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BHP GLD Glossary : Master Glossary Report Page 1 of 14


Glossary Term Alternate Last

Definition Ownership
(*Pending Removal) Match Updated
Equipment supplied by other than the vehicle manufacturer. Does not include manufacturer-supplied
aftermarket Safety 21 Nov 2014
accessories and manufacturer options fitted at the dealership.
A person employed through an external organisation, holding a BHP position and under the general
direction of BHP. BHP does not exercise the same control over an agency contractor as it does over its Human
Agency contractor 03 Jan 2019
own employees but relatively more control than a consultant or service contractor. May have Resources
organisational responsibility (for example, workflow approver).
Gifts, meals, entertainment, travel, promotional sponsorship, cash and cash equivalents, per diems, Business
anything of value 24 Jul 2011
favours and business opportunities. Conduct
Powers delegated to a specific role to endorse or approve. Endorsement occurs before approval
and inform occurs after approval; Approvals and endorsements must be documented (including
signatures, email, system-based approvals, meeting minute) and include applicable decision
approved criteria. Temporary delegations must be: documented; include role titles of delegator and
authority Organisation
delegate, authorities delegated, delegation period; approved by delegator’s one-up manager. If Design
22 Nov 2017
authorisation an approver is unavailable and has not delegated authority, their one-up manager may approve.
If endorser recommends against approval, the approver may approve if they inform the endorser
first. The approval requestor is responsible for communicating the approval. Authorities cannot
be permanently delegated unless explicitly allowed by the supporting governance document.
Finance related: the right to receive future economic benefits in the form of cash flows or cash equivalents.
Organisational design related: a set of one or more geographically proximate Operations. Assets Organisation
Asset 09 May 2017
apply a standardised functional design to maximise the effectiveness of the Group as a whole. Design
Refer to the Organisation Register for the list and locations of Assets.
The component of the full Life of Asset plan through to closure that maximises the value of the Asset and
Asset preferred plan Alignment 29 Jun 2017
includes the optimised base plan plus unapproved capital projects.
Projects are below the major capital projects threshold and above the Asset-defined thresholds. Thresholds
Asset Organisation
Asset Project * for scale, risk, complexity and investment value are set out in the Business Investment Process manual (in 09 May 2017
Projects Design
accordance with GLD.030 Investment Process).
A scheme or program providing a benefit to employees such as a defined benefit or defined contribution Human
benefit plan benefit plans 19 Mar 2013
retirement plan; a pre or post-retirement medical plan; or a death or disability insurance plan. Resources
Applies to all Regions, Assets (including operated Joint Ventures), Marketing, Global or Group Organisation
BHP Group BHP Group's 07 Jan 2019
Functions and Centres of Excellence. Design
An exploration or capital investment project located close enough to an existing operation to enable mine
brownfield and 08 Mar 2016
operations/infrastructure to be utilised.

A product-based global organisational unit which sets strategy, grows the value of, governs and manages Organisation
Business * businesses the performance of one or more Assets and Operations. Our Businesses are organised on a standardised 03 Jan 2019
basis comprising distinct organisational units. A 3-tier Business applies the Business, Asset and Operation
organisational structures. A 2-tier Business applies the Business and Operation organisational structures.

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Refer to GLD.001.01 BHP Organisation Register for the list and location of Businesses.

(1) Joint venture partners or co-investors; or

business partner 03 Jan 2019
(2) Third parties that interact with others on behalf of BHP or BHP owned or controlled entities, such as
agents, brokers, intermediaries, advisors, consultants, representatives, travel agents, freight forwarders,
customs or visa agents, tax advisors, law firms, finders, lobbyists and accountants.
Capex is cash outlay on new assets (including acquisitions), improvements to existing assets and the
capital expenditure reconstruction or replacement of the whole or a substantial part of a whole asset. Capex typically yields 20 Aug 2013
benefits that last for more than one year. Capex is the counterpart to operating expenditure.
A project resulting from an investment other than transactions,
exploration spend, and commercial commitment
Capital Project investments. Can be either large (≥US$250 million BHP share); 01 May 2019
medium (≥US$20 million <US$250 million BHP share); or small
(≥US$2 million <US$20 million BHP share).
Any of the following:

l Group Company Secretary; Securities

clearance officer 02 Mar 2018
l Vice President Group Governance; Dealing
l Head of Governance RAC & Disclosure; or
l Head of ESG Policy & Engagement.
The period from:
close period closed period 02 Mar 2018
l the end of BHP's financial year to the publication of BHP's full year results announcement; and Dealing
l the end of BHP's half year to the publication of BHP's half year results.
A long-term contract (term is >12 months) with a fixed, minimum exit cost. Global
Commercial commitment CCI
A ‘standalone CCI’ is independent of a capital project and therefore not covered by a capital project Investment 17 Jun 2018
investment CCI's
business case. See Our Requirements for Global Investment Process for criteria of standalone CCIs. Process
Sponsorships with the primary purpose (>50% of expenditure) of commercially benefiting the Company
through the promotion of the BHP brand. It involves cash and/or in-kind contributions and may involve the
commercial sponsorship and 03 Jan 2019
provision of hospitality to company guests. It is not eligible for the company's community investment
Any binding or non-binding commercial arrangement or obligation, responsibility or assurance undertaken Services,
commitment by a party to do or not do a certain thing, including Letters of Offer, tender acceptance letters, Heads of Contracts 24 Jul 2011
Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, Letters of Intent and other statements of intent. and

