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SECTION 5: Chapters 19-20 Where the Red Fern Grows

Close Reading
Instructions: Reread this following passage from Chapter 9 in which Billy Colman’s father praises him for
cutting down the big tree, then answer the questions below. Make sure you read the passage again if needed.

“ ‘You know, Billy,’ he said, ‘about this tree-chopping of yours, I think it’s all right. In fact, I
think it would be a good thing if all young boys had to cut down a big tree like that once in
their life. It does something for them. It gives them determination and will power. That’s a
good thing for a man to have. It goes a long way in his life.’ ”

Now answer the following questions.

1. According to the passage, what qualities does Billy’s father believe all young boys should develop?

2. Symbolism is when one object or thing stands in place of something else, such as an idea, another
object, a person, or a place. In this passage, cutting down a big tree gives Billy Colman
determination and will power. What could “cutting down a big tree” be a symbol for? What other
things can teach you determination and will power?

3. Do you agree with Billy Colman’s father that children should struggle through a difficult task to
learn determination and will power? Are there different ways to learn this skill?

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