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The Villain’s White Lotus Halo

What A Big Roll Of Toilet Paper

Chapter 1: Prologue

As night fell, moonlight spilled through the immense French window and into the room.
The alternating light and shadow made this place look increasingly more empty and

The sales intern Liu XiaoDai lay on top of his office desk. He felt bored to death as he fiddled
with a glass bead, throwing it up and down. On the other hand, he was repeatedly checking
his watch as he waited to get off of work.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in. A vibrant advertisement flier was blown high into the air
as the sound of flapping paper filled the room, creating a scene that almost looked as if a
flock of butterflies was flying upward.

A dazzling light abruptly burst out of the shadows at the end of the hallway. Liu XiaoDai’s
eyes widened before he stood up in such a panic, he almost overturned his swivel chair.

The air began to ripple as if one had thrown a rock into a calm pond. Unexpectedly, a vague
silhouette began emerging from the brilliant light. As the outline of this silhouette slowly
became clearer, the light also began dimming.

Only now could Liu XiaoDai see that the silhouette was the figure of a grown man. He was
quite tall and had a straight back, however, he was also rather thin.

He walked out step by step from the center of the light. His pace seemed to be in time with
some kind of strange rhythm, and the distance between each step was exactly the same.

Finally, the man stood right in front of him. His appearance was very handsome, but his
face looked completely apathetic.

Liu XiaoDai had seen many remarkable people. As a salesperson working in this company,
he had seen luxurious yet dignified clients, talented and elegant people, distant and
haughty nobles, quiet and cold immortals, and even the most extravagant yet alluring
demons. Every kind of person imaginable, from the most devastating and charming types
living in the light to the ultimate beauties born in the darkness, had all been here before.

However, he had never seen someone like this.

This man didn’t have an extremely magnificent appearance, but his eyes shone with the
muted sunlight found on the ocean floor. An aura of indifference engulfed the man’s entire
body, alienating everyone around him.

And although the stranger was right in front of Liu XiaoDai, it felt more like the man had
become part of a different universe.

If the veteran of watching people act like pretentious pricks, Cheng XiaoBai, was here, he
would surely give Liu XiaoDai a hard slap and yell, “Wake up XiaoDai! This guy is just an
accomplished poser! Can’t you see the barrage of roasting comments currently rolling
across his mental screen in his heart!?”

As if he had really been slapped awake, Liu XiaoDai immediately recovered from his awed
state. Ah, this was probably the first business deal he would make in his career! Liu XiaoDai
hurriedly extended his hand for a handshake and fumbled, “Hello, hello!”

Then, he remembered that his client was presently a soul and therefore couldn’t touch any
living person. He really had no manners! Liu XiaoDai hastily withdrew his hand and pushed
a swivel chair toward the other person.

“Please take a seat! Let me introduce myself, I’m called Liu XiaoDai. I’m a salesperson from
the villain department of the ‘Rebirth Company’……no, wait, I ought to first introduce the
company. Mister, you are a customer prompted here by fate. Our company slogan is ‘one
single-mindedly devoted to rebirth. In thirty years, there would inevitably be a life suitable
for you’! Here, take a look……”

Liu XiaoDai took out a multi-coloured pamphlet from his desk. After blowing off the dust,
he handed it over politely.

The person in front of him slowly sat down, his gaze calm.

“Mister, how should I address you?”

Unexpectedly, the man’s voice was quite gentle. “I am a villain.”

Liu XiaoDai choked a bit, “I was asking for your……name?”

A trace of disappointment appeared on that man’s face. “For as long as I could remember,
I’ve been transmigrating between different stories: school plays, dramas about aristocrats,
ancient palace shows, trade war books, martial arts novels, and entertainment circle
stories. Both my name and identity changed innumerable times. Contrary to what you may
expect, my lines are almost virtually the same, and I don’t have many scenes. After I die, I’ll
get the chance to see the script, only to realize that ‘‘minor characters only exist as canon
fodder and stepping stools’. In short, I am a villain.”
He sat upright and proper and spoke with a pace that was neither fast nor too slow. It was
evident that he had an excellent upbringing. However, Liu XiaoDai was stumped for words.
In his internship period, he had always followed a senior as he accepted orders.
Unfortunately, he had never met someone with this kind of situation before.

The boss left a single ‘door’ open in a sea of thousands. Under certain, coincidental
circumstances, a soul would have the opportunity to pass through it and transmigrate. If
they payed with a part of their soul, they would be able to obtain the things they desired.

However, there was a restrictive seal on that ‘door’, one that will automatically reject
certain souls. For example, souls that were too powerful, too evil, or contained too much
resentment would all be turned away. As the boss had once said, earning a fortune was
good, but one still needed a life to enjoy it.

Originally, Liu XiaoDai thought this person was some kind of important figure. Only those
surrounded with a heavy presence of fate would have such a compact soul. However, it
seemed like this man’s soul only contained so much essence because for some unknown
reason, he had been repeatedly transmigrating. This person must have worked hard for
thousands of lives for his soul to become like this.

That person saw Liu XiaoDai staring blankly and asked, “Do you understand what I mean?”

He understood! How could Liu XiaoDai not understand?!

Wasn’t his life just, ‘xx thrust out his palm and immediately, xx slapped a crowd of disciples
to death’?? More specifically, he was just one of the unlucky disciples in that crowd!

However, this sad story didn’t really matter as long as there was potential profit. Liu
XiaoDai quickly adjusted his expression and plastered on the salesperson smile he had
practiced more than ten thousand times before asking, “Mister Villain, what type of service
do you require?”

The man lowered his gaze. A beautiful hand with distinct joints pointed to the flier. “Am I
capable of getting anything on this?”

Liu XiaoDai suddenly felt extremely excited, like he had been shot with some chicken blood!

“Of course! Rebirth would be twenty-percent off, counter-attacking would be ten-percent

off, rebirth plus counter-attacking would be eleven-percent off! And if you redeem another
three points! You could even receive a custom made ‘Villain Counterattack Service Package’
and enter the Rebirth Company’s Luxury Streaming VIP list!!”

“I want to become the final BOSS, the greatest villain. Is that also possible?”
A big order ah! Liu XiaoDai was so excited, his words were becoming a bit jumpled. “Yes,
it’s possible! We even have a ‘Fiend Halo’! Block gods, slaughter gods! Block Buddha,
slaughter Buddha! Give anyone eight years or younger a single glance and they will weep!”

The man frowned faintly, looking unsatisfied, before he asked in a deep tone, “……Isn’t this
the same as writing ‘I am a bad person’ on my face?”

With something like that, how was he supposed to embody how a villain had hidden
depths, and how he had many sides to his character? This halo was so unprofessional.

Liu XiaoDai hastily explained, “No, no, no! You must plaster on a villain’s standard
expression, like a ‘super cold smile’ or ‘gaze like a knife’ and say a villain’s standard line ‘I
was never some kind of a good person’ before the halo can activate. Uh……of course, there’s
also a possibility of it activating in certain situations……”

Liu XiaoDai’s eyes glistened with excitement as he marketed his product. “How is it, Mister?
Do you want one?”

The man smiled faintly. “Hit me up!”

“Mister, you have fabulous taste! In addition, our company currently has a promotion going
on, so I can gift you a Villain Counterattack Service Package completely free of charge!!”

However, the man shook his head. “No, I don’t wish to counterattack.”

In their current society, there was actually a villain who didn’t want to counterattack?

“Mister……this is really free of charge, we……”

Mister Villain interrupted him for the first time. “I know. Thank you for your kindness, but
it really is unnecessary.”

Liu XiaoDai still wanted to persuade him a bit more, but he suddenly remembered that his
senior had advised him to always ‘respect customer’s demands’. Thus, he could only nod
his head and agree.

When he brought Mister Villain to the technological department, the sky outside the French
window was dark. It was already time for the lanterns to be lit

The technician intern Wang Wei was already tidying up things before getting off work. Just
when he was about to turn off his machine, Liu XiaoDai took a huge stride forward to block
him. “My dear colleague, please wait a moment! I received an order!”

Wang Wei’s eyes suddenly brightened.

After a long-winded explanation, Wang Wei violently nodded his head. “For a villain,
choosing the right protagonist is extremely important! Coincidentally, a few moments ago I
had been a bit idle and bored. I started surfing channels and just so happened to see a
protagonist who looked pretty good.”

When he finished speaking, he pulled the two of them to the front of a bright screen floating
in the air.

The vast sky was clear and blue, while the lofty mountains extending into the horizon
seemed to be carved from pure, transparent jade. Far away, a crane flew in the sky as mist
billowed over the lands.

Within the shades of bluish green, the small dot of pure white was extremely dazzling.

A teenager walked on a path in the mountains, the hem of his robe dampened by the
morning dew. Suddenly, a woman wearing a purple dress appeared in front of him. Her
eyes were lowered and she seemed to be in a rush, and thus she inadvertently ran into that
teenager’s shoulder. Stumbling two steps and looking as if she was about to fall, she was
suddenly stabilized by a pair of steady and strong hands.

Then, she saw that teenager quickly back away to a proper distance. His appearance looked
gentle as he smiled faintly, looking like jade that emitted light. It made the woman’s
powdery face flush with the colours of spring as she became extremely shy. Lifting the hem
of her dress, she walked down the mountain while looking back every other step.

“Look, look! This figure, this appearance, this temperament! It has to be the protagonist,
you can’t mistake that!”

Liu XiaoDai sighed with feeling. “He’s not even afraid of meeting someone who would
deliberately crash into him so they could demand compensation! He actually dares to
support someone like that, such a genuine strong man!”

Wang Wei looked deeply touched. “Nowadays, eight out of ten protagonists blackened as
they rush to get revenge. Another one is a yandere with no hopes of recovering. A humble,
utterly sincere and righteous protagonist is harder to find compared to trying to find a
three! Legged! Frog!”

The man attentively watched the bright screen and unconsciously approached two steps
closer, as if he wanted to discover just where this white-clothed teenager looked similar to
a frog. On the other hand, he silently criticized the author. Common ah! This melodramatic
scene devised so the protagonist could hit on a girl, just saying it was something common
should make the author feel honoured. When he thought this, he unexpectedly began
reaching his hand toward that bright screen……

Suddenly, a dazzling and bright light exploded in front of his eyes!

“Shoot! I just linked this thing to the transmigration machine!”

Wang Wei jumped up to go and turn off the machine but it was already too late. The man’s
figure was quickly becoming transparent.

“Wait Mister! Your halo——”

Liu XiaoDai reached out a hand and tossed the thing he was holding. A sparkling and
shining white ring transformed into a stream of light before entering the man’s body. In
just a breath’s time, the bright screened turned off as everything settled, the surroundings
completely silent.

The remaining two people stared at each other in dismay. After quite a while, Wang Wei
mumbled, “Does that mean this order is completed?”

Liu XiaoDai felt a bit guilty. “It……it should be?”

“I would never have expected us two interns to actually have a day where we participate in
something big!”

Liu XiaoDai suddenly thought of something and said, “Hurry up and connect back to that
world! Let’s see what happened!”

“Alright, alright…….uh, I can’t connect back……that ‘door’…closed……”

Chapter 2: Dungeon
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Where is the most desperate predicament in the world?
Yunmeng Zezhong fell into the suffocating gas, and the poison was entangled; the floating
sea hit the hurricane, and the huge waves were rolled up; the 100,000 mountains were
mistaken into the depths, and the sleeping beasts were awakened?
Although all these kinds of things are extremely dangerous, if they are cultivated to be high-
spirited and full of treasures, they will not have the vitality to seek for one, and the
possibility of getting out of trouble.
It is different from the Yashan Mountain Dungeon.
Deep forest Canggu, under the mountains, another mystery.
I couldn’t see the long narrow road at the end. Every five feet, I placed a simmering copper
lampstand. The faint candlelight was like a beast in the middle of the night.
There is no blood of torture, no crying. Only a heavy dead, thick and lacquered darkness,
the only sound is a more ticking ticking.
Repeatedly and repeatedly, thousands of times.
Even the guards who change every three hours are looking good and swearing.
This world can kill people, and count alone.
Nothing, no night, no cold and no heat. Empty silence and silence are magnified to the
The power of the sky, the rain and the rain, the murderous and wicked murderer, the
young talents who cast the big mistake, the unpredictable magical evil. Since it is here,
identity is only a prisoner.
If there is a need to distinguish between there are ways to do it: those who have been tried,
those who have not been tried; those who have come to see it, no one has seen it.
Someone is visiting, it is less likely to see the sun.
Not to mention that here is the place to go, the most valuable person has the qualification to
ask for entry; to say that the mountain range is special, the more he goes down the
Wu Xiu pressed the bones and deformed the muscles, and the spiritual repairs blocked the
gas sensation. The ordinary repairers were suppressed and they were no different from
ordinary people. Although the guards have practiced the law against the mountain for
many years, they also spent a half-day effort to feel the pain of the flesh.
It is different at this time.
Nearly solidified air was broken, and in the silent martyrdom, footsteps sounded. Calm and
powerful, long breath.
It’s not anxious or slow. Although it’s a dungeon that doesn’t see the sky, it’s like walking on
the road.
When the figure walked over the tall enamel copper lampstand, the face of the jumping fire
illuminates the face of the person, actually a woman!
The color of the twilight is high, and the ink is high. The sword eyebrows are quite nose,
and the British spirit is pressing.
She did not have a weapon around her body, but the sharpness of the warrior was sprayed
Liu Bull Frost is not as calm as it seems.
In fact, she did not know how to face the younger brother who made a big mistake. She is
intoxicated and practiced. She has always been poor and has a good relationship with
others. She is even less vocal, but she has to come this time.
They are a glimpse of China, no more than other peaks. Although the Master is very famous,
he has traveled for many years.
Counting up, from the time the master brother of the year, the younger brother has not
seen the face of the master.
In addition, their peak disciples are dying, the land is sparsely populated, and they usually
practice alone, and they may not see one side in half a year.
But even if the sentiment is shallow, it is always a teacher, she does not want to see the
other side of the road to stop here.
Speaking of her, her impression of the younger brother is only staying young and sullen.
Obscured to remember that his talent is extremely high, before entering the peak practice,
it seems to be the top of the school's final exams...
In the thoughts of the floating room, the guards in front of the road have stopped. Silently,
she arched her hand and made a gesture of asking for it.
She went up two steps, through the West Sea black iron fence, under the faint light, with
her own eyesight, saw the people in prison.
This is the second time she has looked at this younger brother so carefully, the last time, or
the apprentice ceremony three years ago.
At that time, the sturdy teenager was slightly headless. When he read his name, he looked
up and his eyes were cold and cold, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.
She did not understand why the master suddenly took over the teacher. But the masters
always have a reason to do things.
She has tried to show her concern as a sister, but the teenager does not seem to need it.
Juvenile practice has never encountered a barrier and does not intersect with anyone.
Over time, few people are willing to talk to him.
The prisoner was sitting cross-legged. At this time, he seemed to feel a little and slowly
stood up.
The body was thin and pale, and the chains tied to the hands and feet creaked.
He walked two steps and gave her a slight decapitation. "Two sisters."
Then silence, no more words.
Liu Bull Frost suddenly found that the other party is just a slightly older teenager, not yet
weak, and there is still no childishness between the eyebrows.
In the long life of the repairer, it is not even adulthood.
Even in the secular world, it is still the age of the book that is rushed to get up early in the
But now, he is standing in the most difficult prison in the world.
She suddenly didn't know how to speak, but she had to say as she said.
"The head said, you are in the secret of the sable, designed to kill Luo Mingchuan and the
other 32 disciples, but really?"
The young man suddenly looked up, his eyes mixed with incredible shock, deep sorrow, so
strong emotions, like a burning fire.
Another example is the rapid extinguishment of a candle in the wind.
After the moment, the teenager lowered his eyes and the voice of indulging came low. "Yes,
it is me."
It seems that there is still a sigh of sorrow echoing in the dungeon. The people in front of
the cage are deeply lonely, like an invisible high wall, which separates themselves.
The teenager refused to explain, and the teenager did not think anyone could help him.
She was deeply shocked.
There is a huge suspicion and bitterness in my heart. Is it something else, and there is
another hidden feeling?
However, the head is not a dishonest person...
It turns out that a woman's motherhood is a terrible thing. Liu Bull Frost is a high woman
and a woman.
She hasn’t justified her mind, and she can’t help but say it.
"Teacher, if you have any wrongs, even if you say to me, even if the teacher is not present,
my peak disciples are not able to make people arbitrarily bullied! Even if I can't protect
you, there are still masters who will be there for you. Fair!"
The thin lips of the young woman’s blood loss seem to want to say something, but I don’t
know what to think of.
"Today, I am taking my own self, and I am not at all."
He turned and walked deep into the dark cell, and the collision of the chains was
particularly harsh in the silence.
"Two sisters, please come back."
Liu Bull Frost is not willing to shout, "tea brother!"
The guard holding the lantern has returned and made a gesture of 'please' to her. Silently
urging, time is up.
The Dungeon Dungeon has its own rules. Even if the identity is like her, it can't break this
Liu Bull Frost finally looked at the prisoner deeply. The back of the man was thin and
straight, and it seemed that any darkness could not be destroyed.
*********** I met for the first time, I am the single stupid line of the paper house*********
The villain of the villain looked at the figure at the end of the road and disappeared, and he
breathed a sigh of relief.
No, it’s time to call Yin Yin.
The four disciples of Huafeng in the Yashan Mountains are Yin Yinyue.
He just woke up in the place where he couldn't see his fingers. He didn't clear his mind. He
was screaming in his head, and he couldn't wait to throw his brain out.
"Welcome to your use, counter genuine, support inspection, is not to give back ..."
"The inspection is completed, the conditions are met, the halo can be effective..."
“Are you sure to download the genuine aura installation package?”
"The installation package is downloading... please be patient."
Fortunately, when I saw the moment of coming, the memory of the original gave the
reaction of the ‘two sisters’.
The flashed memory clip made him extremely satisfied.
Wrong! Standard gold villain configuration!
Look at this character, ‘yellow and dull, narrow-minded’!
Look at this body, the good material of the demon!
The millennial daughter-in-law is a woman!
There will never be a three-and-a-half sentence in the line. !
Can give it to such a place, the cliff is a famous *oss!
When I saw Liu Yushuang, what kind of installation package began to download, he tried to
sigh as little as possible, for fear of being seen. Until now, when people are gone, they calm
down and sort out their ideas.
This is a fantasy world.
The general trend of the world can be roughly divided into ‘one mountain and three
factions, Bumen Shuangsi, and Mozong Zodiac’.
A mountain is the end of his life. The deserved world is the first.
The original body was shackled here because of ‘the murder of the same door, and the
heart is not right.’
The real yuan was sealed and a heart was thought of jailbreaking, forcibly unblocking, and
going backwards. It was supposed to explode the seed, but it caught up with the
fluctuations in the plane. I didn’t know what was going on, and where I wore it, just caught
up with him.
When Liu Yushuang said that ‘the design wanted to kill Luo Mingchuan and the other 32
disciples’, the corresponding memory surged, and he was caught off guard by the moment, I
wonder if there was any unreasonable change in look.
Now he understands that he is going this time to say that the genius villain has been
attacked by a counterattack.
This villain is extremely qualified. After being attacked, he is resentful. He kills the
protagonist and his friends. The protagonist Jin Thigh adds himself and leads the crowd out
of the trap. The people did not kill, but they pitted themselves.
This kind of cookie script is only a glance. He knows how to edit the next chapter.
Yin Yin remembered the white youth who saw it on the light screen before wearing it. Well,
the protagonist should be the wrong one.
It's time to do something big!
...... Wait, wait, the original method of the main jailbreak he will not.
In other words, the original owner can successfully leave, but now he can't.
Can only wait to be abused.
“叮——Download is complete! Congratulations to the distinguished customers! Please
enjoy your time and space!”
... This kind of situation has a hair ring to use! !
Yin Yin swallowed a **** old blood, murdered the felony of the same door, escaping the
teacher's door, and simply repairing the demon, but now the problem has come, how to
successfully avoid being abolished? !
Being revamped = becoming a mortal = leaving the plot = the road of villain is ruined!
As for whether it is possible to break up and stand up, another adventure, re-cultivation?
Not the protagonist! Don't dare to gamble! !
According to the memory of the original Lord, they only counted five people in the peak,
and the three-nation killing in one game was not enough.
In addition to the three brothers who traveled outside, others have come to investigate, and
they have been run away by non-violent and non-cooperative. Liu Bull Frost is the last one
to see him.
Sister, wait, give me another chance!
I must turn for you! ! (尔康手)
Yin Yin is more careful to sort out memories, who else will come to see him?
... It is not bad to kill him with the original person.
Oh, do you want to hope that the protagonist is a brain-dead lady, to visit him as the chief
culprit? ! Listen to his storytelling? !
With this ‘fierceous evil aura’, the possibility of acquittal is even smaller.
If it is not activated, it will be full of all creature hate values in one minute.
What's more, after careful recall, I found that only the fragmentary memory of the original
body, I do not know why, the section of the ‘mutilation of the same door’ is most
In this way, the argument can not be spoken in court. Still have to maintain a gloomy image,
so as not to be seen.
A bad hand! Don't talk about landlords! You can't win the king! ! !
No, you can't mess.
He quickly calmed down, there must be something that was ignored, there must be a
Yes, the protagonist Luo Mingchuan! It seems that it is really pretty.
Yin Yin is thinking more and more under the wall.
At the same time, the rebirth company screamed on the 24th floor.
"Liu Xiao stayed out!! The old lady just debugged the white! Hua! Light! Ring! What?!!"
Chapter 3: First sight
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
It is a spring equinox. It was raining last night.
This morning, the fog is over the mountains, and the greenery is washed, and it is more and
more revealing.
The youth walked on the rugged stone road in the mountains, and the faint clouds of smoke
hung over him, and the misty water of the vegetation was wet with the clothes.
He was in a good mood, but the pace was firm and not urgent. His eyes are quiet, and there
is no trace of arrogance.
In contrast, the girl in pink who is chasing behind him is much more eager.
He Yan looked at the back of the person.
Luo Shixiong was only the first person to be sealed, and he was still wearing a complicated
and dignified dress. A simple change to the past.
The cover of Xuehua Jinpao is blue satin, and the fine embroidered pattern of the sea is
loose. The cuffs and collar are pressed with silver lines and the moiré is tied with a
dragon's jade knot.
The low-slung, wide-sleeved layers of the walking layer are rushing like clouds. It is
extremely straightforward to outline the tall and straight body.
Seeing that you are far away from the youth, you have to be left behind. The girl lifted her
breath, leaped out of thin air, and her figure was swaying, and she fell in front of the youth.
Called in a hurry, "Brother!"
The youth is not shocked, peace and harmony, "The teacher and sister have something, and
I will come back to discuss it later."
His facial features are fierce and handsome, but because of his gentle temperament, his
inexplicable looks are friendly and reliable.
Some people seem to have a special ability that is born with them. Even if they say the
words of rejection, others will not feel a sense of guilt.
Luo Mingchuan is such a person.
The girl seems to be sure of his good temper, still stuck on the road, and even a little bit of a
sigh in the tone, "Sister, I heard that you asked the master of the order, what are you
She was born with a beautiful and beautiful appearance. This kind of behavior makes
people feel rude, and shows the cute innocence of the little daughter's house.
The youth has never changed. "Please come back, please go down the mountain."
"When you go down the mountain, what do you want to do with the order?" The girl picked
up her eyebrows and thought about it for a moment. Suddenly she thought of something,
and the apricot eyes were round, "The Dungeon Dungeon?!"
"Senior brother, are you going to see the surname Yin?!"
The youth is silent.
He Wei knows that Luo brothers will not lie, this reaction is equivalent to the default.
Therefore, she was even more excited. "Go and see what he is doing?! What happened to Yu
Huafeng? What's so great?! It is clearly his heart and soul, and he is scheming to kill us.
Brother is now the first person in the world, but he is afraid of him." ?!"
Luo Mingchuan raised his brow, "He Shimei, cautious."
The girl did not want to blurt out. "Is it wrong? After seven days, he should be abolished
and rushed to the mountain. In my opinion, the sin of the same door, Yu Huafeng can not
protect him, even if it is a sword. ......"
Suddenly she was stunned, like an invisible hand holding her throat tightly.
Huge fears rushed to the front, so that she was cold and sweaty. This kind of deterrence
does not come from any one person around, but from the fear in the heart.
Not just her, almost everyone in the world is like this.
Even if it is only slightly disrespectful when it is mentioned, the fear in the bones will
instantly surge, and the pressured person can't breathe.
She knew this afterwards, and Luo’s brother reminded her to be 'spoken words', not to stop
her from insulting. But she was afraid that she would be rude to that person.
What she wants to say is that Yin Yiyue’s famous master, the singer-in-law of the singer-
song, who has traveled for many years, is known as the “Jian Sheng”.
She is really too forgetful, this is not something she can argue about.
He Yan took a deep breath, tried to recover as usual, and his tone weakened. He begged,
"Senior, you must go? Then you take me with me, I want to see what the dungeon looks
Although the youth tone was mild, there was no vacillation, but she shook her head.
"Don't make trouble."
When He Wei still wants to say something, he sees that the human figure is like a wave of
water, and it is gone from shallow to deep, and disappears in the blink of an eye.
She was shocked and quickly understood. This space magical power, Luo brother can not
make it, but now in his hands, can rely on the power of the mountains, the moment in the
mountain array.
The girl is annoyed with a grin.
The thick black iron gate slowly opened, and the dark gap gradually expanded. It seemed to
be an abyss of choice and finally revealed its true face.
When Luo Mingchuan stepped in, he felt that his breath was stagnation. He was a spiritual
repairer. The feeling of being transferred to the real yuan was really bad. At first it was only
a weak discomfort, but it was deepened by the falling of the ladder. When he landed, it
seemed to be invisible.
The guard has already received an outside communication, carrying an oil lamp, the candle
will be extinguished, waiting for him at the entrance.
Luo Mingchuan made a slight salute and said, "There is work."
The guard guarded him from the side, and his voice was hoarse and sullen. "Don't dare."
Luo Mingchuan knows why he came. He understood, in the secret of the purple house, Yin
Yue really wants to kill him, others are only with him.
But he did not understand, why did Yin Yin want to put him to death?
It is clear that they met at the Yuanyuan Academy in the past. Although they did not come
and go after entering the border, there was no festival.
He looked at the dark and dung dungeon, and his heart was stunned for a while. When I
first saw it, the talented young boy fell to the point where it is now.
More leaks sounded in the footsteps, calm and powerful, along the long narrow road,
Yin Yin, who leaned against the wall, opened his eyes.
Now he is so arrogant that his eyesight is far less than before.
Until the figure is approaching five steps away, the candlestick that will be extinguished
will illuminate the face of the person.
Jade crown white skirt, Xuan eye repair eyes...
Luo Mingchuan!
Yin Yi, the more the pupils suddenly tightened! Every muscle in the body instantly
tightened and almost jumped up.
Then he tried his best to force himself to relax.
This is the instinctive reaction of the original body to the immediate person. It has reached
such a point that the soul remains in the body after leaving.
This has to be... how much hatred? !
The guard will hand over the lantern and will retreat.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the dark cell and tried to scream, "Yin Shidi?"
In the darkness, the sound of the cloth is rubbing, and there is a collision between the
chains, which is sharp and sharp.
The prisoner came close with the chain and appeared in the candlelight.
His face was pale and his eyebrows were low.
He wore a simple plain color uniform, no lines, no hair, long hair, and a sloppy draped body.
The large white robe is covered with a dark candlestick on the wide sleeve, and his body is
The teenager raised his eyes, and a pair of scorpions looked straight up, deep and cold, like
the cold stars in the sky.
Luo Mingchuan was awkward.
The consistently keen instinct tells him that there must be something wrong. The Yin Shidi
in his impression is not like this.
Juvenile eyes are always cold and gloomy, and occasionally look up at him, making people
feel like they are stared at by cold-blooded animals.
But the coldness of the people in front of us is more like the gods standing in the clouds,
and the indifference that comes with them.
Let him blink for a moment.
When the school first saw it, I knew that the younger brother was very good. At this time, I
looked at it carefully, only to realize that although the young man was not formed, the facial
features were completely open, the thin lips were quite nose, and the eyebrows were star-
It is like a statue of a chanting that is carved out of the white fat and white jade.
But there is no fire in the fire.

Chapter 4: condemn
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Luo Mingchuan looked at the people in front of him, and suddenly saw his thin lips and
slightly open, and he screamed low and low, "Luo brother."
The sound is alienated and indifferent.
Luo Mingchuan suddenly returned to God.
Once upon a time in the Yuanyuan Academy... this person also called him.
He has not heard the name of Yinbi over the years. It seems that since they entered the
world, many things have changed overnight. The friendship of the former classmates has
always been a stranger.
It’s only a moment when the thoughts are flying, and then I look at the people in front of
me, and I’m ready to ask questions.
Unconsciously put a light tone: "Yin Shidi..."
Don’t wait for him to talk again, the boy is the first to open,
"Sister, but come to ask me about the secret of the purple house?"
Luo Mingchuan had to nod, "Exactly."
He didn't know what happened to him, and the facts were unquestionable.
Why is there still a vague hope in my heart, and the subconscious does not want to believe
that the young man will harm him?
Even hope... teenagers are innocent.
I must be crazy.
Luo Mingchuan condensed his heart and renewed his vigilance.
The teenager is no longer open, just looking at him straight, his eyes are not sad.
No reason. No defense.
The repressed silence echoed in the empty dungeon.
Yin wall is more anxious to hit the wall! !
How to explain now! !
He has been rehearsing according to such a script: the protagonist severely questioned as
soon as he came up, accusing the complaint, he took the opportunity to bear the burden of
humiliation, and initially refused to defend. Later he was forced to say that he was under
the sinister coercion in the secret, and had to set up a battle. The law, first make it look like
it, and at the end of the day, it will go with the evil.
How good the script, the drama conflict, the character character is fully taken care of!
Although the loopholes are too much, but with his many years of superb acting, and the
protagonist's integrity of the Virgin, he has at least 70% of the grasp of the past. At the time
of the public trial, there was a testimony from the protagonist, and there was a big turn.
What now? ! Why don't you lead the protagonist! set! road! Out! brand? !
I still haven't figured it out. I saw that the opposite person has slightly raised his brow and
seems to be dissatisfied with his silence...
Then follow his routine! Fight!
Yin Yin is trying to open his mouth, and suddenly he looks up, but he has a pair of abyss-
like eyes.
If the paint is like ink, like an endless whirlpool, it is necessary to **** in the soul!
Yin Yin suddenly surprised! Garland 瞳!
Luo Mingchuan will actually swear!
I go! Say good Virgin? ! How do you zoom in on the protagonist? !
There are many crossings, and the experience is still there. This kind of intriguing method
is similar to the demento of the Magic, and you can control the minds of others by
practicing to the extreme.
And Luo Mingchuan's martial arts is a decent method, which does not cause mental damage
to the person being treated, but requires a very high talent to practice.
The ability of Luo Mingchuan today is nothing but a heart-wrenching and telling the truth.
However, this level of invasion of the soul is not the original repair can be resisted, and
even the deceitful frost, may not be able to block when there is no defense.
Yin Yin and his heart sighed that the protagonist is really against the sky, so difficult to
practice can get started, while wishing to shoot thighs laughing!
Xiaoye has been through so many years, and there is no other skill. The soul is concise and
can be compared with 24k titanium alloy. !
Not convinced to fight! !
...but the play still has to be played.
It’s just an instant, and the young boy’s coldness is empty, like a mountain breeze, blowing
a misty mist.
For such a pair of pure eyes as a child. Luo Mingchuan could hardly speak, and he couldn’t
help but feel a sense of guilt...
"Teacher, you... why are you killing me?"
Yin Yin hates him a slap!
Junior! Why don't you understand the villain's heart so much! !
The genius is extremely high but has been repeatedly robbed of the limelight, and extreme
squatting leads to blackening! This is the villain setting!
In the original year, the school’s first school squad was entered by the sect of the school. It
was once suppressed by you. Every day, you can meet 20 times of the gossip party’s secret
discussion. 'Although Luo’s brother’s talent is not as good as Yin’s brother, but people are
really good. ! ‘To later ‘Where is the surname Yin’s worship into Yu Huafeng? I see Luo’s
brother is a hundred times better than him! ’
Originally, the original owner was only a lofty pride and did not love to care for people. As a
result, the character has been distorted since the beginning of two years! ! Going to the
gloomy newspaper, the scorpion rushed back! !
The boy suddenly smiled softly.
Such as the Pinghu Rock, smiles from the bottom of the eye stacking ripples.
The cold eyebrows are like ice and snow, and the spring breeze wakes up the mountains
and peaches.
As if he was a man in heaven, he returned to the world with this smile.
It’s going to make people sink into it.
"Brother, you come to see me." The boy's smile showed a bit of youthfulness, and the child
licked his head. "It's good."
"I can still see you, it's great."
Luo Mingchuan is in the same place. Why is the younger brother... so to speak?
This kind of Yin Yin is too strange.
It seems to have removed all the camouflage defenses, and turned the coldness of the whole
body. Real... and fragile.
Yes, fragile.
He does not understand why people who have always been proud of indifference are
vulnerable. And myself, I will feel the sourness that I can’t say in my heart...
Yin Yiyue saw only a flash of light in Luo Mingchuan, and there was a wave in the dark ink.
Instantly like being splashed with cold water, I immediately wake up.
Is Luo Mingchuan suspicious?
Correct! He asked ‘why want to kill him’, how can people who have learned the tricks
answer questions!
Too big! Too big to say! If you are seen that your spirit is different...
I must say something right away to let him shift his attention and let go of this loophole! !
Yin Yi is still confused and the brain is running fast.
But how to remedy? ! At this time of pause, Luo Mingchuan and the Madonna should know
what is wrong! !
“叮——In order to better understand the use of this product, the user can experience the
user three times to help you solve the life problem easily. Do you choose to use it now?”
User experience, what? !
Luo Mingchuan has raised his brow...
use! Use it! ! ! Solve life problems! !
"Hey - Aura Assistant is at your service!"
Yin Yin only felt that the heart was condensed, like an invisible rope in the body, pulling
him to change his expression.
The teenager converges on the smile.
"Do you think I am going to kill you?"
He seems to ask himself, and he seems to ask the other person, the tail sounds with an
imperceptible trembling, like suppressing something, "kill you?... How can I kill you?! Luo
brother... you know what..."
The cold scorpion suddenly screamed at the glory, staring straight at the people in front of
him, squinting,
"Even if I die, I won't let you have anything!"
Luomingchuan heart and big earthquake!
Crazy, obsessive, unwilling, resentful, and... emotions he does not understand. The deep-cut
bones are all condensed in the good-looking eyes, and the scars of the eyes are faintly
He muttered, "Teacher, you..."
"I just want to leave the world with you, but why does the transmission matrix become a
savage killing?! Why isn't there just a limit for you?! Why is it like that... I can't control it... I
know it clearly. It’s all done according to what the person said...”
The young man slammed into the front, the chain creaked, and the pale fingers clenched the
black iron fence.
Luo Mingchuan saw the heavy iron rope bound to his delicate wrist.
Together... leave the world?
"Who will let you do this, where are you going to take me?"
"In the secret, I met the repairer in the clean water lake. He said that there is a way for me
to get what I want..." When I said this, the boy suddenly became excited, and the thin
shoulders shivered slightly.
"Where are you asking me to go?! It is clear that we said good! The gentleman of the school
said, 'The gentleman has a promise, can't regret it too!' You brothers really forgot?"
Clean water lake! Yes, clean water lake! The younger brother will meet the evil repairs in
the lake! In the design!
Don’t wait for him to think again, the teenager will continue to talk about himself,
"Go to Qiongzhou!... I know that you don't want to go with me, so I thought about this."
The teenager laughed again, his eyes shining brightly, like saying "I am smart, I will praise
Don't wait for the smile to spread, and suddenly grieve, "But brother, why have you
Qiongzhou? ! Luo Mingchuan can't believe it, "How do you know?"
... learned that Qiongzhou?
Suddenly he reacted, not good! This is a great joy in the sorcerer's surgery, it is easy to hurt
the mind!
And the intuition tells him that you can't ask, and the teenager will tell a strange secret!
Luo Mingchuan lightly said, "God comes to the soul, broken!"
It is a pity that he is now repaired, and he still can't do it.
It is already late.
The boy slowly said, "The Mid-Autumn Festival is three years ago, the Yuanyuan Academy
is closed, and the pears are brewed all over the place. You don't say that..."
Luo Mingchuan’s head blew open.
In a distant memory, such a ridiculous night has long been blurred.
Heaven is on, what have he done!
The Yuanyuan Academy is famous for its world, and the number of applicants is only 30.
The successful completion of the event is even rare. There is no limit to the school system,
as long as you pass the school exam. Those who can't stay can also leave on their own, but
they can't enter the school for life, claiming to be the children of the school. Rao is like this,
and the name of the abandonment of the school is also enough to enjoy the future.
However, there is no mediocrity in the school’s graduated children or seeking for the law,
or seeking power and seeking power.
Luo Mingchuan was more than four years old, but he was admitted to the school in the
same year. After three years of classmates, he passed the exam.
Yin Yue is the top scorer of the year and the youngest winner in the history of the school.
The great family of the royal family, the martial art forces vying for each other, the
reputation is prominent.
On the night of their graduation, more than 20 people gathered in the lotus water and sang
the wine.
This group of talented youngsters has the pride of the world, the enthusiasm of the world,
and the confusion of what to ask for tomorrow.
This one is either high in the mountains and high in water, and there is no meeting. On the
day of goodbye, the opposites of life and death are not known; or the flowers are brocade,
the fire is rich in oil, and the mountains are high, and the clouds are vast and lonely.
The road ahead, the world is unpredictable, I only know that after this night, life is
Mixed feelings, all my heart, turned into a glass of wine.
The Yin Yue of that year was just a proud boy.
That year's Luo Mingchuan was still a hairy boy who would drunk.
Liantai otters, cups and plates, sings and sings, fireworks and wine, and enjoy drinking.
The memory gradually fades away from the light and shadow, revealing the original color
of life.
"I don't want to worship what is going on, I don't want to go back to Qiongzhou's
hometown to have children."
"Hey, let me go with me, let's go home..."
Luo Mingchuan was hit by a fragment that flashed through his mind.
The stunned squatting is in place.
Who did he pull, he didn’t remember it long ago, wasn’t it the sister who slapped him the
next day?
But... Yin Shidi? !
and then? Have you said anything more excessive, what action, what happened...
How old was the younger brother? ! Is there 14 years old? !
He can't wait to fly back that night, picking up the drunken ones and screaming at the
palms, the animals are not as good as you!
When he wants to speak again, he will see the fog disappearing in front of him.
The thick ciliary feathers are covered, and when they are opened again, the eyes are the
cold stars in the sky.
The young boy frowned slightly, and his eyes flashed a bit strangely. It seemed that he
didn't understand what happened.
The trick has been solved.
After the silence, the teenager did not ask anything, just stepped back two steps and turned
to walk in the darkness.
The voice of indifference came from low. "If Luo’s brother has nothing to do, please come
Luo Mingchuan almost fled.

Chapter 5: Released from prison

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
"Isn't it really impossible to contact the villain?" Liu Xiao stayed on the table and shouted.
"If there is any problem with the halo, I guess I really have to roll out and leave..."
Wang Wei climbed out of the half-assembled machine and wiped his face. "I haven't
detected the fluctuations... What's the role of the wrong halo? Automatic whitewashing?
Not too good..."
"The aura is being debugged, I don't know what the negative effect is!"
"What is the negative effect of hahahaha albino aura? Is it albino?!"
Liu Xiao stayed at him and Wang Weizhen’s bowed his head.
"It may be albino..."
******* I am a paper house single stupid line *************
"This Halo Assistant is over. Dear customers, you have two opportunities."
Luo Mingchuan has already left, Yin Yin is pulled back to God by the electronic sound in his
Just now in his contact with Luo Mingchuan, the memory of the school’s memory was
supplemented by seven or eighty-eight. It seems that it is necessary to contact the relevant
people in order to ‘activate’ the memory segment.
He was busy watching the memory, even what he had done under the halo of the aura, and
said nothing, did not care.
Yin Yin still does not understand, because the memory of the middle school graduation that
night, he went to drink a few glasses of wine, and went back to bed early.
Looking at the expression of Luo Mingchuan’s tangled, painful, and remorseful thoughts,
did he borrow the original silver money?
No, no, it’s too low. Is that a sleepy girl who is secretly in love? Ah, 沧 道 道 讲 讲 讲 讲 讲 讲
Is ‘Zhongzhou’ a handle for the protagonist? Because of being guilty and being guilty?
He really couldn't figure it out, and his head was a little dizzy.
But should this be considered a success and flicker the protagonist?
For a moment, I believe that the aura assistant.
With this in mind, he sat down in the corner of the wall and changed into a comfortable
position. He continued to try to dig through the scattered memories in his mind.
The darkness of the world has greatly improved the quality of sleep.
Seven days passed by.
This day is just a matter of time, and the wind is smooth.
Before Yin Yue was released from the prison, the guard handed him a large black cloak.
With the cover of the hood, it was not blinked by the bright sky.
The breath is clear and green, and the green eyes are full of sight.
After the four disciples wearing the robes of the ruins of the world, and the dungeon
guards, they took him to the mountains. Go to the main peak and the temple to accept the
public trial.
Yin Yi’s popularity in the past is not good because of arrogance and gloom.
Nowadays, after experiencing the murder of the same door, it is because the mind is not
correct, and the act of poisoning has been cast aside. The confessed disciples were
disdainful on one face, and one even snorted.
The more Yin Yin sighs, the big door is not the same!
The quality is so good, I didn’t even open it! !
This body has not been moved for too long, and it has been sealed and repaired. Perhaps
there is also the oppression of the mountain in the dungeon. After two steps, I feel that my
back is soft and I can’t lift my strength.
I was too late to be pushed, and the **** disciples in the back were impatient. "Come on!"
Then I heard a sigh of anger and thunder, "Stop!"
Yin Yue is concentrating on the public trial, and suddenly he has not interrupted his
thoughts. He said, "I don’t care about them, it is slow for me."
Suddenly my heart tightened, this voice... Luo Mingchuan!
I saw a little white in the distance, the body is light, the tip of the ancient wood forest is
light, and several landings fall in front of him.
Yin Yi is more sighed, hey, this Peugeot's protagonist face, better seeing under the blue sky.
The people in front of me just looked at him with a sly look, and their eyes were deep and
seemed to be a thousand words, such as squatting in the throat.
Even the confession of the disciple’s rituals, 洛洛叔叔, did not respond.
This makes the Yin Yue more and more obsessive.
Do you have a protagonist? How do you look at this for a long time?
After leaving the day, Luo Mingchuan had not slept a whole night in seven days.
Close your eyes, the thoughts of the teenagers in the dungeons are all over the mind,
innocent smiles, paranoid mad, indifferent and alienated...
He meditates all night, trying to meditate.
The three-year-old school has flashed in front of the scene.
Eventually staying in the night of the lotus waves and shattering the moonlight, he
overturned the white-skinned sleeves stained by the wine cellar.
In the same year, I was drunk and said that the younger brother was taken seriously, and
the paranoia is here...
Yes, even if the younger brother is talented and talented, he was still young at the time, and
he was unreasonable, and his heart was pure and innocent.
It is my own promise, and the negative is behind.
The younger brother did not explain because he had broken the contract. The arrogance in
his bones did not allow him to ask for explanation. He could only suppress himself.
Repressed for a long time, the temperament changed greatly, and gave birth to obsession.
I have come to this step today...
All these years have been explained.
It is he who has harmed his younger brother.
Before this time, I thought I wanted to be clear. This time, in the end, it is up to him to do so.
He is willing to take responsibility.
As for the younger brother's obsessiveness, although he can't respond, he can patiently
guide him, get him out of the puzzle, and let go of his infatuation.
But when he really saw a weak teenager being pushed by a man, he stood up straight and
his heart was involuntarily raised. I didn’t even notice that I had never sternly blamed
In only seven days, the boy seems to be losing a lot of weight... There is only one bone left in
the skin, which is like a gust of wind blowing away.
The cold eyebrows are hidden under the shadow of the wide cloak, revealing only the thin
chin and the thin lips that have lost blood.
He couldn't help but think that when the teenager was in the secret of the purple house,
was he still injured? There are wounds in the body and they have been sealed and repaired,
and it is difficult to go to prison these days.
The four law enforcement disciples who escorted Yin Yinyue took the ceremony and saw
that Luo Mingchuan did not speak and did not dare to get up.
Looking back at the situation just now, secretly thinking, Lou Shishu is always gentle and
kind, how can it be too harsh?
Unexpectedly, I heard a cold voice, calm and waveless explanation.
‘No matter what they are, it’s that I am slow. ’
Actually excuse them? This person... How is it different from the rumors?
Luo Mingchuan’s heart is full of miscellaneous tastes. For a long time, he said, “You...all
right?” I remembered that there were still a few people next to me, and I coughed, “Get up.”
The four disciples retreated to the side.
The teenager is silent and does not speak.
Luo Mingchuan’s heart is tight, and the younger brother will not misunderstand that he is
coming to see him jokes?
Then I went up the first two steps and explained in a hurry. "You don't worry, I have a
Yin Yiyue always felt that Luo Mingchuan’s reaction was a bit strange, as if... too aggressive?
And soon relieved, the Virgin* is good!
I made it! It’s up to you to lead the protagonist! !
It doesn't matter if you sing out the teacher! Keep it for repair! !
It coincided with the east wind blowing, and the sound of the mountains and the waves of
the mountains and rivers echoed.
Blowing the swaying sway of Luo Mingchuan's flowing clouds, blowing the hood of the
black cloak.
Luo Mingchuan exclaimed, "Teacher, your hair!"
The youngsters stand in the wind, and the three thousand silver silks are scattered in the
sun like snow, and they are flying freely!
Yin Yin was swept away and shouted badly.
The dungeon was dark, and he did not pay attention to his own appearance. He did not
know when it was like this.
Is the original owner trying to forcibly break the sequelae of repairing the seal? Or did he
not make a difference when he passed through? How to explain this rare sign of ignorance?
Regarding him, Luo Mingchuan did not use martial arts to ask questions.
The teenager just looked at him faintly, indifferent, "nothing."
The implication is that it is not your business.
Luo Mingchuan felt that the indifference of the boy was like a tiny thorn, gently piercing
into the weakest part of his heart, and there was a faint pain in his breathing.
He is more willing, the younger brother hates him and marries him.
As in prison, there are emotions. I also don't want to endure such indifference.
It is like a stranger to him who is irrelevant.
The four confessed disciples were also surprised. How could this person turn blue hair into
white hair... Is it a fire?
Look at Luo Mingchuan's reaction, this situation... How is it different from rumors? !
Is there any secret that is unknown? !
As it turned out, the sects of the righteousness were all good, and the disciples were sent to
the disciples with a slight head down to make a evasive look.
First hand! Live broadcast! The second and third things that the first person in the world
and the genius of Yu Huafeng had to say!
It is a pity that the two stars are destined to disappoint them.
The teenager looked at a confessed disciple, and the cold voice rang again. "Let's go, it's a
"叮 - the villain expression "eyes like a knife" appears, the conditions are established, the
halo is activated!"
Yin Yin is more crazy, what to do! He just looks at people casually! !
Where is the knife! ! where! ! !
Even the hate value of a passerby is not missed! Aura is enough for you! !
Cheng Xi was glanced at him, just like a pair of clear springs, only to feel a tight heart.
He is a disciple of the law, and yesterday he took the task of escorting Yin Yue. The name of
the uncle, he had heard of it, the top of the school’s test, and the genius of the world. For his
young disciple of the law enforcement hall, it is naturally impossible to exist.
But no matter who it is, as long as the mind is not correct, and the same door, it is
He thought that this Yin Shishu is a narrow and sullen temper in the rumors, but now he
does not dare to make a judgment.
The stature teenager is simply standing there, like the pines and cypresses on Tianxin Cliff,
and the snow that Shen Yunling does not change all the year round.
It’s cold and high, it’s impossible to climb.
Because I want to kill Luo Shishu? Does this person have Luo Shishu? Not at all!
Uncle Luo’s reaction was also very strange... He was thinking about it, and he was coldly
watched by the teenager and rushed.
The teenager is actually thinking about escorting their disciples for them?
Worried that they were punished for being wrong...
Does such a person really ruin the same door? For the first time in the mind of Cheng Xi,
there was suspicion.
He chopped like a cough and bowed to Luo Mingchuan. "After one hour, it is a public trial.
Please ask Luo Shishu not to embarrass us."
The other three disciples also saluted.
Luo Mingchuan still wants to say something more, the boy has turned around. The four
confessed disciples hurriedly followed.
Only the tough and straight back is left, three thousand silver silk brilliance, scattered on
the black robes, like flowing alpine ice and snow.
It is clear that it is going to the punishment of the unknown, but it seems to be walking on
the Huanghuang Avenue. Not afraid.
Luo Mingchuan lost his time.
Watching the juvenile step on the stone steps, stepping gently, picking up the steps, step by
step disappeared at the end of the green color.
In the distance, the sky is long and the sky is thousands of stacks. No one can trap him.

Chapter 6: public trial

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
What is the world?
It is the first cluster of bonfires ignited in the wilderness, the most primitive power; it is the
martial arts riding on the side of the battlefield to expand the soil, the belief of the king
overbearing; it is the civilization of the rivers and villages that the rivers and rivers have
The trip to the avenue is also the world.
For the thousand thousand repairers, if you can climb the top of the world, look far and
wide, and you will be called the world!
The world is vast, divided into east, west, south, north, and five continents. There are many
sects and roads.
Since the sanctification of one person two hundred years ago, only the West Coast is the
end of the world, and it deserves the best in the world.
Since then, there has been a saying of ‘one mountain and three factions, Bumen Shuangsi,
and Mozhut zodiac’.
Everyone knows that as long as ‘Jian Sheng’ is alive, this pattern is like a rock.
One is enough for the world.
The mountains are continuous, and there are endless miles, and the clouds are vast and
vast. The six peaks of the Yadi, the veins of the earth are different. There are some strange
and beautiful people, and there are beautiful and beautiful people.
The spiritual repair is headed by Yu Ganfeng, and Wu Xiu is respected by Yu Huafeng.
There is a big event in Yanya Mountain today.
For this matter, the main peak of the Qingfeng and the front of the temple was empty, from
the outside of the temple to the square, the black pressure was crowded with people,
shoulders and shoulders, looking forward.
Many disciples have gotten up early in the morning, and they have taken up a position.
The disciples wearing the robes of the end of the world have different looks, whispers
between them, and they are not afraid to swear.
There are only a handful of people in the temple.
The wide hall almost barely sees the margins, and the five-foot square sapphire bricks are
opened, such as a smooth mirror. The top of the temple is wide, and the huge white jade
beams and pillars of the twenty-three people are placed on both sides of the main hall,
engraved with the relief of the water clouds.
At the end of the hall, there are six pieces of sandalwood chairs.
In the middle of the west, there is an old man who needs to be white, his face is solemn, not
angry. Behind him stood a delicate girl in pink.
In the middle east, it is a young man with a cold eye. Standing behind the British woman.
This is the person of Qi Ganfeng and Yan Huafeng.
On both sides, each with two seats, is the peak of the remaining four peaks. Behind him are
several pro-disciples.
There are dozens of people standing in the temple. A Jinyi son is deadlocked with ten
disciples dressed in the robes of the world.
"The matter has not been investigated clearly. How can there be a conviction?"
"What else to check! I am not enough to prove my experience?!"
Jinyi Gongzi folding fan gently shakes, "Oh, according to the teacher's words, today's head
and my master brother, the peaks of the masters, the brothers and sisters of the brothers,
are all white, the laborers are so hard, the public trial is nothing but false."
He argued ten times, but he was calm and relaxed. Without a few round trips, he would
misunderstand the words that the more than ten disciples said.
The first old man sitting on his shoulders could not help but be a little white-browed.
Somehow, the front of the temple suddenly exclaimed, and all the whispers stopped
Among the disciples surrounded by black pressure, they spontaneously gave way.
Several people in the temple also seemed to be aware of it, and they all looked back.
The youth in black robes and white hair step by step. Crossing the wide temple door, the
color is cold, and the eyes are full of joy and no sadness.
Everyone sucked in a cold air.
The hall was silent for a while.
Yin Yiyue was surrounded by the road and resisted the impulse of roaring.
See what! Hair color township is not what it is! !
Killing Matthew really needs to be respected! understand! !
"Teacher, your hair..."
When I entered the hall, I was worried about the eyes of Shangliu’s deceit, and I had to
explain, “I have nothing to do.” I thought about it and added a sentence, “The sister is not
...but how can this look be more unreliable!
Listening to an old voice, "Cang Yashan Huafeng four disciples Yin Yi Yue!"
If the bell is empty, the echo is endless.
His heart suddenly condensed, and suddenly he looked up, and he saw the old man in the
first seat of the West, his eyes shining straight!
The master of the great ride, even if the pressure of convergence is not revealed, still with a
powerful force.
The memory of the original body flashed over and the head was Zhengyangzi.
He is honoring the ceremony, "The disciple is here!"
"On the seventh day of last month, thirty-two disciples testified their appeals. You laid
down the murderous defensive slogan in the secret of the purple house. If you want to kill
the same door, can you have something to say?"
Yin Yan’s eyes glanced at everyone in the temple.
Although it is a public trial, there is no natural place for people to speak lightly.
In addition to his famous master, the six peaks are there, with their own confidant
Look or be indifferent or disdain.
There was a young man sitting in his master's position, and his eyes were cold and he could
not see the anger. In my mind, I flashed the words ‘Master Brothers’. And the young man
standing behind Liu Yu, the deeper the worry between the eyebrows.
Closer to him, there are ten disciples dressed in the robes of the ruins of the world. They
are angry and glaring at him, and they are probably the ten representatives of the 32
people who are in dire straits.
As for the well-dressed Jin Yigong, it is still a calm and indifferent appearance. The memory
of the original body has not yet reflected his identity.
Yin Yi is more and more flustered, Luo Mingchuan? Where did Luomingchuan go?
Zhengyangzi frowned.
Juvenile indifference, "No."
This is a confession.
This sentence made many people sigh of relief, and even some people snorted.
"What is your motivation? Can you have any difficulties? But be tempted or obeyed by
others? These felonys should be abolished, and this life can no longer enter the world, you
Yin Yin is anxious in his heart. The attitude of Zheng Yangzi’s questioning is obviously going
to go. His credibility is very low and there is not enough evidence.
That memory is too vague, and he rushed to compile reasons only to be full of loopholes.
Now it’s too late to bear the burden of humiliation, and the next policy is to cry and repent.
The Jinyi Gongzi folded the fan and took a few steps. Blocked in front of him.
Yin Yin re-examined this person.
In the solemn and dignified saga, it is really strange. It is a robes of the autumn moon and
sea otters, with a brocade jade belt at the waist and a purple gold bead crown.
It is clearly a slightly flashy dress, worn on him, but it is not extravagant, only to feel
When the memory flashed, Yin Yin was more dangerous.
In addition to resentment of the protagonist, the original has no extra feelings for others.
In memory, there are only simple terms such as ‘master brothers’ 煜’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’
There is actually a fixed word! !
"Speaking, five divisions, Duan Chongxuan."
When did Hua Huafeng have such a strange property!
However, I couldn’t think of the original body and this person did not say a word. Now I am
willing to open to help him.
Duan Chongxuan is about to say something, but some people are faster than him.
"And slow!"
The people looked back.
The handsome young man in the plain robes, long hair scatters, looks decisive, and enters
the sword.
Inside and outside the temple suddenly rose, boiling against the sky.
"This... Luo brother!"
"How come with a sword... Is it difficult to punish the surname Yin?"
"I don't see this dress."
Zhengyangzi wrinkled his brow. The girl in the powder coat behind her is even more
Yin Yin looked at Luo Mingchuan into the hall and passed him by, not squinting.
Come here! The assist is up to you!
Luo Mingchuan has been walking ten steps away from Zhengyangzi. He has a heavy sigh
and a muffled sound on the blue brick.
There is a voice in the opening, "The disciple has something to say!"
Everyone was shocked by this change.
Zhengyangzi suddenly browed.
As a realm to him, he can pry into the sky and even have a keen sense of what is going to
happen. He didn't know what Luo Mingchuan wanted to say, but the intuition told him that
it was never in control.
Very bad premonition.
Almost without hesitation, he will drink, "Stop! How can you speak!"
Luo Mingchuan smashed a head and was about to speak.
Zhengyangzi Qing dynasty, "forbidden!"
The voice just fell, and the man who was kneeling under the temple suddenly lost his voice.
Yin Yin silently bowed his head.
The protagonist, you are too hard, the reaction is not so intense, you just have to stand up
and gently say a few soft words of pleading, take the master who is your pro-son, of course,
to buy your face...
Outside the temple is like boiled boiling water, and countless disciples are vying for the
probe to look into the temple.
"Hey! How did Luo brothers kneel down!"
"Don't stop, you are blocking me..."
The law enforcement corps of the Shoumen Gate was ruined by the chaos.
Countless pairs of eyes in the temple fell on the head of Zhengyangzi and Luo Mingchuan.
Many people are shocked in the heart, what is the intention of the head, Luo Mingchuan
clearly has something to say, is this something else hidden?
Looking at the young man in the first seat of Yan Huafeng, it is still a faceless expression,
and the mood is difficult to distinguish.
Zhengyangzi took a deep breath and waved his hand. "The results of the deliberation will
be announced tomorrow, and I will give it to you. The peaks and the disciples of the
Huafeng are left, and the rest are scattered."
This attitude is obviously to close the door to speak.
The disciples who stood behind the peaks of the peaks retired.
Those who had disputed with Duan Chongxuan looked at Luo Mingchuan, who was in the
temple. One person walked out and said, "I am waiting for Luo brother!"
Duan Chongxuan stood back to Jun. Law enforcement disciples dispelled the audience
outside the temple, and the wide temple door snorted, sinking and shutting down the two
worlds inside and outside the temple.
The noisy outside the temple gradually dispersed. All kinds of speculations are finally
Yin Yi looked at the past one by one.
What is left now is probably the core of power and strength throughout the world.
However, the protagonist is really popular. Those disciples do not say the head of the letter,
or believe in Huafeng, only to believe that Luo Mingchuan, hehe.
The few cheap teachers and brothers of my own are really powerful. No one went out, even
the little boy didn’t move... Oh, it seems to be the master of the master’s brother.
Zhengyangzi solved the prohibition order and said, "What do you have to say?"
Luo Mingchuan was in the temple and looked back.
The sapphire bricks reflect the tall and straight figure of the teenager. The thin lips are
slightly sloppy and the white hair is cold.
These days of troublesome moods are inexplicably calm.
Regardless of the outcome, he knew he would not regret it.
Everyone in the temple heard a loud voice,
"The disciple is willing to be punished for Yin Shidi!"

Chapter 7: Public trial (2)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
With the voice of Luo Mingchuan fell.
Everyone in the temple has changed his face.
He Yan exclaimed, "What are you talking about!"
Zhengyangzi blows his beard, anger,
"Noisy! What does it have to do with you! Why do you replace him?"
Not only everyone, Yin Yin is more embarrassed.
Miao Lingfeng’s main Cheng Antai coughed, “Luo Shi’s book is a victim. Now it’s another
hidden thing to say something, but there is always something to say about why.”
Cheng Antai is a law enforcement servant who is now a part of law enforcement elders. He
likes to reason.
As soon as this statement came out, others had joined.
Yin Yiyue always feels that Luo Mingchuan’s style of painting today is wrong.
However, I still advise myself to relax my mind. Well, it is not wrong to say that a good God
Luo Mingchuan inhales deeply, saying?
If you don't use Garan, you will never know why.
However, the younger brother is only a big, one-time dependence. After sensible things in
the future, there is no way to know the woman. After all, the yin and yang reconciliation is
the right way. If it is said at this time that the younger brother loves himself, isn’t he the
only way to be a younger brother?
The younger brother who prides himself on being in the bones does not want to let anyone
What's more, this is my responsibility.
The young man bowed his head. "It’s not the fault of the younger brother. It’s me. I used to
be drunk... I tried to force him. The younger brother just wanted to give me a lesson, no
harm or implicity! Everything is my fault. I am willing to bear the burden of the thirty-two
disciples in the world!"
The temple was silent for a moment.
Bored in the past? Intention to force? What do you mean?
This will not always be what they think.
Still Yin Yue first reacted and widened his eyes.
"Luo Mingchuan! What are you talking about?!"
The indifference of the young boy suddenly changed, and there was confusion and anger in
the eyebrows.
The shock in the hearts of everyone, is it true that there is such a thing, or why is it so
angry? Is it to cover up? ! !
However, Cheng Antai also pursued a serious question. "Is this statement true? Luo
Shizhen, this kind of thing can not be said."
For a time, all kinds of alarming eyes turned around in the two.
Zhengyangzi's face turns blue and white, and he points to Luo Mingchuan. He can't speak.
The young man took another head and took the sword.
"I have misbehaving, I have a negative teacher's grace, and I am even more at the end of my
life. I don't deserve this sword. Today, I will go to the temple and let it go."
When he first started to apprentice, he was still a martial artist, and Zhengyangzi found him
a stern boat.
- Casting a swordsman, ten years of hard work, the sword of a gentleman.
Who knows that after the awakening of the pulse, it is more suitable for spiritual repair.
Zhengyangzi is not willing to take it back, and Luo Mingchuan has been kept.
At this time, Zhengyangzi looked at the sword, and it was even more arrogant. He did not
believe that his apprentice would make such a confession, but he also knew that the
apprentice would not lie, and the tangled breath could not breathe.
Yin Yin is more than he wants to growl, how can this be! He wants to get rid of crimes, but
this is not the reason!
The protagonist is the way you think! ! !
If this name is true, how to act as *oss in the future!
He just wanted to defend and he was interrupted.
Liu Bull Frost went up two steps, hate iron and not become a steel road. "Teacher, there is
such a thing, why don't you say it! If you can't help me, Huafeng can't protect you, you have
to bear this kind of grievance!"
Sister, you don't want to assist at this time!
Yin Yue is more anxious to say nothing. "There is no grievance at all. I was not a good
"Hey - the villain ‘I was not a good person,’ and the conditions are established, the halo is
The sooner Yin Yin moved to cry! ! !
Come here! !
Conscience aura! !
He Weizheng wants to defend Luo Mingchuan. Somehow, his eyes fell on the people
standing in the temple, and he couldn’t speak.
The thin young boy, from the time he came to the present, was sneer and sneer in the face
of a thousand people. One explanation, a little expression has not changed.
It was not until Luo’s brother said that, suddenly he was excited, and his voice suddenly
rose, as if he was eager to cover up anything.
I was not a good person.
Who wants to say this like this?
In fact, he suffered a lot of grievances...
It’s not just He Wei, almost everyone has a similar idea in mind.
Yin Yue soon found out that it was wrong.
Everyone sees his look more strange, sympathy for the grief, and pity for the sigh. If you
look at Luo Mingchuan, you may be entangled or filled with indignation.
No, wait, isn't the aura effective? How could this be? !
Say a good look, scared and crying? !
Duan Chongxuan came out and stood in a place with Liu Yushuang. "You are not willing to
tell the secrets, but who is threatened?"
Liu Bull Frost also seems to think of something, "And, I went to visit half a month ago, when
the younger brother is still blue, but now it is three thousand white hair, what?"
No, no, don't stop, keep your brain!
Yin Yin has not spoken yet, Duan Chongxuan went on to say,
"Sister, this is your failure to say, white hair is mostly a sign of ignorance. Although the real
person has sealed the brother's cultivation, but has not made it astray... and Luo brother,
what is the saying? You are now the first person at the end of the world. If you are a
valuable person, how can you just sin for others?"
Zhengyangzi hurriedly said, ", nonsense!"
Duan Chongxuan’s words seemed to be sturdy, and he was deceiving the behavior of Luo
Mingchuan’s misbehavior. He also taunted him as a disciple while he was acting as a leader.
He did not find out what he was doing. Even if I want to associate Yin Yin with him, it is
really a matter of words.
Sure enough, everyone’s eyes are even worse.
At this time, the man in the first seat of Yan Huafeng spoke up.
"Section of the younger brother, retreat."
His voice is not big, but it contains some kind of power. Far away, like the ancient snow and
ice, falling in everyone's heart.
Yin Yin heard more and more prestige.
This is his first time to carefully look at Jun.
A black-faced robes, no lines and no ornaments, ink hair scattered like a waterfall. The
eyebrows have a blade-like coldness, and the thin lips are like flaps. It is clearly sitting on
the chair, but it is like a peerless soldier. If you look at it, you will feel cold and cold.
From the beginning to the present, this man with a cold eye has only said one sentence.
When he didn't talk, it seems that few people noticed him.
But when he opened his mouth, no one dared to speak again.
Duan Chongxuan and Liu Bull Frost also returned silently.
Everyone calmed down and waited for his attitude.
Zhengyangzi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally there was a monarch, who understood the
facts and was too suffocating. He was the apprentice of Wei Fengfeng, the master of Yu
I saw the object of praise and said to the boy holding the sword.
"Go and ask my sword."
Zhengyangzi only felt a black eye.
When the boy holding the sword responded, he retired.
The atmosphere of the entire hall is dead and dead.
I don't know how long it took, Zhengyangzi coughed and seemed to want to say something.
I saw that the boy had come in with a sword, and countless eyes fell on it, as if to shoot the
old mahogany.
Zhengyangzi’s heart mourned, and when it’s over, the old fault of Yan Huafeng came out
again, and it was short and unreasonable.
Got a Weifeng, and came to a monarch!
It’s not dead, Luo Mingchuan talked again.
"Master, the words of the disciples are true, and the disciples of the thirty-two disciples are
in danger. I am willing to accept him!"
Zhengyangzi really wants to throw him to Yan Huafeng to forget it!
...but then confuse, after all, I also pull the big apprentice.
Zhengyangzi sighed and his tone softened. "Yin Shizhen, can you be sorry for you?"
"Nothing happens at all! It has nothing to do with him!"
Yin Yue is getting faster!
Finally, he talked to this party!
But in his mind, it seems that the cold electronic sound, the drop, your teammate IQ has
been off the assembly line.
Yan Pingfeng peak coughs. "In my opinion, perhaps Luo Shizhen is not responsive to Yin
Shi’s heart, but the young man is impulsive. Fortunately, he has never cast a big mistake,
coughing, and Jun Shi’s sword is closed. Go on, have something to say, is it..."
Yan Pingfeng has always been good at keeping things in order, and the big things are small.
Once upon a time, Zhengyangzi hated this unprincipled and muddy attitude. At this time, he
nodded again and again. "Yes."
The priest of Ling Fengfeng also spoke. "The private affairs of young people are still self-
contained. If they are punished, they will go out and go out. After all, there is a loss of
Other peak owners have also echoed, "it is so."
Liu bulls thought about it, she didn't care about Luo Mingchuan, but the reputation of the
younger brother is not good.
What she can think of, others can naturally think of it.
The man's knuckles are clearly placed on the sword. Almost at the same moment, everyone
screamed in the depths of the soul, and could not help but be shocked.
The sound of icy cold sounded again. "Today's business, stop here. Those who know it, can't
be rumored."
Say it to Zhengyangzi.
Zhengyangzi knew that this was Jun Hao asking him for advice, and finally gave him a few
faces. I also said, "You remember, this matter must not be circulated."
Jun Hao nodded and handed the sword to the boy, starting from the path.
Liu Bull Frost and Duan Chongxuan followed behind him.
Yin Yin looked at the few cheaper brothers approaching, and the heart was entangled into a
pot of porridge... What to say?
Thank you, the direction of the assists is completely wrong! It made him seem to be almost
the same as Luo Mingchuan!
I don't want to say it, I don't have much friendship with the original body, I can help you
with this, and I will do my best!
Where does a villain come from the same door? Going wrong with the film!
Soon he found himself thinking too much, and when Jun came to his eyes, he couldn’t say a
The man raised his hand from the wide sleeve, with a shallow coolness, and he was in his
The clear breath flows into the Lingtai along the fingertips.
Like a stream of spring water flowing through, the invisible cockroach in the body
disappeared abruptly, and the majestic true element spurted out of the sea of air and
quickly poured into the limbs, as if every inch of muscles had re-stretched. A bone is full of
It feels refreshing and refreshing.
Jun Hao unblocked his cultivation.
Yin Yue is a little bit stunned, and he feels powerful. It is really good.
I listened to the man’s faint opening. “It’s not a fire.” The next sentence is to the other two.
“Send the younger brother to go back to rest.”
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "The four divisions suffered this twist, and it is indeed time to
Liu Bull Frost said, "I will go to the elders of Ning, and check it carefully."
Yin Yue was almost taken out by the two to the Qinghe Temple.
Other peak owners also got up and said goodbye.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the back of the teenager, but he was blocked by the tall figure.
Jun Hao stepped toward him step by step, stopped in three steps, and looked at his eyes.
Luo Mingchuan was instantly nailed in place and could not move. The coldness of
destroying the earth and the land was coming in, such as the abyss, such as the sword
hanging over!
He almost thought that the next second, the raft burst, the sword that can open the
mountain rock, flattened the horizon, and pierced his chest.
It seems to have been suffering in the ice for ten years, but it is just a stop. Jun Hao turned
and went.
Luo Mingchuan leaned down and gasped.
Only then found that cold sweat has soaked in clothes.
He Hao, who was not far away, dared to rush it up. After helping a few times, he failed to get
people up. He said, "How are you, Luo Shixiong? Is there anything?"
Zhengyangzi did not shoot this time.
He knows that he can't stop Jun. There is nothing wrong with Luomingchuan, and it is only
a small punishment. It’s always a matter of mercy.
I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this time the drowning was over... I
was thinking of taking my own apprentice back to fight.
I saw that the filial piety got up and chased out.
"Let me see my brother! I have something to say to him!"
I killed you in this scam!

Chapter 8: Resting
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The Deacon's Hall in Yan Yashan is used to people, and people gather here not only to take
over the martial mission.
From the south to the north, they are willing to stop talking about gossip and expand their
circle of friends, which greatly enriches the hard-working cultural life.
"How come this result, saying that Luo brother is wrong, I don't believe it!"
"What are the penalties for each penalty for a month? You Huanfeng can close for half a
year! It is a brother, and he has to do something for him at the moment. What can I do?"
"It may not be the ambiguity of Yan Huafeng. At that time, I occupied a good position. It was
Luo’s brother who took the sword and sent it in. It really seems to admit the mistake..."
Suddenly one person lowered his head and lowered his voice. "Do you think that this time
the result of the treatment... is it because of the reputation of Juggernaut?"
It seems that because of the mention of Juggernaut, the voices of all people are low.
The teenager who had been silent in the corner suddenly shouted, "What do you know!"
Everyone saw it, it was Cheng Xi of the Deacon Church.
Someone hurriedly put on his shoulder. "Hey, what do you know about your kid? I heard
that you sent the singer from the dungeon to the past?"
Juvenile eyes are firm,
"Yin Shishu is a good person. If you really touched him, you will not be misunderstood!"
The fall of this words caused an uproar.
The crowd was surrounded by enthusiasm, and some people moved to the bench and let
him sit down and talk slowly.
Compared with the boiling of the outside, the courtyard of Yinghua Peak is much quieter.
Even, Duan Chongxuan has not left.
"Senior brother, this is the prescription that Ning Changlao opened just now, and he is
drinking hot."
"Brother, you are very talented, there is no limit to the road, and you have to stagnate for
that person."
"Brother, what do you want to open, let's talk and chat..."
The more Yin Yin, who leans on the bed to drink medicine, almost squirts out, what do you
make up in the brain! !
He coughed, "Teacher, I want to be quiet..."
Enough, don't ask me who is quiet! !
Too naive, actually still suspected the label of the original body, who can believe that the
look of the noble, the real son, really is a talk!
"No, my sister told me, let me take care of you... Brother, what are you looking for, don't
come down, I will give you."
Enough, I am not abolished!
Yin Yi sighed more and more. "Five younger brothers, I feel that the real yuan is running
smoothly. Moreover, the elders of Ning also said that there is no serious problem in the
spirits. As for this 'white hair disease', there is still a reason for not being able to find you
for a while. You and The second division, I have to run for it again..."
When I hadn’t finished talking, I saw him with a look of horror.
The heart is tight, is this not the case? !
Yes, the original body will not say so much at all! !
Yin Yi hurriedly shut up.
It is already late.
The person who was sitting on the low stool in front of the bed, took the stool and sat close
for a few minutes, looking forward to surprise, "four brothers, I know, you are a chat!"
Yin Yin is more worried, "...I am not."
"I do not believe!"
Well, since you want to talk, it's better to say something.
"When you got started a year ago, I was still in a retreat. I didn't have much time to meet in
the past. I didn't get the responsibility of my brother's care. I want to thank you for your
words and maintenance..."
In addition to expressing gratitude, these words are more temptations.
Jun Hao, Liu Bull Frost, he can understand, is the sense of responsibility as a brother and
Duan Chongxuan, he did not understand, if it was just for the friendship of the same door,
then the other party is really righteous.
"Four brothers, how are you polite with me? I always remember that the first sentence you
said to me is a long sentence!... Although you have never dealt with me afterwards, I always
feel that you are a chatter. of!"
How come around and chat!
Oh, he remembered, he did say to Duan Chongxuan, ‘I’m more famous, two years before you
get started, it’s your fourth brother. On weekdays, I practiced in the fourth courtyard of the
peak. If you have a difficult method, you can use the paper for the communication. If there
is nothing, don't bother me. ’
Is this a long sentence! How do you think it’s ‘I’m your four brothers, you’re fine, don’t
bother me’ ah! !
Yin Yin is more supportive, "Does chatting for you, is it heavy?"
"It is not..." Duan Chongxuan showed nostalgic color on his face.
"Just I used to be at home, I have to say a lot of words every day. Good words, bad words,
words that others love to listen to, words of grace and sorrow, words that are not right... I
am getting started to hide the net and not talk, where is the most clean I go Where. Who
knows... This is really clean!"
"Masters can't say three sentences a year. I counted it. He actually said four sentences for
you today. Um... I don't think he will speak again until next year."
Duan Chongxuan said with distress, "The second division sister, do not like to talk. Three
brothers, words can be more, but unfortunately always said drunk, but always do not come
"I can't talk to Master's portrait. Master is not dead. His old man will be upset!"
No, I am more concerned about why Master will get you started...
Duan Chongxuan has poured out a cup of Junshan cloud tea since he took care of himself.
"But unfortunately, you have four brothers!"
Yin Yi’s mouth is so simple that it’s really simple.
Duan Chongxuan once again poured a cup for him. "I understand that you are getting a big
change now, and you are tempted to talk about it. You just want to find someone to talk
about, even if you come to marry the coat of birds and beasts..."
Yin Yue is eager to speak. "You have misunderstood the younger brother, I really have
nothing to do with him!"
Duan Chongxuan sighed. "If you don't want to mention anything more sad, let's talk about
something else... Oh, yes, this is the thing that the beast sent. He is very difficult, but I will
accept it for you. If you look at it, I’m upset, throwing it away, anyway, we’re smashing
Huafeng, and it’s not bad.”
When I mentioned Luo Mingchuan, Yin Yue’s mood was complicated.
In the Qinghe Hall, the sword was smashed by his kidneys. After calming down, there was
only a tangled entanglement.
What a strange brain circuit! ! How can I make that reason! !
Nowadays young people, he really can't understand!
Yin Yin overtakes the white porcelain bottle and the Ganoderma lucidum. "What about
Luo's brother?"
Duan Chongxuan is calm and calm, "Nature is going back, how can he see you with his face."
In fact, things are like this.
Luo Mingchuan was stopped outside the ban on Yu Huafeng and shouted, "I want to see my
Duan Chongxuan’s face was awkward. “The four divisions have been in the dungeon for a
long time, and I am afraid that the roots are damaged.”
Luo Mingchuan was busy, "I have three nine products back to Yuandan!"
Duan Chongxuan took the porcelain bottle and sighed with a sigh. "The dungeon is cold..."
"I have a Bihuazhi." Luo Mingchuan said, "Can you let me see him..."
Duan Chongxuan glared at the Ganoderma lucidum. "Everything is sent for you, and Luo Shi
brother is not going to send it."
When I walked back, I met Liu Shaoshuang and went down the mountain.
"Luo Mingchuan has just been here?"
Duan Chongxuan was cold-hearted. "I didn't let him in, and the four divisions were made
into such a thing. I still want to enter the door casually. I don't want him to do some blood!"
Liu Bull Frost nodded by default, "I went to the master to discuss this matter, you care for
the younger brother."
Duan Chongxuan still wants to say a few more words, and he has already seen people go
Yin Yin is more frowning.
It doesn't make sense, Luo Mingchuan thinks of the reason, even if he wants to give him
something, as if he really did something sorry for him...
So when Liu Yumei came back, he saw that Yin Yin was frowning and his face was
"Teacher, I have already checked the books and classics. Although you have a problem with
white hair, there are also cures. You should not worry."
The more Yin Yin wanted to get out of bed, he was stopped by a gesture of Liu Yushuang.
I have to say, "The second division, I am really no problem now."
Liu Bull Frost shook his head. "The dungeon's terrain is special. After all, it hurts people. If
you don't cultivate carefully, you will suffer from the spiritual veins. You will have many
obstacles in the future. In these few days, you still have to stay in bed."
Yin Yin is speechless.
"You have a good rest, wait for the spirit to be raised, and then go to see the master. I and
the division will not bother you."
Yin Yin nodded. "Thank you for your concern, the second sister, the five divisions are slow."
Duan Chongxuan’s face still wants to talk about it for a while, and he’s still watching it.
Yin Yin turned over and got out of bed.
He has entered the meditation, and meditation can also replace sleep. The original body
practiced swords in the peaks of the cold pool every day, practicing day in the day, and
meditating in the quiet room at night. I have not been in the bedroom for a long time.
What's more, now that the real yuan is running smoothly, there is a need to rest in bed.
I am afraid that I am a medical elder, I can't find the cause of white hair, and I can't find a
way to ask about it. Then I can barely say something like ‘stubborn in the heart, rest in bed,
don’t worry, don’t worry.’
More! The second division actually wrote it! !
Isn't it a hair color that is not mainstream? He didn't care at all! !
What's wrong with being a quiet killer! !
Yin Yin walked out of the bedroom and looked at the original small courtyard.
The white wall is gray and tiled, and the layout is simple and superb. There is no trace of
extra decoration.
Sitting north facing south, the courtyard door is facing Tianxin Cliff, and it looks far and
wide. The clouds and seas show a few green shadows of pines and cypresses.
There is a ban on the entrance to the hospital to isolate visitors and spiritual sneak peeks.
He hit the real yuan, and there was a water-like barrier on the road. The lines were
intricate, and the patterns arranged in eight doors and nines were inexhaustible. If it is
hard, the ban will use force to counter the intruders.
It seems that a similar technique has been seen in a fairy singer that passed through a long
time ago. It can be seen that in addition to the swordsmanship, the original body is also
slightly integrated.
There are some advantages to wearing more, experience is rich, and experience is always
the same.
He pushed open the door of the quiet room, and felt that a sharp edge was straight to the
front, which instantly made the spirit tense to the extreme.
I condensed and went in. Although it is not the place where the sword was originally
practiced, it is just a meditation, but it is full of sharp swords.
Walking, the invisible pressure is coming from all directions.
There are two rooms in the quiet room, the outside is more like a study, there is a table and
ink, and the east wall is a top book shelf. There are both jade and cable books. There was a
low bed against the wall and a futon on the couch.
Yin Yue is more and more closed and stunned, and feels the flow of real yuan here. As it is,
there is also a line of law embedded here.
If someone is attacking and banned outside the door while meditating in the quiet room,
you can make a direct hit from here, in an instant.
When he remembered that his original body had just entered the Huafeng Peak, many
people were not convinced of the challenge of the door. The original body was here, and the
door did not come out to take people down the mountain.
Simple and extremely proud.
Therefore, there are also many people who have offended, and they have fallen into
Yin Yue is sitting on the futon, and his doubts are even worse.
The sword here is a sharp front, so people who are obsessed with immersion practice, why
must they kill Luo Mingchuan?
Really because of hatred?
He was somewhat uncertain at the moment.
Also worry about it, because there are more important things at the moment.
He grabbed the sword at the waist.
The sword was detained before he was imprisoned. Yesterday, Jun Bao’s sword boy
brought it back to him.
When he saw the sword, there was an illusion that it was more terrifying than the
mahogany sword of the monk on the Qinghe Temple.
Fortunately for only a moment, this feeling disappeared.
The sword is three feet and two inches long, and it is dark in color, and there is no pattern
on the scabbard. Although the blade is thin, the weight is heavy, and there is no edge when
it is sheathed. Injecting real elements is as useless as mud cows into the sea.
This sword does not recognize him.
Very strange, a sword without a spirit, can actually recognize the Lord?
He is Wu Xiu, or Jian Xiu. Although the realm is not in use, it is tantamount to a child who
has a treasure without knowing it.
This is the biggest problem at the moment.
Whether it is the Virgin Mary, who is a strange brain, or a cheap master who lives only in
the legend, or the same door that is short of the wrong scene, it must be put back.
To live in this world, to do the ultimate villain, not to survive the cannon fodder of a natural
segment, the most important thing is strength.
Chapter 9: Sword
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yan Huafeng has a thin network of people. Apart from the ‘First House’ of the Juggernaut’s
residence, which has been closed for many years, from the “first court” of the master’s
brother, there are five courtyards sparsely distributed. The architectural style and floor
space are all based on the owner's mind.
The Yinmen Yue said that the same door of the wrong film field was gathering in the inner
court of the "First House" of Junyi.
Jun's residence is simpler than his people.
There is no extra furniture and decoration, even the stool of this rally is also brought by
Duan Chongxuan.
It is said that it is a rally, and there are only three people, Jun Hao, Liu Bull Frost and Duan
Chongxuan. The third-ranked Yan Xing traveled outside and has not returned to the peak
for a long time.
If it wasn't for this incident, I am afraid that these same doors will only be together when
the Juggernaut comes back. I don't know it is a few hundred years later.
Duan Chongxuan is playing a folding fan. "I am looking for the four divisions to talk today.
The four brothers are very sincere, and they are not bothering me."
Liu Bull Frost nodded. "I also think that the old four are polite and courteous. It is different
from the past." We all have great responsibility for this matter."
Jun did not speak, just nodded.
Liu Bull Frost continued, "It is obvious that the younger brother is not born with a
depressed personality. I am afraid that after being stimulated by Luo Mingchuan, it will
become like that..."
Duan Chongxuan analyzed the whole matter from the beginning.
The results of the discussion came out very quickly:
The more Yin Yin in the past did not like to get along with others, and there was very little
communication with the disciples. Absolutely hurt by Luo Mingchuan, there is a
psychological shadow. As the same door, if you don’t give timely help, you shouldn’t be
responsible. It is imperative to consider follow-up treatment issues.
Duan Chongxuan concluded, "Master is assured, I will find more friends to chat with the
four divisions!"
Jun Hao nodded, slightly frowning, "white hair."
He talked without a word, but the two people here understood what he meant.
Liu Bull Frost said, "I am thinking about this... Although I can't see the problem at the
moment, if there is a hidden danger, what will happen in the future?!"
Since the repairers have washed the marrow, the body is different from ordinary people
and cannot be treated in the same way.
The practice of the practice is unpredictable, and there are many kinds of bizarre accidents,
and the self-ignition and self-explosion are different. White hair is generally considered to
be a sequel to the fire.
Yin Yue was sealed and repaired in the dungeon, and could not be cultivated. Later, the
elders of Ning also examined it. It was not a practice. As for the reason, I can only say the
unclear judgment of ‘stagnation in the heart’.
Obviously, this is not enough to convince the three now.
Especially after the Yin Yue drink the medicine and did not get better.
This matter is not big, it is not small, if it only affects the appearance, it does not hinder
itself, but if it is really a hidden danger on the road of practice? One day, the future will
expose serious harm. I am afraid that it will be difficult to solve it again.
Of course, if Juggernaut comes back, all the problems are not a problem, but no one knows
where he is.
Jun is silent.
Liu Bull Frost said, "This matter has to be solved. I really can't do it with my younger
The best medical care in Buddhism, the most famous Buddhist temple is Xingshan Temple
and Jiekong Temple.
This is already the best policy. The relationship between Yu Huafeng and the Jiekong
Temple is not the same as the fire and the fire. As for Xingshan Temple, it is a long way to
go, and it is necessary to pass through a desert and snowfield.
Jun Hao shook his head. Although I didn’t say what to do, I was determined.
The other two knew that he had made a decision in his heart and would not say more.
Jun Hao and Liu Bull Frost are immersed in practice on a regular basis, and they are
ignorant. Although Duan Chongxuan has many words, but the introduction is late, I am
sorry to disturb them on weekdays.
In addition, the Juggernaut has not returned for a long time, and the third-ranked Yan Xing
also does not return to the peak all the year round. It is reasonable to say that this should
be the weakest line of the same enthusiasm.
But when they have people who want to maintain together, this kind of friendship will not
need to be said.
This feeling made Duan Chongxuan feel that his heart was very warm and warm. It seems
that the masters who were far away from the past were much closer to the second division.
If the head of Zhengyangzi knows, he must slap his legs and swear, and what is the tacit
understanding of the door!
The short guard is the ancestral rumor of you Huafeng! What Master has any apprentices! !
When Zhengyangzi looked back, he sighed at Luo Mingchuan outside the temple. He sighed
and said to He Weidao.
"It’s cold, let your brother come in."
Luo Mingchuan walked in and squatted in front of Zhengyangzi, "Master."
Zheng Yangzi’s breath disappeared, calm down and think about it, and he pulled the big
apprentice to know that he was afraid to take the wrong thing to himself.
At first, he booked Luo Mingchuan as the first person in the world, and he took the post. In
addition to his talents, he took a fancy to his sense of responsibility.
The head can not be the highest, but must have a sense of responsibility.
But now Zhengyangzi is very helpless, this sense of excessive responsibility seems to have
become the burden of Luo Mingchuan.
For example, this time, his own external explanation is that 'the evil practice is ruthless, Yin
Yue is more unintentional and unintentional, but he is only bewildered. Luo Mingchuan
rushed to impose sanctions, so that the more Yin Yin could not explain clearly, he was
imprisoned. There is a mistake, and each penalty is banned, but if the apprentice’s
statement is passed out, it is definitely a stain that affects prestige.
Fortunately, there was a sword of Junyi, and the people in the temple did not dare to chew
the tongue.
That is the sword that Wei Fengfeng left for Jun Hao - the famous work 'Spring Mountain
Smile'. The head that must be white is a little tired and stunned. If it is sheathed, even he
must avoid his edge.
I don’t know when the person who left the sword will come back to the disciples. Didn’t you
forget that there is still a mountain in the world?
Then he thought of something again... forget it, or not come back.
I thought about something that wasn’t, and my thoughts were straightened out, and I raised
my apprentice.
"You don't want to tell the real reason. I won't force you for the teacher. I'm just mad at
you. I don't think about it. You can think that I didn't make a ban on it at the time. Let's say
that you are in the middle of the world." The consequences of going on?"
"Not everything is your fault, you need to take responsibility, because you have a shoulder
on your shoulders, there is no greater responsibility than this..."
He looked at the apprentice who had grown taller than himself, and sighed, "After all, after
a hundred years as a teacher, you will have to give it to you."
Luo Mingchuan bowed his head and said sincerely, "The disciple is wrong."
Zhengyangzi swings his hand, "But, how do you want to solve this problem and you. Hey, go
Young people have their own way. Fortunately, I still have a long life and can take care of
them for a while.
*********** It’s so good to meet again, I’m a paper stupid line. **********
Yin Yue’s recent days are just a few days of practicing swords, as if there are any beasts in
the back that chase him.
Also because he was afraid of being seen, he did not go out in January and practiced swords
in the small courtyard.
The original sword and sword are saved in memory. However, this sword still does not
accept his true yuan, can not be completely used for him, in his hand is no different from
holding the iron.
This fact is like a sword hanging over his head. He can't breathe.
Today he decided to think differently, at least temporarily to hide the method.
At this time, the door of the courtyard was slammed, and the voice of the voice came from
far away. "Four brothers, I came to see you four brothers--"
Yin Yin is more than a sword to open the door.
Duan Chongxuan walked in with a fan and looked at him. "How do you feel about the
brothers these days? Can you feel uncomfortable? Can you take the medicine on time?"
Yeah, yeah, I don’t dare to give up treatment every day!
Nod on the face, "I don't have to worry, don't worry."
However, taking medicine is just to let the two sisters and the words relax, in fact, what
kills Matt's hair color has no effect on him, and there is no pressure in his heart.
Duan Chongxuan looked at him with a sigh of relief, and saw that he did not continue to
speak. He touched his nose and said nothing.
"Four brothers practice swords... The four divisions have excellent swordsmanship. When I
got started, I was fortunate to look at them. I was so moved, I can’t forget them..."
Please don't let me play the sword for you! The rhythm of the stuffing in minutes is good! !
Yin Yi opened the subject with no traces. "If the sword is fine, the current time, who is the
So let him play for you!
On that day, he still felt strange at the temple. Why did the masters say that they took the
sword? Everyone, including the head, was a ‘something to say, don’t be impulsive’
When he saw the mahogany sword, he remembered it. The sword was 'Spring Hill'.
The Juggernaut took the fire outside the sky, the star sand, and the iron in the West Sea.
Please cast the swordsman and smash the blue and force the casting, and recast the Taikoo
Shenbing ‘Linyuan’ into a pair of swords.
It lasted for three years, and on the day of Jiancheng, Yanya Mountain was worth the spring
Juggernaut even stunned and smiled. I saw Qingshan more charming, Qingshan see me
should be.
The long sword was named "Spring Mountain Smile" and the short sword was named
"Autumn Wind".
Chunshan smiled in the hands of Junyi to guard the end of the world, and the autumn wind
was separated from the sword by the clouds.
If you say the gods in the world today, this pair of swords is the first.
Yin Yin’s voice just fell, Duan Chongxuan’s eyes lit up, and his face said ‘four brothers to
Apparently, Yin Yi did not ask him to go in and sit for a cup of tea. However, in front of the
flower, I immediately resisted the impulse of the support.
You use the storage space to hold the table and chair bench! Just to find someone to chat at
any time! ...and melon fruit tea? What the hell! !
The words of the closed fan are the stools, "Senior brothers please sit!"
Yin Yin is more than a mouth.
Speaking from the good, sitting down and pouring tea, "Speaking of the swordsmanship of
the masters... Four brothers, do you think that now the master is on the head, which one
has more chances?"
... So your main business is the master of the Yashanshan gossip tabloid?
But he seriously thought about it, "The head is a great opportunity."
Although Jun is famous for his sword, he is a half-step Mahayana.
It stands to reason that the suppression in the realm is like a scorpio. But he does not have
a deep understanding of the level gap in the world, so he did not speak much.
Only know the division, practicing Qi, cutting the marrow, condensing the gods, breaking
the obstacles, taking the Mahayana, the Mahayana, the Yasheng, and the sanctification of
the robbery. Every breakthrough in a realm is like crossing a threshold, and the higher the
threshold, the higher the threshold.
The world’s nuns to the riders are very rare, and they can be opened. There are only a
handful of Mahayana. As for the six Asian saints, they are big men who can influence the
pattern of the world. According to one party, it is easy to be born.
There is only one saint who has won the world.
Duan Chongxuan said, "The realm is not equal to the combat power. Wu Xiu can often fight
across borders. It is not easy to say. Some people say that although the master is a half-step
Mahayana, but..."
Yin Yue came to this moment, "What is it?"
"But it is said that the master went out to travel three years ago, and encountered a sacred
ancestor in the wilderness mountain to seek his sword. On the fifth day of the **** battle,
the old ancestors were squandered for three thousand miles, and the masters made all the
way to the mountain. Chasing the past, the end will be under the sword..."
Yin Yin almost changed his face.
Take the half-step Mahayana to Mahayana, and the other side will have no way to escape.
It is really a terrible battle.
Duan Chongxuan continued. "But you also know, rumors, there may be exaggerated
places... but the master is really strong. He didn't use 'Spring Mountain' at the time, using an
unnamed sword. Make such power." He has some regrets. "To be honest, I have never seen
a master use 'Spring Mountain Smile' yet, and I don't know what the sword looks like..."
Wujinxi fell, and the hundred miles of the end of the cage were in the dark twilight. In the
distance, the mourning of the hunger was born.
In a blink of an eye, I saw the bottom of the pot and the tongue, and Duan Chongxuan
slammed the table.
"Oh, yes, for a long time, the master, he said last time, when are you free, we have a
meeting... It’s too late today, why don’t we go together tomorrow morning?”
So you just think about it now and have a meeting! positive! thing! What!
It’s late in the day, isn’t you talking about it now! !
Yin Yin nodded helplessly, "Good."
After sending away the words, Yin Yue is standing alone in the courtyard, and the sunset
will pull the shadow obliquely.
As expected, the surging clouds were plated with golden light. The haze is magnificent and
He looked at the sword in his hand, and his fingers rubbed the hilt unconsciously.
Recalling the power of the sword on the main hall.

Chapter 10: School

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the early morning of the second day, I was unable to go to the meeting after all.
Because a letter-sending green-spotted bird fell outside the hospital.
The paper is thin cloud, the ink is Huizhou ink, and the handwriting is the most correct
Taige body.
‘Yu Yuan Xue Fu, please pass the house to the Syrian, and sweep the couch to welcome. Mr.
House, respectfully. The continuation of words is also a one-on-one respect.
Although such an invitation is exquisite, it is what any high-ranking family has done.
The difference is that the end of the invitation is covered with the syllabic slogan of the
school, but the private seal of Mr.
The Yuanyuan Academy is not in the ‘one mountain and three factions, the Bumen
Shuangsi, the Mozong Zodiac’, it is neutral. Behind these forces, there is a shadow of the
school. Bao Puzong’s current head has been studying in the school. The first seat of the
Emperor Temple has also taught Dharma in the school. In any of the main sects of the
Central School, there are few disciples who are born in the school. Even the prominent
officials in the North Emperor's Hall have graduated from the Shuyuan Academy.
The most important thing is that the sir of the school is one of the six great saints in the
Such invitations printed by a big man in person are naturally extraordinary.
Duan Chongxuan took the invitation and praised him. "This is a magical means. It is not a
saint... Four brothers, you said that the space array in this India can bring two people?
Don't tie the two together?"
Go to your sister!
Yin Yin is more than a mouth.
Space crossing also brings people, tearing you apart in minutes!
Yin Yin reached out and took back the invitation to look at it. The words written in the
words seemed to be modest, but did not specify the time.
The meaning is very simple, that is, when you get the invitation, you will start immediately.
He suddenly remembered a vulgar language in the practice circle. "The overbearing of the
Yashan Mountain is a real knife." If you don't accept it, you will hit the suit. Laozi is the
truth!! And the Yuanyuan School, the bright face obeys the ritual system, and It’s hard to
make you refuse.”
He rubbed his fingertips against the letterhead but the size of the palm. The red ink pad is
slightly convex, and the texture is delicate and smooth. It is a vulgar affair.
Duan Chongxuan looked at him and looked nervous. He was afraid that a blind person
would disappear.
Mr. Ink's Indy contains a space array method, which can open the space channel by
injecting the real element. The Yuanyuan Academy is in Yunyang City in the Middle, and the
Yanya Mountain is in the West Coast.
It is now almost instantaneous.
Yin Yi can't think of the big man like Yasheng to see what he did, and he thinks that it is
impossible for Duan Chongxuan to guess that because of the good performance in the year,
Mr. asked him to go to lectures.
Because he was in the school for three years, he didn’t even know where the door of Mr.’s
residence was. The size of the school has its own deputy and a group of teachers.
Mr. House, it seems that only responsible for living in the legend.
I don’t want to think about it, I always want to see it.
He talked a little bit. "Teacher, I am going."
Duan Chongxuan was busy coming up. "You are really not considering bringing me to the
four divisions?!...Hey, brother, brother..."
It was as if the screaming was still in the ear, and he stood in a strange land in a blink of an
The blue bricks are covered with shallow water, and the air is still with cool water vapor.
Yunyang City just fell a rain. At the beginning of the day.
Yin Yin looked back and looked at the shadow and calculated the time difference and
distance between the two continents.
He is standing in the gate of the school's Zhu Hong, facing a stone like the Ganoderma
lucidum, a huge mountain. The grandeur of the face is coming.
The coveted red dragonfly child stood on the edge of the stone and shook his hand. "This
brother invited me to come, and the gentleman has been waiting for a long time."
The school is not so much a house, but rather a city in the city.
Because it is surprisingly big.
Bypassing the town stone, it is a broad school main road, and it leads to the Qin Xue
Temple, which is a gathering of the students of the weekdays. At this time, the students are
in the school to listen to the lectures.
The vast main road and the main hall are more and more empty.
After the diligent study hall, the road in front of us was very complicated. There were both
winding corridors and winding paths.
Yin Yi walked on the road where the original body walked through countless times.
The three hugs of the hedgehog pavilion are covered, and the vines are covered with four-
storey library buildings, and they look green. In the gallery column in front of the school,
Zhu paint has some mottled, revealing the original dark color.
The wind is scented with grass and trees, blowing the sound of reading.
Everything here is familiar and unfamiliar.
What does the Yuanyuan Academy teach?
The Shuyuan Academy teaches everything.
Calligraphy painting, nine chapters of arithmetic, 骈 骊 ,, melody music.
The introduction of practice, the philanthropy of the universe, the universe of the wild, the
heart of the mind.
Mr. Jiayuan once said, "There are times before, but there are no advantages and
disadvantages. The road is three thousand, and the same way is the same."
This is the purpose of the school.
The leading child turned another arch and smiled. "The brothers have been in business for
some years. Can you still remember the road here?"
Yin Yi said, "I have been going through thousands of times in three years. I remember it. I
just said that the school disciples were born, but I don’t know the name of Mr.
He thought that this child is the waiter in the hospital and always knows the name of a
gentleman. So I saw the house later, and it is also convenient to call.
Unexpectedly, the child said, "Mr.'s name, really no one knows, I think, maybe the
gentleman himself does not remember."
The more Yin Yin is a bit strange, "just like the world does not dare to call the name of the
sword holy, so for a long time, really do not remember the name?"
But he looked at the boy's look innocent and lively, and it is obvious that the gentleman will
be gentle. At least the surface is so.
The child tangled up the buns face.
"Yes is not. Mr. is very high-ranking, so no matter what the prominent person in the world,
he needs to be called 'Mr.' But Mr. is also broad-minded, no matter how inferior, can be
called 'Mr.' The name is not important. After all, in the gentleman's view, the heavens and
the earth are all living and treated equally."
Everyone's life? Yin Yin smiled slightly. It seems that this house is a true saint.
But under the saints, they are all ants.
It is both an ant and is naturally equal.
He was as calm as water, followed the children around the library and walked deep into the
quiet school.
Suddenly a turn, he was one step behind, and when he looked again, the figure of the child
disappeared out of thin air.
Yin Yin is not panic. Going forward in a leisurely walk.
Because the entire school is the private sector of the gentleman.
Here, one flower and one leaf, the movement of one bird and one beast is all under control,
but the eyes of Mr.
Then he lost his way, and he should be in the eyes of the gentleman.
He walked through the martial arts field, and the youngsters practiced the sword with a
single eye. The face was tender and tender, and the look was firm. The sweat fell into the
collar along the forehead.
He stood outside the door of the discerning hall, and the two school students in the church
were arguing, blushing and glaring at each other.
He looked at the library building and rushed through the window. Strolling, holding thick
scrolls and Tablets.
Just a teenager, the wind is flourishing.
He remembered the two lessons of "thinking and saying" and "practicing the sword", and
he had chosen it. The teachings were notoriously harsh.
He remembered that when he first entered school, others talked, ‘Is it so young to be able
to graduate?’ and finally watched him top the list.
He remembered the nights of countless lights-reading nights, the early morning of
practicing swords, and the dusk of the building.
Yin Yiyue has never been the best genius of talent, but Yin Yue is more diligent than every
The memory flooded, and the scene of the past flew past his eyes.
A big dream in the world.
He experienced the joys and sorrows of the school for three years. From the initial test of
the uneasy entrance to the school, to the practice of Lantai, which sings and sings the wine,
every day is unforgettable.
Until this moment, he is Yin Yin, and Yin Yue is him.
Yesterday, all kinds of things are made to me today.
The mind is moving and the sword is singing.
The blue brick under his feet cracked a deep gap.
At the end of the day, it is already like a blood.
At the same time, under the banyan tree in the deep courtyard, a middle-aged Confucian
scholar with a slap in the face, smiled slightly.
"The sword is not out of the air and is good, good."
The flowers of the full house trembled in the wind, seemingly echoing his joy.
Yin Yue is still immersed in the sword of Fang Cai, which is a mysterious near-intuition.
The scenery in front of us has to change suddenly.
Changed to a courtyard filled with eucalyptus trees.
The season is clear, but in the middle of the spring, it is already full of flowers, and the
sweet fragrance is floating in the air.
Under the banyan tree stood a person, the owner of the entire school.
Before seeing Mr. He, Mr. Yin has thought about how this would be a person.
Perhaps most people have such curiosity, how many people who stand in the heights of the
world, what kind of appearance, what kind of power.
But there is no guess, to satisfy the situation at hand.
He originally thought that the gentleman must be a squat old man with a windy bone, but
he couldn’t think of a middle-aged Confucian.
The man was standing under the tree, and some of them were lazy and copying their hands,
like a wealthy idler in a big door.
Even the most sturdy 峨冠博带, worn on him, also showed three scattered.
There is no power to expose the head, and there is no sword that can't be ignored. Even the
martial arts of Liu Yushuang are not.
However, Yin Yi did not dare to relax his vigilance. Because he has a keen instinct for the
strength of the spirit.
This person is very strong in front of him.
It is his rare experience in the long experience.
Yin Yue went up two steps, and just kept the distance of the ceremony, and he did a
"Students have seen Mr.."
The wealthy idlers waved their hands to indicate that he did not have to pay more.
The next second, this vigilance is magnified to the extreme.
It seems that the blood of the whole body is frozen in an instant like an ice cave!
Because the man smiled at him and glanced at him, some regretted,
"You didn't kill him, that's it."

Chapter 11: School (2)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yi is extremely restrained, so that he will not let himself change his face.
He bowed his head with respect and made a message.
The mind turns to the surface but sinks into the water. Because of the slightest change, it
must not be the eyes of the gentleman.
‘He’, naturally refers to Luo Mingchuan.
Was the original body being slain by the support of Mr. Zhang?
Why did you want to kill Luo Mingchuan? Didn’t Luo Mingchuan have studied in the school?
What's more, with Mr.'s realm status, there are a hundred ways to kill Luo Mingchuan. Why
do you want to fake yourself?
Can a sub-Sacred secret plan, the ultimate goal is only Luo Mingchuan? ! Or... 沧涯山?
However, the school has been neutral for many years and has a good relationship with the
world. It is said that Juggernaut and Mr. are even friends.
Or, what special place does Luo Mingchuan have?
When was this order? When I entered the school, did I still fall under the door of
Juggernaut? Does Juggernaut know?
He felt that he was involved in an awkward bureau.
It’s just a negligible piece in the hands of the big men.
If someone else encounters this kind of situation, it will not be a day.
However, Yin Yue has returned to God, and his mind is full of:
Say the best *oss? !
How come online? ! ! There is such a big mountain in the villain! Where is your face? ! !
Sure enough to enhance the strength is the king! ! !
"The matter has been let go for a while, and you should not mourn it in the future." Mr.
pointed to the wicker chair next to him, "Come and sit."
The meaning of this is that you don't think about killing Luo Mingchuan.
Yin Yi did not quit, and sat down silently.
This memory in the brain is blank. But now it seems that the past with the gentleman is still
The gentleman also sat down on the wicker chair next to him. In front of the stone case, a
few flowers were placed on the stone case, and a set of half old black glazed tea sets was
"You are just coming, just catching up with me to watch the stars."
Yin Yin thinks more, when he comes, it is early morning, and then enters the strange realm
of realm, wake up is the sundial. If today's light is already smashed, about the time of a tea,
you can see the stars.
Sure enough, everything is in the hands of the gentleman.
Jianshui wake up, finely grind tea cake, flush into the water, tea slap back, the white wall of
the soup flower, and the black glaze on the tea set, is not abrupt, and gives birth to a
harmonious sense of harmony.
Mr.'s movements are as smooth and flowing, but they are methodical and not too bad.
Yin Yin thinks more, probably this is ‘whatever you want, no more than just.’
He looked seriously, and he thought a little funny in his heart. I don’t know how many
people in the hospital would like to cook tea. How many people in the world could not
think about it. Let yourself be plain. Is this a welfare for the big man?
The two sat under the tree, relatively nothing, boiled water to make tea.
Unconsciously, his floating mood calmed down.
It doesn't seem like he suspects that the reaction to the original remains is not prepared for
It’s like sitting here, and all kinds of speculations and uneasiness have gradually dispersed.
Since coming to this world, the nerves that have been highly tight have finally relaxed in the
scent of tea.
He picked up the teacup and turned it, and the cup reflected the glimmer of the stars.
Mr. drank a cup, satisfied his eyes and looked up into the sky.
Thick clouds cover the moon, but it seems that the stars are more and more brilliant.
His eyes seem to have a smile. "In fact, the stars are not as slow as we see them, they are
some very fast."
Yin Yue was a little surprised and looked up. I can only see the silent stars in the sky.
He knew that the starry sky that Mr. saw was different from what he saw.
He couldn't imagine the world in the eyes of Ya Sheng, just like the ignorance of the
heavens and the earth, the summer insects can't speak the ice.
In his past experience, there has never been an experience of seeing the universe and
seeing the universe.
Mr. looked at the relish, and changed his comfortable posture against the wicker chair.
It soon broke the recognition of Yin Yue.
He sighed and said, "The 亢龙龙" and the ‘Winged Snake’ were separated from the three
rivers of the Han River last year, and now they should be on the same track.”
‘亢龙’ and ‘Wings’ are the names of the stars in the sky.
Henghe sand is the counting unit in Buddhism, about fifty and fifty square meters.
Then the gentleman squinted and muttered in his mouth. The more he listened, the more
he didn't really hear it. He just grabbed the pile of 涧 '‘极’ ‘that’s by him’ several great
counting units.
The gentleman suddenly raised his finger and crossed the air, as if the two points were
connected together.
It turned out that this is the calculation of the saint.
It’s not really 'seeing', it’s not the mysterious and mysterious sense of the gods, but the real
With the accumulation of knowledge, special calculation methods, terrible counting ability,
and long-term calculation experience, the results are calculated.
Yin Yin is more shocked by the heart.
What is the sight of the star, what does the gentleman want to see?
At this time, the people around him put down the tea pot and smiled at him. "You should go
out of your way. It is best to go south."
A pot of tea met the bottom.
The night wind picked up and the residual sweet tea mixed with the scent of the flowers
was floating in the night.
Blowing the clouds in the sky, a glimmer of silver shines from the distant nine days.
The moon broke through the clouds.
At the same time, the brilliant stars of the sky are dim.
Even a few of them are small, and the more Yin Yin is not really cut.
The moon is shining.
Mr.'s smile is also hidden in the tiny folds of the eyes.
He began to clean up the tea set.
Yin Yue knows that this stargazing star tonight is here.
So he stood up and smashed the tiny flowers. With your hand, you can do your disciples as
you did. It is for farewell.
The gentleman nodded on the wicker chair.
Yin Yiyue took out the invitation from the sleeves. The figure is like a water pattern, and it
has to disappear in the small courtyard.
Then there was only one person left in the yard.
Even if there is a bright and unmatched Yuehua companion, it seems a bit lonely.
The Confucian look of Yan Guanbo is dark and unclear, looking at the lonely night,
"Actually, the moon is also a star."
There seems to be a sigh that echoes in the school of silence.
Only this star is too bright, no one dares to compete with it.
Yin Yin fell in the courtyard of Yan Huafeng. It is still the location that left in the morning.
The invitation in hand was turned into debris and dust, and it was not in the night.
He regrets that this ‘school day pass is really a one-off. It was originally thought to have a
magic weapon that can walk through the school and the world at will.
I don't know when I can reach that level. Just cover a stamp is a magic weapon that can
break the space of thousands of miles.
The more Yin Yin at this time did not realize that after this day's epiphany in the school, he
had considered the question of 'when can reach the sub-holy landscape' instead of
questioning whether he can reach the sub-salay.
Of the one hundred sacred defenders, perhaps forty will think about how to get into the
'break of obstacles', twenty will think about when to enter the 'small rider', and five will
think about what the ‘the Mahayana’ is like. But almost no one will speculate on the
cultivation of the saints.
Yin Yi did not think about this. Now he just thought that diligent cultivation is enough.
No need to ask, don't wait.
This is the confidence in the subconscious.
Will not use self-questioning to waste time, use repeated speculation to kill the will.
He held the hilt in his right hand and looked up.
It seems that there is no shadow of the high-rise buildings in Yunyang City, and the
moonlight in the mountains is more clear.
I can faintly hear the leaves and sands of Lin Haizhong, and screaming from time to time, it
seems that the night is empty and lonely.
In the daytime at the school, the sword is still in the sheath, and the sharp sword is a means
of spurting out, he can no longer use it.
That is what the mind wants, but it can't be met.
It gave him a lot of inspiration.
He stood in the courtyard for a night. At dawn, the whole body was immersed in the
wetness of the morning dew. The eyes are getting brighter and brighter.
He thought that he had found a way to use the sword.

Chapter 12: Folded flower

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Although Yin Yue did not rest overnight, the spirit of the next day went to the meeting.
The figure is tall and straight, and the eyes are clear and bright.
I’m very happy to see Liu Yu’s cream. “It seems that the younger brother is much better.”
Yin Yin nodded, "Thank you for your sister-in-law." Looked at Jun Hao and Duan
Chongxuan. "Thank you for the five masters of the master."
He thanked him for visiting in prison and the grace of returning from the temple.
Although Liu Biaoshuang and Duan Chongxuan’s assists were in the wrong direction... but
after all, the results were successful.
Liu Bull Frost looked at the young man’s sincere eyes, and he was a little embarrassed.
She felt that she had never fulfilled her duties as a sister. She did not do anything this time.
The teenager was still grateful to them after many injuries and hardships. Really good
The meeting place is of course the "first house" of Junyi. The table and chair bench is still
provided by Duan Chongxuan.
After Yin Yue thanked him, he looked at Jun. He knows that since the rally, it is definitely
the master who has something to say.
Xuanyi youth sat there, straight and straight, like a sword that can be squirted at any time,
revealing the coldness.
He looked at the two younger brothers and said, "After March, it is a re-emphasis of the
mountains, you go."
It seems that because he doesn't talk often, his voice seems to be a bit cold and stagnation,
and his tone is hard.
Liu Biaoshuang added, "Ming Lake Qianyelian has the function of "going to worry, solving
heart and heart", just as you have reached the peak of travel time."
Yin Yin suddenly thought that Mr. Zhang said that he is best to go south.
The heavy mountain is in the south.
It’s really fast.
Folding flowers, folded in the mountains of Ming Lake, the lotus leaves.
The entire piece of Minghu, the lotus leaves cover the sky, there are hundreds of hectares,
but the lotus has only one. Opened ten years.
Ten years in the long life of the repairer is not long, but no one wants to wait.
Because Chiba Lotus has the aura of rejuvenating the mountains and the spirit of the show,
in addition to the role of 'removing distracting thoughts and opening up the heart and
heart', it can also purify the constitution, improve the qualifications for practice, and lay a
good foundation for future practice.
For the repairers below ‘the small rider’, there is no better heaven and earth treasure than
it can be.
Speak with strength, the winner climbs the mountain. The ‘float flower’ at the foot of the re-
emphasis mountain came from this.
In the end, after consultations between the various factions, in order to encourage the
younger generation to practice, set the following ‘small rides’, and ‘cutting the marrow’ can
participate. Because of the ‘small ride,’ this flower has become a chicken. Below the 'cutting
marrow', it is still not possible to completely absorb the aura in the flower.
It was presided over by ‘One Mountain and Three Schools, Foshan Double Temple’. After
the development, it has become a grand event for the younger generation.
Countless stunned teenagers went to the meeting. Not only for Chiba, but also more
It is also an opportunity for the major sects to revitalize their prestige, determine their
status, and test each other.
Yan Yashan went every time, but Yan Huafeng never went.
This time, Jun Jun made this decision mainly because Yin Yinyue’s ‘white hair disease’.
Liu Bull Frost also believes that whether it is to cure or travel, Xiaozhongshan Folding
Flower Club is an excellent choice.
The three disciples of Juggernaut, Jun Yi, Liu Bushuang, and Yan Xing, have never been to
this kind of event for young geniuses. It sounds incredible.
Junyi is the first saint of the Swordsman, and there is no ‘Folding Party’ when he is famous.
Later, when I traveled to the peak, it was already a small ride. It also specializes in picking
up hard and dangerous places, like the 100,000 mountains, the wild swamps, and the
northwest snowfields. There are very few people who have actually seen him.
Liu Bull Frost is intended to re-emphasize the mountain, not for the fold, only to find the
opponents to level themselves. But when she came out of the mountain, she was catching
up with the revival of the 'Qiong Palace' in the Zodiac of the Magic Road, and then followed
the head and the elders all the way to kill the Xiqiao Mountain.
At that time, many people who had taken a small place died, and Liu Yushuang, who was
still in the glory, survived. The Folding Flower Club was missed, but fortunately she had
found an opponent in that battle and there was no regret.
When I arrived at the mountain of Yan Xing, I went to the folding flower and turned around.
Throughout the audience, I realized that no one can win him. I was very boring, so I went
straight and went, and the trace was hard to find.
But in fact, whether it is Jun's ‘transgression’, or Liu’s ‘Western Mountain Battle’, Yan’s ‘one
night’s obstacles’ are all heard and heard less.
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan’s embarrassment, if it’s gone, not only represents the end of
the world, but also represents Yu Huafeng, representing the Juggernaut.
This will be a hundred years later, the first time the Juggernaut disciple officially appeared
in front of the world.
Not in the blunt record of the dossier, in the story of the storyteller's exaggerated, countless
practitioners' speculations.
This is a head-on battle, and the same young and talented teenagers meet and compete.
The more Yin Yin thought of this, the mood was a bit heavy.
Because he understands that this is not only the case of his own victory, but also the
prestige of his cheap master.
Liu Bull Frost has more considerations. She believes that when the younger brother travels
abroad and learns from others, he can broaden his horizons and see the world.
No longer in a slap in the face, perhaps to alleviate the impact of Luo Mingchuan's incident.
The younger brother now has such a simple temperament, probably because the growth
environment is too simple. It’s not a closed study in the school, it’s a retreat in the
Although it will experience the wind and rain outside, it will be speculative, but it will grow.
The younger brother needs to grow up.
She looked at Yin Yue and smiled slightly. "Young people, there should always be some
Yin Yin is holding back his mouth and twitching.
If you add the age of his previous countless crossings... This sentence should become, ‘Old
monsters, there should always be some sharpness. ’
Junyi seems to guess his fears. "One of the participants this year, there is a temperate
sword that has been practiced quite a bit. Others are not enough. You can let go and fight,
no one can win you."
Big wet chest! Where is your confidence in me? !
I am not you! ! I am only concentrating on the late stage! !
Yin Yue is very depressed, because the name of the 'wind and rain sword' is Zhong Shan,
the sound of the South China Sea, 20 years old, and the first person known as the first. The
Qingjian Swordsman is proud of the genius that has the greatest potential to enter the sage
environment in the next three hundred years.
As a result, in the master's brother's mouth, he only got a ‘somewhat fire.’ If the Qingjian
Swordsman knows it, maybe the collective cross sword will be self-defeating.
However, he is still very grateful, because the master is actually saying a long sentence in
order to encourage him!
Looking at it from the side, it’s true that Duan Chongxuan’s eyes are bright, and the face is
‘Master Brother, you say two more words’ excitement.
Yin Yin sighed in the heart, but still solemnly said, "Master brother, second division sister
and rest assured, I will try my best to do my best, not to mention the name of Warwick, but
also to take care of the five divisions!"
However, when this statement came out, Liu Bull Frost looked awkward, and even Jun Hao
was slightly stunned.
Yin Yi is more strange in my heart, nothing wrong! The first half is definitely all right!
The latter part of the sentence... I am the brother of Duan Chongxuan, and the cultivation is
higher than him. Of course, I care for him!
Duan Yan smirked and said, "That would be annoying for the brothers to take care of."
Yin Yi is more puzzled.
Duan Chongxuan also wants to laugh a few words, just listen to Jun Shen Shen Sheng, "Luo
Mingchuan is coming."
Yan Huafeng’s ban was in the hands of Jun Hao. He said that people are coming, and that
Luo Mingchuan must be blocked from the ban under the peak.
The atmosphere was silent for a while.
Liu Yu Frost frowned. "What is he doing?"
Duan Chongxuan looked at the face of Yin Yinyue. "Should... I want to see the four brothers."
If Jun Hao has already done a ban, if the man dares to go further, he will prepare for a
What they didn't expect was that Yin Yin nodded more and more, as if to take it for granted.
"Then I went to see him... my brother and sister, can you have other things?"
Yin Yue does not know why everyone's expression has changed.
What is the matter of the villain not seeing the protagonist? Of course, we must know
ourselves and know each other so that we can accurately challenge the bottom line of the
protagonist and reach the goal of repeated deaths.
Liu Bull Frost looks heavy, Duan Chongxuan wants to stop.
Finally, Jun said, "Go together."
So the disciples of Yan Huafeng went down the mighty.
... although they only have four people.
But Luo Mingchuan is alone.
The number of people is completely abused.
Jun Hao is a half-step Mahayana, and Liu Yu Frost is a small ride.
Luomingchuan is a broken barrier.
The realm is completely abused.
Yin Yue knows a little more, this is to support him!
However, based on the principle that ‘the support for the villain is not good, the truth is
more truthful than Newton’s three laws, he still wants to persuade his fellows.
But when he met Luo Mingchuan, he couldn’t say anything.
The young people in front of us are still temperamental and their looks are still handsome.
But it is clearly in the spring season, he stood in the spring breeze, and actually gave birth
to a few minutes of deep-season.
The eye sockets were slightly sunken, and the white robe was empty and raised in the
It’s just a month’s difference, and the people in front of me seem to have lost a lot. When it
comes to first sight, the temperament is different.
He looked at him with a stunned voice, "Yin Shidi."
Luo Mingchuan thought that he thought it was very clear, but when he saw the boy in front
of him, he could not say anything.
Nowadays, he handles the affairs of the dynasty on behalf of the master. The jade slips that
the peaks pass to the Qinghe Temple are naturally approved by him, and the major events
are reported to Master.
This morning, he saw the jade slip of the 兮 兮 Huafeng two people who will go to the
Folding Party.
Yan Huafeng has only two people below the small distance.
Yin Shidi.
Just thinking of a teenager in prison, I feel almost breathless.
"Master, the disciple is going to re-emphasize the mountain fold flower meeting."
"It's time to go, what are you?"
"I want to go with Yin Shidi."
Zhengyangzi is silent. Only the more leaking echoes in the empty hall.
At the end, I waved my hand, "Go."
Luo Mingchuan’s end was just stunned.
Jun Yi and Liu Yushuang did not mean to speak.
So Duan Chongxuan went up two steps, first opening. "What are the secrets of Luo
He has a lot of courtesy and laughs on the face, and no one can make a mistake.
Yin Yi thinks more, the senior representative of Yan Huafeng’s diplomatic mission is really
suitable for Duan Chongxuan.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the boy in front of him. "I came, I want to go to the Folding Party
with Yin Shidi."
He is not a person who is not good at words. He once talked about the amazing thoughts in
the Quartet, and also used words to unite people in the dilemma of the secret.
Now, just say a word and do your best.
Liu Bull Frost is cold, "Impossible."
Luo Mingchuan's face was pale in an instant.
But he has not said anything.
So he scratched his fingers with spiritual power. Yin Hong’s blood drops drip into the
ground, he said one word at a time.
"My Luo Mingchuan swears here that I will find the Ming Lake Chiba Lotus for my younger
brother, otherwise I will never enter the country!"
Blood swear.
This kind of oath is rarely seen. Because of the pressure of the heart, it is a great loss to the
repairer. Let alone say the consequences after the oath.
This is a very expensive and vocal oath.
Liu Bull Frost was shocked.
Duan Chongxuan combined the folding fan and narrowed his eyes. "Luo brother, you can't
talk nonsense."
Even the sturdy Jun Hao has a loose touch.
The thin lips of youth are no blood.
But he looked straight at the people in front of him, and there was a hint of hope in the deep
and desperate pain in his eyes.
"Teacher, are you trusting me?"
Everyone looks at Yin Yue.
Then, they saw that Yin Yin nodded more gently.

Chapter 13: shackles

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The spring breeze in March finally got warm.
Luo Mingchuan showed an incredible surprise and finally turned into a smile.
Since the dungeon and Yin Yin have been different, he has never laughed. Therefore, this
smile is quite sorrowful, and there is stupidity that he does not realize.
He stood there, because Yin Yi’s unexpected response was overwhelming. “Teacher, thank
you, I, I will definitely say it...”
Liu Bull Frost asked without hesitation, "Four Masters, can you think clearly?"
Yin Yin nodded, "The teacher is relieved, I have a measure."
Jun did not say anything, just frowned.
Duan Chongxuan did not know what to think of, smiling still looking at Luo Mingchuan.
Yin Yin is not as calm as he is.
"This year, the ten protagonists of eight blacks are busy revenge, and a sickness has been
abandoned. The roots of Miaohong, the protagonist of the sincere justice, are more than the
three legs! Difficult! Find!"
He inexplicably remembered what the technician had said.
But if the brains of the Virgin are so strange, then...
I would rather have a blackening apologetic protagonist! !
Good tricks can catch up! ! !
What about replacement? ! Pack it! !
He can't understand Luo Mingchuan's brain circuit, but the protagonist invites, how can
there be different lines?
What's more, the ‘the same door that supports the villains’ is really worth the effort! How
can we euphemistically achieve the achievement of 'avoiding them and the protagonist?'
But when he saw the joyful expression of Luo Mingchuan. He suddenly felt that he wanted
to understand.
It’s a breeze!
It turned out that this time the script is ‘the protagonist’s heart and lungs, the villain’s heart
and dog lungs, the first half of the good friends, and the second half betrayed. ’
This kind of God's turning stalk, the city people will play!
Thinking of this, he is very at ease, and sure enough, the routine is still in his own hands!
So he had a good look at Luo Mingchuan's face, and even had a smile in his eyes. "Is there
anything else in Luo brother?"
Luo Mingchuan seems to have seen the melting of the frost on the Shen Yunling over the
years, and the clear spring that has turned into a ripple into his heart.
"No, no... my brother, take a rest. I will leave."
It is a farewell, I don’t know why I did not move in the same place.
Until Duan Chongxuan coughed. I reluctantly turned and went back.
Several people also said some arrangements for going out to travel, and after Yin Yue also
said goodbye -
Liu Bai’s words are long-lasting,
"You are optimistic about Yin Shidi, don't let him be deceived... Although everyone sees it
now, Luo Mingchuan is deeply affectionate to his younger brother, but he has intended to
force him, and he can't give him the younger brother."
Duan Chongxuan looked a bit, and the scorn of the past faded. Zheng Dadao said, "Sister is
relieved, this is nature."
Yin Yin said to her that she was relieved, of course she did not trust.
However, when Duan Chongxuan said so, she knew that Luo Mingchuan could not bargain
Jun Hao did not say anything, but he also had the same idea.
So this thing was settled.
After a trip to the school, Yin Yi has found a way to practice the sword. After that, I
practiced day and night, and I didn’t dare to relax.
He felt that he had vaguely seen the threshold of 'breaking the barriers'.
Only hate the slow point that time can't be passed, so that he is more skilled in the sword
and the realm is more stable.
But in the blink of an eye, the past month passed and the scheduled travel time was
The day before departure, he decided to go to see the master and the second sister, and he
said goodbye.
Jun is not in the 'first court'.
Yin Yin was dragged by the majestic sword and walked to the cliff behind the courtyard.
Jun Hao is practicing swords.
I took the freshly folded branches in my hand.
When Yin Yue stood outside the ten feet, he knew that his sword was blazing and he was
getting better. He stopped at the place and avoided interruption.
The next moment, like a mountain in front of the mountain, the mountain is forced to come,
the pressure of people can not breathe.
He mobilized the real yuan to resist the sword, while at the same time gazing at the eyes,
look carefully.
Jun Yi practiced the sword of the "Little Mountain" created by Juggernaut.
Standing on the cliff, see the green hills, and take the mountain.
Just as Yin Yin had practiced swords in the cold pool, he used water to temper the sword of
his ‘lake lake’.
The state of mind, the exercises, the swords, the swords, and the heavens and the earth
echo, and the heart turns to the heart.
The morning breeze blew the floating smog under the cliff, and the radiance of the morning
sun was plated with gold rims.
Thousands of staggered golden lights condense on the dead branches and merge into a
river. The river flows through the mountains and rocks, and it goes to the front, and the
imposing rushes over the hills of the Wanli Plain, and finally flows into the sea silently.
Jun Hao has returned to the sword to stand up, standing on the edge of the cliff, nodding to
Xuanpao ink hair, clothes and winds.
There was no golden light, no rivers, no plains, no seas.
Only the ancient mountains that have remained unchanged, the tense silence.
Everything is just the image in the sword.
Yin Yin has returned to God. Going forward, I went to a ceremony and "had disturbed my
Unexpectedly, Junyi asked directly: "How?"
The more Yin Yi, the more he responded, the other side asked what the sword method was.
He thought for a moment, "The brothers took the mountain to the ‘small mountain’ sword,
and the mountain was full and overflowing, and it was free to move. If you want to come to
the sword, the brothers are already in the heart.”
There is no compliment in this statement, because the sword of Junyi is really good.
Even if it is a dead branch, it has not yet mobilized the real yuan. Jianqi is also enough to
make him feel like a crisis in the back.
This is the gap in the realm. It is the gap in kendo.
Jun Jun said, "I have spent 63,000 swords a day, but I have not made it for three years."
Yin Yiyue understands that the other party is communicating with him on spiritual
Also, Yan Huafeng trained the two of them.
Although the gap in the realm is a bit bigger, Jun Hao can really afford him.
The slight flaws in the swordsmanship of the half-step Mahayana are naturally impossible
to be seen by the defenders of the condensed gods.
However, Yin Yue is still experienced after all. Moreover, he has faintly felt the shackles of
Jun. Even from the last paragraph of Chong Xuan Xuan said, ‘Master and the rider’s battle
against Lian Chunshan’s use is not useful’, and there has been doubt in the bottom of my
At this time, he directly asked, "Master brothers practice swords, why not use 'Spring Hill
Jun Yi did not think about it, "I have not been to Mahayana, not worthy of this sword."
Yin Yin thought more and more, he knew where the problem was.
He has many times to give him back to the same door, but he has not been able to repay
So now even if I know this, some of the suspicions of the class, or decided to go on.
He looked at Jun Hao’s eyes and said it was very serious.
"My realm is not high, but I think that the sword is a sword, the flowers and trees can't be
swords, and the axe hooks can't be swords. Therefore, if you have a sword in your hand,
you can be a sword."
Jun Hao raised his eyebrows slightly.
"If it can't be used by people, what is the meaning of the sword? Hide it in the room, hang it
on the wall, and do it for viewing?"
Jun Hao is silent.
Yin Yin went on and said, "In my opinion, 'Spring Mountain laughs' is good, but if it is only
installed in the raft, it is not a soldier, but a shackle!"
"It is binding you!"
Words like a sword, pointing to the heart! Breaking the fog of the authorities!
Jun Hao suddenly raised his eyes, and the sharp swords slammed out!
Yin Yiyue, a real element, instantly rushed to the extreme, still feeling a burst of blood.
Just a moment of rest, the breath of the riots in front of the eyes will return to silence, Shen
"Master, have you ever thought that since Master gave you the sword, it means that no one
can match this sword in the world!"
Jun Jun lightly sleeves, as if to pick up a tiny invisible dust.
So many years of depression, all scattered among his sleeves.
He solemnly said, "Thank you for your brother."
Yin Yin bowed his head, "When you are not thankful."
But Jun Jun is still giving him a gift. Yin Yi is more and more eager to sideways, avoiding this
Jun Hao was in the same place and looked at the distant mountains.
Yin Yin sighed and turned and went down the mountain alone.
He knows that Junyi’s heartache has broken, and it takes time to be alone.
He can see this, not that he is better than Jun, but it is a fan of the authorities.
Also because everyone thinks that Jun is very strong. I don't think that there will be a
Even Duan Chongxuan said that Jun Jun did not need Chunshan to laugh at the battle, and
he was full of admiration.
Jun is really strong. But he shoulders too much on his shoulders.
The prestige of the first saint of the sword, the responsibility of the master. Yan Huafeng
and Yan Yashan are even stable in the world.
What a ‘Spring Mountain Smile’?
The world is not as calm as it seems.
Because the Juggernaut has lost the letter for a long time, there are even rumors that the
sorrowful rumors spread: Juggernaut is no longer in this world.
There is no Yasheng in Yanya Mountain.
This means that if one day Juggernaut is really gone. The most powerful monarch in the end
of the world may have more than one Yasheng.
Yin Yin thought of this place, and the mood was a bit heavy.
Because he can think of it, many people in the dark can think of it.
Even every change has been made in thousands of changes. For example, the Mr. House.

Chapter 14: General

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the end, Yin Yue’s heavy feelings did not last until he saw the second division’s sister.
"Teacher, bring this dragon scale bodyguard!"
"And this is the South China Sea Shenshan Temple to bring!"
"There are also Zizhu bone sapphire fans, Jiulong Shenhuo hood, Sifangshanhe Ding, all
must be brought..."
Liu Bull Frost is still thinking about something less.
Yin Yin looked at the corners of the instruments that piled up into the hills.
... He hasn’t even said a word since he came in.
He knows that Liu Yushuang is practicing boxing, and he usually does not pay attention to
foreign objects. I want to come to these net worth, most of them are the trophies of the
'Western Mountain Wars'.
In this way, he is even less able to.
So he coughed a little, "Sister, I know you are kind, but I am Jian Xiu, with so many
instruments to go out to travel, isn’t it the end?"
Liu Bull Frost thought about it and felt quite reasonable. These things, she does not usually
use it.
But don't worry, "Teacher, bring a self-defense!"
So the two sides compromised. Yin Yin finally brought a dagger.
Liu Bull Frost calmed down and felt that he had entered the barrier.
Unexpectedly, the crisis of going out to travel is unpredictable. Is there any absolute
preparation? How can there be a foolproof backhand? If she really thinks about the secret,
she will harm her younger brother.
The road ahead is not expected, and it is always up to the younger brother to go alone.
Liu Bull Frost wants to understand this and relieves a lot. If you say something
encouraging, you will go back to your heart.
The young man sat in front of the case reading a book.
He is very straight and unbiased.
His eyes are quiet, such as the abyss. He is not looking at jade, but a roll of old books, the
corners are slightly yellow, and it is not a valuable book. Even so, he still has no slack.
Luo Mingchuan's self-discipline and sense of responsibility have been rooted in his
character and deep into the bone marrow.
Even when you are alone, you are meticulous.
Even his master Zheng Yangzi sometimes felt that he was self-disciplined to the point of
But this kind of side, he will not give people a hard feeling of oppression.
On the contrary, everyone who has contacted him can feel the comfort of the spring breeze.
His smile is not strong and not too light, with just the right kindness. No matter who he
talks to and what he says, he always stands at the distance of the ceremony. Not too close
or too far.
This room is also like his people, not arrogant or simple. All furnishings are well-organized.
In the lotus-scented jade smoked stove, there is a scent of ice. For the repairer, there is the
effect of meditation.
The cool aroma of Ganzi lingers in the house. A faint smoke hugs the youth's eyebrows.
He sat in front of the case, as if the tall pines and cypresses stood on the cliff.
Only Luo Mingchuan knows it.
Xiang was sent to him by the old friend of Qingjian Jianzong when he came to the end of the
world. He had never used it before. Because it is not necessary.
However, the people are not quiet, but what is the scent of ice?
Therefore, when someone was arrested in front of his hospital, he simply put down the
book and pushed the door out.
Who is coming? Compared to her usual laughter and liveliness, it seems that there are a few
more sorrows in the eyebrows.
Luo Mingchuan ushered in the hospital and did not enter the house.
Although the repairer is not heavy on men and women, he is always polite.
He Wei sat on the stone bench under the tree and asked directly when he sat down.
"Brother, don't you really go with us all the way?"
Luo Mingchuan said calmly, "I am going with Yan Huafeng Yin Shidi and Duan Shidi. They
have different routes. They have to make some roads and need to leave in advance in
January." He shouted again. "This time, the folding flower will be due to Pingfeng Cheng
Shishu led the team, and you listen to him all the things."
The ‘Folding Club’ is voluntarily registered and there is no quota limit. It is because there
are not many disciples who are condensed and broken, but also because in the end, not
everyone is keen on making a name. There are also some realms that are not stable. I
believe that I will not be able to win the championship, so I will continue to practice retreat.
There are thirty people going to the end of this mountain.
However, compared to many sects that are not well-known, it is a terrible foundation that
dozens of factions have not been able to make up for 20 obstacles.
He Wei was not surprised by Luo Mingchuan’s answer. She heard about Luo Mingchuan’s
decision before she came.
But she twisted her sleeves and the language stopped. Then she asked her courage.
"Brother, have you really done something sorry for Yin brother?"
In her past knowledge, she never felt that Luo brother would make a mistake. If it is wrong,
of course it is the fault of others.
This is a blind belief, almost faith.
So even if she knew that Luo’s brother never lied, she was saddened by Yin’s brother in the
Qinghe Hall.
But at this time, I asked again, with hope.
Luo Mingchuan was silent.
The spring breeze blew through his empty wide sleeves, and it was a sorrowful autumn.
After a long time, he said, "I am taking him."
He licked his lips and couldn't speak. The eye circles are reddish.
She stood up in the warehouse, and the priests refused to take one, and ran out of the yard.
She ran all the way to the Chengguang Lake in the Qiangan Peak, and felt sad and
She saw the reflection in the lake, and she was crying and crying, but she slowly calmed
Because she remembered that when she was a little girl, Master looked at the lake here and
said a truth.
"The villain is right, the gentleman often goes."
- The villain will never think that he is wrong, and the gentleman will always reflect on
himself and correct the mistake.
She remembered that she was lifting the bar with Master. "Maybe people are too
demanding for the gentleman, so a milligram of negligence will be held up and turned into a
big mistake. The villain is a villain because he is a villain. Not blame him. This is really
unfair, when the gentleman is really miserable! Fortunately, I am a woman!"
Master glared at her with a beard. "The erect is not taught! Your brother is much better
than you!"
The brother is naturally better than her. In her mind, the brothers are stronger than anyone
She took the lake and washed her face and smiled at the lake.
Because she suddenly felt that admitting her wrong brother is more admirable than a
brother who can't make mistakes!
The evening wind makes people feel calm.
She sat by the lake and thought about the movements and speeches of the two men in the
temple and the weight loss of the brothers in the last month.
Finally made a decision.
The girl is standing by the lake, and her fists are full of pride.
"Brother, this time it is my turn to help you! You can rest assured!"
******** I am a paper house single stupid line **********
On the fifth day of April, Huang Daoji.
It is advisable to travel, it is advisable to bury, it is advisable to marry, and it is necessary to
move. Everything is fine.
Duan Chongxuan was checked by Huang Licai.
Liu Bull Frost and Jun Hao sent the two to the outside of Yuhua Peak. When I was leaving, I
didn’t have anything to worry about.
Yin Yinyue noticed that Jun Qi’s momentum could not be retracted, and the station’s
proximity could feel the pressure, like a mountain in front of it.
This is a good thing, maybe he will wait for him to come back. The master broke through
the Mahayana.
After he and Duan Chongxuan finished his ceremony with the brothers and sisters, he
turned and went down the mountain.
Then they saw Luo Mingchuan standing in the middle of the road.
I haven't seen it for a few days, and the color seems to be much better.
He nodded slightly, "Yin Shidi, Duan Shidi."
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "Luo brother, this is a long way to go, please take care."
Yin Yin puts his heart down, and it seems that he has no hostility towards Luo Mingchuan
and nod his head. "Luo brother."
So several people went down the mountain together.
At dawn, there is still a faint moon in the West.
The 'morning bell' from the main peak was melodiously echoing in the mountains, and the
sound of the birds continued to sound.
Although still in the mountains, the terrain has slowed down a lot. The main road they took
is even wider and flat, and it is enough to accommodate two carriages.
When I walked to the church, I was able to hear the voices.
Many disciples have started, and some are gathering in one place to say something. See the
three of them walk side by side, if there is no sight to look at.
This morning is quiet and peaceful, just like the early morning of thousands of mountains,
and it is no different.
But Yin Yue soon found out that it was wrong.
Because these disciples have swords on their hands.
When there is nothing on weekdays, the sorcerer's light sword hangs over his waist, the
epee is behind him, and some prefer to use some space means or implements to close the
sword and rarely take it in his hand.
Unless you want to use it immediately.

Chapter 15: Send

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
More and more people are coming from all directions.
Each has a sword in his hand.
The more Yin Yin looked at the two people, but they saw that the two did not see the
general, still calm and steady. Duan Chongxuan is even a little excited.
When they walked a distance away from the deacon's office, they had already gathered
black and pressed a piece of disciple.
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart.
As the three of them approached, these disciples spontaneously gave way to both sides of
the road, leaving a avenue for them to pass.
Everyone looked at their eyes and they were all focused and hot, but no one spoke. The
atmosphere was quiet enough to only smell the breath of everyone.
Yin Yi has adjusted to the most suitable pace of the sword, and even calculated more than
three broken lines in the mind.
But his grasp is less than 50% because there are too many people. He didn't even know if
there were any experts who concealed the atmosphere.
At this time, a sword was raised in the crowd, accompanied by a big drink,
"Yin Shishu! Folding flowers will win!!-"
Yin Yin was suddenly shocked, looking for shouts, this, this is not the little disciple who
escorted himself that day?
... or the one that was pulled by the aura of hatred.
I don't want him to think too much, because there will soon be shouts and sounds coming
and going, like a flood of water!
"Luo Shishu! Regaining the mountain to win the championship!! -"
"Yin brothers have a hundred wins!-"
"Loss brothers are invincible!-"
"Yin Shixiong Kendo is the first!-"
The disciples who gathered on both sides of the road were different in their generations
and therefore called different, but they all raised their swords and fought hard. Looking far
away, like a flowing sword sea.
Duan Chongxuan exclaimed, "I am still enjoying the treatment of slashing swords for the
first time."
Yin Yiyue always felt that something that he did not know happened.
His hunch is right.
"Yin Shishu is a good person. If you really touched him, you will not be misunderstood!"
If there is only one person in Chengxi, it is natural to look down on the storm.
But there were four disciples who escorted Yin Yiyue that day.
In the rumor world, the three-person city tiger, the four people can be called the public.
They agreed that between Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yue, it is absolutely unusual, but not
hostile. On the contrary, the guilty side is Luo Mingchuan.
The disciple of Yan Yashan is a first-class one, and the ability to transmit is also one.
Similar to "Liu Shibo's daughter and Zhang Shishu's son, both feelings are happy, have been
together" passed to the end, "Liu Shibo and Zhang Shishu are together, the end of the
month is married, the main marriage is the head", this is not exaggerated .
The rest of the disciples who were in danger in the secrets gathered together and carefully
recalled the details. They found that even if the array was touched, they would not be hurt
because all the attacks were concentrated on Luo Mingchuan.
However, Luo Mingchuan chose to accept Yin Yin. This fact is too strange.
Combined with the reaction of Luo Mingchuan Qinghe Temple, I saw with the eyes of four
people, including Cheng Xi. The crowd speculated that there are no fewer than ten versions
of the ‘the end of the 沧 兮 兮 兮 兮 兮 天 天 天 天 天 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 。 。 。 。 。

Finally, the emergence of He Wei, the topic finally pushed to ‘when we talk about love, what
we are talking about’.
After many people asked her about the door closed, what happened inside. She did not say
Eventually there is this scene today.
‘Swinging a sword to say goodbye to a strong color’ is the custom of the world.
The disciples spontaneously organized and arranged from the deacon to all the way outside
the mountain gate. Many years ago, the martial arts swayed a variety of swords, and the
spiritual masters took a variety of instruments, and the picture was so beautiful. So
gradually evolved into a sword, not a farewell.
Among the disciples who came this time, many people’s swords were temporarily
But this does not affect the enthusiasm of their shouting, and the sound waves shake the
whole world.
When the three people walked over tens of meters, the crowds followed them, and the
shouts became uniformed by their own affairs. The two sides seem to have reached a
consensus. A group of people shouted together, "Luo Shixiong regained the crown of the
mountain!" Another wave of people shouted, "Yin brothers and sisters will win!"
Suddenly there was a gust of wind in the forest, and the wind had a pleasant aroma.
Yin Yin looked up and saw more than a dozen women in white skirts squatting. The two
heads pointed to the light point, one south and one north leaping to the treetops, shaking
one of the two large banners with a hand, the above is the elegant character of the book:
To the south is the ‘Pearl Huacai’, and to the north is ‘白璧无瑕’.
Duan Chongxuan took out the folding fan and shook it, and the laughter became more and
more popular. "I still support my sisters and sisters."
Yin Yin is more than a mouth.
You are too confident in the juvenile, at least the head of the sister-in-law, the only one who
came to support his family.
Duan Chongxuan exclaimed, "This is to praise my appearance as a pearl, and the character
is innocent!"
Yin Yin discovered that he was speechless.
If he can integrate the knowledge of the entertainment circle, he will soon be able to see the
current situation.
One avenue is divided into two sides.
To the south is the Luo Mingchuan fan group, and to the north is the Yin Yi Yue support
club. The sword held is equivalent to the hand and the light stick.
The Luomingchuan fan group is more than a lot of people.
The mighty black pressure is also very tidy.
Yin Yi Yue's support will win in high quality.
Apart from the four leading disciples and law enforcement disciples, there are also
‘Juggernaut’ and Jun’s dead loyalty powder. This is the first time that Yan Huafeng has
participated in the Folding Party, which naturally represents the prestige of Juggernaut.
Although the number is not as good as that, but the cultivation is not weak, shouting out the
sound of Dan Tian, the real yuan is abundant.
The momentum on both sides is comparable.
It is a pity that the more Yin Yin is in the entertainment circle, only two and a half lines,
naturally do not understand these.
Otherwise, he can shake his arm and the friend behind will lift the sword! Let me see your
hands! !
He Yan stood in the treetops and ran a banner, watching her sisters mingling on both sides,
and distributing the placards embroidered with the words "Pearl brilliance, white 璧 璧",
and smiled slightly.
Xiaolian, who was on the opposite tree, picked her eyebrows at her.
- Can this be done?
He Hao nodded.
--no problem!
These embroidered scorpions are why he and his sisters rushed through the night, and
they must ask for exquisite materials, exquisite workmanship, and fine stitches. What's
more, in the Yashan Mountains, having a handkerchief embroidered by a woman is really
worthy of showing off.
The son was soon finished, and He Yan showed a satisfactory smile, gratefully glanced at
--thank you all.
Yan Xiaolian gave her a look.
- Say something polite!
So He did not say more, no, she did not say 'say' from beginning to end.
They grew up together, one look, one expression can understand each other's meaning.
In what words, it is a life of friendship.
I used to sneak down the mountain to go to the city to eat roast chicken, and I was caught
back to the palm of my hand...
Every time the sisters of the Yanya Mountain were arrested, He Wei took the initiative to
stand up and recite the black pot. The name of the ‘Black Pot Woman’ has always been with
her to the age of thirteen. Later, as everyone grew older, they gradually changed their
temperament and fun, diligent practice, and did not get together for a long time.
Therefore, when He Hao proposed the ‘Affiliate Program’ this time, it’s like playing chicken
These are the more Yin Yin knows.
He took the slap that was stuffed into his hand, just thought... there was something strange
coming in.
The crowd stopped at the high mountain gate and calmed down.
The three turned back and gave a tribute to everyone who was off the line. Luo Mingchuan
said, "There is a labor to send."
There was another burst of cheers in the crowd.
The teenagers in the wind and the wind went south.
Behind him is the rising sun, the green hills, the sea of swords and cheers.
The road ahead is an unknown thorny way.

Chapter 16: Cut candle

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
There are many ways for the nuns to travel, and the sub-saints can take advantage of the
wind, one day, or a means of breaking open space.
As long as you enter the threshold of practice, you can also consume your own real yuan to
speed up, or to force the device, or to make the beast.
It is only in the world today that after going through the ‘the end of the era,’ the travel
instruments are rare, and the aliens are rare. Because the living conditions of the beasts are
harsh, they need not only the topography of the heavens, but also the owners who are truly
recognized by them.
It is said that the emperor of Hokuriku, one of the six saints of Sanya, has raised four blue-
winged owls to pull the emperor. It consumes 800,000 spar and 60,000 pounds of
tourmaline and Zhuguo every year.
There are only a handful of people who can achieve this level.
With the cultivation of the Yin and Yue people, if you are urging the real yuan to the
extreme, you can also travel thousands of miles a day.
But in the words of Duan Chongxuan, it is "a rare trip to the mountains, time is still
sufficient, why bother to hurry? The meaning of the master is also let us go."
Yin Yi has no opinion because he wants to know more about the world. Even if there are
countless books in the memory, can you really feel the truth?
Luo Mingchuan saw him nod and nodded.
Out of the boundary of the Jieya Mountain, through Jincheng, Yucheng, turn the Longling,
take the fourth official road of the Westland, all the way south, take the boat out of the
western continent, cross the floating sea. In the end, in the Yecheng of the South Continent,
he joined the team of the Yanya Mountain and went to Chongqing to go to the meeting.
This is the route they set. To be precise, it is determined by Liu Yu.
This road will not be smooth and smooth, nor will it have to pass through the sinister
places such as the '100,000 Great Mountains'. It is a route that Liu Tushuang repeatedly
considers and is finally determined.
In the busy city of Jincheng, they went to the tea house to hear the book, and listened to the
full house tea drinker who said that the folding flower would be said to be falling.
In the city of Yucheng, the robes were replaced, and ordinary clothes were placed. The
white horses rushed down the embankment, like three young sons who were away from
What surprised Yin Yin was that on the road, he and Luo Mingchuan got along well.
Because he does not like to talk, it is the two people's most exchanges.
Courtesy and thoughtful, smiles, quite a bit of a gentleman's taste.
I don't know if Luo Mingchuan is a close friend of Duan Chongxuan, not a person who is
intentionally targeted at Yan Huafeng.
Yin Yin thinks more, this should be convinced by the protagonist's aura.
... Until the day before they entered the Longling, Duan Chongxuan decided to change
Yin Yin is also uncomfortable because of the color of the hair is always onlookers, thinking
about it, added a cloak with a hood.
He is now very satisfied with his image, wearing a hood only reveals the thin jaw, and the
gloomy adds ten points!
However, when Duan Chongxuan came out of the inn, he felt that he was going to be
This is obviously a local tyrant that can't be bought by the whole city. The wall is built.
One body is handed over to the right-handed robes, the golden thread embroidered flying
dragonfly, wearing a purple gold-plated beaded crown, a waist-white jade and a golden
dragon-shaped belt, and a silk-embedded coral buckle.
The people who shine in the jewels of the jewels don’t open their eyes, they look like a...
Mobile little gold man! ! !
If the previous dress is extravagant, then now is the one who is rich in the night, and the
money is stupid.
Yin Yi guessed that Duanyan may have been stimulated.
But I am very happy to laugh at myself, and he can't say anything.
When Luo Mingchuan came out, he was slightly stunned, and it was obviously flashed by
this body.
Then cough and cough, don't overdo it, "Go."
Yin Yue seemed to see the words "can't bear to look straight" on his face.
The shade is thick and the sky is covered. The cool wind in the mountains is the
atmosphere of grass and earth.
The three men walked on the rugged trail for a long time, all the way. The shadow gradually
fades westward.
Yin Yi is thinking more, although Panlongling has never heard of any powerful beasts, can
you say that this flag set that is reflective for more than ten miles is really no problem?
What do you want to come up with.
Yin Yue knows the slightest movement and stops.
Luo Mingchuan also stopped at the same place.
After the five interest, the sound of the sound in the forest is getting closer and closer.
The person who came here was not good, the suffocation was heavy, and there was no
intention to hide the trace.
With a big drink, "Give me a stop!!" More than a dozen big men jumped out of the jungle.
The head of the knife is eight feet tall and the jack axe in hand. "Where is it? I don't know
the rules! You have to go through the doorsteps of the Lord, the silver, the Lingshi, all left. !"
Followed by the screams in the back, "Nothing left!"
Then there was a sneer.
Starting from the leader of the mountain, Yin Yue followed the meditation line.
The word is not bad.
How familiar is the scene!
Once upon a time, he used to take iron bars before, ah no, the iron bars still can't take him.
He just followed the iron rod, wearing a hole in the jeans, Liu Haichang long face behind the
killing Matt, and heard the leader said, 'Little girl wants to accompany a few Lele,' silently
cooperate with sneer, then hear A sound 'stop! In the shout of the leader ‘brothers’, they
were kicked by the protagonist.
When I think of it, Yin Yi is somewhat disgusted.
Because this group of people is obviously not very professional, look at the back, the
expression is not in place! Obviously absent-minded!
Bad review!
Perhaps because of the followers of the protagonist, the script changed, Yin Yin counted to
three, and did not hear the familiar stop.
I heard a chuckle around me.
It’s a slap in the face of laughter.
It’s no wonder that you will laugh. The three of them are going to participate in the Folding
Party. The first person in the world and the disciple of Juggernaut actually...had a robbery!
This matter spread out enough for the whole practice to laugh for a year.
Yin Yin looked at the three dresses of them, just like two followers accompanying the rich
family to travel.
This can't be blamed for robbing the team.
Luo Mingchuan looks calm, not anger, and seems to be reasonable.
Without waiting for him to speak, Duan Chongxuan calmly shook his fan and said, "Do you
know who is standing next to me?"
The robbery team was paralyzed.
Duan Chongxuan is straightforward and goes to the back of Luomingchuan.
"The one around me is a disciple of the Tangshan Mountain. The next one is the head of the
world, and Luo Mingchuan Luo brother!" Then his nostrils are in the air, his expression is
extremely frivolous,
"You still don't yell!"
The captain immediately blew up. "I am! What is the big disciple of the world, or the
emperor of the Northland emperor!"
Duan Chongxuan’s expression became strange and calm. “No, you are not.”
The robbery gang has already rushed up.
However, they had not reached the front of the three people ten steps away, and they flew
high and flew out. The injury was especially heavy, and two big trees were broken and
The invisible true yuan barrier bounces people out.
Luo Mingchuan's body shape has not moved.
The robbery team squatted on the floor and vomited blood. Death can not figure out how
many years of robbery experience has failed. How do you look at the fat sheep?
The leader of this group has already passed the cutting edge, and it has already entered the
threshold of practice. There are still a few people who are practicing qi, but they have no
further potential. Such a thief gang in Panlongling is more than enough to deal with
caravans or passers-by who can't afford guards. Panlongling is lacking in spirit, and there is
no heaven and earth treasure. The practitioners will rarely come.
There is no doubt that they are all attracted by the mobile Xiaojin people.
The robbery team did not arrive from the foot to the lying for ten seconds. Luo Mingchuan
turned back and said, "Let's go."
The three men walked forward through the faint screams and the pleading.
In this way, they encounter similar teams every ten miles, even at dusk, and there are
Then the above scene is played repeatedly.
Yin Yi seems to have a little understanding of the practice.
But if it is just to find trouble for Luo Mingchuan, this means is too low-level.
So what do you want to do?
Will it not be to clear the mountains and the streets?
After the night, it was finally clean.
The cold moonlight sprinkled through the dense tree shadows, and the night wind in the
spring season also added chill.
The trio searched for a secluded cave, and Duan Chongxuan ordered a burning character,
burning the cobweb and the weeds. Take out a bead and embed it in the stone wall of the
cave, and the soft glow will rush out.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin are more prepared to meditate.
Duan Chongxuan took out a large bed of crepe and rosewood, and asked,
"Four brothers, I have a bed, are you?"
Yin Yiyue thought that he had adapted to his singular style, but he still couldn’t hold back
his mouth.
"No need."
I was quite sorry for the ‘oh’, went to bed and went to sleep.
Moon shadow Xi Gu, obliquely slanted into the hole, and the brilliance of the beads.
In the quiet night, only the sound of the insects and the wind rustling through the
The cave is not big, and the meditation is more than three feet away from Luomingchuan.
In the practice world, this is a very jealous distance.
If it is a stranger, it is rude within three feet.
If it is an enemy, close to three feet means danger.
Yin Yi feels somewhat uncomfortable.
He didn't know whether it was the reaction of this body residue, or the defense of his own
After condensing the gods, the five senses of the cultivator are particularly sensitive. Even if
you don't deliberately, you can feel the breathing of the people around you, even the
temperature in the cool night...
As time goes by and the night fades, this feeling is multiplied.
He didn't know that Luo Mingchuan, who was always polite, was not as comfortable as he
was at this time. I have been immersed in the meditation of vomiting, and even getting
better, I am going to take out Lingshi and start practicing. After all, it is a spiritual repair,
and there will always be a spirit stone.
On the contrary, Luo Mingchuan is remembering.
He felt that this feeling was very familiar, like returning to the night book building of the
Yuanyuan University. The cold and arrogant teenager sat in front of the case to read the
book. The yellow light of the blue light fell on the side face, which made it inexplicable.
Gentle illusion.
And what about yourself?
Sometimes I was sitting at the table next to him, and I lit the lights. The desk was also
covered with thick I was tired, just look at him.
Even though the youngsters are still childish, they are still pretty-looking. It seems that
they can be relieved by looking at a few more eyes. It is also very
focused, never found their own small movements.
The night book building is connected to the library by the air corridor. Some books are not
allowed to be taken out, and they need to be watched overnight. The students will come
Luo Mingchuan does not come often, but it seems that every time he can always see a
teenager, sitting in a fixed position under the western window.
Sometimes I can't help but laugh. "Teacher, you are still so small, and often stay up all night
I have thought about it many times in my heart and never said it.
Because he remembers that the teenager seems to dislike others saying that he is young.
The students who came to study at night, lacking in the middle of the night, often
whispered a few words with the neighboring table, both refreshing and sometimes making
However, he and his teenager sat on the neighboring table countless times and did not say
a word.
Because the boy did not show a tired look, but did not even speak.
He is not easy to take the trouble.
Until one time, the teenager looked at the blue light and raised his eyebrows slightly.
The school advocates simplicity, there is no copper lamp. The blue light has been on for a
long time, the wick is split, and the light is dark.
Luo Mingchuan glanced at it and couldn't help but smile. He whispered, "This younger
brother, but forgot to cut the lights?"
The teenager turned his face, the black and white scorpion reflected the warm yellow
candlelight, and the cold arrogance of the day faded. "Yes."
Luo Mingchuan got up and cut the candle for him, leaning down slightly and falling down.
Nearly to see the shadow of the juvenile ciliary feathers, the shadows of the two fell on the
west window, as if they were in one place.
After a while, the table was bright. He also returned to the courtesy distance.
The boy nodded, "Thank you."
"The younger brother is polite." He put down the light clip and self-reported the door.
"Dongluo Qiongzhou Luomingchuan."
“Zhonglu’s city is better than Yin’an.”
This is the first sentence that they said between the one year after enrollment. It is also a
few words in the school for three years.
The light and shadow of the night book building, the thick and thick file of the old and tired,
the old mottled blue light blasted.
Time stopped at that moment.
Yin Yi thinks that Luo Mingchuan should be extremely uncomfortable. Because he is not
Fortunately, when the time was three o'clock, the sky was light, and Yin Yin went out of the
The morning breeze blew, blowing a night of turbulent mood.
It is a good time to practice the sword one day.

