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Topic vocabulary review Word building: -ful and -less

1 Add more words to the groups. 4 Is the meaning of the sentences pcKitive (P) or
Physical devices: laptop, tablet, .~ .\~~:10L.. .......... . negative (N)?

.~ \h.OE.....¡.. •••S~ fil.~ ~-················· . 1 That was a lruitless meeting. ..... N.......
2 Using the Web: broW5e, ·--~ ·-;-·················· 2 Ali the paintings in the exhibition were so colourful.
...~ . ·······························-·--·····················-·. ....P.·-···
3 Web page verbs: scroll down, relresh, ···········-··········· 3 Matt can be really thoughtless sornetirnes. _N__
.. ....~ ~-·~ ··-,··~ P1'.) 4 The final scenc of the film was so rneaningful.
4 Web page nouns: drop•down rnenu , layout, .............. .. .e . . . . N
~ Q,&··7 ····ª-"\~...~ 9..T..1.f\~ ........ · 5 The .in¡ect1on
. . w1·11be pam
. 11
u . --············-
6 These chernicals are harrnless to anima Is. _ _e.__
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words given. 5 Rewrite the sentences from exercise 4. Change the
down load layout drop•down menu adjectives to give the opposite meaning.
log on to ema il tablet
-- 1 ... ~~fi)l .....................·-··-·--····-··-·--- ··--
, .~ ... Qj.~ -·· Facebook as soon as I wake up
2 ...c.d.aJr· ~ ···································--··--
every day.
2 1need to delete sorne •..
is full.
3 l've just .~
..~.? -····- My inbox

their new single.

:3 ... ...\-\::\:jrj\.\:·"-,\···································-······- ·-
··~ ~ ~ ······························- . . -

lt's great 1 6 ... ·····-···-··········- ········--···- -··----

4 The ·-~ "'j-.::,..:;t of this page is a rness.

Rou nd-up
lt 's really confusing!
5 My new ' ~ --"( is rnuch easier to carry 6 Complete the dialogue with the words given. Tbne
around than rny laptop. are two extra.
6 Click on that !l~ .-:-- ~ ... and select the 1 bookm~ ra~ ; progra~ ~ arele\S - ~ urli;;-g
~ .,:"l • •
option you want. \.-"-'v' 1 downloaded thou ghtlul hopele-1~ update

A: Oh no! This is 1
•• ••• •• !
Words in the text: run B: That sounds serious. What's up?
3 Replace the words in bold with an expression using A: lt's rny laptop. 1was 1- ~·~ - · --·· ·- the Web
run with the same meaning. and I clicked on a link which 1•••~ . a
Arny's very arnbitious. She'II be managing that office file to rny hard drive.
in a few years ...•..~~\~-···- ······· B: Ok, so what's the problem1
2 You didn't stop at that red light! Are you trying to A: Well, 1opened the file and it '.AA~...e...
kili usJ -··--- -··· ~ ·····--········-····-- and now the laptop's cornpletely frozen.
3 We haven't got any more rnoney. We'II have to walk B: Don't you know you should never open downloads
home. --··~ -.. .•..~~-·~ ·- unless you know what they are? lt's probably sorne
4 11 you find any problerns with the essay, come and kind of virus.
ask me for help.••.@.~ .-.\ ~ ........
A: 1 know. And I forgot to 1 ••\JP.m:\~........ rny anti•
5 Acar drove into rny dad and broke his leg in three virus prograrn!
places. -· AAN .CNm ···········-·
B: Well, that was really •.·.~ ~ ~ ···· Serves you
6 You'II never guess who we met by chance al the
party la~ night. ·- ~ ..•. ....•.••.
A: 1 know!

Past simple / Pre1ent perfed simple

Reviewing the past
2 Fíll ttt. PtK wllh tlM comct ef tlle wrtts
1 ,.,.,..... . - ... ,emct . . . oltMwrM-
UM: . . . . . . . . pHt tlllldal.- e, ,-a ,nfKt. slwft.
buy 1<2) gn 11.n,e pbt
Derek w:e 51> 11..C:, (~11} ,n a ai! and Nd a btg 1tt '9('~k

~,le on hlS lace. He • W?\12 ~uU cuy) 1 t - - ~---·----· hi~ ,mail a few minute~ .1gp
!he l<!te!.1 smw,pho:le and ' .,.pe, 0'A':fü'<, (pL!y} 2 91<' _ _ _.:. _____ ju!I --~ -----· a

wtth a e,,utedl¡:. In tac! he was so e><.CJted atx:,Jt it !hill ll<'W5martphooc.