projects and
Community development development 03 Jan 2019
project and/or donation projects or
donations Have the primary purpose of benefiting the communities in which BHP operates or has an interest. They
Community must improve quality-of-life indicators and/or align with priority and focus areas in a Community Communications,
development Development Management Plan. They involve cash and/or in-kind contributions and are eligible for BHP’s Community
project or community investment reporting. and
donation Community donations are typically one-off cash and/or in-kind contributions for a single activity (for External

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Community example, disaster relief, scholarships). Engagement
development Community development projects are typically multi-faceted and include the delivery of more than one
projects activity. For example, training, travel, equipment purchase.
A set of administrative and behavioural safeguards and/or protocols that restrict the collection of, access to,
communication and/or dissemination of competitively sensitive information between competitors. These
arrangements may take the form of organisational separation, IT systems separation, restrictions on the
competition law ringfencing law Business
collection or dissemination of marketing, financial or other information, segregated office layouts and will 30 Mar 2016
protocol ringfencing Conduct
require specialised training for all affected individuals. Such arrangements are most frequently
implemented in the context of joint ventures (JV) or joint marketing arrangements where the JV or JV
partners are competitors.
compliance- Related to anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism financing, competition, market Risk
compliance related 06 Mar 2016
related manipulation, price reporting, export controls, sanctions, anti-boycott or state/commercial secrets laws. Management
Contracts identified and developed to the stage where BHP is not committed to proceed but may when
required (for example, upon authorisation into the next phase). Includes current bids which BHP can accept Capital
conditional agreement 03 Jan 2019
or contracts conditional upon internal and other authorisations being obtained or where BHP has the option Projects
to proceed.
See s96B(2) and Schedule 11B of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (UK) for the meaning of
"connected person". In summary:

l family members (spouse or civil partner; a relative who has shared the same household for at least
12 months; and children or step-children under 18 years);
connected person * l associated bodies corporate; 02 Mar 2018
l a trustee of a trust of which the PDMR* is a beneficiary or could benefit from the trust;
l a person acting in their capacity as a partner of a PDMR*;
l a firm in which the PDMR* is a partner.

- or a person connected with the PDMR.

A consultancy (or service contract) agreement exists between BHP and the Consulting company, the
consultant person is providing specialist services not usually performed by an employee on a full time basis. Work is 03 Jan 2019
for a defined period of time on behalf of a Consulting Company engaged by BHP.
Project related: provision in the schedule or cost estimate for a study or execution phase to cover
uncertainties. Normally determined by undertaking a formal range analysis.
contingency contingencies 06 Jan 2014
Supply related: the overall limit at item level and/or the over-fulfilment tolerance at service line level. These Projects
limits can be included in purchase requisitions and purchase orders for services. All contingencies will
require approval through workflow.
An agreement which legally obliges a party to do, or not to do, a certain thing. Examples of contracts
include sales and purchase contracts, marketing contracts, employment contracts, joint venture
contract contractual Contracts 12 Aug 2014
agreements, service contracts, supply agreements, guarantees, confidentiality undertakings and
Any change to a contract or commitment, whether or not it changes the risk profile of the contract, including Services,
contract change any variation to or amendment of the contract including work package instructions made under a Contracts 03 Mar 2016
framework agreement which change the approved contract value or scope. and

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An individual, company or other legal entity that carries out work or performs services under a contract for Securities
contractor 03 Aug 2011
service. This includes sub-contractors. Dealing
An activity or group of activities that reduce the likelihood and/or impact of a risk.
controlled Risk
control 06 Mar 2016
controls A preventative control is a control which is used to manage the causes and thereby reduce the likelihood of Management
occurrence of the risk. A mitigating control is a control which will reduce the impacts which flow from a risk.
Documents which require scheduled review and approval to enable authority, accuracy and currency of the Information
content. They are version controlled and published/available for use. These include: Our Requirements Governance
controlled document (GLDs), Standards, Procedures and Work Instructions (including any forms and templates which must be and 14 Apr 2016
used) and other documents which do not contain mandated requirements but must be controlled (for Controlled
example, system blueprints, engineering blueprints/drawings, training documents, employee handbooks). Documents
Monetary provision in the base cost estimate to provide for projected increase in the cost of project inputs
cost escalation (for example, engineering labour, equipment, bulk materials, construction labour, sub-contracts) from a set 06 Jan 2014
point in time (normally estimate base date) up to study or project completion.
Alone or in conjunction with other controls significantly reduces the likelihood and/or impact of material
risks. There may be more than one critical control for a material risk. Elements to be considered in
determining a critical control:

critical l The only barrier/layer of protection available for the occurrence of the event or the impact exposure. Risk
critical control 06 Mar 2016
controls l Used to prevent or mitigate multiple causes/impacts. Management
l Is independent from other controls.
l A single activity, including the dependencies for that activity to effectively work.
l Control is higher on the hierarchy of controls than other controls under consideration.
l Used to detect or prevent escalation of the event.
Includes, in relation to securities, any transaction or change affecting title to or interest in securities,

l any acquisition or disposal, or agreement to acquire or dispose;

dealt l entering into a contract to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to price fluctuations; Securities
deal dealing l grant, acceptance, acquisition, disposal, exercise or discharge of any option; 02 Mar 2018
dealings l entering, terminating, assigning or novating any stock lending agreement;
l using as security, or otherwise granting a charge, lien or other encumbrance;
l any transaction, or the exercise of any power or discretion, effecting a change of ownership of a
beneficial interest; and
l any other right or obligation, present or future, conditional or unconditional, to acquire or dispose.
A single or of group of landforms and/or structures within a site; usually with similar geophysical
domain Closure 29 Jun 2017
characteristics, rehabilitation, closure or decommissioning requirements and objectives.
employee’s Securities
employee Person who works for BHP under a contract of employment. 03 Jan 2019
employee(s) Dealing
scheme Securities
employee share scheme * See Section 1166 of the Companies Act 2006 (UK). 02 Mar 2018
employees Dealing
Company plan where participating employees are allocated rights to BHP equity. For example, Shareplus, Human
equity plan equity plans 03 Jan 2019
Management Award Plan and Group Short Term Incentive Plan. Resources
Best estimate of a future outcome – of a particular variable, for example net present value (NPV), price,
Expected cost, volume, schedule or yield – taking into account risk and uncertainty. Mean or average value; weighted 04 Aug 2011
average of all values in distribution; may be different from deterministic Mid, P50 or most likely amount.
A payment or thing of value (typically of low value) given to a Government Official to expedite or secure the

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performance of a routine government action (actions that are ordinarily and commonly performed).
Examples include payments to expedite the issuing or processing of legitimate visas, the scheduling of
facilitation payment inspections, or the connection of telephones or other utility services. Routine government action does not 18 Sep 2013
include discretionary decisions (including to award or continue business with a party) by a Government
A group of people, processes, and systems providing technical services to the Assets and
Operations to enable safe and efficient production, acting and reporting in a global manner.
Global Currently the Global Functions are Human Resources, Supply, Technology and under the
Functions Organisation
Global Function
Global portfolios of Finance (consisting of Accounting & Reporting, Business Partnership, Investor Design
01 May 2018
Function's Relations, Portfolio Strategy & Development, Tax, Treasury functions) and External Affairs
(consisting of Corporate Affairs, Ethics & Compliance, Group Governance, Group
HS&E, Internal Audit and Advisory, Legal, Risk Management functions).
Includes the following:

l officers or employees of government, government departments or government agencies

l officers or employees of government-owned or controlled entities including state owned companies Business
Government official l officers or employees of a public international organisation 27 May 2016
l political parties, political party officials, or candidates for public office
l individuals who hold or perform the duties of an appointment, office or position created by custom
or convention
l people who hold themselves out to be the authorised intermediary of a government official
An exploration or capital investment project located outside the area of influence of existing mine
greenfield and 08 Mar 2016
For BHP reporting purposes, these are the aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions
greenhouse and
greenhouse gas of: Carbon dioxide (C02), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N20), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 03 Jan 2019
gases Climate
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
A promise or undertaking made by one entity (guarantor) to another entity (beneficiary) to be held
responsible for completing the duties and obligations in the event that a guaranteed entity fails to fulfil
obligations under a contract. Legal
guarantee Contracts 03 Jan 2019
These include parent company guarantees and corporate and
guarantees given by one BHP entity for another. Guarantees are deemed to include bank guarantees, Disputes
letters of credit, performance bonds, bid bonds, insurance bonds, contingent guarantees, contingent credit
support and other types of credit support.
For export sales, FOB load-port; For domestic sales, the earlier of transfer of risk to the external
counterparty or Free in Open Access Pipeline; For imported major raw materials, the CFR discharge port; Operations
and for domestic major raw materials, the location of transfer of risk from the external counterparty. and
handover point Supply 03 Jan 2019
Note: The Business shall be responsible for contracting and management of any trucking and/or railing to Management
or from a BHP Operation; including that associated with sales and procurement.

hazard An object or situation in the workplace that has the potential to cause harm (e.g. slippery set of stairs) and 23 Feb 2018