Chapter 17: Bottom line

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yiyue’s famous sword ‘Leihu’ was handed over to his cheap master when he was a
In the past three years in the Yashan Mountains, the cold water swordsman practiced
thousands of times. It has already penetrated the bone marrow and became an instinct.
After a trip to the Yuanyuan Academy, he was no longer a cold sword.
When the dawn of dawn, Yin Yin received the sword.
A big tree that was held together by two people crashed behind him.
At the next moment, the trees with a radius of ten feet fell, and countless birds came out of
the forest.
He stood in the middle of the broken wooden branches, and his body was still lingering
around the unstained sword and looking back. In my heart.
I saw the excitement of the paragraph, "I haven’t seen the four brothers practicing swords
for a long time! The original swordsmanship has been refined! Congratulations to the
Luo Mingchuan stood beside him and smiled and nodded.
Yin Yan’s stone in his heart was put down.
Luo Mingchuan also did not see any abnormalities, which proved that at least the following
‘destruction barriers’ could not be seen.
Even because Luo Mingchuan practiced Garan's technique, his eyesight should be higher
than that of ordinary people. Perhaps this standard can be improved.
It seems that the opponents encountered in this trip to the Mingshan Mountain will not be
in doubt.
His real yuan could not be injected into the sword, but he was inspired by the school and
thought of another way.
Cover the surface of the sword with the real element and wrap the whole sword. This
method must have been tried before.
If this is the case, the real element will quickly dissipate and require a huge amount of
output. With his current real yuan, he can't hold a cup of tea.
But when he was so powerful, he thought of using the soul to concise the gods and then use
the gods to lock the real elements of the sword's surface.
The downside of this approach is that the stronger the opponent, the faster his knowledge
consumes. Fortunately, there is a god-like concealing degree of plug-in, and it is quick to
recover. With the current cultivation as the realm, one night is enough.
Yin Yi has made up his mind that this is the best way to cope with the current situation.
When the Fenhua will be finished, he will return to the study.
Although the sword repair in the middle of the sword is a taboo, but if it still does not work,
he also had to change the sword.
Yin Yi went back and nodded, "Go."
Duanyan 唠 happy to follow up.
Today’s orthodox rehearsal drama is still a live show of comedy.
By the time of the third time, Luo Mingchuan did not wait for Duan Chongxuan to stand up
and say, ‘I’m not yelling,’ and I’m going to shoot.
Yin Yin has noticed that Luo Mingchuan is always in good control.
No matter how arrogant the other person's posture is, how swearing is swearing, he has
never been angry, nor hurts.
If his heart is as calm as an expression, it is a terrible self-control.
After thinking about it, Duan Chongxuan should also want to test Luo Mingchuan. Or, I want
to see who he is.
In the face of the weaker ants, the most vulgar insults, what he will do.
As a result, Luo Mingchuan lived up to expectations and did everything that the Virgin
should do.
Chunhong has thanked, Xia Yin is flourishing.
The soft soil under the feet and the jumping spots of the tree shadows make people feel
Just as Yin Yi thought that things would continue like this, the variables were brushed out
of the door of the new world.
Because this time, Luo Mingchuan murdered.
The bright red blood spewed from the neck of the man and infiltrated into the brown soil.
The corpse was separated, and the expression of the head solidified in the panic of wide
Yin Yin is in the same place.
The Virgin of Luo Mingchuan... actually started so neat?
The more Yin Yin began to think about what happened after the recollection.
This group of people is not a complete mountain. It is a warrior who has learned some
foreign kung fu and a loose training period. He wanders around Panlongling, and the target
is not a scattered passer-by, but he acts on the plane and picks up the weak. The caravan
Luo Mingchuan originally wanted to make sense first. However, it was still said by the
paragraphs that 跪 爹 爹 。. The swearing words of the other party were also sprayed out.
However, this time, it is very strange, the shot is not the first to provoke a paragraph, or
Luo Mingchuan who was lifted out by the words.
"Ah! What is the end of the mountain! Look at the back, but also block your face, cover your
face like a girl! It is clear that there is no face to see people!"
Yin Yi has not yet consciously lying down, and the laughter has come to an abrupt end,
because Luo Mingchuan has already shot.
He only killed one person, and the rest was only seriously injured.
But the good power of convergence usually comes out, and the invisible pressure is stirring
in the air.
Yin Yi does not consciously retreat two steps.
Luo Mingchuan returned to God.
He scared the younger brother? Also, the younger brother has seen this kind of thing.
When I think of it, the haze in my heart is gone.
He looked at the boy, and his voice was not consciously lightened. "Yin Shidi, you have
entered the school since childhood, and you are not deeply involved in the world. Naturally,
you don't know the world is sinister. But my practitioners walk in the world, and they can't
always be humiliated. There is always The moment of the sword..."
He did not know whether he was explaining to Yin Yi, or explained to himself, "Not to
mention, these are all wicked people. I will not hurt them today, and they will harm one
side in the future."
Yin Yin has been shocked!
He, is he being taught by the protagonist of the Virgin? !
Where is the villain face? !
Yin Yan’s face could not help but cold down.
“叮—The villain’s sign ‘the eyes are like a knife’ appears, the conditions are established,
and the villain is activated!”
Yin Yi has no hope for the halo effect now.
Brush negative! Bad review!
The seller is pitted! There is no one at all, scared to cry!
Luo Mingchuan saw that the teenager was still in the same place, it seems that some of the
souls are lost.
Feelings of helplessness in the heart, both the annoyance of their own out of control, but
also the younger brother is really pure and soft. Well, anyway, there is himself, he can
always look after him.
The younger brother does not like to hurt his life. It is a big deal. It is better not to let him
see it next time.
Luo Mingchuan has just made up his mind. Seeing that the teenager has gone in diameter,
Duan Chongxuan also followed the past.
Luo Mingchuan was afraid to let Duan Chongxuan go ahead, so he said, ‘I’m going to explore
the road. ‘The real yuan, a flash has disappeared.
Yin Yi is still spitting unscrupulous sellers, and he whispered when he heard the words.
"Four brothers, are you angry?"
"Four brothers, don't be angry, I know it is wrong." The tone was quite cautious. "I will
change my clothes back tomorrow."
Say the eyes of the good people are bright? Which of your eyes saw me angry because Luo
Mingchuan killed people! ! !
Regarding the dignity of the villain, Yin Yue feels that he still has to explain, "I am not
Duan Chongxuan was very moved, because even if he was so noisy, the four brothers could
forgive him!
"Four brothers, where do you think Luo Mingchuan's bottom line is?"
How to turn the topic so fast!
This Yin Yin really does not know. Originally, he thought that the bottom line of the Virgin
was that there was no bottom line.
The previous few times, Luo Mingchuan controlled it so well that it didn't make sense to
break out.
The voice of the voice was somewhat scattered in the wind, but the more Yin Yin still heard
"The bottom line of Luo Mingchuan is you."
you! Say! What! What! again! Say! One! all over!
Yin Yin was so shocked that even the next sigh of relief was not heard.
"So I can consider giving you to him, maybe the sister knows, will also consider it... or
watch it for a while, see his performance..."
He only heard his own stagnation,
"Don't rumor."
Duan Chongxuan will stop talking.
I don’t want to think more, because he has already seen the back of Luo Mingchuan.
More striking is opposite the Luomingchuan, standing more than ten people. The blue robe,
the wooden crown is shining, and the look is cold.
Obviously, this team has blocked the road of Luo Mingchuan.
Perhaps it is not a hindrance, but a narrow road.
But the road between the mountains is too narrow, and there are always people who have
to give way.
Yin Yi went over and saw the pattern of the gossip figure painted on the human robes.
Bao Puzong.
I know that this is more than just giving way.

Chapter 18: Bao Pu

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Bao Puzong is also on the western continent. It is one of the three factions of the 'One
Mountain, Three Schools' and the south and the north.
When it comes to the Western Continents, people first think of the Yashan Mountains, and
then they are Bao Pu.
Many people have forgotten that two thousand years ago, Bao Puzong was the first major
gate in Westland, and the prestige was far above the mountain.
If...not a sword saint is coming out of the world. The relationship between the Juggernaut
and Bao Puzong is very bad.
In other words, the rise of Mount Yashan is accompanied by the weakness of Bao Puzong.
The wheel of history rolled away, leaving the glory of the past behind, gradually being
annihilated by dust.
But there are always people who don't want to forget, but they are even less reconciled.
Bao Puzong’s unwillingness has been suppressed for 1,600 years. The runes with the Taiji
array are generally passed down from generation to generation.
In order to avoid trouble, Luo Mingchuan had already released the pressure of breaking the
barrier when he was on the road.
Sure enough, the mountains and the small people are avoiding, saving a lot of things. But I
did not expect that there will be another team who will go to the Folding Club, and will also
choose the Longling Road. This kind of pressure is a bit provocative.
So there is the above situation.
Among the people in the blue-colored robes, one is out of the world, but the realm is not in
the early days of the gods, but in the face of the obstacles, Luo Mingchuan is imposing.
"Wang Puzong is doing things, where is the small squad here?"
Luo Mingchuan was originally intended to give.
However, when the other party said this, he had already had a slight side and he had a half
“Yu Yashan Mountain Peak, Luo Mingchuan.”
At this time, Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan had arrived, and they heard that Luo
Mingchuan had self-reported the door, so Yin Yue also made a fuss, "Yu Yashan Huafeng,
Yin Yiyue."
They have been half a ritual here, but the other party has to return to the ceremony.
Because Luo Mingchuan is the first person in the world, Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan are
disciples of Juggernaut. The opposite of Bao Puzong, all three generations of disciples.
The disciple who spoke only recovered from the shock, his face has become iron, and he
still took the ceremony with everyone.
When Luo Mingchuan reported his name, he almost screamed, ‘When I was a three-year-
old urchin, how could the young disciple of this singer be dressed up? ! ’
But the two people standing behind, but let him hard to breathe back.
Because of the name of the Juggernaut disciple, no one dares to recognize it.
Do not blame Bao Zong disciples for arrogance, because Luo Mingchuan did not wear the
robes of the end of the world, but plain clothes. The hood of Yin Yin’s black cloak also
covers half of the face, plus the small gold man’s suit that Duan Chongxuan’s body moves...
The disciples who caused them to look at each other are not like the serious sects.
It looks very soft and very bully.
But when Luo Mingchuan took the ritual first, this softness became a soft knife.
The Emperor Baozong disciple wearing a robes was contrasted into a rude mountain
If Luo Mingchuan does not teach, they are not the same door, and they don’t have to pay
attention to the rules and strict rituals.
However, at this time, they had no choice but to return to the ceremony, and the repression
was not reconciled.
At this time, there was a male voice in the forest, and there was an unbearable pressure in
the indifference.
"Teacher, come back."
The head of the Emperor Baozong, who was headed, looked grateful and congratulated
him. "Yes, He Shishu."
Not only him, but more than a dozen of his disciples are all happy. Spontaneously separated
from both sides, greet the person who walked out of the forest.
The sooner Yin Yin knew that this group of people could be so embarrassed, the highest is
definitely not the one just now.
After knowing their origins, although they were shocked but did not panic, it can be seen
that the leader of this group must be a person whose status and status are equal to those of
the three.
Although it is called the uncle, Lin is out of a young man.
The body was thin and pale, and the blue robes like everyone else were worn on him, and
they gave birth to inexplicable sullenness, like the moss on the stone.
The power of his break-up period was fully revealed, forming a confrontation with the
Luomingchuan Chamber.
The disciples of Bao Puzong gathered behind him and headed him.
The situation in the field turned straight.
Yin Yi has already begun to consider which set of swords to use when waiting for the
The young man shook hands and gave them a half-court ceremony. "Wang Pozong, why
His name is simple, simple and somewhat strange.
But Luo Mingchuan has already shown a clear look. Because he is really famous.
The youth tone brought a bit of contempt. "I don't know if the high-ranking people are here,
they are not recognized, and they are offended. Please forgive me."
He said that if you forgive me, there is still no way to give way. To say ‘unrecognized’, this
means that the three of them are strangely dressed and describe misconduct.
He swept his eyes to Chong Xuan, revealing the insignificant color, and was also somewhat
Why are you really disappointed?
Because the world is speculating about the characters of the Juggernaut, but when he sees
it today, he only feels that under the prestigious name, it is actually difficult. This time he
came to participate in the Folding Party, which was largely the result of the Juggernaut’s
coming out of the mountain.
It seems that now, but it is. It’s really not worth the embarrassment of going out.
There was no fool in the presence, and naturally he heard the meaning of his words.
There was a few smirk in the crowd. Slight and harsh.
Duan Chongxuan also smiled. He went up two steps and nodded.
"He brother, long time, I will be lucky."
Yin Yue’s keen sense of dissatisfaction is different.
It is not a bluff, but an innate power.
Even the flamboyant crepe gold robes on his body were worn on him, and it seemed to be a
royal robes.
He said ‘fortunately’, but he was saying ‘跪’.
Duan Chongxuan continued, "Master, his elderly people often teach us that the people who
practice are 'doing nothing from the heart', do not shake their hearts because of foreign
objects, do not blind their eyes because of what they see, 'to turn things' instead of 'to
things' Serve me', if the heart is firm, from the heart, the sword and the folding fan, the
robes and the Chinese clothes are all foreign objects."
Helai’s face is a bit unsightly. But he can't say that Juggernaut is wrong.
Duan Chongxuan’s words turned, and the smile on the face gradually deepened.
"It is a fate to meet, although the road has come first and then to say one, but today I have
to see the friends of Baozong, all of them are simple and simple, and the jade and the pearls
are so poor. It really makes me admire! Hurry, impatient, I am waiting for a gift that does
not give way?"
He folded his fingers and retired.
"Please go first!"
Bao Puzong’s face was iron-blue, waiting for the decision.
Luo Mingchuan does not give them a chance to speak.
"The dispute over the narrow road is small, and it is said that there is a suspicion that I am
deceiving people. I have always been serious about it, and this is not a bad name!"
He retreated to the side and made a way to make way.
"Please go first!"
Yin Yi has been unable to pull out the sword.
If Duan Chongxuan’s words are a big circle, he implicitly expresses that you are ugly.
Luo Mingchuan is a bright and sultry ‘you are weak and you are right.’
Yan Huafeng's diplomatic representatives superimposed the diplomatic representatives of
Yan Yashan - how the goods of these two language proficiency max are together! !
For the first time, Yin Yi felt deeply that 'the mouth is justice.'
When it comes to this, Bao Puzong is no more than that.
Because... people have given way! They don’t care what to say! It doesn't make sense!
When he came to the hand, he said, "There will be a period later," and he turned and took
the Baozong people away.
The people who waited for Park Zong went far, and Luo Mingchuan walked back in front.
Yin Yiyue and Duanyan walked all the way, and asked, "What did Master say?"
Duan Chongxuan is arrogant and strong.
"I have only seen Master's portrait, who knows that his old man said nothing!"
Yin Yi discovered that he was speechless again.
Even the words of Jian Jian are dare to make up, if this goods are born in the Northern
The cliff also dares to preach the sacred purpose. Check the water meter sooner or later!
On the mountain path, the trees are shaded by the sun.
The disciples of the blue-colored robes are not willing to say, "He Shishu, is this all the
After all the silence, I heard this, but I showed a happy smile on the face.
"The end of the mountain is now so fast that it can only be heard a bit, why not?"
Someone immediately echoed this statement, "Yes! And at the Folding Party, the uncle will
teach them!"
Someone asked, "The black cloak with a hood covering half of the face is really a disciple of
Hua Huafeng? How can I not look like a good person?"
The only disciple who had a dispute with Luo Mingchuan replied, "Oh, I didn't believe that
the three of them were really at the end of the mountain, but when that person came out, I
knew it was right! Half a month ago, I arranged it at the Yashan Mountain. The spy at the
foot sent back a letter, and Yan Huafeng had a man who had practiced a scorpion and had a
white night! I wanted to come to the spot that was just hidden!"
The rest of the people showed a clear look, and humanity, "This will inevitably be repaired
as a big loss, I really don't know what else will come to the fold!"
Bao Puzong’s disciples talked and laughed, and they walked forward with enthusiasm.
Duan Chongxuan is not as fast as his mouth, he just doesn't like to suffer.
Teaching him from a small growing environment, no matter whether he speaks or does it,
he never makes a loss.
Luo Mingchuan does not like the war of words, but he believes that there is no need to start
things that can be solved.
And even if it is just a mouthful, you can't let others insult.
They insist on their own reasons and don't care what they are in the eyes of others.
Yin Yin thought more and more, maybe he had no chance to pull the sword before the
folding party.
But he still has some problems that he doesn't understand. "Where did that come from, is it
Duan Chongxuan looked at him strangely, and then smiled and raised his eyebrows.
"Four brothers, you should ask in front of him, you can definitely vomit a blood of a robe!"
Yin Yi really does not know. Even though I read the classics and files in the Yuanyuan
School, I know the history of the factions of each faction, and I don’t know what talented
rookies have appeared in the past 100 years.
I only know that the Qingjian sword faction has a 'wind and rain sword' Zhongshan,
because it is too famous.
Duan Chongxuan then asked, "Do you know the cuddle of the seven sons?"
Yin Yin is more thoughtful, "It seems, I heard that. Is there a name for Lin Yuangui?"
Duan Chongxuan thinks that the other six can vomit a robe of blood.
However, he patiently puzzled his own brothers. "Where is it, it is the fifth of the ‘Baopu
seven sons.’
Yin Yin is more and more aware.
But the fifth is like this, the rest of the two is what it is.
Duan Chongxuan went on to say, "Baopu seven sons, four spiritual repairs and three
martial arts, Lin Yuangui, who ranks first in the first place, is like a master in the mountains.
The other six have a unique practice of making a name for life." View... I sometimes think
that Bao Puzong is trying to make up the number of people, so that they will be the same as
Lin Yuan."
If you have already turned on, you can’t stop it.
"What logic do you say? Is it a victory for many people?! Then I am going to make a thirty-
six days and a seventy-two places in the world, a total of one hundred and eighty men. Can
you crush the practice world?! If I am Lin Yuangui, who was put together with the six
people every day, had already slammed the mountain down the door!"
Yin Yue feels more guilty about Bao Puzong... How much hatred? !
He changed his mind and understood it. Bao Puzong, the eternal second child, always has a
yin and yang attitude towards Yan Yashan. Most importantly, it is said that the relationship
between Juggernaut and Bao Puzong is very bad.
Juggernaut is also Juggernaut.
Every time Yin Yin thought of this cheap Master, his heart was very entangled.
He did not know that Juggernaut had traveled for many years, why did he send a letter to
the masters to accept the apprentices and accept himself into the Huafeng.
But he glanced at Duan Chongxuan, who was immersed in the spit...
No, he doesn't know what the standard of Juggernaut is!
When you mention Juggernaut, you think of Mr. House. It is said that these two people are
still making friends.
So many excellent children in the school, why do you choose to do things for him?
Is it the attraction of the camp with the villain?
Hey, the big guys now act, always making people confused.
Yin Yi thinks that if you have a resume, you must write it like this:
My name is Yin Yi Yue.
I am a villain.
Love to practice, love to practice swords, love to think, love who.
I am the man who wants to be the ultimate villain.
You can insult me, but you can't insult my life.
You can doubt me, but I can't doubt my professionalism.
The protagonist has a golden finger. He wants to go there, and the world gives way to him.
I have a vicious **** and a villain, and God blocks the killing of God.
I am Yin Yue. I bring salt for myself.
Oh, really salty!

Chapter 19: Star

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The carriage was smashing, flying fast on the official road of the West Coast, and bursting
with smoke.
The son picked up the curtain, and a pair of slightly picking phoenixes looked out.
Occasionally, the girl in the carriage next to the carriage, stunned to his eyes, hurriedly
blushing to avoid his eyes, but also bold, covering his mouth and smirking.
Duan Chongxuan laughed back and laughed.
Yin Yue is speechless, this way... Is the face not stiff?
After the road encounters the disciples of Park Zong, the three people were not interested,
speeding up the journey, and went out to Panlongling in less than three days.
On the cloud, the official road was all the way to peace. Duan Chongxuan rented a carriage
at the museum and asked the driver. When he was fine, he took the curtain and looked out.
In his words, this is also a kind of travel. It is practice and life.
For this kind of novelty reaction like sitting on a carriage like a blue-winged scorpion, the
more Yin Yin can't understand.
Did this goods go out in the sky before going out?
No, it should be broken in the Huafeng.
In contrast, Luo Mingchuan is much more silent.
When there are only three people in the car, the only thing that is still busy watching the
scenery and the girl is that this silence is a bit embarrassing.
Perhaps it is just a person who is embarrassed.
Fortunately, today is just awkward, there is no crisis in the back.
In the past, as long as it was a little closer to Luomingchuan, Yin Yue would be
uncomfortable. But now, this road, the carriage is not big, even if they are on both sides of
the seat, they are only three feet apart.
After a long time, I gradually got used to it.
Occasionally, the look of Shang Luomingchuan can also forcefully touch the corners of his
mouth and smile.
This kind of progress is really gratifying.
After Yin Yin became more frank, the guilty conscience became Luo Mingchuan.
He felt that he had lost his words to his younger brother, and he always wanted to find an
opportunity to solve his obsession, so that he would no longer be lost.
Past life experiences have made him believe that he is a person who can make mistakes.
But the younger brother is sitting there, only three feet away. When I look up at him, my
eyes seem to have a moment of laughter.
He suddenly felt confused.
It was like a school building on the midsummer night, and the evening wind passed by, and
the full bloom of the flowers fell on him.
Luo Mingchuan began to concentrate on the meditation of 'Qing Xin Yan'.
The more Yin Yin felt keenly, the atmosphere in the carriage changed very subtly.
This change comes from the fact that Luo Mingchuan's aura has become smooth and calm
after closing his eyes.
If Wu Xiu pays more attention to long hours of hard work, it is like swordsmen practicing
swords day after day, honing swords.
So for spirituality, what is more important is the talented spirit and the appropriate
Yin Yue remembers that when Luo Mingchuan first entered the end of the world, he was
Wu Xiu. His master painstakingly found a good sword for him, and his masterpiece was
‘Shen Zhou’.
Who knows that after the 'cutting period' barrier, the awakening of the veins is suitable for
spiritual repair.
Yin Yin thinks more carefully.
When the purple house was in a secret situation, Luo Mingchuan borrowed the jungle to
stop his sword, and his life was endless. He speculated that Luo Mingchuan's spirit is close
to controlling the vitality of vegetation.
In the Dungeon Dungeon question and answer, Luo Mingchuan used the Garland technique.
Yin Yi has checked, this is the Buddhist practice, which originated from Xingshan Temple,
one of the 'Bumen Double Temples'.
Yan Ya does not teach this, perhaps Luo Mingchuan is studying in the Yuanyuan School,
perhaps another chance. Although it is not a secret of the secret, it is extremely demanding.
It can be seen that Luo Mingchuan's talented spirit is close to pure and non-scaling.
On this road, when I met several teams of mountains, Luo Mingchuan was a barrier formed
by the real yuan and directly hit people. It can be seen that he is full of real elements. In
other words, his spirit is very wide and he can store a lot of real yuan.
Yin Yi feels that spirituality is trouble. Who knows what kind of tricks Luo Mingchuan will
have, and what is not revealed.
Then he saw the sword at the waist of Luo Mingchuan.
A dark blue sword with a simple style.
Like the pavilion of bamboo, the wind is not folded, the rain is not dirty. Like a lonely boat
on the river to ride the wind and waves, let the night rain drift, still do not change the
original intention.
The gentleman is like this.
Casting a swordsman, ten years of hard work, the sword of a gentleman, Shen Zhou.
Luo Mingchuan has always been a bright sword, but few people have noticed it.
Because his temperament is too gentle and quiet, so that the sword's determination is
Even if there is, he will think that he is the grace of Master Zhengyangzi, and he will wear
the sword.
Yin Yue suddenly felt a little cold.
If Luo Mingchuan really does not need a sword, why is the sword not suffocating?
If he is still insisting on kendo, how can he be distracted to practice spiritual practice?
The experience of countless predecessors proves that both are a dead end.
Yin Yiyue has read the classics of half of the library in the school, including everything.
At this point, I quickly searched my mind and finally got the result.
Such people did not exist in the world. One million years ago, there was one in the "All
The sage of the Xingshan Temple in Buddhism is known as ‘All Laws are all.’ Since human
beings have learned to use the heaven and earth aura to transform into their own true
elements, since the beginning of their practice, the only one among the recorded books has
been the one who broke the barriers of Buddhism, spirituality, and martial arts.
But the sage had already fallen, and there was no inheritance, and that era had vanished.
The atmosphere in the carriage is quiet, like a lake, seems to be very suitable for thinking
about history and old things.
Yin Yue is also like Luo Mingchuan, closing his eyes and meditation.
Before the human beings appeared on the mainland, they were born of the heavens and the
earth. The most ancient human beings, in the process of fighting against the harsh natural
environment and various strange animals, slowly learned to practice and enter the era of
human civilization.
After 400,000 years, the practice style reached its peak.
There have been countless saints and saints, and even more than the realm of saints, they
have touched the ‘fairy’ of the threshold of heaven. At the same time, the magic road rises,
and there are ‘devil statues’ and many magic repairers who can be against the enemy’s
This is the 'All Saints' era that lasted for 100,000 years.
In the long river of history, it is short and brilliant.
Then there was a great battle to destroy the land, and countless repairers fell, and many
Zongmen family broke the inheritance. The magical path of Donglu also split into the
'twelve palaces'. After that, the sky was catastrophic, the sky was raging, the land was
cracked, and the catastrophe lasted for a whole year. Five continents were devastated and
the creatures were smeared.
After another thousand years, everything will recover and spring grass will be born again.
The mainland has a new life.
The Eastern Continent is still a place of chaos because of the many devils, and several major
cities are in power.
The western continent holds the Pao Zongli faction, and the Yaya Mountain opens the
mountain. With 100,000 mountains as the boundary, one south and one north, it has
become the new order builder of Xilu. Many families depend on them to establish towns,
and the lives of mortals and cultivators are gradually returning to the right track.
The Qing dynasty swords and the Xingshan Temple in the South China have not been
broken, so they continue the order of the past.
An Asian saint appeared in the northern continent. Under his leadership, many powerful
people expelled the magic, unified the Northland, and established the Northern Dynasty.
It seems that everything is getting better.
However, people soon discovered that the highest revision of the repairer could not go any
further until the end of the holy. It seems to be due to qualification restrictions. You can
only wait for the fall in a long time.
In the 600,000 years, the new Yasheng appeared after the fall of the previous Yasheng.
Fortunately, the life of Yasheng was also very long, in the millennium.
People gradually adapted to a world without saints.
This is the long ‘the end of the era.’
Until Wei Fengfeng passed the thunderstorm.
Become a sword holy.
The wind and cloud are discolored, and the world is shocked.
Some kind of signal like heaven is purely coincidental.
In the following millennium, the geniuses of various continents have emerged, such as
springing up. Many people have shown their potential to enter the saint field.
For example, the sword saints who have been famous all over the world, Jun Yuan, Bao
Yuanzong's Lin Yuangui, and younger, the Qingshan Jianpai's Zhongshan, the smashing pile
of smoke. There are also a few young people who have not been famous, silent practice, but
occasionally some rumors come out.
It is almost imaginable that in the next thousand years, when these geniuses grow up, the
pattern of the five continents will inevitably change.
Of course, in the future, the variables are too many to predict.
Mr. Zhang Yuan called this era ‘the stars’.
So many practitioners, after knowing that there is a genius in Zongmen, will be proud to say
"We live in an era of stars!"
The appearance of Juggernaut marks the end of the old era and the beginning of a new era.
Yin Yin thinks more, this is really a very cool thing.
But is it really a good thing to change the times?
Change means disputes, and disputes mean chaos.
When Yin Yin opened his eyes, he saw that he was still closing his eyes. Sitting in the middle
of a slightly bumpy carriage, the breath is quiet, and the sinking boat at the waist is as quiet
as him.
He does not know what role Luomingchuan will play in the future.
Perhaps this is the best era and the worst.
At this time, Luo Mingchuan woke up from the entrance, and opened his eyes to face a pair
of cold-star-like scorpions.
The opposite boy stared straight at him, focused and silent. There is a worries floating in
the fundus.
For example, Pinghu hits the stone and instantly breaks the already settled mood.
Somehow, he subconsciously avoided the gaze of the juvenile, and asked to cover it.
"What about the younger brother?"
Yin Yi was caught from the moment when Luo Mingchuan blinked.
Peeking at the protagonist was arrested! What! broken! ! !
‘I’m thinking that your future drama is not a hero or a hero’
‘You’re so handsome, I’ll just take a look.’
Hehe a hair! ! What are all* replies! !
At this time, Luo Mingchuan also asked, "What happened to the younger brother?"
Fog grass! !
Can this article be swearing! ! !
Yin Yin only felt that all the blood was pouring into his face, and he never encountered a
more embarrassing moment than this.
With Luo Mingchuan's strange brain circuit, I wouldn't think that I have been watching him
for hours. !
The cliff will be treated as a metamorphosis! This is too shameful! !
The more he is embarrassed, the more he can't think of a solution. When Yin Yue decides to
break the can and say, ‘Nothing, I just look around’...
‘叮——Detected that the user’s distress value exceeded 100, and it was automatically
judged as a dilemma. Is the aura assistant open? ’

Chapter 20: Change

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yi almost forgot to have the ‘aura of small assistant’.
It hasn't appeared since it was used once in the Dungeon Dungeon. It seems to be a specific
condition to trigger.
The only time the user experience is not so good, he can only make expressions and
movements under the invisible force.
Luo Mingchuan has looked back and looked at him.
Yin Yin is more silently gnawing his teeth...
"We are in Da Nang!"
Duan Chongxuan shouted with excitement, put down the curtain and explored his body.
"Four brothers, we have to cross the sea!"
The atmosphere in the car was gone.
Yin Yin nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.
No No No! Also use a hair! !
‘叮——You have given up using the Halo Assistant. Tips, you have two chances to use. Little
assistant, good friend, a good helper to solve life problems. ’
Do not! If I can, I don't want to use it once!
Yin Yin looked at the excited face of the words, and felt very uncomfortable. Why is it
normal for a person (not a), and a sect is as excited as a chicken blood.
Can you keep a posture and look outside for so long?
Really nice?
At this time, the coachman yelled and the carriage stopped and smiled. "Several lords,
Dagang is here!"
Duan Chongxuan took the lead to jump off the car and took a silver in the driver's hand.
The driver is very embarrassed, "Yes, can't find it."
Duanyan’s heroic wave, “Don’t find it!”
I can't wait to make a big step forward.
Yin Yi went to the car and saw the back of the words, and thought that if the goods had a
tail, they must be shaking quickly.
Really... shameful.
Fortunately, I did not wear the robes of the Yashan Mountain. Fortunately, there was no
‘Jiansheng disciple’ on his face.
Luo Mingchuan finally got off the bus and thanked the driver. Just followed Yin Yin and
walked forward.
The wet salty sea breeze came.
Da Nang is the largest port on the south side of the western continent. It travels daily and
there are hundreds of sea boats anchored into port or sailed.
From sunrise to sunset, the moment is full of people. After the night, the port lighthouse
shines on the waves of the sea, and also illuminates the faces of people waiting to return to
the ship.
At this time, however, at dusk, the afterglow of the sun was plated with golden light. It is far
from seeing the thin lines of the sea and sky, and the seabirds that are not circling, are also
dyed red gold by the evening glow.
The waves in front of the eyes are magnificent.
At the end of the day, the flames rolled over and swallowed the ground.
Duan Chongxuan stood on the pier and looked at the wind, his eyes bright.
Yin Yin can almost fill his heart os:
I’m going to take a boat soon, think about it, there’s still a little excitement! \\(≧▽≦)/~
... what a ghost.
Compared to the upcoming long sea journey, the road ahead is almost nothing. If there is no
accident, they will sail for a month and a half at sea, and finally land on the White Whale
Harbor in the South China and then go to Yecheng.
The more Yin Yin thought of the words, it is very likely that he would not want to take a
boat again in this life, and he could not help but feel sorry for him.
The pier was as lively as ever, screaming, screaming, and the boatman’s movement was
On the most magnificent and four-story Jiuyi ship on the whole pier, a middle-aged man
with a short brown dress stood on the A class and directed the boatman to unload the
cargo. The voice of the man is like a Hong Zhong, and his eyes are full of light, and his
breath is not like a mortal.
Yin Yin looked at the gods and found that the other party was a practitioner of the cutting
period. It is probably the leader of the largest fleet of this terminal.
Luo Mingchuan apparently thought of him with him. The real yuan is transported, and a
long, light-weight ship that falls on a four-foot high. The people who attracted the goods on
board were exclaimed, hurriedly distracted, and looked at him curiously and respectfully.
The leader of the fleet greeted and politely greeted.
Yin Yin looked far and wide and saw Luo Mingchuan say a few words to the man. The man
was very enthusiastic, but later he explained it with a smile. Luo Mingchuan was still
thankful, and he walked over to the boat and walked over to them.
Yin Yi is more and more surprised, and no matter what kind of fleet, he is very happy to
carry the practitioners. Although well-equipped seagoing ships are equipped with powerful
artillery, the repairers are more flexible, and they will have more power when they
encounter sea animals or pirates.
Moreover, Luo Mingchuan took the jade card of Yan Yashan, and it is reasonable to say that
it should be extremely popular.
Soon he understood, Luo Mingchuan reluctantly said, "The ship's family said that in recent
days, there was a small wave of sea animals in the sea. The ship that departed four days ago
did not send back the missing message until yesterday. I am afraid it is fierce and rare. I
have stopped sailing for ten days."
Duan Chongxuan looked at the sea and looked the same. He didn't seem to worry.
The more Yin Yin was shocked, according to the law of the floating tide of Shanghai in the
past, it should be in late August, but now it is only in May, it is against the common sense.
There are now two roads in front of them, staying in the city of Danang on the side of Da
Nang, waiting for ten days to ship. Or divert this way, fold back and go through the
snowfield that connects the southernmost land to the south mainland.
Obviously, the former is more sensible.
But Yin Yue suddenly discovered that there might be a third way?
Under the white lighthouse stood a red-haired boy, his face was ignorant, and the red
ribbon wrapped around the pair of cocoons fluttered in the sea breeze.
It was just a few months ago when Yin Yue entered the school to lead the way.
The children also saw them, showing a happy smile, and ran all the way.
The more Yin Yue smiled, "The gentleman said that it is true, the brother is really here."
Luo Mingchuan had never seen a boy, and his look was slightly shocked. But then I guessed
the identity of ‘Mr.’.
The child took out three stacked squares of thin paper from the sleeves. "Mr. said that the
three people are inconvenienced to cross the sea and sent me to send the cards to the three
Then I handed them to the hands of the three of them.
Luo Mingchuan took over his hands, "I am sorry for thanking me for my work."
The elders give, not to resign.
What's more, it is given by Mr. House.
"Winning the wind and breaking the waves, climbing and folding flowers. Specially use this
card to strengthen the color. It is not too late, but it will change later. Mr. House is
Yin Yin looked at the platform of the snow wave and said that the familiar red seal was
slightly convex.
It seems that no matter where the world is, it is in the hands of the gentleman.
This is the magical power of Yasheng?
This kind of cognition makes Yin Yi feel more uneasy.
Is it the other five sacred people in the world, each omniscient like a gentleman?
Duan Chongxuan asked, "Where does this Cambodia go?"
"Mr. said that it is outside the city of Yecheng."
Yin Yin nodded secretly.
Outside the north of Yecheng City is a barren hill that is inaccessible and unattractive. It is
also very close to the heavy mountain.
The child is preparing for the ceremony, but like suddenly thinking of something, turn to
Duan Chongxuan,
"Mr. still ask, is it good to be honorable?"
Duan Chongxuan’s glimpse, then he did not breathe,
"It's very good, the body is healthy and full of spirits. The horse farm can ride ten laps
without gasping. The archery is as accurate as it was twenty years ago. Every day, you
should eat four bowls of Nanzhou Yusu. The night food and cakes are never broken. Thank
you. Mr. mourning."
The children listened carefully, didn't ask again after listening to them, and gave a three-
person ceremony to them, and the figure disappeared into the port out of thin air.
Yin Yi feels very strange. The strange question asked by the gentleman is strange.
Mr. Wu can ask, Duan Chongxuan’s embarrassment must not be ordinary people. He had
already guessed this point, and even the words that are the sinister sons of Juggernaut have
been opened.
But if it is not ordinary, why do you have to mention a few bowls of rice?
Unless, what Mr. asked is, ‘Lian quite old, can you still eat? ’
"Twenty years ago... How old are you? Remember..."
Remember the heroic attitude of the archery in the past?
Duan Chongxuan should have said that "naturally, it is compiled! There are no letters in
three years. Who knows if he is good or not."
... Yin Yin is again speechless.
Yin Yin looked at the Cambodian hands in three hands, in exactly the same way.
He tried to condense to solve the lines that formed the seal, and immediately felt that the
sensation was as painful as a needle.
Sure enough, it is still too stubborn. It seems that there is no other way.
He handed his own card to Luo Mingchuan.
"We change."
Duan Chongxuan asked in a strange way, "Four brothers, what's wrong with this?"
Luo Mingchuan is also puzzled, "teacher?"
There is no explanation and no reason.
The teenager stretched his hand in silence, and it seemed that the other party would not
give up.
The sea breeze blew, blowing the hood he wore, showing the stubborn stubbornness
between the eyebrows.
Three thousand white hairs lined up in an ink cloak, making them more glaring.
He repeated his words again, and the waves and the wind could not be shaken.
"We change."
"……it is good."
Chapter 21: Yan Xing
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yin just got the Cambodian Luo Mingchuan, and he held the sword in his hand.
Immediately injected into the real yuan, the figure disappeared into the port.
He vaguely felt the whistling of the wind and waves, the smashing of the market, the smoke
of the official road and the glare of the early summer, but everything was clearly between
the beggars.
In the next moment, he stepped on the real land.
I haven't seen the woods in front of me. Almost at the same time, a huge pulling force
suddenly pulled him back!
Even if there is some defense, Yin Yue is still two steps, no time to turn back, the sword is
still in the sheath and the giant Yuan Yuan is stabbed backwards, but in a moment, like a
mud cow into the sea, there is no sound!
Small rider!
He didn't use the prepared backhand again, because the pull disappeared and the voice of
the man rang behind him.
"Brothers are slow! There is no malice underneath!"
The man loosened the hand that had just pulled him over his shoulder and stepped back
two steps.
"This friend..."
Yin Yin looked back and looked at it.
It’s not because this person looks too good to be speechless.
But... very familiar.
A half-old dark brown shorts, a jug with a waist and a long knife behind him. The hair is
messy behind the head, and the chin is slightly cyan.
The dress of this pair of 'Liaohu Rivers and Wines' is not like a practitioner.
However, if you look closely, this person's facial features are distinct, and Xuan Mei flies
into the hustle and bustle. Because the eyes are too clear, naturally weakening the romantic
flow of the spring peach eyes.
Only show the sloppy and embarrassing.
The people in front of him also looked at him, and it seemed to be embarrassing.
At the end of the uncertain question, "fourth?"
At this moment, a voice rang out behind him. "Three brothers! How are you here?!"
The man turned back and was immediately shocked. "The old five!"
Then he pointed at him and Duanyan. "Odd! How do you both come out of nowhere!...
Fourth, what happened to your hair? I just didn't recognize you!"
Yin Yin thought more and more, he finally knew why he was familiar.
Because this person is three years in a rare three-time brother, Yan Xing.
The last time they met, Duan Chongxuan came to Yu Huafeng and went to the Master’s
Yin Yiyue nodded to Yan Xing. "Three brothers, this is a long story..." He didn't know the
reason for his white hair, so he turned his head. "I and the five divisions came to the south
land this time. Folding flowers will be."
Then he said, "What about the three divisions?"
Yan Xing reveals a sly look. "I have a long story to say..."
Suddenly his face changed, "converge!"
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan were nervous.
The third brother is already a small rider. Who is going to hide? Who will it be?
Yin Yin’s gaze fell on the foot of his talents, less than two inches from there, with a flag.
I wanted to come to Yanxing and suddenly pulled him back. I was afraid that he would
break this battle.
There are still eight such flags, which are twisted and twisted. The area between the forests
is about three feet, and the three of them are surrounded.
Yin Yue looked more carefully, this is a hidden array.
However, the arrangement method is very rough and simple. If it is not the Yan Xing of the
array, the person who has learned the dot matrix method can see the clue.
Yin Yin’s finger movements, a real yuan hit, and there were already two flags in the breeze,
and his gesture changed again. The northernmost flag was slightly halfway south.
It was such a subtle change that the whole formation was different in an instant, as if the
wind blowing in the battle had calmed down.
Yan Xing felt this change, and the breath relaxed instantly. He slaps on his shoulder and
surprises, "The fourth child! You!"
Yin Yi was a little embarrassed by his heroic manner, slightly lower his head, "the brothers
He knew in his heart that if Yan Xing did not trust him, he could not change the line of Yan
However, he still feels strange. If it is a strong enemy with a higher level than Yan Xing, this
battle will not be seen? If the other side is not as good as Yan Xing, why should you hide?
At this time, the woods screamed in the distance, and a white shadow passed through.
The man was getting closer and closer, and the cloud boots stepped on the fallen leaves and
weeds, making a subtle sound. There is no meaning to hide the trace.
It is a young man who comes with a sword in his hand.
The young people are getting closer and closer, and they can see the splashing landscape of
the robes on the wide sleeves of the robes.
Yan Xing looked nervous again and closed his mouth again.
Even Yan Yin and Duan Chongxuan were also infected by this tension, and they gaze at the
A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the forest, "Song Shaomen Lord."
It is the voice of Luo Mingchuan.
The young man named Song Shaomen turned back and was slightly shocked. "Luo
Yin Yi finally confirmed that Mr. now does not want to let Luo Mingchuan die.
Otherwise, any means in the space channel will be enough to let Luo Mingchuan die
silently, and the bones can not be found.
On the contrary, Mr. really wants the three of them to participate in the Folding Party
But at the moment, I am afraid that even Mr. did not expect it, because... Mr. is not so
Will go to calculate the personal grievances of Yan Xing and the younger one.
The two people who met outside the scene met and had already chilled.
"How can Luo brothers suddenly appear here?"
"The floating sea sudden beasts have sealed the route. Fortunately, Mr. Jiayuan sent a
Cambodian card to display space and magical powers. It has been here. Has the small door
owner ever seen other people in this forest?"
"Never... but since it’s Mr.’s Cambodia, there’s always no problem, maybe it’s a little farther
away. Luo’s brother doesn’t have to worry. I’m also looking for someone to go.”
Hearing here, Duan Chongxuan said, "The future of the end of the mountain and the
Qingjian sword sent a small door to the main, hey, the relationship is not bad."
There is no such thing as ‘the little master’ in the Yashan Mountains, but the identity of the
first singer has long been the default for the next generation.
Yin Yi has also confirmed the identity of this young man, and will take over the Song Yi of
the Qingjian sword school in the future.
Jinghong sword Song Yu. It is older than the same door, Zhongshan, repaired higher, and
became famous earlier.
Luo Mingchuan over there transferred Song’s attention.
Yan Xing took a sigh of relief. "That kid is also familiar with it..." He looked at it again and
suddenly realized that "the original Luo Mingchuan of the Qiangfeng... Laowu Laowu, do
you have any way to let him put the surname Song? Leading?"
Yin Yin nodded. Condensed the real element into a bundle, controlled by the gods, and
passed to Luo Mingchuan's ear.
"Luo Shixiong, I am with the divisional master in the distance between you and the north,
and the secret line of Yan Xing's brother. Yan brother is the main person who Song
Shaomen is looking for."
This is very obvious. Since it is in the line, it is not wanted to be found.
Luo Mingchuan's face did not change, the horror of the eyes disappeared, and the Song
Song next to him did not notice.
Then he smiled. "There is no hurry to find someone. I plan to be advanced in Yecheng and
find a place to stay during the Folding Party."
This year's Folding Party will turn to the Qingjian Swords to do the East, and Song Yi is the
owner of the few. Naturally, many things are handled by him, such as the accommodation
of the disciples in Yecheng.
Surely, Song apologized, "I was too worried, I forgot that Luo brothers have come all the
way, the boat is busy, I have prepared, I will bring Luo brother to the past."
Watching the two go far, the figure disappeared in the woods.
Yan Xing took another shot of Yin Yin’s shoulder. "The fourth child! You are too powerful!!"
Yin Yi only thinks that this Yan brother is very different from the imagination.
Can't help but think of a lot about this brother.

Chapter 22: Yan Xing (2)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The name of Yan Xing’s knife is ‘water cut’. This name is not his name.
He thinks that the knife is a knife and does not need any name.
This name was given to him by the world.
That year, Yan Xing went out of the mountain gate, and on the Donglu wilderness, he saw
the mighty magnate and smashed through the original. Fortunately, even oh, so I went
along the river. The breath of the road climbed up the road, and when I went to the middle
of the river, I entered the small ride.
He was too easy to break through and the atmosphere was so strong that he was unhappy
with an elder who met him.
The elder of Bao Puzong let the servants put down the big scorpion, condescending and
descending from the hustle and bustle, and marching through the river to the Yan dynasty.
"Who is your family's afterlife, it is rude and rude, why do you not meet with your
predecessors? So arrogant and arrogant, the avenue of practice is not long-term! Need to
know that 'the knife is broken and the water is more flowing', 'the road is as far as the sky
Mud, bitter and unmanned. Now the young man! With a little strength, I think I can do
anything, and I will always fall back!"
These words sounded like the teachings of the elders, but filled with overflowing curses
and grievances.
Yan Xing thought, this is really unreasonable, across a river, my breath will not be able to
collide with you even if exposed, not to mention your realm is slightly higher than me.
This man has neither taught him nor raised him, but now he teaches him with the shelf of
his elders.
This reminded him of what Master said.
"Not all people who have been cultivated for a long time and have lived for a long time have
the demeanor of their predecessors. There are always some people. The stronger they are,
the more arrogant they are. The longer they live, the more they are afraid of death. The
young people are so sharp that they will make them feel embarrassed and frustrated in
their prime."
Then he looked at him and sighed, "The old man has never met before he was young.
Among the three disciples of the old man, you are most like an old man. You will never
meet such a person in the future. When you remember, you will play when you hit it. I am
mad at him."
In the end, Juggernaut concluded, "Young people always show some edge."
It's a pity that Chong Xuan hasn't gotten started yet, so you can suffocate each other with
just a few words.
At this time, the Yan line is very young, but it also has its own way.
It is a teenager. If you don’t like it, you have to pull it.
Yan Xing pulls the knife straight!
It’s not the people on the other side of the river, but the river!
Three thousand giant waves start from the ground!
The real people on the other side of the river rushed out and rushed over the riverbank
with huge waves!
The water is flowing straight into the sky, and the day is endless. There was a downpour on
both sides of the river bank!
Many people have come to the wasteland, but in the small battles, people can only look far.
When the river fell again, those people were shocked to find that the river channel of the
Weihe River was disconnected and split into two ways.
The juvenile's knife has been stalked, the clothes are completely wet by the river, and the
black hair in front of the forehead is holding the water.
At this time, people who look at him will not feel how embarrassed he is, but he will also
have infinite pleasure in his heart.
"The home teacher is shocked."
This sentence is to answer the previous question of the other party, ‘Who are you born in? ’
"What ‘the knife is broken and the water is more flowing,’ I don’t understand this.”
The meaning is not over, I will give you a break.
No one knows about this rumor, because the story is so exciting enough that a young boy
can become famous.
He cut off the drowning water with a knife.
Let a river divert from this diversion.
Then his knife is called broken water.
Such a character, in the face of the elders of the Emperor Baozong's half-step, dared to cut
the water.
At this time, he hid in the woods on the northern outskirts of Yecheng. He used his own
method that he was not good at, and carefully avoided a young man whose realm was
lower than him.
I have to say that this is a very miserable thing, and it is very interesting.
More than Duan Chongxuan, even Yin Yi began to be curious, what the **** is going on.
Yan Xing reluctantly talked about his grievances with the young masters of the Qing
Half a year ago, Yan Xing came to the South Chinaland to make the ‘drunken fairy’ in the
wine cellar of Rongcheng.
He has been traveling for a long time, and his drinkers know that the more drunk the Yan
Xing is, the clearer his eyes are. There is no drunkenness, except for the mouthful of
He drank from noon to the night wine and snored. He didn't need real wine, he was already
drunk. However, walking calmly on the street, no one can see it. At this time, he has long
been obsessed with males and females.
It coincides with the Song Yu narrow road of the Qingjian Jianpai.
Song Yu took a group of disciples in the door and set off from Qingshan Mountain. He
rushed to Yecheng and passed by. Seeing the person who blocked the road was a small
monk. Although he didn't dress up, he decided to give way. But it was stopped by the other
"what's your name?"
Out of courtesy, Song Yu self-reported the door, "Song of the Qing dynasty swords, what do
you think of Taoist friends?"
Who knows that Yan Xing listened and laughed,
"Send sugar? Your name is very sweet, beautiful!"
It was nighttime and there was no one on the street. The angry anger of Song Song directly
hit the scabbard and swept toward the Yan line.
Yan Xing’s already drunk thinking is extremely chaotic. I think this is the first time in life to
revive a girl, and it’s nothing to let the girl play.
... Hey, this girl is quite big.
Song Wei didn't expect the other party to stop fighting. At the same time, he interrupted the
other's leg.
But he can't do anything to apologize. Fortunately, the monk who took the small ride, this
kind of injury will be good for a few days. So I left the bottle of medicinal herbs and left.
It stands to reason that this matter is over here.
The master of Song Shaomen also played, and the gas also came out.
Bad is bad. After a month, Yan Xing met a drinker in Yecheng and drank too much.
Someone asked him, "I heard that you actually said that his name is sweet in the face of
Song Wei?"
Yan Xing’s heroic hand, “Ha ha ha! People are sweeter!”
This day's Taihe Building, people are mixed, less than half a day, this matter spread
throughout Yecheng.
The more out of hand, the more widely spread.
Since then, the name of Song Shaomen’s master has been mentioned on the Southland. It’s
not the Qingjian sword door, not the Jinghong sword and the feather robes, but...
- People are sweeter.
So send sugar, ah no, Song Wei is really angry this time. I vow to find Yan Xing to play a
Even if there is a gap in the realm, he does not think that he must win the Yan Xing.
Yin Yi feels more understandable, just as if he is called Yin Yi Yue, who can dare to say what
is 'closed moon shame', and the cliff is also divided into swords to teach him to be a man!
Duan’s concern is obviously awkward, and some of the laughter is not good.
"Which leg did he interrupt you?"
Yan Xing took a look and reacted. "Right leg! I want you to marry you!!"
Yan Xing believes that he is not willing to work with Song Yu. I am planning to leave the
He sighed, "I am so big, even the girl's hand has not been pulled, because in one sentence, it
is now said to be a disciple by the whole Southland! It is a mishap!"
Then he took a sip from the hip flask.
Yin Yin is more silent, looked at the three of them.
Very good, three people, the style of the painting is very different.
Are your old people really serious?
The three of us are the gifts for you to participate in the "Buy the Sword to Send Disciples"
promotion! !
After finishing his own affairs, Yan Xing suddenly remembered their intentions. "Four
younger brothers, Folding Flowers will let go!" No one can win you!"
Three wet chest!
What do you and the big wet chest have for my inexplicable trust? !
Yan Xing drank the wine, even the flag on the ground refused to accept, swinging his hand,
"I don't know if the surname Song will come again... Qingshan does not change, the green
water will flow, there will be a period! Next time, please drink !"
The voice has not fallen, and the person is already outside the three feet.
Looking at the back of Yan Xing, Yin Yu soon realized a more serious problem.
Yan Huafeng had not dealt with Bao Puzong, and it must be a fierce battle.
Now add the three divisions to offend the Qingjian sword door. There is also a Zhongshan
in the Qingjian Jianmen.
This folding, how can I fight? !
Chapter 23: Yecheng
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Yecheng is the closest town to Chongming Mountain. The people who come to participate in
the Folding Party will be arranged by the host to enter the city.
‘One Mountain and Three Schools, Buddhism Double Temple’ take turns to be the East. This
year’s turn is the Qingjian Sword School.
Originally, the Qingjian Swordsmanship was in the South China Sea, and it also had an
intersection with the city government of Yecheng, and it was very handy to do a lot of
With regard to the preparations for this folding festival, it is more work.
Not only to highlight the foundation and prestige of the sect, but also because if there is no
accident, the pride of their sects, the wind and the sword, will win the prize at this event.
The accommodation of the disciples of the various factions, the protection of the mountain
at the foot of the mountain, the maintenance and repair of the mountain road, began to be
arranged six months ago.
Although Yin Yueyin three people came early for a month, the courtyards prepared for the
disciples of Yan Yashan have already been packed.
After Luo Mingchuan was brought to the residence of the city by Song Yu, he came to the
gate of the city and waited for Yin Yue and Duan Chong Xuan.
Yecheng has been building the city for a long time, and it can be traced back to Ye Town in
the 'End of the Law'. Because of its geographical location and convenient transportation
conditions, it was one of the best cities in the northwestern part of the Southland.
Later, with the Folding Club, it was a rapid expansion. Today, the city wall has opened eight
large city gates, and every day tens of thousands of people have to go in and out.
When the three were in the city, they were catching up with the city’s guards.
The first city in the western part of the South Continent finally showed its appearance.
A team of soldiers hurriedly and neatly walked through the city, with heavy black armor
reflecting light and a black sheath long knife at the waist. The expression is solemn and
The people in the city are all a strange look.
The old man on the roadside stall is still selling, the juggling artists on the bridge are still
sipping, and the children on the street are still chasing with wooden swords and candied
The squad of the City Guard is wonderfully integrated into this vibrant city.
Yin Yue is puzzled. "What is the city guard here?"
Isn't it used to maintain a clean and solemn image in the city? Why are the hawkers on the
roadside not afraid of them?
The three men walked on the wide street, Duan Chongxuan smashed the fan, and looked at
the girl who waved at him on the small building with great interest.
"Yecheng's city guards, hard work. And don't say that such a hot day has to wear the strict
street, and the practitioners who fight and fight, have to go up to maintain order, ask them
to play another place, don't Injured the children and flowers and plants on the street. When
the strong people live in the city, they have to open the passage of the city, so that the
elderly and ordinary people can go on refuge first... Even when they meet a grandmother
with a heavy back, they have to help. People pick things up! Are you terrible?"
Luo Mingchuan smiled and then explained to Yin Yi, "The street we are walking now is the
main street of Yecheng. The people are crowded. If we ride a horse, these city guards
wearing black armor will go on. Before reminding us to dismount, avoid collisions with
pedestrians and vendors. They are so cold that they are to show the city's prestige and
shock the practitioners outside Yecheng. Don't be here."
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "Although the errands have suffered a bit, but the sorrow is very
high, and they are loved by the Yecheng people, and the city government is the backing.
Here, the son who passed the assessment and was elected to the city Guard is a good thing
for the ancestors of Guangzong. In this case, it is estimated that there is only one Yecheng in
the whole southland."
Yin Yin’s heart is full of emotions.
Ordinary people and practitioners, wine and swords, pawns and black guards.
In this city, harmony is unified.
Then he suddenly thought that all of this is traced back to the city owner of Yecheng, a
strong man of the great place.
Strong enough to set his own rules, and few people in the whole Southland dare to prosper
in his city.
Strong enough to shelter one side.
He suddenly admire the city owner.
At this time, Yin Yin did not realize that he would produce this kind of emotion because the
subconscious had a place in his heart that he wanted to guard.
Perhaps it is the vast expanse of Yan Huafeng, perhaps his sincere and short-term door,
perhaps the continuous Yanya Mountain, perhaps the disciples who sent swords to him on
the mountain.
This is a very serious violation of the villain code, but Yin Yue does not feel that something
is wrong.
The sky will be dark, the afterglow will be radiant, and the lights in the city will not be
ready to light up.
The red lanterns on the flying gates of Gaomen House, the lanterns of the Yingge Building,
and the warm yellow lights in the street wine cellars, through the curtains, mixed with the
wine and laughter.
After entering the night city, the more and more squatting, the lights are like the sea, and
the people are like weaving.
The three gradually stepped out of the main street in the center of the city, leaving behind
the lights and the silk, the bustling and the hustle and bustle.
The more you go to the south of the city, the quieter the night, the lanes of the bluestone
long street, the black and white light and shadow interlaced, occasionally revealing the
plaque and stone carving of the deep courtyard.
After the house of the south of the city, it is the Qiushui Lake.
There is no human light to compete. The glory of the stars slid down, and the lake
shimmered. Quiet but not deserted.
The newly built courtyard group on the lakeside is silent in the night, blending with the
One and a half months during the future Folding Festival, they will live here.
The three people stood on the shore of the lake, and the night winds were chilling.
Luomingchuan Road, "Come on us, this time there are 30 people, a total of ten yards, that is,
three or four people share one."
Yin Yin has not responded yet, Duan Chongxuan said, "Oh, let's live one."
When Luo Mingchuan saw Yin Yin, he didn't talk. It seemed to be the default arrangement.
He couldn't help but relax and relax. "Let's go."
The three-person acquaintance walked toward the nearest courtyard of the lake, leaving
the largest yard in the north to the elder of the flat.
"There was a servant who had seen the house sweeping here. But only three of us were
coming, and I couldn’t use it. I sent it back."
"Many people are rather messy, this is very good, four brothers, what do you think?"
Yin Yin nodded silently. He is just thinking, this location is very suitable for practicing cold
water sword.
The newly built yard half a year ago was clean and tidy, and a tree and magnolia were
planted in the court. At the flowering stage, the white flowers hidden in the green leaves
add a little color to the small courtyard.
The yard is small, and there are no main and auxiliary points in the four rooms. Yin Yi chose
one of them casually. The Sapphire case, the quicksand account, is neither magnificent nor
rude, so he is very satisfied.
At this moment, a loud noise came from the next door. Yin Yin was suddenly shocked by the
heart, and the next door was the room!
He ran out with the sword and broke straight into the door!
Then I saw... I was moving my furniture.
The sand bed of the quicksand has been replaced by his own red sandal carved crepe. The
table turned into a long beaded snail.
As for the loud noise just now, it is the sound of a Huanghuali treasure embedded in the
large cabinet.
There are no strange treasures in the whole house. The snails, pearls, gold and silver, and
precious stones embedded in the furniture alone give birth to a fascinating glow.
Yin Yi is more skeptical that this goods can move out of a palace!
When I saw him, I quickly understood and apologized. "Four brothers, I have a fight."
Yin Yin shook his head. "No... I thought you had something wrong."
Duan Yanyi was very happy to hear the laugh. "Senior brother, you are coming! I am going
to find you!"
Then he slightly lowered his voice. "Yecheng's cloud wants to hold Yun's girl. It's a good
hand, and the name is the best in the Southland. In the Jinfeng Yulu Building this evening..."
Yin Yin knows more! Duanyan is inviting him to go shopping! flower! floor! !
Night upstairs, lanterns and sleeves, beautiful silk bamboo.
Life without visiting the flower building is incomplete!
Think about it... little excitement.
Yin Yue is not trying to do something, but in his past life experience, there is no such thing.
Unknown things are always attractive, not to mention, the black winds of the night, the
rushing to the flower building, it is very exciting to think about it.
He was at the head, and he saw the opposite paragraph and suddenly looked awkward.
"The opposite side of the Jinfeng Yulu Building is the Taihe Building. At night, there is a
storytelling on the stage. The story is introduced and it is very popular. It is worth a visit.
What do you think of the four brothers?"
Yin Yin is more shocked!
He is deeply ashamed of his vulgarity and high-level eloquence!
At this time, he turned around with his gaze, and he saw Luo Mingchuan standing at the
door. His smile was light and his face was like a gentleman.
"It turns out that the two younger brothers are going to hear the book."
Duanyan nodded again and again, "Exactly, should Luo brothers go together?"
Yin Yi feels even more ashamed.

Chapter 24: Bud

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If the cultural life of the Yashan Mountain is gossip and wording, then the characteristic
customs of the Yecheng people is to watch the lively and lively.
The long-term stability and prosperity make the folks here bold and bold, and dare to see
what the excitement is, and dare to say anything.
They talked about how the East China's magic repairs are eager to revive the magic palace,
and how the royals of the Hokuriku are extravagant and wealthy, guessing how beautiful
the first beauty of the 濂涧 is, and when the homeowner is smashing his heart. .
The people of Yecheng are very interested in talking about the big things in the world. It
seems that everyone is pointing to the big people in the mountains.
Even if it enters the night, Taihe’s business upstairs is no worse than Jinfeng Yulu.
On the first floor of the hall, there was a high platform, wearing a long-shouldered
storyteller, licking his mouth with a good hair, and yelling at the audience. Immediately
attracted thunderous applause and applause.
The lobby on the first floor was already full, and in a remote corner on the second floor,
three young men were sitting.
One person is the gentleman of the gentleman's side, and one person is the handsome of
the gentleman. There is also a black cloak that can't see the face.
But Yecheng is always bustling, and there are strange practitioners. This dress is not eye-
Yin Yin is more and more sipping the pot of the mountain, and the heart is full of emotions.
I never thought that they were three...
Actually, I really heard about books!
The Mr. Shuoshu downstairs has already opened his mouth, and the sound of fullness is far
"All of you here know that the heavy-duty mountain folding flower meeting will be opened
in the second month outside our city next month. At that time, the young martial arts will
gather together, and all the magical means will be on the scene. It is a rare event of ten
Just when everyone thought that today is still a folding festival, the storyteller’s words
"But let's not talk about the Folding Party today. What do we say? Let's talk about the
inscriptions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!"
The screams of the audience sounded again.
Although the Folding Flower Club is wonderful, it has been spoken for many days, and
everyone will listen to it. It’s fresher and more appealing at this time.
Yin Yin heard the words of Mr. Zhang Yuan, and his heart was tight.
What is the word?
The storytelling humanity, "The double star shows the world, the dragon snake fights, the
life and death of the same door, live one." This is what Mr. said in Minghu three hundred
years ago, I think some people have heard of it, some people do not know."
Yin Yi is really unclear. He was not born three hundred years ago. This sentence only
remembers where he had heard it.
"But what do these two words mean? How do you solve it? I think everyone wants to know,
let's talk about it today!" A piece of screaming, the storyteller did not sell off,
"On the twenty-eighth place in the sky, there is only one dragon, and the golden dragon is
the ‘the shackle’ in the Seventh Place of the East... As for the snake, it is the ‘wing’’ in the
southern seven, the winged fire snake!”
This is not an esoteric astronomical knowledge. People who know a few points under the
stage have already agreed. "It’s good!"
Some people have also questioned, "This group of people know that you are talking about
these two stars?"
The storyteller laughed. "What kind of character is Mr. Zhang Yuan! It can be said that it is a
secret! This star, ah, is clearly a person! 亢金龙和翼火蛇, corresponding to the position of
the star, I see it is '沧涯山' and '抱Park Zong', Buzi said that it is the great disciple of Yan
Huafeng, and Lin Yuangui, the head of the seven sons of Bao Pu. The two of them are the
strongest of the younger generations of these two factions. Mr.'s inscription."
Everyone in the restaurant said that he was happy. He couldn’t think of it here. At this time,
there will be three disciples of Yan Yashan.
Yin Yin went to see the two people beside him, Duan Chongxuan and Luo Mingchuan still
did not change their face.
Someone shouted on the first floor, "Hey, ‘Dragon Snake’ is there, then how can this ‘life
and death’s door’ be explained?”
The storyteller is not annoyed, shaking the fan road, "door, ‘the situation' is also that he will
be forced to be in the same situation, and die.”
"Hey, you are so sure, what should I do wrong?"
The storyteller laughed loudly. "Haha, you are wrong to come to me to pay for tea!"
Everyone knows that losing tea is just a joke. Taihe upstairs tells stories, guesses and
exaggerates, and where is true. The storyteller spoke of the old things of the end of the
world and the emperor of the Park, and there was a discussion of boiling and anti-profit in
the building.
The storyteller knows how to stargazer, stays in the teahouse where people are mixed, and
hears some rumors. In this way, everyone in the teahouse listened with gusto.
Yin Yi has no heart to listen to. Luo Mingchuan saw that he was uneasy, and the hand on the
teacup moved slightly, so the rumors of the full house could not be passed here.
Even the nearest neighboring table can only see the three young people drinking tea in
The more Yin Yin felt the sudden change of breath, as if there were invisible barriers
around them.
I know that this is the first time that Luo Mingchuan has demonstrated the obstacles.
So Yin Yin directly said the doubts in his heart. He asked Duan Chongxuan, "Is this thing... is
it true?"
He knows that Duan Chongxuan has a unique channel of information because of his
extraordinary status. He knows a lot of secrets and anecdotes, not to mention the master,
he must have heard.
Duan Chongxuan did not directly answer yes or no, but instead said,
"It is rumored that three hundred years ago, Mr. Zeng had been drinking at night on
Minghu Lake, drinking fourteen years of seventy years of scent, brewing, drunk, and
The more Yin Yin can't imagine, the Confucian who cooks tea under the banyan tree will
also have the time to drunk and sing.
"As the starlight falls into the lake, Bailitun, Mr. raises his eyes to watch the stars, sings in
the "Phoenix Tour", 'double star show, dragon snake fight, life and death with the door, live
one'. Song, the night fog on the lake The three are not scattered. Until the night fog fades,
everyone knows that Mr. Lake has realized the epiphany and took the wind. This song has
also been recorded, and it has been passed down from here."
"The beginning of the rumored, many sects will be proud of their disciples according to the
name of the dragon snake, but there is no evidence. The time is long, it will stop ... until
Master brought back the master. In the same year, Lin Later, he went to Bao Puzong. Later,
his two names became apparent, and the lyrics were re-raised by the people. Over the
years, there are also many clues to follow, not a hole in the wind."
Duan Chongxuan said that he sighed here. "Four brothers, you have practiced hard and
never joined the WTO. Naturally, you don't know. In fact, today's storytelling is really not
new. These have been spread all over the Western Continent."
Yin Yin asked, "Do you believe?"
"I hope that it is not true. As far as I know, Lin Yuangui’s birthday is facing the 'wings'.
Although he is tempted to explore the realm of damage, the sky is incomprehensible and
unpredictable. But then the gentleman was in the right' There is no one without me, and
the income of the epiphany is naturally more than a hundred times accurate. Not to
mention... the gentleman never speaks proverbs."
"Master, do you know?"
Duan Chongxuan nodded, "It should be known."
When I heard this, Yin Yi was a little more heavy.
He used to think that the masters bear the honor of Yan Huafeng, the famous name of
Chunshan, and the safety of Yanya Mountain.
Only today did I know that life and death were also a shackle.
It is not that he has no confidence in Jun. But Lin Yuangui is also very strong. It can be said
that in addition to the Emperor Baozong, the most powerful person.
According to Mr.'s inscription, this is not a general enemy, but a battle between life and
Life and death, like the river across the bank, is cruel.
Duanyan seems to guess what he is thinking.
Suddenly smiled and the tone was a lot easier. "The four brothers don't have to worry too
much. There is always a master, and it won't let the masters have an accident."
Yin Yi is more and more.
To be honest, he really has no confidence in the cheap Master who has not returned to the
peak for hundreds of years.
At this time, Luo Mingchuan also smiled and the atmosphere was completely relaxed.
Duan Chongxuan said, "Four brothers, do you know what Bao Puzong has with us?"
Yin Yin nodded. "It is rumored that Master had been on the banks of the Weihe River and
used a slap in the sky to abandon the elders of a great emperor."
This is no secret. The sword is so famous that it illuminates the entire river at night and the
five continents know it.
"In the version of Bao Puzong's circumstance, the Juggernaut acted arrogantly and did not
make sense. Their elders heard that Juggernaut had received the first apprentice, but
wanted to take a look. Not only was he returned, but he was also retaliated and cruel. The
abolition of the repair is ... four brothers, do you believe?"
Yin Yi is more decisive, "Do not believe."
If Juggernaut is such a person, he can't teach the character of the master and the second
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "In fact, at that time, Bao Puzong divided the old and the new. The
new faction advocated the Tao and nature, and practiced in personal consciousness. The
old school insisted that the heavens and the qi are conserved, and the more the sword saint
is monopolized, the more left. Less. Now there is a Juggernaut in the Ya’an Mountain, which
has threatened Bao Puzong’s status in the Western Continent. So the appearance of the
Master makes them very nervous, and they are afraid that there will be a second sword in
the future. Holy."
Yin Yi has already vaguely guessed something. It must be that Bao Zongxian started with
the master.
"The elders of Bao Puzong's old school, combined with the other strong men of the small
martial art, took the master when he was not in the army. At that time, the master was still
a child, and the sword was unstable. On the edge of the Weihe River outside the park, it is
used to force the sword to descend from the realm! No, not only is the self-destruction, they
also demand that the Juggernaut self-destruction."
Yin Yin was more angry, but he still noticed a doubt. "They? Isn’t it an elder of Bao Zong?"
Duan Chongxuan’s eyes showed a bit of sarcasm.
"More than one, but six. Plus a few other small sects, a total of twelve. They think that
Juggernaut is so powerful, it is impossible to kill them so many people at once. Or, no Do
you dare to kill so many people, or do you still want to be famous? In the spirit of 'the law
does not blame the public, the people are the big righteousness', they dare to do this kind of
Yin Yiyue has already guessed the ending.
Sure enough, Duan Chongxuan said, "There has never been a 'sacred person' in the world
for a long time, causing them to forget the power of the saint. Juggernaut, who used only
one sword, killed eleven people and abolished the imprisonment of Bao Puzong. The elders.
It is only because the master is in his hands that he is afraid of accidentally injuring the
"Bao Puzong has been badly hurt since then. The new faction thinks that this is a loss first,
not good. The old elders are dead, but the elders' disciples are still there, and they secretly
preach the swordsman cruelty and killing. Unreasonable reputation."
Yin Yin heard this and finally laughed. "The characters like Master are also tired of the
It’s like a sword saint who has never met before, so it’s so fresh. He could even imagine the
brilliance of the sword on the edge of the rushing river.
No matter how the world looks, he feels that this is an admirable person.
Duan Chongxuan also smiled. "Master, his old man, naturally won't care what the fleas, the four brothers don't have to worry too much."
He took a sip of tea and exclaimed,
"If Master says there is a bottom line, the bottom line is the master."

Chapter 25: Narrow road

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In the following month, Ye Cheng continued to appear a lot of foreign practitioners, and the
guards in the city also quietly increased. The monks wearing the various robes and the
ubiquitous Black City Guards added a bit of solemnity to this sturdy and inclusive city.
After returning that evening, Duan Chongxuan invited Yin Yin to go out and hear the book
in the night. Nothing happened, whether it was really heard or not.
So Yin Yue spent the day practicing swords on the edge of the autumn lake, practicing the
cold water sword. Meditate in the room at night, play the sword in the sea, and temper the
The small courtyard by the lake is very quiet. Ye Cheng’s rumors are not here.
However, if you look at the center of the city, the blue-eyed robe gossip is the Emperor
Baozong, the purple-haired long-sleeved shirt is the Mou Zong, and the white robe
embroidered the cloud pattern is the Yaya Mountain.
The gray robes are all the temples, and the Ming dynasty is the Xingshan Temple.
Walking in front of them, responsible for guiding the road, dressed in white robes with
splashes of ink, is the host, the disciples of the Qingjian sword.
He Wei followed the uncle of Zhang Pingfeng and walked through the bustling streets and
alleys to the autumn lake in the south of the city. When she was a child, she often slid down
the mountain, but no place I saw was more fresh and interesting than this Yecheng.
The disciples of the Qingjianjian school are still there, and naturally they cannot reveal the
appearance of the world. That is too shameful.
So she gave Xiaolian a look. Yan Xiaolian returned to her with a look.
- Go out to the city to eat at night.
- Eat the oyster on the left and eat the sorbet from the back.
The two calmly reached a consensus and walked forward without changing their colors.
The three people of Luo Mingchuan received the news of the disciples of Qingyi, and they
greeted the same door of Yashan at the autumn lake.
After seeing the ceremony with the elders of Ping Pingfeng, I watched the disciples of the
disciples begin to divide the yard. The original quiet courtyard of the lake has also become
From time to time, some disciples came forward to see the three of them. After he finished
greeting, he stopped Luo Mingchuan. "Senior brother, I have a lot to ask you."
Yin Yin knows the second!
The sister is bold! Your brother did not meet half of the beautiful women on the way!
Duan Chongxuan smiled at him. "Today, the city is very lively. Why don't you go with the
four brothers to see?"
Yin Yin is more uncertain about the meaning of visiting the flower building in this sentence,
but now the autumn lake is also awkward, the sword is not even, it is better to go to the
The two had just passed through the households of the high-end families in the south of the
city, and they first met a lively event.
What happened in Yecheng is far from being able to see, because the Black Guard is really
What's more, the lively center is also an acquaintance, and the blue robe flashes through
the corners of the crowd.
Duan Chongxuan circumvented the encirclement of the crowd without saying anything, and
went to the tea house on the street with Yin Yin.
Picking the position on the second floor of the window, I asked for the rose cake and the
Junshan Maojian, so I looked around.
This position is too good, even the clowns of the Emperor Parkzong clinging to the
trembling fists are clear.
Downstairs, surrounded by the city guards in the middle of more than a dozen blue-colored
robes disciples, happened to be the Yin Yuyue three people met in Panlongling.
The two teams are not looking good. The black armor has a stretcher in the middle and a
person lying on the stretcher. He came to represent the team leader of the city guard.
How come the tone is very cold, the power is very heavy, "People are already fine, the drug
is also given, what else?"
He was exposed to the pressure of the barrier-breaking period and looked very powerful.
If there is no one in the towns and villages of Baojizong’s Hengduan Mountain, there is no
one who dares to defy him.
However, in Yecheng, the city guard team is not afraid of him, even the ordinary people
who are far from the crowd are not afraid of him.
Where is the cultivation of the realm, and naturally hear those whispers, even if the gossip
is very low, far away,
"What about the quality of the big door?"
"Bo Baozong? Oh, when Yan Yashan entered the city, he was kind and unassuming, and he
didn't see anything."
"Yeah, Li Laobo said that the two girls in the middle of the world still smiled at him!"
It’s another mountain, why did you hear the anger burning, but at this time, the captain of
the city guard team spoke,
"According to the city law, damage to private property should be compensated twice as
much as the original price, causing personal injury to apologize, responsible for follow-up
treatment and compensation."
He hasn’t spoken yet, and a disciple of Baozong is anxious.
"How come without compensation?! Do you know that the bottle of Yulu Dan is worth
The captain showed an incomprehensible look and said seriously, "But you didn't
apologize. What does this have to do with the value of the drug?"
The imperial disciples of Bao Puzong are mixed with incredible shock and anger. They have
never experienced such a thing in their past lives. It is understandable to apologize to the
strong, but now they want them to apologize to an ordinary person? !
However, it was a trader who picked a pole. The traders were old, and they couldn’t blame
them when they rushed out. If they were not thinking about going out, they would use such
a good medicine!
Where did he calm down first and regained her expressionless expression. He just wants to
leave here as soon as possible, instead of being surrounded by people watching movies.
He took a robes on the stretcher in the middle of the black armor and took a half-court
ceremony. "I can't help it."
Of course, he does not put these realms far less than his city guards in his eyes, but in
Yecheng, not to mention the city owner of the Mahayana, there are only a few envoys.
These guards are the people of the city's main government. When they first came to
Yecheng, the Folding Flower Club has not yet begun. He does not want to have a life at this
One of the disciples, Bao Zong, said with anger, "Now let the way!"
The black armor was neatly let go, and the captain shouted loudly behind them. "Go back
and remember to read the city law!"
The people on the street are covering their mouths and laughing.
When he came to see it suddenly, he looked up at the two people on the tea house and
looked at his face.
Duan Chongxuan smiled at him without giving face.
In the small courtyard on the edge of the autumn lake, Guang Yulan swayed slightly in the
Luo Mingchuan patiently told He Wei about the experience of this road.
The long levee of Yucheng, the foothills encountered by Panlongling, the official road of
Xilu, the waves of the floating sea, the space magic of Mr. Cambodia.
Finally, He couldn’t help but interrupt him. "Sister, I don’t want to hear these!"
Luo Mingchuan is not annoyed, gentle, "What do you want to hear?"
He sighed and stopped, and finally asked, but he was too embarrassed to say that it was too
straightforward, vague.
"I want to know... How are you and Yin brother?"
What is it like?
The fold will be near, and the sister should ask them how they are doing it.
So he smiled. "It's good, it's much better than before."
He Yan’s eyes lit up, “I know!”
She rushed out of the yard like a gust of excitement. "Senior brother, if you rest, I will not
She wants to tell Xiao Xiaolian this good news right away! Handkerchiefs and banners are
not white, hahaha!
Luo Mingchuan stood in the wind and felt very inexplicable.
The freshness of the first come to Yecheng quickly passed.
On the second day, the disciples of Yan Yashan began to practice as they did on the
The day before the start of the draw, the autumn lakeside was as quiet as ever.
The lottery was on the edge of the platform at the foot of the mountain. Everyone goes to
Shen Ying to record the name and take the number.
A total of 321 people, the first one hundred and sixty people draw lots, decide the
opponent, the rest of the luck is good, the first round will be empty, directly to the second
No one cares if there is a lottery, because the opponent is all by luck.
At the moment of the signing, there will be a display on the screen, and the exchange will
not be changed. What's more, this time, the Qingjian Swords of the East sent two small
elders to maintain order.
The number of Yin Yiyue three people, just in the first one hundred and sixty, is going to
draw lots.
Along the way, the crowds of people, all the disciples of the disciples,
"Oh! I got the sister of Miao Zong! How can this be done?" The speaker was full of joy.
"I smoked the Jikong Temple Huiren, Buddha repair, there is nothing to worry about, even
if you can't beat it."
There was also a miserable, surrounded by the same door in the middle of comfort, anger
and screaming, "Do not fight, do not fight, Lao Tzu wants to go home! The first game will
meet Zhongshan, what luck!"
The lottery team moved quickly, and Duan Chongxuan reported his number and started
drawing lots. The signing is very large, engraved with a sinister array of laws to prevent
prying, and the two elders are supervised next to them. He freely reached out and pulled
out one. After opening, the ink writing appeared.
On the wall of the shadow, he lit up the name corresponding to the sign.
The disciple who wrote the bulletin board next to it immediately wrote, "Chong Xuan,
Chong Xuan, and Bao Zong Li Lin, the fifth game on the 15th, and the third."
Yin Yi did not expect that some of the three of them would draw Bao Puzong in the first
The sigh of luck is really...can be.
Next, Luo Mingchuan finished the sign and hesitated. "One hundred and eighty-five, I
remember this is also the number of Bao Puzong."
Sure enough, the name of Bao Puzong Wang Zhen lit up.
Yin Yin is more abdomen, and even two are connected. The probability is too small.
When he finished his own, he could not speak.
"Yu Yashan Yin Yin is more than holding the Emperor of the Park, the first game on the
16th, the first stop."
Duan Chongxuan did not even think of it, sighed, "The road is narrow."

Chapter 26: Odds

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The 160 rounds in the first round of the Folding Party will be held on four platforms, each
of which will be arranged in four games and will end in ten days. This kind of rule is
because in the first game, the strength is often large and the time is not long. If it times out,
it will be judged as a tie and the two will advance at the same time.
In the next round, there is no rule of the game, and the time is extended indefinitely until
the winner or the winner is defeated.
After the lottery is over, the young practitioners have one day of spare time.
The whole Yecheng boiled up on this day.
The teahouses are full of seats, and the applause is thunderous. The city’s moves are filled
with the moves of the two men. The arguments are reasonable and convincing, as if they
have seen the general.
The daring people rushed to the grass shed at the foot of the mountain, and they were far
away from the stage, but they could hear the sound and see the light, which was enough to
make them excited.
However, the protagonist of this event is naturally not the Yecheng people.
Bao Puzong disciple on the edge of Xinshui Bridge in the north of the city, Buddhism
disciples in the Xinghualin in the west of the city, Buddhist monks in the east of the Tongan
canal in the east, other disciples in the inn in the city, and the dynasty in the south of the
city. The mountain disciples reacted differently because of the result of the lottery.
They collected information, analyzed the weaknesses and strengths of their opponents,
pondered the tricks of tomorrow's battles, worried that they had finished themselves, and
could not help but worry about the same door.
The relationship between Yan Yashan and Bao Puzong is not good, everyone knows.
In the first round of the lottery, except for the Yin and Yue three people, only Xiao Xiaolian
got the disciples of Bao Puzong.
But the most worrying thing is not Xiaolian.
"The other three groups are at least similar in realm, but what about Yin Shixiong?" The
disciples who spoke were sorrowful. "...Yin Shi’s brother entered the condensed world for
three years, but it was very fast. But I heard that... Come, half a year ago, it has broken
through the barriers!"
Even though Duan Chongxuan sneered at the six of the ‘Baopu Seven Sons’, in fact, the
reputation of ‘Baopu Seven Sons’ is still very loud.
When the voice just fell, some people retorted, "What about the gap in the realm! Yin
Shixiong is a disciple of the sword! When you want to be a brother or a small rider, you will
be better than a great ancestor!"
The disciple who said this, from the beginning of the entrance, admired the monarch, the
most frenetic, even the dress and the posture of holding the sword were deliberately
Not everyone has a strong personal feeling to see the problem, but also calm,
"But cross the border and win, after all, one hundred miles."
"But I believe that Yin brother will win!" The crisp female voice sounded, and He Yan’s face
was full of firmness.
Other people are also infected by her confidence,
"I also believe that Yin brother will win!"
"Yin brother will win!"
Contrary to the confidence of the disciples of Yan Yashan, the gambling fair in Yecheng has
already set three odds for seven. If you buy more people, you will lose more.
Because I don't know when, such rumors began to rise: the swordsman disciple Yin Yin
Yue, when practicing the sword, the fire was enchanted, and the repair was a big loss.
This rumor has been said to be painted, and many disciples are convinced.
Yecheng is rich and the gambling area is also very large, but the number of foreign monks
who go to gamble is far more than the residents of this city. Because Yecheng people want
to gamble, they must provide proof of the existing property before betting, and prove that
they will not ruin their family because of gambling, and carry huge debts. In addition to
this, there are many restrictions and rules. Over time, there will be fewer people betting.
The foreign monks do not have to keep the rules of the gambling. In addition to winning the
money, they bet to express their support for the door and highlight the prestige of the sect.
Duan Chongxuan walked in with a fan and walked out with a fan.
When he entered, the more Yin Yin came to the scene, the odds were three losses and
seven. When he came out, the odds were pulled up to four for six.
The disciples of Bao Puzong did not understand, "This is impossible! Where does this
person come from so much money?!!"
But they are not willing to show up, and they find that they are still not enough to push the
odds back. One person, "He will win anyway! Anyway, even if you borrow money, you can
win back!"
The Emperor Baozong’s disciples suddenly became more and more cheerful. They went to
Yecheng’s Qianzhuang to borrow a large sum of money and press to win.
These things are more and more ignorant.
He played a sword in the sea and has been settled for three days and three nights. At this
time, no matter whether the world has confidence in him or not, it cannot affect him.
Because he has confidence in himself.
It was not until the turn of Duan Chongxuan’s test that he woke up from the final. Put on the
robes of Mount Yashan and carefully dress the crown in front of the mirror.
Pushing open the door, the morning breeze comes with the aroma of Guangyulan.
Just as he looked up at Luo Mingchuan, who was in the middle of the tree, Duan Chongxuan
also came out of the house.
Today's Duan Chongxuan can't see the tension on the eve of the battle. Dressed up more
elegant, extravagant and not luxurious. It’s not like going to fight, it’s like going to a blind
Luo Mingchuan looked at Yin Yiyue, "Teacher, you..."
There was no cloak on the robes, no hood, and three thousand white hairs poured down.
Yin Yue soon understood his meaning and said,
"I used to be afraid of scaring children on the road, but I was not ashamed to see people,
but I still need to cover my face everywhere. Now the flower will start, and it will be bright
and open."
When Luo Mingchuan listened, he only felt a pain in his heart. If it wasn’t for him, the
younger brother’s appearance was beautiful, and where did he need to be covered? How
could this be ridiculed by this thief in Panlongling?
Soon, his thoughts calmed down and he re-emphasized the Chiba Lotus on the mountain.
The three of them went out to the city together, and there were a lot of people in the
stream, there were disciples of various factions, and there were people who rushed to see
the lively people. The color of Yin Yin was especially eye-catching.
It’s just those who are kindly speculative, or maliciously gaze, he doesn’t care.
But Luo Mingchuan cares.
He found that when so many people looked at his younger brother, his heart began to be
This is not normal, he does not know why this is the case. I don't even know what to do.
Fortunately, people in the ring have already staged, and the attention of everyone has been
quickly transferred.

Chapter 27: Burning character

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The sky is clear, the sun rises, and the morning fog does not.
This is a vast open space that has been cleaned up by the Qingjian Swords, leaving only a
few tall, eucalyptus trees.
Although it is said at the foot of the heavy mountain, there is still a long way to go from the
mountain. I can only faintly see the shadow of the cage in the clouds and the mountains.
Those who have a fight today are coming very early. The disciples of each martial art were
arranged at the distance of Wuzhang in Fujian and Taiwan. They were separated by
wooden fences. The elders of the squad were sitting at the front and the rest of the disciples
were standing behind them. Looking from afar, under the four huge rectangular stone
platforms, surrounded by black people, the clothing and the area are distinct, so that people
can see the martial art. Across the ten feet, the people who came earlier than the sects were
the people of Yecheng. When the sky is not bright, I will come to the straw shed in the first
few days, take the tea and snacks, occupy a good position on the hillside, and wait for the
However, at the moment, it is not the most people. In the first round of the Folding Club,
many people will not watch the game. As the host of the Qingjian Jianzong, these days only
sent a half-step Mahayana elders, sitting in the easternmost side of the stands to prevent
Duan Chongxuan is not the first game. So Yin Yue and the three people stood behind the
elders of Ping Pingfeng, and before the rest of the disciples of Yan Yashan, they looked at
the four people who had just jumped up on the platform.
The first two games of today are really nothing to watch. They are all small sects that are
not well-known and reluctant to reach the disciples of the condensed period. As time went
by, except for the Yecheng people who were amazed by the fire and haze, the elders and
disciples of the stands were somewhat interested. The only group of ancestral sects against
the Qing dynasty swordsmanship, but also because of the disparity in strength, the effort of
less than a cup of tea is over.
Yin Yin looked very carefully, especially the Qingjian Jianpai. He looked at how the
disciple's sword started, how to take a slant, how to slash a sword, and broke the sect of the
sect. The movement of the pace and the angle of the heavier, he looked in the eyes, and in
the sea of knowledge, if it is the late Zhongshan, the same swordsmanship, to what extent.
Just then, there was a commotion in the team of Bao Puzong. The crowd separated from the
two sides and a disciple walked out. He saluted his elders and did not forget to pay no
respect to the elders standing behind them. The elder laughed at the pleats of his face and
groaned at him patiently.
When Bao Puzong came, he also divided the two roads. One route was led by the elders,
and the only one in the sect.
The difference between the team members is not higher than others in their realm, but
because they are the relatives of the elders or high-ranking families of the elders in the
Park. Li Lin is the only son of an elder.
The deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman shouted, "No. 3, Taiwan, Chongxuan, Cui Xuan, Bao
Puzong Li Lin..." The voice is far from the true Yuan, and the audience suddenly became
Only a few bored disciples, they immediately began to spirit.
Someone exclaimed, "Duan Chongxuan? Yan Huafeng's person? Juggernaut's disciple?"
Someone lowered his voice to confuse him. "This person is said to have been a letter of
recommendation from Mr. Jiayuan. , Juggernaut and Mr. is a good friend, this face is still to
be given... but only a name apprentice."
The person who asked the question did not care about the loss, there is humanity, "but
tomorrow you can see the real Juggernaut disciples on the field... You see the end of the
mountain, the white-haired boy is Yin Yin, he is Juggernaut Under the door, the second
disciple with a sword!"
There is also a lot of discussion about the other side of the battle. Apparently someone has
heard of this name, "Li Lin? Is he the Li Changhong of Bao Puzong?" Some people have also
revealed bitterness. "To be honest, I am most afraid of meeting such people. There are too
many good things to protect the body. Who knows what it is! It is hard to win if it is higher
than him!"
There is also more well-informed, "Isn't that his mother is also born in a big family?"
Speaking here, snickering, "I didn't have a nickname before he was eight years old,
‘traverse mountain bully.’”
There is no doubt that this is the biggest point of view today.
Li Lin jumped on the stage and looked around for a lap in the audience. He set his position
at the end of the mountain and smiled at the corner of his mouth. That smile makes people
very uncomfortable, besides arrogance, there is disdain.
He is no longer a ‘transverse mountain bully’. The body is eight feet long, the muscles are
strong and the skin is dark yellow. The eyebrows are correct, but because of the long-term
arrogant squinting and the disdainful pouting, the mouth is squinting. However, he was
burly and carrying an epee on his back. This figure stood on the platform, and the
condescending glance was still very deterrent.
At this time, Duan Chongxuan smashed the hem of his robes and Shi Shiran went to the
He is wearing a standard robes at the end of the day, but unlike other disciples. The cloth is
slippery, the workmanship is fine, and the moiré of the cuffs, as he walks, seems to be in the
general flow of light. Jade crown hair, silver belt waist, looks wide shoulders and narrow
waist, long body.
This Qing Yue style is not particularly outstanding when standing on the edge of Yin Yue
and Luo Mingchuan.
But when he stood opposite Li Lin, it formed a stark contrast, the difference between the
clouds and the mud.
The first thing that was crazy was the female repair of the ancestors. These flamboyant
girls screamed directly. When the elders of the ancestors looked back at them, they only
woke up and realized that they were very shameful. But still blushing,
"Where does his family live?"
“How many people are there at home?”
“Can you have a marriage match?”
Yin Yin is more silent.
Did you make a mistake? Paragraph is the protagonist? Look at the effect of this aura with
its own appearance -
Or is it that the three views of the monks are to look at the face?
The two men on the stage met the ceremony, Li Lin was perfunctory, and Duan Chongxuan
did not leak. Then he stood up and folded his fingers. "Please enlighten me."
Just like Panlongling on the Panlongling Road.
This kind of temperament obviously makes the female practitioners of the 濂涧 more
excited and excited. But they are not optimistic about the elders sitting there. It is unwise to
take the initiative to give up the shots of the two players. It is not self-confident, but
The disciples of Bao Puzong snorted.
Li Lin did not speak, he was not stupid, and he would not resign because of his
temperament. On the contrary, Duan Chongxuan’s faction made him feel very ridiculous.
So he took the sword straight!
A golden light on the platform!
It is a heavy epee, and the sword is engraved with a complicated rune-up method. It is
inspired by the real element and shines with a glaring light, which is enough to increase the
power of the sword to 30%!
His move is unpretentious, there are no vain tricks, only the majestic real elements are
Someone knows the goods under the stage and exclaimed, "Sure enough, it is a good thing!"
Casting such a sword requires at least two swordsmen and strategists who have taken a
small ride to spend five years of hard work. It can be seen how much Li Changhong is fond
of his only son and what kind of high hopes he has placed.
The female practitioners of Mou Zong have already held their breath, as if the young people
on the sword against the sword are their relatives.
Yin Yue is suddenly worried.
Now think about it, he has never seen words and practice. If you are facing this sword
yourself, you will not harden it. The best way is to use the cold water sword to switch to the
third style.
No, no, I will not let Li Lin first out of the sword!
The best way to face this fast sword is to be faster than your opponent.
Not only Yin Yue, many people are thinking, if it is, how to pick this sword?
However, they did not expect that Duan Chongxuan had a raging fire wall out of thin air!
"He is a spiritual repair?! What is the practice? How fast!"
" flaws, even a little real fluctuations!"
Called with a sharp eye, "not a practice, it is a burning character!"
"The burning character?! Is it really a burning character?!"
Yin Yin is more and more relaxed.
Duan Chongxuan has a burning character and he knows. On the way they came, Duanyan
also used a burning character to clean up the cave. It was easy to use without gray smoke.
At first he was shocked. Even the flames at that time were far from being so big.
In the ‘All Saints’ era, the practitioner’s use is as common as meditation. At that time, the
power of a character can be a mountain rock. But after a million years later, the ‘the end of
the era’ method, the method of making a sign is inherited. Up to now, the practitioners who
are proficient in the battlefield have at most engraved the runes on the weapons, far from
being able to cohesively force a thin paper.
In the black market, there is an occasional appearance of a symbol from the ancient ruins,
the power is not scattered, and immediately was fired to the price.
So even if you see it with your own eyes, many people still don't want to believe that it is
really a burning character.
Li Lin took a black shield from the ‘乾坤 sleeves’ and turned the fire away. The cracks on
the black shield immediately appeared. He did not hesitate to go again! There is a shadow
of the Eight Diagrams in Jinguang! Go straight to Duan Chongxuan! !
The crowd exclaimed, "Holding the Eight Diagrams Sword!"
The elder of Bao Puzong smiled slightly.
He recognized that it was a burning character, but then how to use the precious papers in
the first round of competition, this person is not unskilled or stupid. No matter what kind of
thing is not enough, can he still come up with the second and third characters?
Then his smile froze.
Because Duan Chongxuan’s finger appeared a slightly yellowed paper, swaying in the
summer breeze.
The fire is back! Swing up!
Li Lin’s sword was swallowed up by fire!
This time, Duan Chongxuan’s movements slowed down enough for everyone to see clearly.
The pot was blasted in the afternoon.
"It's really a burning character! He has two burning notes!"
"The heavens are on! This is how expensive!"
"Three thousand gold, eight hundred spirit stones, seventy 斛 Donghai 鲛 beads, a large
manor of Feng Shui treasure land..."
Li Lin is unbelievably wide-eyed. He also has a character, which is the back hand he gave
him. But who can think of this person, on the stage, used two in a blink of an eye.
The fire is close!
He did not hesitate to throw a big clock!
"The faint crows... oh, it's a good thing..."
However, there is a burning stagnation, this rare defensive instrument did not cause much
Li Lin is more painful and more angry! There are many generous instruments, which is his
greatest advantage.
But he does not believe that Duan Chongxuan will have the next character! When this
person runs out of paper, it is when he is smashed by his own sword!
The golden light of the sword reflected his scarlet eyes, and he was already in a mess.
So the above scenes are repeated.
Whenever Li Lin’s sword came over, Duan Chongxuan threw a note on the understatement.
Going to the sword and then losing one of the other instruments.
The people in the audience were shocked and did not know what to say.
The disciples of Yan Yashan and the sects of the ancestors forgot to laugh, and even Bao
Puzong forgot to curse.
In the distance, Yecheng people looked at the fire of the sky and screamed louder.
The elder of the half-step Mahayana of the Qingjian Swordsman began to condense, and his
face was white!
The other three battles against the platform, I do not know when it has stopped, and no one
On the stage, everyone looks at one by one, as if there is endless burning!
The fierce fire ignited again and again!
Li Lin, who faces the fire, is getting angry!
The fire rushed to the surface, Li Lin took the sword and retired!
However, it is already late, and the flames roll straight up the tip of the sword!
His real yuan is rapidly consumed in the sword, and the implement is constantly damaged
under the burning sign.
However, he has lost his mind!
It was not until he had a water curtain in front of him that he reacted. It was the water
character he had just thrown out.
He left his backhand. The last implement on his body.
As soon as I looked up, I saw Duan Chongxuan shaking the folding fan and smiling slightly.
Just like being poured into the cold water by his pocket, he felt that he felt that every inch of
the meridians on his body burned like a fire. That is because the sword is kept out, the real
element has already been consumed, and then it will damage the bones of the tendons.
Then the fire started again, and Li Lin fell directly to the downfall.
The disciples of Bao Puzong, who was faint, also reacted and snarled.
"On the stage than fighting! Light depends on the paper! It is shameless! Desperate!"
If the preprocessor is pressing them, then the scene at this time is definitely showing off
how deep the book is. However, when this method is used on oneself, it feels extremely
Duan Chongxuan smiled lightly.
The tall banyan tree on the side of the table creaked in the breeze, and the shadow of the
tree shattered on him.
It seems that there is nothing to fight here, and there is no golden light and fire. There is
only one good boy, and he laughs like a breeze.
He smiled and asked, "How can such a person be worthy of my shot?"
The disciples of Yan Yashan have not come and cheered, and there is a burst of cheers on
the side of the ancestors!
"Section brother! Duan brother!!"
"Section brothers look here!!"
"Is the division brother married?!"
This time the elders of the embarrassed eyes narrowed, and they failed to suppress this
Many years later, Duan Chongxuan became a big man.
This playful game is also included in the history book, using the words 'eclectic'.
But nowadays, there is no such euphemistic and implicit compliment. People are re-
emphasizing the mountain, in Yechengjing, mentioning this fight, most of them will say
'unbelievable' is true? And... 'too rich' .
Duan Chongxuan... created a new style of folding.

Chapter 28: Coaching

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
So quiet and quiet in the morning, I do not know who pushed open the window, so the tall
building uploaded a cry, "Duan Gongzi is coming!! -"
Duan Chongxuan's hand of the folding fan suddenly burst into cold sweat.
The smoke was soaring, the girls wore long skirts and waved embroidered parches. From
the backstreet, from the inn, from the high-rises, they rushed down and burst into a
fragrant wind and a skirt.
However, in the blink of an eye, the two sides of the street are full of people. Some painted
delicate plum makeup, carrying gold beads; some soon after the morning, before they had
time to dress, they wore long hair and veil covered.
They stood on both sides of the street, looking at Duan Chongxuan with a burning gaze.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan could not help but distance him.
Duanyan dysentery took two steps. "You two are waiting for me..."
The first time Yin Yin saw this scene, "...has your reputation already spread so widely?"
The female sects of Mou Zong are not here. These are the girls in Yecheng.
Since Duan Chongxuan’s return that day, the autumn lake has been buzzing.
Every day, different girls happen to be 'passing by' and stand by the lake to see the scenery.
Yin Xiaoyue, who lives in a small courtyard, often gets up early in the morning and pushes
the door to see the handkerchief sachet.
The disciples of Yan Yashan are very happy. Every day, I can see many beautiful girls
dressed up. The waist is not sour, the legs are not hurting, and the sword is strong.
However, Yin Yin can't help but think that if a girl is blackened someday, what should I do if
I throw a bullet into it?
So he used the flag left by Yan Xing and laid a simple protective array in the courtyard,
mainly to prevent falling objects.
The situation has been greatly improved.
Duan Chongxuan is a little embarrassed, "I am in trouble for you..."
Luo Mingchuan smiled helplessly. "...not your fault."
Yin Yin looked at the embroidered pen that was hanging outside the courtyard wall and
dancing with the wind. The corner of his mouth was slightly drawn, and he turned his head
and asked, "Are you still going today?"
In today's 16 contests, there are four squad disciples in the game, including Luo Mingchuan.
If it is in the past, Duan Chongxuan is definitely going to go.
But now, as soon as he goes out, he will be eagerly watched by the girls, and his eyes will
burn a hole in his body.
Duan Chongxuan seems to have thought of a bad experience, his face is stiff, but he still
bites his teeth. "Go! How can I not go!"
Today, there are more trials in Yanya Mountain. Almost all the disciples went out to see, so
the three followed the mighty big forces and went out together.
The dawn of the daylight, the street stalls just put out, the steamer's hot air and white mist
mixed in one place, was blown away by the morning breeze; the second floor of the tea
house just pushed open the window, the man fell on the bench inside, hanging out the
brightly colored wine flag; Empty and quiet long street, occasionally came a dog or two.
He patted Xiao Xiaolian's shoulder and whispered to her. "Don't be nervous. Let's go and
fight today. After we finish playing, we will go to Taihe Building to eat chicken!"
Several disciples were around them, whispering and whispering ideas for Xiaolian.
These disciples of the Yashan Mountain are not worried about Lo Mingchuan, who is also
trying to compare it today.
They won't hang on to the words "How can Luo's brothers be sure to win," but they can't
imagine the way Luo Mingchuan loses.
This is an inexplicable trust that seems to be unreasonable.
But Luo Mingchuan is such a person, and thousands of disciples in Yanyashan trust him.
Yin Yin looked at the people around him.
He is as usual today. Stable and steady, the look did not show extraordinarily serious and
not scornful.
Still wearing a simple and dignified robes of the world, from the hair to the collar, every
detail is as meticulous as ever.
Whether it's walking on the rugged mountain road in the middle of the road, or leading to a
battle in Yecheng Long Street, he always looks the same, and people will have a permanent
illusion when they look at it.
Although Luo Mingchuan has no shelves, at first glance, there is a bit of solemnity in the
righteousness, which is obviously an incomprehensible gentleman. Yin Yue is white-haired
and cold, and he is not close to watching.
Duan Chongxuan often has three points of laughter, a look of a genital genre, and the
attributes of the singer are not exposed. The woman who likes the 28th year is liked.
So in Yecheng, almost every young girl will read two sentences.
"Yuguan Baishang Mountain River Fan, who is the son of the city."
Fortunately, I was out of the city, and when I arrived at the stage, there were disciples who
were guarded by the Qingjian sword. These girls could not be close. I knew that Duan
Chongxuan had no more than today after trial.
Yin Yue heard the words and Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief.
There are obviously more people in the audience today, because there are two great things
to watch.
Luo Mingchuan and Zhongshan are going to fall today. Although both games are considered
to have an overwhelming advantage, there is no suspense in the results, but many people
want to see how they will shoot and what kind of fighting rhythm.
The disciples of the Qingjian Jianpai came especially, and the stars surrounded the two
people in the middle.
Yin Yue looked far and wide and found that one of them was very familiar. It was the Song
Shaomen who had seen in the northern suburbs of the city.
He is talking to the youth around him, who has a long sword hanging from his waist.
Yes, at first glance, I won’t pay attention to the figure of this person, but I will see his sword
The sword is like a strange power, and every practitioner who practices swords cannot
ignore its existence.
Duan Chongxuan whispered, "That, next to Song Yu, is Zhongshan."
Just then, the man looked up, his eyes were like electricity, and he shot straight!
Passing through the crowds and downfalls, accurately falling on Yin Yiyue!
Almost out of the instinctive reaction to danger, Yin Yue is more than a real person, the
sleeves are swelled, and every inch of musculoskeletal is tight to the extreme!
You can pull the sword at any time!
Duan Chongxuan, who is closest to him, could not help but step back two steps.
At this moment, the back of the white robe blocked his view and blocked the eyes of
Luo Mingchuan, standing in front of him.
Just two steps forward, the cloud is light and light, and the Yin Yin is completely behind it.
Luo Mingchuan and the other side calmly look at each other.
Song Yu seems to be aware of it. Looking at the past in the sight of Zhong Shan, seeing Luo
Mingchuan and a group of disciples of the Yashan Mountain, they nodded and nodded.
Luo Mingchuan nodded back.
The clock sounded, and the battle was about to begin. The two factions returned to their
place, as if nothing had happened before.
In fact, from the perspective of Zhongshan, Luo Mingchuan and Song Yu saw the ceremony,
but the whole process was between the two.
Almost no one else noticed.
Yin Yue is more clearly remembered. He can now be sure that Zhongshan, the peak of the
disaster-stricken period, has stepped into the threshold of the Mahayana. The gaze was
unconcealed and hostile.
It is clear that they are the first to meet.
Soon he didn't have time to think, because Luo Mingchuan had already walked to the ring.
"Yu Yashan Luo Mingchuan against Bao Pu Zong Wang Zhen..."
The disciples of Yanya broke out with a burst of cheers.
Bao Puzong’s face is very bad.
He came to Shen Zhendao. "After two strokes, I will step down on my own. Don't lose too
much, and give Zongmen a shame."
Wang Zhen always came to see the horse, and he heard no objection. "Yes, brother."
In fact, he also felt that his luck was very bad. In the first round, he met the leader of the
Yashan Mountain. He is not prepared to pay for the cost of injury. He is too stupid. After he
has thought about the two tricks, he has to say how to convince him that he is not as good
as the other.
Although it is no better to admit defeat, it is better than being beaten by the wolverine. He
is such a plan.
So when they came to power, they met the ceremony. He said first, "I have long been
acquainted with the name of the first singer, and the Taoist cult is highly advanced. I really
admire me, I am not as good as myself!"
His remarks imply that the other party’s identity is higher than himself and that it won’t
With that said, I would rather be embarrassed to ask another hand when I want to come to
Luo Mingchuan.
Luo Mingchuan did not speak, he smiled slightly, and was accepted by the other party's
Yin Yue feels that his spirit is really more concentrated than the two on the stage.
He wants to see how Luo Mingchuan will shoot.
Garan 瞳? That is the backhand, or the big move, it won't be put so early.
Direct Zhenyuan crushing? This style of play is slightly more rude.
Control the work of grass and wood? Yin Yin looked at the tall banyan tree on the side of
the stone platform. This should be the most likely...
At the same time, many people are watching this match.
Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Luo Mingchuan picked up the sword.
This is obviously too unexpected.
"What happened? Luo brother also used a sword?"
"It turns out... that sword is not an ornament."
Yin Yin noticed that his posture with the sword was wrong.
Luo Mingchuan’s ‘sinking boat’ was not sheathed.
He holds the sword in the sheath and sinks straight, like holding a long stick.
What do Luomingchuan want to do?
Wang Zhen, who is fighting against him, will face this problem for the first time.
Wang Zhen suddenly pulled the sword and stabbed! The tip of the sword is over, showing a
flowing gossip pattern.
He used the most secure and most familiar heart-warming gossip sword!
However, the sword did not reach the front of the other side, and Luo Mingchuan’s sword
in his hand moved.
Still not sheathed, raised high, and fell heavily.
Just like being a head!
Blocking the sword of Wang Zhen, breaking the body of the real element, directly hit the
right shoulder!
Everyone in the audience heard a clear bone break.
The attack was too fast and too embarrassing. No one thought that it would be so bright
and straightforward, and that the meaning of a bit of savage and fierceness could not be
As if it should be.
Luo Mingchuan's figure swayed, and it appeared in the back of Wang Zhen, and it was
another blow!
Wang Zhen had a sword in his hand, but he slammed into the scabbard of Luo Mingchuan,
and the sword suddenly came out.
Luo Mingchuan’s sword also fell, and the spine was in the middle!
The more Yin Yin is shocked!
At the end of the stage, someone finally recognized it and shouted, "The Shuyuan Academy
‘Teaching Whip’!”
There are also students from the disciples who are born in the school. They look at it
carefully. "Really! It is right to coach!"
Yin Yin is more complicated, he can not think that Luo Mingchuan will choose to use this to
The school coaching is not a set of whip methods.
It is used by the students who teach the disobedient.
You don't have to use a pointer. If you meet a stubborn student who violates the rules of
the hospital, you can fold the lychee or the bamboo strips. More often, a wooden stick can
fully display the true meaning of the coaching.
The more Yin Yin understood, Luo Mingchuan used the sword as a stick, which led to the
real coaching.
When I was in the school, the gentleman who taught ‘thinking theory’ was too old to make
the most stable and reliable student Luo Mingchuan hold the whip.
This is a very sinful errand, but Luo Mingchuan is fair in law and acts in a dignified manner.
No one has complained about him.
"Teacher's dignity, teach you to be a man." This is the coaching whip.
Since Mr. is teaching students, how can it not be fair? Do you care?
But Luo Mingchuan is not the master of Wang Zhen, so this means irony.
"I teach you to be a master for your master."
The emperor Bao Puzong has changed his face.

Chapter 29: Zhongshan

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The school coaching whip was broken, and many people saw the meaning of the implied.
Wang Zhen on the stage couldn't avoid it. He had already received five sticks and felt the
same pain in his bones. Luo Mingchuan shot too fast, did not give him a time to open, and
then this is a serious injury to the roots of the bones ... he bites his teeth, what face and the
martial art of the door are all unwilling to take care of it.
Suddenly he looked white and cold.
He found himself...can't speak!
The thoughts are chaotic, and there is a stick on the back, a burning pain.
Under the stage, only Luo Mingchuan's shots were getting faster and faster, and the heavy
sticks were woven into a large net, completely covering the opponent.
Wang Zhen’s heart was awkward, but his eyes widened and he could not say a word. There
is no sword in his hand, and the real element is consumed in the resistance of the stick. At
this time, he can only avoid it.
Luo Mingchuan did not use the real yuan again, and he could not escape because of his
Yin Yi feels embarrassed.
No reason, Wang Zhen still does not admit defeat.
Soon he thought that coaching the whip in order to prevent the punishment of the students
yelling and affecting the order, there is a note to seal the airflow over the scorpion. Similar
to the 'forbidden order'.
It was just this trick that was abolished as early as three hundred years, and no one used it
anymore. If it wasn't for him who had read thousands of classics in the night book building,
and there were academic sources, he wouldn't know the coaching and the trick.
And Luo Mingchuan's coaching whip is more powerful and more rigorous than the current
school used to constrain the students, and it is more true.
No one in the audience saw the clue.
In addition to lamenting Luo Mingchuan's extensive knowledge, he did not read in the
school, such a practice will be, and others noticed Wang Zhen.
"I don't think this person is so sturdy, hurts like this and doesn't admit defeat!"
The voice just fell, and he was at the same door, and the younger disciple scolded him.
"What kind of stupidity, stupidity! If you are hurting the roots of the spirit, how can you go
after the practice of the future?! You must not learn him!"
Others nodded and said yes.
Luo Mingchuan, as a master of Yan Yashan, many disciples know him and he is very
impressed with him.
"That person will not admit defeat soon! He does not admit defeat, Luo brother has to fight
all the time, how tired!"
"Luo Shi brother is really liberal, knowing that the other party is unable to fight again, and
now it is not necessary to even send the real yuan."
Occasionally one or two sentences were passed to the ears of Bao Puzong, and they felt
incredible when they were angry.
There is a protective array method to prevent the overflow of the real yuan and the stage. It
also has an isolation array to prevent the intervention of the strong under the stage and
affect the competition on the stage. Only the East Qingjian Swords can control the
formation in the event of an accident, so as to avoid major casualties.
At this moment, Luo Mingchuan no longer uses the real yuan, Wang Zhen is only suffering
from skin and wounds, obviously will not hurt human life.
Wang Zhen himself did not admit defeat, and the elders who presided over the formation of
the law did not mean to stop calling. Anyway, the first round of the fight has a time limit,
and it is good to announce the outcome in time.
He came to faintly feel that something was wrong. It was clear that Wang Zhen had already
spoken to him before he took the stage. He looked at Wang Zhen's expression carefully and
suddenly thought of a possibility, maybe... he couldn't admit defeat!
The face of He Lai suddenly changed.
In fact, Yin Yue also feels strange. According to common sense, this practice is not enough.
It seems that there is still a way to violate the gentleman.
Then, he suddenly heard the laughter of the paragraph.
The more Yin Yin didn't understand it, the words came over and whispered. "Four
brothers, saying that you are ignoring the fire, the rumors of repairing the damage, the
earliest is the spread of this Wang Zhen..."
After this road, Duan Chongxuan has no hostility towards Luomingchuan.
"He couldn't keep his mouth before, and Luo's brother let him not open his mouth at this
The more Yin Yin suddenly remembered, on the Panlongling, Luo Mingchuan once said that
my generation of practitioners, there is always the time to draw the sword.
Luo Mingchuan is not an absolute Madonna.
He has principles and means, will not deceive people, and will not let others bully. It is
precisely "the gentleman does something and does something."
Yin Yi feels that his previous understanding of Luo Mingchuan was too biased.
At this time, Wang Zhen on the platform was using all his strength and shouted, "I admit
Almost at the same moment, the bell rang, and the deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman sang.
"Time is up... The end of the game, Luyashan Luomingchuan wins."
Luo Mingchuan Shi Shiran took his hand and jumped down the platform.
Immediately, there was a disciple from Baozong who went up and lifted Wang Zhen, who
had a swollen face.
This fight began in an unexpected way and ended in the same way.
The disciples of Yan Yashan no longer cheered, perhaps because the other side looked too
miserable, perhaps influenced by the temperament of Luo Mingchuan, and they all took out
the heavy salute and humiliation of the big door.
But each of them has a proud and proud smile, and it seems to be honored.
On the contrary, it is the reason that this kind of win should be sent to the party. It is more
embarrassing and annoying than the loud cheer.
He came to calm down, because he thought that tomorrow he would meet with Yin Yin.
This is very good. From the beginning of Yecheng, to the recent two days of fighting,
whether it is Duan Chongxuan or Luo Mingchuan, he has accumulated a lot of anger, like a
fire in his heart, not venting, it will burn Die yourself.
There was a sudden burst of swaying over the Qingjian Swordsman, because Zhongshan
was going to play.
The eyes of everyone have been drawn to the past.
Fighting against Zhongshan is a disciple who is born in the south of the country and has a
reputation. In addition to being annoyed by his bad luck, he seems to have accepted the fate
of the arrangement, frustrated and beaten the tension.
People are more concerned about the performance of Zhongshan than his reaction.
At this time, the field calmed down, few people whispered, and seemed to worry about a
little distraction, they would miss the shot of Zhongshan.
In the Southland, there are not many people who have seen Zhongshan in person, let alone
the other four continents.
However, this famous young man has no eye-catching facial features.
Perhaps it was because the sword on his waist was too dazzling and overwhelmed his own
Yin Yi looked at it at a glance, only to notice the other side's straight eyebrows, the **** and
very thin lips.
But in the early morning, the direct gaze of electricity, such as electricity, he will not forget.
This is a very dangerous person.
The two of them just stood on the ring, and the disciple suddenly screamed at the view of
Zhongshan. "I recognize..."
A loud noise!
A figure flies high and squats directly on the edge of the ring, raising a burst of smoke and
blood fog!
The smoke was stirred up when he fell. The blood mist was sprayed on the abdominal
cavity by the scabbard, but it appeared almost at the same time.
The wind and rain swords are not sheathed and have already wounded people.
Too fast.
When the people came back, Zhong Shan had stepped down and walked away. He did not
go in the direction of the Qingjian swords, but returned to the city.
But no one called him.
There was silence on the stage.
Yin Yue is more and more condensed.
Because he saw that the first hit on the opponent is not the real element on the scabbard,
but the spilled sword.
That sword seems to be extremely casual, only to hurt people by the realm of the other
party and the violent real. But what makes him more vigilant is that the kendo is exposed in
the show of Zhongshan.
Thunder hits and retracts freely.
The other three sides of the battle have not seen the ceremony, and Zhongshan has already
Therefore, the deacons of the Qingjianjian faction began to arrange for the next game to be
played on both sides of this battle.
“Yu Yashan’s Xiaolian’s pair of Baozong Zhouyue...”
Xiaolian Xiao smiled at He Wei and told her not to worry. Then I lifted the skirt and went to
the stage.
When she stood on the stage, many people just returned from the shock of Zhongshan.
阮 Xiaolian white skirt silver with frosty color, the whole body does not have a weapon,
looks like a white lotus with a cool breeze.
Compared with the bright and bright style of the sects of the sects, this kind of pitiful
temperament obviously makes many male disciples shine.
Even the least sturdy Qingjian swordsmen whispered at a time.
The person standing opposite her smiled.
The original lottery was a bit worried about Shangyashan, Zhou Yue, especially when he
heard that the other side was similar to his realm.
But today I saw such a weak female flow, obviously it was my luck.
When the two met the ceremony, Zhou Yue wanted to laugh at each other. "This sister..."
Just see each other punching! Carrying the majestic real yuan directly to the door!
The fist in the blink of an eye is close!
Zhou Yue was shocked and only took the sword and rushed back!
Many people think that this is a similar situation in both sides of the test, and it should be
deadlocked for a long time.
Then they watched, the weak white lotus was bare-handed, and the eight-footed man was
screamed and punched to the flesh. And Zhou Yue’s sword is under her boxing shadow, and
she can’t open it!
He Yan is proud to say, "Xiao Lian is practicing a downhill punch, and he will be caught by
his bells and whistles!"
Duan Chongxuan coughed and explained, "This kind of practice is similar to the wind and
thunder of the second division..."
Yin Yue has also seen it. Xiao Xiaolian may have no advantage over others. However, this
Zhou Yue’s sword is a good thing, and the practice is really exquisite, but unfortunately not
It happened that when I met Xiao Lilian’s ‘one force to drop ten meetings,’ there was only a
Some young disciples have turned their heads away. They can't bear to look at nature
naturally because they feel that Zhou Yue is too miserable, but they don't know how to face
Xiao Lilian who is holding up his sleeves.
Yin Yue sympathizes with them, and the goddess disillusionates this kind of blow, which is
comparable to the fire.
The shadow of the sun is slanting, and the drums are faintly heard on the drum tower in the
Another day, the folding will end than the test.
The younger generations of these practitioners, some people laughed with the people
around them, talking about the harvest of today’s watching, and some people worrying
about playing tomorrow, listening to the same door and encouraging.
They are moving in different directions. They are all the same, full of uneasiness and
expectation for the future.
The dying sun pulled their shadows obliquely, but they did not add any anger, but they
showed great vitality.
The sects have joys and sorrows. As of today, the promotion rate of Yan Yashan is not bad.
It is the first in the ‘one mountain and three factions’.
As for the two battles between Luo Mingchuan and Zhongshan, the ordinary Yecheng
people can't understand, and even regret it for not being wonderful. But for the
practitioners, it is of great significance.
Zhongshan is not famous, and the wind and rain swords are also in the sheath.
But another thing is obviously more talkative.
The news at the Folding Flower Festival has been flying fast, so from Yecheng to the whole
south, I know the disciples of Bao Puzong, and I was taught by Luo Mingchuan, the first
person in the world.
Hearing such remarks, Bao Puzong’s disciples will say that Yan Yashan has always been
unreasonable and arrogant, but when I really send no one? He will be fighting the
Juggernaut disciple tomorrow! Let them see what is the style of the big door.
Bao Puzong came to 28 people, and five people have been eliminated in the first round.
This promotion ratio is already high compared to other small sects.
However, Bao Puzong has always been indistinguishable from the Yaya Mountain. This
time, it seems to be inferior. More importantly, what happened in the last two days has
made them very angry.
Therefore, it is especially important to compare the Yin and Yue in tomorrow.
Not only did it come, but everyone in Bao Puzong felt that there was a anger in the chamber
to vent.
The closer you are to the fight, the calmer the face will be. On the contrary, the heart is
getting more and more excited.
Tomorrow he will be famous for defeating the Juggernaut. How can it not be expected?
In the small courtyard by the autumn lake, the Yin Yin under the Guangyulan became
Tomorrow will be his first battle to enter the world. Perhaps many people will come to see
it, but he does not think it has any special significance.
He has watched many battles on the sidelines, and the war is in full swing. He needs an
enemy to verify his recent feelings.
That's it.

Chapter 30: Off fire

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Xia Yi has been thick.
The banyan trees on both sides of the main street of Yecheng are more and more lush, and
the sounds of the sings can be heard everywhere. The girls on the street cross the cool, and
the tops of the tube tops are covered with pipa, and the slender arms are looming. The food
stalls in the city sold honey chills and sautéed noodles. The boss stood on the side and
greeted the guests with enthusiasm.
The small courtyard on the edge of the autumn lake, because of the shady, there are water
waves and lake wind, in this summer, it is particularly cool.
The disciples of Yan Yashan are still going out very early today.
But perhaps it’s because there’s a particularly eye-catching test today, maybe it’s just a
little brighter. When they walked down the street, they had a lot of eyes, and they looked at
it in the dark.
The more Yin Yan raised his eyebrows, he could use the gods to isolate the prying, but he
could not prevent others from falling on him.
From the time he went down to the present, he has already felt the trouble of this non-
mainstream hair color. If he can, he still hopes to change back.
A battle with a realm gap is approaching, but he has a heart to think about it because his
mood is comfortable and he is not worried.
Yin Yue is not the first game.
But many people know that he is leaving today. From the crowds under the ring, to the
gambling houses in Yecheng, and even the four continents thousands of miles away, they
have given this high attention.
Even the grandstand in the east has begun to reschedule the seats, because the new two-
and-a-half-step elders, one from the Qingjian Swords, and the other from Yecheng.
They didn't show up in the past few days, but they appeared at this time, just like to see the
white-haired boy out of the sword and came here specially.
This is naturally not because Yin Yin’s cultivation is a profound realm, but behind him is the
back of the sword holy mountain.
The more you live for a long time, the more you like to think things complicated. Yan
Huafeng has never participated in the Folding Party. This year has come. What does
Juggernaut want to do?
The seniors sitting in the stands, drinking Junshan Yuncha tea in the lush shade of the trees,
laughing and talking about the scenes in the clouds, looked at the group of young burdock-
like young people, and finally waited for the boy to play. .
Yin Yue and He came to the stage to see the ceremony.
The last game of the other three platforms has just ended, and the deacons are busy
publishing the results, cleaning up the venue and carrying people down.
The two of them came up early, no one shouted, but they stood opposite each other.
Since there are so many people watching, there is always something to say.
How come you feel indifferent, faintly open, "You are very good."
I heard that the other side has entered the world for three years, and it has arrived at the
condensed state. Naturally, it is a good one.
Then he turned his head and said, "Unfortunately, luck is not good, so I am here."
The implication is that the first round of draws will be against yourself, and of course it is
impossible to go on.
The audience was in awe.
But I can't hear the ridicule, because what comes from the point of being proud, there is
indeed capital. In a single realm, he must be higher than Yin.
The people in the audience are talking about how to respond to the Juggernaut.
Luo Mingchuan's eyebrows are slightly sloppy, and the younger brother's character is
simple. Where will he deal with this scene?
Duan Chongxuan’s face is also not good-looking. He now wants to stand on the stage and he
is directly licking the other side’s blood!
Yin Yue did not speak.
He turned to the big banyan tree on the edge of the ring, and in the eyes of the public, he
reached out and folded a lychee.
The wrists are shaking and the leaves are falling.
He turned back with the dead branches.
How come he understood what he meant and his face changed suddenly.
But quickly calmed down, indifferent,
"You don't take the sword now, and you won't have the chance to take the sword in the
"What does he want to do? Take a dead branch as a sword to cross the border?!"
"Juggernaut disciple... Is it so arrogant?!"
Yin Yin still did not speak.
He Yuguang saw the strong people sitting on the stage, and felt that two irresistible gods
fell on him. If it is not his powerful spirit, he will be sensitive and even unable to feel at all.
The knowledge of the great situation.
His real yuan can't be injected into the sword.
Perhaps Xiao Chengjing can't see the clue of his sword method. But he can't take risks in
front of the Mahayana.
There is no choice, he fights with a branch.
Even though the ideas of this battle in the past few days have been invalidated.
He is so calm, falling in the eyes of everyone is arrogant, and it is an insult to fall in the eyes.
How come the face is slightly cold.
At this time, the deacons of the Qingjianjian faction came here, screaming, "Yuyashan
Yinyue is more than Baozong."
The two sides have seen the ceremony long ago, so this fight begins directly.
The voice just fell, and the long sword at the waist was squirted out.
At the same time, a sword light appeared in more than ten feet!
Divided into eight, breaking the air at a rapid speed, the shrill and screaming swordsman
rang through the wilderness!
The cyan halo that flows through the gossip runs over the entire ring.
Yin Yiyue’s eight retreats in the whole body were sealed, and no matter which position he
was in, the other seven swords would arrive in an instant.
There are swords and gossips in it.
The face of the sword is as calm as water.
He waited too long for this moment, and he practiced this trick too well.
So that the time from the sword to the move, the short is almost non-existent.
His shot is the strongest trick!
The angle of the sword and the control of the real element are accurate to the slightest!
This shows that he is still calm when he is angry, and that he does not want to give Yin Yin
any chance.
The people in the audience apparently did not expect the fighting rhythm to be so fast, and
suddenly saw such a shocking sword, but forgot the words.
How will the Juggernaut disciple respond to this long-awaited sword?
Yin Yue did not have a sword.
He held the dead branches, his figure was faint, and he disappeared directly into the place.
The next moment, he appeared in the West. Then it was clear that it was two steps to the
north, and the figure went straight back!
In such a fast Jianguang, he did not change his face, and he seemed to walk in a leisurely
All the talents returned to God from the last sword, and they were amazed that this is the
real bosom.
The gossip sword seen in the past few days has only its shape, compared with this sword, it
is like a fake.
They neglected the more singular and inconspicuous body of Yin Yin, and they lamented
that under the brilliance of this sword, the Juggernaut disciples did not dare to marry him.
But some people will not ignore it.
Yecheng, the half-step Mahayana in the stands, worshipped, narrowed his eyes, and
suddenly smiled, and the fine wrinkles at the end of his eyes stretched out.
He lamented with a look of nostalgia. "It’s been a long time since I saw the mountain..."
The stepping mountain river is the body of the village when walking in the middle of the
Everyone knows that Mr. Space is unparalleled in space. Many people have forgotten that
before he mastered the mystery of space, he used the ‘stepping mountain river’.
This kind of body is not a secret, but there are very few people who learn. Because of the
need for powerful computing power, each step counts to a thousand steps, accompanied by
intense consumption of the gods.
So until the details of the footwork in the library building are full of ash, no one learns it.
But Yin Yin used it today. Used in combat to calculate the position of the opponent's falling
In front of the Qingjian sword, the distance left by the people spontaneously, the Song
dynasty of the ink robes praised, "The name is not false."
If you face this sword yourself, you can of course use the sword and the realm to suppress
each other, but you can't avoid it like this.
The mountain around him was the same, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.
Everyone saw that there was a sword that ran through Changhong, and Yin Yin was forced
to retire. Naturally, this sentence is a tribute to the sacred sword of Park Zong.
The sword has been exhausted, and Yin Yin has gone eight steps.
Everyone noticed that there were eight shallow nicks on the platform, and the stone
smashed down.
There is a protective array on the stage. If such a sword mark falls on the body, it can even
cut the meridians.
However, Yin Yue has completely avoided it, so it is equally impressive.
Why did you not think that this sword would be avoided?
However, he is the leader of the younger generation of Bao Puzong. One of the ‘Baopu
Seven Sons’ is naturally impossible to have only one sword.
And Yin Yue, it is impossible to avoid every sword.
So don't wait for Yin Yi to stand firmer, why not wave your sword again!
This sword is not fast, and even the path of the sword can be clearly seen.
There is no sword light that flies out, and there is no gossip rune.
He came to the sword in his hand, tapped on the toes, and stabbed forward with the sword!
He is like a white crane with a volley and fluttering wings. His figure rises high and is
extremely light!
"A good ‘上青云’!”
The person who spoke was a predecessor, Emperor Baozong, and the pro-disciples who
stood behind him echoed.
Good wind relies on strength to send me to Qingyun.
'上青云' is the light-weight method of Bao Puzong. How can he be so perfect in the battle
with such a fierce battle, not only is Bao Puzong proud, but even the disciple of the Qingjian
sword school. I also admire.
Just then, something even more shocking happened.
The sword in his hand, reflecting the bright daylight of the summer, seems to be burning!
The disciple who is closest to Taiwan has already felt a heat wave and has come through
the protective array.
The banyan tree on the side of the platform, the branches and leaves were rolled up by the
heat waves, and even the blue smoke emerged.
Where the sword passes, the real yuan is so majestic, all the wild are burning!
According to the tip of the sword, it is a white-haired boy holding a dead branch.
The elders who have already taken a small ride in the stands feel sorry for Yin Yi. "The
talent is good, the body is fast, but the gap in the realm is really like a gap in the sky.
Almost everyone thinks this way.
When he came out of the sword, Yin Yin had already lost.
Because this is not just a sword, the entire platform has been in the sword!
What kind of body can I completely avoid this sword?
Only step down.
Luo Mingchuan's face is unchanged, but the palm of his hand is soaked with cold sweat.
Unexpectedly, the more Yin Yin did not move, he raised the dead branches in his hands.
He has already verified the conjecture in his heart, naturally he is going to have a sword.
Bao Pu seven sons are not to make up the number of people, they are seven, plus a strong,
is a gossip sword array.
The embarrassment of the main battle, perhaps an elder, perhaps the head. Dry for the sky,
the stronger the cockroach, the greater the power of the sword.
And where is the ‘away 卦’.
Because of the eight sword marks in the past, the dry three companies, Kun six broken,
shocked and smashed, smashed the bowl, away from the imaginary, full of ridges, against
the lack of, smashed. The departure is most clear.
It is a fire.
His strongest sword is from the fire.
Why is it broken?
It is cold water.
The most familiar sword of Yin Yi is the cold water sword.
He just lifted the dead branches and the heat wave stopped.
A pure chill, overflowing from the branches.
The disciples under the stage, surprised to find that there was a cool feeling in the wind!
Emperor Bao Puzong raised his brow, and the disciples of Yan Yashan were full of
surprises, and the direction of the Qingjian sword was narrowed.
The Yecheng offering is always a smile.
Many people think that when the battle comes to an end, the battle has just begun.
Just because Yin Yin is raising his wrist.
How come the face is unchanged, the sword has been pushed to the extreme! A cluster of
fires appeared at the tip of the sword!
He pretended to be more and more changeable, so he would not give his opponent a second
of time.
But instead of a second, the Yin Yue sword has become a trend.
The strongest cold water sword, the fastest stepping mountain river!
Chill up!
On the stone bench in midsummer, a thin layer of frost is condensed!
However, this is only the case, how is it enough? !
His sword is the opposite of the hurdle.
Everyone saw that the dead branches were sharply stabbed to the flames of the other side,
and they would strike with Jianfeng!
In the end, it was wonderfully falling on where to come!
Extremely accurate!
Straight into the right shoulder!
The real element of the obstacle-protected body was so broken by a dead branch.
How to maintain the posture of the sword, but the flame on the sword suddenly
extinguished. Such as the glory of his eyes.
He slowly bent down and tried to control his not showing the pain, and eventually coughed
up a blood.
The hot blood fell on the frost and burned two holes in an instant.
He looked at the frost and the blood, until now, still do not know why he lost.
Before the distinction, the other party only had to escape under his own sword.
How can he have a loophole in his fire?
Does the other person know more about the Eight Diagrams sword than himself?
This is impossible.
The disciples in the audience are silent.
It was because of shock. The battles have been twisted and twisted, completely breaking
their previous cognitive range.
If you want to have a strong sword, you can pierce the real element of the obstacle-
protected body. They can't think about it.
The seniors in the stands are silent because of respect.
The rhythm of this battle has been in the hands of Yin Yiyue from the very beginning.
However, he was willing to be initially suppressed by the other's sword until he found the
way to break the sword.
In the younger generation, it is a matter of respect that has such a good life in the kendo.
Yin Yin took out the dead branches and dripped blood on the branches.
He came to kneel and fell to the ground.
Then, the white-haired boy asked,
"Why are you coming?"
After asking him to drop the dead branches, he stepped down from the path.
Why bother?
This is the first sentence that Yin Yin said from the time he came to power.
There are only four words, but it is a name with a surname. It is like responding to the
initial standing here, the other party’s phrase 'bad luck'.
He didn't say it before, not because there is nothing to say. I feel that it is not necessary.
I am here to defeat you, not to chat, let alone we are not familiar with.
So there is no need to say it to you, and there is no need to say it to everyone.
I will fight and then break the sword to win, that's it.

Chapter 31: Help

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When Yin Yue came down from the stage, the deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman forgot to
announce the victory and defeat. Bao Puzong forgot to go to the stage to help others, and
the disciples of Yan Yashan also forgot to cheer.
The summer breeze blew through the banyan tree, close to the lush foliage on the side of
the ring, and it was ravaged by the fire and the ice, and finally fell in the wind.
The frost is gone, and there is a shallow water mooring on the stage, and the dead leaves
float on it. It’s like a sudden fall of autumn rain, washing away the heat of the summer,
bringing the chill of the chill to the world.
The deacon disciple stunned back and shouted, "The end of the game! The end of the
mountain is more than the victory!"
It's like a signal. Not only the disciples of Yan Yashan, but many people under the stage,
they waved their swords in cheers, and the voice spread far and wide, and the Yecheng
people in the distance followed suit.
Bao Puzong’s disciple pounced on the stage, and one left and one right will help the pale
Duan Chongxuan laughed loudly. "Four brothers, I will give you tea and pour the sword in
the future. It will depend on you to cover me!"
This is naturally a joke. The disciples of the Yashan Mountain laughed and they all turned to
Yin Yue.
Only Luo Mingchuan still frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Can there be an
He asked this question, and all the talents remembered it. This one was so beautiful that
they forgot that the more sturdy swords that Yin had just faced, and they were worried at
this time.
Yin Yin shook his head, "No."
Luo Mingchuan looked at him carefully and finally relaxed. "Go back to rest."
The disciple of Yan Yashan spontaneously gave way to let Luo Mingchuan accompany him
to return to Qiuhu.
Duan Chongxuan originally wanted to go all the way, but he looked up and looked at it,
faintly visible more than ten feet outside a colorful skirt umbrella.
I knew that having my own way was also a problem for my brothers, so I had to be two
people. "Goodbye at the autumn lake, and the four brothers should rest well."
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin went to Yecheng.
As soon as they left, the two big men in the east side of the stand began to leave. The elders
on the stage were busy getting up and re-arranging the seats; the disciples of the Qingjian
sword sent up to clean up the water on the platform; The people there have already gone
halfway, and it is said that they are carrying the medical repairs to the Kongkong Temple.
Zhong Shan and Song Yu did not know when they left.
The fight is still going on, but there are a lot less people on the side of the ring.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan walked in Yecheng.
Today, the heat, the sun is hot, the light of the bluestone plate can be seen.
The long street was empty, and there were no human voices, as if the whole city had fallen
into a deep nap.
Only Xia Wei’s tireless tweet.
In the hot summer days, Luo Mingchuan felt the chill of the silky, overflowing from Yin Yin.
From Yanya Mountain to Yecheng, on this road, Luo Mingchuan has long discovered that he
usually has a low body temperature and is still at night.
Duan Chongxuan also joked and said, "Walking next to the four divisions is very cool, and it
is cooler than the fireballs."
Because Yin Yin has been tempering the sword at the edge of the Huanfeng Peak for a long
time, the body dyed into the body.
This is not unusual, and the martial arts practice and spiritual talents of the spiritual repair
will slightly change the physique of the monk.
But now, the more the Yin Yi has just urged the sword out of the cold, the chill is so strong
that it is not normal.
So Luo Mingchuan stopped and looked at the boy’s face and asked seriously.
"Teacher, are you not feeling uncomfortable?"
Yin Yin is more silent.
He did not expect Luo Mingchuan to be so keen, clearly that he has controlled his breathing
and pace to the same level.
He did not get hurt, but after all, he was fighting across the border. The ‘stepping mountain
river’ drastically consumed God’s knowledge and power, and the last sword was full of real
The spirit of the whole battle was highly concentrated. At this time, I suddenly relaxed, and
I felt the chill of the bones in the veins.
It is the meaning of the cold water sword.
In the past, this kind of small problem that is not enough to worry about can only be solved
by running the real yuan for one day.
But he doesn't have real yuan now, and he has no strength. When asked by Luo Mingchuan,
I felt a burst of exhaustion.
I am too lazy to go two steps, do you drag me back into it?
...hehe, this is too shameful.
Yin Yin licked his lips, "Nothing, let's go."
Luo Mingchuan did not move, and his face showed a few sly looks.
"In fact, this is the case... I have been standing in the hot sun for a long time. It may have
been dyed with heat, and now I am dizzy... Can the younger brother be willing to help me?"
I was embarrassed and smiled.
Yin Yi seems to see the picture of him and Luo Mingchuan climbing back to Qiuhu.
Luo brother!
You really didn't tease me! Why is heat stroke in a broken situation? !
If you change someone to say this, Yin Yin will not kill him.
But the whole world knows that Luo Mingchuan is a gentleman and never lie.
Yin Yi has already begun to think about it. Is it because the other side has practiced a
special practice and can’t take the sun for a long time? ......
He looked at the long, hot summer street and found that he didn't even say that he was a
So he nodded as a dead, "Good!"
Help to help!
We both help each other and climb back to Qiuhu!
...but such a shameful thing must not let the third person know.
Yin Yi went closer and took two steps, reaching out and holding the right arm of Luo
Mingchuan. The person being helped leaned down to him.
Unfamiliar and warm breath rushed to the surface.
Although all the way to get along, there is no repelling that is uncomfortable at first three
However, the distance such as this has never been seen before, and Yin Yue still feels
I saw the sincere gratitude of Luo Mingchuan’s expression. "It’s troublesome."
"……No trouble."
After two steps, the difficulties in the anticipation did not appear, but the sooner Yin Yin
soon discovered...
Sure enough, people who are suffering from heat strokes are really warm! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~
The chill on his body is oozing from the bone meridians, and the hot sun is hot and can't be
But it is obviously different to support Luo Mingchuan.
The skin of Luo Mingchuan seems to be flowing with a thin layer of real elements, warm
and dry, and passed through the robes to him.
The damp chill is scattered, and every inch of bones is like a warm sun.
This is... heatstroke is so serious that it’s really alive? Will not faint?
Yin Yi has already had the strength to bring people closer, and step by step to Qiuhu.
The humming sound rang through the long street, and the breeze shook the tree shadow.
Yecheng in the midsummer, two young people wearing white robes, helping each other
through the narrow streets.
The lanterns on the high gates of the high gates are gently shaken in the wind. After the
thousands of buildings, it is a sparkling lake.
At this moment, they all thought that they were relying on each other.
"The Juggernaut disciple Yin Yin won the fifth ‘Bao Pu seven sons’ at the Folding Party.”
The news spread to every corner of Yecheng as quickly as possible, and to the south, to the
whole world.
Every detail of that battle was passed down. How to fight the sword on both sides, how to
make a wave of twists and turns, how dangerous, the wine cellar in every teahouse in the
Southland, can let the guests feel the immersive experience.
But people with rich combat experience still have questions.
‘Take the mountain river’ to ‘上青云’, ‘Baopu gossip’ to ‘cold water’, this is a response that
is indiscriminate, and where is the realm high, why should Yin Yin win?
Just a sword?
His realm is limited, can he really display the perfect sword with a dead branch?
So Yin Yin’s position as the sword went beyond the attention.
A kind of speculation came out, and the cold water sword and sword were defeated by the
enemy, not suppressed, but cracked.
He cracked the gossip sword.
"A ridiculous! Eight hundred swords change thousands of times, the old man learned a
hundred swords can not say proficient, a lifetime can not be solved after less than 20
The elders of Bao Puzong heard this and immediately thundered.
The bed is pale.
He was originally the Folding Party, and Bao Puzong was the most promising person to win.
But he was not lucky, and he met Yin Yue in the first round.
There are still precious stones in the wounds of the flesh and bones. How can the cracks in
the heart be saved?
But he is one of the ‘Baopu Seven Sons’, and the departure of the Eight Diagrams
Swordsman, if he is not there, how does the sword formation become a trend?
For Bao Puzong, this problem is more important than his injury.
For his heart and soul, the sword array can be formed, and what Bao Zong always has to do.
The elder engraved a jade slip, and after it became simple, it immediately turned into a
streamer and flew to the western cross-country.
"Is it really impossible for me to send someone?"
In the next few days, the Folding Festival, the Buddhist Temples of the Emperor Temple
and the Xingshan Temple became more and more. The Buddhism’s big handprints and King
Kong’s unbroken bodies were indeed amazing. In the Zongzongli, it was called the younger
generation’s first spiritual devotion. The fallen field of the people, the display of dead wood
and spring, and the brothers and sisters of the Qing Dynasty swordsman Zhongshan, the
feathers of the feathers that make the hand shine; even a small disciple of Donglu, who is
not known, has sprung up. Be the second to cross the border and win the winner...
In the first round of the Folding Club, many young people showed amazing talent and
But no one is more exciting than Yin Yin.
Therefore, the next battle of the Juggernaut's disciple becomes extraordinarily attractive.
At the end of the first round, one hundred and sixty-two people will advance to the next
round and will be divided into eighty-one groups.
This time, the number is drawn by eighty-one. The Yin Yue three people no longer have to
go to the lottery, just wait for themselves to be drawn.
Yin Yi has been in the room for a few days before. After a battle with He, he had a lot of
feelings, so he closed his door and carefully combed it. Sitting on the camera, the threshold
of breaking the barrier is clearer.
On this day, the lottery results came out.
He pushed open the door and saw that he was about to go out.
"The four brothers are going to the shadow wall to see the results of the draw?"
Yin Yin nodded.
The words smirked, "There is a place where the news is faster, why bother to ask for it?"
Yin Yue knows more, this is to invite yourself to visit the flower building again, ah no, the
tea house.
According to the lively folk customs in Yecheng, the news of the restaurant is indeed the
He looked across the closed door of Luo Mingchuan, and he didn't know if the person was
in the house or had already gone out.
That day he helped Luo Mingchuan back and sent it into the house to make sure that people
were fine before they left, so there should be no problem.
Yin Yiyue did not understand the words, why dare to go to the streets. Before he knew it, he
made a trip to the streets every time he went shopping.
When they walked out of the autumn lake, passed through the mansion of the city's south,
and walked on the main street of Yecheng, when the eyes of several girls looked back, they
"I was blocked at the gate of the city two days ago, so I said, ‘I’m already in the heart, I love
one person, this life is not her.’... This is really useful.”
Yin Yin is more and more ridiculous, no wonder, the original road of your play has been
transformed from a golden bachelor into a big infatuated man.
It was still the Taihe Building that day. When it was not the most lively after the night, the
hall was still full.
Yin Yiyue and the two went to the second floor.
He didn't know that his current reputation was not weaker than words. Many people
noticed him when he went to the building.
There is no sneak peek at the monks, because of jealousy, there is no ignorance of his eyes,
because of fear.
The next moment, in the tea house of Yanteng, suddenly the needle was stunned.
There was a splash of landscape robes in front of his eyes.
They have to go upstairs and the other side is going to go down.
The stairs are wide and the three are parallel.
But the other party obviously does not mean to go wrong.
Yin Yin looked up.
Compared to his face, he first saw his sword first.
Wind and rain swords.

Chapter 32: Confrontation

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the whole restaurant, the sound of the book, the sound of snoring, the sound of falling
chopsticks, and the sound of bowls are all wonderfully quiet.
The sip of the long street and the screaming, swaying through the carved window, the far is
like the sound of another world.
There is no discussion here, and no eyes are on them.
It is clearly standing in the middle of the stairs, upstairs and downstairs are full of guests,
but deliberately evasive, giving them the illusion of no one.
In such a quiet, Zhong Shan is wrong and has two levels.
He was originally condescending. If you want to speak, Duan Chongxuan and Yin Yu can
only look up to him.
But he did not do this.
He went to the level with the two, and turned around and took a half-court. The posture is
correct and standard.
Yin Yi is more calm and courteous with Duan Chongxuan.
It seems as if the whole restaurant is a sigh of relief.
However, Duan Chongxuan’s brows have not come and stretched out, and Zhong Shan has
He is talking to Yin Yin more, his voice is a bit stagnation, just like the sword is on the stone
"I learned sword at the age of four."
Yin Yin is getting worse, this is... doing self-introduction?
He didn't know what the other person meant, but since the other party said it was serious,
he also listened carefully.
So he nodded and showed that he was listening.
Zhong Shan continued,
"The six-year-old learns the first set of ‘Swords and Preliminary Approaches’. At the age of
ten, he is practicing gas, and at the age of fourteen, he is cutting his marrow, and his
swordsmanship is small, and there is no rival under the condensed god.”
There is an unstoppable pumping sound in the tea house.
This talent is enough to make anyone proud. But the more Yin Yin can feel, the person who
stands in front of him is only stating the facts and not showing off.
This is true confidence.
True self-confidence does not need to show off to win the recognition of others because he
recognizes himself.
"Before the age of sixteen, I always thought that I would go under the door of Juggernaut."
In the quiet tea house, I don’t know who was shocked, shaking off the tea bowl, shattered
porcelain and tea spilled over the ground.
Yin Yue still did not speak, even if the other party's sentence seems to have a provocative
"Juggernaut chose you instead of me, but I don't think you are better than me."
"This makes me jealous."
"Folding flowers, willing to fight with the king."
His voice just fell, and the flaming warfare came out!
However, the strict control of the pressure of the realm has not leaked out.
Yin Yin is more open to the other side.
He thought that he already had a little understanding of what kind of person Zhong
Zhongshan was.
Unlike the people who hold the Park, he will spread rumors in the back, or move some
shackles in the shadows.
You are awkward, you are unwilling to be unwilling.
Nothing is unspeakable, frank, and plainly spoken.
I don't accept you, so I have to fight with you.
You have the ability to hit my service.
Yin Yin’s gaze fell again on the sword of Zhongshan.
Dare to face the heart, even in the downtown tea house, but also no one to say what I think
in my heart, do not care whether it will be ridiculed by the belly and behind.
Perhaps only such a person can use this sword.
But Duan Chongxuan obviously does not think so.
The more Yin Yin has not come and stopped, he has already opened his mouth.
"A fight with the king? Your realm is a lot higher than my brother, how are you?"
"As you said, the person who is the most unworthy of being a Juggernaut should be me, but
I just did it. Why? No way, life is good, I am asking Mr. Zhang to write a letter and send me
to Huafeng. I am going to the back door."
"What can I do? Pulling the sword to re-invest in the second child, or is it a **** book to
break the father-son relationship with me?"
Yin Yin is more and more embarrassed.
Zhongshan is also awkward.
The full house guests are not afraid to come out.
Then, Zhong Shan seriously thought about it. "What you said also makes sense..."
"What makes sense!"
A young boy suddenly appeared behind Zhong Shan, wearing a splash of ink in the Qing
dynasty sword, holding a sword in his hand, shaking with anger.
He has been behind Zhong Shan and has been standing on the stairs.
Only a few people in the previous conversation, the power and brilliance were too strong,
and few people noticed him.
At this time, he suddenly opened his mouth, and all the talents recognized him. The same
brother of Zhong Shan of Zhongshan, ‘Fei Yujian’ Cheng Tianyu.
The young boy is open-minded. "My brother is a high-ranking teacher. I am diligent and
practiced! It is not in the sky! What are you embarrassed! Even if your brother-in-law is
short-lived, so my brother is not high, it is also born. Late! My brother is born early! No
way, life is good!"
Cheng Tianyu is very angry.
When the former brothers spoke, he certainly couldn't interject. It is only standing in the
However, when I heard that my brother said that the other party was justified, I was
immediately taken care of by any rituals.
Yin Yin thought more and more, it was broken.
He didn't mean to tear at all, but his mouth was fighting too quickly. He hadn't had time to
react, and the two men picked up like a peony.
He glanced at Zhongshan and found that Zhongshan seemed to be a bit... at a loss.
The buccal face boy Cheng Tianyu said more and more angry, "You are too much for the
people of Huafeng. Before that, your three brothers and sisters were filthy. My Song
brothers did not say anything, now it is..."
"shut up!"
Everyone looked at the sound and found that the door was actually the Song Shaomen
master of the Qingjian sword school.
He didn't know because he was angry, or he was in a hurry, and his breath was slightly
What is even more amazing is that the first men of the world have come together.
Luo Mingchuan stood there, his expression was solemn and dignified.
Yin Yin saw his moment, but suddenly let go of his heart.
It’s just fine... If you come, you won’t fight.
He really won't deal with this kind of scene, and it can be all depends on Luo Mingchuan.
Cheng Tianyu was screamed and suddenly awake, only to find out what he said in a big
court, and immediately turned up, flushed and shouted, "Song brother..."
Song Yu Shen Shen, "down."
Cheng Tianyu walked silently, and Zhong Shan also followed him.
Luo Mingchuan did not say anything.
Yin Yin and more with Duan Chongxuan also went on.
Duan Chongxuan was provoked by the war of Zhong Shan. Now that I have calmed down, I
feel that I am a little embarrassed and embarrassed. I have been watching the monkey for
so long.
So standing behind Loming Chuan was dumb.
Song Yu walked half a ritual. "The younger brother is younger and more offended."
Cheng Tianyu stood behind him and lowered his head and dumb.
Luo Mingchuan sideways avoided this ceremony and gave him a half ceremony. "Don't
dare, it is my offense."
The two men calmly saw the ceremony, and they looked calm, as if nothing had happened.
For a time, everyone in the teahouse thought that the tit-for-tat dispute on the stairs was
just an illusion.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan walked out of the tea house, and they run counter to the
three members of the Qingjian sword.
Duan Chongxuan followed silently.
This feeling is like... Two bear children are trussed and taken back by their parents.
Yin Yi was shocked by the idea that he had passed away.
Nothing on the way, to the autumn lake small courtyard, under the Guangyulan.
Luo Mingchuan turned around and didn't mention the matter just now. Instead, he said to
Yin Yi, "The result of the lottery is out, and the younger brother is in the air."
The attention of the words has been transferred. "How come? Isn't it just the 81 group?"
Luo Mingchuan explained, "Before the lottery, one person abstained because of the injury.
So there is more than one round of quota and go directly to the next round. No one just
took the younger brother."
Yin Yin was more and more embarrassed, and he actually advanced directly. This luck.
Duan Chongxuan smiled and said, "The four divisions are really taken care of by heaven."
No, no, don't wait, this is the second round. Now that the character is used up, what should
I do in the future?
Luo Mingchuan said again, "Dong Shidi, Xu Zong disciple Xu Guang has drawn you. The first
game four days later."
Compared with other factions, Mou Zong is a martial art school. The whole ‘落霞峰’ is a
female disciple, but overall there are still many male disciples.
Duan Chongxuan apparently heard this person and smiled. "The devotional spirit. Just
right, I also want to accumulate some experience of fighting against spirituality."
Yin Yue knows that he said that he did not intend to use foreign objects such as paper, so he
said, "There are still a few days to prepare."
"Do not worry, the four brothers." The words promised to come down, smiled at Luo
Mingchuan, and went into the house. He can see that Luo Mingchuan seems to have
something to say to his brother.
So there are only two people left in the courtyard.
Luo Mingchuan not only has something to say, but also something to send.
But he looked at the people in front of him and suddenly did not know how to open.
"Who is Luo's brother on?" The first thing to talk about is Yin Yinyue, and he is indeed
curious about Luo Mingchuan's next match.
Luo Mingchuan replied, "A Buddhist temple in Xingshan Temple. The third game
It was another silence, relatively nothing.
Yin Yin suddenly found that Luo Mingchuan's face was a bit abnormal. The roots of the ear
are red and the eyes are faint.
...this won't have heatstroke again?
Because of the practice of the cold water sword, although he did not feel the heat at all, he
can also see that the sun is very big today.
He was busy, "Luo brothers will go back to rest. There will be a test tomorrow."
"……it is good."
Luo Mingchuan turned and took two steps, and turned back, "tea brother."
The wide sleeves were covered and covered with the beads he had in his hand. His hands
were tight and tight, and he was hurt by the beads.
Yin Yi is also going back, and the words stop, "Well?"
"...nothing. You should rest well."
Luo Mingchuan returned to the room and sat in front of the case.
There was a sleek, rounded bead on the case, with a dark red light.
"Teacher, this is away from the fire, you will be brought to you on weekdays, and you will
not suffer from the cold."
Such a simple sentence, thinking so many times, how can you say no?
Since returning to Qiuhu together that day, he went to inquire about the news from the
fireball. This kind of beads are produced in the estuary of the East China Sea and can be
used to remove the cold. The practitioners on the edge of the snow are often worn.
However, Yecheng has a mild climate and is not too cold in winter. It is rare from fireballs.
Fortunately, I met Song Song today and I am familiar with Yecheng before I can buy it on
the black market.
On the way back, I saw many people around the Taihe Building, whispering and daring to
go in. Hearing the movement inside, he and Song Hao rushed over and saw that both sides
were fine.
Bystanders clear, he can see that although Zhongshan has war, but no malicious. It was
Duan Chongxuan and Cheng Tianyu, who almost got up.
In the case of Zhongshan, he has made a decision in his mind. It is only a solution. He cannot
tell his younger brother for the time being.
The winner of the Folding Club can only be a younger brother.
These things are more difficult, there are always clues and solutions, but...
Luo Mingchuan looked at the beads on the case. Why didn’t he want to give it to his
younger brother?
Because I feel that as long as I have been with my younger brother, I can dispel the chill for
him, so there is no need?
Still... other reasons.
Luo Mingchuan did not dare to think about it again. He always felt that if he wanted to go
on, he would get an answer that he could not face.
So he got up and went to meditate. Meditate on 'Qing Xin Yan' and then begin to practice.
In the room separated by a court, Yin Yue is also meditating.
Today, he faced the majestic warfare of Zhongshan, feeling that the barrier has been
He knows that he is not enough to defeat Zhongshan.
He wants to break the barrier.

