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Ethn Dis. 2013;23(2):245–248. Azfar-E-Alam Siddiqi, MD, PhD; Lanetta B. Jordan, MD, MPH, MSPH;
Christopher S. Parker, PhD

Key Words: Sickle Cell Disease online search, we used the key words and Historians believe that many victims
phrases: sickle cell disease history; history of SCD, who succumbed to infectious
INTRODUCTION of sickle cell disease in United States; and diseases like pneumonia and tuberculo-
prevalence of sickle cell disease. Refer- sis during 1930s–1940s when SCD was
The transformation of sickle cell ences found in retrieved articles and still largely unrecognized and unknown,
disease (SCD) from obscurity in Africa books provided additional sources of had the cause of death ascribed to the
to visibility in America over the past information aligned with our search. more visible and better known infec-
100 years is intertwined with politics and tious complication of the underlying
race relations unique to America.1 Parallel disease, rather than the disease itself.1
to the development of a conventional
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE Physicians from the 1930s and 1940s
scientific understanding of the disease and
DEVELOPMENT OF THE often called SCD the ‘‘great masquer-
the evolution of disease control strategies,
SCD KNOWLEDGE BASE ader’’ because of attribution of SCD-
SCD also developed socio-politically. related deaths to more visible infectious
Initially thought to be a disease exclusive- complications.1,5
Beyond the scientific breakthroughs
ly affecting a minority group, it was Almost 3 decades later, in 1971,
(Figure 1), several factors in the United
brought on the political agenda through President Nixon’s inclusion of the
States influenced the efforts to under-
concerted efforts made primarily by the disease in his health message to Con-
stand SCD as we know it today. First, a
community that identified closely with
1934 report indicated that Memphis led gress paved the way for the National
the people who suffered from it. The
the nation with an 11% infant mortality Sickle Cell Anemia Control Act of 1972
socio-political development that pro-
rate. By the 50s–60s, noteworthy racial (Public law no. 92-294), which brought
pelled investments in research into the
disparities in overall mortality rates $500,000 to Memphis for research on
disease’s origins, treatment, and models
among children3 and the estimates of SCD. Such high-level public engage-
of care resulted in considerable improve-
high mortality in the first two years of life ment of SCD has not been seen in other
ments in life expectancy of people with
among children with SCD4 could no countries with a high burden of SCD,
SCD over the past nine decades.2
longer be ignored. Instead, researchers except for the royal decree for premar-
In this article, we explore the timeline
began to acknowledge SCD as a public ital screening in the Kingdom of Saudi
of scientific attention to SCD and the
health challenge in the United States. Arabia in 2003 (The Royal Decree no. 3
published literature, available from vari-
Issued on 7th day of the 11th month in
ous online sources including the National
the year 1424 of the Islamic calendar).
Library of Medicine’s PubMed. In our
Political engagement for a cause, even
‘‘The most significant feature more so for an invisible chronic disease
From the National Center on Birth
of sickle cell anemia is not its condition such as SCD that does not
Defects and Developmental Disabilities, cause instant mortality (for example as
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
characteristic bizarre in cholera), is not a top-down paradigm.
Atlanta, Georgia (AS, CSP); University of deformation of erythrocytes In most instances, political sensitization
Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, is only possible through bottom-up
Florida (LBJ). but the fact that it is public advocacy that is achieved after
Address correspondence to Azfar-E- apparently the only known attaining the highest level of awareness
Alam Siddiqi, MD, PhD; National Center about the disease in the community.
on Birth Defects and Developmental Dis- disease completely confined to Community compliance to disease
abilities, Centers for Disease Control and
control strategies requires the highest
Prevention; 1600 Clifton Road, MS E-64; a single race.’’ JAMA, 1947 level of community participation. As in
Atlanta, GA 30333; 404.498.6738;
404.498.6799 (fax); any public health crisis, the community

Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 23, Spring 2013 245


report describing what is now consid-

ered the second case of SCD was
published by Benjamin Earl Washburn,
a medical student at University of
Virginia,8 just three months after Her-
rick’s paper, and the third case in 1915
from Washington University Medical
The fact that this third patient’s three
siblings had died from severe anemia
coupled with the demonstrated ‘‘sick-
ling’’ of the patient’s (as well as her
asymptomatic father’s) blood, raised
suspicion that SCD might be of genetic
origin. Victor Emmel observed sickle-
shaped red cells over a period of several
hours after placing a drop of blood in a
ring of ‘petrolatum’ (petroleum jelly),
covered by a cover slip creating an air-
tight chamber.10 He noted transforma-
tion of a large number of normal bi-
concave disk-shaped red blood cells into
elliptical sickle shaped cells. Emmel’s
Fig 1. Timeline of major scientific events in the history of sickle cell disease and life work led to invention of the first simple
expectancy at birth of persons with sickle cell disease in the United States diagnostic test for the disease. Similarities
in the sickling phenomena observed in
role in SCD in the United States acknowledged SCD, tribal terms existed the first four reported cases led Mason to
progressed through the stages of denial, in Africa that reflected the onomato- name the disease ‘‘sickle cell anemia.’’11
stigmatization, acknowledgment, and poeia of the pain and agony associated Later, researchers like Daland and Castle
advocacy. In the 1930s, the lyrics of with sickle cell crisis.1 The earliest text also proposed quicker and simpler meth-
blues guitarist Lizzie Douglas in ‘‘Mem- that is generally thought to be a ods for demonstrating sickling in vitro.12
phis Minne-jitis Blues’’ helped to elevate description of an SCD patient in the Advancements in technology that
positive social dialogues on the discourse United States is found in the work of provided researchers an opportunity to
of SCD in America, particularly among Dr. R. Lebby, published in 1846. In the study the disease in greater detail made
the African American community. Mov- Southern Journal of Medical Pharmacol- SCD the first disease to be identified as a
ies by African American celebrities Bill ogy, entitled ‘‘Case of Absence of the molecular disease.13 Specific differences
Cosby (To all my Friends on Shore, 1972) Spleen,’’ referenced by Bloom,6 Lebby between normal and sickle cell hemoglo-
and Sidney Poitier (A Warm December, discussed autopsy findings of a runaway bins were later identified,14,15 eventually
1974) that highlighted the lives of people slave who was tried and executed for leading to the recognition of the genetic
with SCD afforded the highest point of murder. The credit for discovering mutation responsible for this difference in
social visibility for SCD in America. SCD, however, goes to James Herrick 1977.16 Sickle cell disease serves as a
and his intern, Ernest Irons, who used recognized paradigm for understanding
the power of laboratory science and genetic diseases. However, scientific break-
HISTORY OF SCIENTIFIC microscopes to make the previously throughs that led to specific treatments for
INQUIRY OF SCD invisible disease visible to the Western people with SCD have appeared only in
world.7 This well-known 1910 publica- the ninth decade after Herrick’s report.
While political and community tion by James Herrick represents a
engagement are the enabling factors to summary of findings from the follow-
foster movements for disease control, up of one of his patients over a period of MANAGEMENT OF SCD
the foundation of any disease control 3 years, from 1904 to 1907. Documen-
strategy lies in scientific inquiry. Well tation of subsequent cases of SCD The only notable breakthrough in
before Western medical literature followed rather slowly, though a case the management of SCD has been the

246 Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 23, Spring 2013


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248 Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 23, Spring 2013

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