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Name : Mitha Anwar

SIN : 210803106

Faculty/Major : FMIPA/Mathematics

Lecture : Eka Yanualifa Telomensi Sitepu S.Pd. MA

A. Complete the telephone message with the correct forms of the verbs in

be call come have to let stop by

Hi Mary. This is Bill. I ______ work late tonight, so I ______ late for dinner. I _______ you as soon as my
boss ________ me leave. I ___________ the store and pick up dessert before I ________. Bye.


Hi Mary. This is Bill. I have work late tonight, so I be late for dinner. I call you as soon as my boss let me
leave. I stop by the store and pick up dessert before I Come. Bye.

B. Find and correct six mistakes.

A: Hey, Cheryl! How are you doing?

B: Good! I’ve been travelling all over the country for work. By the time the summer is over, I’ll have
visiting ten cities, and I’ll have been traveled for three months straight!

A: Wow! That’s a lot! Do you come to New York, too?

B: Yes! Actually, I’ll come to New York next week! Can we get together?

A: Sure! Call me when you’re getting to town. It’ll be great to see you!

B: I call you as soon as I arrive at my hotel.


1. I will have visited ten cities by the time summer is over.

2. And i will have been traveling for three months straight!
3. Will you come to New York, too?
4. Can we go together?
5. Call me when you’re going to town.
6. I will call you as soon as i arrived at the hotel.

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