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ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information
through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology
(IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This
includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other
communication mediums.

❖ E-learning is the computer and network

enabled transfer of skills and
knowledge. often involves both out of
classroom and in classroom educational
experiences via technology, even as
advances continue in regard to devices
and curriculum.
❖“Blended learning refers to learning models that combine
traditional classroom practice with e-learning solutions. spend
and distance learning a way of providing learning
opportunities that is characterized by the separation of
teacher and learner in time and place . ICT strategy
recognizes the focus must be on extending and deepening
educational experiences to work towards further developing
an innovative and thriving society. Envisions to support the
development and capability of schools to use information and
communication technologies in teaching and learning process
and administration. To enhance the development of students
knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes through the
appropriate and effective use of ICT.
• For all students, irrespective of their
backgrounds To develop the knowledge ,
understanding, skills and attitudes ,To
participate actively in society To achieve in
global economy and To have a strong sense of
identity and culture. It foresees schools to be
Improving learning outcomes for students using
ICT to support the curriculum. Using ICT, to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
educational technology. developing partnerships
with communities to enhance access to learning
through ICT.
• Infrastructure for increasing schools access to ICTs
Professional development.
• Students should be confident, creative and productive
users of new technologies. ICT enables better and
more personalized learning .ICT provides powerful and
effective tool. ICT can improve efficiency and more
effective decision making.
• Fast local and wide area networks substantial number
of computers ,can help continuing teacher training in
the use of technology for instruction and Teaching such
as sufficient hardware and software digital.
❑What is the Difference between ICT infrastructure
planning and ICT strategic planning?
➢ Plans typically focus closely on an organization's long-term
goals, which can often take place over the next three to five
years. Strategies handle upcoming or short-term goals that
may happen shortly, usually within the year.
➢ Comprises computers, mobile devices, peripherals,
networks and operating software used by students, teachers
and other staff. Requires careful technical management and
support services.
❖“VISION 2020 “ Philosophy of Education calls for “ developing
the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner,
so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually,
emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious.

• “In the Philippines, we have been innovating and

implementing programs such as the use of TV,
Radio, the use of different authoring tools for the
development of Open Educational Resources
(OER), and the use of different Learning
Management Systems (LMS). All of these
education technology tools are being scaled up at
a rate that has never been seen in our country
and around the world,”.
• Available resources as simple as
internet access, webcam, and LCD
projector could be enhanced or
utilized in a better way.
• The situation of the educational
technology in the Philippines is very
poor compared with that of the other
countries and also we are really still
very far from that of the “classroom of
the future”; how and what we have
showed represented how we see
educational technology today.
✓South Korea stands separated as the most outrageous, the best education
framework in the world. The Koreans have accomplished an exceptional
milestone: the nation is 100% literate, and at the cutting edge of
international comparative tests of accomplishment, including tests of basic
reasoning and analysis.
✓In Seoul, students are experts in knowledge transmission, as is obvious in
Korea's exceptional execution of all global assessment measures. As of
late, Korea has incorporated new strategies to bring creativity and
imagination, not simply information disgorging in its educational
✓To do so, it has included STEAM, which endeavors to connect the science,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, in which Korea is
generally solid, with arts. STEAM programs are currently in all elementary
and middle schools of Korea.
• South Korea’s Has a high-speed internet, strong technology companies and
reputation for early adoption of technologies.
• South Korea was described as a “model test lab environment” that can provide
“superfast” and sophisticated feedback on new edtech products that can be
rolled out globally, by David Yi, CEO of Riiid Labs in Silicon Valley California .
• A lot of them [parents] studied abroad in the United Kingdom or the United
States or Australia and have come back. So you have a population of folks who
are keenly aware of what the global standard of education is, and are highly
accustomed to the best of the best technology.”
• Enuma is an edtech start-up designing autonomous early learning programmed
for children, including those with special needs, to become independent learners
. There team is made up of experienced designers, developers and educators
who are dedicated to creating exceptional learning apps that allow children to
gain confidence and independence while building foundational skills.
• Another big edtech start-up country is China, which is also strongly
education oriented and with cities such as Beijing and Shanghai having
good, fast internet. But China, itself, is a huge internal market. China is
in the middle of another round of educational transformation, the 2020
education reform plan, which will refresh the educational program to
meet certifiable requirements. For example, math will not evaluate a
student’s calculation time and the need to retain complex and rarely
used equations.
• In science, inauthentic practical, calculations, and drills will be
supplanted with students' experiments in certifiable applications, by
focusing on new energy, wellbeing, and protection.
• The student-focused reforms of this new framework have been
expansive. They include a critical extension of new educational
opportunities and a move of accentuation from educating to learning,
from knowledge retention to redefining the learning limits.
• The educational technology makes learning process more active and
playful because of the colorful teaching slides combined with creative
videos or sounds which can grab students' attention during class. Use
of technology also brings convenience for teacher to prepare for their
lessons. For high education institutions, teaching staff use both
television textbooks and multi-media software to edit their lecture
slides. According to CERNET, the Decision on Strengthening
Educational Reform and Boosting Education of Overall Qualification
emphasized that "Computer and information technology education
should be spread in senior secondary schools and some qualified junior
secondary and primary schools. All the higher education institutions
and key secondary and primary schools will establish it step by step."
Educational technology is also applied for vocational schools and adult
educational schools. For instance, in vocational schools, teachers
teach practical skills by demonstration through videos.
❑Singapore has had a solid knowledge transmission education
framework that reliably positions among the world's best on
global assessments. Singapore has built up its own system of
21st-century capabilities, which are being implanted into
educational plan improvement for each order and into the
update of teacher training.
❑In moving toward this path, Singapore is resolved to extend
educators' teaching capabilities and getting both fundamental
and 21st-century aptitudes to significant levels, since
eventually, students will require both.
How Technology Changed Education in Singapore
Hard Copy Materials are being Replaced Mode of Instruction
• Gone are the days of hard copy ▪ While the classrooms haven’t
educational materials in the been completely eradicated as a
traditional four-walled classrooms, learning space in Singapore, it
where the teacher is the primary now looks much more different
source of information and lectures than what it used to be.
are dished out from a podium in
front of the classroom. Today, a Technological advances have
plethora of educational resources brought in several modes of
and materials are now available in instruction and educational
soft forms, such as eBooks, PDFs, opportunities with Projectors,
Kindle, audio, images, and videos, Visualizers, Digital boards and
instead of conventional books to
improve student learning outcomes. 3D goggles replacing the chalk
and whiteboards of old.
Is Technology Always Good for Education?

