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General Trade & Construction

Jl. Laksda Adisucpto No. 167, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Telp. (0271) 445367
Faks. (0271) 443577, email :

Number : 013/PK/2023 February 12, 2023

Mr. George Smith

Directore Store
Cause Point Woodland

Subject : proposal on cooperation

Dear sir,

We are a company engaged in general trading and construction. We have worked with many
companies in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia. This letter is a means to apply for
cooperation with your company.

We intend to be a supplier for your store, especially for warehousing and products. We have
some experience in proposing and would like the opportunity to be considered as a supplier.

It is in our best interest that this offer can be realized in the form of cooperation for both parties.
Thank you for your attention


Anda Afriko Andro Sandro, M.Si.

President Director

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