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 However, in order to be globalized, there are seven

major factors to consider in process such as:
 is a worldwide phenomenon that has greatly shaped
economics, military, cultural, ecology, politics,
human lives for millennia. Over the centuries, many
technology, and geography.
scholars have debated its beginnings, meaning, and
how it changed the world.
 As population grows and time goes on our
civilizations become even more interconnected
 The term "globalization" is derived from the word
through a process called globalization.
"globalize" which refers to the emergence of an
international network of economic system.
 Globalization is generally defined as "the
intensification and acceleration of social exchange,
 It is a very broad term that takes many definitions
social consciousness, and social activities that allows
(depending on the field and it's uses) that does not
all type of people to interact.
provide any singular universal description to it.

 It is the dynamic shift towards a unified world

 It is a process of interaction and integration among
where borders, language, ethnicity, government, etc.
the people, companies, and governments of different
do not limit communication.
nations, a process driven by international trade and
investments and aided by information technology."
(Levin Institute, 2016) History of Globalization

 It can also be defined as "a process that, based on  Thanks to the growth of technology it is easier
international strategies, aims to expand business than ever for 7 billion people in this planet to interact
operations on a worldwide level, and was precipitated and grow as a society. However, globalization is not a
by the facilitation of global communications due to new phenomenon.
technological advancements, and socioeconomic,
political and environmental developments."  Globalization began in the prehistoric period
(Pologeorgis, 2017) INSERT (10, 000 B.C.E to 3500 B.C.E), which during this
time prehistoric humans spread across the globe in
 From these definitions, we can say that small groups of hunter-gatherers.
globalization is a kind of process which every
nation interacts with each other in order to achieve
global unity.
 As seen in the animals on the wall of the Lascaux  Writing allowed the recording of details, such as
Cave in France, prehistoric hunter-gatherer groups financial accounts made it possible for large amount
were preoccupied with hunting. of informations to be remembered and transmitted.

 These people were focus on survival and it is not until  The discovery of the Rosetta Stone (which the same
the domestication of animals and the growth of passages wer e translated into 3 ancient languages)
settled farming that possibility for globalization (as shows that premodern soci eties communicated in
we defined it) existed. different written forms.

 As agrarian societies developed and the need for  The advent of the wheel was likewise to be crucial for
food was no longer the primary motive, societies globalization, it allow goods to be transported across
began to differentiate a hierarchy and allow for the long distances on carts and for architectural
growth of different social classes. technology to improve.

 The patriarchal societies that settled the group  This led to the establishment of roads which led to
(which still exist today) developed during this time. increase trade and communication between growing
world empires.
 However, there was limited communication between
small societes by little technologies available at the  The premodern period was really a time for the
time and for this reason globalization did not seem development of Large civilizations.
much as way we see it now.However, it was a time
for great spread for humanity.  The ancient Egyptians empire flourish during this
time with great advances and engineering technology
 During the premodern period (3500 B.C.E. to and art.
1500 C.E.), larger civilizations developed which gave
way to the current definition of globalization.  The Chinese empire on the other hand, with their
advances in mathematics, science, and warfare were
 Large cities with different classes of people also develop along side and may have communicated
begin to crop up again across the ancient near east in with other world empires.
Asia.With the invention of writing (cuniform) by the
Mesopotamians was a major leap in communication  Greek civilization cropped up also this time as well,
technology. creating a system of democracy which is the basis for
many modern government. The Greeks control a vast
territory and flourished as the center f or arts and  It was the time for the foundation for the first global
philosophy for many years. trade routes (example the silk road), utilizing
transportation technology like permanent roads,
 From 500 B.C.E. to 500 A.C.E., the Roman empire better ships, and animal drawn carts and wagon
was the dominant empire in the world. Their empire
was vast and went to many periods of democracy and  It was during this time that the origins of the silkroad
periods of rulers. At its height, it controlled most of cropped u p as trade routes. Goods travelled the
western Europe and expanded throughout the United empire but also religion, technology and disease.
Kingdoms and spread latin across the continent.
 The age of empires was a time of great
 Roman latin is the origin of the Roman's language technological advancements but after the Roman
spoken throughout the world today. The Romans are empire fell the growth of technology stalled in the
also responsible for the many permanent roads and western world.
buildings which still exist today. The first trade routes
between Roman controlled areas cropped up during  Several hundred years (called the middle ages),
this time. there was very little change in western Europe. The
trades stalled, people struggled to survive in a colder
 Eventually the Roman empire became Christianized climate, a system of feudalism developed and kept
and disintegrated into the Holy Roman Empire which lower class people down while the upper class was
can almost be considered as a proto governmental able to control all the important resources and the
organization at the past. trade system.
- Independent states existed within the empire but
was controlled by the religious body at the time  Eventually the demand for resources, especially
(the Pope). spices and silk from the east grew so high that the
wealthy would pay merchants to transport goods
But what does the age of empires means for (particularly along the silkroad from China to western
globalization? Europe).

