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M.H. Del Pilar St., Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

(General Education 05)
DATE: _______________________________________

Direction: Choose the best answer. 11. F. Sionil Jose is a national artist for literature famous
1. Graphic organizers aid in faster comprehension of for many selections, like The God Stealer. In the
ideas. If a writer wants to show how values story, the protagonist, who hails from a tribal group,
(numerical) change over a period of time, what will be brought his foreigner boss to the community. The
the best graphic organizer? boss is an avid collector of unique items, and he
a. bar graph c. pie chart desired the old anito of the protagonists’ grandfather.
b. line graph d. timeline Wanting to please his boss, he stole the anito and
a. give it to the foreigner. This caused the heart breaking
2. In the statement “the moon is the brightest eye of the death of the grandfather. Afterward, grandson
heavens above”, what figure of speech is used? returned to his roots, wearing the tribal colors and
a. Apostrophe c. Metaphor shunning away his foreigner boss. Which of the
b. Simile d. Onomatopoeia following emotions best explains the grandson’s
3. What do we call a poem with fourteen lines and a reaction?
specific rhyme scheme? a. Fulfilment c. Remorse
a. Haiku c. Sonnet b. Relief d. Sadness
b. Free verses d. Elegy 12. Who among the Filipino writers below focuses on the
4. What do we call a traditional Japanese poem with beliefs and traditions during the Filipino-Spanish
three lines (with 17 syllables) period?
a. Haiku c. Sonnet a. Nick Joaquin c. NVM Gonzales
b. Free verses d. Elegy b. Bienvinido Santos d. F. Sionil Jose
5. Read the following lines from the Shakespearean play 13. The lines below are taken from the poem “The
“Hamlet” and decide which of the following emotions Spouse” by Luis Dato. Read the lines and decide
is most reflected. which best describe the role of the wife.
“To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is “She holds no joys beyond the days tomorrow,
nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of She finds no world his arms embrace
outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of She looks upon the man behind the furrow
troubles, and by opposing end them?” Who is her motion, time and space”
a. Sadness c. Indecision a. Working wife c. Business woman
b. Wrath d. Doubt b. Artist d. House wife
6. The invited resource speaker has a lot on his mind. 14. We often time see the phrase “Red Letter Day” on
He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The capitalized calendars. The quoted phrase is an example of:
word means: a. Hyperbole c. Onomatopoeia
a. Reserved c. Verbose b. Idiom d. Alliteration
b. Lanky d. Limited 15. Sounds like /f/ and /v/ are caused by a friction
7. “The prodigal son, who is the black sheep of the between the lower lip and the teeth. They belong to
family, has returned home.” What figure of speech this kind of consonant sound.
was used in the given statement? a. Palatal c. Stop
a. Metaphor c. Irony b. Glottal d. Fricative
b. Simile d. Oxymoron 16. A poet admitted that for him to write a good piece, he
8. “Two heads are better than one” means that it’s better must have read more than ten books. Indeed, the
for two people to think of a solution than just one poet is _________.
person. This is a classic example of this figure of a. Voracious c. Industrious
speech. b. Vehement d. Indulgent
a. Simile c. Synecdoche 17. Venus, the Roman goddess of love, has always been
b. Metaphor d. Metonymy the symbol of feminine pulchritude. The underlined
9. Novels of Nicholas Sparks are a big hit because they words means:
can make people feel romantic love – whether it is a. Homeliness c. Beauty
lost or requited. Selections like these can appeal to b. Plainness d. Grandiosity
people successfully by achieving literary standard. 18. What is Jose Rizal’s novel that centers on Crisostomo
a. Style c. Emotional value Ibarra, whose primary wish is to educate the youth?
b. Spiritual value d. Aesthetic value a. Noli Me Tangere c. El Filibusterismo
10. The planets of the solar system have mythological b. La Liga Filipina d. For the Filipino youth
references. They are based on what genre of 19. Who is the American writer behind the naturalistic
mythology? novel “Read Badge of Courage”?
a. Greek mythology c. Norse mythology a. Mark Twain c. Stephen Crane
b. Roman mythology d. European mythology b. Charles Dickens d. George Orwell


