Cloud Assignment

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Steps to install cloudsim

1) Open up Eclipse and go to Menu Section, then click File,

keep on clicking New and finally select java project. It Will
creates a new java project

2) Then we need to Open up Eclipse and Click on java project

A new window will be open. Then after do the following steps:


2.1. Enter the project name. (I have named it as akshay)

2.2 than in the next line you will be seen the path where your
project will be created

2.3 Next, we need to select the JRE environment.

2.4 than Finally Click Finish

3)Once you hit finish. An empty project named cloud will
be created in the project List as shown

4) Next step is to go the project cloud right click on it.

Click Import
5) A new window will get open, now click File System as
6) Next Step is to go to the directory where you have
extracted your cloud sim tool. is shown to guide you to
get into the directory where your cloudsim folder is
7) Select the cloudsim and click Finish
8)  Now go to the
nsmath/download_math.cgi . Download the file
named as “”. Unzip this
file. We need jar files for math functions.
9) Now go to the left side of the eclipse tool in the project
bar. Go to jar and right click on it. Click import
10) Now go to the folder where you have placed the
downloaded and extracted file as described that is by in
point 8. Then all you have to do is select that jar file and
hit finish
11)  Finally, the cloud sim is installed into your Eclipse

Architecture of CloudSim

1) Network Layer:
First layer is the network layer. This layer of CloudSim is in
charge of enabling communication between various
layers. This layer also describes where and how resources
are managed in a cloud environment.
2) Cloud Resources:
Second layer is the cloud resources. In This layer
includes different main resources like datacentre’s, cloud
coordinator (ensures that different resources of the cloud
can work in a collaborative way) in the cloud environment.
3) Cloud Services:
Third layer is cloud services layer in This layer includes
different service provided to the user of cloud services.
The various services of clouds include Information as a
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software
as a Service (SaaS).
4) User Interface:
Fourth layer is user interface. This layer provides the
interaction between user and the simulator. 
Space share
Cloudlet ID STATUS Data center ID VM ID Time Start Time Finish Time
0 SUCCESS 2 0 20 0.2 20.2
1 SUCCESS 2 1 20.11 0.2 20.31
2 SUCCESS 2 2 20.22 0.2 20.42
3 SUCCESS 2 3 20.33 0.2 20.53
4 SUCCESS 2 4 20.44 0.2 20.64
5 SUCCESS 2 5 20.55 0.2 20.75
6 SUCCESS 3 6 20.6 0.2 20.8
7 SUCCESS 3 7 20.71 0.2 20.91
18 SUCCESS 3 6 0.22 20.8 21.02
8 SUCCESS 3 8 20.82 0.2 21.02
30 SUCCESS 3 6 0.11 21.02 21.13
9 SUCCESS 3 9 20.93 0.2 21.13
10 SUCCESS 3 10 23 0.2 23.2
11 SUCCESS 3 11 23.2 0.2 23.4
22 SUCCESS 3 10 0.31 23.2 23.51
23 SUCCESS 3 11 0.11 23.4 23.51
34 SUCCESS 3 10 0.11 23.51 23.62
35 SUCCESS 3 11 0.11 23.51 23.62
20 SUCCESS 3 8 4.57 21.02 25.59
32 SUCCESS 3 8 0.11 25.59 25.7
21 SUCCESS 3 9 8.99 21.13 30.12
33 SUCCESS 3 9 0.11 30.12 30.23
12 SUCCESS 2 0 23.3 20.2 43.5
24 SUCCESS 2 0 0.11 43.5 43.61
36 SUCCESS 2 0 0.11 43.61 43.72
13 SUCCESS 2 1 23.41 20.31 43.72
25 SUCCESS 2 1 0.11 43.72 43.83
37 SUCCESS 2 1 0.11 43.83 43.94
14 SUCCESS 2 2 23.52 20.42 43.94
26 SUCCESS 2 2 0.11 43.94 44.05
38 SUCCESS 2 2 0.11 44.05 44.16
15 SUCCESS 2 3 23.63 20.53 44.16
27 SUCCESS 2 3 0.11 44.16 44.27
16 SUCCESS 2 4 23.74 20.64 44.38
39 SUCCESS 2 3 0.11 44.27 44.38
28 SUCCESS 2 4 0.11 44.38 44.49
17 SUCCESS 2 5 23.85 20.75 44.6
29 SUCCESS 2 5 0.11 44.6 44.71
19 SUCCESS 3 7 56.89 20.91 77.8
31 SUCCESS 3 7 0.11 77.8 77.91

