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CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender _ PLAYER NAME: SPECIES: Human CAREER: “SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan a Rong ites CUNNING tomers fees: PIG Do ‘strogation (in) ‘Charm (Pr) 5 > Vigilance (wit) Computers (nt) ‘raw (Be) Coordination (Ag) Lightsaber (Be) Deception (Cur) Leadership (Pr) Medicine i) ‘Core Worlds (nt) Perception (Cun) Lore (in) Piloting Space (Aa) Underworld (Int) Studer (can) Xenoloy (re) A Mes Slaeter Petal Ranged-LightMedum 7 OOO QOQ _Sunsatine (One or Two tended Baw! Exeed 3 WOOO — OO Dione Tekin stn sca Syma 2038594 CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo SPECIES: Fare CAREER: veto SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan GENDER: Hai _ | a i) ‘Scammer eet ‘One with he Force Desire for Understancing CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo “SPECIES: Human CAREER: Mystic “SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan Y skas “Adina Nam Career Se "Humsne start the eam wth one rankinto diferent non-creer ‘acquis “oescRIiON Mayalways use Vigance when making check te determine eo) ‘Seer Artisan (Gain +4 Force Rating ca tsa Gain“ tstaintiveshol ‘when constructingnew temo modiving esting attachments Sd Jor remove pe rank of Inventor. Remove Mer ranket Keenyedtrom Perception and Vignes hacks Decessa tine tosearcha spec ten by Pal. “Sater aruber of straint add an equa numberof 0 Cy intitvechocks, Strainuffercécanotexceedranksin Rapid Reaction. Lipisaber becomes acater skill Hemay aba decrease to Aft of checks mae to consti x Tenis hits Eee ere) PadawanSurvor number f tines equal oho his fankin Kooredge Lore) (Foundedup toa minimury of Easy), Bonus Creer Sit Lprsaber Seer ‘Once er ssson remove mm roman 1 check ‘AddEItoal steatthcneks uns the opesitoniskmmuneto “The earacte reps +1 uma per arkoSoia Reps ‘Whenever hepa starship or venice. Remove Mpsrrankot Steet mars trom Streetvee or Knowle Undereilchecks een Seer ‘Ada Iper tank of Uncsnay Raton oallViglance checks. TIS “ha Force sersacon empower hiner saperengt omits Pacauanurior ord Artisan PadawanSurvvor Ee Artisan ces PacauanSarvior Ep: Whenthe Fore user makes skleheck, he may rollan EB power check spartoftherol The user may spend tose 1 stain. then fet Ista ‘nate engaged eharaters The Ftce user rant ativae smile Eran Ebb/Flow Basic Power times Flow: Wen th Force user makesaskl check hemay olan Flow power ‘heckas porte rll The wer ay spend thea stan. then it 2 Strain a oter engaged characters The Force user nay nat ctivateths ltl tines. CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo SPECIES: Human CAREER: Mystic SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan The Force se bolstershisallywithenewed vigor saps Nsfoef val Heal ight se Force user ony: Spend to hea a number of wounds asl tolntellectroman enesged Iningereature (cluding use Harm: Spend oinflet anumber of wounds eal to latallefgnotrg sak nan engaged ving treet The ser gains 1 Confit. The Force user cn movesmallaects athe power ofthe Force “The user may spend Oto moveens oblect of sinouetieOthatiswithinshert Fang ons maxis ange The dau maximum anges Yonge ‘The Force user retrain neneny,prevetingthe target fom ating The wer may spend tolmmebiizea target wthinshortrange unl the end sftheusers pest turn I the rer sedany @ togenerate Othe art 0. Suffers wound per spendon the check nating 0h. thot tre ry 28 2029450060 CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo ‘SPECIES: ee CAREER: este SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan terge takai thet Decresetine ota ace Gainsdatraintheshld| Pioneer Sifferanumbar faint ads Remove prank Keon ‘apr ak Ucar (Gein 2oundttesild Snecitrumisr oF 10 Eyed forcepton sat Feactote avian init chet sin Vigne hc Decrease em’ titeredcaont exceeds Iimetoseoeyaspecticaeaby i) = Onepersoncene (ein Hatainthreshold Parmer ayn Xen ato {ape ineease deren by {eancuto tur ideal theyactin he encounter, nForce Rati Whentrsted combat ee iNBeS ail cheae SranteparormForcepowet ‘hecnayprorma Dole —_ a’ Sens mance incertae nerf Daage nen oat iat check Safferanumbe of santo Gain 2voundttrestla ‘Oncepersesen may eo (aint ForceRatrg neil rambo 0 ty LFxceponer cde inet chee Strin faeredcaoot exesrans Repaesctin thoi Sado ny 2420042806 CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo ‘SPECIES: Human CAREER: Mystic SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan —x<<<<<<=<_MV_M———— rrr ee y enn [Se aa > i ia Ganev womans: | [sameusmenmatete ‘iptaoetmonmsacaee se — =o = = es ee Se ete Sac thot tre ry 28 2029450060 CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo SPECIES: ee CAREER: este SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan = io tesserae pemstansstashper fights frthe jen Complete Computer rested Repnsohenever repr weer nite tent pertrming echo hese ‘eeaby 2s prs separ eile “Seon strainer ankot I a Cin a - Goinsdatainthestald Tetrctecepsa headrest (Gain stalntheshold —em [oom Saoraatsnp nec cxmodifyingexicing ‘stffer 1 strainand commit © to any lMecharies heck systern add per rank of Secchi nLoeremove {artone weapon pect Betersivesiarets parent iperonectinvertor Sar ter improvement Shek eg [Str irceront i =x 7 ‘systems. acd M™lper rank of “effects of Critical injuries on Thechracterepaes ul ‘Spend 1 Destin Poe oire ~~ \_- = = = cota ‘Ones per eure maytaketne ‘enmaknececk ocr Gainsatoasnge “TakeConpretend Tecnology | ter Ariane ‘epat termaredt no Soraterste Tcarmet ‘von: rcesnAverape(@) teer2arins decrease the ‘ester than Forceraingt Ieingschareterstcsbove 6 Kordedge (Editon de Sint fret Mechanics, feck oan Ds ease toweFareratngnsrnisin fod by tomer Iarpointsby oman 2 slit wea sigtom. ey) CHARACTER NAME: _K, PLAYER NAME: Zalo 4 SPECIES: "CAREER: Mystic SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan eed ‘The Forceuser's action empower himself or sap strength rom is oes Ebb: When the Force user makes asillcheck he may roll an Ebb power check s part of the rol The user may spend @tosufter stain, theninfct2strainonall other engaged characters, Te Force user may nt activate this multiple times. lowe When the Force user makes askilcheck, he may roan Flow power checkas prt othe roll. The user mayspend toa stain, theninfct 1strainen all other engaged characters. Te Force user may nt activate this multiple times 1 Ts > Spend @toexciudenumber | Spend@ Q toatfectallother charactersat short range “The Force user may spend O of targets equal to twincrensethe tran healed Magnitude upgrades orieictedby L purchased frembeing oo tected, _ =i Cm > Soend@OQonceper FH) Ebb: When makinga combined Ebb power check may spend @ ME) The Force wer may spend @ cneaunter task the GMa toadd @toany checks made by engaged opponents untiltheend | toincreasethe er Shale "yes or no" question, cofrex turn. ded 3. Flow When making 2 combined Flow power check may spend toadd €9 toany checks using thesamesklluntl the end of next tur, Spend@toexciudenumber | Ebb: When making combined Ebb power check may spend RHE) The Force user may spend coftargets equal to toadd ‘Y toany checks made byengagec opponents unt the twoincreasethe Y or 3 Magnitude upgrades end of next tur, aed by 1. purchased frembeing —_< oo tected, Flow When making a combined Flow power check may spend todd ¥pto any checks using the same'skllunti the endofnext tu, ‘Commit © uti the end of the currentencounter.For the Ebb Once per session fa targetsurfered atleast siranfrom Femainder ofthe curent encounter, él © toa sll checks, thispameradd © to the targe'snext check, Esch Oand @ ds ether Pror © to the check each @eauses the user tosuer 1 strain and gain Cont Flow: Once per session the user healed at leas strain rom this power, adopt users nent check CHARACTER NAME: _K, PLAYER NAME: Zalo SPECIES: "CAREER: Mystic SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan eed ‘The Forceuser bolitershisally with renewed vigor or sap his foe vital eneray Heal ight side Force user only): Soend @ to heal a numberof wounds equal Intellect from an engaged ving creature including use) Harm Spend @ to inflict a numberof wounds equal to Intellect (gnoringsoak onan engaged living target. The user gains 4 Conic. Spend@toincreasepaver's | Spend QOtoattec Spend @Qtoaffect 1 Heat fn0 @ generated 9, range by anumber ofrange ‘dona target within ational target within {argethealsstrainequa to bands equalte Range Fangeperrank ofMagnitude | rangeperrankofMagnitude | woundsheale, LUrades purchase. purchased purchased, Hare any @ were used to ‘generated Ouse heals, Strainequa toveunds inflict _ Spend @toincreasepawer's MS) SpendO@toatiec: 1 MB] Heal Spend