Function 1 Topic Wise

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Bridge equipment

What are the errors of GPS

Dgps meaning and their difference

What are the errors in echo sounder and how to correct them.

What are the areas in gyroscope in how to connect latitude error

What is GPS, number of satellites, SPS, PPS, who control GPS

What is LRIT. Range of LRIT for coastal state(1000) flag state(76 N to S)and port state(12NM)

LRIT operation

What is function, use and limitations of AIS

How to verify compass error

What is PID controls on Autopilot

From where you will know which all equipments are required on board your vessel type.

What is HDOP which value of HDOP is best and why

Can we repair magnetic compass ?

Is PID is being used nowadays ? why

What do you know about AIS.

What is SSAS. What is the period for testing SSAS and how to test it

What do you understand by YAW control. Explain !!!

What is gyroscopic inertia.

What is GPS signal?

Errors in em log.

BNWAS dormant period and audio visual alarm period ?

What is the principle of sextant ?

What is unit of HDOP and what should be the ideal value of HDOP?

Minimum detection range of echo sounder.

What is the DOP and what values does it indicate?

What is Pythagoras error how will you calculate it?

Echo sounder principle error components and how to correct it ?

Radar and arpa

In Heavy thunderstorm which radar you will use and why

RADAR standards and Efficiency

Starring and Spokking

If Radar picture is shown to you with relative vector and then with true vector how will you know if
ROC exist in both.

How will you determine on radar that it is a vessel or false Eco in restricted visibility.

Why we use STW in radar and not SOG ?

What is anti clutter setting and what are the limitations?

What is aspect?

What does minimum detection range of Radar depends upon?

Show me picture of Radar screen identify the true and relative vector.

Shown me a case study picture in which give the vessel did not take action and collided what would
you do to prevent the collision?

What will you do if collisiom is imminent?

What are the characteristics of Radar?

What is horizontal beam width?

What is bandwidth?


What is ecdis

What are T and P correction in ecdis, how to correct it and how will you identify them in ecdis.

Explain ECDIS safety setting in detail

ECDIS IHO standards in detail.

Why ecdis is called dual fuel?

What is RCDS

What is ITP

What is difference between true Zenith distance and Calculated Zenith diastance

Explain passage planning in ECDIS

How to draw WP on ecdis

What is function, use and limitations of ECDIS

Advantages of ecdis and alarms in ecdis

What is safety depth and how to calculate it

What was you route roughly and if I ask you to plan a passage how would you do that

Does India provide AIO facility

What is lookahead feature in English

What are methods of position fixing in ECDIS what are IMO requirements for ECDIS.

How will you make sure that another OOW will not change the safety settings on ecdis.

What are the errors in ECDIS.

Difference between safety depth and safety contour and their uses and why have different names.

How will you carry out root plan in ecdis and what precautions will take.

What are the components of ecdis?

How to correct an ENC ?

What are the types of ENC.

What is the importance of marking abort point?

What is difference between abort point and point of no return ?

How to update ECDIS ?

Advantages and disadvantages of ecdis?

How to prevent English from virus what precautions to take?

How will you make sure that this data is correct?

What are the publications on ECDIS ?

Passage planning, Publication and Navigation

What is position line

What is the right time for Meridian passage of sun and their calculation

Timezone 0200 hrs heading West distance 144 miles calculate ETA and no speed is given

Declination 20 degrees south and latitude 7 degree N draw rational Horizon diagram and cross

What are ebb tide and flood tide

Draw dangerous rock

What are all the environmental concerns you will plan in passage plan as per IMO

How will you confirm your position on ship

How will you prepare your ship for sea

What are all the markings on navigational chart

What is abort point and point of no return

When to take amplitude of Sun and when to take amplitude of Moon

What is difference between true Zenith distance and calculated Zenith distance

How do you make a passage plan ecdis and chart

Tell me about your last voice and what kind of navigational the hazards you faced

Leading light and transit bearing difference

What are all the methods of position fixing and what is the procedure for obtaining running fix

How you will take Noon Sight and Long by chron formula

How to order paper chart

Tell me whatever you know about Publication and chart.

What is shoul and what is a patch can we manoeuvre over these ?

What is your view about all things that need to be done while preparing Bridge for maneuver.

What is amplitude and when to take the amplitude.

