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1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that you prefer.

produces the policies that much smarter people prefer.
I think that the purpose of the political system will have always been search for the
wellness of their people therefore it seems very unfair to me, it’s true that we all think
different and we will have had points of view totally distinct, however, we will never got to
some point in middle if we don’t accept each other thoughts by reconciled them, maybe
for the theme that we all think separate is what we considered that some people are
smarter than others, obviously exist the indifference, it will have been always a weakness
of the society, but in first place it is not part of all of us and in second is it not a
impediment of a common goal such as the wellness in general, so in conclusion if well we
will have always been working on goals we need to effort more in accept the distinct ways
to think and educated to the people who doesn’t think nothing about politics, because I m
not agree with that thought.

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population

I will have been thinking if the cultural and political attributes can be one, however is very
difficult although both of them (supposing) have the same purpose as is the common
benefit, although the differences, I think that the ideal system could depends on cultural
attributes, because all the people will have been paying attention to their believes through
centuries so if we can create a system in which it haves cultural attributes the people will
have continued with this culture as they will have been doing for many years

3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.
I think this talk about the equality because some people will have always been talking for
many years and I am very agree whit this because there are people very smart but they
not count with the enough economic resources, and is not the first time... the lack of
enough resources will have been a problematic for ages, so I think is fair that we could be
admitted schools or jobs based on our abilities, in that way we will have learned to take
advantage of their abilities.

4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest

It not could be all true because there are protests, most of them with a good reason we
will have been working to find a way in which the government not use us while they need
us, I am agree because it’s true that the government should be motivated by public
interest, but that’s not the reality, at least not here in Colombia, some time ago the
government will have put their own interests first by some time therefore I am not agree
with that, is not only the private sector or the government, is the majority of people will
have been taking own advantages and things and making that the rest of people take
nothing or take leftovers, and it will have impoverished our country over time

5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for
people in need.
Mmmm... I am agree with this because it’s necessary and fair that we pay for some of the
things that they will have been giving to us, but things like the IVA in essential products or
so many absurd taxes and so few inversions makes me not be agree with that, they will
have used us by many time to get money and use it just for personal purposes, the taxes
are necessary but not ask it in exceed, if the government would use it for the wellness of
the society, we will have been living in better conditions by now.

6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy instead

of inspiring them to become hard-working and independent.
I am not so agree with that… it’s true that we will have had a poor education about
almost everything, causing that we accustom to not use our real potential and staying in
the basic, but also the government will have been giving scholarships to the ones who
have a better average than the rest in academic fields and this make us to effort, however
is very difficult reach

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