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Thrombosis in sickle cell disease

Abbreviations: anti-PA = antibody directed against protein-phosphatidic acid; anti-PS = anti-

body against protein-phosphatidylserine; PS = phosphatidylserine; SC = sickle-hemoglobin C
disease; SS = sickle cell disease (homozygous); TAT = thrombin-antithrombin complex

ascular occlusion is a major complication in homozygous SS disease,13 but this is the first report that

V patients with sickle cell disease. Although the

microvasculature may be occluded by masses
of sickled erythrocytes, larger vessels can
become thrombosed by fibrin clots.1,2 Such thrombi
these markers are increased in patients with SC disease
as well. In keeping with the clinical observation that
SC disease is usually milder than SS disease, Wester-
man et al10 observed that TAT, F1.2, and D-dimer were
may occur in association with fat emboli,3 but most all significantly lower in patients with SC than in those
often they are probably caused by vascular occlusion with SS.
by irreversibly sickled erythrocytes.4 It has been pro- In 1988 Francis14 noted that protein S was lower in
posed that the adherence of sickle cells to endothelial patients with SS than in healthy control subjects. The
cells may promote thrombosis by increasing circulato- study by Westerman et al10 confirms that both protein
ry stasis and red cell agglutination.5,6 The stimulus for S antigen and protein S activity are decreased in
this event may be a flipping of the sickle erythrocyte patients with SS disease but that levels of this coagula-
lipid bilayer membrane to expose inner leaflet PS.7,8 tion inhibitor are significantly higher in patients with
The exposure of membrane phospholipids, and the SC disease. They also report that the levels of protein
subsequent binding of proteins with high affinity for S vary inversely with the titer of antiphospholipid anti-
phospholipids (β2-glycoprotein-1, annexin V, prothrom- bodies. A similar inverse relationship between protein
bin, and others), may result in neoantigen formation S and anticardiolipin antibodies has been noted in
and elicit antiphospholipid antibodies.9 In the study of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus15 and
Westerman et al10 reported in this issue of the Journal, human immunodeficiency virus infection.16 It has
significantly increased concentrations of anti-PS and recently been suggested that β2-glycoprotein I plays an
anti-PA were observed in patients with SS disease, and important role in preventing the inactivation of protein
the anti-PS antibodies were much higher in SS patients S by its circulating inhibitor, C4b-binding protein.17
than in SC patients (P < .05). Because hypercoagula- Antiphospholipid antibodies may indirectly decrease
bility occurs frequently in association with the free protein S by inhibiting the binding of protein S to
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,11,12 patients with the protective β2-glycoprotein I. High titers of anti-PS
sickle cell disease were investigated for evidence of the antibodies and low protein S enhance thrombogenicity.
activation of coagulation. As compared with findings Westerman et al10 note that the titers of anti-PS anti-
in healthy control subjects, levels of TAT, prothrombin bodies were highly correlated with the levels of fib-
fragment 1.2 (F1.2), and D-dimer were all significant- rinopeptide A, TAT, and D-dimer. The strongest asso-
ly elevated, and fibrinopeptide A was more variably ciation was between D-dimer and anti-PS and anti-PA
increased. Others have also recorded elevated concen- antibodies in both SS disease and SC disease (P < .001).
trations of markers of coagulation activation in Emerging research supports the following scenario
for the pathophysiology of vascular occlusion in sickle
cell disease. Sickling of the erythrocyte exposes nega-
J Lab Clin Med 1999;134:329-30. tively charged phospholipids whose thrombogenic
Copyright © 1999 by Mosby, Inc. activity is quenched by annexin V and β2-glycoprotein-
0022-2143/99 $8.00 + 0 5/1/100361 I. However, these complexes of protein and membrane

J Lab Clin Med
330 Editorial October 1999

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