Speaking HP3

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Introduce myself

Hello, I am Ngân from Hanoi. I am a first year student of public management at

the Academy of Journalism and Communication. I’m interested in many things
such as reading book and watching movies, traveling with my friends. My friends
say that I am a friendly, harworking, but a little bit shy person. I rarely talk to new
friends in my English class, and I avoid to be present in any crowd. I only feel
confident around some of my best friend, and it is one of the weak point that I need
to improve. My dream after research in may necessary fields since now. I am
living a interesting life, and I am very satisfied with myself.
1. Talk about the place you would like to live in
I would like to live in the big city.
- Firstly, jobs are more available in big cities. If we have a good educational
background, work experience and a hard-working attitude, the chance that
we can find a well-paying job with good working conditions is very high.
- Secondly, living in big cities is a lot more interesting and fun. There's a lot of
entertainment for us to enjoy after a hard day of work or during the weekend.
We can go to the cinemas, shopping malls, theatres, museums or join in
cultural events that we can't experience in rural areas.
- Lastly, living in big cities, people can enjoy better education, public
transportation, and health care service.
* Do you prefer living in the city or in the country? Why?
I definitely prefer living in a big city. I mean, life is so exciting here. There’s
always something going on so I never get bored in this place.
* Is it stressful living in a big city?
Although city life is more and more modern, it does not mean that we can feel
comfortable when we live in city. The busy life, polluted air, and diseases are the
problems that make people stressful, and anxious. In my opinion, we should learn
how to manage our time and relax to reduce the stress when living in city.
* What are the advantages of living in the countryside?
- First of all, the cost of living in the countryside is much lower than that in cities.
Many other goods are also cheaper in the countryside than in cities.
- People are friendliness and helpfulness. Villagers live next to one another.
They are quite friendly, honest and kind to other people.
- Furthermore, the atmosphere in the countryside is much cleaner and more
peaceful than that in cities.
- Nowadays, transportation is much improved so that people in the countryside can
easily travel to cities to enjoy modern and convenient things that cities offer.
* What are the advantages of living in the city? (Như bài nói)
* Why do you think some people change their living place so often?
In my opinion, some people change their living place so often maybe because they
want to have more interested experiences and positive development in their life.
Honestly, there are so many people have to move to another area mostly because of
parent’s decisions or their decisions about career or studying.
* Why do you think people choose to live in big cities (despite certain
I think more and more people live in the city because of the comforts offered by
city life. There are good education, health, and entertainment facilities available in
cities. More city jobs offer a better pay.
2. Talk about your ideal home
I would like to have my dream home in a residential area in the center of this
capital, which not only helps me save time traveling every day but also live close
to many amenities such as big supermarkets, gym clubs or prestigious universities.
- As I’m really into a cozy place, I expect it would be a spacious house consisting
of three bedrooms, one kitchen room, one bathroom, one living room.
- Additionally, I want to have a garden on the balcony where I can grow
various types of roses and take care of them in my leisure time.
- Last but not least, I prefer a fully furnished house with cutting-edge
household appliances such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and
washing machines because they might reduce the manual labor after I come
home from work.
- To me, I always dream of having my own ideal home like this because this can
allow me to have more freedom to do whatever I want and I will make my dream
house become a reality as soon as possible.
* Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
Both choices have their own advantages. It is not necessary to always take rented
accommodation because you don't have to bear a huge debt compared to taking out
a mortgage. However, I think the property market will give you more opportunities
to invest in the future, so I think that many people want to own their own homes.
* How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
- Well, it depends on how much money you are able to spend and where exactly
you want to live. Of course, if you have the money, it’s very easy to find a place
to live.
- However, house prices have been on the rise in recent years, and it is becoming
difficult for young adults to buy their first homes, or even to pay rental prices in
some areas.
* Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with
their parent?
- No, I don't agree there is any particular age for young adults to leave their
parents. It depends on different situations of the family.
- Some people choose to leave home early in order to become independent and
pursue their goals.
- The other who choose to stay with parents are better to take care the families
or to reduce expenses on rent, because the price of house is incredibly expensive
right now. That's the reason why I think there's no ideal age for leaving original
Yes, I agree,I think after graduate from college, young people should move out
form their parents house, Try to independn,go to find a job,earn money by
themselves, solve the problem,t ake care themselves, and stop ask supports form
* What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in
your country?