Chapter 33: Breakthrough

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The big waves are sanding, the folds will enter the second round, and the disciples are
already half lost. There are closed doors that are not in the training, but also in the battle
for a round of battle, and some small sects have left the city, because there is no disciple to
enter the second round.
There are fewer disciples participating in the competition, but there are no fewer people in
Many people are here.
In order to see how young people in the current practice world can reach, the seniors are
able to reach. Whether the ‘star era’ predicted by Mr. House has come.
In order to encourage the disciples of their own Zongmen, the entrants of the entrants have
participated in the Folding Club before, and they will come to the battle experience for the
younger brothers.
On this day, the sun is like a fire, and the heat is pressing.
A team of blue robes practitioners came to Yecheng.
They are not trying to see the test, nor to encourage the same door.
They are coming to see people.
"That is more Yin, is this time empty?"
The person who asked the question wiped the sword before the case.
The sword was very long, the blade was black, and even the glare of the sun on the window
fell on it, as if it had been sucked in, it could not shine a little.
Not only swords, but also swordsmen. He sat by the window, so he avoided the sun.
Although it was a question, but the expression was indifferent, and one eye did not give
alms to the person next to him.
"Yes, brother." He came to get out of bed, and the injury was good, seven or eighty-eight,
standing on the side of the case, looks very respectful.
The young man who asked the question did not speak any more, and his eyes still fell on
the sword.
After a long time, I have been unable to withstand the invisible pressure of his side for a
long time.
The young man spoke,
"Things are here. After practicing swords, don't throw them away."
Why are you overjoyed, picking up your clothes and bowing,
"Yes! Thank you brother! Thank you brother!"
He knew that the other party said that ‘just here’ was not for the sake of it, but that he had
agreed to solve it, so he came here.
The young man waved his hand and said faintly, "Go on."
How come to the sleeves to quit.
After he went out, Bao Puzong’s elder leader came closer and stopped at the distance of the
ceremony, whispering.
"Are you decided to take the shot?"
If you follow the rules of life, this situation is extremely ridiculous.
But in Bao Puzong, no one dares to think it is wrong.
The young man frowned slightly, and he knew the meaning of this question. It is nothing
more than a scruples of Juggernaut, and advised him not to die.
So he said, "I won't kill him."
The elder of Bao Puzong breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his face were
stretched out and he quit silently.
The youth is still wiping the sword.
He said no to death, this is true.
But serious injuries, disability, and meridians are all dead. These are not dead.
The second round of the Folding Club has already begun, and there are two things that are
most widely spread in Yecheng.
First, the wind and rain swords meet with the Juggernaut's disciples, and they are invited
to fight in public.
Because the two parties were brought back by the same brother, this matter has no result,
but everyone thinks that Zhongshan and Yin Yue will eventually fight. It’s a pity that the Yin
Yin is in this round and it’s really regrettable.
In contrast, the second message is unstoppable. Because it is said that someone is in the
Xinshui Bridge in the north of the city, I saw Zheng Zheng, who ranked second in the ‘Baopu
Seven Sons’.
The authenticity of this rumor is very doubtful, and many people do not believe that Zheng
Yi will come out because of a folding flower.
If he really comes, what does he want to do? Does he want to kill again?
But here is Yecheng. Does he really want to provoke the voice of the city owner?
No matter who comes or does not come, so far, the folding will be carried out in an orderly
The second round of the test was more exciting and thrilling. In order to facilitate the
battle, the original four downfalls only opened two. So the trial process slowed down to a
large extent.
There are no time limits and tie rules, and the two people who are comparable are
sometimes able to fight from the early morning to the sunset until they win the game.
In this fierceness, the comparison between Luo Mingchuan and Xingshan Temple is
particularly distinctive.
According to the people watching the war, the first person in the world did not use the
sword, nor did he use the coaching whip. Instead, he used a body method and a palm to
break the long-standing compassion of the Xingshan Temple. The two men hit half and
stopped at the same time, talking about the Dharma.
The people in the audience heard the cloud cover, but I don’t know why.
It is a ridiculous thing to hear the Dharma of the disciples of the Yashan Mountain and the
Buddhist temple of Xingshan. But at sunset, Puhong suddenly smiled and conceded his own
way and stepped down.
This wonderful Dharma debate, Yin Yin did not see.
Because he is sitting at the key point of self-containedness, he has entered a certain
mysterious realm.
He closed his eyes in the house, looked at the foreign objects, could see the lines of the
Qingyu case, the residual petals of the Guangyu Lan in the court, the sparkling autumn lake,
the Wancheng, the bustling city. .
Against the body, you can see the beating of the heart, the operation of the real element and
the blood flow.
Not with eyes.
What the eye sees may not be true.
He used the soul to see it, so there is no cover.
He felt the true Yuan dynasty in the meridians, rolling through, like the big rivers and rivers
to open the mountain meteorites, but also with the bones of the chill. For the first time in
his life, this chill did not bring pain, but gave him a sense of coolness and comfort.
He guides them and guides the real yuan into the house, just like thousands of rivers return
to the sea.
In an instant, the illusion of the integration of heaven and earth with oneself was born.
However, the vast sea is the end point?
This is the fourth day of Yin Yue’s closed door.
The temperature in the courtyard has dropped to autumn, and a thin layer of frost has
accumulated on the stone slab. The Guangyulan can't resist the cold and eroded and fell to
the ground.
The cold wind blows like a thousand snow waves.
Luo Mingchuan stood under the tree and his face was calm. "Sit and take care of yourself,
the younger brother will break the barrier."
Duan Chongxuan solemnly said, "Unfortunately, I have a chance to go now. The four
brothers will ask you here."
Luo Mingchuan nodded and his eyes were firm.
However, the fists under the sleeves are clenched, and the palms are full of cold sweat.
He knew that the younger brother had broken the barrier and had reached a critical
Most of the disciples of Yan Yashan have watched the battle in the ring, and no one is
practicing swords at the autumn lake. There are no human voices in each yard, and they are
empty and lonely.
After Duan Chongxuan left, only Luo Mingchuan was left in the nearest courtyard of Linhu.
Not only the autumn frost and the falling flowers, Luo Mingchuan's wide sleeves also
swayed slightly in the wind.
The heat wave of summer has blown here, and it has become a bleak autumn wind.
The chill is getting heavier and heavier, and even the silky swords are floating in the air. It
is the sword of the cold water sword that begins to overflow.
Luo Mingchuan’s heart sinks, is the younger brother using a sword?
Is it a problem encountered in the break?
Yin Yin Yue Mei Wei Wei.
The House is the sea, but it is not the end.
Breaking through the barrier is a heartache, and you should see your heart.
So his knowledge floated on the sea, this is the first time he saw this sea in his body.
He knows that every practitioner will have his own ‘sea’ after breaking through the
meditation. The real elements of the whole body are stored here, flowing to each meridian,
cycled back and forth for a week, and then remitted into the sea.
Life is endless, then the sea is not exhausted. Only when the obstacle is broken can the sea
be seen.
At this time, his sea was white and foggy, covering the sky. He wants to see everything, but
he can't do anything, as if he is not the master of the sea.
He did not go through pain and hard work, cutting the marrow, and condensing the gods.
He didn't know why Juggernaut accepted himself as a disciple. Why did Mr. kill Luo
Mingchuan, even... Why did he first want to be a villain?
Too much confusion, not too much.
The heart is not broken, so the fog is still there.
The weather outside the hospital was extremely hot, and the whole Yecheng was like a
huge steamer. The steamed people could not breathe.
Suddenly the sky was overcast, and the wind came from all directions. Roll up the wine
tricks and lanterns on the small building, roll up the thin clothes on the bamboo poles in the
courtyard, and roll up the ten-mile tobacco fly hopper outside the autumn lake in the south
of the city.
I don't know who opened the window and shouted, "It's going to rain! - Go home and close
the window to collect clothes!"
The voice just fell, and the distant wilderness came to thunder and thunder! The long street
that was only awkward was empty.
The rain in the summer of the South China Sea is such a fast as a dragon. The thunder was
inexhaustible, and the raindrops of the beans slammed down, causing the dust to fly. The
rain curtains quickly became one after another, and the whole Yecheng was caged in the
With the squally thunder and lightning, the savage of the world is washed out.
Through the curtain of rain, the two sides met on the platform.
The disciples under the stage circulated a thin real element to isolate the rain.
As for the grandstand in the east, there is no wetness in the ground.
Duan Chongxuan on the stage is a gift, "Please enlighten me."
Xu Guang asked, "I heard that the burning character is based on the fire, and the rain does
not invade. Is this true?"
Duan Chongxuan stunned. He thought that the other party was purely curious, so he replied
sincerely, "Yes."
Xu Guang directly turned back and shouted to the deacon, "I admit defeat!-"
Duan Chongxuan was completely embarrassed because... he never thought about using
After Xu Guang stepped down, he said to his disciples around him, "I am lucky enough to
pass the first round anyway. I don’t know how many characters there are, but let the
Qingjian swords send those who regard honor as life. Go and fight."
The disciple showed his sympathetic gaze. "Actually, even if you win, can the sisters let you
Xu Guang looked at the sisters and sisters who looked at the audience with their eyes. They
thought about it and thought it was reasonable.
Duan Chongxuan turned his hand to the stage and turned to Qiuhu.
The heavy rain fell on the autumn lake, causing a thousand layers of ripples, and a group of
crimson squid floated up. The mist on the gray tile roof of the lakeside courtyard is
confused, like a layer of blue smoke.
The rain dripped down the eaves and went into a string of beads, hitting the stone steps in
front of the house. Falling into this hospital has become the autumn rain of chilling.
Autumn wind and autumn rain swearing.
However, at this time, it is not the autumn rain, but the killing after the rain curtain.
Luo Mingchuan’s hand has already held the hilt.
He rarely takes a sword on weekdays, but the action is smooth and natural.
His eyes were fixed on the opposite eaves, where there was a man, a long sword in Tsing Yi,
and his look was a heart-warming indifference.
The wind and rain are avoiding, and you can't get close to him.
No one saw how he came from. It seemed that in a blink of an eye, he appeared there out of
thin air.
Yin Yiyue used to be in the front of the court, and the tears of the flag came from all over the
place, mixed in the sound of the wind and rain, especially harsh and harsh.
A breath of silence and death enveloped the entire small courtyard.
If you have not killed thousands of people, it is impossible to have such a solid killing.
Luo Mingchuan saw his robe and sword, and recognized this person, Zheng Hao.
So he no longer takes the sword.
Because he stabbed Zheng Zheng's sword, it was impossible to rush to the house faster
than Zheng Zheng standing on the eaves.
There are only younger brothers who are breaking the barrier in the house.
In the year when Zheng Zheng became famous, there was no such thing as ‘Bao Pu Qi Zi’.
Even two of the seven sons of Bao Pu have not yet been born.
Unlike the cultivation of the realm or the fame of the people, Zheng Yu is famous for killing
As a result, many people have come to a consensus. Zheng Yi’s hobby is not to practice
swords but to kill people.
The person standing on the raft is looking far away and seems to be watching the lake to
watch the rain.
Because in his eyes, whether it is the Luomingchuan, which is in a difficult situation, or the
house is breaking through the barriers, even the Duan Chongxuan, who is struggling
outside the walls, is like an ant, ready to kill. It is not worth watching.
It is better to look at the lake and see the wind and rain.
When Duan Chongxuan did not approach the autumn lake, he felt the killing of the silence.
He began to flee to the small courtyard, through the heavy rain curtain, splashing
numerous water moorings, but was blocked outside the courtyard wall.
The invisible strength is closed here. He wants to go further, but he can't lift his legs. It is
like pressing a mountain.
Without hesitation, he propped up a paper umbrella.
At this time, the umbrella is not for shelter from the rain.
The mountain became a huge stone weighing more than a thousand pounds, and Duan
Chongxuan walked under the umbrella.
He guessed who was on the eaves, not to mention that he was now meditation, that is, just a
little on the first day, and I can't wait to avoid it.
But he can't retreat because his brother is still inside.
Duan Chongxuan wanted to take the sword, but the hand that touched the sleeve was
empty. For the first time in his life, he regretted that he was not diligent in practice.
Because he found out that Zheng Zheng is actually using any sword.
So he held the umbrella with one hand and raised an arrow with the other hand.
But he knew in his heart that with his current cultivation, this arrow can penetrate the wall
and the barrier of the front, but not necessarily near the person.
Until now, he finally agreed with what he said. "While the soldiers are good, they have to
have their lives."
The rain was getting worse and the thunder rang through the wilderness.
There is no room for me to be indulged in the house, I can’t feel the wind and rain, but I can
feel the killing. Such as a steel needle, piercing the roof, sharp and unparalleled, accurately
falling behind him.
The edge is on the back, but there is no way to retreat.
Not only him, Guangyu Lan, outside the courtyard wall, but also in the storm, no way to
The person on the eaves recognized the umbrella and the arrow in the hands of Duan
Chongxuan. The eyebrows were slightly picked and the eyes were still unsettled.
He didn't think it was brave to dare to take the arrow at this time. On the contrary, he
thought it was stupid.
The ants, knowing that they can’t do it, always blame.
Luo Mingchuan no longer takes the sword, but he looked at Zheng Hao.
The color of the pupil slowly changes from a warm amber to a dark, abyssal but natural.
If Yin Yi is here, he will recognize that this is the work of Jia Lan.
Look, always faster than the sword.
Yin Yue knows that the best way now is to give up the barrier.
But he doesn't want to do this.
He didn't want to pay attention to the mystery in the dark, didn't want to know the answers
to those questions, and didn't even care about the killing of the edge.
He just wants to live a good life in this world. He wants to have power.
So he pulled the sword straight!
The fog does not scatter, why should it break?
If you don't see it, you have to break it!
He is still sitting on the futon and closing his eyes. However, on the sea, the lake sword has
been squirted!
At the same time, Luo Mingchuan and Duan Chongxuan felt that the atmosphere in the
house skyrocketed, and the cold water sword came out.
There is only one step left in the break.
If the person on the slap is going to take it, this is the best moment!
The twilight of Luo Mingchuan has completely turned into a dark black, and the real
element on the arrow of Duan Chongxuan has also overflowed.
However, between the two, the weather is quiet and silent.
The figure on the squat looked at the south of the city, slightly frowning, and then
disappeared into the rain curtain out of thin air.
The killing of the cold is also like the tide of the sea, no trace.
The roof tiles he stood in were quickly wet by the rain.
The whole yard, like the wind and rain, has never been here.
Luo Mingchuan’s tense spirit was relaxed, and he stood still in two steps.
Facing the overwhelming pressure of the small rides and not retreating, it is an incredible
thing for many people.
Duan Chongxuan, outside the courtyard wall, breathed a sigh of relief and could no longer
support it. He sat on the wall and sat in the mud.
The paper umbrella was thrown aside. The forehead is completely wet by sweat and rain.
Zheng Hao seems to be inexplicable, and it is also inexplicable. That is because with their
current realm, it is still impossible to understand the confrontation of the Mahayana.
Luo Mingchuan dared to relax, because he noticed that Zheng Zheng looked at the direction
of the city government when he left.
The sword of Yin Yiyue has already been at sea.
The swordsman who has never been to the front pierces the fog!
There is no wave in the blue sea, and there is a road in Yaotai. Between the shackles, clear
His body became smooth and light, and the wind swelled up, and the heavens and the earth
agile came together. As the Tu Na turned into a real element, the scorpion merged into the
sea. The vast expanse of the sea has a wave of joy, and it has more than doubled.
He quietly guided the flow of the true yuan in every inch of the meridian, until the river
clears the sea.
Summer showers are the most rush. From the beginning of the rain to weaken to a
complete stop, but also half a cup of tea.
Shen Yunkai, late Qingzhao.
The sky shines through the sky, intertwined with water mist and haze spilling over the
Yecheng was getting more and more busy, and the hawker’s screams rang again. The
children stepped on the green bricks. People moved to the side of the stool and enjoyed the
long-lost coolness.
The folding flower at the bottom of the mountain will end the day's fight, and the disciples
of the various sects will begin to walk away from the city. Lamenting this timely rain,
washed away the heat of the heat for half a month.
On the edge of the autumn lake, Yin Yin pushed out the door.
Luo Mingchuan stood under the tree, with shallow waves at his feet, and a little frost on his
hem. However, the smile is warm, such as the spring breeze.
Duan Chongxuan is sitting under the tree and gasping. When he sees him, he laughs.
"Congratulations to the four brothers to break the barrier."

Chapter 34: Worry

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Congratulations, it’s natural not to report good news and not worry.
So I don't need to say much, and the three have a tacit understanding of the worry.
Duan Chongxuan said, "Zheng Zheng has been here, but he has gone... I guess, it is the shot
of the city government."
Luomingchuan Road, "Yes, it is Yecheng."
Yin Yin is more frowning. "Zheng Zheng’s trip is only because I won't win?"
This is unreasonable.
Folding will win or lose is the default rule. If you are in the same position, you may come to
watch the game and express encouragement, but there is no precedent for revenge
Duan Chongxuan said, "Master has killed five emperors of Emperor Baozong on the banks
of the Weihe River, among them Zheng Zheng's master."
The more I know this thing, the more unreasonable.
Because Bao Puzong has been patient for many years, why choose this time.
Duan Chongxuan’s next sentence makes the atmosphere silent.
"Donglu came to the news. Half a month ago, someone saw Master go into Qixingyuan. I
only knew it three days ago. At that time, you were shutting down the obstacles, so I didn't
tell you. But I have already sent a letter back to Yu Huafeng. ”
The starry star is a place where light can't be seen.
During the robbery period, the sky is burning and the ground is cracking. After the
millennium, the days have been robbed, and countless abyss have healed again. Only one
has expanded and the length has traversed half of the East. No one knows how deep it is
because no one has ever come out. So named "陨星".
"There are very few people who know this. I didn't expect Bao Puzong to get the news so
fast, and the reaction is coming to an extreme... I think they think Master can't come out."
Yin Yin is more and more heavy.
He didn't know what Juggernaut was going to do with Xing Xingyuan, and why he hadn't
traveled back to the peak for many years. But he inexplicably believes that Juggernaut does
things, there is always reason.
Master, it is very likely that you are doing something big.
But if Juggernaut is gone, Bao Puzong’s Ya Sheng is the strongest in the world. There is no
Yasheng in the mountains.
Although the head is a great place, but the combat power is not as good as the half-step
This is a very troublesome thing.
If the worst guesses come true, it’s not just them who face danger, but also the mountains.
All three people understand that the arrival of Zheng Zheng is only a temptation.
If Juggernaut has never appeared, it is most likely because it can't come.
The news will be spread soon, and the enemies in Juggernaut and Yanyashan Mingli will
know that countless crises will follow.
Yin Yue knows that the first thing that must face the crisis is himself.
Five people of Yan Huafeng, apart from the words, counted him to be the lowest. Many
people know that Duan Chongxuan is writing a letter from Mr. Zhang Yuan to Qi Huafeng.
Naturally, he may be a relative of Mr. Even if Juggernaut is not there, the school has been
there, and the husband of the house is also there.
Bao Puzong’s Yasheng will not be directly shot, because above Yasheng, he has entered the
realm of the Holy One, and has a heavenly discipline, doing things to take care of cause and
Only the Juggernaut has always been arrogant, so the reputation of disrespectfulness is
circulating in the dark.
Such people, how many people worship him madly, fearing him, how many people in his
heart can not wait for him to die.
The first doubt has been resolved. There are still two things that Yin Yin has not
understood. "Why is it Zheng Zheng?"
If the result of the temptation is that Juggernaut appears, the first one to die must be Zheng
This person is really loyal to Zongmen, to the point of not hesitating to live?
For the martial art situation, Luo Mingchuan, who is the first singer of the squad, obviously
knows more.
"If you say the realm and the combat power, Lin Yuan, who is the leader of the seven sons,
is higher. But Zheng Zheng is the best candidate."
"He was already condensed when he was fourteen years old. He went to the forest and
returned to the heart. After the defeat, he succumbed to the heart and went to kill the three
hundred mountain thieves."
Duan Chongxuan heard the sneer here. "Where there are so many thieves around
Hengduan Mountain, this is the saying of Bao Puzong. In my opinion, most of them are
ordinary people."
Yin Yi felt that there was a chill in his heart. When he was fourteen years old, he dared to
hold a sword and kill.
Luo Mingchuan went on to say, "He broke through the realm very quickly, but it is not so
much a genius as a monster. Because whenever he practices, he has to fight and kill."
"There are more people who kill, no fear of life, and the same for their own lives. He came
here, of course, there are reasons for his anger, but more is his own intention."
Luo Mingchuan changed his angle. "Zheng Zheng's sword, Bao Puzong can't be completely
controlled. Compared with Lin Yuangui, who has a sense of responsibility for Zongmen, it is
more suitable for launching and ready to sacrifice at any time."
Duan Chongxuan did not expect so much. After listening to him, he suddenly became more
and more cheerful. "I thought it was because Lin Yuan could not just go out of the
mountain. After all, Bao Puzong’s guardian mountain array should have been handed over
to him."
Yin Yi feels that there is also this reason, because half of the mountain guards in the Yashan
Mountains are also in the hands of the masters.
He used to think that the most unpleasant thing he had was the little man like him. Now he
feels that he is wrong. Compared with Zheng Zheng, it is more like a normal person.
So now there is only one last question left, "Yecheng Lord, why should you help us?"
Is he a friend of Juggernaut?
The heights are not overwhelming, and even the world is recognized, the swordsman’s
friends who are friends in the court may not be in harmony with him.
Juggernaut... Is there really a friend?
Duan Chongxuan took out a booklet from his sleeve and turned a few pages on the road.
"Chapter 3: Article 12: In order to avoid disturbing the people, smashing the pool fish, the
banned practitioners in the city and the martial arts release the killings. If you want to
divide the heights and decide the life and death, please move to the west of the city to play
Wutai or outside the city. Chapter VI Punishment Regulations."
"what is this?"
Duan Chongxuan turned back to the cover, ""Yecheng City Law", the city gates are
distributed free of charge to foreign practitioners every day, but unfortunately there are
not many people."
Yin Yin is more silent.
Luo Mingchuan is also a bit embarrassed. "In any case, this is the main thing that Yecheng
has helped us."
The same problem, Zheng Yi also has.
He does not understand why Ye Chengzhu will shoot. The relationship between the city
government and the Qingjian sword school is good, but it has never been heard that it is
This time, a thousand miles came to Yecheng. He did not kill the Yin and Yue, but at least he
was seriously injured.
But now, he is very unwilling.
This kind of unwillingness can be felt by the disciples of Baozong.
He passed through the tortuous cloister, and the lush green grass on both sides began to
wither and fall, as if in a short time, it was late autumn.
So the courtyard of the entire new water bridge was dead.
Ye Qiuqiu is a very overbearing person.
This point, everyone who knows him knows.
Today, the rain and moon in the middle of the autumn, if it happens outside the city, he will
not look at it.
But he does not allow others to kill in his city, or even release a murderous substance.
This is the city law, the son of Bao Puzong, I have never read the city law.
Yes, Zheng Xiao, who is a small rider, became famous when he was young, but in Ye Zhiqiu’s
eyes, he was just a hairy boy.
Ye Zhiqiu knows everything in this city.
Perhaps in the eyes of many big people, it is a small matter to collide with vendors and
release murderousness.
But the urban master does not think so.
The **** is a **** and his people. Killing gas is a provocation to him.
The owner of Yecheng, who is drinking tea under the tree, brows his brows. This is the
second time that Bao Puzong has not read the law of the city.
Oh, it’s just three things. Don’t break his bottom line in this city.
So he reached out and recruited the housekeeper. "Give the few families of Xinshuiqiao and
send a few city rules."
Since Zheng Yulai, the small courtyard by the autumn lake has become silent.
Yin Yi discovered that Duan Chongxuan seemed to be diligent overnight. Not only is there
less than before, but even the tea houses and gambling houses are gone.
More often, he practiced in the house, or asked some questions about Luo Mingchuan's
Yes, Luo Mingchuan, as the first person in the world, is very good at answering questions.
Although Yin Yiyue also read the classics, there is no confusion on the practice, but he will
not teach.
Duan Chongxuan was not surprised by this. Instead, he took it for granted. "Masters will
not teach. When I first entered the peak, how to wash the scriptures, or teach them by my
sister. For these geniuses, practice is almost instinct. how to teach?"
Yin Yin did not feel that he was a genius. Instead, because the brothers and sisters were in
front of him, more invisible pressure was added to them.
In the evening, practicing swords at the autumn lake, the sword has actually surpassed the
sternness of the boat.
They all have a tacit understanding. It is impossible to stay in Yecheng forbidden forever. If
the world is going to change, the brothers and sisters of Yan Huafeng always have more
important things to do.
In such a tense atmosphere, every time I see Luo Mingchuan, who is as stable as ever, Yin
Yue will calm down and not be restless.
He knows that Luo Mingchuan has made steady progress, has a solid realm, is not eager for
quick success, and is never addicted to gaining strength.
This state is very good and it is the least likely to go astray.
Until Duan Chongxuan said to him privately, "Four brothers, I think Luo brother is very
wrong recently."
Yin Yin was surprised, "How come?"
The words frowned. "I don't know where it is wrong. If you have to say... it should be the
eyes. When I was young, I saw more people, and the language and movements might be
fake, but my eyes couldn't fool people. I think that Luo brother may have a problem with
his mind."
With the reminder of words, Yin Yue pays more attention to it, but I can't see the difference
between Luo Mingchuan and the past.
After all, the mood problem is a major event. He did not dare to rest assured. He decided to
wait until the end of the third round of the Folding Party to sit down and talk with Luo
The time spent in the practice of meditation was so fast that I felt that the third round of
folding flowers was already in sight.
The disciples of Yan Yashan on the edge of the autumn lake did not know the crisis in the
heavy rain, nor did they know the news about Juggernaut.
Some people were frustrated because of the elimination of the game, and some people
were interested in discussing the results of the next round of draws.
They are still practicing swords at the lakeside, and they are half-smiling and chasing after
they are training. When they visit the city hall in Yecheng, they can’t help but look at the
girls who live in the village. They look at the stars and watch the stars on the roof. I said
that the future will also be a big man like Juggernaut...
In the last round, Yan Xiaolian was defeated by a former disciple. He bought a cool cake and
came back.
"You can rest assured that when I enter the top ten, the leaves are folded for you!"
Yan Xiaolian’s eyes immediately lit up. “When you fold the leaves, let’s make the lotus leaf
glutinous rice chicken!”
In order to encourage young people in the practice world, the top ten of the Folding Club
can also climb, fold a lotus leaf, and represent honor.
He Wei did not have the confidence to enter the top ten, but she swears her chest and
swears, "That is of course!"
Xiaolian Xiao smiled happily.
They did not feel that there was anything wrong with the lotus leaf* that took the folds to
represent the honor.
Luo Mingchuan was on a small martial art disciple of the West Coast, and his realm was not
as good as him. It seemed to be a stable victory.
Yin Yin was drawn to Yu Zong Chen Yi, similar to his realm. However, after all, the other
party is a disciple under the Yasheng Gate of Emperor Zong, and should be above the realm.
He frowned slightly, but did not shake his confidence.
After the passage of Chong Xuan, his face was a little bad, "Qing Yu Jian Pai, Cheng Tian Yu."
In the heart of Yin Yi’s mind, the bulging buns face boy emerged.
Chapter 35: Confrontation (1)
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Cheng Tianyu is the youngest disciple under the Yasheng Gate of the Qingjian Jianpai.
This folding meeting seems to be because of the fact that Zhongshan is too famous, and
many people have not noticed him. Every time he appeared, he was also obsessed with
rituals and willingly stood behind Song Yu and Zhong Shan.
But this does not mean that he is easy to defeat, Duan Chongxuan did not breathe a sigh of
relief because of the other age.
Instead, he watched the performance of Tian Yu in the last round. In the late sixteen-year-
old condensate, it has been strong enough to break through the conventional stage.
In addition to his own diligence and exuberance, he has to say that the Qingjian Swordsman
teaches his disciples.
For this martial art, although there is a wind and rain sword in the end, there is no such
thing as Yinxi, but there is some admiration.
Everyone knows that the practice of the Qingjian Jianpai disciple is the most hard work.
Yin Yue does not feel that he can easily overcome the other party without using paper.
So he asked, "How much do you have to grasp without foreign objects?"
The words are very honest,
"70% wins him?"
"70% was won by him."
It sounds shameful, but it is reality.
The words sighed, "I have seen him in the last round of the game, I really doubt that this kid
is playing the sword in the mother's womb."
Luo Mingchuan smiled and shook his head. "He just used the time when you heard about
books and gambling, and used it on the sword."
If you touch your nose, you have to admit that he is right.
"I really regretted wasting too much time, and now I can't even beat a child."
The more Yin Yin understands, he guessed very early on that he was born in an
extraordinary way, most likely a big family. If you are from a small jade food, thousands of
pets, who will force him to practice in winter, 39, and summer?
Although Zheng Yu’s coming, the words are as if they wake up and wake up overnight, and
progress is fast.
However, how can two months of hard work compare to the hard work of Cheng Tianyu for
more than ten years?
Fortunately, nowadays, it has been recognized that it is a rare good thing for the future
Yin Yi feels that this battle may not have a turn for the better.
"When I was in school, I had read some swordsmanships in the feathers. I’ve been fighting
with you for a few days. You are trying to figure out how to crack."
The eyes of the words are bright, "Too good four brothers!"
Luomingchuan stood aside. "You don't need real yuan first. You can only fight with swords.
Let me see."
Duan Chongxuan knew that they were both for their own troubles, and they were moved,
but they stopped talking and took the sword.
Qingjian Jianpai, Wutongyuan.
"Duan Chongxuan can easily take out twenty pieces of burning notes, and it must be just a
sneak peek. If you want to come to the last round, Xu Guang of Xu Zong also recognizes this
and only recognizes the loss."
Song Yu sat on the stone bench under the tree. Zhong Shan and Cheng Tianyu stand aside.
Song Yu looked at the younger brother's still tender face, and sighed in his heart.
Many people think that being young is not a problem, but it is precisely the biggest
He knows better than anyone else that the younger brother is not old enough, and if he is
seriously injured, he is vulnerable to the roots.
The road is unstable, and if it encounters a strong enemy, it is easy to be excited and self-
Cheng Tianyu understood the meaning of the brother, so he was silent.
He thought that this was the first time he had rebelled against his brother since he started.
The young boy’s eyes are red, but his tone is firm.
"No, I want to play well."
Next to Zhong Shan patted his shoulder.
Song stunned, laughed,
"Okay, then play well!"
It is he who entered the obstacles. Since this is the younger brother’s own choice, he
respects each other.
After all, the future practice of the road, but also the younger brother to go.
Song Wei took up the sword. "Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin are born in the school, read
through the three thousand classics, and become familiar with the length of the hundred.
Your feathers are not really true, and there are three days, I will fight against you."
Duan Chongxuan’s test was the first of the three Yin Yuyue trio.
On this day, they came to the foot of the mountain with the disciples of the Yashan
However, the girls of Yecheng, the female practitioners of Yuzong, came earlier than the
two who will come to power.
In the third round of the Folding Club, only forty groups were played.
There is no time limit and tie rules, and in order to facilitate the battle, only two platforms
are open every day.
At the moment, the sky is bright, and all the disciples have come one after another.
However, the morning fog did not scatter, the bell did not rise, and it was not yet open.
Yin Yinyue noticed that Duan Chongxuan’s face was not very good.
So he whispered, "Can you still beat it?"
Duan Chongxuan thought, these two days, the two brothers spent so much thought on their
own test, how can they admit that they can't beat, let the brothers work hard.
He opened his mouth and denied, "How could it be!... You look at the tea house that day. He
stood two steps higher than us. At the beginning, he could still be blocked by Zhongshan.
What does this mean? He may not have my shoulder height! ”
Duan Chongxuan folded the fan and said, "I just think that playing with him seems like I am
bullying a child."
Luo Mingchuan looked awkward.
Yin Yi’s mouth was pumping, and he wanted to remind him, but it was already late.
Cheng Tianyu ran over with impotence and looked at him with his face. "Who are you
talking about children?"
Song Yu’s voice came, "Younger brother."
Cheng Tianyu was very reluctant to sneak back.
The elders in the east side of the stand have already taken the seat, and the deacon of the
Qingjian Swordsman shouted.
“Chongxuan of Cangshan Mountain is a member of the Qing Dynasty’s swordsmanship.”
Song Wei patted Cheng Tianyu's shoulder. "Go, let go and fight."
There are many people watching this game.
Under the Yashen Gate of the Qingjian Swordsman, Cheng Tianyu was not the first disciple
to practice Yu Yijian, and Song Wei was ten years earlier than him.
But he went down to the mountain this time, but Fei Yujian was in his hands.
This is a very telling question, but I can think about the high hopes that Yasheng has placed
on him. I even think that his future achievements are still above Song.
The seniors of the predecessors want to see the feathers and swords, the disciples of the
Qing dynasty sent their disciples to cheer for their younger brothers, and the sly female
repairs want to see Duan Chongxuan throwing the paper.
The two walked up to the ring, and the relatives were seen at a distance of more than ten
Yin Yi feels that they are likely to play a game before they officially start playing.
His hunch is right.
"I don't care how much paper you have, I won't admit defeat."
"I won't use the paper." Duan Chongxuan said seriously, "I only have one question. Do you
have a crown?"
The answer to him is the sound of the flying feather sword.
"No matter what the other person said, it is to irritate you. Don't bother, just take out the
Cheng Tianyu remembered what the brothers said yesterday, and the look became calm
and solemn.
He said with a sword, "Please."
Duan Chongxuan’s look is also serious.
"It is good to be able to irritate the other person with words. If not, use the sword to irritate
This is what Luo Mingchuan said to him before.
So he put the folding fan into the wide sleeve and took out a sword. "Please."
As soon as the voice fell, his figure leaped high.
A sword light flew over a distance of more than ten feet, accompanied by the high
swordsman who pierced the air, and took Cheng Tianyu's door.
Fast and fast, but there is no sharp edge, just like nine days above, falling a feather.
In the light, hidden murder!
The audience screamed incredibly, "Yu Yi Jian?!"
"How can he get this kind of sword?"
No one can think of Duan Chongxuan's shot is actually the best sword of the other side.
Cheng Tianyu looked awkward but not surprised.
Not waiting for the feather to fall, he leaped with a sword and actually formed a circular
barrier with the tip of the sword as the center.
In midair, the two swords met in abruptly, and the Qingming resounded through the four
wildernesses, oscillating!
The two real yuan barriers collided with each other, and the strong airflow blows away the
morning fog, blowing their robes and hunting.
"If the other party first makes a feather sword, don't panic. It is not a real feather sword. It
is a simplified version that Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin teach him. It is empty and has no
real meaning."
"Competing directly with him, he is similar to your realm, but the number and solidity of
real elements is not as good as you!"
Cheng Tianyu’s hand holding the sword was very stable. He thought that the brothers were
really amazing and had already guessed it.
After the two swords meet, they are separated, and they are hit dozens of times in a blink of
an eye.
Qingming is connected, such as a blast!
The sparks of the stars splattered and flew out, and they fell on the platform, and they
made a mark.
After a battle of more than ten feet, the overlapping people's seas, Yin Yinyue's eyes fell in
the direction of the Qingjian sword.
He knows that Song Yu and Zhong Shan have already thought of the first steps of him and
Luo Mingchuan, and taught Cheng Tianyu the method of cracking.
The impact of the real yuan is still going on, and the two swords are opposite each other.
Feiyu Jianming Ruoqiu Lake can be used for the sun and the moon. It used to be a saint
when he was young and young, and he was naturally a **** soldier.
But the sword in the hands of Duan Chongxuan, the blade is dark, as if it was burned by fire
during forging, it was dull.
It is unexpected to be able to fall into the wind in this real yuan hedge.
"I thought he was a spiritual man... I didn't expect him to use a sword."
"What sword is he taking?! Can you compete with Feiyu?!"
This sword, many disciples under the stage can not recognize.
But the elders in the stands looked awkward.
Someone in the city's main house has a slight eyebrow, "Boofire?"
"The real yuan competes in the end, you won't win the process, but you still have to
compare with him, because the next sword, you have to start the first move, grab the
Duan Chongxuan remembers the words of the four brothers.
So when the two swords met again, his figure disappeared into the air.
The flying feather sword fell through, and the sea tide-like 滂湃 元 元 hit the stone
platform, stone chips and smoke dust suddenly.
There is no figure in the flying smoke.
"So fast!"
“Is it another mountain?”
Cheng Tianyu’s sword trend is unchanged, and he has nowhere to go.
The sword is everywhere, golden light, like a million dance feather dance!
"The ‘stepping the mountain river’ is not the body that can be learned overnight. If he
makes it out, it is also a simplified version.”
He believes that the brothers can't be wrong, so the opponent must be in the original
Duan Chongxuan showed his figure from the point of his sword, but the sword in his hand
has already become.
He slashed his sword and made a straight long line in the air.
The morning fog seemed to be drawn by this sword, and it was gathered under his sword.
The disciples of Yan Yashan shouted excitedly.
"Fog is coming!"
This sword is the starting style in the swordsmanship of the martial arts. When the martial
arts disciples get started, they practice the first style.
Yin Yi said that "to seize the opportunity, we must first come out with the strongest sword
before the other party makes the "Hua Ge Fei Yu."
Duan Chongxuan looked bitter, "the strongest sword, I can't make it now."
Luo Mingchuan Road, "Take the sword that you practice the most."

Chapter 36: Confrontation (2)

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The sword that has been trained the most.
So Duan Chongxuan chose the ‘haze to the end.’
Wan Dao Fei Yu was covered by fog, and the golden light was eclipsed.
Duan Chongxuan’s sword went on, and the voices of the disciples of Yan Yashan sounded
one after another.
"Clouds sink!"
"The wind is in Nakagawa!"
In the past, no one has linked these two moves together, but now Duan Chongxuan has
made it out, and there is a smooth and natural nature.
Cheng Tianyu has been forced back by the other side of the sword for more than ten steps,
and it is necessary to retreat!
Suddenly his wrists swayed and the golden light dissipated.
The flying feather sword was dragged over the black sword's sword front, splashing
countless sparks.
The orientation of the Qingjian sword sent a burst of enthusiasm.
"Green evening!"
There are elders in the stands who praised, "Miao Wei!"
It is really wonderful.
Everyone has felt great about this battle.
The sword in the hands of Duan Chongxuan is wonderful. Cheng Tianyu’s dissatisfaction
with the weak crown reveals the talent of the Kendo.
What's even better is to break the 'Golden Feather' with the ‘fog and the end of the world’
and use the ‘green evening’ to face the ‘windy Zhongchuan’.
If it was not for the two sides to fight today, no one would have thought that such an
ordinary sword would be connected and could have such power.
Song Hao looked dignified.
The battle has been carried out until now, they have guessed each step of the other side,
and the other party has also responded to them.
From the beginning, the two sides of this battle were not only Duan Chongxuan and Cheng
Still Yin Yue and Luo Mingchuan, the first confrontation with Song Yu and Zhong Shan!
More dignified is Luo Mingchuan.
Because Duan Chongxuan's three moves were connected, it really broke the 'Golden
Feather's light,' and Cheng Tianyu forced a retreat, but did not completely defeat the other
And Cheng Tianyu has turned to safety after two moves.
All the calculations and exercises have come to an end.
Duan Chongxuan’s mind emerged from what Luo Mingchuan said.
"If this sword is finished, you still haven't won, then the rest can only be up to you."
Now his sword has been broken by the other party.
In the eastern sky, the morning glow is not scattered, and the Zhan Zhan Qingguang
sprinkles on the earth.
Cheng Tianyu took the sword with both hands and took a step forward with his right foot.
He looked solemn.
The breeze swayed his clothes and passed the long sword in his hand.
It is clearly a young boy, but he has the genius of Yuan Yue.
He raised his sword and there was a sword swaying between the gaps of the horizon, and
the clear white flies.
Many people feel this change, they have to sigh that they are old and young, but they are far
from being better than each other.
“It’s really ‘Hua Ge Fei Yu’!”
"He really learned this sword!"
When the flying feathers fell, Duan Chongxuan also lost.
But no one laughed at him, because the failure of this battle was not his weakness, but
Cheng Tianyu was strong enough to break through the routine.
Even if the teenager became famous, it would not be able to make the most powerful ‘Hua
Ge Fei Yu’ in the feather robes.
Until this moment, people finally confirmed that the Yasheng of the Qingjianjian faction
handed the 'Flying Feather Sword' to the child because he really deserved it.
There are many people who have a lot of feelings, and there is no Duan Chongxuan who
faces this sword.
Duan Chongxuan looked at the mountains in the fog in the distance, watching the morning
glow of the sky, watching the clear light and flying feathers.
I feel that I am really white for more than a few years.
The sword is close, and his cheeks hurt.
When he was in a thousand, what he remembered was no longer the tricks or speculations
of the brothers, but what he said.
"Sometimes, when the blade is in the bones, knowing that you are defeated, you have to try
it first. You can't lose, you can't die, you have to finish it."
This is the second time in his life that he thinks that what he said is justified.
He wants to try.
Yin Yi was the first to notice that Duan Chongxuan’s posture of holding the sword changed.
He held the palm of his hilt and moved forward half an inch.
So he is no longer a sword, but a long gun.
He closed his eyes.
Everyone in the audience looked surprised and didn't know what he wanted to do.
Is it because the Hua Ge Fei Yu is crazy?
Can you not see the immediate sword front with your eyes closed?
Yin Yin is slightly frowning.
In the previous paragraph, Chong Xuan said, ‘I can’t make the strongest sword’. This does
not mean that he does not have the strongest sword.
He vaguely guessed what he wanted to do now.
But what he is most worried about is not that he still can't make this sword, but he is doing
his best, and the sword is back, hurting himself.
Duan Chongxuan closed his eyes and dragged a gun along the trajectory in his memory.
His posture looked strange, but the field was silent.
Because the Wandaofei feathers are lightly shocked, there is a hint of retreat.
Duan Chongxuan opened his eyes and his body suddenly changed.
He is like a warrior, and he will fight the battle.
Long shots!
The air that has been split by numerous feathers has drawn a long gap!
The whistling sword is screaming!
Like an iron horse, thousands of horses and horses are breaking through the mountains
and rivers!
Duan Chongxuan did not use this sword before, not to keep it. But he himself does not
know, can you make this sword.
But now, he made it out.
The bonfire wolf smoke, the Jin Ge iron horse, swallows thousands of miles like a tiger.
The weather of the emperor and the dragon and tiger is in this gun!
Marvel at it!
In the stands, the elder finally decided to make his own guess. "Sure enough, it is a bonfire!"
Song Yu looked at the field and his heart sank.
He knew that the worst situation had already happened - the other side broke through.
The teacher is still too young.
He is never afraid of losing the younger brother. He is afraid that the younger brother will
not retreat.
The wish of the teacher, the fame of the Feiyu sword, and even the high hopes of the
master, are all burdensome enough to crush the weak shoulders.
The younger brother who grew up under such pressure, with the honour of the martial art
as the first priority, would rather be seriously injured under the opponent's sword, and
would not retreat.
Cheng Tianyu stood on the ring, as if facing a thousand troops.
He knows that his sword is weak, and the other side is blazing. This can already predict the
But he looked blank and could not see a trace of fear.
Seeing that it is going straight to the other side's sword.
Unexpectedly, Cheng Tianyu cross swords retire!
The sword of the Feiyu sword turned straight, and he took the road from the thousands of
Because at the last moment, he inexplicably remembered what Mr. Zhong said.
“Beyond moving forward, sometimes it takes more wisdom and courage to retreat.”
Cheng Tianyu retired. With a sword to support the ground, it is difficult to stand.
It turned out that he could retreat in such a sword, and he had exhausted his last real yuan
and mind.
It is conceivable that if he did not retreat, he would be seriously injured.
Jian Xiao stopped short, and when the sword was in full swing, it was like a gold medal.
A gap was cracked on the stone platform.
Duan Chongxuan erased the blood line overflowing from the corner of his mouth,
There was an exclamation in the audience.
Many talents have recovered from the shock and began to marvel.
"Do you know what sword is that?"
"I don't know, I have never seen it..."
"I look like a gun."
Everyone can hear that ‘concession’ is a polite word, but Cheng Tianyu is very serious,
"No, I lost."
He took the sword back to the scabbard and walked down the platform. Song Yu and Zhong
Shan were waiting for him in the audience.
He bowed his head and looked depressed. "Brother, I lost."
Zhong Shan said, "No, you are doing very well."
Song Xiao smiled and patted his head and added, "No one has been angered by the
opponents, and there is no strong support. You have overcome yourself."
Then Cheng Tianyu also laughed.
The disciples of the Qingjianjian School heard and congratulated their younger brothers.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yi will help Duan Chongxuan.
Although he won, but the last sword is too sharp, there are hidden signs.
Duan Chongxuan waved his hand and motioned that he was not in serious trouble. He
laughed at a **** mouth.
The disciples of Yan Yashan followed him and laughed. The female servant of the ancestors
was blushing and handing a handkerchief.
The breeze shook the shadow of the banyan tree. The weather is just right in the summer.
Like these young people who are in the midst of youth.
In their future turbulent life, the folding will eventually become a trivial matter.
But they will all remember.
Once in the battle of the heavy mountain, there was no loser in the battle.
Chapter 37: Night drink
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The battle between Duan Chongxuan and Cheng Tianyu, whether it is ornamental or
reference value, has reached the highest level of the Folding Club so far.
It is more suitable as a storytelling material to enrich the cultural life of Yecheng people.
Cheng Tianyu became famous in his youth, and he took the sword of the Qing dynasty
sword and sent him to the world.
Duan Chongxuan is nominally a disciple of Juggernaut, but more is recognized as a relative
of Mr.
The gossip of the saints cannot be said indiscriminately, but the stories of these young
geniuses are very interesting talks.
Some people also noticed the shadow of the other four people behind the battle.
So this is more like a confrontation between the Qingjianjian and the Yashan.
No matter what it is like outside, this night, the protagonists of the story sit on the roof and
drink the moonlight in Yecheng.
Duan Chongxuan feels that this is the most enjoyable day of his life.
It’s unbelievable, and it’s a big white.
So he bought three wine bowls, and the three altars were ‘drunk to leave the fairy.’
Yin Yue will not drink alcohol. To be exact, he has never drunk.
But today he is equally open-minded, and he also yearns for the pride of the three brothers'
sorrowful rivers and lakes.
Luo Mingchuan sat next to him, even though he was holding a large porcelain bowl, and he
was sitting in a correct position, and his robes were not chaotic. It was a gentleman's
temperament - if he could ignore the thin red ears.
Too close, I can hear the breathing of people around me and feel the cool body
This reminded him of the alley that day, and the younger brother helped him back to Qiuhu.
Fortunately, Duan Chongxuan’s intermittent sound came, so that it would not be too
Duan Chongxuan has been lying on the roof, holding the jar and leaning his legs.
He seems to be immersed in the moonlight, and his words are upside down.
"I’m a smoldering wolf, I actually made it out, how can I make it out... I always thought that I
couldn’t do it. It’s really my son’s son, it’s really my own... I admire myself...爹Ah, I miss
Yin Yue thinks that he is really shameful.
How old is the person, drunk and yelling.
If this appearance is seen by the girls in Yecheng, there is no need to worry about travel
Luo Mingchuan just shook his head with a smile.
Duan Chongxuan suddenly stood up and went to the cornice.
The night wind blew his clothes and danced, and the sleeves flew, like going back to the
He is facing the moon, his tongue is clear, and the tone is sung correctly.
"Linyi and resentment, Deng Chongzhen and hurt far... When the time is oblique left, the
north and the south are south; the white dew is empty, the moon is flowing, the Shen Qi
Qizhang, the diligent Chen articles..."
Just as Yin Yin thought he was awake, he planted it from the eaves.
After a while, the ambiguous voice came, "I'm fine--"
Then he opened the door and closed the door.
So there are only two people left on the roof, and a bright moon.
The wind of the summer night blew the smell of the water and the mud of the autumn lake.
In the vicinity is the autumn lake with floating light and gold, and the distance is the high-
rise streets and warm yellow lights of Yecheng.
This kind of night scene and the evening wind are enough to make people forget all the
Even after dawn, the road to practice is still far and difficult, and the crisis in the dark is still
there, but what about it?
There is a drink nowadays drunk.
Yin Yue did not use the real yuan wine, there has been a slight intoxication.
He originally planned to talk to Luo Mingchuan after the third round of the Folding Club,
because he had previously said that his eyes were wrong and his mood was a problem.
But perhaps it is a brave man, he suddenly feels that it is better to hit the sun.
Luo Mingchuan only saw people around him put down the wine bowl, looking at his eyes in
positive colors. "Let's talk."
He glanced and said, "Okay."
"Brother, have you been in a bad mood recently?"
Luo Mingchuan felt that this person must be drunk, but he had no choice but to smile. "No."
If you are fully awake, you will never say so straightforwardly.
"Impossible! Eyes can't fool people!"
Luo Mingchuan’s smile is stiff on his face.
He drank a bowl of wine, and ‘drunken fairy’ had a bitter taste in his mouth.
The younger brother actually can it?
Sure enough, is he underestimating his younger brother? It seems that I have to be more
careful in the future.
He knew that his mood was no problem, he just began to practice the second weight of
Zheng Yu’s killing is certainly a curse, but it is not enough to shake his heart.
What really made him feel the crisis was that he was unable to confront the will of the big
men with his current strength and protect his brother from harm.
The method of Garan's technique is very embarrassing, and it is impossible for him to
believe that this is the orthodox Buddhist practice.
But since this is the fastest way to enter the country today, he has no choice.
Luo Mingchuan looked at Yin Yiyue’s eyes.
The night is as deep as the ink, not as deep as his twilight, he said,
"Teacher, I am not in a bad mood, and there is nothing."
Yin Yi feels that he really drank too much, but he was dizzy for a moment.
But no, just no, he is relieved without him.
He filled himself with wine and looked at the bright moon in the sky. He remembered that
the night came back from the school, and the moon was so bright, like a clear silver plate.
Since the entry of the mountain into the WTO, there have been many things on this road,
both big and small. He met a lot of people, and he was not happy, but also admire.
But there are companions who are fighting together. There are brothers and sisters who
wait for him to go back. They don’t know where in the world, there is a cheap master who
does big things.
This is good, he doesn't know how to describe this.
It seems that here, he really lived in the ordinary.
He is very happy. Happy to drink in a bowl and a bowl.
The moon has become a ghost in his eyes.
He didn't want to go anyway, 'The good friends in the early stage went together, and the
later betrayed a knife.'
Luo Mingchuan is a companion, not a protagonist.
He also doesn't want to be a villain. He wants to live well in this world.
At this time, the more Yin Yin did not know, life is alive, many things are not human.
Yecheng is in the north of the South China Sea. The temperature difference between day
and night is extremely great. After the child, the chill in the night wind is heavier.
Yin Yin began to feel cold, but did not run the consciousness of the real yuan, but felt that
drinking is very warm.
When he found out that his jar was empty, he consciously grabbed the next person.
The cool breath suddenly came into my arms, and Luo Mingchuan was stunned.
The people around him took the jar and quit, and Luo Mingchuan held his hand.
Perhaps the night wind is too sick, he actually heard his voice tremble,
"Teacher, you are drinking alcohol, you can't drink any more."
The more Yin Yin felt the temperature coming from the finger, and the warmth enveloped
the whole body, familiar and inexplicable.
His last consciousness stayed... it was really warm.
Luo Mingchuan stood stiffly on the eaves.
The moonlight fell on the people in the arms, three thousand white light shining, the color
is cold as heavy as the building.
Only a thin lip is a bit red, such as white snow red plum, burning and moving.
With a clear wine and chill, the Huai Li people muttered to himself with their eyes closed.
Luo Mingchuan was closer, only to hear what he was saying.
He was silent after listening.
The lights of the far-off lights are extinguished, and the night is full of silence, and the
moonlight is brighter.
His voice is floating in the wind,
"Teacher, I am going to protect you all the time in my life."

Chapter 38: Eye

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When Yin Yue woke up, he saw the flowing gauze at the top of his head and smelled the
tranquility of the air in the air. Talking about the cool taste makes people clear-headed.
His brain was blank for a moment. Then I sat up suddenly and couldn’t help but start the
He remembered everything that happened last night and felt that his mind was filled with
Actually drink too much!
Drink more and still find Luo Mingchuan to talk about life!
Life did not talk about the results! People say that even if you believe it! Also grab people's
wine! Still asleep!
If you fall asleep, forget it! I also said that ‘I just want to live well’.
Pass your sister!
How can you talk about this kind of exposure?
Huh? After that? Is he now on the roof?
......The words have already fallen, and it must have been dragged back by Luo Mingchuan!
Have you played alcohol? Have you shouted the villain declaration! Is there a paste for him?
too! throw! people! Now!
The more Yin Yin was immersed in self-spoofing, just at this moment, a familiar voice came
from the courtyard.
"Teacher, you can start..."
He didn't want to shout, "I am not here!-"
Life tragedy.
Yin Yin almost raised his hand to give himself a sword.
He felt that he must have established a silly x* image of Wei'an in the heart of Luo
He got up with a face on his face, and he was wearing a dress on his face. His voice was
infinitely circulating in his mind, 'I am not here, I am not...', then silently open the door.
Luo Mingchuan stood under the tree. With a smile on the face, polite and intimate, I can't
see the slightest joke.
Yin Yin’s heart has risen a bit of luck...
Maybe I didn’t play alcohol at all yesterday?
Didn’t you hear the ‘I’m not’?
At this moment, the words opened the door and asked strangely, "Hey? Four brothers? Are
you not here?"
The teacher's door is unfortunate.
Yin Yin is more than a mouth.
Fortunately, Luo Mingchuan coughed in time. "Since the two younger brothers are up, let's
Yin Yiyue just remembered that Luo Mingchuan had a test today. He and the singer also
said that they went together to see it.
The heart immediately raised a thick feeling of embarrassment, regretting that he also took
him to drink and talk about life last night.
The three brothers are right! Sure enough, drinking is a mistake!
Duan Chongxuan also has a twilight.
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "I drank some wine yesterday. I slept very well at night. Today I
am refreshed and smooth."
Yin Yin finally comforted him. "That's good, let's go."
When he stood under the stage and saw the two sides seeing the ceremony, he felt that his
spirit was more concentrated than Luo Mingchuan.
In the first round, Luo Mingchuan attacked Pu Zong Wang Zhen and used the sword as a
stick to make the school teach the whip.
In the second round, he was in the air, and he was closed in the autumn lake. He did not go
to see the battle between Luo Mingchuan and Xingshan Temple. It is said that the two men
discussed the Dharma, and Phong Hong did not agree to end.
But whether it is coaching or Buddhist monk, it is a means of other means. Naturally, it is
impossible for Luo Mingchuan to be the best at himself.
He really wants to see how much the practice of Luo Mingchuan will be, and what is the
strongest backhand.
Yin Yin was quietly watching the field, and found the direction of the Qingjian swordsmen.
Song Yi, Zhong Shan and Cheng Tianyu all came. On the other side of Bao Puzong, in
addition to Zheng Yi, almost all came.
It seems that you want to know more about you, not just your companions, your
opponents, even the enemies.
In terms of realm theory, Luo Mingchuan is the highest among the disciples of Yan Yashan,
and is also the one who is the most likely to win over Zhongshan.
Therefore, even if this game seems to be a stable game, there are still many people to look
Opposite Luo Mingchuan stood a disciple from the West Coast. The reputation of the
martial art is not obvious, but the personal cultivation is good, and the ceremony is also
very correct.
"Jiu Yangluo’s brother is famous, and it’s a blessing to fight with the Taiwanese today."
Duan Chongxuan whispered, "This person is a spiritual master, the talent is very rare, and
the practice is also rare. In the last round, he also won a disciple of Yuzong."
Yin Yin nodded and saw Luo Mingchuan’s modest return. “I don’t dare to be. Please.”
The man is no longer polite, his right hand is slightly raised, and his fingers are flying.
There were countless fine water droplets in front of him, which quickly condensed into a
thin water curtain, which was as flat as the autumn lake.
Duan Chongxuan said, "The speed of the cockroach is fast."
It was indeed very fast, the water curtain blinked to three feet, and the stage seemed to
have a lake that stood up.
At the same time, the air around the ring quickly dried up.
Thousands of water arrows condense and break out of the lake!
It is clearly water, but because of the speed of the rapid and the majestic, it creates a high
sound of breaking.
Luo Mingchuan's sleeves, the wind whistling, the arrow was still falling three feet in front
of him. Splashing water on his feet, like a rain falling on the ground.
But failed to wet a piece of clothing.
This method of real yuan barrier is simple and rude. Yin Yin used it in Luolongchuan when
he was in Panlongling.
Unlike the martial arts with swords and swords, the fighting rhythm of devotion is often
Even if you have a cup of tea in the past, the two sides are still one move, and you come to
me to fight.
Just as many people think that the overall situation has been fixed, Luo Mingchuan will only
use the real yuan gap to consume each other. Yin Yin has noticed that the sweat of the
forehead is getting more and more, and his expression is also eager, obviously unable to
support. It is necessary to use the means of pressing the bottom of the box.
Sure enough, the next moment someone exclaimed, "Fog!"
The fog comes from all directions, but it is not a morning fog, nor will it be scattered by the
On the contrary, the more and more, the thicker and denser, the whole platform is covered.
The more Yin Yin is over the eyes, it is still not visible.
Many people, like him, don't see the mystery in the fog, only see one piece of white.
The words are also shocked, "What is this exercise?"
Yin Yin looked at him for a moment, and his spirit was strong. At this time, he released his
knowledge to see, "The fog is lost, and the moon is lost."
There was no sudden realization of the words, but a low cough. "Four brothers, I read
Yin Yiyue explained, "It is a sage of the "All Saints". The talent is a water system, but it is
slightly different from the usual ones. It can hydrate the fog and block the opponent's
perception. The famous work is "Fog Lost Floor". He is not in the realm of the present. If he
is taller, he can also develop an illusion in the fog, which is the 'monthly Yuejindu'."
I sighed, "I haven’t seen it for so many years. It seems that this thread is rare and special."
Yin Yin saw Luo Mingchuan raise his hand and smashed a ‘wind-up 诀’. The weeds on the
side of the table swayed slightly, but the fog was so thick that even the wind could not blow
in, and it was not a moment of tension.
The people in the audience can't see clearly, and they can only talk about speculation.
In fact, Luo Mingchuan is seeing it.
The Garland 瞳 号 号 ‘ ‘ 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛
In his current realm, even if he does not push the martial arts, he can't talk about the fog,
and even his opponent's movements are infinitely slow in his eyes.
The same can be seen, as well as the younger brother standing on the stage, staring at his
nervous look.
The eyebrows are slightly timid, serious and focused, just as if he was alone in his eyes.
I don't know why, his movements are slowing down.
In the fog, the arrows come from all directions, and there is no trajectory in the wind. It is
enough to make people panic and hard to prevent.
Luo Mingchuan looks the same, raises his hand and sleeves, blocks the arrow but does not
dispel the fog.
After he finished it, there was a water curtain in front of him, exactly the same as in front of
his opponent.
The same water curtain and water arrow, but the power is even better.
Under the cover of the fog, no one noticed it. Even the disciple on the stage was shocked by
the fact that he did not know why, his own fog was not broken, and he thought that it was
the means used by Luo Mingchuan to change the trajectory of the water arrows and let
them turn against each other.
"The fog is still not scattered. Is this practice so powerful?"
"Is it really the first time in the world?"
Yin Yi did not see the water curtain in front of Luo Mingchuan, but he was surprised.
If Luo Mingchuan can't see it, why is it that the weight is light, and the defense does not leak
a trace of flaws? If he looks at it, his opponent is nearly three feet away. Why not attack the
other party directly?
Even if the rhythm of this battle is slow, it will end.
The fog was scattered, and the disciple was pale, bent and gasping, but not hurt, just taking
He doesn't know that the other side can already win over himself. Why has it been dragged
to the present?
After thinking about it, Luo brother is kind to people, he should want to leave some face for
himself. I am grateful, "I admit defeat."
Luo Mingchuan handed over the ceremony and sent the other party to step down.
He has no pride in the joy of victory, and there is no fatigue after the test. From the crown
to the robe corner, it’s the same, just like when you are standing on the stage.
Cheng Tianyu screamed, "Do you take the realm and the real number of people to kill each
other? If the other side's realm is higher, he can't help it?"
Song Yu shook his head. "The way he will break the game, as far as I know, there are no
fewer than ten kinds... As for why not, is it to hide? Don't want to expose the hand too
He turned to the humanity around him. "Luo Mingchuan has a hundred schools of study,
and his means are invincible, and his mind is calm. I think that if you want to win this time,
he is the most difficult opponent to win."
Zhongshan’s face is unchanged. Only the knuckles of the sword are slightly white.
Different from the speculations of others behind this stable victory, Yin Yi looked up and
looked at the bright sun.
Today's summer heat.
The rot is a firefly, but the heavy rain is not.
He remembers that Luo Mingchuan seems to be very prone to heat stroke... just stood still
for so long.
‘Sir, are you dizzy? Do you want to find someone to help you back? ’
He looked around the crowds of people, no, it was too shameful. The brothers and sisters
will have no face.
Luo Mingchuan stepped down from the stage, and the disciples of the dynasty gathered
around to say hi, and he nodded his head.
He looked at the sorrowful look and asked, "What happened to the younger brother?"
The more Yin Yin said, "I just remembered that I have to do something, can my brother go
with me?"
Luo Mingchuan hasn't spoken yet, He Wei and Yan Xiaolian have their eyes shining. "Of
Every disciple has received the handkerchief of the embroidered word. At this time, the
confession is unrecognizable, and with a hidden joy, "Luo brothers will go with Yin
I will be busy with Luo Mingchuan.
Duan Chongxuan coughed a little and nodded to Yin Yin.
When the two of them went with each other, the back was invisible in sight.
He Wei looked at the sleeves of the two men in the breeze, sighed from time to time, sighed,
"I am so beautiful, when is Luo brother and Yin brothers amp?"
Someone answered, "It's very clear, but why do I feel... hurt?"
"Section brother, what do you think about this?"
Duan Chongxuan shook his fan. "Look at the station... I am used to it."
Yin Yin took Luo Mingchuan first, and he felt that the atmosphere behind him was a bit
When they returned to Yecheng, they changed their way to the remote lanes they had
Yin Yin sees no one around, "Sister, today's hot summer, you... can you feel uncomfortable?"
Luo Mingchuan glimpsed, and immediately remembered his own rhetoric, and for a
moment he was a little bit smirking, but he was also moved. The younger brother is not
only steadfast, but also remembers it now.
He felt that there was something wrong with him. He couldn’t deceive his younger brother.
He wanted to say, ‘I’m fine, no discomfort, the last time was just a coincidence. ’
When the words came to my lips, it turned out to be "something, and I have to worry about
my brother."
Yin Yue is more happy thinking, and sure enough, it is really wit like me! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

Chapter 39: Sea view

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the next few days, Yin Yi and the three went to see the test of Zhongshan. The rest of the
time was devoted to practice.
Until this day, it is the turn of Yin Yi to play.
The battle with him was Yuzong Chen Yi, who was born under the door of Shuya.
This is the second battle between the Juggernaut disciple and the Yasheng disciple after
Duan Chongxuan and Cheng Tianyu.
Chen Yi’s past lottery was very good, and the opponent’s gap with him was too great, so he
could easily win without showing any wonderful means. The observability of several
battles was not strong and did not cause any sensation.
This is the first time he has encountered a strong enemy.
Chen Yi and Yan, a martial arts master, is the most likely person to be defeated.
For whatever reason, this day, there are many people in the ancestors.
Purple gowns are joined together under the ring, like the ocean of blue water.
The seat on the stand was also changed, because Miao Zong came to a strong man with a
half-step Mahayana.
The temporary presence of the big man should have attracted attention, but unexpectedly,
almost everyone looked at the female elder who was behind Zhai.
There is a little girl standing there.
The purple long-sleeved blouse floats in the morning breeze, and the morning glow is
faintly golden for her white jade-like face. She is like a thin lilac, which is waiting to be
released, and the flowering period is not yet full.
The stands are high and many people can only see a vague outline.
Even so, it will give birth to an inexplicable intuition that she is a beauty without one.
"Is this a pile of smoke?"
"It's really beautiful... is she looking at Brother Chen?"
The disciples of the Emperor Zong are exposed and have a proud look.
The deacons of the Qingjian Jianpai also looked at the distant beauty and forgot to start.
As for the two protagonists of this game, it seems to have been forgotten by the world for
the time being.
The two are opposite each other and are very suitable for saying something.
The first thing to open is Chen Yi.
"Yin brother, I know you. I went to the home of the school after I graduated from the
Yuanyuan Academy two years ago. When I was at the school, I had read your essay on "The
Theory of Miscellaneous Learning".
Yin Yue listened quietly and nodded. Before a battle begins, the other party talks about old
things, naturally not to get closer to each other.
Chen Yi went on. "So, I have been in the family for only two years. If I lose to you today, it is
not good for Master, but it is not as good for me to study in my own school."
Yin Yin crossed the road, "reasonable."
It makes sense.
It is as if he has never seen the face of Juggernaut, practicing swords and practicing, all
relying on self-study. If you lose to others, it is not a bad thing for Juggernaut.
Chen Yi smiled.
His temperament was peaceful, and there was no place for the five senses. The sleek gown
of the ancestors was also quite satisfactory.
Such a person, if walking on the street, no one would have thought that he was a disciple of
" Having said that, if I lose, I will always be detrimental to Master's fame..." He laughed and
suddenly gave birth to an unrecognizable brilliance, an unparalleled confidence and pride.
"So, I have to win you today."
The more Yin Yin did not speak, just looked at the banyan tree on the side of the table.
After he fought a battle with him, the tall eucalyptus wilted halfway. Later, when he was on
the court, he exerted the influence of the dead wood and the rejuvenation.
Now the delicate green buds tremble in the morning breeze, as if returning to the early
The strongman of the half-step Mahayana came, and the knowledge of the Mahayana came.
He folded a lychee and couldn’t help but think of what happened to Zhongshan in the
Do you have to fight for it?
But now, he does not want the other party to misunderstand and explain, "I have not
insulted you."
This may be because others will not believe, but Chen Yi also came to the school, and also
read the article written by Yin Yiyue. At this point, he looked at each other's eyes and felt
that the other party should have a hard time and was not convenient to pull the sword, so
he said,
"It doesn't matter, but I am taking advantage of it."
The deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman shouted, "Yu Yashan Yin Yin Yue to Zong Zong Chen
Yi -"
The two officially attended the ceremony.
The eyes of everyone in the audience finally fell on the two sides of the battle, and it was
surprising to find that the Juggernaut was not ready to pull the sword.
However, because Yin Yi’s performance last time, no one said that he was not self-reliant,
but he felt that this was a kind of self-confidence and pride.
Luo Mingchuan slightly frowned, he has a kind of intuition, the younger brother does not
pull the sword, not proud, but the sword will have problems.
The elder woman in the stands also raised her brow and said to the little girl behind her.
"Even if you are self-confident, you can't give up on your advantage. You don't have to learn
him in the future."
"Auntie, I know." The little girl smiled lightly, such as the bright pearls, but not dazzling,
only makes people feel very comfortable.
There is no reason to stand here with her repairs, but she came and watched the battle
with the elders of the **** or above. No one dared to say no, and she still wanted to give her
a chair.
Because she is a pile of smoke.
The only daughter of Yasheng Qujiang, the innocent princess of Emperor Zong.
The pile of smoke on the surface promised to come down, but looking at the white-haired
boy standing on the side of the field, I felt that his arrogance was so happy. Of course, her
younger brother, Chen Yi, is straightforward and sturdy.
Chen Yi uses a knife.
The knife is four feet long, and Shenxing Sand and Wanlian Steel are cast, and the name is
In the thousands of years since the swordsman became famous, the world’s martial arts
took the sword as the respect, and the rest of the weapons were the last. If it is not a "water
knife" Yan line, almost no strong knife can be found in the world.
Chen Yi's knife, like his people, from the beginning to the out of the knife, in the middle of
the law, not fast or slow, can not pick the mistakes and no glory.
Across the distance of more than ten feet, I went straight to Yin Yin.
This knife, as the beginning of the war of great public attention, really makes people feel a
bit disappointed from the bottom of their hearts. No one like a pile of smoke, seeing what is
so cool.
The face of the blade is more sorrowful.
From the moment when Chen Yi started the momentum, a very powerful atmosphere
overflowed from the blade, such as the sea tumbling, blowing in the face.
Although the knife is not fast, but the waves of the waves rise from the blade, they will flood
the entire ring.
Yin Yi stood on the stage, crossing the branches in front of him, like a boat in the sea of
anger, long night fire.
At this moment, he was soberly aware that even if he could retreat under the shackles of
the sorrowful sword, he could not avoid Chen Yi’s knives.
Avoid the inevitable, from the sword.
Yin Yin’s tip and the light point flew up, and the young leaves on the lychee were scattered
away from the branches, but they were blocked by the turbulence of the air, and they did
not fall.
Between the swaying leaves of the sky, the thin branches are heavy and heavy.
The sword collided and banged loudly, such as the sound of the waves!
Those who are slightly weaker in the realm of the stage, the eardrums that were shocked
by the shock, are so busy that they are not able to resist.
It was not until Yin Yi went out of the sword that people realized that Chen Yi had a strong
No rapids, no brilliance, no sharpness, only strong.
Purely powerful.
Many talents have just begun to understand the chic in the smoke. So I was shocked and
could not speak.
How does a lonely boat block the sea? How does the firefly shine for the night?
Yin Yue is more sturdy in his wrist, and the lychee flies past the blade, and the sparks and
wood chips are splashed like waves.
Breaking the waves and breaking the waves, the roar of the breath is endless, because it is
too hurried, it sounds like a bang, as if someone wants to open the sea.
He has taken out twenty-one swords, but Chen Yi only used one knife.
The elders of Emperor Zongzong succinctly praised, "Good knife."
Half-step riders will naturally not be moved by the obstacles of the obstacles.
What she saw was a knife.
Unlike the sword, the knife is one of the first weapons to appear in human hands because it
is simple.
Weichai hunting knives, killing chicken and slaughtering sheep with a knife.
Chen Yi's knife is very simple, but sometimes, the ultimate simplicity means power.
Qu Duoyan also felt that the knife was very good.
As a master taught by a master, she naturally knows that this is Chen Yi's strongest knife.
Unexpectedly, he would not hesitate to make it out at the beginning of the battle.
Have to say that the best is the timing.
The true Yuan is also full of war and glory, in order to perfect the knife.
It’s still the best way to use the tiger to fight the rabbit. Since it is a battle, it is the strongest
This shows that he not only knows the knife, but also knows how to fight.
Luo Mingchuan was one of the first people to see the sea.
His face was quiet, gazing at the platform, and the hand covered under the wide sleeve was
a fist.
The sword was separated, and the lychee in Yin’s hands became shorter, but the length of a
knuckle was noticed.
The big waves receded, and the brown reefs and pelicans showed their original
Chen Yi’s first knife’s castration has been exhausted, and the second knife has not arrived.
The interval between the two must be enough to make Yin Yin more sinister and get out of
the blade.
The whole body is really exhausted, and the gods know how to consume it. Not only the
body shape, but even the breath completely disappears on the ring!
Exclamation and pumping sounds sounded again and again, "Take the mountain river!"
It turned out that this is the real stepping river.
Yin Yi and He came to fight, but one tenth.
Chen Yi's face color is unchanged, and the angle and speed of the knife are not hesitated for
a moment.
As if in his eyes, the disappearance of his opponent has nothing to do with him.
There is only a knife in his eyes.
He took the knife back and set his knife in front of him.
If, in the past millennium, only ten people have read the "Introduction to the Stepping
River" in the library building, then Chen Yi is one tenth.
Whether it is space ambiguity or pre-judgment of the star track, it is based on the most
powerful means of Mr. House - calculation.
He didn't learn to 'step on the mountain,' but understand it. This is enough.
He knows that with the current state of Yin Yin, this level of intense spiritual consumption
consumes less than half a cup of tea.
The blade is as bright as a mirror, reflecting the sky and the sky, and the flowing clouds are
passing by.
After ‘sea wide’, it’s ‘sky’.
Numerous knives spurt out, and sharp lines separate every inch of space on the platform.
In the ten-step calculation of Yin Yiyue, I don’t want to say anything wrong. If you take a
slow step, you will have a knife light coming to him and bleed.
This knife is complementary to nature, and it is naturally smooth, which is in line with the
aesthetics of practitioners.
Everyone feels that Chen Yi’s response is so great.
Under the blue sky, where is the shape?

Chapter 40: Leaning lake

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The battle went here, Chen Yi made two knives, and Yin Yi went out of the 21st sword. It
seems to have entered a deadlock.
There was silence in the field, everyone was waiting.
Is Yin Yue first out of thin air, and the sword is broken? Or is Chen Yi’s knife first coming to
Ten thousand steps to calculate and tens of thousands of knives, which one is faster?
Unexpectedly, it is not the sword shadow or the blood. It is a crane.
Qingming and melodious, came to the world from nine days. Let the listener feel the spirit.
The next moment, the white crane broke through the clouds and swooped down from the
height of more than ten feet!
As if carrying the clouds and thunder of the blue sky, the wind and the wind swayed, and it
was almost instantaneous!
Many people are so unaware that there is a white crane in the mountains. How have you
never heard of it before?
Chen Yimei peaks slightly, his wrists are flipped, and thousands of knives gather together to
form a bundle, straight to the white crane!
Under the brilliance of the knives, people can see clearly. The teenager holding the lychee,
three thousand white hairs and white robes are intertwined, hunting and flying, such as the
cranes coming out of the clouds, coming to the world.
It’s only the sound of the crane, it’s the long sound of Jianfeng piercing the air.
The disciple of Yan Yashan suddenly returned to God and exclaimed, "Hehe cloud!"
The ‘He Yun’s Cloud’ is the second type of the Jianya’s swordsmanship, only after the ‘haze
of the fog’. Every disciple practiced when he got started, but he never thought of this sword,
and he even made this power come.
Immediately after the voice fell, there was a rebuttal. "It’s not a 'crane cloud', it’s a slogan!"
The sword meets again, the brilliance of the blade, under the distortion of the invisible real
element, like the clouds blown by the wind, the silk is scattered.
Many people look at Luo Mingchuan and wait for his answer.
I saw him slightly decapitated, and there seemed to be a smile in his eyes. "There are both."
The white crane is coming out, the wind starts from the blade, it seems to be a sword, in
fact, it is two swords. Just because it is too fast.
From Yin Yue’s body shape to the sword confrontation, the mystery is heavy, but the time is
only a moment. Because when he came out of the sword, his body still walked the ‘stepping
mountain river’.
Chen Yi was the first to frown because it was incomprehensible.
He did not understand how Yin Yin was hiding under the guise of the sky, and he could find
the flaws between his own swords and the accuracy of the fall.
But now his eyebrows stretched out.
There are flowing clouds above the blue sky, there are flying birds between the clouds, they
are part of the blue sky, why do you need to hide the body shape?
As you hear, you can die. He wants to understand, but he is not willing to retreat or defeat.
His most powerful two knives have been made, and the real yuan is almost exhausted.
However, the opponent is always doing a huge calculation of data, and the consumption of
God has reached its peak. The true element of this sword is so magnificent that it should be
Probably the last sword.
Everyone is in the same situation where the mountains are running out of water.
In fact, Yin Yue’s situation is even worse than Chen Yi’s imagination.
Not only the consumption of the gods brought by the "stepping the mountain", but also the
calculation of the position and angle of the last sword made his knowledge of the sea as
Without the support of a powerful spirit, he was afraid that even the lychee could not hold
But now it seems that this is not the last sword.
Because it was originally stabilized and stabilized, the slightly faint knives suddenly
disappeared without a trace, such as a candle that was blown out.
It was Chen Yi who took the knife himself.
Yin Yi is the condescending, and the sword is corresponding. At this time, the sword has
been exhausted, and it is not to be completely landed, but the toes are lightly swept away!
A retreat is more than ten feet, until the edge of the ring!
The people were shocked to find that the gravel and smoke on the platform smashed and
cracked a tiny gap, extending all the way to the foot of his foot.
That sound was the sound of the split-up.
Chen Yi’s knife ‘sky’, he took the knife when he did not finish it, forcibly changed the
direction of the knife!
This variable is sudden, and it is impossible to prevent it.
Forced to change the knife, Chen Yi mouth overflowed a trace of blood, his face quickly
pale, but his eyes are getting brighter.
From the very beginning, he did not intend to hurt Yin Yue with this variable. He wants to
fight for a restful time.
It’s enough to make another knife.
Chen Yi fell his wrist, pointed to the point of the knife, and his body flew high, like a cloud.
His body is extremely elegant, and the knife tip plunges away from the opponent when he is
off the ground.
When he used this knife, the ordinary face sheds infinite brilliance, like the moonlight.
The situation between the field has turned sharply!
"Landing the moon -"
Some of the disciples shouted loudly, and then everyone's eyes were getting brighter and
brighter, as if they were on the stage.
Thousands of years ago, the Yasheng Qujiang sword retreated to the enemy for three
thousand miles, which laid the status of Mou Zong in the world.
Now Chen Yi will use the sword to make a sword, and he has already begun to glimpse the
true meaning!
This knife is the history and glory of a martial art.
The elders of Emperor Zongzong looked a little shocked. "Have your father passed his
In her eyes, in the young genius of this generation, no matter how you look at it, Chen Yi is
too ordinary, and has never seen any edge. Even if the ‘海阔’ ‘the sky’ is good, it’s not
enough to change her opinion.
"Yes." Qu Duo smoked and smiled, "But the younger brother is not willing to take my
clothes and go to Xi Jian, I like to use a knife."
Yasheng is not willing to follow.
This sounds like a ridiculous thing.
She looked at the young man again at this time. In the moonlight, she finally saw the pride
in the blood through his ordinary appearance.
Not only her, many people are the same.
On the stage, the big men and ordinary disciples saw the pride in this knife.
Everything is in the air, and I want to go to the sky!
Luo Mingchuan's face is white!
嚓 ——
The knife has not arrived, the anger is violent, and the Yin Li is in the hands of the lychee!
In an instant, a long sword appeared under the blade.
It is no longer a branch, but a real sword.
There is no choice, the lake sword has been squirted out!
The opponent slashed the lychee and forced the real sword. Under such variables and
pressures, Yin Yue should have been flustered and short-lived.
In fact, he never felt that there was a moment more clear and more emboldened than this
Because he has a sword in his hand.
The sword is the bottom.
This emotion he never realized before.
Even though this sword can't be used for him, I have to admit that he has been inseparable
from the numerous days and nights of practicing swords.
Have been sheathed, why bother?
The blade has to fight, and the lake sword at this moment seems to finally feel the master's
state of mind.
The long sword went straight to the blade, shaking off the clear light.
Chen Yi’s face was whiter, and the force of Wan Yi passed the wrist along the handle, as if a
mountain fell on his knife. To crush every inch of the bones and meridians.
Yin Jianyue’s sword was only squirted, and he used the most overbearing sword.
It is the ‘Little Mountain’ sword created by Juggernaut.
On Mount Luya, he once saw Jun Hao practicing on the edge of the cliff.
Just like pulling a sword is an instinct in a crisis, this sword is also his instinctive response.
Wanshan is coming to resist, why should you take the month?
Chen Yi’s knife will be exhausted, but it’s too late to get a knife back, because Yin Yi’s next
sword has arrived.
The two swords are close to each other, like the ‘the crane cloud’ and the ‘windy
Zhongchuan’. It seems that there is no gap.
Many people in Xiaoshengshan of Juggernaut are unbelievable, but this sword is recognized
by almost everyone.
"Cold water!"
It is the only sword that Yin Yi has played in the game.
The chill came out of the ruined array of squadrons.
The long sword broke open and went forward.
The battle was full of twists and turns, and the change was too fast.
The disciple of the ancestors was intoxicated in the sky, and it was too late to react. In the
twinkling of an eye, the chill was soaking in the bottom of my heart.
Chen Yi no bloody, crumbling under the sword.
Exclaimed. This sword is so fast that it will splash the blood in the next moment!
Someone has even closed their eyes.
After the breath, the calm.
There is no cicada with a sword and a knife, and there is no sound of Jianfeng piercing the
flesh and blood.
Yin Yiyue’s sword stopped at a distance of half an inch from Chen Yi’s right shoulder. His
hand holding the sword did not tremble, only his face was white.
The cold water sword is out, it should be overwhelming, but it stops.
No one knows why.
But Yin Yin knows it.
This sword still does not accept his true element, he can only use the previous method to
sword. However, this battle exhausted his gods and could not stabilize the true elements
covered by the sword.
When half an inch away, the real yuan has been scattered.
Even if this sword falls, there is no power that it should have. Just now, his time for swords
is very short, and he will not be seen. If this sword falls into practice...
Fortunately, the sword was collected in time.
Chen Yi looked awkward, "Why?"
Not only him, everyone is waiting for the answer.
Chen Yi’s person is as simple as his knife, and he asks if he wants to ask. Just like when he
was standing in the ring, he blurted out the words.
Yin Yi felt that this was a respectable opponent, so he decided to tell the truth, "I don't have
any mercy, but I can't do it."
Chen Yi reveals an incredible look. Yin Yuyue shines over the stage, everyone is the same
It’s like...he is lying.
He could even hear the whispers in the crowd. "The sword is going to go, like a big river, a
rock in the mountains, and it’s hard to know how..." How is it possible?"
"Why are you risking being attacked by the sword?"
At this year, no one believed in the truth. Yin Yue was more annoyed and blurted out.
"I am not so kind, really is not able to catch!"
"Hey - Dear users, I haven't seen you for a long time. The villain ‘I am not so kindly’ appears,
the conditions are established, the halo is activated!”
Yin Yin is completely embarrassed.
He can swear to Heaven!
He has long forgotten that he also added a ‘anti-figuration evil’ aura!
Since entering Yecheng, his mood has changed a lot. Even in the face of enemies or
opponents, he has not done anything like "eyes like a knife" and 'cold laughter'. He said that
‘I was not a good person.’
But this time!
A long halo! Angry brushed the sense of existence!
He stood in the wind, and his heart was in a cold.
I just want to install an x.
Why... this time...
To pull hate worth...

Chapter 41: dusk

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue felt that the atmosphere between the scenes changed instantly.
Everyone's eyes fall on him, and they are all incomprehensible.
He took the sword back and saw Chen Yi laughing, and he also gave him a gift. "Today's
World War I, I am convinced."
Yin Yi is more and more fortunate to think, this fake and inferior high imitation aura, can
not pull a lot of hate value.
So he also gave the other party a gift, "concession."
The deacon disciple shouted, "At the end of the game, the end of the mountain is more and
more win--"
This test was ups and downs, and it was said to be wonderful, but no one was bleeding.
The two sides began with a correct and calm ceremony and ended in the same way.
Yin Yin went down the stage and the disciples of Yan Yashan had already come up. Looks
like a sorrow, but also with some kind of ... hate iron does not become a steel.
He is very uncomfortable to watch.
The next moment, the crowd separated, and he was on the eye of Luo Mingchuan. Still a
clear amber.
With a shallow care and worry, he asked him, "Can you be injured?"
As his first match ended.
At that moment, Yin Yin suddenly felt very comforted.
No matter how the world looks at him, Luo Mingchuan sees his eyes have not changed.
What is his hate value!
The brothers have been drying in the sun for so long, waiting for me to help him go home!
Luo Mingchuan coughed and said in a concise manner. "There are still some things. I will
take the first step with my younger brother."
Everyone showed a stun look.
The road under the foot is already familiar with the heart. When turning the alley, Yin Yin
helped the body of Luo Mingchuan.
The unfinished meaning of the cold water sword raged in the skeleton of the meridians,
which made him unable to rely on closer.
I feel that it is too close, and the brothers who are always polite may not be used to it. Just
wanting to let some distance, I heard Luo Mingchuan sincerely said, "Thank you for your
No thanks~\\(≧▽≦)/~
The two did not hesitate to go. When the audience returned to the world, the back had gone
far to be invisible and solidified into a point under the sky.
Arguments and sighs rang.
He Yan sighed, "Yin Shi brother is like this... Fortunately, Luo brothers look at it."
Duan Chongxuan doesn't know what to say. He has a deeper understanding of his character
than his own.
"Fortunately, with the strength of the four divisions, you will not be bullied by others."
Some people disagreed, "Yin Shixiong is highly educated and has outstanding strength.
However, if someone has a bad heart in the future, would you like to lie to him? For
example, if you have pity and sympathy? What should I do?"
"Yin brother is always cold with a face! It looks like a cold-hearted look! This is great!"
"Yes! Although it is easy to be misunderstood! But it can also be shocking!"
The disciples of Yan Yashan gathered together and expressed deep concern about the
character of their own brothers. Finally, they came to the conclusion that Luo brothers
must be optimistic about people! We must work hard to make people look good!
He took the disciple's disciple to the stage and helped Chen Yi down. Chen Yi waved his
hand and motioned that they should not worry. They did not get hurt.
The pile of smoke on the stands finally finally let go.
Someone suddenly announced a Buddha number in the stands. Everyone looked and saw a
gray robes in a temple.
Buddhism has always been low-key, especially the Buddhist temple in the temple, which is
also in the downtown area.
Zi Ming is the younger brother of the first lecturer in the Temple of the Emperor, where
both the generation and the cultivation are placed. But when he didn't talk, almost no one
noticed him.
The voice of his speech and the like of the spring breeze are like chanting the scriptures.
"Amitabha, the uncle of the teacher often said that my Buddhist disciples are walking in the
world, not because they are concessions because of compassion, but because they need to
have 'Bodhisattva, King Kong means'. Inferiority did not understand before, but today I
understand that the original is the person like Yin Shizhu."
Everyone was filled with emotions, and I didn’t know what to say.
The elders of Bao Puzong snorted and whispered,
"Where is the heart and the soft, it is the woman's benevolence! The future is also difficult
to become a big weapon! Juggernaut actually has such an apprentice!"
Suddenly he felt a cold behind him and hurriedly turned back. He saw the elder of Mozong
looking at him coldly.
This is the object of Yin Yi’s grievances. He is a disciple. His own words, although the voice
is low, it is difficult to avoid the eyes and ears of the half-ride. Among the people who
watched the battle today, the elders of Emperor Zongzong were the highest. At that glance,
there was no half-pressure leak, but it was full of threats. He had to face his face and no
longer speak.
The elders of the Qingjian Sword School also spoke up, faintly saying, "Juggernaut has such
an apprentice, it is a good thing."
The middle-aged woman’s cold-eyed shocked the people of Bao Puzong, and when she
turned to the pile of smoke, the face showed a bit of affection. She had already seen the war
situation clearly.
"Your younger brother has done his best to make the last knives, and the whole body has
been overflowing, and it is almost empty. If the sword is settled, he will not be able to take
it for a year." Knife. Even if you have your mother's 'Golden Jade Dew', you have to raise a
half-year injury."
Speaking of this, it turns to warning again.
"In the future, no matter who you fight with, if it is not a struggle between life and death,
the body of the body must not be scattered, and you will be placed in the midst of danger.
As for the child, the child is cold and hot, and the face is hard. You will not be able to do
enough to be a human being. You will not have to learn him in the future."
The pile of smoke still promised to be soft. "The aunt taught that the smoke knows."
The middle-aged woman nodded with satisfaction.
In the heart of Qu Duan, he thought about the cold-hearted teenager, and couldn’t help
The heart is kind and soft, and it is not good for the world. She feels good.
It is unique and unique.
Regardless of how everyone thinks, the third round of the Folding Flower Club will
continue. This wonderful battle will eventually be exhausted.
However, there is still talk in the teahouse pub. If the lake sword is first unsheathed, there
will be a power of Wanshan breaking the moon. It should not be underestimated. I don’t
know which one is sharper than the wind and rain sword?
This question, Yin Yi, I can't answer it.
He sat on the futon and wiped the sword with a crepe. He looked serious and his
movements were meticulous.
In my mind, I recalled the details of the battle at that time. It is not an illusion. This sword is
under the deterrent of the moon. When it is sheathed, it is indeed a light shock of the
sword. It is humming and screaming.
But still do not accept his true yuan, silent and stubborn. If the first sacred ‘Peace of the ‘All
Saints’ is still alive, I’m afraid it’s not so big.
Thinking of this, Yin Yin’s inner heart is almost collapsed.
#师父, you passed the sword out of the year. #
#我想谈说 with this sword#
After the seventh day, the third round of the Folding Party will end. The Qu Duo smoke did
not show up in the subsequent test. Many people lamented that the beauty was shocked. I
wonder if this life has a goodbye.
There should have been forty people to advance, but there have been several battles with
both losses, and the winner has given up the next round of qualifications. Therefore, there
are only 36 people in the promotion.
Before the fourth round of draws, the participating disciples had three days to rest. The
Qingjian Swordsmen also dispatched personnel to do the reinforcement and repair work of
the squad.
There are more foreign practitioners in Yecheng, waiting to watch the next round. The daily
patrols of the Black Guards have increased a lot, and the business of the city’s wine cellar
shops and gambling houses is better.
Now the disciples of the various sects have been eliminated and rushed to the crowd, far
more than still in the competition.
Many people are out of the pressure of the game, they like to go to the next small note in
the gambling, small gambling, support their own Zongmen, adjust the practice life.
Although the results of the next round of the draw have not yet come out, but many people
know about the restaurant that day, the wind and rain Jianshan and the Juggernaut disciple
Yin will eventually have a battle, so the gambling bureau opened early.
The slogan that Yin Yiyue showed before in the battle made him rumored to be ruined and
ruined. Therefore, the odds of winning and losing between the two men are not much
But always, the realm of Zhongshan is higher, and there must be more. After all, there was
still someone in the previous round of trials who questioned the repair of his late break,
thinking that he was already a half-step.
At the edge of the autumn lake, Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin repeated the practice of
practicing, practicing swords and guiding words.
Duan Chongxuan was busy practicing, practicing swords and being instructed. During his
busy schedule, he ran to the gambling house to detain his brother.
So he was handsome in the eyes of Yecheng girl, and the image of young and rich gold was
even more stalwart.
This almost all-people participation, the big gambling in full swing, only the Emperor
Baozong did not participate.
It's not because they are practicing hard, they are detached from low-level fun. Instead, in
the initial battle between Yin and Yue, they borrowed a large sum of money from Yecheng
Qianzhuang to win. Later, the gambling bureau lost, and the money was not enough for a
time, or the elders of the team personally paid for the money, only to pay off the debts in
the bank.
This incident was passed back to the Hengduan Mountains in the Western Continent, and
was rumored by the elders of the Zongmenli to blame ‘a shame.’ Therefore, now the
Emperor Baozong disciple does not dare to gamble again.
The three days of Yecheng are about to pass, and when Wujinxi falls, there will be a cool
The people in the city moved out of the bamboo chairs and were cool in the streets and
lanes. They used the pupa and the melon seeds to talk about the new fancy flowers. The
lanterns on the flower building couldn't wait to hang up. The merchants in the main street
of the center began to prepare for the night market, and the lanterns in the big gates were
also picked up early.
The disciples at the end of the autumn lake ended their day of practicing swords and
practices. Some went back to the house to prepare for the meditation, while others went to
the center of the city, and they also had to join in the excitement of Yecheng.
The afterglow of the West is sprinkled, and the lake is floating in gold. The tired bird
homishes, and a white wall and gray tiled residential courtyard in the distance rises and
The shadows of the lake gradually went away, the laughter also dispersed, and the autumn
lake in the dusk quieted down.
Only the breeze is blowing, blowing the weeping willows around the lake.
So far, it is no different from the past.
But today it is doomed to be different.
Because there is a little girl standing under the willow tree.
No one knows when she came and how long she has been standing.
She seemed to be there silently, and the evening wind and weeping will not notice.
She wore a purple gown, wide sleeves and a narrow waist, and the clothes were
embroidered with dark lines. The bead of the hair is not a wooden jade, only a round pearl
is embedded in the tail, which shines in the sunset.
When the white-haired teenager pushed out the door and walked toward the lake with a
sword, she smiled lightly.
A smile three springs.
Weeping willow is more colorful, how can she have her pear vortex?
The lake is shining again. Why is her eyes bright?

Chapter 42: First love

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yi went out of the small courtyard and went to the time when he practiced the sword in
one day.
At the usual time, the autumn lake was quiet and peaceful, and there was no trace of
people. Only one or two vocal rules were heard.
But today's autumn lake, like inexplicable brilliance.
Following the glory, he saw the people standing under the willow tree. It’s a girl, smiling
and yelling at him, “Yin brother.”
If you switch to any one person, you can recognize the woman.
But Yin Yue is not anyone.
When he took the stage to test that day, he did not look into the stands. At this time, he can
only judge from the clothing that the woman was born in the ancestral hall, then went up
two steps, stopped at the distance of the ceremony, and asked with doubts, "Are you?"
He has never met, and he should be called "Yin Daoyou" rather than "Yin Brother".
If other girls see him with a slight brow, a cold face, a look of incomprehensibility, he has
long been angry and shy away. But the sound of the pile of smoke is falling,
"My name is Qu Duanyan. Qujiang's song, Yangliu pile of cigarettes."
This is not even the ‘Yongpu seven sons’ who are unclear, and who knows who she is.
Qujiang is the name of a river and a famous name of Yasheng.
Yangliu is the name of the patriarch and the name of her mother.
When she said these words, she did not have any arrogant look, just like the ordinary self-
reported home, and frankly natural.
This made Yin Yi more good about her perception, so she took the initiative to say,
"The younger brother is in the house, I will call you for you."
The song piled up and smoked. "I am not looking for a friend."
Yin Yue is also embarrassed, the girl who came here does not find Duan Chong Xuan... Is
that the way to find Luo Mingchuan?
I don't know why, he gave birth to some inexplicable low in his heart. "Who are you looking
Qu Duo smoke seriously said, "I just came to you, Yin brother."
Yin Yin is more and more embarrassed, "Looking for me...what?"
The pile of cigarettes stepped forward, just like asking him if he had dinner, "Is Yin Shixiong
"...not ever."
Yin Yin has not slowed down the gods, and the next sentence is full of imposing manners.
"How is Yin Ying brother looking at me?"
The more Yin Yin is, the more completely it is.
In his long and long reactionary career, there has never been a confession by a sister.
No, let alone confession, as one of the many humanoid background plates behind the boss,
the female spit is not able to turn to him.
Is he now... is it to open the plot hiding mode?
‘Come tell me that this is not true’. It’s circulating in Yin’s mind and it’s impossible to stop.
Qu Duanyan saw that he did not speak, and did not worry, just smiled and waited for him.
Half-sounding, Yin Yin said, "Zhudaoyou, are you mistaken?"
The pile of cigarettes was reddish. "I didn't make a mistake. Is it bad for me?"
Yin Yi has never seen this situation, and sometimes he is at a loss. "No, you are very good, it
is not good for me..."
Luo Mingchuan or Duanyan, you can come anywhere! With his language ability, it is really
not expressed. Finally he made it clear, "I didn't mean it."
Qudushi insisted that "the road is far away, some people accompany them together. What is
wrong? Yin brother does not understand me now, but if you can give me a chance, we may
not be able to get along well."
It makes sense and cannot be refuted.
Yin Yin is sinking into the heart and seriously, "You are very good. It is very good to be a
man of origin and a look. You will meet very good people in the future, and you will be
connected with your heart and seek for a long time. Life... but this person is not me."
The tears of Qu Duoyan finally fell. "Yin Shi brother refused me because of the people who
have a heart?"
In fact, Yin Yi did not know why she refused.
Perhaps it is because Juggernaut has not returned to the mountains for a long time, and the
forces of all parties are glaring at it. The world is still unclear. There are still many things to
do, perhaps because he does not know it.
But he made up his mind, "Yes."
The song piled up and laughed. "That's good. Yin brothers must ask me in the future. I will
come to **** my brother if I don't cherish my brother's heart."
Yin Yi feels that she laughs very sadly. No matter how many reasons, hurting a little girl is
always a cruel thing. He touched his sleeve and found a handkerchief and handed it over.
The pile of cigarettes took the puff and wiped the tears, and held it in his hand. "I am gone."
Yin Yin looked at her and turned and walked along the lake. The blue silk fluttered in the
evening wind, and the back was straight.
Once I saw it, I saw Luo Mingchuan standing at the door of the courtyard. I don’t know how
long I have stood.
The setting sun melted gold, he stood in the shadow of the courtyard wall, his face was dark
and unclear, and he whispered to him, "teacher."
The pile of smoke walked by the lake and was very depressed.
Suddenly there was a crisp sound behind her. "Hey, don't be sad."
Qu Duoyan raised his vigilance and turned back. He saw two girls, dressed in white robes at
the end of the world, a bright spring flower, and a delicate white lotus.
"You follow me?"
If it was in the past, she had already discovered it, but now she is not stable, and she has not
noticed it along the way.
He Yan turned his eyes. "Who is following you, I am afraid that you can't open the lake." She
handed the oil paper bag in her hand. "I just bought it, it is still hot, can you eat it?"
The pile of smoke detectors glanced at it, and it was actually a few pieces of steamed
It can be seen that the other party bought something back to Qiuhu Lake and bumped into
the scene of being rejected. If it is another girl, it should be very embarrassing at this time,
but the character of the smoky smog with her mother, ‘what do you see me?’, is naturally
not possible to have the concept of being angry.
She is now busy fighting sugar-sweetened cheese. "I don't like anything that this little child
eats. How do you still eat this, my generation is practicing, so heavy appetite..."
He Wei took back the paper bag, "Xiao Lian, I will eat it."
Qu Duo Yan Yan quickly grabbed it, "... I didn't say no to eat."
The struggle failed.
Qu Duo smoked and looked at them while eating. I felt that the two girls looked really good
and couldn’t help but ask, “Yin Shi’s brother said that he has a happy person, who is it, is it
one of you two?”
Xiaolian Xiao’s 噗嗤噗嗤 laughed out. “Of course not. Look at the words embroidered on the
Qudui smoked his eyebrows. "Pearl brilliance, white ruthlessness, what do you mean?"
He Wei explained, "The ‘ming’ is the ‘明’ and ‘白璧’ of my brother Luo Mingchuan, of course,
refers to Yin Yin’s brother.”
The pile of smoke was shocked. "It is like this!"
There are also males in the practice circle, but only a small number.
But she quickly accepted this statement, that is, some loss. "I have seen Luo brother,
gentleman, and it looks like a good person. In this case... it seems that I have no chance."
He said, "You look so good, you have a good talent, why no one will be happy with you
After listening to the words, the pile of smoke smashed down, and the yak cheese did not
eat. The toes sneaked and jumped onto the weeping willows on the lakeside. She sits on the
willow branches, like the wind without weight, and the willow branches are only trembled
twice and will not move.
He Wei was afraid that she ran with the cheese, and also mentioned the real yuan, and
Xiaolian was on the tree.
The three girls sat side by side on the huge willow tree, the sunset glowed away, and the
new moon appeared at the horizon.
The pile of smoke looked at the sparkling lake and suddenly sighed. "I don't think I can
He was shocked. "No, how old you are. If you fail, you will be beaten."
The song piled up with a white eye. "What do you know, this is not my first failure! This is
the second time!"
He Wei had to admit that the beauty is a beautiful woman, and her eyes are better than her.
So she was amazed. Apart from Yin’s brother, there are still people who can refuse these
beautiful people. The heart of the gossip is difficult to suppress for a while. “Who is the first
Xiao Xiaolian’s face was quiet and quietly erected his ears.
Qu Duoyan has never said this to anyone. Even she didn't know.
Perhaps it is a short hand and a soft mouth. Perhaps it was nightfall, the atmosphere was
just right, she didn’t think of it, she actually said it.
"The first one is my younger brother, Chen Yi."
Yan Xiaolian was shocked, "Ah?"
He Wei also feels that Chen Yi is too... ordinary.
If you don't take a knife, you can't find it on the street.
The pile of smoke has misunderstood their surprises.
"He is older than me, and he is higher than me, but the introduction is late, of course, it is
the younger brother! I am not counting the old cows to eat the tender grass... It is really
difficult to express the confession, obviously my mother succeeded once, how come I have
He Wei, she was sad, she waved her hand and took her shoulder.
"What is this? When I was a child, I still secretly loved Luo brother! But then I understand...
Just like you see a flower, think it looks good, want to have it, you just like it, it is an
appreciation, not What a heart."
Yan Xiaolian feels the same,
"When I was a child, I wanted to marry the little brother of Yamashita Roast Chicken Shop. I
just liked him to be a roast chicken, and it was not a pleasure."
The night is getting darker, the bright moon is sprinkling with the glory of the bright, and
the pile of smoke looks at the lake, thoughtfully.
"It seems that there is a reason to say this. I saw Yin brother on the side of the stands.
Where did you say that you are happy?"
The three girls spoke of the first love that they had forgotten, far away and ignorant, and
the lake became jealous.
"Initially... Why did you confess with Chen Yi?"
"When I was eight years old, I went to visit Mr. House. I met him in the school and
bandaged the kitten. I ran over to play with him. He took the jelly beans for me. I asked him
if he would marry me in the future. ...he refused."
"You are not mistaken? Eight years old! It is too small!"
"What about that, the girl who fell out of the country at the age of eight, closed the moon
and shy!"
"You are too narcissistic, give me the cheese."
The song piled up and laughed. From the willow branches, he went to the lake and went to
the lake. "The last piece is left!"
He Wei and Yan Xiaolian rushed to chase her.
Yin Yin felt that Luo Mingchuan’s eyes were wrong.
As for what is wrong, he can't say it.
The two stood in the evening wind on the lakeside, no one spoke first.
Luo Mingchuan also knows that his current state is very wrong, but he has no way, he can't
control it.
He stood in the courtyard and listened to his younger brother talking to Qu Duo. At almost
the same time, he wanted to push the door several times. This kind of emotion made him
scared. He asked himself, why should he block it? What qualifications are there to block?
Soon and sadly discovered that Jiansheng has not returned to the mountains for a long
time, the world will be chaotic, and the younger brothers will interact with the daughters of
Zhai Zongya, and Yuhuan and Yuyashan will have advantages and disadvantages.
Luo Mingchuan once again felt that he needed strength.
Very strong, strong enough to change the world, no need to consider anyone, anything.
Fortunately, the younger brother refused the girl.
Luo Mingchuan pushed the door open and saw the younger brother standing alone in the
The mood is ups and downs, and it can't be calmed for a long time.
At this time, Yin Yi finally found a way to break the silence. "What is the threshold of the
yard, the yard?"
Luo Mingchuan looked back, behind him was a pile of tiny dust, faintly able to see the
outline of the threshold, the breeze blowing, gently floating up.
He coughed softly. "I have been in disrepair for a long time. I didn't pay attention when I
came out."
Yin Yi didn't believe it, but the intuition told him that it was better to follow Luo
Mingchuan's words at this time, "Oh."
He didn't know that if he turned back in the evening, the whole yard would become like
"Is the brother now free? In the end of the sword, I have a trick, "Mingsha Suyu" does not
understand, the brothers help me?"
Luo Mingchuan laughed, like a breeze,

Chapter 43: Coming

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the shadow of the moon, the courtyard of the autumn lake is silent in the dark night, only
the sound of the summer insects and the rustling of the wind blowing leaves.
Luo Mingchuan pushed open the window, the night wind poured in, and the chill of the face
was sober.
The window is facing the autumn lake, and the smoke is empty.
He didn't like the almost out of control emotions during the day, so he began to straighten
out his thoughts.
In the dungeon, he knew that he was drunk in the past, mistaken the younger brother's
heart and obsession, and went astray, so he was full of guilt. I originally decided to go down
the mountain together, because I wanted to compensate my younger brother and both.
But when did this road come down, when did it change?
Floating on the beach, why did the younger brother change the Cambodian card with him?
He didn't know. But there is an inexplicable intuition that the younger brother is protecting
him. After the moonlight night drink, the younger brother leaned in his arms and said that
he wanted to live well in the future. At that time, he could not see his heart.
until today.
Until the younger brother admitted, there are already people who are happy.
The night winds start to blow up the fog in front of you.
Luo Mingchuan has been practicing the Tao for more than ten years and never fears facing
the heart.
He thought that he was also happy with his younger brother.
But what about the younger brother?
The younger brother is too young, and his mind is simple. Can you really distinguish the
feelings of the brothers and the feelings of the accomplices?
Luo Mingchuan looked at the undulating lake.
It doesn't matter, he can wait.
From the school to the Yaya Mountain, from the 13th to the 23rd of the younger brother, he
will have him every year in his life.
Luo Mingchuan’s mind was clear and clear, and he quickly settled in and began to practice
the work of Garan.
When Yin Yue was meditating, he was restless. Simply turn over the futon, sit in front of the
case, light the sword.
He has recently become more and more aware that wiping the sword is a good thing for the
mind and body, and it can make people calm down quickly.
The candlelight illuminates the three-footed Qingfeng and also reflects his face on the
The girl is very good. No matter what the family looks, or the talent for cultivation, there is
no bad place.
So why is the first reaction rejected? Shouldn’t you be happy?
"I have a avenue in my heart, love in the world, and can you bind me?"
No, this reason should be the master, or someone like Master would say.
I am clearly not a person who is interested in being alone.
Because the situation in the world is turbulent, the crisis is heavy, well, this is barely a
Yin Yi recalled his own state of mind and found that the first reaction was actually a
misunderstanding of Luo Mingchuan.
He didn't know why it was like this. It was out of fear that the love of the parents was
discovered by the parents.
Not exactly.
Perhaps it was a small villain for a long time. If there was no girl for a long time, there was a
sudden emergence, or a goddess level, and I was not used to it at once.
The candlelight went down, his sword was very bright, and his mood calmed down.
Anyway, he has more important things to do now.
The result of the draw of the fourth round of the Folding Club will come out tomorrow.
This round of Yin and Yue three people do not have the right to draw lots, just wait for
others to pick up their names.
Duan Chongxuan volunteered to go to the shadow wall to see the results early in the
morning. When he came back, the whole person looked faint and his soul was not guarded.
Yin Yue is more worried. "Who are you on?"
“Xingshan Temple Buddha Xiuhuide.”
“How many chances are there?”
"70%. This time it is not 70% won by him, but it is really 70%."
The more Yin Yin is puzzled, "Well, who is Luo’s brother?"
"The Qingjian sword pie Feng Wenjin."
Yin Yin looked at Luo Mingchuan and felt that it was not enough.
The faint gaze of the words finally fell on his face, and his expression was illegible.
"Four brothers, Zhong Shan has drawn you."
The three were silent for a while.
Half-sounding, Yin Yue crossed the road, "It’s always... there is a battle."
But he did not expect it to be so fast. In his heart, he always thought that fighting with
Zhongshan, at least to the fifth round.
"Four brothers, how many chances do you have now?"
"Four percent."
The words sighed, "It’s true, it’s the same as the gambling odds.”
Yin Yi was a little more stunned. "Are you bet me to win?"
"Of course!"
" fault. Forgot to let you blame the mountain."
In fact, after watching the first few battles in Zhongshan, Yin Yiyue himself could not wait to
go to the other side.
The words have been awake, and the folding fan has been on display and shaken up. "It
doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, there aren't many, and it's just a hairy..."
He was afraid that his brother would not feel bad in his heart, so he dared not say how
much he had taken.
Luo Mingchuan has never spoken. He suddenly spoke now, but he had a strange, stable
"Don't be impatient, there will always be a way, and the younger brother is not without the
possibility of winning."
Like the spring breeze, Yin Yin is sinking into the heart,
"Yes. I always try my best to be willing."
People at the edge of the autumn lake will not know that Cheng Tianyu also asked the same
question in the Wutong Garden of the Qingjian Sword School.
"Brother, how many chances do you have?"
Zhong Shan replied, "60%."
Cheng Tianyu laughed. "The brothers are too modest. I think there are 80% of them!"
Zhong Shan shook his head. "No, it is 60%."
Cheng Tianyu’s face is unbelievable.
Song Wei took his hair and laughed. "Your brother said that he has achieved a few
achievements and he still does not practice swords."
The hopes of this war have been rushed.
Not only Yin Yue, but everyone did not expect it to be really so fast.
The news spread and many people immediately set off to go to Yecheng to watch the battle.
At the time of the ups and downs of the whole southland, Song Yu’s letter from the
mainland was arrived. It is a copy of all the articles that Yin Yi wrote in the school for three
"After going to the end of the world, his news is very small, there is no way."
Zhong Shan turned a few pages of thin paper, "it is enough."
Yin Yiyue took the paper research that Duan Chongxuan gave him.
There are big and small pieces of paper, some are neatly written, some are scribbling at
random, which reads the chores of Zhongshan before the Qingjian swords, or the direction
and angle of his sword. This information is very fragmented, and many seem useless, but
Yin Yue is more serious.
I am embarrassed, "There is only so much."
This has been beyond the expectation of Yin Yue, far beyond the prejudgment of his
dialogue and the news. "It is already very good."
From noon to late night, Yin Yi has been standing at the window and thinking. Closing my
eyes, countless pictures flashed past, as if I had experienced the first sixteen years of my life
in Zhongshan.
The teenager became famous, immersed in the kendo, and was lonely and persistent.
After entering the Qingjian Swords, the picture became blurred.
The wind and rain swords are very famous, not the secret of not passing. At least 40
disciples are practicing in the Qingjian sword school. There are also related records in the
books of the Shuyuan Academy.
But there is only one real wind and rain sword.
It was the sword of a saint in the ‘All Saints’ era million years ago. It was later destroyed in
the ‘Dao De War’ and was collected by the Qingjian Swords. It took ten years and spent
countless efforts to restore 70% of the power.
At the age of eighteen, Zhong Shan practiced a set of wind and rain swords on Qinglan
Mountain. Finally, it was decided by Yasheng Zhou Yuandao to pass the sword to him.
Zhongshan has lived up to expectations. At the age of 20, it has been glimpsed into the true
meaning of the wind and rain. It is known as the genius of the South China Land in the next
three hundred years.
The complex debris and materials were re-integrated and filtered in Yin’s mind, and he felt
that he was constantly approaching Zhongshan.
A long time later, he opened his eyes and took a long breath. Under such a state of extreme
spirit, he felt that he had a 50% chance of winning!
Fortunately, even he slammed the door and stood in the yard to take a deep breath and
calm down the excitement.
As soon as he looked up, he saw the lights in the Loming Chuan room still lit, and cast the
shadows on the paper window.
Brother still hasn't slept yet? It seems that I am writing something.
If you change any of the past nights, Yin Yi will not do anything.
But he was so happy tonight that he was so bold and rude that he even knocked on Luo
Mingchuan’s window and restrained his excitement.
"Brother, have you not slept?"
The sound of paper friction came and the window was pushed away from the inside.
Luo Mingchuan did sit in front of the case and wrote, "Teacher, the night is cold, how do
you stand in the courtyard?"
He got up and opened the door, and he welcomed Yin Yin. Sure enough, the temperature of
the younger brother at night was lower.
Yin Yin was brought into the house, and the subconscious felt that it was wrong to go inside
again, so he came to the table.
"Brother, I have a good news to tell you!"
Luo Mingchuan has been observing the ritual system for many years, and he has never
shared a room with people late at night.
The school night book building, at least there are others. Drinking at night on the roof, at
least not in the house...
He was thinking about it, and he felt that he was too uncomfortable compared to his
younger brother. He was uneasy and asked, "What good news?"
Yin Yi wants to say that he is now fighting against Zhongshan, and he has already won 50%.
But the next moment, his gaze fell on the letter on the case, and suddenly lost his voice.
Luo Mingchuan only reacted to what he was writing, and his heart was not good, but it was
already late.
Yin Yin looked at his eyes and asked, "Brother, what is this?"
The case is a gauntlet.
It is Luo Mingchuan who wants to give it to Zhongshan. The time is set to the day before Yin
Yue’s playing.
The words were extremely provocative, and when people looked at them, they gave birth
to fire and couldn’t help but want to take it.
Yin Yi knew the plan of Luo Mingchuan almost instantly.
He wants to challenge Zhongshan in front of himself and win the best. Even if he can't win,
he will consume the other party as much as possible.
If such an approach is passed on, it will undoubtedly attract a lot of criticism.
Even if you don't mention other people's opinions, this matter has already violated Luo
Mingchuan's consistent code of conduct. It is not a gentleman.
Luo Mingchuan knows that he is late now, and he laughs twice and stops talking.
Yin Yi will fold the letter and think about it.
"Brother, I know that you are good for me... but you don't have to be here for me..."
Yin Yue knows that Luo Mingchuan can come up with such a solution and write a letter of
radical radicalism. He has already put a lot of effort into it. But he still said,
"I want to try it myself."

Chapter 44: wind and rain

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
That night, Yin Yi waited for a long time before waiting for Luo Mingchuan to say 'good'.
Then the pen-and-thin book was carefully folded and put into the sleeves. Luo Mingchuan
had a bit of a sorrowful smile, and felt like he was confiscated by the school's teaching staff.
After that, the two did not mention this matter.
Yin Yiyue’s test was the first of the three, and the closer he was, the more calm he was. Even
the lake sword still does not accept his true yuan.
On the day of the game, his mood has been sinking like Pinghu, and the waves are not good.
When the disciples of Yan Yashan walked from the autumn lake to the center of the city, the
crowds separated from the two sides, and no number of lights fell on them, falling on Yin
Yinyue. But after two previous tests, people's eyes are more respectful and awe.
From Yecheng to the foot of the Chongming Mountain, some people followed the tide, but
there was no whispering argument.
Whether it is ordinary people or practitioners, they feel that they will witness the
occurrence of a major event, and may go down in history.
Yesterday, there were disciples of the Qingjian Sword School, and they again checked the
protective tactics of Fujian and Taiwan. This morning, the crowds were swaying, and in the
stands on the east side, there were six elders who were highly divided and rehabilitated,
and one Yecheng was enshrined.
In the mountains of people, Yin Yue and Zhong Shan went to the stage. Relatively standing.
Everyone is waiting for what they say at this moment, even if they introduce themselves. It
is a pity that these two people are ignorant and destined to disappoint many visitors.
Zhong Shan raised the sword to the forehead, holding one end of each hand, and then
Yin Yin is more like him.
Unlike the usual arrogance, they chose the most formal and solemn ritual.
The two are similar in height, so the two swords are also at the same height.
The sword is in the sheath and does not show its edge.
But the lake began to vibrate.
The intensive impact of the blade and the sheath, such as the shower of gold, the squeaking.
This moment, incredible, Yin Yue feels its emotions.
This sword is like a screaming question - no heroes, so the name is famous? !
It is asking for the rain sword!
Under the sword and the Eight Diagrams sword, this sword did not respond. When the
frost knives took the moon, the sword was only gently shaken.
But at this moment, just because it was placed at the level of the wind and rain sword, it
became unwilling and angry, and the sword could not restrain it from shaking.
Originally it was not unresponsive, but disdainful.
No one knows these quiet changes. Some people have heard the vibration of the lake sword
in the sheath, and they think that Yin Yin is gaining momentum.
Even Zhongshan thought that it was only a pause. After the ceremony, when Yin Yue got up
again, there was something different.
But he is strong and will not panic because of the change of his opponent.
Qingming suddenly rises, the wind and rain swords are squirting, like the wind whistling!
Almost at the same moment, the lake sword is squirting out, and it sounds like a crane!
Completely overshadowed the sound of the wind, so the echo of the sword in the
The disciples of the audience did not expect that just the beginning of the game, only the
swordsmen fight, there is such a big momentum, can not help but burst into amazement.
The elders of the Qingjian Swordsman in the stands shook their heads. "One drum, one's
anger, then the decline, and the three are exhausted... It really is a young man's heart, and
he can't hold his breath."
Those who have experienced combats agree with him.
At the same time, the two men began to take off, and the sword of Zhongshan was quicker
and fell. Unexpectedly, it was a trick, 'warm rain and clear wind, early frost,' such as early
spring, breeze and drizzle.
This is the gesture of the wind and rain sword. Can't say good, can't say bad, just too much
There are many ways to pick up this sword, and at least twenty people in the audience can
use different methods to resolve it.
However, Yin Yi did not intend to resolve.
The real yuan into the sword, such as the stream through the dry river still. The lake sword
seemed to be part of his arm.
Countless days and nights, the big stone pressed against the chest, once crushed, how fast? !
Why not? !
So he tipped his fingertips and held the sword. The swordsman pressed down, as the white
crane broke out!
The two swords meet, the impact between the shocks, the morning fog to avoid!
The real element splashing from the front of the sword, like a burning star, falls on the ring
and makes a sound of ‘嗤嗤——’.
"Hehe cloud!"
The same trick, the prestige is as far-reaching as it was before, and people can't believe it.
But still not enough.
The two swords are at the touch of the eye, Yin Yin is overturned to the ground, and the
violent violent pain spreads along the wrist to the meridians, such as the fire burning over
the wilderness.
Yu Guang saw the position of the banyan tree on the side of the table. Compared to before,
he landed half an inch behind.
And Zhongshan, still standing in place.
This little detail was rarely found, but the leaf city was enshrined and saw, and shook his
head invisibly.
The gap in the realm represents the gap in the output of the true yuan, which is an
unchangeable fact.
Yin Yin suddenly calmed down and began to calculate again.
The mind turned to electricity, and only at the moment of landing, he once again sword.
The peak of the peak of Zhongshan is slightly weak.
Careful and meticulous, good at calculations - this is his original judgment on Yin Yue. Just
like the match between the ones and the ones, all the previous ones were controlled by
people in order to find flaws and make an enemy.
But the sword just now seems to have no plan, just the interest.
Not in any of his situations in which he played against this battle.
The rhythm was disrupted and the two sides returned to the same position again.
Only in a momentary interval, the sword of Yin Yue will arrive.
The blade is covered with a soft glow, and an arc is drawn across the air. It is smooth and
colorful, as if the morning fog is attracted by the beauty of this sword, and it gathers under
his sword, like the smoke on the river.
The sword is in his hands, like a river of spring water, but the sword light flies, has reached
the door of Zhongshan!
“‘Smoke in the cold!’”
Everyone doesn't understand why the lake sword has been strangely calmed down after
the violent ‘hehe cloud’. Go back to the atmosphere of the original warm and sunny
This Jianguang is not so powerful and terrifying. On the contrary, there is a kind of beauty
that is so beautiful, and Zhongshan has retired two steps.
After two steps, picking up the wrist and falling the sword, just took a sword flower, as if
standing in the night mooring and waving the sleeves on the river.
It is the closing trend of the wind and rain swords - ‘the wind and the drizzle do not have to
Light as a swallow, but there is a decisive intention. Wandering on the chilly cold river.
Many people in the audience looked at the fog, and they were very inexplicable.
There is no real yuan hedging, there is no earth-shattering sword, what is Zhongshan and
Yin Yi doing?
The disciples who have been repaired for a little longer in each sect have opened their
mouths to explain.
"Yin Shixiong's sword 'smoke cage cold water' seems to be light, but the angle of the flying
sword, whether it is angle or distance, is exactly between the millimeters, and all the way to
the death of the brothers, such as the fog blockade and the cold river. ”
"Zhong Shixiong does not go backwards. The two-step position is wonderful. I found the
flaws in one hundred and one, and broke the fog with the slanting wind and drizzle."
Zhong Shan’s sword is broken, and the wrist is slanted. The figure is steep and fast, like a
flying feather.
Leaning against the sword against the lake, there is no sword, only a breeze.
Although the two men changed their tactics quickly, they did not see the violent violent
struggles. On the contrary, they were as smooth as the clouds.
The martial arts sword ‘wind through the cold pool’ is the first form of the feather robes.
For a time, on the platform, if the season changes, the spring rain is like a wine, such as
smoke, and the chilly spring is accompanied by a cool spring rain.
But there are still people who can see the undercurrent of beautiful and peaceful.
"The swords of the two of them are extremely accurate. There is no such thing as a
superfluous real thing being wasted, and it is calculated and broken when the other side is
out of the sword."
"Two people are using the sword at the lowest price to break the sword and take the time
when the other party first reveals the flaw."
"Whose sword is one point late, whose calculation is slower, the situation will change
However, there are still people who do not understand that the realm of Zhongshan is
higher than Yin Yue, why use such a cautious approach?
Song Xiao smiled and explained to Cheng Tianyu that "the spirit and the real yuan are
consumed at a uniform speed, and the opponent is the least likely to break through."
This is the surest way.
When Yin Yue’s knowledge and true elements are not enough to support his calculations
and swords, the winner will only be Zhong Shan.
After all, it is still the gap in the realm.
Forty strokes were passed, and the battle entered a strange rhythm. Yin Yue did not use the
cold water sword, and Zhongshan did not use the wind and rain sword.
Their swords are very fluid and look very beautiful.
The grass grows long and the peanut trees are mixed.
Time passed quietly, and the sun was high. Appreciating such a battle is almost enjoyable,
and many people are relieved. Silently waiting for the final waters to come out.
The next moment, someone looked surprised and said, "Is it windy?"
Why can't I feel under the stage?
I can only see the wind blowing over the branches of the banyan tree that stretched onto
the stage, blowing the hem of the Yinjiao robes, floating the wide sleeves hanging down the
mountain, and smashing the sword front in his hand.
Then Jianfeng whirls and slams down!
The wind is raging! The banyan tree bends down!
Zhongshan's toes leaped high and the robes rushed in the wind like clouds!
It turned out that it was not the wind, but the sword of the wind and rain sword really
The rain is coming from the wind.
Luo Mingchuan pupils are miniature.
There is only one possibility for Zhong Shan to start up: the younger brother has revealed
Many people think of this, and the look is suddenly dignified.
The situation will change in the next moment!
Yin Yin’s look is unchanged, his body shape is fretting, disappearing out of thin air, and the
footwork is extremely fast, as if he is swaying in the wind.
But at this time, the wind was full, and the stage was in the sword.
Where can I avoid it?
He is very clear about how he will face a sword that has been in the forefront.
However, he could not make a move in the other side's sword. There is no difference
between the forty strokes and the four hundred strokes. The true yuan is not good.
The original plan was completely void, because Zhongshan was much stronger than he had
Then you can only let the other party start.
Break the deadlock, only this way. So he has a flaw.
I couldn’t feel the wind under the stage, but I heard the wind blowing, the sound of flying
sand and the sound of the stone, as if the wind was echoing in the sea. As a weaker disciple,
he subconsciously grabbed his ears.
The sword in the wind is screaming! Don't go to the virtual shadow, but go straight into the
In the eyes of everyone who are puzzled and puzzled, a **** mist spurts out in the void!
The blood flower fell on the ring, and ‘嗤啦’ slammed the white mist and burned the stone
table with black marks.
It is the real element of the fiery violent sword.
Zhong Shan found the position of Yin Yin Yue.
A sword pierces the body of the body and goes straight into the flesh.
Yin Yin showed his body shape in the air, and his left arm was flesh and blood on his white
robes, his face was pale.
The eyes are bright and amazing.
His sword has come to the front of Zhong Shan!
The wind swelled and the chill was everywhere.
The splashed blood drops into frost.
He exchanged the opportunity to start a sword with the cost of a bone injury.
Thousands of deductions, all in this sword!

Chapter 45: Wind and rain (2)

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The bright and cold light of the Jianfeng is like a starry river shaking off the Qiujiang River.
The night wind started, the cold water was born, the moon was caged, and the dark and fast
river tide went to Zhongshan.
At the moment when Yin Yi went out of the sword, Zhong Shan took out a sword and flew
away, until the edge of the ring!
However, Jiang Chao followed, and a thin blood line appeared on his right chest.
The hot blood rushed out, and before it could be digested, it solidified into frost on the
splashing robes.
The sword of the cold water sword is like a bone marrow.
But just as Yin Yi had avoided the biggest damage of Zhong Shan Jian potential at the last
moment, Zhong Shan also avoided the 60% power of this sword.
He crossed the sword in front of him, such as the Changdi Dam, blocking the Han River.
The variable between the moments is too fast.
Yin Yinyue white robe blood, the sword left in the gap between the opponent's sword is hot
and violent, and the cold meaning of the cold water sword. The left arm wound faintly
emits white smoke, which is shocking.
Zhongshan was pale, and although the wound was covered with frost by the chill, the
sword gas was raging along the meridians, and the tingling spread to the heart.
However, they have no time to take care of it, they have to fight for the first time, pull the
sword straight!
The middle-aged woman of Mou Zong frowned. "Is the stage on the stage intact?"
The elders of Yan Yashan sighed, "You can't break the genius of two younger generations
for a folding party."
The elders of the Qingjian Swords held the pivot and nodded cautiously. Once there is an
irreversible sinister danger, the squad will be launched immediately and will be subjected
to the sword by the formation itself.
The disciples of Yan Yashan and Qingjian Jianpai did not have the calmness and calmness of
the big men.
Their faces were pale, and the real thing was over the eyes, staring at the collapse.
Cheng Tianyu has been blushing.
Song Yuzhong showed concern, Yin Yin was stronger than they thought. More than just
repairing, his tacit understanding with the sword is very high, as if the heavens
complement each other.
Luo Mingchuan face is not moving, the hands in the wide sleeves clenched into fists, and the
palms are bloody.
The two men leaped almost at the same time, and the two swords met in midair!
The 礴 礴 礴 构成 constitutes an invisible semi-arc barrier, impacting the collision at the
intersection of Jianfeng!
There is no rain, but there is rain.
There is no lake, but there is a chill.
The disciples who were slightly closer under the stage, retired with pain and sorrow, such
as being washed by the wind and rain, and immersed in the cold river in the middle of the
The time on the stage was almost solidified.
Jianguang contends for the glory, and the sword body reflects the blue sky and the
turbulent clouds, reflecting their quiet face and bright eyes.
The soreness and numbness were transmitted from the hilt, and Yin Yue seemed to
understand the sword of the opponent.
The hurricane is bitter.
When the realm came, the Yecheng worship also understood, and he said with amazement,
This is not the biggest sword of the storm sword, but it is the most difficult sword to
For many disciples who practice the storm, this sword is the bottleneck for them to
The wind is invading the bones, and the rain is swallowing the intestines.
What is the meaning of the sword!
The sages who set the wind and rain swords in the 'All Saints' era are poor at home, have
suffered bitter cold, and have entered the middle ages.
This sword is a summary of his bitter life in the first forty years.
The Zhongshan Youth became famous, and the Xiu Avenue was smooth. Even the feeling of
suffering and loneliness in this sword can be realized.
It’s really amazing.
Song Wei is not surprised.
When the younger brothers are young, the realm is still low. The real yuan is not enough to
protect the body. The sword is covered with blood for a thousand times, and the bones are
loaded to the extreme. Don't go down the mountain, don't talk and laugh, don't gather
together. Summer practiced three volts of hot summer, winter practiced three or nine ice,
day and day, never slacked off.
The price of juvenile fame is to eat more bitterness and be more lonely.
Unspeakable loneliness spread from the sword front, forcing a lot of people.
Yin Yiyue’s sword was not exhausted, and he suddenly pulled back and slid down. The body
of the sword went straight down, but his body shape was like a white crane flapping its
wings, and it floated higher.
Leaning against the lake sword!
The endless luster, flowing out of the sword, such as the water of the Chengcheng Lake
reflects the ripples.
At this time, when the time was near, the daylight was getting darker, not as bright as noon,
but the sword was so bright that it seemed to make the sky brighter.
If the sword of Zhongshan is a bitter storm, then the Yin Yue is more like this sword, just
like the rising sun, the golden light is thin!
It is the confidence and pride of ‘not afraid of the clouds and waves.’
At the end of the martial arts, ‘the sun rises east’.
Many of the disciples of the Yashan Mountain are incredibly wide-eyed. This is a huge voice.
Is it really a rising sun?
Zhongshan is light and landing, lifting the sword to the top. The sword screen is re-
emerging, and its shimmering point, such as the galaxy scattered, crosses the sword front.
Lu Zhan Chaoyang, the star ring purple pole.
Not only the Southland, but the whole world is concerned about this battle.
The practitioners in Yecheng, who were nervous and watched the battle, were not able to
go to Yecheng, and looked forward to the news of the Zongmen family.
But there is always someone who does not have to wait.
The Hengduan Mountain does not snow all the year round.
The highest peak is foggy and the ice is hanging like a forest. Extremely cold, so that the
small practitioners can not stand for a long time.
At this time, the mountain stood an old man, and his sleeves were full of mountain winds,
wide and long, and his eyes were indifferent. There seems to be a slap in the eye.
He is not tall, but standing here is like being detached from the world.
Inexplicably gave birth to the grand atmosphere of Wanshan.
It should be. How not to be detached? How can you not bow?
If Juggernaut is gone, how can there be a mountain higher than him?
He is also watching this battle.
Even thousands of miles away, he even saw the brilliance of the two swords on the front.
He was not happy, so he frowned slightly and his sleeves were scorned.
Outside the Wanming Mountain, Luo Mingchuan suddenly changed his face and looked
incredibly into the sky.
The elders of Zhai Zong and Ye Cheng are all envious of their faces, and they all look up to
the sky.
In the city's main house, Ye Zhiqiu raised the sword to the highest terrace. The look is a
dignity that has never been seen before.
The thick clouds rushed from west to south, and the miles went. It is enough to cover the
sky on the side of the mountain, so that the sun will be dull.
It seems that it is just a blink of an eye, no thunder, no lightning, and the heavy rain is
The disciples under the stands were caught off guard and hurriedly supported the real
yuan barrier. "How suddenly it rained?"
The raindrops of the beans are overwhelming.
After the ‘Star Ring Purple Pole’, the two men each had more than ten swords. This battle
has gone from early morning to dusk.
The true elements, the gods, and the spiritual will on both sides of the battle are on the
verge of extremes.
Because of the gap between Kendo and the realm, Yin Yue still won't win Zhongshan. But
there is no loss.
Therefore, when the rain fell, the two had no time to take care of it.
But for a moment, the thicker the robes of Yin Yin have been soaked with rain and become
more heavy. Just like his heavy breath, there are already heart and lungs and meridians
that are overwhelmed.
The **** blood on the robe stunned in the rain. At first glance, the left half was like a bubble
in the blood.
The wind and rain, the splash of water, confused him, reminding him of the rain when he
closed the barrier.
It is also so bleak as autumn, killing like a mans.
On the mountain robes of Zhongshan, it is also mixed with blood and rain.
The stream of water ran down his eyebrows, and smashed through the tip of the sword and
dripped on the platform. Water blooms.
His eyes are getting brighter and brighter. It seems as if you want to burn a heavy rain
"It’s a coincidence. I hit a bone on this festival. It’s raining. The sword of Zhong’s brother is
enough to take advantage of it!”
"Oh, it’s going to rain, my mother wants to marry, is there any way?!"
Almost everyone thinks this, this rain is God's will.
Only a few people, including Luo Mingchuan, saw the infamous law after seeing the clouds.
The half-step Mahayana is above because of the realm, and Luo Mingchuan is because of the
practice of Garan.
But even if the world knows, many people dare not say a word. The six Yashengs are in the
hearts of the world, almost gods.
Thunder and jade are all holy.
The sage is going to change, who can say no?
Ye Zhiqiu stood on the terrace, and the lights in Yecheng were at his feet.
He looked at the sky in the west.
This rain cloud is now in the mountains, but as long as you move two miles and come over
Yecheng, he will not hesitate to shoot.
The old butler stood by his side, his voice trembled. "Master, please don't take the sword.
This is a big disrespect for the saint."
Ye Qiuqiu did not speak, and the sword in his hand did not let go.
In Yunyang City, Mr. Jiayuan is drinking tea in the courtyard to see the sky. It seems that the
sky is not so boring, and the tea shovel in his hand falls to the ground.
‘哗啦’ screamed, and the tea was mixed with broken porcelain.
But before that, Zhongshan had raised his sword in the rain.
He took a step forward, and the shallow waves under his feet splashed, and he did not fall.
Wherever the sword passes, the floating rain wire has a strange twist, and it gathers with
the sword!
Then the wind and rain turned into his sword.
Wind and rain siege!
Some people think that Zhongshan borrows the wind and rain and will be stronger. Just did
not expect that he would be strong enough to do so.
The sword has surpassed the limit of breaking the barrier and touched the threshold of the
It seems that I have to break through!
It has also been seen that this sword has not only been cultivated in the realm of
Zhongshan, but also the squadron of the "rain and rain sword". Its own power has been
completely stimulated!
But a rain has made it so exciting!
No one thinks that Yin Yi can take this incredible sword.
What did he take to take this sword?
And why do you take this sword?
Taking advantage of the trend to display the cold water sword? But the wind and rain have
been in the sword of Zhongshan, from where to borrow?
Avoid this sword?
How can we avoid the storm?
Yin Yin stood in the rain, and the robes were wet, like a city that was isolated and helpless.
Chapter 46: Wind and rain (3)
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Yecheng enshrines the martyrdom. "Juggernaut disciple, it is impossible to win... unless he
also has a **** soldier, such as 'Linyuan.'"
The big guys who watched this battle have the same idea.
In the face of the power of the wind and rain sword itself, which weapon can be fought after
the weapon of the end of the era?
Does Yin Yin have a deeper edge?
of course not.
Lin Yuanjian has long been recasted by Juggernaut as 'Spring Mountain Smile' and 'Autumn
Wind', which is known all over the world.
In the stormy city, Yin Yin looked up at the sky.
The sky was full of clouds, as if the night came early, and drove away the evening.
The black cloud is crushing the city, and the city wants to destroy it.
The wind blew the cold rain on his face, and he seemed to be unaware because the bottom
of his heart was colder.
Is this God's will?
It is only an instant, but there are countless pictures flashing past.
In the past, many years of rebellious careers that were unwilling to repay, the vast expanse
of Yan Yashan, the saplings of the abundance of the school and the prince of the
government, the floating sea of the blue sea and the sea, the Yecheng of the golden light on
behalf of the moon...
On the roof, the moon falls in the autumn lake, and the night wind is slightly cold, mixed
with wine.
At that time he said that he wanted to live well.
This rain is the day to die for me?
But I came to this world, not to conform to God's will.
Under the sword, Yin Yu looked at the sky and smiled softly.
The sword of the lake was slightly shaken, and it seemed to laugh out.
The sword is straight!
This sword does not mean the mountains and the winds!
Go straight to the sky!
Going to the top of the black cloud!
The people in the stands changed their faces.
The disciples under the stage were caught off guard and hurriedly closed their eyes, but the
brilliance was too bright, as if they had to pass through the eyelids and illuminate the sea of
The bright light gathers on this sword!
It’s like pulling a sun back to the world!
Re-emphasizing the mountains, bright as white!
The people in Yecheng only felt a flash of lightning in the rain, but the light did not scatter
for a long time.
They pushed open the window, came to the courtyard, and held the umbrella on the long
street. The incredible look focused on the direction of Mingshan.
The light became more and more dazzling, and the flow of people on the street began to run
away. Some people ran to the home. Some people ran to the entrance of the city. The
woman slammed the eyes of the child and ran into the shops on the street.
The black guards ran in the streets,
"Don't panic! Folding flowers will be normal than fighting! The city is in good shape! Don't
The people in the city saw the black armor in the rain and finally let go of their hearts.
The glory is still not extinguished.
Between the gaps of the black clouds, there is a golden light transmission!
Yin Yi’s sword is standing in the light of the sky, and the wind and rain are avoiding three
Emperor Bao Puzong recognized the sword and screamed in silence. "Blue Sky and White
The next moment, even more incredible things happened.
The golden light behind the clouds became brighter and brighter, and it fell on the ring
through heavy rain.
Then the thick clouds dissipated around, and the shadow of the setting sun was revealed in
a blink of an eye.
The heavy rain stopped between breaths.
The big man in the world, shocked to look at the direction of Zhonglu Yunyang City.
What's wrong with the saints who can't figure out today?
In the school, Mr. Jiayuan brewed a pot of new tea. The invisible trembling between the
On the terrace of the city's main government, Ye Zhiqiu went down.
Outside of Wanli, Bao Puzong slashed the mountain, and the old man in the sleeve looked at
the direction of the land in the middle, and his eyes were cold. But nothing has been done.
The wind and rain and the light are scattered.
The blood of Yin Yin’s mouth is dripping on the ring.
Zhong Shan is half-squatting on the ground, with a hand-column sword.
The blood is stained with water in front of the red body.
Why is it breaking the storm?
Wei Guang Minger.
Only the blue sky sword.
Six hundred years ago, Juggernaut used this sword to abolish the elders of Emperor
Six hundred years later, Yin Yi used this sword to break the wind and rain siege of
The sky is as if it is opened by the sword light.
On one side is the magnificent red glow of the setting sun, such as the flames of the sky, and
the rich blue after the rain, such as the darkness of the ink.
Such a wonder, but no one appreciates it.
There was a dead silence between the fields.
As Luo Mingchuan flew to the platform, the talents woke up.
I don't know who exclaimed first, like cold water splashing into the oil pan, shaking at the
foot of the mountain!
Countless people began to cheer, they did not know what they were cheering, but their
hearts were so excited and emotional that they could not express themselves. A burst of
shouts echoed in the field, straight to the clouds, and dripping, even after watching this
battle, there was a sign of a breakthrough!
The disciples of the Yanya Mountain and the Qingjian Swordsmen rushed to the stage;
Xingshan Temple, where the Buddhist Temple was well-versed in medical practice, and
rushed to the stage to see the wounds; several elders in the East Stand took out their own
treasures, but found that they had not Duan Chongxuan gave the two people a good
In the chaos of the soldiers, in the eyes of Yin Yue, there is only a shadow of overlapping.
The sound in the ear is noisy, but it doesn't really sound.
He knows the chaos of the sea, and the tearing pain runs through every inch of the skeleton
meridians. The body has reached the limit, but still squinting, holding the sword, refused to
Until falling into a warm embrace.
Feel the familiar temperature and breath.
He finally had a soft leg and a coma in peace.
The dark clouds go all the way, and the light is clear.
If it wasn't for the water on the ground, I couldn't think of it before it was half a cup of tea.
From Yecheng to the five continents of the world, many big men are still silent.
This is a big ups and downs, almost drama.
There are two young genius swords in the Ming Dynasty, and there are two Asian sacred
confrontations in the dark. Rolling your sleeves and changing your face.
Everyone thinks that Yin Yue is unlikely to win.
Unless he can have a soldier like the ‘Linyuan’, he can compete with the wind and rain
As a result, he really had a **** soldier.
For a long time, some people said, "Look at the lake sword, what is the way?"
The elders of the Qingjian Swordsman slowly shook their heads and whispered to
themselves, "Is that sword really a ‘lake lake'?”
Many people don't understand why Aya Yushi will shoot. After all, his realm is too high. It is
only a subtle movement, and it may be detected by heaven. It must take into account the
cause and effect. It’s just a folding festival. It’s a trivial thing in the eyes of the saints.
Some people speculate that because the sword of Yin Yiyue is 'Rising Sun,' it is very true,
too much like ‘青天白日’.
Let him recall the humiliating past on the banks of the Weihe River. The unilateral
slaughter, Bao Puzong died five elders, and one was alive, but also a waste.
Even if someone guesses it, it will not be announced to the public, because the grievances of
the saints are great events in the sky and cannot be discussed.
But who knows, Yu Shi does not want to see the ‘Rising Sun rises’, but Yin Yue has made a
real ‘ 青天白日’.
Under the yin and wrong, he actually concealed the face of the saint.
This is an incredible thing that you can't think too much.
The attitude of Mr. Jiayuan is also worth pondering.
Many people think that he can not hesitate to shoot, the strongest sub-saint in the world, it
is really the friend of Juggernaut.
Regardless of the number of surges in the dark, the biggest direct impact of this battle is the
two protagonists.
Before this war, people mentioned Yin Yinyue's name and would call him "Jian Sheng
disciple Yin Yin Yue."
But now, he finally has his own name - ‘Lake the Lake Sword’.
This fight is included in many classics and is reserved for future generations. It is called
'half-city half-city lake'.
Although Zhong Shan broke a rib, but the meridians were not injured, and there was no
hidden danger that would affect future practice. After seven days of coma, the realm did not
fall and increased, and directly entered the small ride.
No matter how the outside world is, it has nothing to do with Luo Mingchuan.
He is now at the bed of Yin Yiyue, holding his wrist. The real yuan is continuously input.
The twilight is heavy, like the abyss of the sea.
Yin Yue sleeps when he wakes up. He always feels that there are hot springs flowing
through the veins, and he is warm and warm. Too comfortable, just not enough to sleep.
Every time I blink, I see Luo Mingchuan at the bedside, and sometimes Duan Chongxuan is
also there.
When he spurned himself too lazy and wanted to get up, Luo Mingchuan said with a smile,
"It’s okay to take a break."
It’s been seven days.

Chapter 47: 褚浣
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When Yin Yue is more thoroughly awake, it is the late night after seven days.
His real element runs through the meridians for a week in the body, and he feels that he has
never been so refreshed. The meridians are wider and the real elements are more solid.
The wound in the left arm is completely painless, only itchy, it should be in the new meat.
The realm of the initial break-up was actually directly in the middle of the break.
Luo Mingchuan at the bedside smiled. "The younger brother woke up? Can there be
Under the warm yellow candlelight, his face was painted with a faint glow, and the smile in
his eyes seemed to be lit by candlelight.
Yin Yin suddenly felt that his face was burning. "No, but it has risen to the realm... Brother,
how long have I slept? What time is it now?"
He subconsciously lowered his eyes and avoided the attention of Luo Mingchuan, but he
saw the wrist held by the bed.
I have never been aware of it.
It’s a lot of sleep, and people’s sense of stiffness is also sluggish. Or have they been so for a
few days, and have been used to it for a long time?
Thinking of this, Yin Yi felt that his face was burning.
Luo Mingchuan is laughing and frank, "Seven days, now is the moment of the child."
Yin Yin got up from the bed. "Sleeping for a long time, the bones are a little stiff, I want to go
out and turn."
"Good." Luo Mingchuan loosened his hand. Naturally, I leaned over and took the cloud
boots at the bedside, as if to wear them for him.
Yin Yin is more and more busy, "Sister, I am really fine." While grabbing it, I put it on.
He wants to go out and turn around. On the one hand, he is really uncomfortable because
he has been lying for a long time. On the other hand, he is also awake and finds that he is
not in his house and is sleeping in the bed of Luo Mingchuan.
When the door came out, Luo Mingchuan also followed. Did not say anything, gave him a
With the chill of the evening wind blowing, the heat on his face faded, Yin Yin stood in the
courtyard, recalling the day's fight.
In the pouring rain, he took the lake sword to the sky, and smashed the 'green sky and
white day', breaking the wind and rain siege of Zhongshan, but the sword was so vast that
the real yuan and the gods were seriously overdrawn. Luo Mingchuan came up to help him,
stupid, and he seemed to have fed him a remedy.
Then, after a few days of half-sleeping and half awakening. Vaguely remembered that Luo
Mingchuan continued to nourish the meridians with his own true elements, and opened up
his potency. This time the realm has improved, there are a lot of ingredients in the battle,
but also because the Dan drug is very good, and more is the care of Luo Mingchuan seven
To understand this, Yin Yi began to spit out himself.
Brothers can't be stunned at night, so meticulous, so tired. And some time I woke up, I still
thought about something that wasn’t, and it’s too bad.
The gentleman is frank, and the brothers and sisters have deep feelings. It is really
unnecessary to care about what is wrong.
Yes, when Yin Yue is more awake, there are many problems in his mind. For example,
whoever helps to wipe the blood, the body is so dry, and the new robe is changed. It’s not a
big one. It should be a brother. Ok...
After Yin Yu’s spit on himself, he looked at Luo Mingchuan and sincerely said, “Senior
brothers, who are fully cared for, do not think that they can only...”
What can I do?
He suddenly felt that it was a bit strange to say this again. He couldn’t say anything strange.
He stunned. "You can only have opportunities in the future and take care of your brother!"
Correct! That's it!
In the eyes of Luo Mingchuan, the smile is getting deeper and deeper. "It should be, thank
you. Afterwards... there will be opportunities."
The two stood under the tree and said something, the evening breeze, the moonlight is just
right. Yin Yue did not have any sleepiness, but thought that Luo Mingchuan had not taken a
good rest for so many days, he forced him to go back to the house.
On the second day, the dawn of dawn, Duan Chongxuan came out of the house, and saw his
four brothers walking away with the sword. It’s like going to practice a sword.
I can't help but surprise, "Four brothers, you got up, how do you feel?... Hey, the brothers
are repaired and seem to have entered the country!"
Yin Yiyue originally planned to finish the sword and come back to find a word. At this time,
he laughed.
"I feel very good, there is a breakthrough, I would like to thank you for your remedy... You
are also getting up early, and it is much more diligent than before."
There are some embarrassed smiles, "What thank you, what the brothers said..." Then he
sighed, "The brothers have broken through, I naturally have to work harder, otherwise the
pressure is great!"
"And Zhongshan, listening to the news of the Qingjian sword pie, also broke through. All of
a sudden to the small ride. This is really ..." Duan Chongxuan did not think of any suitable
words, and finally repeated, "the pressure is great."
Yin Yin smiled more and more. "Zhongshan is only one line away from the ride. You just
have to practice diligently, in the future..."
At this time, the sound of the door was heard outside the courtyard, and at the same time,
the door was self-reported. "The Qing dynasty sent Song Song with his younger brother to
visit, there was much harassment -"
Duan Chongxuan looked a little shocked. Obviously, he did not expect to say anything. He
went up to open the door and ushered in.
It is the Song Wei trio.
Five people saw the ceremony in the hospital. It wasn’t Song Song, but it was just in the
small mountain.
His body is extremely prosperous, and there is no accidental exposure. It is only a
breakthrough, and it is still not free.
He looked at Duan Chongxuan and solemnly said, "This breakthrough, thanks to the help of
Duanyouyou. I just have nothing to pay for, I am willing to make a **** oath, come to Japan
to report..."
When he said that he had done a ceremony, he now cultivated two layers of high-level
Chongxuan. The ceremony was extremely positive and there was no uncomfortableness.
Duan Chongxuan sideways avoided this ceremony, understood his meaning, and quickly
interrupted his hand.
"Don't stop, don't! It's a remedy, I have more in my pocket! Happy to be a candy bean!"
This is a nonsense. When he left home, he gave him five lives. There are only ten in total in
the world.
But he gave it out and didn't mean to sign it. Just want to give it.
Song Yidao said, "When the Xingshan Temple medical treatment came to see it, it was said
that it took a 'Long Yundan'."
Yin Yin heard a surprise in his heart. He guessed that it was an excellent drug, but he did
not expect it to be so good.
A ‘Long Yundan’ can also be cured by the rupture of the veins. The medicine is so strong
that people who have not been injured have eaten it, and they will not be able to withstand
the force and explode.
But he will not say thank you again, just silently remember in his heart.
Cheng Tianyu's child's heart, although he had a quarrel with Duan Chongxuan before, but
turned his head and forgot. At this time, listening to Duan Chongxuan said, I am afraid that
he does not know the preciousness of this drug.
"My master also gave a lot of good things when I went down the mountain, but they were
not as good as ‘Long Yundan’. You can’t take it with you. You think, what do you want?”
As an apprentice of the Qingyi Jianpai Yasheng Zhouyuan Road, Song Yu three people are
rich, but they gathered together last night and found that they did not have enough value
for a drug.
Since the Fenhua meeting, Duan Chongxuan has some understanding of the character of the
three of them. Now I know that they will never accept the benefits of white. Turning to
think about it, to Song Zhengzheng,
"I don't want any compensation, only one thing is to ask Song Shaomen, but if you feel
embarrassed, you don't have to promise!"
Song Xiao smiled. "But it doesn't matter."
Duan Chongxuan lightly coughed, "I have heard about the three brothers Yan Xing, I have
heard it... His speech is unobstructed, it is his fault. I will pay for him first. He was drunk, no
intention to humiliate." The Lord meant that he was extremely remorse afterwards. I dare
not ask the Lord of the Lord to stay in the past, but only when he meets in the future, don’t
start to listen to him.
Yin Yi also remembered the three brothers who were not from the family, and went to Song
Cong with Duan Chongxuan for half a ceremony.
‘People are sweeter’ What... It’s really...
Cheng Tianyu was a bit nervous, and he was afraid that this matter would be embarrassing
for his brother.
However, Song Wei’s candid response, “Well, if I meet next time, I will definitely not start
He did live up to the things of Yan Xing, and he was troubled by the rumors of the whole
Southland, but time has passed and he has stopped thinking about it.
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "The only thing that is enough to offset, we don't owe each other!"
He was not uncomfortable when he saw Zhong Shan. "Don't mention it again, you must
dare to stand up, I am fighting for myself to be countered." I can find a way to get rid of it."
Zhong Shan licked his lips and did not speak again.
Wait until the three say goodbye to leave. Duan Chongxuan sighed with a sigh of relief and
wandered around the yard with a folding fan.
"I admire myself too! The three brothers must ask me to drink! Duan Chongxuan, you are
so great!"
Yin Yi has become accustomed to the predecessors of others. He laughs at him and boasts
himself. He suddenly thinks of an important thing...
"A **** oath, can it be lifted by the party that is sworn?"
I don’t want to think about it. "Where can I, I am jealous of him. If you can’t solve it, you
can’t solve it. What can you do if you are sworn?”
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart.
Luo Mingchuan also made a **** oath.
On the Huanhua Peak, Yin Hong’s blood dripped into the ground. He said, ‘This time it’s
time for the younger brother to find Ming Lake Chiba, otherwise it will never enter the
country! ’
Repairing forever never enters the country.
After Luo Shixiong arrived in Yecheng, he has been at the peak of breaking the barrier, and
it is even harder to further. On several occasions, Yin Yue felt that he had to break through,
but he did not.
He thought that he was a little sad here. He couldn't wait for the time to go back. When he
returned to the time, he rushed to grab the brother's mouth. "Things can be eaten
Duan Chongxuan seems to know what he is thinking, laughing. "Four brothers, now Chiba is
already your bag, and don't worry about anything!"
"Is there still another round?"
"There are only 18 people left in the next round. It is about to start the rankings. The
competition is no longer a lottery, but a challenge..."
At this time, Luo Mingchuan walked in and opened the courtyard door. Duan Chongxuan
was amazed. "Luo brother, are you not comparing today?"
He originally planned to go to see with the four brothers, but the three of them visited and
delayed for a while.
Yin Yin sleeps for a few more days, and sleeps in this round of speech. I didn’t notice that
Luo Mingchuan’s test was today, and my heart was a little faint...
Luo Mingchuan smiled. "Yes."
Yin Yue is more nervous, "Is there not going?"
"It’s over."
Finished... finished...
Yin Yin looks at the sky.
This should be... a second of seconds.
The fourth round of the Folding Club ended, and the 18th person advanced, and the game
system became a challenge by drawing lots.
The Deacon Church of the Qingjian Swords School, based on the training and combat power
exhibited by the various disciples in the previous test, first drafted a ranking.
The disciples in the rear can challenge the top rankings.
After each game is divided, the ranking will change.
After the 18th day, the folding will end, the challenge will no longer take effect, and the
position will be completely determined.
More flexible than ever, time can be decided by both parties. As long as there is room for it,
it is okay to play at night.
On the day of the ranking on the shadow wall, you can buy manuscripts everywhere in
Yecheng Street alleys, and also note that there are 18 people, each of whom is a teacher, a
weapon, and the previous rounds.
Duan Chongxuan also brought back a copy.
By the way, I heard a lot of news:
"Do you say Yin Yue? I don't fight with him. He even played in Zhongshan."
"Don't fight or fight! Don't say that the sky is rising, the rising sun can't pick up!"
"Hey, you said that I didn't plant?! You can do it!"
The result is... no one wants to fight with Yin Yin.
Duan Chongxuan took the ranking roster. "Four brothers, I think you have to go round
Yin Yue looked at him and he was in the first place. The note is that the lake is in the middle
of the break. Disciple under the sword holy gate, the blue sky breaks the wind and the
surrounding city. The combat power can be a battle with the small rider.
Luo Mingchuan is the second, with the note writing the first person in the world, spiritual
repair, breaking the peak. Proficient in multi-door law, learning hundreds.
Then came the shackles of the ancestors, that is, Chen Yi’s brother, who was ranked third.
Later, there are two members of the Qingjian Swords and two of them, as well as Buddhist
Duan Chongxuan also entered the top ten because of the last sword he played against
Cheng Tianyu. He was ranked eighth. In the note, a special sentence was added, ‘the family
is quite rich, and the burning is not enough.’
He Wei also entered the top 18, one step closer to the lotus leaf chicken.
What is incomprehensible is that in the past years, Bao Puzong, who was infinitely
beautiful, only three people entered the qualifying session this time. The rankings are still
relatively late. So people sigh that the signing is really bad. If it weren't for the first round,
there would be three people on the mountain, which is definitely not the result.
Yin Yi feels that this ranking is too biased. "How is the brother behind me?"
He has always had an instinct, and Luo Mingchuan hides some of his strength, at least he
can't beat him.
Duan Chongxuan is trying to explain that Luo Mingchuan smiled. "The virtual position is
nothing, the younger brother does not have to care."
Duan Chongxuan thought, too much to talk!
Such an opportunity to win the four brothers will not be grasped. There are more people
who like the four brothers in the future. What can I do?
It is clear that I first ran to the Qingjian Swords Deacon Church and said, "My realm is high,
but my combat power is not as good as that of Yin Shidi." Standing in front of Shen Ying, "I
am ranked next to Yin Shidi, if anyone wants to challenge He is better off than me."
This method can be imagined, is it really difficult to tell the truth? !
Luo Mingchuan obviously didn't want to let the words continue on this topic, so he said, "I
received a blasphemy."
In the third place, Ruan Zongtang, a disciple of Yasheng Qujiang.
The practice of returning to the dead wood is known as the spirituality of the younger
generation who has the most potential to enter the sage.
Yin Yi wins the Zhongshan Mountain, which is the most likely to win the championship. If
Luo Mingchuan wins the battle of Zong Zongtang, the result of their trip will be basically

Chapter 48: 褚浣(2)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yecheng and the Qingjian Swords are in the South China Sea. Here, naturally, the reputation
of Zhongshan is even louder. As a disciple of Zhong Lu, Zong Yasheng, it seems that his own
brilliance is also covered by the shining light of the stars at this folding festival. Although he
showed great strength in the first few rounds, it is still unexpected, and there is no
shocking breakthrough performance.
Some people think that he is not a strong enemy, so he did not use the strongest backhand.
Just as Chen Yi did not make the strongest knife before he was in the opposite direction, he
was underestimated.
Most of the female disciples of Mou Zong are as bold and bold as their lords. And many
male disciples are like the elders Qujiang.
As the six most sub-Spiritual, the most gentle, the lowest-key Qujiang. Only when the sword
is drawn, is it really like an Asian holy.
Duan Chongxuan finally integrated the news of each road and concluded that "I guess the
strength that 褚浣 has made in the last round is only 40%."
Yin Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and he only went to see him. That one has not used
the dead wood to rejuvenate, and there is no clue.
Luo Mingchuan smiled and said with relief, "Don't worry, I have also practiced some wood
Brother! You have not practiced anything!
Yin Yin thinks that he really thinks too much, and the brothers will definitely win. But I
can't help but worry. Still not a general concern.
This kind of emotion is so strange that he feels that he is not normal right now.
The time of both parties is fixed at the time of humming. As the first game of qualifying, the
first squad of the squadron against Zongya Zongya, even if the time is fixed, there are
countless people who come to watch the war early in the morning. Especially the disciples
of Yan and Yuya, almost all of them in Yecheng.
The two men were relative to each other on the stage.
In terms of appearance, Debbie has more recognition than Chen Yi, but the temperament is
similar. A purple long gown with a wide sleeve and a narrow waist is worn on him, giving
birth to a warm and peaceful feeling.
Everyone feels that it is a pleasing thing to see the two gentlemen on the stage.
He said, "Long time."
Luo Mingchuan should say, "Don't dare."
No more exchanges, this test has officially begun.
I grabbed the first step and saw a green light flying out of the sleeves. The wind whistled
and suddenly rose to the mouth of the bowl!
When flying to the gate of Luomingchuan, the talents saw that it was a vine. The green is
still dripping, and the new shoots are still being pulled out.
Hold the vines in your sleeves, such as making a long whip, straight out!
Luo Mingchuan's look is unchanged, almost the moment when the vines appear, and there
is a fierce fire wall in front of him!
Duan Chongxuan was somewhat ashamed because he found that the speed at which he had
thrown the paper was not as fast as Luo Mingchuan.
However, it only hindered the vines, and the blackened skin was quickly replaced by the
vibrant green, and even broke the wall, and went back and forth!
At this time, the audience finally saw the movement of Luo Mingchuan, and it was too late
to exclaim. The fire wall became a sea of fire.
In the morning breeze, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the swallowing of the land
generally swept the entire ring. The disciples who are close to each other can even feel the
hot waves and come to the surface.
Luo Mingchuan's figure is not really cut in the fire.
There is a true body protector, and I still feel the skin tingling by the fire. The purple shirt
showed a little bit of green, flying fast, and the delicate emerald covered him, but it was like
indestructible armor.
The vines in his hands swept over the sea of fire, such as the wind blowing over the wind,
slamming the shore and heading straight to Luo Mingchuan.
The fighting rhythm of the devotional movement has always been slow, but the two men
are too unconventional to play cards, and there is an immediate situation of winning and
Even Chong Xuan can't understand, "Luo Shixiong this true yuan output..."
There are more than ten feet from the north to the south. This is a huge fire, how many real
yuan should be output in an instant?
Yin Yin understood his meaning, but he was not sure about his own guess. He whispered. "I
have seen a kind of practice in the school. It is a bit like 'monthly Yuejindu'. The fire on the
stage is probably half of it. phantom."
Duan Chongxuan suddenly realized.
More than just Yin Yue, some people think of a similar situation.
But what they didn't expect was that more than half of them were 80% full of illusions.
However, there is a real power to fake.
Smoke began to rise in the fire, which was produced when the plants were constantly
Someone saw that he had recovered the vines and wondered if he was going to admit
But when he went to the center of Fujian and Taiwan, and the four faced the fire, he began
to groan.
It’s awkward with both hands, the posture is very weird, no one knows.
His green vines were constantly blackened and wilted, losing the power of new life. The
purple gown was directly exposed to the fire and was grilled.
But his movements are not ill, and he looks solemn.
As his gestures began to get faster, some people felt the slight sway of the land under their
feet, and shocked, "Is the ground moving?"
"I also felt, what happened?"
The ground motion is not strong, but the practitioners are keenly aware of it and know that
it is not an illusion.
For a time, I was amazed and confused.
The next moment, the land collapsed, the roaring ear!
There are countless gaps in the ring!
The new buds were drilled in the cracks, and the wind and the fire were long, and the eyes
turned out to be five or six feet high!
Everyone was incredulously watching the eucalyptus forest on the stage, and it was over
the sky.
Duan Chongxuan exclaimed, "This is also an illusion?"
Yin Yin heard his voice tremble, "No."
I really gave birth to a forest on the stage.
He also noticed that when the ring collapsed, there was no gravel and no smoke, as if it was
willing to be broken. Explain that this attack has been recognized.
The dead wood of the dead wood has already begun to glimpse the true meaning of
communicating nature.
The elders in the east stand looked at the people who controlled the formation.
The elders of the Qingjian Jianpai said, "There is no change."
There is no change in the array, indicating that the power of such an attack is within limits.
There are a lot of discussions in the downfall.
"This is too exaggerated, or the late stage of the break, if you get to the Mahayana, you will
be strong!"
“Can you plant a forest in a blink of an eye?”
It is really exaggerated.
The banyan tree on the stage has covered the sky and the branches and leaves are
intertwined, as if the entire platform was isolated from the outside world.
More than just the isolation of sight. The stage has become a private area of shackles.
He was pale and bright, standing in the middle.
Heavy branches and leaves for his position and movement of the opponent, constantly
sending information and launching attacks.
The death of this forest coincides with the nascent, and there is a reincarnation in a
moment before, but it is endless and endless.
Under the audience, everyone could not see the figure of the two, nor could they see the
Even if you concentrate, you can only hear the buzz of the wind blowing the leaves. As the
tide surged, it was covered for a while and swept the world.
Yin Yi finally determined the heart of the speculation, "Bihai tide students."
The dead wood rejuvenation can be ranked in the top three. In the past, people who have
not taken a small ride have been practicing. Because the purity of the talented spirit is not
enough, the number of real elements cannot be supported.
However, today's realm is not only to communicate with nature, but also to borrow
momentum from the world.
This is a terrible thing. The sages who created this kind of law in the "All Saints" used this
method to consume an Aya in the Mahayana.
Even with the current level, the true meaning can't reach one or two, and it is enough to
make people change.
The elders of Mou Zong were surprised.
She thought she was understanding, and who knows whether or not to underestimate this
young man.
Many people are thinking about Luomingchuan in the woods. Now, which method is used
to avoid the infinite crisis, is there any injury? Is the real yuan insufficient to support the
fire of the talents?
In the eyes of Zhai, the opponent is maintaining a high-speed movement for a while.
Although he could not find the exact location, the entire forest was his eyes and ears. Even
if it was fast, Luo Mingchuan had a moment of slack under constant attack. Moreover, to
maintain such a fast speed, the real yuan consumes a lot.
He could even feel the opponent's injury, the sticky touch of blood on the leaves.
In fact, Luo Mingchuan stood on the branch on the south side of the ring and looked calm.
The leaves under his feet were very quiet, and he usually licked his clothes.
I don't know when, his pupil has become the ink of the night.
He looked at the entire forest and could even see the expression of everyone in the ring.
The sorrow in the eyes of the younger brother.
He closed his eyes.
The woods that cover the sky begin to wind.
The wind whistling, blowing his robes to hunt, blowing the leaves and dancing wildly.
A heartache, a painful control, spit out a blood!
Because at that moment, his connection with his own forest was forcibly cut off.
It's like a sword squatting in the sea, leaving a deep incision in the bone marrow.
In the next moment, all the branches and vines began to attack him madly, and everything
within sight became an enemy!
Everyone saw the whole piece of wood tremble in the wind, and then withered and
withered, the flying ash that had fallen to the ground was raised and dispersed.
It was pale, and the blood of the mouth was lingering. There were several cracks on the
purple gown, like scratches on the branches.
His voice is a bit difficult, "I admit defeat."
The crack began to close, and eventually there was no trace. If you didn't look at it, you
couldn't even find the crack on it.
The people under the stage have not returned to God.
No one knows what is going on, and the battle between the moments is settled.
Only leave a ring with beautiful fine lines.
Yin Yue looked at it and felt very familiar, like a trace of some kind of formation.
The deacon of the Qingjian Swordsman shouted, "At the end of the game, Luyashan
Luomingchuan wins -"
Luo Mingchuan arched his hand, "Admit."
At this time, it was discovered that he still stood in the position of attending the ceremony,
but did not move a step.
Yin Yi looked at Luo’s brother and passed through the people who congratulated him. He
nodded and bowed and walked straight to him.
Forbearance, or did not hold the corner of the upturned mouth.
So Luo Mingchuan also laughed.

