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Unit: Make Peace Peace and Conflict Resolution

Group Work: look at the two sets of pictures (A-B) given and complete the diagrams below with any
words or expressions related to the topic of the pictures.


Conflicts Peace


Match the following words with their definitions.

Words Definitions

a. Conflict 1. To settle or find a solution for a given problem.

b. Refugee 2. Member of an army.
c. Soldier 3. Fight, struggle or serious disagreement
d. Noble Peace Prize 4. A prize awarded for those who promote peace worldwide.
e. Resolve 5. A person who is forced to leave his country because of war.
Unit: Make Peace Peace and Conflict Resolution

Fill in the blanks in the following texts with the words that precede each of them.


Mandela peace violence love rights

Throughout history, there are many men of ……………………….like Martin Luther

King ,………………… and Ghandi. They all defended human ………………………and stood
against ………………… aiming for a world ruled by……………and understanding.

Your Turn

If you were to prepare a recipe of Peace,

what ingredients (factors) would you use?

 2 cups of …………………………………………..

 1 cup of ……………………………………………

 1 tablespoon of ………………………………..

 1 teaspoon of ……………………………………

 A pinch of ………………………………………...

Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Discovering Language

Look at the picture given and guess which organization it stands for.
Complete with the missing letters.

U - - - T - D N - T I - - S

Using your prior knowledge, read the following sentences and tick the right answer.
1. The United Nations is an organization which aims to……………….
a. promote peace worldwide
b. provide jobs for all youth
c. improve world trade
2. The U.N was founded in…………………….. a. August 1962 b. October 1945 c. November 1954
3. The current U.N secretary general is ……….. a. Kofi Annan b. Joe Biden c. Antonio Gutteres
4. I think that the U.N……………………
a. contributed to resolve many conflicts peacefully.
b. protects only the privileges of powerful nations.
c. failed in keeping world peace.
Now read the text below and check your answers to the previous task.

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization which was formed at the end of the
Second World War in October 1945 for the sake of preserving peace worldwide. Since its foundation, the
UN could resolve many conflicts peacefully. For example, in the period between 2004-2018, the UN was
able to end many disputes in many hot spots in Africa like: Burandi, Congo, Chad and Sudan. Similarly,
the organization managed to organize democratic elections in many war torn countries between 2011-

The United Nations ‘mission, however, is not only restricted to preventing wars. The organization,
through its 15 specialized agencies (UNICEF, UNESCO, FAO, WHO……..) works to ensure cultural, health
and economic development especially in poor countries.

Though the UN has not been able to create a free conflict world yet, it has led the foundations for
international communication. “At least, all countries can sit together at one table to discuss and find
ways to foster understanding and collaboration. Hopefully, one day, we will be able to end all struggles
and hatred.” Says Antonio Gutters, the current UN secretary general.

Read the text above and answer the following questions.

a. Why was the United Nations founded?

b. How many UN agencies are there? And what are their goals? ……………………………………………………………………
c. Did the UN succeed in its mission of creating a free conflict world?? ………………………………………………………....

Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Discovering Language

Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to

Preserving = ………………………… (1§) disputes= ……………………… (1§)

Growth= ……………………………… (2§) cooperation= ………………………… (3§)
Consider the following sentences from the text and complete the
tip box that follows.

Tip Box
 ‘can/ could ‘ are used to express …………………
 ‘Managed to’ can be replaced by …………………
Forms of “ Can”

Past ……………/…………………….
Present Perfect .....................................

Present ..............................................

Future ……………………………….

Fill in the blanks with: can, couldn’t, have not been able to, were able to and will be able to.
a. Nuclear weapons ………………….………..smash whole cities in few seconds.
b. Hitler and Mussolini ……………………..………….. to start world war two in 1939.
c. In the past, women ………………………..……..…vote.
d. UN agencies ………………………………………to eradicate famine and diseases yet.
e. In the future, we ………………..………………to live in a peaceful world.
Complete the following sentences using the ideas given in the box below and the words: can/ can’t ,

Could/couldn’t, will be able to/ won’t be able to.

a. In the past, black children ………………………………………………………..

as the whites.
b. War refugees …………………………………………………………………………..

c. By 2050, the UNICEF………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………for more than 10 million kids.
d. All countries ……………………………..……….to preserve world peace.

e. Weapons and violence ……………………………………………………………

f. Since 2011, the UN …………………………………………………………………

g. You ……………………………………………..on others

Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Discovering Language

Read the text again and pick out a sentence which is close in meaning to the following:

a. The UN didn’t succeed in creating a free conflict world. However, it led the foundations for international
b. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Consider the two sentences and answer the following questions.