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Areas recognised for important biodiversity features as determined by baseline assessment or by and
high conservation value 21 Mar 2014
government or non-government organisations. Climate
Persons or groups of people living and/or working in any areas that are economically, socially or Community
host community environmentally impacted (positively or negatively) by our operations and/or projects. It can range from and 20 Mar 2014
people living adjacent to or at a distance from our operations and/or projects that may be impacted. External
An assessment that assists BHP to identify, understand and manage potential impacts of its direct and
human rights Community
human rights impact indirect activities on the human rights of its stakeholders. It must use BHP’s human rights commitments
impact and 03 Jan 2019
assessment (documented in the Code of Business Conduct) and host country legislation as reference points. The scale
assessments External
of HRIA will depend on the impact of the Operation or Asset and national and local context.
Independent Joint Venture A producing entity that is non-controlled and BHP's ownership interest is valued above US$250 million. Organisation
03 Jan 2019
* BHP has influence via management appointment processes, and can implement selected BHP standards. Design
An investment with a business case that is economic on a standalone basis (i.e. is value accretive if
Individual investment Investment 07 Jun 2018
executed on its own).
Information Hardware, software and communications technologies utilised for information processing and related
Information Technology Technology 30 Mar 2016
Technologies services.
Information which:

l is not generally available; and

Insider l if made generally available, would be likely or expected to have a significant or material effect on Securities
inside information 02 Mar 2018
information the price or value of BHP's or another company's securities (judged by whether it would affect a Dealing
reasonable investor's investment decision). Such information may include matters of supposition,
matters insufficiently definite to warrant being made public and matters relating to the intentions or
likely intentions, of a person.
Intra-Group Service Costs associated with activities which benefit another company in the BHP Group which the other company
Finance 07 Jan 2019
Charge might reasonably be expected to pay for or perform itself.
(decision) An irrevocable commitment of resources to a selected course of action with expected future benefits.
investment Investments include transactions, capital projects (including leases, site rehabilitation or closure),
investment Investment 07 Jun 2018
decision technology projects (including information technology, operational technology and research and
investment development), exploration and commercial commitment investments.
Major strategic alternatives for the investment which includes the 'optimised without' alternative which are
investment Capital
investment alternative identified and defined in the identification phase. Also see the glossary definitions for 'preferred investment 14 Apr 2016
alternatives Projects
alternative' and 'selected development option'.
An idea that has the potential to add shareholder value and may become the subject of a study in the
future. The idea may be for entering emerging markets; mine expansion due to additional resources
investment Capital
investment opportunity identified; de-bottlenecking; and acquisition targets identified in new commodity, basin or country. 07 Jun 2018
opportunities Projects
The idea may be at any one of a number of stages of development and/or approval ranging from having
been initially identified by a planning or study team.

program of

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A set of investments which, in aggregate, has a value accretive business case. A program may comprise
programs of Global
of individual investments (i.e. with business case and standalone economics) and other dependent
Investment program investment Investment 07 Jun 2018
investments which may not have economic business cases on a standalone basis but are necessary in
program of Process
delivering value to the broader program.
Joint Interest Unit An entity comprising one or more Producing Fields either jointly operated or not operated by BHP. 03 Jan 2019
Variables that significantly affect the performance of the business. They may either sustain the business or
key value lead to business improvement. Value drivers may be controllable (for example, throughput, GHG Value
key value driver 07 Mar 2016
drivers emissions, safety) or uncontrollable (for example, price) and may be identified using driver trees or Management
constraints analysis.
Large Capital Project Capital Project where the investment size is ≥US$250 million BHP share. 01 May 2019
A plan to enhance the opportunity for economic participation of locally based small-to-medium enterprises
(SMEs) in our businesses by bridging the gap between their capacity and Group Supply requirements.
These plans should include support for the development of Indigenous-owned enterprises or Black
local procurement plan procurement Supply 03 Jan 2019
Economic Empowerment programs. In this instance, the term local refers to communities which are
adjacent to, or impacted by, BHP Assets. The area is generally narrower than the State or Territory in
which the project is located, although it can cover multiple local government areas.
Productivity metrics that measure productivity across the five productivity categories (equipment, people,
supply, capital and marketing) and can be applied across the full length of the value chain of each Asset.
M1 metrics are intended to provide a rapid health check of the Group productivity trend in realisation of the
M1 Supply 30 Mar 2016
consolidated Group-wide productivity benefit. This is achieved indirectly by tracking the actual values of
the M1 metrics against the Asset forecasts for the metrics (submitted as part of the Five Year Plan and
Two Year Budget), that are an outcome of their programs to achieve the productivity benefit.
Productivity key driver metrics that are unique to a business (M2) or common across several businesses
M2 (M3) and through applying effort to improve performance will increase the productivity benefit of the Asset
M2 and M3 Supply 30 Mar 2016
M3 and Business. These metrics will apply to individual processes and may not be applicable to the full value
chain of an Asset.
A Business-level organisational entity for the study and execution of major capital projects. Major Capital
Program entities utilise a programmatic approach and functional structure to create and maximise business
Major Capital Organisation
Major Capital Program * value beyond what would ordinarily be achievable through the execution of the scope of individual projects. 09 May 2017
Programs Design
They enable the consistent application and continuous improvement of project practices, processes and
Those capital investments (including closure projects) where any of the investment complexity elements
apply, or where the total investment size exceeds US$250 million in 100% terms (or for non-operated
major capital project * Investment 03 Jan 2019
jointly controlled entities exceeds US$250 million (BHP share)). Refer to Our Requirements for Investment
A product for which Marketing has a pre-existing sales book, or the following definition is met:
• product is traded and moved internationally (including by sea); Operations
• product is commodity like in nature and is consumed in the production process; and
major raw material • three or more Businesses purchase it; Supply 03 Nov 2014
• total aggregate Group-wide purchases are or can be expected to be >US$100m; and Chain
• the Asset in question purchases or can be expected to purchase >US$20m per annum; excludes power Management
and explosives purchases.
Those acquisitions, divestments, mergers and de-mergers where any of the investment complexity Global
major transaction * elements apply, or where the total investment size exceeds US$250 million (BHP share). Refer to Our Investment 03 Jan 2019
Requirements for Investment Process. Process
marketing contract Services, 27 Jun 2017
marketing A contract that is managed by Marketing for the purchase or sale of a traded commodity or for supply chain Contracts

