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Autoignition of combustible fluids in porous insulation


Article  in  Combustion and Flame · December 1994

DOI: 10.1016/0010-2180(94)90047-7


28 943

4 authors, including:

Andy Mcintosh Will Crocombe

University of Leeds University of Leeds


John Griffiths
University of Leeds


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COMBUSTION AND FLAME 99:541-550 (1994) 541

Autoignition of Combustible Fluids in Porous

Insulation Materials
Departments of Fuel and Energy (A.C.M.) and Physical Chemistry (M.B.; W.C., J.F.G.), Leeds University,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

The leakage of combustible fluids into the lagging of pipework in the process engineering industry can be
very hazardous because of the increased residence time for oxidation as the liquid resides in the porous
medium and also the substantially modified heat and mass transfer rates when compared with ignition at hot
surfaces. The exothermic reaction can lead to ignition or at least severe self-heating with the consequent
damage of pipework, etc. Experiments have been performed to simulate this hazard. The thermal behavior of
a number of combustible liquids placed in porous material has been monitored and evidence is presented in
this work that self-heating can indeed take place. It has been found that autoignition occurs at an important
"'watershed" oven temperature that is related to the volatility of the combustible fluid. A mathematical
model for the autoignition of combustible liquid in an inert porous material is presented. The simple model
takes a spatially uniform approach to both the energy equation and the liquid equation for the fluid and
predicts a watershed temperature such that for a given concentration of fluid in the porous material, the
thermal behavior of the system alters abruptly. For all practical purposes, thermal runaway is predicted
beyond this watershed condition even though the classical Semenov theory simply predicts an eventual decay
to a stable steady state, with no strict "criticality" prediction. The watershed temperature is shown to depend
on volatility and reactivity.

INTRODUCTION is also a common problem of lagging fires in

ships, as a result of the spillage of Diesel fuel
Current Understanding of Ignition over hot insulation materials. Considerable
in Insulation Materials practical data on the performance of a number
This paper is concerned with the fundamental of classes of fluids dispersed within a variety of
understanding of a recognized industrial haz- insulation materials have been published [2],
ard which may occur when a combustible liq- but this work falls far short of attacking the
uid leaks from a hot pipe into porous insula- fundamental understanding and interpretation
tion material [1]. The fluid becomes dispersed of the hazard or offering a rigorous framework
over an extremely high internal surface area from which potential hazards may be pre-
and ignition may result from the exothermic dicted. Despite its extensive nature, that study
oxidation of the fluid in contact with the air was directed only at a test of the validity of an
within the hot, porous structure. The purpose empirical rule [3], which has been invoked to
of this work is to interpret this behaviour in a assess the potential fire hazard from insulation
way which does not rely so much on the em- in terms of the Autoignition Temperature
piricism that the subject has so far received. (AIT) and Flash Point (FP) of the combustible
The consequences of spontaneous fires in liquid. These parameters are determined by
insulation materials are, at best, costly if they specific tests as laid down by American, British,
lead to temporary shutdown of chemical plant and European standards (ASTM, BS, and CEC
and, at worst, disastrous if the temperatures respectively). The form of the relationship is
attained cause the rupture of pipework. There
> 1.55 (all temperatures in °C),
(AIT - FP)
* Corresponding author.
Presented at the Twenty-Fifth Symposium (International) which suggests that ignition may be possible
on Combustion, Irvine, California, 31 July-5 August 1994. when a liquid undergoes an exothermic reac-
Copyright © 1994 by The Combustion Institute
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 0010-2180/94/$7.00