20. What is considered as the very first masterpiece in thin individuals can be called ‘pretty’ because of the
Philippine Literature in English? appropriate proportion of their size in relation to their limbs; but
a. The Small Key c. Dead Stars they cannot be called beautiful because of the lack of
b. Footnote to Youth d. My Father Goes to magnitude that can sufficiently exude a splendour of order that
Court catches the eye. Beauty can only be found in a large body.”
21. “Study and strong, the Filipinos are like the molave” 29. Who was defending those who had a large body?
is an example of this figure of speech ____________ a. The large people
a. Simile c. Metaphor b. Saint Thomas Aquinas
b. Irony d. Hyperbole c. Aristotle
22. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s d. Small and thin individuals
daily activities which I now recall with fondness and 30. Based on the text, who can be called pretty?
awe. She was a full time house wife wholly dependent a. People with large body
on my father’s monthly salary. How she made both b. Aristotle
ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small c. Small and thin Individual
acts of charity on the side was beyond me” d. Those who have splendour in their bodies
Based on the recount, the mother’s financial 31. According to the quote, what do small and thin people
resources were ____________. lack to be called beautiful?
a. more than enough c. non existent a. muscles c. limbs
b. abundant d. limited b. magnanimity d. magnitude
23. “I am retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I 32. The word “baduy” means
was branded as a terror in school. The pupils dreaded a. uneducated c. awkward looking
the day they would enter my class. Little did they b. low profile d. smart
know that behind my unpopular façade was a heart 33. Comprehend the following text: “Learning is seen
full of compassion. But how did I learn this moniker? I when there is a change in behavior, as caused by
did not tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanted them experience. Experience can come in two forms:
to know that cleanliness of body was good for their personal and vicarious. A personal experience is
health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, something that the person concerned directly felt,
handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and hair.” Based saw, heard, tasted or smelled, while a vicarious
on the recount, the teacher values _____________. experience is something the person observed in
a. Cleanliness c. Absence others.” How many ways of learning are present?
b. Study d. Posture a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
24. Fables are stories using animals and objects as 34. In the courtroom, the judge said that the findings have
characters that are given human-like qualities. If this no bearing because they are ______________.
is the case, what figure of speech will be most a. inaccurate c. confusing
prominent? b. b. inadmissible d. inedible
a. Assonance c. Onomatopoeia 35. The newly elected president demonstrated great
b. Hyperbole d. Personification APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and foul questions
25. If a story is made out of an exchange of letters. It will thrown by reporters. The capitalized word means:
be called ____________ literature. a. Nervousness c. Composure
a. Fiction c. Episodic b. Hesitation d. Anger
b. Epistolary d. Classic 36. Nostradamus’ APOCALYPTIC view of the future is
26. The Holy Bible contains a lot of life lessons. one of the most alarming in history. The capitalized
Specifically, it contains those that teach values. How word means:
do you call a story that is based on the Bible, a. Prophetic c. Encouraging
particularly the Gospels. b. Scary d. Exact
a. Tale c. Anecdote 37. In Philippine Literature, who is the writer known as
b. Legend d. Parable “Huseng Sisiw”?
27. “Because of PROFANITY, the program was a. Jose Rizal
suspended from television.” The capitalized words b. Francisco Baltazar
best relates to this word. c. Jose Dela Cruz
a. Obscenity c. Decency d. Andres Bonifacio
b. History d. Metaphor 38. “The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of delight.”
28. Though nothing can bring back The sentence is an example of:
The hour of splendour on the grass a. Metaphor c. Irony