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contracts activities for traded commodities, or for commodity derivative transactions. and
A global centre comprising commodity-specific trading and marketing units for managing the sale of the Organisation
Marketing Hub 29 Jul 2014
Group’s products and purchasing major raw material inputs. Design
Information that is key to the operation of business, often used by several functional groups. This key
business information may include data about customers, products, employees, materials, suppliers which
master data Technology 20 Aug 2013
often turns out to be non-transactional in nature. Master data can support transactional processes and
operations, but its use is certainly not limited to such.
An event that describes the potential occurrence of a particular set of circumstances and is material if the
maximum foreseeable loss (MFL) is ≥ Level 5 on the severity table, or residual risk rating (RRR) ≥ 90. Risk
material risk material risks 06 Mar 2016
The event should be described so that it is always differentiated from associated impacts and causes.
The impact sustained by BHP in the plausible worst case scenario for that risk. In a plausible worst case
maximum foreseeable loss MFL scenario all risk controls ‘including insurance and hedging contracts’ are assumed to be ineffective. All 03 Jan 2019
impact types must be assessed for material risks.
Medium Capital Project Capital Project where the investment size is ≥US$20 million <US$250 million BHP share. 01 May 2019
The management of an area or volume defined by specific coordinates (within an accepted coordinate
Minerals and Tenement
system) held under contractual, legislative or freehold agreement with an intention to carry out defined
Land Management
Minerals land or tenement exploration or extraction of specified natural resources, or to maintain infrastructure to carry out exploration
Management and 14 Oct 2013
management or extraction of natural resources for a specified period of time. Minerals and Land Management is
Tenement Minerals
recognised terminology for the oil and gas industry and Tenement Management is commonly applied
Management Reporting
terminology in the Australian minerals industry.
minimum resource The minimum resource size, quality and development criteria required to underpin a greenfield operation
and 03 Jan 2019
threshold with sufficient scale, longevity, optionality, margin and return to be material to BHP.
Includes, but is not limited to, self-propelled surface and underground tracked and rubber tyred equipment
such as trucks, graders, tractors, excavators, drills, draglines and similar plant. It excludes vehicles
mobile equipment Safety 24 Jul 2011
registered and normally used on public roads, rail equipment, mobile elevating work platforms, and
relocatable plant such as crushers and stacking conveyors.
In emergency services, mutual aid is an agreement among emergency responders to lend assistance
across jurisdictional boundaries. This may occur due to an emergency response that exceeds local
Mutual aid Mutual-aid Management 15 Mar 2019
resources, such as a disaster or a multiple-alarm fire. BHP may have mutual aid agreements with local
ambulance services or fire brigades to provide or receive assistance.
An occurrence (event) that could have resulted in injury or illness (e.g. someone slips on the stairs but is
near Miss Community 23 Feb 2018
not injured)

