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Entrevista de trabajo.

M: Ahead.
M: Good afternoon, Miss Ramírez, please have a seat.
N: Good afternoon, thank you

M: My name is Monica Ramos, I am the Human Resources recruiting

N: Nice to meet you Lic. Ramos.
M: How are you today Miss Ramírez?
N: I'm very well thank you and you
M: I am very happy, thank you very much.
M: Tell me about yourself miss Ramirez.
N: I am a graduate of CBTIS 272, I did professional practices. I am a
food and beverage technician. I am currently studying at the University
of the Caribe, a degree in sustainable tourism and hotel management.
M: Where did Miss Ramírez do her internships?
N: at the hotel Ocean Spa.
M. Perfect, Why are you interested in the vacancy?
N: I am interested in the position since I have knowledge in cocktails.
M: Excellent,what do you want to learn in the company
N: I want to get more knowledge of cocktails as well as preparing the
drinks that the hotel handles.
M: What can you bring to the company?
N: I can contribute my responsibility, respect and my desire to work.
M: Why do i have to hire you istead of the others?
N: Because I consider myself a responsible person with a desire to
learn, just as I want to train professionally and professionally, and what
better than in this company.
M: Excellent Miss Ramirez. He told her that the base salary for the
bartender vacancy is $1,200 a month, plus weekly tips, a savings fund,
and grocery vouchers. He has benefits from the company, social
security, uniforms, cafeteria, training and transportation.
N. that seems perfect to me
M: Are you still interested in our bartender vacancy?
N. Yes, I'm interested
M: Excellent, you can come to our Human Resources offices from 9 am
to 5 pm, Ms. Ramírez, with the following documentation, please:
• Birth certificate
• Curp
• social security number
• Proof of address
• Proof of last degree of studies
• Two letters of recommendation
• Infonavit or Fonacot credit retention notice
• Valid health card
• No criminal record
• Vaccination card against Covid-19.
M: Do you have any questions or comments regarding the
aforementioned Ms. Ramírez?
N: I have no doubt
M. Without further ado, we are waiting for you on Monday in our offices,
have a great day.
N. see you later , have a nice day
M: Bye.

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