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Module 5 Assignment: Market Size of Yogurt – Poland

This is an individual assignment and should be completed independently. You will not be able to
see submitted attempts, please track your responses. It is strongly recommended to read the
instructions in their entirety before attempting the quiz. If you get a "muted" message you can
still continue with your remaining attempts. Simply use the "Take Quiz Again" button above the
muted message. See image below for reference. Having a "muted" message does not mean that
your previous quiz attempt has been erased. If you are good with your initial submission then you
do not need to do anything.

In this assignment, you will estimate the market size of yogurt in Poland. The goal is to understand the
different steps in the process of computing the size of a market (both in units of product and revenues)
when planning the expansion to a new market (Poland in this case). The assignment consists of 4 steps as
detailed next.

Below, you will find information about the population of Poland. Table 1 depicts the population of Poland
by age and income brackets. In addition, Table 2 shows the average consumption of yogurt per Polish
consumer by income bracket, as well as the average retail price of yogurt in Poland. Finally, you will also
make the following assumptions:
• Average consumption in each income bracket is the same across age brackets (i.e., each age
group in each income bracket consumes on average the same amount of yogurt).
• The yogurt market in Poland is at a mature stage but still growing at about a +0.8% - +1.2%
CAGR. That is, most consumers in the market consume yogurt, but at different average rates.

Table 1. Population of Poland by age and income (2021)

TOTAL POPULATION IN 2021: 38,093,101


15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 64 65 +
> $40,000 78,777 114,279 319,982 133,097 646,135 2.0%
$25,000 - $40,000 708,989 1,028,514 2,879,838 1,197,876 5,815,217 18.0%
$6,000 - $24,999 1,253,960 1,819,090 5,093,453 2,118,634 10,285,137 31.8%
< $6,000 1,897,102 2,752,082 7,705,829 3,205,258 15,560,270 48.2%
3,938,827 5,713,965 15,999,102 6,654,865 32,306,759
% 12.2% 17.7% 49.5% 20.6%
3,938,827 5,713,965 15,999,102 6,654,865 32,306,759
12% 18% 50% 21%
15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 64 65 +
> $40,000 0.2% 0.4% 1.0% 0.4% 2.0%
$25,000 - $40,000 2.2% 3.2% 8.9% 3.7% 18.0%
$6,000 - $24,999 3.9% 5.6% 15.8% 6.6% 31.8%
< $6,000 5.9% 8.5% 23.9% 9.9% 48.2%
TOTAL 12.2% 17.7% 49.5% 20.6% 100.0%
Table 2. Annual average consumption of yogurt in Poland per income bracket (2021)
INCOME BRACKETS Annual Consumption per
consumer (Kgs)
> $40,000 68.6
$25,000 - $40,000 39.2
$6,000 - $24,999 26.8
< $6,000 9.8

Average retail price of yogurt in Poland is $1,510 per metric Ton

Enter the country named in the identifier of your group (Brazil, New Zealand, or Poland)

QUESTION 2 (2 points)
The first step in the assignment is to estimate the total size of the yogurt market in Poland in terms of
metric Tons. Please enter the value in the corresponding box (in metric Tons).

QUESTION 3 (2 points)
The second step is to estimate the total size of the yogurt market in Poland in terms of US$. Please enter
the value in the corresponding box (in Billion US$).

QUESTION 4 (3 points)
The third step is to estimate the size of the yogurt market in Poland (in metric Tons) for each age and
income segment. Please enter the value for the size of each age and income segment (in metric Tons) in
the corresponding cell.
18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 64 65 +

> $40,000
$25,000 - $40,000
$6,000 - $24,999
< $6,000

Please upload a document showing the calculations for your answers to the three steps of the assignment
you just completed.
QUESTION 6 (3 points)
Finally, based on the results of your market size analysis, which segment(s) offer the greatest potential?
(Hint: pay attention to the total size of the segment(s), the potential revenue per customer and in total,
and the likelihood of developing an efficient marketing mix [4 P’s of product, promotion, place, and price]
to win consumers).

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