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Listen to the passage and answer the questions. 9. Complete the sentence..
We shall ask him .....
1. What is the passage mainly about? A) why he didn't invite us to the party
A) a port town of Adria B) why he uses this tool for
B) a sea in Europe C) who did he go to the city with
C) the countries near the Adriatic Sea D) when he has been punished for his guilt
D) holiday resorts of the Adriatic E) that he will come with us
E) the Mediterranean climate
10. Choose the correct variant.
2. Choose the wrong statements. I have never spent my summer holiday by the sea.
1. Slovenia borders on the sea to the west. .... .
2. A number of holiday resorts are situated on the cost of Adriatic A) Neither does he
Sea. B) So do they
3. Mountainous and rocky coast is in the east. C) They do too
4. Western coast is actually low and straight. D) They do either
5. The Adriatic Sea separates Europe from Asia. E) He hasn't either
A) 1,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,5
D) 2,3 E) 3,5 11. Choose the correct form of the verb.
The policeman made the driver ... the car.
3. Which question has no answer in the passage? A) stop
A) How long is the Adriatic Sea? B) stops
B) Who called it the Adriatic Sea? C) stopped
C) What is Adria? D) has stopped
D) Which countries border on the sea? E) have stopped
E) What kind of climate does the sea have?
12. Choose the correct variant.
4. Complete the sentence according to the passage. … United Kingdom is ... big country in ... Europe.
In Mediterranean climate, winters are .... and summer are .... . A) A, -, the
B) The,-,-
C) The, a, -
____________________________________________ D) The, the, the
E) A, the, the
5. Answer the question according to the passage.
Where does the word Adriatic come from? 13. Choose the correct variant.
By the time Novruz holiday came, we ... our house.
A) have cleaned
____________________________________________ B) cleaned
C) clean
6. Write 2 adjectives describing Italian coast. D) would clean
E) had cleaned

____________________________________________ 14. Choose the correct variant.

1.many bunch of grapes
7. Choose the correct pronouns. 2.two pinches of pepper
Students, you have to explain ... situation to the director .... 3.such many greens
A) these, yourselves 4.such a lot of curd
B) this, yourselves A) 3,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2
C) that, yourself D) 2,4 E) 1,3
D) those, yourself
E) this, themselves 15. Choose the correct Possessive case.
1. The doctor advised him two hours's walk every day.
8. Choose the correct modal verb. 2. The actress's role amazed everybody.
You ... interrupt anyone while reading or writing. 3. Nick and Jane's wedding party was amazing.
A) must to 4. The childrens' shirts were the same.
B) need to A) 1, 2
C) mustn't B) 2, 3
D) won't able to C) 3, 4
E) haven't to have left D) 1,4
E) 1, 3

Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27

16. Choose the correct variant.

My granny is 90, she is very ... Read the passage and full the tasks 23- 30.
A) older B) oldest
C) the oldest D) old Iceland is the second largest island in Europe and one of the most
E) an old fascinating places in the world. Iceland has an interesting history.
The very first people to live in Iceland arrived there from
17. Choose the correct variant. Northern Europe just 1,200 years ago. For hundreds of years,
The young man ... a beard was my teacher Iceland was a part of Norway. It was also a part of Denmark until
at school. 1918, when it became an independent country. In the past, it was
A) in one of the poorest countries in the world- however, now it is one
B) at of the richest and most modern countries in the world.
C) with Fishing is a very important part of its economy. Iceland is
D) by different from other countries for many reasons. One of these is
E) on its very small population, which is only about 320,000. Most of
the people there speak a language called Icelandic, but many
18. Change the sentence into Passive. people can also speak English quite well. Reykjavik, the capital
He could carry this heavy bag. city, is home to population of Iceland, while about 19,000 people
A) This heavy bag couldn't carried. in the country are foreigners workers from other countries. The
B) This heavy bag could be carried by him. climate is very cold. The July high temperature is only around ten
C) He can be carried this heavy bag. degrees Celsius, and in winter the high temperature is about three
D) He could be carry this heavy bag. or four degrees below zero. Iceland is well-known for its many
E) He could be carried this heavy bag. beautiful glaciers. These are large mountains of ice and snow that
you can see in both summer and winter. In addition, there are nine
19.Choose the correct interrogative sentence. large, active volcanoes located all over the island. Just a few years
A) How did they access the restricted areas? ago, in May 2011, one of these volcanoes exploded (in South-East
B) How did they accessed the restricted areas? Iceland) with enough fire, rocks and smoke to stop air travel in
C) How they accessed the restricted areas? many European countries (countries such as Ireland, Scotland,
D) How were they access the restricted areas? Spain and northern Italy) for several weeks.
E) How have they access the restricted areas?
23. The reading passage is mainly about
20.How many variants are correct? A) the world's largest country
Everyone at the conference ... a badge with their names on. B) the second largest country in the world
1.has worn C) one of the most attractive countries in Europe
2.wear D) a territory of covering all European nations
3.have worn E) the country with the highest temperature in Europe
5.will wear 24. Which of the following statements is true according to the
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 passage?
D) 4 E) 5 A) Iceland was the only independent country in old times.
B) Denmark also has volcanoes that sometimes explode,
21.Choose the correct answer. C) Spain stopped its airplane flights after a volcano erupted
Have you seen the lake ... supplies the whole town with water. D) Iceland has become the richest country since 1918
1.which E) In Iceland we can hardly see any foreigners from other
2.that countries
4.whose 25. According to the passage ,which of the following can be
5.where unusual for Iceland?
A) 1,2 1. Active volcanoes
B) 2,3 2. Crowded with people
C) 3,4 3. Dry weather conditions
D) 2,4 4. Plenty of snow
E) 1,5 5. Much sunshine
A) 1,4
22.Choose the correct variant. B) 2,3,4
A) What picturesque mountains it is! C) 1,5
B) What picturesque mountains is it! D) 2,3,5
C) What picturesque mountains they are! E) 4,5
D) What picturesque mountains are they!
E) What a picturesque mountains they are!

Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27

26. According to the passage, the underlined pronoun "it" refers

to ....
A) Norway
B) Northern Europe
C) Denmark
D) Europe
E) Iceland

27. Find the best synonym for the word "various" in the reading


28. Complete the sentence according to the passage.

In Iceland both in summer and winter we can see


29. Which word from the passage has the following definition?
"free from outside control; not influenced or controlled by others"


30. Write the answer to the question according to the passage.

What other language is spoken in Iceland except Icelandic ?


Aynura Hamidova
051 586 77 27

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