tion at temperatures at which its volatility re- ture" and volatility, a series of identical au-
mains relatively low (since flash point is higher toignition tests in a uniformly heated oven
for lower volatility and thus (AIT-FP) is were performed on a standardized block of
smaller). insulation material impregnated with pure liq-
In the present paper we demonstrate experi- uids of very similar reactivity but of increasing
mentally the phenomenon of autoignition of volatility. Our intention was to make the exper-
combustible fluids in porous insulation materi- iments easier to conduct by using an analogous
als and establish a simple theoretical model for series of compounds with lower volatility than
the onset of thermal runaway, including a mod- that of liquid alkanes, but with similar reactiv-
ified definition of ignition. This theoretical ity. A related class of compounds is the series
model is then used to explore the relationship of alcohols from 1-CfH13OH to 1-C11H23OH
between volatility and reactivity. In this work, (B.Pt. 425-500 K). These are obtained in pure
we are not attempting to model the later stage form more more readily than the C15-C22 n
of high-temperature (smoldering) propagation. alkanes (B.Pt. 425-475 K) and although not
Normally the exothermic processes that take yet subjected to independent experimental test,
place in porous media (such as carbonaceous it may be presumed that the length of the
or cellulosic materials) are caused by oxidation carbon chain is such that the variation from C 6
at the extensive internal surface by oxygen in to C11 is unlikely to significantly affect the
air diffusing into the structure. However, it is reactivity. The principal aim was tO conduct
known that in the early stages of development, experiments on the thermal runaway of com-
and up to the point that might be termed bustible fluids which distinguished the conse-
"ignition," there is generally sufficient oxygen quences of different volatility under conditions
available within the pore structure for its sup- of similar chemical reactivity.
ply by diffusion not be be a rate-controlling
step. A number of earlier papers discuss this Background to the Mathematical Model
matter [4-7]. In fact, the rate is controlled by
the amount of combustible liquid present since In the theoretical investigations of this phe-
the loss of volatile combustible fluid due to nomenon, a mathematical model is developed
evaporation is significant. This is particularly in a very simplified form. The exothermic oxi-
true when there is little combustible fluid left, dation is represented as a single step reaction
since at this point the balance between evapo- obeying an Arrhenius temperature depen-
ration and ignition is crucially affected by the dence. Spatial uniformity of temperature and
amount of fluid present. Nevertheless, when dispersion of reactant within the block are
ignition has developed, the rate of propagation assumed, so that the mass and energy conser-
of the combustion becomes controlled by the vation equations may be treated as first-order
rate of oxygen diffusion. The exothermic reac- differential equations. Such an approach is ac-
tions of this later stage (which is usually termed ceptable in the initial stages of self-heating of
smoldering combustion) involve volatiles from the combustible liquid, prior to the onset of
the degradation or partial oxidation of the smoldering combustion. As in the Semenov
original primary material. theory of thermal ignition, the energy conser-
vation equation has a heat release term associ-
Experimental Background and Choice ated with the exothermic oxidation (but which
of Combustible Fluids is now dependent on the combustible fluid
concentration) and also two heat loss terms.
It is not easy to classify "reactivity" of materi- The first is controlled by a surface heat trans-
als that may be involved in fires within insula- fer coefficient (as in the classical Semenov
tion materials in an absolute way since, ulti- analysis), but the second is associated with the
mately, the problem concerns relative rates of evaporation of the fluid from the porous
heat generation and loss, along with mass loss medium. Coupled with the energy equation is a
by evaporation. Thus in order to establish a combustible fluid conservation equation de-
relationship between "autoignition tempera- scribing the oxidation process and (slow) evap-

