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Orangutans are primates that have the closest kinship with humans. According to research,
orangutans share 96.4% of the same genetic material with humans. Orangutans are characterized
by reddish hair all over their bodies. This animal is the largest arboreal mammal that spends
almost all of its time in the trees. Their long, strong arms and hands and feet can grip tightly,
allowing them to move nimbly from one tree branch to another.

Initially, it was known that orangutans included two species, namely the Sumatran orangutan
(Pongo abelii) and the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). It was only around 2017 that a third
species was discovered, namely the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis). The three species
each have slight differences in appearance and social behavior.

Orangutans are omnivorous animals, but they mostly only eat plants, such as wild fruits, tree bark,
leaves and flowers. The drink is water they sip from holes in the trees. Orangutans make nests in
trees to sleep at night and rest during the day.

The orangutan’s habitat is in tropical forests, especially in river valleys. In the past, Sumatran
orangutans were scattered throughout the island of Sumatra and parts of Java. Although now it
can only be found in the northern part of the island of Sumatra, namely Aceh and North Sumatra.
The Bornean orangutan is divided into several sub-species, each of which inhabits a different area.

The orangutan population has decreased dramatically in the last century. In fact, according to
WWF data, a century ago, the orangutan population was estimated at 230,000 individuals.
However, it is currently shrinking to approximately 50% of the population. The Bornean orangutan
population is currently estimated at around 104,700 individuals, the Sumatran orangutan
population is estimated at around 14,613 individuals and the Tapanuli orangutan population is
estimated at only around 800 individuals in the wild. The Tapanuli orangutan is the most
endangered orangutan species.

Orangutans should be cultivated so they don’t become extinct and must be preserved. Preserved
by placing them in zoo, nature reserves or safari parks so that these animals are more awake. Even
if, there are people who want to buy or hunt these animals, they should be followed up more
seriously so that the safety of orangutans is maintained.

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