It's quite difficult for first-time buyers because mortgages are an unrealistic burden
for most young people, so they choose to live with their parents or in rented
accommodation. Nevertheless, these require you to pay rent in advance and if the
house is not fully furnished, you will have to pay extra money to buy furniture.
• to pay rent in advance: trả tiền thuê nhà vào đầu tuần hoặc đầu tháng 
• fully-furnished: đầy đủ tiện nghi 
• first-time buyer: người mua lần đầu 
• rented accommodation: thuê nhà
* What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?
The first pleasing thing is house-hunting because the property market offers us
many beautiful houses. Some people like to do up an old property while others like
to decorate where they live with home comforts.
• to do up a property: sửa chữa tòa nhà cũ 
• house-hunting: tìm kiếm nhà
3. Talk about popular ways people in your country do for entertainment
In my country, people have a variety of ways for entertainment such as: watching
movies, reading books, listening to music, playing sports, hanging out with friends;
Go shopping with relatives; Go karaoke, join some interested parties;... Besides,
they just simply stay at home and do some daily activities is also a good way to
reduce stress, keep in a good mood.
- Watching movies in theaters is becoming a healthy entertainment trend, spiritual
food is attractive to young people today.
- An interesting destination for music fans is the live shows performed by famous
singers they admire.
- In modern social life, sport is an important form of entertainment to keep healthy
and serve other interests. Playing sports helps to keep the body full of energy.
* What kind of art do you enjoy?
I love sketching human faces. I really am fascinated by the different moods a face
can easily depict. There is lot that be can said with a human face.
I like sketching natural things, the ones that are very near to nature. It could be
mountains or rivers or the trees, anything that is near to nature.
* Do you think children should study art at school?
Absolutely, yes
- because art has a special power to help children broaden their horizon
- Funnily enough, I read some articles about this topic
- some psychologists say that if children are exposed to art in their daily life, they
would have a rich imagination.
* Name some of traditional art forms in your country?
- Calligraphy (thư pháp): calligraphy is one of the most treasured art forms which
shows the calligrapher’s feeling and their inner voice in each character. 
- Lacquerware and Hoian Lanterns (Đồ sơn mài và đèn lồng Hội An): Hoian
Ancient town (Central Vietnam) is famous with its beautiful lanterns in different
shape, size and color. 
Visitors can see myriad lanterns everywhere, and especially in night time, the town
becomes more magical with thousands of lanterns reflecting their light on the river.
- Besides, there are also popular art forms such as: Silk painting, Dong Ho
painting, Hàng Trống painting, Traditional Music
* How has art changed in the last ten year in your country?
- Technology has been developing dramatically
- These days, everyone can create whatever they want as long as they have digital
devices such as smartphone, tablet things like that.
- For example, In the past, when you create a song, you had to get a special
- However, nowadays you don't have to do that
- You can produce your unique music by yourself with useful app
- And also, you can upload your creation on youtube straight away
4. Talk about a traditional festival in your country
In my country, there are quite a lot of different holidays every year, but in my
opinion, I think the Tet holiday is the most typical holiday for most Vietnamese
people. Tet is a time when we spend a lot of time with our family, no matter how
far we go, we still remember to come home. On New Year's Day, we will have
small parties, depending on the region, there will be different typical dishes.
Most places in Vietnam have banh chung during Tet, some even call it banh tet.
It is a traditional dish from time immemorial with rice, beans, meat, and spices.
This is an indispensable dish during Tet holiday.
* Do you think traditional performances are important?
Yes, traditional performances are very important because these performances bind
the people with each other, especially with their roots, and they feel proud of a
rich cultural heritage.
* What do you think is the difference between watching a live performance
and watching it on TV?
Well, watching a live performance has a different taste as people get a chance to
know the artists so closely and sometimes, they avail the opportunity by taking part
in the performance. On the other hand, watching it on television will give them a
chance to see it, but they will not be able to take autographs as well as that
pleasure of live performance.
* How do you think to watch a dance performance or a stage play influences
Well, watching a dance performance really entertains the child, and it will boost
his energy to do the same. While a stage play enhances children’s linguistic skills
and makes them aware of the importance of things on which it has been played.
5. Talk about a difficult situation you have had in your life
The most difficult situation I have ever experienced was probably the time when I
took the university entrance exam. At that time, I was really stressed because of the
overload of knowledge and almost no time to rest. However, I successfully
overcame that difficult period to enter my dream university.
* What challenges do young people face today?
