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Name: Evelyn Solarte Peñafiel

Fast food:
To Eat or Not To Eat?
Many people these days eat too much fast food because It is a cheap and easy way to eat at
any time of the day. For this reason, people prefer to buy food even if it is not healthy than
cook something healthy. At the same time some people prefer to eat healthy and It’s rarely
when that kind of people eat fast food or something unhealthy because it is better to consider
the quality of the ingredients and the way they are prepared.

Eating fast food might has good advantages. First of all, fast food is easy to get, For this
reason, when you don’t have much time to cook or when you don’t have enough money for
lunch or dinner, fast food is the most convenient option.

However, it’s also true that fast food has several disadvantages. First, fast food has an excess
on unhealthy fat. More over, eating fast food can lead to disease in the future.

In conclusion, I believe fast food can be a good option to get us out of a hurry, but we should
try to eat without exaggeration and not so frequent. Have a balance diet, eat healthy and only
once a month eat a delicious hamburger :D

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