Qtoinczease ME) Heal: Spend @toremove Fargeby anumber orange ‘aidtiona target within \woundshealedby 1 perrank || onestatusefect from bands equalto Range Fangeperrank orMagnitude | otrength upgrades ‘areet Upgrades purchased purchased purchased, — oo Harm: The user may pend Harm Spend Oto increase Dtoheal wounds equalto wounds inflicted by per woundsinfcted on target ‘anor Strengthuperades Heald characte gains 1 purchased, Contict i Heal Heal adtional Heal May make 2 Heal Heal: Once per session, Heal Spend 0 toincrease wounds equal toranksin ower checkcombinedwith | spend @QQO torestore 1 ‘wounds healed by 1 prrank Medicine Hard (696) Medicine target who died after the coFstrength upgrades check fthechecksucceeds, || endofuser'slatiumn oli, | purchased Harm tnt adeitional (ne target whoheals wounds equal to ranksin ‘wound aeaheal one Harm: Onceper session Harm: spend @ to increase Mecdcine (rial injury. when this power Kila ‘wounds nicted by 1 per target, mayrestoreone Fankof strergthupsrades Harm: May makea Harm engaged character whodied | purchased power checkeombinedwith | thisencounter tolife Each ‘opposed Medicine vs. character gains 7 Conic. Resilience check Ircheck succeeds, one target who suffers wounds ao sitters ‘one Critical Injry ading +O tothe rollper OU) CHARACTER NAME: SPECIES: ‘SPECIALIZATIONS: Zalo Mystic PLAYER NAME: CAREER: ‘Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan multiple times. ‘The Forceuser shapes machine components. ona molecular level allowinghim tomend damage mechariea systems. ‘The Forceuser may spend @ to couse one vehicle or starshiphe isengaged with torecover ane system tain. The user may activate this =x Orging tect: conmit Ore daageswesponce omcome srbone undamaged, = ‘When singthis poner spend @tocause targets to recover 1 adlitional tain ‘or systemstrainor eal 1 ‘sddtional woundfor every Surenath upgrade purchased —_ I = ‘Ongoing etfect: Commit © nerease the system strain threshold (of T vehicle or starship at engaged range by Sper © committed eee ‘ ‘Sper toinrease the power'srangeby anumber ‘trang bands equal to Rangeupgrades purchased, When makinga Mechanics sil check the user may all Manipulate power check aspartofthe poo and may Spend togain ¥¥or (User's ehoie) ont check volar ‘Ongoing effect: Commit O-nerease the hull trauma teesholdot {vehicle or starshipat engaged range by 9 per © committe, Ongoing fect Commit. Ml) Spend@toincrease the parade the ably of ower'srangeby anumnber Computers and Mechanics ‘ofrange bands equal to check once, Rangeupgrades purchased, —_ The user may spend Oto heal amimber of wound equal this Inelectinan erage droid ‘When performing acombat check agsinst adroid ship, ‘ehicle or other mechanical constructwithin engaged Fanged,the user mayspend ‘Dointet addtional sirainor system strainon the target ‘When using this poner spend tocause targets to recover adlitional tain ‘or systemstramor heal 1 ‘bddtions wourdfor every ‘Swrength upgrade purchased eo \When performing Manipulate power checkas partofa, ‘Mechanics sil check, the user may spend @Q to gain onthe check jae Spend Otoinrese the Poverty amie Solon aglow ied as fe » es CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender _PLaveR NAME 4 SPECIES: CAREER: SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan OO ‘The Force user can movesmall objects via the power of the Force. ‘The user may spend @ to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within shortrange up to his maximumrange. ‘The default maximumrange is short range. = —— ‘Spend Oto increase ‘Spend @ to increase ‘Spend @ to increase ‘Spend @ to increase targets affectedequal silhouette able tobe power's range bya power's range bya to Magnitude targeted equal to number of range number of range a ee ee ee purchased upgrades purchased, Upgrades purchased, Een > Faas ‘Spend @ to increase Spend @ to increase targets affectedequal silhouette able to be toMagnitude targetedequalto upgrades purchased. ‘Strength upgrades purchased ES GEE D> ESS Spend @ to increase Spend @ to increase targetsaffectedequal _| silhouetteable tobe to Magnitude targcted cqueltto secure mountingsor umber of range upgrades purchased. Strength upgrades cout of an opponent's bands equal to Range mL urchased. grasp. Upgrades purchased. Spend @ to increase Spend @ toincrease targetsaffectedequal | sihouetteable tobe to Magnitude targetedequalto upgrades purchased. | Strengthupgrades <> purchased. ‘The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets bymakinga ranged combat check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette, The Forceuser can Spend @ to increase pullobjects out of power'srange bya The character can perform fine manipulationof items, alowinghim to do whatever he could ‘normally do with hishands ia this power at this power's range. CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender__ PLAYER NAME: SPECIES: nr een CREF SEE SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan ON ‘The Force user allows the will of the Force to leadthe way to somethinglost or forgotten. “The user may spend @@ to gain insightinto the general locationor direction of a personor object that he knows about, regardless of current distance, The user may spend @ and succeed at an Average (@) Vigilance check (or opposed Vigilance vs. Discipline check) to see throughillusions Spend @ to gainone additional detall per Ongoingettect: Commit O. Upgrade the ability of Magnitude upgrade purchased Vigilance and Perception checksonce. Spend @ to gainone ‘Spend @ to gain one additional detail per | Spend @ togainone additional detail per Magnitude upgrade purchased. additional detail per Magnitudeupgrade Magnitude upgrade purchased. purchased Spend @ to track one | Spend @togainone additional target. additionaldetail per Magnitude upgrade purchased Commit Oto Ongoingeffect: Commit OOO. Theuser's attacks Make Seek power continue tracking sain Pierce withratingequalto Cunningplusranks | check and spend @@ target even whenit in Perception. Dtoadd to combat moves. checks against one ox target forremainder ofencounter. CHARACTER NAME: SPECIES: SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan — ‘The Forceuser restrains an enemy, preventing the target from acting The user may spenc @ to immobilize target within short range untilthe end ofthe user's next turn. Ifthe user used any @ togenerate Q, the target also suffers 1 wound per @ spend on the check (ignoring soak) ‘Spend @ to increase Spend OO toaffect 1 Spend @todisorientthe | Spend [DP] whenevera power'srange by 2 ‘additional target within target for anumber of target affected by Bind ‘number of range bands range per rank of roundsequalteStrength | takesanaction, that equal toRangeupgrades | Magnitude purchased. upgrades purchased. target suffersstrain purchased. ‘equal to Willpower, Spend Oto increase Spend Otoatfect 1 Spend Dtodisorientthe | Commit COOto power'srange by @ ‘additional target within target for anumber of sustain the ongoing ‘number of range bands range per rank of roundsequaltoStrength | effectsof the poweron equaltoRangeupgrades | Magnitude purchased. Upgrades purchased, ‘each affected target. purchased. as ees | | > > CD ‘Spend @ tomove the Spend OO toatfect 1 ‘Spend Q to disorientthe target foranumberof rounds target one range band ‘additional target within equal toStrength upgrades purchased. closer orfartheraway. | range per rank of = mf Magnituce purchased, I Spend @toincrease "| When the user ismaking a Bind power check ifthe check was not already opposed, the ower'srange by 2 user may roll an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check against one target ofthe power. If ‘number of range bands no @were used to generate @and the user succeedson the check, he may immediately fequaltoRangeupgrades | stagger the target untilthe end of hisnext turn If any @wereused to generate @and the purchased. check succeeds, the target suffers Critica Injury,adding +10to the roll per @spent on the check stoi study. CHARACTER NAME: Kane Starbender PLAYER NAME: _Zalo ‘SPECIES: Human CAREER Nanni SPECIALIZATIONS: Seer, Padawan Survivor, Artisan CE ‘Qualtes: stunsettng Features: GM may spend @G@or W tomakereavy aster pistol runout fama IT ENCUM CARRY EQUIP REPAR SOAK ROCF ROC ENG CARRY EQUI REPAIR Features: Provides UEItoMachanischecksto repair mala of nah 8 Specie cassof weapon chosen nen te kit purchace, Features: 1 Increase FrcumbrarceTveshold by 1 Mod Features: Hales wounds. Features Ts tools thei co for thelob when mane Meenanies checks, TEI Satety Features Add automatic C3 to Mechanics checks mae by ts Weapon Freighter >

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