Well, there are numerous challenges which people face in their day to day life.
Many people struggling with the health problems they also reduce their weight and
some people like to competitions in a study, so they are the challenges which
people like to fulfil with their presence of mind and it requires a lot of struggle and
dedication and most people achieve that goal which they want.
1. Lack of employment opportunities: Thiếu cơ hội việc làm
2. Failure to succeed in education system: Thất bại trong hệ thống giáo dục
3. Issues related to body image: Các vấn đề liên quan đến hình ảnh cơ thể
4. Family problems: Vấn đề gia đình
5. Substance abuse: Lạm dụng chất kích thích
6. Pressures of materialism: Áp lực của chủ nghĩa duy vật
7. Lack of affordable housing: Thiếu nhà ở giá rẻ
8. Negative stereotyping: Định kiến tiêu cực
9. Pressures of 24-hour social networking: Áp lực mạng xã hội 24/24
10. Crime: tội phạm

* How do (young people) handle difficult or challenging tasks?

A major challenge for the current generation is the lack of employment
opportunities, which leads to financial instabilities. Also, many teens lack essential
interpersonal communication skills because of the overuse of technology and
social media.
Apart from that, more young people are experiencing mental difficulties, which can
affect all areas of their life like home, school, friendships and relationships.
* Which do you think is better, to face these difficulties and challenges alone
or to seek the help of others?
It actually defence if a person of straw to difficulty in life then they can do it all by
themselves feel that they are weak and timid then they may get professional help
who are to guide and motivate them in any kind of circumstances.
* Do you think people need to be challenged?
Personally, I think it’s good. It’s how we develop as people and discover our own
potential. If everything we did was simple, we wouldn’t ever learn new things or
develop ourselves mentally and emotionally.
6. Talk about your favourite food?
Well, I would say that I’m not a picky eater and I can eat like the whole universe.
But if i have to choose, I would definitely go for Vietnamese traditional cuisine
because although it does not win any points for complexity, it is all about the
combination of fresh ingredients, intense flavours, and ease of cooking and
preparation, so it wins my heart.
Picky (adj) /ˈpɪki/: kén chọn
Cuisine/kwɪˈziːn/: ẩm thực, phong cách nấu nướng
Complexity / kəmˈpleksəti/: sự phức tạp, tốn nhiều công sức
Fresh ingredients /freʃ ɪnˈɡriːdiənt//: nguyên liệu tươi mới
Intense flavours /ɪnˈtens ˈfleɪvər/: hương vị đậm đà
Ease / iːz/: sự dễ dàng, không phải gặp khó khăn gì
* Are there any food you dislike?
Well of course, there is this one particular kind of food which I don’t like, the one
that stinks. I can’t eat things that are too smelly, for example, durian, shrimp paste,
stinky tofu. I just cannot stand the smells of them
Từ vựng hữu ích
Stink (v) /stɪŋk/: bốc mùi, có mùi khó chịu
Smelly (adj) /ˈsmeli/ có mùi khó chịu. Từ đồng nghĩa stinking
* What are some traditional food in your country?
Obviously, there’s a mixed variety of food in my country. But I guess the most
popular one would probably be pho, since Vietnam is world-famous for it. It’s
tasty, cheap and available at all hours. In some places, it costs you like 20.000dong
for a steaming hot bowl of Pho. And also, you might find some other things like
bun cha, bun bo hue, banh xeo, etc,. they are all very delicious.
* Do you have a healthy diet?
Actually, I don’t. But I try to eat clean and eat green everyday because highly-
processed foods or low-quality foods are linked to obesity and an increased risk of
heart disease, and in some cases, cancer. So it’s vital for me and for everyone to
stay healthy by eating clean in order to not only manage your weight but also help
you build a stronger immune system and increase your energy levels.
Từ vựng hữu ích
Pocessed food /prəˈsest fuːd/: đồ ăn chế biến sẵn
Low-quality food: đồ ăn kém chất lượng
Obesity /oʊˈbiːsəti/: bệnh béo phì
Immune system /ɪˈmjuːn sɪstəm/: hệ miễn dịch
Energy levels: mức năng lượng
* Who does the cooking in your family? Why?
My mother does all the cooking at my home. I guess I am blessed for having such
a talented mother, who happens to be a retired cook. I have always had some sort
of a fitness plan, but my mother's home-cooked meals somehow have stood in the
way, so I suppose I just have to live with that.
* Do you think Vietnamese people’s diet is healthy?