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Any activity not currently carried out by BHP in a particular high risk country, where the activity could,
New activity New activities Alignment 14 Feb 2018
based on the relevant risk assessment, materially change our risk profile in relation to that country
non order
non-order invoice Process for initiating payment for items not referenced to a purchase order. Supply 30 Mar 2016
non order
A vendor from whom BHP purchases Non-Traded goods or services for which BHP is the end-user. Any
vendor who is required to meet source to contract or plan to pay requirements. Non-Traded goods and
services are all goods and services that are not part of BHP’s finished product portfolio such as raw
Non-trade vendor materials and associated supporting services such as export shipment. Some examples of Non-Traded 19 Oct 2018
contracts: Consultancy Agreement; EPCM Agreement; Confidentiality Agreement; Leases; Production
Agreements; Mining Rights Agreements; Service Agreements; Intellectual Property Contracts. Refer to DE-
PRO-070 Master Data Design- Vendor.
Ongoing cost of running an operating Asset. Operating expenditure is the counterpart to capital Value
operating expenditure 20 Aug 2013
expenditure. Management
Defines a common set of organisational design principles, common processes and systems, and the
Operating Model minimum performance requirements prescribed for the Group in achieving our purpose as set out in Our 03 Jan 2019
BHP Charter (
A substantially distinct entity operated by BHP with defined boundaries and agreed points of handover for
services and/or product. Includes entities such as: a mine; a port; a group of processing or production
facilities; a group of large infrastructure or non-production infrastructure; a production unit. Organisation
Operation The Operation’s organisation design segregates operational and technical duties to enable 03 Jan 2019
single-point accountabilities to be established for safety, volume and cost. Refer to the
Organisation Register for the list of Operations.
Operational Hardware and software that monitors or controls physical devices, processes or events within operational
Operational Technology Technology 30 Mar 2016
Technologies environments.
The blueprint represents the documented as-built state of an Operation’s plant and equipment. It
comprises a group of artefacts including design documentation, models and drawings,
Operation's blueprint datasheets, process control information, commissioning records and nameplate capacity. The Design
09 May 2017
blueprint is used to inform how we operate and maintain our equipment to achieve safe
productivity, and it is used as the basis to assess changes to our plant and equipment.
An Opportunity Assessment (OA) is an assessment of an
Opportunity Assessment Assets’ options to grow the value of the business across a 01 May 2019
range of scenarios.
A structured approach to divergent thinking required to generate a range of credible value-creating
investment alternatives in the early part of the identification phase. Often includes independently facilitated
workshops to synthesise the knowledge and experience of the group, overcome motivational and cognitive Capital
opportunity framing 01 May 2019
bias and assist with generating a complete range of reasonable alternatives. The use of other supporting Projects
methodologies is recommended. This is similar in approach to problem framing but specific to large and
medium capital project identifcation phase studies.
The process of further refining, de-risking and assessing the preferred investment alternative in order to
Opportunity realisation validate the technical and commercial viability and to achieve the level of project scope maturity required 06 Jan 2014
for Class 3 cost and schedule estimates prior to further study and optimisation in the definition phase.

opportunity selection A structured approach to understanding, assessing and comparing the value-creating investment 06 Jan 2014
alternatives to identify the preferred investment alternative in the identification phase. It takes into account Capital

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life cycle costs, net present value, risk, uncertainty and embedded option value. Projects
The component of the full Life of Asset plan through to closure that:
For Minerals, includes projects in execution and sustaining capital projects (which may be required to go Corporate
Optimised Base Plan through Regional or Group Investment Process), excludes unapproved capital projects and options, and Alignment 29 Jun 2017
maximises the value of the Asset. Planning
For Petroleum, includes the Base Approve Program and Sanctioned Projects Petroleum wedges.
organisation Human
organisation level Hierarchical categorisation of roles across BHP. 03 Jan 2019
levels Resources
A person closely associated (PCA) with a person discharging managerial responsibilities (PDMR), being:

l family members (spouse, civil partner, dependent children/stepchildren and relatives who have
Persons shared the same household for at least one year), and
closely l companies, trusts, partnerships or entities: Securities
Person closely associated 02 Mar 2018
associated ¡ which are managed by a PDMR or a family member; Dealing
PCA ¡ which are directly or indirectly controlled by a PDMR or a family member;
¡ which are set up for the benefit of a PDMR or a family member; or
¡ the economic interests of which are substantially equivalent to a PDMR’s or a family
managerial These persons include:
discharging (i) A Director;
person discharging Securities
managerial 02 Mar 2018
managerial responsibilities Dealing
responsibilities (ii) a key management person named in BHP's remuneration report; or
managerial (iii) a person determined by the Group Company Secretary.
Information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (i.e. a natural person). This can include names, Governance
Personal Information user ID, location data, email addresses, photographs, job applications, purchase history, user account and 17 May 2018
information, opinions, and correspondence to and from an individual. Controlled
Possible mineralisation outcomes, exclusive of Mineral Resources, expressed as a range and based on
available exploration results. May be extended to include conceptual mineralisation for the purposes of
resource range analysis. Inventory must have reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction, via
potential mineralisation and 03 Jan 2019
conversion to a mineral inventory (recoverable and product potential mineralisation).
The term is an internal BHP standard, forming the basis in part or in total for the external reporting of
Exploration Targets.
Commitments to future expenditure, as part of an investment, made prior to the execution phase, generally
to secure long lead materials and/or equipment, undertake executable field work, procure services or
pre-commitment Investment 23 Sep 2013
studies, or make other commercial commitments that assume the project will be approved to proceed to
the execution phase. Pre-commitments that have been approved are considered to be executing projects.
preferred investment The investment alternative which best meets BHP’s corporate and investment objectives. It is typically Capital
07 Jun 2018
alternative nominated during the Identification phase and approved at the completion of that phase. Projects
The sum of an asset's expected future net cash flows discounted at the discount rate provided by the
Investment Evaluation team (Portfolio Strategy & Development). Present value is the amount of cash an Value
present value 07 Jun 2018
investor should be indifferent to pay today (or receive, as the case may be) in exchange for a stream of Management
cash flows in the future.

