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© Caught in the rush ws WORD POWER Compound nouns A Match the words in columns A and B to meke compound nouns. (More than one combination may be possible) subway + station = subway station A 8 bicycle garage bus jam news lane parking light street space subway stand taxi station traffic stop train systern BB PAIRWORK Which of these things can you find where you live? A: There isa bus system here. B: Yes. There are aio alot of trafic jams, GRAMMAR FOCUS Expressions of quaniify O) With count nouns With noncount nouns There ore too many cor. There ‘s too much troflic. There should be fewer cors. There should be bess pollution. ‘We need more subwoy lines. ‘We need mote public tronsportotio. There oren’t enough buses. There isn't enough parking [A complete these statements about transportation problems ‘Then compare with a partner. (More than one answer may be possible) Ve Tete 210 wenn ninennsmnninine police officers 2. There should Be wsennnsnnnnmnn €AFSIN the City. 3 TREREIS nen svssnes Public transportation. 4, The government needs to build highways. 5. There should be noise 6. The city needs -vomineneon public parking garages 7, Thereis _-.-~- aitpollution in the city, 8. There 210 earn Cars parked on the streets B PAIRWORK Write sentences about the city or town youareliving in. Then compare with another pair. 1. The city should provide more... 5. There should be fewer 2. We have too many 6. We don't haveenough . 3. There'stoo much 7. There should be ess 4, There srt enough 8 Weneed more a LISTENING Singapore solves A © Listen to a resident of Singapore talk about how his city has tried to solve its traffic problems, Check (/) True or False for each statement. 1. Motorists can't drive into the business disrct. .They.need a page to drive there... 2. People need o special cetlificole to buy 0 car. . 3, There ore enough certfcotes for everyone. 4. Cors are more expensive thon in North America. .. 5. Public ronsportation isn't very 00d. anon B © Listen again. For the false statements, write the correct information. C CLASS ACTIVITY Could the solutions adopted in Singapore work in your city or town? Why or why not? a DISCUSSION You be the judge! A GROUP WORK Which of these transportation services are available in your city ortown? Discusswhatis good and bad about each one. . taxi service he bus system - the subway system wwe facilites for pedestrians the train system parking B GROUP WORK How would you rate the transportation services where you live? Give each itema rating from 1 t0 5. T=tertible 2=needsimprovement —-3= average = 4=good «= S=excellent A: Id give the taxi service a 4. There are enough taxis, but there ‘are too many bad drivers. B: I think a rating of 4 is too high. There should be more taxi stands and ... Sarre oe chore on; Warnes UEY.O CONVERSATION Could you tell me ‘A @ Listenand practice. Eric: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest ATM is? Getk: Theré upstairs, across from the duty free shop Eric: Great. Anddo you know where can catcha bus tothe city? Getk: Sure. Justfollowthe signs for Transportation” Eric: OK. Andcan you tel mehoworten they run? ‘Gerk: They runevery 20 minutesor sa Eric: And just one mare thing.Do you know where the festtooms are? ‘Clerkc Right behind you. Do you see where that sign is? Bric Oh. Thanks alot. B © Listento the restof the conversation. Check (V1 theinformation that Ericasks for. (1) the cost ofa bustothecity [7] the cost of aquidebook Ci thetocation of ataxistand — C1 the location of a bookstore GRAMMAR FOCUS ‘iin Wh-questions ©) Wh-questions with be Ineract ‘Whee isthe reored AIM? Could you tell me where the nearest ATM is? ‘Where ore the restrooms? Do you know where the restrooms are? Wh-questions with do Indirect questions How often do the buses run? Can you fell me hew often the buses run? ‘What time does the bookstore open? Do you know what time the bookstore opens? Wh-questions with con Indirect questions ‘Where con I catch the bus? Do you know where ican catch the bus? A. Write indirect questions using these Wh- questions, Then compare with a partner. 1, How much doesthe bus cost? 5. Where can Iget a quick meal? ‘2. Where's the nearest intemmet café? 6. How late do thenightclubs stay open? 3, What timedo thebanks open? 7. How early do the trainsrun? 4, How latedo the buses run? ‘8. Where'san inexpensive hotel in this area? B PAIR WORK Take tums asking the questions you wrote in part A.Give your own information when answering. “Can youtell me how much the bus costs?” A © Listen to these comments about transportation services. Match them to the correct pictures PRONUNCIATION Syllable stress A © Listen and practice. Notice which syllable has the main stress in these two-syllable words. Bo 08 subway garage traffic police B © Listen to the stress in these words, Write them in the correct columns. Then compare with a partner. veo 20 buses improve : bookstore provide 2 event public hotel taxis SPEAKING What do you know? A Complete the chart with indirect questions. 1, Where's the nearest bus stop? “Ro you know. where. — ws TP imate “i 2. What's the best way to see the cily? ‘ sat 3. Where can | rent a bicycle? 4, How much does a city tour cost? 5. Where can | get a student discount on a meal? . " # 6, What fime do the museums open? o 7. Where con | hear live music? Transportation 1 Complete the chart with the words in the box. Can you add more? bike boat bus car motorcycle lane streetcar taxi train truck cr) io fo LL ==] ‘We go by train, bus, boat, etc., but we go ‘on foot or we say “I walk to. Complete the sentences with words from activity 1. Then match them with the pictures above. In Mexico, pink —_iasis are for women only. In New York, people can rent a to travel around the city, bin Bangladesh, people often travel fon the roof of @ © One of the best ways to get around Sen Francisco is to get the historic The frst was from the USA and was in the air for 12 seconds. © A______inHong Kong usually __ has two floors. rr jaa READING 1 1 EDEG Read and listen. What is the article about? a Ajourney to school b Unusual transportation ¢ Transportation in the 19th century The Skycar You can drive the Skycar or fly it ike a plane, Gideon Cardozo, a British engineer, designed the Skycar injust 18 months In 2009, Cardozo decided to take the Skycar from the UK to Africa but he didn't travel alone. He went with Neil Laughton, who isa driver and a pilot. They drave along roads and they flew over mountains and seas. Finally, they arived in Timbuktu, Mali, more than two months later. The SQuba Submarine When Frank Rinderknecht saw his hero James Bond drive his car into the sea, he decided that he wanted to build a similar car. The result was the SQuba submarine. The SQuiva can travel at 120kmfh on land, 6.Sknnfh on water and 3.25km[h underwater. This machine is completely ecological but its also very expensive: it costs nearly USS1.5 milion! The Couchbike Two friends invented the Couchbike* They tried to ride their special bicycle across a national park in Canada but two police officers stopped them and inspected their Couchbike. Why? Well it was more than two meters wide, it was very slow and the cyclists didn't have helmets. But the police officers ddr know wat to do ~ Couchbikes weren't in their manual ~ so the two friends continued their journey! “couch: sofa 7 Zz Make a note in your notebook of collocations e A Couchbike is made of chairs / a sofa. = words which often go together, such as to fy a plane. f The police stopped the Couchbike because it was too big / strange. Scan the article and underline the correct options. Match the columns to make collocations. 8 Gideon Cardozo traveled from the UK to a drive a plane Asia / Africa in his Skycer. b sail a bike b The journey to Timbuktu lasted two months / years, c fly a boat d © The SQuba reached 80 / 120 km/h on land It costs around half / one and a half million dollars to have a SQuba. ride acar

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