he • ~•:nN ' T ~ (no1r'e.111se) thl11wo men 3 •-.....~ ~----•• 'll)U l?\tf - ~ ·-·-
i() ll1 e{llnljl y00 11t"v~ ustcP
· olW {k:Aow) h &!!1 rito me café..
-4 Wc -~_B~-~--- lhii compultr lor agn.
They • (onler"} SOl'r'lett11'11!, to
5 ~l)•S O l l ~ISl)Í ap~()(llO my
<l"nk .n:l ' ~ r e tena) to h.?1,e a
, C C t ' I ~ M actual)¡ \Jley I L ~ w , : ;
6 H.~- ~ ~ to Pl'ler yct1
{obSel"ve} OEt"elr. to see where he ,\e,u\d pL11 h6 new 7 1•. M.'f.exJ __ ,___ a reallv <ool video game .11
phone. t,o!M )-nltrd3V',
8 H<' didn't know what to do wllfn ht- ___________
M !h~ ,,.-, s an olf~ p<;iice ofiicn" r, \l"<: cP:
too. ilrd !he ' 'de-12..~© .. {not~) \tlc mcn·~ -- ~ ~ ------- her al thr p.arty.
t ~"our.\Nhcn Dcrd< •
(finr,h} U!D'il ~., p',onc:. he 11
{piy) t~,:: w;irte,- ;ird ,, _B,,l-, _ (plll) 3 <•md 1M iniñllldl) 1KII w11nc1.

!he pl-c:ne ,n t he .,,..;,, t».~ o! h,i
two = .,,d
,, S:id1
A, Dcrelc " ,W?'S, lt ~I'{__
~ cct,. Thc

11,c off.autr pol,cc offirer .W$Q quddy

~ ) rwy to lez,,:th:Qlé.
(v, .llk) c,;.<1 of thc c.afe.
-~~:t) _
1 lhey v,,en: 01111ins thrtt (,lrS bu 1 11,()W lllt')' only
have one
"'te __ .,.~
we- cfid1ú tñtd 10 ,,1.,y video ganies IJUI nOI'! W.'(' 1)1,))•
" ~ . •.

tlltrn 311 tll( tirnr.

once/ the tv,o mcn •• (bUTl;>}
~ i_,_-;t>\Thl.~-~.:IC~J ~ "OJ1 .. .
rnto him :,nd e ~ • ...:,- ~ - - --· (itc.íJ
3 1M )'()1,1 u~ 'º~ a lol whe<• )OU livffl Ítl ¡IJ¡(j()f~·r
the pt-c:ne. Thc ofl.d.,ty palice o lf't tr rrmed1•tcfy
-~ Ü l - ~ - - - ~ - -~ - --~ - \.,O\ 'I"'-' ..
,,r~ - (wl:t) U-e pha~ from man
Pat:ú not !l'le to like- mn1pt1t~ but now he'5 M1
Hld '1 - ~ ~- - (tal!) u, t,.t1 ol1' ¡x;i,ce ('Xl)ell.
oflrc= who 7 ~ J.oii!,.Crn!&l (wall) <7.k.lde the
?fil)S.L!~~~3. __~::IO-~ c.....,'-'~ ~ . ..
C!~ bet.1U5C ;he ,. ~ ~ ( p r e 'eou-.Jy 5 1uSI! to plJ.)' f¡,nnis evl?f'I' ,ve;:-k ...-heo I wJ\ .i
p-,oñC!) lhe'n lor he,\,. The.-t i me~1td !he rND men 1eenagtr.
irrme<J1;1telt- -'--~ --- ~--BA'i.- ~ ~~ v.X~ - ..
()erd,. w.c. A bit c:onfu!ed M ver,¡ ¡;r~ (u l to !he pohce 6 u~ it.,IJet vse<t 10 do 3 101 ol wo•t befo<e 11\' so1
offü::er b- her l1dp. m3rried 1
_'l11,íD ___ j~~i:e.a._
__~_:5t'\ __ v:r\ .. .
7 Wl1e1t did )(IIJ u~oal~• hwl
-~H~--~~2---~--~~~-~ l_\'JE?
B lhey l\a\-e uc,ed lo bt te<hnophob"' bul oow tlwlv
1"1vt all ''"' IJI~ u,g,ul d('YÍ(t"I
.:'.°\:..~~---~=tfiED....~ - - ~ - ~~ ~-S &J'1' , ..
-,,"----. .

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