B ENGLISH 8 Q3M6 Learner Copy Final Layout

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Quarter 3 – Module 6
Expressing Feelings, Opinions, Agreement
and Disagreement (Parallelism)


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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Myraluna H. Buna

Editor: Angelina M. Ebueza
Reviewers: Cecilia M. Saclolo, Cristie M. Curias
Illustrator: Stephen B. Gorgonio
Layout Artists: Ivan Paul V. Damalerio, Alberto S. Elcullada, Jr.
Management Team: Ma. Teresa M. Real
Laila F. Danaque
Dominico P. Larong, Jr.
Gemma C. Pullos
Manuel L. Limjoco, Jr.

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Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Office Address: Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Tel. No.: (086) 826-8216
E-mail Address: surigao.delnorte@deped.gov.ph

Quarter 3 – Module 6
Expressing Feelings, Opinions, Agreement
and Disagreement (Parallelism)

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the English 8 Self-Learning Module on Expressing Feelings, Opinions,
Agreement and Disagreement (Parallelism).
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both from
public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners
meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you

in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 8 Self-Learning Module on Expressing Feelings, Opinions,
Agreement and Disagreement (Parallelism).
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
Lesson: Expressing Feelings, Opinions,
Agreement and Disagreement (Parallelism)
CONTENT Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of
exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis-a
–vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning;
ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally;
and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.

The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative
speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance and behaviour.

Grammar Awareness: Use parallel structures.

1. Identify the parallel structures in the following sentences.
2. Complete the given sentences by adding a parallel structure.
3. Apply the proper and effective use of parallel structures.
4. Appreciate the use of parallel structure.


In your study of the English language, you will be often asked to examine
closely the selection read. You will be asked what the author has written, how the
author has written it, and what your answer has been to questions about it. You may
also be asked about the author’s craftsmanship-his or her use of imagery, figurative
language, symbolism, and other devices.


Directions: Choose the option that maintains parallel structure in the sentence.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. When Dolores realized that her father had made lima beans and rice for dinner,
she ___________, claimed to feel nauseous and excused herself from the table. The
bag of stale popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.
A. clutched her stomach
B. was clutching her stomach
C. did clutch her stomach

2. Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her mouth open,
_________________ finding her wet towels all over the bathroom floor.
A. but also disliked
B. but also disliking
C. but he also disliked

3. To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard; do the dishes or
A. refuses to scrub the bathtub
B. won’t scrub the bathtub
C. scrub the bathtub

4. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible
garbage, _______________________ and lunging at squirrels.
A. howls at bicyclists
B. howling at bicyclists
C. she howls at bicyclists

5. After Amanda cashes her pay check, the money goes to her savings account,
cappuccino fund and _____________________.
A. paying her credit card bill
B. toward her credit card balance
C. credit card balance

6. In preparation for her run, Alicia _______________________, applied sunscreen

and increased the volume on her iPod.
A. tightened her shoelaces
B. was tightening her shoelaces
C. did tighten her shoelaces

7. We searched the car trunk, ______________, and the top of the refrigerator, but
we could not find the box of cornflakes that we remember buying.
A. looked on the pantry shelves
B. on the pantry shelves
C. pantry shelves

8. Bonkers, our ninety-pound golden retriever, chews on furniture, __________ and
snots up the car windows-inconveniences we didn’t anticipate when we adopted him.
A. would drag us around the neighbourhood during walks
B. he drags us around the neighbourhood during walks
C. drags us around the neighbourhood during walks

9. Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her eyes
________________, when she heard the monster’s footsteps in the dead leaves and
when the characters started screaming.
A. when the violins began to play
B. while listening to the violins play
C. during the violin music

10. In Mrs. Curall’s office, Ruben feigned the flu. He hoped to be excused from
class, get an extension on his paper and
A. spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
B. to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
C. then to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends

11. Carlos not only missed his one –year anniversary with Adriana
A. but he also forgot his mother’s birthday
B. but also forgot his mother’s birthday
C. but also forgetting his mother’s birthday

12. Teresa was expecting a visit from her mother, so she spent the day cleaning the
shelves of the refrigerator, scrubbing mould from the bathroom grout and
A. she removed dog hair from the sofa cushions
B. removing dog hair from the sofa cushions
C. removed dog hair from the sofa cushions

13. When Noodle the poodle realized that the leash meant a bath, not a walk to the
park he growled, pulled and ________________________________.
A. was leaping like a fish on a line
B. he was leaping like a fish on a line
C. leaped like a fish on a line

14. With the humans out of the house, Skeeter had to decide either to shred a roll of
toilet paper or ________________________________.
A. chews another hole in the sofa arm
B. chewing another hole in the sofa arm
C. if he wanted to chew another hole in the sofa arm