Yes, a lot of Vietnamese people pay attention to the food we eat, and many of us
like eating soup or vegetables. I think that's pretty healthy. But I have to admit that
nowadays because of the fast pace of life, many people have to choose junk food
for lunch, which is usually not healthy.
* Do you like tasting new food?
Yes, whenever I travel to a new place, I always try my best to find the famous local
food to have a taste. Most of the dishes are incredible, except for some spicy Thai
tom yum paste I tried when I was in Bangkok last summer. Let just say that it is the
type of food that can haunt me for life.
Từ vựng hay:
Bless(v): phù hộ - be blessed to: may mắn có được điều gì
Fitness plan: kế hoạch tập thể thao
Stand in the way: cản đường, cản ai khỏi việc làm gì
Working parents: bố mẹ là người đi làm
Be up to their ears: bận ngập đầu
Rotate around: quay xung quanh
Takeaways: đồ ăn mang về
Pay attention to: chú ý đến cái gì
The fast pace of life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống
Have a taste: nếm, thử một món mới
* Have you ever tried foreign food?
As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported food and
beverages are no exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese
bubble milk tea, which are considered the most popular among Vietnamese
* Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?
Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some
time in this country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and
Guangzhou homemade noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream
about feasting on these incredible dishes.
Các cụm từ cần ghi nhớ
Foodie(n): người sành ăn
Off limit: ngoài giới hạn
Put sb off: làm ai thấy hãi
Scrumptious(adj): ngon miệng
Unsweetened(adj): không đường
Have a profound passion for: có niềm đam mê to lớn với cái gì
Drool over: chảy dãi, thèm thuồng cái gì
Got the munchies: đói bụng
* Do you like to cook?
Not really, to be honest. Most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways, that’s
one of the reasons I love visiting my mum because I can always enjoy lovely
home-cooked food.
* Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy
No, I don’t think so. Cooking for other people is a particular pleasure, but for
people who have time only. I guess there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing
people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself.
* What do you enjoy the most about a meal?
Well, it is undoubtedly the dessert. I have a sweet tooth, that’s why I always look
forward to a piece of cake or a fruit tart after having my meal. I often spay a big
layer of whipping cream on my dessert, as it makes the dish look way more mouth-
7. Talk about a form of technology you think that has changed modern life the
The Internet has developed like a storm, creating a revolution in communication
and commerce methods, becoming the foundation for all economic and social
activities and penetrating into human life to the extent that it is considered a
necessity. essential demand. Along with rapid development, the global Internet is
also transforming, expanding, and dispersing both in terms of technical
infrastructure and governance model, and creating regulatory policy challenges
that make participating entities Internet activities in which countries have to
change, respond accordingly. The above shows that the Internet has changed the
way people find and exchange information, study and work. Human society
developed, transformed into an information society thanks to the Internet.
8. Talk about a new piece of technology you would most like to buy
A new piece of technology I would like to buy the most is the laptop. I bought it a
few months ago when I replaced my old Dell laptop with this new one. Since the
technology changes and to use the latest software and to get faster performance, I
need to upgrade our computers and laptops, I replaced my old laptop with this new
one. I use this laptop to use the internet, play games, create documents, contact my
friends, maintain my blogs, watch movies, listen to music and for many other
important purposes. This laptop has become an unavoidable technology for me that
I use almost every day.
9. Talk about a technological device that you hate living without.
I have to say that the technological device which I can't live without is my smart
phone. Nowadays, we cannot deny that smartphone has a lot of useful functions
for our life. Beside some basic functions like calling and texting, smartphone can
also be used in our studies and in our work. Moreover, smartphone also keeps good
memories through photos, videos and especially help us entertain after stressful
moments of daily life
* Do you think there should be regulations on the use of mobile phones?
Undoubtedly yes, there should be a law for using mobile phones in public places
because cell phones create big disturbance and distraction in public. Consequently,
most of the time, the number of problems take birth like a road accident or noise
pollution etc. so it is the responsibility of an individual to use mobile carefully or
for limited purpose in public areas.
* What do you think of primary school students owning a mobile phone?
Primary school students should not use cellphones too early just because they want
to imitate their friends or to follow some social trends. The main reason for not
allowing them owning cellphones is that phones can distract them and have many
negative effects on them.
* What (minimum) age do you think is appropriate for owning a cell phone?
