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The Teaching Of Writing

The Teaching of writing is must important to a student and help to developed their skill.
Teaching writing
to a student help to improve their quality of life and providing words are meaningful.
My reflection of these lesson I think through these topic I can change both the teaching
of learning and writing.It can encourage you to think about what you have learned and and how you
have learned it helps you to create a new knowledge.Teaching writing is not easy because you have
to choose a good topic and you have to write it in a true words or true what happened it.Teaching
writing for a student it is a one way to communicate and they receive a good writer or good result to
you and the instructor.

To become a good writers you find a that issue or the problem and you can solve it in a
way of writing, because teaching writing is not easy to teach but it’s a good way to developed our
critical thinking skills.

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