Cloudlet ID STATUS Data center ID VM ID Time Start Time Finish Time
32 SUCCESS 2 0 0.25 0.2 0.45
33 SUCCESS 2 1 0.25 0.2 0.45
34 SUCCESS 2 2 0.25 0.2 0.45
36 SUCCESS 2 4 0.25 0.2 0.45
35 SUCCESS 2 3 0.25 0.2 0.45
37 SUCCESS 2 5 0.25 0.2 0.45
38 SUCCESS 2 6 0.25 0.2 0.45
23 SUCCESS 2 7 0.25 0.2 0.45
39 SUCCESS 2 7 0.25 0.2 0.45
18 SUCCESS 2 2 0.36 0.2 0.56
22 SUCCESS 2 6 0.53 0.2 0.73
20 SUCCESS 2 4 9.24 0.2 9.44
21 SUCCESS 2 5 18.09 0.2 18.29
2 SUCCESS 2 2 20.51 0.2 20.71
24 SUCCESS 3 8 20.8 0.2 21
25 SUCCESS 3 9 20.8 0.2 21
26 SUCCESS 3 10 20.8 0.2 21
28 SUCCESS 3 12 20.8 0.2 21
27 SUCCESS 3 11 20.8 0.2 21
29 SUCCESS 3 13 20.8 0.2 21
30 SUCCESS 3 14 20.8 0.2 21
31 SUCCESS 3 15 20.8 0.2 21
7 SUCCESS 2 7 20.86 0.2 21.06
6 SUCCESS 2 6 20.97 0.2 21.17
4 SUCCESS 2 4 25.06 0.2 25.26
5 SUCCESS 2 5 29.59 0.2 29.79
8 SUCCESS 3 8 31.2 0.2 31.4
9 SUCCESS 3 9 31.31 0.2 31.51
10 SUCCESS 3 10 33.4 0.2 33.6
11 SUCCESS 3 11 33.6 0.2 33.8
12 SUCCESS 3 12 33.71 0.2 33.91
13 SUCCESS 3 13 33.82 0.2 34.02
14 SUCCESS 3 14 33.93 0.2 34.13
15 SUCCESS 3 15 34.04 0.2 34.24
0 SUCCESS 2 0 40.08 0.2 40.28
1 SUCCESS 2 1 40.28 0.2 40.48
3 SUCCESS 2 3 40.68 0.2 40.88
16 SUCCESS 2 0 43.78 0.2 43.98
17 SUCCESS 2 1 43.98 0.2 44.18
19 SUCCESS 2 3 77.27 0.2 77.47

Steps to install FogWorkflowSim

We have already installed the cloudsim in Eclipse

Next, we need to install FogWorkflowSim
Go to the Eclipse.
1) Next step is to go the project cloud right click on it.
2) A new window will get open, now click File System as
3) Next Step is to go to the directory where you have extracted
your cloud sim tool. is shown to guide you to get into the
directory where your FogWorkflowSim folder is located.
4) Select the FogWorkflowSim and click Finish
5)  Now go to the
m Download the file named as “commons-math3-”. Unzip this file. We need jar files for math
6) Now go to the left side of the eclipse tool in the project bar.
Go to jar and right click on it. Click import
7) Now go to the folder where you have placed the
downloaded and extracted file as described that is Then all
you have to do is select that jar file and hit finish
8)  Finally, the FogWorklowSim is installed into your Eclipse

architecture & class diagram


A) Fog Computing environment layer

-The Fog Computing environment has three layered

1) End Device
2)Fog Node layer
3) Cloud Server

We can use this Fog Device class to represent all types of

resources in the Fog. It can be used to simulate different devices
by changing the specifications for the -hardware such as the
computation capacity
-storage capacity,
-downlink bandwidth.
It can also provide the interface for the management and
allocation of these

B. Workflow system layer

-The workflow system layer consists of the Planner module
1) Parser module
2) Cluster module
3) Engine module
4) Scheduler module.

1) Parser module

-The Planner module is responsible for the start of simulation.

-The Parser module is responsible for parsing the input
workflow file in XML format into Task class which represents
workflow task in the system.
2) Cluster module

-The Cluster module is responsible for clustering several tasks

into a job according to a specific clustering algorithm.

3) Engine module

-The Engine module is to submit jobs to the Scheduler module

according to the dependencies of tasks, reschedule failed tasks
and end the simulation if all tasks are completed.

5) Scheduler module

Scheduler module. This serves as the entry of the workflow

scheduling algorithm, and it is also responsible for the creation
of Virtual Machines (VM) and the submission, update and return
of workflow tasks.
C. Resource management layer
The resource management layer is divided in four type
1)Resource module
2)Offloading module
3)Scheduling module
4) Controller module.

1)Resource module

-The Resource module is a virtualized pool for computation and

storage resources of various types

Offloading module && Scheduling module

-Offloading and Scheduling modules are extensible libraries for

various computation offloading strategies and task scheduling
algorithms respectively in the system.

4) Controller module
-The Controller module is a base for the models of various
performance metrics that are used to evaluate the performance
of running workflow applications.

Architecture of FogworkFlowsim


Workflow Make Energy Total Cost
span Consumed
FCFS 452.2638942307692 13.641616826923077 582.8221384615384
Round 448.84129807692307 27.649138942307683 499.6248
Robin J

MaxMin 420.20591346153844 26.749877403846153 511.1664923076923


MinMin 118.51846153846152 6.93235384615385 J 83.36492307692306

PSO = 412.99375 19.7393235384615385 504.02983846153836

GA 94.24230769230769 6.204069230769235 83.36824615384614

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