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How the Mighty Have Fallen

Quest Started By: Description:


Hills of Shade


Sister Daria

Level: 75
Maximum Level: 120
Monster Mission: No
Repeatable: No
Can Be Shrouded?: No
Quest Type: Task
Quest Goal:


Factions Raised:

Camp Valor +50

Factions Lowered:

Quest Items:

Remains of Brom

Related Creatures:

Castell Cloudskate
Cavalier Devolah
a crypt ghoul
a decorative fetish

Related Quests:

Grom #1: Undead Slayers

Grom #2: A Mysterious Bond
Grom #3: An Extract Science
Grom #4: The Spark of Life
Grom #5: Carrion My Wayward Sprout
Recoup from the Coop (Camp Valor)
Recycled Arms
The Borrowers
Where has Sister Donna Gone

Era: Secrets of Faydwer

Group Size: Solo
Appropriate Classes:

Appropriate Races:


Entered: Wed Jan 2 17:51:29 2008

Modified: Thu Feb 3 02:23:56 2022
This is one of 10 tasks to be completed in order to attain the Blessed
Celestine Faycite augmentation.

Sister Daria may be found at +1275, +1015.

You say, 'Hail, Sister Daria'

Sister Daria manages a weak smile, 'Hello, ______. Welcome to Camp Valor. Please
pardon my lack of enthusiasm. This has been a [difficult week].'

You say, 'Difficult week?'

Sister Daria says 'Yes, we've [lost] four of our bravest members this past week:
[Brom], [Sister Donna], [Castell Cloudskate], and my dear friend [Cavalier
Devolah]. These were the brothers and sisters we relied upon to bolster our resolve
and keep the camp's spirits strong. Here one day and gone the next. That's why
Orwell is so desperately searching for recruits, to fill the gaps they left behind.
We need new blood to maintain our foothold here. To be honest, I'm losing hope that
we can make a difference against the curse that holds this place.''

You say, 'Brom?'

Sister Daria says 'The strongest and stoutest dwarf you ever laid eyes upon. He was
unstoppable in combat and had an iron resolve and tenacity. Which is why it's
unsettling that he vanished a few nights back. I awoke to his screams. When I
rushed to his tent, there was no sign of him. This loss has been hard for us, but
especially for his brother, Grom.'

Speak to Sister Daria about Sister Donna to receive the task "Where has Sister
Donna Gone".

You say, 'Castell Cloudskate?'

Sister Daria says 'Castell left camp heading northeast, in an effort to uncover
what happened to the previous search party that never returned. Not surprisingly,
he did not return either. We no longer send out rescue parties to locate our lost

You say, 'Cavalier Devolah?'

Sister Daria says 'Yes, she is . . . or was my good friend. Her greatest strength
was also her greatest weakness. When in the presence of a great source of evil, she
would act first and think later. 'Death before dishonor', 'Return to the ashes from
whence you came', 'Tunare take you' and all that, her sword springing from its
scabbard. Though, melodramatic as she was, I can't complain. Her quick blade and
fearless resolve saved my life more times than I can count. Something gripped
Devolah so strongly about the undead to the southwest that she was compelled to
venture there alone and without any warning. I learned of her leaving via a missive
she pinned to my satchel. It said, 'I wanted to keep you out of harms reach'.'

You say, 'Lost?'

Sister Daria says 'I'm not sure if you want to hear this, ______. They . . .
disappear in the middle of the night, their abduction marked by bone-chilling
screams. They venture out into the mists to defend the righteous or [rescue the
missing] and rarely return. The ones that do make their way back to Camp Valor are
stark, raving mad.''

You say, 'rescue the missing?'

You have been assigned the task 'How the Mighty Have Fallen'.

Sister Daria bursts into sobs, 'Enough! Do not tempt my mind with thoughts of hope
only to dash them across the rocks again. They're not coming back. They've been
subjected to horrors the likes of which I cannot imagine. We are doomed, ______! I
will never see the sun, or my family again and I am destined to perish in these
god-forsaken hills.'

Camp Valor has lost some of its bravest members this past week. Sister Daria wants
you to scour the hills in an effort to determine their fate.

Find out what happened to Brom (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Run over multiple "a decorative fetish" (looks like a small pile of bones with a
skull on top) in the aviak area of Hills of Shade. The update will come from a
random fetish.

Recover the remains of Brom. (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Target "a decorative fetish" and type /open. The update will come from a random
fetish & "Remains of Brom" will appear on your cursor.

Find out what happened to Castell Cloudskate (0/1) - Hills of Shade

The task updates when you stand right next to Castell, at loc 2383, 655.85. This is
on the island in the north of the zone.

Speak with Castell Cloudskate (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Hail him. The task updates, although he does not respond.

Find out what happened to Cavalier Devolah (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Devolah can be found at Loc -10, 1050. This is in the crypts of shade in the south
of Hills of Shade. On hailing her...

Cavalier Devolah says 'I'm a little busy. Help me take out a few of these ghouls
and then we can chat.'

Kill 15 Ghouls (0/15) - Hills of Shade

Try to convince Cavalier Devolah to return to Camp Valor (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Cavalier Devolah says 'Despite your persistence, I unfortunately cannot go with

you. As you can see, the cleansing must continue! The undead hordes rise from the
dirt as fast as I cut them down. Send Sister Daria my best, and tell her I will
return when I am able.

Return Broms Remains to Sister Daria (0/1) - Hills of Shade

Upon hearing of the fates of her comrades, Daria bursts into tears.

Faction with Campp Valor
Tiny Celestine Faycite Shard

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