oration of the fluid. There will also be a con- and allowing this solution to penetrate the
servation equation for the combustible vapor block. The ether was then evaporated off in a
which is decoupled in this simplified model. low-temperature drying over (< 325 K) over a
The evaporative term controls the reduction of period of 2 h.
the combustible fluid concentration and In order to monitor the internal combustion
thereby affects the chemical reactivity as time behaviour, a pair of linked thermocouples was
progresses. inserted through a hole drilled between the
In reality there are other important effects, centers of two opposite faces of the insulation
such as diffusion of heat and reactant vapor block, so that one junction was located at the
within the porous material, the porosity of the center of the cube and the other several cen-
insulation itself, and even mass transport of timeters external to the surface. Thus a mea-
the flammable fluid both out of and into the sure of the temperature difference between
material in certain circumstances. Neverthe- the center of the cube and the (constant) oven
less, even from this simple approach which temperature could be recorded as a function of
strips the problem down to the essential physics time. The distinction between stable, exother-
of the phenomenon, there is revealed a surpris- mic reaction and fully developed ignition (un-
ingly rich pattern of behavior due to the com- stable reaction) could be clearly discerned from
petition between the evaporation of the com- these temperature-time records. The mini-
bustible liquid and its reaction with the air. mum spontaneous ignition temperature was
determined as the mean value of the lowest
unstable temperature and the highest stable
RESULTS The ultimate precision with which the
Apparatus and Procedures changeover temperature, termed the water-
shed temperature, was "bracketed" was gov-
The minimum ignition temperature of the fluid erned by the limit of the temperature control
in the insulation material (5 cm cube, density of the oven over long periods (+ 1 K). But it
350 kg m -3) was established by mounting a was also influenced by the number of experi-
series of experiments in which the block, freshly ments performed on a particular fluid in the
impregnated with one of the alcohols in the vicinity of the watershed oven temperature. In
C6-C1~ range, was located in a recirculating practice, the spontaneous ignition temperature
air oven thermostatted at successively in- could be determined with confidence to the
creased temperatures for each experiment. An highest precision when six or more experimen-
oven temperature was reached eventually at tal results were obtained showing either
which "ignition" could be distinguished from marginally stable or marginally unstable behav-
"slow combustion" as follows, The oven was ior.
preheated and stabilized at the required con-
trol temperature before each experiment was Experimental Results
started. There was a temporary disturbance to
the oven temperature when the block was put The temperature-time records displayed in Fig.
in and connected up to the recording system. 1 represent "back-to-back" experiments involv-
For the purposes of a comparative study of ing l-octanol and 1-decanol. Initially there is a
combustible fluids, especially where evidence negative displacement of the thermocouple sig-
for the "ignition" of one, but a failure of nal, which is associated with the rapid attain-
"ignition" of the other, under identical control ment of the oven temperature of the external
conditions was sought, experiments were often junction relative to the cold internal junction.
performed simultaneously on two impregnated The rate of increase of the measured tempera-
blocks. Prior to each experiment the insulation ture difference from its minimum towards the
block was impregnated uniformly with the same internally uniform state is governed by the
amount of one or other of the alcohols (10 thermal conductivity of the insulation material
cm 3) by dissolving it in diethyl ether (50 cm 3) and the rate of volatilization of fluid from the


40 40


ZERO . . . .


r ; r . . . . . .
0 1 2 3 4 2 3 4
t/hrs t/hrs
Fig. 1. Simultaneous A T - t i m e records obtained during the exothermic oxidation of
n-octanol and n-decanol within a 5-cm cube of porous insulation material. The
displacement of one recorder pen from the other is given by the small offset at the start
of each signal. A. Unstable reaction of both alcohols at 7" = 443 + 1 K. B. Unstable
reaction of n-decanol but near stable reaction of n-octanol at T~ = 441 _+ 1 K.

block. As has been shown in the context of the The overall ignition delay, including the heat-
spontaneous ignition of cellulosic materials, the ing time, exceeded 6 h at conditions close to
inflexion in the signal that occurs during this unstable behavior. The time-to-ignition of the
heating period is associated with the evapora- lower molecular mass alcohol was the shorter
tion and loss of volatile fluid [5]. This initial of the two. The reasons for this time difference
stage lasted about 2 h under the conditions are not yet clear.
adopted in this series of experiments. There All the alcohols reached ignition in the tests
then follows a period of a slowly increasing discussed here. Moreover it was not possible to
internal temperature, which is associated with establish a clear distinction between the mini-
exothermic oxidation within the insulation. mum ignition temperature of the Cg-C~t alco-
Both of the alcohols undergo "ignition" in the hols, which may be connected with their rela-
result shown in Fig. la, as is manifest by the tively low volatility at the watershed oven tem-
extremely high temperature excess (AT > 300 perature (Table 1 and Fig. 2). However, a quite
K) measured during the unstable reaction at strong dependence of watershed temperature on
an oven temperature of 443 + l K. By con- volatility emerged for the alcohols of lower
trast, at an oven temperature of 441 + 1 K, boiling point (C9H19OH-C6HI3OH). We may
"ignition" of 1-decanol is still detected, but the speculate that there would be no possibility of
exothermic reaction of 1-octanol remains sta- ignition of alcohols of lower molecular mass
ble (Fig. lb). The maximum temperature rise within the insulation under the present test
measured in the latter was less than 50 K. conditions. Although this could be tested ex-
Thus not only is the distinction clear between perimentally, a controlling effect of the evapo-
ignition and nonignition in these pairs of re- ration process may not be so obvious because
sults, but also the behavior of two alcohols at there is the additional possibility that also the
identical conditions is readily distinguished. reactivity with respect to the autoxidation is