15. Neither _________________________________ nor the ineffective air
conditioner rattling in the window will deter Tiffany from loving the freedom of her first
A. when the inconsiderate neighbours played loud music
B. the inconsiderate neighbours playing loud music
C. playing loud music by the inconsiderate neighbours

16. We looked everywhere for the car keys-under the sofa cushions,
_____________________ and on the counters and tabletops. All along, Andrew had
them in the front pocket of his jeans.
A. our search included in the trash can
B. searching for them in the trash can
C. in the trash can

17. Laura and Diane bang on Boen’s door when they need heavy furniture moved,
after they have clogged the garbage disposal and
A. having discovered a spider in the bathtub
B. upon the discovery of a spider in the bathtub
C. if they find a spider in the bathtub

18. Bathing Noodle, our poodle, requires four arms to hold him in the tub, towels to
mop up the water and ______________________________________.
A. raincoats which will keep us dry
B. raincoats to keep us dry
C. raincoats as protection against the oncoming deluge

19. We hate having dinner at Aunt Ida’s house because she is a vegan health nut.
Baked tofu, _________________ and decaffeinated tea do not make a satisfying
A. vegetables steamed with no oil or seasoning
B. steamed vegetables
C. vegetables that is flavourless

20. Tonia kicked the back of Vincent’s desk, _________________ and poked his
arm with her sharp pencil, but he would not bend to the side so that she could get a
glimpse of his quiz answers.
A. blew on his neck
B. she blew on his neck
C. blowing on his neck


The previous lessons make you aware of some types of context clues which
help you sharpen your word-attack skills. You will get the meanings of some words
by looking closely at the clues supplied by synonyms. Identifying changes in
meaning signalled by stress, intonation and juncture. Writing a descriptive paragraph
to express one’s feelings. The use of cohesive devices helps tell the reader what we
are doing in a sentence and help to guide them through our writing. They signal to
the reader what the relationships are between the different clauses, sentences and
paragraphs. Cohesive devices, sometimes called linking words, linkers, connectors,
discourse markers, or transitional words.


In this lesson you will learn expressing feelings, opinions, agreement and
disagreement (parallelism) of words in a sentence, paragraph to show that two or
more ideas have the same level of importance.
➢ You came across the sentences that follow:
1. The heron’s forest is dark and luxuriant.
2. It made him lonely, sad, or uneasy.
3. Slowly, cautiously, he came down.
4. Sucking, chewing one camellia after another, he remembered his mother.
*What do you notice about the italicized words? Do they have similar patterns or
parallel structures?


Read the following sentences and identify the parallel structures. You may
copy in your answer sheet and underline the word, phrase or clause that has parallel

1. In her grandfather’s farm, she enjoyed harvesting eggplants, string beans and
2. She craved for freshly boiled corn, newly picked mangoes and fully ripened
3. Her father drank lemonade and ate camote fritters.
4. Father prepared the picnic area, Aunt Susie set the table and Mother brought the
grilled chicken.
5. They always go to farm to enjoy fresh air, peaceful life and good food.


Parallelism means “like construction for ideas.” It means matching the
sentence parts to show how one idea relates to another and what ideas are of equal
The simplest form of parallelism involves two or more words in a series. One
can also make two or more phrases, or two or more clauses, or two or more
sentences parallel.
Parallel words: She loves flowers, birds, and butterflies.
Parallel phrases: She likes walking along the seashore, climbing mountains,
and gathering corals.
Parallel clauses: Her sister was most happy when she went scuba diving in
Anilao, Batangas, and when she went snorkelling in Palawan.
Parallel clauses: He composed a song about the twittering birds, he wrote a
poem about a rosebud, and he painted the golden field of palay.

Try this!
Copy the following sentences in your answer sheet. Place a check mark (/)
before the sentence that has parallel structure and a cross mark (x) before the
sentence that has no parallel structure.
1. A quiet neighbourhood, clean surroundings, and a spacious recreational
area are what he looks for in a residential area.
2. When they transferred to a new place, they considered the neighbourhood.
3. She met her new neighbours and talked with them.
4. She learned more about them through their conversation.
5. They decided to walk around and to relax in the park.