Contents of SD

U have taken morning sight and same sight taken by 2nd off and then Master but DRlat was different
eg. ur 20°N their 19°58' and 20°02'. Will there be a difference in Obs Lat. Of it is then it is E or W.

ESDIS limitations

What is weather facsimile and how to do ships routing.

Precautions to be taken when navigating in restricted water having shows rocks shallow patches.

Last correction chart was dated 2019 how will you correct it

What if there is no correction in CNTM( will refer to ANTM)... further what if there is no correction in
ANTM ( check for new edition of chart and order as per that...raise a query to UKHO contact 24×7
helpline number and ask for latest charts).

Passage planning stages

What is the use of ocean passage of the world and what are all the details you find in Ocean passage
of the world

What are all the informations to you get in routing chart

Informations you get in wind roses ?

Passage planning Japan to USA

How many nautical publications as per solas.

What are Gnomonic and composite charts.

How will you take take noon sight.

How will ASD be used for ecdis?

What is chart datum how you know that char datum is correct?

What are sextant altitude corrections. At what altitude you will take site of sun.

What is emergency wreck?

How to take site in morning?

How do you plot Reliance on chart????

What do you understand by comparing of compasses?

Navigational warning receiving methods.

What is closed bearing and developing bearing.

What do you mean by Occulting and flashing.

What are the types of chart?

What is tele medical advice?

When to take amplitude of sun and of moon and which all bodies give amplitude? why not star and

At what height to take morning altitude why?

What information do we get in Ocean passages and how it is different from routeing chat?

What is rock Awash?

How do you check whether your chart is in meter or fathom ?

What is abort point? where will you mark ?

What is passage planning?

What are routeing charts and what information do we get from this?

What is BPG

Contents in BPG ?

How can we plan a passage in ecdis taking the count of bpg ?

How to plot position by using sun ?

How we can fix the position of ship by using latitude by Meridian passage ?

What is azimuth?

What is pole star?

How we can use Polaris to fix the position of the ship?

What is transit bearing?

Your predecessor did not update the paper chart what will you do ?

What is ex Meridian how we take fix using ex- meridian ?

What is parallel indexing what are the advantages of cattle indexing ?

How to take compass error?

Going from India to Singapore vessel draught 19 there is a spot death 18.1 m in Fathom Bank plan a
passage and will y


Vessel Four Points on starboard bow action

Faisal Four Points on star board bow in TSS action

sane situation with Towing vessel Action

NUC vsl 4 points on stbd bow range 1 NM action

You are power-driven vessel one vessel right ahed and other vessel overtaking starboard quarter

What are all the pilot ladder requirements

You are power-driven vessel in TSS and other vessel crossing is pdv and crossing from starboard to
port action

You are power-driven vessel course 60 degrees current from port quarter and you have jetty right
ahead which side alongside

Vessel on port bow close quarter situation action

Vessel head on one crossing from port to starboard and another one from starboard to Port action

One vessel head on another vessel overtaking from starboard quarter action

You are in TSS heavy traffic vessel crossing from Starboard to port action

Towing vessel 190m distance between towing vessel and tow 60m length of vessel being towed 130
metre all lights exhibited.

You are in the 135 degrees overtaking sector of tow and coming up from behind her if there were no
obstruction which other lights would you see.

In the above situation her speed 11 kts your speed 12 kts range 4nm action

In the above situation if you are coming up from port side what will happen
You are coming out of port and after passing last buoy you saw white over red light and green
sidelight what is your action (pilot vsl making way or underway bt stopped and not making way
action in both)

Target vessel on your starboard beam in range 3 nautical mile. Which situation and action ?

Now you are on target vessel Action.

Above situation in RV

Target vsl on port bow slightly out of range of head-on situation both vsl speed 15kts approaching
with CPA 0.5cables to stbd and range 5NM. Master order to maintain atleast 1mile CPA.Action

Narrow channel engine unavailable for 24 hours.Depth outside starboard side of channel is hundred
metre and Port side is 10m your draught is 11m. Master dropped anchor near starboard side. You
come on bridge and find anchor dragging what is your action.

