Roles of Lead Binding Proteins Bruce A. Fowler

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Roles of Lead-Binding Proteins of 63,000 daltons, which may be a tetramer

of the lower molecular weight peak, and
in Mediating Lead Bioavailability showed stable binding of 203Pb on sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels, indicating a
Bruce A. Fowler high degree of stability. Subsequent
Program in Toxicology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland studies (11-13) demonstrated that both
molecular forms were capable of attenuat-
The intracellular bioavailability of lead (Pb) at low dosage levels in major target organs such as the ing the inhibitory effects of Pb2+ on 6-
kidney and brain appears to be largely determined by complexation with a group of low molecular ALAD activity by a mechanism involving
weight proteins. These proteins are rich in aspartic and glutamic dicarboxyl amino acids. The both Pb chelation and donation of zinc to
proteins are chemically similar but not identical across all species examined to date and the brain this zinc-activated enzyme. Pb- binding
protein appears to be different from that found in the kidney. These proteins possess dissociation studies demonstrated that the low molecular
constant values for Pb on the order of 10- M and appear to normally bind zinc. In rats, these weight protein had an apparent dissociation
proteins attenuate the Pb inhibition of the heme pathway enzyme 6-aminolevulinic acid constant (Kd) for Pb of 10-8 M, with
dehydratase by a mechanism involving both Pb chelation and zinc donation to this highly Pb- extremely stable binding. Cell-free nuclear
sensitive zinc-dependent enzyme. Other studies in rats have shown that the kidney protein translocation studies (14,15) demonstrated
facilitates the intranuclear movement of Pb in vitro followed by chromatin binding, suggesting time- and temperature-dependent nuclear
that this protein may be involved in alterations of the pathognomonic Pb intranuclear inclusion uptake of 203Pb-labeled PbBP with subse-
bodies in renal gene expression associated with the mitogenic effects of Pb in the kidney. quent chromatin binding. In vitro metal
Environ Health Perspect 106(Suppl 6):1585-1587 (1998). http.// competition studies (15) demonstrated
1998/Suppl-6/1585-1587fowler/abstract.html that cadmium and zinc were the most
Key words: lead, lead-binding proteins, lead bioavailability, neurotoxicity, renal toxicity, low effective competitors for inhibiting Pb
dose risk assessments, heme biosynthetic pathway, alterations in gene expression binding to the PbBP. These data are of
interest, as they are consistent with the
results of an in vivo lead x cadmium x
arsenic feeding study (25) that demon-
All models for predicting blood lead values toxic potential of Pb. Protein-mediated strated that concomitant exposure to
from soil or dust exposures require the mechanisms of toxicity for metals such as cadmium abolished formation of Pb
movement of lead (Pb) in a soluble form calmodulin and calcium have been studied intranuclear inclusion bodies. Biochemical
between the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, extensively (9,10), and research from this characterization studies (5) identified the
blood, major organs, and urinary or fecal laboratory has shown that PbBPs from the rat renal PbBP as a2,-globulin, which is a
routes of excretion. The models also rat are capable of both attenuating the member of the retinol-binding protein
assume that blood Pb values are useful pre- effects of Pb on 6-aminolevulinic acid supergene family. These studies also con-
dictors of Pb toxicity for all segments of dehydratase (6-ALAD) (11-13) and medi- firmed the apparent KI value of 10-8 M Pb
the population. The movement of Pb in ating the intranuclear movement and chro- for binding to the purified protein. Other
blood and its transport into hard and soft matin binding (14,15) of Pb in target cell studies (24) also showed that addition of
tissues implies binding to soluble carriers nuclei from the kidney. These latter effects Pb to the purified protein in vitro also
such as metal-binding proteins. It has been appear to be quite important in regulating resulted in an apparent aggregation phe-
known for some time that other metals alterations in renal gene expression patterns nomenon, indicated by the appearance of
such as iron are transported in blood via (16,17) and possibly Pb-induced renal higher molecular weight bands on SDS
proteins such as transferrin and that cancer (18). PbBPs may also be involved in gels as a function of metal and incubation
cadmium and zinc are transported bound the formation of Pb-containing intranuclear time. These findings suggest the soluble
to metallothionein. Soluble Pb-binding inclusion bodies in target tissues (19-23), as PbBP in rat kidney cytosol may be
proteins (PbBPs) in blood (1,2) and target they appear to undergo aggregation after involved in the formation of patho-
tissues (3-8) appear to be involved in addition of Pb in vitro (24). gnomonic Pb intranuclear inclusion bodies
mediating both the bioavailability and the The following discussion reviews the (18-23). These inclusions (20,22-23)
literature on these molecules and exam- contain acidic proteins with estimated mol-
ines how they influence individual suscep- ecular masses of 30,000 daltons.
This paper is based on a presentation at the tibility to Pb toxicity in humans and other Brain. The other major target organ in
Workshop on Model Validation Concepts and Their species. the rat also showed two protein peaks with
Application to Lead Models held 21-23 October 1996 higher molecular masses than those found in
in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Manuscript received at
EHP 16 January 1998; accepted 17 August 1998. Lead-Binding Proteins the kidney (3); Western blot analysis studies
Address correspondence to B.A. Fowler, Program
Rats using polyclonal antibodies to the rat renal
in Toxicology, University of Maryland School of PbBP did not cross-react with the brain
Medicine,1450 South Rolling Rd., Baltimore, MD
21227. Telephone: (410) 455-631 1. Fax: (410) 455- Kidney. Studies by Oskarsson et al. (4) PbBP. Preliminary characterization studies
6314. E-mail: demonstrated that the rat kidney possessed (3) showed that, like the kidney, brain
Abbreviations used: SALAD, &aminolevulinic acid several low molecular weight protein peaks PbBP was an acidic protein with a high
dehydratase; Kd, dissociation constant; Pb, lead; from rat kidney cytosol. One of these content of glutamic and aspartic amino
203Pb, lead-203 isotope; PbBP, lead-binding protein;
SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate. proteins had an estimated molecular mass acids and ion exchange chromatographic