In my opinion, each parent will have different decisions about allowing their
children to use phones at any ages. But for me to say, I think children should use
phones between the ages of 13-15. Because this is probably the period of age when
children will have a more complete perception about the effects of mobile phone.
10. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the internet
In today's modern life, everything is a double-edged knife, they all have
advantages and disadvantages, the internet is not an exception.
- Advantages:
+ Searching/looking for information online is one of the key benefits of utilizing
the Internet.
+ The Internet supports people in communicating virtually in any part of the
+ People use the Internet for entertainment purposes such as downloading music,
watching movies and playing video games.
+ Thanks to the Internet, people can do more online shopping or online
transactions in a convenient way.
+ Online learning / Distance learning can be quite advantageous for students
when using the Internet. Education is easily accessible to people of all ages and
cultural backgrounds.
 search/look for information : tìm kiếm thông tin
 utilize the Internet: tối ưu hóa việc sử dụng Internet
 get access to the Internet: tiếp cận với Internet
 do an Internet search : tìm kiếm thông tin trên Internet
 communicate virtually: giao tiếp qua không gian mạng
 entertainment purposes : những mục đích giải trí
 Thanks to: nhờ vào
 online shopping : mua sắm trực tuyến
 online transactions : giao dịch trực tuyến
 advantageous: có ích lợi
 be accessible to  : tiếp cận được với
 alter: thay đổi
- Disadvantages:
+ Internet users are susceptible to fake news. As anyone can post anything
online without verification and repercussions.
+ The Internet has paved the way for an emerging kind of crime: cyber-crime.
+ Using the Internet is a waste of time because people can spend too much time
surfing the net for entertainment and relaxation purposes. It makes people
unconsciously lose track of time when they go online with many distractions.
+ Getting a lot of spam is one main drawback of using the Internet. It can be quite
annoying for most people to delete many emails day after day.
+ Young people who are used to communicating virtually may suffer from face-
to-face conversation. This has been caused by the loss of interpersonal and
intrapersonal skills.
 be susceptible to: dễ bị ảnh hưởng xấu bởi
 verification: việc xác minh
 repercussions: hậu quả
 uninformed netizens : cư dân mạng không hiểu biết và cung cấp cho họ
 supply somebody with something : cung cấp cho ai với cái gì đó
 pave the way for: mở đường cho
 cyber-crime: tội phạm mạng
 thieves : kẻ trộm
 tamper with: giả mạo thay đổi để phá hoại
 a waste of time : sự lãng phí thời gian
 entertainment and relaxation purposes:  mục đích giải trí và thư giãn
 lose track of time : mất kiểm soát thời gian
 go online: lên mạng
 get a lot of spam: nhận nhiều thư rác
loss of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills : sự mất mát của các kỹ năng cá nhân
và kỹ năng xã hội
11. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family.
- Advantages:
+ Have more support from other family members: the grandparents can look
after the grandchildren when their parents are busy at work.
+ Be happier: children living in big families tend to be happier because they
can play with cousins that are around their ages.
+ Children develop strong relationships with adults other than parents,
+ The elderly become more active: The elderly may also become more active
when interacting with younger generations. (Thuận lợi: có được sự giúp đỡ/ hỗ
trợ nhiều hơn từ các thành viên khác trong gia đình, vui vẻ hơn, con trẻ phát triển
các mối quan hệ vững chắc với người lớn ngoài cha mẹ chúng, người già trở nên
năng động hơn)
- Disadvantages:
1.- Expenses: parents face much greater expenses than in cases of families with a
smaller number of children.
 2.- Control: parents must know how to control both their emotions and those of
their children, or the atmosphere in the house can become a complete chaos.
 3.- Less free time: due to so many members, leisure time may be non-existent,
since there will always be someone to tell you what you do? 
4.- Less privacy: in most cases they have to share a room, so privacy is rather
scarce in large families.
 5.- The bathroom: everyone thinks to go and bathe at the same time and if there
is only one toilet is much worse.
6.- A lot of argument different tastes in food, movies and other things can lead to
heated discussions .
7. – Less control of children parents are less likely to control their children
because of being spoiled by grandparents or aunts and uncles.
12. Talk about some environmental problems we are facing now.
In recent years, the environmental situation is becoming more and more serious.
Currently, we are facing many environmental problems such as: Water pollution
due to too much waste, chemicals; air pollution due to dust from factories,
vehicles; noise pollution from everywhere in the city; global warming due to ozone
depletion,... Most of the problems related to the environment are caused by
humans, so we need to join hands to protect the environment to make it greener,
cleaner and more beatiful for a better future.