Chapter 49: Climbing

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Luo Mingchuan's performance is more conspicuous than the previous rounds, and because
he has overcome the embarrassment without any effort, he has not received any essays in
the next few days.
Many watchers and disciples believe that they can't support a cup of tea under the
ambiguous 'Bihai tide life', and naturally do not want to challenge Luo Mingchuan again.
Many people judge that his strength is better than the best, so he waits for him to challenge
the current ranking of the first Yin Yue.
In the past, the Folding Club had often played against the same brothers on the same stage.
What's more, the qualifying game is their own.
But watching the game deadlines go by, the various challenges played more than a dozen
games, there is still no movement in the autumn lake.
It is as if Luo Mingchuan completely gave up the challenge.
As a result, all kinds of speculations and arguments have rang. Some people say that these
two people have deep feelings and cannot meet with each other. This kind of statement has
not received any recognition, because practice on weekdays is common in the same door,
and it is not a matter of life and death, how it affects love.
In contrast, another statement is more acceptable. Some people saw the two people
carrying them on the day of the summer heat.
Later, the rumors exaggerated, directly speaking that Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan, not
ordinary teachers and brothers, will later become a Taoist.
When Yin Yue heard Duan Chongxuan’s retelling, he almost didn’t hold the sword.
After calming down, I solemnly said, "This matter must not be mentioned in front of the
Despite repeated assurances, he is still awkward.
Luo Mingchuan will not already know it?
When a brother who is a serious teacher, has heard such absurd words!
The brothers will definitely be angry!
Maybe... will you stay away from yourself in order to avoid suspicion?
Do not! Yin Yue, how can you beat the protagonist's belly with the villain!
The brothers are open-minded, how can they care about the rumors of others? !
But... still afraid to let the brother know...
Think of it.
Yin Yi finally decided to make people firmly optimistic!
As long as you don't go to the center of the city and don't enter the crowded teahouse wine
cellar, the brothers won't know!
As soon as the Folding Flower Club is over, return to the Yashan Mountain! Anyway, it’s
been a few days!
The plan is perfect!
Luo Mingchuan found that the younger brother has changed recently.
From the early morning, there was a shadow in front of his window. Taking a few steps in
the hospital seems to be making sure he is absent.
As long as he had the meaning of going out, the younger brother who trained the sword at
the lake immediately became nervous. "Where are you going?"
"I have a challenge for the teacher today, let me see."
"I will go too, let's go together."
Not only that, every time I watched it, the younger brother would pull him around the
bustling section of the city center. There is always some inexplicable tension in the look.
Luo Mingchuan didn't know what the younger brother was thinking, but he was very
Even if the younger brother saw his eyes still clear like a lake, there was no love, and he
was still happy.
But the disciples of Yan Yashan don’t think so.
They looked at the two people's feelings better every day, and they didn't leave Meng, and
Meng did not leave. I can't wait for Yin Yi to grow to a weak crown overnight. When I return
to the martial art, I will immediately crown the ceremony, and I will do it together with the
JI book.
"Unfortunately, Yin brother is still not an adult, Luo brother has a few years to wait."
Almost everyone will say so.
According to the consensus of the practitioners, premature affiliation has led to the demise
of Yuanyang, which is likely to be unstable in the future. The life of the practitioner is long.
When he is twenty, he is crowned by the teacher or the relatives of the relatives.
The more Yin Yin couldn't think of it, and he was still careful not to let his brothers be
troubled by gossip, and he was there, even the color silks of their comrades' classics were
When the Folding Flower came to the third last day, Duan Chongxuan received a challenge
book from the Qingjian Jianpai disciple. In the end, although I couldn’t make the ‘火火狼烟’
again, I also defeated the other side and kept the original position. Because of the recent
diligence and fighting sentiment, the cultivation has been leaps and bounds before the
downhill, and the breath has risen steadily.
On the last day, He Wei won the ninth-ranked Xingshan Temple disciple and successfully
advanced to the top ten. Xiaolian Li was so weeping and asked her to eat ten pieces of cake.
The day when the folding flower will end, it is the beginning of autumn.
There was a night rain in Yecheng, and the summer heat disappeared the next day.
The wind that blows through the wine moves reveals refreshingness, and the water on the
long street of the bluestone plate is cool, as if the bright sun is only radiant, and there is no
annoying temperature.
At the end of summer and early autumn, the sky is high and the sky is light, which is a good
time to climb.
On this day, the sky was over.
At the foot of Shimingshan’s ten feet, there are disciples of various sects. Although there are
many people, they can’t hear any whispers. The field was solemn.
It is closer to the mountain than the platform, and it is close to the mountain road where
the clouds can be seen.
The voice of the disciples of the Qingjian sword sent into the real yuan, which spread far
and wide, and resounded through the four wildernesses.
The crowd is separated from both sides, and the more the Yin Yin escapes the passage.
Under the eyes of the public, he suddenly became a little nervous, and he subconsciously
looked at the people around him.
Luo Mingchuan nodded slightly invisible.
Therefore, Yin Yin settled down, crossed the crowd, and did not squint, step by step.
Before the entrance to the mountain road, four seniors stood on the stone steps.
One is the old man of the Qingjian sword school, one is the monk of the Jikong Temple, one
is the middle-aged woman of the Mou Zong, and the other is the worship of Yecheng. These
four people are the realm of the half-step Mahayana. As the elders of this time, the highest
representative of the elders and the realm of the realm, Yin Yueyue is 'opening the
mountain road'.
The old man is serious, "The road to practice is far away, and it is necessary to work hard
and not to squander. One day can't be abolished. Today, climbing the mountain, the Ming
Dynasty is a hundred feet and the **** is even further!"
In fact, he believes that Yin Yue is a younger generation, but his heart and talent are far
better than his own. If there is no accident, it is very likely to enter the sainthood after
three hundred years.
He doesn't think he can teach the other person anything, but the current rules must always
encourage a few words.
Yin Yin is more solemn and solemn.
The old man took out an inch-long stone sword from his sleeve. "The inner seal of the old
sword can be injected into the real yuan."
The monks of Yekong Temple and Yecheng were enshrined, and each took out a string of
beads and a mountain sign.
They also felt a lot of emotions in their hearts, and Mr. House really did not have a solution.
The era of the practice of the stars has come. The future of the world will ultimately be in
the hands of these young people.
The middle-aged woman of Mou Zong took out a wooden hairpin. Compared to the
previous three aggressive tactics, this is a rare self-defense device that automatically
triggers when threatened, and can block the full force of the Mahayana.
In her view, Yin Yi is more talented and can fight across borders, but his character is too
simple and unreasonable. The future is easy to be counted. The self-defense instrument
may be more practical for him. Because of the reason for Chen Yi’s mercy, she had a good
impression of this younger generation, and she was inevitably cherished.
The elders give, not to resign. Yin Yiyue went to court and thanked him with both hands.
The four predecessors nodded their tribute and let the mountain pass for the passage.
Yin Yin went forward. The stone steps under the feet are worn by the years, the mountain
roads are rugged, and the road ahead is a cloud.
He walked for a long time, and there was a faint voice coming from behind him. "The
mountain road is already open. Please ask the nine winners to climb the leaves -"
The people at the foot of the mountain watched the white-haired boy's back shrinking, and
eventually it seemed to be in harmony with the clouds.
The remaining nine talents in the top ten began to climb, and in turn they met with the four
predecessors on the side of the mountain. Some will also listen to the teachings and receive
a mountaineering ceremony.
Mountaineering is just a icing on the cake, not a rule of death, whether it is given the will of
the predecessors.
As the second climber, Luo Mingchuan stepped on the mountain road after the ceremony
and walked faster and faster.
When the third person climbed, he could not see his shadow. Even the people in the
mountains saw him swaying, not knowing where in the clouds.
Yin Yi has already reached the end of the mountain road.
There are no more lush forests on both sides of the road, and there is more chill in the
wind. The shrub mantle also becomes sparse as the height increases, and because of the
cold climate, the hoarfrost is condensed, and the tall and straight pines and cypresses
occasionally grow between the mountains and rocks.
The mountain suddenly rises steeply, and there are no roads to build. You can only climb
on your own.
He couldn't help but think that there would be a lake on such a steep mountain.
Can such a cold place really open a lotus flower?
At this time, a familiar voice came from behind.
"Younger brother."
As soon as he turned around, he saw Luo Mingchuan standing under the Qingsong, just like
standing in the vast mountains of the clouds.
Yin Yin smiled more.
No matter what the road ahead, it is always someone who walks with him.
After the night, the Yecheng Golden Lantern is similar to the Zhonglu Yunyang City, which is
a thousand miles away. It is also the city of Bailu, and the scenery is not night.
Mr. Zhang is looking at the sky.
Even if the lights in the city are more brilliant, they can't interfere with his sight of the
In his eyes, there is nothing more beautiful and more meaningful than the stars in the
In countless nights, stargazing is a pleasure for him.
But today is different.
Tonight, he was sitting on the side of the stone case in the courtyard, and the evening wind
swept through his crown. He looked at the night sky and his face was white.
Far away to the untouchable extraterrestrial universe, the two stars with similar brightness
are getting closer and closer.
The surface of a star is burning, like a constant spit. The black flame contains a majestic and
terrifying power. Another star is covered in frost, but blue light is transmitted.
Glorious, this picture looks beautiful.
But it should not be like this.
According to the calculation, when this level is approached, it will begin to repudiate, start
to compete for the glory, and take one of them as a result.
Mr. Zhang Yuan’s wide sleeves and scorns, and a round array on the stone case.
The material is like the sandalwood of the year, but it has the lustrous luster of jade. The
array is engraved with a lot of staggered lines, which seem to be chaotic.
At his fingertips, the lines began to intertwine and flow.
Although there have been no calculations for many years that he needs to use the market,
his actions are not unfamiliar.
As one of the few people standing at the highest peak in the world, he knows more about
the rules of the world.
The entire starry sky is a whole, and the trajectory of each star is not independent. Only the
energy of the stars is different, and the degree of influence on the stars is different.
But these two have unimaginable energy. In other words, the changes in these two stars
will lead to changes in the entire starry sky and the whole world.
Mr. Zhang’s eyes are very focused, and his hands are moving faster and faster. There is no
way to calculate it to give him the answer.
The lines on the front of the array change at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. In the
eyes of ordinary people, only the white shadows that are swaying can be seen.
The more he is scared. No, it is impossible. How can it be wrong, what is wrong?
The gods are violently consumed, and between the rest, there are the number of rivers in
the river.
Time passed by, and his calculations continued.
This is a very dangerous state, and it has even fallen into a puzzle.
Gradually, he didn't know what he was thinking, but his mind was getting deeper and
deeper. The cold sweat drenched the whole body like a rain, and the pain of the sea was
turbulent. I don't know how to stop, and I can't stop.
He stared at the battle and his eyes were red.
A short sword broke through the air and nailed it to the front!
Mr. Jiayuan suddenly spurted a blood!
He woke up, and the endless fears came up.
I just entered the barrier just now.
He was kneeling in the same place, watching the broken disk contaminated with blood, and
could not return to God for a long time.
Then he looked up and saw the outside of the courtyard wall. In the night, some people
were standing on the flying raft of the library building, and the robes were flying high in the
night wind.
Only the vague black shadow, he also recognized this person.
I can't help but think of it, even if the school's one flower and one leaf can't be seen by one's
own eyes, this person still has to come and go.
Look at the front of the array, where is the short sword, but it is half a gray tile thrown by
But it was nailed straight into the ‘天演盘’. Destroyed a piece of the world that can be
discharged into the top ten.
The Confucian who took the crown with him stood up and wiped the blood from the corner
of his mouth.
Gently rubbing the hem of the robes, the sorrowful sorrows disappeared in an instant.
He looked at the figure standing on the cornice and smiled slightly.
"Long time no see, Wei Jingfeng."
The school tonight is as calm as ever.
The students in Housheli had a good sleep, the yellow-lighted shadows of the night book
building, some people meditating on the slightly cold terrace, and the wild cats in the
woods squatted on the fallen leaves.
No one knows that a big man came to the school.
But he came, Heaven and Earth know, Mingyue knows!
Then the stars retreat, and thousands of moons shine into Yunyang City!

Chapter 50: Folded flower

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
At dusk, some people came down from the mountains, and the hem of the robes was
stained with frost, and the lotus leaf with green and jade was in his hand. When he met with
the same door, he would cheer up loudly and embrace him back together.
He was down late, and in the afterglow of the sunset, Xiao Xiaolian saw her at a glance.
Not because her body is light, the downhill posture is graceful and beautiful, but... her lotus
leaf is too big.
The others are as big as a disc, such as a fan, but He Wei, the upper half of the body is
blocked by a huge lotus leaf.
She came out of the mountain road, and attracted people from the side to look at it, but
because it was a little girl, doing this kind of thing would only make people feel cute and
Yan Xiaolian hurried to meet up and looked up and down. "This... enough to do a lot."
He Wei proudly said, "That is, I picked one of the biggest."
Xiaolian Li smiled. "You can also order a pile of cigarettes to eat together."
The confused person next to him did not understand what they were talking about.
Chiba is only open in the middle of the night, according to the experience of predecessors,
premature or late picking will make the drug loss.
Yin Shi brother wants to fold flowers, Luo brother will certainly accompany him. This is a
common understanding of the disciples of Yan Yashan.
So I didn't go down the mountain and wait for Luomingchuan to go down the mountain,
and I went back with good expectations and blessings.
The moon is rare, and the heavy mountain cage is in the clouds and the heavy night.
There is no longer a sea of people gathered at the foot of the Bairi Mountain, only a quiet
and peaceful.
The mountain winds in the night are cold and damp, and the Yin Yue looks at the thousands
of lotus leaves. The layers are stacked, and the wind sways and sways, such as the blue sea.
I don't think there will be a lake in this mountain.
The green leaves, the dark lake, the silvery moonlight, and the diffuse clouds, between the
light and the shadows, are like an unreal fantasy.
The wind is wide, the sky is vast between the pitches, and the bright moon above nine days
is within reach.
Standing here, it should have been high.
But because there is another person around, there is temperature on the cold night.
Yin Yi is more and more embarrassed.
This temperature has never been seen in his long period of anti-transaction. But I don't
know when I started, I have become familiar with it.
He gently opened his mouth and his voice was floating in the mountain wind. "Luo
Luo Mingchuan did not ask him what happened, but he also looked at his eyes and said,
"Yin Shidi."
His eyes are focused, and there seems to be a passing of the moon.
Yin Yin suddenly trembled.
Subconsciously turned to look at the lake and lotus leaves, and saw the little gleam of the
stars in the center of the lake, such as the jumping fireflies, the stars' debris. Although it is
constantly lit up, it is extinct, and it is beautiful and short-lived.
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "Flowers are going to open."
As soon as Yin Yin was over, he was gently pulled up his wrist and flew forward.
They walked on the lotus leaves, the mountain winds and the sleeves flew.
There is an only lotus flower in the middle of the lake.
The flower stems are long and the flower buds that are not yet in place are small and
tender. A steady stream of light jumps from the gap between the petals.
Moon shadow Xi Gu, just facing this lotus flower.
From the hustle and bustle to the brilliance, it is only in an instant.
The light blew out from the stamen and reflected the whiteness of the surrounding lake.
The lotus flower of jade color, but the size of the palm, but overlapping, thousands of layers
of petals, is the exquisiteness and beauty of Xiangong Tiancheng.
"Teacher, take it immediately after folding, the best effect."
Yin Yin nodded and reached out and folded the peduncle. In a flash, Guanghua would have
gathered most of it.
The lotus entrance is turned into a stream of water without chewing, but it is cool but not
cold, flowing through the meridians.
At the same time, Luo Mingchuan's toes were light, and the body flew back, but the breath
could not hold up!
Wherever it passes, the clouds are scattered, the lotus leaves are open, the lake is stirring,
and the waves are tumbling!
The **** oath has been solved.
His realm actually skipped the early days of the small-time, until the middle of the world
was able to stop.
He was worried that his power to break through the border and his younger brother would
only retire in an instant. At this time, I was watching Yin Yin and I was nervous.
The more Yin Yin feels that the lotus stream has nourished his limbs, and he knows the sea
has never been clear.
This feeling is wonderful, he could not help but close his eyes.
After breaking the barrier, the practitioner can see the sea in the body. At this time, his
gods floated on the sea, watching the countless tiny tributaries gather silver light and
flowed into the sea. He knew that it was the trickle of the cultivation of Chiba.
Baichuan is back to the sea, and the sea is shining with silver and sparkling, as if there is
When Luo Mingchuan saw Yin Yin, he closed his eyes, and the whole body was like a layer
of light brilliance, and he met with the bright moon in the sky.
The effect of Chiba Lotus is no different from the second time. From then on, the
qualification of the roots of the younger brother will be further improved.
He smiled slightly and felt more happy than himself.
But the next moment, his smile was stiff in his mouth.
Yin Yin opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, and there seemed to be a flash of silver in his
The white robe floats in the mountain wind, like his brilliance of three thousand white hair.
When Luo Mingchuan was like an ice cave, the chill of his heart overflowed.
Chiba, failed to cure the white hair of the younger brother.
Yin Yin’s eyes blinked and saw Luo Mingchuan rise to the middle of the small city. The
atmosphere was harmonious and the realm was stable. I want to congratulate him, but
when I see him look, I will open my mouth and say, "Sister?"
Luo Mingchuan pulled people back to the shore, his eyes falling on a white hair hanging
from his chest, Shen Sheng,
"Teacher, we will go to Xingshan Temple on the same day, there is no way for Xingshan
Temple, we will go to the Temple of the Emperor! There will always be a way! Yes, you
believe me!"
Yin Yin looked down at his gaze and knew where the problem was and hurriedly explained.
"Brother, it doesn't matter, I don't have any discomfort."
Luo Mingchuan felt that the younger brother was comforting him and could not accept this
He looked at Yin Yin’s eyes and said seriously, "Is there a way to go with me?"
Zhonglu. Yunyang City.
Mr. Zhang Yuan stood in the courtyard, and the banyan tree in the court was sizzled by the
evening wind.
He looked at the figure on the flying raft.
Just like looking at the moon, it is far away and strange, and it is as cold as a street, and it is
extremely familiar.
He said, "Since it is here, why not have a cup of tea?"
Far away, his voice was not loud, but the figure on the cornice jumped down.
The cloak of the cloak, like a white bird with wings, draws a bright arc in the night, and
finally falls lightly in the courtyard.
It fell three feet away.
This distance is just right.
Mr. Jiayuan knows that Wei Jingfeng came out of Qixingyuan and went to Yunyang City not
far away, naturally not for tea.
He waited for the other to open.
Wei Jingfeng glanced at the broken array and gray tiles on the stone case.
He saved his husband and destroyed his instruments.
This eye has a lot of meaning. Killing people and saving people is between the saints.
Then he spoke. "The old man said, this thing, you don't care."
His tone is gloomy, he calls himself a veteran, but his voice is accompanied by a stagnation
that is unique to the young boy.
The two should have been incomparably contradictory, but because of his overall
temperament, he did not appear to be abrupt, and people could not give up the idea of
Yuan Yu Yue Yu, unfathomable.
Mr. Zhang Yuan did not speak.
Silence at this time is not the default, acquiescence. It is a silent protest.
Wei Jingfeng understood his meaning and his tone was colder.
"People like you to say "Achieve the celestial", you still take it seriously. Who are you? No
one is a scholar!"
He speaks very meanly and sounds very hateful.
No one is a scholar.
Mr. Zhang is indeed a scholar. But it is also the highest scholar in the world. Who can say
that he is useless?
Such ridicules have not been heard for six hundred years, but there is no anger at all.
There are even some funny thoughts, let's see, this is the end of not reading, and when you
come and go, it will be this sentence.
So he really laughed and said a word,
"Wei Feng Feng, I haven't seen you for many years, your appearance has not changed."
The Juggernaut listened louder, the whole courtyard was more vocal, and the banyan trees
in the court were shaking slightly.
"The red face is dead, the skin is nothing! The old man will care about this kind of thing!"
He said that he took two steps forward and walked out of the shadow of the gallery.
The moonlight fell on his face, clearly showing a young face!
With his snow cloak, moiré boots, like a young boy who walks the horse.
The hospital retired two steps.
So their distance returned to three feet again.
The court knows that he is irritating to the other person. The best thing to do is to change
the subject immediately.
"How about the 陨星渊?"
Wei Jingfeng replied, "It is still expanding. What do you say in the temple?"
"The same opinion as me."
These questions and answers seem to be inexplicable. They also say that the lightness is
related to the fate and future of the whole world.
The temple of the Emperor, naturally refers to the sub-Holy of the Temple of the Emperor.
That Yahweh did not ask the world for a thousand years, but in this matter, it is the same as
So the court advised, "Why are you so stubborn?"
Juggernaut raised his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on hundreds of miles away.
"Before everything happens, nothing can determine the fate of another person. The saint
can't, the star can't, the heaven can't!"
This sentence is in line with the consistent guidelines of Wei Jingfeng.
Mr. Jiayuan understands that he still cannot accept it because he feels that he is right. The
innocent view is just like him. If every ordinary person in the world knows, he will make
the same choice with him.
So he asked the Juggernaut,
"Even if that person will bring disaster to the world?"

Chapter 51: Night talk

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue knows that he is now in this script, in other scripts, perhaps a non-mainstream
teenager in the second phase, perhaps a full-fledged fashion trend guide.
But for the practitioners of this world, any problem with the body is a big deal. In
particular, this kind of reason can not be found, I do not know whether there are symptoms
of hidden dangers. Can cure and rule.
He didn't care about it at first, but the attitude of the master and the second sister was very
cautious, otherwise he would not think of letting him come to the folding club.
Yin Yi didn't want to let Luo brothers worry, this is to say, "No need to cure, really nothing."
But maybe it’s too good for the moonlight tonight, maybe the lake and the mountains are
too beautiful, maybe the eyes of Luo Mingchuan are too intolerant to refuse,
Yin Yue opened his mouth, but the words became, "Okay."
Luo Mingchuan laughed with relief.
The younger brother chose to trust him, just like the one he made his own peers under Yan
Huafeng. There is nothing better than this.
Yin Yin thought about it and felt that if he couldn’t say it, he would worry more brothers.
Then go to Xingshan Temple.
The world is so big, let's go and see.
At the same time, in Yunyang City, thousands of miles away, under the same round of the
bright moon, there is also a conversation.
It’s just that the moonlight is no longer gentle, but it’s a bit cold and cruel.
The two people who talked did not have the intention to think for each other.
But in the same way, the decisions made in these two conversations directly or indirectly
determine the direction of the future world fate.
The communication still did not reach a consensus. Juggernaut faced the question of Mr.
Zhang, but he just looked at the night sky and replied, "The future of this world will
eventually be handed over to young people."
This sentence has some answers to the question, but Mr. Yuan understands what he means.
So I didn't continue this topic, but I took a few steps.
Three feet can be a distance between the courtesy and the defense between the enemies.
But now, someone has broken this distance.
Just a few steps away, the atmosphere of the two people was wonderfully eased.
Mr. Zhang Yuan went to the stone case, put away the broken array, put on a set of half old
tea sets, and made a request for the guests tonight.
Wei Jingfeng sat down without any outside.
They started drinking tea. On the good Junshan cloud tea.
Just like many years ago, when they were young.
"Let's put aside other things, let's leave your wounds first."
Juggernaut, as always, has no signs of injury at all. But Mr. Yuan said so, he did not deny it.
"What is the old man afraid of?"
The court smiled. "It is always trouble."
Yes, Juggernaut is not afraid of anything. Even if he is injured, it is only a sword to kill the
one on the mountain.
However, if the news spreads out, many people will be tempted to think that they will go to
the next moth to fight the fire.
Wei Jingfeng is not afraid of killing. Don't care about fame.
He murders without asking the right way, acting only by his heart.
But he is afraid of trouble. The current situation is very troublesome.
The starry star is still expanding, and the underlying monsters are inexhaustible. They
sense that the soul is still alive, so they are born by the haze. For millions of years, it has
continued to grow.
If you can't kill the root cause, these monsters will soon come out of the sky and devour all
the flesh and blood.
The monsters are not magic repairs, they have no pain, and they do not need to practice
exercises. You can improve your ability by simply swallowing.
Wei Jingfeng was the first saint after the "last law era." It is also the only saint in the world.
As a taboo of the practitioners, Qi Xingyuan only entered him. More than once.
From the first time he entered 500 years ago, Mr. Zhang began to deduct. Counted a
Juggernaut has not returned to the world for many years, and Mr. Jiayuan has done a lot of
things for many years.
They don't feel how great they are doing, and they deserve to be respected by the world.
But the sky is going to collapse, and there must always be a tall one.
They just think that they are higher than others. So you should do this.
They have differences, but they are not wrong, but the method of choice is different.
But in the end, it was on the way to apostasy.
When Yin Yueyue and Luo Mingchuan went down the mountain, the Xiaofeng remnant
moon, the east side of the sea of clouds was dyed into red gold by the rising radiance of the
rising sun. The morning breeze, with the moisture of the vegetation and the coolness of the
clouds, is refreshing.
They returned to Yecheng and the whole city was still immersed in a sweet dream.
The empty long street and the swaying wine tricks, the crisp bird songs and the chickens in
the deep lane.
The roadside guys yawned and opened the shop door. The old couple pushed the wooden
cart and set up the stalls early. The gap between the steamers and the white hot air.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan walked through the city, and neither of them spoke.
Like the noon and dusk that finished the test in the ring, they went to Qiuhu together.
Inexplicable, Yin Yi feels very at ease.
Just like going home together.
When the two walked to the edge of the autumn lake, they suddenly felt wrong.
Duan Chongxuan is not at the lake, nor in the courtyard.
So early, the tea house did not open, where will he go?
Yin Yi raised his brow, Luo Mingchuan said, "Don't worry, there should be nothing."
The two were about to look for it, and they saw a boy wearing a splashing robes running
over. The slightly wide robes made him look weak, just Cheng Tianyu.
Cheng Tianyu saw the expressions of the two people and said in a hurry. "Don't worry,
Duan's brother was in the Wutongyuan retreat... I said that you should come back, let me
say it."
Yin Yin puts his heart down, "Thank you."
Luo Mingchuan said sincerely, "Thank you, I am bothered."
Cheng Tianyu was a little embarrassed and shouted, "When you are not thankful. Brothers
please come and see."
In fact, Duan Chongxuan originally wanted to suppress it, and when he returned to Qi
Huafeng, he closed the barrier. However, after climbing, the mood is smooth, and there is a
breakthrough, the atmosphere is unstable, and the pressure is exposed. The Qingjian
Swords faction also had two people climbing the leaves. Song Song three people also waited
at the foot of the mountain, just met Duan Chongxuan down the mountain, so he was
invited to retreat to Wutongyuan.
Retreat is a big deal, Duan Chongxuan is not easy to believe in others, but this time he
chooses to trust each other.
As the host of this folding festival, the Qingjian Jianpai has the strongest predecessors in
Yecheng. Wutong Court, where the three brothers lived in Song Dynasty, is undoubtedly the
safest place. Especially, I don’t know if Bao Puzong Zheng Zheng has left Yecheng.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan accompanied Tian Yu to the Wutong Court in the north of the
city, thanked Song Song and Zhong Shan.
Song Wei was surprised that Luo Mingchuan broke through to the middle of the ride in the
middle of the night and said hi to him, but did not ask.
They stood in the courtyard and said something for a while. Yin Yin looked at the confined
door and could feel the breath of the people in the house rising, and the surrounding
heaven and earth aura gathered. I am also pleased to think that the three small rides are
here, and Zheng Zheng can come to a battle. If this is the case, it is safe to close.
Duan Chongxuan has to break through the barrier for at least four days. Although the
Folding Flower Club is over, the Qingjian Swordsmen still have to do a lot of finishing work.
I will not leave for a while.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yuyue also decided not to go with the people of Yanya Mountain
two days later, but wait for Duan Chongxuan to break through the barrier and go together.
When they went down the mountain, only Luo Mingchuan had a broken barrier. Yin Yiyue
and Duan Chongxuan were all condensed. But now, it will soon become two obstacles, a
small ride.
This kind of practice speed can not be overestimated by leaps and bounds. Yin Yin thinks
more and more, no wonder many practitioners like to travel to the world.
But Master, Master has been traveling for so many years, is there a place where he has not
been to the world?
The Folding Flower Festival was over, and there were small sects left to leave Yecheng, and
the disciples of Yanyashan also began to set off.
For the practitioners, there is nothing to clean up, mainly busy saying goodbye. Folding
flowers will not only come to compete with the test scores, but also get to know the
disciples of other martial art. This time, the next practice is unpredictable, and I don’t know
if I have a chance to meet again.
On the day of the song pile, I ate the lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken. Tonight, I was going to
ask He Wei and Xiao Xiaolian to have a banquet in the Taihe upstairs.
However, they were unanimously rejected by the two. "It is not as good as the night market
in the city!"
So the three girls sat on the side of the road where people came and went, holding a half-
old white porcelain bowl for fishing.
It’s a pity that the pile of smoke is placed there, and the roadside stalls are also better than
others. The neighboring table is filled with soup.
The three people ate all the way, and finally lie on the roof of the autumn lake to see the
He Wei said, "I feel that it is imperative to marry you first."
The song is not convinced, "Why? I am in my life, my mother is not in a hurry!"
He squatted. "You think about it, plus your buddies, four people can still make a table of
mahjong, squat together, and the light is left to eat..."
Xiaoli Lian was originally immersed in the sad atmosphere of the parting, listening to her
and immediately laughing.
The world is full of banquets, the moon is on the sky, and the clear light falls on the roof.
Qudun smoke stood up, the clothes fluttered, and the face was caged in a faint silver glow,
like the fairy of the moon palace.
She said, "You remember to write to me, and you can pass on the jade. I can receive it as
long as I pass it to the Emperor."
Yan Xiaolian's eyes are slightly red, "must."
He sighed and said, "Who has the leisure time!" While standing up, he felt sore.
The next day, dawn, the people of the ancestors set off for the mainland. At noon, the
disciples of Yanyashan also bid farewell to Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yu and left Yecheng.
At dusk, several big sects have not yet left, except for the Emperor Baozong and the
Qingjian Swordsmen. The rest have already set off for the mountain.
There are fewer foreign practitioners, and Ye Cheng seems to have returned to the way Yin
Yin and the three just entered the city.
During the entire Folding Festival, the security in the city was exceptionally strict, and the
Black Guards continued to patrol every day, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of
This day, Chong Xuan went out.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan came to Wutong Court early in the morning. Five people
stood in the courtyard staring at the door.
Finally, waiting for the atmosphere in the room to calm down, Duan Chongxuan pushed the
door out, the whole person was fascinated, such as a new look.
He saluted the five people in front of him and thanked them for their kindness.
A few people saw him successfully break the barrier and laughed with relief. Cheng Tianyu
happy to say hi to him. Even Zhongshan, who has always had no expression, has a softer
Duan Chongxuan discovered that Luo Mingchuan also broke through, so there was a joy in
Wutongyuan, such as the spring.
At this time, they still do not know that the current Yecheng cloud is bleak, filled with the
depression and panic of the mountain rain.
Because the city is dead.
It was the death of the last night. In Shiyang Lane, Nanjie, there is no body. The only thing
that can be used as a basis for judgment is the blood stains left in the stone. There is also
the magic of cutting the bluestone.
If it is in the East Land of the Devil, this happens every day.
But here, you can avoid the predecessors who are strong, even the eyes and ears of
This is a terrible thing.
The entire southeast has not seen the trace of the magic repair for nearly a hundred years.

Chapter 52: Magic repair

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
As the young master of the Qingjian sword school, Song Xi quickly got the news.
"Yecheng is well guarded, most buildings have protective arrays, which can detect magical
interest, and are directly connected to the city government. But when the flowers are
folded, the disciples of the various disciples do not have. The people of the city government
think that it may be The magic repairs hide and hide and hide in these places."
After negotiating with the offering of the city government, Song Yu informed the disciples
in the door to cooperate with the black armor to inspect the situation and explained the
situation to the three people of Luo Mingchuan.
"I am a host, and now there is such a thing in the city. It is incumbent."
Luo Mingchuan said, "What can I do to help? Even though."
The reappearance of the magic repair is not only a matter for Yecheng, but also for the
whole southland.
Song Yizheng said, "Thank you."
Luo Mingchuan, the first singer of the world, is now a small Chinese midfielder, regardless
of his identity or cultivation, is very convincing. If he can join the inspection team in the
city, he can stabilize the situation and provide more protection for the safety of the people
in the city.
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan originally wanted to help, but they did not know how to
repair it. So he took the black armor to the autumn lake and took the initiative to check.
The captain took a piece of paper to test the magic, and thanked them politely when they
After the break, the practitioners were more sensitive, and both of them could hear the
whispering conversation they were walking along the autumn lake.
"I didn't expect this to be so smooth."
"Yeah, it’s all big gates, the doorstep is too big!"
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan listened for a while, still unclear. It seems... inexplicably
They did not know that the City Guard first went to the courtyard next to the New Water
Just said clearly, the disciple who opened the door was anxious.
"I sent a grand door, you actually suspect that we cover the magic!"
The captain is very innocent, "No."
Bao Puzong’s disciple is aggressive. “Then why do you check us! It’s clear that we are
doubting us! Deceiving people too!”
The captain did not know how to explain, "This... every place will check."
"Nonsense! What are your purposes?"
Unable to communicate.
Finally, a Yecheng offering was presented to solve this problem.
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan came to the center of the city and wanted to see if they
could find any clues.
The street was a lot emptyer than the crowds of the past. However, there is still no panic in
the area, and the wine cellars in the main street are still open to welcome guests. The black
armor's military uniforms are in the streets and lanes, and their eyes are sharp like swords.
After turning around the street, I took my brother to the tea house. Today's Taihe Building
has only a handful of guests. No one has ever had a lot of voices, and the guests and guests
are full and elegant.
The location of the window is wide and the entire long street is unobstructed. Then I
ordered a pot of Biluochun, and I wanted a dish of Yulu lotus cake, a dish of hibiscus cake.
He has been retiring for a few days and feels that he hasn't been chatting with people for a
long time.
There is an urgent need to speak now.
When you lifted up the tea, you took a sip and sighed, "Four brothers, I really can't think of
a magical repair to the Southland."
Yin Yin is more eager to say, "The magic path has been long-lasting. If this is a sign of
revival, the chaos will be near. Although the East and the mainland are separated by the
sea, it is not difficult to cross the sea."
He still remembers that the second division had participated in the demonization of Xiqiao
Mountain. That battle was very fierce.
"The magic repair has time to come to the south land, it is also very strange. The original
magic road in the East, I can not finish every day, how can you care about the troubles of
the other four continents?"
Yin Yue knows more and knows a lot of secrets or gossip. "They are both magical and have
many differences?"
"Quite a lot! 'When the Devil Wars', the demon statue died under the Linyuan sword, and
then it was a chaotic world robbery, the 'the end of the era era' came. Devils under the
twelve guards, not convinced of each other, and ultimately set up a portal, Split into a
twelfth house, and they all thought that they were the orthodox orthodox, and they were
the descendants of the inheritance of the devil. In the East China, they smothered and
looted each other, and the internal chaos continued, and it was not a climate."
Duan Chongxuan ate a piece of lotus cake, and the words turned.
"But it’s funny, they all believe in one thing."
"what's up?"
"The devil is not dead."
He went on to say, "This is really the power of faith. The magical deity has passed millions
of years now. Not to mention the practitioners, the exotic animals have not lived for so
The demon is not dead. This is a joke in the city.
Yin Yin suddenly felt cold in his heart.
The strongest thing today is the Juggernaut, the Sacred. There is no ‘true fairy’ in the ‘All
Saints’ era. If the demon is really not dead, who can compete with him?
Mr. Jiayuan called this era "the stars", does it also include the magic of Donglu?
But he looked at the look of laughter and thought that maybe he thought more.
I looked at the streetscape outside the window and suddenly said nothing, like seeing
something interesting. The corner of the mouth curled up the irony of the iron.
Yin Yin looked down at his gaze and saw a group of people on the street, wearing a blue
gossip robe and condensing the realm. Behind him, there are five or six obstacles, and there
is even a small guardian.
Their pedestrian pressure did not converge, and they walked in the middle of the street.
Ordinary people could not move forward and evaded.
At the moment, the city Guards are busy chasing the things of the magic, and they have not
substantially disturbed the law and order, violating the acts of the city law, and there is no
one at all.
The words screamed, "Oh, look at this prestige, hey, it’s not the ‘traverse mountain bully’.”
Yin Yiyue recognized this. The person who was headed was Bao Puzong Li Lin, who was
thrown off the stage with a burning charm at the folding party. It seems that the birth is
very good, and it is the only son of the great emperor Li Changhong. No wonder there are so
many strong guards.
Although I can't understand it, but this person has no hatred with them. At present, in
Yecheng, Yin Yi has not bothered the other side.
However, the gaze of the voice was unobtrusive, and it was noticed by the small **** guard.
Li Lin looked at the other person's eyes and saw the two people at the window. The face
The group of people turned around and followed Li Lin’s wind and fire on the tea house.
The rest of the table guests were not good at seeing them, and now they are in the tense
moments of the magical repairs. No one has watched the lively heart, and they have
hurriedly stopped the silver head and left.
The entire second floor was completely empty.
When Li Lin came with the guard, Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan had already stood up.
Three feet apart, neither side has the meaning of courtesy.
Yin Yi went down two steps and stood in front of Duan Chongxuan.
This is a kind of conscious, because he is a brother, Duan Chongxuan is a younger brother.
No matter how many people there are, whether it is a small ride or a great ride, even if Ya
Sheng comes, he will stand in front of him.
But the other party obviously is not coming to him.
Li Lin dismissed the two laughs. "What's wrong with this? Isn't it awesome on the stage?
Now there are faces hiding behind others? Your burning charm? Running out?"
Yin Yue understands more.
The other party is coming to face.
These guards apparently came to Yecheng later, and maybe they were called by the other
party. It’s just that since the practice of diligence and practice, the teahouses have gone less
and have never had a chance.
Who knows that it happened today.
Duan Chongxuan came out, there was no angry look on the face, and there was no rebuttal.
He just asked seriously, "What do you want?"
He is not patient, but really not very angry.
Because he has already broken the barrier, the other party is still in the meditation period,
and there is no growth.
They are no longer at the same level, he will not make a meaningless tongue fight with each
other. Just like a lion does not look back because of a shit.
Li Lin stunned and didn't understand how he didn't play the cards.
At this time, there was a sudden noise from the stairs. A team of black armoured guards
also came. The captain of the head rushed to both sides and asked, "What happened? I can't
fight here."
It turned out that the owner of the restaurant was not good enough to inform the city
Li Lin suddenly laughed and said to Duan Chongxuan. "Do you know? The city law writes
about the ban on the city. You can't beat me here. Otherwise it is the enemy of the city."
His smile is full of provocations, "So, I □ □ _ your uncle!"
Duan Chongxuan is still not angry, and even has the time to feel happy, Bao Puzong disciple
will actually read the city law. Originally literate.
The captain is also awkward.
After thinking about it, the city law did not say that the foreign repairers could not confront
each other. It was very difficult at one time. Although it was obvious that one party was
looking for trouble, they also had to act according to the law.
Li Lin’s voice is very loud and the more difficult it is to listen. Infuriating evil, greeting Duan
Chongxuan's family.
Yin Yin changed his face and his hand had already grasped the hilt. I saw Li Lin’s smile in
his eyes.
However, he was pulled back by Duan Chongxuan to sit down and drink tea.
Then he heard the voice of the voice. "His purpose is to stimulate us to shoot. As long as we
start first, the small **** behind him will immediately shoot. But according to the city law,
he is self-defense, maybe the city guard has to Help them... This is a loophole in the law, and
the lower face of the house can be drilled."
Yin Yin looked at the little occupant, and sure enough, the whole body excited to the
extreme, ready to shoot.
But he does not think that he has no power to fight.
And he thinks that this kind of face is stupid and stupid.
But after thinking about it, behind such a stupid face, it may be that someone is instructed
to support him. He wants to test whether Juggernaut is still in the world, and whether he
will control the disciples. Li Lin is nothing but the cannon fodder that was introduced.
At this moment, I laughed. "But we can't do it, kill him!"
The words held a teacup and smiled, seemingly careless.
The lieutenant Li Lin turned his face into a red face, luck, and then groaned.
Half a cup of tea was drunk, and some people in the black armor couldn’t listen to it. He
muttered in a dialect. "The mouth of his mother is also poisonous..."
"His mother's temperament is also good, if Laozi can't stand it anymore..."
Just when everyone thought that Li Lin would be tired and went back, Duan Chongxuan
stood up.
Because the other party’s last sentence is ‘I am doing you.’
He asked seriously, "Do you know who I am?"

Chapter 53: Green barley

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Duan Chongxuan’s first cold face, a burst of obstacles and pressures burst out.
Li Lin did not consciously retreat two steps, standing behind the guard.
Screaming at the neck, "I care who you are! You are big, big, too?" I am Bao Pu, Li
Changhong, don't say that you don't dare to beat me in Yecheng, wherever you go Don't
dare to hit me!"
He thought that the other person began to get angry, and he was even more ugly.
Duan Chongxuan did not speak again, but looked out the window and looked up at the sky.
Yin Yi has already stood up. If the words are intentional, he will first go to the small ride.
Several members of the city guards walked quietly to Li Lin and his team, standing in a
position to help entangle Li Lin.
The captain saw that they wanted to pull the frame and glanced at it, but did not stop it. It is
The atmosphere between the venues is tense.
Li Lin is like what he feels, and the voice of the monks is weak.
In fact, Duan Chongxuan is not very angry.
He just thought about him a little.
I started thinking about making a ‘fire-fire wolf’, and I always thought of closing the barrier
and taking a self-contained look.
More than 20 people, and have been away from home for a long time, now I want to marry,
it is really shameful.
But he never imagined that today will encounter the most stupid question in the world -
Are you big, big, too?
So he replied, "You are wrong. I dare to beat you, and I dare to beat you."
Li Lin said, "I am!"
Ok, now the more stupid question is coming -
How can I prove that I am who I am?
Duan Chongxuan thought about it and took out a half-inch silver whistle from the sleeve.
Everyone, even Yin Yin, didn’t understand it. This whistle is not a ritual. What do you do
Li Lin has forgotten, nervously staring at the other side's movements.
Duan Chongxuan took the whistle and blew it.
The whistle is long and bright, and it spreads far away and drifts in the wind.
He looked at the sky and looked solemn.
However, after the two interest rates, nothing happened.
Li Lin laughed. "Hahaha, look at what this is."
Duan Chongxuan himself felt that it might be that this stuff has been in disrepair for a long
time. Moreover, it is normal to be so far away.
He coughed and was about to say something.
At this time, the captain looked out of the window and said, "Is it windy?"
The wind suddenly started. Without a hint of omen, the street heard the sound of
exclamation and things falling to the ground. The thick banyan tree bends down, the smoke
and the smoke fly, and the pedestrians can't open their eyes and avoid the shops.
The wind rushed in and slammed the window in the teahouse. The tea set on the table was
shot down on the ground.
‘哗啦’, a broken porcelain splashed with droplets.
The whole city is swaying in the wind.
Li Lin looked out the window and groaned in the place without knowing the words.
The captain of the City Guard first reacted and rushed downstairs and shouted, "A Class A
warning - to inform everyone to try to avoid the wind, the fourth team to go with me to
open the city channel -"
The long street was empty, some people ran home, and some people were hiding in the
store. The door was closed and the window was blown by the wind.
The sky is dark and dark, as if there is a huge shadow over the city of Yecheng!
The clouds behind the shadows reveal the horrible power of destroying the earth.
In the city's main house, Ye Zhiqiu stood up nervously.
But after looking at the sky and sitting back, I said to myself, "Duan Sheng'an? I don't want
to say anything..."
The sky is getting darker and darker. When everyone thinks that Yecheng is going to be
destroyed by the shadow, the singularity of the clouds above nine days begins to shrink.
It has fallen again and again. Some people have seen that it is a cyan thing, just too big,
covering the sky and daylight.
Between the shackles, the wind stopped.
The shadow of the sky has shrunk by more than ten times. Steady on the empty long street,
like a hill falling out of nowhere!
The smoke splashed and the bluestone cracked into the deep gap.
Yecheng, who came from the end of the street, worshipped and flew back more than ten
feet before he could stop!
In the tea house, Li Lin and his party were shocked and could not speak.
what is this?
Is there such a might of great power?
When the smoke dissipated, the people at the street shop looked carefully through the
window, but only saw two huge birds, such as iron hooks, which were embedded in the
Further up, it is a bird's leg as thick as a tree trunk.
The cyan tail feathers behind it are long and occupy the entire long street.
It turned out to be a blue-winged bird.
No, how come there is such a big blue-winged bird?
It was slightly overturned, and the red hole was facing the tea house.
Condescending people looking at the two floors upstairs, like human beings looking at ants,
is a kind of high indifference.
Li Linxiu was the lowest, only to be glanced at it, and the heart was shocked and suddenly
fell to the ground.
However, no one is going to help him.
His guards are worried about their lives.
The window is too small, only the upper part of it can be seen inside. But it was pegged by
such an indifferent pupil, and no one even dared to move.
Someone guessed something, but couldn't believe it. The cold sweat slammed down and
soaked the clothes.
In a dead silence, a voice sounded,
"I don't mean, when it's down, is it lighter..."
It is Duan Chongxuan.
People think he is crazy.
Yin Yue knows that it is useless to take any sword at this time, but he is still ready to stand
in front of the words.
He saw it in the book, this is the blue wing. Only the Emperor of the Northland is raised in
the world, and each has a Mahayana. Spreading the wings for the wind, breathing is a fire,
and the moment is thousands of miles.
But I don't know why I suddenly came here.
At this time, the red pupil turned and his eyes fell on Duan Chongxuan.
Yin Yin was nervous when he got up, but suddenly found that the eyes in the pupil changed.
It seems... it is aggrieved.
The huge head smashed on the roof of the tea house, the fly ash fell, and the house shook
like an earthquake.
Duan Chongxuan hurriedly shouted, "This way you can't get in, it's a little smaller!"
So the hills occupy the huge streets of the long street, and they actually became the size of
the crane, flying in from the window. It fell in front of Duan Chongxuan.
Duan Chongxuan raised his hand. It lowered his head and smashed the crown feather in his
"Okay, I know you are not intentional."
Qingyi snorted.
Duan Chongxuan is more pleased with Yin Yin, "Four Masters! This is Yu Er!"
Yin Yi only felt that the whole head of the world was blasted.
Li Lin is still on the ground, Duan Chongxuan said to him, "Not only do I dare to beat you,
but the birds I support will also beat you."
Li Lin did not answer because he passed out.
The silence in the tea house became a panic.
They finally dared to determine who they stood opposite.
Only the Emperor of the Hokuriku raised the Qingyi wing, and the emperor had only one
No one dares to impersonate.
The **** of the small envoy took a big gift to Duan Chongxuan, almost squatting on the
ground, shaking hands. I also felt that it was not enough to make up for the offense. I still
want to say something, "His Royal Highness..."
The words are swaying, "Let's go."
Several guards carried Li Lin and ran down the stairs.
Yin Yi’s return to the gods, the strange discovery, and his past confession of the passage of
words, many of them have come true.
Have you ever been in a carriage and are flying in the sky?
--It really is.
This cargo is still in the North Emperor's Wall and dare to pretend to sacred!
- No need for false transmissions. In a few years, his words are the imperial edict.
#我的话唠师弟 is the future emperor 陛下#
Ha ha.
Why is life so fantastic?
After the smashing of the curtain, Yin Yin finally found his voice. "This thing... Brothers and
sisters, do they know?"
The words stunned, "Which thing? Second?"
"...your identity."
I thought about it, "The master must know that the letter he had dismantled. The sister...
should know. Three brothers, it is hard to say, may not know."
Yin Yin is more comforting.
Can't only be alone, he doesn't know.
In the future, I can scare the three brothers.
Then he asked, "A lot of people now know, no problem?"
This is a big thing, and soon the whole city, the whole south, will know all the world.
Duan Chongxuan calmed down and didn't know why he would call him.
Perhaps it is because I want to be jealous and I really want it.
Then he laughed, and anyway, he came, just to return home with it. In some cases, he also
wants to talk to him.
So he said, "I am going home. Any problem is gone."
In the city's main house, Ye Zhiqiu's face is expressionless, listening to the situation of the
city guards reporting street damage.
While thinking about it with satisfaction, Duan Shengan did not come, but this time he was
able to dig him. While telling, "The person responsible for this matter, do not pursue it first.
The road is slowly repaired, using the best materials. What are the losses, statistics are
clear, make an account..."
At this time, the housekeeper rushed in. "Master, the gates of the city are surrounded by
three thousand guards in the North, and the headed generals say they want to see their
Prince Edward!"
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan went to the autumn lake. When something happened in the
city, Luo Mingchuan will definitely go back to Qiuhu to find them.
They walked down the street, next to a blue-winged eagle, the size of a crane, and the hand
of Chong Xuan from time to time.
Yin Yin looked a few more eyes, still did not hold back the spit.
You are awkward! A cockroach! Crazy! !
Why did you reveal the eyes of Erha! !
"It, why is it called '鸾二'?"
Duan Chongxuan did not hesitate to say, "According to age, ah, 鸾, 鸾, 鸾..."
Fortunately, Qingyi is only the mind of a five-year-old child, otherwise he really wants to
The next moment, the two stopped.
Because the city government came to a worship, first of all, Duan Chongxuan solemnly
"The Hokuriku Guards Commander Wang Hao took three thousand soldiers out of the city
and asked to see His Royal Highness."
Yin Yue is more and more channelless. "This is also the person you call?"
No, you can fly over the sea, can you do it? !
Duan Chongxuan stunned, "This is really not my business."

Chapter 54: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yiyue and Duan Chongxuan did not reach the autumn lake, they met Luo Mingchuan.
Luo Mingchuan found them and obviously breathed a sigh of relief. "You are fine, just have
a strong wind, come here..."
In fact, his Garan sorcerer saw a huge shadow above the clouds, a strange animal with at
least a great opportunity. But now that the storm has passed, the strange beast should not
be directed at destroying Yecheng.
Duan Chongxuan looked back and looked at the second behind him.
He snorted and stood up, his eyes watery. It seems that I know that I am wrong, and my
look is wronged.
Luo Mingchuan was shocked. "Is it?"
"Oh, this is Luo brother, say hello."
The slender neck of the blue-winged pheasant was lowered, and he licked the crown
feather on his hand.
The hairy touch made Luo Mingchuan smashed.
He was smashed by a big winged blue wing.
Yin Yi is now feeling better.
This kind of three-view experience can't be done by him alone.
It is a pity that there is no huskies in this world, and Luo Shi brothers will not realize the
essence of the eyes.
By indirect sales of Meng, Duan Chongxuan began to explain, "I didn't mean to hide it, but
the situation at home is more complicated..."
Luo Mingchuan interrupted him very rarely. "Don't say this, I will take you as a younger
brother. This will not change."
Duan Chongxuan smiled. "I have to go home now. The four brothers will entrust you to Luo
Yin Yiyue always feels that this sentence is wrong.
But looking at Luo Mingchuan's serious point, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.
After Duan Chongxuan finished, he saw that Yecheng was enshrined with Wang Hao.
His face calmed down, and even his body was not the same.
The half-step Mahayana's garrison commander, after the negotiations with the city
government, and the approval of Duan Chongxuan, only after entering the city after the
At this time, he stopped at the three feet away, and he was the gift of the Northern
Emperor. After he collapsed, he almost fell to the ground, he said.
"His Royal Highness."
Except for Duan Chongxuan, the rest of the people retreated to the side and avoided this
Yin Yue’s keen discovery found that there was only a slight invisible change in the standing
position of the distinct words, but it stood on the high platform that was worshipped by
thousands of people.
Duan Chongxuan did not speak.
Therefore, the middle-aged generals wearing silver armor have been squatting.
The atmosphere suddenly suppressed.
Ye Cheng offered to leave, and Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan felt that they should avoid it.
Duan Chongxuan gave them a look and said no.
Half-sounding, he faintly said, "Get up."
"His Royal Highness." After Wang Hao got up, he dared to take the first three steps.
Congratulations, "The end is what it means."
He glanced at the two outsiders present and said nothing.
Duan Chongxuan ignored him and said only two words. "Speak straight."
Qingyiyi stood beside him, his eyes were red and his eyes were the same with his cold and
Yin Yi feels that he is testing the other side. In other words, he does not believe in this
Wang Hao, even if the other party's performance is humble and respectful, impeccable.
Such Duan Chongxuan has never seen him before, but as Luo Mingchuan said, no matter
who he is, he is always his younger brother.
The middle-aged general will hold the fist, and the forehead will have a strong ideological
Finally, he gritted his teeth and said eight words. "He is seriously ill and wants to see His
Royal Highness."
Duan Chongxuan’s eyes still haven’t changed. He asked, “Where is the white?”
"In the Guangyuan Palace, the soldiers are guarded, all news is blocked, and the party is
prevented from entering the palace." Wang Hao suddenly stunned and slammed his head.
"Please depart immediately, then you will return to the palace!"
Duan Chongxuan did not speak.
Wang Hao’s constant gimmicks, there is no trace of the body of the real yuan, the
practitioners of the half-step Mahayana, the forehead has a red mark.
Half-sound, Duan Chongxuan, "I am waiting outside the city."
He did not say how long it took, and did not say when to start.
Wang Haoran looked up and gave a grateful brilliance to his eyes. It was as if Duan
Chongxuan could agree, it was a great grace.
He did not ask anything, and stood up and said, "Yes, Your Highness."
Then he went back three feet. I turned and walked away.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan were filled with emotion.
The words are still immersed in the atmosphere of the talent. Until the back of the other
side is invisible, one person will suddenly relax.
He touched the folding fan and slammed it, and fanned the feathers of the second one.
"Trouble trouble..."
Yin Yin asked, "Is this person credible?"
It’s a bitter face, “basically credible.”
Yin Yin suddenly remembered that at the floating beach, the child who sent the Cambodian
asked the president, "Is it good?" ’
I replied a lot in one breath, which means that I am physically fit and healthy. I can eat and
He just felt that he was in violation of the situation and did not think deeply. But now I want
to come. Is it that at that time, one of the six saints in the world, the Emperor of the North
Lu, the body has begun to be bad? Otherwise, why is this question and answer?
Duan Chongxuan thought a lot, and finally, "I am going to stay in the Northern Emperor for
a long time." Turning to Yin Yiyue, "Four Masters, waiting for you to return to the end of the
world, on behalf of my brother and sister."
Yin Yue knows that this is a farewell, because it is possible that Duan Chongxuan will be
enthroned this time, and it will be difficult to return to the end of the mountain.
He did not directly agree, but said, "You should take care of yourself. Ask the brothers and
sisters, I can't do it, you have to say it yourself."
Duan Chongxuan took a moment and solemnly said, "I will go back."
Yin Yi nodded more and more.
The road ahead is unpredictable, a thousand words, and there is more to say.
Luomingchuan Road, "No matter what the final result, the Yashan Mountain is there."
Duan Chongxuan knows that this is the retreat for his guarantee - even if the situation
changes, he is no longer a prince, there is no place in the Northland, there are still ya
Yashan to protect him.
"I will take care. Listen to the four divisions and say, you have to go to Xingshan Temple,
and be careful."
Then he said, "Since I have decided to go back, the sooner the better, I am leaving."
No more words.
One person turned around and walked outside the city.
In the afterglow of the setting sun, their backs were pulled diagonally.
Duan Chongxuan did not look back at the end, but just extended his hand and waved.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan stood in the sunset and watched him go to the future where
the fierce people did not know.
Yecheng has entered the autumn for many days, and the cool breeze has become more and
more bleak, and the Wutong Court has fallen to the dead leaves.
The second day of Duan Chongxuan’s departure began to rain.
A cold autumn rain, down to the third day. The magic repair lurking in Yecheng was banned
and sent to the city government for review.
Prior to this, the Qingjian Swords elders and Ye Cheng offered to force him to the autumn
The lake was disturbed by the wind and rain, and the smoke was fascinating.
Luo Mingchuan joined the battle, and Shen Zhoujian passed through the black robe and
nailed to the wrist of the man. In the wind and rain, Yin Yue saw that the black and red
blood was sparse by the rain and flowed into the autumn lake.
Later, it was reported that the magic repaired himself in the city government. Fortunately,
no one was killed or injured, and he was sure that he did not have a companion.
Yin Yin thinks more, maybe it is a method of searching for souls when interrogating.
After the rain stopped, the heavens and the earth were washed fresh. The autumn is high
and the west wind is hunting.
The people in the city added a thin sputum, the sake of the wine cellar was replaced by the
spirits of the warm stomach, and the cold noodles on the street were replaced with steamy
mutton soup.
As always, life is moving forward, and the things of the magic repair are quickly left behind.
The Qingjian Swordsmen and his party left Yecheng after the rain stopped. Before the three
of Song Yu left, they bid farewell to Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan.
There is still not much to say. The two sides are only taking care of each other.
That night, Yin Yi bought two altar wines. Sitting on the roof and drinking in Lomingchuan.
There have been too many things happening recently.
"Brother, we should leave tomorrow."
"Yes. Let's go south and go to Xingshan Temple."
Yin Yin looked up and saw the autumn moon, and fell to the edge of the autumn lake. The
blood of the day was washed away by the rain, but it still seems to be flowing in front of me.
He still remembers the eyes of the magic.
Bloodthirsty and tyrannical, no human feelings.
I met the thief on Panlongling and hit the downhill mountain.
But he never really touched the dark side of the world.
In fact, the dark side of the world is large.
Yin Yin drank his drink and felt a lot of emotions, but he was not afraid.
The last time I was drinking here, I was still three people. In the courtyard next to me, the
disciples of Yanyashan were still sleeping.
Talk now... You should be crossing the sea.
He knows that the friendship of the world's practitioners is like this, meeting thousands of
glasses of wine and leaving a word.
He thought that Song Yu, Zhong Shan and Cheng Tianyu should all count their friends.
Although I have never had a drink at night, there is a saying in the farewell.
The sound of Luo Mingchuan is floating in the autumn wind.
"Growth, practice and life are always things for one person. Don't be obsessed."
Yin Yin is holding half of the jar, and in the moonlight, his skin is as white as thin jade,
almost through the moonlight.
He knew that Luo Mingchuan was comforting himself, but he had to ask, "Will the brothers
leave me?"
Luo Mingchuan looked at his eyes. "No."
If the sun, the moon and the stars are the same, I will never leave you.

Chapter 55: Sword Shengfan does not like to buy

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yunyang City, the fourth night of falling snow.
The sly horses and horses, the squatting of the pawns, the silk bamboos of the shackles, the
crying of the children, all faint in the thick night.
Such a night, there is no clear moonlight shining into the red door of Zhu Hong, there is no
green wine glass, scarlet dance skirt.
I only heard the sound of the broken snow breaking the dead branches, the whistling sound
of the wind blowing into the alley, mixed in the crisp impact of the silver bell under the
flying dragonfly. Long and harsh.
The falling snow curtains fell over and over, and the ground was rolled up by the hurricane,
and the waves were slap on the long street of the bluestone. In the snow on the street, the
servants of the house were carefully swept away. At this time, a thick layer was
accumulated. It was a hard work that was not waiting for dawn.
In this way, the city that is used to the wind and the sizzling fire, under the heavy snow of a
hundred years, Zhumenli has a stinky wine, but the frozen bones on the roadside are rare.
After all, in the affluent city, the monks and the wild cats are rich and rich. Who does not
have a bridge hole to avoid the cold and snow, and the winds of the north wind?
The lonely ten-mile long street suddenly sounded the sound of the squeaking of the soft
snow, from far and near, with a wonderful rhythm, not ill.
Wind and snow nights, but not as eager to return to the people, it seems like a casual
The bright yellow lantern hanging under the door of Zhu Hongfu, fluttering in the wind and
hitting the white wall. The swaying and dim light gives the snow a warm color, which gives
rise to the illusion of temperature.
It also reflects the shadow of the passenger.
The white robe is lightly swayed, the moiré is in the sky, and the oil paper umbrella with
the azure color is supported. A long sword was attached to the narrow waist, and as his
pace swayed slightly, it was like a delicate ornament.
He came snowing, this is the heavy snow that should have fallen into the ankle, leaving only
shallow traces at the bottom of his cloud boots.
He walked along the wall of the Zhuhongfu Gate and walked to the innermost corner of the
wall. The sobbing wind and the swaying tree shadows were strangely calmed down.
The dead end that the lantern can't shine is a black shadow that shrinks into a ball.
At this time, the black shadow looked up, but he only swept the person, and quickly
lowered his head.
The followers did not leave, as if they found something interesting, or maybe they were
lonely at night. He looked at the child with thin bones in front of him.
The child wrapped a half-grass mat on the worn cotton gown, leaning against the corner of
the wall, using the most temperature and physical posture.
In this kind of weather, the foxes are still not enough to keep warm. Children don't know
how long they stayed. The eyes have been dark and the breathing is weak. Even if they can
keep a clear consciousness, they will die quietly in the middle of the night.
The visitor did not have the slightest compassion, but he seemed to think of something and
asked, "Do you want to worship the Yuanyuan Academy?"
There is a faint singer in the voice.
The child frowned, and speaking to him was a great waste. But it is rude to remember that
others do not answer questions.
He knows how to save energy, and the words that are spit out seem to be inaudible, low
and short.
The person laughed. "The old man is shocked. Do you want to be an apprentice of the old
No one does not know the three words of 卫卫惊风. No one even dared to trade this name.
Even if this person looks like a young boy who is riding a horse.
But who said that Juggernaut can't be a young boy?
This name is enough to make the world change.
It is a pity that this night, the listener has only one child and the snow, it is destined to see
no touching scenes of tears and tears.
The child ignored his claim and violation, and his eyelids were not flawed. Instead, he
asked, "What are the benefits?"
Wei Jingfeng felt a bit ridiculous, and no one asked him this question for many years.
But he didn't laugh because the children asked very seriously. I really don't know what the
benefits will be.
He thought about it and replied earnestly. "Be my apprentice. If you seek power, you will be
a national teacher. You will be powerful, you will be enemies, and you will become the faith
of thousands of people. Countless people will fall to your feet. Look at you like a ant..."
The child did not speak, but still leaned against the corner in the most effortless posture.
Wei Jingfeng went on to say, "If you cultivate the Tao, you will go to the end of the world
and practice the best swords. You will become very strong. People will respect you, because
you will be able to smash a million people and bleed." Anything dominates life and death
and no one dares to set it."
"嘎吱", the snow broke the green plum branch. The snow is getting colder.
Even if it is a big snow, Wei Jingfeng still hears clearly, the child said,
"Do not."
This kind of answer, which didn't go through much thinking and was serious enough,
obviously made him somewhat surprised and...not understanding.
The young man’s brow slightly picked, “Why? I can give you a hundred times.”
The child really does not want to speak again, but for politeness, it explains the reason.
"There is a tube of rice."
"Ha ha ha ha ha -"
Wei Jingfeng laughed and laughed loudly, and the laughter rang through the sky, and the
snow fell on the smashing, and the plum branch that was defeated shivered slightly.
After he finished laughing, he seemed to be in a good mood and said, "I also take care of the
The child finally looked up, and the sly scorpion stared at him, as if he was sure of the
credibility of the man in front of him.
Wei Jingfeng almost jumped, "Old man, Tang Jian, will you lie to you?! Do you know! How
many people are rushing..."
"it is good."
Wei Jingfeng suddenly stopped, because the child pulled up his wide-sleeved clothes.
Almost instinct, when the little skinny hand is approaching, it is going to be crit.
But he was born to hold back. This feeling is too strange, because no one has touched him
for many years. The people who saw him feared him and were far away from him. Those
who want to be close to him are coming to kill him, and they are all dead.
The thin child stood up by the power of the zipper. Then released your hand.
A dirty handprint was left on the day.
The child thought about it and said, "I'm sorry."
Wei Jingfeng has some regrets.
Not because of such a sloppy apprenticeship, but because I don't know how to answer. No
one told him these three words.
In the past few hundred years, he did not include peace talks with people.
He tried, but always regarded as provocative or disdainful, always irritating others to draw
swords, and finally he can only defeat or kill the person.
Just like now, he thought that there was nothing wrong with what he said, and the truth
was true. But if you change someone, you will feel that he is a condescending pity and alms.
Therefore, he really does not know how to get along with people...or, with the apprentice.
What should I say at this time?
"It's ok."
Yes, I am a master. How can I be seen by my apprentices?
The child is also silent. He doesn't even know what to say. Is ‘Master good?’ or ‘See Master’?
What is the acceptance of others? he does not know.
In fact, he went all the way from the far north to the Yunyang City in the middle of the land,
did not say anything.
The dumb servant who cares for him is dead. Before he dies, he goes to Yundu City in
Zhongdu. When he sees the world, it is best to find a school to learn. He buried the old
woman, and the only two clothes in the parcel were on the road. The broken silver has not
been spent in Yunyang. He is eating too much because he is too young. Although he is more
energetic, there are few places where he is willing to accept him for work.
Other colleges are expensive, but of course they can't afford it. It’s nearly half a month. In
the past, Yunyang City, which is full of traffic, is becoming more and more crowded. He only
heard that it was the Yuanyuan Academy to open the door. This school is very good, does
not charge tuition, can not only control the rice, but also see the world, learn the ability.
He naturally didn't wait here all the time. He used to be in an abandoned boat. These days,
he heard that the college entrance examination was just around the corner and he waited at
the door.
Until now, he still doesn't understand why he asked how to get into the school. The strange
expressions on those faces are incredible and mixed with strange smiles. They ask, ‘You like
this, I want to go to school? ’
He doesn't understand, can't he eat if he eats too much? Then try to eat as little as you can...
Finally, I believe that someone told him that ‘the school’s order of entry is the standard of
admission,’ and waited for three days in the corner. He thought that the people behind
would have to wait, always line up.
Did not wait until the school opened the door, waited for the Weifeng.
The atmosphere was awkward for a while.
Obviously, this is the most unspeakable pair of apprentices in history.
Wei Jingfeng hit the umbrella on the head of the child. After thinking about it, he solved the
contempt and put it on the child.
Master... should it be like this?
The big fox was draped over the body and dragged behind the child. Like the robes of the
nobles of the Northern City Imperial City.
The child moved and felt that it was too inconvenient to walk.
But it is really warm.
Wei Jingfeng held the umbrella with one hand, and the child walked slowly, and the pace
was slower.
"what's your name?"
"Jun twelve."
"How can I call this name to the apprentice of Juggernaut?" The young boy frowned and
thought, "The singer, the singer, the brilliance of the glory, from then on you are called Jun
Hao... It is a good name!"
His eyes were taken back from the signboard of ‘煜和记蛋糕’.
Jun has no objection. For him, the name is just a name, not to mention that few people call
him his name. Therefore, he has no concept.
The young man holds an umbrella and pulls the child's hand.
One big and one small figure, gradually drifting away into the distance.
The night was getting darker, and the wind and snow annihilated them.
The night rain is a lonely boat, swaying on the rivers of the Suichuan River, like a piece of
fallen leaves.
The lights in the cabin were like beans, and the two sat on each other. The warm wine on
the table was already cool.
The young boy wiped his sword and looked focused.
"That can be a way to go through the sky, it is difficult to do everything, how can the world
really be arrogant? This reason you don't understand now, just like people who don't learn
swords, never know the truth of learning swords. I am afraid that when you meet a I will
understand when I let go..."
Yin Yi still does not understand, in his view, this cheap master is the first person in the
"What is not willing to let go?"
Wei Jingfeng thought about it and decided to give an example.
"When the old man is young, whether he takes an umbrella, a wine, or a silver, he has to
vacate a hand. You know why?"
Yin Yin thought about it,
"With one hand, it is convenient to take the sword at any time."
Wei Jingfeng smiled with satisfaction. "Yes! If there is no one who can only take the sword
at any time, my heart will be empty and uncomfortable!"
His eyes fell on the river where the rain fell, like falling in the distant past, and the tone
slowed down.
"When I first saw your master, the snow was really big at night, the snow of the big fight
was overwhelming... Your master was not stable, I took the umbrella with one hand and
one hand with him. I am again There is no third hand, how can I take the sword?"
"But I didn't feel at all, I just thought that pulling him, playing an umbrella is enough."
"A lot of years later, I realized that this is not willing to let go."

Chapter 56: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The more Yin Yin deliberately restrained, the wine was sober. Avoid the embarrassment of
language after drunk.
On the second day, the two set off in the morning, and the morning light was in the midst of
it. Yin Yin finally looked at the gate of Yecheng.
The black brick wall, the bronze gate, is magnificent.
He thought, maybe a few years later, it was a coincidence, and there was a time to revisit
the old place.
From Yecheng to Xingshan Temple, crossing the Muxiang Mountain Range is much closer
than the Nanluguan Road.
Due to the sensation of the magic work in the previous two days, the village at the foot of
the Xiangxiang Mountain was exceptionally quiet, and the villages at the foot of the
Xiangxiang Mountain were particularly quiet. The roads were closed and the road was
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan entered the mountain. Since the fall of the South China Sea
this autumn, the wind and rain have continued. The soil in the mountains is soft and humid,
and the branches and leaves of the forest cover the sky.
There is no bright daylight in summer time, only the misty mist is left. If you are not a
practitioner, you can hardly see three feet.
The two walked on the rugged mountain roads, and the pace was not bad, but the mountain
views on both sides rushed back. At this time, their cultivation was much higher than that
of Panlongling. Even if they were walking in a leisurely manner, they could shrink to the
ground and travel hundreds of miles.
When it arrived, the endless Musk Mountain Range was halfway through.
The sky was getting dark, and Luo Mingchuan stopped. "Stay in the mountains for a night,
let's go tomorrow morning."
Yin Yue is naturally no objection.
In accordance with the regular work schedule, nighttime is more accustomed to meditating,
or meditation practice.
The mountainous area of Muxiang Mountain is not steep, but it is somewhat beautiful and
secluded. The naturally formed caves are also very easy to find.
The moonlight appeared at the beginning, but it was isolated by the staggered branches.
Only a faint silver light blew down, illuminating a small piece of rock at the edge of the cave.
The cloud boots stepped on the wet, soft soil, but suddenly stopped.
Yin Yin looked back and looked down. Luo Mingchuan looked calm, just grabbed his wrist
and shook his head.
So he released his knowledge and floated into the cave, but there was nothing in the dark.
The more Yin Yin, the more suddenly he was alert.
A cave in the mountains, perhaps a spider web, vines, insects, and even beasts, nothing else.
Unless there are people inside.
If they are the same practitioners, they have the Lord here, and they have to find another
But Luo Mingchuan felt the magic.
Because the spirit is different, Yin Yue’s knowledge of the gods is far stronger than his own
realm, so he sinks his heart and feels it.
It is indeed a magical interest. It is different from the coldness seen in the autumn lake. This
scorpion is more violent and violent, and it is also rich in blood and suffocation.
The monks and the monks have been grievous for millions of years, and they have already
reached the point of endless death. Today, even if you are not a singer and a Juggernaut,
you are just an ordinary practitioner. If you have the power of a battle, you will not stand
idly by.
Yin Yiyue’s right hand subconsciously holds the hilt.
Luo Mingchuan stopped him.
Then the voice said, "There is only one magical repair inside, the realm is not as good as
me, the younger brother stays outside the hole, don't come in."
Yin Yi is no longer pulling the sword, and decided to do it according to his brother's
Shooting yourself, maybe it will drag the brother's hind legs.
Luo Mingchuan saw him nod and took a step in the cave, and the figure disappeared in
Yin Yin is very close to him, but there is no feeling of real fluctuations.
At this time, his god's knowledge drifted into the cave, and he could feel the magical
overflow in the depths of the cave, but he could not feel the existence of Luo Mingchuan.
Luo Mingchuan laid a layer of 'barrier' in his body.
His Garland technique has been cultivated to the third level. Not only can you see through
other people's methods, but you can also let yourself not be seen.
At this time, the realm he showed was not condensed, the pace was messy, and the breath
was unstable. It was like a normal practitioner who hurriedly rushed for a day and went to
the cave to spend the night. Tired and unprepared.
Dark caves, the moonlight can't come in.
In the depths of the cave, the sound of water droplets hitting the rock was very clear and
the echo was endless.
Some of the methods of magical cultivation require suffocation, some require fresh flesh
and blood, and some require carrion and bone.
Darkness is the most natural shade, and the boundless magic, such as the tide of the sea.
Luo Mingchuan stood in the cave and seemed to have no idea. It was only the color of
doubt, and it supported the rough and damp rock wall.
If he is really a condensed god, he can't afford a trace of the real thing at this time.
Perhaps because the realm of the comers is low, the magic is not too cautious.
Under the cover of the magical interest, one of the arms in the black robe jerked out, and
the five fingers were like iron hooks, and straightened to his neck!
Only heard the sound of the wind, Luo Mingchuan at the last moment, actually avoided the
attack sideways!
At this time, the distance between the two is very close, and Luo Mingchuan’s waist is
The other party did not hesitate to take a step back when he felt the crisis!
It’s just that Luo Mingchuan’s sword was too unexpected, and it’s been a long time ago. The
power of the small rider was under pressure and completely sealed off all his retreats!
Under the silver sword, the man suddenly raised his hand, but did not go to Luo
Mingchuan, but to his chest!
He was kicked out by the palm of the line like a broken kite in the wind, slamming into the
The huge impact caused the entire cave to shake.
The suicide-like hand caused him to be seriously injured, and the ribs of the chest were
broken. But it also gave him an unparalleled speed, retreating from the sword of Luo
Compared to the two, this is already the lightest injury.
Luo Mingchuan was slightly surprised, and he could not think of the determination of the
other person to have a broken wrist. He did not hesitate to start.
Only after a myriad of battles between life and death can this terrible battle instinct be
But he didn't stop at all, he had to fight again!
At this moment, a sword light hit the hole, such as lightning to open the night sky, and
instantly illuminate the entire cave.
Also illuminate the cold-browed brow of the white-haired boy holding the sword.
Yin Yi and Yue Fang felt the sorrow of the sorrow, and the heart hangs high. I heard the
roar of the hole, and I saw that half of the mountain wall was shaking, and my heart was
shocked. I pulled the sword into the cave without thinking.
Luo Mingchuan Yu Guang saw that Yin Yin came in, and Jian Feng subconsciously slowed
down. But this interval of interest is enough to make the opponent with keen intuition to
disappear in place.
The surrounding area has been infested with magical interest, and the heavens and the
earth are blocked. Yin Yin is more restricted by the realm, the real yuan is running
stagnation, and the sword is not open.
Fang Cai’s sword fell through, and when he waited for the momentum, he suddenly felt a
pain in his back, such as a sharp bone!
It was too late to turn back, Yin Yue went back and stabbed back with a sword, but only saw
the white shadow disappeared, and he was pushed out by a gentle force.
Go straight back to the hole and stop.
I was shocked that there was no sharp blade at all, but it was a solid killing.
Looking at it, Luo Mingchuan stood in his position.
Shen Zhou nailed people to the ground through the heart of the man.
Thick **** suffocation filled the entire cave.
Everything is only between the electric and the flint, from Yin Yin to the magic repair, but
the dust is settled.
Yin Yin went up and saw the large black blood of the black robe overflowing, and the white
face remained on the twisted expression.
Luo Mingchuan took out the sword and splashed the blood. His hand was steady and his
face was faint.
The body collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a white bone. The
black blood leaked into the soil and there was no trace.
Luo Mingchuan turned his head and saw Yin Yin looking at him in the same place. His eyes
were empty and his face was lonely.
He was shocked, was he scared to the younger brother?
Yin Yin lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on the right arm of Luo Mingchuan holding a
sword, where there was a slight wound. The blood has stopped, but there is still a black
magical, lingering.
He said, "Brother, you are hurt."
Luo Mingchuan let go of his heart and smiled. "The flesh hurts, it's okay."
He really ran for a week, the magic had dissipated, and the wound healed completely. Only
a small piece of blood was immersed in the white robe. If you don't pay attention to it in the
dark night, you won't find it.
Yin Yin licked his mouth and did not speak.
If it wasn’t for himself that he didn’t have the rules in the end, Luo Mingchuan wouldn’t be
hurt because he looked after him.
"Okay, let's go."
Yin Yiyue took up his wrist by Luo Mingchuan and walked out of the cave.
Follow the sound of water and walk to a stream.
Under the silver moonlight, the meandering stream flows over the rocks, and the silver-like
drops of water splash on the moss on the edge of the stream.
Luo Mingchuan began to wash his sword and smiled.
"Teacher, you are doing very well. I can't do it as good as you are."
Yin Yin still did not speak.
He knows that the brother is comforting himself.
But he still feels that he is too useless.
Just like every x-point text, following the protagonist, the experience is silly x teammates,
and finally the main character is injured.
He is eager to become stronger again, just like the night he came back from the school, and
in such a clear moonlight, he wants to master his own life.
Powerful to at least Lo Mingchuan when playing against people, you can stay by the side,
not worrying where you can't see the battle. Further, you can fight side by side instead of
becoming his weakness.
Luo Mingchuan saw such a dull younger brother for the first time.
In the past, although the teacher did not talk much, but he has been able to perceive his
emotions for a long time.
The younger brother worried about him, which made Luo Mingchuan’s heart flow like a
warm, warm and proper. But it is also more self-blaming - if you are stronger, strong
enough to retreat and not hurt, the younger brother will not be saddened.
Luo Mingchuan looked at Yin Yue in the meditation, and did not know how to open his
The ghost made it worse. He had lifted his hand to wash the sword and directly pinched the
boy’s face.
The tentacle is delicate and smooth, and the fine silk can't be one ten thousandth.
With the moistness of the cold stream, like the white jade immersed in ice water.
Yin Yin felt a cold face, and looked up at Luo Mingchuan with a shocked look.
His surprised expression with wide eyes made Luo Mingchuan laugh out directly. After
pinching it twice, I let go of my hand. "Teacher, if you are not happy again, I will continue to
pinch your face!"
Yin Yin immediately squinted. I felt too tweaked and hurriedly put my hand down.
While squinting at the eyes, I thought I was very serious and said, "Brother! I will crown in
two years! It is not a child!"
The implication is that you can't pinch his face like a child.
Luo Mingchuan coughed and said, "Yes, the brother knows."
He put his hand behind his back and gently rubbed his fingertips as if he still had a soft
However, after a while, Yin Yin was no longer dull and renewed his spirit.
He was really shocked, because in memory, Luo Mingchuan had never joked with people,
and faded away from the usual manner of being polite, as if ... more real and lively.
But no matter what kind of brother, it is his brother.
And I will be stronger and stronger, just like my brother.
Ancient temple in the deep mountains.
Xingshan Temple, as one of the 'Bumen Double Temples', talks about inheritance and
orthodox Dharma, and is above the Temple of the Sky. It is the sacred place that the Buddha
of the world is yearning for.
The place closest to the Buddha in the world.
However, this is not a magnificent hall, nor a magnificent Buddha Pavilion. It is just a
remote Zen room.
The ancient beams are eclipsed, and the faint lights are extinguished.
Sitting in front of the case, the old man who mourned the beads, described the dry,
eyebrows and compassion.
He placed the paper basket on the jumping candlelight, and instantly became a fly ash. The
night wind poured in the window was blown away, and the trace was hard to find.
Just as he has been practicing Buddha for many years, the world is like a cloud.
The gray robe standing beside him was screaming and saying, "Uncle Shi..."
The old man announced a Buddha number and slowly said, "There is a Buddha's heart,
killing people and saving people are compassion. Mr. and the innocent masters also make
the same choices with me."
The young monk lowered his eyes. "The disciple is taught."

Chapter 57: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The Muxiang Mountain Range is moving from north to south, and the south is going further.
The scenery between the autumn forests is more and more beautiful.
Dark green and golden, intertwined with blood red maple leaves, through the hoarfrost and
smog, it is more colorful.
When the two went to the foothills, they saw what they were doing. The wind sways and
sways, such as the sound of the waves, the tides burst.
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "Through this mountain, it is Xingshan Temple."
Yin Yi looked up and looked far and wide, in the red maples everywhere, faintly visible on
the mountainside on the shadow of the Biva.
Like a pearl, adorned between the raging fire.
After the war of the demon and the robbery, many strong men fell, and many of the sects
were interrupted in the war. Most of the current sects have gradually emerged and
developed after the catastrophe.
Xingshan Temple is different. Although Xingshan Temple has no Yasheng, the inheritance
has never been broken. On the Dharma orthodoxy, it is better to win the Temple of the
Emperor of the Innocent Master.
Yin Yi has never dealt with Buddhism, and the impression at the Folding Party is only to be
low-key and silent. When it comes to ‘Bumen Double Temple’, many people think of only
the word compassion.
Luo Mingchuan thought about the medical practice of Xingshan Temple. The younger
brother of the white hair may have a turn and can't help but relax.
The temple was built on the hill, and it looked out to the roof of the gray ash. The walls of
the apricots were layered and stretched.
In such a large monastery, there are thousands of monks who practice less.
However, the mountain gate is not very strong, and even compared with other big sects, it
seems even shabby.
I don't know how many years of wind, frost, rain and snow, the three characters of the
'Xingshan Temple' that is engraved on the top, only the outline, I can't see the original
But it is such a fascinating stone gate that still retains the original appearance of the ‘All
The three doors stand side by side, the middle of the temple is a heavy door, and there is a
small door on each side, which symbolizes the three methods of Nirvana's relief. "Empty
door", "no door", "no door", is a typical temple building at that time. style.
Everyone who comes here can see the history and glory of a sect.
The young monks of the Ming and Huang Dynasties stand outside the gates of the
mountains, and their eyes are quiet.
He saw the two men coming along the mountain road. Distinguished wearing the same
robes, the temperament is completely different. One person's gentleman's side is like warm
jade, and one person is cold and cold like ice.
The young monks thought of the scriptures that they had succumbed. "Being born in a
phaseless way is like an illusion. The illusion of the mind is nothing, and the sin and
blessings are empty."
The gentleman's side is also good, not close to human feelings, but it is the appearance, how
can it represent the essence of one person.
He announced a Buddha number and greeted him. "Two donors, please enter the temple
with you."
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan, I can't think of someone waiting to meet. But then I thought
that there was a high-pitched abbot in the temple. The movement of the mountain was all
in my mind, and I was afraid that their intentions had already been guessed.
Luo Mingchuan took a ceremony and was "tired."
The young monks shunned the ceremony side by side, and said "Amitabha" and led them
into the gate.
Yin Yi’s moment of stepping over the mountain gate seemed to be felt. When he turned
back, he saw the tall stone door and engraved the four characters of “Bitter Sea without
Borders”. Perhaps it is an illusion. He thinks these four words are much clearer than the
‘Xingshan Temple’ engraved on the front.
The young monks lowered their eyebrows and led them to bypass the temple. From time to
time, there were grey monks stopping to salute him.
Yin Yiyue and the two talents know that this generation is not low, and it should be a high-
ranking pro-disciple in the temple.
The temple is very large, some people sprinkle it, some people chanting, but everywhere is
quiet and quiet, not smelling.
Walking in the meantime, the whole body is in the faint smoke of the sandalwood incense.
But I don't know why, Yin Yue has never been able to relax.
As if it were such a peaceful appearance, there was an indifferent and cruel eye, watching
their every move in the dark.
Finally, I entered the most magnificent Golden Buddha Temple in the temple.
The temple is wide, the bright yellow warp and the treasure cover hang down from the
beam, overlap and immerse in the smoke. At first glance, people create the illusion of
The golden Buddha statue is tall and unparalleled, and you can see the Buddha's head when
you look up.
In contrast, the golden urns standing in front of the Buddha are much lower.
But no one will think that he is small because he is the abbot of Xingshan Temple.
One of the only two ‘Net’ characters in the whole temple, the Master of the Sea, is the same
age as the sacred Master of the Emperor.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin are far from thinking, and waiting here will be such a big man.
The two men went forward and found that there were still many monks in the temple.
Although the pressure is not revealing, the repair can not see the depth, but they are all
bright and yellow.
The two people are the number of Taoist rituals, and the monks return with the Buddha's
Among such large scenes, the first thing to open is the pure sea. His tone of speech is
peaceful and he is not ill, just like the scriptures. "The two donors come from afar, all the
way hard. The poor are known to Yin Shizhu. It’s not a problem, please move on.”
The latter sentence only said to Yin Yiyue, the meaning of the words is clear.
Yin Yi looked down at Luo Mingchuan, and they had not yet opened. This person knew that
they came to cure the disease and had a deep realm.
Luo Mingchuan did not expect that the Master of the Sea would so promise to help himself.
But the world knows the compassion of Buddhism. He didn't think much about it at this
time. He only thought about the white-haired disease of his younger brother. He just
nodded to Yin Yin.
Yin Yin saw him nod and only walked behind the temple with the clean sea.
After the magnificent Buddhist temple, it is a secluded Zen house with a tall and straight
pine tree outside the house.
The room was burning with incense, and the light was dark and unclear. Even in the
daytime, the clean sea still lit the lamp in front of the case.
The two of them were sitting in front of the case, and Yin Yue was not worried about his
own white hair. At this time, the nature of concern is not how to cure the disease, but to
describe each road that has passed before in the sea.
He can already be sure that the entire Xingshan Temple is buried with a powerful array of
methods. Fang Caishan’s ‘Bitter Sea is boundless’ is one of the eyes.
It is very likely that in the rumor, the ‘All Saints’ era has left the sacred sage of the Buddha’s
Just do not know the power of this law is still a few percent.
Net Hai took out a half old coffin board. "Yin Shizhu, can you talk to the poor hand?"
Playing chess naturally has nothing to do with the treatment of the disease, but after Yin
Yue has seen Mr. Zhang, he has become accustomed to the style of the big people in the fog,
and he said, "The chess path is bad, so the master laughs."
The first lecturer did not care about his modest words, and the diameter of the chessboard
pushed the black box, and asked him to take the lead.
Yin Yi did not quit, and raised his hand to drop the first child in the ‘Tianyuan’ position in
the middle of the board.
This kind of method is rare, either a master of chess or a straw bag that does not know how
to plan.
Yin Yinyue is neither. But since he stepped into Xingshan Temple, he felt abnormally
It seems that there is a suffocation in the chest, and it is necessary to rely on this piece to
send out.
From the ritual system, with the predecessors against the bureau, Tianyuan, there is the
meaning of disrespectful elders.
The old man frowned slightly, but said nothing.
Also fell a child.
For a time, in the quiet Zen room, there was only the sound of the sound of the sound.
The two men walked each step more than twenty steps, and the rhythm of the game was
still peaceful. At this time, the clear sea is open,
"I heard that Yin Shizhu was born in the Yuanyuan Academy. There are hundreds of schools
in the school. I wonder if I have studied Buddhism?"
Yin Yi replied, "The school has been rough and has never been repaired."
This is not modest. Although there are many Buddhist scriptures in the library building, Yin
Yiyue has already learned the swordsmanship at that time, and his interest in Buddhism is
not high.
But he suddenly remembered Luo Mingchuan.
The brothers of Luo’s brother, Garan, are the Buddhist monks.
The old man fell a little and told a story in a Buddhist scripture.
The story is simple, and Yin Yue has heard it very early.
It is nothing more than saying that the sea is going up the ship. There are five hundred
people in the ship. One of them is a thief and wants to kill the ship.
There are six kinds of magical powers in the "Aza Sutra", one of which is "the birth and
death wisdom", which can foresee the good and evil of all beings, and the cause and effect.
Predicting the thief’s thief, he will first kill the thief and save the ship.
Jinghai concluded, "It is better to break the ring, bear the killing fruit report, and also help
the sentient beings. It is the great compassion of ‘introduction to the prison.’”
Yin Yue did not speak. At this point, the game has changed, and his ‘long dragon’ has been
forced by the other side to have only three breaths left.
The clean sea is no longer in the air, but the sound is very strong. "Yin Shizhu, I know that
you are a compassionate person. But you know that the disaster star will come to the
world, the chaos will fall?!"
The more Yin Yin suddenly raised his eyes, I saw the old man’s cross-brows upside down,
and there seemed to be a sultry man!
His heart sank, and his mind quickly recalled the scene of entering the temple. The monks
of the Ming and Huang Dynasties were separated in the temple.
... there are twelve people.
If it happens to be the four first and eight deacons, this means that all the strong people of
Xingshan Temple do it!
Yin Yan will almost start pulling the sword almost instantly! But he tried to restrain
He knew that since Net Hai brought him here, he would not let him go out easily. In the face
of a great powerhouse, he could not walk out of this Zen room.
So he calmed down, didn't hold the sword, and didn't move.
Sincerely, "Please ask the master to solve."
The net sea squats, the "poverty repair" method has been a thousand years. At this time,
the Luo Shi master standing outside the temple is the catastrophe star. The devil who died
under the Linyuan sword wants to reincarnate. Will surely wake up with his flesh."
Yin Yi reconciled subconsciously, "Impossible!"
The clean sea has never been collided by the younger generation, but there is no anger at
this time, still explaining,
"It’s not just the poor seeing, the master of the court and the innocent master, but also the
same as the poor."
Yin Yin is more and more stunned.
If you are in the clear sea, like a thunder, you are straight on your head!

Chapter 58: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yi remembers that the original owner wanted to kill Luo Mingchuan, which is the
meaning of Mr. Zhang Yuan.
‘You haven’t killed him, that’s it. Before Mr. and Mr. drinking tea to watch the stars, Mr.
Did it be that they would come to Xingshan Temple and still have the opportunity to kill
Luo Mingchuan?
However, Mr. Zhang has not directly shot, why are these monks willing?
Or is there still a different place in the future between the clean sea and the hospital? Or,
the net sea is limited by the realm, can only see part of the cause and effect?
These big men didn't have the need to lie. So what did they see and unanimously decided to
kill Luo Mingchuan?
Then Juggernaut, he should be the farthest person in the world, what is the choice of
Before the break, Yin Yin’s mind flew through thousands of threads. He was mixed up in a
mess and made him breathless.
He just wants to pick up the table and shout!
You open your eyes and see clearly! The one standing outside is holy! mother! the Lord!
It was me who originally wanted to be a villain! it's me! !
If the demon is not dead, it can be reincarnated like a legend! That is me too!
To kill me!
"As everyone knows, my brother and man are good..."
Jinghai slammed him, "When the devil's reincarnation comes to earth, he is no longer your
brother! It will only become a devil!"
See also Yin Yin, the look of the future is changing, the tone is moderated,
"I heard that the Yin Shi main flower will meet with people on the same stage, but I still
can't bear to hurt people. Now this matter involves the life of the world, and the owner
must be Ming Dayi, know how to choose. The temple will not hurt the life of the Lord. I only
asked him to stay in the Jingsi Pavilion. There is a Buddha light guard in the temple. The
evil spirits do not invade. The revered souls of the demon can not enter the temple. It is the
best way to avoid this disaster."
Yin Yi listened more and watched the game.
Jinghai did not speak and persuaded, silently waiting for him to clear his thoughts.
There was silence in the Zen room, only the pines coming out of the window burst.
At the same time, in the temple of the Buddha separated by a wall.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the twelve monks who surrounded him in the middle and
listened to the first narrative of the lecture. From his birth and death years, when he
started to practice and practice, he talked about his life experience and the various
exercises he practiced.
Finally talk about the demon statue.
"Yu Temple has no intention of hurting the life of the donor. Please also ask the donor to
live in the Jingsi Pavilion for a few years. After the time limit for the disaster, leave the
temple again."
Jingsi Pavilion is a place in Xingshan Temple to punish disciplinary disciples, and
sometimes to hold sinners who are sinister or sinister. It is equivalent to the dungeon of
Mount Yashan. The same pressure is used to destroy the bones, and there is no green sky.
After listening to these, Luo Mingchuan did not have anger, nor did he anger and refute.
The look is calm, it seems to be a bit stunned. "What am I doing wrong?"
The huge Buddha statue looked merciful and looked at it all indifferently.
Buddha can't talk.
Those who have high ambitions cannot answer this question.
In the Zen Room, Yin Yue is more sighing and sighing. "There is a sinister life, life and
The tense atmosphere here has been relaxed.
The net sea laughed. The wrinkles on the face are slowly stretching.
The old man opened his mouth and seemed to want to praise the Yin Yue.
Just then, a sword light flashed, and the wind was as fast as electricity!
Mingguang goes straight to the old door and goes!
The full-faced black and white chess piece 哗 哗 ’ 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
A look at the net sea. The sleeves are straight, and the strength of the worship is bursting,
so you must fight with Jianfeng!
However, this sword seems to be rushing to him, but it is straight to the door!
The smoke dust picked up, and the wooden door of the Zen room was collapsed by the
sword with half of the wall.
Yin Yi and more people flew with swords and appeared in the hall.
Just in front of Luo Mingchuan.
Everyone in the temple looked at him with shock.
It is indeed unexpected.
Which of the world is breaking the barrier, dare to draw a sword in front of the Mahayana
Even if there is, who dares to draw a sword in front of the abbot of Xingshan Temple?
All this happened too fast, from the net sea to the sleeves, to the moment of the appearance
of the hall, Yin Yin has been blocked in front of Luo Mingchuan.
However, Yin Yue does not feel fast, he only feels that every minute and every second is
extremely long. When he said the disaster star from the opening of the sea, he was
calculating and waiting for this moment.
The moment when a Mahayana strongman relaxes.
He knows that if he can't grasp it, this opportunity will never happen again.
He looked back at Luo Mingchuan. Fortunately, it is still too late.
Then ask everyone, "The brothers have not made mistakes, why should they be punished?"
Just as soon as I opened it, I felt a little sweet and straight throat, and the meridians were
very painful. Yin Yi tried to suppress it and straightened his back. Even if it is unintentional,
it breaks out from the blockade of the Mahayana and pays a lot of money.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the sword and stood in front of him.
The younger brother must have known. You can choose to believe him.
Then he should believe in himself.
He went two steps forward and stood side by side with Yin Yi. He said seriously, "I am not a
demon. I don't believe what you say."
The net sea crossbrows upside down, such as King Kong glaring, Luo Han Weiwei,
"On the Lord of Loch, there is a magical interest. Is it necessary for the Yin Shizhu to help
him to be abused? Where is the world born?"
He was not exposed before, and the power of the Mahayana period burst into bursts. A
monk who was closest to him could not leave two steps.
But Yin Yue is not afraid, and he laughs very arrogantly. "It is ridiculous! My brother is
demented in Muxiangshan. Are you defiled and he is a magician?!"
At this time, the first lecture on the side of the road, the net cloud,
"Yes and no, try it!"
As soon as the voice fell, he quickly swelled up in the sputum, and the sleeves were rolled
over, one palm to the sky, and one palm to the ground. After the overlapping of the two
palms and the ten fingers, the golden light is great!
Behind him, there is a huge golden Buddha print!
Buddhism big handprint!
The big prints are very powerful, with the supreme pressure of the Mahayana period, and
go straight to Luo Mingchuan!
If the wind blows through the border, the bronze smoked stove on the case falls over and
falls, and the drooping prayer flags and canopies are raised high.
The magnificent temple seems to tremble slightly under this palm.
The big seal was forced to come to the forefront, and Luo Mingchuan’s backhand puts Yin
Yin behind him. Taking a step, it seems that the hand is slowly raised, but the shadow
behind it is rapidly forming.
Even the same action as the net cloud!
No hesitation, no sorrow.
He also remembered a big handprint of Buddhism!
True meaning is not bad!
Two golden light and big prints hit each other, and the spirits stirred up, and the smashed
smashed smashed.
In addition to the abbot of the clean sea and the first net of the scriptures, the rest of the
monks have been forced to retreat three steps.
No one can think of Luo Mingchuan with a small middle school and Mahayana to the palm,
not even falling into the wind!
Net cloud is not surprised, cold channel,
"Loss Lord, you have been enchanted. Your pupil..."
The twilight of Luo Mingchuan has become a pure black like a long night.
Yin Yin interrupted him more and more, "a nonsense! Jialan Shushu is the method of your
Xingshan Temple!"
The net sea picks up, "Kolosch is not practicing Garan, it is ‘Tianluo nine turns!’” He turned
to Yin Yue,
"Yin Shizhu is now awake and still coming. I am merciful and most reasonable. Before you
have all kinds of offenses, you can't go anywhere."
Yin Yin felt that Luo Mingchuan’s body was obviously stiff. It seems to be a little
He knew that the former Jinghai had led him away because he did not want to go to
Huafeng, but also because he was jealous of Juggernaut, so he would not shoot himself. Will
only trap Luo Mingchuan.
Xingshan Temple has no Yasheng, but there is a golden light. At that time, even if the master
of Luomingchuan, Zhengyangzi, came to ask for a person, if he said that he would not be
able to take the reason of the world, if he did not listen to the truth of Buddhism, there
would be a golden glory.
What is even more terrifying is that the net sea refers to Mr. and the innocent mage.
Behind this matter, it is likely to represent the will of more than one Yasheng.
Among them, the twists and turns, Yin Yue almost instantly thought of seven seven eight
eight, but he laughed loudly.
"A good compassionate Buddha, a good-looking truth!"
The crowds gathered and they were glaring.
Jinghai asked, "Do you dare to draw a sword in front of the Buddha? Do you dare not
respect the Buddha?!"
Fang Caiyun Yun Master shot, but also can be counted in front of the Buddha in addition to
the magic guard, but Yin Yue at this time if you want to pull the sword, immediately became
the demon in the eyes of the public.
The hat of ‘disregarding Buddha’ is deducted, and the practitioners who are arrogant and
arrogant will also give birth to a bit of hesitation and jealousy.
But it does not include Juggernaut and his disciples.
If you are standing here, Yan Ting, he will remember Master’s teachings and then ask him
in the way of answering the elders of Emperor Park.
"The Buddha did not give birth to me, the second did not teach me, what should I do to
respect him?"
But Yin Yue is not Yan Xing, he will not be a Buddha.
He just calmed down at this time. "I don't believe in Buddhism. I don't believe anything...
But if you have to believe something, I believe in my brother."
What is the reincarnation of the devil, what is the turn of the world.
If you guys say something, I don't believe half a punctuation.

Chapter 59: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue said the words, the Huanghuang Buddha Temple is like a black cloud.
The faces of the crowds are as dark as ink, and they can't wait to remove these two awe-
inspiring devils.
The net sea is cold, "If you do, you will be rude and indecent..."
He is extremely high-ranked, and he has entered the Mahayana since he was six hundred
years ago. When someone violated him. Today, I have painstakingly persuaded Yin Yi to use
great patience. I am obsessed with obsessiveness at the moment, and I don’t want to make
any more sense.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan had their eyes on the lower eye, and they did not mean to
play cards according to the routine. The two people only seemed to be angry and argued. In
fact, they looked at the strength of these monks as strengths and weaknesses.
At this time, if you don’t wait for the clean sea to finish your words, you will be the first to
Yin Yin is flying more and more, and the Jianfeng is slanting, straightening to the highest
net of the net sea thorns!
No one thought of him as a break-up period, and even when he shot, he confronted two
great habits.
His swords are like rivers and rivers, rolling in the mountains, and the dynasty of the
Buddha's temple rises like a gravel and spray splash on both sides!
The vastness of the sound, such as a Lijiang River appeared in the temple.
In the eyes of the Mahayana, it is just as weak as a trickle, and it is hard to beat. The two
monks considered him to be a disciple of Juggernaut. They did not use all their strength, but
they vowed to leave him.
Raise the hand to seal, when the golden light shadows, it blocks all the way to the sword.
At the same time, Luo Mingchuan wrote a large handprint of Buddhism, and directly
pressed the temple to be the weakest hacker and deacon.
In the temple of the Buddha, the golden light is guarded, and the Buddhist practice is more
powerful. He only did not fall into the air with the net cloud. At this time, he suddenly
slammed his hand, and when he was in the siege, he made a gap.
The Yin Jianyue’s swordsmanship will be confronted with the two Buddha’s seals in the
Mahayana. Whoever misses the hit, the figure is swiftly swept back!
Luo Mingchuan was one step behind him, blocking behind him, with a hand and the net of
the cloud of the Buddha's seal against the palm, one hand sleeves swayed to the Yin Yue.
The two men flew out of the gap almost simultaneously!
Rush out of the temple and go straight to the back of the temple!
The whole process is not only between the two, but also the tacit understanding, there is no
They know that if they are not prepared, they will be attacked, and there will be a glimmer
of life. On the contrary, the longer it is dragged, the worse the situation is because of the
gap in the realm.
Therefore, Yin Yi’s more sturdy ‘ Jiang Laijiang’s going to the water’ is seemingly vast. In
fact, from the beginning, there is no plan to fight against the net sea.
The river rushes to the front, but turns at the turn, and the fold back.
No hesitation, natural flow!
But he did not expect that when the Buddha’s seal in the net of the net was catching up, Luo
Mingchuan did not give full force to the palm, but first applied his strength and sent him out
of the temple. Add all your attacks to yourself.
The two kept moving in the second and second, flying over the roof of the temple. The real
element was running to the extreme, almost bursting the meridians, and jumping over ten
feet between the rest.
Because there are many ambushes in the mountain gates, it is the most eye-catching place
in the temple. At this time, only the soldiers can take risks, and they will go to the
They are very fast, but the pressure of the Mahayana is faster.
The clean sea is just a thought, disappeared from the temple, and stopped before the two
The net cloud followed, sealing their retreat.
Such a realm gap is enough to make people desperate.
Not to mention the hundreds of gray robe monks coming in from all directions. They flew
over the roof of the temple, and the monks did not come up, and they sprinted on the
But when I began to recite Buddhist scriptures, the voices were low and neat, and when
they gathered together, they gave birth to great power.
In the echo of the Buddhist scriptures, the entire Xingshan Temple is surrounded by a
golden circle of light.
The ‘Buddha’s Golden Lights’ is now open, and the scriptures are not limited.
The net sea looks calm and indifferent, turning the beads in one hand and holding the
golden Zen stick in one hand, not moving like a mountain.
When the two were near, the Zen rod suddenly vibrated, and the first four rings of the rod
hit each other. The sound was like a bell, and it was far away and deafening.
The Zen stick is used for the monks who are ridiculed in the Buddhism, and the most
precious is the majestic and powerful. The name of the net sea, ‘Great Compassion’, is his
lifelong learning, and he is fully engaged at the moment, and the gold tiles on the eaves are
all flying with the air.
Luo Mingchuan does not retreat, the speed is still unabated. Shen Zhoujian is held in front
of his body, and he is like a Zen stick that weighs more than a thousand feet and does not
move like a mountain!
The great compassion and the long sword hit each other, and the sound was twitching, and
the numerous gold tiles that flew in the air burst into fine dust.
Luo Mingchuan's mouth overflowed the blood line, but his feet did not retreat.
Jinghai looked at his dark, ink-like pupil, and the same ‘big compassion’ that he made, cold
channel, “it’s really the devil...”
At the same time, Yin Yi turned back to the net cloud behind him, and countless glare of
light spurted out of his sword!
Covered with heavy golden light, like a bright sun shining in the temple.
Without hesitation, he is the strongest sword at this time.
Juggernaut's blue sky sword!
Relying on the lake sword seems to completely feel the owner's state of mind, anger and
decisive, Jian Xiao screaming, piercing the vast scriptures, screaming into the sky!
This sword is even more true and more powerful than his display under the heavy
Net cloud hands clasped together, low eyebrows, lips slightly moving, began to meditation
on the scriptures, and his skin outside, even a faint golden color.
When Jianfeng approached the door, he still stood there, just like a real gold casting,
shining. The look is mournful and indifferent.
It is like a real Buddha.
It is the Buddha's magical ‘the lawless body’.
The strongest sword on earth is on the solemn Buddha in the sky.
The fierce sword screams and stops, like a mud cow entering the sea, the bright sunlight of
the blade is plunged into the magnificent Buddha light...
Unexpectedly, Yin Yi did not disappoint. He knew that he was not a sword saint. Even if he
learned the strongest sword in the sky, he would only have one or two points of true
meaning. How can he break the ‘those law body’ of the Mahayana period?
Therefore, while he was out of the sword, his left hand was slightly moved, and a string of
small leaf sandalwood beads hit the net cloud door. It is the mountain that was given to him
by the strong temple of the Emperor.
But in the next moment, Yin Yue looked more and more sharp, because his sword, really
pierced the golden plaque, leaving a slight blood mark on the opponent's chest.
Net cloud is awkward.
He resolved the swordsmanship of the blue sky, but failed to block the sword front of the
This is incredible, contrary to common sense, but it does happen.
Not waiting for him to move, a string of beads came on the face, skyrocketing. He
recognized that this is the instrument of the Jikong Temple, and hesitated under his heart.
It was only an instant, and the beads were bursting in the air!
Yin Yi did not hesitate to pull back and he knew that the depth of Jianfeng had reached the
limit. At the same time, Luo Mingchuan and Jinghai's ‘Great Compassion’ is
indistinguishable, but his wrists are turned over, the sword is slanting, and his figure is
straight, and he goes to the back mountain with Yin Yin.
Their purpose is always to break through, not to compete with the Mahayana.
The golden dome of the Buddhist temple behind him could not withstand the mighty
aftermath of fighting the law, and collapsed!
However, the chanting of the people in the gray robe has not stopped.
The sound is getting bigger and bigger, such as the sudden rain and thunder, lightning and
lightning, falling in Yin Yin and Luo Mingchuan ears, almost to break the heart.
Net cloud and clean sea have not chased again.
No one in the temple is blocking them.
Because ‘Buddha’s Golden Light’ has been fully opened.
The entire Xingshan Temple is buckled with an iron bowl!
The two galloped all the way, no time to take care of the injury, let the bones of the whole
body break like pain.
Yin Yin looked cold and indifferent, clenched the hilt. The blood flowed down the sword.
This is naturally not the blood of the net cloud. The ‘infinite body’ failed to shake his sword,
but the pressure was almost on the edge of the sword, shattering his knowledge of the sea.
He glanced at Luo Mingchuan and found that he tied his right hand to Shen Zhoujian, and
the blood soaked the cloth strips pulled from the robe.
Now I think of it, it seems that when the palm of the temple is in the palm of the net, I heard
the cracking of the bones. At that time, Luo Mingchuan’s wrist bones were broken.
This is just the damage that can be seen, not knowing the multiple injuries of the lungs and
It stands to reason that the two can compete with the strongest people in Xingshan Temple
today to shock the practice world.
At this point, it has already been exhausted.
The edge of the array is getting closer and closer, only close, and the imposing power of it is
When you did not enter the temple, the ‘Bitter Sea is boundless’ engraved on the mountain
gate. Between the mountains and the mountains of the sullen and green mountains, there
are four golden characters in the ‘return to the shore’.
Reflecting the **** yang at the end of the sky, it is shocking.
Luo Mingchuan did not stop, he asked, "Teacher, do you still believe me now?"
This sentence is not a question, but the next thing he has to do is almost crazy.
If he can, he hopes that the road ahead will be boundless. He is alone.
But Yin Yue did not hesitate, "Yes."
It is not that I can’t go back, but I don’t want to look back.
The clouds are covered by the moon, and the sea tonight is exceptionally dark and dark.
The huge black shadow broke through the sea and was silent.
Twelve squats, starting from the fifth floor, high hundred feet. Such a behemoth is like a
wind at sea, unlike a ship, it is like a small island floating fast.
The ‘Longxing Treasure’ of the Hokuriku royal family has two kilograms of anchor weight,
and two or three hundred people will be used for the first time. It takes six hundred pounds
of spar to sail one day at full speed. Spar is an energy source, because it can be used by
spirituality, also known as Lingshi, one of the common currencies of all continents.
A spar vein mine in his own hands is the base of the big gate. The same is true of other
The Yashan Mountain is once again big, and in the western continent, there are also the
Emperor Park and the Emperor Temple.
The Southland is rich again, and there are also Qingjian Swords and Xingshan Temple.
In the same way, in Zhonglu, the major families are attached to the ancestral temples and
the Yuanyuan Academy, and each year they also have to divide a huge amount of wealth.
Only the North Royal Family, which monopolizes the resources of the entire Northland.
Duan Chongxuan stood at the forefront of the fourth deck and looked faint.
The sea breeze poured into his sleeves, the layers of clothes were raised, and the silver
ribbon of the jade crown flew.
He stood on the bow of the ship overlooking the sea, as if standing on the high platform of
the 10,000-person worship, overlooking the beings.
This is the third day of the ship's maritime journey. There is no moon tonight, and it is
surrounded by the dark sea.
The commander stood behind him and advised, "His Royal Highness, the night wind on the
sea is very cold..."
Duan Chongxuan did not pay attention, but asked, "Wang Hao, how many years have you
joined the army?"
The man respectfully replied, "I joined the chasing cloud ride through the assessment four
hundred years ago, and I will be the right army officer in Zhou Shen. I was fortunate enough
to take down the holy grace and promote it to the palace to be the guardian of Yulin."
Duan Chongxuan then asked, "Where are we going?"
The commander was shocked and stunned. I don’t know what he said, and he slammed into
the ground. "Chen is waiting to be escorted to His Royal Highness."
Duan Chongxuan shook his head. "How much benefit does Xian Wang give you, so that you
think that the chips of betrayal are enough?"
His tone is still faint, and it can fall on the ship's board, such as thunder and thunder!
The middle-aged leader raised his head, and the sincere and fearful respect slowly faded.
He stood up and his back was straight.
The look became strange and calm, but there was no shot. "I want to know how His
Highness is seen?"
The Dragon Boat is true, the Guards are also true, so where is the flaw?
At this moment, a fierce phoenix sounded!
The stern rushes to the blazing fire and burns the night!
Duan Chongxuan’s face changed.
That is the second.

Chapter 60: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In ancient times, mankind was still slowly exploring ways of practice. When fighting against
the harsh natural environment and dangerous beasts, the mainland was dominated by all
kinds of animals.
They have a long life, an innate racial power, and a hard flesh skeleton.
But in contrast, their minds are not open, even if they are capable of reaching the
Mahayana, they have only the minds of human children.
When weak but intelligent humans learn to practice, they also learn how to overcome alien
animals and use them. The dominant position of the beasts on the mainland has gradually
been replaced by practitioners, and there have been fewer and fewer. During the days of
the robbery, many people have been destroyed because they do not know how to drive
disasters and avoid disasters.
In the end of the Apocalypse era, with the change of living environment, only a few strange
animals survived the support of the practitioners.
This is the case with the four green wings in the North Palace.
They set up a contract with the founding emperor of the Northern Dynasty to guard every
Duan Chongxuan is not a monarch, and he has no contractual constraints with him.
But the second is his friend.
On those good or bad days in the deep palace gate, the huge and docile green winged owl
always accompanied the weak children.
So at this moment, Duan Chongxuan couldn’t answer the question of Wang Hao, but looked
at the dozen chains in the night, and shouted, "Don’t worry about me, run!-"
The chain is covered with silver shimmer, like the debris of the stars splashing. This is
because the above is engraved with runes and soaked with poison, specially used to deal
with the hard flesh of the beast.
Even with the **** of the contract, humans still can't believe in the beasts, and they have all
kinds of backhands to guard against them.
When he heard his words, he quickly expanded his body, fluttered his wings, and whistled
with the wind. A group of soldiers attacking the front bleed blood or were swept down by
giant claws.
But it is already late, more than a hundred people are continually going to die, paying such
a big price, just to get rid of its attention, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten chains are
tightly wrapped around the blue feathers, burning out the black Mark of.
The blue-winged pheasant suffered from pain, and the neck was screaming and screaming,
and was slammed from the air in the air. The entire hull was shaken violently in the face of
a storm, but it quickly stabilized.
It was lucky, the fire burned the night sky, and the chain wrapped around the neck was like
a giant hand holding the throat, and it smashed its flame.
Duan Chongxuan messed up for a moment and drank, "Don't move!-"
The more the streamline chain is struggling, the more damage it receives.
When I heard that I was no longer struggling, I was full of blood and a corpse on the
shipboard, and it was red and red, like a sea of fire.
Among the more than ten elites in the ban, they did not dare to care about it. They held one
end of the streamer chain and were surrounded by vigilance.
Wang Hao looked at the fire that dissipated in the night sky, and the overall situation was
fixed. He did not ask Duan Chongxuan how to see the flaws in this bureau, but said
"His Highness, I know that you have a lot of good things on your body, and even the world's
unparalleled ‘cloud shuttle’ that can open the space in an instant. It is really difficult to put
you in a difficult situation that cannot be broken.”
‘Cloud Shuttle’ can only be used by one person, and there is only one chance, but it is a
counter-attack artifact that can escape life in a difficult situation.
Not only that, Duan Chongxuan still has broken arrows, hidden umbrellas, Long Yundan,
countless burning notes, and perhaps more secretive, more terrible backhand.
But now, it doesn't make sense anymore.
Wang Hao slowly smiled. "So if you want to be clear, you may be able to go, but it can't go."
No one knows how much it will cost to work hard to plan such a bureau. At least he was
carrying the Guards, hiding in the Southland, and staying for a month.
Seeing that the situation is about to be achieved, how can it not be exciting?
When he thought of it, his tone was trembling slightly. "If you can't walk, why not go to see
the king?"
Duan Chongxuan did not speak, he thought a lot about it tonight.
He used to wonder why the world really has a stupid way of provocation like Li Lin. But if
someone is instructed behind it, it is not difficult to explain.
The easiest way to find a token of identity is to call it. This is the beginning of the game.
Some of the top executives of Bao Puzong must have exchanged interests with the Yinwang.
However, this is not the most terrible. The Guards and Dragon Boats are not a day's work.
The key is to restrain the streamline and array of the Blue Wings.
Letting him make the biggest reliance on his trip has become the biggest weakness.
Perhaps even if he didn't call it, the other party can do this kind of careful arrangement, and
there must be other plans.
How big is the power of the sage king? He can't estimate.
He looked at Wang Hao, who was in the chest, and knew clearly that this person could
appear here at this time, at least to prove that one thing is true -
They are really seriously ill.
With this premise, many things no longer make sense.
For him, going to see the uncle is not the only choice, but the best choice.
But is this really the case?
Xingshan Temple.
The golden light is full of the sky, reflecting the Cangshan as the sea, and the sun is like
Two people stood on the edge of the golden light, carrying a sword and being soaked in
Although Yin Yuyue understands the law, he can encounter such a large array, let alone
crack, it is difficult to face the pressure.
But he knows that Luo Mingchuan may have a way, because the practice of Garan's
martyrdom, maybe you can see what flaws.
Luo Mingchuan closed his eyes, his body rose and his robes bulged, his face became paler.
The Yin Yue looked more shocking, as if his flesh and blood were sag, and his vitality was
passing by.
The moment he blinked, the pressure was bursting out, and Yin Yue stood back three steps
before he stood still and could not help but shout. "Brother..."
If Luo Mingchuan is not heard, he will not see how to borrow strength, and his figure will
rise high, such as the arrow from the string, straight up to the sky.
Seeing to touch the golden edge of the sky, he turned sharply. There is no sword and glory,
but the tip of the sword is like a wind and thunder. The four wild were violently torn apart,
and the fallen leaves and dead branches burst into dust, and Xiao Xiao down.
Terrible power straight into the earth!
Earth and stone splashed, smoke and dust.
Uncontrolled cracking of the ground, all the way forward and backward!
Yin Yi is trying to stabilize his body under the sword. He knows that if there is a weakness
in this formation, it is here.
Therefore, he did not hesitate, and all the remaining real elements came out, leaning
against the lake sword and stabbing into the crack!
The two men made a full blow and the land collapsed!
The incredible expansion of the crack turned into an abyss.
Luo Mingchuan started his sword and took Yin Yin over him.
Yin Yin knows in his heart that with his own sword, there is no such power, so this land is
indeed a problem.
At the same time, the net sea frown in the temple, the corner of the mouth overflowed the
blood line, got up and flew, and turned to the abyss.
He was so frustrated that the scepter was shot down!
Luo Mingchuan took Yin Yin’s hand, this time it was not a wrist, but a ten-finger clasp.
Jumped up.
Behind them, bursts of roaring thunder and thunder, the whole golden light bursts and
shakes, almost broken.
Losing the intrusion of external forces, the abyss quickly shrunk into cracks, but it extended
from the back hill to the former temple and passed through the temple. Then the mountain
was shaken all the way, and the earth and stone collapsed. It was only before the words
"Bitter Sea without Borders" at the gate of the mountain that it was able to stop.
The whole Xingshan Temple is in chaos.
The major Buddhist temples still have the support of the law, but the Zen room of the
monks, the Zhaitang is not very strong, and has already collapsed.
In the dust, the gray robe rushed to escape, and the repair was a lower one, and it was also
injured by the broken beams.
Jinghai looked at it all and looked awkward.
Jingyun announced the Buddha, "Amitabha, Wanfang is guilty, because of the devil."
Even at this step, they did not think that they were wrong. They only thought that this was
the sin of Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yue.
Yin Yue is surrounded by Luo Mingchuan in his arms. Those who move and shake the
mountains and shouts seem to be another world thing.
Only the wind whispers in the dark, and the familiar temperature makes him relax, even if
it is not the moment to relax.
However, his physical fitness is severely overdrawn, and the sea is constantly oscillating.
He has reached the limit, and it is difficult to resist severe dizziness and exhaustion.
Before losing consciousness, he thought, according to the rules, the probability of jumping
to the cliff with the protagonist would not die.
Unless this * author writes a reincarnation.
Then draw a sword and talk about life.

Chapter 61: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The salty sea breeze is mixed with strong blood and suffocating, cold and pungent.
In the big ship, thousands of oil lamps are lit up, and the dark sea rises like a bright moon.
In the brightly lit, the blood and the remains are not clear. The corpses are all over, with
fleshy pieces stacked together, and there are still half of the body, but still have a sigh of
relief. The pain has long since dissipated, only a weak sigh and a painful gasp.
The entire dragon boat is like a human purgatory.
The blue wings crouched in the pool of blood and were pinned by more than ten chains.
The guards that clasped the chains had no expression. After all, they were used to life and
death, even more **** and horrible scenes than they are now.
Those who have died or are not as good as death are the victims of subduing it.
Duan Chongxuan knew that the other party’s lighting at this time was nothing more than
trying to make him shocked by such a tragic situation. As a childless child who was raised
in the deep palace when he was raised and raised to the Ya’an Mountain, he should be
scared and confused.
He glanced at Wang Hao, and the other party did not say anything, like being patient and
generally tempted.
"His Royal Highness, do you want to be clear?"
Knowing that the use of the streamer chain will make the blue wing mad and hurt people,
the loss is not countable, but do not care about the cost of their own hands.
At this point, it is really suitable for doing things, such as rebellion.
Of course, the owner of the evil dog. Duan Chongxuan remembered the uncle who always
smiled gently in his memory, and his heart was cold.
He said, "I will go to visit the sages with you. But I have to give him a cure."
When the dust settled, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. "This is nature, please your
After all, the prince’s body has too many killers, and it’s hard to prevent. Being able to do it
is naturally the best choice.
He let go sideways, and surrounded by heavy envelops also gave way.
The guard holding the chain did not move, but did not block Duan Chongxuan.
When he saw him approaching, the eyes of the violent and angry eyes were the sea of fire,
but suddenly they became watery, like the red eyes of children.
Duan Chongxuan gently followed his feathers, leaned down and fed a medicinal herb to his
mouth.鸾 whispered in a low voice, and Zhang Shun’s opening mouth ate and went to his
The Guards of the Guards, who are waiting for the battle, can’t figure out how to do it. How
did the murderous beast with a lethality change immediately?
Duan Chongxuan patted it and turned back.
The blue-winged owl is still smooth.
Many people are relieved in their hearts.
At this time, the difference is steep!
A brightly lit electric light tears the night!
The clear and high-pitched tweets followed, such as the cranes and the phoenixes, and the
wind whistled, and the half-length figure of the blue-winged owl appeared in the air.
Duan Chongxuan held a long handle in his hand, and the tip of the gun shrank white smoke.
It was just that he had cut the streamer chain between the two necks.
There has never been any lightning, but the speed is too fast, and the sinister gun shadow is
like a flash of lightning!
Campfire wolf smoke.
The ‘bonfire’ is not a sword but a gun. If the first gods in the world are well-deserved, the
'Spring Mountain Smile' and the 'Autumn Wind', which were built by Lin Yuanjian, then the
long-range gun with the North Korean founding emperor's Nanzheng war. Top five.
Duan Chongxuan’s move, ‘烽火狼烟’, but barely two points of true meaning, can cut off the
streamer chain, purely based on the original power of the gods.
At the moment when the neck chain breaks, the shape of the body is rapidly reduced, and it
is out of the rest of the bondage!
Duan Chongxuan long | guns swept, sea smog gathered under the gunpoint, the momentum
is like a blast, everyone cares about his identity and dare not go all out, not to see for a
moment, actually retreat.
The first thing I came forward to was Wang Hao. He got up and swarmed and shouted.
"Let's throw the arrow!
□ □ winding, countless arrows shot into the air of the blue wing! At the moment of leaving,
the arrow ignited a blazing flame!
On the dark sea, bright fires like the stars rain through the night.
More defensive leaps into the top deck, and the source has been rushing to the place. The
recent soldiers' footwork has suddenly changed, forming layers of trouble, and Duan
Chongxuan is surrounded.
Duan Chongxuan shouted and said, "Run--"
But this time, I didn't listen to him.
It fanned its wings and swooped down from the sky! Pass through the overwhelming fire!
Wang Hao took the shackles from the defensive squad, and swelled his robes, and he made
a real shot and flew out!
The arrow tip pierced the air and made a harsh tweet.
At the same time, the long knife on the side of the body was squirted, and the blade did not
reach the pressure first, and the pressure of Duan Chongxuan rushed back, but he could not
retreat behind him!
At this moment, he suddenly remembered his words -
Even if you have thousands of horses, you can't help but fight alone.
He ran in front of him, no longer back, ready to hard-wire this knife.
Yu Guang saw that the arrow in the night was too strong, and even though he tried to flap
his wings, his body was hurt, and he should not be able to avoid it...
However, between the beards, the knife's momentum dissipated and the fire in the air was
It was like a gust of wind, and the killing and crisis at sea was blown away in the wind.
Everyone looks at the wind.
There is a man standing on the bow.
People stand in the shadow of the light, but the sharpness of the body is like a sharp edge,
as if it can split the space.
The breeze starts again. The figure fell in front of Duan Chongxuan.
The blue-winged owl fell just down, but because of exhaustion, it was only at the feet of the
Everyone saw this clearly. The person who came was actually a woman.
The twilight is strong, the ink is high, and the British is aggressive.
Duan Chongxuan looked at the person in front of him and shouted, "The second division
Liu Bullie sideways, nodded slightly, "Yeah."
Wang Hao’s face was white.
Because Duan Chongxuan broke the identity of the woman in one channel, let his scabbard
knife return to the sheath again.
There are very few people who have seen Liu Yuxue with her own eyes. She has practiced
on the Huanhua Peak for many years and is not keen on making a name. But it does not
mean that she is anonymous.
On the contrary, because of the battle of Xiqiao Mountain many years ago, until today, the
practitioners still dare not forget her.
Like Junxi, she was very good at explaining to the world, what is the battle power is far
higher than the realm.
Wang Wei indicated that the Guards Army had retired and had a correct meeting. "Well, the
road is far away, dare to ask why Liu Daoyou came?"
The sincerity and the number of rituals of the other party have given the greatest degree of
respect. According to the routine, how can I give a face and a few words.
But Liu Bull Frost is just a hard way.
"Take my brother."
Wang Hao’s face is even worse.
Duan Chongxuan suddenly wanted to laugh a little. Because he knows that the sister is not
deliberately not giving face. But there is not much experience in dealing with people, and
they can't talk. Usually, I can communicate with my brothers and sisters better. When I
meet a stranger, I can only be regarded as a cold and proud person.
Wang Hao said again, "Liu Daoyou, this matter is very extensive, more is the family affairs
of the Northern Emperor... I believe that you also heard a little about it that year, why did
you go to the Yashan Mountain to worship the teacher... If you can stand by, you can watch
Here, the vows will be made, and on the day of the great achievements, the prince will not
forget the righteousness of the friends today."
The sincerity of this statement is even higher. It is a promise of disguise. Because he really
doesn't want to do it.
There is nowhere to borrow from the sea, but the other party can pass by, the real yuan is
still very abundant, and the light and the sleeves will turn to their own arrows and swords.
This is just enough to make people jealous.
Duan Chongxuan is indeed a disciple of Juggernaut, but that is also a letter of
recommendation from Mr. Zhang Yuan to Qi Huafeng.
Why is Mr. Ken writing? Because of his original identity.
In other words, if he is not a prince, or Duan Sheng'an is dead, he is no longer an emperor.
The identity of this Juggernaut disciple is not true.
Wang Wei thinks so.
Everyone who has struggled for a long time in the power center will think so.
Da Li is in the heart of the people.
But Yan Huafeng no one thinks so.
Liu Bull Frost didn't even know who he was talking about.
But she said her longest words tonight, she looked very serious.
"I don't care why he came to the end of the world. Since he really took me as a sister, I
really took him as a younger brother."
Zhonglu. Yunyang City.
In the late autumn, the Taoist child swept the dead leaves in the daytime, and just fell into
the night, and fell to the court.
Mr. Jiayuan sat in the courtyard and faded away from the old Shuguanbo belt. Wufa used a
wooden pick up, and a simple azure gown was more casual.
It seems that the autumn wind is too bleak, his lips are slightly white, and even the fine
lines on the corners of his eyes are a bit deep.
He saw the stunned wind coming out of the house. Although he didn't know what the injury
was, he still asked as usual. "Can you drink tea?"
Juggernaut did not answer him.
Instead, I glanced at the sky.
The vast night sky above the head was covered by the courtyard wall and the distant
Guangsha, and cut into irregular pieces.
Still able to see the Galaxy, quiet and beautiful.
Everything is no different from usual.
But Mr. House has a white face!
In the courtyard, the sky above their heads began to sway violently, and the cracked fine
lines extended from the stunned eyes of the stunned winds, eventually spreading
throughout the field of vision.
Just like breaking a layer of glazed hood, the illusion is broken, and the real sky reveals its
true colors!
Black as a splash of ink, no stars and no moon.
There is no sound in the illusion. The sound was that the tea pot in the hand of Mr. Fang fell
to the ground, and the splashing porcelain foam drew a thin blood line on the back of his
The blood flows through the white skin, and the drops fall on the withered leaves.
He staggered twice and his right hand held the stone table.
Wei Jingfeng eyes are deserted.
Suddenly on such a look, he subconsciously wants to explain something. "It won't hurt
people's lives, just leave people in Jingsi Pavilion. As for your apprentice, there will be
Wei Jingfeng did not have any movement, just said,
"You didn't like this in the past."
Mr. Jiayuan lowered his eyes and stopped talking.
Because there is nothing to say.
He thought, you also said that it was ‘past’. In the past few years, have I calculated that you
still have less?
He advised the defending wind to leave a wound, and then used the array to isolate the
place, even the sky was fake.
Maintaining a formation that has to pass the sage's ears requires a price and great
consumption. So that the edge of the broken porcelain can easily cut through his flesh.
All this is only for the sake of Xingshan Temple.
After the illness can be absolutely.
Wei Jingfeng still looked at him indifferently.
Mr. Zhang Yuan understands what he means: if you can't win the demon, you will be shot to
the younger generation, shameless.
In the courtyard, there was a bleak autumn wind, and the layers of fallen leaves danced.
When the wind went, there was only one person left in the courtyard. It seems that there is
only one person from beginning to end.
He slowly squatted down and cleaned up the broken pieces of the ground.
The broken tea pot was also the place where the battle was destroyed.
The same thing that Wei Fengfeng sent him many years ago.

Chapter 62: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
"Brothers..." When Yin Yue was more awake, his heart was slightly shocked. The
surrounding area is not dark, but the sky is bright and bright, and you can clearly see the
eyebrows of people around you. He asked, "Sister, how long have I slept?"
Luo Mingchuan carefully lifted the people and explored the veins. The more Yin Yin did not
move, let Luo Mingchuan's real yuan enter the body. While looking at the whole
They are in a mountain, the soil is moist, the grass is rich in water, the air is scented with
the fragrance of the vegetation, the morning light is faint, the mountains and rivers are
quiet and beautiful.
But he always felt that something was wrong.
Luo Mingchuan avoided answering, "How do you feel now?"
Yin Zhenyue’s real element was running in the body for a week, and there were residual
medicines in the meridians. It was slightly stinging and the broken bones were growing.
Fortunately, the heart was not hurt. The wounds were treated, and even the **** mottled
robes were clean.
Yin Yin wants to know how many things Luo Mingchuan did when he was in a coma.
The brother should be heavier than him, but he will take care of him.
So he took hold of Luo Mingchuan’s hand in his veins and prevented him from losing
himself to himself.
"I am fine, how are you with your brother?"
Luo Mingchuan responded, "No problem." He hesitated, but decided to tell the truth,
"I am recovering very quickly."
This is one thing that makes him start to fear himself.
He had thought that this time in the battle, the use of Garland's technique to display beyond
the realm of the realm would definitely be violently countered. And breaking the moment
of the golden light, the huge pressure directly crushed every inch of his pulse. Even the ribs
were broken two.
However, after the real fall, only a cup of tea fainting, the body began to repair itself.
This incredibly powerful resilience is only available in the Devil.
He said the truth, calm on the face, and his heart is like a drum, he thought, maybe the
younger brother would also think... he is a magic repair.
Yin Yi is more and more convinced that Luo Mingchuan's right hand is picked up, and the
original **** wrist is already as clean as ever. Even the scars are not left, and I feel a sigh of
Laughing, "It’s a good thing to recover quickly. It’s fine for the brothers."
He doesn't laugh often, and every time he shows his face, it is like a snow and ice.
The chill of Luo Mingchuan’s heart was dispersed, and he laughed low.
Yin Yue felt the slight shock of his chest, only to realize that he had been lying halfway in
the arms of his brother.
Ah, I am so heavy! Brother is very hard! Qaq
The face burned hot, and he hurriedly stood up and stood up.
Luo Mingchuan also naturally let him go, got up and smashed his robes.
Yin Yi saw the brothers and sisters of the party and felt that they were too tweaked. There
was nothing to be embarrassed.
Attention immediately shifted to the right thing, "Brother, before you saw the flaws of the
formation? Do you think we can still be in the Musk Mountain Range?"
They had fallen from the abyss cracks, but they came here strangely. It may be that the
power of the array is too great and distorts the space. It may also be under the Xingshan
Temple, and there should be no holes in the sky.
The two walked along the stream, looking at the surrounding environment while guessing
the current situation.
Before Luo Mingchuan, he used God to see it very far. He didn't find any danger. "There is a
glimpse of the golden light. I see that there is an unstable ground in the array. The energy
fluctuation is different from other places. I just want to try to break open. The array
method, I did not expect to come here... The variety of trees and the humidity of the air here
are different from those in the Musk Mountain Range, just like...the other side of the world."
In fact, there is still a point he did not say.
He will decisively choose to jump off the abyss because he feels the familiar atmosphere.
It’s like being in the middle of it, what is the same thing that attracts him.
This feeling is too illusory, when it is not true, it will only make the younger brother worry
about him.
Yin Yue’s knowledge of the gods is very strong. At this time, the six points have been
restored, and it is also seen that this is not the Muxiang Mountain. If you think about it, you
can't help but mutter. "Golden light has a flaw..."
Luo Mingchuan nodded, "Yes. The mountain guardian of the Yaya Mountain, it costs 80,000
Lingshi every year to maintain it. It costs more to open up. It also needs the 'Yu Ya Ling' or
the gods left by the founder of the mountain. 'Spring Mountain laughs' pressure."
Yin Yue understands what he means.
This is the case with the guardian mountain array in the end of the world. What's more,
Xingshan Temple is a wonderful way to support a ‘All Saints’ era, and it will take a million
years to survive. How much more is it needed? Unable to count.
Although the temple has its resources and resources, it is far from the required level.
Yin Yin is sinking into the heart to look at this place.
I finally found out that it was wrong.
There is sound of the sound of the wind, the sound of the mountains and the pines, but
there is no sound of living things.
There are no birds in the forest, there are no fish in the water, and there are no insects in
the grass.
The climate is pleasant and the soil is rich. But apart from him and Luo Mingchuan, there
are no traces of living things.
At this time, the sky was already bright, but the eyes were not seen, and the landscapes of
the original Ning and Jingmei were all dead.
Here, it is like a dead place.
Yin Yin is more and more cold in his heart. "Maybe the golden light is not supported by the
spirit stone and the gods, but with some vitality..."
This speculation is too ridiculous. Even he can't say it.
Luo Mingchuan did not answer directly. But there are similar speculations in my heart.
The two did not speak again, and they walked deep into the woods with vigilance and tacit
There is a magnificent yellow tile in the shade of the branches, which is the only building in
the entire forest.
After approaching, Zhu Qizheng has long been eclipsed, barely able to see four mottled
characters - Daxiong Hall.
It is written in the temple, but it is not big, it can only be regarded as a Buddhist temple.
Along the way, they can already be sure that this place is by no means a fantasy. Seeing the
Buddha Temple in the Xingshan Temple at the moment, it shows that under the abyss, it is
indeed the other side of the temple.
The buddha stands alone in the wild, the door is locked, the ash is old, and the old doors
and windows are old.
It seems that a gust of wind can destroy it, but it is close to here, and the wind is calming
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan looked at each other.
The practitioners are not only five senses, but also sharper than ordinary people. As the
realm improves, the spirit becomes stronger and the intuition will become more and more
accurate. At this time, they all felt that perhaps the glory of the golden light was in this
Buddhist temple.
The two did not rush in, first let go of the gods to look at it. No abnormalities were found.
Yin Yin opened the door with the top of the scabbard, and the stone lock fell, and the smoke
The light in the temple is dark, and the apricot-colored tent has thick ash, but no spider
Although the top beam is eroded, the structure is tight and strong. The main beam is two
horizontally overlapping six cymbals, and the four rafters and flat beams stacked on top of
each other are successively descended.
This kind of complicated process has been simplified and eliminated now, and even in
Xingshan Temple can not be seen.
But in the age of sacred, it is the mainstream of the temple and other buildings.
Although the right platform is high, the Buddha body is not big.
The eyelids are half-skinned, the knots sit, the left hand is horizontal to the lap, and the
right hand is pointing upwards, forming a ‘saying’.
This is a gold-plated lacquer, but the piece peels off because of the age, revealing the
original dark brown. There is something horrible in compassion.
Luo Mingchuan stopped in front of him and stepped into the temple, suddenly felt a violent
He turned back and said, ‘Don’t come in,’ but the figure went straight backwards!
Yin Yin saw him face not right, care was chaotic, and he quickly took two steps to help him.
At the same time when I stepped into the temple, I suddenly blackened my eyes. The last
thing I saw was the Buddha statue that looked like a curtain.
Luo Mingchuan stood on the edge of the cliff and was still awkward.
He remembers that he and his younger brother are clearly in Xingshan Temple, and now...
A fierce drink was like a thunder.
His mind was dizzy, and he felt that there was no pain in his body. He was awakened by this
sound, and he saw that he was covered in blood.
The wind on the edge of the cliff is too big, as if it can blow people down.
Inexplicable, he knows that here is the star.
The younger brother in front of him seems to have grown up a lot overnight, and the white-
haired disease that has always worried him is gone. Three thousand ink hairs and white
robes fluttered in the wind, and the hand bones of the sword were clearly defined.
Still the same as the lake sword, the sword tip pointed at him.
The sword smashed the blood.
Yin Yi stood behind a lot of people, and there were old people who wore blue-colored
robes, and they also had a sly person who was obviously sly. Looking back, there were
some people from various sects.
But they didn't do it, they just looked at it indifferently.
Luo Mingchuan raised his eyes and looked straight at the strangers in front of him. He
found that every word he said was extremely difficult.
"Teacher, do you believe them? You want to kill me?"
The most fearful thing in the heart, the most unwilling to face things, still happened.
The colder the frosty look of Yin Yan, the first time he changed, he raised his eyebrows
"I want to kill you, what to do with others? There should be a break between you and me."
When Luo Mingchuan was awkward, the teenager in memory was also standing like this
with a sword. But he stood with him, his eyes were firm,
"If you have to believe something, I believe in my brother."
Clearly it was yesterday's business, but it seems that I have lived a long time, so that he can
hardly remember whether it really happened.
Yesterday we, you and me today.
The moment when Jianfeng pierced the heart, it was not as painful as imagined.
The thin blood of the spray makes people wake up. Can clearly feel the loss of life.
The sword front passed through the body and revealed an inch. The distance between the
two was close at hand. Luo Mingchuan looked straight at the eyes, but he smiled.
"I don't know who you are, but you are not a younger brother. The younger brother will not
look at me like this."
It is not the blade that hurts people, it is his cold eyes.
The man holding the sword against the lake did not speak, and indifference kicked him off
the star.
Yin Yi still feels that his head is dizzy.
He opened his eyes and looked at the reflection of the glazed bricks underneath, reflecting
his pale face in the light and dark.
Only then found that I was lying on the ground. The chill spread across the knees.
He thought of getting up, but his shoulders were like a mountain, and it was the limit to
barely raise his back.
Looking up, I saw the wide and boundless hall, which was divided into twelve bronze
lamps, and the candle was swaying, but there was no temperature.
At the end of the hall, the throne is so high that you can only see that someone is sitting on
it, but the face is dark and unclear in the shadows.
The man opened his mouth and his voice was low. But inexplicably gave birth to an
ethereal meaning, echoing in the empty hall,
"Do you want to be clear?"
Yin Yin was more shocked. He felt that he must know the people on the throne.
The next moment, the man calmly got up and walked down from the high steps.
The layers of clothes are placed on the ground like a tidal dark tide.
The complicated rune of the squad on the wide sleeve is horrible like a living creature
under the jumping fire.
Only when his figure was faltering, he walked through the vast hall and stood in front of Yin
Yin Yi finally knows why he feels familiar.
Because this person is Luo Mingchuan.
But anyone who has seen Luo Mingchuan will not mistake the two.
There are seven points in the face that are similar, but they are more than three points.
The light is half-bright and half-dark, like a demon in the abyss.
Yin Yin opened his mouth and found that he could not speak.
The icy fingertips lifted his chin and the chill of the bones spread all over the body.
He can only be forced to look up at the eyes of this person.
The ink-colored pupil reflects the candle in the temple, and looks like it is a **** sea.
The man leaned down slightly and was closer.
The cold breath is sprayed thin between the necks, but it looks like a happy smile.
"In the past, there were Buddhas who cut the flesh and fed the eagle. Now there is a Yin
head to demon. Isn't it a story that is passed down to the future?"
Yin Yi felt that this posture made him uncomfortable, but he could not afford the invisible
I can only listen to the person and continue to say, "You stay with me in the Changyuan
Temple for a night, I will retreat three thousand miles tomorrow morning. How?"
Even if you don't know the cause and effect, intuition tells him that this must not be a good
He looked at the eyes without human feelings, only *.
Said word by word,
"You are not a brother. Brothers will not say such things."
Even if you have a face similar to that of your brother, it is not him.

Chapter 63: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Luo Mingchuan feels that he has fallen off the cliff. Below is the star-strand that has no way
to enter and exit. How can he live?
And all this is too real, the painful heart, the loss of blood, the cold body, the gale wind, is
not like in a dream.
The world said that Xing Xingyuan is a place where light can't be taken in. After the
robbery, Tiandao leaves a warning to humans.
Perhaps only the few people standing at the top of the world know what is under the abyss.
But he found himself still alive. It’s just that all the pain of the body can’t be felt anymore.
The spirit did not dissipate, still in the body.
But like an outside observer, looking at the dark abyss, the lingering death condensed into
substance and began to swallow his body.
He only knows that there is really a place in the world where the world is born in the haze,
engulfing the flesh and blood.
Unexpectedly, the body that has been suffocated has opened his eyes again.
The pupil is black as ink, just like the starry star that is not looking at the end. There is no
trace of human feelings.
Luo Mingchuan suddenly had a cold heart. Intuition tells him that the following things, he
definitely does not want to see.
Sure enough, my body stood up.
Then open your mouth to eat those monsters.
He kept swallowing, and his look changed from indifference to lameness, like hunger for
thousands of years, and finally regained the food of the heart.
This body is no longer human.
He walked under the abyss, and there were more and more monsters gathered around him,
and some had already opened their minds and kneeled at his feet. After he was full, he gave
the extra power to these monsters.
There is no day and night in the stars, I don’t know how long it has been. He swayed his
sleeves and hurled his wind, and his body shape swayed up the wind, bringing out
countless monsters out of the abyss.
On the edge of the cliff, waiting for thousands of magic repairs. The stagnation of the sun is
like blood, and the flags of the palaces and lanterns are different in the west wind. Looking
into the black and pressing, I can't see the margin.
He stood before the 10,000 people. The sun star is fascinating, the mountain is hidden, and
the Zodiac is not surrendered.
The crowds squat down like the tide of the sea, separating the emperor's avenue for him to
pass, and the voice shook the four wilderness.
"Congratulations to my Lord's return to the Holy Spirit -"
Luo Mingchuan finally knew that the most terrible thing was that the younger brother did
not believe him.
But it is a devil.
Grinding blood, killing people like numbness.
Bringing destruction and sin to the world.
The boundless desperation drowned him.
When he opened his eyes again, he stood in front of a huge mirror.
His pale face was reflected in the mirror. However, the facial features are more fierce, and
the look is proud and indifferent.
The black robes hang down in the wide sleeves, embroidered with complex golden runes.
Just standing there, there is a glory that cannot be seen. It is the light of darkness.
Luo Mingchuan calmed down and he said, "You are not me."
The voice of the person in the mirror is low. "How is it?"
Luo Mingchuan Road, "I am not a demon."
"Who believes?"
"Teacher letter."
The man in the mirror smiled. "He doesn't believe it, or he won't want to kill you. If you
think about it, why did he first make a slap in the secret of the sable?"
"It is just a misunderstanding. The younger brother is bewildered, and the obsession is too
deep and goes astray... It was my fault."
"It’s ridiculous. Do you think that the truth is what you asked with Garan? You shouldn’t
know that you would swear, but in the temple of Xingshan Temple, how could he not be
indeed. He never told his younger brother.
Because this method of practice is a bit of awkward, even if it is a fight at a folding flower,
he is urging under the circumstances that the outside world does not know. In the Buddhist
temple, he first came out in front of the younger brother, but the younger brother said first.
"A nonsense! Garan 瞳 是 is the method of your Xingshan Temple!"
This should not be.
The people in the mirror laughed again, and the laughter was like a magic sound. "You still
don't know. The night of the school's graduation, nothing happened. If you don't believe it, I
can send you back to see it... just you. Teacher, he will be a more powerful and confusing
method, and it will make you feel that you are sorry for him."
Luo Mingchuan also laughed this time.
He found that his thoughts were actually contained in the words of this person, which is
ridiculous. He held Shen Zhoujian in his hand, and when the time was clear, the Lingtai was
much clearer.
In the mirror, people saw him take the sword, and he didn’t agree. "You think you can kill
The voice did not fall, Luo Mingchuan pulled the sword through his heart!
Hot blood spewed out!
"How is my brother, you are not qualified to say it."
The image is fragmented.
The temple is reappearing.
Yin Yi felt that he was barely able to move, because the surrounding days turned around,
but the next moment found that it was not.
Instead, he was swayed and walked to the inner hall behind the main hall.
All the way to the fire, Huanghuang, fell on the face of the man, showing a shadow under
the thick eyelashes.
The icy body temperature seems to infiltrate into the bones. Always remind him that even
with a similar face, this person is not a brother.
The arms of the brothers are very warm, whether it is drunk at night or under the
scorching sun, it will always be like a warm spring sun.
In the inner hall, the heavy crepe bills hang down, and it seems that there is still a smoker,
and the faint smoke floats in the air.
If it is a dream, it is too real.
Yin Yue gave birth to an infinite panic at this moment.
If he is already dead in the temple, now he has once again crossed into another world?
A world without a brother.
White bed after shark yarn chilled, but the man of action is very gentle, the man gently on
top, you must place a fragile treasure.
Rao is the case, you still can feel people's arms to resist, so he whispered laughing, "you do
not want?"
This sounds all too familiar, the more Yin Choi suddenly looked up, then crashed into one
pair of eyes in warm amber.
Clear and inclusive, as a Wang Ningjing lake.
He could not help opening call out, "Brother ......"
When the voice just fell, the smile on the face became strange, and the pupil returned to the
original ink color. He raised his eyebrow and smiled. "Brother? Hahahaha Yin is very
He leaned over Yin Yin and his neck, but the tone of voice was full of cruelty and
"Your brother is dead, you killed him by hand."
"Don't you remember? On the edge of the starry star, a sword wears the heart, and it is
quasi-steady, and the seat admire."
Yin Yin is more shocked and wide-eyed, "I killed... my brother..."
Then he suddenly let go of his heart, this is not a new world.
Perhaps it is just the illusion in the temple.
The other party is still saying something, but he has not heard it.
The mind is moving, the long sword is squirted, and the blood is sprayed thin.
In the end, he said, "No matter what kind of dream or fantasy, the one who will kill the
brother is not me."
He opened his eyes and saw the ancient beams of the head.
In a blink of an eye, Luo Mingchuan was lying on the side, and at the same time he opened
his eyes and looked at him.
All kinds of desperate pains before the experience, the confrontation at this time, with the
great joy of the rest of the robbery, is enough to make people stunned.
After Yin Yue heard the suffocation of his brother, he reacted to what he had done.
Although it is a hug, but because of the height difference, it is more like he suddenly
plunged into the arms of Luo Mingchuan.
It’s just... too rude!
He hurriedly wanted to get up, but he didn't stand up.
Because this time, Luo Mingchuan did not let go of his house, but also hugged him.
The familiar atmosphere and temperature are not covered by the words.
Yin Yin thought more, maybe... the brothers also experienced some very painful things.
He reached out and patted the back of the brother.
This kind of behavior to appease children, so that Luo Mingchuan can not laugh and laugh,
and for a time what is lost. I also laughed and patted my own simple younger brother.
After the shackles, the two quickly became alert and got up and looked at the entire temple
It is still the appearance of the time. But they know at this time that no eccentricity is the
biggest weirdness.
So the two stood in the same place, and a real element rushed to the extreme, but did not
move one step further.
"What did the brothers see before?"
"...not important, wake up now, I know it's all fake. Teacher, no matter what you see,
believe that we will never deviate from each other."
In the heart of Yin Yue, the flag of the bright and swaying is set up in an instant!
What do you make!
Just relying on my rich experience of the humanoid background board in the past few
years, if I don’t make it clear, then there will be big things in the future!
How many men and women are being abused to death because of a misunderstanding,
tragic be? !
How many good friends do not need to explain more, because of the enemy? !
Tell me what is the most important thing in a happy life! !
That's right!
Put it! words! Say! clear!
The important thing is that three times are not enough! !
He immediately became serious. "Brothers, if we really believe each other, we will not
question each other because of the illusory illusion. We should talk about it. We will not
misunderstand in the future."
Luo Mingchuan looked at the clear eyes of the young man. He found that in this matter, the
younger brother was far more transparent than him.
"you're right."
Escape and forget are not the best way.
So he talked about the illusion of the past, and the more Yin Yin has been listening to it.
At the end, he comforted the younger brother. "I clearly know that the person who killed
me with the sword is not you, so I am not sad." However, for a moment, "but if there is a
magic object under the starry sky..."
Yin Yue understands what he means.
He and Luo Mingchuan do not know what is under the star.
The illusion of confusing mind cannot be produced out of thin air, but it is the projection of
the inner subconscious. Perhaps it is the thing that I am most afraid of.
If something that is not within the scope of cognition, such as the presence of a monster, is
true, then it is likely that this is not a fantasy.
It is the projection of the future destiny.
Will he kill Luo Mingchuan in the future?
Yin Yue calmly said, "Sister, I also saw a person with a face similar to yours. He said that I
killed you. But we all know that this is impossible. And neither of us is now what we saw in
our dreams. It means that perhaps the fate has changed."
After Loming Chuan said it, he was relieved. He listened to Yin Yue’s words and was more
at ease.
"Yes. If it is a fantasy, it is a fake. If it is fate, let it change."
The clouds are no longer, and they are full of pleasure.
Just as he took his younger brother and jumped into the abyss at Xingshan Temple, the
fleeting familiarity re-emerged.
Luo Mingchuan’s eyes fell on the opposite Buddha statue. The pupil turns black. The work
of Garan was urging the utmost.
The eyes are invisible.
But at this moment, Yin Yu suddenly felt the pressure of the majestic.
He even felt that if he was watched himself, his bones would be devastated.
But the Buddha statue is a dead thing, how can it hurt?
What is shocking is that the old and worn Buddha statues have really begun to change.
The residual gold lacquer peeled off, revealing the original dark brown stone body, and
then from the eyelids to the fingertips, every inch of gray stone on the body was
In the smoke, the Buddha opened his eyes.
Maybe it can't be said to be a Buddha, but a dry monk.
The cockroach is eclipsed and the law is solemn.