Parallel Structure is the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have
the same level of importance.
➢ Rule # 1- Parallel Structures must be joined with conjunctions: and, or, but,
yet, so
Words- (Verbs: singing, reading, to hike) (Adverbs: gracefully, clearly, really
-Not Parallel- They have different grammatical structure
Words- (Verbs: singing, reading, hiking) (Adverbs: gracefully, clearly, loudly)
- Parallel- They now has the same grammatical structure
Use it in a sentence!
Katy really likes singing, reading or hiking.
She sings gracefully, clearly and loudly.
➢ Rule # 2- A Parallel Structure that begins with clauses must keep the same
A clause is group of related words containing a subject and a verb.
Clauses-(that she may play, that she may make, to sleep)
*What are listed above are not all clauses
*Remember, clauses contain a subject and a verb

Clauses - (that she may play, that she may make, (to sleep) that she may
“that she may verb” is the clause so it must be for all of the clauses
(she - subject, may-verb)
Use it in a sentence!
When my friend came over my house, I told her that she may play
volleyball with my brother and I, that she may make dinner with us and that she may
sleep at my house.
“that she may” is the clause
When my friend came over to my house, I told her that she may play
volleyball with my brother and I, make dinner with us and sleepover my house.
(that she may is only at the beginning of the first clause- Both are
➢ Rule # 3- When you are listing items, use parallel structure
When listing actions, they must be in the same tense in order to be
Lists- Wearing his Batman costume, phone calls that come from the
Commissioner, and saving Gotham City- (This phrase isn’t the same tense as the
- Wearing his Batman costume, answering the Commissioner’s phone
calls, and saving Gotham City. - (Parallel)
- Bruce Wayne enjoys wearing his Batman costume, answering the
Commissioner’s phone calls and saving Gotham City. (This list is parallel because
they are all in the same tense)

Exercises 1

First correct these words/clauses/lists and then on your own, create a

sentence using parallel structure.
A. Words: climbing, to walk, sleeping, eat, turning- (Sentences may vary)
B. Phrases: Lizzie can play, Lizzie likes to flip,
Lizzie can clap, Lizzie can smile- (Sentences may vary)
C. Lists: correct spelling errors, move paragraphs around to organize an essay,
typing an essay (Sentence may vary)

Exercises 2

Correct these sentences using what you know about parallel structure.
Choose the correct answer. Write in your answer sheet.
1. A farmer spends most of his time tilling the soil, sowing the seeds, and feed the
[feed, feeds, fed, feeding ]
2. Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle. [ride, rides, rode, riding]
3. The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in
a detailed manner. [though, thoughts, thorough, thoroughly ]
4. Angry ants munched the marshmallows, crumbling coffeecake, and sipping
syrup, headed off across the countertop. [munch, munches, munched, munching]

5. Every morning, we make our bed, eating breakfast and feed the dog. [eat, eats,
eaten, ate,]

Exercises 3

Complete each sentence by adding a structure parallel to the italicized parts.

Choose your answer below.
a comfortable home, taking food supplement,
understanding people, to scuba dive, taking long drives
1. Some activities that family members enjoy doing together are visiting interesting
places, going on picnics, and ________________.
2. The boys prefer to hike, to snorkel, and ______________.
3. She believes that staying calm, feeling confident, and _______contribute to a
stress-free life.
4. Do you go for eating vegetables, drinking milk, or __________?
5. A good book, a trusted friend, and _________ make her happy.


Directions: Write P if the sentence has Parallel Structure and Write NP if the
sentence does not have Parallel Structure. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. In the rain she drives slowly, carefully, and cautiously.
2. Eating the right food will help you feel better, healthier, and strongly.
3. They provide vitamins, proteins, and are low in fat.
4. Meat, fish, and poultry are good sources of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
5. To lose weight, eat small portions and limiting second helpings.
6. Eat slowly and be alert; be sure to chew your food well.
7. He is allergic to the cat’s hair and its smell.
8. Jane has wit, charm, and pleasing personality.
9. The workers valued esteem, integrity and being on time in a management.
10. He was a healthy old man, a wealthy person and a regular reader of my stories.
11. A good picture in photojournalism has impact, a message, and technical
12. You can apply to the nursing course by filling this form or apply by telephone.
13. Justin was excited about inviting friends, eating good meal, and playing game
14. They stopped at the beach park, the mall, and the office.
15. He was handsome, brave and accommodating.

Sometimes you read a brochure about a tourist place which encourages you
to visit. Do you readily believe in it or do you disagree with it? What do you think
about the brochure? How do you feel about what is written in it? Compose and
deliver an informative speech based on a tourist place visited keeping in mind the
proper and effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behaviour.


