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Addiction to electronic gadgets.

‘Many people think that teenagers spend too much time using electronic gadgets’ I agree with that.
Because teenagers like a friend of mine spend too much time on his laptop and phone. Whenever we
talk, he always starts with talking about video games and movies. He’s addicted to gaming and
electronic gadgets and it’s a problem. But what are the causes and what can we do?

Teenagers nowadays spend too much time on electronic gadgets. In my view , they mostly play video
games and watch YouTube or use social media. Well, I also spend time on electronic gadgets but my
parents are strict so I have a time limit . It’s usually 1 hour but sometimes I overuse. And they hardly
ever go outside and play. When we were young, we were not like this. For example , from
kindergarten to grade 3 we just read books and play with friends and from grade 4 - present we are
addicted to using electronic gadgets. Especially we are into gaming and watching YouTube. We hardly
ever do exercises too.

For solution, some came up in my mind. Well, the first one I thought is to tell them to try outdoor
activities. Like biking , playing sports and spending more time with friends. I doubt it is possible to
limit the amount of time they spend on electronic gadgets. So instead, I propose we make sure their
parents spend more time with them. And replacing the gadgets with something valuable like books. I
also would like to recommend to tell them to spend your time valuable.

To conclude, spending too much time on using electronic gadgets can decrease cognitive skills like
attentional and memory issues and academic skills. It can also hurt your eyes and your brain. For me, I
think we should start taking action.

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