TABLE I To gain some understanding of this phe-

Minimum Ignition Temperatures and Boiling Points of the nomenon, we consider a theoretical approach
n-Alcohols under the Test Conditions using a spatially uniform form of the governing
Fuel T~ (K) B.Pt. (K) equations, which ignores diffusive effects. Such
an approach is justified in the early stages of
1-CllH23OH 429 + 2 515.5 the self-heating, since generally there is enough
1-CI()I-t21OH 433 + 1 504
1-CgH]9OH 433 4- 2 488 oxygen available within the pore structure for
I-CsHI7OH 442 4- 1 468 its supply by diffusion not to be a rate-control-
I-C7HI~OH 444 + 2 444 ling step.
1-C~HI3OH 455 + 2 430 Thus diffusion and the volatile (i.e., gas-
phase) oxidation reaction are neglected in or-
der to focus attention on the competitive ef-
reduced as the carbon chain length becomes fects of the reactive term of the dispersed
shorter, just as the n-alkanes show a markedly liquid (which decreases slowly due to the loss
diminished reactivity at C < 6. of liquid reactant) and the evaporative heat
SIMPLIFIED MATHEMATICAL MODEL Neglecting the depletion of oxygen, one can
write the equations of conservation of energy
One of the purposes of this paper is to estab- and the combustible fluid (ignoring re-con-
lish a more fundamental understanding of the densation) as follows:
autoignition of combustible fluids in porous
media, i.e., an understanding that does not rely
so much on the empiricism that this subject ¢ ! dT'
has so far received. It is found that the classi- p, Cp, dt'
cal approach to criticality is not sufficient for Oxidation
this phenomenon since there can be situations h'S'
where, even though a stable final steady state ×A'e -e'/R'r'- V---T(T'- T~)
is predicted, the transient temperature behav- tteat transfer
ior before this is to all intents and purposes at surface
indicating strong ignition behavior. (1)

1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
, t J : ~ t 12 Evaporadon
C,o ~ ca c7
Combustible fluid
10 i " C8 C9 C~o

dt' Evaporation
-P"I l ~" Oxidation
8 ~.
×A'e E'/R'T', (2)
where standard notation is used for enthalpy
(AH'), temperature (T'), activation energy
(E'), density (p'), specific heat (cp), surface
area (S'), and volume (V'). The subscripts 0 2
and L refer to oxygen and the combustible
300 350 4;0 450 500 liquid, respectively, and all dashed quantities
are dimensional. The remaining terms repre-
Fig. 2. Dependence of vapor pressure of the n-alcohols on
sent heat transfer coefficient (h'), reaction fre-
temperature (solid lines, left hand and lower axis). The
linear relationship of l n ( p ' / p ' a) versus 1 / T ' is also shown quencies (A',F'), ambient temperature (T')
(broken lines, right hand upper axis). The gradient is and the temperature coefficient for evapora-
proportional to the enthalpy of vaporization. tion (7",i).

For the purposes of nondimensionalization, At first sight these equations might appear to
we construct a temperature variable along the be a simple modification of the classical
lines of Gray and Wake [8, 9] which has the Semenov equations for the heating up of a
advantage of keeping ambient temperature as (dry) reactive pile [12], that is the classical
a distinguished parameter in the subsequent criticality problem with greater stability from
analysis. Concerning the evaporative terms, we the heat sink due to evaporation (3rd term in
follow a similar procedure to that used in the energy equation). However the presence of
earlier work concerning the influence of water x (the slowly reducing) combustible liquid con-
vapor in reactive systems [10,11]. Thus we centration in the first term alters the picture
write: substantially such that a crucial value of con-
Temperature centration (dependent on the other parameters
R' T' t' in the problem) becomes the all-determining
u---; Timet= (3a,3b) factor in the subsequent thermal behavior of
E' p~CpsV'/S'h' the system.
Preexponential terms