13. Talk about some ways we can do to protect the environmet.
Environment plays a crucial part in our life. Therefore, we need to protect the
environment as well as the ecosystem as much as possible. We can plant more
trees, don't dump rubbish into the seas, don't drop litter in the streets, turn off the
light when we go out, use eco-friendly forms of transport more often such as bike
or electric vehicles, follow the 3R: reduce, reuse, recycle.
14. Describre a difficult decision that you once made.
The most difficult decision I have ever faced in my life was choosing between
college and apprenticeship. Faced with the current reality, I was wondering if I
should spend 4 years studying at university or just 2 years on vocational training
and then quickly get a stable job.Both have advantages and disadvantages. If I go
to university, I will have a solid knowledge base, I can make friends with many
highly educated friends and learn many things from teachers. On the contrast, the
study fee is quite high and it takes a long time for theory. Besides, apprenticeship
will help me save more time and costs, quickly have more practical experience but
I cannot enjoy the benefits like going to university. After all, I chose studying at
university as my last decision.
15. Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in
I would like to have my dream home in a residential area in the center of this
capital, which not only helps me save time traveling every day but also live close
to many amenities such as big supermarkets, gym clubs or prestigious universities.
- As I’m really into a cozy place, I expect it would be a spacious house consisting
of three bedrooms, one kitchen room, one bathroom, one living room.
- Additionally, I want to have a garden on the balcony where I can grow
various types of roses and take care of them in my leisure time.
- Last but not least, I prefer a fully furnished house with cutting-edge
household appliances such as refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers and
washing machines because they might reduce the manual labor after I come
home from work.
- To me, I always dream of having my own ideal home like this because this can
allow me to have more freedom to do whatever I want and I will make my dream
house become a reality as soon as possible.
16. Talk about a traditional/ a special dish in your country
I live in Hanoi and definitely the most famous and typical dish is Pho. When it
comes to Vietnam, no one doesn't know Pho. Pho has many types, but the most
famous and delicious one is still beef noodle soup or chicken noodle soup. Surely
everyone who has eaten pho can't forget its rich taste. It’s not only delicious but
also very healthy, so Pho can be eaten at every meal of the day. The beef bones and
thin noodles provide a sweet flavor, while the meat is soft but not chewy. Just
looking at a bowl of pho is enough to see the sophisticated and meticulous quality
of Hanoi people's eating and drinking. Pho is a traditional, famous dish of Vietnam
and especially Hanoi. Anyone who comes to Hanoi wants to enjoy a hot bowl of
pho. Pho is our culinary value, our proud culinary feature.
17. Talk about a member of the family you get on ưell with
In my family, I do get along well with my sister. She be like friends, we don’t have
a generational gap between each other like our parents so we share the same ideas
and opinions about many things and she always support me. We always share each
other's secrets and she always gives me advice when I need it. She is an intelligent,
caring, patient, determined, and selfless, empathetic person. I love my sister very

* What are the advantages of strong family relationships?

Strong and positive family relationships are enjoyable for their own sake – it just
feels good to be part of a warm and loving family.
But positive family relationships are important for lots of other reasons too. They:
- help children feel secure and loved, which gives them confidence to explore their
world, try new things and learn
- make it easier for your family to solve problems, resolve conflict and respect
differences of opinion
- give children the skills they need to build healthy relationships of their own.
* How many generations are usually living under one roof in your country?
I think the situation in my country is undergoing a change. Earlier joint families
were more common and three or four generations used to live together. On the
other hand, nowadays nuclear families are more common with a maximum of two
generations living together.
* What are the benefits, and drawbacks of a family of several generations
living together? (Giống topic 11)
* Do both parents have equal responsibilities in taking care of their children?
Many people believe that parents should take equal responsibility in raising their
children. From my point of view, I completely agree with the statement. Not only
does sharing the responsibility of kids brings the couple together and keeps them
bonded, but it also strengthens their relation and imparts the feeling that their
partner have always got their back. Apart from this, one more reason to support the
statement is that it helps in boosting the morale of the kids and they feel complete
and confident.
18. Talk about a popular celebration in your country
In my country, there are quite a lot of different holidays every year, but in my
opinion, I think the Tet holiday is the most typical holiday for most Vietnamese
people. Tet is a time when we spend a lot of time with our family, no matter how
far we go, we still remember to come home. On New Year's Day, we will have
small parties, depending on the region, there will be different typical dishes.