Of glory in the flower b. Simile d. Hyperbole
We will grieve not 39. “It was many a year ago in a kingdom by the sea,
Rather find strength in what remains behind. there lived whom you may know by the name of
Annabel Lee”. This line is from the poem written by
The stanza expresses ____________ _____________.
a. Grief c. Loss a. John Keats
b. Hope d. Despair b. William Wordsworth
c. Edgar Allan Poe
For questions 51-53, comprehend the following text: d. Robert Frost
“If you feel downcast because you have gained weight during 40. In the poem Invictus, the line “My head is bloody, but
Christmas season, let the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, who unbowed” is an example of :
was himself known for being fat, console you. In his a. Metaphor c. Irony
commentary on the 4th Book of Aristotle, he wrote: “Small and b. Oxymoron d. Hyperbole
41. Teacher always TRANSMUTE the grades of the 52. What is the mood of the lines below?
students. The capitalized word means: Memory, all alone in the moonlight
a. Change c. Upgrade I can smile at the old days
b. Degrade d. Add I was beautiful then
42. Comprehend the following text: Dictatorship is a form I remember the time
of government in which an individual or a group holds I knew what happiness was
absolute power. The term dictator originated in Let the memory live again
ancient Rome. The Roman Senate often appointed an a. Fear c. Nostalgia
individual as “temporary dictator” to handle national b. Eagerness d. Humor
emergencies without the approval of the Senate.” 53. Waltter de la Mare wrote “Silver” from which the line
Based on the text, dictatorship has its roots in the era below are taken:
of the history. Slowly, silently, moon the moon
a. Greek empire c. Roman era Walks the night in her silver shoon
b. Spanish colonization d. Babylonian era This way and that, she peers and sees
43. This Shakespearean play talks about the ill-fated love Silver fruit upon silver trees
after between two individuals from warring families.
a. Romeo and Juliet Which of the figure of speech is used?
b. Midsummer Nights Dream a. Assonance c. Metaphor
c. Merchant of Venice b. Personification d. Simile
d. The Twelfth Night 54. Comprehend the following text: “The nitrogen cycle is
44. Ryan, Rihanna’s husband, was betrayed for a number the circulation of nitrogen and its compounds by living
of times and yet he bears no RANCOR in his hear. He organisms in nature. Nitrogen in the air passes into
is not _____________. the soil, where it is oxidized, by a process called
a. Embarrassed c. Shy nitrogen fixation.” Where does nitrogen get oxidized?
b. Bitter d. Insulted a. air c. sun
45. The statement of the witness are impertinent to the b. soil d. living organism
case because they are ____________. 55. This is a set of verbal or written symbols used by
a. Changeable c. Illogical humans to communicate.
b. Irrelevant d. Important a. Understanding c. language
46. The participants look ___________. They showed b. encyclopedia d. dictionary
great enthusiasm for the lectures.
a. Angry c. Interested
b. Offended d. Happy
47. The Greek literay character who launched a thousand
ships is _____________.
a. Patroclus c. Helen
b. Achilles d. Agamemnon
48. Who is the most famous proponent of the Arena
Theater in the Philippines?
a. Montano c. Tinio
b. Avellana d. Carpio
49. When Sam failed his exam for the second time, he
resorted to DUTCH COURAGE before he went home
to break the news to his family. What does DUTCH
a. A trial or practice performance
b. Courage which one gets from drinking alcohol
c. A fair chance to do something
d. Partial payment paid

50. Comprehend the text: “Culture is a term used by

social scientists for a way of life. Every human society
has a culture. Culture includes a society’s arts,
beliefs, customs, institutions, inventions, language,
technology and values. A culture produces similar
behavior and thought among most people in a
particular locality. What did social scientist defined?
a. Beliefs c. culture
b. custom d. society
51. Edgar Allan Poe write “The Raven” from which the
line is taken:
And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple
Which of the following figures of speech is used by
the poet to establish a mood?
a. Onomatopoeia c. Allusion
b. Alliteration d. Metaphor

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