Environmental Health Perspectives * Vol 106, Supplement 6 * December 1998 1 585


characteristics similar to those of renal between the PbBPs in different species Absorbed Pb
PbBP. The exact identity of this protein is appear to be highly conserved, although
currently unknown. the proteins seem to be of different mole- Blood Pb (red cell and plasma PbBPs)
cular masses. This could suggest that there
Humans are conserved binding regions of these vari-
Blood. Ragavan and Gonick (2) reported ous proteins across species that act in a Bone *-* Target cell Excretion
earlier the increased presence of low mole- similar manner. stores uptake (urine and feces)
cular weight PbBPs in blood of PbBP-
exposed workers. Subsequent studies by Relevance of Molecular Binding to Sensitive effector
Lolin and O'Gorman (1) also showed the Handling of Lead to Kinetic PbBPs molecules
presence of soluble proteins in workers Modeling of Lead in Vivo
with moderate Pb exposure. The identity
of these proteins is currently unknown. Clearly, intracellular partitioning of Pb in Cytoplasmic/nuclear Toxicity
inclusion bodies
Kidney. Recent studies by Smith and target organs may be involved in mediating
co-workers (7,8) have shown that there are the low dose effects of Pb. These proteins Figure 1. Diagram of hypothesized roles of target tis-
two PbBPs in human kidney and that these are chemically similar but vary between sue-specific PbBPs in modulating the kinetics of
are identified as diazepam-binding inhib- species and target organs, with Kd values absorbed Pb between the blood compartments, bone
itor and thymosin f4. These proteins were for Pb on the order of 10-8 M. In vitro stores, and molecular target tissue effector molecules.
found to exhibit Kd values of approxi- studies suggest that the binding of Pb to
mately 10-8 M, which is similar to that these proteins is highly stable and that
reported for the rat (15). they represent an important Pb pool in molecules such as calmodulin, 6-ALAD,
Brain. Studies by Quintanilla-Vega the cytosolic compartment. Thus, they or chromatin-binding sites, and (at higher
et al. (6) showed that human brain also appear to be important molecular factors for dose levels) the Pb intranuclear inclusion
contained Pb endogenously bound to thy- regulating the bioavailability of Pb to sensi- bodies. This last point is central to
mosin 4. 203Pb-binding studies also tive molecular processes such as 6-ALAD improving the predictive value of kinetic
showed an apparent Kd value of 10-8 M. activity in kidney and brain, and gene reg- modeling for Pb toxicity. As noted above,
ulation in the kidney. From the perspec- accurate prediction of blood values is only
Other Species tive of kinetic modeling, they probably a surrogate approach for estimating toxic
Preliminary studies in monkeys (26) represent a highly stable intracellular potential of Pb; individuals vary greatly in
showed that this species has kidney and compartment that mediates the toxic their susceptibilty to Pb toxicity for equal
brain PbBPs proteins with chromato- potential of Pb to the important processes blood Pb values. It is our hypothesis that
graphic characteristics similar to those of noted above. It is hypothesized that dif- the soluble Pb-binding proteins in major
humans. The major bands on the gels were ferences in tissue levels of these proteins target tissues such as the brain and kidney
enriched in glutamic and aspartic amino play a major role in determining individ- are involved in mediating these individual
acids, but the exact identity of these pro- ual variation in intracellular Pb bioavail- differences in susceptibility, particularly at
teins is currently unknown. Studies on the abilty and hence susceptibility to toxicity low-dose exposures. Further research is
PbBP from catfish liver (27) also showed from this metal. A diagram of this con- needed to test this hypothesis and to delin-
similar highly anionic characteristics and cept is presented in Figure 1, which shows eate how differences in tissue levels of these
the capacity to attenuate the direct inhib- the hypothesized regulation of Pb move- molecules influence the kinetics of Pb reten-
itory effects of Pb on 6-ALAD (28). The ment between the target tissue-specific tion and bioavailability to other sensitive
chemical and functional similarities Pb-binding proteins, sensitive effector molecular processes.


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