Most places in Vietnam have banh chung during Tet, some even call it banh tet.
It is a traditional dish from time immemorial with rice, beans, meat, and spices.
This is an indispensable dish during Tet holiday.
19. Talk about a popular TV programme in your country
“The masked Singer Vietnam” is a very popular TV programme in my country.
The program is broadcast every Saturday at 19:30 on VieOn application.
This is the Vietnamese version of the Korean TV show King of Mask Singer. Ngo
Kien Huy is the host of this show, along with Tran Thanh, Toc Tien, Wowy (and
later Duc Phuc) as mentors throughout the show, and a guest artist as a mentor.
questions in each episode.
The Masked Singer Vietnam – Singer Mask is a music competition between the
leading singers and artists in Vietnam. When competing at the show, they will be
transformed into mascot characters with their own unique personalities and will be
kept completely anonymous until eliminated. The Masked Singer Vietnam - The
Masked Singer will have the participation of 15 leading singers - artists in Vietnam
divided into 3 groups with a single goal - the first Golden Mask trophy of the
Currently, not only the above programs but also the number of television programs
are increasing sharply, diverse in genres, bringing joy to the audience and profound
human values.
20. Talk about some common ways of communication
There are many ways of communication such as: letters, email, social media, video
conference, telepathy and so on but I usually communicate with my friends face to
face. the Advantages of this way of communication is that we can express our
emotion to others. The disadvantage of this way of communication is that we can't
keep in touch with a friend who lives far away. I am interested in meeting face to
face with my friends because I will be able to know there exactly emotion and it's
great my feelings more. In short, in my opinion there will be many modern means
of communication in the future. However, the face to face communication is still
the most common way of communication because of its wonderful things. And for
me, I will continue using as my mean of communication.
Có nhiều cách giao tiếp như: mạng xã hội, hội nghị truyền hình, thần giao cách
cảm, v.v. nhưng tôi thường giao tiếp trực tiếp với bạn bè. Ưu điểm của cách giao
tiếp này là chúng ta có thể bày tỏ cảm xúc của mình với người khác. Bất lợi của
cách giao tiếp này là chúng ta không thể giữ liên lạc với một người bạn sống ở
xa. Tôi thích gặp mặt trực tiếp với bạn bè của mình vì ở đó tôi sẽ có thể biết chính
xác cảm xúc của mình và thật tuyệt vời khi cảm xúc của tôi nhiều hơn. Tóm lại,
theo tôi sẽ có nhiều phương tiện thông tin hiện đại trong tương lai. Tuy nhiên, giao
tiếp mặt đối mặt vẫn là cách giao tiếp phổ biến nhất bởi những điều tuyệt vời của
nó. Và đối với tôi, tôi sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng nó như một phương tiện giao tiếp của
* What is the difference between new media and old media?
Firstly, new media refer to websites and applications that enable users to create and
share content or to participate in social networking, whereas old media refers to
any form of mass communication available before the introduction of digital
Secondly, new media include Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest,... whereas
old media include television, radio, newspapers and magazines.
Thirdly, new media offers two-way communication, whereas, old media ofers one-
way communication.
Finally, new media dependent on the internet, whereas old media not dependent on
the Internet
* Do you think the contents in the newspapers are reliable?
In my perspective, newspapers are the most crucial way of communicating
information to people worldwide. Being printed in the newspaper is accurate, and
people should completely rely on the post which has been given. People read
newspapers daily and get a good knowledge of voters worldwide.
* Do you think it’s necessary for people to watch foreign news?
Yes, people need to watch the news All Around The World because there is no
point in knowing the domestic news. We need to have good knowledge then
people should watch International channels expression Li the news and also of all
Around The World So people can get a lot of information by watching.
* How has social media changed how we consume news?
Social media is the best way to gather any sort of information. Also, so many false
influences are created by some people who want to spread fake rumours about a
person if they are completely against them. Pros and cons of social media I believe
it is better to know which river is rather than just believing these kinds of false
* What kinds of (famous) people are usually in the news in your country?
In my country, most celebrities, Including cricketers and movie stars, are always
on social media new Town other than that, politicians also have a huge influence
on these kinds of news channels. Are the celebrities three attention also the
journalist is always in client towards these kinds of people but I believe that they
should also focus at least once in a blue moon on the individual.

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