A - S I h /! p s cl pI~ V I ~ F S'h'/p'scpsV"
It is obvious from Eqs. 8 and 9 that the final
(4a, 4b)
stationary state with d x / d t = d u / d t = 0 is
Ratio of evaporation simply the trivial solution x = 0; u = u a. Thus
temperature coefficient to undoubtedly at long times, there is always just
one stable point in the u - x phase plane.
activation temperature
Indeed strictly one has lost criticality (accord-
T" ing to the classical definition) in that there is
Be -~- E ' / R " (5) no longer an unstable stationary state along
the middle branch of the classical S-shaped
Heat of reaction
u - ua diagram [9].
Q - R'A H°xid " (6a) Thus there is no doubt that in the end the
t l l
cpsE l¥oxid final steady state is always simply the total loss
of fluid with the material at ambient tempera-
Latent heat of evaporation
ture. However, the temperature histories re-
veal that large increases in temperature can
Qc- C'psE---~L ~Ps]-7, (6b) take place for small changes in starting condi-
tions, thus indicating that for some situations
Mass fraction of combustible liquid
the steady state will not in reality be achieved.
X ~-- pta , (7)
For all practical purposes one has ignition.
Consider an initial concentration of com-
The densities p', and p~ are a reference liquid bustible liquid x0: Since dx/dtlo < 0 (always),
density and the bulk density of the porous we have two scenarios depending on whether
material respectively• The equations then be- d u / d t l o < 0 or d u / d t l o > 0:
du / dtlo < 0
du In this case, it then follows (since dx/dtlo < O)
d----t = Q A x e - 1 / " - (u - ua) - QcFxe -~e/u. that d u / d x l o > 0 and thus u will constantly
reduce with time until u = u a is reached.
Combustible Liquid du / dtlo > 0
-- = -Fxe ,e/u _ Axe-1/u. (9) In this case with dx/dtlo < O, we have du/dx[o
dt < O, so that as x reduces, u increases with
A U T O I G N I T I O N O F F L U I D S IN I N S U L A T I O N M A T E R I A L S 547

time and will continue to do so until d u / d x = 0 ever as soon as u0 is above this curve then the
at some later time (i.e., until some point on the temperature history is very different. In this
d u / d x = 0 locus is reached). Thus one can see latter case (see for example the starting condi-
that the du/dxlo = 0 locus is an important tion x 0 = 0.444, label ( ~ in Fig. 3), the tem-
condition and from Eq. 8 is given by perature rises sharply with x (combustible liq-
(Uo - Ua) uid concentration) reducing more quickly, until
(10) another point on the d u / d x = 0 locus is
x° = ( ( Q A ) e 1/. _ ( Q e F ) e - ~ / , , )
reached. After this, theoretically there is a final
with an asymptote given by reduction to u = u,, but obviously in a practi-
cal case, the large temperature increase will in
(1 - f i e )
fact lead to ignition. In Fig. 4 the locus of
In( A---~)
(11) du/dxlo = 0 is plotted for three values of fie,
u~ QA
the ratio of activation energies. The first case
/3e = 0.1 gives an asymptote u~ = 0.145 ( > u,
In Fig. 3 the locus of du/dxlo = 0 is plotted = 0.11), but the other two cases yield us val-
(dotted) from Eq. 10 for (QA) = 100, (Q~F) = ues below u a (u~ = 0.108 for /3e = 0.33 and
0.2 and u a = 0.11. Thus the dominant reaction u~ = 0.080 for /3e = 0.5). Thus for the higher
is considered to be the oxidation of the com- fie values, the character of the locus alters
bustible fluid with a small but significant heat with a maximum x 0 occurring, beyond which
exchange from the evaporation reaction. The no solution for du/dxlo = 0 can be found.
lower part of the curve we term an "attractor" Phase plane plots can be obtained from the
line, since there is a convergence of the tran- other/3 e curves marked in Fig. 4 (i.e., /3e = 0.1
sient solution to this line (see unbroken curves),
as long as u 0 is below the upper branch of the Initial
curve (termed as the "watershed" line). How- Temperaturs uo