Chapter 64: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
This scene is too embarrassing, and no one can think of this seemingly dusty Buddha statue
for millions of years, and this monk is still alive.
Yin Yin is more shocked and will hold the lake sword in his hand, but there is no sheath.
Because Luo Mingchuan was very calm, this calming also infected him, as if no matter how
terrible things he was about to face, they would fight side by side and get out of danger.
The deaf person described it as a dry, cheeky depression, revealing that the fingers outside
the atrophy shrank into a brown mass.
Yin Yue even did not know that he is a ghost. Luo Mingchuan’s pupil has changed back to its
true color and took a step forward, faintly guarding his own younger brother.
When the eyes of the monks were completely opened, there was a breeze blowing into the
It seems to have gone through the dust of thousands of years, and it suddenly shines
And he sat in the soft glory, quietly watching the two outsiders.
Yin Yue does not know how to describe such a pair of eyes. It is not the indifference of the
gods on the high platform, nor the magic eye of the **** sea.
It is mournful and solemn, and it seems to be able to overcome all the wounds and pains of
the human world.
This is the eyes of a pair of Buddhas.
The statues enshrined in the Xingshan Temple are more like real Buddhas.
The wind left the temple, the wooden door that was originally pushed open was lightly
closed, and the stone lock was buckled by itself. However, Yin Yue is now under the
watchful eyes of the old man.
Just listen to Luo Mingchuan’s clear voice, “broken!”
He suddenly wakes up, and the cold sweat permeates the back of his clothes. He can't think
of the strength of his own soul, but he will be confused by his eyes.
In the end, it is still a big deal.
Let's see again, what glory and true Buddha. The temple is still an old temple. The old man
is still a dumbfounded old man.
It is not as powerful as you can imagine.
Yin Yue also noticed that this person's cockroaches were not fit, which was not so thin. And
now it is like something, in the invisible to draw his vitality.
Being drunk, the old man is not angry, but on the opposite side, he seems to have a smile,
"Where did the two come from?"
He hasn't spoken for a long time, his voice is dull and rough. But the tone is naturally
intimate, like a familiar with the younger generation, making people feel unprepared.
Luo Mingchuan did not relax at all, and replied, "From the temple."
"What is good in the temple?"
"not good."
If the other party asks for the hospitality ceremony in the temple, it is naturally not good. If
you ask about the situation in the temple, the big battle is broken and the ground is
The old man laughed, as if he had gotten his wish, and he said with relief, "Okay."
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan originally speculated that this person was the predecessor of
Xingshan Temple, but at the moment he observed his reaction and was like the enemy of
Xingshan Temple.
Luo Mingchuan asked, "I answered two questions from my predecessors, dare to ask who is
the predecessor?"
"Humanity," is a poor view."
He was indifferent, as if he had reported an unusual law number.
Yin Yi is a warning to wait for the answer. At this time, the pupil is slightly shrinking, and he
suspects that he has got it wrong, or just coincides with the name. I watched the old man
Even Luo Mingchuan was shocked.
But the monks did not speak, as if they were still waiting for their problems.
If the two had not read the old code in the school, they would not know the name.
Over the past one million years, even the names of the demon statues and the true
immortals have been forgotten by the world. Who will remember the splendid sacred
times, a saint who was born in Xingshan Temple but did not leave a legacy?
Appreciation of the Master, claiming to break the boundaries of Buddhism, martial arts, and
spiritual devotion, everything is omnipotent.
There was no news after the War of the Devil, and many things could not be verified for a
long time. Later generations had to speculate that he also died in that big battle.
Luo Mingchuan asked, "Why are the seniors here?"
He knows the identity of the person in front of him. No matter how incredible, he should
call the other party a ‘view master.’ However, the experience of Xingshan Temple made it
difficult for him to believe in the highly respected monk. So at this time there was no
respect for the younger generation.
Yin Yi is similar to his thoughts, and he does not mean to go to court.
I didn’t care, but I still laughed. “I’ve been here, I’m here, I’m going to see you.”
This sentence is for Luo Mingchuan.
Yin Yi’s mind was immediately out of the mind and the protagonist’s cliff was not dead. In
the past, the seniors taught the sixty years of skill. From then on, the golden finger opened
up against the world’s x-point flow upgrade routine.
This kind of style is set up everywhere, but in this world, past experience tells him that
things may not be that simple.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "I don't know my predecessors."
Shake his head and look a little lonely. "Come, come sit down and say slowly. No one has
talked to me for a long time..."
When they turned back, they saw the circle chairs that appeared out of thin air, and they
never felt the slightest fluctuations.
The repair of the other party is unfathomable and does not see maliciousness. Moreover,
both of them have many doubts in their hearts, and they are filled with goodness.
"Some words don't say it. After a few years, I don't remember it... How long has it been in
the past?"
Luo Mingchuan replied, "More than 600,000 years."
The old man exclaimed,
"Oh... It’s been a long time. When I was outside, the world was in chaos. I want to come
He turned to Luo Mingchuan. "The Garan 瞳 你 你 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修
At this time, it is not like a saint who was once a great man, but an old man who only wants
to talk to young people about his past.
"No. There are only doubts. There are also monks in Xingshan Temple. Can I practice
differently from them?"
Yin Yin thinks more, in the Buddhist temple in the temple, Jinghai said that the brothers
practiced ‘Tianluo nine turns. ’
Observing the road, "Of course it is different, you are orthodox, they are all left. Garan, I
only wrote one book, and I gave a fisherman on the river. The temple is just a extension,
and I lost my true meaning. The practice method is not complete."
Luo Mingchuan has already thought that perhaps the only true volume, after several twists
and turns, was eventually collected by the school and collected by the library.
But he still has doubts, just waiting for him to ask, and then the view goes on, "After you
read it, the book is self-igniting?"
Luo Mingchuan nodded.
"This is right. There is a law on the real volume. If the qualifications are not read, the
residuals are displayed. The qualifications are finished and destroyed." The view said that
there is a bit of pride here.
"Because of the successor of my clothes, one is enough."
Yin Yue is more and more shocked. This kind of magical means is wonderful and
unpredictable. It can still be preserved for millions of years. It can be seen why the
cultivation of this person is so high.
But how can such a person stay here for so many years?
Watching him, laughing, "After life, I know what you are thinking. I stay here... I am not
willing, but I am trapped here."
As soon as this statement came out, both of them changed their faces.
Who can trap a saint in the world?
Is it a demon?
When Guan Dao Dao came, "When the Dao Wars, I brought a group of disciples from
Xingshan Temple to drag the three thousand devils, only to let Yi Ling to kill Mo Changyuan,
and later Mo Changyuan did die in Linyuan. Under the sword, it is a pity that Yi Ling is also
seriously injured. There are not many longevity..."
These names sound strange, but they are the names of true immortals and devils.
"The end of the war, the four seas scorched earth, a hundred wastes to be revived. And my
younger brother looked forward to retreat because of the retreat. He is in full swing, I am
wounded, and I can't beat him."
"Xingshan Temple suffered heavy losses and was not enough to support the Zongmen
squad. For the sake of the eternal foundation, he set up a squadron and imprisoned me
here. Supporting the formation."
Finally, he looked at Luo Mingchuan. "If it weren't for my smugglers today, I saw that the
law was flawed. When I came here, I didn't wake up again. Maybe for a few more years, the
oil was dry. Sit down."
Yin Yin can't return to God for a long time.
He couldn't think of his own guess.
The golden light of the Buddha and India is not maintained by the spirit stone. It is pressed
by the gods, but it is extracting the vitality and cultivation of a saint.
How terrible and cruel is this?
A big man who participated in the Taoist war did not die on the battlefield, but died in a
trapped circle that no one knew.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "What can we do for our predecessors? Is there a way to crack the
After watching the calm, "I am a singer, but also a pivot. I have died with this life. I have not
been worried about it for a long time. There is no difference between here and outside."
"I only have one last wish."
Luomingchuan Road, "Predecessors please."
Looking at the smile, like watching the disciple's loving elders,
"The rush of the work of Garan, I am inevitably overlooking. I am now bound by the law
and cannot leave the station. You are willing to come forward. I will pass the last layer of
realm to you."
Yin Yi thinks that this is indeed the anti-golden finger to the protagonist. The passing of a
saint is really a good thing to fall in the sky.
But intuition reminds him all the time, what is wrong.
He saw Luo Mingchuan got up and walked forward, unable to stand up and want to hold
While the fingertips had not touched the sleeves, Luo Mingchuan stopped and turned back
to give him a soothing smile.
Then I went to the view. "The predecessors said that they are touching, but I don't believe
Yin Yi’s uneasiness in his heart expanded rapidly.
They have just experienced a siege in Xingshan Temple, and now they will encounter a
person who is also imprisoned in the name of the righteousness in the temple, and
naturally will have a sense of intimacy. And the view is divided into the power and the shelf
of the saints. It seems friendly and embarrassing, and compassion is indifferent.
Everything makes people feel skeptical.
But like this temple, no weirdness is the biggest weirdness.
The saint’s rhetoric, no problem, is the biggest problem.
Asked, "Where don't you believe?"
"The 16th generation of Xingshan Temple abboted the Master. How can it hurt you in a
lifetime?" Luo Mingchuan paused. "The legendary predecessors broke the barriers of
spirituality, martial arts, and Buddhist repairs. Nothing is wrong... then there is nothing
strange about knowing the magic door."
The view changed his face.
The old Buddhist temple became more and more faint, and the light-transparent window
slid across the wooden fence, and the shadow fell on him, which was awkward and
terrifying. He laughed loudly, and his laughter was dumb and cheerful. "Ha ha ha ha good!-"
Yin Yin is in the same place.
I don’t want to admit it in my heart.
The view also broke the barrier of the magic.
The work of Garan is really related to the ‘Tianluo nine turn’.
He thought that the brothers should be the ones who were the hardest hit. The Taoist
Orthodox that has been insisted on has been broken. How to accept the cultivation of the
Tao is the magic practice. I hurriedly turned to look at it, but I saw Luo Mingchuan’s face
calm and waveless, not sad or happy.
Perhaps people will subconsciously believe in the words of comfort to themselves, and
believe that they have just read the words, but Luo Mingchuan is too rational and has long
suspected that Jia Lan’s technique.
Because after he has practiced, he will look at other exercises as if a barrier has been
broken. No matter what, he can practice smoothly and never encounter any bottlenecks.
At this time, I just asked, "When the predecessors were at their peak, they were almost
omnipotent. Why should they be enchanted?"
The voice of the audience was resounding, like a spit out of a million years of turbidity, and
even the cheeks of the sun were red, and they were excited. "Sage and true fairy have a day
of exhaustion, how to count no Can't? The door can only ask for a source method. Before
the Buddha can only repair a future life, what I want is not to die, to coexist with the
"People have good and evil, but there is no righteousness in their exercises. It is ridiculous
that even the characters such as Ling Xiao can't see the obstacles! I am with Mo Changyuan
to participate in the 'Tianlu Secret Code' and write 'Tianluo Jiuzhuan', this Garan's
technique is the first turn! Who knows that I am practicing to the eighth turn, but I can't
break through again. And Mo Changyuan and the ninth turn are only one line, but they die
under the Linyuan sword..."
As soon as this statement came out, Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan were discolored.
They used to think that they were only secretly enchanted, but this person actually
colluded with the magic. In this way, his role in the big battle is more likely to stand in the
magical way, and seriously hurt him, that is, the real fairy.
Yin Yin asked, "There is no righteousness in the practice of the law, but the words are good,
but you really have not done anything evil?"
He smiled and said, "What is evil? Kill one person as a crime and kill thousands of people!"
The voice just fell, the temple trembled fiercely! The ancient beams trembled and the ash
The shackles of the monks were swelled up by the air, and the dust was laid out under the
body. The long golden light shot from behind, but the edges were plated with red awns.
In the click of the bone joint, his figure suddenly rose tall.
Chapter 65: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When I saw the Buddha’s enemies in the past, I dared to take the world’s big sorrows and
pay a great price. I was bent on pursuing immortality. Such a person, even if there is only
one breath left, will not be willing to pass on others.
After listening to him, Luo Mingchuan knew that there was a flaw, and he had prepared for
it. At this time, he pulled the sword straight and pulled it at the same time.
The sword opened the smoke, and the gray bricks of the temple broke open a deep gap,
extending all the way to the stage, and looking at the front one inch.
However, Jinguang has enveloped the entire Buddhist temple, and the tide of the sea tide is
At this time, the weak door panel became like a gold-iron cast, and the two men bounced off
and had to face the pressure.
The old man sat on the stage, his eyes closed, his eyebrows were slight, and the golden light
and red mans behind him became more and more glaring.
Yin Yi finally knows why he was willing to explain so much before, but he is trying to
recover time for himself.
Now, when the time is one more point, it is more unfavorable to them.
The two looked at each other, and Luo Mingchuan started the sword again, and the real
yuan came out. The sword front sounded a series of sounds, as if the air was torn.
He broke a passage in the real pressure, and the Yinhuo squatted on the lake sword, and
went in the middle of this passage!
A bitter chill came out of the blade, and a thin layer of hoarfrost was condensed on the
Wherever the sword passed, the frost expanded rapidly. Jianfeng went straight to Guanlan!
At the same time, Luo Mingchuan’s gaze also arrived, and it was falling on the eyebrows of
the view.
This is the third time that the two have joined forces against the enemy. In the night when
the cave was met with the demon, it was still in harmony with the oysters, and in the
Xingshan Temple, there was a 70% tacit understanding.
At this time, it was a round-hearted turn, and Tianfu complemented each other, exerting
the power far beyond the original realm, enough to shock the practice world.
But all this is still not enough to beat a former saint.
Even if he has been weakened by the years and the law.
When Guan Yan opened his eyes, Yin Jian’s swordsmanship stagnated in the air, and it was
harder to get closer to a millimeter. He has a thin lip and a slight sweat on his forehead.
The gaze of Guan Guan fell on Jianfeng, and Yin Yan’s face turned pale and pale, and he was
able to stand still after three steps.
However, a pair of eyes stunned the eyes of the two pairs of pain, had to close their eyes for
a moment. Just in the blink of an eye, before Luo Mingchuan flew his body, his left hand
patted Yin Yin over his back, his right hand flew, and a big Buddha's handprint was pressed
Yin Yin was sent out of the battle by his own brother, and he watched the two men.
The temple in Jinguang slammed, and the account was fried into powder, and the beams
and beams were splashed!
Luo Mingchuan five fingers flesh and blood, such as rain and fog spray, revealing the forest
The view of the thin and atrophied palm, a slight invisible withdrawal of a cent. And under
his body, under the oppression of the violent real yuan, five deep and deep marks were
At this time, the Yin and Yue swords have become a reality, and the blue and white swords
of the blue sky illuminate the entire temple!
The sound of the station was broken into ash, and the view fell into the dust.
Stained, golden dust.
But he saw the sword this time. The pupil is miniature.
Yin Yi never thought that he would only see Luo Mingchuan injured, and he was angry and
shot, even the power was here.
This sword is strong and strong, giving him too many surprises and doubts. At the Folding
Party, I contend with the wind and rain swords. In Xingshan Temple, the infinite body of
the net cloud.
Now, it is possible to break the defense of a saint.
The view slowly stood up, and the sound of bone friction was clear and harsh.
It is clearly a thin, low-profile figure, but it stands up like a horrible shadow.
He looked indifferent, but did not shoot, because he felt that after a long time, he should
always say something about this sword.
He thought about it and found that there was nothing to say.
Even if the owner is changed, the sword is as awkward as ever.
Then, in the chest, it burned with anger, like a raging fire.
How about a million years have passed, even if it is a long time that cannot be counted, how
can we not be angry as long as we see the sword? ! How not to hate? !
So he reached out and palm, and the index finger and the **** caught Jianfeng.
In the eyes of Yin Yi, the old man’s movements are extremely slow, but he is inevitable. I
feel that the pressure suddenly increases, and it is like a mountain that is pressed against
the sword.
Then the lake sword violently vibrated, the humming sound was like a rain, Yin Yin was
more worried, and the other party wanted to break the sword.
The coldness of death passed down the wrist along the sword, and went all the way to the
meridians, and forced the heart and lungs.
Suddenly there is a breeze, a sword is coming!
Yin Yi turned his head and saw Luo Mingchuan holding Shen Zhoujian with his left hand
and his eyes calm. However, the right hand is bleeding, and the half sleeves have been
stained with blood.
This sword is very clever, picking up the lake between the old man's fingers, and turning it
into a crosscut, cutting off the wrist.
The face was unchanged, and the palm of his hand turned over, and he even grasped the
sharp blade.
Yin Jianyue’s Jianfeng was shaken open, but the coldness of silence was still in the veins and
bones, and he was barely able to stand firm.
The two stalemate, almost closing their eyes at the same time.
In the evening, the wind and sand in the temple are quiet.
Yin Yin more faintly guessed that they entered a realm of mysterious, similar to the
Buddhist meditation of the Buddha, fearing that the rush to break the balance at this time,
but it hurt the brother. I have to wait and see. Strong and calm, but still heartburned.
There is a big gap between the young genius in the practice world and the saints millions of
years ago. This is destined to be an unprecedented one, and it is difficult to have a
comeback in the future.
It is an incredible legend that Juggernaut and Mr. Palmer are at such a young age that they
have teamed up to kill a Mahayana strongman with a small ride and a difficult situation.
They can see and recruit today, even if they can see it with their own eyes.
But this is not a matter of distinction, but a decision to die.
Luo Mingchuan opened his eyes, and the four wild is a **** sea.
The red clouds in the sky are surging, such as the burning of flames, to burn through the
blue sky, the wind and sand are full of **** suffocation.
The broken flag, the corpses in the wild, the rushing rivers are stained with blood. All kinds
of martial arts and magical powers are still in the air, making the mountains and rivers
messy, and the land is black.
He looked at everything with awkwardness, and he was somewhat familiar. Until a scepter
sticks the wind.
Luo Mingchuan stepped back in the river, but the Zen rod crossed the river, splitting the
river and separating the water, raising the wind and waves, and roaring.
The view stood on the opposite mountain, and there was a stunned light in the scorpion.
His figure is also like a mountain.
Luo Mingchuan thought of a move, Shen Zhoujian crossed in front of him, such as the long
embankment, blocking the river and blocking the waves.
It is certainly a famous sword in the world, and it is difficult to reach the sage of the sage.
After shaking the Zen scepter, it straightens out of the river and flies down to the bottom of
the river.
The Zen rod returned to the foothills and was held in the hands. Along the way, the waves
crashed into the river, and the waves were unsettled for a long time.
Luo Mingchuan's figure has reached the shore, but his face is pale and his clothes are wet
by the river. The twilight suddenly changed, and the mountain peaks under the view of the
earth fell and the boulder fell and fell.
Here is a battlefield relic after the War of the Devil.
In this meditation setting, the two men competed with the spirit of the soul, and the view
was more powerful than being trapped in the golden circle of the Buddha and India.
He walked down the mountain, his body was light and fluttering, and the earth shook
slightly as his footsteps fell.
Although the mountain at his feet collapsed, he came as a mountain.
The pressure is like a mountain.
The Luomingchuan meridian bursts in bursts, and the blood can't be stopped in the mouth.
It must be soaked in the whole body, and finally can't support it and fall to the ground.
The view stood in front of him and looked down at him. Slowly put your hand on top of his
Among the temples, Luo Mingchuan’s face was quickly defeated, and the body that was thin
and thin was so strangely rich.
The Yin Zhen has a big shock in the heart. Although they are not visible, they know that the
situation is very dangerous. If you can't take care of anything else, the lake sword will go to
the heart of the heart.
If you don't touch it, you will be shaken open, and the huge anti-seismic force will hurt your
heart and lungs.
Yin Yin fell down under the table, only to feel the pain in the chest, a **** face.
The look was indifferent, but the eyes showed a slight invisible smile.
These two young people have good bones and their vitality is enough to make him break
It can be seen that he is not dead. Then the coming day will surely be repaired.
At this time, the Lihu sword on the ground shook a little, and the movement was low and
weak, and even Yin Yin did not notice.
In the meditation of the world, at the foot of the watch, Luo Mingchuan, who is on the verge
of death, raised his head.
He should have been weak, but he didn't know why. At this time, his eyes were cold and
Looking at the pair of eyes, I was shocked and stunned!
It is already late, his repair is quickly lost, along the palm of his hand, crazy into the body of
Luo Mingchuan!
The four wild winds swelled, and the land collapsed and the mountains were turbid.
The view finally got out of the way, and after a thousand miles, he screamed and shouted,
"Mo Changyuan!-"
Shen Zhoujian jumped out of the lake, and the residual image was like the wind. It was
faster than his body shape, piercing the heart and nailing him to the ground.
It is also the eighth weight of the ‘Tianluo nine turn’, and it is used by others to cultivate
themselves for life.
But when the two meet, they stand up.
The meditation is broken.
Yin Yin is more than a sword to support the ground, barely sit up.
I saw my eyes open, my eyes were scarlet, my mouth was bleeding, my heart was mad, "I
am ridiculous! I didn't die under the Linyuan sword, who knows that I will die in the hands
of the devil-"
"My brother is not the devil!"
The temple was shaken violently, and the pillars and walls began to collapse.
Luo Mingchuan still closed his eyes, and Yin Yue took him in his arms. He breathed
smoothly, but he couldn't wake up, and the real yuan couldn't find his body.
The blood in the old mouth was not enough. He looked at the two people, and the breath
was full, and the malicious road was full.
"You don't want him to be enchanted, but he can't go back..."
The whole golden light bursts into a broken position, and the ground of Xingshan Temple
splits the gap in the road, and the temple runs wild and panic.
Yin Yue is really exhausted and seriously injured. Even though he knows that it is going to
collapse, the situation is so steep that it cannot be estimated, and it is impossible to move
with the unconscious Luo Mingchuan.
In the vibration and the smog of the ruined land, he guarded Luo Mingchuan and fell in the
corner of the temple. For a moment, he thought that he really went to a dead end.
But the next moment, a bright sword light opened the smoke.
It’s quiet.
A clear young boy sounded, concise, "go."

Chapter 66: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yin wants you to tease me, how can I go?
Suddenly, the foot was empty, only to see the clouds gather out of thin air. He and Luo
Mingchuan actually vacated and rose to the air together with the comers.
Behind them, the forest where the veins collapsed was rapidly shrinking, and the Xingshan
Temple where the temple was collapsed also flashed past.
The speed is too fast, the sound of the wind is whistling in the ear, and the white mist on
the face makes Yin Yin more incomprehensible.
He sat on the cloud and wanted to thank him, but the cold wind poured in and blew his
The person in front of him also realized that it was not right, and he smashed his sleeves.
Yin Yi discovered that they were still flying in the air, but the wind was quiet and the air
was dissipated, as if it were covered with an invisible barrier.
There were too many surprises on this day, and he thought that his psychological
endurance had greatly improved.
But when he saw the young face of the White Swordsman, the words 'predecessors' were
stuck in the throat and could not be called out.
The young man stood in the clouds, and he was arrogant and raised his chin. "The fourth
child, have you been unhappy for the teacher?"
... as a teacher.
Yin Yiyue said nothing at all.
In the end, why is this person who looks like me, will be the first madman in my legend...
This kind of attack is comparable to the passing of the wrong script.
He shouted, "Happy, happy."
Not Master, who can take me to force me to fly?
Look closely, it is really similar to the portrait of Yan Huafeng. It’s just twenty years old.
Juggernaut laughed, and the sharp eyebrows of the sword stretched out, and there was no
such thing as a good-looking one.
Yin Yue has returned to God, and countless questions in his heart have followed.
What is the relationship between the brothers and the devil? This matter, Mr. Jiayuan and
Xingshan Temple know that Master knows how much?
I heard that Master went to Qi Xingyuan because of what happened there? Is there really a
monster under the star?
And his reliance on the lake sword, obviously come from the extraordinary, is Master's
mistake when he passed the sword? Or is the master brother wrong? Can't it be that it
mutates itself?
If anyone in this world can answer these mysteries, then this person must be Juggernaut.
But for now, all the problems are far from important -
"Master! Luo brother, he was seriously injured..."
The icon of the Juggernaut saw his own disciple holding his own arms in his arms. He
leaned down and looked down at the eyes of Yin Yin and his hopes. He deliberately
deducted the veins. "Oh... can't die."
Instead, he took a palm on the shoulder of Yin Yin.
Yin Yi only felt that Master’s hand was going down, the spirit was shocked, and the
unspeakable comfort could not be said. It seemed that the injuries of big and small were
good. But he still frowned and worried, "The brother can be unconscious now..."
Juggernaut pulled down an elder's face who hated iron and did not become a steel. Of
course, if this expression was changed to a white whisker, it would be more deterrent.
Yin Yin immediately turned the corner, how did Master repair it? The world is the first, he
said nothing, and of course he must believe in Master.
Juggernaut swings his hand,
"When did he wake up, relying on his personal method, the old man forced his shot, and
when he woke up, he became idiot... Hey, don't hold it so tight."
While thinking about it with sadness, the fourth child will follow the people so quickly and
die, to die. The full disciples are honest people, and the old five are as intelligent as me, but
unfortunately there is still a lot of bad things in the family.
Oh, the future is worrying.
Take the wind and the wind.
From the clouds overlooking the gates of the end of the mountain, Wanshan Golden and
dark green see the Biva flying dragonfly, there is a kind of pride in the world.
Yin Yin’s heart is full of emotions. It’s still spring day when I enter the world, but now I’m
back in the late autumn. Before going to the Folding Party, I didn't think that there would
be so many things happening all the way. Once on, I even thought that I couldn't come back.
I don’t see how the Juggernaut moves, and the clouds under the feet fall down lightly.
In the hands of Zhengyangzi and Junyi in the head of the mountain, the first one knows.
The two men now have a beard and a sword, standing in front of the door of the
Shuhuafeng Xiaoyuan, Jiansheng residence.
Jun Hao was right in the ceremony, "Master."
Zhengyangzi took a step from Yin Yinyue’s hand and took it over. “Oh my big apprentice!
This is what happened. When I went out, I was still alive!”
Juggernaut did not care for him, and pushed the door of the courtyard, and the ash was
falling. I had to raise my hand to apply a dust mites, and turned to my own big disciple.
"Cough, some days have not come back... You have grown taller, higher than the teacher."
Jun Hao seriously corrected him. "Not some days, it is one hundred and three years, seven
months and fifteen days."
Yin Yu’s more surprising discovery, the handsome Master, looked a little embarrassed.
Then the topic of transfer generally looks at Luo Mingchuan, and Su Rongdao, "Go to the
Qing Dynasty and discuss the business."
Zhengyangzi urged the ‘Yang Yaling’, and the group went to the main peak, the Qiangfeng
Qinghe Hall, and placed Luo Mingchuan in the inner hall.
When Wei Fengfeng entered the Jieya Mountain, Zhengyangzi was his fellow brother. It’s
just in his eyes that the temperament of this younger brother is too unavoidable, and it’s
easy to get out of the house and get out of danger. Fortunately, it was later cultivated as a
sage, and no one had provoked him.
At this time, Zhengyangzi looked at the big disciple lying on the bed, as if he had returned to
those days of vomiting blood, and asked, "What is going on?"
Juggernaut is still simple and sullen, "I don't know."
Seeing that the white beard grandfather is going to breathe, Yin Yin hastened to stand up
and explain.
From the time they entered Xingshan Temple, except for the illusion experience of the
Buddhist temple under the abyss, he did not say the rest. After all, Master is here. Before he
said that he didn't know that he was too lazy to talk. He was not sure what could get
through the eyes and ears of the saint.
In the end, he concluded, "When the brothers want to cure me, they go to Xingshan Temple.
It’s not good for me. I lost the Master’s last moment and rescued us."
Everyone listened, and they were silent for a while.
Zhengyangzi yelled at him. "What is it about you? It is the group of vultures in Xingshan
Temple. The brain is broken. Actually, there is still a face written by Yu Jian, saying that all
their temples and houses have collapsed. Do you still expect us to pay? Not?"
The more Yin Yin was shocked, the Xingshan Temple was a million years old, and the scale
was large. He subconsciously looked at Master.
Juggernaut calmly said, "Shun."
It seems that the face says ‘I’m not obedient.’
Master's face is also not good, cold and cold, "What Buddha, false compassion."
The more Yin Yin is helpless, why no one pays attention to the death of millions of years
ago, the reincarnation ambition of Mo Zun Mo Changyuan, and the brothers are likely to
enter the devil! Are you not shocked? !
Isn't this really a real weight! point! What? ! !
Juggernaut seems to know what Yin Yin is thinking. "It doesn't matter if he is enchanted.
What is important is that he is still not him."
Zhengyangzi also realized the crisis. "That is, when he wakes up again, it may be a demon?"
The hall is silent for a moment.
At the end, Juggernaut said, "It depends on his own will."
Zhengyangzi listened to this, but he sighed with relief, like Luo Mingchuan and his
confidence, and he was extremely irresponsible. "That's fine, OK, everyone is gone."
The more Yin Yin was shocked, and even more shocked was that his master really should
be ready to go.
Is this a big deal? ! Is it really okay for you to be free? !
Demon knows that he doesn't care so much that he has to cry!
The master's brother's expression is still as cold as ever. "The second division went to the
floating sea to look after the five divisions, and the third division has never returned."
Yin Yu knows that his sister-in-law must have seen the farewell letter sent back, and he
found it without worry. As for the three brothers, should... still hiding from the Song
In this way, he suddenly felt that the lonely brother was alone in the mountains, and he
was... a little pitiful.
Jun Yi continued. "Master's courtyard is not cleaned. It is better to go to me first."
Juggernaut slammed his voice and left with him.
When I left, I asked him again. "The fourth child, don't go back and rest?"
Yin Yin shook his head, "I am accompanying Luo brother."
Juggernaut did not say anything, and took a face of an elder who hated iron and did not
become steel.
Zhengyangzi is proud of his excitement, his feet are full of wind, and he is refreshed.
Yin Yin added the scent of the **** of the lotus to the lotus incense burner.
The smoky blue smoke scattered out, the empty inner temple, only the blue bricks that can
be seen by people can reflect his shadow.
The sky was dark, he lit the lamp, sat in front of the bed, and looked at the people on the
The recovery ability of the brothers is truly amazing. All the wounds have already healed as
early as possible, and their faces have a vitality. The eyelashes are quietly covered with
shadows, and the face is soft, just like falling asleep.
But Master said when he woke up, relying on personal methods. Perhaps it is like in the
meditation, the brother is likely to be fighting something. When will you win, when will you
wake up?
But Juggernaut can't help him either. This is his own war.
I can only watch it, I can't do anything about it.
He suddenly remembered that the brothers took care of the sleeping child more than once.
Finally, it’s my turn to look at my brother once, although I can’t help you.
There are bells in the mountains coming from afar, and you can still hear the side of the
deacon's hall, and the conversations of the disciples of the Yashan Mountain are laughter.
Everything is old.
I am very happy to see Master today. I am very happy to return to Yashan. I am very happy
to see that the masters have broken through.
These are the people and things that are important to him in this world. One day in the
future, whenever he needs it, he will fight for it.
But what about the brothers?
Yin Yin suddenly has a little panic.
Because he found that he did not know when he was used to relying on his brother.
On the night they came out of Yecheng, the brothers clearly said that ‘cultivation and life
are always a matter of one’.
But he still wants to go with his brother.
Just like this road, practice together, practice swords together, go to many places together,
deliver back to each other, face powerful enemies and unknown crises.
The night is quiet, the moon is in the sky, and the icy glory falls to the ground.
He went to the high-end of the temple and blew it, watching the moon shine through the
green hills, and the chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down.
Turning around, I saw that Zhengyangzi was standing on the steps, and there were some
camels on the back. Under the moonlight, it seemed that the wrinkles of the corners were
Yin Yin more screamed at the head, Zheng Yangzi swings his hand, indicating that he does
not care.
After a long time, Zhengyangzi suddenly opened his mouth, and the hoarse voice was
floating in the night wind.
"Actually, I knew it a year ago. But I don't believe it. At that time, I thought, I would retreat
10,000 steps. Even if he is, can I still throw my own apprentice?"
Yin Yue knows that he is talking about the demon.
"I don't understand why it is him? What is wrong with this child? This number of lives is on
It is very unreasonable to ask the heavens for reason.
Because too much bitter struggle in the world can be explained by ‘this is life’.
Zhengyangzi does not understand, but he is not the head of majesty now, but a master who
may lose his apprentice.
Yin Yin thought about it,
"There is always a way. Believe in the brother, wait for him to wake up."
He is very firm. It’s like saying this little thing, it’s hard to beat his brother.
"Yes, there is always a way."
Yin Yin heard the sound and looked up, saw the Juggernaut sitting on the flying raft of the
temple, the robe corner flew, and the master stood next to him.
He laughed.
Although there are still many things to be puzzled, it is not important now.
They all believe in the brothers, together with the number of battles, facing the unknown
world turmoil.
Ask this heaven for a reason.

Chapter 67: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Recently, there have been many major events in the practice circle. The pattern of power in
some places has changed in the dark and even in the East China Sea, which has always been
blocked by news.
People think that the first person in the world and the Juggernaut's disciple, Xingshan
Temple, is the biggest thing in breaking the Buddha's golden light. Which one can be more
serious than the Xingshan Temple in the millions of years?
But after three days, I haven’t heard the news for many years, and there are even secret
rumors that Juggernaut, which is impossible to come out of Qixingyuan, has appeared.
Shocked by the world. Some people are excited and some are panicking.
Although Xingshan Temple is in the hillside of Huoxiang Mountain, it has always been low-
key, but after all, it is one of the 'one mountain and three factions, the Buddha's double
temple', and many eyes are watching them.
No one knows what happened after Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin crossed the temple. Some
people said that the Buddha was merciful and lenient. The guess was that the two were
rude. People who participated in or paid attention to the Folding Flower Association did
not agree. They all said that Yin Yue is more soft than Buddha, and Luo Mingchuan has
always been a good temper.
Until the Juggernaut appeared. The 'Autumn Winds' has not been unsheathed, and nearly
100 rooms have collapsed. Such as the autumn wind transit.
The discussion of this matter came to an abrupt end.
The sword of the saint is the truth. What do you need to say?
In the past, a sword ‘Qingtian Bairi’ was abolished on the banks of the Weihe River. Does
Bao Puzong dare to say it?
At this time, the Hengduan Mountain was shrouded in a cloud. Elders and informed
disciples rushed to rush, reinforce the formation, practice the sword array, quiet and
depressed. Yasheng Yushi stood in the mountains and the sea, and has not moved in five
Some things are not hidden. Although Juggernaut is not good at calculations, but the realm
of the realm, not self-evident, really do not know?
In the Yashan Mountains, many disciples know that Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan have
returned safely. However, I heard that Luo’s brother’s injury is inconvenient to visit and
can only be rested.
So many people came to the entrance of the main hall to look far away, even if they could
not see the figure.
He Wei got her message from her master Zhengyangzi, saying that Yin Yue was taking care
of it inside, and he was relieved to go back to practice with Xiaolian.
Yin Yi knows that this is the eye of the big mountain. If you wake up this time, you will be
able to temporarily restrain yourself with the power of the whole world. Coupled with
Master and Master, there is an 80% chance to win over Mo Changyuan when he is still
Luo Mingchuan may wake up at any time, so it is not convenient for people to visit the
They have the best expectations and trust, and they have made the worst plans.
All the dust is a dusk.
The bells echoed, and the birds were thrown into the forest. Some of the disciples who
practiced swords on the mountain went down the mountain. When the deacon was closed,
the people gathered together dispersed like a sea tide. Not quiet, but rather peace.
Luo Mingchuan opened his eyes, and the amber pupil was plated with the afterglow of the
setting sun, just like the gentleness of the fullness.
He had a long dream and saw people around him groan for a moment, wondering if he was
still in a dream.
Yin Yin gently called him, "Sister."
Luo Mingchuan whispered, "Teacher, I am back."
They laughed.
Not long after, the other three also came in.
Luo Mingchuan did not feel anything, still looking at Yin Yue.
Zhengyangzi blows his beard and swears at him. "Your Master, I am still here!"
Open the first call to the younger brother, you will know the younger brother! Humph!
Luo Mingchuan got up and bowed, and Yin Yue wanted to help him. He signaled that he was
He said, "Master, I am enchanted. Garan is the first layer of the magical martial arts."
Zhengyangzi is a glimpse.
Juggernaut waved his hand, "Do you know who you know?"
Zhengyangzidao, "Yeah. You don't know who knows... See you are all right, live and jump,
go to the law hall to talk about two lessons tomorrow." Then greet Juggernaut and Junyi,
"Okay, everyone scattered Alright."
The Juggernaut stepped forward to the veins of Luomingchuan, and soon let go, and walked
back with the monarch.
The hall was empty again.
Luo Mingchuan only felt that the young boy of the pulse was not ordinary, but he was
evasive when he was casual, and it seemed unfathomable to look like a diffuse reality.
When the same as the young man went out of the temple door, Jun Hao sideways and
stopped, waiting for the person to come out first, this is the etiquette of the elders.
His thoughts were alert, and he thought of something in an instant, and he felt unbelievable.
"The only senior, but the Juggernaut..."
Yin Yue looked more and more, and finally someone understood his feelings of seeing the
boy's face in the clouds.
He nodded. "It is my master."
Luo Mingchuan quickly accepted this fact.
The sage's magical cultivation can't be ruled out, and the appearance is the same.
Yin Yi still couldn’t help but ask more questions. "Senior brother, are you really not feeling
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "I am very good." He knew that the younger brother had a lot of
incomprehensibility, and he said, "Before I played against the temple in the temple, he
introduced me into the meditation. It was a war of the gods. The battlefield. He seems to be
able to use my vitality and cultivation for his own use."
At that time, Yin Yiyue saw Luo Mingchuan's face quickly and gray-faced. He had already
guessed a few points. At this time, he was confirmed. He only felt that this practice was
really unbelievable.
Luo Mingchuan’s voice went down. “I thought I was dying, but suddenly there was a kind of
power, or something, that entered my body. It urged the same exercises as the view, but the
power is even better. Times, killing the view."
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart.
He remembered that before he died, he said, ‘I’m actually dead in the hands of the devil’.
Perhaps that thing is really the remnant of the demon lord Mo Changyuan.
"So is it still there?"
Luo Mingchuan shook his head. "No. It doesn't know where to go, but it is never in my body.
I have the vitality of the view. As for repairing, the sudden rise will cause people to smash
and die. I sealed it on the Lingtai. lethargy."
Yin Yi is more relieved.
"When I fell asleep, I saw some scattered pieces of memory, and it was a view. There is also
a full set of exercises."
This feeling is very strange, just like watching a person's life on and off. When I was young,
I entered the Buddhist temple. I was talented and young, and I was young and ambitious. In
the end, he colluded with Mo Changyuan, entered the magic, and participated in the secret
of the Tianluo, and jointly wrote the Tianluo nine turns to break the barrier of Wanfa. At
the last moment of the Demon War, betrayed the true immortality, and was seriously
The two walked in the temple, and the sunset pulled the shadow obliquely. Regular
footsteps and low voices echoed in the hall.
Yin Yue suddenly had a bad guess. He said that ‘you don’t want him to be enchanted, but he
can’t go back.’ It is very likely that there will be problems with the rotation of the sky.
Sure enough, Luo Mingchuan stopped,
"I plan to retreat for two days, since I am abolished."
He said it was calm, like making a decision that didn't matter.
Yin Yue is more eager to say, "Why is this?"
"Tianluo nine rehearsed to the eighth floor, and they must continue to smoke the vitality
and cultivation of others. Otherwise, they will burn out the lights. I have finished the first
layer of Garan, even if I stop practicing now, Zhenyuan It will also operate on its own, and
the realm will continue to increase slowly. This kind of practice can't be recovered once it
Luo Mingchuan laughed and said, "It’s not difficult to break the road and practice the road
from the beginning.
Yin Yue knows that the brothers are comforting themselves.
It’s not difficult to ruin the murderousness and ruin it. !
His heart is sour, but still not reconciled, "Is there no other way?"
Luo Mingchuan hesitated for a moment and decided to tell the truth. He frankly and
honestly with his younger brother, trust each other, and should not be bullied.
"Yes. At first, the Tianluo nine turns together by two people. Mo Changyuan and the view
did not expect that the practice of writing requires two people to practice together, so that
there is no flaw. The two of them cooperate but suspicion. In any case, it is impossible to
practice together, and there is no other person who can fully trust the people who have
entrusted to life. Therefore, they have been practicing alone, and when they reach the
eighth turn, they have to use the vitality of others to maintain the practice..."
Yin Yi didn't think that the peaks and turns, and I felt that the sunset outside the window
was a little beautiful. He liked his eyebrows. "It's easy. I practice with my brother!"
Luo Mingchuan frowned and avoided his gaze. "Teacher, this is not a play..."
The more Yin Yin does not understand the sinking of the heart, the self-destructive method
or the two people practicing together, the two roads are distinct and inferior, how can the
brothers disagree?
He looked straight at Luo Mingchuan. "Nature is not a child's play. I am not afraid of
entering the magic. There is no righteousness in the exercises. Since there is no need to
absorb the vitality of others, there is no other problem. Why not?"
Luo Mingchuan no longer evaded, and suddenly raised his eyes. "You don't know what you
are talking about."
Although he sealed the repairs that belonged to the view, he returned from Xingshan
Temple and made a sudden advance. The original power converges very well, but this
moment is uncontrollably bursting out.
The more Yin Yin was not prepared, the forced three steps back, and he fell on the bed
Luo Mingchuan quickly retired, fearing that he would hurt his younger brother. The sound
sinks down, like what is being suppressed,
"This kind of words will wait until you add a crown."
Yin Yi stood up and confronted him without showing weakness. "Senior brother, I am not a
child! Do you prefer to revamp and not believe me?"
He did not understand what concerns Luo Mingchuan had in the end. Do you think that he
is not mature enough to make his own decisions? !
Luo Mingchuan did not answer positively, just said, "I don't mean that..."
They broke out for the first time.
Yin Yi went over the sleeves.
The hall is lonely and the light is dim.
Luo Mingchuan sat alone by the bed.
He looked down and frowned, feeling a headache.
The younger brother is not a child. But he really doesn't know what he is talking about.
Who can think of the two ambitious heroes of the sacred era, who would write a practice
that requires double repair.
Yin Yi returned to Yu Huafeng and calmed down on the way, feeling that he was too
impatient. He never doubted that the brothers did not trust themselves, but just spoke out.
The brothers have other concerns, and they will talk calmly in the future.
Go to the edge of Tianhua Cliff in Yuhuafeng, and see Master instructing the master to
practice the sword. Master saw him far away and waved him to come over.
The sword is swaying and the leaves are dancing.
This is the second time Yin Yin has seen Jun Jian practicing swords. It is still the
‘小重山剑诀’ created by Jian Sheng.
But before he went down the mountain, there was a difference in cloud mud. If he was not
standing next to the master, it would be enough to make him suffocate.
The clouds on the edge of the cliff were opened, and Jinwuxi fell in the middle, showing the
magnificent mountains and rivers.
The master took the sword back.
The sword is lingering around the body, and it seems to be sharp and cold.
Juggernaut sighed, "This set of swords has nothing to teach you."
Junyi salute, "Master."
"But this is the old man's sword, and you should have your own sword."
This is a very high affirmation and praise, indicating that Juggernaut believes that he has
his own swordsmanship, and even the level and realm of the opening school.
Yin Yi smiled more and he was happy for the master.
But Jun Hao looked awkward.
Jian Shengdao, "The old man will bring your younger brother out of the door tomorrow,
and do something by the way."
Yin Yin is more shocked, younger brother? I?
what! Master wants to take me to fly?
Jun Zhaoguang surging, seems to want to ask something, but in the end did not ask
Just nodding to Yin Yin, "take care."
Yin Yin believes that these two words should be said to Master.
Chapter 68: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
"Master, when are we going?"
"Tomorrow, the old man will go back to sleep first."
With the cultivation of saints, sleep is no longer necessary. But Wei Jingfeng loves to sleep.
"Go away." He turned and shouted, and walked to the courtyard of his own apprentice.
The moon rises early. The late-night winds of the late autumn also added a chilly chill, and
the sound of the waves between the forests and the seas.
From the perspective of Yin Yiyue, under the darkness of the sky, the backs of the two are
almost side by side.
But he knows that the master is always behind the master. This is an insurmountable
He suddenly felt that the first apprentice as a master had different meanings. If someone in
this world can truly understand the saint, then it must be a master.
On the second day, Luo Mingchuan lectured on the Fa. It is all about the introduction of
practice, such as the wash and the marrow, the running path of the real element running in
the spiritual vein, how Wushu chooses the exercises, and how the spiritual repair absorbs
the aura.
These are all about the young disciples who have just entered the world, but there are
many people who come to listen. There are various realms.
On the temple is the elementary school on the mountain, and Luo Mingchuan as the first
sect of the sect, often come here to talk about some basic knowledge.
It is close to the Deacon's Hall, and it is one of the most lively places in Mt.
Yin Yi is standing at the door of the court. From time to time, some disciples stop to nod
and pay tribute to him. He went down the mountain this time and got along with others.
This kind of scene can also cope with it, not to be embarrassed.
After a short while, Luo Mingchuan took the class and walked out under the crowd of
He didn't expect Yin Yin to wait outside, and he would greet him with a slight glimpse.
"Younger brother..."
The people around him quickly dispersed, and Luo Mingchuan was empty.
The passing disciples did not move around, leaving room for them.
"Awaiting for a long time?"
Yin Yin shook his head, "No."
They did not mention yesterday's dispute.
"Master is going to take me out today... I don't know when I will come back."
Luo Mingchuan smiled slightly, but then he sincerely congratulated Yin Yin on the road.
"Jian Sheng teaches rare, and when the younger brother returns, he will definitely go
Yin Yi nodded more and more.
I don't know why, he explained it again, "I think it should be very fast."
Luo Mingchuan laughed,
"Let's go, I will send the younger brother back."
There was nothing to say, only the squeaking of the cloud boots on the thick leaves.
The two stopped at the Wuhua Peak, which was inaccessible. Biyuntian, yellow leaves,
autumn and high.
Yin Yi feels that he has already thought clearly. "Senior brother, the matter of the exercises,
will I decide when I come back?"
Luo Mingchuan did not answer.
He didn't know how to explain with his innocent teacher.
"Maybe I am not mature enough, but this time I went out with Master and traveled a lot. I
will grow a lot. When I come back, let's find a way together... or, as the brothers said, wait
for me to crown?"
Yin Yi believes that this is the best time for his ability to express himself. If the brothers still
do not agree, then there is really no way. When I think of it, my eyes are unconsciously
taking a bit of pleading.
Falling in the eyes of Luo Mingchuan, the younger brother of the younger brother has a cold
look, and his eyes are like the autumn water, just like the soft-skinned kitten in the school,
it seems pitiful.
He glanced at it, and he couldn’t take care of it at this moment. Zhangkou promised it. "Well,
listen to you."
Yin Yi is more relaxed and smiles deeper.
Juggernaut came down from Yu Huafeng and was seeing this scene and snorted softly. Put a
hand on the person behind him, "Don't send it, come back."
Jun Hao stopped in the same place, but did not go back.
Luo Mingchuan saluted the Juggernaut.
Wei Feng is not able to bear these vain, but this time it is quite useful. Even some funny
thoughts, if you are a true immortal or a demon, you have to salute the old man, and this
saint is worth it.
Yin Yi thought that he hadn’t said anything to the master before coming back. He walked
over to Jun Hao and opened his mouth. He finally said annoyed nonsense. "Congratulations
to the master's kendo."
Jun Yi thought for a moment, "The younger brother has also made a lot of progress."
His expression is still cold and his words are stiff.
But Yin Yue knows that the master has worked very hard.
He bowed his body and said goodbye. Jun Hao helped him up. Neither of them is a good
person, but they have no sense of closeness with each other.
"Go, the fourth."
He finally looked back and saw Luo Mingchuan's figure standing in the morning light of
autumn. The eyebrows are smiling, light and gentle, such as warm jade.
Yin Yiyue thought that Master was riding the wind and crossing the mainland in one day.
No matter what he did, he would definitely be very fast.
But in fact, they are now shopping.
In the city of Lueyang, twenty miles away from the foot of the mountain, they passed
through the crowds of people in the city.
It was only after a rain yesterday, the blue bricks were not dry, and the golden leaves of the
phoenix tree were floating.
The wine on the high-rise building is lightly swayed, and the strong fragrance of the spirits
overflows, mixing the hot air of the roadside mutton soup, which is enough to warm the
coldness of the late autumn.
Many pedestrians copied their hands in the thin, and even the most beautiful young girls
changed their summer skirts with thick cotton.
Juggernaut is very well placed with a cold cloak, and says,
"The yellow leaves are still wind and rain, and the broth is self-orchestral."
The autumn wind is a short sword, fine workmanship, and beads are decorated with a
waist, like a gorgeous ornament.
And he himself is like a young boy who walks through the stage.
Yin Yue seems to suddenly understand why there are only a handful of people who have
seen saints in the world.
Because people must not think that the saint will be like this.
After reading the poem, Juggernaut said to himself, "I remember that there is a braised
sirloin in the slightly Yangcheng city... oh, the Luhua girl in the spring sleeve building, the
little song sings better..." He turned to ask his own apprentice,
"The fourth child, have you visited the flower building?"
Yin Yin was so shocked that he didn’t come up, and he was almost killed by his own saliva.
"Cough and cough, no, no..."
This must not be what he meant!
Just like in Yecheng, he misunderstood and invited himself to visit the flower building.
Master’s practice is so unfathomable, and the character is so high in the mountains, how
can he say this...
"Go, Master takes you around the flower building!"
Juggernaut waved his hand and dragged the little disciple of the hair into the back alley of
the street.
Heaven is on! This time I really don't think much.
Passing through the warm alleys of the wine, the clothes and shadows come and go along
the way. Yin Yue was a little embarrassed, and he didn’t come back until he stepped into
the threshold.
In the spring sleeves, there are no lights in the day, and the light is dim. The brazier in the
lobby was burning and creaking. Sitting in a scattered two or three tables, the guests were
drinking and talking loudly and laughing.
The wife of the milfs, leaning against the counter, painted the nails with the impatiens, and
glanced at the guests who had been in the door.
If it is not the sharp sense of smell of the practitioner, it can smell the faint smell of the
powder and the fragrance of the flowers in the air. Yin Yue feels that Master is in the wrong
This is not the same as the flower building he imagined. Qaq
Say good lord to play. Qaq
Are they going to drink wine here to sit in the evening, waiting for some special night
activities, such as the song of the Revhua girl?
Not thinking more about Yin Yin, Juggernaut has taken him to the counter and put a silver
coin. "The boss wife, 'Floating Huan'?"
The more surprised Yin Yin discovered, his master would have a slightly Yang accent!
The proprietress took advantage of the silver and took out a jar of wine from the cabinet.
‘哐当’, a heavy fall on the table, dust flying.
The two found a corner of the window and sat down.
The swordsman's neatly opened the jars, and the fragrance of clear water overflowed.
Yin Yin gave the two men a bowl full of wine, while looking away from Master's gaze.
From time to time outside the window, there are girls in the flower gardens walking
through the skirts, the sleeves are slim, the golden steps are shaking, and the spring is full
of sunshine.
Not far from them, the table guests didn't know what to talk about, and laughed at the table.
Juggernaut drank a drink and satisfied with a sigh.
Asked casually, "What swords have you been practicing recently?"
Yin Yi was more cautious in answering the first answer. "The earliest practice of the Jianya
swordsmanship, the practice of the cold water sword forty-nine after the cutting of the
marrow, the Qingtian Bairi sword also learned a couple of points..."
Later, it was discovered that Master did ask questions casually.
Juggernaut exclaimed, "Hey...the sky, the old man's sword, the good sword..."
No more.
"What kind of tea do you like most?"
“Junshan Yunwu Tea.”
"The old man also likes that, but unfortunately there are not many good teas in recent
Yin Yue suddenly felt that he was quiet.
From entering the Xingshan Temple to guarding the brothers, his spirit has always been
highly tense. Because of uneasiness, I am nervous.
But at this moment, there are no conspiracy and puzzles, no pressure of pressure like a
sword, and no pressure to practice without stopping.
Just like sitting under the banyan tree in the school, drinking tea with the house.
Now, with the Master, he is in the flower cellar of the flower building, and he is very busy.
The heart is as quiet as it was at that time.
Drink wine and see the girl.
This is a waste of life, I do not know why, and do with Master, it seems that there is a sense
of joy.
The jar was half empty, and Wei Feng was no longer pouring wine, and Yin Yue also let him
down the bowl.
At this time, there was a real aloud story in the lobby.
"The proprietress, is there any ‘floating life’?”
"The last altar, sell the table."
Yin Yin heard the sound and looked up, and was on the opposite side of the counter.
Both sides are a glimpse.
Where does life not meet? Three brothers! Why do you meet you every time, not drinking,
or buying wine!
Yan Xing first saw the person at the same table as Yin Yin, and he doubted that he was
drunk. "Master... Teacher..."
Juggernaut did not know where to find an empty wine bowl, and waved at him, "Come
Yan Yan ran over and squinted. "What did Master leave for me? Master is very kind to me..."
"I heard that Master is back, and I am still going to the end..."
This wine has the appearance of a sly, once again refreshed the image of the stalwart that
Yin Yin and his heart interrupted the water knife Yan Xing.
No, the three brothers, you didn't catch up, you still come to the flower building to buy
wine. We saw it with our own eyes.
Yin Yin turned to think about it. They had a total of six people in Huafeng, and now half of
them are drinking wine. What is this called?
However, Yan Xing was very happy to drink, and ran to order a plate of marinated beef and
vinegar to make peanuts, while talking and laughing with the boss who still has the charm,
"Luchhua girl, how can you not sing a paragraph today?"
Yin Yi came to the spirit and looked at the girl.
I saw the boss's lazy answer, "I am committing autumn dryness, my throat hurts, I can't
Yin Yin is again aphasia.
Juggernaut snorted, as if to sigh that he was too naive.
I am looking for someone to talk about this matter. Qaq

Chapter 69: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The entire autumn of Lueyang City is always accompanied by pattering rain.
In the autumn rain, there was less swaying skirts in the flower alleys, and the beautiful
colors of the flowers were also a bit deserted.
The rain curtain fell down the eaves and fell into the beads, drifting in with the cold west
Outside the house was a hurricane and cold rain, and the house was warm and faint.
The Yin Yue drink is generally not as good as the other two. I have been dyed for a while
before drinking.
I only listened to the Master of the Three Masters. "You are alive! I have seen the Song
family. I am a good man. You are ruining the reputation of others, let alone teaching me..."
Yan Xing chewed vinegar and soaked peanuts, nodding and nodding, "Yes, I deserve it..."
Yin Yi smiled more, he wanted to say that the three brothers, you do not have to hide, the
five divisions have already discussed with Song Shaomen, the next time you see you do not
pull the sword, give you an opportunity to explain.
He opened his mouth and suddenly his head sank, knowing that it was the wine.
I can't think of the floating life of this entrance, the stamina is so big.
He leaned his head, and looked at Master and the three brothers in a dizzying manner,
touching the bowl and patting the table, and talking about it, but they could not hear what
they were saying.
Then he slept.
This sleep is very heavy. When I wake up, the rain has stopped, and the sky is dark. I don’t
know when the lamp is more on the table.
The wine is mixed with the damp cold wind, and the more it feels refreshed, the more
comfortable it is than the meditation.
It is a kind of comfort.
Juggernaut got up and closed the window.
After drinking the last bowl of wine, I told my own three disciples, "The old man is gone.
Don't send it."
Yin Yiyue and Yan Xing farewell, get up and keep up.
At the moment they stepped out of the door, Yan Xing shouted, "Master..."
The sound is not high, and the exit is drowned in the lobby.
Juggernaut's footsteps were slightly swayed, and his back waved at him, his posture was
extremely cool.
The proprietress came over and said nothing, put a jar of wine on his desk.
In the alley, there are girls in twos and threes gathered under the dripping water, the thin
浣 浣 纱 被 被 被 被 被 被 。 。 。 。 。 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻 轻Some people moved the
flowers back to the terrace on the second floor, and ordered the red and golden lanterns to
look at the red light.
Someone walked into the alley and walked into a small building. The narrow alleys are
becoming more and more sturdy.
Yin Yi and Jian Sheng went against the flow of people. Come out and see the empty long
street, deciduous paulownia, all the way, like another world.
Juggernaut looked at the darkness of the sky and said to himself, "I still have to do
Yin Yue has not yet heard it. When he feels that his feet are empty, he knows that Master
has taken him again.
The wind whistled for a moment, and the ear calmed down.
The moon reveals the corners on the clouds, as if at your fingertips.
Yin Yi is standing in the clouds, and the Wanli Mountain River has a panoramic view.
The voice of Juggernaut is awkward. "The fourth child, wait for you to accept the
apprentice, bring people to drive the clouds, remember to keep out the wind."
Yin Yue is a glimpse, and at least he has to go to the Afro, and now he is still far away. But
Master seems to be very sure.
After drinking a drink, I saw the three brothers and the master's snoring. The swordsman
who was up in the mountains was close, and he did not have the original restraint.
So he nodded. "It's still early, when I have an apprentice, Master is a Master. How can the
wind block, what?"
Juggernaut shook his head. "It doesn't matter. At that time, your mind will move. If you
don't have the wind, there will be no wind."
Yin Yi feels that he is really looking for abuse. The War Vine does not understand the realm
of the Great God.
The icon of the Juggernaut is a funny thing to think of. "The old man took the monarch for
the first time. He didn't keep out the wind. Of course, he was not cold. The result was frozen
directly to your master."
Yin Yi thinks that the cold-snowing master is really ice and snow. Obviously listening to
terrible things, I don’t know why, I laughed like Juggernaut.
"Master doesn't scold me, can you be afraid of cold in the realm of the master?"
"Don't believe it? At that time, the monarch was small, standing still without my waist high,
it was like a kitten, hey, what are you laughing, it is true... there is nothing to repair, cold
and do not know how to speak... ..." Juggernaut said and said, the voice went down,
"I am not a good master. I don't know how to teach people, and I haven't taught you well..."
Yin Yiyue also felt that he had a cheap master. In addition to knowing that he is the best in
the world, nothing else is known.
But later, he heard many stories of Master and heard the Master from other populations.
I often think about what kind of person is Juggernaut?
Until he was in the mountains, the epiphany came to the end, and made a blue sky sword.
As if through the rain screen, I saw the savage figure that was to avoid the three-pointer.
Feel the mood of the man out of the sword.
Later, he really saw Master.
Juggernaut is different from his every imagination.
There is no indifference in the mastery of everything in the house, and there is no such
thing as a predecessor.
Although he always calls himself an old man, he is so sleepy, laughs and laughs, and lives
like a teenager.
Yin Yiyue was originally unbelievable, and suddenly became refreshed after drinking.
Because no one stipulates how the saint should live.
He laughed. "Master, you really didn't teach me. To be honest, I saw you at Xingshan
Temple for the first time. I didn't recognize it at all, because the portrait hanging in the
peak is twenty years older than you."
Juggernaut muttered, "Isn't that the old man's stability?"
"At that time, I thought that I had already reached the road. I thought that Da Luo Jinxian
could not save me and Luo brother, but Master came to save us..."
The sound of Juggernaut is still low. "It’s still late..."
Yin Yin smiled and smiled. "I don't feel late. I know that Master will not teach, because the
talent is very high, and the practice is almost instinct. Master is often absent because he is
doing a big thing. Not just me. I believe that the master brother, the second division sister,
the third division brother and the five divisions, all think so."
It’s just speculation about ‘doing a big thing’, but Juggernaut has no rebuttal.
"It is Master who has let me see a possibility. Even if the practice avenue is a thorny way,
even if you live a long life, you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to work hard,
you don't have to live a thousand sails, and you don't want to sleep anymore. I go to sleep, I
want to drink, I drink, I do my whole thing... I am envious, but maybe I will not be a master
in my life. Because Master is the heaven and earth, the unique sword sage is shocking!"
Juggernaut laughed loudly, and laughter shook the clouds.
"Ha ha ha ha - you don't have to live like me at all. Because you are also heaven and earth,
unique and invincible."
Being praised by the saints, Yin Yue is suddenly stunned.
Juggernaut remembered his own sentence, ‘I am not a good master,’ and felt too sour, but
the apprentice came to comfort him. Then a big hand waved, "Go."
He took people from the cloud and jumped down.
Unprepared, the weight loss caused by the high-speed drop makes Yin Yin louder. The
sound of the whistling wind accompanied the laughter of Juggernaut, running through the
eardrum, only the heart must jump out.
Finally, before he could mention the real yuan, the whereabouts stopped.
Yin Yin is more white and gasping.
Just listen to Juggernaut and ask, "Is it irritating? The fourth, you see, life is full of
... I took back what I said. Qaq
They are still in the clouds, and the feet are not real land, but the rolling hills can be seen
The night is deep, the wind blows away the clouds between the green hills, and there is a
faint stream of light silver covering the highest mountain.
That is the brilliance of the formation.
It is beautiful with the autumn moon in the night sky.
Yin Yin has returned to God and remembered the direction of this road. "We are now... in
Hengduan Mountain?"
Juggernaut’s careless ‘um’ sounded.
There is Bao Puzong on the Hengduan Mountain.
Bao Puzong has a large mountain guardian.
Although it is not the Xingshan Temple, it has been passed down from a million years to the
present, but it is integrated with the mountain spirit. When it is opened, it is composed of
four elders who have a great ride, and the Yasheng main array can also use the natural
power of Hengduan Mountain. .
The more Yin Yin did not know why Master came here, but the heart faintly guessed a few
He now wants to see how Master will break, and it is the power that urges him to the
heyday. It must be destroyed by the mountains and the clouds are discolored.
Then Juggernaut took him down.
Nothing happened. They stood in the foothills, just like standing in their backyard.
Yin Yue is more and more stunned, and feels as if it should be.
The sage should be like this. If you want to come, come and go.
Which formation can trap him?
Hawthorn has more than two of them. There is also an old man standing on the rocky
The wind is full of sleeves, as if it is crumbling. However, Yuan Yu Yue, the weather is
Yu Shi came back.
Seeing the indifference of the guardian wind.
When he was young, he often thought that he should not live in the same era as Wei Feng.
If Juggernaut is not in the world, he is the highest mountain.
He stood on the Hengduan Mountain, and the Wanli Mountain River was at his feet.
As long as he is willing, he can even see the waves of the floating sea, the bamboo buildings
on the Qinglan Mountain in the south, the abyss that Dongluguang can not enter, and the
golden roof of the North Imperial City.
These are not as high as him.
But Juggernaut is back, who will remember the second highest mountain in the world?
Yu Shi’s eyes are slightly cold.
Wei Jingfeng did not look at him, but turned to look at the apprentice behind him.
"You see, this is the old man. When the old man is not there, he has no means to make it.
You can't beat him now. You will be the first to export for you, and wait for your future, and
then you will find it yourself."
Juggernaut is too common, just like discussing what to eat at night. Yin Yin heard more and
Yu Shi’s face was colder, and his sleeves were filled with squally winds.
The array of Guanghua Dasheng, such as the moon in the sky, fell in the Hengduan
Mountains, and above nine days, the thick clouds surged, and the clouds revealed a
magnificent pressure.
The shadows are getting bigger and bigger, and the more Yin Yin sees that it is the shape of
a sword.
A huge sword shadow enveloped the entire Hengduan Mountain.
That is the gossip sword of Yu Shi.
But Juggernaut did not draw a sword.
The wind and the sand did not blow in front of him. He raised his hand from the wide
sleeve and pointed it away.
Just like doing it.
At the last moment, I was still drinking in the spring-sleeve building where the wine was
warm and deep. At this moment, I was able to stand on the Hengduan Mountain on the top
of Wanshan Mountain.
Because for Wei Jingfeng, these two things are not difficult to distinguish.
Only the former is happy, the latter is somewhat intolerant.
The giant sword is broken. The moon is broken and the clouds are coming out.
Yu Shi fell from the foothills.
Wan Hao is a cliff, deep invisible.
Juggernaut turned and "goed away."
Just like when it came, the breeze and the moon, Yin Yue and the master took the wind.
"Is the Master done?"
"not yet."
"So where are we going now?"
"Go to the mainland."
Yin Yin thought more and more, this is really the most dramatic story in his life, a night of
ups and downs.
Maybe you can see the big guys in the world.

Chapter 70: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Liu Bull Frost came from the Northland, all the way up and down, wearing stars to wear the
moon, three thousand miles of wind dust in the sleeves.
She came to the mainland and prepared to take a break and go to Mount Yashan. I also
remembered that Yan Xing had sent a letter a while ago, saying that he would come back,
and he said that there were four or two streams in the Fenglai Building on the side of the
Yuanyuan Academy.
After going out, it was late, I was looking for a hotel to stay for one night, but I found that I
was followed.
She walked to the secluded path, twisting and looping back, and the sight was always there.
The other party is very strong.
When I sent Duan Chongxuan back to the Northland, every assassination and assassination
that I encountered was a hundred times stronger.
The intuition about danger is magnified to the extreme. But Liu Biao's cream looks the
She has gone a long way, to an abandoned alley, surrounded by weeds and uninhabited.
The more secluded the place, the more you can perceive each other's existence.
Liu Bull Frost does not need a sword, nor a knife. She is practicing a set of boxing methods.
There is no change in the sword, only the fierce real yuan.
go straight. Just Gangke just.
She flew down on the roof, punched it out, and the wind blew the air, and the four wilds
seemed to have thunder.
But this thunder is not heard by ordinary people, because it will fall into the sea of the
Without reservation, without hesitation, she used the strongest means when she shot.
Because she knows that the gap between strengths and weaknesses is like cloud mud, only
this has a chance.
But the fist is still lost.
The worst happened, and her heart sank.
Don't wait to shoot again, there will be a white shadow falling in front of you.
Juggernaut’s smile, “Bearing frost, growing a lot...”
Speaking of going to the mainland, Yin Yue first thought of Master to see Mr. Zhang.
But the first thing they saw was not the gentleman, but the second sister.
Just like encountering Yan Xing in the Spring Sleeve Building, he said that it was a
coincidence, or that Master intended to do so.
For the first time, Yin Yi saw a big sister with a big expression and a surprised expression.
I found that the second division, who was full of calm and sharp, was as lovely as a girl.
The girl Liu Yumei smiled. "Master, the four teachers, how are you? I thought..."
Juggernaut said, "You still think that the old five is not finished!"
Liu Bull Frost is in the same color. "I sent the five divisions back. The situation in the
Northland is a bit nervous. Fortunately, it has not changed."
Wei Jingfeng sighed. "The most difficult thing to say clearly at home." He comforted his only
female apprentice.
"He doesn't have anything to do with St. Ann, he's fine. Don't worry too much. It all depends
on himself."
Hokuriku is the home of Duan's family. It is also a matter of family to change the sky. Even
Juggernaut is not good at interfering.
Unless Duan Chongxuan personally said, ‘I’m not doing it, I’m going back to the end of the
world, and I’m going to have a relationship with me. ’
But some of the responsibilities are innate, and some of the lithographs to be guarded in
the bone marrow and flesh and blood are never a word.
Yin Yinyue listened to the master in the Yaya Mountain, and the second division went to the
sea to send a message. At that time, I thought that I had a two-sister and a blue-winged
scorpion. This trip should be safe, and I never thought that there would be a crisis. But
Master said yes, this time all depends on himself.
"Standing here likes to go, go." Juggernaut jumped off the roof and walked down the street.
"Look for a place to sleep comfortably."
Yin Yiyue and Liu Yushuang followed him. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the
saint to sleep.
Juggernaut passed four inns, but they all crossed the door.
The night is getting darker, there are fewer pedestrians on the road, and some shops are
starting to fight. Wei Jingfeng stopped in the empty street. Take care of it.
Did not find a satisfactory place to sleep, he is like a child who did not get sugar.
Finally they stopped at a small door.
Here is the depths of the streets, the yellow weeds are half-high, the lacquer on the door is
mottled, and the door width is only allowed to pass by one person, which is obviously the
back door of the family.
Juggernaut stood in front of the door, and the raised hand fell again.
For the first time, Yin Yi saw that Master was hesitant.
There is no way to make this door. You can go in with a single push.
Even if there is, how can we stop the saints?
He turned around and turned to Yin Yue.
"A lot of questions, the old man has not answered you. If you have any questions, let me go
in and ask."
Yin Yin is more surprised, "This is..."
Who can think that the school actually has a back door. And Juggernaut is still familiar with
the road.
Yin Yue knows what is behind this door. It is very likely that Mr. Yuan has seen or counted
them, and he is in the middle of the hospital.
"Don't Master go together?"
Juggernaut walked out of the lane with Liu Buxue. "I haven't seen you with your sister for a
long time. I'm looking for a place to talk..." He paused for a moment and felt that the words
were too unfair, as if they were looking for reasons to cover up, so they went ,
"The last time Li Tugen calculated me, I also hurt him. We don't feel that we are wrong... he
must not want to see me."
In the latter half of the sentence, his voice was low, and the more Yin Yin did not listen to
the truth, because all the attention was placed -
Li Tugen! !
Lee! earth! root! ! !
Mr. Zhang Yuan actually called Li Tugen hahahahahahaha no wonder no one mentions the
name everyone called his husband.
Finished knowing if this secret will be ruined.
Master, I am so scared. Qaq
He wanted to go in the master pulled together, but looking back, where there is the shadow
of two senior sister apprentice and master.
The front door, 'squeak' soon open.
Yin Choi more against Buddhism salute, be greeted with the owner here.
The leaves outside the courtyard are bleak, and the eucalyptus trees in the courtyard still
cover the sky, as in the midsummer season.
It’s just the autumn wind, the chill is not diminished.
Going through the small door, all the way through the dense banyan tree, walked through
the winding corridor, and saw the people sitting in the courtyard.
Mr. Li Tugen is reading a book. The blue light candle with the jumping and the bright
His battle was ruined and the tea was broken. The 10 million volumes of books in the
library building are also familiar with the heart.
Fortunately, there are books in the world that he has not seen. There is nothing to do.
He put down the book and smiled at the comer. "There is no good tea to treat, slow down.
Come, sit."
Yin Yin went up and sat down. "Don't dare. Visiting at night, there are many harassment
and rudeness."
The gentleman waved his hand and smiled as he was, indicating that he didn't have to pay
attention to the vagrant.
The stone table has not changed, and the banyan tree has not changed. However, Yin Yin
discovered that Mr. is like a lot older.
The wrinkles at the end of the eye are getting deeper and deeper, and there are also white
hair with a little bit of whiteness. It is very conspicuous under the moonlight.
What can make a sub-Sacred life consume quickly?
He remembered Master saying that Mr. counted him. Then Mr. must have paid a big price.
The gentleman smiled. "What do you want to ask?"
Yin Yin wants to ask a lot of things. Why did you watch the stars here and let him go south?
Is it the case of Xingshan Temple in the south? How much did Mr. involved in that matter?
How can I be sure that Luo Brothers must be the reincarnation of the devil? Did you let
yourself kill Luo brothers because you are also very special? What is the big thing Master is
He intuitively believes that these things are known to the hospital.
It’s just that Mr.’s attitude is too calm, so he doesn’t know where to ask.
Mr. stood up. "Don't worry, think slowly. You want to ask me something, don't you really
He walked over to Yin Yue and looked at his eyes.
Raised his hand and patted his shoulder. The strength is very light.
Yin Yue is more aware of the earthquake.
The library building in the middle of the night, the temple of the righteousness in the
sunset, the speculative hall in the morning light, the woods of the sword, the terrace of the
Countless pictures flashed in front of his eyes. Such as walking around.
On his way to seeing his husband, he fell into a wonderful realm, let him experience the
past three years in the school, was insane, and finally found a way to use the sword.
Only the memory of the night of graduation is always blurred.
He has an intuition and those things are important. But he can't remember.
Until now, I finally saw it.
His classmates were in the waters of Liantai, drinking and drinking, and drunk and singing,
and he was invited to watch the stars. The wind blows the leaves and the stars are brilliant.
"What do you see?"
"Look again."
Mr. patted his shoulder.
His eyes are deeper and farther, and the universe in his eyes is infinitely close. Nearly you
can see the ice blue frost on the surface of one star, and the other is a thin black flame.
Even though the stars are vast, only these two stars are the brightest. He knew that this
was what Mr. House wanted him to see.
"I do not understand."
Mr. sipped a cup of tea and shimmered in the tea pot.
"Double stars show the world, the dragon snake fights, live and die in the same door, live
So he did not go to the Northland to be an official, but went to the Yanya Mountain with Luo
Then there was the painstaking murder and ambush in the mysterious mystery. Have a
conversation with the Dungeon Dungeon.
On the night of Yin Yi, I saw all the causes and consequences. It’s all over the body.
"You two are each other's nemesis. In my opinion, if there is anyone in the world who can
kill him, it must be you. Otherwise, even if he is physically dead, the stars will not die, and
the spirit will not be scattered. Turn, reincarnation."
Mr. Zhang paused. "But your Master doesn't think so. He wants you to try it. Fight with the
sky, break the game and change your life."
Yin Yi said, "I will not kill my brother. For whatever reason."
His voice is light but firm.
Mr. Zhang smiled. "I know. I thought this road was a dead end, but after I saw you, I found
out that maybe Wei Feng is right. Try it."
Yin Yue suddenly felt that his eyes were a bit sour.
Whether it is Xingshan Temple or Baopu Zong, the school is still a temple, even if the whole
world does not believe. Master is still on his side and has never changed.
When he had not seen Master, Master had already begun to try to believe him.
This kind of trust is somewhat blind and therefore extraordinarily precious.
"You understand. The old man is right."
The voice of the teenager floated in the night wind.
This sentence is said to Mr. Zhang. Juggernaut jumped from the flying raft of the distant
library and fell into the courtyard.
The gentleman shook his head. "It is rude to listen to others, and you don't walk the back
Yin Yue opened his mouth and he wanted to say something at this time, thank Master for
his trust, and thank you for meeting Master.
But Juggernaut is just waving his hand. "Going out tomorrow, the old man will sleep first."
He walked through the hanging flower door and shove open a door to the door.
On the mountain. When the **** is screaming.
The bronze bell knocked seven times, and thousands of disciples rushed to gather in front
of the Qinghe Temple.
Zhengyangzi, the head of the head, and Luo Mingchuan, the first singer of Yanya, stood on
the stone steps and looked at the sea of people surging under the high-order, a familiar
face. Heavy and determined or still young and tender.
Recently, the Northland is not restful.
The disciples stationed at Bentham came to the news that there was a magical repair over
the floating sea. At least three or four hundred people, the number is large, has not been
seen for thousands of years. The remote villages in the border have been devastated, and
the weaker family has not been able to compete with the demons. Many of the emigrants
have rushed to the mountains and Bao Puzong to seek shelter for the big gates.
Most of the disciples in the world have heard about it. At this time, the bells should be
gathered. Only when the sects are ordered, they will go down the mountain to remove the
The voice of Luo Mingchuan is far away.
"My generation is a disciple, I want to be a avenue, sincerely and sincerely. I have been
sending a 10,000-year-old, and my original intention is not changed. When the world is
repaired, it is a disaster. I am waiting for a closed door, sitting and watching it."
The disciples of the priests were excited and shouted, "No-"
Luomingchuan Road, "Good! The disciples above the sacred gods will follow me down the
Jianhai and the voices are connected together, "Going down the mountain to remove the
devil -"
Zhengyangzi feels that his apprentice is really grown up, enough to be alone. This made him
very happy.
But sighed in a low voice, "everything is careful."
It was immediately submerged in the voice of the sea.
Luo Mingchuan heard it, and he did it right.
"Master is assured."

Chapter 71: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The autumn sun is clear and bright. The sky is a splendid peacock blue, the clouds are
shallowly spread, and the sunlight is transmitted from the gap behind the clouds.
As Yin Yue walked out of the school, he carried three books in his arms, and Mr. Jiayuan
stood at the back door and sent him.
He stayed at the school last night. When he got up this morning, the master had not yet
started. Only Mr. Zhang Yuan was reading in the court. Raise your hand and turn the page,
licking the purple robes and wide sleeves in the autumn wind.
When Yin Yin came out to meet him, he laughed.
"I have a few collections, just finished, very interesting, you can have nothing to look at
when you are free."
The more Yin Yin is surprised, the world knows that Mr. is a master of ancient and modern,
and thousands of books are in his mind.
Some people even think that the world can't find a book that Mr. hasn't read.
Such a person who can cross the space with a seal and calculate the universe's orbit, will
learn to ask what?
Homemade exercises? The end of time? Balance in space distortion? Passing through the
barriers of the three thousand worlds?
From the sleeves, Mr. took out a few thin yellow books, Yin Yin crossed his hands, and his
fingers shook slightly.
Look down at it -
"The evil charm is long and cold"
What special thing is this! ! ! !
"The perfect fairy meets me", "The overbearing immortal let me go", "The cold master
respects me", this is actually a series of texts! ! ! !
The middle-aged Confucian smiled a little, and the smile was as profound as the river.
"Young people, look good."
For a moment, Yin Yin’s brain exploded, and it was about to rush to hold Mr. Li Tugen’s
hand. “The king is covered with land! The landlord is two hundred and five! Tell me you are
like me!—”
But in the end, he just put the book in his sleeve and he did his disciples.
Because the gentleman smiled as if he had bought interesting books in the city, he gave
them the same.
Juggernaut came out of the house and glanced at them. He said to Yin Yin, "The bullying
frost went back to the end of the night, and we will leave today."
Yin Yin felt more intuitively that Master wanted to say something. He said to Mr. Zhang, but
he did not look back until he went out.
Middle-aged Confucian scholars watched them walk out of the alleys, and their figures
gradually drowned in the streets where people flowed.
Juggernaut bought two horses, and with Yin Yin, he went out to Chengyangguan and went
all the way to the floating sea.
The autumn wind rises and the white clouds fly, and the grass and trees fall into the south.
They stopped and stopped, like two young boys with white horses whip, swimming in the
middle of the autumn.
Juggernaut knows which city night market is the best to eat, which flower girl is the most
beautiful, which pub is not mixed with water, and autumn is coming, which lake's crab is
the most fat.
He told the apprentice. Sometimes he will also talk about his interesting things when he
was young, and more often he will watch Yin Yin and practice his sword.
When the disciple practiced the sword, he did not speak because he did not teach. When
the interest comes up, I will fold the branches and Yin Yue to fight one more.
Yin Yue is always miserable.
Juggernaut laughed loudly. "Your master is also here. Learn to fight and you must first learn
to beat!"
Yin Yin is more and more sad for the masters. As the first disciple of Yan Huafeng, the full-
scale **** has not yet brought experience, and the starting point is not heavy, and there
must be no less beatings.
He originally thought that Master had no goals, and which one to go. Until they stood by the
The sea breeze is salty, the pier is as old as it is, and it is very similar to the Da Nang in the
West. Boarding the ship, unloading the goods, the sound of the anchor and the shouting of
the farewell mixed in one place.
Yin Yi is more than a moment, like the scene when Luo Mingchuan and Duan Chongxuan
walked together, still yesterday.
It’s just that they are now on different continents.
Yin Yiyue and Jian Sheng boarded the ship, along with the caravans to Donglu.
The East Lu Mo Xiu, almost obscured, but also has the power of the practitioners. The profit
of the caravans once and for all is huge, and the man-made dead birds are eating and
drinking. There are always businesses that are not weak and willing to go.
The current status of Juggernaut is the third generation of disciples of Yan Yashan. The
more Yin Yin is in a difficult situation, he does not need to pay the ship, and only assists the
**** caravan on the sea road, from sea beasts and pirates.
This is the first time Yin Yin has crossed the sea of this world.
A white seabird flying at the first line of the water; a large ship propping up the hurricane
through the waves; or a mild or cruel, strange sea beast; the golden light of the sunrise and
sunset; the salty sea breeze and the boundless silver at night Hui.
The ship is on the sea, alternating around the clock. Juggernaut played the cards on the
deck with the sailors, and lost the cards to make a loud swearing. Also taught his apprentice
how to fight.
Yin Yi has never been obsessed with practice in every second, but his mind is open and his
realm is rising rapidly.
He didn't know what Master was going to do in Donglu, and he didn't ask much.
After seven days, he broke through the small ride, and finally realized that the brothers and
sisters walked on the wasteland, and the legend of self-destruction was not exaggerated by
the world.
They disembarked in the East China Sea, and the business team separately, the fleet boss
also took the Juggernaut’s shoulder to recruit,
"Little brother, after you leave the division, you will come to the fleet with Laozi. It’s
delicious and delicious. There is Laozi’s one of you. You earned a hundred thousand
Lingshi, and you don’t have to worry about buying a housewife. Hahahahaha. ”
Yin Yi is overwhelmed.
Juggernaut responded with kindness, "Thank you, big brother. Business is booming and
wealth is growing."
The port is deserted, and several boats are parked alone in the autumn wind. The arrival of
the caravan made the place alive. Yin Yi went with the Master in the direction of the crowd,
and heard the accent on the way, which gave him a sense of strangeness in a foreign land.
But he inexplicably thinks that Master is very familiar with the road, because it seems to be
casual, but his eyes are always firm.
Sunset wilderness, the sky is like a fire.
They walked in the wilderness of the trees, the long winds, and the distant eyes, looming
snow peaks looming over the sky.
It can be seen not because it is near, they are at least a thousand miles away from the
It is because the snow peak is very high and can be seen in any open space in Donglu.
The magic palace that was a million years ago was there. It is now occupied by the Golden
Palace, the most powerful of the Zodiac.
Yin Yi has seen it many times in the book, there is no snowy snow, and there is a snowy
It is difficult for a flying bird to cross, and it is difficult to go to the sky.
Juggernaut looked down at his gaze and narrowed his eyes.
"Have you seen the magic repair?"
“I have seen it twice, in Yecheng and the Muxiang Mountains in the South China Sea.”
"Handed over?"
Yin Yin nodded, but remembered his bad performance at that time, and it was a bit
Juggernaut asked again, "What do you think is the difference between the magic and ours?"
Yin Yi thinks that Master is studying in school and is careful to answer.
"My generation of practitioners, with the heavens and the earth aura as their true elements,
in the process of breathing, sucking up the anger, spit out the dead air, is said to be endless.
And it is said that the magic of the practice, no taboo, no matter how angry, Together, even
the flesh and blood of living things, the suffocation of the body can be collected as a
He has never seen a magical practice, and this is also derived from the records of the
Juggernaut Shen Shen, "good. But the magic repair is also divided into two. The disciples of
the twelfth house, when entering the entrance, will be broken by the division's elders to
punish the meridians. After the reincarnation of the meridians, the intensity can be the
highest. It’s ten times better, it’s more painful, and it will make the bones and skins
recreate. The human body structure is changed, and they no longer think that they are
human beings.
Yin Yin is more frowning. Normal practitioners will change their physical condition and
their senses with the improvement of their realm, but they will not produce self-
recognition that deviates from human beings.
Juggernaut seems to know what he wants,
"If you have seen those who are thrown at the bottom of the cliff, the meridians are broken,
and survival is a problem, but they can kill each other until the people who survive can
enter the magic palace, they will understand their thoughts."
Yin Yue is more silent.
Most people in the world think that the magic is cruel and bloodthirsty because of the
practice of evil spirits, but Juggernaut has seen a deeper reason.
The land resources of the East China are depleted, the forces are divided, the weak meat is
strong, and no single sect can make rules. As long as you practice, and you are eager for
self-protection, you will live in a struggle without end, and test humanity all the time. In the
long run, many people have adapted to such a life, and Donglu has become more and more
“Master is very familiar with Donglu?”
Yin Yi Yue is asking casually. I want to visit Jian Sheng for many years, and there are places
that are not familiar. It’s not surprising to know how to accept the zodiac.
Who knows Wei Jingfeng replied, "Mature. I was born in Donglu, and a village in Li Tugen."
Yin Yin is speechless and gazing.
Juggernaut does not want to mention this topic again, but also talks about the type of magic
repair. "There is another kind, there is no teacher, and they are groping for spiritual
practice. They have no dependence, and they are not bound. They are good at killing people
and taking treasures. I don't care about the price, I am not afraid of death."
Yin Yin crossed the road, "horrible."
Not afraid of killing people is not afraid of death. Not subject to any rules, let alone moral
conscience. He can't help but think that if you encounter such an opponent, even if the
realm is similar, it is difficult to win.
Juggernaut nodded, "Yes, it’s really scary... Hey, look, this is not the case."
Yin Yin stopped to step, and looked at it. I saw a half-high grass in the grass, and a pair of
eyes stared straight at him.
No feelings, good at concealment, very patient, is the eyes of the beast staring at the prey.
The bitter chill came to my heart. If it wasn’t for Juggernaut’s reminder, he never noticed
anyone there.
If he is a person, then it is very likely that he will be seriously injured today and even die
Yin Yin’s hand was pressed on the hilt. The figure in the grass still does not move. For a
time, only the whistling sound of the wind.
But he knows that the other party is very likely to be conducting a temptation or a crit.
Juggernaut suddenly opened his mouth and his voice was in his ear. "This is not the same as
the folding flower you played. Now is the real battle between life and death. After you die,
the rune with the rune will be taken by the other side to the black market. ""
"The battle doesn't require courtesy, and killing people doesn't need beauty. You just need
to hold a sword, kneel down your opponent's head, or pierce your heart."
"Can you do that?"
There is a sword saint, and their dialogue will naturally not be heard.
Yin Yin said the truth, "I have not learned this."
He didn't know if he could do what Master said.
Juggernaut sighed. "The old man has not taught it, because this is the sword of murder. But
you need to learn."
This world also needs you to learn.
Yin Yin discovered that the grass was invisible and trembled, not the wind. It is the end of
the other party's temptation, and the patience is exhausted.
Juggernaut stepped back two steps, standing behind his own apprentice. I don’t know
when, the realm that was revealed in the whole body turned into a condensed period.
Just like Ming Huang told the other party, "I am weak, he is very strong, he covers me."
The more Yin Yin can only pull the sword on top of the scalp.

Chapter 72: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
It is said that it is necessary to pull the sword, but Yin Yue’s reliance on the lake only has a
half inch.
The black shadow in the grass has been gaining momentum for a long time. Since it jumps
out, it will never let him grab the opportunity.
The four grasses of the wild grass are folded down, and the black shadow is shot to the
right shoulder. The vast magical pressure came, Yin Yue crossed the sword to stop, leaning
against the lake is still in the sheath, humming, and hedged with the magic.
Suddenly, the light in front of the eyes shook, the dagger in the other's sleeve went straight
to the door, and the sharp light made him tingling for a moment. Yin Yi turned over his
wrist, leaning against the lake to change the thorn, picking the dagger, but not at the foot to
prevent two steps backward, this only saw the shadow.
It is different from the two pale complexes that I have seen in the Southland. The other side
is wrapped in a tight black broth, the realm of restraint, can not see the depth, only
revealing a pair of cold and sharp eyes.
A long time later, Yin Yi knew that this kind of person has the same name, and there is a
unified name, the hunter on the wilderness.
They live, wander and plunder in the wasteland, and the prey is the rusher of the order.
Usually know how to fight, after patient observation, long ambush, judge the strength of the
prey, and then hit and kill.
Now, the hunter's trail is exposed, and he suddenly fails to kill Yin Yin. According to
experience, he should leave at the fastest speed. But he didn't.
Because these two people's robes work beautifully, they look very rich, and the look is
innocent. After finishing this hunting, it should be enough for half a year. it's a bargain.
The more Yin Yin knows the other person's thoughts, in fact, from the cross sword to the
picking dagger, but in the blink of an eye. The Yihu sword didn't get out of the sheath at the
first moment, let him panic for a while, and quickly calmed down. The two steps of
retreating have subconsciously made the ‘stepping mountain river’.
These two steps are coming to an extreme and earning him time.
Leaning the sword of the lake, the white figure leaped high, accompanied by the resounding
sounds of the wilderness, as the birds cast the forest and pressed down to the opponent.
Others are in the air, and the grass on the ground suddenly separates from the two sides,
extending ten feet away.
The sword is swaying, like the sea.
It is the ‘ crane’s cloud’ of the swordsmanship.
He is now a small rider, and both the real and the kendo are not the same. The power of this
sword is ten times better than the folding.
At the same moment of the sword, Yin Yi knows that the sea has quickly calculated the
opponent's hundred kinds of coping, and even counted his own twenty strokes.
But he did not think that the other party did not pay attention to his sword.
The dagger cut through the air and cut it to his throat. Clean and neat, like weeding to cut
the road.
Because it is simple and fast, it is so incredible that the trajectory formed a black arc.
The hunter is more confident than he is, or at least as fast. Then when the Yin Jianyue
sword pierces his heart, he will also cut off the throat of Yin Yin.
"Stabbing -"
The short edge of the blade is gas white. It is the sound of the immersive practitioner's
body protector being broken.
Between a few minutes, Yin Yi has even felt the coldness of the bone marrow.
Even though his sword has penetrated the opponent's body, the centrifugal pulse is not half
an inch, but he is forced to change his mind and return to the sword defense.
Because he is really scared.
It was not until this moment that he finally understood what Juggernaut had just said.
This is the real battle between life and death. The opponent will fight with the injury and
injury, and the fold will stop the difference.
In the face of enemies who are not afraid of death, all the exquisite swordsmanship and
calculations lose their meaning.
Yin Yin fell to the ground, and the hunter did not give him any chance to breathe. The black
arc of the short knives cuts the air, and the trajectory condenses into thin lines.
Numerous yellow leaves are cut open at the line and the incision is flat. Dancing in the
autumn wind.
The trajectory of the dagger becomes a net, which divides the space on the wasteland into
This is the net of the hunter.
The more Yin Yin is in this network, the advance and retreat is not allowed.
The tightly pierced percussion sounds reverberating, and between the moments, the lake
sword meets every line, and it is the same as the dagger.
Yin Yin turned over his wrist and stabbed the sword straight to the ground under his feet.
The ground cracked into a deep gap, and countless swords and scorpions shot from his
body, cutting off the overwhelming black net.
He pulled the sword, and the earth and gravel splashed.
The chill was set off, and the dry grass in the wild condensed heavy hoarfrost.
Cold water sword!
The hunter is flying with a short squat and seeing him confront him.
Yin Yi is more certain that this sword will cut off the other's dagger.
No one knows more about the sharpness and hardness of the lake than he does.
However, the next moment, his sword did not fall.
Because the short hand of the opponent's right hand suddenly took off his hand and threw
it at the door of his face, and the left hand was surprised to see a long knife, which slid to
his waist.
Hide the knife in the sleeve.
The enemy never said that there was only one dagger.
No matter how seemingly favorable, it is stupid for the hunter to be close.
The white smoke rises and the body is broken.
The method is shameless but effective.
Yin Yi has blocked the Thunder's dagger, but he can't get back to the long knife.
The long knife came to the throne, but the magic was not heavy, but he still broke his body.
The thin blood line oozes from the robe.
He changed his sword fast enough to be cut off.
From the fight to the present, although the two sides have more moves, the fighting time is
only half a cup of tea.
Yin Yi has twice fallen into a dangerous situation.
This reminds him of the experience in the dark caves of the Xiangshan Mountain. If the
brother is here, he is still a drag.
It is clear that he was pointed by the world's first Juggernaut, clearly that he broke through
the small ride.
Still no progress at all.
Yin Yiyue sealed the abdominal wound with the real yuan, and his face was as quiet as
The long knife broke the wind.
The vast magical blast broke in the wilderness, centered on the blade, and the wild grasses
of the four fields were smashed into powder, like rain.
The hunter finally used the strongest means, because he decided that his opponent had just
got a knife.
If he wants to have a sword, he can't avoid this knife.
If he wants to retire, he will only retreat from then on.
The more Yin Yin is only sideways, and the sword is at the same time.
The violent real yuan is exhausted, but it is not a day.
He flew over the blade, and the robe danced and danced.
No light, no swords.
Only full of suffocation, throw out in a sword!
Relying on the lake feels the owner's mind, long songs between the heavens and the earth.
Then the autumn wind is quiet, and the voice of this sword is left in the wilderness!
The sword saint look after the wild grass is a little surprised.
The battle went here, and he showed his expression for the first time.
After the breath, the sword never met. At the same time, he did not enter the opponent's
Hunters don't use magical guards, which is considered waste. Yin Yin chose to use all the
real yuan in the sword.
So at this time, there is no sound, only blood and light splashes.
The black and red blood turns into a flower that competes in the air.
The hunter's eyes solidified in shock.
He didn't understand why the opponent's sword would be faster than him. What went
Yin Yin pulled the sword, and the dead magic repair fell backwards, kneeling on the ground,
and the smoke rose.
The other's long knife was also pulled away from his body, only a few millimeters from the
Blood and water slid down the blade, and the wind was full of blood and blood.
Juggernaut came out.
Yin Yin is slightly stunned. "Master, I am not doing well... I am similar to his realm, but I
almost lost to him."
Juggernaut patted his shoulder. "Only on life and death, don't look at winning or losing."
There is another sentence that Wei Feng did not say. This person's realm is actually higher
than his own apprentice, but the magic practice is special, and it is not easy to reveal the
Yin Yin was shot by Master. Depressed and stunned.
He smiled softly.
The burning sun is on the wasteland, shining his white hair and eyebrows.
Luo Mingchuan has been in the West Coast for seven days. He took down more than 300
disciples from the end of the mountain. Separated in the middle, one team escorted the
emigrants to the north, and the other team continued with him to go west.
Traces of the magic repairs have been seen everywhere on the road, and they have also
played against several lone walks. However, it has not yet encountered the Magic Repair
Until entering this town.
The town was not prosperous, and now it is completely empty, and even the **** and ****
can't hear it. The streets are full of scattered baggage, which shows how rushing at the time.
Fortunately, there was no blood in the body. It was the townspeople who got the news
But there is still plenty of magic in this town.
There are magic repairs still hidden here, but the enemy is dark, they are clear.
"Be alert at all times, the team should not be scattered. I went to the heights to see." Luo
Mingchuan confessed, flying and plundering to the tower in the town.
He has a prestige among the disciples, and no one has raised any objection to this road. The
follow-up facts prove that his decision is always the most appropriate and effective.
Luo Mingchuan looks far on the tower, and the town of Xiaosei has a panoramic view.
Compared with Garan's technique, God's knowledge is a chicken. He didn't need to
deliberately ascend, but he was prepared to be seen as a clue to the practice.
It is now the first time he has used scorpion surgery since he went down the mountain.
Because he has intentionally reduced his dependence on it.
The magic repair showed signs in his eyes, and the mansion to the east of the town had
gathered at least ten people. They will have a special covert method, which can absorb the
breath and avoid the observation of the gods. This subtle concealment should be the ‘Bi
Palace’ in the twelfth house.
Luo Mingchuan is staring at God, but he has suddenly stepped back three steps.
The footsteps just fell, only where he stood, the blue bricks burst open!
The entire tower was slightly shaken. After the smoke, the shadow of the enemy's figure
appears. Five people, repaired to see no depth, sealed his retreat everywhere.
The disciples of the dynasty heard the sound, and some have rushed to the tower.
Luo Mingchuan shouted at the same time as he shot.
"Don't come over! Be careful!"
The voice did not fall, and the team heard a miserable wailing. At the moment when they
were bombed and attracted their hearts, they did not realize that the magic repair came
The golden light of Buddhism's big handprint is lit up on the tower, which is the fastest way
to break through. The enemy in front of him was blown open, but the remaining three
quickly gathered.
One of them was the highest, and the other two were led by him.
The thief first smashed the king, and Shen Zhoujian smashed out of the sheath and pulled
forward a sharp sword.
The tower was cracked at the foot of Luomingchuan, and the cracks stretched all the way.
The gravel and dust of the sky burst. It seems that there is life in general gathering in the
sword week, together with the sword front to the enemy.
It seems like a sword.
The opposite of the two people's rich magical condensed into a real wall, blocking in front
of another person, and the man's hands are changing rapidly, and the magical swords are
Weng Ming deaf ears, and countless swords on both sides met in the air.
Luo Mingchuan was anxious to help the younger disciples in the next tower, and there was
no reservation.
The wall of the magical interest was broken, and the swords were swaying. The two
magical repairs were severely countered, and they were shattered by the heart.
The fragile tower was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.
In the overwhelming smoke, the man stood still and was still printing. His face was
unchanged, as if he did not see his companion falling or dying. Wan Jian is constantly born
out of thin air.
Luo Mingchuan was sinking in his heart and knew that he underestimated the strength and
reaction of the other side.
It’s too late to start the sword, but the eyes can be faster than the sword.
His pupils are miniature, and the magic in front of him is broken. This gave him time to win
the sword.
Shen Zhou broke through the encirclement and came to the enemy.
The other party suddenly closed his hand, and his look was shocked, allowing the gravel to
penetrate the body. Blood is like a spring.
Finally, he was pierced by a long sword, but he looked at Luo Mingchuan’s eyes and
Then fell from the sky and fell in the ruins of the tower.

Chapter 73: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The night is dark. The jumping dim candle fell on the woman's beautiful face, illuminating
her slight brows and the sorrow of the fundus.
He Wei was very panicked. She can't calm down or practice.
Xiaolian, who was meditating in bed, opened her eyes and got up and closed the window.
Sitting next to her, whispered, "What's wrong? You are uneasy at night..."
He returned to God and pulled out a smile. "It's okay, maybe it's too tired during the day."
Yan Xiaolian knows that she must be in her heart. But she did not want to say that she
would not ask more.
Just laughing, "The moon is very round today, let's go around."
The two girls went to the courtyard and leaped to the roof.
The whole town was empty, and the disciples had repaired a few old houses, stayed for one
night, and took a rest. Leave here tomorrow morning and go to the next village to see if
there are any remaining magic repairs in the Westland.
There was a fierce battle in the day, and no one thought that there would be more than
forty demons in this humble town.
Fortunately, Luo brothers saw the machine fast, no one in the team was seriously injured.
Under the cold moonlight, it is the ruins of the tower black tower not far away. It seems as
if the battle is still in sight.
He Yan remembered the daytime things.
Her talent for cultivation is outstanding among the disciples in the world, otherwise she
will not be accepted by Zhengyangzi. Although far from being a genius, there are also
unique talents.
Her observation and five senses are beyond the realm of the realm, especially hearing.
Only she heard the words of the demons before they died.
Before Luo’s brother was hurt because of saving people, the resilience was so incredible,
and only she noticed.
Intuition told her that these were big events, so he did not say anything with Xiaolian.
The case of Xingshan Temple shocked the practice circle, but because of the participation of
Juggernaut, the city’s gossip did not dare to say more.
What shocked He was that Luo brothers came back this time, and after the injury, they
made a sudden advance. The distinct brother is a small rider. Sometimes she can feel the
pressure of Mahayana and even win more than Master's power. Once or twice, it can be
said to be an illusion. But yesterday, this feeling is clearer.
Xiaoliandao said, "The last time the stack of cigarettes was written, I said that I tried the
new practice of glutinous rice chicken. As a result, when I was on fire, I was not right, and
the kitchen was blown up."
He Hao laughed. "Is there such a thing, why don't you tell me early?"
"She is afraid of you laughing, so I only wrote a letter to me."
He Li immediately took out a piece of jade and started writing.
Yan Xiaolian knew that the two of them could be damaged through the distance of ten
thousand and eight thousand miles, but fortunately, He Hao was happy.
"She fried the kitchen, then?"
"Then she was trained by her mother."
"Just like this? I don't believe, there must be!"
"I can't really say it later..."
He Yan jumped up to poke her belly. "Say, let me say."
Yan Xiaolian reached out and stopped, but she didn't go back. "Don't stop, then her younger
brother Chen Yi passed by and pulled her out of the kitchen ruins..."
"Hahahahaha, the first beauty of the gray-faced face was rescued from the stove, I can laugh
for a year!"
"This is what you are confessing!"
"What are you afraid of, she knows to tell you, you will tell me!"
Xiaolian Xiao thought for a moment, "Yes."
Later, Qu Duanyan also asked her why He did not reply.
He Wei wrote the jade slip, and he was in a good mood.
Looking up, I saw a figure standing on the opposite roof.
"Luo brother..."
Her voice was low and weak, and it was not heard in the autumn wind. Luo Mingchuan
heard it.
Then I smiled back. "Low, I have to hurry up tomorrow, and my sister will rest earlier."
"Brother, you have been... recently?"
This sentence is somewhat inexplicable. Even He Wei does not know what he is asking, and
he is somewhat annoyed.
But Luo Mingchuan answered very seriously. "I am fine."
His eyes were calm and his voice was mild, but with a certain strength.
At this moment, He Wei suddenly felt that the fears of the past few days have lost their
The brother is still her brother.
She respects worship and has been a brother of brother for many years.
that's enough. She believes in her brother.
So what about other things?
Of course, it’s important, but there are big people in the world to worry about.
She is more willing to worry about the lifelong events of her brother, so she smiles a little
more. "When is Yin brother coming back?"
Luo Mingchuan Wei Wei. He has always been frank, never thought that when someone was
brought up by Yin Shidi, there would be strange surprises in his heart.
He looked at the distant moon. "I don't know, but it will not be too late..."
The younger brother said that he will return soon.
Juggernaut and Yin Yin walked on the wasteland.
The horizon is unobtrusive, and the moon is extraordinarily large.
The icy silver glow shines on the sword, and the lake sword is as clean as water, and the
blood is not stained.
Yin Yiyue held the sword all the way and never returned to the sheath.
He didn't kill any more, but he played a lot. Every time they are sneaked, their opponents
will not be able to escape. Every day goes through life and death.
At night, Juggernaut slept on the big tree with yellow leaves, Yin Yin was meditating under
the tree.
The sky is wide and the night winds roar.
He sometimes thinks that Master is a Donglu person. When he was young, he went to the
end of the land from the East China Sea. Perhaps he also walked through this wilderness.
Perhaps he had no day and night to deal with the killing of people, and the night could not
be embarrassed. So much later focused on the quality of sleep.
The mentor and the apprentice will also chat. Juggernaut speaks very directly, and Yin Yue
wants to ask more and become more direct, even if some answers do not understand.
"What kind of sword is leaning against the lake?"
"A **** soldier."
"Why give me?"
"I am not giving you, it is choosing you."
"Master, why did you leave Donglu?"
"The village was gone when I was young... Li Tugen said that I wanted to go outside and
"How did you get out?"
"Li Tugen will count, the enemy that can be counted, can avoid."
"Can't you count?"
"I can't count it, we will kill him together."
"It is said that Master and Mr., together with the obstacles, have killed the Mahayana
strong. Is it true?"
Juggernaut responded with carelessness, "Oh... yes."
Although rumors, the truth is often more terrible than rumors.
"Tian Luo nine to the end, can really not die?"
This is what Mr. Yuan told him, Yin Yue feels too much against the sky. Turning to think
again, I have experienced a long period of anti-sectship crossing, is it also a godsend?
Juggernaut replied, "Whether it is, this kind of anti-sky is too boring."
Not meaningless, but not interesting.
"Master's practice, isn't it for the pursuit of longevity?"
The world's practitioners are tens of millions of targets, but the power is not strong, the
status is superb, and there is a long life.
"I originally practiced because I liked to practice this thing. It is very interesting to practice
the sword itself. Then it is to live freely. As for the longevity? The old man did not think
about it... It is too boring to care about it, the road is buried, the ditch is ditching. Buried,
wild dogs have eaten and □ coffin..."
Distinctly speaking of life and death, the voice of Juggernaut is low, and it is actually asleep.
Yin Yi is leaning against the big tree. The moonlight shook the mottled tree shadow and
landed on his face.
Without death, where is the meaning of life? He did not think about this problem. Master is
so detached, and the realm is high, maybe he will never reach it.
But he remembers Master's words, he is the first Yin Yue, do not have to be a second Wei
He has his own way to go.
There is also a day to go out in the wilderness. Yin Yiyue and Master came to the town
where the first humans lived inhabited since they entered the East China Sea.
In the autumn of Xiaosuo, the gray flag of the city is even more desolate. Where the chaos is
divided, different flags represent the protection of different forces.
There are no three-storey buildings in the city, and the masonry structure is more than the
wooden raft. Long Street is a flat dirt road, and it is empty during the day. The households
closed the door and locked, and occasionally several people walked through, all of them
were in a hurry, and the soldiers were waisted.
In Donglu, in addition to the innocent snow sea, there are rumors that luxury is not like the
Golden Palace in the world, such a scale of towns are dotted. People live here, there is no
security, just three points better than the crisis.
Juggernaut took Yin Yin and walked into the only two-storey restaurant in the city. The
stairs were overwhelmed by the noise, and the dust fell.
He and the store said the mouth of the mouth, Yin Yin can only guess a few points. After
that, I took two pieces of Lingshi on the table.
Donglu does not need copper and silver, nor does it have a trade name for changing the
silver ticket. From the black market to the pub, the only thing that circulates is the Lingshi.
After a short time, the man with the hands and feet was on the altar.
"There is no food to eat here, but the wine is good. Only the water of the Suichuan River can
produce such a strong burning knife. Come and taste it."
Yin Yin took a sip from the bowl and the entrance was very spicy. If the blade was in the
intestines, he would cough again and again.
Juggernaut laughed and looked up.
The guy brought a black cloak, and Juggernaut threw it at Yin Yi, "I bought it for you."
This kind of cloak is very strict, and after wearing it, I feel like a magician. But I have to
admit that the white robe walking in the East Land is really eye-catching.
Juggernaut obviously didn't think so much, "black is dirty."
Even if it is stained with blood, it is not obvious, whether it is your own or the blood of the
They rested in the town for one night, and went south on the second day to go to the
Suichuan River.
When Juggernaut bought the ship, the sky suddenly darkened, the dust was flying, and the
rain was falling.
When the boatman saw them as two young sons, they kindly advised, "This weather, the
water on the river is fierce."
Juggernaut smiled and paid him two more spiritual stones. It is not easy to get a good word
in troubled times.
Going to the middle of the river, the raindrops of the beans are smashing down, and the
boat is swaying in the sky, like a late autumn leaf, and it is swallowed up in a blink of an
The two people in the cabin are sitting, the rain is violent, but the strangeness cannot be
blown here.
Under the swaying candlelight, the bright sword light is like a lightning bolt that illuminates
the entire cabin.
This is the first time Yin Yin has seen the ‘autumn wind’ from the sheath. He stared intently,
for fear of missing a trace of brilliance.
On the Hengduan Mountain, Master was seriously injured and used only one finger.
At that time, he was thinking, what else is there in the world worthy of saints?
Juggernaut began to rub the sword, and his look was very serious. Yin Yi can't bear to
interrupt the words.
Until Juggernaut began to talk, "The fourth child, what else do you want to ask?"
I don't know why, Yin Yin has a bad feeling in my heart. This kind of intuition has always
been there, and now it is magnified to the extreme.
Master saw a lot of people, did a lot of things, and taught him a lot.
It’s like it’s been in the past, to say goodbye to the world.
Then Yin Yue opened his mouth, and his voice trembled insignificantly.
"What are Master doing all these years?"

Chapter 74: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
What have you been doing these years? This question is very good to answer.
But Wei Jingfeng thought more than just a hundred years. He remembered the big banyan
tree on the side of Xihe Village, the floating happiness of the spring sleeve building, the
heavy snow in Yunyang City, and the clouds and wind on the mountain.
The enemy killed under the sword, the apprentice received under the door.
In the end, he replied, "A hundred years ago, Li Tugen counted as the Xing Xingyuan began
to expand rapidly, so I will go down and see."
"Where... what?"
Yin Yue remembers that in Xingshan Temple, he and Luo Shixiong broke into the temple of
the temple, and in the illusion of the brothers, there is a star.
Juggernaut faintly said, "It is a monster. The endless monster."
“Is there a way to get rid of them?”
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart. The monster he only saw in the classics.
Unlike the minds of the magical repairs, the lower monsters only know the flesh and blood
that devour the living creatures, and they are painless.
"No. After the War of the Devils, there were too many dead people, and the balance
between life and death was broken and the world was robbed. The sky was burning, the
ground was cracked, the suffocation accumulated under the abyss, and the birth was born."
Sword, "A million years have passed, it has become a climate. When the monsters are
hungry to a certain extent, they will come out for food. Even without the reincarnation of
Mo Changyuan, they should soon come out."
"So %e, those things can still be long, and the symptoms are not cured."
Master is really doing something big. Even if he does this thing, no one knows.
If there is no sword holy three times into the abyss in this hundred years, I am afraid that
the world has long been chaotic.
Wei Jingfeng seems to guess what his own apprentice is thinking, and got up and walked
outside the cabin. "It’s said that there is a tall man standing up in the sky."
He stood at the bow of the ship, the rain on the river poured down, and the storm was
angry. "But who is higher than the old man?"
Wei Jingfeng never felt that he was a good person. There are countless souls under his
sword. It is generally unreasonable. I also admit that there is no such thing as ‘the real life
and death of the world’. If you can, he prefers to sleep and drink every day, watching Jun’s
But when things come, they are forced to the front, others can't do it, and he will do it.
"Li Tugen counted the position of the sword that was left behind during the War of the
Demon, and the earth and the stars were in harmony. The old man went down and took the
sword out of it, which could seal half of the abyss."
“Is there really a sword?”
Yin Yi has always thought that the sword is only in the legend. Thousands of right-handed
monks died in the war, and the bones were eroded by the magic, leaving only the sword.
Nowhere to bury bones, but you can bury your sword. Later, no one wanted to try to find a
soldier, but after millions of years, no one has ever found it.
"Yes, there is only a formation on the top, and the sacred era left, and now there are also
70% of the power. The average person in the past, let alone break the line, even the
position can not see."
"How long does Master have to go?"
"It's hard to say, come back when you're done."
Yin Yi feels that he is too unpromising.
When I heard this sentence, my eyes were sour. It is possible to let Juggernaut say that he
does not know when he will come back. The danger can be imagined.
Juggernaut replied, "One or two are crying, like what, go to learn your master! The old man
is going to do things, not to die! The third is not as good as you, but also to go with the old
man, went What can I do? Looking for death?!"
Yin Yue took a deep breath, "Master, we are waiting for you at the end of the world."
Such a major event that determines the future direction of the world can only be borne by
Juggernaut alone. Because he stood too high, even a person who can compare shoulders.
It’s too cruel to be too unfair.
But what has been fair in this world?
The invisible barrier suddenly disappeared, and the wind and the wind hit it down, and the
cold wind went deep into the bone marrow.
Wei Jingfeng stood in the bow of the ship, standing proudly, wide-sleeved floating in the
river wind, hunting and flying, raising his hands and self-satisfaction,
"What kind of character is the old man! The old man's heart can be heaven and earth!"
He looked down again and looked a little lonely. "The heavens and the earth can't hold me."
Juggernaut's life is full of enmity and enmity. He came to this world to open the prelude to
the era of the stars, and it was vigorous. When you want to leave, you can't leave.
He destroyed the temple of Thousand Hundreds of Guangsha in Xingshan Temple and went
to Baozong to seriously harm Yasheng Yushi. Two major events shocked the world. The
enemy is clear, but he is still there.
He picked up the sword in his hand and coveted it.
‘Spring Mountain Smile’ and ‘Autumn Wind Leave’ are a pair of swords since the day they
were cast.
But in the autumn wind, people can't help but gather.
Yin Yi stood behind the master and heard the consistently loose voice in the river wind.
"The fourth, I don't teach you much. This time, I am afraid I can't catch up with you."
The curator's crowning ceremony is presided over by the teacher's elders. It is an approval
of the disciple to grow up and is also a wish for the future practice.
Juggernaut turned back and had an ebony crown on his hand. "If you are not young, you
should be there now."
When it was time to grow up, it was time to face the storm.
Yin Yin squatted down and leaned over and straightened his head. Juggernaut gathered his
white hair and put it in the crown, and the movement was a bit clumsy.
Yin Yin helped the crown, and stood up and did the disciples, even if the ceremony was
No congratulations, no applause, no spectators. Only the night rain is a lonely boat, and the
waves are floating.
Juggernaut looked at him and smiled, turning his sword.
Yin Yin called out the ‘Master’.
The boat suddenly swayed for a moment, and the stunned wind and sleeves went down the
The river is rolling and rushing, taking the mountain to hit the stone, but dare not wet his
Jiang Feng choked, as if to see him off.
Modao Jiangtou is in a bad situation, and there is no way for people to walk.
Clouds in the city of Yunyang cover the moon, and the autumn wind is horrible.
The courtyard was hollow, and Mr. Zhang stood on the flying raft of the library, watching
the school that was as big as the city and the lights were extinguished.
He seems to understand why Wei Jingfeng likes to stand here, it is really a good scenery.
But it is also very cold, because it is a world, so the height is not cold.
He said to Yin Yi, "Perhaps Wei Feng is right. Then try it."
Try to fight with the sky, break the game and change your life.
But the test also takes time. Yin Yue needs more time to grow. Even if he has grown very
fast, looking for a thousand years, how can there be a younger ride?
For today's world, it is still not fast enough.
So Wei Feng went, and changed time for him.
This matter has always been disagreed. Or, this is the real difference between him and
However, Wei Jingfeng will not change his mind. It is better to say that he believes in his
own judgment and adheres to the principle of the heart.
"No one can decide the life of others, the heavens are not good, and the saints can't."
He wants 3? 斓 恍 ト ト? ?lt; br> When he wanted to kill Luo Mingchuan, Wei Jingfeng said.
Mr. Zhang Yuan looked up and he wanted to see the bright ice blue stars. The eyes are
spent, and the sky in the field of vision is blurred.
He muttered, "It’s really old..."
Jun Hao practiced swords on the edge of the cliff, and he still practiced Xiaozhongshanjian.
There is no real yuan, and his own sword light opens the night.
Sixty-three thousand swords a day, this is the case since the day of entry. In March, the
spring mountain is like a laugh, and in October, the autumn mountain is like a shepherd.
Cold summer and autumn, lonely wind. A long time ago, it was not called Yu Huafeng, only
him and Master.
He didn't communicate with people very much. Juggernaut didn't talk much at the time.
They could practice a day with a sword.
Tianxin Cliffs are like clouds, like the snow in the night in Yunyang City. He shrunk in the
corner of the street, was covered with a fox, and the young boy with the sky umbrella met,
and began to call it Jun.
That was a long time ago, and it seems to be still yesterday.
Yan Xing is still in the spring sleeve building, he is kneeling on the table, the wine jar is
In the recent half-month, the spring sleeves did not open. Only one of his guests, Luhua girl
flipped the books and did not speak.
"Desolation of the sword, squatting for a poor year."
Yan Xing thought at the time, which goods were so so acidic, I still didn't run this time,
waiting to be with him.
In the blood, he saw the young boy sitting by the window. "The yellow leaves are still wind
and rain, and the broth is self-orchestral."
Of course, Juggernaut did not have any embarrassment, but also ran for others.
At that time, Ruhua was not a girl. She was a little girl with a beanie. She was hiding behind
the counter and watching them fight with people.
Now, the wind and rain outside the window, the window is like a bean. The dumb voice
rang, "The hero is asking for the way back, the wind and snow are sent, the sword is on the
floor, and the wine is swayed."
There is no lyrics, and the faint echoes are in the spring sleeves.
Yan Xing got up and pushed the door into the storm. The wine that he was drunk for half a
month finally woke up. Just walked to Mount Yashan.
This night, the heavens and the earth's aura has changed dramatically, and many people
seem to feel it.
The Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures of the Temple of the Emperor, the innocent eyes closed
the sentence "Amitabha."
In the bamboo building of Qinglan Mountain, Zhou Yuandao took the light to see the sword.
In the Huanghuang Hall of the Northern Palace, Duan Sheng’an’s life was hesitant. He
looked at his son’s words and stopped, and finally did not say anything.
At the bottom of the cliff of Hengduan Mountain, Yu Shi was bloody, looking to the sky in
the east, and bursting his heart and laughing.
These are all related to Yin Yi.
He sailed against the water, breaking the waves and wearing the wind, and landed on the
river. When you pass through the wasteland, you have to go to the end.
Donglu has never been flat. He is alone, and there are countless killers and hunters.
Whoever wants to kill him, he will kill. All the way from the wasteland to kill, but also meet
the people in the zodiac, and moved several times. Between life and death, there is often a
big comprehension.
Soon, the whole piece of Donglu did not know, the wilderness came up with a white-haired
boy, so that the right way to sword, the heart is cold as ice, the sword does not leave alive.
Yin Yi does not care more and more rumors, he only knows that he wants to go back to the
He only wants to go back to the world now.

Chapter 75: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The northernmost part of the East Coast is a vast expanse of ice.
The cold temperatures of ice and snow and ice dripping all the year round are enough to
kill all the weak life, leaving only the beasts with thick skin and killing.
In the overwhelming snow curtain, the black afterimages are particularly conspicuous. One
person is running at a speed. In the twinkling of an eye, climb the peaks of the clouds and
pass through countless palace walls and pavilions to the highest temple.
In this way, Wanxu Xuefeng can also be as a realm in the flat, and can only stand outside the
hall, waiting for the layers to pass.
Finally, the temple door opened. The lanterns Huaguang slammed out, accompanied by
warm and intoxicating smoke and silk bamboo, and came into the temple.
The temple door was closed behind him, and the sky was changed for the spring of March.
At the end of the magnificent hall, the overlapping crepe bills reflect a woman’s figure,
leaning against the golden couch.
Even if you can't see the face through the gauze, everyone who sees this scene will have an
inexplicable intuition that she is a peerless beauty.
The person in the account did not move, and the person who did not dare to look up, but
could feel a sharp gaze on him, as if he had to split the skin bones at any time.
He settled his mind and bowed down.
"The palace owner, someone saw him on the edge of the West Coast."
For a long while, until the squatting man chilled down, a hand was extended in the gauze.
Slim and feminine, like a orchid to be placed.
For a time, it seems that the incense in the temple is a bit sullen.
The hand was placed, the silk bamboo and the song and dance were silent. The musician
Shi Ji retired silently.
The squatting man picked up a clear bead. "We placed the spy in Bi Palace, carrying a
shadow bead with you, and the last image that came back before death was Jun."
The hand was far away, and the beads stopped at her fingertips.
She played with the pearl and got up from the account. Soft and boneless, caged with a light
and transparent jade gauze.
She stood barefoot on the glazed bricks.
The bricks reflect her dusty eyebrows.
The reliefs and pearls on the golden plaque, the palace lanterns and the enamel on the
painted beams, all faded together.
Yu Zhan suddenly felt a little boring because she was so beautiful, but no one dared to look
at her here.
She felt a little bit when Juggernaut stepped into the wasteland. But the saint is on the top,
no matter what she wants to do, she can't stop or even ask.
Now that the saint is gone, Yu Shi has been seriously injured. She wants to go out of the
East, who can stop her?
The Northern Emperor’s limit is approaching, and the university’s husband is also old.
The woman looked at the beads and laughed, such as the March spring breeze blowing
thousands of miles of river embankment willow.
Her voice is also like being drunk in the spring breeze. "Go, go see the king."
"The palace master starts -"
"The palace master starts -"
The sound of the repeated announcements spread from the countless palaces to the silent
snow peaks. From the bright yellow glazed tiles to the cliff-side pines, the snow on them
was shaken off.
The night is dark, and the cold moon breaks out.
Yin Yin sat on a big tree, wrapped in a black cloak, covered with a dense and huge canopy,
and the body shape was invisible.
No one of the hunters will easily provoke him, compared to the appearance of the sheep to
be slaughtered in the East.
He looked far and wide and could see the borders of the wasteland. After calculating the
itinerary, you can get out of here tomorrow and arrive at the nearest village.
In the cold and bright moonlight, he took out the book in his arms. It was the "Xie charm
fairy long cold and pretty" that Mr. Zhang Yuan sent him.
Yin Yiyue thought that this was a storybook. It was not until three days ago that he began to
read the first book, only to find that it was a few notes.
It’s still a fairy tale.
There is no inheritance, no swords and swords, only daily life and cultivation, and even
trivial. If it is not the age and the big event, the handwriting is the same as that of the
Xueguan sword of the school library, and it is hard to see that this is the life of a true fairy.
Yin Yi was initially unbelievable, comparing the details with the historical books he had
read, and found that these notes were more logical. Some doubts about the ‘All Saints’
‘Druid War’ have also been reasonably explained.
He has never been so close to the truth of history, but the more he looks, the more he is
shocked, because the tone of the narration is like a passer.
"Mo Changyuan two hundred and five, the view is not reliable. Tomorrow is going to fight,
the people are scattered, the team is not good..."
Who can think of it, before the earth-shattering war of the demon, Yi Lingying will write
such words.
Later, the notes became more and more scribbled, indicating that the recorder was uneasy.
"I saw Mo Changyuan today. He changed. Compared with childhood, I can't recognize him..."
"He can't go back, I killed him. I don't want this."
"I haven't lived in this life, it's too bad."
Yin Yue is more than a book, and endless fascination comes up.
The notes are abbreviated, but they are inexplicably very visual. Yin Yue even couldn't help
but think that if he was interested in Ling Xiao, he would write something to stay and write
It will also be a boring and boring name for the sinister charm.
But if Ruyi is really a passer, what kind of world is this?
How to think of Yi Ling is like the protagonist in the x point text.
Yin Yue slowly shook his head and felt that the world could not be treated with common
At first he felt that his brother was the protagonist. As a result, he jumped off the cliff and
there was a scam for his predecessors. The brothers' Garan shackles changed and became
the configuration of the villain.
Later, he met the first master of the world, and felt that such a brilliant life winner should
always be the protagonist. As a result, Master only entered the sword and did not know
when he could return.
He took the book into his arms. Through the heavy shadows, I watched the bright moon
above nine days.
Suddenly remembered that the brothers are at the end of the world, looking up is also the
same moon.
There is a saying called something, ‘the end of the world at this time’. When Yin Yin thought
of it, he calmed down.
Going here to practice is more real and more a sense of belonging than the long life in the
past. It is no longer important to have a script in the world. Even with a halo of 'anti-figures
and evil spirits', I don't want to be a villain any more.
He only wants to work hard to practice the sword, strive to become stronger, and want to
live well. I want to live up to Master’s trust and change the stars and fate.
Yin Yin smiled more and turned his head and sighed.
All the way to killing life, not only his awareness of fighting, but also five senses and
It was a team of people who ran across the wilderness, and there was a big man in the
middle of the team.
The four great-powered strongmen carried the shackles and shrank the ground into inches.
Although the speed was fast, they were stable and not moving.
They came from the north and chilled with the cold on the ice sheet. The eternal silence of
the wilderness in the night.
Yin Yin guessed the identity of these people, and clearly knew that he could not win any
one of them, let alone the shadow of the account.
Looking north, he faintly saw the snow peak between the clouds, isolated and unattainable.
The Golden Palace, the largest in the zodiac, is above, inheriting the foundation before the
division of the Magic Palace.
Tongtian Xuefeng should have been as cold as a grave.
But in fact, in the past millennium, no one did not know the extravagance and prosperity of
the place.
The saying that ‘the Golden Palace can satisfy everyone’s illusions about the wonderland’ is
just enough to make people think.
The royal family of Hokuriku certainly sings and sings, but the people of the Northern
Emperor are also rich and happy. The entire imperial city, from the palace palace to the
ordinary street, is a splendid grand scene. Zhumen wine is often smelly, but the frozen
bones on the roadside are hard to see.
Donglu is another extreme, there is a fairyland on the snowy peak, and there is purgatory
on the wasteland.
There is extreme deprivation and extreme luxury. Some people plunder for a living, and
they are precarious. Some people enjoy themselves and drink songs.
Because the palace owner on the throne is extravagant, so the ice and snow, there are also
ten feet soft red.
Yin Yi never thought that he would meet the palace master so soon.
Even though there are more than ten miles of wilderness, you can only see a figure faintly
through the night sky and the accounts on the big raft, and you will feel beautiful and
extremely dangerous.
He knows that the strong people in such a realm are close to each other, and the grass and
trees on the wilderness are not so good, and it doesn't make sense to do anything or not.
So at this moment he just gathered, watching the team disappeared in the wilderness
border. Fortunately they are on the road.
The right hand unconsciously holds the hilt.
He thought that his progress has been very fast, only to find that he has to face the world's
few peerless powers, or as low as the ants and grasses.
Still not strong enough.
Yihu sword whispers in the night wind, it seems unwilling, but also echoes the owner's
The disciples of the 沧 陲 陲 在 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 弟 弟 弟 弟 弟 弟 弟 弟 弟
If the magic is to come from the East, it is necessary to cross the sea. Nowadays, merchant
ships that have traveled to and from Donglu have already received news from Mount
Yashan, and they have stopped all operations. The inspections that have not been used for
many years are restarted. No matter where the ship comes from, they must be checked
when they enter Hong Kong. After a test of the magical interest.
Luo Mingchuan worried that the formation would be in disrepair for a long time. After
coming to Da Nang, he deliberately tried to strengthen it. He did not leave.
Because the magic repairs entered the Westland, the port of the past was deserted, and
several large ships and lighthouses not standing far away were silent in the sea breeze.
At the end of the horizon, the thin lines of the sea and the sky meet, and several white
seabirds hover low.
Suddenly black breaks the silence of blue and white, breaking the waves and breaking the
waves, and the speed is incredible. In the twinkling of an eye, it was close to the coast for
more than ten feet, and it was close to see the figure standing on the bow.
The disciples on the shore are in great awkwardness, and such a small ship can also cross
the ocean and the strong will control.
"Not good! It is the boat from the east! Tell Luo brother!"
The ship is still far from the port, and the people at the bow jumped up, volleyed and
swayed, and the figure was almost faltering.
The whole person was covered in a black cloak, revealing only the thin and pale jaw.
Although there is no magic, but the blood of the body can kill the essence, it can almost
become a substance, and the forced people can't breathe.
Five or six disciples want to pull the sword, but find that under such a power, even the
fingers can not hold the hilt.
The next moment, the white sleeves between the sea and the sky flew, and they suddenly
let go of their hearts, and they were happy.
"Luo brother is here!"
The visitor has arrived on the shore and stopped in front of Luo Mingchuan. The sea surface
suddenly calmed down, as if the invisible blood and suffocation were scattered.
Luo Mingchuan smiled softly.
The hood of the cloak was uncovered, the sea breeze roared, and the black hair was
intertwined with the white hair.

Chapter 76: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yiyue’s spirit is tense and extreme, and he feels that he has to stab a sneak sword
behind him. He has never rested for a moment.
It is not that he intends to suppress the exposure, but has recently been immersed in
killing, has long been used to, for a moment, forgot to converge. When I saw the moment of
Luo Mingchuan, I thought of relaxing.
He didn't know that when he felt that he was weak, others seemed to be too strong to be
The disciples gathered around, and the shore screamed and shouted.
"It turned out to be Yin brother!"
"Yin Shi brother entered the small place!"
"This is too fast, I don't want to live..."
Yin Yue was not very good at communication, and he nodded. Concise explanation, "This is
going to the East and the West to remove the magic, a breakthrough."
This slightly cold reaction, falling in the eyes of the disciples, only feels that his
temperament is still cold and hot.
Luo Mingchuan's quiet two steps forward, faintly turned into a protective force, blocking in
front of Yin Yi.
He Yan smiled and said, "Yin brothers have worked hard all the way, so they don't bother
him to rest. The defense line in Dagang has not been checked yet. Xiaolian will go with me."
Although she said to Xiaolian, she fell in the ears of all people and returned to God.
"Wait, let's go with it..."
"Luo brothers go back to Yin brother with the Yin brother."
The crowds at the beach were so busy that the birds and beasts were scattered. After the
shackles, they could only hear the sound of the whistling wind and the waves.
Luo Mingchuan slightly crossed the side, and his eyes showed a light smile.
"Congratulations to the younger brother to break through."
He looks calm and steady, no different from weekdays. It is also irrelevant.
But the hands in the sleeves are already tight, and all the minds are used to restrain the
turbulent mood. He was afraid that if he was a little lax, he would bring his eyes into his
arms and then melt into his blood and never separate.
Yin Yue went through the East Land, and his temperament was more than the coldness of
the past. It seems as if the edges and corners of the eyebrows are sharp.
But now there is only one person in front of Luo Mingchuan, and once again heard the
familiar voice, even if there is only one sentence, the multi-day defense is also unloaded,
and the boundless fatigue and sadness will come. Almost instantaneously drowned him.
"Master went to the sword. I don't know when I will come back..."
Yin Yin is a bit boring. This is a word that has no head and tail, but Luo Mingchuan
understands what he means.
The heart of the surging thoughts turned into a delicate distress. He focused on the people
in front of him and said seriously, "It will be fine. We must believe in Juggernaut."
The same comfort for others is more useless to Yin Yin. But from the mouth of
Luomingchuan, there is a magical power to appease people.
The two of them stood very close, and he suddenly did not know where the impulse was
born. He wanted to hug his brother.
He thought so and did the same. I didn’t think much about my heart.
very warm. In Yecheng, in Xingshan Temple, in Yanya Mountain, it is the same warmth and
peace of mind.
Luo Mingchuan was caught off guard, and the slightly cool breath suddenly filled his chest.
The white hair in the wind licked his cheeks and breathed, slightly itchy.
He was shocked and squatted.
After a while, the clenched hands in the sleeves slowly loosened and finally fell on the backs
of the arms.
Raise your hand and take a shot, the force is very light, very restrained.
Yin Yue knows that he is too dependent on his brother. This problem was reflected when
Lomingchuan was in a coma. His dependence on the brothers is beyond the initial trust,
and may cause trouble to the brothers.
What's more, he has already crowned his crown and wants to be alone. How can it be like a
child who is not sensible, and seek peace of mind in the arms of the brothers.
Too much to say.
Thinking of this, Yin Yin is more stunned, cheeks are faint and hot, I want to withdraw from
Luo Mingchuan's arms. But somehow, the brother and sister clearly separated him,
seemingly no effort, but very firm, he did not even break.
Then I will rely on it for a while.
It only takes a while.
The way back is smooth. I don't know if it is someone who is accompanying me. Yin Yue
looks at the mountains and sees the water is full of comfort.
After the reinforcement of the law in Da Nang, they went to the end of the road and
negotiated with the local family to discuss the defense line, leaving a message. Many
cumbersome work was carried out in an orderly manner by the hands of Luo Mingchuan.
Within the shelter of Yanya Mountain, the displaced people were basically accepted by
large-scale towns such as Lueyangcheng, and the situation has stabilized.
As for the 100,000 mountains, there is no news for Bao Puzong on the other side of the
This winter comes especially early, after the fallen leaves, frost and grass.
When the north wind rolled up, they returned to Mount Yashan. Many disciples
spontaneously gathered at the gate of the mountain waiting for the sword.
Yin Yue is more and more embarrassed, just like going back to the first time to go to the
folding club to go to the folding club to say goodbye. At this point, the familiarity of going
home is born.
What he didn't even think of was that when he arrived at the Qinghe Temple, he could see
the old people who met at the Folding Party.
When Yin Yue and Luo Mingchuan were called, the head of the Zhengyangzi, Junyi, Liu
Yushuang and Yan Xing were all there, as if they were on the agenda. They went to see the
ceremony and found the purple blouse on the white background.
Chen Yi got up and smashed his hand. "Luo Daoyou, Yin Daoyou, have been gone for a long
Luo Mingchuan returned to the court with Yin Yin and smiled. "Chen Daoyou is far from
Chen Yi's face is ordinary, the temperament is as gentle as the old one, but Yin Yue feels
that his breath is more concise, at least stronger than when the flower will fight.
"Luo brother! Yin brother!"
Yin Yin looked more and more, and Cheng Tianyu, who was splashing his face, was also in
the same place.
Perhaps it is the lowest in the temple, and the sense of existence is weaker. The more Yin
Yin thinks, the problem is not height.
Cheng Tianyu and their well-informed courtesy, but also a little calm.
Zhengyangzi coughed and everyone was seated.
Chen Yizheng said, "The two are far from hard work. I shouldn’t have been harassing at this
time. It’s just an urgent matter before I go to the door."
Cheng Tianyu answered, "Zhong Shixiong and Song Shixiong want to guard the Qing
Dynasty, so I sent you to discuss with you."
Luo Mingchuan’s eyebrows, “What happened?”
A few of them are not acquainted with each other, and they are somewhat admired by each
other. When they talk, they naturally do not need extra guest.
The more Yin Yin felt that the atmosphere in the temple was not right, the master and the
second sister always said less, but the three brothers actually had nothing to say today.
Zhengyangzidao, "a palace owner of the Zodiac, came out from the East."
Yin Yi’s heart sinks in the heart, “The one in the Golden Palace?”
He saw the big man far away on the wasteland and thought they would only be active in
Donglu. After all, after the war of the Tao, although the monks and the magic repairs still
have constant friction, there is no high-powered magic repairer to set foot on the remaining
four continents.
This is like a customary rule. Both sides will recuperate and live without each other.
Chen Yidao, "should be. In the news of all the roads, only the main palace of the Golden
Palace, it is necessary to take a trip as high as a pavilion, and there is a crepe on the plaque."
Cheng Tianyu said, "They passed through the subordinate city-state of the Lulu Zong, and
crossed the sea. They are already at the foot of the Qinglu Mountain in the south of the
country. They have never killed anyone, and they have not even tried their hands. The
meaning is unknown."
Yin Yue is more frowning, not killing, not doing things, it seems to be a good thing, but the
hidden intentions and planning are more difficult to speculate. At this moment, Juggernaut
has just entered the sword, and a palace owner of the Zodiac Palace has left the East Land,
which is undoubtedly a signal of danger and war.
Zhengyangzi thinks more, Yuzong has Qujiang, and Qingyan Jianpai has Zhouyuandao,
which is one of the few Yasheng in the world. However, rashly shot, it is likely to usher in a
full-scale war at the touch of a strike, the second era of destruction of the land and the
Therefore, Chen Yi and Cheng Tianyu came to the end of the world, shouldering the news of
mutual communication and even the task of negotiating the alliance.
Judging by the long life of the practitioners, they are still too young, but in the eyes of the
elders of the division, they are already out of blue and can take on big things.
He looked at his own apprentice and was just as young.
Mr. Jiayuan said that the era of the stars is good, and the future of the practice world still
has to be handed over to these young people.
When Luo Mingchuan saw that Master did not speak, he knew that this matter was also
decided by him.
"The current president of the Palace of the Golden Palace killed the teacher a hundred
years ago. The foundation is not secure, and it is unreasonable to rush to the army. I am
afraid there is another picture."
Chen Yi deeply agrees, "Exactly. If you want to go to the South China Sea, there is a route
closer to the sea. Why is it still in the Middle of China?"
Cheng Tianyu frowned, "If both the land and the south land have her plot, why is there no
movement on this road?"
"Maybe... not so complicated."
Liu Bull Frost suddenly opened her mouth and everyone looked at her for a time.
Yan Xing is awkward, "Yes. To say that in addition to the people in the Magic Palace,
whoever has seen the head of the Palace, there are only two sisters."
He said this, everyone thinks that Liu Yushuang had participated in the Battle of Xiqiao
Mountain, and also remembered the name of the palace owner, Yu Zhanmei.
Ao Xue bullying cream Yan Ya Liu, Furong exhibition eyebrows Jin Gongyu. Put it a hundred
years ago, no one didn't know.
Liu Bull Frost and Jade Show Meishan Mountain do not win, but at the same time become
famous. Only after that, one person went back to the mountain to repair, and then no longer
join the WTO, one person broke the body skeleton meridians, suffering in the snowy abyss
for twenty years, and finally got the magic power.
When the jade exhibition succeeded and became the new palace owner, the identity would
be better than the name. These two sentences are no longer mentioned.
Liu Bull Frost said in the attention of everyone, "She should want to come to Xilu, come to
the end of the world. Just... she is not divided in the southwest."
Cheng Tianyu's unbelievable eyes wide open, "What?!"
Liu Bull Frost also felt that no one believed in this matter, but the fact is that she is not
allowed to
"In addition to the southeast and northwest, she still doesn't recognize the road. It is far
Even Chen Yi felt ridiculous this time. "With so many men, there is no way to recognize it?"
Liu Bull Frost said, "This is not. Just she looks gentle as water, but in fact it does not blink."
Yan Xingdao, "She said which side is west and west. Who would dare to say that she is not
right? It is not difficult to imagine that the deer is a horse and the guide is west."
Liu Bull Frost nodded.
Yin Yi looked around and felt that except for the masters who were calm and calm,
everyone’s heart collapsed.
In particular, Chen Yi and Cheng Tianyu, who came in a thousand miles, and the wind and
rain, did not really bother. Qaq

Chapter 77: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The Qinghe Temple was quiet for a while. Only the more ticking ticking echoes.
Half a mile, Yan Xing breaks the silence,
"The twelfth house thought that it was the orthodox of the magic palace, and they were not
convinced by each other. When she left, she was not afraid of being led by her old snow-
capped nest."
If the second division’s inference is correct, the main crisis brought by Yu Zhan’s eyebrows
was transferred from the Mou Zong and the Qingjian Swords to the Yanya Mountain.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "So this is either a bureau, a plan and a backhand; or it is a thing that
is worth taking a risk."
Yin Yi also felt that it was true that it was impossible for Juggernaut to leave. He thought
that there was no softest persimmon in the end. Those who have such stupid thoughts are
absolutely unsettled in the Golden Palace.
Yan Xun asked, "Sister, if she is coming to you to fight, how many chances do you have?"
He just regretted it when he finished speaking. It is too inappropriate to ask. In the past,
opponents may now be better than themselves. It is not a comfortable thing to see.
Liu Bull Frost is a calm answer, "No.
No one is surprised. Because if it is a single-handed force, sitting here, in addition to Junyi,
even the head of Zhengyangzi, dare not say that can win the jade eyebrows of today.
The younger generation of Donglu Xiu Mou’s entry into the country is so fast that it seems
unbelievable, but it is. Most of the magical repairs do not seek the state of mind progress
and enlighten the heaven and earth avenue, but simply pursue the power. Paying an
unimaginable price, in exchange for a surge in cultivation.
Shouyuan suffered serious damage, and the breakthrough was extremely dangerous. The
risk was also consistent with the return. The magical road is still tempting.
Jun Yidao, "Two Lawton, please rest first. Everything will be discussed tomorrow."
This sentence is for Chen Yi and Cheng Tianyu. When the voice just fell, there was a boy
leading the way, and the two got up and said goodbye.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yuyue also stood up and sent them out of the temple.
Yin Yi feels that the master has not changed at all, just like the first time he met in the
Qinghe Temple. No one looked at him when he was not talking, and no one dared to speak
as soon as he spoke.
He understands the meaning of the master brother, the chaos will start, and the alliance
will naturally be negotiable. Only the current crisis is dominated by the Yashan Mountains.
They need to close the door and say a few words.
Yan Xingdao, "No matter what the jade eyebrows are doing, the soldiers will block, the
water will cover the soil, afraid that they will not be?"
Liu Bull Frost shook his head. "It’s safe to watch the changes, but it will be in a passive
Yin Yi said, "What does the teacher mean?"
"I am going to find her."
Jun Jun said, "No."
Liu Yuqiu laughed. "I can't beat her, but I have to work hard. She can't hurt me. I'm trying to
find enough."
Yanxing Road, "I am going with my sister!"
Liu Biaorui's face is cold, "Don't go to add chaos. Only outsiders are there, haven't said you.
What has been done in the mountains, the bad guys don't say anything, as a brother, not
only do not lead by example, teach the younger brother, but let the younger brother I will
clean up the mess for you. If I don't send my father to go home, I don't know."
Yan Xing knew what she was talking about and bowed her head. "Master has learned the
lesson, and I know it wrong." But I really don't understand how the latter part of the
sentence came. I can't help but frown.
Yin Yi saw him confused and pressed the secret explanation. He simply said that at the
folding festival, the five divisions rescued Zhongshan with a dragon Yundan, and Song
Shaomen was willing to release the suspicion.
Yan Xing exclaimed, "I will say how the children of the Cheng just saw me did not pull the
sword. It turned out that the old five, the old five are righteous!"
The master looked at him faintly, and Yan Xun did not speak.
Jun Hao’s deception to Liu, “Be careful.”
He knows the temper of the younger sister, and the things that he believes cannot be
Liu Bull Frost is very good, "I know. When they enter Westland, I will set off."
Zhengyangzi nodded. "When you are busy for a day, go back to rest first."
This is the case.
Luo Mingchuan went back with Master, and Yan Xing took the Yinyue shoulder. He walked
with Yan Jun and Liu Bull Frost to Yan Huafeng, and asked him about the Donglu style with
Yin Yan answered the truth over the face, but the mind was chaotic.
"Three times at the time of the sea, see Tian Xinya."
The mind is all the voice of Luo Mingchuan just now.
The sound is low and gentle, like a seed falling in the heart, breaking the soil and sprouting
leaves, and turning into a towering tree. This feeling is strange and wonderful.
Yin Yin is more and more encouraged to calm down, can not help but spit on himself, the
enemy is currently, the brothers must have something to discuss with themselves, what can
be panic.
In the early winter, the Huanhua Peak was cold and cold, and after the fall of the yellow
leaves and red maples in the autumn, there were only a few green pines and inks.
When the four passed by Master’s courtyard, they could not help but slow down.
Yin Yin suddenly remembered the day when Master returned, and the dialogue with the
master in front of this door.
"Some days haven't come back... you are growing taller, higher than the teacher."
"Not some days, it is one hundred and three years, seven months and fifteen days."
He knew that when Master went to see the second division and the third division, he said
the sword. Counting, the master should be the first to know.
I thought that the Master Brotherhood was the most sad person.
But Jun Jun is too calm, and no emotion has ever been exposed. Just like nothing happened.
Repression is not a good thing, not only does he think so, but Liu Yushuang and Yan Xing
also think so.
"Master brother..."
Yin Yi opened his mouth and did not know how to say it.
Jun Yi understood his meaning and understood the concerns in the eyes of the younger
brothers and sisters.
But he won’t explain, and he doesn’t know how to comfort others. In the end, he just said,
"It will always come back, but it will be hundreds of years."
At least Master never lied to me.
His look is too firm, so the disciples of Yan Huafeng believe that this should be the case.
At the time of the sea, the night was dark.
Yin Yiyue came out of the courtyard, and the peak of the night was very quiet, and the wind
faintly screamed.
The mountain road was rugged, he lowered his head slightly, hurriedly, and his clothes
swayed. Somehow, I suddenly remembered those words written in the book, Miss Gongzi,
the Spring Festival retreat.
The thought flashed away and shocked him.
Suddenly looking up, I saw a person standing on the edge of Tianxin Cliff. The wide sleeves
fluttered in the night wind, and they stood tall and stood tall and straight.
Yes, it is the early winter, where is the dark spring floating night, and the person waiting for
him is a brother, not a girl who looks at the eyebrows.
It’s really a problem, I’m confused.
Yin Yin has settled his mind, and he has already walked to Luo Mingchuan and is about to
The people in front of me turned back and whispered, "The younger brother..."
"Brother, I am late."
"It's not too late, I am coming early."
Yin Yi looked around and saw the north wind rolling, the clouds rising over the sky,
covering the moonlight.
"Does the brother have something to say to me?"
Luo Mingchuan nodded.
He has some speculations about the jade's eyebrows today. Originally, I didn't want to
worry about my brother and I, but I also remembered the experience of the Xingshan
Temple. The younger brother once said that since trust, everything should be said to avoid
misunderstandings in the future.
So he sighed, "The inheritance of the Golden Palace, inheriting the right way of the magic
palace of the year, the practice is the same as the Tianluo. I am in the West Coast and fight
with a team of magic, and make the time of the Garland. I was once called "Jun Shang" by
one person, I think they saw what..."
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart. "My brother guessed that the Golden Palace
was coming out of the snow, is it for you?"
"Yes, I have sealed the view of the body in the body, but still have his scattered memories,
including the whole set of exercises."
Yin Yue understands that Tian Luo nine turns in the status of the magic road, which magic
repair does not want to practice? If Yu Zhan’s eyebrows come for it, it’s worth it.
But he immediately remembered another thing. Before he went down with the master, he
said good things to his brother. In contrast, it is more important.
"Brother, you promised to wait for me to come back and practice with you."
Luo Mingchuan sighed, smiled bitterly. "I didn't agree with this. Just say that you will wait
for the crown to discuss."
"I have already crowned the crown. The father's father added it."
Luo Mingchuan looked at the white-haired black-crowned crown, and for a moment,
"Master said, although the age is not enough, the time has come."
Luo Mingchuan avoided his gaze. "Now the wind and rain come, the autumn of events..."
The more Yin Yin did not understand, the words interrupted him. "Because of this, the
brothers can not be destroyed and rebuilt. Now the chaos will start, we all need stronger
Luo Mingchuan is mixed, " are right."
Yin Yin smiled more, "Is the brother agreed?"
Luo Mingchuan sighed, he felt that this should be thoroughly explained, but the younger
brother is so simple, how to open?
"I was not thinking about it. I was going to find a younger brother on the winter night. I
should go to the younger brother and go back and say."
This sentence is said, the Yin and Yang are wrong, so that Yin Yue will flash over the
thought of the rendezvous. All of them are straightforward and aggressive, and they all
become guilty and short-sighted, and the subconscious mind avoids the eyes of the
He felt that he was completely saved. Because I couldn’t help but start thinking about it.
Ah, the brothers came to me in the middle of the night, turned over the wall and learned
two cats, and I sneaked open the window...
Sundial! What the hell!
The warmth of the breath suddenly approached, and it was too late to be touched. I have to
turn around in the sky, and when I blink, I am already standing at the door of my own
Yin Yu knows that Luo Mingchuan is carrying a ‘Yu Ya Ling’, and he can shuttle freely
throughout the entire world.
He returned to God and could not help but pull the person into the courtyard and open the
door and push it in.
Say it once today!
Don't think that sending me back will be done!
Cross the company.
Internship clerk Liu Xiao stayed in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window of the
technical department.
"How is the villain with the wrong aura?"
"I have done emergency treatment..."
"How to deal with it? Let's listen."
"I found the aura production batch number, modified the source code, and cooled the
Zhang Qingqing’s eyebrows, I deeply feel that the diplomas of these interns are all bought
by Blue X.
"You still feel very clever... The halo is the only connection with the guest! How do we find
him after cooling the aura?"
Liu Xiao stayed in the language, "This..."
She said with patience, "The flow of time between the planes is different. You see us here,
although not long ago, but the villain of the villain may have soy sauce!"
"You are already a first-class business accident. Stay tuned."
Liu Xiao was panicked. "That, what about this?"
"You open the aura, locate the villain, and then find a strong force that can arbitrarily cross
the three thousand worlds, temporarily avoiding the law sanctions, to completely remove
the halo, explain it with the guests, and discuss the follow-up compensation."
Liu Xiao stayed crying and tears. "I can open the aura, but someone can go to see the
Zhang Qingqing didn't overdo it. He couldn't bear to see his hopeful eyes. "I don't have this
ability... You can ask for a senior."
This time Liu Xiaodu was completely crying.
"Don't be afraid, the predecessors of the company are among the great gods of the
company, and their temper is the best. It just looks unappealing."