Directions: Choose the option that maintains parallel structure in the sentence.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. When Dolores realized that her father had made lima beans and rice for dinner,
she ___________, claimed to feel nauseous, and excused herself from the table.
The bag of stale popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.
A. clutched her stomach
B. was clutching her stomach
C. did clutch her stomach

2. Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her mouth open,
_________finding her wet towels all over the bathroom floor.
A. but also disliked
B. but also disliking
C. but he also disliked

3. To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard; do the dishes, or
A. refuses to scrub the bathtub
B. won’t scrub the bathtub
C. scrub the bathtub

4. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible
garbage, ___________, and lunging at squirrels.
A. howls at bicyclists
B. howling at bicyclists
C. she howls at bicyclists

5. After Amanda cashes her pay check, the money goes to her savings account,
cappuccino fund, and ______________.
A. paying her credit card bill
B. toward her credit card balance
C. credit card balance

6. In preparation for her run, Alicia _________, applied sunscreen, and increased the
volume on her iPod.
A. tightened her shoelaces
B. was tightening her shoelaces
C. did tighten her shoelaces

7. We searched the car trunk, __________, and the top of the refrigerator, but we
could not find the box of cornflakes that we remember buying.
A. looked on the pantry shelves
B. on the pantry shelves
C. pantry shelves

8. Bonkers, our ninety pound golden retriever, chews on furniture, __________, and
snots up the car windows-inconveniences we didn’t anticipate when we adopted him.
A. would drag us around the neighbourhood during walks
B. he drags us around the neighbourhood during walks
C. drags us around the neighbourhood during walks

9. Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her eyes _________, when
she heard the monster’s footsteps in the dead leaves, and when the characters
started screaming.
A. when the violins began to play
B. while listening to the violins play
C. during the violin music

10. In Mrs. Curall’s office, Ruben feigned the flu. He hoped to be excused from
class, get an extension on his paper, and ________________.
A. spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
B. to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends
C. then to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends

11. Carlos not only missed his one –year anniversary with Adriana
A. but he also forgot his mother’s birthday
B. but also forgot his mother’s birthday
C. but also forgetting his mother’s birthday

12. Teresa was expecting a visit from her mother, so she spent the day cleaning the
shelves of the refrigerator, scrubbing mould from the bathroom grout, and
A. she removed dog hair from the sofa cushions
B. removing dog hair from the sofa cushions
C. removed dog hair from the sofa cushions

13. When Noodle the poodle realized that the leash meant a bath, not a walk to the
park he growled, pulled, and __________.
A. was leaping like a fish on a line
B. he was leaping like a fish on a line
C. leaped like a fish on a line

14. With the humans out of the house, Skeeter had to decide either to shred a roll of
toilet paper or _________.
A. chews another hole in the sofa arm
B. chewing another hole in the sofa arm
C. if he wanted to chew another hole in the sofa arm

15. Neither ___________ nor the ineffective air conditioner rattling in the window will
deter Tiffany from loving the freedom of her first apartment.
A. when the inconsiderate neighbours played loud music
B. the inconsiderate neighbours playing loud music
C. playing loud music by the inconsiderate neighbours

16. We looked everywhere for the car keys-under the sofa cushions, ___________,
and on the counters and tabletops. All along, Andrew had them in the front pocket of
his jeans.
A. our search included in the trash can
B. searching for them in the trash can
C. in the trash can

17. Laura and Diane bang on Boen’s door when they need heavy furniture moved,
after they have clogged the garbage disposal, and __________.
A. having discovered a spider in the bathtub
B. upon the discovery of a spider in the bathtub
C. if they find a spider in the bathtub

18. Bathing Noodle, our poodle, requires four arms to hold him in the tub, towels to
mop up the water, and _____________.
A. raincoats which will keep us dry
B. raincoats to keep us dry
C. raincoats as protection against the oncoming deluge

19. We hate having dinner at Aunt Ida’s house because she is a vegan health nut.
Baked tofu, __________, and decaffeinated tea do not make a satisfying meal!
A. vegetables steamed with no oil or seasoning
B. steamed vegetables
C. vegetables that is flavourless

20. Tonia kicked the back of Vincent’s desk, ___________, and poked his arm with
her sharp pencil, but he would not bend to the side so that she could get a glimpse of
his quiz answers.
A. blew on his neck
B. she blew on his neck
C. blowing on his neck


Department of Education. ENGLISH EXPRESSWAYS II-Textbook for Second Year-
2007 by SD Publications, INC. G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines: ISBN

Department of Education ENGLISH EXPRESSWAYS II-Teacher’s Manual for

Second Year

Department of Education. Matrix of the Most Essential Learning Competencies


Internet Sources:
Aione, J. & Thompson, C. (2014). Parallel structure
Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/jskap/parallel-structure-39510178

Parallel Structure (2011)

Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/tfinger/parallel-structure-6762804

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Surigao del Norte, Philippines 8400
Tel. No: (086) 826-8216
Email Address: surigao.delnorte@deped.gov.ph


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