Initial uo

QAgl00, QcF'0.2, ua=0.11
! QA=100, QcF=0.2, u,=0.1t
0.30 ~ ~ =0.1, 0.33, 0.5

~ ~,,=0.33, A=I, F=I \

I - " - ---- ~,=0.1

~ ',Watershed / '
t ~ -~
. . . . . .
-- - Watershed
-- = =~.--o.33
i - - "- ¢,=0.1
I ~,.~A ~ - 0 , 4 4 4 Watershed
0.10 ~ ....... ~ 7 U o_=_0 . _ 143 . . . . --- -- ----~------'--'------ = p.=0.33
L . . . . J , , , i . . . . i . . . . i
0.00 0.25 0.50 0,75 1.00
Initial combustible concentration x0
Fig. 4. Loci of du/dxlo = 0 in u 0 - x 0 p l a n e for ( Q A ) =
0.00 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 100, (QcF)= 0.2, u a = 0.11. Plots are s h o w n for t h r e e

on v a l u e s of /3e (ratio of e v a p o r a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e coefficient
to a c t i v a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e ) . F o r any fie, the b o t t o m part of
Fig. 3. Uo-Xo p h a s e plots showing m a r k e d c h a n g e in ther- the curve is the a t t r a c t o r (stable) line w h i c h will lead to the
mal r e s p o n s e a b o v e a n d b e l o w the w a t e r s h e d line. The slow c o n v e r g e n c e to the final s t e a d y s t a t e (u o = 0.11). T h e
t i m e plots are for x 0 = 0.444, with u 0 = 0.143 (below the top part of the curve is the w a t e r s h e d ( u n s t a b l e ) line such
w a t e r s h e d line) and u 0 = 0.149 ( a b o v e the w a t e r s h e d line). that u 0 > t/watershe
d l e a d s to large i n c r e a s e s in t e m p e r a t u r e
u , = 0.11, (QA) = 100, (Q~F) = 0.2, A = 1, F = 1, /3e = until a r e d u c e d c o n c e n t r a t i o n is r e a c h e d and a final decay
0.33. invoked.

and /3~ = 0.5). The time histories will again be Initial

markedly different above the watershed line. It T M n p e l l l l U l ~ U0

is of further interest to note that beyond the 0.60

tip of the locus for each fie in Fig. 4, that any

x 0 starting condition in this region leads to a QcF:20

large temperature rise such that for all practi- 0.40

cal purposes no stability will be achieved. QA,,100,/~' "0.33, u,"0.11

The watershed temperature is thus seen to
0.30 QJ " 0 . 0 2 , 0.2, 2.0, 20.0
depend on the ratio fie of evaporation temper-
ature coefficient to activation temperature. For
fixed values of the other parameters, the re- 0.20
duction of ]~e slowly increases the watershed - Q©F=2

temperature. It is important to recognize that QcF__..O.~-L: "- - Watershed

: :_-- -: . OoF:O2
the watershed temperature for this phe- 0.10
----_i " A.~,c,o~ ___Oo,:2
nomenon is not linked with a new (unstable) - - . . . . . . QcF=20
stationary state. The only final stationary state
, . . . . . r ,
is u = u a (all at ambient temperature), but 0.00
~ , i

0.25 0.50
. . . .

i . . . .

