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1. Where did the Tainos originate from?

The ancestors of the Taíno entered the Caribbean from South America.

2. List the islands on which the Tainos settled

● Jamaica
● Cuba
● Hati & Dominican Republic ( Hispaniola)
● Bahamas
● Virgin Islands

3Write a short description of the Social life of the Tainos.

The Taínos were divided in three social classes: the naborias (work class), the nitaínos
or sub-chiefs and noblemen which includes the bohiques or priests and medicine men
and the caciques or chiefs, each village or yucayeque had one.

To survive or to feed the village some became fishers, farmers and hunters. Their
clothing was made from the pieces of cotton that they cultivated on their farm. They
made simple tools, utensils and houses from the resources that they could find on the
island. They were also very cultural.

4What were the enemies of the Tainos called?

The Tainos enemies were the neighbouring Carib tribes, The Caribs

5. Describe the religion of the Tainos

The Tainos gods were represented by Zemis. Their religion involved nature worship,
ancestor worship, and protective magic. They also believed in a male sky god, female
earth god and many other gods and ancestral spirits. The Tainos also believed in life
after death.

6. What food did the Tainos eat?

● Fishes ( Snapper, Baracuda)
● Fruits ( Squash, Guava, Papay, Pineapple)
● Vegetables ( Cassava, Maize, Yam & Sweet potato)
● Meat ( Iguana, Coney)

7 List the occupations of the Tainos

● Farmers
● Fishers

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