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A systematic approach to the identification and analysis of plant and equipment (including interconnecting
systems) containing materials which, if released in an uncontrolled manner, could cause serious harm to
people, the environment or facilities.
process hazard analysis Safety 21 May 2012
Good guidance on methods and considerations can be found in 'A guide to the Control of Major Accident
Hazards Regulations 1999 (as amended)' published by the UK Health & Safety Executive – Schedule 1,
Part 2, Schedule 2 and Schedules 4, 5 and 6.
One or more interconnected oil and/or gas extraction facilities producing a petroleum product that is Organisation
Producing Field 29 Jul 2014
managed via either a Production Unit or Joint Interest Unit. Design
Production Organisation
Production Unit An entity comprising one or more Producing Fields operated by BHP. 03 Jan 2019
Units Design
prohibited period means any:
prohibited period 03 Jan 2019
l close period; or Dealing
l period when there exists any matter which constitutes inside information in relation to BHP.
The date when the following are achieved:

l project scope of work complete and new or modified assets/equipment in a condition to accept Capital
Project completion 06 Jan 2014
feedstock and produce product to appropriate specification at agreed capacity; and Projects
l operational readiness and handover activities complete, and care and custody of assets formally
handed over to Operations.
Measures of people's overall well-being including material well-being (standard of living) and non-material
components such as the quality of the environment, national security, personal safety, and political and
quality of life economic freedoms. Indicators can be measured subjectively through perception surveys or objectively
quality-of-life indicator and 21 May 2012
indicator using quantitative indicators such as life expectancy at birth; malnutrition rates; infectious disease rates;
immunisation rates; gross-domestic-product per person; housing affordability; unemployment rate; adult
literacy; school retention rates; air and water quality; noise levels.
Process by which uncertainties in a forecast outcome (such as cost or schedule) are explored/ranged. It
normally uses estimates of the uncertainty in components to evaluate the overall uncertainty of the forecast
range analysis outcome. The output is an agreed range of outcomes with associated probabilities. The process 06 Jan 2014
includes an independently facilitated workshop(s) to brainstorm and synthesise the participants' knowledge
and experience.
A general term applying to financial figures (for example, prices or exchange rates) which exclude the Value
real 05 Aug 2011
effects of projected inflation. Real figures are quoted relative to a specific real base date. Management
A specification associated with a real currency unit. A real currency unit is numerically equal the equivalent Value
real base date 05 Aug 2011
nominal currency unit at the specified real base date. Management
Information created, received and maintained as evidence and as an asset by an organisation or person, in
pursuit of legal obligations/considerations or in the transaction of business. Examples of Records can be
record and 21 May 2018
found in the Global Retention and Disposal Framework in Appendix 1 of Our Requirements for Information
Governance and Controlled Documents.
Information which:

l meets any of the thresholds set out in Our Requirements for Market Disclosure; or
l meets any qualitative factors set out in Our Requirements for Market Disclosure; or Market
referral information 02 Mar 2018
l a reasonable person would expect to have a material or significant effect on the price or value of Disclosure
BHP securities; or
l that a reasonable investor is likely to use as part of the basis for making investment decisions; or
l may otherwise require disclosure to the stock exchanges.

referral The indicative threshold for internally reporting information to those responsible for determining whether or Market

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thresholds not a disclosure obligation exists. The referral threshold is authorised by the Disclosure Committee. It is Disclosure
referral threshold 01 Oct 2013
currently US$250 million.
A geographical collection of Minerals Assets and a collection of Petroleum Assets. The current Organisation
Region 09 May 2017
Regions are Minerals Australia, Minerals Americas and Petroleum. Design
BHP business units required to submit financial and non-financial data to Group Reporting. These are:
Reporting Group Finance 03 Jan 2019
Businesses, Marketing, Group Functions Finance, Group Tax and Group Treasury.
The numerical rating applied to a risk, calculated as the product of a severity factor and a likelihood factor.
It represents the level of residual risk associated with a risk after taking into account controls in place that
have had their effectiveness assessed. Risk
residual risk rating RRR 07 Mar 2016
In proposals of future work and projects where there are no “existing” controls in place, the mitigating
and/or preventative controls planned and budgeted for must be assumed when assessing this rating.
Resource Range Analysis is a structured approach to estimate in situ potential mineralisation or Tenement
recoverable product. The process uses estimates of the uncertainty in the key drivers to forecast the range Management
resource range analysis of the outcome. Likelihood of the estimate is assigned on either a deterministic or probabilistic basis. and 14 Oct 2013
Output is a range of in situ potential mineralisation estimates expressed as tonnes and qualities, and Minerals
recoverable marketable product (if required). Reporting
Comprises base salary, allowances, incentive arrangements, preservation, retention arrangements, sign-on Human
reward total reward 08 Apr 2014
payments, additional payments, reward programs and contractual terms. Resources
Competition, antitrust, anti-monopoly or trade practices laws that prohibit agreements, understandings,
decisions and concerted practices (whether formal or informal, written or unwritten) which prevent, restrict
or distort competition. It also includes merger control rules which require approval of certain transactions
competition Business
ringfencing protocol from competition authorities and prohibits conduct by companies that (either jointly or independently) are in 30 Mar 2016
laws Conduct
a dominant position in a given market and abuse that position. Competition law can have extraterritorial
effect - actions taken in one country can violate the competition law of other countries if the conduct has an
anti-competitive effect in that country.
A natural or ephemeral stream of fairly large size in the context of the water catchment, flowing in a definite
river course or channel or series of channels. It does not include the catchment area where tailings dams or 01 Mar 2012
waste rock dumps are located.
Trade and financial restrictions implemented by nations and international organisations such as the Business
sanctions 30 Mar 2016
European Union and the United Nations Conduct
Any publicly traded or quoted securities of any company, including any member of BHP, or any other
financial products or instruments whether quoted or not and any securities that are convertible into or
linked to such securities.