1. What do the two sentences express? a. condition b. result c. concession
2. What link words are used to express concession in the two sentences? List other link words.
3. Rewrite sentence (a) starting your sentence with “Although”.
Read the tip box below then do the activities that follow.

To express concession, we use many link

words like: however, although, though ……

 Although, though can be placed at the

beginning or in the mid of the sentence.
 However usually comes in the mid of the
 Although, though, however are followed
by a sentence(subject+ verb…)

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate ideas from the box below.

a. Although chemical weapons are very dangerous, …………………………………


b. Though Anna and Bob don’t share the same opinions, …………………………


c. All people agree on the importance of peace, however, ………………………..


d. Although the UN made many attempts to resolve the war in Syria, ………


Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Discovering Language

Look at the picture and with your partner discuss the questions below.

In pairs, complete the spidermap shown below writing at

least three prejudices about each group.
 ...………………………………………………
Men …
 …………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………
 ...………………………………………………
Teens …
Prejudices …
 …………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………

Muslims ……
 …………………………………………………

Use ideas from the previous task to complete the poem below denouncing some prejudices.
You can add other ideas/ new groups of people.  …………………………………………………

Down With Prejudices

Just because I am a woman

It doesn’t mean I can’ t be a mechanic
It does not mean I …………………………….........................................................................
It does not mean I …………………………............................................................................
I am a woman, SO I can……………………..........................................................................
Just because I am a teen
It doesn’t mean I am careless and rude
It doesn’t mean I can not……………………………….......................................................
It doesn’t mean I …………………………………………….....................................................
I am a teenager and I am ……………………………………................................................
I am a teenager and I can …………………………………..................................................

Just because I am.................................................................................................................

It doesn’t mean I.....................................................................................................................

Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Discovering Language

Consider the word puzzle below and find 14 words which are related to Vocabulary
Peace and war

Use the appropriate word from the previous task to complete the following sentences.
a. The …………………..and ……………………………....…..are symbols of peace.
b. Each year, the world celebrates on September 21st the international ………………………
c. According to UN reports, there are about 6.8 million Syrian …………………………. in many countries.
d. Children in war zones dream of a ……….…………………………….life.
e. We ………………………..…..wars end and all ……………..………………..people get a shelter.

Reorder the following words to get Slogans for PEACE. You can write your own slogan(s).
a. Let’s/ to have peace/ hand in hand/ put/ in the land
b. War/ we can obtain/ let’s restrain / peace
c. Make/ guns/ peace/ can’t
d. Love/ can/ and/ respect/ a difference/ make/ ,/ understanding
e. Solution/ a / is / violence/ never

Weapons can’t create peace. Only love and understanding can do

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Look at the pictures below and circle the right answer (You can circle more than one option).

Pair work: Why do people argue? With a partner, jot down some ideas to complete the diagram below. Then,
share your ideas with your classmates.


Reorder the following expressions which are most frequently used in arguments.
a. What/ the/ is/ you/ with/ matter/ ?/ ……………………………………......................................................................................
b. Don’t/ I/ care ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. Me/ you/ don’t / trust/ ?/ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d. Fair/ not/ that/ is/ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
e. Stop/ me/ at/ yelling ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
f. Crazy/ you/ ? / are/ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
g. It/ can’t/ believe/ I / …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

We can disagree but we can still remain friends

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Pair Work: Choose one of the following situations. Write the corresponding dialogue then act it to your

A: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

We can disagree but we can still remain friends

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. Pre-listening
You shouldn’t have done that Anna.
Don’t worry. Everything will be ok.  What does the picture show?

I really feel  How does Anna feel?

bad Jessie.
 What is Jessie trying to do?

 What‘s Anna’s problem?