• The role and importance of technology cannot be

overemphasized in education, especially in Singapore. A
recent study by the Pew Research Centre revealed that
about 92 per cent of educators claimed that technology
improved access to educational materials and resources that
could help both teachers and students in the classroom.
Technology is good for education because :
• Provides a better online interactive experience during the learning and
teaching process
• Increases collaboration and communication
• Provides access to an unlimited amount of the latest educational materials
and resources from several different sources
• Enhances digital literacy
• Reduces the costs of education
• Allows for a quick measurement so teachers can get better insight into
learners’ formative assessment and performance
• Gives learners the opportunity to either choose between learning at their
own pace or real-time learning
• Improves teachers’ productivity and efficiency
However, technology does come with some disadvantages, not
limited to the following:
• Reduction of direct peer interaction. Online interaction is improved at the
expense of direct peer interaction
• Distractions both inside and outside the classroom
• Reduced number of skilled educators due to increasing automation and
reduced salaries

Depending on how it is used, technology can possibly reduce

cognitive development and problem-solving skills as students can easily
look for answers and shortcuts online
Nevertheless, considering both the advantages and disadvantages
of technological advancement in education, we can say that technology
has the potential to make education easier and more equitable in diverse
ways in Singapore. It can complement traditional methods of learning in
the Singapore education system while having the capacity to transform
education and the learning process.
A Powerful Tool
• Technology has become a powerful tool to help students
learn and is changing education in many ways. Other than
making it easy for both educators and learners to gather
relevant information, artificial intelligence and virtual reality
are changing the ways that students learn and enabling a
more immersive learning experience, something that was not
achievable in previous decades. Invictus International School
leverages the latest technology tools for learning purposes
so that students get personalized help, learn at their own
pace and get to utilize their preferred learning styles.
❖Japan is similar to Korea, according to Yi, but the number of
Japanese students who study abroad is “remarkably lower”,
as is the number of Japanese parents who are highly aware.
“Testing for a product that aims to be rolled out globally cannot
be conducted at the same scale, as not many Japanese are
as proficient in English.”
❖Children are becoming tech-savvy at a younger age, to the
point where certain parenting approaches now delay “screen
time” for children to slow their inclination to smartphones and
• Student are required to have a laptop or tablet in education.
• Textbooks are no longer printed and distributed. Instead, they
are available on the school’s server and can be downloaded by
students and then deleted off their devices at the end of the
school year.
• Fast and secure Wi-Fi is greater than ever and the need has
now spread to the classrooms, becoming another requirement
of educational technology in Japan. The internet cannot just be
freely available as students must still be working within a safe
and controlled environment.
• AI has made its way into the classroom and the Japan
education system is all the better for it. Exams can be set and
graded using AI systems and programs that are being created
by a multitude of different startup companies in Japan alone.
InsKru Facebook page
➢‘Ins’ from ‘inspire’ and ‘Kru’ meaning ‘teachers’—InsKru is a local
startup providing a platform for teachers to share teaching
methods, pedagogical ideas, and techniques of engagement with
students from primary school through high school.
➢ is an education technology platform utilizing artificial
intelligence to develop educational content based on Thai
education data OpenDurian provides users with exam
preparation courses specifically for advanced standardised tests,
such as the PAT, the SAT, Smart-I, and the CU-AAT.
➢Voxy is an English language education programme designed for
students and working professionals seeking to improve their English
skills. With an international team of linguists, scientists, developers,
designers, and ESL teachers, Voxy offers courses in general English,
as well as exam preparation courses for the IELTS test, TOEFL
exam, TEFL pedagogy exam.
➢Quest Language is an EdTech startup offering live, real-time classes
and tutoring sessions that cover subjects including English phonics
for reading and vocabulary, general English, and STEM
mathematics. Quest also provides online exam preparation courses
for the IELTS, GED and IGCSE, SAT and SAT II Subject tests, and
TOEFL MUIC exams, in addition to courses for the CU-AAT, CU-TEP,
TU-GET, and IP-EP-MLP exams.

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