correct guiding of the bars) and exhibits a cm) with low water flow rates (approximately 12 cu me-
concentric martensite layer. tres/hr and a quenching length of 1 metre) were used to limit
The industrial application of a direct heat treatment in a the total water flow rate to approximately 280 cu metres/hr.
hot rolling mil implies that the quenching installation must The production rate was 100 tons/hr. Rapid product changes
comply with production or layout constraints. For example, were accomplished by installng the quenching system on a
the following problems had to be solved in some installa- large frame, together with troughs equipped with driven
tions: short distance available for cooling; low-water avail- rolls. The frame moves on rails and can be displaced laterally
ability; a rapid change of products, grades and sections; and tò bring the desired system into the passline. Switching
installation of the quenching line in difficult areas, ie, in times as short as 31.0 5 min have been obtained. Moreover,
multi-line mils. this system also has the advantage of being operated without
a crane.
Examples of industrial installation - In mil A (Fig. 9), In another installation, a multi-line mil, the constraints
the constraints were: small diameters (down to 8 mm) rolled were the erection of quenching equipment in an area already
at a relatively high speed (up to 13 metres/s), and a small crowded with other mil equipment without altering the
distance available for cooling between the finishing stand flexibility of the mil. In this case, a large water collecting
and the existing dividing shears. box, which is normally used in a Tempcore installation, was
These constraints were overcome by employing a high replaced by small boxes located between the cooling nozzles.
This arrangement drastically reduced the overall dimen-
sions (in cross-section) of the installation. To preserve the
flexibility of the mil, the quenching installation was located
in a new passline between one of the finishing mils and the
roller table at the exit of the intermediate milL.

The ability of the Tempcore process to produce, for example,
weldable rebars with a guaranteed yield strength of 400 or
500 Mpa by using a steel containing 0.15 to 0.20% carbon and
0.60 to 0.80% manganese, provides a savings over the conven-
tional processes which produce strain hardened bars
through an additional processing step, or as-rolled bars
Rebar A Rebar B which use microalloying elements.
Fig. 8 - Structure of reinforcing bar with nonadapted cooling (bar Additional economic advantages are gained from the use
A) and with correctly designed cooling system (bar B). of only one steel composition for all diameters and different


Fig. 9 - Tempcore installa-

tion-mill A.
TEMPCORE Installation

9,0 ° °
42,0 00 to 10,9 ° ° )I

cooling beds I -. I ~ II.:


56 Iron and Steel Engineer March 1984


'1 roll 6
-----' -.._._.
Pine h- Latera I movement

--- -- --- - ------

=-= ~U Ef5. 'i¿.lL£S~ =-=---..
?' 'C ~
~ tC 26,500 22,000 73,600
eeeling oeds i .I~ .I~ .1
Fig. 10 - Tempcore installation-mill B.

product grades. The stl'elmaking operation is simplified and Summary

the number of ofT-grade heats is reduced. Moreover, most
ofT-grade heats can bl' saved due to the flexibility of the High yield strength together with good weldability and ex-
Tempcore process: thl cooling power of the quenching in- cellent ductility are the characteristics of modern reinforc-
stallation can be changld to accommodate the compositon of ing bars. Conventional processes cannot fulfill thesl require-
the steel. In some cases, the process facilitates hot charging ments economically and a new technology has beln devel-
leading to an increase in reheat furnace capacity and a de- oped-the Teinpcore process.
crease in energy costs. Examples of industrial applications are given which dem-
Operating costs are low, generally in the range of $0.2 to onstrate that the process is able to fulfill the multiple tech-
$O,4/ton. A maximum of $l/ton is reached when thermome- nological requirements linked to the implementation of a di-
chanica! treatment (precooling before the finishing mill) has rect heat treatment in a hot rolling milL. The process is eco-
to be used to reduce the length of the quenching installation. nomically and technically feasible in almost all bar mills. Å

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