In the above situation you come on anchor watch and found vessel aground all around your action

In TSS fishing vessel crossing from starboard side action and if you are fishing vessel action

What is the best action to avoid a collision

Vessel on four points on starboard bow ROC exist. Action

TSS situation vessel head on immediate danger. Action

CBD and Fishing boat..which is Give way and which is Stand on

Target vsl bering 120 degrees from your vessel and you are doing northerly course..what action you
take in CV and RV

One vessel on Starbiard bow action. Now one on stbd bow nd parallel course Action.

Same above situation in RV action

Own vsl us CBD and power driven vessel is crossing from Stbd to port action.

You are over taking other vessel in TSS action.

Fishing traffic on star board and a VLCC head on coming down CPA zero take action.

Fishing vessel crossing from port to starwood in narrow channel CPA zero take action.

Fishing vessel crossing from port in TSS CPA zero many vessels behind you take action.

You are overtaking a vessel in narrow channel and there is bend ahead of 40 Degrees on Starboard
CPA is zero take action.

It is a crossing situation on vessel is stand on give way vessel is not taking action your action ? At
what range will take action how do you know that this is the range we have to take action?

You are power driven and fishing vessel is crossing star board to port ROC exist what action will
take? which rule? why you will not enter to port and pass ahead?

Night Watch you see a vessel on two points starboard bow both mast headlights in a line and both
side lights visible which rule is applicable? what action you will take?
It is restricted visibility you hear a foghorn ahead and you have operational radar what action you
will take.

NUC and r a m vessel approaching on collision course who will take action? which rule?

Head on situation you are NUC and other RAM action?

Yor are CBD in narrow channel and power driven crossing from port to Starboard


What is difference between EGC and NAVTEX

NAVTEX Frequescies ( all 3 )

Your not responding to responding to Rudder how will you Broadcast will you end up
the message.

Gmdss fundamentals?

What are gmdss frequencies and what are they called?

Define sea area A3. What equipments do we need extra.

What is EGC mode? Can we transmit routine message in EGC mode

Gmdss one sentence for word on which the gmdss is based on???

What is ABDL in Navtex ?

What type of message is sent in main engine failure what is the format of the message sent?

Gmdss checks.

What check you will do in gmdss battery ?

Can you Sail from port if the battery is not functioning?

What is phasing in NAVTEX what does it mean?

You have received a distress signal action.?

Buoyage system and Flags

You are in Japan at night to see composite group flashing 2 + 1 which side to alter type of buoy and
specification of buoy

North Cardinal mark specification

Your course is 180 degree and you see a South Cardinal mark action

Region A preferred channel buoy specification

Definition pf Isolated danger mark and its specification

Emergency Wreck specification and use.

Which flag was mostly used on your ship and Flags mostly you see mostly at sea and on other vessels

What is telegraph buoy

Description of lateral starboard handmark region B ...what light it will show.

In above case if you are coming out of channel in region B where would you keep that mark

All Flag Meaning

Name All the volumes in ALRS

What is safe water mark what is isolated danger mark what is IALA buoyage system.

West Cardinal mark specification and lights

South Cardinal mark definition and specifications?

East Cardinal mark right ahead action?

Describe port hand mark region b.

Own vessel course 090 sees right ahead West Cardinal buoy action.

Identify a preferred channel to starboard.

What is clearwater buoy?

What is ODAS buoy?


What are your responsibilities as a duty officer.

As an OOW what are your duties regarding pilot operation as per solas chapter 5.

When to call Master.

How will you take over a watch.

Taking over navigational watch at night relieving officer seems drunk and even capable of
performing duties.

Action as OOW during pilotage duties.

Vessel experiencing heavy pounding what are all the actions you will take from Bridge.

You are on Bridge as OOW navigating with pilot on board and area is full of navigational hazard what
are your duties.

What do you understand by Lookout as per stcw.

What are all the principal points which are to be taken for Innova w taking over watch?
Vessel dragging in front of you, as an OOW what are your action as an anchor vessel present behind

What are all the steps you will take as an OOW prior to pilot disembarkation.


Rule 13

Pilot vessel light flag and fog signal

Aground vessel light shape and fog signal

Power-driven vessel fog signal

Vessel not under command light shape and fog signal

Rule 6 explain

What is sierra delta and papa Alpha abbreviation.

What is safe speed.

What information do maneuvering characteristics give.

Quote rule 19 and what are all the action you will take while entering in restricted visibility

What do you mean by wide alteration of course.