Chapter 78: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When Luo Mingchuan was caught off guard, he was promoted to the house by Yin Yin,
"Younger brother..."
"My brother told me clearly today, why didn't you let me practice the heavens and the nine
turns, is there a problem with the practice, or does the brothers do not trust me?!"
There was a sigh in the darkness. "You can’t believe me, how can I not believe you..."
In the rush of coming in, Yin Yue realized that there was no light. Although he and Luo
Mingchuan's cultivation as the realm, you can see things at night, but now the black light
bonfire in the same room, he inexplicably gave birth to a few minutes.
尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一
在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一 在一
在一 在一 在一 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛 洛
"As long as my brother believes in me, I don't think there is any problem."
Luo Mingchuan heard this sentence, see the jumping candle falling on the white hair and
eyebrows of the person in front of him, plated with a warm yellow halo, and the clear dawn
is also shining like a star.
The bottom of my heart is like a slight scratch. Itchy and numb.
"Teacher, although you have crowned, but it is still too small... Don't refute, I am small,
irrespective of age."
"I often think about whether you can distinguish between dependence and love, whether
you know what you want, whether you are going to spend a long life with people... If we are
born, you are tired of it, feel that This is not what I want, but I have to leave me. I really
don't know what I will do... letting you go, I am afraid that it is impossible."
"Teacher, do you really want to be clear?"
The topic turned too fast, and Yin Yue was more and more forced.
Hearing the first sentence, he still wants to say, ‘I am not too small’. When I get to the back,
when the brothers talk about what depends on love, it’s like a thunderous explosion that
blew up in his mind. He can’t think about it.
Luo Mingchuan’s voice is very light, like fear of breaking something fragile.
"Tianluo nine turns to practice at the end, is a practice that requires double repair. Do you
understand the double repair? That is what a buddy can do..."
Another thunder.
Do you understand double repair? !
Do you understand? !
understand? !
What? !
Heaven is on the top, Yin Yin feels that he is full of two words.
Then, isn't that the shameful thing that the man and the woman do together? We, are we
not taking the orthodox route? Is it true that the concept of writing exercises is *.
In other words, I mentioned this matter three times and five times before, and I still
entangled my brother to agree. Is it actually... asking for double repair? !
Too much, too shameful.
I don't want to be a human. Qaq
‘叮——Detected that the user’s distress value exceeded 100, and it was automatically
judged as a dilemma. Is the aura assistant open? ’
Fog grass! ! !
The familiar voice in my mind sounded, and Yin Yue almost cried out.
Look at this fake and shoddy aura! Then there are no life between death and death! What is
the standard on the line? force! value!
but! Come here! ! Conscience!
"Yes, yes!! Open it!!"
Luo Mingchuan saw the younger brother squatting, his eyes evasive, and he knew that he
must have not thought about it. The bottom of my heart could not help but sigh, slightly
bitter, and annoyed that I was too anxious.
It’s so awkward to talk, afraid to scare the younger brother.
He gently pulled out his sleeves from Yin Yin’s hand and stepped back two steps. He smiled
softly. “It’s very late today, the younger brother is resting, I...”
However, the cool breath suddenly came into my arms, so that he did not finish the words
stuck in the lips and teeth.
It was Yin Yi who surrounded his waist.
Different from the previous hugs, it is no longer the envy of children holding their parents.
"How can I not understand. If the acquaintance is double repaired, is the brother not
The younger brother raised his eyes in his arms and smiled softly.
For example, the red plum is melted on the ice and snow, cold and simmering.
"I am not small, of course I know what I want..."
The Huaizhong people sideways, the eyes of the eyes showed a hint of fascination, and the
warm breath was sprayed on his neck.
Luo Mingchuan only felt a fire burned up, from the neck, from the attached robes, from the
hands around the waist, burning into his heart.
He bowed his head slightly, thinking that he was really a magical obstacle. But I couldn't
help but raise my hand and bring people closer.
But he did not expect that this is not finished, the smile in the eyes of the younger brother is
more intense, such as intoxicating spirits. He pulled up his hand and put it on his chest.
"I want you, my brother."
Then all the fires exploded at the same time.
"Hey, it is detected that the other party's distress value is higher than the host, and it is
automatically determined that the dilemma is broken. This assistant is over. Little assistant,
good friend, good helper to solve life problems."
Yin Yin is more and more returning to God.
At this time, he was holding Luo Mingchuan's wrist, and he was only half an inch away from
his own.
If he can't wait to get into the seams before using the halo, then he wants to take a self-
satisfaction and immediately die to death!
The brothers and sisters looked at him, and the light was surging. It was a look he had
never seen before. Like what has been suppressed for a long time, it will be thin out.
"Senior brother! I am not..." Yin Yi did not know how to explain, but the flash of a thousand
"Oh! I want to show you the book!"
He let go of Luo Mingchuan's hand and hurriedly took out the book in his arms. "This is
this! You must look at the brothers..."
Really authentic notes! Very hard to come by! Read books quickly, don't look at me. Qaq
Go to his pit aura! The dilemma must be broken by yourself!
Who knows that Luo Mingchuan looked down and his face changed a bit strange.
"Teacher, where did you come from?"
"Give me the court!"
Luo Mingchuan Wei Wei, as if he understood something. Lightly cough, his eyes moved to
other places,
"I still have to go to school in the future, and the gentleman taught me what is messy..."
Yin Yi is more and more want to say that there is a mess, seeing the people in front of the
hurriedly said "early rest" will take the door, quite a bit of fleeing.
He looked down at the book in his hand and finally knew where the problem was...
"The evil charm is long and cold"
Sundial! This is the title of the dead!
Yin Yi’s heart was not sleeping for one night, let alone meditation.
The next day, I went to the main hall to discuss things. I still had some spirits. After I was
seated, Yan Xing shouted at him two times before I came back.
Yu Guang saw Luo Mingchuan still as always, and did not pay extra attention to himself. It
seemed that he had forgotten the ridiculous thing last night, and his heart finally got better.
In fact, last night, Luo Mingchuan turned to the opposite side, could not sleep, read the
heart and mind, but made a dream. I woke up today and couldn’t help but feel guilty. I don’t
know how to face Yin Yue. He felt that Mr. Zhang’s teacher had taught the younger brother
and felt that it was his fault. I am negligent, and I don’t know when to let my younger
brother learn to be like this.
Soon they all came out of the entanglement, because the head Zhengyangzi said that Chen
Yi got the urgent letter in the door late at night, and rushed to the ancestral hall overnight.
Cheng Tianyu also knows, "I am so anxious..."
Everyone is thoughtful, and there is a place where Yasheng Qujiang sits, what kind of
events and changes will rush to recall the disciples who are out. But after all, it is a family
matter that is not sent, and it is not good to say anything.
Cheng Tianyu said another thing. "Before I set off, Bao Puzong came to ask for a letter,
saying that the new practice in the door was a sword, and asked the teacher to go and
watch the instructions. It also dropped the chapter of the head."
The "home teacher" he said naturally refers to the Yasheng Zhouyuan of the Qingjian sword
Among the three schools in the mountains, Bao Puzong and Yan Yashan have been long-
standing, but there is no conflict with other sects. Although it is not close to the
relationship, Yu Shi is the highest Yasheng in the realm, and the other two factions will give
him face.
What is puzzling is that Yu Shi was seriously injured by Jian Sheng, at least for three years,
how can he have a mental thought to practice the sword array?
Yin Yin is more frowning. At that time, he was at the side of Master and knew what it might
seem like to understate the horrible power. Even if the elixir returns to the sky, it is
impossible to recover so quickly.
"They asked my master to go out the mountain, no problem..."
Cheng Tianyu’s Kendo is very talented, but after all, the age is still small, the city is not
enough, and Yin Yinyue and Luo Mingchuan are friends, so they will be so straightforward.
Luomingchuan Road, "The magic road is reviving, crossing the sea, and each land has been
disturbed by it. Everyone understands that the most important thing at the moment is to
fight against the twelfth house."
Jun Yidao, "reasonable."
The implication is that Bao Puzong, no matter what he intends to do, will not do things that
are unfavorable for the overall situation and have great meanings at this time.
Zhou Yuandao studied various swords and squads for many years, became a speciality, and
no one left the world. Yu Shi asked him to go to the audience and it was reasonable.
But Yin Yi still feels that something is wrong.
Cheng Tianyu thought for a moment, nodded, and accepted this statement.
Then the front turned, "I have sent more than 2,600 disciples, including more than a
thousand people on the cutting pulp, and 600 people above the gods. In the South China
Sea, there are more than 40 families attached to my family. To fight with the Zodiac in the
South China Sea, the front line can be pulled from the coast to the Xiangxiang Mountain and
the Qinglan Mountain..."
He spoke of the situation of the Qingjian sword faction, which was the inspiration of the
elders of the division. Intention to form an alliance with people, first with honesty.
After Cheng Tianyu finished, Zhengyangzi did not speak, just nodded. Luo Mingchuan began
to talk about the situation of Yan Yashan. The number of disciples, cultivated as a realm,
and affiliated clan, are all in an orderly manner.
Yin Yi listened to it and felt that no one knew more about Yan Yashan than he did.
"I am the elders of Pingyao, who are good at making characters, and can be concealed on
the communication. I am willing to exchange information with the Qingyi 200. As for how
to return, I have to look at the specific situation after the war, and then elaborate..."
"This is natural."
The most important purpose of Cheng Tianyu’s trip was completed. My heart remembered
that the Lord of the Golden Palace was still in the south land. I was afraid that there would
be a change, and I would not stop for a while.
He got up and saluted everyone, and went with the boy to get the paper.
Zhengyangzi slowly walked outside the temple, waving his hand to indicate that Luo
Mingchuan did not have to come over, muttered,
"Looking at the sky, the autumn of events..."
He walked slowly, and his back was a little camel.
In the temple, Liu Yushuang took out a snow wave from the sleeves.
"The five divisions wrote a letter last night."
Yin Yue is more silent, and it was last night, how many things happened last night.
Chapter 79: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
"What did the old five letter say? When is it coming back? Can you catch up with the New
Yan Xing is obviously very happy.
Liu Bull Frost shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't. He is ready to go to school."
Different from Yan Xing's focus is on 'My brother is originally a royal family. The two
hundred years of Yu Yuli's Mei Yu brew can drink hahaha casually. Yin Yue knows the
identity of Duan Chongxuan since he knows the identity of Duan Chongxuan. When the
power is in the Northland.
Now I heard that the sister-in-law said that he would like to step into the throne, and he
still had a fan in his mind and waved his fan at the gambling house.
"Sisters and sisters, see the letter as a meeting. Hokuriku entered the winter early this year,
has fallen the first snow, plum on the new snow tea, the taste is very good. Just cold,
especially, how do you know, the second sister can Adding clothes?..." Liu Biaorui paused. "I
won’t read this. The five divisions asked everyone to be good..."
She turned directly to the next one, and Yin Yue knew that she had written a whole page of
nonsense and could not help but laugh.
"The overall situation was initially set, and the chaotic party was cleared. However, the
father of the family was old, and the third day of the next month, the day of the sacrifice,
and the tribute to me."
The last half of the page was about business, and everyone was looking good.
Only Junyi did not respond, as if the Taishan collapsed in front and did not change color.
He knows why Duan Chongxuan came to the end of the world. Master and Duan Shengan
have nothing to do with each other, but they are old with Mr. Zhang Yuan, so they received
a letter of recommendation from Mr. Duan Chong Xuan.
There is a lot of involvement, and many of them have reasons for the family.
However, when Duan Chongxuan went to the teacher's ceremony, he was a disciple of Yan
Huafeng. They all took him as a younger brother. The identity of the Prince should also be
put back. This was the case before, and it will be the same in the future.
Liu Bull Frost continued to read the letter. "Seven days ago, Yulin Jun Xuanji caught four
magic repairs. He is the spy of the Magic Palace Zodiac Palace. The emperor has been
martial law in the whole city. Recently, there have been frequent garrisons, and the most
east coast has more than one line. There is a magic trace..."
There is also a magic repair in Hokuriku. Yin Yue is more frowning. The zodiac is not the
same. Now it is like a certain agreement, and it comes out from Donglu.
"I got the news that the Golden Palace was out of the snowfield. 'Qinghua' 'Bishu' two
palaces made a large-scale shipbuilding crossing the sea, '曜日' '濯月' has been close and
close, there is a sense of alliance, '寒天' '西水' The head of the palace took people to the star
of the star, and there was fear of conspiracy..."
Yin Yi knows that Duan Chongxuan has a unique message when he discounts the flower
festival. However, he did not expect the Northern Emperor Intelligence Network to be so
extraordinary. The situation in Donglu is also widely known.
Liu Bull Frost finished the letter. "There is no good news, but the situation is finally clear.
Yu Zhanmei crossed the South China Sea today, and I also went down the mountain."
When she finished speaking, she stood up and went to the temple immediately.
Yin Yinyue waited for someone to get up, Yan Yan shouted,
"Sister! I heard that the demon woman is thinking, and the means are poisonous. You must
be careful!"
Liu Yushuang’s figure was faltering, and he did not look back. He waved his hand and
promised to come down.
Everyone stood outside the hall to see her shrinking into the inch, and in the blink of an
eye, she went down the mountain road, and she was short-sleeved, and she was very cool
in the north wind of the early winter.
When Yin Guangyue’s lingering light swept to Luo Mingchuan’s figure, he still felt slightly
hot on the face, and he did not know how to open it. Finally, he went to Yuhuafeng with
Junxi and Yanxing.
He can clearly feel that a gaze falls behind his back. In the past, it was a warm and yang-like
harmony. At this time, it was inexplicably like a burst of burning flames, and the
temperature was burning.
Jun Hao went to the edge of the cliff to practice the sword. Yan Yan suddenly asked back
before returning to the hospital. "What is wrong with you and Luo Mingchuan?"
Yin Yi is more and more. I didn't expect that even the big Yan Yan line would be wrong.
Fortunately, his daily expression is small, even if his heart is extremely nervous, the face is
as cold as the old, "Nothing... The feelings of Donglu are very much, and I have never
practiced hard since I returned to the peak. I want to close for a few days, and then break
through the opportunity."
His topic turned very hard, but Yan Xing did not pay attention, but instead patted his
shoulder. "Breakthrough the realm and drink with water, it is stronger than when I was...
It’s a post-life, it’s a big white! Hahaha! ”
After finishing the explanation, he untied the wine gourd at the waist and took a sip of his
drink. He returned to his hospital with satisfaction.
Yin Yue has closed for seven days and practiced sword for three days. The realm has
become more solid and stable. But the self-awareness is not static, the situation is hopeless,
and there is no demand.
When he went out, he heard that Yan Xing went down the mountain, saying that the chaos
was going on, and he was going to see Donglu.
"You also go down the mountain," said the master.
Yin Yin nodded.
In the middle of the squad, the squadron is half of the Guardian Mountain. When the big
squad is opened, it is necessary to use the 'Spring Mountain Smile' to press the array, and it
is inconvenient to leave the mountain easily. Therefore, every time they say goodbye to
others, give people a peak.
Luo Mingchuan has a lot of recent events. In the Qinghe Hall, he has written a letter to the
Jade. He has also compiled 20 teams in the boundaries of the realm and the practice. Some
have already set off in the West.
But whenever the night is quiet, the candle is a little bit, and he always remembers that
night, and he regrets it. This time, my own treatment method is too suitable. If the younger
brother does not know what to do, he should slowly guide the explanation and how can he
Sometimes I feel that the current situation of chaos should not be thought of. The last time
Cheng Yuyu came, on behalf of the Qing dynasty alliance, there was a secret sign yesterday,
and Zhou Yuandao’s suspicion of Park Zong’s suspicion was variable...
After consulting with Master, Luo Mingchuan decided to go down the mountain.
So the day he was in front of the mountain gate, he met Luo Mingchuan.
The two looked at each other in the north wind.
"The younger brother is going down the mountain?"
Yin Yin nodded.
"Is there a direction?"
Yin Yin shook his head.
“Not as good as peers?”
Yin Yin wanted to nod and felt that he was too tweaked, and he said, "I am going with my
After finishing the same eyebrows, the brothers have always been correct, and that night is
too ridiculous, so that the brothers will come out of the door, it will not be a heart to
abandon themselves, now said that the peers are just a question? I don’t know if I should
He was an open-minded person, and he would think so because of the confusion, the
authorities are fascinated.
Luo Mingchuan didn't know how he thought about it. He only listened to him saying, 'Go
with his brother,' and he couldn't help but smile. "That's it."
Yin Yin was more coveted and approached him a few steps, pressing the corner of his
mouth. Also forgot to ask where to go.
Luo Mingchuan said as he walked, "The Qing dynasty Ya Sheng went to Bao Puzong, and
there has been no news. The elders in the middle of the gate are trapped in the West Lake,
Zhong Shan, Song Wei and others. It’s also being dragged, these things are too clever... Let’s
go and hold Park Zong first. Time is urgent, I plan to cross the 100,000 mountains.”
The Shiwan Mountain is the north-south boundary of Xilu, and the jurisdiction of Mount
Yashan and Baopuzong is also bounded by this. The terrain in the mountains is very
dangerous, and many beasts and thieves, the general practitioners will circumvent.
However, in the realm of the two today, nature is not afraid.
Yin Yin nodded, "I listen to my brother."
Bao Puzong has a nine-way view of the nine palaces.
The temples are decorated with incense all the year round, and they look at the smoke from
the distance. The dragonfly and gold tiles of the temple are shadowed.
Only the highest cross-cut mountain has no smoke, only the sea of clouds.
A middle-aged Taoist is standing at the sea of clouds at this time.
He squinted slightly, his face was white, his robes were swelled by the wind, and his hair
was a little messy.
If it is the realm, it can be seen that it is not the wind that lingers around him, but countless
The sword is in the clouds and the middle-aged people are not moving.
"Zhou Yuandao, there is a bit of skill..." This voice contains a slight banter, coming from the
mountains of the cloud overseas, like the wind, fluttering.
When it fell, it was like a thunder. The clouds and the sea are full of smoke, and the high-
speed shot of the sword hits the gas, so the rumbling thunder is heard in the square.
At the center of thunder, the middle-aged Taoist looks whiter.
It was rumored that Yu Shi was seriously injured by Jian Sheng, but at this time he was
standing at the foot of the mountain. Standing with the hand, looking at the clouds between
the sea, look indifferent.
It wasn’t him who spoke, but the person sitting on the edge of the pine branch.
The man was caged in a black robe and his posture was casual. It was like sitting in his
backyard and watching the flowers.
It is very difficult to kill an Asian saint.
Success is of great significance and the consequences of failure are equally serious.
Therefore, Yu Shi and his alliances are fully prepared. Therefore, Zhou Yuandao can't walk
out of Hengshan.
Suddenly a black streamer cut through the clouds, and it came to the black robe, which was
originally a crow.
The black robe took off the short squat, repeated it several times, and finally smiled
happily. The crows turned into streamers and flew up.
The laughter swayed in the clouds, and it was extremely harsh, so that the world with the
tiger could not help but frown.
The black robe is a sleeve, and the short squat appears in the hands of Yu Shi. Yu Shi’s face
with no expression for a long time finally showed a blunt smile.
"Oh, I am deferred, Chen Yi is late, Qu Jiang is dead, and splitting."
The short smashed into powder, and it was exhausted in the whistling mountain wind.
They don't care who Chen Yi is, but Qu Jiang is dead, the North Emperor is limited, and
Zhou Yuandao will fall here.
Who can think of it, in just half a month, the world’s six Yasheng, has gone to three.
The time and place are good and the people, this game is too subtle, and even passed the
calculations of Mr. Zhang Yuan and the eyes of the Buddha.
Now that the general trend has been achieved, no matter what variables are not enough.
Yu Shi thinks indifferently, how are the stars, and those who are still young are not too
And he finally waited for an era without a horror.
Also stood at the highest point in the world.
How not to be happy.
The mood is stirring, and the magic can't be controlled. The black shadow enveloped the
entire Hengduan Mountain.
Between the dark winds and clouds, the middle-aged Taoist suddenly opened his eyes.
Look like electricity, open the magic, speak like a sword, scream,
"Yu Shi, you not only colluded with the magic repair, but also entered the magic road!
Heaven does not allow!"
Yu Shi Emei.
Not because Zhou Yuandao’s responsibility, but the other party is stronger than he
They seem to have no action, but they have been fighting.
The sea of clouds and the sword hit the gas, the mountain sword of Qingyuan Town of
Zhouyuan Road has been damaged, and the sword gas has been weakened, but it has not
reached the point where the mountains are running out of water.
Yu Shi has no patience. He looks at the pine branches on the edge of the cliff. "What are you
waiting for?"
The black robe people chuckled.

Chapter 80: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
濂涧 is the name of a large gate, also a place name, which is the easternmost part of the
There are plenty of rains all year round, and there are more than a hundred waterfalls in
the size of the waterfall. It is not in the mountains.
The splashing water mist blends with the cloud smoke, and the green and red-yellow
branches are interlaced. If the disciples are dressed in purple shirts, the mountains will
become more colorful.
But today, on the plank road, next to the wooden bridge, and even in the white-walled gray
tiled house, there is no figure, and no one can hear it.
The waterfall provoked turbulence and then suffocated. Dead as winter.
The disciples gathered in the Taixu Hall.
The vast and boundless hall of the temple is impenetrable, and the outside of the hall is also
filled with black pressure.
In the middle of the main hall, it was tacitly reserved for a large open space.
The beautiful girl with a pale face stood there and confronted more than ten people.
"Sister, you are afraid of being hit hard, your heart is weak, your brain is not clear..."
褚浣 faint opening.
He was shocked and changed, but his clothes were sloppy, and he was not confused from
head to toe.
As a disciple of Qujiang, the temperament is exactly the same as that of the master. It is a
gentle and watery peace. Even if you blame, it gives you a sense of conviction.
When the voice just fell, someone said something to add. "Yeah, the song teacher, you can't
talk nonsense. You said that the teacher killed your mother, what evidence?"
"The Qu Shengren and Liu Zongzhu passed away, we are all very sad... but the current
ancestors have to rely on the teacher to be the master."
"The nonsense, disturbing the people, what kind of heart do you have?!"
He spoke of several elders with high generations. Their realm is much higher than that of
jealousy. At this time, they stand behind them, and they have the meaning of being headed
by him.
The rest of the disciples in the temple looked different, some were convinced, some were
questioned, and no one spoke at the time.
On weekdays, there were shackles and Chen Yi’s affairs, which were much more prestigious
among the disciples than the hard-to-see lords and saints. Now Chen Yi is not here, and the
situation today is completely awkward.
The pile of smoke does not understand.
I don't understand that I entered the division before I was born. My mother always regards
him as her own, why she will do this. Poisoning and concealing, all kinds of insidious
means, if not trusting him, and then a subtle trap, how can you survive the Yasheng?
I don't understand the elders. I was kind and sympathetic yesterday. Today I can lie in
I don't understand why it was turned upside down overnight.
Although she is very talented and thoughtful, she is still a little girl. A little girl who is
always sheltered by her parents.
The heart is unpredictable, and it is difficult to fill it. The chips of betrayal are more than
grace. Where can she understand this?
The pile of smoke clenched the sword in his hand and the bones were white. Full of grief
and anger, almost desperate, but she looked straight at her eyes. Looking at the brothers
who were once familiar, and now terrible, they don’t take a step back.
"The heavenly cycle, the sun and the moon, you know what you have done!"
I didn’t argue again, just said softly, "But who believes?"
No one is talking.
The hall is terrible.
So when the sound is heard, it is very clear, as if the whole cymbal can be heard.
"I believe. I believe in my sister."
The crowd separated by themselves and Chen Yi approached the temple door.
Wherever he went, the heavy blood was scattered. His sleeves were broken, the crown was
not right, and the dust was servant.
But the dawn was clear and firm, and it was obvious that the ambush assassination along
the way did not weaken his half spirit.
At this moment, the pile of smoke suddenly gave birth to the urge to cry.
His face changed slightly. He knew the deployment from Xilu to Qiongyi, but Chen Yi was
still back.
This is a variable.
Donglu. Innocent snowfield.
There is no cold spring and autumn here, all year round is the bleak scene of ice and snow.
On the lead-gray sky, the sloppy snow falls and you can drown the shadows in a blink of an
But today's snowfield is particularly glaring.
A line of black robes walked through the snow, and the figure was erratic. In the twinkling
of an eye, it took more than ten feet.
The first one suddenly stopped and looked at the snow peak not far away. In his realm, he
can naturally see the above array and the palace palace.
Someone silently squatted at his feet,
"The palace owner, let's go to the sky snow peak?"
Shake his head for the first one, "No."
He really likes the throne of the Golden Palace. That was the one that was preserved by the
Devils a million years ago. How does the jade exhibition eye match?
But he is also really in a hurry.
So that the hunger that passed by is close to the door, there is no time to take care of it.
He is going to go to the stars. First, sign a contract with the monster under the abyss.
If the big things can be done, not just the revival of the magic palace, the world is also at
your fingertips.
But he did not expect that when he crossed the Lijiang River and came to the side of the
abyss, there were already people waiting for a long time.
"Yu Zhanmei went to Xilu."
"The split is a split between the North and the South."
"The ‘cold days’ and the 'Western Waters' two palaces, received news from us, went to Xing
Xingyuan, and all died in the abyss.”
"Northland will be on the third day of next month and has been arranged."
Crossing the cliff, the black robes sitting on the top of the wall and slanting up and down,
received news from all over the world. Some will tell Yu Shi, some will not.
The betrayal of Ruan Zongtang and the rebellion of the North Luxian Wang were promoted
behind him. Yu Zhanmei was led to Xilu, and the demon contract of Qi Xingyuan was made
by him. Cangsheng is a child, all in the game.
Although there are many things, it is not in his expectation.
For example, Mr. Zhang Yuan did not go to Hokuriku according to his calculations, and did
not go to it.
For example, the younger generation of the Qingjian swordsmen had more than his
imagination, and another disciple of Qujiang did not die.
Another example is the two stars.
But these are the details. Become a major event, informal.
Whether it is a demon or a fairy, it is all about a million years ago. In this era of stars, they
are not going to appear.
He sat on the pine branches and looked at the clouds. He never felt that the heavens and the
earth were so vast and beautiful.
I heard the words of Yu Shi,
"What are you waiting for?"
Can't help but smile. He did not wait, just enjoying the process of gradually reaching the
top. It is enough now.
He got up and the pine branches under his feet didn't move.
There is no overwhelming sorrow, only a touch of red smoke, from the pale to the almost
transparent fingers spill out, fluttering above the clouds.
The middle-aged Taoist people have numerous swords and smashes, breaking through the
clouds of fog.
If the person who walks down the mountain raises his head, it will give birth to the illusion
of terror that the sky is separated by life.
He struggled to support it, approaching the point where the oil was dry, but when he saw
the black robe man’s shot, he suddenly made a great effort and his chest was violently ups
and downs.
"Yong! You are the devil! Actually, I didn't die in Xiqiao Mountain!"
The battle of 'Xi'an Mountain' was the only battle that broke out a hundred years ago after
the War of the Devil.
At that time, the jade exhibition was first and foremost, and the purpose of demonization
was not her, but Rong Rong and his Qionggong. Rong Rong has entered the magical realm
of the heavens, which is equivalent to the Yasheng realm of the Taoist practitioners. He
wants to unify the magic palace and cross the sea to expedition the rest of the four
Since the division of the Magic Palace for millions of years, the power has been divided, and
there has been such a character, cultivation and ambition, enough to threaten the world.
So the end of the world and the green, the formation of alliance, killing Xiqiao Mountain. Liu
Bull Frost is traveling down the mountain and he has gone.
After the war, everyone thought that Rong Rong died. Zhou Yuandao is watching his heart
and soul broken.
The fall of Qionggong was taken over by Rong Rong’s disciples and has not been a climate
for many years. In contrast, the glory of the Golden Palace is clearly more eye-catching.
For a long time, people only remember the fierce battle of Xiqiao Mountain and gradually
forgot why they would fight this battle.
But there are always people who will not forget.
When the fine fluffy smoke floated to the front, Zhou Yuandao felt a mistake at a certain
moment, as if he had returned to Xiqiao Mountain and returned to the **** side of the
Also returned to the time when I was young.
At this time, he has a more effective way to save the real yuan, just like dealing with the
clouds of the world. Support hard and fight for a minute and a second. Instead of waiting
for the rest of the saints to come to save him, he waited for the rest of the world.
But now it is different. Since the black robe is a tolerant person, then whoever comes will
be useless. Why not fight one?
The middle-aged Taoist right hand raised slightly, holding it like a sword.
The tens of thousands of swords around the body gathered together, and the sound of
breaking the wind was like a **** scream.
Although his mountain sword in Qinglan Town was damaged, he was still alive, and the
sword was still there.
Zhou Yuandao looks solemn, holding an invisible sword in his hand and going to the scarlet
and light smoke!
The other party is only slightly lifting his fingertips, but he has to be a big guest.
Because of the light smoke, there is a terrible supreme pressure, almost close to the
threshold of the saint. Not only did Rong Rong not die, but the realm was better than that.
Under the sword, the light smoke dissipated.
A touch of scarlet is scattered between the clouds. Just like a drop of ink falling into the
clear water, light and silent, but quickly smudged and enlarged, the scorpion will dye red
and white.
Zhou Yuandao's mouth overflowed the blood line, and the sea of clouds under his feet
surged into a **** sea.
The disciples of Bao Puzong only felt the darkness of the sky, and looked up to see the
glaring red clouds that covered the sky.
Not as beautiful as the sunset, but pure scarlet, as if there is thick blood dripping down.
The only thing that is slightly lower in the realm is that the sorrows are unbearable and
can’t help but exclaim.
Why bother to swear, "What are the fuss in the footsteps of the mountains and the magic?"
The disciples should continue to be separated, and they dare not ask.
How to turn to the youth beside him, the face is full of respectful look, "Master, there are
big things in the mountains today, the elders explain, can not go up."
The young man frowned slightly and did not agree.
How come the face is slightly stiff, but dare not speak.
Suddenly the wind started, there was a glory on the top of the nine days, scratching the
glaring red clouds, falling lightly. Such as the candlelight in the night, it is eye-catching.
The young man reached out and the brilliance just fell on his fingers like a feather. White
and innocent.
In the next moment, the red clouds were split by layers, and in a row of exclamations,
thousands of feathers fell and fluttered.
Bao Puzong's nine palaces and eighteen views, all in the sky in the flying feathers.
When the youth finally determined their guesses, they set foot on the mountain road and
left behind the suppression and advice.
Zhou Yuandao stood in the **** sea, and the sea was also infected by blood, and the
disgusting thick and suffocating surrounded him.
His cheeks were sunken and his face was white.
A sword of the talent, this is not to light smoke. It is to have a sword.
Wandao Jianguang sheds, and the continuous flow of blood, such as bright and burning
feathers, falls on the pine branches of the cliff.
The same sword, Cheng Tianyu made it at the Folding Party. The power is already amazing.
How is it one of the ten thousand?
This is a sword method when Aya is young. Cohesive life and cultivation and glory.
Hua Gefei feathers fell for nine days, beautiful and extremely devastating.
Faced with the tolerance of this sword, the pine branches under the feet are broken, and
the tight-fitting black robe pieces are broken, and finally reveal their true colors.
His figure is imaginary, appearing on the sea of blood, the ink is dancing wildly, and the red
dress is three points thicker than the blood.
The 100,000 mountains in the early winter are cold, cold winds like knives, frosty sky, and
thick leaves. Many beasts return to the cave and are ready to start a long hibernation.
But the most terrible is never a beast.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan kept on the road for a while, and they had to cope with the
endless crisis in the mountains. When they walked out of the mountains, they were weak.
As far as I can see, see the sky as the red clouds, like the feathers.
Eight hundred miles away from Bao Puzong, someone happened to be in the middle of the
Tsing Yi bursts, his face is indifferent, I don't know how long it took, the sword in his hand
has a shallow frost.
So far from patience and patience, nature is not greeted.
Crossing the hills, someone waited. Not a good thing, especially the moment to fight for the
Yin Yin raised his eyebrows.
Chapter 81: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yin is more and more sure, cross-cutting the mountain, a major event is happening, big
enough to change the land.
In his realm, it is still not possible to see the power of the laws of heaven and earth
contained in the red clouds and the clear light at such a long distance, but it can faintly feel
the terrorist power that has emerged in the meantime.
Yu Shi invited Zhou Yuandao to hold Park Zong in the name of Guan Jian, and now there is
such a scale of fighting on the mountain. The worst guess made by the Qingjian sword
faction has come true.
Luo Mingchuan has more than he saw. Know that the only option now is to go up the
mountain as soon as possible, even if it is useless.
That level of fighting is not what they can face now.
However, if you have more strength and more time, you may be able to make a turn.
At this time, it is the most time-consuming thing for someone to stop.
Luo Mingchuan is very cold.
He rarely showed such expressions, and the more he felt, the more he felt. The brothers
were really angry.
It is an acquaintance who blocks the road.
In Yecheng, they met friends, and the gentleman's friendship was as light as water; they
also met the enemy, screaming and killing, and the edge was on the back.
Zheng Yu Bao Jian stood in the middle of the road.
He was injured by the killing of Ye Qiu in Yecheng, and his peak closed his life and death.
This kind of retreat is very likely to die, but he is alive and the realm is leaps and bounds.
Yin Yin held down the hand of Luo Mingchuan’s sword and said,
"I think you want to kill me more than the orders of the sect."
Zheng Zheng and so on, 80% is to intercept the spoiler who wants to enter Bao Puzong
tonight. Perhaps now every road leading to Bao Puzong has already been waiting for the
Only they happened to meet Zheng Zheng.
Or, Zheng Zheng just waited for them.
Yin Yi has more preparations that the other party will not answer, but Zheng Yu should,
Even if he wants to kill, his voice is very dull and has no waves.
Yin Yin crossed the road. "But you can't kill me now because we have two people."
Zheng Hao nodded.
Luo Mingchuan is too strong. This kind of cognition is based on the instinct of murder for
many years.
Although he has a life and death, he can't see the surface of the gap.
"You want to kill me, there is only one chance for my brother to go first. Otherwise we are
both enough to kill you."
Zheng Hao listened to silence, seems to be thinking.
Luo Mingchuan Emei, he did not speak because he respected his younger brother, but he
did not agree with the younger brother.
Yin Yue also pressed his hand to draw the sword, and his look was very firm.
He understands the meaning of Yin Yin. Of course, they can face the enemy together. They
only meet the enemy who is not afraid of death. If you don’t kill him, you can’t go. Killing
him takes too long.
The big things on the mountain cannot withstand.
"Brother, you said that you believe me. Now I believe in myself. This thing, I want to come
by myself."
Yin Yiyue said to Luo Mingchuan.
He gave Zheng Yi a multiple-choice question: follow Zongmen’s orders and try to intercept
them; or complete his own wish to kill people who have always wanted to kill.
Just then, Zheng Yu moved, and the green robe was slightly shaken. He staggered three
steps to the right and gave way to the middle of the avenue.
Yin Yu guessed it well, Yu Shi’s plan and the world’s general trend were not so important to
Zheng Zheng’s madman.
He slowly loosened Lo Mingchuan's hand and finally showed his pleading eyes.
Luo Mingchuan finally nodded. The figure is faint, disappearing in the same place,
appearing in the blink of an eye more than ten feet.
Zheng Hao has no expression, as if he has never seen it.
From the time they met Luo Mingchuan, they left and left, and the parties thought about it,
but it was only half a cup of tea. Yin Yin thought more and more, it was much faster than
playing one game.
However, he is still afraid of Zheng Yi’s remorse, and he will delay the general question.
"Why do you want to kill me like this?"
His master killed Zheng Zheng's master; Bao Puzong was beaten in the fold; at that time,
people also need to test whether Juggernaut can come out from the star. These are the
reasons why Zheng Zheng went to Yecheng.
This time, Zheng Yu’s killings have been precipitated, such as the sharp edge of the blade,
not showing the edge. However, Yin Yue is the person who walked through the East China
Wilderness and can clearly feel it.
I also understand that I don’t want to give up. In many cases, I don’t give up, but I am
gaining momentum.
It’s just that he really doesn’t understand, and where is the persistent killing? Even if you
know that the other person is a madman, he is 14 years old, and whenever he is in a bad
mood, or if he has a bad practice, he will kill.
Why can't you change someone to kill? It is very difficult to kill yourself. Even if it is
successful, it will never be let go.
Zheng Xiao answered, "The person who wants to kill has not been able to kill, and the
thoughts that have been moved cannot be calmed down. If you don't kill you, your heart is
not perfect, which is more unbearable than death."
Yin Yin is speechless.
He found that the other party was really reasonable, but unfortunately he did not agree
with this.
In fact, when Yin Yue let Luo Mingchuan go first, he did not have the noble sentiment that
was full of the world. He just remembered Master.
The only thing Master taught me was the sword of murder.
Then, as a disciple of Master, I always have to do something.
At this time, there is no words, Master must be unhappy.
Yin Yin thought about it and said,
"What is the pursuit of perfection, white or persimmon picks soft. You dare not want to kill
the saints, do not want to kill your brother Lin Yuangui? But you can only think about it,
because you know you must not kill. You are afraid. Your heart has never been perfect."
The opponent's sword is falling, the ground is shaking, a crack is cracking, the earth and
stone splash, and the smoke is full of smoke!
Yin Yu flies up and rises, does not retreat, and does not know when the sword has been
The flying smoke was opened by the cold light, and the sound of the sharp wind broke, and
the Yin of the sword was more and more like water.
After saying so much, he finally succeeded in angering Zheng Zheng.
When Bao Pu’s seven sons were ranked, Zheng Zheng challenged Lin Yuangui, and after the
defeat, he succumbed to the heart and went to kill the three hundred mountain thieves.
This matter, in Yecheng, Duan Chongxuan once mentioned.
Anger can increase power, but between the battle of life and death, between anger, anger
makes people leak flaws.
The lake sword stabbed the opponent's shoulder blade, and the blood was like a waterfall.
There is nothing fancy about this sword, or even a move.
But there is absolute speed, the real element output and the bearing calculation, if it is not
Zheng Zheng, the last moment to avoid the heart, it is now dead.
Yin Yi’s shot is the sword of murder.
Just as patient, he can't stand it.
So when he used this sword, the whole body was smooth.
The mental state is close to the peak, and the second sword does not take time and has
already started.
The wind blew on the ground, and the sky was getting darker. The red cloud became more
and more glaring, like a burning fire.
Bao Puzong eighty miles away, the avenue Xiaosuo, actually formed a layer of frost, cold as
harsh winter.
Cold water sword.
From the beginning of his conversation with Zheng Yu, he went out to the sword.
After the first move, it seems to be slow and fast, the rhythm of the battle, in an instant, in
the hands of Yin Yi.
The chill of the sword front is imminent, Zheng Zheng retire, and he retreats without
At the same time, the tip of the sword showed a flow of pictures of the shackles of the
shackles. The swords went to the position and slanted out, and the trajectory formed a
Huaguang, which took the other's eyebrows.
Others are retreating, but they have not chosen to return to the sword, but are fighting with
each other. If the cold water sword refuses to accept the momentum, the gossip sword will
hurt the enemy.
Killing eight hundred, killing a thousand, the madman who has no fear of death is really
But after getting out of the wilderness, Yin Yue is the most fearless thing to fight.
Leaning on the lake is nowhere to go, such as the harsh winter is coming to the four wild.
The ice on the ground is spreading rapidly, and the weeds and dead trees on both sides of
the avenue are frozen.
Yin Yiyue's eyebrows and eyelashes are all condensed with shallow frost.
In the end, the ice of the sword tip frozen the blood of the heart wound.
Zheng Xiao’s look is slight.
He thought about failure, because the other side is not the same as before, it is no longer a
boy who is going to break the barrier at Yechengqiu Lake.
But he couldn't believe that he had no chance to even have a third sword.
The gossip sword was held in the hand, and Zheng Zheng fell backwards, his pupils were
scattered, and he could not close his eyes.
He also has a lot of swordsmanship, and there are many instruments on his body, but it
doesn't make sense anymore.
Leaning on the lake and returning to the sheath, Yin Yue passed by him, and this time he
did not say a word.
It’s just that it’s very slow. Just a sword has just come out and almost let him go.
He looked at the sky and thought, the brother should go to the mountain.
This evening, there is a red cloud in the sky of Hengduan Mountain. People in the West
Coast look at it from afar, and they will feel like sunset, because the gap between the clouds
is clear, and the light is transmitted like white feathers.
It’s just that the night is deep, the glow is still slow, and the red is uncomfortable.
Some people started to fear and could not practice meditation, but they could not think of
what they could do besides praying.
More ordinary people don't know what happened, they just watched the spectacular
spectacle and talked.
Yu Shi feels that it is over. Nothing is wrong, there should be no variables.
This sword of Zhou Yuandao is really powerful, and it is also the time when the sword is
He even thought that Rong Rong’s plan was correct. It is true that in addition to Zhou
Yuandao, this person’s heart is so determined and his strength is stronger than they think.
A day after night is a big obstacle.
The middle-aged Taoist people on the **** sea were deeply cheeked, their faces were blue
and white, and the whole body began to overflow. Finally coughed up a blood, this time is
the heart of the blood.
The hairy and sloppy smile made a smile, and the smile was still careless. The red dress,
lined with blood, looks horrible.
He smiled, and frowned, looking up to see the clouds!
In the next moment, Yu Shi also felt a little. With his gaze, the expression of indifference
turned into amazement.
At the end of the sea of clouds, the vast pressure from the supreme is the pressure of the
This is impossible.
But they didn't even think about it. The first thing that came to the foothills was not the
lithograph of Mr. Zhang, nor the innocent wood beads.
It is a youth.
A younger generation who should not appear in this battle.
He was breathing a little, his shirt was stained with blood, and he saw the way up the
mountain. Many people tried to stop him. But he appeared here, indicating that no one can
stop him under the mountain.

Chapter 82: 【】
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Tonight, the smashing of the mountain, the preparations in the early stage, made a lot of
preparations, woven into a large net, dense air.
The guardian of the mountain rushed to the extreme, and every road leading to Bao Puzong
intercepted the outsiders. The patrols and duties on the mountain were ten times more
strict than before.
These are enough to block most of the monks who have arrived, but they can't stop the
sacred sacred.
"The scholar of the school, although the realm is high, full of speculation, but unfortunately
even the sword will not take, is not a big problem."
"Essence of the temple is to avoid the world, innocent and too indifferent, who is in the
world, is the devil, he does not care so much..."
This is what Rong Rong said to Yu Shi very early.
The tone of the voice is sloppy, but there is no one in the words who is not in the eyes.
Even so, they changed the cloud sea array, targeting the potential enemies of the Asian holy
realm, obscuring the atmosphere, confusing the heavens, and directing the eyes of these
two people to the stars.
If Mr. and Mr. Innocent Master are coming, there are also back-hand arrangements, and
they will pay a price to try to hold them down as much as possible.
The night is dark, there is no star and no moon, and the red clouds are shining.
Tolerance and cold-eyedness is because although the court has not arrived, his private seal
has been swiftly swift, and in the blink of an eye, there will be a gap between the blood and
the sea.
The huge lithograph of the mountain casts a shadow on the sea of blood, and the vast
pressure is overwhelming.
Here, there is the power of Bao Puzong’s guardian mountain to communicate with the
world. The stone seal should not come so fast.
Yu Shi instantly felt something, his face changed suddenly, and he looked at the youth who
came to the foothills.
Emei asked, "Do you want to bully the ancestors?"
He doesn't have a heavy tone, but he has the power to be like a sword.
The young man's mouth that was questioned overflowed the blood line.
Yu Shi’s sword, he did not stop, but his face was dull and hard.
Rong Rong’s sleeves danced wildly, and his hands were fast-printed.
He can break the lithograph, it just takes time. But the longer the time, the more variables
there are. Zhou Yuandao has stood up.
Even if it is urgent at the moment, Yu Shi still eases his face and looks at the youth.
"You shouldn't interfere with this matter. Go down the mountain."
The meaning is very simple, you are not qualified to be here, but you are now down the
mountain, I am not worried.
For the realm of Yu Shi, this is already the biggest concession he can make, and anyone
should be grateful for his acceptance.
But the youth did not move.
The sea of blood blew the hurricane and raised his dark blue robe.
Yu Shi did not think of anyway, the biggest variable would be Lin Yuangui.
Just as Jun Jun is in the Yashan Mountains, Bao Puzong’s half guards the mountains and is
also in the hands of Lin Yuan.
Lin Yuan did not know the killing of the night, and he was not good at it, but the realm of
the situation can be guessed from the red clouds and the clear light.
Even if there is a world that can't be brought to the mountains tonight, Lin Yuan is going to
come up, why not dare to stop him, and the elders can't stop him.
He came to the mountain and saw the **** sea, then weakened the mountain guard. Did not
Yu Shi is not the master of Lin Yuangui, and there is no teacher or apprentice. However, Lin
Yuan’s return to Zongmen is of great value and cannot easily die.
At least not at this time. At least do something for the Zongmen.
"You are now a big man, you have to be a traitor to forget the ancestors?"
It is also a fierce sword, crossing the chest and abdomen of the youth, bloody.
Lin Yuan’s face is unchanged, there is no block, and there is no retreat.
He does not stop because Yu Shi is Ya Sheng, but because the other is the teacher's elder.
There is no retreat because of my own principles.
He has been retiring for many years. He doesn't know why the head is going to collude with
the demon to kill Zhou Yuandao. He only knows that this is wrong.
Even if there are more reasons and considerations, it is not right.
Yu Shi looks colder, he raises his sleeve and is trying to throw this unintelligible thing down
the mountain. But suddenly flew, appeared in the blood.
Because I do not know why, Rong Rong suddenly gave up to resist the lithograph, and
regardless of Zhou Yuandao, the diameter came to the foothills.
Yu Shi seems to have a sense of success, taking over the position of the Allies.
The guardianship of the mountain was weakened, and the obstacles of going up the
mountain were also cleaned up by Lin Yuan.
Therefore, when Luo Mingchuan came to the foothills, he did not waste any effort.
I saw a person standing in front of the mountain road, it was a magic repair.
The red clothes are flying like fire, and the blood and sea behind them are pressed to the
color. There is a demon spirit in the eyebrows, but the gesture is sloppy, and the half-point
is not exposed.
The circumference of the **** sea is as dry as it is, and the swords of the world will be
slowly pushed away.
On the west side of the most inconspicuous mountain, standing a young man, a blue robe,
standing still, straight and loose.
Just a glance, Luo Mingchuan saw several people's identity and the current situation clearly
seen eight points.
He looked at the killing, and when he was thinking about it, Rong Rong looked at him.
However, it is really disappointing.
Such a young man as a demon reincarnation, where is there a half to dominate the
temperament of the world? Too weak.
Disappointment made people intolerant, and the eyes of Rong Rong changed, like watching
the grass mustard ants, faintly opening,
"You don't deserve to turn around."
Luo Mingchuan shook his head. "I don't bother with it."
Rong Rong finally felt that there was some meaning.
Tian Luo nine turns, is the highest practice of each magic repair, not dead, is the ultimate
strength that practitioners can see. Now the ants who can kill themselves can say disdain.
He smiled and was fascinated and cold. "It would be better to give it to me."
This sentence is not in question.
As soon as the voice fell, a burst of scarlet smoke would drift away.
Luo Mingchuan appeared in front of a corpse of blood.
Blood sea is in his knowledge of the sea.
Just like being forced into the meditation by the view, this is the supernatural power of the
top powerhouse. Rong Yi’s spiritual thoughts directly broke his knowledge of the sea.
Compared with the jade exhibition eyebrows, Rong Rong wants to turn around.
Cold cold killing, tyrannical anger, silent death, resentment, unwillingness, oh... All the
pains and struggles of the world are in this **** sea, drowning all good and good.
Enough to evoke the fear of the deepest part of the human heart.
Luo Mingchuan only felt a sharp tingling in his eyebrows, and his headache was splitting.
Then he saw the destruction of the world, Master, younger brothers and sisters, and people
familiar with their loved ones died successively.
He stood awkwardly in the Qinghe Temple, which was turned into ruins. Someone shouted
a demon head. When he turned around, he was surprised that the person holding the
sword was himself.
The blood color changed, and the final picture was in Xingshan Temple. The younger
brother stopped in front of him and couldn’t do anything.
Luo Mingchuan pale, cold sweat drenched the back. The sea of knowledge began to
The thick blood water wrapped him, and the disgusting suffocation filled his lungs. He
could not breathe. I only want to be drowned in this **** sea.
Suddenly there is a bright sword light, such as the moon breaking through the clouds,
opening the night, falling on the **** sea, raising the waves!
A sword smashes the moon, and the sky is clear.
Rong Rong’s eyes turned to the sword.
He did not put this younger generation in his eyes, but he was now killing his heart.
The sword is Lin Yuangui.
He is very silent tonight, because the practice of Yu Shi broke his previous cognition. The
eight characters of the ‘Number of Forgetting’ ‘Betrayal’ were still on him.
It’s just that he doesn’t understand, ‘seeing the prime to be simple, less private. Isn't this
the sect of the founder of the mountain? Why did you become a traitor?
But he knows that he can't draw swords on the elders of the division, but he can defend the
He smashed the swords of the rest of the world, hurting the lungs, and the sword has been
in the forefront for a long time. He understands that in the face of tolerance, he is only able
to produce a sword, and the opportunity is only once.
There was a hint of looseness in the **** sea of Rong Rong, as thin as a hair. He put away a
sloppy smile and raised his finger to the young man holding the sword.
But it’s a pair of eyes.
Dark as night, deep and deep.
It is Luomingchuan that has broken through.
For a moment, the **** sea was countercurrent and the tide was falling, and Rong Rong fell
into a darkness. Just like the ancient and pure darkness before the opening of the heavens
and the earth.
It is the bottom of the stars.
Rong Rong felt incredible, and he was actually drawn into the country by the other side.
The endless monsters came out and began to bite his flesh and blood. He is painless and
unreasonable. He is a little bit excited about the strangeness. Is this the turn of the sky? Is
this the reincarnation of the devil?
The lithograph was shattered in the sword of the world, and the crumbs were as fine as
powder, hovering over the air.
Yu Shi suddenly noticed that the mountain has changed, and he wants to pull out, but his
body is stagnate for a moment.
Someone came to the **** sea, and the crown was brought over.
It is Mr. House.
Mr. does not take the sword, he is a scholar.
The soldiers are ominous, and the scholars have no choice but to use them.
Mr. Zhang Yuandao held Zhou Yuandao.
In the past, his lack of strength was a battle with Yu Shi. But tonight, Yu Shi has consumed
too much, no matter whether it is spirit or sword, it is no longer at its peak.
After being seriously injured by Wei Feng, Yu Shi reshaped the meridians with the help of
Rong Rong and entered the Magic Road. It seems to be unprecedentedly powerful, but in
reality it is a castle in the air and the foundation is unstable. This kind of vain power is the
most affordable.
They all understand this fact, so no one takes the shot first. Yu Shi is thinking about the
possibility of forming an alliance with the hospital, and the price and benefits to be paid are
In the house, I looked at Zhou Yuandao and took out a remedy. Zhou Yuandao shook his
Suddenly breaking the silence and stalemate is two shouts.
The one who called the brothers was Yin Yinyue. In the mountains, he first saw Luo
Mingchuan, who was pale.
Calling Master is Cheng Tianyu. He saw the blood in the sea and was the master of blood.
Such as Pinghu hit the stone, the sword of the silence like the sea flashed, straight to the Yin
Yue door.
Fast speed, avoiding inevitable. Yin Yue even had no time to draw a sword, and the shadow
of death was under the hood.
Mr. Zhang Yuan’s figure was faint, and his eyes were blocked before Jianfeng. Another
lithograph is to strike with it.
Cracked lines appear on the lithograph.
Faced with opponents not far from each other, speed and strength can't be balanced.
Yu Shi’s shot to Yin Yu is the goal. He guessed it well, and he will save Yin Yue.
The next moment, his eyes were smiling and stagnation, because there was a sword
stabbing from behind.
Fast and light, like a flying feather.
At the last moment, his body was really shocked by the sword, and he was not penetrated
into the heart, but stabbed the shoulder blade.
He did not think that Zhou Yuandao clearly knew that he would die, but he still had a
This mutation, the lithograph of the hospital did not continue to shatter, the volley flipped,
and the three worlds were forced to retreat.
The picture that Zhou Yuandao finally saw was Cheng Tianyu, who was still childish, and
ran to him with a flying feather sword.
It’s like seeing yourself when you are young.
He remembered Song Yu and Zhong Shan.
I remember that I have seen the world in this life, have fought evil spirits, and taught
apprentices. There is nothing to regret.
Zhou Yuandao smiled. He wanted to say, ‘Be the first step for the teacher, don’t worry, the
future things will be handed over to you. If you do it, you will wait for the scabbard to beat
your hand.’ But it has no strength.
I opened my mouth and said only a ‘good’ word.

Chapter 83: 【】
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Cheng Tianyu still remembers many years ago, when he was a teacher, his hands were
holding a tea pot and raised his head. He shouted a ‘Master’ with full of hope.
Zhou Yuandao suppressed the gaze, and Shen Sheng said a ‘good’ word.
Now Cheng Tianyu is standing in the foothills, and he hears a ‘good’, and finally he can’t
stop crying.
After a long practice to reach the realm of the Holy Spirit, the flesh and blood of the body
can be used as a source of energy. The last sword of Zhou Yuandao is to be a sword.
Thousands of clear light emerged from his body, like the flying feathers of the sky.
Clear light, **** tides retreat, Baiyunsheng.
It turned out that even the bones did not leave a pair.
Mr. Zhang Shen felt what happened behind him, and his heart sighed.
Cheng Tianyu’s eyes are splitting, holding the sword and standing, and the breath is rising.
The flying feather sword was squirted out, and the sea of clouds was opened by a few
passes. The sword front went straight to the rest of the world.
Yu Shi was backed by the enemy, and there was a lithograph in front of the court. In the
past, this level of Jianfeng was not in his eyes. It was only that he was consuming a lot of
energy tonight, and he was once again subjected to Zhou Yuandao’s sword.
His light changes slightly, his eyes closed and his face turned pale.
At the same time, Lin Yuan blamed three steps and coughed up a blood.
Yu Shiqiang cut off the link between Lin Yuangui and Hushan. This is the next step, and he
has to pay a great price himself.
But he needs the power of the mountain to communicate with the world.
The red dress of Rong Rong is hunting and flying in the mountain wind. It is no longer as
thick as blood, but like a burning flame.
The violent magic enveloped the mountains.
In the spirit of the heavens and the nine turns, he is still at the bottom of the comet, but the
whole body is burning with fire, like the red lotus in the long night. The monsters that
rushed to bite him were burned to fly ash.
At this time, Yin Yi is more and more powerful.
The glare of ‘青天白日’, such as electric light and fire, tears the night, and goes to Rong
Bring the incredibly bright white to the world.
The lake sword is connected with the owner's mind, and the sword is resounding in the
Hengduan Mountains.
Yu Shi completely grasped the power of the big array, but the eyes of the blind, but it
seemed to have some feelings. The choice was hard to strike the lithograph, and the
overwhelming pressure between the sleeves went to Yin Yin.
"Linyuan sword is coming!"
The more Yin Yin, the more powerful, the crisis, the trend of the sword, but can no longer
change. Straight puncture and let the body shine, not into the skin. However, the centrifugal
pulse is less than half an inch away, and no more points can be entered.
I saw that the glory of the glory of the glory of the glory was forced to break free from the
spiritual environment of the Tianluo nine turns, staring at the Jianfeng Road, "Linyuan..."
Yin Yin is anxious in his heart, but the sword is held by the shackles, and there is only a
small amount of swords behind Yu Shi...
Under the shadow of death, it turned around. Dizziness and brain rise.
He was picked up by the collar. It is Mr. House.
Mr. did not take him to fly, but one by one, glaring at him and Luo Mingchuan, directly
breaking the space, and he was in the backyard of the school.
This time, compared to the previous two times, the experience of passing the stamped
letter through the space is even more unbelievable.
At the moment when Yin Yin was at the end of the landing, he could even feel the coldness
of his heart. There is a lingering heart.
As soon as Mr. Zhang’s hand was released, Yin Yinyu helped Luo Mingchuan and found that
the brothers had fallen into a coma, just like at the end of the battle at Xingshan Temple,
people did not know.
The gentleman sat down on the lounge chair and waved his hand in exhaustion.
He then raised his brother and placed it in the back room.
There is no star and no moon on the Hengduan Mountain, but the school tonight is a
brilliant star.
When Yin Yin came out, he saw that Mr. leaned on the bamboo lounge chair. I wonder if it
was an illusion, as if it was a lot older. The silver starlight fell and counted his white horns.
Li Tugen knows his own situation.
He had penetrated the mystery of space a hundred years ago, and he was unique in the
world, but it was the first time that someone took the breakthrough.
What's more, he finally took a shot of Cheng Tianyu and sent the other party to Qinglan
The violent consumption is not only the realm of the realm, but more importantly the
Yin Yi went for a ceremony.
I haven't talked yet, the person on the recliner has opened up first, and the voice is dumb.
"There is no such thing as a big battle. I don't dare to cross the mountain. I have to recover
some time. Rong Rong is also seriously injured in the situation." If you want to make a
comeback, you still need to make a long-term plan."
Yin Yi is more frowning, they have time, but the situation is still critical. The collusion of the
Magic Road may not be more than the rest of the world. Although Rong Rong is seriously
injured, there may be other arrangements.
Instead of asking, he got up and poured a cup of tea for his wife.
Junshan Yunwu Tea was given by Master at the time of Donglu.
The tea soup is clear, reflecting the glimmer of the stars, and the heat is smashing. The
gentleman sips a bite, and the sigh of satisfaction is like a lot of spirit.
"If you want to say something, you can say it all..."
Tonight, there are too many changes, and Yin Yin’s heart is tangled up in a mess.
"Yu Shi and Rong Rong are confused. Lin Yuanjian has been recast by my master. Today,
only Chunshan laughs and autumn winds leave. I want to have a sacred place, but also..."
He suddenly said nothing, and under the gaze of his gentle eyes, there was a bad feeling.
The gentleman looked at him like a child who was blind and swearing.
"But, Lin Yuan is on you."
Yin Yue was ashamed of lightning, and then slowly lowered his head. The long sword at the
waist is silent silently.
Like ridiculing him, he has no knowledge of Baoshan.
Linyuanjian is a legacy of true immortality and has extraordinary significance. Many years
ago, there were even rumors that Wei Fengfeng was the first sacred soldier in the world to
become a saint.
There is a saying that the people who are in the Yuanyuan have the true meaning of the
sword and the world.
First physiologically, "I thought you knew it already."
Yin Yin said, "...Master didn't tell me."
"Oh, then he may have forgotten." The gentleman waved again.
"Spring Mountain laughs, the autumn wind is away, all of them are played by himself.
Linyuan sword is forged from the sky, and only the fire can melt. Now this world, where to
find a fire? It is only the kind of people."
Yin Yue does not care about where to find a fire, he just can not accept, how to rely on the
lake, how to become a Linyuan.
Master may forget this such a big event?
Yin Yin thought more and thought, it is really possible. For Master, only sleeping is bigger
than the sky.
Every detail in the past has been re-enacted. The first time I took the illusion of the sword, I
couldn’t inject it into the sword at first, and the strong sword in the face, and the shock and
anger when I watched it...
The whole exhibition is in front of Yin Yi.
"What kind of sword is leaning against the lake?"
"A **** soldier."
"Why give me?"
"I didn't give it to you, but it chose you."
The master of the wilderness said.
Yin Yi, the more the sword is seen, suddenly feels unimportant. Whether you are leaning
against the lake or not, it is his sword.
The exaggerated legendary color is that he is taken in the hands of him day and night. He
should practice the sword while practicing the sword, and the sword that kills the enemy
when killing the enemy.
Really immortal Ling can use it to settle the world, he may not be so big, he can also use it
to demon.
Yin Yin suddenly thought that Zhou Yuandao was degraded, and there was one less
Yasheng who could compete with the Magic Road. The news spread, and the Southland
could not avoid the floating of the people. "The Qingjian Swordsman..."
"Zhou Yuandao's three apprentices are all in the same way, they can only see them..." The
gentleman exclaimed, the words turned,
"The biggest trouble at the moment, lying in the room, compared with him, what the rest
Yin Yin understands the meaning of Mr.
No one knows when Luo Mingchuan wakes up and wakes up.
He thought that although the brothers sealed the cultivation of the concept, how can such a
powerful force be stored in the body, how can it be stable?
This time, no more than in the Yashan, there is a sword saint watching. If you wake up with
a demon, or if your brother loses his mind, who can still protect him in this world?
But Yin Yi still believes in Luo Mingchuan. Not related to the situation.
"There will be a way."
After listening to this, Mr. laughed and got up from the lounge chair. He seemed to walk to
the library to read the book. The voice came from far away. "The apprentice of Wei Feng,
like him."
Yin Yue is more silent.
Speaking of Master's apprentice, the master's kendo talent is like Master, the second
division's martial artist's sharpness is like a master, the third brother's good wine is like a
master, even the five priests' narcissism is like a master.
Where is it like?
If Juggernaut is still there, he will answer with conviction, "Of course you are like an old
man, handsome like an old man!"
Unfortunately, no one can answer the question of Yin Yue.
He stood alone in the courtyard, watching the sky in the east rise from white to dark, as if it
was only a short time.
The morning breeze of the winter is blowing cold.
The East wants to know. This long night finally passed.
At dawn, a carriage drove out of the school, and Yin Yue went west with Luo Mingchuan.
With him repairing it now, he kept going for a moment, and the royal boat crossed the sea.
It only took three days to go to Xilu.
Finally arrived in Panlongling.
The aura is dying, the mountains are inaccessible, and the winter is even more bleak.
Yellow leaves are paved, cold winds are raging, and crows and crows scream from time to
time. No one thought that they would come here.
Yin Yin cleared up a cave. Beds, squares, futons and even candlesticks are all available.
This reminds him of the words of traveling with a full set of furniture, and some want to
However, when I was in Yunyang City, I felt that comfort was still very important when I
thought about how long I had to live with my brother in the cave.
Looking at it now, I feel more familiar. It seems that they are on the way to the Folding
Party. It is here for a night.
It was only then that he would not be comfortable because his brother was close to the
body, and he could not settle into cultivation overnight.
Yin Yiyue placed Luo Mingchuan carefully on the bed, took out the flag, gathered the spirit,
and began to arrange the array.
He said that there will be a way, and will not let Mr. Zhang or other people take risks
Half a day passed, Yin Yin was pale and his face was soaked with fine sweat. In the end, the
real yuan pierced the fingertips, forcing a drop of blood and dripping in the hole.
In the meantime, the nine-faced flag was hidden, and the invisible barrier condensed. The
wind whistling outside the cave was quiet, as if it was isolated.
Yin Yi was relieved and relieved.
The formation method has been completed, and the air machine is connected with his life.
The death of the people is broken.
When Luo Mingchuan woke up, his mind was unclear and even more serious, and the
formation might not stop him for how long.
But if you want to go out, you can only kill the players first.
Now, he is here, guarding his brother to wake up.

Chapter 84: 【】
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The night of the night on the mountain was spread across five continents at an extremely
fast speed.
At first many ordinary people did not believe it. I don’t believe that Bao Puzong, one of the
‘one mountain and three factions’, will collude with the magic repair.
Until the Qinglan Mountain hangs the sky.
There are more than a hundred sects and clan families in the Southland attached to the
Qingjian Swords. For them, the existence of the holy saint is almost god. The news at the
moment is like the sky at the top of the head has collapsed. At one time, people are heart-
wrenching and grassy.
As a young leader, Song Wei succeeded him as the leader. It’s just that the sects are huge,
and it’s inevitable that several elders will be born with dissent. The Song Dynasty, who has
been working in a straightforward manner, has to use the Thunder to suppress it.
Fortunately, with the support of Zhong Shan and Cheng Tianyu, Qing Yi did not split like a
Mr. Xuefu was closed and injured, the party in the Northland was unclear, and the Buddhist
monks were in the old forest.
In such a troubled world, the parties are worried about external troubles, and people
cannot condemn Bao Puzong.
More news came, and he took a slap in the pie to go to Hengduan Mountain and got a very
rich resource.
Rong Rong returned to Donglu to unify the magic road, and Yu Shi was also recovering from
So the situation has a rare balance.
But everyone knows that the balance is temporary and dangerous, and may be broken at
any time.
In addition to the Qing Dynasty’s Jiugong 12th Taoist Temple, there is also a ancestral hall.
The location of the temple is remote, except that the outside disciples are often arranged to
clean here, usually no one comes.
But today, the light is dark, and the halls in the faded colors are full of people.
In the hall, only Yu Shi sat in the chair of the Taishi, and more than a dozen elders separated
They are opposite, one foot away, and the young man with a cold look is standing.
"Zongmen has trained you for so many years. Now you are at a prosperous age. Do you
want to be a traitor?"
"If your master is still alive, do you have any face to see him!"
"Young people must know the affairs of the time, and be clear-minded. You are still young,
don't understand things, listen to the teacher's uncle, don't self-destruct the future!"
Although the elders are strict in tone, they are all persuaded, and no one has to punish
Because everyone knows, when it comes to combat power, the elders of these corpse
vegetarian meals, where is the next forest to return to a sword?
Regardless of what others say, Lin Yuan is always silent.
His eyes seemed to pass through the crowd and landed on those old cards. Thoughts are
also drifting away. I think of the founders of the mountains and the ancestors of the
Zongmen. If there is really a spirit in the sky, will it be watched here.
Other people can't see it, but Yu Shi can see that he is absent-minded and his face can't help
but cold down.
It is not a last resort, he is not willing to kill Lin Yuangui.
Lin Yuan’s return value is still far from being played. Zheng Zheng is already dead, and
there are some wastes in the seven sons. Zongmen’s younger generation could not find a
second 朔月剑. Not to mention the fact that it is a big thing at the moment, at the time of
employment. It takes another hundred years to cultivate one from the beginning.
Yu Shi’s eyes fell on the right side of the crowd.
The man knows it, walks out, smiles and is kind. "Lin brother, I have heard your reputation
for a long time, and I have respected you for a long time. I have seen it today, and it really
deserves a name."
It is the embarrassment that comes out. He had a contract with Rong Rong many years ago
and waited for a long time. He knows that he is not an ally of these big men, just a chess
piece. But you can get more, you don't have to care about the virtual position.
When the slogan turned, "the brothers and swords are superb, but they have thought about
it. The change of the times is unstoppable."
"In the chaos of the world, the old pattern is destined to be abandoned. Brother Lin, why
don't you join me, establish a new order, and create a new era of glory."
"The big things are informal, the history books are written by the winners, and later
generations will only remember the achievements of our pioneers."
In the face of such inspirational and **** words, the white bears of the elders are shaking.
They show their brilliance, look good, and want to slap the table, as if everyone is the
opening person of the new era.
Then Lin Yuan returned to speak. "A different teacher, two different doors, this brother,
Just like a basin of cold water poured into the stove, the atmosphere of the temple was
Yu Shi’s eyes are like a sword.
"What about the old man? The old man is the master of your master. Can you say no to
"If you didn't go to your master to go early, the old man would have killed you."
The elders groaned and said that the head was well-intentioned, and Lin Yuangui was too
Having said that, but in the same year, Yu Shi and Lin Yuangui’s master did not have the
same feelings. At that time, Bao Puzong was divided into new and old factions, and each of
them was a leader. Later, when one person closed down, he accidentally fell, and the other
person made a head, cleared the dissident, and turned the Zongmen into a hall.
Yu Shi got up and walked away.
His injury is not good at the moment, and he is most eager to rush, and he is reluctant to
waste his tongue.
The sound came from far away. "The big picture has been decided. If you have it, it will be
the same."
"You want to think clearly."
The crowd followed him and suddenly went away.
Lin Yuan returned to the empty ancestral hall and looked at his master's tablet.
The candlelight was dim, and his shadow was pulled obliquely.
At first, Yin Yi felt that time was hard.
He is actually not so free and easy, and not so brave.
Looking at the hole in the array, there will be temptations in the daytime.
Later, he only looked at Luo Mingchuan, talking to himself and saying everything they had
known since. Said the Yashan Mountain Dungeon, said Yecheng roof, said the Xingshan
Temple Buddhist temple, said floating sea, said slowly calm down.
It seems that I know that my brother can't hear it, but if you say it, you can gain strength.
The power of peace of mind.
Yin Yi began to meditate and practice, or play a sword in the sea. The mind is quiet, the
distracting thoughts are not stained, and there is no difference when retreating on the peak
of Yuhua.
But today is obviously different.
When the first morning light entered the hole, there was a person standing in the morning
It is like standing in the clouds.
The eyebrows are dusty, the clothes are not dusty, and a wooden sword is carried on the
back. There is no sadness and no joy. There is no pressure to expose.
Yin Yi’s air machine is connected with the array method. Here, the wind and the grass are
all connected with his mind. But the people in front of the eyes appeared out of thin air, as
if the array of holes did not exist.
This is a terrible thing, indicating that the strength of the other party is beyond his
knowledge of the world.
However, it is very strange that Yin Yin is not able to resist and be alert.
He does not know how to describe this feeling.
He has never seen an immortal.
But he thought, to say that there are really immortals in the world, it should be the
appearance of this person.
Come here, go and go. Standing there is all right.
The immortal walked two steps and his eyes fell on him, but the words were obviously not
to him. The tone is erratic, just like communicating with another world,
"I found the customer."
Yin Yi is more and more.
I saw a smile in front of me, and the smile was also the coldness of the snow and ice, and
slowly said,
"Heavenly King Tiger..."
"The author is two hundred and five!"
Yin Yue said what he was aware of, such as being struck by lightning. The full screen of the
trough instantly drowned him.
This is an! How was it! world! !
High force, immortal, one second, change, qaq
The man said to himself, "It should be two hundred and five of the technical department...
How do you call it?"
"My name is Yin Yue."
"Hello, Mr. Yin, my name is Cheng."
Recalling the first sentence of this person, Yin Yi felt that he knew where he came from.
The company that sells fake and shoddy auras.
Is he coming to do after-sales service? !
Disparity in power, I said that it will not be hacked to death? Brother, help, qaq
"Cheng, Cheng seniors, is coming..."
"I apologize for the company's technical department. I am sorry that the halo installation
error has damaged your user experience. Please follow up with me for further
Although this person has a simple speech, he looks sincere and earnest. There is no half-
high posture.
Yin Yin thought about it, "Is the installation wrong, what is wrong?"
"There is a halo that is opposite to your wishes. If you want to be a villain now, I can change
it for you right away."
The opposite is true.
Yin Yi finally knows how the first few gods came out. This is the aura of this error, and you
can’t be quiet.
If he just came to this world, he will definitely change it back.
But now, he is silent for a while, said,
"No. I don't want any aura. It's off with this one."
"No problem. Let's talk about compensation."
"What can I lose?"
"Q & A, free to open, test eight characters, Bu Ji and fierce, ask marriage ... can choose two."
Wait, why is this like a street fortune telling?
"My brother, will it become a demon statue?"
The man looked at Luo Mingchuan and his eyes fell on the Linyuan sword in Yin’s hands.
“As long as you don’t use this sword to kill him, it won’t. When Mo Changyuan died under
this sword, he used Tianluojiu. After a moment of resignation in the sword, once God enters
his soul, the memory of millions of years will be awakened. He becomes Mo Changyuan."
Yin Yin looked at his sword more and more.
He did not expect that it was like this.
The illusion of the temple of Xingshan Temple reappeared. He killed his brother, and then
the picture became a stranger in the hall. Very real.
"The sword is full of anger, enough to suppress this sacred mind, and as time goes by, God
can't keep it and can only dissipate."
Yin Yin listened to a sigh of relief.
"This is a question and answer, what do you want to choose?"
Yin Yin is now a little confused. He is sitting at the bed of Luo Mingchuan and watching the
sleeping person on the bed. "I don't know..." He said that he was inexplicable.
"You have also traveled a lot of worlds. Is there any world that makes you feel? Is this really
alive? Have you met someone, made you courageous, and became curious? I don't know
how this is. Can you answer any questions?"
Cheng Xiaobai listened to this, thinking, you are not answering questions, is asking about
"Love makes people panic and makes people strange."
Yin Yin was shocked. He wanted to say that this is my brother. I will not be convinced of
him, but I can’t speak.
Cheng Xiaobai saw what he was thinking,
"I used to say to me before, when you are happy, he is a man or a woman, a man is a demon,
a fairy is a demon, it is not important, you just want to accompany him, guard him, and
spend a long life together. Do you think about it like this..."
Spend together... with your brother.
Yin Yue is more shocked and gives birth to a bit of confusion. Is this really true?
I really, like a brother?
"You have chosen two questions to answer the doubts, what are the compensation
That humanity, "You can't, but I can't help. Just contact me if you think about it."
Yin Yi has more than one piece of paper in his hand. The texture is weird, he has never seen
"I can't stay more, the world law will detect it. You can use this character to contact me, you
can only use it once." The person seems to have a feeling, the figure gradually fades, and the
morning light penetrates his almost transparent body.
The picture is very magical.
"The last reminder that he will not become a demon, but he may be unconscious and even
kill you. You must be prepared."
The voice just fell, and there was no more shadow in the morning light of the hole.
Yin Yue knows that this is a reminder of goodwill. The repair of the seal in the brothers may
not be able to suppress, and the Tianluo nine turns may also be out of control. The crisis
still exists.
He also really imagined that the brothers woke up and killed themselves.
I don't know how long it took, he leaned over the bed of Luomingchuan.
The sound echoes in the empty cave.
"I am not afraid of death."
"I am afraid that the next world will not have you."
The man on the bed opened his eyes.

Chapter 85: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yin is more optimistic about the last pair of good-looking eyes, but has not yet had time
to rejoice, the words 'senior brother' stuck in the throat, and instantly fell like an ice cave,
unable to speak.
Luo Mingchuan woke up. But the eyes were dark and dark like an abyss, and there was no
such thing as a fascination, but a calm and strange stranger.
Yin Yin Yue’s body was urging the most to the extreme, and Lin Yuanjian’s hand was
slightly shaken, and he screamed, “Sister...”
Luo Mingchuan looked straight at him and only said two words, "Go away."
Yin Yin is more relieved. "No, brother, how are you feeling now?"
Luo Mingchuan is sober and aware of his own situation. "I have nothing. You are leaving
now, but you still have time."
Yin Yin shook his head. "If it's really okay, let us go."
The cave trembled for a moment, and the pressure of the hustle and bustle came like a tide.
Yin Yin was shocked by two steps, fell to the ground, and shouted incredulously, "Brother -"
Luo Mingchuan got up and stayed up, and his body was rising rapidly. If the flood broke, the
sleeves and ink hair were raised high. He walked slowly, standing in front of Yin Yin and
not talking. The rush of light seems to be trying to suppress what.
Inexplicable, Yin Yi remembered the illusion in the temple again.
The brother is still a brother, and he still recognizes himself, but there are some people like
the ink-colored robes on the throne of the Changyuan Temple.
A cold look, a high-profile gesture, like a glimpse of the eyes.
Standing in a poorly arranged cave, it is also like standing in the Huadian Hall of the
It was too late to be vigilant. The more Yin Yin was under the real pressure, the real yuan
flowed and stagnate, and the body was repaired to death.
I can only watch Luo Mingchuan lean over and approach him.
The ultimate sense of danger followed.
His eyes are full of hopes, "Sister, you are awake, you still know me, right..."
Turn around.
He was swayed by the people, and then he took a backache and was shocked that he was
crushed on the bed. Close to the feet, breathing, smelling, warm nasal spray all sprayed
between the neck.
Yin Yin is more confused in his heart, he thinks that the brother should not be like this.
The brothers will not hurt him, and the brothers will always be gentle. But this is the
brother, not someone else.
The warmth of the breath seems to burn the skin on the side of his neck, and it is mixed
with dampness*. The person on the body is tasting something delicious, which makes Yin
Yin tremble slightly.
Although he was restrained to be restrained, he held the Linyuan sword in his hand and did
not have no resistance. Just remembering the words of the seniors of the process, the
scruples of the gods in the sword will make Luo Mingchuan really become a demon, and
then hurriedly put the sword into the sleeves.
When you are empty and no longer leaning, you really start to fear.
He remembered what the brothers had said before.
"Tianluo nine to the eighth floor, we must continue to use the vitality of others and
cultivate for their own use... This practice can not be returned once it starts."
So now, after the brothers and sisters have been sealed up, they have to take their lives. Can
you pick the position of the place to eat, do you want to eat yourself?
Yin Yin remembered the words 'human knife, I am fish'.
"No, don't..." He turned his head and tried to avoid it, even raising his hand to push the
body. However, it was suppressed by the power of death, and it did not make any effort.
Luo Mingchuan heard his voice and looked up at his lower jaw, letting him turn his head
and face himself.
Yin Yin looked into the dark, ink-like pupil, and the ink was heavy as the abyss was
boundless, reflecting his pale face.
There must be chaos in the brain, like falling into the warm clouds, and the comfortable
thoughts are picked up.
Yin Yin looked at the eyes of the brothers and felt that it was really bright and beautiful.
The candle on the case jumped in the eyes, like a star.
Just watching, like drinking a few dozens of drunken immortals, drunk, I don’t know what
day it is.
The power of the powerful spirit is not enough to resist the turn of the sky.
Luo Mingchuan chuckled and raised his hand to take the black crown of the person under
his body, so three thousand white hair poured like a waterfall.
Yin Yue is more and more confusing, like a small animal in a difficult situation, crying for
help. Luo Mingchuan knows that he is calling himself.
He is unconsciously asking for help from the perpetrator.
Luo Mingchuan feels that he must be crazy, otherwise how can he do this kind of thing.
I also felt that I had never been more awake than I was at the moment, and finally did what
I wanted to do.
Extreme contradiction, the edge of the explosion. Just like walking on a cliff, the next step is
the abyss.
Sending love, ending the ceremony, not exceeding the moment. He has always been like
Some people even think that he does not ask for a name, is not profitable, and is just like a
person without *.
But when you are born, how can you really not? How can there be an absolutely perfect
gentleman or saint in the world?
Tianluo nine turns to practice to such an extent, enough to evoke the deepest cravings of
the people, to the extreme.
He clasped the back of his mind, and refused to refuse. He dropped a kiss.
Long and fierce.
Yin Yin is out of breath, and the broken □ □ all stuck in the throat, can only make a low sob.
He had a low body temperature for a long time because of the practice of the cold water
sword, but now he feels that he is burning a fire, and his eyes are slightly reddish.
The young and oyster body can't stand the excitement.
The younger brother is emotional.
This cognition made Luo Mingchuan very happy, and the sound in his heart sounded.
You see, the younger brother likes it too, so what can't you do?
Get him.
Let him belong to you completely.
Yin Yi is more comfortable with the arbitrariness, and the eyebrows are dyed with beautiful
colors, which is completely different from the usual cold.
From the robe to the lining, it is like a layered package of a gift, Luo Mingchuan is very
Fortunately, there is a lot of time, don't worry, take your time.
After the winter, the sky darkened early. The birds and beasts are silent, and there are only
winds and whistles in the mountains, and the leaves are flying.
The moon is in the sky.
The icy moonlight shines into the cave, and there is also a hot entanglement temperature.
When Yin Yue is more awake, I don’t know how long the time has passed. I don't know
what happened.
The mind is no longer dizzy, the thoughts are clear, the real elements are abundant, the
operation is smooth, and even the repair is higher than before.
His first reaction was to take the sword, only to think that Linyuan had been collected by
himself. Because I am afraid of hurting my brother...
Brother? !
Yin Yin turned his head and turned his head to the eyes of the people around him. "You
brother, you woke up."
The light is soft and guilty.
Yin Yin discovered that he was lying in bed, and the brother sat by the bed and guarded
Luo Mingchuan took out a brand new robe and put it on him. Yin Yin got up and hurriedly
got up, and Jin was slipped. When he coveted, he saw that his body was also replaced with a
new one.
The complicated memories surged like the tide of the sea. Yin Yue had a headache for a
moment, but he only remembered that he was pressed on the bed, thinking that his brother
would take his vitality...
and then?
No, it is vaguely reminiscent of being very hot and comfortable, like rising and falling in the
warm tide.
He suddenly had a very bad guess. "Yesterday, am I..."
Luo Mingchuan avoided his gaze and felt that he was not as good as a beast. Actually it was
not yesterday, but now it is three days later.
Yin Yin is more and more sinking in his heart, raising his hand to go to the front of Luo
Mingchuan. Luo Mingchuan did not observe for a while, and he was undressed by his
clothes. The white chest's chest was clearly defined, and several glaring red marks
appeared on it.
Obviously it was caught by someone.
This must be very painful...
The more Yin Yin couldn’t think of it, this was his own crying and dumb, groaning and
begging for mercy, "Don’t want to do it," while trying to scratch the traces on the human
body, in fact, Luo Mingchuan was caught more on the back.
He has now begun to brain up the process of forcing his brother.
It seems that it is correct. He slept his brother.
His brother-in-law is unclear and has done something worse for his brothers.
Yesterday morning, I was asked to answer questions. I just wanted to understand that I like
my brother. I didn’t say that I slept in the evening!
This is still human!
He is very rude and inviolable. He is the brother of the first righteous gentleman in the
practice world. He is sleeping like this!
If you are not responsible or people!
Yin Yin was throwing himself away in the dead, and he listened to Luo Mingchuan’s
opening. "Teacher, your sword, take it out."
Luo Mingchuan wants to say, after all, I have done such a thing, even if you pull the sword
to kill me, I have no complaints.
Yin Yi interrupted hurriedly, "I will be responsible!"
Can't the brothers think about it, use his sword to blame? !
"Brother! I know this, the name is not right, but when we go back, we will give you a name!"
Luo Mingchuan envisioned dozens of consequences, but it did not include the situation at
hand. He is stunned.
Isn't this what he should say?
Yin Yi sees his own brothers not talking, simply puts people into his arms, but because of
the height difference, he is more like he plunged into the arms of Luo Mingchuan.
"Brother, I want to be clear, I really love you. Before you were in the mountains, you also
mentioned the things of the Taoist... I don’t hate me, I thought about being with me, right? I
will Treat you well, and trust me once."
Yin Yue is not good at words, but the first sentence is said, and the back is smooth. He only
wants to express his feelings and can't take care of anything.
Luo Mingchuan heard the first sentence and he was embarrassed. It seems that thousands
of fireworks are blasting at the same time.
He is delighted, but after waking up, the truth still has to be clear. He looks at Yin Yin’s eyes.
"Teacher, this kind of thing is actually a loss for you. These words should also be said to
"I repaired it too quickly, and the soul could not bear it, so that the evil spirits were
provoked by the practice itself."
He did not finish it. In fact, it was because the evil thoughts were suppressed for too long.
Once they were led out, they would no longer be able to clean up.
Yin Yi thinks more and more, what is the practice of unblocking the martial arts, anyway,
the rice is cooked and cooked.
The brother is my person. ~\\(≧▽≦)/~
Suddenly blurted out, "So, does the brother like me?"
After the question, Yin Yue will regret it.
He feels that he is too free and easy, like a sly little girl.
How can this be done, he should be the overbearing president Long Aotian, ‘Don’t want to
escape from me! ’
Luo Mingchuan heard the words, his eyes were smiling and floating, and the warm amber
color was like a lake, which was going to make people sink. The tone is unusual and solemn.
"I am happy with you, far more than you can think of."
Yin Yin burned from the cheek to the root of the ear.
Too, too foul. Qaq

Chapter 86: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yi is more subconscious to avoid Luo Mingchuan's gaze, whispering, "Let's go back to
the world."
Luo Mingchuan smiled and said, 'Good,' and said that he glanced at the hole.
Yin Yin saw that the formation of the hole immediately met, but the escaping of the
escaping of the topic had once again surged.
When I am finished, my brother will not think that I am getting this line of law, just to trap
him here, what about him? Do you want to try to explain?
Yin Yi, while pulling the flag, spit on himself, hehe! Too dirty! Brothers will not think so!
Besides, I slept all the time, now I have to say what is the use of qaq.
Luo Mingchuan naturally does not know what his simple younger brother is thinking, just
can't help but ask, "How is the body?"
Yin Yue slowly swallowed the last flag and heard the hand shake. "It's very good, no, better
than before, I went up and repaired..."
The mouth of the hole blew, and the invisible air-conditioner was released.
Luo Mingchuan went forward,
"That's good. Yesterday we double repaired, I am still afraid of some omissions, which will
hurt you."
Yin Yi finally knows where the real yuan in his meridian is coming. He practiced the cold
water sword for many years, dyed a cold chill into the bones, and the real yuan was running
in the body, and all of them could be chilled.
But after waking up this time, there was a faint real element in the meridians, like the warm
current of the sputum, which was slightly different from the internal circulation, and it was
a self-contained path.
This feeling is wonderful and warm, just like the temperature of each close to the brother.
"Teacher, you should know the real yuan running in the sky, but this is a bit embarrassing, I
still don't want you to practice. Later... just let it go."
Yin Yue feels that the words of concern to the brothers seem to contain smiles.
It’s not a matter of cranky thinking, it’s natural, it’s not the same as cultivating this method
of practice.
Inexplicable shame shrouded him.
Until he was pulled out of the cave by Luo Mingchuan, he saw the sky and was still
immersed in his own brain.
Although he forced him to do the first (great fog), but with his love words, he expressed his
confession (small fog), moved his brother, successfully avoided all kinds of bitterness, and
finally went to the road of He! (Middle fog)
Yin Yin is almost crying for himself.
He felt the warmth of his palms and raised his eyes to see the person in front of him pulling
his hand and walking in the thin morning mist.
The robes with wide sleeves and narrow waists at the end of the world will outline the tall
figure. The ink is light and brightly plated by the sun.
The Yin Yin who is watching is more satisfied, and feels that the soil and leaves under the
feet are all soft and not like words. Every step must be stuck.
I even thought that my brother is so beautiful. If you can’t sleep in this life, life is really
At this time, Luo Mingchuan turned back and raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling lightly.
"looks good?"
Yin Yin didn't even think about it, "Good-looking."
You look so good, I just want to sleep with you.
Help, almost the last sentence also said qaq
Full of sorrows, rushing toward the road of the yellow storm, never to return.
The brother knows that the cliff will abandon me qaq
The 'Emperor' is a city that stands at the very center of the Northland and has no extra
The towering walls, a total of eight huge gates, can accommodate four carriages along the
road. The weekdays are the crowds of people who leave the city and enter the city.
Everyone who comes to the city to look up will feel weak and weak. After entering the city,
there was no such thing as a sea of people in the sea.
The city is too big, and few people can find a sense of existence. The students come here to
study for fame, and the businessmen come here to open the door to do business. Big
ambitions and ambitions can be accommodated here.
There are also a lot of powers. In the south of the city, there are five people falling down on
the street pots, and all four are princes with a land. Only the girl of Hualiu Lane can
recognize the Huayi carriages of all ethnic groups.
In the dark, the forces of the various parties are holding the balance, and no one can cover
the sky of the emperor.
On the bright side, the imperial palace is there. The man on the throne is the great man who
really turned his hand to the cloud and covered his hand with the rain.
The winter in Hokuriku has been very early, and the first snow has fallen in the Imperial
City. The early snow in previous years was unstoppable, but the snow sprinkled for four
days and four nights.
In the daytime, I spent a few hours in the middle of the night. Covering the golden glazed
tile of the palace, the gold lanterns on the high buildings in the south, the bowls for begging
for the rice under the overpass, and the smelly ditch in the north of the city, it is really
This is the eve of the Prince's ascent, and the heavy snow is still down.
The family closed the door, the school lectured, and the city closed. Even Hualiu Lane,
where the people of the past have been drinking and drinking, have been silent.
The sakura of the nineteenth and sixteenth lanes opened, and the coldness was
The vast emperor, the snow is silent, and the silence is like a tomb.
The people of the capital have been at the center of the power struggle for many years, and
even the women who sell vegetables are also very stunned.
How did the guards of the eight gates change shifts in advance, and how did the people on
the arrowhead of the city have people? There are even people who have been guarding the
camp in the west of the city and have seen three thousand emperor bans.
Just like the darkness of the river, the spider silk in the corner, more invisible, does not
mean that it does not exist.
The wind is strong and the grass is all soldiers.
In the dark, many eyes looked at the palace.
Tonight's Taihe Temple, the abnormal cold, no palace people sweeping snow, and there is
no close light. There is only one general in the body, holding the sword in front of the ranks.
In the door of the temple, the tall copper crane lampstand, the algae relief on the Zhu
Hongliang column, and the glazed bricks of the light can be silenced silently.
The candle is beautiful, falling in the eyebrows of Duan Chongxuan. There are still six hours,
he will be enthroned and become a real emperor. But in the eyes of him, he also vaguely
took the smile of the past.
He stayed in front of his bed and didn't seem to care what would happen tonight.
Duan Shengan is also laughing, both father and son are very happy.
The emperor on the sick bed recalled this life, the young boy lost his mother, and his
middle-aged wife lost his wife. The only thing to be thankful for is that there is no old child.
His ancestors fought for many years, unifying the Northland, doing what they wanted to do
in the world, and he made the people rich and doing what he wanted to do.
Keeping business is harder than starting a business. It’s really hard to live in this life.
Which emperor is not difficult? Even if you are a stunned man in the harem of three
thousand, there is a difficulty in recruiting a bed every day.
Then he asked, "I killed your mother, for so many years, you still blame me?"
Duan Chongxuan did not answer this question directly, silent for a moment, said,
"In my heart, I have always been a hero."
Duan Shengan exclaimed, "You are right."
He thought that the king could die on the sickbed, but the hero could not.
The hero should die on the battlefield.
He held the bed and began to work up and get cold sweat on his forehead. Duan Chongxuan
was going to help, and he was shaken by his head.
The old emperor himself stood up, and every wrinkle and gully carved on the face like a
sword stretched out. He walked outside the bedroom with his boots and his footsteps
echoed in the empty palace.
Duan Chongxuan followed behind him, and he was mistaken, as if his father could live
another five hundred years.
They walked out of the hall, the wind blew and the snow flew. A winged blue-winged owl,
pulling the imperial concubine and breaking the snow, leaned to the ground.
Finally came to the highest terrace in the palace, the highest building in the emperor. Wind
and snow in the night, the mountains and rivers.
Looking to the north, the sky is faintly showing fire. You can even faintly hear the sound of
killing, and the swords and the screams shout.
Then, south of the east and west, it also started to shine.
The torches in the night are connected to the flaming river and come to the emperor.
"For these people, tonight is the last chance. For us, tonight is the last battle. They have no
choice, we have not."
The old emperor said.
No one knows that the North Emperor, who can live for a few months, and the strength of
the heyday, the most foolproof way is to consume him. As for the Prince, at first, no one
cares more. When it comes to the realm of cultivation and means, it is not in the eyes of the
contenders of the throne.
They made waves in the hall, inciting the hearts of the people in the city, and crossing the
mountains in silence, changing the flag. Even if it is suppressed, it will not be able to
seriously damage the foundation.
However, the prince of the Zen prince was prepared, and the world was told. Someone even
reported that Duan Chongxuan would abolish the king on the day of the throne.
Under the circumstances, you can't wait any longer.
The situation seems to be that Duan Sheng’s mastery is his choice. In fact, only he knows
that this is a matter of no choice. He is old, not as good as before. I don’t know how many
people have this disagreement in this world.
The temperament of the sage king, he understands, desperate, will definitely go to Beijing
tonight. But who else? Who else can help him, or want to share a piece?
No matter how many people, such a big event must go all out, then all the cards will be
He wants to clear all possible obstacles before Duan Chongxuan ascended the throne.
The flaming river came very quickly, and the heavy snow could not be stopped. On the
carriages of the various groups, there were the surnames of the ancestral ancestors and the
brothers of Duan Sheng.
Most of them are determined to look strong, and they seem to be ready to fight for the best
ending, and they are ready to go back.
In the guard camp, someone pulled a knife and slashed at his companion. The blood on the
arrowhead of the city headed into a river. Even the guards guarded by the palace, there
were rebels, and they planned a row of assassinations. The flames spewed out by the blue
wings burned to death. The silent emperor was drowned by the killing.
The earth trembled and the earth and stone smoked. Ordinary people hide in the cellar,
mothers hold young children, and dare not make a sound.
The intensity of the siege was getting bigger and bigger, and even 12 guns were pushed.
The city defenders asked for three times. Duan Shengan made a gesture on the terrace and
the resistance was abandoned. The huge eight-party gate opens, just like welcoming guests
from all directions.
When the most pioneering team had attacked the Tianxuan Gate of the Imperial Palace, all
the rebels finally entered the city.
The heavy gates closed again.
The city is like a human purgatory.
The torch, the arrow of the fire, the roaring artillery, and the blue-winged scorpion burned
the light of the sky. There was fire everywhere, the snow was illuminated, and the blood
was sprinkled up, raising the white mist of transpiration.
The defense line of the imperial palace, which was the strongest and began to concentrate
on attack, was struggling with the Guards. The private army in the south of the city has also
come out, and their positions are different.
The sage king drove alone to the palace wall. In addition to being a prince, he was also a
great practitioner of the Mahayana, the closest to the existence of Yasheng.
The carriage broke a big hole directly on the palace wall. Hundreds of rebels poured into
the palace.
Duan Shengan frowned, then he took out the dagger and cut the palm of his hand. The
blood dripped down the platform and infiltrated into the snow.
For a time, Duan Chongxuan could only hear the sound of blood.
Numerous palaces and palaces are lit up in succession, and the golden light shines straight
into the sky. From the glazed tiles, from the white jade steps, from the garden corridors,
from the partial palace to the dry wells, through each palace gate, and finally gathered in
the main hall, these lights are connected into one, the whole palace is bright!
Duan Chongxuan knows that the throne of the main hall is the pivot, and that is where the
blood really falls.
He shouted ‘爹’.
Duan Sheng’an’s face was a little white, and the old voice trembled in the snow.
"The road to the throne is a road full of blood. The blood of the enemy, the blood of their
loved ones, their own blood."

Chapter 87: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the legend of the mouth and ears, the North Palace is buried with a big killing. The big
array was opened by the blood of the royal family, killing and killing. Since the reunification
of the Northland, the palace was built, this array has never been used, the power can not be
specifically estimated, and gradually forgotten by the world.
Tonight, thousands of golden rays of light are intertwined, passing through the snow and
the sky, and the nets that are overwhelming will smash the rebels who broke into the
The light of the hair, with an ancient and chilling atmosphere, wherever the hard armor is
cut into irregular pieces, the fleshy bones together with the package are also cut.
Even when it is too late to send mourning, the living people will become a pile of pieces of
meat in the blink of an eye. This scene is **** and cruel, and it is hopeful.
The palace is full of flesh and blood. Shouting and chaos began, and all the people who had
flocked to the palace before, did not want to escape to the palace.
Duan Chongxuan stood on the terrace, and everything was horrible, his face was slightly
The carriage of the sage king fell apart, and he flew up and stood unscathed on the broken
rut, proudly saying,
"This king is also the blood of the royal family."
A mysterious breath emanates from him, and is the same as the big one. Jinguang avoided,
and the snow was shaken by the strength. He took the sword and flew to the terrace.
The overall situation outside the palace has been fixed, as long as he killed Duan Shengan in
the palace, he will become the master of the palace, the land of the Northland.
In the past, it was a matter of thinking about not killing a saint. But tonight is different, he
knows the amazing loss of starting the killing. Duan Shengan is now at the weakest moment
in the past 100 years, and he is at its peak. There is no better time.
The great swordsmanship of the great world is extremely overbearing.
But there is a long | guns break through the night, slanting and stabbing, blocking the blade
in the air. The stars are splashing, and the night sky is bright.
After a blow, Yin Wang fell back to the original place, and the pupils shrank.
Keeping in front of the Taihe Hall, the generals in the whole body, I don’t know when I
came here. Holding the ‘烽火’ long | gun, standing on the terrace like a rock.
When I was in Yecheng, Wang Hao said that he was seriously ill, and asked the Prince to
return to the palace. The first question asked by Duan Chongxuan Zhangkou was also the
only question, which is ‘What is White?’
Because to say who trusts in the palace, Duan Chongxuan only believes in a day.
Duan Shengan saw the ‘bonfire’ in the hands of Bai Yu. He did not blame his son for making
his own claim. Instead, he said, “You can borrow something for him, and you can trust him,
and it will be ten years in the future.”
In other words, after ten years, the general trend is different, and the people's minds are
subject to change.
Duan Chongxuan replied, "I have known you for twenty years."
"Hey, you and your uncle have known each other for two hundred years."
Duan Chongxuan has only one uncle, the wise king.
So he stopped talking and looked at the palace silently in the city.
Looking at the situation outside the palace where the sage of the sage is well-established, it
has begun to change dramatically.
Who can think that the entire emperor is a big array?
The golden glow is mixed with fire, and the cold wind and snow are mixed with blood. This
rebellion has finally turned into a unilateral slaughter.
The rebels fled to the wall like a flood, but the gates were already closed, and whoever left.
Waiting for them only the arrows from the wall of the arrow, such as the black clouds
under the roof.
Duan Chongxuan suddenly remembered that when the second division sent him back to the
Northland, he handled more than ten assassinations along the way. After several dangers,
he finally came outside the gate of the Imperial City.
He gave a big gift to his sister. "Just come here, the rest of the way I have to go."
This is his own choice. You shouldn’t be coming in.
No one sheltered him for a lifetime, his brother and sister could not, he could not.
Many years later, the night of **** burning was recorded in the history of Hokuriku as "the
change of winter." The rebels entered the imperial capital and were completely annihilated.
Now, the royal family and son stood on the terrace, watching the snow curtain and the
gradual golden light, completing the last dialogue.
"I like to go to the battlefield more than killing my brother with the array."
The sage king died under the terrace, and he died in the direction of the throne. The red
blood was drenched in the snow.
"It’s a pity that you can’t go, you have to go with you, with the ‘金戈铁马’ and the
‘Bonfire’ is a **** soldier, and ‘Gonge Iron Horse’ is the most elite army in the Northland.
He left the stable throne to his son and left the troubled world.
The old emperor asked, "Can you do it?"
Duan Chongxuan replied, "I have never been afraid."
Every corner of the imperial capital, I do not know where the army of the emperor's golden
armor emerged, the green liquid dripping on the corpses of the wild, the corpses are
melted like snow and ice, and even the blood color has never been left.
Some people even filled the body with the wooden cart that was driven by the fish. They
were transported out of the city according to the established route. Some huge corpses
were dug in the suburbs.
The lights were lit up in the palace, and thousands of people began to sweep their hands
and feet. The north wind blows away the heavy blood and suffocates, leaving only the
fragrance of the cold plums in the royal garden.
The wind stopped at the snow break, and the sky in the east was white. The heavens and
the earth are refreshed after the snow, and the streets are bright and dazzling.
If it is not the dark red blood stains of the city wall bricks, almost no blood flow into the
river at night.
Duan Chongxuan became the emperor today.
Mr. Zhang Yuan got up and went back to the house. He is now moving around and
sometimes even needs the deputy to help.
He saw the golden light on the north side, the light of the array. Even if he never felt that he
had friends, he would still feel cold.
Wei Jingfeng, Qu Jiang, Zhou Yuandao, Duan Shengan, they lived with him in this world. In
the long life and the changing circumstances, they have cooperated with each other and
they have to calculate each other.
But now he is alone.
The school at night is quiet and peaceful. Not far from the lights upstairs, the lights are
particularly conspicuous.
He asked, "Do the students go home, and close the hospital after three days."
The deputy director replied earnestly. "I went back some last month, but there are some
who are unwilling to leave. I will leave the class and study in the evening library at night."
"Yes, the teachers don't leave. The class has not been finished yet, but if there is a student
who listens, you can't stop classes."
The deputy director added, "I don't want to go."
The gentleman sighed, "This is not the same as before. I can't protect you."
It is very bitter to let an Asian saint say such a thing.
But this is the truth. The former school was outside the mountains and three factions,
absolutely neutral, and the dispute was not disturbed. It is very different now, and the
position of Mr. Zhang’s is the position of the university.
The school is not all practitioners, more scholars, scholars.
No one is a scholar.
The deputy director finally said, "We are here to do something for the school."
It is also a scholar who does not fold the wind.
When Yin Yueyue and Luo Mingchuan went back to the mountains, the Westland landed
the first thin snow, and the slightly cold air was full of the fresh taste of the first snow.
There are martial arts checkpoints in the hundreds of miles away from the end of the
mountain. The disciples who are on duty along the way are all solemn and solemn, and the
pressure is exposed. There is no easy way to gather and laugh in front of the law
enforcement hall.
Someone recognized them and went to see the ceremony, just like taking a reassurance,
especially after seeing Luo Mingchuan.
The arrangements for the deployment of the patrols in Mount Yashan were arranged by
Luo Mingchuan beforehand. At this time, they went up the mountain and asked briefly
along the road. Yin Yue listened to the side and felt that the situation was getting more and
more serious recently. There are magical traces on the outside of the mountain every day.
The number is very small, but the body is bright and more like a spy, and several of them
are in the dungeon.
The Qinghe Temple, the head of the main peak, and the heads of the peaks are discussing
the deployment of alliances with the Qing Dynasty and the Yizong School.
Both Liu Yushuang and Yan Xing went down the mountain, and the location of Yu Huafeng
was only one of the monarchs. But one person is enough to be a master.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yin were directly invited into the temple to repair the theory of
warfare. The two have now surpassed several peaks. It is inevitable that the fortune is
unpredictable and unbelievable.
After the business was over, everyone dispersed. There are only the heads in the temple,
the monarch, and the two of them.
At present, there are only four of them who know the situation of Luomingchuan.
Zhengyangzi asked, "How?"
Luo Mingchuan replied, "Stabilized."
Zhengyangzi breathed a sigh of relief, and his own apprentices were more reliable. He
knew that nothing would be fine.
"But the disciple has another thing..."
When Luo Mingchuan was not finished, he was interrupted by Yin Yin. "We still have one
thing to say. I am in love with Luo Shixiong. This time I have been privately appointed. I
know this is not appropriate..."
He was a great gift, watching Jun,
"But now Master is traveling, I want the master to be the master."
Luo Mingchuan immediately squatted down. He didn't expect the younger brother to say so
fast, and he couldn't help but be excited. "I have been admiring each other for a long time
with my teacher and my brother. Please ask Master to complete."
Zhengyangzi showed such a gaze, and Junmei’s eyebrows were slightly picked, and he did
not say anything against it.
Zhengyangzi said, "It is a happy event, just catching up with this time, it is not convenient to
invite guests, and it is not good."
Luo Mingchuan is the next head, and Yin Yue is a disciple of Juggernaut. Both of them,
regardless of their identity or cultivation, are required to be established according to the
"I don't care about the vain, but I am aggrieved by the younger brother."
"It’s a pity that I have been wronged. After waiting for stability, I will give it to my brother."
The two finished at the same time, looked at each other and smiled softly.
Zhengyangzi can't bear to look straight, don't worry too much, I thought you will join now,
don't delay it for a moment.
There was a light cough on the face. "The ceremony will be saved. The third day of the next
month is the auspicious day. I went to the ancestral hall to burn the incense and worship
the ancestors, and signed the accompaniment book. This matter is even.
He said that he looked at him and asked him for his opinion.
Jun Hao nodded.
Yin Yiyue was originally in the heart of the heart. Although there are men who have
acquaintances in the world's practitioners, the yin and yang are the right way. It was he
who turned his brother on the road and never thought that this was so easy.
It’s really open-minded parents.
Just listen to the sound of Jun Han’s cold voice, "You come with me."
Yin Yin was more busy to keep up, and looked back at the brothers, seeing Luo Mingchuan
revealing a gentle smile.
Immediately settle down.

Chapter 88: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Jun Hao went to Yu Huafeng, Yin Yue was behind, and his mood gradually became tense.
Recalling that the master has not spoken since then, I feel that I have been humiliated for
life. Now I have to take my own portrait of Master.
Hey, Master is not dead yet.
In fact, Jun Hao does not speak because he does not know how to speak. He is afraid that
the younger brother will suffer from loss without knowing it, or he will be tempted at all,
and he will be impulsive. If you change the bullying cream, Yan Xing, Duan Chongxuan, any
one has their own communication methods, but you can't.
Seeing that it is going to the edge of the cliff, Jun Hao had to turn back and bluntly say,
"Teacher, the marriage is not a child's play. Signing the book, the contract is established,
has a secret impact on the gas and life of both sides. Are you really willing to join him? Isn't
he doing anything, abducting you?"
The more Yin Yin was shocked, "Master, I am sincere, actually talking about this... or I am
Jun Yi Meifeng slightly pick, very puzzled.
Yin Yin lowered his head and decided not to hide it again. "Luo brother was influenced by
the law at the time, and his consciousness was unclear. I forced him. I admire Luo brother,
he also said, and said that I am happy..."
Jun is silent.
He clearly remembered that a long time ago, the main hall of the public trial, Luo
Mingchuan also said at the time, intended to force the younger brother.
What is going on now?
The martial arts talent is unparalleled, and the disciple of Yu Huafeng is a big disciple.
When he practiced his career, he was confused. Is it true that nowadays, if you are co-
authored with each other, you must force each other to make a difference?
What should I do if I can’t beat it?
I can't figure it out, but it's still the easiest way to practice a sword.
Half-sounding, he snarled. "That's the case, you will treat him well later."
Yin Yi nodded more and more. "This is nature. I will never let down Luo brother."
The same question, Zhengyangzi also has. In the main hall, Fang was in a clear and clear
atmosphere. He had already expected the appearance. Now he went back to the inner
temple and turned to his own apprentice.
"What the **** is going on?"
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "The Master didn't hear it. I really loved my brother and I..."
Zhengyangzi beat the table and interrupted him.
"Who asked you this! I asked if you have the means?! Is there?!"
Luo Mingchuan converges on the smile.
"I used the Garland technique."
Zhengyangzi was heartbroken and pointed at him. "You, you dare... how can you..."
Luo Mingchuan stepped forward to give Master a sigh of relief. "The disciple knows it
"But don't regret it."
Zhengyangzi’s gas is almost out of the air.
"I know that the apprentices of Wei Fengfeng are not so easy to open up! What do you do
now, what do you do in the future? With the talents of both of you, Shouyuan is a hundred
years old, can you confuse him forever?!"
Luo Mingchuan had thought about this for a long time. In the cave that day, his mind was
evoked by the heavens and the earth, and he did not want to see the younger brother
resisting. He used the Garan Shu.
Therefore, when Yin Yue wakes up, nothing can be remembered.
He is right, "I won't use sputum again. After that, the younger brother is not willing, and he
will never force him to be half-pointed."
Zhengyangzi sighed. "You know it. Don't push people too tight. Now there are still half a
month away from the affiliation. Give him some time and let him think clearly."
Luo Mingchuan nodded. "The disciple understands. This half-month will not go to the
younger brother."
Zhengyangzi swings his hand, and he is letting him go, and he hates the iron and does not
make steel. He shouted at the door of the rushing hall. "Come in and come in! Hiding in the
doorway to eavesdrop on what system?! Repair is not on the right path!"
After he was trained, He sipped his tongue and jumped in. He first gave Master a spoiled
hair. "I just came, passed by..."
When I turned to Luo Mingchuan, I smiled and smiled. "Senior brother! You must have a
good date with Yin Shizuo! What day is it? Is the dress cut? The good things of Tianda,
actually not early!"
Zhengyangzi scorned, "Laughter is doing that! It is not your accompli!"
He swears.
"Okay, let it go. Let the teacher quiet."
Luo Mingchuan went to the ceremony and quit.
"Sister, the current situation is turbulent, the meaning of me and your Yin brother, is that
everything is simple, and it is best not to sing, so that everyone will not be distracted
He Hao is excited, "I know, but the affiliation is a big thing after all, the dress is always
going to be cut... Brother, you have to seal the martial arts on the day, the wear is very good,
Yin brother should have a body ""
The robes of the disciples of the ancestors are produced by a special weaving bureau and
are managed by the deacon. Luo Mingchuan thinks of his complicated dress, and one month
in advance, people will measure the size, fearing that it is not easy to do.
Then he smiled and shook his head. "Which work is there..."
He Yan took the chest, "Give it to me and Xiaolian, brothers don't worry!"
Luo Mingchuan smiled. "My sister's heart, I and you Yin brothers have received it. But it is
better to spend more time on business. I am coming back, I haven't tested the school yet."
He Yan listened to the legs and ran, and no one was in the blink of an eye.
Yin Yi went back to his small courtyard to meditate, and spit into the body. The real
element is flowing freely in the body. The extra warmth flows through it, and it is
integrated with its own real element.
In the night he practiced swords in the courtyard. In winter, practicing the cold water
sword, even if you don't use the real yuan, the sword is meant to be pure, and the chill is
stunned. When I received the sword, I saw the shadow of the distant mountains in the
night. I remembered that the last time I was in the Qinghe Temple, he and Luo Mingchuan
went back to their respective masters and secretly set the place. The two met at night.
At that time, the name was not right, and anyone who had thought about it would have to
be a buddy. He suddenly began to thank the seniors for answering questions and let him
see his mind.
The mood is comfortable, the sword is on the rise, and it is smooth and happy.
On the second day, two girls came to visit, He Wei and Yan Xiaolian.
Yin Yin was very embarrassed after learning about their intentions. "How can I let the
teachers and sisters do this kind of thing..."
"What is this, I have been with Xiaolian for a long time! Is it true that Yin Shixiong believes
in our craft?"
Yan Xiaolian nodded. "I finally wait until you become a genus. You have something to do!"
Yin Yin is still pushing when he is pushing the size.
Wait, what is finally, are you not surprised? I also recently wanted to understand! !
He looked at the expressions of the two sisters and decided not to ask.
#世界都看我 and my brothers fall in love, only I am stupid, unclear qaq#
The days before the renunciation were calm. There are not many people who know the
Yin Yiyue’s brothers and sisters are in the mountains, and it is inconvenient to send letters;
Luo Mingchuan recently arranged for the disciples to rehearse the swords, and they are not
willing to distract them.
Both of them tacitly wanted to do something big. With a hidden expectation, day by day.
Luo Mingchuan promised his master that day, and he really resisted looking for Yin Yiyue
in these days.
When he was studying at the school, he learned a sword array, which is suitable for
disciples and practicing disciples. These disciples have limited combat power alone, but if
they are multi-faced, they will increase their power by ten times. During the day, he was
busy rehearsing the sword array, approving the jade slips and letterheads from all over the
place, and at night he had to practice the Tianluo nine turns. Nowadays, we no longer use
restraint to restrain cultivation. We also understand that the more we understand this
practice, the less likely we are to be controlled by it.
Luo Mingchuan has been full of tension, but he has been living for years.
I often think about a moment, what is the younger brother doing now?
Yin Yin is trying on clothes.
It is naturally faster and better than the Weaving Bureau to repair and work with He Wei
and Xiao Xiaolian. Yin Yi stood in front of the water mirror and showed his sleeves on the
layered robes. The dark lines were like water waves. In the mirror, the young white-haired
black crown, wide shoulders and narrow waist, high temperament, a breeze.
He slaps his hand for the ceremony, "I have trouble with two young teachers."
"Where to be thankful. Yin Shixiong is tall, and the cumbersome dresses are also
Xiaolian Xiao smiled. "The style and details of this suit are made according to Luo's
brother's dress, but the dark lines are different. Luo brother is back to the moiré. Yin
brother is the water lotus pattern. It is the cloud in the blue sky. '."
"The clothes look good, Yin Shi brother, you look better, but unfortunately Luo brother is
busy recently, waiting for him to see that he must be fascinated."
Yin Yin was exaggerated and he did not want to appear to be tweaked. He had to transfer
the topic. "He is really busy. I have not seen him for five days."
Say yourself first.
It turns out that it is a few days every day. Five days, the time is very short, but why is it like
spring and autumn?
Can not help but think of the two in the cave, although the brothers are unconscious, but at
least can see every day, which is like now.
When He saw that he stopped talking, he seemed to see what he said.
"When I was a child, I often wanted to sneak down the mountain to eat chicken, but I was
afraid that I would be too jealous because I was too jealous. I wouldn’t let Xiaolian know
that I could only endure it. Then I finally couldn’t help but say that she knew her. I always
wanted to eat! We went down the mountain that night! From now on, I understand that it is
the truth to eat the mouth, what to do with the face!"
Yan Xiaolian smiled and said that she was not serious.
After the two left, Yin Yin changed his uniform, tried to settle, and was difficult to
concentrate. When I came to the hospital to practice the sword, the sword was also
The mind floated, thinking over and over again, and finally made a decision.
Five days should be enough, the brothers don't come to me, I will go to see my brother.
Correct! Seeing talent is the truth, what to do!
The shameless face of the face will be black on the road, light as a swallow, and will come to
the main peak in a blink of an eye, standing outside the gate of Luomingchuan.
When he raised his hand and knocked on the door, the door opened. Luo Mingchuan smiled
and ushered him into the hospital.
Yin Yiyue saw the warm yellow light in the room revealing the paper window and flowing
down the ground. The brother stood in the halo and smiled at him. Like every night in the
cave, the candlelight jumps between the eyebrows.
Yin Yin gave birth to infinite courage at this moment.
Luo Mingchuan’s voice was mild and calm. “So late, is there something for the younger
In fact, he was very nervous, his hands were clenched in his sleeves and his fingers were
white. He was afraid that he couldn't help himself, and he would bring people into his arms
in the next moment.
Yin Yi said, "I am fine, I can't sleep."
"I have two volumes of southwestern travel notes. I am very interesting when I read them.
Why do the teachers take time to see and pass the time?"
"dont see."
"I accompany the younger brother to the cliff to practice the sword?"
"Don't practice."
"Does the younger brother like the sword array?"
Luo Mingchuan laughed and felt that the younger brother was mad at a child, but he did not
have any intolerance. Instead, he gave birth to a hidden joy, because he felt that he was
relying on the trust of the younger brother.
"What does the teacher want to do?"
Yin Yan leaned over his face, with a moment of impulsiveness and loneliness.
"I want to sleep with you."
It’s better to sleep in the spring breeze.
Luo Mingchuan glimpsed, just like the sparks in the wilderness blasted, and he couldn’t
think for a while.
He condensed and condensed. "Now, I can't do it, wait a minute... We only have ten days to
become a citizen."
Yin Yue repeated and repeated, the words became,
"We still have ten days to get a buddy!"
The two stalemate in the hospital. Yin Yi is not allowed to keep pace.
Luo Mingchuan is a principled person, but he can't take him a little. Not to mention that he
was disappointed and sad, even the younger brother frowned.
Finally, I only sighed and pushed the door open. "Come in."

Chapter 89: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue went in with joy and joy, and was afraid that Luo Mingchuan would repent, and
immediately closed the door with his backhand.
There was a light in the room, illuminating the half of the book on the sapphire case, and
the light taste of the ice floated in the air. He came to the inner room from the outside with
Luo Mingchuan, and he was very pleasing to see everywhere. The layout is not impeccable
or simple, all the furnishings are in the middle of the law, and the end is like the master
Yin Yue even began to think that after the marriage, I moved to live with my brother, or the
brothers went to live with me. Otherwise, let's open another new house?
Until they bypassed the splash screen, they came to the bed.
The bed is very wide, and the jade pillow is also long. It is obvious that the two people are
lying and not squatting.
When the light of Luo Mingchuan was swept outside, the candlelight was extinguished and
the room suddenly darkened. Only a faint moonlight enters the window, reflecting a
blurred silhouette.
No one spoke, but Yin Yue could clearly feel that his brother’s gaze fell on him.
And he was exhausted at this time, only to know the guilty conscience.
Will you be too frivolous, so that the brothers are very insecure? After all, at night, private
parties are not in harmony.
He stepped back and tried to explain. "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. Actually, I
just missed you... I want to see you. Don't worry, I won't touch you this evening." The more
difficult it is, the more difficult it is. Go down, "When we really have a buddy, then... ah!"
Luo Mingchuan directly took the person to bed.
Yin Yin was too late to be shackled on the bed, and the robes of the robe were also untied,
revealing a white private service.
The two were very close, breathing and smelling, Luo Mingchuan's few inks hang down,
crossed his cheeks, slightly itchy. He quickly returned to God, sat up and quickly removed
his robe, and reached out to solve his brother's sash.
This is the next round of Luo Mingchuan, but I don’t know what to do.
Yin Yin took the black crown, and the white hair was scattered, intertwined with the ink of
Luo Mingchuan. He raised his eyes and asked, "Sister?"
The eyes are crystal clear and innocent, like little animals that don't care about the world.
Luo Mingchuan had to sigh, folded the robes of the two men, and pulled the quilt over for
the younger brother. Try to calm yourself down. "It's too late, sleep."
They only had a thin coat and lay shoulders on the soft quilt. The temperature of the skin
passes through the fabric and is clearly transmitted.
Yin Yi feels more comfortable, surrounded by the atmosphere of the brothers, just like lying
on the warm clouds.
Sleeping with my brother, this ideal of life is so easy to achieve. ~\\(≧▽≦)/~
Uncontrollable, and naturally, he gently hugged the waist of the brother. Leaning on his
Luo Mingchuan reached out and took the man into his arms. His voice was a bit dumb.
"Don't move."
So Yin Yin really did not move, for fear of being thrown out of bed by the brothers.
But he couldn’t sleep for a while, he could only start talking.
"Senior brother, we are going to have a accompaniment soon. According to the folks, this is
called a pro, it is a gift... I don't have any dowry to send you... you are confused and follow
me, too bad."
Luo Mingchuan can't smile.
However, instead of waiting for him to speak, the more Yin Yin got out of his arms, took out
a few thin yellow books from the space of the robe and stuffed them into his hands.
"The last time I haven't finished talking about it, in fact, this is a note of the true fairy, and
the courter gave it to me... although it seems to be useless. But at least it is the legacy of the
big man, the most valuable thing on my body, except Leaning on the lake sword, it is it. Give
it to the brother! It is a gift!"
Luo Mingchuan saw the names of these books, and his mouth was slightly drawn. I also
forgot to tell my teacher that the word 'hiring' can't be used that way.
Yin Yue opened the book more easily, and showed him through the light moonlight. "It's the
real thing, the writing and the time of the year are right. It's interesting to know a lot of
things in the past."
Yin Yin lamented in his heart that the mountain-opening ceremony that he had obtained at
the Folding Flower Festival was completely used when he was in the wasteland. Now there
is nothing to take the shot, it is a poor ghost.
Luo Mingchuan sat up halfway, took the book and flipped it over, and his face calmed down.
Yin Yu was overwhelmed by the tension he brought, and he also sat up. "Brother, what
"There is a blind eye on the book."
"Blind eye method?"
The more Yin Yin was shocked, the book was held in his own hands for so long, and he did
not see any clues. The brothers saw it at a glance.
"Galan's technique can be seen to break through the obstacles." Luo Mingchuan frowned.
"But this sentence is really good, it is strange to send it when you open it."
He held the book roll, his fingers crossed the page, and the glare of the brilliance suddenly
The light converges, Yin Yin sees the sentence. Once again, I affirmed the identity of Yi
Ling’s fellow villagers, and I was glad that my fellow villagers were lazy. They did not write
‘full-level beasts, peerless gods, best equipment, and sent them when they opened.’
After turning a page back, Yin Yue surprised him. "It is actually "Ling Wei Jian". Brother,
let's practice together!"
Luo Mingchuan returned the book to him. "This is the opportunity of the younger brother.
Only the younger brother can practice."
"It is clearly seen by the brothers. How did I become a person? Besides, this is the gift I
want to give to my brother."
"Ling Weijian is the inheritance of Zhenxian. The only way in the world can restrain the
rotation of Tianluo. If I am crazy, you will kill me with Lingxiaojian." He said life and death,
but the voice is as always. Smiling,
"That day, I am afraid that only you can kill me. My brother, I can give you this completely."
Yin Yin listened to silence and half a ring, and he said with a sullen voice, "I will not kill my
brother. I will not even take the sword to my brother."
In the Linyuan sword, there is a glimpse of Mo Changyuan.
For him and Luo Mingchuan, it is the most dangerous thing around him. Fortunately, this
sword is in his hands. If God does not wake up, he will slowly dissipate.
But he didn't know how to tell this to his brother. Crossing the company, whitening the
aura, the words of the predecessors, and their own origins.
Escape from the general thoughts, wait for the world to be peaceful, and then slowly
Luo Mingchuan saw his frustration, secretly annoyed that he had said the wrong words,
and the teacher was sad.
So the precious classics, the inheritance of the true fairy was thrown at the pillow, Luo
Mingchuan lay down and put people into his arms, "I don't talk, don't think about it, sleep."
Yin Yi slammed his voice and adjusted his comfortable posture and closed his eyes.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the people in the arms, his eyebrows stretched, his posture
relaxed, and he had no reservations about himself. After a short while, I breathed evenly
and fell asleep.
The mourning of the original heart, all the smoke disappeared.
What can he do with his younger brother?
In this life, I met such a person. Apart from being used to it, what is the solution?
When the day is bright, there are so many troubles. The latest news came that Donglu has
been reconciled and the 100,000 Magic Army is ready to cross the sea.
But now, he is holding a younger brother, he is not worried about anything, just wants time
to stop at this moment.
Yin Yin has no dreams for a night, and sleeps until dawn.
In the morning, I squinted out of the bed and hurriedly got out of bed. I knew that I was
sleeping so bad for the first time. Coveted, I dare not look at my brother.
Luo Mingchuan did not care, smiled and put on his robe for him, carefully smoothed the
collar and tied the belt.
"Brother, I am coming..."
"I come."
In their realm, the body does not stain the dirt, and the dressing crown can also be
completed. Luo Mingchuan condensed the water mirror for him to crown the mirror.
Three thousand white illuminating slippery brocade, through the slender fingers of the
Yin Yin looked at the mirror, and the brothers looked down slightly, looking serious and
proficient. Suddenly, I was mistaken, as if they had been married for many years, and they
were old wives.
When Yin Yue went out, he thought, would you like to sneak a little, so as not to be seen,
bad brothers?
Hey, my brother and I are justified, I am not guilty!
"Younger brother..."
"My brother, I know that I went over the wall!"
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "I mean, let's go together and go to the Qinghe Hall. Your second
sister and the third brother are back."
Yin Yin surprised, "Too good... I don't know about it..."
"This morning someone will pass a paper to your hospital, but no one thought that you
slept on my side last night."
Yin Yin went out of the hospital behind Luo Mingchuan and felt that he still didn't talk
The residences of Qinghe Temple and Luomingchuan are both at the main peak, and Qi
Huafeng is in the other direction. When Zhengyangzi saw the two people walking along the
way, especially the appearance of his own apprentice, he immediately sank his face.
"How do you promise me?!" He asked Luo Mingchuan.
"Don't go to the younger brother before the marriage, give the younger brother more time
to think clearly... But yesterday, the younger brother came to me."
Zhengyangzi language stuffed.
He thought, Wei Feng Feng, Wei Feng, waiting for you to come back, don't be unreasonable,
this is really a strange thing, the old man can only help this child.
The people of Yan Huafeng did not see anything wrong.
In addition to sighing that the two of them have cultivated to promote a thousand miles,
Yan Xing and Liu Yushuang have no other ideas.
"The fourth child, I suspected that you can improve your diet and drink. Now I feel that you
don't have to eat or drink. You can go to sleep in the daytime! You put pressure on me!"
Liu Bull Frost scorned Yan Xing. "You are not too big, and you are not serious enough to say
good things."
Yin Yu looked shamelessly because he thought about it, as if he was sleeping with his
brother, and what he had done, he could really improve.
Yan Xing no longer laughed at his own younger brother, and made a huge sandbox out of
thin air. It is covered with mountains and rivers, and the snowy peaks are clear at a glance.
Yin Yin recognized it as soon as he glanced. This is Donglu.
Yan Xingdao, "I went this time and found that the change of Donglu was earth-shaking. In
the past, the 12th house was scattered in the sand. Nowadays, it is all listened to Rong
Rong. The 100,000 magic repairs are integrated into three teams. The class is strict and the
rewards and punishments are clear. ""
With a finger movement, a black robe appeared on the snowfield, and the march was neat
and rapid.
"A trip to the south land, a route that took the land in the land, seems to have no intention
to come to us."
Luo Mingchuan frowned, Shen Sheng,
"The separation of the four continents, Rong Rong does not want to pull the front line too
long, and then he can't get back. He wants to break through."
"The splitting of the Middle China, the academic style is small, the Qing dynasty swords of
the Southland are all supported by the Song dynasty. The new land of the Hokuriku is
enthroned. The foundation is unstable. He only needs to send people to find trouble, so that
the north cannot send troops... ”
"If I guessed it well, Rong Rong wants to master the middle and the south, as for us, he
wants Bao Puzong to deal with it."
The situation is suddenly clear.
Yan Xing snorted, "Let Bao Puzong deal with us and play well."
When he entered the world when he was a teenager, he met with an elder of Bao Puzong.
Every time he mentioned it, he was very intolerant.
Jun Yidao, "I stay at the end of the world. You can go down the mountain."
Luo Mingchuan understood what he meant, and there was a monarch who was guarded by
the Lord, and they better go to other sects.
Luo Mingchuan thought, in fact, there is a simpler way to go to Donglu and kill Rong Rong.
If Rong Rong is dead, no more wars will follow.
Not everyone thinks, but everyone thinks that no one has killed.
He said, "I and my brother down the mountain."
Yin Yi nodded more and more.
Yan Xingdao, "Then I will stay with the masters."
Jun Hao nodded, "Yes. But I am afraid I will miss the days of renminbi."
Yan Yan jumped up scared. "What? Affiliate?! Who is a buddy? Master, do you want to have
a marriage with Master?!"
Yin Yin was shocked. However, seeing Liu Yushuang also inquiring about watching Jun.
Jun Hao looked at them coldly. The temperature of the hall fell to freezing point.
"Not me. It is the four divisions who want to be associated with Luo Shidi."

Chapter 90: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
After being swept away by Jun Han’s cold eyes, Yan Xing bowed his head. “I didn’t wake up,
I couldn’t speak.”
If you blurt out, you will start to shock yourself. Whoever makes a mention of a happy
family event, the first reaction is the master and master.
Unbelievable and logical, if you have to reason, it can only be said to be intuitive.
Zhengyangzi’s mouth is slightly pumped, and he can’t keep up with the thoughts of young
people now.
Or Liu Yushuang responded quickly. "Four younger brothers, do you want to have a
marriage with Luo Shidi?"
Although she is a woman, she is slow and affectionate. Previously, I only felt that the two
experienced the Folding Flower Festival, the Xingshan Temple, and several times. The
dungeons had already been squandered and the relationship was getting closer and closer.
There was nothing wrong with it.
Yan Xing finally found the key point and was surprised to see Luo Mingchuan and Yin
Yinyue. "If no one mentions it today, you will not want to say it. You should do something
big, and you can do it with your fourth child!"
Yin Yi is not stunned by the jokes.
"The world is not flat, it is not appropriate to marry, but I live with my brothers and
brothers. It is good to be a roster. I only want to be a good name. I don't want to wait. So I
don't want to wait any longer. Also do not accept gifts."
Luo Mingchuan heard the words and smiled. "I listen to my brother." Then I will not speak.
Zhengyangzi has not spoken, it is the default.
This scene falls in the eyes of everyone, that is, Luo Mingchuan is very shy, and Yin Yi has a
style of the head of a family.
Yan Xing looked at the eyes of the two men changed instantly, thinking that this Luo
Mingchuan usually looked very smart, did not expect to be honest, and the four divisions
seem innocent, but can eat people to die.
This is really a model for playing pigs and eating tigers, and weak and strong. If Master is
still there, I am very pleased!
It is a pity that Yin Yue’s smile on his own acquaintance is on the spur of the blood. Once
again, he is handsome for three seconds. He has to use up his courage to start shifting the
topic. “Two sisters, how are you going down this mountain? But seeing the jade eyebrows?”
The conversation finally returned to business. The atmosphere of the main hall is also
solemn with this sentence.
Even if Rong Rong reproduces the world, the Zodiac is attached, and Yu Zhan is no longer
the strongest lord of the East China, and her status is still superb.
Moreover, after the war broke out on the mountain, the three people of Rong Yi, Yu Shi, and
Jia Yuan were injured. The Yasheng of the Emperor Temple did not know how to avoid the
world... At the moment, the jade eyebrows are enough to affect the situation. Important
The eyes of Liu Yushuang fell on the huge sand table in the temple. She looked at the
snowfield in Donglu, just like the snow that saw the broken bridge on the outskirts of
"I saw her. On the southernmost coast, she took the sea from the Southland and met me in
Tai'an City."
Yin Yin’s heart was slightly shocked. He originally thought that the second division’s sister
went down the mountain, and it was the same as Yan Xing. It was only for the secret to find
out the truth, but he did not expect it to directly hit it.
Fortunately, they did not fight because of unknown reasons.
"Yu Zhanmei came to the Westland for the purpose of 'Tianluo nine turns'. But the ending
on the Hengduan Mountain was unexpected, and Rong Rong was injured. She got the news
and couldn't stop, and went back to Donglu Snowfield."
Yan Xun is puzzled. "That is her trip, isn't it a failure?"
"No. Before she crossed the central and southern land, the defense deployment was clear."
Luo Mingchuan suddenly said, "Tian Luo nine turns, it is on me. I guess she came to me,
halfway back to the East, not necessarily loyal to Rong, it is more likely that Rong Rong can
give her greater benefits."
Yan Xing said to himself, "What interests will be more attractive than Tianluo?"
The three monarchs know that there are differences in the practice of Luo Mingchuan.
Although they are not detailed, they have some speculations. It’s just that they do the same
choice as Juggernaut, so they don’t ask much.
Zhengyangzi, who has been talking for a long time, said, "Ying Xingyuan. If the magical
interest in the starry field can be turned into its own use, the entry can be called speed."
Juggernaut only entered the sword, and brought out the remaining swords of the sacred
era, and only had to seal half of the abyss.
Yin Yue is more faintly convinced that Rong Rong can now rely on the power of Qi Xing
Yuan. The zodiac has been divided for a long time. If there is not enough interest, why
should it be attached?
I listened to my own preacher and said, "If you don't want to be late, I will go to the Middle
Land with the younger brother to go down to defend the magic army. Then explore the
Busy and right color, "Good. Start today."
Then, after you finish playing, you will return to your hometown to get
Junxi is on the Yanxing Road. "There are two ways for the Magic Army. You also go down
the mountain and go to the South China Sea."
Yan Xing hesitated for a moment, "That is if you are holding..."
"There is a real person and me at the end of the world."
Yan Xing only had to silently nod. I thought that I would never say the stupidity of Master
and Master.
Zhengyangzi breathed a sigh of relief. "So, all of you will decide with your young people."
He waved his hand and prevented Luo Mingchuan from coming out and walked out of the
hall slowly.
After defending the wind and the wind, Qu Jiang, Zhou Yuandao, and Duan Shengan passed
away one after another. The world seems to be no longer the world he is familiar with, and
it is inevitable that the heart will be sad and tired. However, the most difficult moment has
not yet arrived, and there is still a big battle to fight in Yanya Mountain.
A few people sent their heads away, and Yan Xing saw a little bit of thoughts about the
deceitful frost. "Two sisters, you..."
Liu Bull Frost returned to God and calmly said, "I want to close the life and death."
Jun Emei, "Where is this?"
Liu Bull Frost avoided answering, "Master, I have a measure."
Yin Yue knows that this phrase 'measurement' is just a word of consolation, and there is a
saying that there is a ‘separation’ in the life and death. He intuitively decided that the
second division’s decision was related to Yu Zhan’s eyebrows, but he did not say anything.
Yan Xing also stopped talking.
This is the default rule between the repairers. The relationship between the same door is
very generous, and when it comes to practice decisions, it will not interfere too much.
Because practice is a matter of one person.
This winter, the winter came very early, and the cold winds of the north wind began to fall
in the snow.
Luo Mingchuan had previously compiled the disciples in the door into a small team and
elected the pro-disciples of the elders. Some people patrol the mountains, some people
resist the magic repairs under the mountain, calm the displaced people, perform their
duties, and be methodical. Before he left, he checked the sword array of the rehearsal of the
disciples during the training period, and he took a few words and went to the middle of the
land with Yin Yin.
Yan Xing also carried a knife and took the wine down the mountain.
On the Huaying Peak, the monarch is practicing swords on the edge of the cliff.
Liu Bull Frost went into the quiet room, but did not directly start to vomit.
Because she once again remembered the dialogue on the side of the broken bridge in Tai'an
city. Also know that the mind is not quiet, retreat will have a big danger.

Chapter 91: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Many people think that the battle of Xiqiao Mountain should be the first time that Liu
Yushuang and Yu Zhanmei met.
In fact, they knew very early, earlier than the year when they started practicing. To this
day, almost no one knows about it.
Juggernaut left the monarch outside the school gate and fought in the pub in the pub. In
contrast, the introduction of Liu Yushuang was serious. There is at least a serious and
formal dialogue.
At that time, the monarch sword was small, and the Juggernaut went down the mountain to
explore the star. When I passed through Xueyuan, I met two little girls, but the appearance
of seven or eight years old, just joined forces to kill a gray wolf. Seeing him coming, the look
is very alert, but there is no strength. This scene reminds him of his time when he was
young and Li Donggen.
Liu Bull Frost always remembers that day, Master came from the snow, just like out of thin
air. The picture in memory is as beautiful as a fairy.
"Would you like to worship me and learn my way?"
When I thought about it, I nodded the scam, and I heard people around me ask.
"How long can you learn as much as you do?"
Even if no one teaches, the jade eyebrows are too scary.
"You have excellent roots and you can enter Mahayana in five hundred years."
"Five hundred years, too slow." She said to Liu Yushuang, "Let's go, I still have to go to the
twelfth house."
Juggernaut slightly frowned, "The devil is not good, it is easy to die, it is still very painful."
Yu Zhan's eyebrows are very firm. "When I started to practice, I entered the practice circle,
not killing or being killed. Or not learning, I have to learn to learn the fastest and most
powerful exercises."
"The practice is not to kill, but to enlighten."
Yu Zhan raised his face and asked, "Isn't killing people a kind of enlightenment? There is a
big comprehension between life and death."
Juggernaut is undecided, just smiles. "Sure enough, the Tao is different."
Yu Zhan's eyebrows pushed the bully frost, and he was impatient. "Don't make this kind of
reluctance. You and I are just the same way along the way... You practice well, I have time to
see you."
"You lied to me." Liu Yushuang shook his head. "You don't know the North and the South,
you can't find a way."
When they still don't understand the truth of the devil, they have vaguely understood that
this is probably a permanent separation. Even if you meet again, you can't go any further.
Sure enough, many years later, they met with each other on the Xiqiao Mountain.
Unexpectedly, the shot did not hesitate.
In the remote suburbs of Tai'an City, this night snow cloud shelters the stars, and the long-
abandoned stone bridge collapses in half. The lake is frozen into a solid ice surface, and the
cold willows are flying in the snow.
The woman in the jade gauze stood barefoot on the bridge, her face was expressionless,
and she was not as beautiful as the world.
Liu Bull Frost stood under the bridge. Just three feet apart.
Perhaps it is because this time is not a good time for a formal war, the Lord of the Palace
has some concerns; perhaps there is no absolute ability to kill each other, rashly, it is
Maybe it’s just because this snowy night is familiar.
Under the bridge, no one went any further, and naturally did not fight.
"You are in front of me now, do you think I will not kill you?"
The sound of Yu Zhan's eyebrows is not the chilly stubbornness of the past in the snowfield.
On the contrary, because of the reasons for the practice, the tone of the spring breeze is in
the tone. Even when it comes to life and death.
She is used to such a voice, but she is not used to it.
"No." Liu Bull Frost wanted to frown unconsciously, his eyes crossed the stone bridge and
fell not far away.
Caused by the realm, if she wants, she can see it very clearly.
Yu Zhan looked at her with her gaze.
Not far away are several farmers in the suburbs. There is a shelter in the world, and the
bonfire of the troubled world has not yet burned here. The warm yellow light shines
through a window sill, illuminating the snow on the ground and dyeing the white snow into
a warm yellow.
Vaguely, I can hear the woman who is crying and crying. I don't know which one is the
fragrance of rice wine that floats in the cold air.
Wind and snow, warm wine faint. The warmth of the world is nothing more than this.
Liu Bull Frost did not speak anymore, Yu Zhanmei already knew what she was thinking.
Not looking at the irony, she seems to be asking each other, but she is asking herself,
"It’s ridiculous, since I chose this road, how can I be greedy for the secular beauty?!"
As if to prove this sentence, her drooping wide sleeves slightly vibrate, and the thin snow
that fell before the moment can no longer be close. The invisible barrier separates her body
space, and the flying snowflakes are cut into finer debris.
With the subtle and harsh "click" sound, countless cracked lines extend from the stone
bridge to the ice surface, extending all the way to the next inch of the slaughter.
Liu Bull Frost felt the murderousness between the heavens and the earth, such as the edge
of the back, as the sword front forced the eyebrows. Almost instinct, a real element is
rushed to the extreme, the snow fell on her, instantly evaporating, raising a thin mist.
They are all in a state where they can burst out at any time, but they choose not to shoot
Liu Bull Frost does not know what to say. It seems that everything is superfluous and it is
The snowy night talk went to the end.
"Let's go. See you next time, you have to live and die."
Yu Zhan's eyebrows are slightly swaying, flying in the blink of an eye, and returning to the
distance as high as a building. Daxie was lifted up and quickly headed east.
Liu Bull Frost wants to be like this again. If you let me go, you will go first.
She woke up from her memories, and she was still in a quiet room for a hundred years. The
thoughts were smoothed out and they began to vomit.
In fact, Master said a few words a hundred years ago, and the Tao is different.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan went all out to reach Zhonglu Yunyang City in three days. The
magic repair is still crossing the sea, and it is already a scene of chaos in the chaos.
The family of the family in the city got the news very early, and when they moved to the
east, they were able to cross the sea, and they took the boat to the north land, and the price
of the ship also rose. They know that the land in the Middle Land is a flat horse. If the magic
repairs are long-distance, they can go straight to Yunyang City.
The squadron was shocked in the battle, and the gentleman in the school was seriously
injured. The news has already spread quietly in the practice circle.
Ordinary people can't think of these, just smell the wind and move, become sellers, and go
out of the city.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan have a tendency to reverse the flow of people, and they are
very extraordinary, so they are very conspicuous.
There are scattered debris scattered around the street, and the shops on both sides of the
restaurant open wide, and nothing is left empty.
Yin Yin heard the child in the woman’s arms and asked, "Why don't we leave the magic to
repair it?"
The child’s father carried a big bag and sighed. “Don’t talk nonsense, the devil is a man.”
The woman is also worried. "Is it safe to go?"
"...It will always be better. The school is mostly a scholar, and you will fight."
Many people think so. If it is not impossible, who is willing to leave home.
Yin Yiyue thought that the school had been suspended, and most of the students began to
find their own way out. The Fuzhong should be in chaos, so he took Luo Mingchuan to the
back door of the remote alley. "This is the master who brought me to the courtyard."
Mr. really knows that they are coming, and the door will open without waiting for the door
to knock. The two stood outside the door and marched in.
The luxuriant leaves of the old days have fallen, and the courtyard is a cold dead branch
and a ruined flower vine.
The two white-shouldered priests leaned on the wicker chair and seemed to be listening to
the sound of reading outside the courtyard wall.
Yin Yue soon discovered that the days of the school are no different from usual.
The student’s book is still read, and the class of Mr. Xi is still on. The only difference is that
some of the servants have left the house, and the scholars began to do their own work,
sweeping the courtyard and cooking.
The city where the soldiers are in chaos, the school that does not move.
"Come on, sit down. We don't seem to have talked yet."
Mr.'s voice couldn't be exhausted, and his look was calm. He didn't see how the injury was.
The latter part of the sentence is for Luo Mingchuan.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yi went into court and sat down, "Mr. Cheng Meng crossed the
mountain to help."
The gentleman did not answer and looked at him straight.
For Luo Mingchuan, Li Tugen’s mood is very complicated. I thought he was dead and
wanted him to live. I can't figure out the number of entanglements, and I don't know if this
situation is a blessing or a curse.
Yin Yin crossed the road. "According to my estimation with my brother, Rong Wei’s magic
army arrived in Donglu two days later."
The gentleman nodded, but did not follow the trend to talk about this imminent event, but
"You two, it looks very good."
It is completely different to be teased by the elders and to be ridiculed by the same
brothers. Yin Yue is more embarrassed.
Luo Mingchuan replied,
"The younger brother will spend this life with me."
Yin Yin nodded silently.
"You know, ‘double stars are in the world, life and death are the same door’, this is the two
of you.”
"I got it."
"Are you going to fight with the sky?"
Mr. asked Luo Mingchuan. Yin Yi also wants to listen to the brother's answer.
What will the brothers say?
Luo Mingchuan also smiled, Wen Runzhong still has some helplessness.
"I have a stable life with my younger brother. If you can, who is willing to go with the sky.
But it can't accommodate us. I can't help but fight for it. 'Live one' is not good, I have to fight
for the same thing, life and death. ""
There is nothing to be passionate about, and there is no pledge to swear.
It is clearly the most common language, but the more you listen, the more your eyes are
almost sour.
This is his brother. Only his brothers will say that.
The gentleman is silent. There is nothing in the hospital for a long time.
The wind was cold, and the sky was dark, and the lights were lit up in the library building of
the school.
"I didn't expect to be like this."
It should have been a matter of luck and luck. If you have two people without me, you will
change your destiny quietly when you don’t know. Going to a completely different ending.
Li Tugen suddenly felt very frustrated.
I have read thousands of books in this life, but I don't believe in true feelings. Counting
thousands of machines, it is not clear.
Then he laughed. "When the guards come back, I want to tell him that he is right."
The more Yin Yin feels, the spirit of Mr. House is refreshed, and the fine lines of the corners
of the eyes are stretched out, just like the Confucian scholars who took the lead when they
first saw it.
Talking and laughing, don’t have a good time,
"Winning and losing, all of them are bloody, and the spirits are smeared. The balance
between life and death of the heavens and the earth is broken, and the suffocation of the
stars will only grow stronger. The second catastrophe is not known."
"You shouldn't come to the East Land to resist the magic, you should go to the Stars. You
can end the bane and end it all ahead of time."
“There are only a hundred practitioners in the school, but I can stay with the school for
seven days.”
"The 濂涧 and the Qingjian swords can be held for nine days. If the innocent temple is alive,
you can have up to ten days."
"Take these ten days to you to decide the future of the world."
"If you can't do it, then no one can do it."

Chapter 92: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue almost felt that Mr. was crazy.
He subconsciously wants to shake his head. "This is impossible..."
Even if he came to this world to practice, his mood was different from that of the dragon
set, and there was also a preparation for a fierce battle. However, it was unacceptable for
him to be so eager to save the world.
Mr. Jiayuan smiled faintly. "You have done a lot of impossible things."
If it is said that the Folding Club will cross the border and fight, it is Yin Yiyue and Luo
Mingchuan who first appeared in the younger generation of practitioners.
Then, in the Xingshan Temple, the net sea and the net cloud in the Dacheng border, the two
broke hands, broke through the golden circle of the Buddha and the sages of the sacred
times, and it was the former uninhibited person. It was difficult in the future. There are
achievements of the coming.
The public opinion traversed the mountain and participated in the confrontation between
the Yasheng. The Yin Jianyue Jianfeng pierced the skin, and Luo Mingchuan used the Jialan
瞳 陨 to create the illusory realm of the comet.
"The speed of your practice has broken through the limits of history."
Yin Yue thought more carefully, as if... they have been doing the push to push the boss.
Once I accept this setting, it seems to be quite a feeling... a hair!
In the meditation of Guan Guan, he did not know how the brothers were desperate to fight
back; on the mountain, his sword could be formed, and because he had a brother.
Yin Yin looked over the face of Luo Mingchuan in Shenhu. He is very confident in Luo
Mingchuan, and even faintly feels that if anyone can end this chaos, it should be a brother.
He just has no confidence in himself.
Mr. Zhang Yuan said to Yin Yi, "Nothing is impossible. Wei Jingfeng is at your age, and it is
not yet in your life..."
The more Yin Yin was amazed, the master’s back was high and he never thought about it.
After all, he had seen Master drinking in the spring-sleeved building at the last moment.
The next moment he took the 30,000-mile rushing wind, and with a finger, he shot down
the cliff.
But the curiosity that can't be suppressed, "What about Master's looks?"
He had thought that Master had been sacred and sacred, and it seems that this is not the
"When Wei Fengfeng was a teenager, he had eaten a stream of light that was a million years
ago. The roots and veins were reshaped again, reaching incredible intensity, together with
the appearance... and staying there at that time. After sanctification, it cannot be changed. ""
Yin Yin nodded. He ate the Ming Lake Chiba in the Mingming Mountain, purifying and
broadening the spirit, and the speed of cultivation increased. The plants born in the
celestial aura of Biliuguang, commonly known as ‘Chengxian Grass’, are supposed to be
extinct millions of years ago.
Master is really a gas-driven, open-minded!
Mr. Jiayuan’s smile is getting deeper and deeper. “You two know it well. Don’t mention it in
person in the future. Wei Fengfeng’s life is the most annoying to others.”
Yin Yin is silent for his curiosity. He remembered the secret of Mr. Li’s real name, Li Tugen,
and Master said.
Is it really okay for you two to dismantle each other like this? !
Say good to make friends? !
After listening to the gossip of the saint, I still have to say, "I have not been able to take
advantage of the situation, and the strength of the war will be increased. It will also be
limited by the realm. Moreover, I have not practiced Ling Xiaojian, Linyuan sword is in my
hands, the power There is no one or two..."
Mr. Zhang Yuan asked, "Is the sword of Ling Xiaojian difficult?"
Yin Yi’s more and more, “not difficult.”
In fact, it is not difficult, it is simply simple. With his current realm, as long as the body is
coordinated, the real elements are abundant, and any set of swordsmanship can be
smoothly produced.
But this does not mean that he really will have those swords. Because there is no practice
for many years, it has to be shaped, it is not true, it is still useless.
For each sword method, it is difficult to be swords.
Yin Yi believes that Ling Zhenjian is a true immortal inheritance. It has not been for
decades, and day after day, I have learned a lot about how to get a glimpse of the door.
And what is the truth of Mr. Zhang’s only asking for swordsmanship?
"Don't forget what your Master said."
"Master said that Lin Yuan chose me."
Yin Yue answered the silence, he remembered the days of walking with Master. The flower
street in Lueyang City, the Hengduan Mountain in the moonlight, and the troubled Donglu
Master also said that he is a heavenly and underground, unique and invincible.
Luo Mingchuan, who has not spoken, patted his shoulder.
Yin Yin is more and more calm.
He wants Master to do so many things and win time for them. Now that Mr. and many
people are competing for time for them, what is their own hesitation?
What Master can do is already done. I am a disciple of Master, even if it is less than one in
ten thousand, what should I do.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "I intuitively think that Xing Xingyuan and I are inextricably involved.
Can the younger brother be with me?"
Yin Yin smiled more and more, and he was relieved and stressed. "What can't you!"
Before leaving, they performed the disciples of the disciples, Luo Mingchuan Road, "Please
take care of you."
Mr. Zhang Yuan stood in the north wind of the hustle and did not speak.
The school is swaying in the light, and there is no star or moon in the sky, and I don’t know
where his eyes are.
In Yunyang City, there are no more lanterns in the thousands of buildings, long streets are
lonely, and there is a little bit of fire in the distant night. That is the rush of the people in the
night, holding the torch.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan out of the city, mentioning the real yuan volley flying,
although not faster than the speed of the saints to travel to the wind, but also comparable
to the blue-winged mile.
"I think there will be many people on this road to kill us."
"I think so. Even if we can't kill us, we should consume us the most."
‘Tianluo’s nine turns’ is enough to make Rong Rong feel threatened. They didn't have time
to cover their whereabouts, no accidents, and soon there will be news to the East.
Yin Yin thinks more, in this case, it is like many years ago, Master and Mr. went out of
Donglu. Kill a way.
There are many mountain spring waterfalls. The sound of the water in the summer is like a
galloping horse. In the winter, the ice is shrinking and cold, and the Sichuan is frozen and
frozen. At first glance, it is full of smog, such as Qiongdui and jade.
The disciples of Mou Zong are unintentional to enjoy the wonders.
They gathered outside the main hall, and the purple gown was blown by the cold wind, like
a sea of waves floating in the waves. In the almost repressed silence, waiting for the
decision in the hall, the future of Zongmen.
"My pre-monthly frequency was catastrophic. The former lord and the old ancestor died,
and the sect was divided. At this time, it is unwise to fight."
"My ancestors also have two clouds and flying boats, 46,000 reserves of spar, flying boats
can accommodate more than 700 people, and the day is six thousand miles. One night, I will
cross the floating sea and arrive at the Yashan Mountain. Or go north, north. Lu hundred
thousand elite iron ride, the battle is outstanding..."
"Leave the green hills, don't kill the firewood, the lord..."
There were four old men standing in the temple, and they all expressed their opinions and
persuaded the girl in the first high-level position to make a decision as soon as possible.
The betrayal of the embarrassment led to civil strife in Zongmen. If Chen Yi did not come
back in time, I was afraid that the situation would be worse. Even so, when he left, he took a
rich resource and was willing to follow his elders and disciples for more than 100.
Today's Mou Zong, the only remaining four long-standing old things are already high. They
do not advocate fighting against the magic alone, but suggest that they should move
together and unite with other forces.
They thought that the pile of cigarettes also thought so.
The talent is outstanding, and the growth is fast, and it is also a little girl. Strong support for
calming internal chaos is afraid that all the power has been exhausted, how to have the
courage to fight against foreign troubles?
Unexpectedly, the pile of smoke was open,
"We can go, but what about the six cities and fourteen towns that are sheltered by me? How
to do the 180,000 households? What about the thousands of people who are coming to the
She stood up and patrolled the temple, her eyes seemingly invisible. "Are they gone?"
The elder who spoke earlier felt a sullen, trembled question,
"What about the idea?"
The songs piled up and the road was dry. "Nature is fighting in battle!"
Silence was silent, no one answered.
Until another elder stood up and took a half-hearted ceremony, "The Sovereign youth is
arrogant and admirable. It is only the core of my Guardian Mountain Array that needs to be
crushed by the "Lovering Moon" sword. Whose sword can suppress the battle? Also ask the
lord to think twice."
The pile of smoke does not speak.
A few elders were a little under the heart, faintly showing a satisfactory look.
The next moment, don't wait to open again, then you will retreat three feet! Without
hesitation, the real yuan rushes to the extreme, and plunges into barriers.
They don't know why they want to retire, just because of the practitioner's instinct for
danger. It turns out that this intuition is correct.
The stern swords rushed to the sky and enveloped the entire hall.
The knife did not fall, there was no smoke, no roar. Only the floor tiles under the feet
trembled slightly, and the waves in the depths of the sea were waved.
The person who made the knife was calm and gentle, and his tone was not shocked.
"I can press."
He is too ordinary, standing on the pile of cigarettes on weekdays, it is easy to be ignored.
But once he has a knife, no one can ignore him.
He is the most disciple of Qujiang.
At the Folding Party, Chen Yi used the Frost Scythe to make the 'Moon of the Moon' sword,
which was broken by Yin Yi and the shuangzhongshan sword created by Jiansheng.
However, he had some insights in that battle, and his mind broke through, and the knife
went further.
Later, after experiencing the layout of the 褚浣 and the twelfth house, thousands of miles of
slaying and killing, many times put to death and then born, repaired into leaps and bounds,
more brilliant and more savage.
Everyone in the world knows that Chen Yi is strong when there is chaos. However, because
of their age, it is inevitable that they will still be despised.
Until this moment, the four elders in the temple clearly realized that the power of this
younger generation is far beyond imagination.
There is silence in the hall.
The pile of smoke came out of the temple door. The cold wind blows the face, and the cold
is clear.
She looked at the people under the high level, a familiar or strange face, green or mature,
calm or confused.
This is her same door, they are waiting for her decision.
She heard her voice through the wind.
"If I count from the 'end of the law era', I will open the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect
of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the
sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. A big earthquake, no one dared to commit
crimes in the middle of the land."
"Zongmen Taoist training did not avoid the principle of not fighting, and the ancestors of
the ancestors did not have the precedent of fleeing."
She pulled out the long-sword sword, and the sword shook the wind, and the brilliance of
the glare broke out!
Such as the rising sun, the edge can not be overlooked.
The voice of the girl is cold and firm. "Even if I am not there, I will not marry the name of
this sword!"
"Oh, your disciple, if this homeland does not exist, you may wish to fight with me when you
are in danger of life and death?!"
"I will wait!"
"Swear to follow the lord!"
The mountain is like a thunder, and the ice hanging between the forest and the distant
forest is shattered. Lushan seems to have a snow shower.
There is a bamboo sea on the east side of the south land. When the summer winds, the
echoes are screaming, and the fragrance is full of forests. However, the winter is cold, the
bamboo sea is withered and yellow, and there is no chill.
Maolin Xiuzhutong is a secluded place, it is the bamboo house of the Qingjian sword school.
The sky is dark, and the disciples wearing the splashing robes are still rehearsing the sword
array. Thousands of sounds screamed in the mountains.
"The green swordsmanship will be the foundation of the eternal life."
Song Yuru said.
Cheng Tianyu said, "When we have finished the magic repair, we will go to the Master to
In the Hengduan Mountains, facing the death of Master, the stimulation is immeasurable.
Song Wei was originally worried that the younger brother could not stand. Later, he
discovered that neither he nor Zhong Shan, or the elders in the door, underestimated the
younger brother.
After Cheng Tianyu came back, there was no state of mind instability, and the fire was
enchanted, but the sword was hardened and the heart was strong.
Song Xiao smiled and turned back. "Thank you, Yan Daoyou is coming from afar and
helping him."
Yan Xing jumped down from the tree. "Hey, how is it called Yandaoyou?"
Cheng Tianyu still has doubts about their plans. "Can this work?"
"Man, how can you say no?" Yan Xing smashed a slap in his hair. "If it doesn't work, I can't
change it to Yan...! Zhongshan's kid? I haven't seen him in a day."
Song Yu smiled gradually and licked his lips.