(Make guesses)

Now listen to the conversation and check your answers to the previous task.
Listen again to the conversation and answer the following questions.
a. Why is Anna upset?
b. How did Jessie find Anna’s reaction to her sister’s mistake? Quote what Jessie said.
c. Did Anna realize her mistake?
d. If you were in Anna’s place, would you react the same way? ………………………………………………………...
Now consider the two sentences below and complete the tip box that follows.

Tip Box
 Should (not) + have + ………………..
USE: The expression is used to
…………………..…… and ……………………actions.

Write sentences about the following situations using should/shouldn’t have+PP. Make changes
Where necessary.
a. You shouted at your friend because you were angry.
b. You say: I am sorry I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
a. A friend of yours read your diary without your permission.
b. You say: You …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
a. Your sister used your mobile without your permission.
b. She says: I am sorry I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
a. You acted impolitely with your mother just because she refused to buy you a new mobile.
b. A friend says: You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

We can disagree but we can still remain friends

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Pair work: Choose numbers from (1-10) randomly and with your
Post- listening
Partner formulate sentences about the situations given using should (not)


10 1

A mistake you
regret making

We can disagree but we can still remain friends

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Jessie: Hi Anna. You don’t look well. What’s wrong?

Anna: I really feel bad. I had a fight with my little sister this morning.

Jessie: Oh ……sorry for that. Why did you fight?

Anna: Well, it’s all her fault. She broke my watch. It was my favourite

birthday present. I really got angry and I slapped her.

Jessie: Oh ... too bad. But, you know Jessie, you shouldn’t have beaten

your sister because she is still young and may be she just didn’t mean it.

Anna: Yeah. I know. I am mistaken but she shouldn’t have taken my

watch without my permission. I really got mad.

Jessie: I totally understand. But, you should have only talked and solved

the problem.

Anna: You are right. So, what shall I do now?

Jessie: Don’t worry. Everything will be ok. Just call your sister and


Anna: That’s a great idea. Thank you so much Jessie. I truly appreciate

your help.

Jessie: Don’t mention it dear.

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Consider the heart shape below and say what it includes. Then, fill in the table that follows.

How to say ‘Thank you’?

Answer the following questions.

a. How often do you use the word ‘Thank you’ in your daily life?
b. In what situations do we use the word ‘Thank you’?
c. How do you respond when someone thanks you?
d. What other expressions you know that can be used instead of ‘Thank you’?
Reorder the following words to get expressions that can be used instead of and in response to
‘Thank you’.
a. appreciate / I / really / it ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. grateful/ I/ am/ so …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. That/ you/ kind/ is / of / so ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
d. mention/ it/ Don’t …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
e. It/ the / was/ I / least / do/ can ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
f. My/ pleasure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

With your partner, write short conversations in which you use some of the aforementioned
expressions then act it out in front of your classmates.

B: ...........................................................................................

Be kind and Tolerant

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Match the actions below with the corresponding pictures.

6 9

Classify the ideas above into the following table. (Write full sentences/ e.g: we must respect others).

Obligation Prohibition Absence of Obligation

Must/ have to/ should Mustn’t Don’t have to/ needn’t
 …………………………………………  ……………………………………….  …………………………………….
 ………………………………………..  ……………………………………….  ……………………………………
 ……………………………………….  ……………………………………….  ……………………………………

Fill the blanks with the appropriate modals: must- mustn’t- don’t have to/needn’t.
a. We ………………….. settle disputes peacefully.
b. People …………………… aggressive in dealing with others.
c. Friends ……………………………….have the same interests and preferences.
d. We ……………………cooperate to solve problems.
e. We ………………………..impose our ideas on others.
With a partner, write some examples of your rights and duties as students at school then use those

ideas to complete the class charter that follows.

Rights Duties

Be kind and Tolerant

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills


Be kind and Tolerant

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Look at the picture and say which topic they illustrate then with your partner Pre-reading
complete the diagram below with any words or expressions related to the topic.


Listen to Martin Luther king’s address and fill in the gaps with the following words.

equal_ a dream _ brotherhood _ nation _ color _ oppression _ black _ injustice _ white _ freedom _ justice

So even though, we face difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have ……….……………. . It is a dream
deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this ………………..will rise up, will live
up the true meaning of its creed. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all man are
created……………………. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves
and the sons of slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of …………………….