Layout of r o r.

Annex 3 name and important points on Annex3.

Quote rule 34d

What are characteristics and limitations of Radar.

What are the difference between forward masthead light and Stern light

Masthead light sector and sternlight sector

Dredger vessel light and shape

Define Towing Light

Purse sign gear light

Diameter of ball cone and cylinder

What is ROR. When it came into force in India?

Sound signal intensity and frequency.

What is "Height above the hull" ? Some ships have higher Deck in forward is it above that higher
deck ?

What are the vertical sectors of all lights is it for all light or only masthead light

Pilot vsl sound signal given in which rule in which paragraph.

How many distress signals..what are they?

Why we take large alteration as per rule 8 and how much it is. Why not 15° and why 15° is
considered as a broad. alteration

Explain Rule 18

CBD light Anchor Light Aground Light

What you will see in daytime and what you will see in night time same in RV

What is backscatter of our own light

What are radar characteristics explain

Lights and shapes of vessels at NUC RAM and towing and also lights and shape of these vessels at

Rule 2 6 7 9 10 13 18 19

When will Air cushion vessel exhibit lights of power driven vessel

When will sailing vessel exhibit lights of power driven vessel

What is risk of Collision how will you understand if risk of Collision exist.

How will you cross TSS

All lights and shapes for towing vessel and vessel being towed

If there is appreciable change in bearing does risk of Collision exist.

You are entering RV area how will you get your vessel prepared for same as per COLREGS.

You are in RV there is no target on radar and you are in open Sea on container vessel you can easily
navigate at 25 knots and you are going at 20 knots is it safe speed. Support your answer with reason.

How will you keep a look out.

What do you mean by "if circumstances of the case admit award crossing ahead of her".

What all rules are applicable in RV.

How do you identify it is RV.

What is all around light? its range?

Pilot vessel is anchored what are its sound and light signals?

What do you mean by not to impede.

What do you mean by ample time.

What do you mean by observance of good seamenship.

What is difference in passage and safe passage.

What do you mean by appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.

What do you mean by be substantial.

Sound signal ranges.

How to determine safe speed.

What do you mean by scanty radar information and scanty information?

What are factors for operational radar?

What do you understand from Annex1?

What are all the signals in Annex2 ?

Why is steering and selling part of ROR is significant?

You have pilot basal ahead of you under which rule you will take action if ROC exist (as per him
under rule 2 and 8 )

Cut off of side lights.

CBD light and shape and RAM light and shape.

What is obligations to CBD vessel?

As per rule 7 how risk of collision is determined.

What is be positive as per rule 8?

When there is amendment in COLREGS is it tacit or explicit?

What is ROC and how to determine it?

Sailing vsl definition. Ram definition

CBD definition.

Vessel aground right head action.

Aground vessel light fog signal and shape?

How to join and leave TSS? why we enter in small angle?

What is inshore traffic zone ? which vessel can use in show traffic zone?

How do we overtake in narrow channel which rule tells us about this?

Explain rule 19d and e ?

What do you mean by take all the way off ?

When can we alter course to port in restricted visibility?

Rule 9 para e and sound signal for the same?

Tell me arcs of visibi

What are all the meteorological instrument on board ship

What are the signs of an approaching TRS

What is barometric tendency

From where you will get navigational and Meteorological warning on ship

Types of weather routing. What are synoptic charts and what details you find in it.

What is D A L R and S A L R

What is buy Ballots law

Difference between tidal stream ocean current and tide

From where you will find current

What currents are given on routing charts

How will you calculate the position of Iceberg after 30 days

Predominate current and vector mean current ??

Purpose of Sphere next to magnetic compass...can it be displaced from artwartship line

Whether inside eye of TRS and eye of depression

What is the difference between TRS and depression

What is the weather associated with cold front and warm front


What are the conditions favourable for TRS

How to calculate wind from weather chart

What is geostrophic wind

What are trade winds

What are the signs of TRS

Manoeuvring action in TRS. For dangerous semicircle and for navigable semicircle.

From where you will know that TRS is forming on your route.

Weather fasimal charts - chart type contents paper type and dimension

What are wet bulb and dry bulb thermometer and its uses

What is dew point and when to ventilate a hold

What corrections you will apply to barometer and why ?

