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Nowadays, music has a big influence in the world and in the behavior of people. A growing
number of people is keen on music thanks to the new technologies facilities, like online
streaming, what make listening to every type of music easier and cheaper than before.

Firstly, going into the topic of uniting social groups, music has a real power of joining people
since it is a quite interesting conversation topic. When a person with the same music taste
as you is found, a special link is usually made between both. Also, it is a way of forgetting
the differences between humans, making them to enjoy a while together and break the
annoyance in social relationships.

Secondly, it is believed that music lessons at school can improve learning in other subjects,
making it easier to educate young children somehow. The reality, according to some recent
researches, is that it does not help directly in any way. However, the languages and
vocabulary can be improved thanks to music, although this works depending on how the kid
is interested in certain music genres, more than about music lessons.

In conclusion, i hold the view that music is very important in this society, helping people to be
more sociable and to have better social relationships, but is not that important in our
education system.

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