Securities 02 Mar 2018
l shares and other securities equivalent to shares;
l options or rights to shares or other securities equivalent to shares;
l bonds and other forms of securitised debt; and
l securitised debt convertible or exchangeable into shares or into other securities equivalent to
The preferred investment alternative when approved at the end of the selection phase (Gate 2) is defined
selected development as the selected development option. This option is ready for further optimisation during the definition Capital
development 06 Jan 2014
option phase. At the end of definition phase, the selected development option is fully defined and, once approved Projects
(Gate 3), moves into project execution phase.

Sensitive Personal Information

Personal information revealing a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical Governance 17 May 2018
beliefs, or trade union membership; biometric or genetic information; or information about a person’s and

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health, sex life or sexual orientation. Controlled
contractor An individual employed through an external organisation engaged in an outsourced arrangement to provide Human
service contractor 03 Jan 2019
services services to BHP. BHP would not generally perform this work as it's not part of standard core business. Resources
Has the same meaning as in section 540 of the Companies Act 2006 (UK), and includes preference Securities
share 19 Jul 2012
shares. Dealing
Small Capital Project Capital Project where the investment size is ≥US$2 million <US$20 million BHP share. 01 May 2019
The gathering and compilation of baseline data that describes the state of the social and economic
environment and the characteristics of the populations living in the area around a mining or petroleum
project. The study includes:
(a) quantitative data, including population, education and health data, which can generally be
social baseline study and 20 Mar 2014
derived from secondary sources including census reports, government statistics and reports,
regional or community plans

(b) qualitative data such as community perceptions and attitudes, which is sourced directly from
A supplier with a sustainability score in global contract management system (GCMS) has completed
sustainability score registration and is approved for use. The sustainability score is assigned to a supplier by GCMS and is the Supply 31 Oct 2018
highest of the individual scores of multiple risk areas.
Mining-related solid material remaining as waste after the target minerals have been removed through and
tailings 01 Mar 2012
processing. Does not include discharged water that is of acceptable quality to downstream users. Climate
TSFs include all components and infrastructure of dams (above ground structures that retain tailings
material) whether on land or submerged. TSFs exclude tailings tanks, thickeners and process solution
Tailings Storage Facility TSF Tailings 29 May 2019
A TSF could comprise multiple dams or cells that have: a contiguous, structurally similar interconnected
wall, operated under the same tailings disposal regime, are interdependent for stability, of similar height
and risk profile.
Third Party Operated Joint A producing entity that is non-controlled and BHP's ownership interest is valued above US$250 million. Organisation
03 Jan 2019
Venture * BHP has limited or no direct influence and cannot implement BHP standards. Design
These vendors represent the logistics service providers used by Marketing and are partners outside the Business
Trade related vendor 07 Jan 2019
BHP Group. Refer to DE-PRO-070 Master Data Design- Vendor. Conduct
A vendor from whom BHP purchases Tradable Goods, which BHP will on-sell as part of its trading
Tradeable Goods are any material generated by BHP (from the processes and activities of the site) or any
Trading vendor material purchased by BHP to be on-sold to a Third Party, with the associated supporting services such as 19 Oct 2018
export shipment. Some examples of Traded Contracts: Iron Ore long term sales contract; Energy Coal
purchase contract; Alumina swap contract; Contract of Affreightment (COA); Warehouse contract. Refer to
DE-PRO-070 Master Data Design- Vendor.
Mining-related material removed during underground or open cut operations that does not meet criteria for Environment
waste rock further processing and is deemed to be waste. Does not include discharged water from waste rock dumps and 01 Mar 2012
that is of acceptable quality to downstream users. Climate

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water Natural sources of surface and sub-surface water, irrespective of quality, that sustain ecosystems, and
water resources 21 Mar 2014
resource communities and/or are utilised for recreational, agricultural or other commercial purposes. Climate
For Our Requirements for Water and Tailings Storage Facilities: All components and infrastructure of a and
Water Storage Facility WSF manmade, above ground structure that retains water (not tailings) and that has a safety related descriptor Tailings 29 May 2019
equivalent to severity level 4 or greater (see Our Requirements for Risk Management). Excludes tanks. Storage
water-related A cause or impact associated with a water resource. 21 Mar 2014
Any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or not one of the following public holidays: New Years Day,
Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.
Close of working day is 6pm local time where a Reporting Group is based (standard or daylight savings
working day working days adjusted). Finance 28 Dec 2016
For Reporting Groups local time is the time at the location where the Vice President Finance or equivalent
For Assets, local time is the time at the Reporting Group head office.

Glossary Report as at 13 Jun 2019 - 139 terms

BHP GLD Glossary : Master Glossary Report Thursday, June 13, 2019

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