Chapter 93: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Zhongshan is now thousands of miles away.
The cold wind is far more piercing than the Qinglan Mountain, the dark color of the night is
not open, and the shadows of the mountains are not far away, like the giant beasts
crouching in the darkness.
He couldn't see the moon, and the snow was thick, covering the faint starlight.
Zhong Shan thought, it will be snowing tonight.
Eight disciples dressed in splashing robes stood behind him, and no one spoke in the
whirlwind of whistling.
Different from the plains of the Central Plains, the wilderness, a horse Pingchuan. There are
many mountains in the south, and the terrain is high in the west. After the magic repairs
the sea, after passing through the coastal towns of several empty cities, it is necessary to
turn over the mountains.
The plan of the Qingjian Jianpai is very simple.
Since it is a low enemy, with a weak enemy, it is inevitable to borrow the topography and
ambush. Before the Mo Xiu army arrived in the hinterland of the South China Sea, it was
necessary to weaken their combat power and consume their will.
In addition to the seaside array, the trap along the road. The first ambush that needs to be
hosted by humans is the ‘difficulty’.
The dilemma is not a city wall, but a most dangerous mountain road in the South China Sea.
The two sides of the cliff are strong mountain rocks, towering into the clouds, nowhere to
climb. The narrowest part of the mountain road allows only four people to walk side by
If you don't pass here, the detour will have to go around a thousand miles.
Song Wei, who has succeeded as the gatekeeper, decided to lay out the array and hide it on
the cliff. When the magic is built into the mountain road, the blasting method is promoted.
The ground shakes and the mountain collapses. At least a thousand enemies can be buried.
It’s just such a large scale. To blow up the blasting array of the entire mountain road, it
needs to be stimulated with a strong enough sword.
The question is, who is going?
There are not many people to go, so as not to leak the whereabouts, it is best to have ten
people. The leader must be determined and face the vast tide of the sea, the boundless
magic repair, no fear.
The kendo must be cultivated as a powerful one, and a sword can be used as a mountain
rock. It is even more necessary to fight the most powerful in the Magic Army, at least
dragging each other until the mountain road collapses completely.
From a private point of view, Song Wei did not want his younger brother to go. The ‘two
difficult customs’ means “the dilemma of life and death”, and the rumors are the fall of a
saint in the sacred times. The sabre of the saint is the wind and rain sword in the hands of
Zhong Shan.
This coincidence made Song Yu feel heavy.
In the case of Da Li, the elders in the door are not willing to go to Zhongshan. His talent is
amazing, he has already realized the wind and sword, and if he has a hundred years, he will
be able to slay and sanctify. He is the future of the Qingjian sword school.
However, these can not change the ideas of the parties.
For Song Wei, Zhong Shan said, 'My sword is the most appropriate.' For the elders who
dissuaded him, Zhong Shan said, ‘I don’t go at this time, the heart is not perfect, and it’s
hard to practice in the future. ’
He led the eight elite disciples who followed him down the mountain, taking the lead and
playing the first battle of the Southland.
The snow cloud has accumulated for a long time and finally began to fall snow.
Sporadic snowflakes accompanied by the cold wind, the bigger and bigger, quickly flooded
the rugged mountain road.
On the cliff, the young man sits cross-legged on a raised mountain rock.
The sword is placed across the knee.
Nowadays, the wind and the sword, the power of the gods themselves, can no longer cover
him. No one will ever feel that he is the first to see his sword first.
Zhong Shan perceives the earth shaking slightly, his eyes passing through the curtain of
snow and falling on the shadow of the mountain.
The shadows are coming in, like black tides.
He thought, life and death dilemma?
If you know where you are going, it is not that difficult.
In the same snowy night, Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan just ended a battle, or a unilateral
massacre, and continued to go east.
As expected, there was an ambush along the way, but even if the spirit was tight to the
extreme, Yin Yin did not stop playing the sword in the sea.
Nowadays, his Ling Xiaojian trick has long been familiar with his heart, but if he wants to be
against the enemy, the real yuan is huge, but the power is not as good as the cold water
sword, and even less than the blue sky sword.
Yin Yin can't help but think that fortunately, the brothers are around, and they are not
worried. It looks useful to look good.
The next moment he stopped this kind of cranky thoughts, because Luo Mingchuan gently
shook his hand.
The two people tacitly stopped.
After crossing this seafront empty city, and then crossing the sea, it is Donglu. The battle of
the genius did not make them feel burned, almost alert at the same time.
After the two interest, a figure appeared at the end of the empty long street.
The eyesight of the practitioners allowed Yin Yin to pass through the night and see that it
was a monk. The face does not look old, there is no Zen stick in his hand, only a string of
ebony beads.
The wind and snow stagnation and the ruin of the street scene make him even more ugly. It
is no different from many monks in the world. Speaking of spiritual temperament, it is far
less than those of the Buddhist monks who have gone out of the way to solve the disease
and save people.
The monk stopped at three feet and announced a Buddha number. Then he said, "Loss
Lord, don't come innocent."
The sound was very gentle, but he spoke, and the snow on the long street was strangely
Luo Mingchuan’s subconscious mind was in front of Yin Yi’s body, and he did a trick.
"Master, long gone."
His eyes are heavy and he can't see his anger.
This greeting made Yin Yin more speculative, and he couldn’t help but feel tight when he
was saluting.
Luo Mingchuan’s number of rituals can’t be mistaken, but his attitude is very tough. “I’m in
a hurry with my younger brother, and I’m innocent, please Master Haihan.”
The monks did not answer, just smiled, and the long street was quiet and snowy. The thick
clouds above their heads dissipated, and the silver-like starlight descended from the sky,
illuminating the corner of the street.
The mind is moving and the wind is changing. Just like Mr. and Mr. Yu Shi, he has thrown
his sleeves and changed the rain of heavy mountains.
This is the true sub-Holy means. The identity of the person is clear.
All the temples, innocent masters.
Guess was confirmed, Yin Yue felt the stagnation of the long street, some bad hunches, and
looked at the people around him.
Luo Mingchuan knows what he wants to ask, and does not avoid people who don’t pass the
sound. He explains to him sideways.
"When I was a child in Qiongzhou, I encountered a master who traveled the mountain and
bluntly said that I would not be a big weapon in the future. It would be a great disaster.
From that day on, I began to practice the gentleman's way. However, my mother was
worried and depressed, then I went to the school. I met you."
A few words clarified the cause and effect.
Innocent said, "Losch Lord, you have finally repaired the heavens and the nine turns and
entered the magic road."
Luo Mingchuan’s expression is still calm. “Don’t ask the master why today?”
"It doesn't matter why poverty is not there. But where is the Yin Shizhu around you, where
is it from? Where are you going?"
The innocent gaze is soft, and it also gives people a sense of oppression. In the face of such a
profound realm, Yin Yi has no fear and coziness.
"I don't understand the master's Zen machine and deep meaning. I can only say that I am
coming from the Huaya Peak to the East, and I am going to the East." The Master has to stop
Innocent asked, "You know who is around you"
This sentence made him think of the temple of Xingshan Temple in an instant.
The more Yin Yin is going to blow up!
When is this all the time! Let me die, my brother will die! Will it! !
Luo Mingchuan felt his emotions unstable and pulled his sleeves. But the more Yin Yin was
not cured, the more he became angry. "Senior brother, there are some things you don't care
about, but I am not good for you."
"Master, I don't know how many celestial people you can count, just know that no one is
perfect. The filial children will also rebel against their parents, and then the loving couple
will have two days to hack each other every month. There are no natural saints in the
world, you are waiting for my brother, it is too harsh..."
"My brother, because of your words in the past, for decades to be strict with yourself, to
practice the gentleman's way, to stop the side, why did you take a wrong step? You said
that he is enchanted, is he the devil?"
"The rhetoric of the number of stars is not the truth that I recognize."
Being so slammed, the innocent face is unchanged, just ask,
"What is your reason? Go to the Stars, why go?"
Yin Yi is more and more.
He admits that there is no such thing as Master's ‘killing without asking the right way,
acting only by the heart’, and there is no noble consciousness of ‘the profit of heaven and
Then why do these things?
There was a breeze in the side, and I saw that the figure of Luo Mingchuan was empty, and
the more outstretched hand fell, and the eyes disappeared without a trace.
Panic, stunned, angry, powerless, and the anxiety accumulated along the way, the fullness
of the suffocation reached its peak, "How are you taking my brother!"
Laozi should not reason with your monk! There is more to say about it!
Aya is very great? ! Come and fight! !
Lin Yuanjian stunned out of the sheath, and the fierce sword screamed through the long
The snow on the ground was rolled up by the violent real yuan, and it circulated rapidly,
and gathered with the sword, such as the long river running, the flood. Yin Yin flew over the
volley, holding a sword and stabbing it, and suddenly appeared a foot away in front of the
Then I had to stop and fly around in the snow.
Heaven and earth return to silence.
Innocent and low-browed eyes, double palms fretting, seemingly like a combination, like
the beginning of the lotus.
Lotus print!
In the night sky, the edge of the snow cloud is plated with golden light, and the vast micro-
pressure is infiltrated. Yin Yue only feels that a mountain is pressed against the shoulders,
and the wrist of the sword is more than a thousand pounds.
Into the inch can not.
Just a simple Buddha seal, let the ordinary **** become the Buddha of the law.
How can a human sword win the heavenly Buddha?
At the same time, in the world of Luomingchuan, it is Yin Yiyue that disappears out of thin
Innocent, "Tianluo nine turns, after all, there are also half of the origins of Buddhism, and
the Lord of the Lords must know that the Buddha is only in a mind."
Luo Mingchuan said coldly, "I want to become a Buddha when I become a Buddha. If I want
to become a demon, I will become a demon. Where to go, I will not bother the master!"
Let's say that both hands are flying, and there is no difference between them and innocent
movements. Two identical lotus tablets are colliding!
Such as the thunder and the wild, the houses on both sides of the long street blasted in
succession, the smoke and the sky, straight into the sky.
Yin Yin sensed the subtle changes in the long street air machine. Although I did not know
what happened, it did not prevent him from seizing the opportunity.
After the sword's sudden convergence, the angle is abrupt, and the sword is not powerful,
but it is almost at its best. After the afterimage, the sword edge finally pierced the lotus
Innocent looks like the figure is not moving, but the long sword is rubbing the edge of the
left shoulder robes, a trace of his clothes.
Yin Yue knows that this is because the realm of the other party has touched the law of
space, far faster than his "stepping the river".
Don't wait for him to change his sword again, just listen to innocent and shout, "Xinghe
The monks opened their mouths tonight, and they always had a plain tone like the
scriptures. At this time, they suddenly screamed, and it was like a silver bottle, and the
ancient bell screamed!
Inexplicable, Yin Yi subconsciously changed the path of the real yuan, sinking the sword
and cutting it to the innocent beads. The sharp swords slammed out, and the bluestone
slabs on the long streets cracked open lines, and the golden light on the edge of the snow
clouds was cut open.
When he returned to God, he had already made the first form of Ling Xiaojian, the star river
Fourteen beads were scattered in the innocent wrist, and they smashed into the eight sides,
sealing him all the way out, and shouting, "Sea tide!"
The Linyuan sword was provoked from the bottom up. There were thousands of snows on
the long street, accompanied by hurricanes, and the echoes surged like the tides.
The city is close to the coast, not far from the calm sea. At this time, it is like being stirred
by the hurricane, and it is floating in the sky.
Fourteen beads were submerged by the snow, such as a lonely boat floating in the sea.
Innocent handprints change, one foot back three feet, shouted, "Lianshan down!"
Lin Yuanjian went to the forefront and took the opportunity to squat down.
Ling Xiaojian started with three styles, the star river sinks, the sea tides, and even the
Just like the 30,000-mile river east into the sea, five thousand miles of sorrow on the sky.
After three strokes, Yin Yi became as if he had entered a certain wonderful realm, and he
was running very smoothly.
Lin Yuanjian communicates with his mind, from the heart, the sword is self-contained.
I don't know how long it has been. He seems to be no longer in Long Street. There is no
snow or snow in front of him. Sometimes joy, sometimes empty.
I only heard someone ask, "What is your reason?"
"I like this world, we must guard it."
"Like I like my brother, I want to be with him!"
"This is my reason!"
Simple and almost unreasonable.
Innocent is penetrated by the heart, such as the image fragmentation.
Yin Yin is more eager to return to God, and then look at it again. There is no ruptured blue
slate, no smoke and snow.
It is still the first long street. The night is quiet and the stars are weak. The brothers and the
monks stood before his eyes.
Only one battle, only in the innocent meditation.
"Sincere, avenue to Jane. Congratulations to Yin Shizhu for breaking the Mahayana."
After saying this, the face of the monk is extremely savage and aging, just like the decades
of vitality have passed away.
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan are just performing salutes. "Thank you for the Master."
Innocently announced the Buddha number, calmly turned, took a step toward the school,
and the figure disappeared instantly.
At the time, Yin Yi knew that this war was not a victory or a death.
An sacred lion was a lion, and he was blinded by the lions. He broke the border with Ling Yi,
and he truly realized the power of Lin Yuan.
This is his battle for the road.

Chapter 94: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The sound of the sword on the south coast of the sea is not so bright, even worse than the
sound of the tide. But when it sounds, every living in this world, there are enough
practitioners who have cultivated the realm to hear, or feel it.
For a long time in the cage, the pearls are dusty, and once they are out of the sheath, they
must be sharp and revealing the world.
True immortality is the limit that practitioners can imagine. Linyuan sword is the deserved
first soldier in the world. Many people originally thought that the stunned swords were
repaired as unparalleled, and half of them were the reason for this sword. Therefore, there
is a saying that ‘there are people who have the sacred mind and the true meaning of the
world. However, the Juggernaut acted in a madness, and he took the soldiers and said that
he would recast it, reminiscent of his sigh, and envy the good fortune of Jun.
Today, the truth of the matter is unexpected.
Huafeng, the end of the mountain, Junxi is sitting in front of the case to wipe the sword,
there is no doubt. Before the Juggernaut took Yin, he stayed in his hospital. On the eve of
their departure, they said a lot of words, mainly because Wei Feng said, Jun Yi listened, and
"The name is not imaginary, Linyuan sword..."
Yu Shi stood in the mountains of Hengduan, and the mountain wind was wrapped in thin
snow. Night and snow can't cover the field of vision. If he wants, he can look far.
There is no doubt in my heart. Chunshan laughs and the autumn wind is really a scorpion.
Wei Jingfeng did not use this sword, but gave the sword to the apprentice. For whatever
reason, this practice is stupid. He is somewhat indifferent to think, it is a pity that the gods
should be able to get it, but they can break up and break, repair and rebuild, and there is a
magical interest in the body. It is impossible to use this sword.
Linyuan swords and evil spirits, natural restraint magic road exercises.
He scorned his sleeves and appeared in the back hill. His hand was standing outside the old
ancestral hall.
In the hall, the candlelight swayed and a figure was cast on the paper window.
"Can you reflect on it?" Yu Shi Shen asked.
People in the window don't answer.
Since the Battle of Hengduan Mountain, Lin Yuan has never had a ancestral hall, named
Jingsi, and it is actually confined. Even the same disciple who comes to see him will be
punished by the elders.
"The martial art raises and cultivates you, and the grace is like a mountain. Now the overall
situation is fixed, you are not asked to cut the meat and bones to report, just do one thing
for the door. After the event, the predecessor will not be ruthless, the old man will also give
you the Linyuan sword. You must be very pleased when you know what is under your
Lin Yuan does not speak, this silence, falling in the eyes of the rest of the world is a
"If you think about it, come out." Yu Shi’s sleeves, the doors and windows of the hall are
slightly swaying, the dust and debris are splashing, and the sound of shattering and
cracking sounds. It is the sound of the ban.
Lin Yuan returned from the smoke and dust, and the blue shirt fell and looked cold as usual.
Yu Shi is satisfied with the idea, which should be the case, which sword repair can refuse
Lin Yuanjian?
At the bamboo seaside of the Qingjian Sword School, Yan Xing’s mind was fretting. “Have
you heard it? The sound of the sword.”
Song Emei, "What sword is this?"
Yan Xing smiled. "It's a little familiar. ‘The chest is small and uneven, you can drink it, the
world is very uneven, and the non-sword can’t be eliminated.’ It’s quite like Master’s, but
not Master.”
Song Wei was worried about him. "The Juggernaut will be fine."
Donglu has not fallen snow tonight. It seems that the dust particles refracted by the light,
and the night sky is full of red light.
The broken moon in the dark clouds shines on the abyss of silence.
If you look at it from the sky, it is like tearing a half-eastern scar. It starts from the snowy
peaks in the east and stretches over the snowfields. It is divided into two branches, like a
tree growing out of a branch, one south and one north.
The south side, near the Suichuan River, now only leaves a fine line. At the time of the fall of
the autumn frost, the Juggernaut seals the abyss, and the entire East-East aura changes
dramatically, and the sword is straight on the sky, and the earth is shaking. The world's
talents really see how powerful the saints are. As long as you are willing, it is enough to
change the land and relocate the mountains.
Inevitably, the cost is also great. Except for the Huanfeng peak, almost no one believes that
Juggernaut can come back.
At this time, two people stood on the edge of the snowfield. Because the practice method is
the same as the source, the color of the monster between the eyebrows is similar.
Here is the starting point of the abyss, even though the snow on the snowy whistling,
standing on the edge of the cliff, but can not hear a gust of wind, the silent needle can be
When Lin Yuanjian rang, Rong Rong laughed. "The master of this sword, I have seen it on
the Hengduan Mountain."
Yu Zhan looked at the starry star, "Do you think Linyuan sword is in his hands, can you
urge a few powers?"
Rong Rong thought for a moment, "60%."
It happened that a black robe appeared quietly on his side and whispered two sentences.
Did not avoid the jade eyebrows.
The news is not good, but it seems to be in a good mood.
"If you can't kill, don't go any more, why bother to send him a sword, and wait for them to
The man’s body is like a ghost, and after the shadow disappears, he quietly retreats.
Yu Zhan's eyebrows are cold, "60% has been a lot. You still don't do it? Waiting for the kid
to be sanctified?"
Rong Rong raised his eyebrows. "What is the urgency of the palace, it is better to talk about
cooperation first."
Yu Zhanmei didn't know what he had for the two people, and he didn't ask any more. "If it
is cooperation, I think it should at least be honest."
It is the cooperation between the two parties, not one party, and the sincerity of Rong Yu’s
eyebrows on Yu Zhan is significantly higher than that of the other palace owners. And
tonight's dialogue in the abyss, no one claimed to be 'this seat'.
"What do you want to know about the palace?"
"The battle of Xiqiao Mountain, Yu Shi helps you to fake an incarnation. You have been
waiting until Juggernaut has passed away. This is almost a hundred years, where have you
Rong Rong really replied, "Northern Emperor. I took a lock needle to pierce the six big
holes and sealed a magical breath. Twenty years lived like an ordinary person, admitted to
the Imperial Palace, and worshipped a condensed god. The beastmaster, learn how to get
along with the beast."
"Why are you studying the different beasts in order to find a way to get along with the
comet?" Jade Shows, "Why is it so, why do you go in person? Don't say that the Northland
'change of the winter' has nothing to do with you. ”
Rong Rong did not deny that "Huang Lu and I have known the sage of the sages of the sages
and help him. But he is too stupid, unsettled, and must be sent to the emperor before the
death of Duan Sheng'an... Yu Shi to Xilu and Zhonglu I want Donglu and Nanlu. If the palace
owner helps me, Tianluo nine turns to Donglu, you and I are equally divided."
Yu Zhan’s eyebrows were clear, and the words that were slightly surprised by Rong Rong’s
words were as cold as the old ones. “You don’t think that the general trend has been fixed.
Why would you like to share it with me?”
Rong Rong looked west. "The old man of Yu Shi may not be able to win the mountain."
"He is Yasheng, the Swordsman is the strongest but the Mahayana."
"Under the Juggernaut, the most good warfare is to cross the border, to weaken and win,
not to mention one more person. 'Baopu seven sons' got a countertop, but only one Lin
Yuangui." His next sentence made Yu Zhan look slightly. "I heard that you know the two
disciples of Juggernaut? Floating sea, if it wasn't for her to save the son of St. Ann, now
Hokuriku should also change hands."
Yu Zhan said, "What do you want me to do? Just say it."
"The rest of the idle things don't dare to bother the palace owner. I have everything to
arrange. I only ask the palace owner to go to the mountain."
Yu Zhan's eyebrows are silent. Half-sounding, she said,
"Once the matter is done, the world is big, how much do you have to take, I only need to go
to the Golden Palace and Tianluo."
"no problem."
"What do I believe in you?"
Rong Rong laughed, black and red blood drops falling down his pale fingertips and falling
on the snow on the edge of the cliff.
"Oh." Because the cliff edge is quiet, the slight sound is also very obvious. The red light of
the sky rose to the sky, and the blood disappeared instantly.
He said, "Come on your blood."
Yin Yin took the sword back to the sheath and bowed in the direction of Luo Mingchuan
leaving innocent.
They continued along the empty long street, and the snow on the ground was stirred up by
the sword of the surplus, flying in the wind.
Yin Yin said, "I have misunderstood the master first."
Luo Mingchuan Road, "I am the same."
The Buddhist method of meditation was used as a Buddhist temple. When he was trapped
in the temple, he also saw it. When he saw his heart anger, he did not hesitate when he
shot, and he used the strongest Tianluo.
After being easily broken, I know that there is no innocence.
The ‘foet’s thoughts’ is not to persuade him to turn back to the shore, but to tell him that
‘Tianluo’s nine turns’ is indeed a magical work, but it’s also a Dharma.
Become a Buddha, no matter how to practice, all because of the heart of the people.
"Senior brother, where is the meditation, where are you?"
"You and I are separated from each other. I am in the same position as the innocent master.
When I break out of the country, I will talk to the master and see you break through."
The more Yin Yin wants to take the sword and work hard, the brothers can break the
ground, it is really more human than the dead. Immediately realized one thing, tempted to
"So you all saw it, heard it?"
"What did you hear?"
"……It's nothing."
Luo Mingchuan's look is the same, calm and steady. "The younger brother said that he likes
me, he will be with me. Is this the sentence? It is natural to hear clearly."
Yin Yiyue felt that he was handsome, but he was always handsome for three seconds.
What's more, it is now being laughed at by Luo Mingchuan. Immediately hot on the face,
transfer the topic,
"The master talked to you about anything."
“The master said that when he was in the world, he broke the barrier of spiritual repair and
martial arts, and he was enchanted by the Buddha. It can be said that all laws are common.
Before Mo Changyuan’s cultivation of the magic road, he has already learned 100.
Therefore, I want to understand Tianluo. Nine turns, reading Buddhist scriptures is very
Luo Mingchuan took out a roll of books, and Yin Yue looked down and looked down. "The
Miscellaneous Ah Sutra."
He remembered that when he played against the clean sea in Xingshan Temple, he heard a
story in this Buddhist scripture and couldn't help but swear. Reading the same Buddhist
scriptures, I have different Dharma.
Or the Dharma is the same, but each person chooses differently.
“The master also said that the younger brother has Huigen, and he does not want to
practice the sword in the future. He can go to the temple to practice Buddha.”
"When you are in the East, the Temple is going to go, and you have to thank you
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "The younger brother can learn Buddha, can't be a monk."
Yin Yin lowered his head and went down. "You and I have the truth of a Taoist, only a paper
marriage book, which Buddha Temple accepts me such six unclean people."
He found that his brother was relaxed at this time, his mood was comfortable, and he was
enlightened when he was innocent. Nothing, only the brothers are in a good mood, how to
laugh a few more.
Out of the city is the coast, the waves wash the reef, and the echoes continue.
Luo Mingchuan suddenly stopped and pulled up Yin Yin’s hand. "Teacher, go."
Unprepared feet and empty, Yin Yi subconsciously grasped the people around, but the cold
wind whistling only for a moment.
After the moment, they are already above the sky.
Without a layer of thick clouds, the stars are extraordinarily bright, as if at your fingertips.
"Whether the brothers can drive the clouds, when is the matter?"
"It was just now."
Yin Yi didn't ask more questions. He remembered what Master said. Don't worry, the realm
of the mind is moving, and he walks away.
Exclaimed, "It used to be that Master took me to fly. Now it is my brother who takes me to
fly. When can I fly by myself?"
Luo Mingchuan resisted the urge to pull him into his arms and smiled. "Soon."
Through the fog of the night and the night, the magnificent sea surface flies backwards at
the foot.
They traveled to the unknown future by taking the wind.

Chapter 95: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Rong Rong did not want to pull the battle line too long, so that he could not get back.
Therefore, he did not invade with Hokuriku. The Yan Ya Shan of Xilu was also handed over
by Bao Puzong. The 100,000 demon army is divided into three roads, one stays in the east
land, one goes to the south land, and one goes to the middle land. In addition to the
disciples of the Zodiac, there are also scattered studies on the wasteland to make a living. It
is almost a gathering of the entire East Land.
These people have no loyalty, but they know how to fight in the harsh competitive
environment of Donglu, and there is no moral burden. Once the unity is unified because of
the interests, it is really terrible.
Not only does the people in the Yashan Mountain think about it, but how to conquer such a
lot of combat power in a short period of time, what kind of interests are there, let the 12th
house throw away the suspicion, and the other major factions are also very puzzling, only
the Mr. A glimpse of the clues, vaguely counted as the power of a certain contract, but he is
now seriously injured, the realm is greatly damaged, and the method of calculation is
difficult to display.
The parties will not understand and have no time to think about it, because the Magic Army
is already in sight.
When you travel, the fleet is so vast that you can't see the margins. They are all twelve-
story, four-story ships, and the hulls are engraved with the sculpt of the sculpt, and the
deeper and deeper are divided into the water and the wind. Occasionally, the sea beast is
disturbed by the magic, and it is also evasive.
The magic army that went to the south land made a perfect preparation when crossing the
sea, and had never encountered any obstruction, quite a bit of success, and the smooth
sailing was full.
Therefore, since entering the Southland, there has been a big step into the trap of the law.
However, there are a large number of people, and the team leader does not care about such
casualties. All the towns and villages along the way are people going to the empty space,
only to see annoying formations, not half-personal shadows, the people in the team
floating, can not wait to kill a scene immediately, a sigh of anger.
Under this circumstance, the magic army began to turn over the mountain and came to the
‘two difficult customs’ mountain crossing.
In the snowy night, the wind blew through the forest.
The mountain road is extremely ruthless. In the past, it is inevitable to open a mountain
rock and expand a smooth road. But on both sides of the mountain road, there are
thousands of cliffs. If only the bottom is opened, it will lead to instability and landslides.
Moreover, the mountain is a strong granite, which is time consuming and laborious to
destroy. More than ten miles of mountain roads have to pass through. Turning over this
mountain range is Yecheng, where most of the people gather.
The team leader is also somewhat intolerant. His gods drifted and spread, the withered
forests, the dead branches and the dead woods, and the snow curtains that had fallen.
There is no trace of the formation.
If you want to come, you have to blow up such a hard mountain rock. There is no
arrangement for two or three months.
"The whole army passed quickly."
The sound is not big, but it contains a lot of magic, through the wind, everyone clearly
The team entered the mountain road, like a long dragon, no one spoke, and the four fields
were quiet. Everything is going well.
Perhaps it feels that this is quiet and abnormal. The leader is dressed in a black robe and
stands down from a mountain rock bulge, almost in the night. The more you look at the
look, the more cautious. At this moment, he felt the stone rock under his feet, and it
trembled very finely. It is almost undetectable, and it is almost an illusion.
It is already late. The voice was drowned in the thundering explosion.
The earth and stone rolled down and the blood splashed.
The world's gas turbines suddenly changed, and the whole two difficulties were closed. In
the night, the smoke is rolling, and it goes straight into the sky.
Suddenly, the magic in the mountain road was too late to be shot, and the low-income
person was even too late to call for help, and he was buried in the dust of the world. The
living people are not aware of the situation, people are guilty, they flee, and even start
killing each other.
As early as the first piece of rock fell, the first one flew up and slammed into the mountain.
This is a disciple with a splash of water in the mountains and waters. The disciples in the
hands of the disciples did not enter the mountains and rocks, and the golden light flashed.
The Qingjian Jianpai Mountain is not good at concealing the attack. It is not easy to pass the
magic powerhouse to the present.
This palm is implemented, and there is a lack of one, and the explosion array constructed
with the sword is naturally broken. The first one even noticed the hiding places of several
other people, and indifferently thinking about taking eight lives is just a palm.
The timing is still a step late. Suddenly there is a sword coming across, slanting and
stabbing, light as a rain.
A chilly sword breaks through the smoke and shows the figure holding the sword. It is a
young man with a calm look.
More than ten miles of mountain roads are still collapsing in sequence, and the scope is
constantly expanding.
It is only smoke, it can be lifted up to ten feet, and it can be seen from a thousand miles
away. It can be seen how the tragic scene in the mountains.
Cheng Tianyu stood in front of the window and looked at it. He couldn’t stop it from giving
birth. “I’m not saying that it’s just a fried mountain road. If you blow it up, run it!” He
whimpered. “This is quiet... It’s clear that half of the mountains are falling. Brother, he..."
Song Yu closed his eyes.
Smoke was seen throughout the Southland, just like the signal of the war.
Many people vaguely guess what is going on there.
At present, the leader of the army has finally shown a certain degree of solemnity. His black
robes rushed into the sea like snow, and the sorrowful sorrows came from all directions,
gathering his fingers, condensing the power and smashing toward the sword.
The other party only raised his hand, and Zhongshan did not hesitate to use the strongest
The violent real element burned fiercely, and his sword seemed to burn up, so that the
sword was melted, and the snow was instantly melted, and the sound of ‘stinging’ was
turned into white fog and water droplets.
It’s just like a storm.
How many winds there are, how many swords there are.
The wind and rain siege, originally a sword for siege.
One person can be a good enemy.
In the past, when he was re-emphasizing the mountains, he still needed the advantages of
time and place to borrow the wind and rain. Nowadays, with his kendo, the sword will
become a storm.
Such a century-old talent, placed in the past years of peace, can be said to be invincible.
It is a pity that fate has always been unfair. Tonight's battle, martial arts and talents are far
from enough to make up for the gap between the heavens and the earth.
The black robe suddenly began to speak. Even if the rock roared like a thunder, his voice
could be clearly heard by Zhongshan.
"I sometimes don't know what you think of these famous decents. If you have a good
sanctification potential, you have to come here to find death."
The tone is indifferent, and the words are also desperate.
"Still, you all think that as long as there is a big righteousness in hand, you will not hesitate
to die?"
Speaking at this time seems to be nonsense, but he understands that as long as the other
party's heart is slightly shaken, the sword in his hand will hesitate and will be slow.
Then it will be killed soon.
Even if you want to be a hero, but after all, it is so young, after all, life and death, who can
not hesitate?
Zhong Shan did not speak, and took a sword. This sword is a hurricane and cold rain, and
the sword is screaming. The magic barrier under the sword front has a state of overflow.
Unexpectedly, his heart waved and looked calm.
Because coming here seems to be his choice, he chose the dilemma of ‘the dilemma of life
and death. In fact, he did not choose. He thought he should come and he came.
If he did, he would do it.
This is nothing to be bloody.
Across the vast mainland and vast boundless seas, in the terrain of the Central Plains, a
horse, the army is extremely fast. Although the endless stream of maritime interception
damages more than a thousand people, it still cannot change the trend of the army.
More than ten miles away from Yunyang City, the snow stopped tonight, and the wind is
still there.
Thirty school disciples rushed to the front of the city and began to return to the city.
In this team, the highest level of the realm is not a break. After a long period of dedication,
each person was as earthy, but the light was firm and the mind was clear.
Some people think that the atmosphere is too bad, and started to talk. "I went to school that
year, snooze, every morning is late, Mr. Zhang always hits my hand, let me copy the book,
once I ran around the school." Two laps. At that time, I thought about it when I ran. When I
got out of the crowd, the first thing was to come to the school. What a ghost place, the rules
are too inhuman."
The classmates laughed with each other and the other person answered. "Whether Mr.
Zhang is a heavy punishment, Mr. Li, who teaches the history of Wulutong, has the most
rules. I am fined for the fall of the trees after the fall, and I can’t clean it. I wanted to blow up
the school at the time."
They talked passionately about the old things and found that no matter who is diligent and
eager to learn, there was a moment when they wanted to blow up the school.
Suddenly someone was sentimental. "Tonight may be the only chance in our life to blow up
the school. Why give up!"
The team laughed.
When the laugh is over, someone opens. "Because this is our place. Even if it is a thousand
bad, where does the wheel come to outsiders to touch it?"
"Yes, who is going to blow it up, I will blow it first."
"Not to mention the fact that now, it’s a bad thing, and it’s all good."
They returned to the city and joined other squads that returned to the city. The two
teachers counted the number. The city guards began to change jobs. Everything is in order.
The newly replaced students are mostly practitioners. Everyone was engrossed and stared
at the end of sight, the smoke on the horizon. Waiting quietly. At first, the smoke was weak,
and the moment became a surge.
It’s the magic army.
Mr. Zhang Yuan took the hand on the flying raft of the library, and he closed his eyes in bed
a few days ago. I don’t know what method to use tonight, and my spirits are so
He looked outside Yunyang City and was wide-sleeved. The sound of breaking the wind
picked up, but it was not his lithograph, but an arrow.
The speed is so fast that it almost breaks the space barrier. The arrow clusters ignite
spontaneously and fall on the wasteland, and the whole wilderness burns. The wind helps
the fire, and the arrogance is soaring.
No mathematics whispers, but no one is happy too early. After all, the night is long, this is
just the beginning.
Mr. Jiao, who is well versed in alchemy, mixes fuel. More than a hundred disciples have
been sleeping for half a month. In the wilderness outside Yunyang City, they have drawn a
huge, ten-mile-long burning charm.
Although the grain is fine, it is still not enough to change the air and the air. Mr. Zhang will
print a heart of blood on the arrow and burn this fire.
This night, Kyushu burned fire, and Wanli Jiangshan was lighted.
The storms of the two difficulties, the knife light under the mountains, the rockets of
Yunyang City. Solidified in the legend of many years.

Chapter 96: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
This winter in Hokuriku is particularly cold, and there are endless snowfalls.
Near the year of the year, the county and county officials did not rush to the emperor to
move around, to offer rare treasures, but to honestly perform their duties. As for the people
in the royal capital, the enthusiasm of watching it is as small as the city’s juggling, and the
arrival of the new emperor’s priests; the excitement that should not be seen is hidden, such
as those who are taken away in the high gates. Which few noble people.
Everything is no different from the past.
The snow on the Miyagi Imperial Road is unstoppable, and the people who sweep the snow
are very diligent, always busy and low-browed.
Only the dark red blood stains left in the blue bricks prove that the night of the city's blood
is not an illusion. The courtiers of the Shang Dynasty accidentally saw and couldn’t help but
feel cold.
After the change of winter, the temple ushered in a brutal cleansing. The wind is raging,
everyone is in danger, no matter what the mind is in the dark, the face of the emperor must
be seen on the bright side.
In the eyes of the ruling and the wilderness, since the first emperor passed away, his breath
has risen steadily, and it is not an exaggeration to cultivate into the country. Even Tianwei,
whose temperament is getting more and more, is hard to measure.
His Majesty’s question in the past few days was not in the room. If this is not something
that can't be delayed, the whole decision will be made. Today, no one will dare to go to
Wendao to ask for it.
It is the biggest event at present, that the magic repairs the sea into the two continents and
the Northland.
The temple is fragrant and smoked. The curtain of the crepe is drooping, and the shadow of
the shadow reveals a person's back.
He walked from time to time and his posture was a bit sloppy.
Duan Chongxuan saw the bonfire behind the curtain.
It’s not a war-torn bonfire outside of a thousand miles, but a long, gun in his hand.
At the beginning of the ‘the end of the era of the law, the group was divided, and the
founding □ □ the emperor took the fire from the outside world forging □ □, the Southern
levy of the North War for a hundred years, unification of the Northland.
Other heroes or heroes on the mainland, either without ambition or power, are led by a
binary confrontation or a three-legged image.
Only Hokuriku became the home of Duan's family, hereditary replacement, until the era of
The bonfire is long | guns, slanders, flat rebellions, and the country.
The first minister who came to hear the pavilion made the worst plan. When he was
promoted, it was quite unbelievable. There are one and two. When it is not long, the small
hall is full of people.
Through the crepe curtain, I can't see the look of the Holy Spirit, and I can't help the
In the first two days, Bai Hao asked for the demon smuggling. What did you think about it?
Some people think that when he was enthroned, he urgently needed to make contributions
to his work, settle the people's hearts, and spread the power to the whole world. He really
wanted someone to ask for a levy and even be willing to levy.
More people think that last month, under the shackles of the party, the body and mind are
exhausted, the most urgent task is to kill the anti-thief Yu Yi, the saying, but in order to
comply with the name of the righteousness, just wait for people to discourage, just to push
the boat to stop mention.
If it is a point, how can the military power be placed next to the regime? If it is a pro-levy,
the possibility is even smaller. After all, even when the emperor was in office, he did not
personally go into battle.
Duan Chongxuan put down the bonfire and closed his eyes. Listening to the temptations
that are careful and without traces, from time to time pick up the tea on the table, just like
hearing a book in the city.
No matter who said anything, he nodded after the curtain. It is like encouraging them to go
Everyone thought that the emperor was listening carefully, and he was talking about the
emperor's heart. Gradually, some people are bold.
"In the midst of troubled times, it is best to recuperate. If you can be independent, why
should you get involved in the war? It will be unwise for our army to increase casualties."
"My Hokuriku army was born for the sake of protecting the country, the Southland is not
our home, and the land is not our country. Where did the round come to us to shed blood?"
"The east side did not commit crimes in North Luqiu. At this time, the troops were sent out,
and the teacher was named."
This is not a faction.
The young generals couldn't help but take a step forward. "The magic repair has repeatedly
disturbed the 16 towns along the coast. How did it become a crime in the autumn?! What
kind of teacher is famous for playing the magic repair?!"
Someone laughed and didn't see the emperor nodding his head and nod, and he didn't want
to drown. It is a pity that this white general, the holy priest, is a stupid. Even if you are
cherished today, you will be rejected sooner or later.
"The sixteen towns along the coast, these small things should be handled by the garrison of
the East Army, but also with the disturbance?"
Bai Rudao, "Where is it a small matter! When you are stationed in the coastal area, you will
see the devils and choose people." Liu Daren has lived in Gaotang for a long time. How do
you know the evil of the demon? They have a strong recovery ability, and they can make a
comeback. I even thought that after reinventing the bones, it was no longer a human being,
but began to swear by the 'Devil'! Now I will wait for it to grow up, so that it will grow and
become a disaster.
He is really anxious, and he is afraid that the Holy One will be moved by these people.
Li Yan, who was next to him, gave him a look that was a little bit stunned. He stepped
forward and decided to change his angle. "The magic repairs ravaged the madness. The
land in the south and the south is deep and hot. At this time, it is a good thing, how to
highlight the underworld?"
When the voice falls, only a few people are attached, and the main battle is a small one.
"Only in the Qianlin County, which was ruled by the Weichen, the refugees who took over
the sea last month passed over 10,000 people. Nowadays, they don’t rely on Tianwei, and
they feel the sorrow of Rende!"
It’s a shameless, white, regardless of the people around you,
"The magic repair does not know the lameness. If you get the South China, you will find
other things. Do you really understand the truth of the lips and the cold? Nowadays,
whether it is for my family, is it for my own land, or for my own glory?!"
"One day, the Northland was in deep water, and the descendants asked the first time the
Mozu invaded. What did my generation do? Is it necessary to answer the turtle?"
"The white general is young, the official power is not small. The old man served the
emperor for more than a hundred years, and he did not dare to think that one day the
magic repair dare to commit me to the north land, the white general is farsighted than the
old man, it is really awesome..."
"White 铳翎! You don't have to rely on killing the thief to make a contribution. If you slap
the pet, you will talk nonsense and confuse the sorrow!"
"you guys……"
After all, Bai Hao is a military commander, where is the voice of the mouth of the lotus.
It is hard to suppress anger but helpless. Feeling weak.
"The white general is so anxious to go out, isn't he also wanting to learn?" Under the
command of General Pingyang, under one person, Wu'an Hou on the 10,000 people is
This statement is already worrying. It’s just a matter of pointing to the name of the greedy
greed and moving the mind of the military.
After all, under the palace terrace, the emperor ordered him to be arrogant and long-
selling, and the sinful thief was enough to make people feel guilty.
"Oh! -"
The harsh shredded porcelain stunned the dispute, and everyone fixed their eyes to see it.
It was actually the rain before the royal case.
If the temple is chilling.
The waiter stepped forward and silently cleaned the broken porcelain and tea on the
The people woke up from the frenetic atmosphere, and they fell to the ground and hanged
their heads. The bottom of my heart is bursting with cold.
It was the same time that the Majesty had been listening, and they were cold-eyed and they
were rushing to face the red ear, only waiting for them to forget. Everyone’s ideas are now
well known.
When they started, they were afraid that if there was any wrong speech, they would be
wrong with the Holy Spirit and even more sorrowful.
"The face is really big."
The emperor behind the scenes sighed, the tone could not hear half an anger.
Asked the breathing in the pavilion to calm down.
Who is your face? Yes, Bai Hao wants military power, and the natural face is the biggest.
"There will be a rebellion, no soldiers crossing the North Sea. Is it afraid of the Zodiac? Or is
it that I will only fight in the Northland? I have to do a tortoise, and under the Jiuquan, I
have no face to see the Jiangshan." Your Majesty, go to see the father of Jiangshan."
He stepped out from behind the curtain and held a long gun in his hand. Someone saw the
gun from the reflection of the blue brick, and the cold sweat slammed down, and the heart
was desperate.
Duan Chongxuan once again lamented, "Do you have a face to go? Your face is really big."
After almost silent silence, unexpectedly, the emperor did not punish anyone.
Can not help but also give birth to the joy of the rest of the life.
"Telling the will, tomorrow will be on the top of the platform, crossing the North Sea, 诛 修
"The Emperor's Holy Ming -"
The ministers successively bowed to the dagger, like the undulating tide.
Duan Chongxuan held a bonfire and walked through the separated tides.
He looked far and wide, the wind was full of sleeves, and the huge blue wings blew through
the wind.
At dawn, the sun and the moon alternate.
Yin Yin was shouldered by Luo Mingchuan and silently landed on a coastal city in Donglu.
Here he is not the first time. It was seen from the city of advancement, and it also led to the
killing of the plane. The pedestrians on the street fled. After Juggernaut entered the sword,
he was alone in killing the wilderness, quite fierce. Later, I was told by a rumor that there
was a young man with a white hair and cold hair, which made the right way
swordsmanship, fierce and fierce.
Yin Yin took out two black cloaks and handed the new one to Luo Mingchuan.
"Everyone in this place is wearing this. The first set was bought by Master, and I bought a
lot of sets myself. It is unobtrusive and durable."
Yin Yue is dressed well, covered with a hood to cover the hair color, and the body has
changed subtly, just like an authentic Donglu people.
He is now in a different realm, and he does not have to deliberately cover up the cultivation.
It is enough to adjust the real-life operation, and it is enough to make people unable to pry
into the realm.
Mahayana is really a wonderful world.
Far more than God's knowledge, the five senses are significantly improved, and more
importantly, the wonderful feelings between the world and the heavens are as if ... can talk
to the world.
Yin Yin was shocked by his own feelings. He couldn’t help but ask people around him. “Is
the brother now breaking through the Asian holy? What do you think?”
"Actually, the repair of the view is to unblock the tenth*, and the Tianluo nine turns have
also been repaired to the eighth peak. If the feeling is stronger, there is no difference."
At first, Yin Yi felt that the brothers were so calm, and that no one had fallen into a
bottleneck along the way, and even the pressure could be retracted freely. It was a good
thing to open up against the sky. I am worried now, I always feel that something is wrong.
There is a thought that is fleeting: if it is only strength, I am afraid that the real
breakthrough of the brothers has not yet arrived.
They spoke, and kept their feet, passing through the empty border town, and blinking on
the wasteland. After a few breaths, I came to the snowy border. Even if there is a magic
repair to pass them by, they can only feel the breeze to pick up the clothes.
Luo Mingchuan knows that with the realm of tolerance, he has already felt that they have
come to the East. But if you intentionally hide, you may not be sure where they are.
So he fell from the cloud and chose a more complicated but secure approach.
There are still 30,000 magic troops in the East China Sea. In addition to the two palaces that
were killed by Rong Rong, the twelve palaces went out, and there were six people left in the
top of the East. If the jade is not in the eye, there are only five people left. Winning is a
victory, but it also takes a lot of effort. I still don't know what to do. The two men discussed
it briefly. Luo Mingchuan did not dare to take it up now, and Yin Yin crossed the black cloak
and stopped at the border of snow and dry grass.
"Whether you go to the Stars or go to the Golden Palace, you have to go through the
Luomingchuan looked far away, and the gods spread out. "From here to the snow-capped
peaks, there are twelve dark posts at Minggang. There are only six thousand elites on the
mountain. The rest is going down from the other side. It is necessary to cross the sea. It can
be seen that the war between the two countries is not as good as expected."
His knowledge is only to Xuefeng, and he will not move forward. Otherwise, people he can
see can see him.
Yin Yi believes that unless he and Luo Mingchuan have anyone who can be robbed and
sanctified, once the whereabouts are exposed, there is no choice but to kill each other. If
you miss the first chance, there will be no chance of winning.
Luo Mingchuan suddenly closed his eyes. The weeds under the feet were folded back, and
the snow between the grass was lifted by the air and quickly fell. Everything seems to be
Yin Yi retreats two steps.
Luo Mingchuan opened his eyes and gently reached out his hand, and his fingertips
overflowed with a sigh of relief. The cold wind blows like a blue smoke drifting in the wind.
Yin Yin is more and more embarrassed.
"Tianluo nine turns is like this, there is no barrier to the law. I can make the Buddhist
practice. When necessary, the real yuan can also be disguised as a magic."
"Brother, when did you find out?"
"Just just now, I was only going to try it."
Yin Yi can't speak.
Isn't this omnipotent? In addition to having children, what else can this exercise not do?
"You can also be a younger brother."
"How can I do this?"
"You and I have double repaired, why not?"
It is not my brother who is a shameful shame. Qaq

Chapter 97: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yuyue was allowed to hold the wrist veins by the brothers and crossed a real yuan
disguised as a magical one.
After the double repair, there is a real flow of Luo Mingchuan in his spirit. The operation of
the way is completely different from that of his body. If the river is mixed with a stream, it
will not merge or conflict. Because of the long-term practice of the cold water sword, dyed a
cold and oozing, the real element of the brother is like a spring rain, so that he is
comfortable. It’s just that he has never practiced the Tianluo nine turns, and he can’t use it
At this time, the new 'magic interest' passed through him for a week, and each spirit was
covered with a thin layer of magic.
Luomingchuan Road, "As long as you don't fight with others, you can't see the clues under
Yin Yue also understands that if you reach the point of fighting with others, naturally there
is no need to hide or hide.
They crossed the boundary between frost and residual snow, and their bodies were hidden
in the snow.
The snowy plains are vast and endless. At first glance, the world is white, and only the
snowy peaks that lead directly into the sky between the clouds. If you don't have to look at
it, the guard towers under the snow peaks are just black spots in the field of vision.
The coldness of the knees and the dripping of ice into the ice is enough to block the low-
weed practitioners and kill the weak life.
More than ten miles outside the snowfield, there are often hidden beasts in the snowy hills,
groups of gray wolves or lone snow foxes. Although the intelligence is not high, I also know
how to avoid disadvantages. I noticed that the powerful pressure passed by, just like the
scared bird.
A team of black robes are rushing to the snow peaks, and the snow rolled up by the wind
quickly covers the shallow footprints. There are more than 50 people in this squad, and the
top ten people who are repaired are at the beginning and the end of the team. From time to
time, the team whispered, as if they were asking, but never got an answer.
Suddenly one person shouted at the end of the team. "Who?!"
Everyone hurriedly looked back, and the people who walked in the forefront directly pulled
out their swords and took out a mighty sword.
The magical space fell, and the snow was deeply opened three inches. The portrait that was
only heard was shocked and looked awkward. "No one is the wind."
The first one stopped looking at him and the team continued to move forward.
I don't know when there are two more people in the team. The atmosphere blends with the
heavens and the earth, just like a snowflake.
Yin Yue is wrapped in a black robe, and the whole body is not strong or weak. There is no
sense of existence. He said, "This team is not a patrol. They are coming from Xueyuan, and
they are obviously two groups. It is not right."
The top ten people in the team are wearing a cloak that keeps the snow and snow, and the
standard zodiac configuration. People walking in the middle of the team, the black robe
clothing is uneven, can only consume their own magic to protect the cold, the clothing
corner does not have any palace emblem.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "The ten people are in a timely manner for unexpected situations, but
also because they want to monitor the defense team."
The first sentry tower on the snowfield is close at hand. Someone looked at them from the
At this time, the more right-handed people began to talk again. It seems that several people
around him will say a few words from time to time.
“Do you think that method is credible?”
The person behind him is the person behind him. "I have been here. I don't believe it now,
it's too late."
"It’s not too late, but the tower is not in the palace, now it’s a remorse, it should...”
The East China Sea has no cautious habit of sounding, but the sound is low, far from being
able to avoid others. Perhaps they are also deliberately testing something.
It seems that those who are tempted to get bored, turned to the head and went to the snow
hill not far away.
The snow blew open, accompanied by a sharp wind and a white shadow flashed. An
escaped snow fox was held in his hand and directly bit the lower carotid artery. The blood
spewed and was swallowed quickly.
No one is moving, and there is still some inquiring in the indifference.
The aggressive beast has not yet struggled, and it has dried up at a speed visible to the
naked eye, leaving only a smooth layer of fur, thrown into the snow. There is no drop in
flesh and blood.
Snowy conditions such as the difficult but aura of living environment, the breeding of the
beasts also have innate realms. Yin Yue sees that the snow fox is equivalent to the refining
period of the human cultivator, and after that life, the turmoil of the whole body is
I wiped the corner of my mouth for the first person, and looked at a few people who were
whispering. "Let's eat again. Just eat you."
The team’s head and tail all sounded dry and pleasant laughter. Sporadic with a few words,
"I can still improve after eating."
The expressions of the people in the team are not afraid of fear. Perhaps in their view, it is
no different to force the blood to survive for survival. At the moment, it is like verifying a
certain statement, and rest assured.
No one talks along the way. The team passed quietly through four towers.
Yin Yin is more frowning, and he asks people around him.
"In addition to the Tianluo nine-turn, which exercises can absorb live flesh and blood, and
can improve themselves without refining?"
"No. Garan's technique is not really consuming the flesh and blood, but plundering the
vitality of others. It is not a person who can absorb directly like this. It can only be a
The answer makes people feel cold.
The magical thing of Xing Xingyuan waited for a million years, finally came out for food?
Luo Mingchuan decided to take a look at the magic repair, "but there is no magic in his
Although Yin Yi has never practiced the calculations, the powerful computing power has
become an instinct when studying the ‘stepping the mountain’. Nowadays, the realm of
Mahayana can already be seen first.
He thought quietly, there is no magic in the body, but there is the instinct of the magic. Not
a parasite, it should be a connection. For example... contract.
The entangled silk thread is found to be the thread head, and the broken silk is generally
clear. It is indeed like a contract.
Luo Mingchuan is more advanced than him, and he sees more. "This kind of contract can
borrow the power of the magical things in the stars. The flesh and blood that the devil
devours feeds the magic, and the magic objects lend the power to the magic. Even if you
know the skin with the tiger, Few people can reject this method of speeding up power."
"Different from the contract used by Hokuriku to tamed the beasts, between the magic and
the magic, and as a medium for the contract to take effect. Only in this way can we control
as many as 100,000 people and quickly return to the twelfth house."
"There may be some restrictions. For example, those who are contractors cannot devour
each other. Otherwise, Donglu will still be a loose sand that is keen on fighting."
The two put together a terrible deduction. Yin Yi feels that this should be very close to the
Compared with the abyss like the Juggernaut, killing Rong Rong has become a simple
choice, and it is also the most urgent need to solve the current situation.
At this time, the team has come under the snow-capped peaks, but does not climb the
mountain road, but chooses to bypass the snow peaks and continue to travel deep into the
snowfield. The patrols and guard posts along the way have become more and more dense,
and the first one has negotiated more than once.
Yin Yi has been calculating. There is no patrol interval for the magic repair, and it is high
and low. It can remove several people with a few swords. Instead, estimate the area of the
snowfield, the height of the snow peaks, the thickness of the snow at different locations,
and the like that seem to be unrelated to the battle.
After the last check, when the team stopped, he had already calculated all the thoughts, and
he was very practical.
This is no longer a vast snowfield. There are a few roads that people have cleaned up, and
they can see a house that is black and pressed not far away.
There are three people who have been trained to be advanced, and more than ten people
from the beginning and the end have left the team. The three men looked at the crowd in a
few eyes, and their eyes did not hide their contempt.
As the team passed by an abandoned palace, Yin Yin looked up and glanced at it. He
intuitively felt that the hall was familiar, as if he had seen it.
He was about to regain his gaze, and the words "Yangyuan Temple" on the ebony plaque
were stunned.
I couldn’t catch the familiar feeling of my heart, and I looked down at the people around
Luomingchuan Road, "The west to the west is the starry star."
I don't know when, the whistling wind has calmed down. Yin Yin looked up and looked far
away, and there was a black line that was like a tear, like a scar from a snowy field.
Luo Mingchuan suddenly stopped and calmed. "I know where Rong Rong is. He also knows
that I am coming."
Someone saw him as he looked at the hall in the eyes of Yin Yue.
At the same moment, the sound of a hoarse voice in the four wild, with a smile, spread far
and wide in the snow, "There are friends coming from afar, there is a far-reaching
Unprecedingly, the snow-capped air machine suddenly changed, and the ground beneath
the feet exploded. The thunderous sound of the fall, the snow and the earth and stone
fluttered, and the team mourned and fled.
More than ten extremely powerful breaths came here.
There is no need for a gap, the sword has opened a lot of snow and dust, and when it falls, it
splashes four **** fogs, and the four people in the rear display the figure.
Yin Yin stood on the flying raft of the temple, and the hood fell, and three thousand white
hairs danced in the snow.
His sword is extremely precise, and there is no panic that is exposed. In what he seems to
want to know, it is all over. Since there is an inevitable battle, there is not much difference
between playing early and playing late.
As soon as they finished the sentence in Luomingchuan, they looked at each other.
The battle started too fast, and nothing was too late to say. But one look is enough.
Yin Yiyue’s meaning is simple and firm. ‘You can rest assured, I can do it. ’
So when the sword fell, Luo Mingchuan was already outside Sanli, and at the starting point
of the abyss, he saw the initiator.
Yin Yi stood on the flying raft, and the air machine in various directions outside the gate
was blocked by the black robe. Some float in the air, and some stand in front of the stone
steps of the hall. These twelve people are concise and powerful, and five of them are at the
peak of the Mahayana peak. Even the four people who were stabbed by his sword could not
see the wound.
Unsurprisingly, the top of the magic road that stayed in Donglu did the best.

Chapter 98: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The lead-gray sky, the thick snow cloud is more and more gloomy, shrouded in the
After the Thunder strike, no one moved first. Under such a stalemate, Yin Yu even has the
time to think about it. This place is worn by everyone, and there is no recognition at all.
Only the red dress of the Rong and the white skirt of the jade eyebrows are regarded as the
iconic dress style.
It seems that Yu Zhan is not sitting in the Golden Palace. So where did the second
strongman go?
Zhonglu Xuefu, Nanlu Qingjian Jianpai, or West Luya Yashan?
Wherever you go is a disaster, but if you only look at the current situation, at least he has a
chance to win.
The brilliance of the Linyuan sword suddenly bursts, and the twelve magical stories swept
There is no snow or snow on the edge of the cliff, and the meaning of cold and solitude
condenses in the air, if there is a substantial oppression of the human heart.
Rong Rong turned around and quietly watched the youth who broke through countless
barriers and appeared in front of him. "It’s really amazing to see a mountain in a short
period of time."
The complex red robe on his body was like a **** sea. As he walked, the blood of the sea
"I have been practicing the road for three hundred years. You have finished in less than 30
years. Is this the number of the reincarnation of the devil?"
This sentence is not asking the other person, just a feeling.
If it is the enemy of the current, careful and serious, naturally there is no leisurely feelings.
And until now, he has not seen the other side as an opponent who needs to be divided and
decided to die.
Luo Mingchuan did not respond to this contemptuous attitude and replied, "You all say yes,
that's right."
I know who I am, and the younger brother knows who I am. What other people say to you.
Rong Xiao smiled, his tone was serious, and he was quite shameless.
"You don't think that you are in this way, you are losing the face of the demon statue? Is
your greatest wish to be the head of the mountain?"
"I have already got what I want. There is nothing to be worth fighting for."
Luo Mingchuan knows that if it is not the responsibility of the master, the responsibility
lies, and he does not want to be the head of the mountain.
Rong Rong nodded. "I understand. If you are benevolent, you will be successful, and you
will be able to practice smoothly. But is it true that Tianluo nine turns?"
Luo Mingchuan’s eyes fell on the snow cloud above his head, his face was white.
"As long as it is a practice, you need to be jealous. The Tianluo nine turns and the world's
thousands of exercises are no different."
At the same time as the original dialogue took place, the battle was always going on.
Until now, the snow cloud can no longer withstand the strong real and magical hedges,
smashed away, like a silky cotton wadding. A few sounds of muffled sounds came from nine
days, like the thunder of thunderstorms during the summer rainstorm.
The mighty real and the violent magic are filled with every inch of space in the sky. The
snow was raised high, forming numerous turbulences and whirlpools, drowning the two
After listening to it, I am quite sorry. "You see so transparent, why are you still coming to
As the words floated down, the winds of the winds gathered together under the abyss, and
rushed straight out of the dark world.
The wind is dead and cold, and the temperature at the edge of the cliff suddenly drops.
This year's deep winter, the wars and fighting laws that broke out in various places have
completely disrupted the air and gas.
The two major disasters collapsed, the Devils suffered heavy losses. After the integration,
they continued to go south. The mountains and the mountains fell on the cliffs. They didn’t
know each other. The first level was broken, and the first level was broken. The break is not
the Lord of the Magic, but the 褚浣; Yunyang City outside the fire sea is extinguished, the
corpse is everywhere, the demon army brigade stays in place, elite to attack the city.
Emperor Beilu’s Majesty ancestors worshipped the ancestors in Fengtiantai, and the three
thousand dragons and ships crossed the sea.
The battlefields of these thousands of people went to the river, and the two sides fell into a
stalemate. In the seemingly calm Westland, there are still rules in the towns, and the
displaced people have been properly placed.
Because the victory and defeat in this land is determined by a few people.
For example, the wilderness in the suburbs of Tai'an.
Jade exhibition eyebrows are thinking with some nausea, how do you know that I am going
this way, every time I have a block.
Liu Bull Frost naturally has no realm to be able to understand and understand her
Just knowing that she is lost, she will take the right hand side.
The sky is gradually darkening, and the clouds cover the moonlight. There is a thin layer of
snow on the grassy wilderness, and there is a bit of Donglu Snowfield.
The two are separated by three feet, and this distance is very suitable for fighting and is
also suitable for speaking.
Yu Zhan looked at the dim sky, thinking that tonight, there will be one less person in the
world who can speak. After all, in the big Golden Palace, there are no people who dare to
look at her.
In this case, what if you say a few more words at this time?
"I heard that you have closed your life and death."
Liu Bull Frost did not know what mood he was in, and he also talked calmly with her. "Yes."
Yu Zhan smiled lightly. "Then you are going out now, is it a broken life?"
Liu Bull Frost looked at the opposite person.
It is clearly the most indifferent and temperamental temperament, but it has practiced the
most feminine charm. Laughing, long eyebrows like spring willows, eyes like ice lake.
She calmly replied, "Life and death are natural things, such as the Yangtze River clearing
the stream into the sea, the spring leaves fall in the fall, if you deliberately look, it is down."
Yu Zhan's eyebrows no longer laugh, cold and sloppy, "You know, what I hate most is what
you look like."
When it comes to this, nature can't continue.
The night wind swayed the wide sleeves of the Lord's Palace, and suddenly changed
direction, blowing to the people opposite her.
A white practice comes with the wind, and under the crush of the scorpion, the grass is
devastated along the way.
The wind is like a knife, and the murder is stunned.
Liu Bull Frost flew up, as if the real true yuan barrier condensed in front of her.
She practiced the boxing method that went straight and straight, the boxing wind broke
through the air, and the thunder and thunder burst into the wilderness.
The pressure that is more than a thousand is falling on the soft white practice, but like a
stone like a lake, there is no trace of splashing.
Yu Zhan looks cold and indifferent like ice and snow.
In the hands of the white practice traverses three feet, standing still in the air, like a bridge.
And they stood at the ends of the bridge, like the snowy night when they watched the warm
wine faint.
There is a golden light shining directly into the night sky, and it is like a layer of water. It is
the radiance of the opening of the Guardian Mountain.
Centering on the main peak of the main peak, covering the remaining five peaks, from the
rolling sea of clouds to the front of the mountain gate, all the trees are covered.
This is the first time since the end of the era of the law, the first time the mountain was
opened. Headed by Zhengyangzi, all the elders in the door sit in the main hall and try to
preside over the law.
Half of the sky in the West is illuminated by the golden light of the day.
But that road came from outside the sky, and it was extremely powerful. If it had not
touched Jinguang, it would be blocked by a sword.
Jun Hao held the ‘Spring Mountain Smile’ and stood in the clouds, facing the distant world
from the wind.
In the cloud, outside the golden light, there are also two people separated by three feet.
"You may not know me. Introduce yourself, my name is Yan Xing. The teacher is stunned by
Jian Sheng, and the third is in the door."
The man in front of the mountain gate carries a long knife and a jar of wine hanging from
the waist. From the time of the full moon at night and night, the natural wind and dust, and
the fact that it does not trim the margins, is even more descriptive.
The tone of speech is sloppy, but the eyes are clear and straight, looking straight ahead,
"Actually, I always feel that you should play with my master. After all, you both use swords,
and the kendo is similar. The schoolmaster also said what 'double stars are in the world'.
Many people guess that you two... ...but not now." He pointed his finger at the sky,
"Now my master has something to do, and the second sister is not there. I can only go on.
Long time, Lin Daoyou."
This sentence is not polite, and Yan Xing really admire Lin Yuangui. Since he began to
practice, the name is the same as the master brother. But he did not serve the other's kendo
talent, but slashed the sword on the mountain.
He saw a real person today and sincerely felt that if he had lived for a hundred years, he
could compete with the other side.
Opposite him, the man wearing a blue robe is simply standing there, like a tall, straight
pine. The coldness between the eyebrows is like the snow and ice that does not change all
the year round.
Lin Yuan returned to silence and patiently, nodded, "Yan Daoyou."
This is even after the greeting.
But Yan Xing still does not intend to do it. He only has a lot of words when he is drunk on
weekdays. It’s like drunkenness tonight, but it’s like drunk.
"Why did Lin Daoyou come?"
Lin Yuan replied, "The elders of the division are entrusted."
He believes that since it is a two-person showdown, and he is better than the other party, it
should be the first time.
This old pedantic ancient gift has long been ignored, but Lin Yuangui still insists on doing it.
So now the Yan line does not move, he can only talk to each other.
Yan Xing asked again, "What is the matter of the elders of the division?"
"Take me a battle at the end of the world."
"After the fight?"
"If you are defeated, you will die in the end of the world. If you win, the grace of the
teacher's door has been reported. I have squandered the law and left Hengduan."
Yan Xing looked awkward. "Where is this reason."
Lin Yuangui still looks calm. It seems as if it should be.
Yan Xing thought for a moment, "What do you do when you leave, what is the sorrow of the
sword? And what about the disciples of your master? They are afraid that they will not go
any further."
The two old factions of Bao Puzong are not secrets. After the death of Master Lin Yuangui,
Yu Shi’s power was monopolized, and the dissidents were well known.
In the face of these two problems, Lin Yuangui can only be silent. The first time I didn’t
answer, I asked, “Why are you telling me this?”
Yan Xing said calmly, "One is because the two just met, and they didn't say a word, it was
too boring. Second, because I can't beat you, I have to delay the time."
Lin Yuangui apparently did not expect him to say so. Is it not as good as people, is it not a
taboo in the war?
At this point, they are even more unable to understand each other.
Lin Yuan returned from Xiao Xiao’s hills in the vast expanse of smoke, and practiced swords
day after day. There was no difference between one year and ten years. His master taught
him to be benevolent, righteous, and wise, but he did not teach him the moment of loyalty
and dilemma.
Yan Xingchang is used to the whole world in the mixed market of fish and dragons. On the
day of Juggernaut, he spent a few drinks in the spring-sleeved building and also played a
fight against the girl's mountain. The rest of the pub ran away, leaving him alone, knowing
that he would not be able to make a comeback and go half a life.
Juggernaut once said, "As for you, nine lives are not enough for you to die."
In other words, acknowledging that it is not as good as the other party will not shake the
war of Yan Xing. Because of the behavior of 'seeking death', he carried out his first half of
I can't beat you, but I just want to play with you.
There is a kind of killing me.
Yan Xing took out a long knife and was in the right color. "Lin Daoyou, please --"

Chapter 99: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The knife of Yan Xing is very fast, from the knife to the fall, this time is almost non-existent.
The blade reflected the golden light of the front of the mountain gate, and it was like a
straight gold thread.
Lin Yuangui’s sword was very slow, and the blade and the scabbard collided intensively,
and the echo was like a shower. When his sword finally came out of the sheath, the knife's
knife was just right in front of him.
The gold line and the long sword hit each other, and they smacked out the brilliance of the
dead leaves, and the dead leaves of the dead leaves in front of them were clearly seen. Lin
Yuan looked straight into the glaring light, followed the sword's posture, and the wrist was
slightly picked.
Compared with the heavy water-cutting knife, Haoyuejian is even thinner. His sword is not
a move.
But Yan Xing flew back. A retreat is more than ten feet.
At the same time, the wrist flew more than 20 knives, and the golden light was lit up
successively, such as the dragon.
His robes have touched the stone steps of the mountain gate, and there is no way to retreat.
Another ten knives, the Qingming that hit the gas phase of the sword was dense and sharp.
A total of thirty-six knives, finally resolved the other side of the first sword.
Lin Yuangui still stood in the same place, and the robe angle did not move.
The body of Yan Xing’s body was split by the sword and smashed. And his chest was
disgusting, the throat was so sweet and unbearable, and he simply took a sip of blood on
the ground.
All the previous ideas about this battle were invalidated at the moment when Lin Yuan
returned the sword.
He didn't know how strong the other was, just as he didn't know how strong the master
Just as just now, the other side just wants to pull out the sword and pull out the sword. It is
easy and convenient to pick up a long-awaited knife.
You don't even need to cross the sword on the mountain to smash the moon, clear the light,
and just take a ‘青云出岫’, you can also play him like a dog.
Faced with this situation, most people will be desperate. What's more, Lin Yuan has
returned to the second sword, and the jackdaw is flying in the distance, and the dead
branches are destroyed. More than ten miles under the foot of the mountain, shrouded in
the sword of the Sen Ran sharp, like a network of overwhelming.
Yan Xun spit out the blood, and the back of his hand wiped a corner of his mouth. Don't
quit, take out the knife again.
This knife has no golden light, and it is not so fast, because he has no longer relied on the
power of the mountain guard.
From the squally winds, the snow and grass are smashed into powder and rise high, but
they are avoiding themselves at the edge of the blade. Yan Xing formed an absolute vacuum
in front of him, and he took out the passage in the network of Lin Yuangui.
The water knife and the second month of the sword!
The general sword of the weaving net quickly gathered back, Lin Yuan returned to the wrist
and pressed the sword, and the force of Wan Hao ran along the intersection of the knife and
the sword.
He let the other party first shot, it is a ritual. It is respectful to go all out now.
At the foot of Yan Xing, the land trembled and sank three inches. The gravel collapsed and
the spider web cracked deep. The sword is pressed down by the blade, just like the entire
cross-cutting mountain is pressed against the wrist, and the carpal bone is overwhelmed
and gives a crisp crack.
Yan Xing's entire line of broken kites generally flies backwards, the ground is pulled out of
the pit, and the smoke is filled.
His ribs also broke two, and the coughed blood mixed with debris from the organs, covered
with dust and blood. With the knife to support the ground, there is no kneeling on the
ground. The remnant sword gas raged in his veins, and the pain of sharp bones was heard.
Can not help but wake up to realize that how can the knife cut off the water, the opposite
person is not water, but the mountain.
It is hard to climb steel.
Then he used his left hand to tear off the broken sleeves and flexibly tied to the right wrist.
Tighten the handle to the wrist. After completing this action, he was cold and sweaty and
his face was pale and bloodless.
The real element in the body began to burn wildly, and his eyes burned like a fire, and the
sword in the veins was temporarily suppressed, and the Yan line once again slashed!
The battlefield of Junyi and Yushi was in the sky above his head, and the magnificent
mountain gate was behind him.
How can I retire.
The surging cloud sea, the rest of the world is holding hands, the look is very indifferent.
"After tonight, there is no inheritance in the world."
Just think of this, let him be very happy.
He will kill the monarch, and the other few will die in the hands of the demon, or die in
front of the gates of the mountains, no different. In his view, Duan Chongxuan has a special
status. Now he inherits the North Lutong system and naturally cannot be a sword disciple.
Wei Jingfeng has a lot of glory, but the meteor is fleeting. After death, even a legacy can't
stay. After thousands of years, who would remember that there was a sword saint? It’s so
Wei Jingfeng’s madness is always awkward, and it’s really retribution.
Yu Shixiang, for this day, it is worthwhile to enter the magic.
As night falls, the shadow of the sword of the Gossip gossip continues to expand until it
obscures the half of the sky, like the ancient behemoth that was chosen in the dark. In
contrast, the golden light of the Hushan array was eclipsed.
Chunshan smiled and felt the other party's killing intentions, shaking in the hands of Jun
They stand still in the clouds.
This level of fighting is far beyond the concept of the trick. Just as Rong Rong was far away
on the Hengduan Mountain, it would become a sea of blood. Yu Shi’s gossip sword is also
everywhere in the sea of clouds. If there is no barrier between the monarch and the
guardian mountain, this overwhelming silence is enough to make the six peaks of the
Yashan Mountain collapse.
Jun Hao faced the side and felt this terrible power.
Chunshan smiled in his hand, fighting each other on the top of the horizon, fighting with
thousands of swords.
Yu Shixiang, but it is a peak of Mahayana. How can it be so powerful that it can reverse the
sky? The difference between the five years of monasticism between them is more than the
gap between the heavens and the gullies.
Unless the other party can break through the Azov overnight, this kind of battle is
meaningless, just the difference between the length of support.
When he thought of it, he could not help but sigh, "Even if you have never been robbed,
there is no difference between the old man and the saint."
He got a secret method to improve his strength in a short period of time, as one of the
exchange conditions with Rong Rong. Yu Shi is confident that if the stunned wind is still in
the world, he can also slap the other side under the sword.
Junxi seriously corrected him. "It is not a saint, it is a pseudo-holy."
There is no ridicule and rebuttal, the tone is calm, as if only to state the facts.
This is the first sentence he said tonight, saying that he is like a sword, and that the heart of
the ruthless Yasheng Peak is also angry.
Yu Shi said coldly, "Looking for death."
The huge Baoji gossip sword virtual shadow is fast and solid, breaking the wind and
wearing the clouds, stabbing to Jun.
Except for the Taoist wars millions of years ago, no war can surpass this night, whether it is
the scope of war or the repair of the participants. On five continents, the practitioners of
the Tenth* are fighting, or on their way to the battlefield. In the fierce bloodshed, the night
is extraordinarily long.
Yin Yin is in front of the Changyuan Temple, and the twelve magical powers have started to
fight from day to day, and they have been hitting the night. The Changyuan Temple did not
know what structure, what strange materials were used, and the sharp swords and
powerful attacks could only leave shallow scratches.
However, there are no snow and dry grass in the square, and only the cracks that are not
deep at the bottom are scattered, and the battle is fierce.
The more Yin Yin was only slightly injured, but the face was bloodless, his expression was
exhausted, and the sword was not as accurate as before. In fact, he was able to stay up to
the present under such siege, only to reveal the weakness of the subsequent weakness, in
the eyes of those who are powerful, it is already incredible fighting power.
After all, they have dominated the East Coast for a long time, and the experience of realm
and combat should have been far better than this young man. Nowadays, each of the twelve
people has suffered injuries, and they wait until the other side is tired. It is rumored that
the swordsmen are the best at the enemy, and they are weak and strong. It really makes
The sword of Yin Yue is like a cold water, and it is very powerful. It’s just that the real yuan
is not good. It’s half an inch to the right, and Jianqi passes the opponent. Back to the sword,
the empty door behind him opened wide.
A rare flaw, a chance to kill each other, fleeting, not much thinking.
The direction of the twelve people changed rapidly, and the five strongest people who
worked as the strongest went all out, and they made a decisive decision without any
scruples. As long as the rest of the people can restrain the Yin, the battle will end.
In the darkness of the night, the earth trembles, and the tides of the sea tide are wrapped in
earth and stone.
However, the expected scene did not appear, but the sound of the sharp edge piercing the
flesh is particularly clear and harsh.
The five people attacked the moment of defeat, the heart was not good, and the heart was
cool, and the severe pain spread. I didn't even have time to look back, and I kept my
unbelievable look down on the ground.
Yin Yue showed his body shape behind the five people, and the remaining swords were
arrogant and arrogant. The whole person was in the dust that was rolled up. The Thunder
hit a hand, he no longer loves the battle, and the interval between the beggars has been
highlighted, rushing to the direction of the snow-capped peaks.
The change is too fast, and the living people can't believe it. In such a fierce battle, the
opponent's air machine is locked in a deadlock, how to get out of it, and so fast and so fast,
complete the anti-killing?
Yin Yin has appeared in the eyes of more than a few miles, and his body shape is only a
glimpse. When it appears again, it has reached the foot of Xuefeng!
His fastest way to step on the mountain, no one has revealed a half point in the battle. Just
to wait until the moment, a sword kills five people, and then gets out of trouble. This is
much faster than his individual breaks, just need more patience and endurance.
He is surrounded by the violent output of the real yuan, like burning the spirit, almost at
the speed of breaking through the space, successively rushing through the twelve sentry
posts, rushing directly above the snow peaks!
The magical powers who are chasing behind him are even more shocked than they are.
They must rush to the snowfields. Even if the Golden Palace is not in the house, the snow-
capped peaks are not good. There are not only the disciples of the Golden Palace, but also
the Devils of the Snow Mountain. What is the difference between self-investment and net?
Is this person running out of the wrong way, or is it completely crazy? !

Chapter 100: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue is not crazy, but the mind is more and more awake.
Along the way, he was screaming and screaming, and all kinds of instruments were
overwhelming to him. He holds the sword and kills people, and the speed is not reduced.
Those who can keep up with him are not enough to stay in the snowfield one or two, but
there are also hundreds of people, and they are chasing after more than ten feet. What's
more, the road ahead is constantly entangled with the magical force, looking at the black
pressure. As long as he is a little slower, he will fall into the front and back.
How to look is a desperate and desperate situation.
The real yuan collides with the magic, and the brilliance of different instruments is
intertwined. The place where Yin Yin went up raised the snow curtains, the blood on this
path was sprayed, the corpses were everywhere, and they extended straight to the snow
peaks, as if from the human purgatory to the sky.
Yin Yiyue can be called a person to stop killing, and a Buddha to stop killing Buddha. In the
daytime, I was born with a sense of familiarity. It was like a long and distant time and
space, and I had to fight for thousands of miles, killing the snow-capped peaks.
The spirit is highly concentrated, and the sword orientation and sword strokes are
calculated continuously. The mountain river quickly consumes the gods. The sword gas
quickly consumes the real yuan, causing him to burst through the body's meridians, but it
does not hurt, but only feels happy.
Very happy!
The white hair sword repaired from the Palace Court on the Xuefeng, and the red light of
the Zhuwa Jinwa was lit up. The edge of the dark clouds on the horizon also sheds
thousands of red awns.
It is a large array of passive triggers buried in the Golden Palace.
No one was intercepted in front of him. The magic repairman who saw more than ten feet
behind him saw the red light and the sky, and the emperor retreated to avoid the
indiscriminate attack when the formation was opened.
Yin Yi stopped at the height of the building and the highest building, the foot of the eight-
fold loft. The wind blew his clothes, and the sleeves were hunting and flying. The blood ran
down the Linyuan sword, and the blood was like a demon.
There is a long red light between the heavens and the earth, and the strong ****
atmosphere is condensed into the essence, turning into a tens of millions of sharp edges, as
dense as a net, pressing down the invaders!
Tonight, the jade is not in the eye, and the power of the Devil's Array is less than half.
Otherwise, the **** accumulation of the Golden Palace for millions of years is enough to
make any saints squander.
Yin Yin flew up and the attic crashed down under his feet. The blood on the sword has
already been exhausted, and the body of the sword is as clean as it is, showing the red sky.
He sinks his wrist and then leaves the sword.
Lin Yuanjian came out and quickly pierced the air, and there was a clear sound. Such as the
dragon in the wild, echoing throughout the snowfield.
Not arrogant, not enemies, the gods and soldiers along the way all the way straight to the
It seems to be a sword to the sky.
The wind and the sky changed suddenly.
Over the snowfield, the heavy clouds that passed through the year were passed by the
sword and began to burn intensely. The violent heat on the sword instantly evaporated the
water, and there was no rain or snow falling. The starlight behind the dark clouds rushed
out, shining on the white snow, such as the silver jade, flashing bright light.
As the sword moves all the way, the glaring light shines from the snow, as if to open a
dividing line between the morning and the night. The temples of the Golden Palace on the
Xuefeng, the snowy hills and glaciers in the snowfield are illuminated.
The whole Donglu, the magical repairs that are chasing and intercepting, the hunters in the
wilderness, and the ordinary people in the town streets, are looking up at the same time.
In the dark night, there is a spark of fire across the sky. It is faintly discernible in the shape
of a sword, wearing a cloud and breaking the fog, making the vast starry sky appear.
On the nine days, there is a faint ignorance of the supreme pressure. The stars of the stars
seem to fall on the sword. The quaint long sword glows with unrecognizable brilliance, as if
it were burning to become a fierce fire.
Indigo night sky, silver starlight, red flame, the picture is too magnificent, shocking to think.
"This is... what sword?"
Yin Yin is standing in the wind, Linyuan sword falls from the sky, the process seems to be
long, but in reality it is instantaneous. With the energy of shackles, the power of destroying
the earth and destroying the land, Lin Yuan returned to his hands.
Ling Xiaojian started his first style - Xinghe Shen.
Compared to the faint glare of innocent warfare in the seaside town, it is far from the
The brilliance of the entire starry sky is condensed on the sword.
Some people on the snow peak turned to the mountain, and the number of people was
increasing. They didn't even know why they were going down the mountain. They just
followed the instincts of the practitioners and rushed to the snow peak with the fastest
The look of the edge of the cliff was completely cold, and it seemed to guess what Yin
wanted to do. If he can leave here, or if his power can leave, he will never let this sword
come into being.
However, just when the talents were in the first place, his knowledge was introduced into
the illusion of the heavens and the nine turns, under the stars.
Luo Mingchuan and Yin Yuyue joined forces with Xingshan Temple to join forces to defend
the enemy. One eye knows how to fight. Later, even if the eyes are not used, they will know
who will lead the enemy, who will assist, when to return, and when to attack.
Together with the swords on the snowy peaks, Luo Mingchuan made a decision. This kind
of technique has the same effect as the meditation of Guan Guan. If Rong Rong breaks
through the border, he will also suffer serious rebellion.
At this time, when the people were in the illusion, they were killed by the magical objects of
the stars, but the voice was clearly introduced into the sea.
"Even if you kill me and end the war, what can you do?"
"I am dead, the blood of the 100,000 magic repairs is invalid, naturally hate you into the
bones, even if you are repaired as super-excessive, the ants are also biting dead."
The next sentence is to say to Yin Yin,
"Why, your brothers practiced the Tianluo nine turns is a heresy. The righteous monk can't
accommodate him. After the war, no one doubts him. The human heart is more terrible
than the sword."
"You will stand on the opposite side of the world. Can you kill the people for him?"
Yin Yi answered the same voice. "You and I have different views on the world. There is
nothing to say."
No matter how the process of Luo Mingchuan's practice of the gentleman's road is
demanding, no matter what they encounter in Xingshan Temple, they always have goodwill
to the world. Still willing to trust others and believe in yourself.
No more words, he took the sword in both hands and smashed it onto the snow peak.
With the realm of Yin and Yue, the use of Ling Xiaojian to urge Linyuan is far from being
free. When Fang Yuanyuan returned to his hands, he felt that the wrist bones were
cracking, and the meridians were smashed by the sword, expanding to almost burst. And he
stood in the air, just sinking and sighing, and then re-sword.
The sword body is condensed with a spark of fire, and there is a heat wave in the sword.
The snow of the whole year begins to melt. The tens of thousands of gold tiles of the palace
pavilion are smashed, the walls of the Zhu are collapsed, and the smoke and dust are mixed
with the wind and snow.
Tongtian Xuefeng is the core of the entire Xueyuan spiritual vein. The intricate veins gather
here, condense into a hub, and form an aura cycle with the heavens and the earth.
The starship of the river is a sword, the pulse of the pulse is endless, the cycle is broken,
and the half of the demon array is red.
His first sword was overcast, so the array was broken, and the second sword smashed the
snow peak.
‘Xinghe Shen’ is the starting point of the sword, and it is more than attacking. The second
sword is not the same as the trend, and chooses the ‘sea tide student’ that is getting better.
He directly used the last style of Ling Xiaojian, Shanhegui.
"Booming -"
The vertical and horizontal swords finally landed on the east side of Xuefeng, and the earth
trembled if there was thunder.
At first, it was only a crack that was invisible, and fine snow ran down from the mountain
peaks. In a blink of an eye, it merged into a huge snow body. The terrain of the snow-
capped peaks is high, and the speed of the falling snow falls sharply, eventually turning into
terrible energy.
"what happened!--"
Yin Yi stood at the highest point of Xuefeng and faintly heard the shouts of the mountain.
The team was stationed in the eastern side of the snowfield, and the magical army that
prepared the ship to cross the sea, after hearing the echo, decisively fled, but was suddenly
submerged in the flooding snow.
He has been calculating from the beginning, how much energy can destroy the cohesive
force of the veins on the snow, so that a large avalanche that never happened appeared on
this snowfield. And what kind of sword, what angle, where to fall, the extent of the
avalanche covers the largest area.
From the first style to the last one, it looks like two swords, and the sword of the world is
already in it.
The knowledge of God and the real element are exhausted, and the more Yin Yin falls from
the air, the body is like a bone, and every inch of the bones is boundless. He stood on the
pillars of the sword, surrounded by the turmoil of the collapse of the mountains, and the
roar of thunder and thunder.
It is clearly an extremely dangerous situation, but there is a sense of familiarity, such as the
ancient torrents scouring the wilderness, rushing, and instantly drowning him.
When I saw the familiarity of the Changyuan Temple, the familiarity with the snow peaks,
and the familiarity of the pictures in front of me, all of them were woven into a net, which
made him fall into an extremely empty state.
I can't hear the snow mountain roaring, I can't feel the shaking of the earth.
Lin Yuanjian’s quiet grip in his hands, for thousands of years, is no different.
Almost at the same time, Luo Mingchuan on the edge of the cliff coughed up a blood.
Rong Rong has broken through the border,
"The magical thing is born in the world, and it is endless. I am the same now. I am the
master of the abyss. How can you kill me in the abyss?"
In the illusion of the illusion, the magical thing of the 陨星渊 is controlled by Luo
Mingchuan. In reality, the opposite is true. There is a blood connection between Rong Rong
and the magic object.
The mighty magical interest rose from the abyss to the snow peaks, suppressing the
lingering spirits.
Even if there is no cloud, the stars are eclipsed.
Luo Mingchuan raised his head, because the heavy wounds of the backs were pale, and the
twilight became dark as ink.
He looked at the abyss and the abyss was watching him.
Then he jumped out.

Chapter 101: 【】
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
A thousand miles away, the western suburb of Tai'an City.
A battle has been carried out here, both sides have been seriously injured, and finally went
to the end of the mountain.
After the magical cross, the wild grass of the wilderness was burned by the fire, and there
was no snow in the radius of ten miles.
Liu Bull Frost repairs the body exercises, the body is comparable to the steel bars. But at
this time, it was blood, and the right hand that used to punch out was hanging on the side of
the body. From the five fingers to the lower arm, the bones were broken and the blood
smashed down like a creek.
Her eyes are still calm and her look is no different. The left hand clasped a dagger, the
crossbar was in front of the body, and the fingertips were slightly white.
Yuzhan's eyebrows look much better, but the low-hanging wide sleeves are broken,
revealing a clean and white arm. The pale, snowy face of the year, because of the turbulence
of blood, it is unnatural red.
The two have gone from far attack to melee. At this time, the distance is very close. The
white eyebrows of Yu Zhan are wrapped around the dagger of Liu Tushuang and compete
with the real yuan on the blade.
Suddenly, her heart felt a little, and she looked up and looked at the sky in the east.
I saw a light shining through the distant night sky, and the arc turned round, like a meteor
falling to the ground.
Of course, she knows where the spark has fallen, and she has also sensed the changes in the
Golden Palace and the Spirit.
After a moment of surprise and suspicion, unbelievable, the eyes ignited in the fire, and the
sky was full of anger, burning her whole people bright.
Juggernaut is no longer in the world, who has this ability in the world, can shake the spirit
of Xuefeng with a sword? !
Who can? Who dares!
The violent magic revolves up the scorched earth, and she is swaying in the wind, and her
hair and white dress are flying freely.
The number of white fractures was cut, and the pieces of the dagger were broken.
Liu Bull Frost was shaken three feet away, fell to sit on the ground, and his mouth
continued to overflow with blood.
The mighty magical pressure made her unable to get up. She looked up and saw the jade
eyebrows step by step. The look of indifference was better than before. "You can't beat me
if you close the life and death, I am right."
The rest of the white is in her hands, like a knife.
She stood in front of Liu Yushuang, and looked down at the opponent who was hurting her.
The anger in his eyes gradually dissipated and calmed down.
"Do you know, I have thought about it before, if you die in your hands, there is nothing
unwilling. Unfortunately, you are too weak... I will give you a corpse, where do you want to
go back?"
It is not a mockery of irony. This sentence is very serious.
Liu Bull Frost couldn't move a finger at this time, but the severe pain made her mind clear.
And clearly know that Yu Zhan will kill her and her hands will not shake.
So she answered seriously, "Yu Yashan, Yan Huafeng, from the mountain road, the second
yard in the east is mine."
Yu Zhan nodded, "I remember. If there is nowhere?"
Tonight, Yu Shi and Jun Jun are on the battlefield, they all know and can feel it.
"I believe in the master..." She looked at the look of the eyebrows and added, "If it's gone, it
won't be used anywhere. It's good here."
Why do you need to bury the bones?
Yu Zhan suddenly wanted to ask her ‘Don’t you ever think about going back to Donglu?
Have you ever thought about going back to Qiuliang Town? ’, I feel that it doesn’t make
sense to ask. When they were young, their experience of killing on the snowfield was only a
brief moment in the long practice years.
I have long known that there will be life and death in one day, and this scene has been
conceived countless times. There is still a faint wave of heart that flies, and it is like an
Jade exhibition eyebrows raised his hand, five fingers slender, pressed against the
shoulders of Liu Yu.
Therefore, it is better than the cold and cold of snow and ice, from the shoulder blade to the
whole body, the pain of the internal organs is replaced by cold bones. The woman’s voice is
close at hand, gentle and feminine like a spring breeze.
"Is there anything to say?"
Liu Bull Frost looked at her, her teeth trembled, and her voice was inaudible. "No."
"I have something to say!--"
The change is steep, and a sigh of energy breaks the silence of the wilderness and
penetrates the wind.
Yu Zhan's eyebrows were suddenly clenched in the left hand of Liu Yushou's shoulder, and
he raised his eyes and hit his hand to the sky.
The magical space collided with the gusty wind, and the shadow of the sky that was
approaching in the sky was narrowed without any warning. In the blink of an eye, it fell
lightly over ten feet.
Yu Zhan looked at his eyebrows and saw a young man dressed in gold armor, standing on
the side of a white crane, a blue bird.
Or shouldn't it be a bird.
The green feathers are red, the wings are squally, and the breath is the fire - the blue wing.
The identity of the person is clear.
Liu Bull Frost can't look back at this time, and he doesn't have to look back. He knows who
is standing behind him. But this time he should not come here.
She couldn't help but sigh. After inheriting the sect, how can she do things with the same
mind as before?
The vibration of the earth is far and near, the smoke is in the distance, and the horseshoe is
like a thunder.
The shadows in the dark are gathered in all directions, and the tide is unstoppable. And
because the youth quickly stopped a gesture.
The army has rushed to the battlefields of the Central and South China Seas. The emperor’s
guards came here.
The qualifications of the one-of-a-kind practice from the childhood training siege battle, the
assembly of the rune engraved with the mysterious iron armor, mixed horses of different
animal origins, and the death of the king at any time, depending on the absolute loyalty of
responsibility and honor above life.
Thousands of rides around the wilderness.
The young man in the armored gold smiled and couldn’t see the look under the night, but
he could feel his body full of breath and his posture relaxed.
He said, "I am willing to talk about the palace owner?"
It seems that it has been a long time, and it seems to be only a must.
Yin Yin was waking up from an empty space, and the familiarity of his heart faded. It was
followed by a forced urging of Lin Yuanjian’s blood, tingling pain, dizziness, and earth
moving mountains. Shake the crisis.
He is strong in propagating the senses of the gods. At this time, the first avalanche has
passed, and the house towers under the snow peaks have been buried. A few of the masters
who have been superbly repaired have escaped to the birth of the snowy days. The
vibration of the pulse has not been completely eliminated, and there is always the
possibility of a second avalanche.
It is not these that really make Yin Yin more worried, but the brothers are gone. Not only
did the gods know that there was no trace, even the weak connection between him and his
brother, because of the double repairs, was completely broken.
The sea violently fluctuated, and I saw that the 濯 渊 的 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯 濯
The red-faced devil's mouth is slightly hooked, revealing a malicious smile.
Then jumped and jumped off the abyss.
The more Yin Yin in this eye is simply to blow up.
When you mention the real yuan, you will go to the abyss, and the mountain will be urged
to the fastest, almost the afterimage.
Brother! I know that you also jumped!
Yin Yin went to the Golden Palace, and the shock of the pulse began to contain a second
avalanche. The thunderous sound of the flood echoed behind him. He doesn't look back, the
sword is in his hand, straight ahead!
In the sharp scream of tearing the air, the snow and snow retreat, and a nearly vacuum
passage was taken in front of him, so that he could not go to the edge of the star.
A battle has been experienced around the abyss, and the remaining real and magical
interests are still being hedged. The sound of the wind has calmed down, and the sliding of
the snow body seems to be blocked by the invisible force. Yin Yue feels a very
uncomfortable coldness.
There is a spirit in the heavens and the earth, and the air and the machine are in a cycle of
life and death. However, there is no life here, it is the death and suffocation of silence.
The wind and snow can't enter, and God can't find it. The most terrible thing is the
The abyss, like the ancient behemoths, opened their mouths and couldn’t wait to choose
someone, but they waited patiently with patience.
Yin Yi went over with a sword and then jumped down.
The brothers are not aware of life and death below. This kind of thing has no choice at all.
The wind whistling in the ear, the cold air of the tide surged over the top of the head. There
is a strong suction in the abyss, and it is impossible to fight against it.
The speed of falling can't be controlled, and the sense of weight loss causes the illusion of
suffocation, which is the most panic.
He was inexplicably reminded of the autumn windy night, Master took advantage of himself
to jump from the cloud and laughed and said, "Isn't it exciting? You see, life is a surprise!"
The suction is weakened, and the solid land is touched under the foot. It is clearly a very
fast falling speed, and it is still silent when it reaches the bottom. The dead air that
condenses into the essence is accompanied by the yin wind, which is like a ghost.
The boundless magic.
Yin Yin smiled more. Really exciting.
Linyuan swords and evil spirits, the world is the first bright, why have you avoided?
Since seeing the fragments of the projections of the future destiny in the Buddhist temple,
Luo Mingchuan felt that he and Yu Xingyuan had a subtle involvement. Later, he practiced
the Tianluo nine-turn and unblocked the cultivation of the concept. He even saw and felt
the abyss more than once.
It seems that it is destined to be in the dark, and the abyss has been waiting for him.
There is life and death, there is light and shadow, there is no absolute saint or gentleman.
And the dead end of the world, the darkest abyss, like his dark side.
Luo Mingchuan once rejected this doom, resisted this involvement, and eventually came
here. At this time he walked under the abyss and did not feel strange.
Tian Luo nine turns to self-work, his color is like ink, and the blood is slightly red in the
The demon has no intellect, but only the instinct to avoid disadvantages. This kind of
special pressure is their deepest fear. Even if they smell the flesh and blood, they dare not
come forward.
But Luo Mingchuan still feels something less.

Chapter 102:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
If you look down from the cliff, the abyss is narrow and long, and the intimacy is different.
The more you go down, the wider and wider the space. At this time, the unclear monsters
actively evaded, and there was an empty darkness.
Rong Rong looked at the people in front of him and suddenly felt extremely ridiculous.
After a hundred years of painstaking efforts and dedication, I have been buried in the
Northland for 20 years, and I have lost a reincarnation. Feeling like the arm of the finger to
get out of control, shock, unwillingness, resentment all kinds of emotions, so that his body
magical riots like boiling water.
As if I still feel that this kind of stimulation is not enough, Luo Mingchuan’s eyes can’t see
emotions and calm down. “Now, you are not.”
As the other party, ‘I am the master of the abyss, how can you kill me in the abyss? ‘answer.
Rong Rong looked up and laughed, his eyes were cracked, and the red clothes rushed like
blood. Scarlet magic gathered in his body, condensed into a sword.
Luo Mingchuan did not swear, just staring at each other, showing a sword screen in front of
him. At the same time, the wrist turned over and Shen Zhoujian appeared in his hands.
Tens of thousands of swords collided in the air, and the roaring caused the base to vibrate
violently. After the blade was broken into powder, it was continuously regenerated. Just
like two sea tides, the waves of the first and second layers are one after another.
The ability to borrow the power of the 陨星渊 is the greatest reliance on Rong Rong. Now
that the abyss cannot be used for him, he is in a state of madness.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "The borrowed is borrowed after all."
How powerful is it, and it is only lost in an instant. Even if you want to repair the devil, you
need to be diligent, and the ingenuity of painstaking efforts is used in borrowing power.
This is the end of the road.
In the tide of Wan Jian, Luo Mingchuan's body shape does not move, Shen Zhoujian comes
out, the electric light generally breaks through the blood and waves, straight to the other
An angry boat in the sea, going upstream.
He does not often make swords, but he is not not good at using swords. In the battle of the
moment, he always has more than one sword, which is the key to breakthrough.
Shen Zhoujian was swift and fierce, and he took the path in the Scarlet's magical interest
and came to the front of Rong Rong.
Suddenly another bright sword light pierced from the oblique, the electric light stone fire,
the two men's confrontation battle became three-legged.
Luo Mingchuan turned his head and was shocked. "Teacher!"
Lin Yuanjian first arrived, Yin Yin followed closely, and the whole body was swept away by
blood, standing outside the count.
He didn't understand why his brother was discolored, because he didn't know how terrible
he looked. When he was on the snowfield all the way, the black cloak was full of blood,
broken, and only the silkworms, and later killed with the monsters, but because the care
was not bitten. At this time, the white clothes were soaked in blood for most of them, and
they were particularly shocking.
When I didn't have time to say anything, Yin Yi only called out a brother, and I realized that
Luo Mingchuan's state was very wrong.
The most direct manifestation is on the twilight. In the past, the ink-colored pupils that
reminded the Tianluo nine turns have already had blood red.
At the moment when Linyuan Jianguang appeared, Rong Rong did not hesitate to choose a
hard-resisting sword and let the abdomen be torn open. At the same time, the magic is all
out, and the flying body turns to Yin Yi and the attack.
Yin Zhenyue’s true Yuan is almost exhausted, and the pressure is steeply increased. Lin
Yuanjian is blocked by blood and sea, and his eyes are crumbling.
The blade body unexpectedly began to vibrate violently, as if it received a certain kind of
inspiration, it suddenly accelerated, highlighting the magical interest and encircling the
other party's heart.
The sword gas bursts in the body of Rong Rong, and the blood spray is thin. There is no
possibility of two serious injuries.
Yin Yin is more shocked, because Lin Yuanjian actually does not lose speed, and breaks out
and stabs straight back!
Fang Luomingchuan was able to take a shot to Yin Yin, and he couldn’t wait in front of the
younger brother. He had to attack the enemy behind him. At this time, I am now behind. Yin
Yan looked at the brothers without any precautions, and was pierced into the heart by Lin
The change is too fast, and all the dust in the blink of an eye is settled.
From the Yin Yue to the sword to the present, the choice of Rong Yu, the choice of Luo
Mingchuan, the back of the Linyuan sword, are all but necessary.
Between the beggars, it is turned upside down.
Wan Jian, magic, and magic have disappeared. There is only blood in the darkness.
Luo Mingchuan snorted and raised his hand to draw a long sword, blood squatting. The
Linyuan sword "铛锒" landed, and the echo was harsh.
Rong Rong fell to the ground, his laughter was particularly harsh, and he complained. "Life
and death are the same as the door, and you can't end."
He originally thought that he could not kill Luo Mingchuan, and he could kill an Yin Yue.
Now this variable is really a surprise, he laughed and vomited blood, and he never lost his
Yin Yin heard more and more words, facing the blood hole in the chest of the Shang
brother, a blank in the brain.
His physical overdraft has long been exhausted, and now he relies on one breath. Everyone
was shocked, and countless wounds and wounds were bursting together. The blood was
pouring up, and a blood could not be suppressed.
I know the colic of the sea and the ground, and I want to keep my teeth awake, but my
consciousness is in a dark darkness.
The last picture before the coma is that the brothers are dull and the look is difficult to
distinguish. Looking at his eyes quietly, step by step toward him.
It is only a few feet apart, but it is like Wang Yang.
Xi'an suburb of Tai'an.
The thick snow cloud did not know when it had dispersed, and the faint starlight shone in
the indigo sky. It is reflected in the open wilderness, adding to the cold and loneliness.
Yu Zhan’s eyebrows looked around in the shadow of black sorrow and smiled ironically.
“Can chat, can the emperor dare to retreat?”
She still holds the hand on the shoulder of Liu Yu, and she does not relax.
Duan Chongxuan also laughed. "This is nature. The beauty of the palace is fascinating, and
the thousands of troops are back!"
He was slightly sideways, and he waved his hand, "Retreat!-"
The cavalry surrounding the wilderness did not hesitate for a moment. The neat horseshoe
stunned the smoke, and turned back more than ten feet, and the interval was wider than
This distance is very subtle and is very conducive to negotiation. Yu Zhan's eyebrows are
sure to retreat alone, but it is impossible to hold another person to break through. Even
with a slap in the face, it is impossible to block the attack in all directions at the same time.
Yu Zhan's eyebrows converge on the smile.
No one has called her a beauty for many years. Powerful and cold, enough to make people
forget the beauty of the skin.
She raised her eyebrows slightly and sighed, "There is an emperor like you in Hokuriku."
Even if you are dressed up, it looks like a singer. It does not meet the inherent impression
of the emperor.
I also think of Liu Yushuang's thousands of miles in the floating sea. It is such a person to
save, and this person not only returned to the Northland alive, but also became an emperor.
If the Rongrong authorities can't get it, some people will be born in their hands, and there
are countless people paving the way for his success.
With this in mind, I can't help but sigh again that the world is impermanent. "Duan
Sheng'an will have a son like you."
The two words 'successful' are suspicious and disdainful.
Surprised by the good fortune of the other party, but also scornful each other only good
Duan Chongxuan did not listen to it at all, and replied earnestly. "What does this have to do
with me? It is clearly my own high level of reincarnation."
Then he did not ask, "Does the Lord think that you are better suited to give me a son than
Jade exhibition eyebrows practiced hundreds of years, killing people like numbness, the
first time there is no words to correct.
Liu Bull Frost is facing her younger brother at this time, but she doesn't have to look at it to
know what his expression is. With her understanding of Duan Chongxuan, these seemingly
useless nonsense will eventually become the key to determining the outcome of the event.
Or, this is the way the younger brothers fight.
Yu Zhan smiled and smiled coldly. "You have to know, I will kill her, you may not be able to
stay with me."
Duan Chongxuan shook his head. "How do you want to die? What do you want from the
palace owner? Can you give it to Hokuriku?"
When he said this, he was understatement, but he was very powerful. Because he is the
owner of Hokuriku.
The king is a promise, not a thousand dollars.
Because for Duan Chongxuan, if the sister-in-law has something, even if he kills the other
party, he can't make up for it.
"You don't have to work hard, I don't want your city, Chizhou." Yuzhan said, "I want to turn
Duan Chongxuan did not know how the situation of Liu Biaoqiu was, and he did not dare to
rush in the near future. His heart was anxious, but his face was very calm.
"The palace master broke the whole body and bones twice before, and used the secret of
the Golden Palace to reinvigorate the reincarnation and regenerate. The last time lasted for
ten years. Is it not?"
"How is it?!"
"When the main function of the palace is used, there may be stings in the intercourse,
stagnation, occasional heart rhythm disorder, temper and irritability?"
The eyes of Yu Zhan's eyebrows are colder.
"The palace owner does not have to be nervous, but the family has a gaze. If you want to
learn, I will teach you..." Seeing the other person is intolerant, Duan Chongxuan is serious.
"Actually, the heart of the palace is also clear, and the bones were damaged by the bones."
In addition, the practice is quick and unsatisfactory, the foundation is unstable, the early
years of darkness and incursion have not been eradicated, and the body has already been
overwhelmed. If it is not by the deep cultivation, the body of the palace is now afraid of
being ill. Even if it is temporary, The bottleneck in the future practice will only be more
than once thrilling."
"What you need is not the turn of the sky, but the North Royal Family to nurse the body and
the heart of the heart. I just took it with me."
Liu Bull Frost heard this, moved to the younger brother to try his best, but still sighed in his
heart. This time, the younger brother is afraid that it is wrong. Where is the jade exhibition
eyebrow? She wants to turn around and ask for nothing. Just because it is the strongest
magic in the world. For her, as long as she can be the best in the world, there is no
difference between one day and one year.
She has always been like this, just wants the best.
Sure enough, Yu Zhan’s eyebrows disdain, “Do I look like a fool?”
"I am thinking about the palace owner with one heart and one mind. If the palace owner
does not believe it, he can give it a try. Divide two magical interests, one from the season
threatening, slanting down to the burrowing circle, around the body, one line, and finally At
the same time, the two met in the **** sea. See if there is a calming effect of calming the
blood as I said."
"My sister is in your hand, you have a little bad luck when you are doing a good job, and the
magical riots may kill her. How can I lie to you?"
At this moment, Liu Biaoqi almost thought that the younger brother knew her plans. As for
now, she has saved a small amount of power, and the breath of jade is also relaxed.
Liu Bull Frost is still stiff and stiff, but the spirit is highly concentrated, waiting quietly.
She knows that, in the past, Yu Zhan will never try, but she was also severely wounded in
the first battle. The surface is not exposed, but it is already the end of the strong.
Duan Chongxuan is still talking. "There is only one such power path, and the effectiveness is
less than one tenth. If you match the heart of the heart..."
At this time, the face of Yu Zhan suddenly changed, and the right hand held on the shoulder
of Liu Yushou pushed the person out straight!
One push is a few feet away.
The thunder and the tragic screams in the air sounded almost simultaneously.
Duan Chongxuan unexpectedly did not, and subconsciously went to help the sister, and Liu
Yushuang waved his hand to him, indicating that he was standing still.
He turned his head and looked at it. Yu Zhan’s eyebrows fell to the ground, from the right
arm to the half body, and the blood was crisscrossed. The flesh is turned up and the white
bones are faintly visible.
Liu Bull Frost looked calm and asked Emei, "Why?"
Why are you pushing me out?
Yu Zhan smiled twice and was coughed by the blood in his throat. "You want to go with me,
I am not as good as you!"
Duan Chongxuan was shocked and unbelievable to see his sister. Liu Yushuang gave him a
soothing look but did not explain anything.
Is it true that people who have closed their lives and deaths are really bearish? The mind
turned to electricity, Duan Chongxuan quickly wanted to understand the cause and effect,
and for a moment was a bit stunned.
Even if you don't come, 80% will be the result.
Liu Bull Frost is silent.
She will cover the real spirits of the remaining Yuan, and cover them with boxing, such as
gathering wind and thunder. If it is self-destructive with a mortal heart, such a close
distance, there is a 90% chance to kill both himself and Yu Zhan.
Fang Caiyu's eyebrows are divided into magical movements, and they must guard against
Duan Chongxuan. She is a little lax with her, and she will make the real yuan burst in the
For them, the only variable tonight is not the arrival of Duan Chongxuan, but the choice of
Yu Zhanmei.
Liu Biaoshuang was eroded by her magical sensation. She could detect it with a slight
change. When she was in the first round, she couldn’t get back, and she didn’t retreat.
Instead, she accelerated the running of the magical interest, took the other’s true element,
turned her back, and decisively Launch the scope of the explosion.
This series of actions, as long as a little later, will now be two people.
Obviously, the Golden Palace Lord did not have time to think, and the body subconsciously
made a decision for her.
Liu Bull Frost asked her why, in fact, she did not know.
Jade's eyebrows lie on his back, and the blue sky above his head is faint, his vision is wide,
but he is slowly dyed with blood. Her magical ravages in the broken bones of the veins,
making life fast. Duan Chongxuan said that it is good, this body has too many hidden
dangers, it is easy to reverse.
Liu Bull Frost walked over and squatted in front of her, listening to her near her lips.
"You have to live, the longer you live, the better, so someone in the world remembers me."
After the birth and death, the indifferent mood that waved could not be broken.
Liu Yu Frost mute, "I promise you. Where do you want to go back?"
This question, Yu Zhanmei also asked her.
Yu Zhan raised his hand and smiled and pointed to the direction. "I want to go back to
Donglu Snowfield."
Liu Bull Frost thought, there is clearly West.
Forget it, you said that East is East.
She leaned over and picked up the jade, and the white skirt in her arms was stained with
blood, light like a piece of paper.
"Well, I will send you back."
Looking back at my younger brother. They did not say a word tonight, but there is no need
to say anything between the same door.
Duan Chongxuan waved his hand, "Go, sister, go back to the world."
The cavalry waiting for the troops to give up a passage, Liu Yushuang holding the jade
exhibition eyebrows, the red blood sprinkled all the way.
The wind blew, and the long night finally passed. There is no sunrise, only the sky in the
east is slightly white.
The sound of Yu Zhan’s eyebrows is almost inaudible. “It’s so cold today...”
"You are wearing too little."
"I don't remember the way..."
"I remember that."
I will remember the road and I will remember you. I swear.
Chapter 103:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The boundary between dawn and night seems to be only a moment.
The subtle white light on the horizon on the east side flooded like a tide, occupying most of
the sky. The other half of the bright blue night, the starlight fades, only the translucent
moon shadow.
A good wind and a moon.
It is a pity that the wind is a bitter hurricane, and it is a heavy **** suffocation. The moon is
a cold moon.
Zhong Shan’s consciousness is a bit fuzzy, and he is dizzy because he has too much blood
The scope of the collapse of the two difficulties was uncontrollable. He was seriously
injured and trapped in the gap between the collapsed boulder.
There is a silky sky shining through the cracks, like a sly sword light, like a rain silk wind.
He stood at the dividing line between life and death, as if he saw the predecessors who had
been holding the wind and sword a million years ago.
The same place, a similar situation.
I thought about it. In the whole sword, the wind and rain siege was not the strongest sword.
Because this sword is not powerful.
Do not seek to be strong, do not seek to be fast. It’s a joy to start with the ‘warm rain and
clear wind.” Later, the two styles of wind and danger caused the diseased bones, and the
rain and throat swallowed the intestines, which was bitter cold. It is relieved that the
slanting wind and rain will not be returned.
Everything in life, a storm. Different places, how can there be strengths and weaknesses.
He seems to understand something.
The ancient language cloud sighs and can die. Moreover, he once tried his best to fight for
the benevolence, and at this time there was no regret, and he was most easily burned.
But Zhongshan does not want to die. Because he just learned the wind and rain sword, he
hasn’t practiced it once. Because there are many people waiting for him in Qinglan
Mountain. Because Master’s tomb has not been swept.
Being concerned sometimes makes people vulnerable and sometimes makes them strong.
He still supported the spirit, the wounds were already numb, the body temperature was
getting colder, and the process of fighting death was so long and painful.
The shattered light is getting brighter and brighter. I don’t know when the loud voices are
screaming outside. It’s not really true, it’s like his illusion.
"Wait a minute, I found another one here, as if I was still alive, wearing a green robe."
"Come on four moving stones, be careful, fast, and follow the team's military doctors to
keep up..."
Yin Yiyue’s consciousness is trapped in chaos, as if he is struggling to float in the cold sea,
exhausted and desperate.
The broken picture is like a bubble, and the glimpse of the light usually appears repeatedly
in his mind and disappears.
The oil lamp stand in the Dungeon Dungeon coincides with the dim light in the library
building. The singer of Yecheng’s summer heat is mixed with the chanting of Xingshan
The morning fog between the mountains was passed by the light, and Luo Mingchuan stood
in the light and smiled at him.
"I am happy with you, far more than you think."
Suddenly the sound of the wind rang, a long sword pierced the white mist, straight into the
heart, blood dripping.
Yin Yin shouted, "Brother!"
The light was dark and the mountain was replaced by an empty hall. The candlelight is
beautiful, and the person who is similar to the face of Luo Mingchuan is holding his veins,
and the cold breath is sprayed on the neck.
"Your brother has already died. You killed him, and the sword is wearing the heart, and it is
stable and steady. This seat admire."
not like this. How could this be.
They have come over in the past, why are they still coming today?
Difficulty breathing, headaches and cracks.
When Yin Yi feels that he has reached the limit, every inch of the skeleton meridians is
broken, he has to sleep deeply, and when he does not wake up, there is a pulse of warmth
in his body. From the right hand veins, through each of the spiritual veins, such as the
spring and rain, gentle, continuous, so that he is soaked in warm water, and gradually
Without the concept of time, I don’t know how long it took, he opened his eyes.
The entrance is a embossed embossed embossed embossed embossed with overlapping
crepe. Under the high bed soft pillow, it is very comfortable.
Yin Yin turned his eyes and saw the person sitting by the bed. The tidy robes of the end of
the world, the correct jade crown, the eyebrows are gentle, as seen at first sight.
He is holding his hand and giving him from the pulse gate. The amber pupil is like a gentle
lake, and it can accommodate everything.
At this moment, he suddenly felt the urge to cry.
"Senior brother..." Yin Yan muttered. "Is this true? Is it a dream? Are you really okay? I can't
believe it, come over, let me hug."
The body is clean and fresh, and new clothes are changed inside and outside, and the injury
does not hurt. It’s just exhausting, no strength.
Luo Mingchuan smiled and slowly lifted the person into his arms and whispered. "Not a
dream, I am fine. We are all fine."
Yin Yan looked up at him and looked at him. He didn't want to miss a minute. From the
peak of the eye to the end of the eye, from the bridge of the nose to the lips, it seems that it
is true.
The more you look, the better you look.
Luo Mingchuan couldn’t get rid of his mouth.
It’s too late to respond, and Yin Yue has already left his arms. He explained like a bad thing.
“Senior brother, I really feel insecure now, not deliberately taking advantage of you!”
Luo Mingchuan endured a smile and nodded solemnly. "Well, I know."
The more expensive Yin Yin is more consciously full of blood and resurrection, but he can
fight for another five hundred years, and his mind is also awake. "Where are we? How long
have I slept? What happened? Linyuan sword..."
He has countless questions.
"Don't worry, listen to me first." Luo Mingchuan appeased to interrupt him. "You slept for
three days. The body is running, hurting the pulse and knowing the sea. Fortunately, we
have double repaired before, and the body fits, I can do it for you." Sports repair. There is
no serious problem at present, you need to rest, it is best not to use the sword within half a
It’s been three days, and it’s been a long time, Yin Yin’s more shocked, how is the serious
injury of the brothers, the world’s general trend must be turned upside down, what is the
situation in the mountains and everywhere?
However, Luo Mingchuan seems that the big things are not as important as the younger
brother's body. When he carefully explained the ‘swords and don’t use it’, the 'real yuan is
slow to run', and he has the assurance of Yin and Yue, and then talk about other things.
"We killed Rong Rong at the end of the comet, and the blood of the 100,000 magic repairs
failed, and some of them will suffer some counter-attacks. Together with the troops of
Hokuriku arriving in many towns in the middle and south of the land, the magic repair
army returned to a loose sand, repaired high The people are in politics and continue to
cross the sea and return to the East. The Qingyi of your five divisions remembers you and
me. When you came to the letter yesterday, the overall situation was decided. Your master
brother and sister will be defeated at the last moment. Yu Yushi is at the peak of Yuhuafeng.
Because 'Spring Mountain Smile', there is a sword meaning left by Juggernaut..."
Yin Yi sighed with relief. "Then we are..."
"You have injuries on your body and it is inconvenient to move. Here is an abandoned
palace on the snowfield. There is a lawguard in the snow, and there is no dust. I will place
you here. Now the snow peaks are unstable, and the stars are overflowing. There is no one
on the entire snowfield."
Yin Yi’s heart is moving, “Which palace?”
"Chang Yuan Temple." Luo Mingchuan seems to have never noticed his change in his
appearance, adding, "I have mastered all the bans in this place, and the younger brothers
will be well rested."
Yin Yin pressed down the strange feeling in his heart. He heard that Luo Mingchuan had not
mentioned himself. He said, "Sister, the sword of the day is not controlled by me. You must
be very hurt."
Luo Mingchuan laughed. "I didn't hurt my heart. I have a flesh wound. The gods have a
spirit and always have a temper." He said that he took out the Linyuan sword. "The sword
is returned to the original master, but the younger brother can say that he can do it well. I
don’t want to use it anymore."
Yin Yi took over the sword and was in a complicated mood. The sword has an
extraordinary meaning for sword repair, just like a part of the body.
Since he came here, the one who accompanied him the most, except the brothers, was the
sword that was originally called Lihu, and later called Linyuan. Never accept his true yuan,
to communicate with his mind, several times to kill the bleeding road; then to the star of
the star, back to his most important person.
Cheng also Linyuan sword, defeat also Linyuan sword.
Yin Yin put the sword aside and decided to look at Luo Mingchuan. "The brothers can
remember the illusion we saw at the temple of Xingshan Temple."
The so-called projection of the future destiny.
"What gods have spirits, if it wants to hurt the brothers, I would rather ruin it by hand. If I
want to hurt my brother, I would rather not use a sword."
Luo Mingchuan sank down and stared at him. He smiled softly. "Nothing. You are Jian Xiu,
the master of Lin Yuan."
Yin Yin avoided and did not answer, "Why is the brother's wound still hurting? Let me
see..." He raised his hand and touched the chest of the person around him. He was
immediately held back and could not help but explain again. "I am really worried. Not
wanting to be a cheaper brother."
Luo Mingchuan did not let go, still looked at him, seriously said, "Teacher, I have something
to do now, you stay here and wait for me to come back. I have already sent a letter back to
the end, and you will have your door to pick you up in two days. If I didn't come back at that
time, you would go with them. In the future, you will be diligent and diligent."
Yin Yin heard that it was already smashed.
He slammed and interrupted. "Isn't everything over? Isn't the brother going to do it?
Sealing the abyss? Just like Master did..." He said he was going to get out of bed. "Okay! I am
going with my brother!"
Luo Mingchuan was not in a hurry, his voice was mild, his movements were tough, and he
could not help but be trapped in his arms. "The younger brother promised me anything,
and forgot it."
He whispered, "binding."
A piece of crepe was broken.
Yin Yi only felt that the wrist was tight, the crepe was soft and skin-friendly, but he lost his
strength inexplicably, and he could not break away. The brothers mastered all the
prohibitions of the Changyuan Temple and it was easy to trap him.
The panic in my heart came, and it was cold, and the mouth was screaming.
"Luo Mingchuan! You dare! Let's go together, don't walk together is a puppy!" Yin Yi tried
to make a living. "We are a acquaintance, a legal husband! Even if you die, you should die
together! You dare Let me give it a try!"
Luo Mingchuan placed him in bed and easily resolved his struggles. "The law expired two
days later."
"You dare to go! I won't let you go! Oh..."
Yin Yin suddenly lost his voice, and if he did not finish it, he was blocked at his lips.
Because Luo Mingchuan kissed him.
Unlike his shallow taste, he only dared to touch his mouth. This is a real kiss.
The lips and tongues are intertwined, and his heart surges, it is difficult to breathe, and he
looks at the people who are close at hand.
Luo Mingchuan did not close his eyes, and the amber pupil was all his shadow.
Yin Yin is like a cloud.
Then gentleness began to become fierce, full of aggressiveness, touching and looting. Yin
Yin is more passively tolerant. If he can’t say no, he can only make a confusing whimper.
After a long time, until his eyes were red, Luo Mingchuan let him go.
Yin Yin lay in bed and his wrists were tied. The plaque was scattered in the struggle,
violently breathing, looking up at his brother, but the opening was extremely hard.
"Do you think that if you make a beautiful person, I will compromise? It is impossible! I
have to go to be alone and risk, what do you think?"
Luo Mingchuan looked at him like this, deeply felt that he was determined to be
outstanding, and the gentleman's road for many years did not have white repairs.
Feeling the body's shackled soul is eager to move, he finally glanced at the younger brother,
no longer nostalgia, turned and left.
Yin Yin’s vision is blurred.
Until the white robe, the back of the long body of Yuli passed through the heavy gauze, and
walked out of the dark palace, never seeing again.
He closed his eyes. Silence around.
Lin Yuanjian silently accompanied him.

Chapter 104: New Year's Eve

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The morning light illuminates from the sky in the east, and the golden light covering the
rolling hills is gradually darkening. The mountain guards began to close.
Those swords that fell from the clouds and traversed the four fields quickly dissipated. The
terrible pressure is no longer there, and the wind blowing between heaven and earth is a
bit free.
Lin Yuan is holding a sword, the sword is bloody, and the clothes are windy.
He looked at the sky and looked awkward.
Three feet away from him, Yan Xing lay on the ground, with shallow blood pool under his
body. Also watching the sky, laughing coughing, mouth full of blood, "I am really happy for
you! Now the teacher's elders are dead, the trust is naturally invalid. You have been to the
days you have thought of."
Lin Yuan did not answer.
No one had thought that the battle between Yu Shi and Jun Hao would end so early. As early
as the day has not been bright, jade exhibition bones are not cool, Duan Chongxuan has not
come, Yan Xing is still alive.
Some people, even if they are absent, play a decisive role in the direction of the world's
destiny. For example, people like Wei Fengfeng.
Even Junyi himself does not know that Chunshan smiles with a sword and a sword.
Powerful to an incredible sword, when he has a life crisis, he will motivate himself.
The battle in the sky has been divided into life and death. Who can still fight on the Yashan
Mountain? Similarly, no one can kill people in front of the mountain gate.
Lin Yuan understands this truth. However, according to his principle, the things promised
to be down must be done, and the owe to the teacher’s parenting will be rewarded. This has
nothing to do with whether Yu Shi is alive or not. Since he is coming tonight, the outcome is
a death.
Yan Xing is very keen to let him live. Because the other party has the opportunity to kill him
more than once, but he does not do that. This shows that Lin Yuan is hesitant, what about
the inheritance of 朔月剑? ‘What about your disciple’s disciples? The hesitation of these
two questions.
If you are suspicious and confused, the sword will be slow.
Yan Xing took the knife to the ground and slowly sat up, his mouth licking his mouth.
"You are not ungrateful and respectful of life when you go down the mountain. Your master
has worked so hard to raise you so much that you want to make you realize the road. You
must be very upset when you die because of this kind of thing."
Lin Yuan asked, "How do you know?"
How can you be sure of my Master's thoughts? If Master really wants me to die for the
teacher's door?
"The Masters of the World are the same. My Master went to the Xingxingyuan to drink with
me in the Spring Sleeve Building. I will explain it to me. No matter what happens, even if the
sky falls, don't die. I said I try to be."
In fact, Juggernaut also confessed that he must not do another thing, Yan Xing did not
mention it at this time.
When he saw Lin Yuan returning to his speech, he continued, "It’s really beautiful to live.
There are so many wonderful things in the world, are you not in love?"
"such as?"
"For example, if the practice breaks through the bottleneck, the feeling of opening the door
is very good; if you fight with people, you will be happy, no matter whether you win or lose.
The world is big, the mountains and rivers are not beautiful, and the girls in the flower
alleys are beautiful and intoxicating, the most important. Yes..." Yan Xun paused and threw
a small jar from the waist and threw it.
Lin Yuan returned to pick up his hand.
I thought that the other side was hurt, and this glazed altar was not broken. Is it not a
Yan Xing held the knife and stood up. "The most important thing is to be a song to the wine,
life geometry! Do not believe you try!"
His figure was crumbling in the morning breeze, but he was inexplicably born with a very
tall feeling.
Lin Yuan was frowning and looking at the jar.
The genius of Kendo, who is the same as Junyi, holds the head of the seven sons. From birth
to now, where did you drink alcohol?
Yan Xing angered, "I have been beaten like a dog by you, will you die if you taste it?!"
Lin Yuan took a sip from his head and the wine was too strong. He coughed repeatedly.
Yan Xing laughed loudly.
Yin Yin is tired of earning more, lying on his back and breathing calmly, his eyes straight on
the top beam and relief of the temple.
The architectural style of the sacred era is magnificent, but the details are elaborate. The
more he saw, the more he felt that the lines of flowers and blossoms coincided with the
avenue, like a certain array.
If it is in its heyday, the soldiers are at hand, when they can try their best, but now the
wound is not healed, and they are trapped by the brothers' shackles, and they want to
break through the night. In other words, even if it can barely condense the true element,
the tears of the stone will wear through the entire Changyuan Temple.
The brothers are really ironic and don’t let themselves go out.
and many more. Array method...
"You can't, but I can't help. This character can contact me, only once..."
Yes, he still has a character. In the flash of light, the figure of the seniors of the aura of the
future is coming to mind.
The more desperate Yin Yin is getting excited. I thought I couldn't use this paper because I
didn't want to trouble others. I had expected to have it today. Fortunately, he took it with
his ‘sleeves’.
The real yuan that can be used is not enough. At most, the paper is approached to the cuff
and it is difficult to take things. I had to bend my right wrist as far as I could, to touch the
sleeves of my left hand, to move the relay on the bed, and finally clipped a thin paper in an
extremely distorted posture.
Yin Yin took a sigh of relief and smashed it with force. Then concentrate and feel the change
of atmosphere in the temple.
After the two interest rates, there was a breeze blowing the farthest crepe bill. The wind
did not know where it came from, and the entire hall was blown and fluttered, such as a
thousand piles of snow and waves.
The wind whispers, the soft crepe becomes frantic, like fighting against invisible forces.
This time there is no morning fog in the mountains.
The light in front of him was subtly twisted and twisted, as if the space was cut, and the
translucent outline appeared in the space, gradually becoming virtual and real, and finally
it was seen in the white wooden sword, without joy or sadness.
The tortuous light, the split space recovered as usual.
Yin Yin thinks more, the three thousand worlds come and go freely, the practitioners have
reached this level, and there should be no regrets.
He apologized. "There is an emergency, and I have to worry about my seniors."
Who knows that the predecessors of the immortal family just turned around and saw him
turn around, there is no helplessness of the fairy tales.
"We are conscientious after-sales, you are dying to call me to save your life, you can't beat
the boss to call me to block a knife, this can be. But what do you call me to do?"
Yin Yin is more stunned, "When?"
He didn't know that he had flushed his eyes because of Lu Mingchuan's kiss, his lips were
swollen, and because of the difficulties in taking the clothes, his clothes were unsteady and
his hands were tied, and he was obviously bullied.
Cheng Xiaobai thinks that there are so many young people now.
Hey, he doesn't know the fun of binding.
Yin Yue didn't know what he had misunderstood, but he felt that something was wrong. He
said, "Predecessors, I was trapped here by my brother. I have to go alone to seal the stars. I
am afraid that he will have an accident. Please help me." leave here!"
It turned out that the two were unwilling to take the risk of the other side. Cheng Xiaobai
did not admit that he had thought more.
If you have nothing to turn back, swing your hand, "The second time I met, my name Cheng
Xiaobai, don't call the predecessors."
He went to the Yin Yue to solve the rope. "This is a bit of trouble, not the ordinary 'binding
word 诀'. It took me a lot of effort to come here. I thought it was a barrier to space. When I
realized it was the power of your brother... It’s not a big deal to see him last time. What
happened this time?”
Yin Yin said, "The brothers are trained to improve quickly..."
Cheng Xiaobai interrupted him. "Impossible. If you refine it, you can't open such a big hang.
What about your sword? I look."
The more Yin Yin gestured to him.
Cheng Xiaobai squatted on the edge of the sword, and frowned. "There is no remnant in the
sword. From the time I saw it last time, I ruled out the possibility of dissipating myself,
leaving only one result..."
"The soul is already in the body of the brother."
Yin Yue slowly approached, unexpectedly, he was very calm and sober,
"The brothers are not okay, they are only temporarily suppressed, and they are not
integrated with the soul."
I have to let him see the wound, I am afraid that it is really a sword to wear the heart, and
there are traces left.
Cheng Xiaobai took out the Linyuan, and the crepe was broken.
At the same time, the candlesticks in the temple were extinguished, and the gauze burst
into powder, and the entire hall shook.
Cheng Xiaobai behind the wooden sword flying, slammed into the top of the temple
embossed pattern.
The riots in the Changyuan Temple were suppressed and returned to silence.
Yin Yi moved more and more hands and saw the ceremony. "Thank you Mr. Cheng."
Although the other party does not let the predecessors, because of respect, he is not willing
to call his name.
Cheng Xiaobai thinks that although this person stayed a bit, his heart is not bad, he could
not help but mention more.
"I think your brother can suppress the soul before, because you are seriously injured, he
has a strong will, and you must persist until you are safe. Now go to the starry star, under
the influence of the magic, I am afraid I can't control it. You still Are you going?"
Yin Yi has already taken the sword and is ready to go.
"It's natural to go. The situation of the brother is his own best. I can guess what he is going
to do now. If he can suppress it, he will come back. Once there is something wrong, he will
seal himself in the abyss."
"He merges with the remnant, and there will be Mo Changyuan's cultivation and memory. If
you go to prevent him, you are likely to die."
Yin Yi said, "I have no other way. I have to try life or death. Since it is the only choice, it is
the best choice."
Cheng Xiaobai thought, forget it, I have to manage a gossip, send the Buddha to West,
"There is no other way. Your life is extraordinary, corresponding to this world star. If you
wake up the memory of the past life, there will be a world of difference between the
cultivation and the sensation of the avenue, then 50% may hold your brother, and then
slowly "The picture." He looked at Yin Yan's eyes, and asked for help. "This law is
dangerous, can you give it a try?"
Past life memory? Yin Yi was a little more stunned, and the familiarity on the snowfield
flashed. There was nothing shocking at this time.
Immediately picked up the clothes, "Mr. Cheng, I believe in you. Please help me."
Cheng Xiaobai held him and shook his head. "I believe it is useless. I am an outsider. You
must believe in yourself and your brother. It is like you have done it many times before."

Chapter 105:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
As Yin Yue walked out of the Changyuan Temple, the sky was already bright. The lead-grey
sky snow clouds reunite, looking up, the wind slammed the face, and the snow fell on the
unmanned smoke.
Three days ago, he killed the Tongtian Xuefeng from here, all the way to the blood, and the
corpses were everywhere. Nowadays, because of the turbulence of the spirits, the
mountain is avalanche and buried as much as it has never happened.
Only the cold wind has a **** smell of silk, floating in the nose, awakening his memories. It's
not just the picture, it even remembers the feeling at that time.
A lonely, fearless.
Cheng Xiaobai stood behind him, his voice passing through the wind, calm and powerful.
"You are here, you don't have to deliberately vent your aura. It's good to sit on your own.
It's up to me to communicate the power of the heavens and the earth. Now, although it is
daytime, the stars are still there, and your stars are there."
"I can only set up a bridge for you. As for whether you can reach the other side, you still
have to rely on yourself. Once this happens, the law of the world will detect my existence,
and I will immediately break the space barrier and leave without saying goodbye. If you
don't, you have the danger of resurgence. If you are a god, you will be wounded, your
memory will be inconspicuous, and if you are serious, you will die and your soul will fly. If
you are ready, let's start."
Yin Yin listened more carefully, and I knew that although Mr. Cheng did not say it, if he did
not, the helper would certainly be affected.
He meditated on the spot, but did not immediately start to settle. Instead, the Linyuan
sword was placed on the lap, and I thought about it. I took out four volumes of yellowed
thin book from my arms—the real fairy notes, which are Ling Xiaojian’s swords, and gently
held them in my hands.
After doing all these things, Yin Yu began to close his eyes.
Although he does not know why he is doing this.
Zhen Yuan walked in the body for a week, and returned to the Shufu from the various paths
of the Meridian, such as Baichuan to the sea. In fact, his current physical condition is not
prosperous. Luo Mingchuan said right, after a serious injury, you need to rest.
And he didn't have time to recover slowly, he could only be more cautious and bring his
mental state to its peak. Yin Yin sank into the heart and saw the sea in the palace. There is
no fog, and at first glance, there is no limit, and the sea water is like a wind and thunder.
The real yuan continued to flow, and gradually the tides of the tides coincided with his
breathing patterns, and with his heart, he became calm.
Cheng Xiaobai's view of his body became more and more calm, and he looked up at the sky.
His eyes fell on the snow and burst into flames. Outside the uncountable light years, the
brilliance of the ice blue stars falls in his eyes, and the fire is bright. He gently lifted his left
hand, and pressed it on Yin Yue's shoulder. The wide sleeve was windless and automatic,
and the snow and ice under his feet disappeared silently.
The wooden sword broke into the wind and returned to his right hand, breaking through
the space barriers and disappearing in the air before the rules were detected.
Sitting on the self-respecting Yin Yi, I suddenly felt that some kind of mysterious power fell
from the sky that could not be reached, penetrated his bones and meridians, and fell into
the house. The familiarity of the heart is coming back, it is hard to say, and it is not a false
After scrutinizing myself, the gods are erratic, and seeing the sky and the snowfield, it is not
like the eyes of the past.
His body is still meditating, but he seems to stand up with Lin Yuanjian. See yourself inside,
see the world.
This state of separation is subtle and dangerous.
The Yin Yue, standing on his face, was empty and empty, and the snow falling on his
shoulders fluttered incredibly and returned to the sky.
A snowflake flies back to the sky, and thousands of snowflakes fly back to the sky.
The dissipated clouds re-gathered, and the four wild winds changed rapidly, and the
morning and the dusk alternated.
Just as the rewind button was pressed, everything around it began to pass. Only he stood in
the same place.
Gradually, he is not in the same place. In the seaside town, he made the 'Xinghe Shen', and
he listened to Mr. Yu in the school, at the foot of the mournful and indifferent Buddha
statue in Xingshan Temple.
The picture changes more and more quickly and can hardly be captured.
On the roof of Yecheng, the wind was blowing, and the silver moon was reflected in the
wine bowl.
In the dark and damp dungeon, he opened his eyes and heard the footsteps echoing in the
silent martyrdom. Someone called him, "Yin Shidi."
The eager look of the salesman flashed away. "The villain is evil and aura, and one of the
eyes under eight is scared. Do you want to come one?"
Then there was his almost endless villain career. At first, he was suffering a lot. Later, he
got used to it, and he no longer had deep friendship with those in the world. He became
more and more fond of his own spit. As an outsider, he stood by.
The memory is long and should be vague. Nowadays, it’s vivid, and Yin Yue knows that he
has never forgotten.
When the memories came to an end, the tides of the tides covered them.
Like the chaos before the opening of the heavens and earth, his consciousness has been
somewhat faint.
Is it here? This is my life?
He asked himself.
Also self-answer, should not be, nor will it be.
Come to this world to practice, see the heavens and the earth, see all beings, and never see
Not reconciled.
Things that cannot be broken are naturally broken. The mind was moved, and the sword in
his hand was squirted out.
A bright electric light tears the sky, and when the sword falls, the violent sting is like pulling
him away. Yin Yin is more intuitively aware that he is facing the great danger of the
annihilation of the soul. He also feels that he is closest to the truth at this moment and will
never give up.
The pain distorted the foreground of the eye. He saw a man coming from the bright light of
the sword light and holding a sword in his hand.
He couldn't see the face of the man, but he was familiar with the sword.
Linyuan sword.
Different people, the same sword.
Snowfields on the same piece of meteorite deep under Luoming Chuan also saw a man.
It’s no strangers to meet for the third time.
The first time was in the view of the Buddhist temple, the second time was the heart of the
sword by the Linyuan sword, the vitality of the flight, extremely weak.
Came to know the sea by the sword in the residual soul, he gained control over his body,
swallowed deep meteorite all Monster. And he was faint, and before returning to a million,
he saw many broken pictures.
Whether it is the clues of past experiences or the intuition in the dark, he is not shocked.
The third time is now.
The man wore a complex black robes, embroidered with gold-patterned runes on his hem
and cuffs, like a gorgeous algae. As he walked, the clothes swelled like a tide.
The starry spirit of the star is full of magic, enough to support his image of the soul.
Originally it was not a complete Mo Changyuan soul, and it has been going through a
million years. It is better to say that he is a residual consciousness.
Not only the face, the voice is similar to Luo Mingchuan, but the tone is sloppy, like full of
"I am you, can bring you more strength, more than a hundred times before, do you want to
either?" Seeing Luo Mingchuan did not answer, he smiled softly,
"The formation of the Changyuan Temple was touched. You still don't go up with me to see
your good younger brother? Do you think that you can stay with him alone?"
Luo Mingchuan said, "I can't do things in ten years. I have done it for a hundred years. I
can't do it in a hundred years. I will do it all my life. I don't have to bother with my brother."
He was controlled by the remnant, until the other party stunned Yin Yin back to the
Changyuan Temple, only to be awake. Then there is endless fear.
Since the practice, he has crossed the border and has been seriously injured. He has never
been afraid of half a minute after several deaths.
But he is afraid that he will hurt his younger brother.
The soul is too strong and unpredictable, and he tried to kill the other party and failed. A
little lax, the difference between a thought is difficult to control, Luo Mingchuan intends to
seal himself in the abyss, and not endless.
He was healed for Yin Yin, and the letter was sent by the flying Qingyi, and it was time to
ask the person to pick up the teacher. To explain the size of the Yashan Mountain, I only
said that I had found a retreat and the return period was uncertain. All things are arranged
in an orderly manner, and the mind is as calm as water.
"We are acquaintances, legal husbands! Even if you want to die, you should die together!
You dare to leave me to try!"
I couldn’t help myself until I heard this sentence, and kissed Yin Yin more and more.
After that, I still feel a little embarrassed, and it seems to hurt my younger brother.
Compared with their experiences along the way, this farewell is too short and too hasty.
Only have time to drop a kiss.
The man saw him meditating and smirked. "What is it for a lifetime? He has been here for a
few generations. I thought it was coming to you? It’s just a practice, in order to gain the
avenue. Long way It just happened to pass you."
Long road, has gone through the difficult roads. Passing through the world and being alive,
you are just one of them.
Fragmented memory fragments flashed in my mind, how can Luo Mingchuan not
understand the meaning.
What is it? Is it because of this that it is necessary to hide people, break the wings, bind the
shackles, and ruin the life of the younger brothers, only for their own desires?
Luo Mingchuan does not deny his possessive desire to the younger brother, but he can
never do such a thing.
He began to exercise, and the darkness of the abyss was blowing in the air, blowing his ink
and his robes.
The voice is still calm. "This time he is going where I will follow him. He seeks from the
Three Thousand Worlds, and I ask him from the Three Thousand Worlds."

Chapter 106: If you are more united, do you fall in love with me?
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
As Yin Yue saw the face of this person, the darkness of the surrounding world was eclipsed.
Just like opening the clouds in front of your eyes, your heart suddenly clear.
It turned out to be him, and it really was him.
Even if you have never seen it, you can clearly recognize it. In addition to the true fairy, who
Yin Yin held the Linyuan sword and looked at the people in front of him. If you take a look
at the mirror, you will see the water, and you will feel extremely close and extremely
The man came to him step by step, his eyes narrow and indifferent, until he crossed his
body without any obstacles and continued to move forward. The quaint ebony crown, the
unadorned white robe, the cool look.
Who is true, who is the illusion? Where is the clear point.
At this moment, the body and the soul are separated, and I don’t know what the situation is.
Everything can’t be done by common sense, only the instincts of instinct.
Yin Yi turned and looked at Ling Xiao, and found that they were above the snow-capped
The wind was blowing, the snow was blowing, and the two men were flying. The line of
sight was blocked, and I couldn’t see the person standing opposite the singer, only looking
at the robes in the ink.
Zhen Xian carries the sword, and the sword smashes the blood. Behind it is the broken
palace pavilion, and a road covered with blood and corpses, shocking.
The innocent snowfield is at his feet, and the stars are on his head.
This scene is astonishingly similar to yesterday when it was killed by the snow-capped
Zhenxian speaks and the voice is dumb.
"You call me a brother, it is cause and effect with me. Buddha does not cross you, I will
cross you."
His tone is very calm and there is no movement.
Yin Yin is more and more sad. Like a big stone falling from his chest, he couldn't breathe.
This sentiment does not belong to him, it is the heavy pain from Yi Ling.
How could this be? All the pains in the world are nothing but powerlessness, and the true
immortality is already cultivated in the sky. Is it painful to gain evidence?
Since it is so sad, why not say it?
Yin Yin thought more and more.
He rushed forward and just wanted to take a look at the man in the robes of ink, even if
there was no reason. The ear is the sound of the whistling wind, and it should be the spirit
of the spirit of the soul, and it still feels a terrible pressure.
I don't know what they said, Yi Lingying threw Lin Yuanjian to the opposite person.
The blade brought a breeze, and the man caught the hilt with his backhand, and raised his
hand in a neat manner, and a sword came across.
In an instant, the thunder burst from the nine days, the flying snow curtain split into a
grinding, the ground veins violently cracked and cracked.
The long sword is **** and suffocating, and there is no power.
Yin Yue’s soul burned and gritted his teeth and went forward until he finally saw the man’s
face. Can not help but stop, let the earth shake, roaring, and can not do anything.
That face is similar to the brothers in seven points.
Near the door, he reached out and walked through the man's sleeves without any accident.
The sacred swords that have been infinitely stretched between the shackles and the ruined
land have not yet fallen, and the overwhelming sorrow and pain have drowned him. Who is
this emotion? He is still interested in Ling Xiao, and he can’t tell.
The vision is darkened and everything is crumbling. Here the space seems to be broken,
and a force tears him away.
He watched as the color of his outstretched hand faded and his body shape dissipated. The
‘sister’ finally shouted out.
Exhausted, but I can't even hear a sound.
But it is very coincidental. At the same moment, the man’s thin lips are slightly open, and
the low voice calls the “sister...”
Overlapping with his silent shouts.
Then he raised his eyes and crossed over Yi Ling, looking in his direction.
Suddenly familiar with the eyelids, Yin Yin more shocked, almost thought that the other
party saw himself!
The eyes are clear, no worries.
Like a long time of millions of years, it seems to him.
Three thousand avenues are in his eyes.
But in a blink of an eye. The world is completely dark, as if something is broken and the
echo is crisp and harsh. There is a day and night between heaven and earth. He is alone and
standing alone. There is no living thing and no human voice.
The vast memories of the vast sea of smoke flooded, and Yin Yin was more and more
shocked by unimaginable pain.
In the distant outer universe, a bright star burns an ice blue flame. Quietly radiating, as if
watching him, looking indifferent and compassionate.
The severe pain that swept the whole body slowly calmed down, and the memory
fragments quickly pieced together into a picture, which was even into fragments.
At this moment, the feeling of being close to you is completely clear.
Why did Master say that Lin Yuanjian chose me? Where did the trust of Mr. Zhang Yuan
come from? There is also an attitude of innocence, such as innocence.
In the past, all doubts were concatenated into a line, and the confusion was solved. The big
dream was awakened.
Yin Yin thinks more, because I am Yi Ling.
The true immortal of the sacred era of millions of years ago, he is now in the stars. It was
originally a person.
Even if it is more than a million years, if he remembers coming, remember who he is, then
this has never changed.
The most remarkable legend is him, and the most secular ordinary is him.
Before the good name of 'Italian Ling', he was an hour-old tester, and he loved to watch the
upgraded and screaming hot novels. After growing up, head to nine to five, tea rice oil and
salt sauce vinegar tea.
In that world, most people are like this, not a silk, not a male god, just an ordinary person
who works hard.
Even the crossing is the most unintentional way - the car accident wears. Then life became
a story, and he became an Italian.
As an ordinary person who goes online with an IQ, he does not feel that he can cross the
protagonist, and he will carefully adapt to the new world, learn new rules, and grow up
step by step. Beginning to practice, the roots are barely good, but often have some
inexplicable good luck.
Because of good luck, I also self-expanded to add a halo. However, there are many times of
dangers between life and death. If it is not his brother-in-law who is saved, his life is gone.
If he dares to think about the protagonist, he will calm down and seek help.
The long time of a hundred years has passed, and life is no different from the monks who
have been asked by this world. He is really afraid that he will forget the past.
Therefore, the only bad taste is to use the blind eye method to write the sword score into
the handwriting. Referring to the past generation of the hot Mary Su Xiuxian novel, the
name is "Xie charm fairy long cold and pretty", in which the tone of the tone is trivial.
The one who wrote the most was his younger brother named Mo Changyuan.
Originally because the younger brother was handsomer than him, it was the most
handsome in the practice world; the cultivation was higher than him, and it was the highest
among the younger generation. No matter where you stand, you will break through the sky.
Later, it was because the younger brother had no principle for him.
In the midst of a disaster, the younger brothers cleaned up the mess. In the dangerous
situation, the younger brother tried to save. The genius of the younger brother had the first
thought of him.
Yi Lingqi thinks again when he first meets the teacher, he is brave enough to talk. "I will be
your brother in the future, and I will enjoy it with blessings. I will cover you with
something!" It is really shameless.
It is clear that all the way is to lean on the thigh of the younger brother. The younger
brother is omnipotent.
After breaking through the Mahayana, Yi Ling received an invitation from the recognized
first beauty in the practice circle and asked him to attend the birthday party of the saints.
The words are long and the meaning is that the two factions have been handed over for a
long time, and I hope that they will not be alienated in the future. At the end of the letter,
implicitly expressed the willingness to share the book.
Yi Ling was used to it, and he did not understand the orphans. He took the teacher and
asked him. Mo Changyuan glanced at the last few lines and calmed. "There is nothing wrong
with it. Please represent the teacher to participate in the birthday party. I will go with you."
Yi Ling’s heart was put down, and he was led by the younger brother, and he took the song
on the road.
Halfway through the thieves smashing the mountains, they were intercepted, but they were
ordinary killers and hunters, and they have seen them 100 times in the past. Mo Changyuan
was killing and flaming, his temperament changed, and he killed a corpse all over the place.
The passers-by were smashed and pond fish. It seems to have a sign of enchantment.
Yi Ling blocked a sword to wake him up.
The birthday banquet was delayed, and it was far away from the gate. Yi Lingying directly
took the younger brother to divert Xingshan Temple. I heard that there are the best medical
repairs there, and I hope that the younger brother can learn Buddhism and go to the devil.
At that time, he thought that if Xingshan Temple was not cured, then he would think of
another way. In short, he could not give up treatment.
I didn't expect the first lecture of Xingshan Temple to see them and said the words 'the
authorities are fans'.
He pointed to the two stars in the sky and said to him, "You are the one who goes all the
way to the top of the air." And he is the catastrophe of the world, not only with you, but also
with evil spirits, and sinful."
When I finished speaking, I vomited blood and stopped talking.
Yi Ling thought, I really cross the protagonist, my brother is a villain?
What nonsense, I don’t believe it.
Mo Changyuan sat quietly in the dark Zen room, and Yi Lingqi pushed the door in.
"Do you really want to stay here? I... I will accompany you."
"You go back."
"I am afraid that you will be uncomfortable to stay here."
"I am more uncomfortable to see you."
For his best younger brother, I don't want to see him. Yi Ling’s disappointment went out.
When I went out, I saw the pro-disciple of the first lecturer. I looked at the compassionate
face. It was said to be a natural Huigen, but I couldn’t feel comfortable.
He lived in Xingshan Temple for a month, and Mo Changyuan only had to observe the
Dharma. When he saw him, he was extremely cold.
Yi Ling finally confirmed that the younger brother had made new friends, but he was still
"You are not going to go back with me?"
Mo Changyuan's whole body is rising, and he is overwhelmed by pressure. "I have entered
the sainthood and are able to follow the rules of the door. You should not be commensurate
with my brothers."
Yi Ling was shocked and unbelievably murmured. "Teacher, you and I have a hundred
years of love, you..."
"I have had enough of you."
Yi Ling was struck by lightning and his heart was gone.
After seeing the screen from the cover, I showed my body shape. "Are you soft? You are
with him. You don't leave him in a day. He can't make it a day."
Mo Changyuan cold channel, "nonsense."
The two most talented geniuses in the world, after a month of exchange, began to explore a
way to connect Buddhism and Taoism, break the barriers of spirituality and martial arts,
and pursue the supreme power of turning the tide.
I hope that I will not die, not into reincarnation, and Mo Changyuan wants to change the air
transport. Both are mad.
Yi Ling returned to the mountain to retreat, never encountered any embarrassment, the
breakthrough was extremely smooth.
When I heard the news of Mo Changyuan at the time of customs clearance, the
subconscious would deny that "I have a nonsense, and my younger brother can practice
Buddhism in Xingshan Temple. How can it be enchanted?"
He is now highly educated and his status is high. No one can refute to speak.
But it was soon hit by reality.
Because Mo Changyuan not only entered the devil, but also established the magic palace in
Donglu Xueyuan, Chuanfa Lipai, and the next twelve guards, each palm of a temple.
Yi Ling was alone in the snowfield and broke into the Changyuan Temple. But I found that
the younger brother looked at him like a stranger.
"The road is different, I have never owed you in the past, and you will not find me in the
"Going up to the mountain to worship, enlightenment, and one hundred and forty years,
together with the practice of traveling together, you are now taking a sentence, "Is it
Yi Ling’s sad thoughts, not to mention, you used to be so good to me, have you forgotten it...
I have been working hard, and now I am a saint, I will not drag you anymore, you will come
back. ?
Unfortunately, he said that he could not export.
Again, the other party said, "What do you want? I feel sick when I see you."
Mo Changyuan looked at his back, the pupil suddenly changed color, and blood spilled
down the corner of his mouth.
The practice of Tianluo’s nine turns is not smooth, and the emotions are often out of
control, especially in the bottom of my heart. He did not know how terrible the method he
had created.
Yi Lingqi went back this time and said nothing about life and death. After ten years, after
the customs clearance, there were 12 heavy thunderstorms. He took the sword from the
outside world and recast the sword in his hand. The golden light was long and cloudy, and
he was exhausted for three days and three nights. The world has become a 'true fairy'.
Later, he rarely wrote again in his notes. It seems that the trivial things of life in the past
have become uninteresting.
The more truths about the world of contact, the lesser the subtle feelings deep in the hearts
of the people than the three thousand avenues and the vast outer universe.
He finally became a monk who was not moved by foreign objects and whose heart was like
Another hundred years have passed, the magic road has grown, and the borders of several
continents have been turbulent from time to time.
As for Yi Ling and Mo Changyuan, the world only knows that they are true immortals and
demon statues, and no one remembers that they were brothers.
After more than a hundred years, Yi Ling went to Donglu. On the edge of the Lijiang River,
the wind swelled and the waves floated.
Blowing his sleeves to hunt and fly, as if to go home by the wind,
"I have no concern now, and I don't have a bad cause and effect. It is a good time to prove
the void."
These years of life and death, not recruited, and familiar people and things have been taken
away by time, he recalled a little, only to find his connection with the world, only the
person in front of him.
Mo Changyuan’s eyebrows have long since disappeared, and it’s the color of madness.
“Where are you going?”
Yi Ling faintly said, "Going there. There is no difference in where I am."
"You are still in this world, I have ruined the world, seeing how you are careless, and
witnessing the void?"
Yi Ling is somewhat angry. "I know that you hate me, but how can personal grievances
affect the innocence? How do you become this look! You have studied Dharma."
Mo Changyuan looked up and laughed, his eyes were red, and three thousand inks danced
wildly. "I was born to be a demon. Which Buddha can cross me?"
This laugh is a hundred years of chaos in the world.
The Magic Palace and the Right Way are in full swing. The era of sacred times was over, and
the era of the end of the law came.
People continue to join the battle, and people are dying. The blood infiltrates the land into a
black-red color, and the rolling river is also dyed red.
Every time the true fairy meets the demon statue, the wind and cloud change, and the sea is
Yi Lingqi knows that he can't kill Mo Changyuan, whether it is repairing or selfish. Seeing
the scorched earth in the four seas, it is full of devastation, and it feels that the balance of
life and death between the heavens and the earth is broken, and there will be a great
Mo Changyuan seems to understand his intentions this time, deliberately avoiding.
When the Changyuan Temple did not find anyone, he killed the snow-capped peaks by one
person and one sword, and finally saw Mo Changyuan.
Yi Ling Ling stood in the snow and looked at the people in front of him. His tone was dull.
"You have been controlled by the practice method and have lost your heart."
The demon statue is rare to be sober today. "Brother, I can't get back."
He has very little time to remember now, leaving is to let the brothers get the way,
practicing the heavens and the nine turns is to find ways to change the qi.
Why is this step going today?
"You called me a brother, it is a cause and effect with me." Yi Ling sighed, "Buddha does not
cross you, I will cross you."
He threw the Linyuan sword and dismissed the body. "What is your obsession? Kill me? If I
die, would you feel relieved? I can die, as long as you no longer kill."
Mo Changyuan took the sword and stabbed him to his chest. This sword stirred the air and
the air, the clouds covered the sun, and the wind and snow made a big deal.
Suddenly his eyes fell on an open space, and I didn’t know what I saw, but I smiled slightly.
When Guanghua was not there, he stood in front of Yi Ling.
Lin Yuanjian went straight into the heart. Blood rushes.
"I feel uncomfortable when I see you, not wanting to kill you."
After becoming the real immortal, Yi Ling’s first time was flustered. He wanted to transport
the real yuan to repair his heart for the younger brother. The practice method was in
harmony with the magical power, and he could only be in a hurry to hold the person in his
arms. what did you say?"
"If you can start from scratch..."
There is a big comprehension between life and death. Mo Changyuan’s heart is dead, and
Yu’s moment is a glimpse of the mystery of time. At that glance, I saw a turn.
The vitality passed quickly, but Tianluo nine turned himself to exercise, and the soul was
divided and left in the sword.
I don't know how long it took, the body of the pregnant woman was cut off and the body
was weathered into a fly ash, and the blood was covered again by the snow, leaving only
one person.
"I am asking for ruthlessness. Now I am benevolent and benevolent. I am really stunned,
but I don’t know how to get it."
"If there is a next life, I will change your life with you."
I am struggling with bitterness, and sin and sin is exchanged for me. I am happy to give it to
If there is any story, I hope you are the protagonist, I will be the villain.
The saints speak the spirit, and the words that are spoken are also inspired by the heavens
and the earth.
He confessed to the void, but did not know where to go, stepping into the turmoil of time
and space, forgetting the past. Only when the subconscious of the villain chooses a fate for
The spirit of the soul is invested in three thousand worlds, seeking from the beginning, and
enlightening the heart.
At the beginning, Mo Changyuan squandered all over the world and exchanged for an
opportunity to meet again.
Therefore, Yi Lingyu experienced life and death in the world, and returned to here again,
back to where everything started.
The rotation of the star track, the son of the air transport and the life of the disaster star
entangled, the established number of lives was completely disrupted.
Yan Yashan, Yecheng, Xingshan Temple, Donglu, the reunion of Luomingchuan and Yinyue
Yue, have made countless choices when they did not know, and each choice has decided
today's ending.
Nanke’s dream, Yin Yin’s waking up from a long time, the real time is from morning to faint.
The night wind whistling, the cold starlight fell on the snowfield, as if a piece of silver
He held the Linyuan sword and stood up. He bowed to the void and thanked Mr. Cheng for
his help.
Then walk to the star.
Since the tradition of our two is the brother of the teacher, I am a younger brother in this
life, and I am covering you.
The destiny of the orbit is on the top, and the three thousand worlds are the evidence. I will
bring you back and join the family.

Chapter 107:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Liu Xiaodu gave the customer the wrong aura, and Wang Wei opened the wrong machine.
The two interns completed a special accident when they did not understand the "Through
the Business Accident Warning Clause". Therefore, the company was shocked to come
forward and personally deal with the after-sales. The two of them were rated as 'natural
talent, stupid and amazing', and this thing is also called 'the opening of the year, not to be
As the first responsible person, Liu Xiaowen thought that he had to roll out and leave.
Unexpectedly, the rice bowl was saved. He was only deducted from the human resources
department and was fined for the business regulations.
It’s all because after the seniors came back, he patted his shoulder and said something
Then he walked into the office of the predecessors with a sly mood, in the eyes of amazed
envious eyes.
Cheng Xiaobai raised his hand and shook his hand. The space in front of them fluctuated,
and the layers of water rippled apart, revealing a translucent screen. I saw that the sky was
wide and the sky was cold, and the night of the snow was alone. The long white hair flew in
the snow.
Liu Xiao stayed at the back and recognized the back, shyly said, "...Is the villain, how is he
doing now?"
Cheng Xiaobai said faintly, "He is fine."
The first time facing this level of the great god, Liu Xiao stayed under great psychological
pressure, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. Who knows and hears the cold
sound ringing overhead,
"When I first entered the business, I also did wrong things. I can't learn, I have to change if I
am wrong, as long as I am willing to use my heart... Your negligence may have
misunderstood their lives."
Liu Xiao couldn't help but see a hot, "Thank you for your predecessors."
Who can think of the temperament of the weekdays, the predecessors of the Gaoling flower,
even so approachable, sincerely said this to him. It’s hard to express feelings and ups and
downs in my heart. “Thank you for helping me like this...”
Cheng Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "Not for you."
He looked at the white-haired youth in the light screen and looked at him for a moment.
"A lot of years ago, I had a big danger with my Taoist. He wanted to take me to death. When
I arrived, he was already mad and his soul would be destroyed."
Liu Xiao couldn't help but wonder, "What did the seniors do?"
When you ask, you regret your mouth.
Cheng Xiaobai remembered the distant past. "I gave him a light."
The gust of wind rose from the abyss across the snowfield, and the white-haired youth
leaped against the wind, flew in the darkness and found the person they were looking for.
He held the face of the man in his arms and said something eagerly.
The empty darkness began to vibrate, the cliffs of the abyss collapsed, the rocks rolled
down, and the smoke and the sky rose. Unbeatable powerful force riots came, and the
screen was fragmented.
Cheng Xiaobai seems to be talking to himself, and also like to talk to Yin Yiyue across the
world of three thousand.
"Bitter sea, he needs a lighter."
Liu Xiao’s stunned look, only the unbearable heavy, suddenly pressed in his heart.
Many years later, he realized that it was the sadness of the fate of the fate, the struggle with
the sky, and the helplessness of knowing what to do.
Millions of years of humanity, the dust in the past in history, the **** old days.
They are separated, why is there no end to the sea?
The world's gas turbines have changed dramatically, the surface has oscillated, and the
cliffs on both sides of the abyss have gradually gathered.
The starry star is originally narrow and wide, and the upper cliff is shattered, so there is
smoke and dust, and the stone debris falls like a shower.
Yin Yue’s voice traversed the darkness of the sky.
"Come with me--"
Luo Mingchuan shook his head and knew the fierce battle between the sea and the
remnant, which made him both red and bloody.
"There is still a residual consciousness in my body. It is not a good class. It is the most
difficult to cause a big disaster..."
Yin Yin crossed the road, "Today, I can help the world, and I have the feeling of practice
when I am doing it. You don't have to worry about hurting me."
Hearing the name, Luo Mingchuan gave a slight glimpse.
If he can, he hopes that the younger brother will never know. Whether it is painful or sinful,
all of them are carried by him.
Then he made the same choice as a million years ago.
"I can't be alone, destroy your way."
You are with me, the air is entangled, it will only add ups and downs.
When Mo Changyuan’s remnant soul controlled his body, he swallowed up all the monsters
in the comet. Now Luo Mingchuan wants to seal the abyss, and it is going to be much faster.
The vibration of the earth's veins is getting stronger and stronger, and the more Yin Yin
feels the strong sense of oppression spreads around, as if the air stops flowing, the invisible
force should block this space.
Then the people around him waved into the wind, hitting a palm and sending him away.
Yin Yi took advantage of the situation to pull his sleeves and took people into his arms. He
said, "We are two things to be together, and the road is a hair! Go -"
For a moment, I’m talking about the real yuan and skyrocketing.
After the whistling wind, there was a loud noise.
The dust settled and the abyss collapsed behind them.
Yin Yi has more than one person in his arms, and he rushed out of the 陨星渊 and later
failed to take over, only to adjust the posture slightly.
The air current impact caused them to lie on the thick snow, and the white snow was
shaken a little.
Breathing free air, soft snow underneath, warm lover in my arms.
It feels too real and too beautiful. As if the biting hurricane is gentle, the stars in the sky are
Yin Yue is a long, sigh of relief. The mind is calm down a lot, slowly coming,
"I know that you are thinking about me, but if you are easy to get along with me, how would
you choose? Without you to be with me, I can't make a road, it doesn't mean anything..." He
"I want to say, ah, we have already done this, let alone his anger and luck, and simply do not
go back to the acquaintance, and entangled in a complete entanglement! The big road can
not look pleasing to the eye, a slap in the face On that day, I am also in front of you. Since
then, I have you in this world, no longer separated! You will follow me!"
This straightforward to rogue expression, Yi Ling did not say, Yin Yi is also the first time, it
really spent all the courage of past and present.
When he finished speaking, he was nervous and waited for a response.
As if the sound of the four wilderness calmed down, I could still hear the heartbeat in my
The short blank was stretched indefinitely, and for a long time, Yin Yin heard a chuckle.
There are a lot of complicated emotions in the laughter that he doesn't understand.
"The brothers are sincere and sincere, this seat does not dare to fail."
A chill has risen from behind, from the cold of the limbs to the bottom of my heart, Yin Yue
is more and more repeating, "Sister?"
"How? Why is it because I am stuck in the Linyuan sword for a long time, you took me as a
sword spirit, I don't want me to call you a brother, I want to change the individual title... call
your master?" In his ear, he whispered to him, "Master?"
The cold breath spread from the auricle to the whole body, and Yin Yue turned his gaze
more and more, facing the eyes of a pair of evil spirits.
A blue sky in my heart.
Why is this happening? !
He slammed a squid from the snow, and Lin Yuanjian was out of the sheath, and the tip of
the sword pointed to the person lying on the ground. His face was cold and his movements
were neat, but his heart was almost collapsed.
I just want to talk about a love, this is too special!
"I just said that I want to be with me. Now I will point my sword at me. You killed me, but I
didn't kill it anyway."
The people under the Linyuan sword are very calm, slowly sit up and squint at him.
Yin Yin heard more and more, and there was a sting in his heart. The fingers holding the
sword were forced to subtle white. "You are not my brother Mo Changyuan, nor my brother
Luo Mingchuan."
Mo Changyuan outside the cold inside heat. Luo Mingchuan gentleman end. No matter
which one, it is definitely not the person in front of you.
But this familiar feeling is not wrong. He really can't get it.
The distant memories flashed past, and the more Yin Yin understood the beginning and the
end. The cultivation of Tianluo nine turns into the border very fast, Mo Changyuan's
temperament changes greatly, sometimes it is as cold as ever, and sometimes cruelly killing
like a demon. It seems to be changed into two people, and the Buddha and the devil are one.
When the last block was in front of him, Lin Yuanjian's life was fleeting, and Tian Luo nine
turned himself to exercise, leaving a soul in the sword.
Since the sword for him is his younger brother, Mo Changyuan, then the remnant of the
sword is the demon.
In other words, when this disgusting thought was stripped, it was only when the
reincarnation came, the very good Luo Mingchuan.
Lin Yuanjian returned to the sheath, Yin Yin is more and more at a loss.
Flowers open two sides, everything has yin and yang, and people have good and evil is
But how can these two souls be merged after millions of years of separation?
Even if you have to give up one, how can you do it without hurting your brother's body?
The demon statue Shi stood up and licked the residual snow on his sleeve. Step into the
Yin Yin is more and more tight in his heart. "Where are you going?"
The man turned back and gave him a look of knowing and asking, laughing, "Returning to
the world."
This sentence is said to be in the face of Luo Mingchuan, and it is extremely lethal to Yin
He calmly and steadyly keeps up with him. "How is my brother?"
"I don't think that I have known each other for hundreds of years. I have been talking about
it for so long when I am with you. Now that you are not leaving the hypocrite, it is really
Yin Yin took the hand that was wrapped around his waist, and the cross sword went to
block the body that was close to him. "If you have something to say, don't move your
You do this with the body of my brother, I can't hold it!
Also, is this person really killing the Quartet and blaming the demon? Hey me?

