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Name: Muhammad Ihtisham


Architectural Styles:
Following are discussed.

Layered Style:
A layered system is organized hierarchically with each layer providing service to the layer above
it and serving as a client to the layer below. In some systems inner layers are hidden from all
except the adjacent outer layer. Connectors are defined by the protocols that determine how
layers will interact. Constraints include limiting interactions to adjacent layers. Layers are the
following in this style. Presentation layer ,Business layer ,Persistence layer ,Database layer

Most of the desktop applications and Ecommerce type web applications are developed
using Layered Architecture.
Implicit Invocation Style:
In event-based architectural styles, the fundamental elements in the system are events.
Events are both indicators of change in the system and triggers to functions. Events can
be signals, user inputs, messages, or data from other functions or programs.

Implicit invocation systems are used in:
 programming environments to integrate tools.
 user interfaces to separate data from representation.

Object Oriented Style:

Suitable for applications in which a central issue is identifying and protecting related bodies of
information .Data representations and their associated operations are encapsulated in an
abstract data type. Components in this architecture styles are objects, and connectors are
function and procedure invocations (methods).

 Objects are responsible for preserving the integrity (e.g., some invariant) of the data
 The data representation is hidden from other objects.

4.Pipe & Filter Style:

Suitable for applications that require a defined series of independent computations to be

performed on data. A component reads streams of data as input and produces streams of data
as output.
Traditional Compilers: Compilation phases are pipelined, though the phases are not always
incremental. The phases in the pipeline include: lexical analysis + parsing + semantic analysis +
code generation

5.Client Server Style:

Each instance of the client software can send data requests to one or more connected servers.
In turn, the servers can accept these requests, process them, and return the requested
information to the client. A server machine is a high-performance host that is running one or
more server programs which share its resources with clients. A client does not share any of its
resources, but requests a server's content or service function.

Client examples are Web browsers, email clients and online chat. Server examples are web
servers, ftp servers and database servers.
Comparison of software architecture styles.

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