 Not only were there means of communication with the  The merchant class began to grow as population
empire but also there communication between other began to decline. Merchant ships became a great
empires itself. way to trade as they were faster than walking but
they also brought disease.
 The black death came to Europe and other part of  There was now a drive to explore the rest of the
the world during the Middle Ages (in the 14th world, rulers wanted to claim new territory to acquire
century) and wipeout almost one -third of the global money, ideas, goods to trade, and religious converts.
population. This was a time that globalization may
have a negative effect on the world. Because goods  The great central American empire were wiped
and people were travelling all around and disease out by the Conqu istadors throught bloody battles and
was travelling with them. disease for their resources. This period was
detrimental to certain populations of people but it
 The ending of the black death was also the opened up new trade routes and increase the desire
ending of pre-modern period and the transition to the to expand western society to find a new world.
early modern period during the 1500s. As the black
death faded, the population began to increase and  People came across new ships to colonize America,
urbanize once again. Improved transportation destroying American civilizations in their wake. 90
technology allowed the immigration of people to percent of the native American populations were
different parts of the world. destroyed by disease during this time. Despite the
tragic death of native populations, colonization in the
 The exchange of ideas and urban centers, new world began to succeed.
rediscoveries of ideas from ancient societies brought
about the Renaissance (the rebirth of art and  There was even a greater land area on which western
learning) in the western world. countries could expand and claim resources as they
completely disregarded the claims of native
 Development during the early modern period Americans.
from 1500 to 1750 was aided by the invention of
the printing press and the improve ment of the sailing  Back in Europe, increase population and urbanization
and navigation technologies. led to the growth of the middle class while the
merchant class began to create a more modern
 The western world expanded the contact of the capitalist economy.
native American society fits to the process of
globalization even though the effects were largely  The protestant reformation brought into question
negative to the existing population of new people an the absolute sovereignty of rulers. The amount of
d new lands. small kingdoms began to decline and eventually
culminating the 30 years war and the peace of
Westphalia which establish the modern state system away across the ocean to revolt against their
today. monarchy as well.

 In terms of globalization, there were now larger  The late 18th and early 19th century was a time
countries with borders that did not necessarily fit the of revolutions.
ethnic groups contain within them leading to tension
down the line. During this time as well, the Dutch East  The democratic systems were put into place by the
India Company began to establish trading post new republic still carried out today.
throughout the world.
 America inspired much of the world with the
 This eventually led to the system of imperialism as protection of the freedom of speech and religion
countries wanted to gain more resources but was also among others, democracy furthered the pace of
important to the furtherance of globalization as new globalization.
people and ideas were transported around the world
along with goods.  In theory, people could travel to democratic land and
be accepted regardless of their ideas.
 The modern period was designated by globalization
(1750 to 198 0) was headed off during the time known  The foundation of America led to an increase of
as the enlightenment. The enlightenment was the immigration due to the prosperous democratic country.
time were philosophers like John Locke and
Voltaire meet up and came up with ideas such as
natural right, life, liberty and property. The belief in  It was also, the beginning of the industrial revolution
these rights are the bases for the American in America and Europe and there was great
revolution (in 1776). urbanization and more jobs available than before.

 The American revolution was the starting point of  The 1800s saw waves of immigration especially by
many revolutions against monarchies in the formation Europeans seeking for a better life.
of democracies.
 America became known as a cultural melting pot of
 America was founded in the capitalistic economic ideas from alL over the world travelled there and
system, led and molded by treasure secretary grew. This time was known for great leaps of
Alexander Hamilton. This inspired the French all technological invention that made communication
easier than before.
organization: The League of Nations. While the US
 With increase technology came an increase need for declined to join, the countries in Europe banded
territory and resources leading to the expansion of together in the League of Nations to try and prevent
imperialism. Imperialism may benefited certain further traged ies such as WWI.
powerful western countries b ut was detrimental to
lands they occupied.  The great depression hit America after WWI
causing the decline of the economy but it also affected
 However, global trade greatly increased during this the economy of the entire worl d showing the
time leading to greater prosperity and urbanization interconnections that were beginning to form
that was never seen before. economically due to globalism.

 Borders established during the early settlements in  Globalization had allowed world trade and production
the peace of Wesphelia also created tension this time. to become so intertwine with the American economy
that when the great depression hit 1929 that both of
 World War I began due to the violence in the these things fell dramatically. It took years and many
ethnically diverse BaLkan peninsula.The war was a systems for the world to climb out of the great
clash of old and new fight style and technology which depression.
led to the death of many.And for the first time, large
coalitions from different countries co mpetended  WWII involved again large groups of countries
against each other. working together to defeat a common enemy (Axis
Powers) and also gave away for America to continue
 Eventually troubles in Russia led to their own its climb as a global superpower (working its way up
internal revolution which began during WWI which from the great depression).
established a new system of government besides
democracy called communism.  Old world empires were no longer the dominant
powers in the world and interaction of countries
 While the west fear the rise of communism, it has outside the west began to grow.
other problems: the Treaty of Versailles written at the
end of WWI laid in place tensions which would later  This period saw a massive increase in global
led to WWII. population and transnational communication. Global
companies began to crop up during this time.
 It was during this time as well that Woodrow
Wilson proposed the first intergovernmental
 It was after WWII that communism became the main Conclusion
threat, the U.S. feared the growth of communism
because the USSR is beco ming another global 1. The history of globalization has showed us how
superpower. far we've come.

 The development of nuclear weapons mutually 2. We are moving together as a society to solve
assured the destr uction of the two countries if they greater world issues. ha
were to face off (which fortuna tely they didn't) which
cause a Cold War. 3. No longer can world problems be contained by
borders as they’ve grown too large and affect too
 Eventually, american democracy and capitalism won many people.
over the USSR and the Berlin wall fell 4. The entirety of human history is about growth and
 1980 was the end of the modern period so the shift
of the contem porary period (which the one we are 5. We need to reflect while continuing to progress
currently in). the lives of everyone on the planet.

 The Berlin wall fell and heading off the era were
capitalism and American governmental and economic
system seems to become the model of all developing
countries to follow.

 The recent decades have seen the rise of

intergovernmental organizations: the European
Union and United Nations.

 Recently as well, international trade groups like Asian

and the economic system like the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) have crop up which raised the
next question: "Is the next step in globalization be
the elimination of traditional borders in favor of
governance of organizations like these?"

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