How would pressure fall when nearing a TRS

Your visibility has been reduced to zero due to thick fog action.
What is routeing chart. What route it gives and how do you know recommended route is correct.

What is a weather fascimal chart. What information do we get? How do you find out direction of
wind from it?

What is dry bulb and wet bulb and how to use it?

Explain WWNWS with respect to IHO.

What do you understand by prognosis and synoptic charts.

What kind of fog is experienced over land and sea?

What is WWNWS? have you received on board.

which equipment.

What are the errors in barometer can we correct it on board ? How ?

Weekly and Monthly maintenance of Barograph ?

Maintenance of hygrometer ?

Difference between TLD and TRS ?

TRS avoiding action ?

What is wind veering and backing?

How to determine a storm is approaching?

Procedure for secondary port tide calculation.

What is difference between tidal stream tide and ocean current?

What is Master pilot relationship ? Wwhat is duties of OOW on pilotage?

What is the use of tidal Diamond ? what information do we get from tidal Diamond from where ?

How to predict a fog?

Atmospheric pressure measured is 1000 MB you are at 30 M height calculate the pressure.

What is Spring tide, neap tide, lee tide.?

Ship handling

How will you try out main engine explain in detail

What are all the pilot ladder requirements

Steering gear requirements

What information does the pilot card contains

Is Pilot a part of BTM. You and pilot on bridge what you will do if u r not satisfied with pilot decision.
What are types of steering gear system and modes of steering

What is soft turn in restricted water

What do you know about SQUAT tell me everything about it.

What is Shallow Water effects? and what is Bank Cuision?

What is a transverse thrust

Why captain stand at bridge wing while berthing.

In right handed popular vessel running Astern... direction of movement of bow and Stern will be ?

What is Wheel over position?

What is advance transfer and tactical diameter.

Shallow water effect on turning and what is squat.

What is wheelhouse poster and what are the contents.

What are the information is in maneuvering characteristics.

What is smelling of the ground.

Why turning circle in Shallow water is Greater. explain.

What are all the control test you do?

What are all the factors affecting squad.

Explain loran turn.

What are bank suction and bow cousining effects?

What do you know about twin-screw propeller?

What is critical RPM? why it is called critical normal?

What is your control in autopilot.

What do you know about ASD how to correct it?

What is turning circle? Is both side turning circle same if yes why and if not why?

Your vessel is 200 m long within what distance should be stopped?

Advance IMO requirement tactical diameter IMO requirement ?

What are the types of steering?

Best MOB recovery turn in RV and Why ?

Squat formula ?

What affects the turning ability of the ship?

Details filld on Bell book during pilotage.?

How do you turn a twin screw propeller two star board ?


You are on bridge in heavy traffic area and your gyro compass failed action

Your vessel ran aground action

Aground vessel day signal

There is emergency on board ship where will you refer for that

What is contingency plan

ECDIS and GPS both failed how will you find the position of ship

Collision with fishing vessel action. For what purpose to call Master on Bridge

Range of fog signal range of whistle and range of masthead light


Man overboard action in restricted visibility

Draw Scharnov turn and explain

Explain Trackline search

You see a vessel aground in front of you what action you will take

Same above situation in TSS

You see a rocket parachute in stbd bow...Action

What is a rescue maneuver

You are an OOW you heard fire alarm on Bridge action

What is EWMB

Gyro failed radar failed and cloudy Sky how will you Mark position on ecdis.

Steering gear failure action.

Rudder stuck in TSS action.

Action in steering failure and how many steering motor should work during blackout.

You saw a pirate boat approaching action.

What is damage control plan?

Fire in steering gear room action.

Steering failure in TSS action.

You are 50 nautical mile away from a person overboard what will be your CSP.

What do you know about inspires?

When you will call master.

U r OOW smoke coming out from gallery first action ?

U r OOW spill during bunkering first action ?

Collision with fishing boat action?

Effect on radar and ECDIS if Gyro phase.

GPS failed action.

I n d s a r requirements is it mandatory ?

Mrcc in India what is its rule ?

IAMSAR duties of on scene coordinator ?

Anchoring and mooring

How will you take over anchor watch.

How to Decide about where to anchor, swinging circle and how to make sure anchor is holding and if
not holding what to do ?

What is lead lines ?

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