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14/12/2022 16:42 Gupy - Simulado

00 h 23 m 13 s
Total time test: 00:45:00



Question: 1 of 12

Are There Hidden Truths in Dreams?

Imagine waking up after dreaming about a horrible plane crash. The next day you plan to
make a plane journey that you have planned long before. Will you get on the plane?
A survey shows that you may not cancel your trip but your dream will probably influence
your thoughts just as if there had been a real plane accident.
The study says that dreams are a window to the mind and they may influence what we
are really doing while we are awake.
Until Sigmund Freud published his famous book on "The Interpretation of Dreams" in
1899 we hadn't really thought very much about what dreams mean. Freud called dreams
a "path to the unconscious" and for more than a century researchers and scientists have
been trying to find out what dreams mean.
The interpretation of dreams is still an unclear area. A team of researchers at Harvard
University are entering a new field of studies: Do dreams actually influence our behavior?
They have conducted studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain
hidden truths. Commuters in Boston, for example, said that dreams affected the way they
live and work. 68% said that dreams foretell the future and 63% said that at least one of
their dreams have come true.
Researchers, however, warn that dreams may also lead to trouble as well. If you dream
that your husband or wife is cheating on you, you may be so influenced by this so much
that it could cause problems in your relationship or even provoke an affair. Acesso em 10/02/2010.

Based on the use of verb tenses in the text, choose the alternative which completes the
following sentences with the adequate verb forms.
"Before you told me, I__________of such a situation. For many years until this exact
moment, I ____________ to avoid such thought."

Suggested time for this question: 06:00 04 : 56

Haven't really thought/ are trying 1/2
14/12/2022 16:42 Gupy - Simulado

Hadn't really thought/ have been trying

Hadn't really thought/ are trying

Haven't really thought/ have been trying

Hadn't really thought/ had been trying



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