Chapter 108:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
My name is Yin Yi Yue.
I have a quasi-walker.
Our past lives are **** and heart-wrenching, and we love each other. In this life, learn
lessons, practice, practice swords, travel, show love, push bosses, and save the world.
Although there have been many twists and turns in the middle of the road, I have to look at
my sweetheart and go to the peak of my life.
The problem is... I have a good and evil soul, and I am fine.
How to break?
Online, etc. anxious.
Before Yin Yue crossed the brain hole, he silently crossed out the phrase 'online waiting'. In
my heart, add ‘no time, wait, go.’
The predecessors of the process have already gone back. Who is the most knowledgeable in
this world, good at answering questions? Nature is the Mr. House.
Where are they going now? Nature is Zhonglu Yunyang City.
The question is, how do you explain this to someone around you, saying that patients with
sperm should be treated aggressively, insist on taking medicine, and not harming the next
Yin Yi is more serious, "wait a minute."
The demon statue raised his eyebrows to see him.
"We... don't go back to Yashan. First go to Zhonglu."
I didn’t expect the demon head to go back. “Okay. Come and lead the way.”
It is indeed a walk, no use of any method. Like ordinary travellers, they greeted the night
winds on the vast snowfields.
The world is wide and the figures are extremely small.
Things are too easy, and the prepared words are useless. He took out a piece of jade,
covered the gods and passed it back to the end of the world. He only said that everything
was fine. After some time, he went back with his brother.
"You have nothing to ask?"
Across the distance of three feet away, Yin Yi looked sideways and saw that the person was
calm and looked far away.
"This world is completely strange to me, where are you, where is the destination."
I suddenly smiled and laughed.
"Don't ask me, you only want me to be in the sword."
Yin Yue almost began to read ‘清心诀’.
When Luo Mingchuan’s eyes were filled with laughter in the past, such as the breeze, the
warm jade glowed. At this time, it is clearly the same face, but there is evil in the laughter.
Inexplicable people feel that they are being confused and their minds are shaken.
The more Yin Yin is silent, just speeding up. Leave people behind.
Then an unscrupulous gaze fell on him, such as the edge of the back, the sharp sense of the
practitioner's five senses clearly conveyed that feeling.
From the back to the waist, from the hip to the leg, looking at the past one inch, repeatedly,
never bother.
It’s more uncomfortable than going side by side.
Already able to see the borders of the snowfield, the barren land, sparsely growing yellow
grass. Close to day and night, the stars are faint and the sky in the east is slightly white.
Finally, I can’t stand it anymore, and I’m looking back at the magic deity that is three feet
"Can't you go faster?"
The breeze is stunned, the cold breath is approaching, "What? You are in a hurry?"
Yin Yi’s subconscious mind wants to retreat, and he does not want to be in a passive
position and loses momentum.
"This is clean, but the rest of the war has not been smooth. After going to the mainland
school, I will go back to the horizon as soon as possible..."
He said that he was upright and could not pick a trace of fault, but he was watched by the
eyes of the heavy ink, and he felt guilty and short-lived, and still had some irritability.
"Okay! You look at me like that in the back, I am uncomfortable. What do you think? What
can you say directly? I am not good at trying to figure out people's hearts. I couldn't guess
your thoughts millions of years ago. I still grow a little over a million years later. No! Even if
I have gone through three thousand worlds, I just learned to have something to say."
Simply broke the can and waited for the other party to ridicule.
The demon statue converges on the smile, slowly,
"You grow a lot, it's me who doesn't grow."
But I don't want to say it now.
Say you can't wait here to embrace you, go back to the Changyuan Temple and cry you?
If you can't get the most disgusting magic from the inside out, how can you compensate for
this million years of separation?
If you really say it, I am afraid that you will resist me more.
So the demon statue is just a faint way. "Brother, there used to be a river."
The topic was taken lightly. Yin Yi is a glimpse, looking at the other's gaze, not seeing the
river in the distance, only the slight morning light in the grass.
What is missing in my mind.
Yes, they had a battle in the land a million years ago. The sun star is fascinating, and the ten
swells are turbid.
However, after a long period of time, the rivers dried up, the silt deposited at the bottom of
the river was covered with earth and stone, and the spring came to autumn, and the grass
was overgrown.
It’s nothing but the sea. No power has been able to match the time.
I only listened to people around me and said, "There is no change. I haven’t looked at the
world for a long time."
It seems calm, but it is lonely.
At this moment, the more Yin Yin suddenly became soft.
"Actually, I am not in a hurry..."
Stayed in the sword for so long, once you return to the world, want to see more. It’s not
about killing people and setting fire to destroy the land.
This soft heart is inexplicable, just like he can't kill the man.
Just like Yi Ling is always soft on Mo Changyuan.
Devil smiled and said, "Let's go."
The means of overthrowing the world is used to deal with one person with warmth and
tenderness, as long as there is enough patience and there is nothing that can't be done.
What's more, this person has not changed, still eat soft and not hard.
After they got out of the snowfield, they passed through many towns and villages and went
all the way to the seaside port.
In the realm of two people, as long as they do not want to show up, very few people in the
world can detect the traces.
Donglu is not the main battlefield. There is no magical conflict, but the atmosphere is more
tense than in the past. Many people flocked to the town, in addition to the former disciples
of the twelfth house, as well as the scattered training of the expeditionary demon army.
After the contract with the monsters in the abyss was abolished, the war in front was
defeated, and many demons returned to their homeland. However, the aura of the
snowfield has changed drastically, and the aftermath of the turbulence still exists, and no
one dares to set foot.
More than half of the palaces in the twelfth house fell, and the top magical powers who
stayed on the snowy peaks of the sky were all killed under the Linyuan sword. Therefore,
today’s Donglu multi-party separatists, different forces are incompatible with each other,
more than before the war. confusion.
Near the largest city on the snowy side, the wind is full of blood and suffocating.
On the avenue outside the city, the land was dyed black and purple, and I looked at the
dead bodies. The blood that has not dried up is flowing and spread to the feet of both
people. The devil looked at the broken flag of the city. "We changed the road."
This is already a dead city.
Yin Yi stood in the hurricane, and his thoughts diverged. From this, many pictures were
"If one party is stronger than others, the rules can be established, and the East can be
determined. After reunification, it is necessary to cultivate and live, and it is difficult to fight
the fire in the world, at least for more than a hundred years."
The people around me smelled like laughing and laughing. "Do you want me to enter the
game at this time, unify the East Land and reinvigorate the Magic Palace?"
Yin Yi is more and more embarrassed, "How is it possible? If I can come back, I hope that
you have never repaired the devil."
"Don't bother with it, it's also time to transport, no one will have someone else. It's you, for
so many years, there are still people in the bones."
Yin Yin is more and more laughter, always feels that something is wrong, but can't say the
So they went on.
After the killing, the smoke of the smoke, the mountains and rivers covered by snow. Yin
Yin has a memory of the past, and the sentiment on the avenue is getting closer to being a
true fairy. The walking footwork is also in line with the heavens and the earth. As long as
the mind is quiet, it will be practiced all the time.
When it came to the wasteland, it was the sunset gold. He remembered that here, Master
taught him **** people.
Later, I sat on the big tree and read the notes I wrote many years ago. The world is really
After half a month, he gradually dismantled the initial defenses, and the two talked less, and
more often they were silent.
The demon statue no longer mentions old things. They are like the most common fellow
brothers, accompanied by a trip down the mountain. Passing through the mountains and
rivers, and watching the scenery also practice.
On this day, when he was about to step out of the wilderness, Yin Yin said more. "I feel that
my heart is in trouble."
"Where is there a problem?"
“As the training improves, it seems to be getting calmer.”
Mozun looked at his eyes. "You got the way when you were in the world. When you were in
the middle of the world, you went back to heaven and earth, and the power of the poor and
oneself explored detachment. Everything is settled, how can it not be calm. Now it is just
going back to the old road. ”
Yin Yue is more stunned and finally understands what is wrong.
He saw the melee of the East, the terrible killing, and sighed in his heart, but did not think
about changing himself. I remembered that Master’s time was still there, and it was just sad
that things were wrong, and there was no idea of how to open a sword. His state of mind is
more and more like a bystander of this world.
Perhaps it is not a long time, I can't remember the emotions after the past life.
But because at that time, he had almost no emotion.
It’s terrible.
The memory of the past once again emerged. He once said that in the Lijiang River, which is
less than a hundred miles away from this place, he said to Mo Changyuan, "I have no
concern, I will prove the void, and there is no difference in where I am." Mo Changyuan
therefore and him After a complete break, he was touched.
Yin Yi said, "I am afraid that this is not to go back and seek the old road, but to repeat the
same mistakes."
Demon smiled with a negative hand, "I am afraid of anything, even if you are too ruthless,
how come will be a true immortal, I will not look at you as a cold-hearted look."
Yin Yin is no longer talking. Step forward and walk. At the end of the field of view, you can
see the outline of the wall of the seaside port.
He really wants Luo Mingchuan, and he wants his brother to come back. If he can hold it,
maybe any problem will be solved.
Luo Mingchuan is able to perceive the outside world. You can even talk to the demon.
When he left Xing Xingyuan, the remnant soul absorbed the remaining magic in the abyss
and trapped him in the depths of the sea, but he could not make him completely sleep.
He guessed that the younger brother was going to find Mr. Zhang’s help, and he also heard
the phrase “I have nothing to say, I am not good at trying to figure out people’s hearts.”
The wisdom of the younger brother is far better than him.
The understanding of many things has nothing to do with the cultivation of high and low,
only related to the age of experience.
If Xingshan Temple experienced the illusion, there is no younger brother insisting on
making it clear, I am afraid that they have now misunderstood many misunderstandings.
The worst result is similar to past lives, and it is not clear to death.
Luo Mingchuan said, "His feelings are slowly divesting. He needs me now."
The demon smirked in the sea of knowledge.
The two of them are one and the other is clear that apart from being one, there is no way to
eradicate each other. Even if one soul can be destroyed, another person will be affected.
Under such circumstances, even if it is extremely reluctant, they have to admit that the best
way to pay attention to the situation is to return the body control to Luo Mingchuan.
The devil did not do this.
The battle turned to the stars and went for another three days.
There are salty and tidal waves in the wind, and you can see the white lighthouse and
seabirds. Catch up with a team of expeditions to repair the sea and return to the sea, the
city is like a raft, they are against the crowd, and come to the port where the ship is
There are dusty servants, tired practitioners, merchants who are still profitable, trade in
the sea, and ordinary people who are cautious in the chaos, noisy and chaotic, and all
human beings.
Yin Yin wants to ask the other party whether to rent a boat or cross the sea directly.
Just as soon as I turned around, I was dragged into my arms when I was too late.
The tough kiss fell, and the heat was inexplicably cold.
After the shackles of the shackles, he pushed open the other side with no expression, and
took the wind to go.
Just feel unacceptable, not angry or embarrassed.
Luo Mingchuan was dizzy for a moment, and consciousness regained control of the body. If
you don't have time to question the demon, you will catch up with the wind.
"Younger brother -"
Yin Yi’s body shape was more and he looked back at him. His smile seemed to be nothing.
“The brothers are back.”
Luo Mingchuan does not know how to speak.
When they came side by side, the younger brother took his sleeve and sighed. "It used to be
that Master took me. Now it is my brother who takes me to fly. When can I fly by myself?"
The current sea breeze is no different from the cloud, but the person is standing in the
clouds. Three thousand white hair, clean.
The look is like when they first saw the dungeon, and it was like the singularity of the
singer--a good fairy.
At this moment, he suddenly felt that those memories that had been unreserved and owned
by each other were his big dreams.
After waking up, the younger brother is still a fairy who is not wanting to ask for anything,
and who is not worried about everything.
I know the sound of the sea, "Look at what he is now, like the strong love in the past, hate,
greed and grievances, all of me alone."
Luo Mingchuan understood the idea of the remnant.
"Impossible, I will not bind him to force him."
The devil smiled softly. "I hope that after a few days, you will think so."

Chapter 109:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yue is more sure that he is happy. The gentle and inclusive look of the Shang brothers,
the joy from the heart can not be faked.
He laughed and almost relieved.
Between the flashing thoughts, I remembered that after I left the Master, I reunited with my
brothers at the floating beach, and I couldn’t help but rushed to the other side. The picture
in memory is still vivid, and the mood at that time is blurred.
So the current state is still wrong.
It’s really troublesome.
Luo Mingchuan did not say anything, but just took the hand of the younger brother.
Yin Yi regained his grip with force, and suddenly the cold wind of the face faded, as if it was
blocked by an invisible barrier.
Subconsciously doing this, I remembered the cultivation of him and his brother, and the
fear of the district was a fear.
I was a little gratified, because Master had explained it, and later brought people to drive
the clouds, remember to block the wind.
I still remember what Master said, and it was saved.
While exploring the avenue, the feelings are gradually stripped. But stop asking how to
open a sword and find a master? How to fight against the unpredictable fate?
I hope that Mr., who knows everything, will have a way.
The choppy sea flies at their feet, and from time to time there are huge sea animals jumping
out of the sea, and only a flash of black shadow can be seen in the clouds.
In the higher sky, there is sunlight falling through the thick clouds, and the wind and the
clouds change when the wind rises. The weather is magnificent and varied from time to
Yunyang City has a hard battle to defend the city. At this time, after the war, the wolves
were still there, but the ruins of the Hokuriku camped in the wilderness outside the city,
and it was finally reassuring. A teacher is carrying more than ten students and hanging on
the towering walls with light body techniques to repair the broken runes on the black
bricks. There are still many people standing under the wall, waiting to take over.
When the Yunyang City was refurbished and expanded, it was personally drawn by Mr.
Zhang Yuan, and several major families from China and Lu. At the beginning, it was chosen
to sculpt the plaque on each brick, instead of setting up a ban on the entire wall, and the
process was more complicated. At least the sculptor needs to be meditation above the gods,
the gods are not weak, and there is research on the path.
Therefore, the construction process of the city wall is extremely slow, but the decision
made by Ya Sheng, even if people are puzzled, no one dares to say anything.
In the wartime, the pattern on the brick wall is in a lineup, and the degree of defense
against the enemy is incredible. Now calm down, the teachers think of the old things many
years ago, can not help but give birth to many guesses and sighs. Didn’t Mr. Xiang’s count to
Yunyang City be robbed? Is there a war in the world?
The students under the wall waited for success, and they became acquainted when they
started talking. However, the current battlefield is not easy, but there is no easy fun.
"I said that I was on the wall that night, and the magic repair seems to have suddenly
collapsed. Before the arrival of the Hokuriku army, it was embarrassing."
"Think about it now, it’s really awkward."
There are many different opinions, and some people in the crowd suddenly say, "...It is said
that their combat power is related to the 陨星渊, and there are big men in the Yashan
Mountain to the East China Sea, which sealed the abyss." When he said this, he
subconsciously suppressed the voice, and there are still many people. Hear.
For a time, it is inhaling sound.
"Who can seal the abyss..." He pointed his finger at the sky, "Is it..."
Is the saint coming back?
"Really? What happened?"
If Juggernaut is really back, one person can attack the city and destroy the country. What
kind of magic repair is not enough to fear.
The student bowed his head. "I only heard one sentence, the big man, who knows so
The topic was deliberately avoided.
"The Magic Army was hit hard this time. There are very few top powers left. I don't think I
will cross the sea for an expedition... We are stronger now."
The bankruptcy of the homeland, the cruelty of the war, the serious injury or death of the
companions all gave them a feeling of war-wear.
Some people are shaking their heads, and they are still not optimistic. "The six masters of
the Sixth Asians can only fight, and the masters are profound, but..."
Although this war is turbulent, it has broken the impression that Yasheng has almost
omnipotent in people's minds, but it is still unconscionable by ordinary people. Don't have
to talk about it anymore, everyone understands what he means. Buddhism is not good at
It would be great if any big man could be sanctified.
Not only in Yunyang City, but also in Yuzong, in Yecheng in the south, all over the place,
people think this way.
Yin Yinyue passed by the students who passed the chat, passed the prohibition of the city
gate, and stepped into the city. No one noticed them.
It is the light that is near dusk.
The city is still high-rise and bright. It is not the Hualou Lantai, the Golden Palace lantern
and the red lantern. It is the torch that is lit in front of each house, and the aperture of some
All the way, the households closed the door and locked, and there were only hurried
practitioners on the street.
Only the school has not changed. I can see the lights in the library building from afar.
The number of Yin Yi is unclear. This is the first time I have come here. I remember the time
when I saw the first time in the hospital, I was still nervous about the thin ice.
Going to the familiar lane, someone came out to meet. A student who is not a coveted child
or a blue gown, is a young monk wearing a robes in the temple. The double palms and the
tenth announced a Buddha number, and the eyebrows were low-eyed. "The teacher and the
gentleman played in the court, and the poor led the two donors."
Luo Mingchuan said a lot of work, and smiled at the comfort of the people around him.
Yin Yue knows that the brother is trying to reassure himself.
If you can play chess with Mr. Jiayuan, there is only an innocent mage in the temple, and the
Buddha is well versed in medical treatment. If he is in the school, he should be fine. If there
is something, where is the mind to play?
He is in a complicated mood for Mr. House. Although Mr. was involved in the establishment
of the bureau, they almost died in Xingshan Temple. But he rescued him several times and
paid a lot. He had already taken the other side as a respectable elder.
It was still the inconspicuous small door that was pushed open and passed through the
yard full of eucalyptus trees.
The cold wind is bleak, and the tall wooden stands that used to flourish in the past are only
the dead leaves.
Two people in the courtyard sat in front of the stone case, and one of the chessboards was
illuminated by the oil lamp stand. It is clearly a bleak picture, but it is inexplicably free and
Mr. Zhang Yuan is wearing a black crane and holding a stove in his arms. I just strangled
each other's long dragons, and I was eager to collect them from the chessboard. I saw them
laughing. "Look, I will say yes."
There is no sound of Amitabha. It is the default.
The leader who leads the way retreats, Yin Yue and Luo Mingchuan go to see the ceremony,
still a disciple.
Yin Yi crosses the road, "Master Xie floats the seaside and points to the grace."
The other side used the Buddhist lions to learn from the fascination for him to drink and
get lost.
Nothing to shake his head, "It will be enlightened by your accessibility, no matter how long
or late, when you are not thankful."
Mr. Jiayuan said, "Come, sit down and talk."
The stone case is not big, and four wicker chairs are ready for tonight.
After Yin Yue entered the seat, he squinted and raised his eyes, looking at Mr.
The realm reaches a certain level, the breath is freely retracted, the dripping is not exposed,
and the return is true. It is the young son of the sword when he is in the city. When Mr.
Jiayuan was drinking tea and reading a book, he was as rich and idle.
But now it is not the same. The distance is closer to Yin Yin, and the more it is discovered,
the subliminal pressure that looms over the school is only from the innocent mage.
At this moment, Yin Yi did not know how to speak.
Mr.’s repair is gone.
Stargazing can be seen from the sky, comprehend the magic of space, throwing a cup,
changing the gentleman who is thousands of miles away, and becomes an ordinary person.
The party did not care. "It’s just a little repair. I used to eat a part of the streamer that I said
before, and I have eaten a part of it. It’s still a long life. It’s a big deal to practice from
Biliuguang eats the flower leaf, the roots of the veins are purified and the appearance is
unchanged, and the roots of the roots are condensed and the longevity is long.
Mr. Zhang Yuan and Juggernaut used to treat it as a common spirit grass when he was a
Yin Yue is more and more hollow, and those complex emotions are rushing away, leaving
only the heart of the lake.
Sure enough, it was so serious that even such a thing could only touch him for a moment.
Luomingchuan Road, "Please take care of you. If necessary, my brother and I are willing to
serve our disciples."
The gentleman waved his hand. "Where to use it... Don't say me, how are you?"
The question is still more difficult to answer.
Fortunately, Luo Mingchuan’s opening ceremony,
"The younger brother communicates with the stars of the heavens and the earth, awakens
the memory of the past life, and cultivates for a thousand miles. The sentiment of the
avenue gradually tends to the past life, and the personal feelings are gradually stripping
away. And I know the sea, there is a sorrowful soul, which is left in the long distance sword
before the reincarnation. The demon in the middle. If you take a self-seeking battle against
him, you will be indifferent and hurt others."
Yin Yin listened to the facts and suddenly felt that he and his brother were really miserable.
It’s always only the poor couples who are mourning, how come to the true fairy and the
devil, is it all wrong?
They are sitting here now, just like sitting in the clinic. Just waiting for Mr. Zhang Yuan to
say, "This disease, the cost of treatment is high, the cycle is long, the patient and family
members are more painful, you see ..." immediately rushed to shake hands, "governance!
Shabu-shabu iron is also cured! Doctor, Save my wife!"
After listening to the gentleman, he turned to the people around him. "My eyes are not as
good as before. What do you think?"
Innocent Master has the same color and calmness. "Loss Lord, the soul is one with you. If
you are missing him, it is not complete. For the present, only you can recognize him from
the heart, accept him, and the opportunity will come. It can be a two-phase fusion."
This possibility Luo Mingchuan thought of it, but his heart is in conflict, and he is very
reluctant to come to the demon. But he still replied, "Where is the opportunity to ask the
Innocent did not say that the secret can not be leaked, it is straightforward, "the barren
realm is limited, can not see. It depends on the self-seeking of the donor." Turned to Yin
Yue, "Tai Shang Forget the realm, it is no **** I have to be free. I need to know that life is
like being in the thorny forest. If the heart is not moving, then people will not move. If they
do not move, they will not hurt. The donor has already got the road, what confusion?"
Yin Yi said, "The master has been practicing Buddha for many years, and the glitz of the
world is like a cloud of smoke and a clear heart. I am different."
He thought about it. "In the past, I had a sword in my hand. I had him in my heart. I was
worried. How is it not free? If you lose your feelings, you have no interest. It is also a kind of
embarrassment for me to be free."
Luo Mingchuan heard the words and laughed. Even if he came to this situation, the younger
brother still cares about him.
I don’t miss the phrase “Worry is gone,” and Shen Dao said, “The main thing is to open up
new ways, no less than sailing against the water, and there is no ancient person to know...”
Mr. Jiayuan laughed. "Before the ancients are true, there may not be no one afterwards.
Unfortunately, I can't help you. Why don't you ask your second sister, or the sword of the
Qingjian sword?"
Yin Yin nodded silently. The second division is ruined by the 'life and death', perhaps
similar to his situation. He didn't know about Zhongshan's affairs for a while, but the
gentleman let him go, it must be justified.
Then he said, "There is one more thing, I want to know the direction of the sword."
The gentleman's look changed slightly, like suddenly thinking of something, taking a folded
piece of paper from the wide sleeve. "Your master left it. He said that when you talk about
this kind of problem someday, I can't answer it. Take this. show you."
Yin Yin and his hands were taken over. I was wondering what could not be answered. I only
heard the gentleman say, "Go back and see again. The province will ask me again."
So he carefully collected it and did not use his knowledge to explore.
When the two of them resigned, they were in the middle of the moon. In the distance, the
lights of the schoolhouses were extinguished. I don’t know where the faint readings came.
Ning He did not experience the appearance of a chaotic world.
Mr. Jiayuan gathered up the crane and looked at the chessboard. "I am sleepy, and I will go
down tomorrow."
Nothing to say, "I will go back in the morning and tomorrow."
"Then say it next time."
This is what I said, but I don’t know how many years later it will be.
Innocent suddenly sighed, "A feeling is indifferent, a strong obsession, they are far and
Mr. Jiayuan said, "It’s just complementary, and the two are brilliant. They are a natural
I thought about it innocently, and I think it makes sense.

Chapter 110:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Yin Yiyue and Luo Mingchuan walked in Yunyang City.
The light of the moon in the sky, the torches on the street and the brilliance of the array of
law, staggered on them. The dead branches of the cold wind swayed, and the shadows
reflected on the white wall of the house, quite a bit of a strange meaning.
Yin Yin opened the door. "I suddenly felt that it was not impossible to reach the true fairy
realm with Master's talent and kendo. Only he knew the consequences, so he did not want
People like Master come to the world to be happy and enmity, laugh and roar, how can they
live in a seemingly indifferent appearance?
There seems to be a smile in the voices of the people around me. "Some people don't want
to, they just abandon them, and some people can't ask for it. It's really interesting to
cultivate Buddha."
Yin Yin is more faint, "You are here."
I don't know if it is an emotional problem, or I have experienced the sudden change of the
previous two demon statues and my brothers. He is not surprised at all.
"You should have heard that the two souls are difficult to get one. The best way is to
integrate. I know that you are very difficult to accept..."
Demon smiled, "He is more difficult to accept. The hypocrites refuse to admit their dark
side, can not reconcile with themselves, naturally will not accept the evil me..."
Yin Yin just wanted to say that my brother is not a hypocrite, just listen to each other and
"Not to mention that he sees you more important than himself. You are hard to accept. He is
even more reluctant."
Yin Yin shook his head. "There is no absolute good or evil. No one is a saint or a devil. I have
evil thoughts. You also have good intentions. They are all the same." He paused. "Give me
some time, I will try to accept." you."
The Guangsha of Yunyang City was left behind by them, and the evening wind was not
covered, and it was raging in the wilderness outside the city.
Devil disapproved, "I can't be like him, you don't expect it. Don't fool me with the words
"human nature is good", what is self-denial, honesty, integrity, gentleman, I don't believe in
stupid things... ..."
Yin Yin is more than embarrassed, "What do you believe?"
The devil is holding his hand and his gesture is sloppy but his meaning is calm.
"Absolutely powerful power, manipulating the power of the human heart..." He looked at
the look of the people around him. "How, now accept me?"
Yin Yin crossed the road, "I will."
It sounds very sincere and very moving, but not enough to impress the devil.
"When did the real fairy like to talk empty words? The mouth said that acceptance, still go
so far."
Yin Yue took the initiative to pull in the distance between the two, "I just don't get used
Demon respects his temper and teaches him, "It's easy. You want your body to get used to
being close to me, and your heart will be unloaded."
Yin Yin is more intuitive that this is not the right thing, but he does not make mistakes. Only
have to be silent.
If the moon is like a practice, the figure of the photo falls on the grass. The shadows of the
two people are very close, almost one thing to merge.
No matter where it is, this winter is particularly long. When the North Luchu snow fell, it
was an abnormal month. Snow flakes are also floating in the gentle and humid south land.
After the snow season, the weather is still not warming up, the glaciers in the wilderness
are not melting, and the vegetation is not green.
Until the year-end quietly ended, the town did not smell the sound of firecrackers, and did
not open the market, the lanterns.
When Yin Yue and the two returned to the end of the world, a spring in the mountain gate
was twitching. There are several young disciples with tender faces around them, and the
crisp children’s voices are scattered in the mountain wind.
"There is finally a flower, I thought spring is not coming..."
"This is what Master has to hear to train you. Winter is going to spring to come to heaven.
The practitioners of my generation have a sense of vitality and know the four seasons. How
can I see flowers like ordinary people?"
"You are not right. There is also a big world in the flowers. The younger sisters look at the
flowers. If they see the micro-intelligence, the mood is clear, and it is also very good."
Suddenly there was a young voice coming from a height. "What are you talking about..."
Several young disciples rushed to spread and repaired the mountain gate.
The battle between Yan Xing and Lin Yuan was in front of the mountain gate, and there was
a large array of guardian mountains. The stone steps in front of the mountain were also
separated by swords and swords. The land outside the gate is even more messy.
Yin Yan looked up and looked at it. The gods passed through the vast clouds and the
mountains and peaks. There were repairing the way and replanting the disciples. From
time to time, there are more than ten people in a team of patrols passing by. In addition, the
church is still crowded, and the church is still in class, and everything is no different from
before the war.
Lined in the early spring scenery, it seems to be full of vigor and vitality.
"My yard is next to the Hanhua Peak on the Hantan. Would you like to go there and wait for
The demon statue raised his eyebrows to see him.
"If this thing is known to the brothers and sisters, they must be worried. They are already
very tired... Also, the real person at the head is too old to be stimulated."
If Zhengyangzi’s grandfather saw his own apprentice going out, he became a demon, and he
was afraid of vomiting blood. Fortunately, they are in the realm of today's realm. Any ban
on the ban on the mountain is unimpeded, and the guardian mountain is detrimental. The
demon esteem only deliberately converges, and no one can detect it.
Yin Yiyue thought that this person was proud of his temperament and certainly did not
want to do something like a cover. He did not expect the other party to agree. "Okay, I am
waiting for you to come back."
After talking about the figure, it has disappeared in place.
Yin Yue did not avoid people when he went up the mountain. So after one person
recognized him, many disciples continued to salute, and more people heard the news. The
mountain road not far away was surrounded by water. It’s just that his temperament is too
indifferent, and he is awe-inspiring when he looks far away. Only with the companion
private voice.
"Is that Yin brother?"
"Yin Shi brother is back from Donglu Demon!"
"Do you feel it, Yin Shixiong is a big man, hey, why don't you see Luo brother?"
"I heard that the comet of Donglu is completely sealed..."
He did not expect this situation. Fortunately, the main peak sounded bells. After three
sounds, the birds were stunned to the forest. The hearts of the people were awake, and the
tides retreated, and they all returned to their place.
I saw that He Yan was running far away, and he couldn’t breathe with excitement. Xiaolian
was chasing her behind.
After the powder girl was standing, she did a good job, but she also had a certain degree of
stability. "Yin brother. After receiving the letter, I thought you would have to come back for
a long time. Everything on the mountain is good, Master started retreating yesterday." ......"
Zhengyangzi retreats, Luo Mingchuan is not there, as the pro-disciple of the head, the
coordination of many things in the end of the world, are on the shoulders.
Yin Yin nodded, "I have been working hard recently."
He Wei was a little embarrassed. "What are the hard things? These Luo brothers wrote
clearly before they left. I just did it. Luo brother... didn't you come back?"
Yin Yin crossed the road. "A little bit hurt, I asked him to go to me to raise it. I have seen the
head and the brothers and sisters."
Maybe he will go back, the people in the yard have changed from the devil to the
He Wei let go of his heart, Xiao Xiaolian smiled. "Yin brother has just returned. How can you
ask the East to ask the West? Let the brothers go to the right thing and then cultivate well."
Since the head was closed, Yin Yue went far to the Huaifeng peak after bidding farewell to
the two.
On the edge of the cliff, the sea of clouds surged, and Junyi took the sword and turned,
His breath is as usual, and the silky sword is not scattered, floating between the cliffs.
Yin Yin went forward, "Master."
Jun Yi first paid tribute.
There is always such a tacit understanding between the same door. When they are
different, they will experience the battle of life and death and the big comprehension. After
seeing each other, the words will not express concern, and one eye will be enough.
He took out the thin paper in his sleeve and explained the reason and presented it to the
"Mr. Zhang Yuan said that this was written by Master before going to the sword, and it can
solve our doubts."
Jun Hao took over his hands and opened them. The two dragons and phoenixes danced
straight into their eyes.
Yin Yin was speechless, and I thought that only Master’s work was done. And the master is
not a master, really calm. Mr. Jiayuan is also very powerful, and he said in advance that he
would not ask again.
The handwriting of Juggernaut is so strong that it is very sleek, but only writes the words
"Don't come".
Jun Hao was so cold-faced that he could not see the change of mood at this moment. Just
fold the paper back and put it in wide sleeves. Calmly, "The realm of the younger brother is
very good. Is there something wrong?"
The words are simple, but Yin Yue can feel the worry of the master. "It is only a matter of
stability, but the mood is different... The second division has a life and death, and I have
similar experiences with me. I want to ask her."
"Go, the younger sister has not returned to the hospital since she returned to the peak."
It is rare for the master to say a long sentence. It seems that the situation of the sister is not
Yin Yin walked on the mountain road of Yan Huafeng, occasionally Han Mei dip, the dark
fragrance floated.
I remembered the first time I went down to the mountain to go to the Folding Club. I also
took this road to go to the sister. The sister moved out of a bunch of implements and asked
him to bring them. Today, the mountain roads are unchanged, but the seasons are different,
and their mood is not like yesterday.
The spring in the mountains is late, and it is still expected that the cold wind will blow away
the clouds.
Liu Bull Frost was writing on the table in front of the window, smelling the door and said,
"Please come in."
There is sandalwood and smoke in the room.
The woman in the long-sleeved shirt holds the case, and her figure is tall and straight, like a
She copied a pass, and the pen was extremely stable and not ill.
Yin Yin went up to see, but he saw the swords and knives in the horizontal and vertical, and
the meaning of chilling came.
Full paper is a sharp edge.
"Second teacher..."
"Four younger brothers." Liu Bull Frost does not stop, does not move.
‘In addition to life and death in the world, which one is not trivial? Those who have died of
life and death, even their lives are not worried, the natural heart is like water, it is difficult
for foreign objects to move. ’
He forgot where he had heard this sentence at first, and he only felt very appropriate.
Liu Bull Frost copied a pen and put him down, asked him to sit.
"I know why you came, but unfortunately I can't help you. This is the rule. If someone can
break the balance between heaven and earth with one's own strength, it is too dangerous,
so that such people do not disturb the will of the heavens. So too much, It is the end of the
Yin Yin is more and more cool in my heart.
He first thought from his own point of view, only thought that compared with the vast
avenues of the road, the mood of the heart is too small. Just as people who have seen the
sea don't care about a grain of dust, the more they comprehend, the greater their power,
the farther they are from the world.
The sister is a different angle. Those who want to change their land to the ground can’t do
it, and the feelings they have acquired are indifferent and have no desire. Only in this way
can the operation of Heaven be unimpeded.
At the end of the avenue, there is only loneliness left.
"Dare to ask the sister, if there is one day, there is no concern, everything is forgotten, what
is the significance of practice?"
Liu Bull Frost shook his head. "Where is the day of forgetting the dust?"
Her eyes passed through the window and I didn't know where it was. "I promised a person
to live well, remember her for a long time. Can't lose faith in people."
Yin Yin looked at her, and her mind was slightly moved, and many pictures flashed in front
of her eyes.
So he asked, "Sister, but I think, is there a negative jade palace master?"
Liu Bull Frost went to the premise of the case, turned over a page of the Tao, calm,
"I have never promised, let me talk about it."
Yin Yin is more aphasia.
Say goodbye to the sister and walk back to his small courtyard.
Jin Wuxi fell, but there was no beautiful sunset, and the vegetation on the Huaihua Peak
was shrouded in the dark sky.
Suddenly someone called him, "The fourth child!"
Yin Yin turned back and saw Yan Xing holding the jar of wine and jumping from the tree.
"Three brothers, you... are you okay?"
Doesn't it mean that you have a fight with Lin Yuan and played very badly? The bones did
not know a few.
Yan Xing knew what he wanted to ask and waved his hand. "Don't listen to the old five
letters, my bones are hard."
Then he sighed, "Death, you have risen I have no dignity as a brother."
He took a letter from his arms. "Before you passed the book to the Qingjian Swordsman,
this is a reply from Zhongshan. He didn't hurt well. He can only dictate, Song Yu's
representative... I brought it back to you. ”
Yin Yin said, "There is such a heavy injury... I am bothering them."
Yan Xing was shocked. "It’s amazing. Song Wei said that you will definitely say that the
trouble is hard."
"What does the Songmen Lord say?"
"I also said that if you say it again, you are not taking them as friends."
Yin Yin smiled more and more. "The three brothers have been in the Qing dynasty school
Yan Xing remembered that Duan Chongxuan had ridiculed him before he left. "It’s like a
door-to-door singer." I don’t feel awkward and frankly admit, "Yes. Soon after Song Hao
took over, I can’t worry."
The words are exported, and I think of Duan Chongxuan’s sentence, ‘Is it familiar to you, is
it that you can’t worry about it? ‘This feels stagnation, flying to the top of the tree, throwing
a jar of wine, and taking a knife to the cliff.
"You should go first, I am going to find a master to fight."
The simple point is to find abuse.
Yin Yi only feels that the three divisions are coming and going, and they are interested.
They should learn from the masters.
He broke the letter and read it. He was concise and succinct. In addition to seeing a letter,
he was not cumbersome. A few words, the collapse of the rocks, the sky of smoke will jump
on the paper.
"...A million years ago, the master of the wind and rain swords really fell into a dilemma. It
was a coincidence that the wind and rain swords revisited the old, and I also entered a
certain mysterious realm..."
The evening wind in the mountains blows away the fog, as if the morning mist outside
Yecheng was opened by the sword. The other side of the sword ‘slanting wind and drizzle’,
such as the starlight shivering on the Qiujiang River. According to the long life of the
practitioners, the experience of the battle against each other is not far away, but it seems
that overnight, their kendo and life have been turned upside down.
"I realized the original intention of the wind and rain sword, and I was in the mood of the
time, it was the dying, and I could die... but I probably have the concern of living."
Yin Yan walked over and watched until the last sentence was read.
"...I only remember that the magic repair has not been driven. It is difficult for Wanfang. I
dare not go one step at a time. Master’s big hatred has not been reported, and the sects
have not been promoted. I dare not hesitate to live."
After talking with the two divisions, it was even worse. As soon as I looked up, I was facing
the familiar white wall and gray tiles.
The wall is a low wall and the tile is an old tile. His yard is simple to arrange, if it is not the
peak of the year, the likes of ordinary people.
The wooden door swayed slightly, and ‘Oh,’ opened.
There was a light in the bedroom, and the light passed through the paper window, and a
warm yellow was fainted in front of the stone steps.
The more Yin Yin remembered, someone here waited for him.
He pushed open the door of the bedroom, and when he did not know why, he said
"I am back."
The lights swayed and there was no one outside.
There was a chuckle in the back of the screen.
The laughter was low and dumb, echoing in the quiet night. Just like a stone into the lake,
splashing layers of ripples. A crow feather falls on the wine cellar full of moonlight.
Can not tell the lingering.
Yin Yin stepped over and saw that the bed was half-volume. The man was draped in the ink
and leaning against the bed. The white coat was wide open, revealing a chest like a jade.
The shimmer of candlelight came in, and his face was half-bright and half-dark, and the
thick ciliary feather cast a shadow. The look of the gods is not really cut, but the evil spirits
are unprovoked, like the demon of the soul.
The sound is also like a drunken spring, with a smile on the tail,
"Who did you go to see, who wrote the letter? It was so late to come back."

Chapter 111:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The thoughts of a moment, the more Yin Yin gently squinted. When it is opened again, the
light is clear and the dust is not stained.
He swayed in wide sleeves and held his hands.
The wooden window is windless and automatic, and it opens quietly. The cold night winds
are accompanied by starlight, blowing away the warmth and heat that makes people feel
The bed that was blown was light and the man was swaying.
Yin Yin went to the bed and bowed his head. This posture makes them very close, almost
breathing. He can even feel the smile of the other party and the vibration of his chest.
Then he raised his hand and pulled up the collar of the person in front of him, so that they
fit together perfectly and fasten the strap.
The first time he did such a thing, the action was unfamiliar and serious.
Finally, I stepped back two steps and calmed down.
"I saw the brothers and sisters, and read the letter from Zhongshan. I have something to
say, don't confuse me with the technique."
The person leaning on the bed was undecided, and the sleeves were finished with the
whole neckline. Obviously, it was too tight and uncomfortable. Even so, he followed his
"You asked those people, what did you ask?"
Yin Yin thought more and thought, "Probably it is necessary to be concerned."
Demon statue raised his eyebrows. "How much is your concern?"
Yin Yin is more silent.
He is worried about the separation of the brothers, the master who did not know when to
return, the same door of Yu Huafeng, and friends outside the world. It counts a lot.
The man was dull, like the abyss, "so, it is not enough to worry about it, but also *."
Yin Yue is quieter and repeats, "...*?"
"Hungry wants to be abdomen, cold to add clothes, is the most basic life*, earning a living
position, seeking fame and fortune, is after the warmth*, all beings are dying in life, dying to
death, are all *driven."
"As a practitioner, you should have a power of * and a pursuit of enlightenment. Now there
is nothing."
The gestures of the people in front of the eyes are sloppy, but the words that are spoken are
pressing hard.
"No struggles, no desire, no where are you??"
Yin Yi has to admit that the other person said it makes sense. "Do you think of a solution?"
"Think of the way to make you motivated, are you willing to try?"
"Talk to me? Ask me what I don't understand?"
The hoarse laughter sounded again. "Why is it so troublesome? It is not the easiest to say
'satisfying thinking'."
Yin Yin is more and more stunned.
Around a big circle, I was waiting for him here.
It’s a routine!
However, uncontrollable, those messy pictures suddenly emerged. The dark caves, the fiery
fire, the intimate touch... The face of the upper brother, the heart is like a feather, a warm,
He fixed his mind and sighed. "How did you become like this?"
The brothers and sisters are righteous gentlemen who don’t have to say, but when they are
interested in Ling Xiao, his younger brother, Mo Changyuan, is indifferent, and the outside
is cold and hot, and he is extremely good. Even if it was later enchanted, there was only the
coldness that refused to be thousands of miles away.
No matter who it is, it will not be so ridiculous.
The demon knows what he is thinking, and smiles. "You are almost going to become a real
fairy. If I am the same as the previous life, we will wait for the same mistakes."
When you repeat the same four words, Yin Yue will be more and more frowning.
"you are not willing?"
The night wind entering the room suddenly picked up. The candlelight was blown away by
the flicker.
He did not answer, but the meaning of rejection was very clear.
The horrible and vast pressure came down in a small room. The candlelight quenched.
Table bookshelf, screen bed, everything is shaking in the dark. He knew the patience of the
other party.
Always laughing, where to go, what to do to give him the decision, everything looks like a
When the stars come in, they are slightly twisted when they pass between them. The face
painting is wonderful and embarrassing.
Huge power hedging has transformed the space.
"Enough." Yin Yu broke the stalemate, but could not think of any reason to let the other
party stop.
If he said that Mo Changyuan would destroy the heavens and the earth, he could not stop it.
How can you care about the movement of the guardian mountain?
Finally, I have to say, "The bed is going to collapse, I can't sleep."
This reason he feels ridiculous.
Unexpectedly, the last second, still lingering on the dangerous atmosphere, on the edge of
the wrath, is so quiet.
Raised his hand and smashed his sleeves and got out of bed. "You sleep, I go to meditate
Then he really walked out and passed by Yin Yin.
The stars shook on him.
"I am sorry."
Yin Yi turned and said, he did not know why he apologized, only that the other party is
probably very sad.
This kind of sadness is like standing on the top of the snow-capped peaks, and seeing Mo
Changyuan holding the sword against him.
The devil has a footstep, but he has not looked back.
"You don't have to apologize, you are not wrong. It's really a strong word for me." He re-
answered the question. "I was alive a million years ago. I don't want to tell you anything.
You must be bored. I just want to." Anyway, you don't like Mo Changyuan's appearance
anymore. If you come back this time, you can live comfortably. If you want something, let
you know."
He smiled sideways. "Now, what I look like, you don't care. After all, there is a road in the
heart, what is the love and grievance?"
Yin Yin’s mind is slightly moving, and the real Yuan Zhen, an invisible barrier, is born. Just
in front of the person.
To say that his greatest progress in his life must be ‘the words are not clear. ’
He shouted, "Younger brother."
This sound seems to have returned a long time ago, and millions of years of human
segregation no longer exist.
"Going up to the mountain to worship, enlightenment and practice, then the red dust, life
and death experience, at that time, whether I love you, I really don't understand. After all,
the past is already embarrassing, and the grudges are hard to chase. I only know that I am
re-seeking in the world of three thousand, but for the sake of Change your life with you."
"But I can't lie to you, saying that no matter what you look like, there is no difference.
Because you are now separated from the two souls, let me really understand love in this
life, and it is the other half of the soul."
So don't say anything, I don't care. Mo Changyuan or Luo Mingchuan, the brothers are also
good teachers, past and present, I only have one.
What is the avenue is not as good as you.
The star river is sinking. The moon shadow moved westward and deviated from the Xuan
I don't know how long it took, the man said, "I understand."
Only this sentence, then break the barrier and go out.
Yin Yin heard the faint cracking sound in the air, and took a few steps back, sitting in front
of the bed.
He didn't know if he was doing the right thing. Whether this nectar hurts the other party.
After the breath, the candlelight outside lights up again.
The calm footsteps sounded, Yin Yin looked up and saw that the person who left was
actually back.
Open his arms to him, and the candlelight illuminates the gentle smile in his eyes.
The familiar atmosphere can’t be wrong, Yin Yin tried to hug each other.
It’s been a long time since I saw it.
Luo Mingchuan will be in his arms, his voice is a bit dumb.
"I am back."
Sleeping with the couch is not the first time.
Without being stunned, the two naturally lay in one place. Turn off the lights and close the
window, put down the bed, Yin Yue has changed a comfortable posture, thinking that he is
very overbearing around the waist of the brother.
Unexpectedly, it seems that the registration of the book is imminent, otherwise it is not
worthy of the name, too grievances.
The chest that was close to the cheeks was slightly shocked, and Luo Mingchuan’s voice
rang across his head.
"The time is right, I will retreat tomorrow."
‘ Wait for an opportunity, the two merge. ‘The innocent mage once said.
So without extra explanation, Yin Yi understands this.
It turned out so fast.
"This is a dangerous and unpredictable thing. We will go to the au, first tomorrow."
"This can't be squandered. When I go out and arrange again, I still have to dress, send
invitations, open the door to the end of the mountain, and have a big banquet for three
"It's all an excuse. After the affiliation, the air transport is connected. You are afraid of
anything wrong with the retreat. It will hurt me, isn't it?"
Luo Mingchuan is speechless. The younger brother is slow in some respects, but in more
cases, the spirit is clear and transparent.
Yin Yin looked up at him and angered. "If these are afraid, then what do we still do?"
Luo Mingchuan immediately gave people a sigh of relief. "I was wrong." He suddenly
laughed. "Your emotions seem to be coming back. It seems that it is good to make you
Yin Yin thought about it, "probably because there is a * that is with you."
Or there are too many things happening tonight, and they are all things that can affect my
Luo Mingchuan’s voice sank. “Do you believe his words?”
"...there is some truth."
"So let's try?"
Yin Yi just wanted to ask ‘What? ‘, ‘Warm thoughts □’ this sentence jumped out of his mind
and let him breathe.
Wait, it won't really be what he meant.
Suddenly a few strands of hair licked his cheeks, slightly itchy. The starlight was covered,
and Luo Mingchuan leaned down and pressed him under his hand. The dark tide in the eyes
is like a light.
They exchanged a long kiss.
Unlike the past, it’s a slap in the face, or it’s dominated by a party. The kiss is deep and
Yin Yue did not close his eyes and looked straight into the eyes of Luo Mingchuan. It is like
to engrave people into the heart.
While responding to oysters, I only felt that I was soaked in warm water from the lips and
tongues to the limbs.
The line of sight gradually blurred, and the thoughts were faint, and I wanted to say
something, but the throat could only make a vague choking. Like a helpless little animal.
The star fire was blown up in the wilderness, and it was burning all over the place.
Dongfeng passed through the night and the flower trees were opened.
On the verge of collapse, Yin Yin heard the low-pitched voice in his ear, as if with a smile.
"Teacher, you see, you are tempted, but there is no *."
"You have to blame me, I am afraid that if I can't wait for the customs clearance, you will
become completely unintentional and clean."
"If there is anything in this world that really scares me, I will probably lose you."
And he can't think about what it means, but he struggles unconsciously. "Brother, I am
On the weekdays, the gentleman like a jade, but suddenly a tougher, "call my name."
"Luo Mingchuan, Luomingchuan..."
Yin Yue is more thoroughly awake, on the second day of noon.
In the early spring, the light of the daylight enters the house, and the fine dust particles
float in the light.
In the water mirror, the faces of the two were reflected. He sat in front of the old case, and
Luo Mingchuan stood behind him and gave him a hair.
The silvery hair slipped from the slender fingers and was split into two halves.
Luo Mingchuan looked at the people in the mirror and smiled bitterly. "Is it angry?"
It’s also okay to be angry. This is what you are wrong with.
Yin Yin returned to God from meditation. "I am just wondering, how did you do it with your
It is clear that my realm is a thousand miles away, my mind is as firm as a rock, how can
Garan's technique easily confuse me? I used to be confused with the previous demon, but I
was not aware of it.
Luo Mingchuan heard the sting in his heart,
"Because you trust me. I am not prepared for it."
And I have used your trust. Things are as simple as that.
Very disappointed.
The water mirror bursts and turns into a mist of water. In the hand, the jade comb broke
into two pieces, and it was in the palm of your hand.
Until the white-haired youth turned around, revealing a long-lost smile,
"that's nice."
Luo Mingchuan thought that he had got it wrong. "What?"
Yin Yue sighed, "I knew that this would solve all the problems, and I still want to toss
If it is not too difficult, I really want to write a letter to Mr. It is expected that he will read
this book and he will not think of this method.
Yin Yin stood up and consciously and gentlely smoothed the collar for the brothers. "It’s a
hard brother. I am doing this, at least I can get you out."
He finally felt the goodwill of this world. There is a lot of dead wood in the spring, and the
joy of the dark flowers.
Forgetting about it, it’s not as good as a spring breeze.
It’s wonderful.
Luo Mingchuan lived.
In the end, how can I explain to the younger brother that this kind of thing is actually a loss
for him?
So he sighed.
Yin Yin immediately became nervous, "Sister?"
Luo Mingchuan took him out of the door.
In the early spring, the grass and buds are mad, and the green color is immersed in the fog
that is not scattered all the year round.
Spring is late, Hui Muzhen.
"I was just thinking that this life was fortunate enough to be a good one."
I don’t know when I grew a few wild cherry trees in the court. It is still young and low, and
the thin flower buds tremble in the wind.
Yin Yin stood on the side of the flower tree and laughed. "Where is the care of you, you can
do it under the Linyuan sword and re-enter the circle to seek a turn; and I am going
through the resurrection and experience the world..."
"The joy of being able to travel with the wind and the moon today is that you and I are
living from the mountains and waters, and we have changed our lives."
Until many years later, Luo Mingchuan still remembers this scene.
When the weather gets warmer, the peanuts in the mountains are mixed with the grass.
There are blue birds from the east to the east, bringing different news.
Liu Bull Frost received a letter from Duan Chongxuan from the Northland.
The letter is very long. The first three are asking the teacher to convey greetings to
everyone, from practicing greetings to eating and drinking. The last four articles have
written about their current situation, mainly complaining that the Imperial City is dry in
the air, and that the second is more and more eaten recently, so that after the illusion is
reduced, the fat becomes a scorpion.
I don’t mention a matter of fact.
Yan Xing guessed that he was probably an emperor. He couldn’t be ecstatic, and he couldn’t
say a lot of words. It’s been a long time, and people are not normal.
"Poor old five."
Yin Yin smiled after reading it. "You still have to work hard to write a letter back."
Liu Bull Frost beheaded, "not bothering."
Jun said, "I will return everything."
Yin Yin crossed the road. "Masters may wish to return two more sentences. The five
divisions must have seen it."
I want to be happy in my heart. If you want to see ‘the master is actually saying a long
sentence,’ you can be happy to the New Year.
Jun Hao’s cold look showed a bit of tension. The finger section of the sword was slightly
white, like a bitter reading and general eyebrows. “That adds a sentence...” He thought
seriously, “It’s really good. Don't worry."
Yan Xing almost laughed.
Yin Yi’s uncharacteristic return is very long. “Sister and sister will return to him. I have a
acquaintance, and I have been on the roster in the ancestral hall. The master’s brother has
received a gift. I have a **** relationship with Luo’s brother. Since then, there is a family.
People. When Luo Shixiong goes out, we will travel to the world and will go to the
Northland to visit him..."
Yan Xing seems to understand what it is, and it is also very long.
Liu Bull Frost wrote down one by one.
Yin Yin sighed in the heart, the five divisions witnessed the battle between life and death of
the sister and the jade palace master. With his access, he was afraid that he had felt the
difference in his sister's mood. So I wrote a long letter back periodically.
In order to let the sister think about something else, do something else, instead of copying
the Tao in the room all day. It’s really hard to write so much in your busy schedule.
He Wei and Yan Xiaolian received a letter from Qu Duo Yan.
The girl’s handwriting is still beautiful, and there is more room between the pens. The
three major pieces of the ocean are sprinkled, the general idea is that the rebuilding of the
surrounding villages and villages is nearing completion, and the construction of the martial
art is back on track. In the second half of the year, it is ready to open the mountain gate and
recruit new disciples. And her sword of the moon, has been able to get seven points of true
meaning, if the mother is still there, must go with friends and relatives.
Most importantly, she has to prepare for the third time in her life.
It was scared that He had eaten two roast chickens, and Xiaolian had calmed down with a
set of downhill punches.
"I said you write! You tell her, don't act rashly. After all, she is the lord now. Every move is
about the sect of the sect. I can't be impulsive. Let her calm down, it's best to take time to
meet, we will discuss big things. Make a move and move..."
He Yan said, Xiao Xiaolian pen went to the dragon snake.
"At the end, I asked, the unlucky... cough, unlucky to cross out, she said handsome and
unparalleled, who is the most handsome person."
He Wei really couldn't figure out which one, which family, and which disciple of the family,
could be so quiet that he won the first beauty.
Especially behind this beauty, standing on the whole squat, holding half of the land in the
middle of the country.
"How did she get stuck in the end? The paper is inevitable, the non-Jun is not anxious, there
is no sign. Is it all right now? It’s like my brother and Yin brother, not silent. If you don’t
ring, you will be a buddy?"
Yan Xiaolian put down the pen, put the letter into the small bamboo tube, and tied it for the
blue bird. "Luo brother and Yin brother are special. Now they have a lot of realm, far away,
I can't wait for it... As for the pile of cigarettes, She is always in such anxiousness. I should
send a lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken to her. Maybe she will forget the marriage when she
finishes eating."
He Wei thought about it. "If you forget it, don't send it. I hope she can get married soon, so
that we can get together four people and we can support the table mahjong..."
"You are afraid that I will send it to her, you have not eaten it?"
He Wei is very honest, "Yes, I am."

Chapter 112:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Near the Qingming season, a few cool spring rains hit down, washed the wilderness land,
washed the solid blood stains, and faded the traces of spells.
The spirit of the Donglu Snowfield tends to be stable, the ice and snow on the edge melts
with the spring breeze, and the snow melts into a shallow stream, which flows into the
Lijiang River and flows eastward.
Some people have returned to Xueyuan, and the **** road from Changyuan Hall to Xuefeng
has already been buried. Only the palace palace that collapsed and overturned in the
Golden Palace silently indicates everything. Many people still remember the earth that
trembled that day, the night sky. Vision.
The two swords witnessed by the heavens and the earth, the two swords witnessed by the
heavens and the earth, the ‘Star River Shen’ broke the million-year-old demon murder, and
the ‘shanhe return’ swayed the snowy spirit.
So many speculations about the Yin and Yue borders spread out, and I was shocked by the
shock. With the cultivation of talent and kendo comprehension, the limit beyond the age of
time is not without, but no one has ever done so. There is no ancient person before, and
there is no need to come later.
The world is very different and it seems that there is no difference.
The Donglu Group is competing for the dragons, and several major demons have rapidly
emerged to establish city-states and rule the land. The soldiers and horses of Hokuriku
came back from various places, and the new emperor used this pro-insurance to reorganize
the military power, strengthen the coastal defense line, and even remove the anti-king.
The school disciples rushed around the day and repaired the walls of Yunyang City. After
that, the book is often read, and the class is still the same.
The official succession ceremony of Qu Duoyan, in the days of a spring breeze. No parents
presided over the ceremony for her, and no elder was qualified to replace it. She wore a
high crown and took up the sovereign scepter and vowed under the eyes of the public. The
sound of the mountain of ‘天佑濂涧’ is to stop the clouds.
Zhongshan’s injury was better, and Cheng Tianyu helped him get out of bed. Go to the
depths of the bamboo sea and worship the robes of Zhou Yuandao.
The South China Sea is no better than the West Coast. There are more problems in post-war
reconstruction. Song Yu was not allowed to leave because of the sectarian affairs. Only
sometimes on the way back to the yard, I always thought that someone would drop a jar
from the tree.
Bao Puzong was once a remark of Yu Shi. Now that the rest of the world is gone, he began
to civil strife. Several elders were dissatisfied with each other. They only said that the
election of the sovereigns should be as soon as possible, and no one would bring revenge.
Lin Yuan returned to the ancestral hall and took away his master's tablet. At that time, the
mountain road was full of disciples with swords. Even the elders screamed and asked, but
no one dared to sword. Watching him walk out of the mountain gate, I don’t know the
traces, and I don’t see the moon sword.
In the spring day when the warm rain and the clear wind begin to freeze, big things or
sensational moments, or quietly happening, stay in the history books, or a few strokes.
Whether it is the fireworks or the vast mountains, it is always life, or continue.
The life of Yin Yue is calming down, and the rumors in the dark are very ups and downs.
Some people say that he wants to retreat to seek for the emptiness of the Tao. Some people
say that he wants to hold the chaos of Pu Zong, and endorse their inheritance. What is
more, he said that he wants to flatten 100,000 mountains and unify the West.
It seems that he will do something like a Juggernaut when he is young.
On the Huanhua Peak, Yin Yuyue looked at the mountains from his own eyes and
sometimes went to accompany the second division to copy the Tao. The two did not speak,
and with the cool spring rain outside the window, they could copy an afternoon.
The ‘floating joy’ of the Spring Sleeve Building has gone out, and the Yan Xing has to travel
down the mountain, saying that it is a tour, as he used to be, it is better to say that he is
It is a year of Dongfeng transit, Cangshan Point Cui, ‘Spring Mountain Smile’ trembles in the
sheath, and the Junyi sword is blazing.
So on the night of Yan Xing’s departure, the three of them fought on the edge of the cliff.
Sometimes they are each in a row, and sometimes the two join hands to attack a person,
and they change quickly, all by heart, very happy.
Even if the barrier was laid in the Huafeng, the real yuan was not used, and the swords and
swords of the vertical and horizontal swords still cut the clouds and seas.
When the Milky Way sank, Yan Xing lay on the ground and swayed his legs. Yin Yin sat on
the cliff, and Jun Jun leaned against the tree and stood with his sword.
"It’s so happy." Yan Xing exclaimed. "I don't know how the old five's gunwork is going. I will
call him next time and change him to beat the bottom..."
Yin Yin smiled more and more. "I am afraid that it will not work. He has help."
Jun Hao ‘um’ gave a voice and agreed.
Yin Yi said that the guard team, but Yan Xing obviously wants to be wrong, shoot a thigh,
"Yeah, he still has a bird, and he must have helped him."
"No, he has four birds."
Yan Xing thought, so you count, you all have helpers, and when Luo Mingchuan is out, he
will definitely help the fourth. If Master returns, he will definitely help the master. The
second division sister is not using force now, and can't help me. How can I count as a
solitary beggar?
What is this called?
The East is white, and the first line of golden light is sprayed out from the sea of clouds.
Yan Xing jumped up, with a bruise on his body, laughing at the sky and going down the
mountain in the morning light.
After more than half a month, Zhengyangzi negotiated with several elders, saying that the
post-war reconstruction was basically completed, and everything was on the right track.
I asked someone to ask if Yin Yue is willing to open a lecture.
The more Yin Yin did not know what to say, as he improved his realm, he felt more and
more that everyone has their own way, and the right way is still astray, and outsiders are
not sure.
I just remembered that Luo Mingchuan often went to talk before, and he had to wait for
him to take classes outside the school.
So on the second day he came to the court.
The hall was full of seats, and the gallery was full of people. Seeing him coming, he is far
away from the road and bows.
Against the eager gaze of the audience, Yin Yue is more and more nervous. "I am teaching qi
into the body and dredging meridians today. I don't have to learn again on the cutting edge.
I can go."
No one moved, and the eager eager eyes did not change.
Yin Yin is more helpless, do you just curious about him and don't care what he is talking
At this time, he missed the state of indifference, at least not nervous, and he opened his
mouth when he was nervous.
"I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to be the first person in the world. I have the
responsibility to teach the introduction. Now he is retreating. Naturally, I am acting on my
The face is light and the voice is calm. It is very serious.
Everyone in the audience widened their eyes.
Numerous voices merge into a large net, flying fast in the hall.
"I didn't get it wrong? Yin brother and Luo brother have already registered!"
"Daozu is on! I thought I could only hear it alone!"
"My heart beats fast, my God, they have a good relationship!"
Yin Yue is even more nervous. "Don't ask me when your Luo brothers will go out, I don't
know, I miss him very much..."
When he reacted to what he said, he could not wait to open the space and escape. But when
I said it, I didn’t have a face when I left. I could only bite the scalp.
"Okay, let's go to class."
"All things are alive, there are yin and yang in the heavens and the earth, and they will be
aura and turbid. I am a practitioner of my generation, no matter how spiritually martial
This class is very successful, Yin Yue is not good at words, but the realm is, talk about this
introductory class, high-rise building, one pass.
Many years later, the younger disciples grew up and went to the age of traveling down the
mountain. Many people remembered that they still groaned on the same day. "Do you
believe it, my practice is getting started, it is the true fairy personally taught..."
However, at the moment, the most impressive thing is his sentence. "I miss him too."
In the practice world, there are not many people who choose to be a Taoist. Most people
are convinced that they are lonely, and they are not willing to be connected with others.
There are more sects who advocate the cold and sorrow, such as the Qing dynasty, the
whole martial art, and rarely see the monks.
His technique is not clear-minded. The former lord and the Yasheng Qujiang are more than
a hundred years of good news. Once there was a happy event in the martial art, the young
Muai disappeared with the long years, and both looked bored and became The resentment
even caused a degrading thing. Then there is a rule that the acquaintance is not allowed to
be acquainted under five years.
The more Yin Yue is talking about the court, it is very amazing. Because this shows that
they not only have a double-repair of acquaintances, but also break the tradition of “the
highest to tomorrow, the close to the husband and wife”.
When Yin Yue went back and thought about it, he was not so embarrassed. Instead, he
thought that the show would be a show. After that, everyone knows that the brother is
mine, and the province is remembered.
After all, my brothers look good and high, and the gentle personality will hurt people.
Where can the world find the second one?
Departing from the hospital and the innocent master, the night of the school came out,
Yunyang City was brightly lit, and the trees were shadowed.
"I don't want to wait any longer. This delay will only increase the annoyance, not as good as
you and me."
The magic statue asked.
Asked is Luo Mingchuan.
"How to gamble?"
"Gambling me and he have had a hundred years of entanglement, far better than your life in
just a few years."
Luo Mingchuan shook his head. "Why, you and me are one, each is a cause and effect.
Where is it clear?"
"Don't listen to him and say a word, I am not willing." Mozun smiled. "If the gambling loses,
I will integrate with you. Since he is happy with you, I will always divide it."
At this moment, he is not like a demon in his life, just like a mortal mortal who does not ask
for much. Whether you are making a living or seeking love, you will be satisfied with a little
bit of it.
Luo Mingchuan is silent.
It seems to have crossed the torrent of time and saw myself a million years ago.
I thought it would be enough to stay with my mind, and I wouldn’t say anything in my
heart. Not much is needed, just a little better.
Who knows that the qi and the gram, the companionship has become a luxury, and
eventually become crazy.
"Well, I promise you."
"Thank you."
Now that Luo Mingchuan has been in the forefront, it is a key point to take a photo.
I know the sea and turn the waves, and the clouds are haunting. Not far away, there is a
person standing on the island and flying wide sleeves.
In such a secret and quiet situation, he looks at each other, such as taking a look at himself.
"Do you have hatred?"
The man smiled faintly. "Where is the resentment? A sacred thought is left in the sword.
For millions of years, there is only a shackle, only the obsession."
The waves crashed into the sky, and the island was swallowed in a flash. His body shape
was smashed by huge waves. "I am killing the fruits of the industry. You should be careful
when you are robbing."
Luo Mingchuan Road, "I am you since then, you are me."
I will share with you for the rest of my life.
"The real yuan is running slowly, and the output is sluggish. There are three possibilities,
one is that the spirit is narrow..."
Yin Yi went to the lecture hall for the second time. The disciples should be begging, and this
section answers questions.
Halfway through it, I felt flustered and stopped.
He paced to the window, only to see the beginning of the peach blossoms, the birds
contend. It coincides with the warm wind, and the flowers fall into the hall, dyeing the
clothes and leaving the fragrance.
A good spring scene.
The disciples looked with him and they were puzzled.
Not to be guessed, the sky is dark. There are birds singing and beasts.
Flying sand and sand outside the window, the wind is raging. The thick clouds came
together from all directions, and the winds and clouds changed from day to day, and the
whole peak of the end of the mountain fell into the night.
Yin Yi’s body is slightly imaginary and disappears.
Everyone rushed out to talk about the law hall, and the exclamation sounded again and
again, and various instruments were lit up.
"what happened?"
"But is there an enemy?"
Looking up at the sky, I saw the Linyuan sword squirting out of the sheath, opening a path
in the dark clouds and skyrocketing!
The bells of the world are rushing.
After the thick clouds, there is more electric light and thunder, as if there is a terrible force.
An indifferent voice came from far away, and it was clearly introduced into the crowd.
"My priest has something to do, and today's class will be changed again."

Chapter 113:
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
Since the smashing of a heart of blood in the 沧 祠 , , , , , 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登
This feeling is very subtle, as if you are aware of each other's anger and vitality no matter
how far apart.
There is no more intimate connection in the world.
Just as now, Luo Mingchuan's breath is rising and it is difficult to suppress. He feels the
same. Even care is chaos, I want to raise the sword into the quiet room, and see each other
Fortunately, Jun Jun stopped him.
Chunshan smiled and swayed, and appeared on the overcast clouds before Linyuan. If the
stack is heavy, the long embankment locks and blocks the way.
"The robbery can't be replaced, and it's easy to change."
The Yin Yue suddenly became sober, and turned to the flying raft of the main hall, taking a
deep breath. At this time, let alone the robbery for Luo Mingchuan, he can not even enter
the scope of the thunderfire, otherwise it will disturb the air and the disaster will be
After all, practitioners, self-sufficient and causal, each with their own lives.
With the ringing of the bells, many disciples came from all over the place, gathered in front
of the main peak of the main peak, looking at the ever-changing sky.
The voice of Zhengyangzi in the head penetrates the wind. "The disciples below the
marrow are holding their hearts and minds, closing the mind, and those who are above the
marrow are condensing the true elements in the eyes and ears, watching the heavens
robbery. Or understanding, doing what you can, not being reluctant."
The elders of the peaks who have been retired for many years and have disappeared have
come. More than ten people are standing behind the head.
The clouds that had originally covered the sky have gathered into a whirlpool. The closer
the pressure is, the more intense the wind is wrapped in the power of the majestic.
Countless people look up and look at them, and they are hard to say.
Zhengyangzi could not help but sigh. "I can’t think of it, I can see it again in my lifetime."
Last time, it was still a sigh of sorrow. The scene is vivid, as if it was yesterday.
The wind whistling, the thundercloud whirls spinning rapidly, and the light and heat
continue to accumulate, giving birth to a fierce fire.
The sky is like a fire, the flames are rolling, and the sky is swallowed.
In the face of such majestic natural forces and the power of heaven, human beings are as
small as ants. However, it is necessary to fight against the thunder of oneself.
He murmurs, "Master, I suddenly felt that we can practice, it is an incredible miracle."
Many people can see the vision of the Yashan Mountain. The intensity of the apocalyptic
changes can be perceived by any practitioner on the mainland. After the Juggernaut left, is
there a saint in the world? Or, still above the saint?
In shock, all parties have their own thoughts.
The envy, excitement, and shock of others are not all that Yin Yin has. He just feels annoyed.
Sometimes I think that since the brothers chose the retreat of the secluded Houshan quiet
room, instead of being in their own home, it should have been expected. It is not enough to
Sometimes I feel that the two souls are at the beginning of the fusion or there is a danger.
With the stable character of the brothers, the breakthrough will be suppressed. It’s like
taking the time to look at it. Now this situation is obviously uncontrollable.
"Booming -"
The thunder burst and the earth trembled under the feet.
Yin Yiyue’s figure disappeared from the cornice. The Linyuan sword is sheathed, and the
breath is invisible.
He came to the back of the mountain, estimated the extent of the thunderstorm, and went
to the most accessible place.
The wind blew his sleeves to hunt and fly.
The back mountain quiet room was rebuilt from a cave, at which time the array of runes
covered on it was destroyed and the stone crumbs fell.
The land collapsed and the mountain disappeared.
Those who are weaker in the realm can only see a shadow volley, and instantly appear on
the cloud.
The wind is full of sleeves, the ink is flying freely, and the fire is like a demon.
As for the mysterious means, even if the real yuan is condensed in the eyes, it is impossible
to see one or two.
The high-minded people in the realm have witnessed the robbery, but they have subverted
the imagination of the past.
"It turned out that the robbery was not to bear the thunder, but to fight the fire!"
The shadows of the sky are easy to follow, and the power of a singular force is born out of
thin air. The black cloud was torn by the hurricane, like a silky cotton wadding.
When the aftermath of the impact of power came from the sky to the ground, Zhengyangzi
did not hesitate to open the guardian array. The golden light barrier trembles in the wind
and thunder, and the heavens are isolated from the human world.
Yin Yin looked at it. He can even see the torn space of the robbery, the horrible space
cracks, and countless interlaced thin lines to cut everything, that is the law and rules of
heaven and earth.
Clearly perceive the brother's understanding of the Tao, far above him.
Lin Yuanjian screams more than that.
The blazing fires are scattered and splashed, such as the stars falling into the ancient night.
The roaring sounds one after another, but it is not thunder, but the echo of the huge power
I don't know how long it took, the fire was gone, and the clouds were clear.
The bright daylight is transmitted from the gaps of the clouds and shines on the earth.
Four wild as washed by a pouring rain, all the grass and wood are shining.
There is no figure above the blue sky.
Many people are still immersed in the vision of heaven and earth, and have not yet
returned to God.
Yin Yiyue’s Linyuan sword returned to calm.
Feeling the hidden connection between the two, a sudden break at a certain moment.
“When you see the bigger world and touch the edge of the rules, do you have to prove the
Just like when I was doing it in the past?
He is a little panicked.
Suddenly, I feel a little bit, and I am looking back.
The man was standing at the end of the three steps, and the breath could not converge
freely, so that the pressure was exposed.
"Younger brother."
There is a sharp edge that can't be overlooked, but it looks like a warm jade.
As you see at first sight.
Yin Yin rushed to hug him, and he was very ruthless.
Wind and frost swords, blood and cold, after millions of years of greed and grievances, the
shackles of the sky, all annihilated with the wind.
Get rid of it.
After that day, Yanya Mountain was much colder. Many people face the power of Heaven
and the sentimental feelings, and there are signs of breakthroughs in the faint, and simply
Beyond the end of the world is lively, the clear vision of the sky is not scattered, the stars
are also very bright at night, the aura is more intense than usual, some practitioners come
to Xilu, day and night, gather in the mountains.
Yin Yue also has a sentimental understanding. He often talks with Luo Mingchuan until late
at night, and live together in a logical way.
On the moonlight night, Dongfeng warms up. The lights are a little light, the light and
shadow are scattered, and it is inevitable that people will float.
"Nine heavy thunder fires, the battle is really scary, but fortunately nothing."
"Tianluo nine turns this is the practice of going against the sky, the soul reincarnation is
also the same, the robbery naturally has to work hard." Luo Mingchuan for his crown
release, the two shadows overlap, just like the ear.
"The younger brother is very good at air and the law is pure. When crossing the robbery, it
must be peaceful and stable."
"I don't ask for peace and stability." Yin Yan shook his head. "I am worried about the
breakthrough. Isn't the brothers worried?"
Luo Mingchuan looked blank, "The meaning of the younger brother is..."
Yin Yi feels that he is too shameless, but what is the way? The Taoist monks are so honest,
of course, they must take the initiative.
"Let's double repair."
Luo Mingchuan stunned for a moment.
Yin Yin’s heart is not too subtle. After all, practicing swords, and recruiting and recruiting
are also double repairs?
"Cough, even if the mortal is married, there is also a room with a candle, and the spring is a
moment. After you and I have a certificate, it is not that you are retreating, that is, we are
practicing together. It is... my brother and I will do it once."
When you say it, you can't help but move your hands and feet.
Although the old husband's way of getting along with him is as comfortable as a long
stream of water, Yin Yue is more self-sufficient, and he is always in the heart of his heart. I
also remembered the lingering entanglement of the previous two times, and it was itchy in
my heart.
Seeing people don't answer, he raises his eyes and asks, picks up the tail, "Well?"
Luo Mingchuan grabbed his hand and his eyes were full of smiles. "What can't you do?"
The brothers know the initiative, and Yin Yue is very satisfied and very comfortable.
When I was confused, I was a little overwhelmed. "What do I have to do now? Then?"
Luo Mingchuan replied, "Nothing needs to be done, just call it."
Later Yin Yue finally understood a lot, he regretted it.
I regret that I can't wait to understand the mystery of time, returning to the past one
second, and waking up to myself.
The tears that flow now are the water that comes into mind at that time.
Begging for the quiet of the world.
I begged to be close to my husband and wife.
When the sky will break, Yin Yin will be in tears, and the throat will be dumb, crying and
"Brother, you spared me this time, I can't stand it..."
"With the younger realm of the younger brother, the physical body is far stronger than the
mortal, why can't bear to say..."
Yin Yi still shook his head, "No..."
Luo Mingchuan went to kiss his eyes, and his tone was very gentle and meticulous.
"I am really afraid that after the breakthrough of your realm, it will become a true immortal
look of no desire and no desire. Now I have to endure it, so I can teach me to be assured."
In the late spring and early summer, the weather gradually became hot.
The scholars in the school changed into summer college uniforms, and the spring bamboo
shoots on the Qinglan Mountain began to grow wild.
The hail of the Hokuriku Emperor opened, and a car was transported to the palace gate and
the noble houses.
I don’t know the cold and heat, and I focus on the Tiandao Yuwei who is studying the
thunderbolt. The people in the city prefer to pour a bowl of herbal tea and say some
interesting gossip.
The most popular event that has been said is the main affiliation of the ancestors.
It’s just that no one claims that the pile of smoke is the first beauty, because beauty is
secondary to power status.
Qudui smoke and Chen Yi's affiliation, after setting a good day, the post will be widely
distributed. I have invited all the famous sects of the sect, and there are more than half of
the practice circles.
As the wedding season is approaching, the ten miles are soft red, the music is fluttering,
and the prices of the towns in the mountains are rising.
The letter of the pile of cigarettes written to He Wei, but more and more sharp,
"After the war of exorcism, people's hearts are floating. There are even rumors that they
have experienced many disasters and their strengths are greatly damaged. They are not
worthy of being the head of the Chinese Lumen School. They are even less afraid... They
want to find out the truth and dare not act rashly. Give them a chance to go to Lushan. So
not only have to do it, but also have to be beautiful."
He Yan’s cold sweat,
"It’s not easy to pile up cigarettes. The symposium is like going to fight with people."
Yan Xiaolian sighed. "After all, she is the sovereign, and there are always more thoughts."
Later, the content of the letter became a daily trifle, and the line between the lines was to
be married.
This time, I received Xiaolian, and I was very puzzled when I saw it. He Wei turned directly
to the last line, only to read it,
"In any case, Chen Yi said, everything has him, I want to be relieved."
The two were relatively speechless and packed up for the departure.
Master Xiaolin’s master, the favorite Fengping Fengfeng, chose more than a dozen disciples
to represent the Yanya Mountain to observe the ceremony.
When he went to the deacon to receive the gift, He said to himself, "I don't want to send her
two glutinous chickens."
Xiaolian said, "I brought it!"
Luo Mingchuan wrote a letter of sincere and sincere Yu Hejian, and sincerely wished a
certain wish, and finally fell to the seal of the end.
Yin Yiyue came to the temple to find him, and he just saw it and smiled.
"It turned out that Qu Zongzhu had a happy event."
It is only a few years in the past, but there are too many major events in a few years. So that
the autumn girl encounters the purple girl, it is like an old age.
Luo Mingchuan Road, "You still remember her."
This is a statement.
Yin Yin nodded more and more. "Yes, there is a relationship. Qu Zong's temperament is
open, his appearance is extremely prosperous, his name is not lost. Brother does not
He looked at Luo Mingchuan’s look and suddenly realized what he was doing without
"Of course in my heart, the best brothers look. One is less than one in ten."
He Yanli took the congratulatory message and immediately resigned to the two. He didn't
want to stay for more than a moment.
When I walked, I heard the gentle voice of my brother,
"What nonsense? What is the key to the skin?"
Yin Yi heard more and said that he thought more, and his own temperament is open-
minded, where is it jealous?
"I am afraid that my brother is annoying me..."
Luo Mingchuan smiled mildly, and anyone who saw it would like to praise him.
"How can I annoy you? After all, it is the old acquaintance, the patriarchal rite of the
patriarch, if the younger brother wants to go, I would like to congratulate."
But on the night of the night, Yin Yi’s regrets again, don’t want it.
There are no years in the mountains.
Duan Chongxuan still sent a long letter, complaining that there was more rain in the north
of the country this year, and began to prevent floods and floods early.
"If the three divisions are very leisurely, come to help me manage the water, anyway, I can
'suck the knife and cut off the water'. I have to say that I have to come to see the Northland
to see me. I am afraid that I have forgotten it. I really have a Taoist. Forgot my brother..."
Liu Bull Frost can't go on, let them see for themselves.
After Yan Xing finished reading, it was speechless. "I am coming back every day and month,
just to see him say this? Can he not be a good man?"
Yin Yi said, "The five teachers are not talking to anyone, afraid that they will have a hard
"What's the hard work, he has birds, four."
Yin Yi thinks more and more, you can't let him be an emperor, play the birds every day.
I don’t know how to practice.
Yin Yue over that day and Liu Bull Frost essays, the heart is like Pinghu. When I stepped
back to the hospital, the breath climbed up and I felt that I would break through.
He set foot on the sea of clouds in Tianxin Cliff, waiting for the clouds to gather.
The robbery cloud is light and foggy, and the fire is so bright if Jinxia, he takes the thunder
fire and tempers Linyuan sword again.
Everything is in the water, and the long golden light shrouds the mountains.
Fighting to the stars, cold summer and autumn.
In the next decade or so, the aura of the five continents changed dramatically from time to
time. There is a constant spread of news of someone breaking through.
So that people later heard that there was a place for Ya Sheng, they would not feel
The prophecy of Mr. Zhang Yuan was completely confirmed. This is an era of stars.
Those teenagers who are amazing and brilliant will eventually grow into a big person. They
live in this world, practice, enlighten and fight.
Fight with the opponents of the fate, fight with the past, and fight with the unpredictable
star track.
Never stop.
————————The text is finished————————————
Chapter 114: Kimi extra
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
"Master, you learned the sword at first, in order to live up to the expectations of the
Juggernaut; later practice the sword, in order not to be famous. This is the sword of others,
then your own sword?"
Yin Yue asked more.
Jun Yi said, "I don't know."
In the eleventh year of Wei Jingfeng’s departure, Jun’s practice entered the bottleneck
If you want to cross the threshold of the saints, it’s no surprise that in the long years of
seeking the way, it’s not a hundred years. But if this happened to Jun Hao, it would be very
He knew in his heart that there would be this day.
At dusk that day, Master was also here to see him practicing swords.
"There is nothing to teach you about this sword. But this is the sword of the old man, and
you should have your own sword."
Otherwise, if you ask for a lifetime, you will only be a craftsman and you will not be a
master. Jun Yi understands.
He thought about it for a long time, and asked his own sword to ask his heart. What is his
heart and why is he practicing?
When Jun Jun came to the end of the year, there was no Yu Huafeng.
The world knows that Jian Shengwei’s horror brought people back from the school gate,
not to sprinkle the boy, but to inherit the first son of the robes.
Since then, I have opened a peak on the Yashan Mountain, called 兮兮华.
Visitors to the gates, such as the cross of the river, are all blocked from the prohibition
under the peak. Even the Emperor Baozong was too close to the elders, and they all
touched a gray nose.
The outside is full of enthusiasm, saying that Juggernaut is a genius child who has a karma
with his own teacher and apprentice. Before the students were admitted to the school, they
were put under their own doors. A few hundred years later, there is a saint in the
In fact, Wei Jingfeng drank a little wine in the ‘outside building’ that night, and while
drinking, he clashed with Mr. Zhang’s table.
After the restaurant was snoring, passing by the entrance to the school, I saw a small thing
at the corner under the wall. I thought it was a kitten and a puppy.
When I came closer, I didn’t know what to do with the last pair of vigilance.
At first he just wanted to... take a nap.
However, he has always been obedient to his work, and he is not good at listening.
What happened to the first-in-law, and the pleasing eyes were closed.
At that time, Jun was still young and only knew that there was no white meal in the world.
After eating the horrible meal, you have to be a disciple of the wind.
He asked Wei Fengfeng, "What should the apprentice do?"
The man obviously didn't understand what he meant. The arrogant one looked up. "The old
man's apprentice, what do you want to do, who can stop you?!"
Junyi began to practice swords. It is always true that the apprentice should inherit the
master's clothes and carry forward the light.
So he swung his sword 63,000 times a day, and he did not slack off in the spring and
The world always thinks that the apprentice of Juggernaut is naturally a panacea, and the
stone is endless; the saint is on the side, pointing at it.
In fact, Wei Jingfeng only gave him two swords, one is the iron sword of the old Lijia iron
shop under the mountain, and the other is the famous 'Spring Mountain Smile'.
Wei Jingfeng does not teach him, but... no. Juggernaut is the first kendo genius in the
millennium, but his practice, almost instinct and instinct, speaks of words and deeds,
fearing that it is not as good as the teaching of Mr. Xiliangzhen.
More often, they are learning to talk together.
How to communicate to each other to understand each other's meaning, not to cause
When Jun was young, he entered the condensed state, except for the Weifeng, there was no
ancient people.
But no one can think of it. Two geniuses who have not come out of the world have spent
twenty years, from talking about the words and the words, and progressing together to the
word can be upright.
It is indeed a great blessing in the realm of comprehension.
Wei Jingfeng was very open-minded and went down the mountain.
Later, Yan Huafeng had Liu Bull Frost, Yan Xing, Yin Yi Yue, Duan Chong Xuan. These people
come from different places, with different temperaments and past.
Jun Hao became a master.
He would like to point out the teachers and sisters to practice, after all, this is what a
brother should do. But he does not teach.
So, the method he uses is -
Play a game.
"I know that I can’t beat it, and I’m going to have a hard scalp.”
The tradition of self-study and beatings by Yu Huafeng’s disciples continued in this way.
Yan Xing adapts to the fastest. "If there is any suffocation, go to fight with the master."
Later, Duan Chongxuan wanted to open it. "There are many brothers playing in the
mountains. It is better than others in the mountains."
Do your best for your disciples and be responsible for your brothers.
As a saint of the Swordsman, Junyi, in addition to some short-term protection, is recognized
as flawless.
But he still has confusion.
For the teacher as a Zongmen, then for yourself? Why do you hold the sword?
The Dao Fa Tongtian, the world reverence, this is extremely good.
It is not what he wants.
The battle between life and death of Yu Shi is the most difficult and fierce battle that Jun
has experienced.
At that time, the end of the world was in danger, but it was difficult to retreat.
When the powerful force and the breakthrough of the breakthrough can not make up for
the gap in the realm, when the mountain is running out of water, there is an incomparably
strong breath that overflows from the sword.
Go straight to the sky, and do everything in between the world.
‘Spring Mountain laughs’ Guanghua masterpiece, Huanghuang is like the sun.
It was a sword meaning left by Wei Jingfeng, and he was melted into the rune when he built
the sword. There is a blind eye method on the rune.
No one thought that there would be any mystery about ‘Spring Mountain’s laughter’. It
seems that the default is like the Juggernaut, and there is no such nuanced mind.
Even Junjun did not expect.
I am afraid that Wei Fengfeng himself can't tell, how can he think about it to the point
where he is most afraid of trouble.
Before going to Xing Xingyuan, Jun Hao asked him, "When is it coming back?"
He thought he waved his hand, "I don't know." Turned and added another sentence, "Don't
I thought about it and still didn't feel relieved. When I went to school, I left a note and wrote
the word 'Don'.
He thought that this was the most troublesome thing he had done in his life.
Fortunately, Jun will never disobey him.
Now that he has looked at the giant sword that runs through his waist, he laughs and thinks
that this is really going to go back.
At this time, if someone can look down from the air, these scenes are really horrible. Two
hundred miles are centered on Wei Jingfeng. There are various swords in different sizes,
varying in length and length. There were also many swords in his body, and the hot blood
continued to flow from the darkened blood coat.
People will always die, and saints are no exception.
The real elements that re-consolidate the majestic will also be exhausted, and the hot blood
will drain, and the powerful spirit will be weakened by time or destiny.
The Juggernaut died in the sword, but he died.
He couldn't feel the pain. He only felt his head faint. It seemed like he was drunk with a
drink last night. He went out early in the morning and blew a cool breeze. The body is
getting lighter and lighter. He thought that he had rubbed his shoulders with death many
times in his life. This time it is the latest.
Because I am really going to die.
Many years of wind and frost swords and wine singing, all flashed in front of the eyes.
He didn't want to see the avenue and see the world. He wanted to go home.
The mind is moving, and God is reading thousands of miles.
He returned to Yanya Mountain with the wind, and the end of the sea of clouds was a lonely
Jun Hao sat in the house and rubbed the sword, looking at him, like him when he was very
He wants to say something, what to say?
"I didn't get your waist when you came back. In a blink of an eye, the length is higher than
the master..."
Too mother-in-law. Not too chic.
"You have a superb method, and your sword is tough. It takes only time to enter the holy
world. Don't be radical and ask for quickness..."
Is this not nonsense?
"Don't give yourself too much burden, go down the mountain to find fun, drink and drink,
look at the beautiful girl, good for health..."
What is messy.
"Several disciples have their own methods, but I don't trust you the most."
Can't say it.
He walked into two steps, and was close to seeing the constant chill in the eye of the man.
Raise your hand and want to touch the top of the person in front of you... Forget it, it’s so
high, or take a shoulder.
When the wind suddenly started, the hand did not fall.
Jun Hao stood up and looked at the window slammed by the wind, frowning slightly.
As usual in the house, he felt a little empty.
It’s like, in the twinkling of an instant, what is wrong with it.
That night, Jun had a dream.
He meditates during the night, sleeps very little, and has fewer dreams. I don’t know how
tonight, some thoughts are drifting.
In the dream, when his sword was first formed, Wei Fengfeng came back from the
mountain, and the dust was servant and messy.
"The old man went down this mountain and went to fight two swords. The craftsmanship
of his youth has not yet been forgotten..." Wei Jingfeng talked about casting swords, and the
eyebrows fluttered between each other. "This is for you."
The long sword is squirted, and the cold light illuminates the brow.
For a time, Qingshan Yunhai was shining.
"Like it, it's called 'Spring Hill'."
The man stood in the distant old days, and the flowers of the spring day fell and fell, and he
did not reach out.
Suddenly smiles and smiles, looks awkward,
"Receive my sword, and the sword will not leave."
When the dream is awake, the sky will dawn.
There was cold white snow falling into the half-open wooden window.
Jun Hao pushed open the door and went out.
It seems that some understand the meaning of practice.
The lead-gray sky is vast and the snow curtains are falling over. The mountains and rivers
of the end of the world are white.
It’s another year of snow and ice.
He practiced swords at Tianxin Cliff, Jianqi smashed the snow, and the eyelashes condensed
the frost.
Sword 63,000 times a day.
In the long time, many people and things have changed.
But he is still waiting.
Jun buried Huangquan wind and bones, I sent people to the snow.
Chapter 115: No song
Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
From the time of birth, Qufu was one of the six sons of Sanya in the world. Its mother
willow is the lord of the scorpion, the strongman of the Mahayana peak. The ancestral sects
of the sects are like the sun, half of the East, and more than a hundred clan families are
濂涧 灵 灵 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Sometimes I see a magical
scene like a waterfall condensing, hanging springs into ice, and I can clap my hands for a
long time.
Waiting for her to grow into a hiring girl, she also showed amazing talent and beautiful
There are often rumors of catching the wind and catching the shadows in the city. It is said
that her life is so beautiful and beautiful. They all say that they are not reading the book,
and slowly combing their hair under the crystal curtain. ’
She also said that her brother who had practiced the dead wood rejuvenation, when she
was 13 years old, made the mountains bloom in the middle of the winter, just to make her
Compared with the North Korean prince who has little name in the deep palace, she is more
like an innocent princess.
Destiny is like putting the best things in the world in front of her, let her choose.
So that the later Qu Duo smoke gave birth to suspicion, whether the happiness of the first
18 years was complete, just a vain dream.
After waking up, the sky is dim.
Yan Niang died in the hands of the traitor, the traitor is her brother and the same door.
It is difficult to kill a Yasheng and a Mahayana peak at the same time, but it is not
impossible. If it is by the people who are close to the heart, and the painstaking efforts of
many years, the saints are also difficult to guard against the hearts of the people.
The venom of the Magic Daoqiong Palace, the instrument of Bao Puzong, but also the blood
of the book to make a fire, and urgently need someone to guide the appearance of the aura.
These tricks have been done.
Qu Duoyan later understood a truth. Some people regard authority and fame above
everything else. As long as the betrayed chips are more than grace, nothing can't be done.
However, at that time she was almost desperate. I finally knew how naive I was in the past,
and I didn’t ask about the martial art. I practiced myself. So that when Chen Yi was not
there, he would almost fall into the hands of the thief.
But Chen Yi is back.
From the bottom of the mountain to the hustle and bustle, Wan Li’s ambush ambush failed
to kill him. In the end, he was still covered in blood and went to the temple with a knife.
Say, "I believe."
In a word, it weighs more than a thousand pounds.
In the late autumn of that year, the blood stained the spring water, so that the flying red
leaves could not see the color. Their laws and swords fell on the same door.
Later, I fled the mountain and went all the way to Baozong. Immediately after the Donglu
Magic Army crossed the sea, the prelude to the war broke open.
The only elders who have survived the fruits are to persuade the piles of smoke to abandon
the mountains. Zongmen is up and down.
After convening all the disciples, announced the night before. Qu Duo Yan stood in the
ancestral hall to see the tablet. After a long time, he said, "I will not go. Even if no one is
buried, I will die here."
Chen Yi did not speak until she was sent to the front of the hospital. The clear moonlight fell
in his eyes, and the peace was as it used to be.
When she was changed, she held a sigh of relief. Throughout the night, she didn’t have a lot
of thunder to control her **** veins.
But still at this moment is still panic.
Even self-destructive and sinister speculations, "teacher, do you want to be awkward?"
As long as you don't vote, I will give it to you.
Chen Yi just shook his head. "You have a good rest, everything has me."
do as promised.
In that battle, Yan took the magic army and broke through the first line of defense laid in
the north of the East, and Chen Yi took the knife and killed a **** road in Wan Jun, killing
the traitors with his own hands.
Later they went through many things together until the end of the war.
After the general situation stabilized, I only took care of my own affairs. Qu Xuyan
sometimes feels that Chen Yi likes his own, and sometimes thinks that he treats himself as
good as it is out of morality.
He and He Xiaolian both advised her not to be impulsive. But she does not want to go on
like this, simply ask to understand. Even if it is self-love, it is better to have a knife and a
In the evening, I ate a glutinous rice chicken, and I went to knock on Chen Yi’s courtyard
The well-written drafts are useless, and the opening is a sentence.
"You can have a happy person? How do you see me?"
Chen Yizhen was in the same place and looked straight into her eyes.
The pile of smoke is anxious. "You talk!"
I saw that the person in front of me slowly said, "When I got started, I thought, although it is
your younger brother, but older than you, you must protect your life with peace of mind...
But later, I don’t want to hurt you, always remember to hang, always Beyond the identity of
a younger brother. If you think this is offensive, I will not bother you anymore. If you say
that you are also happy with me, I can't think about it."
The pile of smoke is a bit sloppy and does not react.
"What is the use of these! There is a kind of affiliation! I will ask you, can you dare to marry
"I am embarrassed." Chen Yi said one sentence, "I would like to smash the pile of cigarettes
as a beggar, and seek the same road. You will only be one person in your life. You will love
you and never deviate. If you say a word, you will lose your life." The soul flies."
The song piled up in the warehouse, and he saw Yin Hong’s blood falling on the ground and
disappeared in a blink of an eye.
This is a **** oath.
Tears finally slammed down. "You are stupid, who will have to make some swearing
Chen Yi smiled and wiped her tears.
When he was studying in the school, he had read a lot of Chunfeng lyrics, but when he was
against the pile of cigarettes, he could not say a word. No matter how many touching
words, it seems frivolous.
I can't say it, I can only swear.
The days of renowning were finally settled. Under the calm appearance, the parties are
surging. It is rumored that the internal chaos and the war of the Tao will be inevitable. How
can you rank the first in the landlord?
The wedding period is near, and the pile of smoke is like an enemy.
Chen Yi only said, "All things have me."
Still only this sentence. Still said to do it.
The spring rain outside the curtain, the smoke on the restaurant is intoxicating. This plum
wine is the best, especially for the taste of girls.
The song piled up and smoked to raise the table. "I first liked the person when I was eight
years old, and later became my husband! This legend has gone so far, and now I don’t even
dare to write this."
He Wei is eating roast goose, mixed with the road. "When Chen Yiming was in the same
year, he liked you. The idea is well known, so you can't be nervous..."
One hundred piles of smoke are not convinced,
"What is called me nervous, his method is pure, superb, handsome and handsome, not to
mention! Not to mention! His character is gentle and patient! He will not refuse others!" Qu
Duo smoked the table, "This is still ?! How many young girls are rushing!"
"Wait, the Tao is pure, and I am acquainted with the superb. I can recognize the two words
behind you. Are you sure to say him?"
Qufu smoked back without hesitation. "Do you think he is not handsome? What is your
He is silent.
Yan Xiaolian knows that she is a little drunk, plus spring tired and thoughtful, "Yes, he is
handsome, you look beautiful, a natural pair is good."
God knows why the monarch is a lord, a great practitioner, and wants to take a look at the
appearance. What is this?
The song piled up to hear this, but there was no joy,
"The beauty of beauty, the relative of the day, ten years and a hundred years, there will
always be an annoying day."
This time, even the little lotus is speechless. Didn't you say that when you were eight years
old, did you sink fish? Where is the first narcissistic power in the world?
He Wei said to her, "Don't drink, go home with your family."
When the pile of cigarettes turned around, he saw Chen Yi standing on the stairs.
Seeing her look at it, it seems to be a little embarrassed to touch the nose. "I don't think you
have come back yet. That, the weather is not too early."
He Wei felt that he really served the two men, playing mahjong and going to the house to
get married, and one can feed one. After so many years, Chen Yi has become a sacred, and
even after the saddle, he can't wait to follow every day.
She watched the two go together. Looking down at the meat of the captain Xiaolian,
suddenly felt a little dissatisfied or not, life nourished far better than the pile of smoke.
Qu Duoyan often thinks, when was the first time I saw Chen Yi?
I went to visit the Mr. House with my father. If you watched the adults playing chess and
drinking tea, you would have to go to Sahuan yourself.
At that time, Chen Yi was still a young boy, squatting in the woods to bandage the kitten.
There is no such thing as a book that has been ruined for many years.
"Who are you a child? Hey, can't you eat?"
Not far from the light of the library building, his eyes are warm and bright, which makes
people yearn for.
"Big brother, your sugar is delicious, and you look so good. When I grow up, can you marry
Chen Yi smiled. "I will give you a pack of jelly beans and you will say that you want to marry
me. I am like a trafficker who abducts children."
Some of the piles of smoke are sad. "Do you not like me?"
"In the future, when you grow up, you will find that I don't look good at all. There will be
many people who like you. You will also like good people. If you think about it today, you
will feel ridiculous and regret it." Touch her to the top, "It doesn't matter, I won't care about
This sentence has been remembered.
Later, she did laugh at her ridiculous childhood. I thought I could like other people, and I
had a little bit of heartfelt heart on the white-haired boy at the Folding Party.
But the heart came and went, the clearest and deepest, in the end is Chen Yi's appearance.
In a letter sent to two close friends, she wrote, "He should have forgotten it. Even if he
remembers, he will not recognize me."
The young impulsive at first sight is him, and the long-term flow of life is also him.
There is nothing better than this.
It’s another year’s spring breeze, and it’s tired to comb the hair in the morning.
The woman who looks like a spring flower turns into a water mirror, and she asks, "I look
Chen Yi was nervous and answered seriously. "Good-looking."
“How good is it? But it’s flawless, how can you look tired?”
"Nature is."
"You perfuse me, there is perfection in the world."
Chen Yi only felt that she couldn’t laugh and cry, and coveted her hair, accompanied by
jasper beads.
The pile of smoke shone in the mirror, sighed by the ingenuity of his own Taoist priests,
and forgot his own unreasonableness in the blink of an eye, but he suddenly heard the
"Which is the perfect face of the world, but it is the face of the loved one."

Chapter 116: Li Tugen Fanwai

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
In the autumn bleak season, the leaves of Yunyang City are falling.
Several gentlemen in the school are going to take the students to go to the autumn tour,
and they are going through the Qinxue Hall and going outside the government. The red
coveted child holds a few books and walks through the cloister and the hanging flower
door to the courtyard where the eucalyptus is planted.
The boy took the book to the gentleman on the wicker chair. After seeing it, it was a few
volumes of swords. I didn’t know what I thought of, and I was curious. Suddenly asked,
“I heard that Juggernaut and Mr. are friends?”
I can't help but be annoyed when I blurt out. Even if my gentleman is generous, I shouldn't
listen to this kind of thing.
But Li Tugen did not feel offended.
"Which is the best thing to talk about," he said, drinking tea under the banyan tree, his eyes
were indifferent. "It’s just a long time to know."
The boy did not dare to ask again, and the salute retired.
So there was only one person left in the empty courtyard, and the cold west wind raised the
Li Tugen never thought that he needed anything to make friends. I think that Wei Fengfeng
is probably the same.
He saw the wrinkles around the eyes and the white horns from the fluctuations of the tea
soup, and he thought it was really old.
But what about Wei Feng?
Wei Jingfeng is not old.
It will always be a teenager, always warm and energetic. Unfettered temperament,
unparalleled kendo, there is always something wrong in the eyes. No more can be found in
the world.
It can be seen that this kind of thing has nothing to do with the age of the face.
When you are old, you will miss the past. If you say this, you really miss the wind.
At that time, they were still young, and the school did not have a library building. It was just
a small private school. Juggernaut has no flying rafts to step on, but he has to stand on the
gray tile of the courtyard wall, saying that he is condescending,
"Li Tugen, there is a group of people who want to kill me."
He was a servant, his hair was scattered, his cuffs were stained with black blood. Described
as a wolverine, but as always, the eyebrows are flying.
The danger of life is not to go to the teacher for help. Instead, it is a strange thing to change
the land in the middle of the land.
Li Tugen stood in front of the window and wrote, and he screamed and frowned. "Without
you. If you don't see it for three years, will you ask me to kill when I meet?" Although it is
said, the hand has not stopped, and the book is returned. Pour the pen and wash the pen.
Take the plate and go outside the door.
Wei Fengfeng raised his eyebrows. "Then I should pick a good hand to post a note, sit down
for a cup of tea, and then ask you to kill?"
The two said that they had already left the yard.
"Where are those people?"
"Tonight in the suburbs of Yunyang."
"You are late, if you are in yesterday, I can arrange in Yunling."
There are many kinds of friends in this world. There is a kind of glue that looks like you in
the weekdays. When you are in distress, you will give up.
There is also a kind of nothing to contact, waiting for you to go to the big thing to find him,
whether he is in the Zhangtai, or pick up the lights to read at night, throw away the wine
glass, open the book, the knife and the sea is also with you.
After the death of the robbery, the old friend is in the road.
Unfortunately, Juggernaut and Mr. Zhang are not so passionate. When they were young,
they went forward and backward together with the enemy, but it was out of habit, the habit
formed from childhood. Both people think that this is only because it is not strong enough.
There is no Juggernaut in the world, and there is no gentleman in Yunyang City. In the
easternmost part of Donglu, there is a village called Xihe Village. Because there is a river in
the west of the village.
Women drowning in the water, and monkey-like children fetching water downstream.
There is no education concept in the whole village. Children and poultry rely on stocking.
Only two children do not go to the water, and never play with others. The older one is
called Li Tugen, who stays in the house to read a book every day. His mother suspects that
he has spent a lot of money and drove him out of the house. He ran to the next door to read
the book.
The little one called Wei Jingfeng, who was born in the whole village, has a good name.
The horror of the horror of the pen, read all the books and ink. It is a pity that he never
studied. When he passed the blacksmith shop at the age of six, he decided to be an
The two men are only three months old, and some of them are strange. Other children
dislike them, and their relatives in the family are too lazy to take care of them. According to
the truth, the two of them should be pity with each other, but they will not speculate.
The neighbors looked up and saw no seeing, especially Li Tugen often went to the Wei
family to borrow books.
Wei Jingfeng was sitting in the courtyard and cutting the wooden sword, squinting at him.
"Nothing is a scholar."
Li Tugen thought, "The gentleman does not argue with the puppies... but still wants to fight
The only thing in common is the curiosity of the outside world.
Behind the village is a continuous mountain, many Qizhen and many beasts, no one dares
to go up on weekdays. Wei Jingfeng quietly touched it and met Li Tugen, who looked at the
flowers and looked at the map.
I think that there is something to look at in flowers and plants. This person is probably sick.
At first, I saw two dislikes. Later, I met them in the mountains. After being chased by wild
boars, I had a little friendship.
Shallow to pull the other side when you escape, can not pull up and turn and run.
The eucalyptus trees in the village are older than the village, and the summer covers the
sky and the leaves fall in the autumn.
The days are too old to know, five years and ten years are no different.
When they were sixteen years old, in addition to helping the locals, Li Tugen’s ideal of life
was to be a private gentleman, and Wei Jingfeng had been staying in the blacksmith shop all
I thought that the future is the sweat between the fields, the lights in the night, and the heat
waves on the iron stove.
When the big things that change the life happen, no one knows how different this day is
from the extraordinary days of the past.
Li Tugen regretted going up the mountain today. According to the starry night of last night,
it is not time to rain. The mountain shakes outside, like the next moment, the cave will
Then there was a black shadow running from the hole, the electric light flashed,
illuminating the man's face, it was Wei Jingfeng.
Wei Jingfeng also saw him. The lightning flashed and no one spoke.
The earth trembled fiercely, and the stone smashed in the cave. After a loud noise, the light
dimmed. Wei Jingfeng snorted and sat down on the ground.
Li Tugen glanced at it. It turned out that the falling rocks blocked the hole. I also smelled a
faint **** sigh, thinking that this kid can now sit so honestly, most of them have injuries. Or
because of gravel, or because of birds and beasts.
Thunder, the sound of heavy rain passed through the boulder. The clearest is the breathing
of the two.
This kind of moment, in addition to waiting, there is no way.
I don't know how long it took, and the wind and rain gradually subsided. Li Tugen was so
dizzy that he could not stand the numeracy of time, and Wei Fengfeng stood up on the
stone wall.
They did not agree to push the boulder, but the hole was stuck, and the strength of the two
was like mud cows into the sea and eucalyptus.
Until exhaustion, hunger and cold.
"This way, we will all die."
"You will toss again and die faster."
Wei Jingfeng suddenly asked, "If I die first, what will you do?"
From the recognition of the mother's womb, this is their first formal dialogue.
Li Tugen rolled his eyes and "buried you."
Wei Jingfeng thought for a moment, "You still eat me, don't waste it."
Li Tugen stunned. "It makes sense. If I die first, you will eat me too. If you live a few more
days, you may be able to wait for your mother to help you."
I don’t know if I’m still young or not, but I’m born different from ordinary people. They
have an incomprehensible view of life and death.
After saying this, there is no more to talk about.
Until the third day of the earthquake torrential rain, a morning light was transmitted
through the gap in the hole, and the situation did not change.
Li Tugen guessed that something might have happened in the village. Although they are not
flattering, there is no one to look for.
On the fourth day, the flowers and plants in the cave were eaten up. Water is not lacking,
just dizzy and dizzy.
On the sixth day, Li Tugen touched the last grass from the stone wall, and the blue sky was
purple, and the roots were so long. He took it with Wei Fengfeng.
"Why leaves leave me?"
"The roots are generally not poisonous."
Wei Jingfeng angered, "Do you want to poison me to eat meat?"
Li Tugen looked at him with the expression of "you are stupid". "If you are poisoned, the
meat is poisonous."
Then they ate the ‘Biliuguang’.
It’s really a ‘Bright stream’.
There are no countless practitioners who imagine the earth-shattering and radiant
appearance. It grows quietly in an ordinary cave. Even if the energy of the universe is
intrinsic, there is no glimpse of the airflow.
Just after entering the abdomen, Li Tugen felt a cold current, and his mouth spread all over
his limbs, and he was so eager to blow him up.
Yu Guang saw that Wei Feng was also a painful smash, but he did not even have the
strength to shout. He could only make a whimper from his throat.
He desperately thought, "There is a mistake, and the leaves and roots are poisonous."
Many years later, Li Tugen read all the books, and he was glad that he was eating with
Otherwise, the meridians that have never been ventilated into the body will burst due to
the aura that has been forcibly poured into millions of years.
But at this moment, they are not clear, so after the long and severe pain, things will become
simple. The wound in Wei Fengfeng healed as usual, pushing the boulders with one hand
and went out.
The long-lost sun fell on him. The mountains are in a mess, the trees are broken, and the
rocks are blocked.
The heavy rains damaged most of the banyan trees, and the fields in the village were not
seriously hampered. The cockpits were still the same.
There is no one.
Suddenly, Wei Feng raised his head and asked, "Who are you?"
The old man standing in a dark blue robe in the tree looked at them like a torch, and he
looked very uncomfortable.
"There was a team of magic repairers who came here to find different treasures. The poor
roads heard the news and told them in advance. Now that the magic repairs have failed, I
am afraid that they will come again in the future."
Li Tugen asked, "So everyone is gone?"
The old man did not answer, but the expression explained everything.
Wei Jingfeng asked, "Dare to ask them what to look for?"
"Bi-streaming, the common name ‘Chengxiancao’. Someone in the Qionggong is good at Bu,
and it’s here.”
The old road is slightly frowning and seems to feel that he has said too much.
After listening to them, they were awkward, but they didn’t have the ecstasy of eating the
treasures and the grief of being abandoned by relatives and friends.
This made the cloud tour's dispersal look a high look at them. I couldn't think of the fact
that Yamano-mura had such a heart, and he moved some thoughts. "You have taken the
grass, and you have entered the practice world since then. If you don't live long, can you
worship me as a teacher?"
Changed the others, a series of shocking changes, and the first contact with the traces of
another world, afraid to be ecstatic.
But Wei Jingfeng said, "I don't want to."
Then Li Tugen took a gift. "Thank you for your predecessors, I don't want to."
Fortunately, this Taoist person is practicing the natural law, and Shouyuan will do
everything to bearish. I just want to repair some blessings for the reincarnation. I don’t
insist on it at this time. I said, ‘Yes, every law has left two books and I will go away.
A copy of "Swordsman", a book "卦爻". It is the most basic practice book. In this way, I got
the two hands.
After Li Tugen disappeared, he turned and asked, "Why don't you want to be a teacher?"
He felt that Wei Fengfeng, a coward who likes a sword and a sword, should be happy to
accept it.
"Why are you?"
Li Tugen said, "The incident is sudden, I believe that there are others, I am afraid of fraud.
You are also?"
I didn't expect you to have a bit of a brain.
Wei Jingfeng said, "No, it’s just that he said he wants to accept the apprentice. It’s like alms,
I’m not happy."
Li Tugen feels sincerely, what kind of practice is going to happen, this kid will have an
accident sooner or later.
The two found out all the savings in their homes, and Wei Feng took an iron sword. Li
Tugen picked up a book.
Go and see the world outside.
When he walked out of the village, Li Tugen put down the pole and bowed to the village.
Wei Jingfeng laughed. Turn around and leave.
The world outside is really big, the mountains and rivers, the people and the city. The
beautiful scenery has its own merits, and the towns have their own style.
In the same way, facing the strength born out of thin air, Wei Jingfeng actively explored
how to use it, but Li Tugen has been trying to control it. The same way, the same goal, but it
is the wrong time.
Everything was good in this way, but I saw that the world is getting bigger. In fact, I still use
the iron and copy book to discuss life, practice swords and study, and add another groping
But they have eaten the ‘Biliuguang’ thing, and they have finally passed out.
The earliest was a medical repair to see the clues, I do not know how to pass to the ears of
the twelve sisters, so they waited for them to get out of the East, and the troubles followed.
Even a lot of rumors were born out of thin air, saying that the aura of 'Biliuguang' was
integrated into the flesh and blood of the two of them. If you can refine the two people to
take food, you can get the effect of five or six. Many of the sorcerers of the Twelve Houses,
even if they don't believe in such bizarre claims, want to see if there is any difference in the
people who have eaten the legendary fairy grass.
So Wei Fengfeng and Li Tugen began to flee all the way, from the first joint killing, to
constant ambush, and to kill others. Many times survived and escaped, and broke through. I
dare not go to find a doctor to repair the wounds, and all rely on the medicinal self-healing
of ‘Biliuguang’. Finally, I entered the merchant ship crossing the sea and fled to the
This **** experience, many years later, when Juggernaut talked with Yin Yin, it was just a
fluttering sentence.
"If you can count, you will avoid it. If you can't count it, you will kill him together."
Most of the demons did not dare, or did not want to leave the East, the two deliberately
hidden under the traces, no one found them after crossing the sea.
Li Tugen’s words are well written, and the style is beautiful and windy. In Yunyang City, I
rented a grasshopper to copy letters for people. If a few children in the neighborhood
couldn’t afford the college, they sent him a few words.
Wei Jingfeng listened to them every day and read those ‘who’s also’, and they went to the
back with an iron sword.
Li Tugen people looked honest and polite, and there were very few bundles. The fame
spread, and the number of children who were studying was gradually increasing. After one
year, I bought a small courtyard and started a private school.
On the day of the completion of the private school, the Lunar New Year was close, and a
snow fell, and the weather was cold.
The letter of Wei Jingfeng was accompanied by the arrival of the first snow, and the letter
said that he had worshipped the teacher and had to practice. If you don’t have a meal in
Yunyang City in the future, come to Yanyashan to find him.
Yan Yashan, seems to be in the Westland, quite far away, Li Tugen thought about it, and
named the private school named Yu Yuan.
Teaching is the most stable profession. It is easy to eat without a sword repair and killing.
Li Tugen likes to read and calculate.
Reading does not require a threshold. It only requires hard work and hard work. As the age
goes by, the books that can be found in the entire East Land have been read by him. Long-
term calculations require strong knowledge of the support.
So he began to deliberately practice.
But he has never been addicted to the improvement of his own power. In his view, practice
is only an aid to calculation.
There are scholars who are highly educated, and the reputation of the private school is
getting louder and louder. Many students have come across the sea to study here. Everyone
has begun to call him ‘Mr.’.
Only in the letter of Wei Jingfeng, he still called him 'Li Tugen'.
The private school has expanded into a school, and it is like a city in the city. He was
planted with eucalyptus trees in his backyard.
With the method of birth, a few months of hard work grows flourishing.
Later, the students became more and more gradually became a force. In the middle of the
land, there was a big family who threatened to lure him and wanted him to return.
After a clear refusal, the strong family of the big family will come out and come to the
school in the night. That night, Wei Fengfeng stood on the flying raft of the library building
and did not move overnight. At dawn, the secret enemy is quietly receding.
Compared with this, Wei Jingfeng has more troubles. If he can't cope with it, he will come to
Li Tugen.
As their realm and status are getting higher and higher, people and things that can't cope
with it are getting less and less, and they will not be connected for many years.
Wei Jingfeng is still one person and one sword, and he is alone. Mr. Jiayuan seems to have
many friends. The practitioners have a life-threatening number, and often there are big
names who come here to ask for a shot.
Later, they also became big men.
The big man who the world does not dare to discuss.
Until a certain day, Li Tugen Xingzhizhi, went to Minghu night drink, raised his eyes and
stared, and fell into a mysterious realm of enlightenment.
He saw the sky outside that night.
He was sent to Yunyang City for a drink. The cold night of the wind and snow, the fire was
fierce, and the spirits penetrated the intestines. He pointed the two stars to him.
"Life and death are the same as the door, you see it."
Wei Jingfeng looked at his eyes and did not speak.
When the restaurant was snoring, the wine was finished, and Juggernaut took a table and
picked it up. "You don't care about this! No one is a scholar!"
When I finished, I went downstairs and didn’t have any money.
Li Tugen knows that the other party does not want him to intervene, because it is very
costly to spy on the heavens. What's more, Wei Jingfeng did not believe in the number of
He stood upstairs, hangs on the bar, the cold air in the snow makes people clear-headed,
and the snow on the shoulders of the goose falls on his shoulders.
Condescending, I saw Wei Jingfeng smashing a child outside the school gate. About six or
seven years old, only one bone left.
He looked carefully and was a good boy.
Because of the final choice, the biggest disaster in their lives was on schedule. Wei Jingfeng
went to the swordsman alone, and he was trapped in Yunyang City to defend against the
Magic Army.
In the case of the sword, he can probably guess that Wei Fengfeng should lead to the
swords there, and must bear the consequences of the sword.
And he was seriously injured, and forced the blood to spur the big array, but also did not
prepare to live.
It doesn't matter, I have seen a lot in this life and learned a lot. Although I have never been
willing to enmity, there is no regret in my life.
But he eventually survived. The chemistry of Biliuguang is far stronger than he imagined,
and this time he completely disappeared after saving his life.
As for the innocent saying that he can no longer practice, only the long life is left. He didn't
care, he still read and write, just like a hundred years ago.
The autumn wind is a year of sorrow.
The tea has been cool, and the book in the hand has not been read. The old gentleman
recalls these things, and he feels that Wei Fengfeng is different from him.
Although there are no friends, at least Wei Feng has an apprentice.
When many people thought that he could not come back, I heard that the child is still
He looked at the white wall and gray tiles, and he gave birth to some embarrassment.
It seems that the man will suddenly appear on the wall, and he will call his name when he is
"Li Tugen."
Someone really called his name, and the voice was strange.
There are no people on the wall, and there are no people on the flying raft of the library.
Only people came in from the back door of the school, and their footsteps were vain and
their breath was exposed.
He stood up in surprise and recognized the comer at a glance. He couldn't return to God for
a long time.
I want to understand the funny inside, but I raise my eyebrows slightly, so I can’t explain.
"How did you become this look?"
Not waiting for the other party to answer, but also learning the consistent tone of the
"Yes, the bones are red and the skin is nothing, you will never care about this kind of
Juggernaut has already accepted the reality on this road. At this time, it is only cold. "At
least half of the old man is repaired, what are you left?"
Mr. Zhang Yuan is not angry. "I have one life left..." Then I frowned and guessed, "Bi
Liuguang has reshaped your roots and body, which is not enough to support you to restore
the original appearance?"
"Can you only reshape the childishness, can you regenerate it? Or set it?"
Wei Jingfeng really wants to pull the sword, but he never shoots ordinary people who have
not been repaired.
At this point, I can only endure it, so that the two people bicker like the city’s mediocrity.
"What nonsense! Eighteen years later, the old man is a hero!"
If he is still a young Juggernaut, when he is angry, it is enough to make Mr. House not dare
to say anything. He is now a cute child of Yu Xue, and he is still a little milky.
So Mr. Jiayuan laughed directly. "Hey, don't be angry, come, uncle."
Wei Jingfeng turned and left. "I went to sleep, you wrote to let me pick me up."
I can't really cut the sword and cut Li Tugen, and there is more to say.
He did not mention who to write to, who will pick it up. Just turned and walked into the
wing, and closed the door with a click.
Mr. Zhang Yuan understands what he means, and laughs more cheerfully. He wrote a few
letters. Called the deputy in the court, passed to Yu Huafeng, and named the surname to be
sent to Jun.
The next thing, leave those people in the Yashan Mountain to worry.

Chapter 117: Wei Fengfeng

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
When Jun Hao came to Yunyang City, it was late at night.
Mr. Jiayuan counted the time and thought that he would come soon tomorrow. At this time,
he had already rested and did not send someone to welcome.
Jun is standing outside the Zhumen high wall of the school, squinting at the eyebrows, and
the always cold look shows a little bit of urgency.
Not waiting for him to buckle the door, suddenly a figure jumped out of the courtyard wall.
The sleeves are raised by the night wind, like a white bird, which is supposed to be
extremely chic.
The man turned around.
Yuehua sheds through the edge of the clouds, and the water is filled with water.
The banyan tree swayed in the night wind, and the deep and shallow shadows were
intertwined on the wall tiles.
Also fell on him.
Jun Hao looks slightly changed.
Wei Jingfeng thought so surprised, Chunshan laugh and the autumn wind are the same
from the breath, the old man certainly knows that you are here.
Immediately, he realized that his own appearance is probably the reason why the
apprentice is surprised.
Wei Jingfeng’s voice was very cold. “How? I haven’t seen it for many years. The disciple
grew up and didn’t recognize Master.”
After he finished speaking, he regretted it and listened to what it was. For a time, he was
fainted, and he was as arrogant as Li Tugen, and he was also interested in his appearance.
Just before his sleeves were gone, Jun collapsed.
One side of the knees slammed on the ground, the distance between the two suddenly
approached, and the stunned wind did not have to talk up.
Jun Hao was determined to look at him and see that he could not speak.
Then seriously corrected, "Not for many years, it is one hundred and twenty-four years and
six months."
At this moment, the suffocating suffocating suffocating disappeared without a trace.
He raised his hand and touched the apprentice's hair.
"Go, go home."
Jun Hao stood up and followed him.
As always, one step behind, showing insurmountable respect.
For Junxi, Master is a master, has nothing to do with the age of appearance, and has nothing
to do with cultivation.
The long streets are lonely, the trees on the bluestone streets are full of trees, and the
lanterns and wine flags on the high buildings are swung in the night wind.
The wind in the late autumn is cold, and the wind is tight.
In fact, he rushed all the way from the sword to the middle of the country, exhaustion is far
from being able to eliminate sleep.
But he didn't care, the wind and the sword saw more, what was the fatigue? Normal only.
Jun Hao stepped forward and took his hand.
Wei Jingfeng stunned. Junyi’s palm is very cool, but there is a sly real yuan pouring out,
such as the warmth of the general flow along the ten fingers across the body.
I can't help but sigh, the apprentice is very good, and I know that I am filthy and filial to
The whole city is still asleep, and they walked down the street in a quiet night.
Juggernaut was dragged by the apprentice and seemed to feel something. He said, "I am a
blessing though I have been ravaged this time. Swordsman Jianjian, repaired to be able to
practice again, this look is also a re-enactment of children, not to taste It's not a practice. I
don't have to be sad when I look at it."
He used to not comfort people, and the words he said were very stiff.
Jun Hao listened very seriously, but did not say anything at the end, just "hmm".
Wei Jingfeng put down his heart.
The autumn wind rolled up the corners of the street, and the white moonlighted the shore
like a snow wave.
Their shadows are pulled diagonally.
Unexpectedly, many years ago, Juggernaut took a disciple from the school gate and
returned to it. Now he is replaced by an apprentice to pick him up.
Wei Jingfeng did not hurry to hurry, and he stayed in the sword for a long time. Now look at
the fireworks, the city and the horses feel particularly comfortable. Jun Hao himself
followed him by him.
"You have to go more and more on weekdays. What is the meaning of practicing swords on
the mountain all day long?
Jun Hao nodded. Wei Jingfeng looked at him and looked at him, knowing that he didn't
Suddenly, the look is positive. "Yu Huafeng is a home. It shouldn't be a cage that traps you.
Don't give yourself a slap."
Jun Lips does not speak.
In the slightly sunny city of the city, people often look at them along the way.
A temperamental youth, holding a cute child of Yu Xue, is a rare combination.
So when they walked into the flower street, the parties looked more. Wei Jingfeng is still
quite frank, and Jun is only slightly frowning, and his look is cold and through the swaying
clothes. Wherever they go, the weaving crowds in the alleys are separated by a passage.
There are not many guests in the morning, and there are a few tables in the lobby. The
scent of wine and light powder floats in the air, and the brazier is burning, and it is crispy
from time to time.
The proprietress who still has the charm is sitting at the counter and flipping the book
Everything here is a familiar look of Wei Feng. It’s just that he is standing in front of the
counter, not as high as the counter.
He looked back at Jun Yi and wanted the apprentice to buy wine.
Jun Hao misunderstood something, and for a moment, he leaned over and picked him up.
Unexpectedly, the line of sight suddenly rose, and Wei Fengfeng regained the confidence of
condescending. Speaking a bit of aloud words, laughing,
"The boss wife, is there a life of happiness?"
The Luhua girl finally looked up at them.
I laughed too hard. "Do you drink or drink?"
Wei Jingfeng did not react, "I drink."
The Luhua girl usually takes the wine, and all of them are slamming on the counter, and the
smoke of the earthquake is everywhere. This time, it was gentle and unusual, holding a
small porcelain altar and gently put it into the arms of Wei Feng.
"gave it to you."
Juggernaut thought, did you recognize that I am a regular customer?
That is, the wine is less, forget it, people have a heart, how to send too much white.
Until Jun Hao took him out of the spring sleeve building, and walked out of Hualiu Liuxiang,
he was open-minded.
Then he unplugged the wine stopper, and his keen sense of five made him feel that he could
not detect it. "This is not a floating life, it is a peach blossom."
He broke free from the arms of Jun, and turned to go back.
Jun Yi does not understand wine, "What is the difference?"
"This is for kids!"
Peach blossom wine, the entrance is faint and sweet, just like juice.
Jun Hao took him and said nothing. Looking at his eyes on one knee.
Wei Jingfeng was seen by him and he couldn’t speak, holding the jar of alcohol and venting
his breath. "Forget it, don't comfort me." He smiled. "There is nothing wrong with redoing
children. When I was young, I could No one gives me anything."
It’s like the last life. When I was a child, I was crowded in the village, and I was desperately
killed in the Donglu wilderness when I was a teenager. It is not a happy memory.
Jun Yi did not speak again, hugged the jar, and took his hand to continue.
Wei Jingfeng seems to have found a fun new experience. There are so many rare gadgets on
the street, the paper windmill, the sugar gourd face, the clay figurines, the little rabbit lights
he has never noticed before, and now all appear in his sight.
Very interesting.
Junyi asked, "Would you like to buy?"
Where does Juggernaut have a face to buy a bunny lamp, "Do not buy."
The paper-selling windmill hawker used to be a child who was a bit guilty. When he saw
him really cute, he took a red windmill and gave it to him. "Give it to you."
Wei Jingfeng was too late to pick up.
Jun Yi gave the silver hand to the man. He has not gone down the mountain for many years,
and he rarely spends a lot of money. The peddler of the music is not close. Other vendors
are learning to send things to Wei Fengfeng.
Jun Hao will pay for the money behind.
When he walked out of the slightly Yangcheng City, Jiansheng's face was also thick. I am
eating candied haws, and other things are held by Jun Hao.
He suddenly felt that it was really good.
Yan Xing wandered to Qingzhou City on this day and met several old drinkers on
Tianxianglou. There are scattered repairs of mixed rivers and lakes, as well as the sons of
big families.
After the three patrols, the few friends and friends who talked to the friends did not have
scruples. "What is the way for the child around your master? Is it a son or an apprentice?"
Yan Xing suddenly stunned. "What do you say?"
Master? child? Playing me?
"You still don't know? You really don't know?"
"Hey, your master has gone to Yanyashan with a child. Many people have seen it with their
own eyes."
"You still don't believe? He is good for that child."
"If no one dares to ask him, as for asking you?"
The wine of Yan Xing suddenly woke up most of the time and jumped directly from the
window on the second floor. The people reacted and looked up and looked at it. It was
already left behind. He did not rest all day and night, and the dust rushed back to Qi
Finally I saw Jun Hao in front of the mountain gate.
Jun Yan leaned over and said something to the child.
Yan Xing has never seen such a master, and it is still a constant coldness in the eyebrows.
The whole person is inexplicably mild.
This person is definitely not an apprentice.
He went up and thought about it, "Master, your son?"
The child turned back and gave him a faint look.
Yan Xing finally saw the sword at his waist.
The delicate short sword, the beads are decorated, and the gorgeous looks like decorations.
Then he squatted directly.
Half a ring, finally returned to God, "...Master?"
Juggernaut screamed and threw the peach blossoms to him. "It’s just right, give you a jar of
Yan Xing subconsciously took over and stood up from the ground, and his look was a bit
When he reached the Huanhua Peak, he suddenly laughed loudly. "Hahahahaha is back!"
The laughter stunned the jackdaws in the forest.
Juggernaut looked back at him. "Do you think the old man is dead?"
Yan Xun didn't smile, and suddenly he wanted to cry.
He looked at a few people who rushed out and felt that everyone seemed to want to cry.
Juggernaut is back. This is a big event in the world.
However, Wei Jingfeng was most afraid of trouble, and he did not want to know, so the
news stopped at Yu Huafeng.
Life on the mountain is no different from the past.
He is still not used to this appearance, even in front of Jun Hao, and always awkward to
other apprentices.
Yin Yin was sent out by him, and another peak with Luo Mingchuan.
"The two of you have cultivated the realm to such a point. They are also accomplices of the
same family. They should be self-reliant. They always count on what the old man is."
Yin Yue is more loyal to his life, looking for a pure pulse in the mountains of the mountains,
named 兮 兮 明. Yan Yashan has the seventh peak.
Yan Xing is better to send, Juggernaut only said one sentence, "People are absent-minded,
go down the mountain early!"
"The old five? Let him not come, so free, it is better to build a bridge in the floating sea."
Liu Bulling is aphasia, I don’t know if Master is serious, how can I write back?
Juggernaut turned to her and said, "Fucking frost, have time to go out and walk, young,
don't always suffocate in the room to scribe the Tao."
Liu Bull Frost should be, and when the spring rains, the rain will go down the mountain, I
don’t know where to go.
In the heart of Juggernaut, it doesn't matter whether she is ruined or not, and how many
people have passed away. She is still the little **** the snowfield. Still young, with great
time and future. It is time to go to the world to experience, to waste and regret.
Everyone is gone, and Juggernaut can finally play the bunny lights in a bright and beautiful
Yan Huafeng is somewhat lonely. Like many years ago, Wei Jingfeng just came back with
Jun, and there are only two of them here. There are also clouds in the sky, wild trees and
wildflowers in the mountains.
Spring is coming to autumn, and Yunjuan Yunshu. I don’t know how old I am.
This is the longest time he spent in Yuhuafeng.
He is confident that he does not owe the world, does not owe the world, but he has to say
that there is nothing wrong with his life, but he feels that he is owed to the monarch.
When the big apprentice came back with him, he was only six or seven years old. He didn't
know how to block the wind. He didn't have a heavy weight when he was recruiting. He
didn't say how long it took to go down the mountain.
These monarchs will not talk to him. It is only after he has had a heavy history that he has
learned slowly.
As he said to Yin Yi, he is not a good master.
Jun Hao took advantage of his position when he practiced the sword. Every time he went
down the mountain, he took his hand, as if he was afraid of him, and he was afraid of losing.
I don't know where to learn the craft, and often do some gadgets for him. Wei Jingfeng is
really a young man's heart. When he plays for two days, he is tired, but he doesn't throw it.
Jun Hao is better than him.
"Remember that when you were young, you went up the mountain. I learned to talk to you.
You can say a lot in one day. How can you regress now?"
"There is nothing to say on weekdays, and there is no one to say, and naturally will
Juggernaut thought that this would not work. It seems that speaking is the same as
practicing. If you go against the water, you will retreat. You may have to practice again.
So everything has come from the beginning.
For the great practitioners, the time of more than ten years is nothing but a slap in the face.
Wei Jingfeng turned into a young boy who was soaring. Time has not left a trace on him.
The realm gradually recovered, and he had to travel with the sword down the mountain,
and no longer had to accompany him.
In the spring of March, Chunshan laughs.
Jun Hao sent him to the mountain road of Yan Huafeng, watching his back go farther and
farther, until he became a fuzzy outline under the blue sky.
Turning back alone, sitting in front of the case to wipe the sword, suddenly felt that for
more than ten years, but a big dream.
After the dream is awakened, everything is no different.
As a disciple, every word of Master, he listened carefully and practiced earnestly.
Just one thing, he never agrees.
"Yu Huafeng is a home. It shouldn't be a cage that traps you. Don't give yourself a slap."
That person never knows.
Yan Yashan is not a cage, and Qi Huafeng is not a shackle.
Only Jian Shengwei was shocked by what really trapped him.
Jun Hao slowly rubbed the sword, Chunshan smiled as smooth as water, reflecting the chill
of his eyebrows.
Suddenly there was a breeze behind him, the bright light was blocked, and the room was
He looked back and looked surprised.
"Don't you go to see the heavens and the earth?"
Juggernaut touches the nose, some awkward,
"It’s gone, it doesn't mean anything, it's better to see you."

Chapter 118: Banned (1)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
On the day when Yan Xing met Wei Jingfeng, Lueyang City had been raining for half a
month. Autumn wind and autumn rain swearing.
The whole flower street is immersed in the mist of the mist. It has not yet entered the night.
There is no red silk in the lanterns. Only the girl who walks through the umbrella from time
to time in the lane, carrying a skirt and carefully bypassing the water on the bluestone
board, The figure is light and the skirt is flying in the wind and rain.
The spring sleeves have not been lit yet, and they are illuminated by the large open wooden
windows and the fire in the hall. Drinking people have three kinds of teachings, often seven
or eight friends and friends, make up a table, the local dialect is mixed in one place,
laughter and screaming loudly in the lobby.
The young boy in the white sari of the window, wearing a table, will only make people feel
As for the old clothes in the corner, the kid with the knife on the back, although the Ranger
is dressed up, but because of the childish appearance, it is more like a small miscellaneous
city, in this situation, sitting alone will appear lonely and lonely.
If he didn't realize it, he wanted the cheapest Xifeng Lie, with a plate of vinegar soaked in
peanuts, and he was very interested in drinking.
Suddenly a clear female voice sounded, breaking the hustle and bustle, "Guest, you have not
finished the money."
Everyone looked at the sound and saw the little girl of the water spirit Peugeot standing up
behind the counter. The apricot eyes were round and round.
And the six or seven big men who had already reached the door also stopped, bursting into
a sneer, and turned around.
In the hall, there are people who talk about the day, and there are businessmen who often
run business in Panlongling. At this time, there are sounds of snoring. The nervous look
infected the rest of the unknown.
The big men who are full of flesh and blood are obviously satisfied with their deterrence
and the silence at the moment. They walked to the counter, and some people lifted their
feet and flipped a table. The spurt of the fire, the wooden table is broken.
It’s like a kind of customary signal, the alcoholic people throw away their cups and rush to
the door.
The lobby is empty.
The headed Dahan has already walked over to the counter and laughed with a slap in the
face. "You don't know what to do, you don't care, but the brothers are afraid not to agree.
What do you say?"
It was another sneer, accompanied by all kinds of foul words.
The thin little girl did not speak, as if she was scared.
Seeing that the counter is going to be opened by a machete, the tragedy will be born, but
today is destined to be different.
"What to do if you pay for it?"
It turned out to be the one sitting alone, standing in front of the counter.
His sense of existence is so low that no one notices when he came over.
The foothills of Panlongling have seen the world, and they have practiced the shallow
forging exercises. When you look at it, you know if the other party is hard. If it is a
practitioner, the breath and pressure are different from ordinary people.
At this time, there was a sigh of sorrow, "Where is the Wang Ba Lazi, roll."
Yan Xing did not roll, and his side kicked open and opened his fist, and he had to reach out
and take a knife.
I haven't touched the handle yet, and suddenly I feel the breeze behind me. A scorpion
jumps over the wine table, and the knife makes a stick in the sheath. The backhand hits the
other side of the heart.
The man slammed into the fist with his fist and punched it. The swallows jumped up and
down, and the fish were usually fighting in the middle of them. The jars of the wine jars
were all used by the dark arrows.
He took advantage of his strength, his body was flexible, and he seemed to be extremely
cool. Unfortunately, he was outnumbered, and he saw red in a few moments and was
turned over to the ground. A foot is in my heart.
"This dog scorpion! You call a grandfather, I will spare you a life today..."
After the words were not finished, Yan Xing took a sip of blood.
The mountains were provoked with fire, and they were smashed, and they did not use
knives. The feet were getting heavier and heavier, and there was a posture that would kill
people alive.
Luhua girl took a sword from the dark compartment of the counter and rolled up her
With the sound of breaking the wind, the dagger straight backwards. A wooden chopstick,
nailed into his Dazhui.
Looking at it again, the forgotten white man has put down the bowl and held the remaining
chopsticks in his hand.
Yan Xing barely widened his eyes, and he couldn’t see the man’s face in the blood, only
heard one sentence.
"Desolation of the sword."
He thought, what is the thing.
The mountains are swarming, and the big chopper is a tiger.
The son’s eyelids were not lifted, and a chopstick was taken from the chopsticks.
Yan still can't stand up with his strength, holding a knife and squatting on the ground,
vomiting blood, abdominal cramps, fighting can not concentrate? Is it time to read poetry? !
"The yellow leaves are still wind and rain, and the broth is self-orchestral."
The wind and rain outside the window blew in, and the young boy stood up and the sleeves
were full.
After reading these two sentences, Hawthorn just rushed to his eyes, and he rolled his
sleeves to beat people.
There is no Sven in the poetry, and the fierce play of the boxing to the flesh.
Pain and pleading for the spring sleeves.
Wei Jingfeng does not need real yuan and Jianqi, relying solely on physical strength, he has
turned over this group of rabble, letting them lie on the ground and inflating more air.
The trouble is very happy.
Then he glanced at the sly little punk and reached out to pull the man up.
Yan Xing didn't know what was going on, the man actually pulled him, and the breath of a
sigh of relief ran into the veins, and it didn't hurt.
The Luhua girl gave them a jar of wine and took the iron lock to clean up the mess.
Yan Xing still hasn't recovered, only he even feels that he is dying.
Wei Jingfeng saw him like this. As an elder, he couldn’t help but tell him the truth of life.
"The little girl entered the threshold of practice and had to deal with a few of the three
religions. It was just that there was a guest in the building. She was not good at shooting, so
she waited to scare away the spectator. She just closed the door to teach them. You are on
the rush. Nothing, don’t think about it, don’t have the ability or the mountain, how dare you
open a shop in this street?”
After that, he first gave birth to the illusion that he was a good person.
Unexpectedly, Yan Xing did not regret it. He only asked, "I don't want to do it. It's my
business. Does she have the ability or the mountain, what about me?"
Juggernaut is happy, I thought this kid is a bit interesting. It’s rare to be stupid and
disregarding the consequences.
He was arbitrarily arrogant, and a flash of words blurted out. "I will accept you as an
Juggernaut poured himself a bowl of wine. "There is a saying that 'the chest is small and
uneven, you can drink it, the world is not big, the non-sword can't be eliminated.', you
follow me, learn something, and you will see the road in the future. Go up and find death."
Yan Xing looked at the delicate dagger in the waist and grinned.
"The sword is a hundred soldiers, but unfortunately there are more hypocrites in this
world than true gentlemen. I don't want to practice swords, and I don't want to be
gentlemen. I want to learn swords and be a hero."
"Who said that it is a gentleman with a sword? A knife is also a good sword, and an artifact.
The old man’s apprentice, what to learn, what to learn."
Yan Xing thought, I saw that you are a big man, not a mortal, but I have not promised, how
can you become your apprentice?
Also, you are almost as big as me, how can you become an 'old husband'?
He also poured a bowl for himself. "I haven’t known what you call it for so long."
If the other party has a temperament with him, and the chat is pleasant, he is too lazy to
"Wei is shocked."
Yan Xing almost fell down and once suspected that he had got it wrong. "What?"
The young boy’s 啪啪 slammed the short sword on the table. “Someone called me
Yan Xing has always felt that his life is very good.
When I was a teenager, I worshiped Juggernaut and really worshipped Master, although
Master is very different from the legend. After entering the road, I did a lot of things in the
eyes of others. I didn’t die. Even under the sword of Lin Yuangui, you can fight back a life.
But until many years later, he still had confusion: Master is clearly not a scholar. Why did
he meet him on the day, and it was a reference to the classics and a poem?
Where did he know that the day he was calculating the specific position of the double star
in the house, Juggernaut came back from the school, had a fight with Mr. Zhang, and
listened to a poem, and there was no room for suffocation.
When I was drinking alcohol, I saw him.
I also saw the shadow of my youth, blood, stupidity, and loneliness.
Yan Xing said that it is my business that I can't do it. Does she have the ability or the
mountain to shut me down?
Wei Jingfeng thinks that what choices I make is my business. How does Tiandao arrange for
me to shut down?
That's it.
The karma of the world is unclear. Yan Xing thought that Juggernaut had saved his life, but
he did not know that he had helped Juggernaut.
Over the years, it was autumn rain, they still drink wine to see girls in the spring sleeves.
The city's small gangsters have become the heroes of the unsuccessful, and the white man
is still a teenager.
After Yin Yin was drunk and drunk, Wei Jingfeng said a lot with Yan Xing.
Speaking of Xing Xingyuan, talking about swords and talking about the number of stars.
At first, I patted the table and yelled at him. "I really don't worry. If you are like this, nine
lives are not enough to die."
In the end, he said, "But don't change it..."
When Yin Yue was awake, Wei Feng got up and left, no nostalgia.
The Yanxing wine was drunk for half a month.
Fortunately, Wei Feng’s death came back after a lifetime, and all the words became daily
teachings, not a last word.
Yan Xing can revisit the old things without shadows.
"Oh, my master said that like me, nine lives are not enough to die."
Song stunned, "Jian Sheng said right."
Yan Xing turned to look at him, his eyes full of smiles. "Is it right? In fact, there is another
sentence behind it. 'After the old man left, find someone to cure you.' Is this right?"
" right." Speaking of this, Song Yu hurriedly bid farewell, "Today's official document
has not been read, and lost to Yandaoyou."
He jumped from the tree and walked to the main hall of the Qing Dynasty. There was a low
laugh from the man behind him.
The night is dark, the tree shadows.
Even if a disciple hits a serious head and sits on a tree with a drunkard, he will feel that he
is wrong.
In the night, this kind of thing in Qinglan Mountain is really a second time.
No one was embarrassed because of the consequences before the Qing Dynasty, Yan Xing
did not know what was going on.
The three disciples under the Juggernaut are a recognized prodigal son.
When the teenager became famous, the knife was cut off from the water, and the horizontal
knife immediately indulged in drinking, a pair of spring peach eyes, and how many
innocent girls were hooked.
But everyone who has seen him knows that he is neither passionate nor passionate. Even at
some point, there are still some incomprehensible slowness.
It is really regrettable.
So when people heard that Yan Xing was thin and thin, he was interrupted by his legs. The
first reaction is not true? I don't believe it, but... I finally waited for this day!
It’s not too big to watch the excitement, run away and tell you that you are happy than your
own retreat.
Later, Yan Xing was drunk and boldly said that ‘people are sweeter’. Even more so that this
thing is on the fire, everyone knows.
The Qingjian Jianpai advocates perseverance and is more loyal to the law.
Song Hao chased him and escaped, and ran across most of the south land.
At that time, Yan Xing felt that he was particularly embarrassed, all of them were drinking
alcohol, and rumors were wrong. He is not a disciple at all.
Wait until the misunderstanding is solved, sit down and talk well, and the magic army will
fight side by side after the invasion. After the war, he will talk long and he will finally
realize that he is indeed a rogue.
As long as you see Song Hao, you want to be guilty.
The irrefutable facts are in front of you, and the strong wine does not carry this pot.
For this reason, he did not go to see Song Song for some time. When you are upset, look for
a master to fight and find a four-master to play. Go down the mountain and find something
new and interesting.
After a period of time, I woke up and found that I couldn’t do it at all. I had to make a
heartbreak in the morning and evening, so I really wanted to see it and follow my heart.
Didn't move the manual foot, think about it, not particularly embarrassing. Yan Xing thinks
like this.
Duan Chongxuan saw a little clue and didn't laugh at him.
The days go on like this. Years old.
Until Yan Xun wandered in the middle of the land, met Chen Yi under the mountain. This is
not the first time they met, but they met with the past, and nodded differently.
Chen Yi said that the practice has reached the bottleneck. Since the fellow practitioners are
martial arts, they are willing to fight with the king.
Yan Xing readily accepted.

Chapter 119: Banned (2)

Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to
The news passed quickly.
The two peak knives in the world, the water and the frost met, it is a grand event in the
practice world.
The Yan Xing realm is higher, the fame is earlier, and Chen Yi is fast-moving, and the
potential is immeasurable. The last time they were shot, it can be traced back to a few
decades ago, and now no one dares to assert that their fighting power is high.
Whether practicing or not practicing martial arts, spiritual repair or martial arts, they are
all looking forward to the battle that is destined to go down in history.
In this way, coupled with the special status of the two, the location is trouble. Whether it is
in the middle of the land where you are located, or the Westland where you are located, it
seems unfair. The Donglu forces separated, and the Emperor of the Hokuriku had an old
friendship with the Yaya Mountain.
Finally, it must be set in the south land.
Orderly, can accept a large number of practitioners who heard the news, the formation of
the perfect method is adequate, think about it or Yecheng best. It is best to regain the
Qu Zong chose a good place, and wrote to the Yashan Mountain. When he turned around, he
couldn’t help but sigh. "I can make a breakthrough and I should be happy for you."
Chen Yi hugged her from behind. "Worry about what, just to learn, is not going to be
divided into life and death."
"Yecheng, heavy mountain, I can't think of seeing you one day."
Yin Yin is more and more exclaimed.
Luo Mingchuan smiled. "I don't know if the yard by the autumn lake is still there."
Yan Xing was speechless by the two people. "It’s me who wants to fight. It’s not for you to
revisit the old land, and then set the road."
Duan Chongxuan teased the bird in the Imperial Garden. "Yecheng, do you want to go?...Yes,
that is the one you have been to. I want to ask for me."
Twenty-two narrowed his figure and the nest rolled in his hand.
A group of people standing in the distance, low eyebrows, the atmosphere did not dare.
"Brother, will you go see it? Many people in the door want to go."
In private, Cheng Tianyu never called Song Hao the real person.
Before Song Zhenduan took the case, he kept writing. "There are many things in the recent
past, and it is probably not going."
Cheng Tianyu couldn’t hide his disappointment. “...I’m going to watch it with my brother,
and I’ll talk to you!”
Song Yu should have a voice. When people are gone, he looks at it again, his handwriting is
messy, and his words are not satisfactory. I have to be ashamed.
On the day before the battle, Zhong Shan personally went to the main hall to ask him, but
he had to go to watch the battle.
Song Yu still can't say it.
But that night, he finally went down the mountain. Also went to the most famous restaurant
in the square of Qinglan Mountain.
Yan Xing has never had a shelf for the big practitioners.
He drinks and hurts quickly, and chats are not easy. Friends of wine and wine meet in the
world. If he doesn't want to drink, there are people who accompany him.
Just like this, on the second floor, there are people who talk and laugh around him. The
family members, the rivers and lakes scattered people, each has its own way, lively and
When I talked about the twelve kinds of drinking methods of ‘floating Huan’, some people
suddenly got up and took a ceremony, “Song’s head.”
The sentient beings looked at each other and lost their voices for a while.
Song Yu has been in charge of the Qing dynasty for many years. The gentleness of being a
great disciple has long since faded away, leaving only the righteousness and power.
He splashed the ink of the mountain robes, and the jade crown bursts. The whole person
showed meticulous and rigorous and correct, and it was incompatible with the flamboyant
The audience looked at the face of Yan Xing. How many people knew that he had been
chased by the Song Dynasty masters. Although he was later lost, there were always old
So I silently dispersed after seeing the ceremony.
In a twinkling of an eye, there are only two people left on the second floor. Yan Xing and
Song Yu are relatively speechless.
Song Wei didn't think that when he came, the people would finish, and they couldn't help
but feel awkward.
The other party’s drinking with friends is so awkward that it’s really disappointing.
If Yan Xing asks at this time, ‘What are you doing? ‘, he will immediately turn and leave.
But Yan Xing did not ask anything. Just smiled, "Come and sit."
Song Yu breathed a sigh of relief.
"Tomorrow's battle with people, don't go to meditate now, adjust your interest, but come
He sat down in the first sentence and regretted it halfway.
It’s not the other’s elders. Why do you say this kind of control?
He still remembers that Yan Xing was the most annoyed by irrelevant people, and the cause
of the knife-cutting water was also taught by the elders.
"Overpass, Yandao friends don't blame."
Yan Xing was very happy. He couldn't help but frown when he heard this sentence. "I don't
understand. Why have you always called my Yandao friends?"
I feel that Yan’s brother can’t say it, but he can call his name. I have to call my friends and
listen to how uncomfortable.
But the other party is not easy to take the initiative to find him, tangled with such fine
details, he smiled. "Forget it, don't say this, what are you busy with recently?"
This sentence sounds like asking casually, but Yan Xing really wants to know.
Song Wei has always been rigorous and answered everything seriously.
"Recently, more than ten families in the Southland have to talk with the Youth League and
agree on the resources for enshrining in the next 50 years. Please ask the youth to leave a
subpoena in their house industry as a sanctuary. I am reviewing the agreement documents
and have a problem with the reply. If there is no problem, it will be stamped and handed
over to the elders in the door to arrange the formation. There is also a rumor that there are
different treasures on the west side of the Southland. Many scattered repairs gather under
the Qinglan Mountain to ask for help. To protect their own safety, the second is to solve the
uneven distribution..."
He said a lot, and at the end of the day, he felt that these trivial and boring, it is difficult for
Yan Xing to listen to a serious look.
Song Hao finally couldn't help but ask, "I said these you understand?"
"Do not understand."
"What are you laughing at?"
What is ridiculous?
Yan Xing is determined to look at him, a pair of spring peach peach eyes are full of Merry,
"You talk to me, I am happy."
Song Xin’s mind swayed, avoiding his gaze and got up and walked. “You drink too much.”
Yan Xing stood up slowly, stretched his arms and pulled the man back.
Song Wei was not able to collide in his arms, and he was afraid to pull the sword. The
opponent's realm pressure suddenly broke out, pushing him back two steps, and squatting
in the corner.
The pressure is like a gusty wind, the wooden window is windless and automatic, and it
slams shut. The wine cellar on the table fell and broke the white porcelain.
A taste of a kiss, but also with the scent of the scent of the wine, so that the Songmen who
never drink alcohol face red ears. The other party still refused to let go, the hot breath was
sprayed on his ear, and it was crispy.
"I just drank too much, you hit me. Which leg do you want to interrupt this time?"
Song trembled with anger. One of the real yuan is out, the sword in the hand has been
squirted and half-pointed, and suddenly stopped, because the man said,
"After dawn, I have a duel. I can't overdue it. You broke me tonight. I can only go to death
After saying that it was really dispelling the pressure, the unsuspecting empty door opened
wide and only leaned over to kiss him.
The Songmen did not hesitate for a moment, but they were bullied on the wall.
At the end, the other person licked his lips and sighed with a sigh. " really sweet."
"Don't look at me like this, I am afraid I can't help myself."
The Songmen are not angry and self-defeating on weekdays. Ordinary people dare not be
close, but now the eyes are wet and the face is flushed. The original robes and hairpins are
all chaotic, and it is really a different style in the eyes of Deng.
Song Yu couldn't bear it, and a sword sheath hit the past, but still remember to grasp the
inch. Yan Xing snorted and slammed, and he retreated, laughing and listening to his lesson.
"What are you thinking about in your mind? The warriors are fighting in the air, and the
most taboo is arrogant, and more arrogant! I have seen Chen Yi's knife many years ago, and
there is no one in the talents. You can't shun the enemy. Even the gap in the realm It’s
insurmountable, and there’s never been a fight for nothing...”
"Are you finished?"
"Is it out?"
Song Hao gave him a look.
The moonlight fell on them through the window, and there was a louder sound coming
from the street.
Yan Xing looked at the sky. "I will not go to Yecheng again, it will be too late."
"You should have been there long ago."
Yan Xing wants to say that you will wait for me to come back, and finally just dress up for
the other party.
He pushed open the window on the second floor and jumped down. It seemed to be very
cool, but he did not dare to look back.
After a while, I heard a message from the restaurant. "If you don't win, don't come back."
Yan Xing laughed loudly.
In this way, how can there be a win?
Song Hao sat down.
The empty restaurant cup was a mess, and the half bowl of wine left by the other party
reflected the moonlight and also showed his face.
He picked it up and sipped it into the throat, and he was immediately coughed by sputum.
Song Yu smiled at himself.
He often thinks, what is the point of Yan Xing in the end?
If it is a whim, how can it be rushed to a long time, how can the fresh feeling of the other
party still not disappear?
To say the talents, he is not unparalleled in the world. To say the status of the status, the
head of the Qingjian Swords is indeed a high weight.
But Yan Xing does not care about this.
He simply doesn't know what the other person cares about.
“I heard that the sunrise at Tianya Cliff in Yanya Mountain is extremely spectacular?”
"It's really spectacular... but it's more than a look. It's all the same. When it comes to
sunrise, the easternmost border of Donglu, when the nameless orphan rises on the rising
sun, it seems like you can reach the sun."
"In this way, is sunrise the best in Donglu?"
Yan Xing leaned on the tree and looked at him. "The most spectacular, but not the best...
Once I went to the sea to meet the animal tide, I went all the way from the floating sea to
kill the shore, just in time for the alternation of the sun and the moon. it is good."
Whenever he talks about such topics, Song Yu always feels that he is a boring and boring
person compared with the magnificent spectacle and the adventures of life and death.
Yan Xing is different.
Like a goshawk, I can fly over the mountains and mountains, and I can't keep him, and I
can't keep him.
When the sky was light, the Songmen came out of the restaurant. The morning breeze is
He took a sigh of relief and threw his feelings and walked forward.
If he knows that the other party will come because he is a word, he will never stop after the
end of the fight.
This is not so bad that it is blocked at the entrance of the Qingyi Temple.
"Don't you say that I am waiting for me to come back?"
Song Emei, "When did I say this?"
"The gentleman said a word, but when he said at night, he didn't recognize it during the
day?" Yan Xing had some grievances. "Where is this?"
Today's Nanlu has new rumors, and the rumors that the Song lord became a negative

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