I have a dream that, one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat
of………………..……………..,sweltering with the heat of ……………………………………,will be transformed into an
oasis of …………………………..…….and ………………………..……….

I have a dream that my little four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the ……………………….… of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have
a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping
with the words of interposition and nullification. One day, right there in Alabama little
………………….……….boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little …………………………….boys and
white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.

Each individual is unique. Learn to embrace differences

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Developing Skills

Skim the text above and tick the right answer in the following sentences. Reading
1. The text is ………………..……….. a. a story b. a speech c. an article
2. The text is about ………………….. a. racism in America b. conflicts worldwide c. prejudices
3. Martin Luther King called for ………. a. an independent black nation b. violence c. equality and justice
Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1. Who is Martin Luther King? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Was he optimistic or pessimistic in his speech? …………………………………………………………………………………….
3. What are some of his hopes? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. The speech is written in an oratorical style. What are some of its characteristics?
Find in the text words whose definitions as follows.

a. The same in all respects = …………………………………….. (1§)

b. A person who is the property of another person =……………………………………………….. (1§)
c. The exercise of power in a cruel manner =………………………………………………………….. (2§)
d. A person who believes that a particular is superior = …………………………………………. (3§)

In celebration of Peace day at your school, your teacher asked you to
write a speech that is relevant to the topic. Imitate Martin Luther king’s address and
write a short speech in which you express your hopes of a better life for children in war zones.

 Make best use of the vocabulary and grammar you have studied in this unit.

How would you organize your


 Reorder the following ideas

to get a plan of your speech.

a. Urging people to take actions to
protect children’s rights …..................
b. Talking about the suffering of
children in war zones
c. Expressing your hopes for a
better life for children in war zones.

Each individual is unique. Learn to embrace differences

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Assessment

Read the text below and do the activities that follow.

Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011, millions of Syrians have fled the country escaping the horrors of
war. According to recent UN reports, there are about 6.6 million Syrian refugees living in camps in many
countries like Turkey, Germany, Jordan, Egypt and others.

Syrian Refugees live very unpleasant humanitarian conditions in those camps. Whole families seek
shelter in tents which lack the basic needs of life. Refugees can’t afford healthy food to eat or clean water
to drink. Their children can’t attend nurseries, kindergartens or schools. Families are in a constant struggle
to survive. All they dream about is a peaceful life with no bombs’ explosions and no death.

The future might not be really promising for Syrian refugees, however, they still hope that one day the
war will come to end and they will be able to go back home.

A. Comprehension
1. Circle the letter which corresponds to the right answer.
The text is about……………………………..
a. wars and conflicts b. discrimination against Muslims c. Syrian refugees

2. Reorder the following ideas as they appear in the text.

a. Syrians have found refuge in many countries. ………………………….

b. Refugees live very miserable life conditions. ……………………………

c. Refugees dream about going back to their country. ……………………..

d. The Syrian crisis lasted through the 10 last years. ……………………….

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. Why did many Syrians flee the country?

b. Can children attend schools in refugee camps? …………………………………………………………………………………….
c. What are some of the refugees’ hopes? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
. which (2§) ⤍ .......................................... they (3§) → .............................................

B. Text Exploration
1. Find in the text words whose definitions as follow.
a. People who flee their country because of war= …………………………………….. (1§)
b. Very bad= ………………………………………. (2§)
c. Continue to live in spite of hardships and difficulties= …………………………………….(2§)
Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Assessment

2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes.

Peaceful _ unpleasant_ explosion

Prefix Root Suffix

……………………………………….. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………….
………………………………………. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………….
………………………………………. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………….

3. Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets.

a. Families (can/ not / to live) happily in refugee camps. ………………………………………………………………..
b. Refugees hope they (can / to go) back to their countries one day. …………………………………………………
4. Classify the following words according to their final/s/ pronunciation.
Horrors _ camps_ countries _ losses

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part Two: Written Expression

Imagine you were one of the refugee children living in a camp. Write letter in which you express your
dreams and hopes for a better life.

Unit: Peace and Conflict Resolution Let’s Have Fun

Find the Hidden Message


5 D


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