large temperature maxima take place if the
Initial c o m b u s t i b l e ~ xo
initial temperature is above a well-defined
Fig. 5. The effect of volatility F on the loci of du/dxlo = 0
threshold, which has been shown to depend in the Uo-Xo plane for (QA) = 100, /3e = 0.33, u , = 0.11.
crucially on the amount of combustible liquid Plots are shown for four values of (QcF) (which for
in the porous material and its volatility. constant latent heat Qc is directly proportional to volatil-
ity). These curves show the trend found experimentally,
that increasing the volatility ( F ) tends to increase the
DISCUSSION watershed temperature. Thus the less volatile combustible
fluids are more likely to cause self-heating in the porous
The watershed curves that are obtained from medium.
different Q~ F values are shown in Fig. 5. These
have a particular relevance to the experiments
reported here since the change of Qc F effec- the change in F. The variation of the constant
tively measures the changing volatility of the term associated with the graph of ln(p'/p',) vs.
fluid. Insofar that the ratio of vapor pressure 1 / T ' over the range 1-C6H13OH to 1-
to ambient pressure (p'/p',) of a liquid satisfies CltH23OH is consistent with a 10-fold varia-
tion in the computed values of F.
d(ln(p'/p' a)) - A H~ It is evident that an increase in volatility
raises the watershed temperature so that as
d(1/T') R'
found in the experiments, the less volatile
where AH~ is the enthalpy of vaporization combustible fluids are more likely to cause
(Fig. 2), this leads to the evaporation term of self-heating in the porous medium, since as
Eqs. 1 and 2 being of the form F'e-v"/r' with can be seen from Fig. 5, the watershed temper-
the implication that the evaporation tempera- ature is lower. The change in behavior brought
ture coefficient T" is the same as AH'UR'. about by the variation of /3e (Fig. 4) demon-
For a particular class of compounds the en- strates the qualitative distinctions that can arise
thalpy of vaporization is constant, and is 60 + 3 as fluids of similar volatility but different
kJ mo1-1 for the n-alcohols (Fig. 2). If an chemical reactivity undergo autoignition in
overall activation energy for the low-tempera- porous insulation materials.
ture oxidation of 150-200 kJ mol 1 is as-
sumed, then the ratio /3e would be about 0.33 REFERENCES
for the n-alcohols, and would be approximately
1. Bowes, P. C., Self-heating: Evaluating and Controlling
constant throughout the class. This value for the Hazard, HMSO, 1984.
/3e is used in the data used to construct Fig. 5 2. Britton, L. G., 23rd Annual Symposium on Loss Pre-
and the volatility change is thus represented by vention, AIChe, paper 92c, 1990.

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Combust. Flame 55:297 (1984). (1990).
5. Griffiths, J. F., Hasko, S. M., and Tong, A. W., 10. McIntosh, A. C., Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of
Combust. Flame 59:1 (1985). the British and German Sections of the Combustion
6. Griffiths, J. F., and Kordylewski, W., Twenty-Fourth Institute, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 327-330.
Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Com- 11. McIntosh, A. C., IMA J. Appl. Math. 51(3):217 238
bustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1992, p. 1777. (1993).
7. Gray, B. F., Merkin, J. H., and Griffiths, J. F., 12. McIntosh, A. C., and Tolputt, T. A., Combust. Sci.
Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on Combus- Technol. 69:133-145 (1990).
tion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1992, p.
1775. Received 18 April 1994; revised 18 May 1994

Carlos Fernandez-PeUo, University of California, ume of the insulation, can the diffusion of 0 2
Berkeley, USA. Your conclusion that ignition be governing the observed induction times?
occurs due to a reaction in the liquid phase is
based on the observation that ignition occurs Author's Reply. It seems unlikely that the oxi-
at a temperature below the boiling point of the dation of fuel vapor is the controlling factor in
fuel. Depending on the partial pressure at the these phenomena. We believe that it is a con-
liquid's surface, a liquid can evaporate at a densed phase oxidation (which may be as ad-
temperature well below its boiling point. Thus, sorbed species or some other similar state).
this is not a reason to eliminate a gas phase This is the important distinction in our analyti-
reaction. Furthermore, your analysis and con- cal model. Thus, the exothermic reaction is
clusions would be the same if the liquid phase certainly dependent on some fuel concentra-
reaction is replaced with a gas phase reaction, tion.
which makes most physical sense. We agree that displacement of oxygen oc-
curs during the evaporative stage. However,
Author's Reply. Our reply is that (as with the the time to the temperature maximum (subcrit-
comment below from Dr. Stephen Niksa), al- ical or supercritical) is often many hours (thus
though gas phase oxidation may affect the de- rather longer than the one hour or so for bulk
tails of the behavior of the system, it is unlikely evaporation) and sufficiently long for oxygen to
that this is the controlling factor. There is diffuse back into the porous medium. It is
some evidence, particularly with regard to the important for us to put these processes on a
long induction times involved, that there is quantitative basis with a spatially distributed
condensed phase oxidation taking place. Fur- model.
ther work is being done to seek to expose more
clearly the chemistry involved.
A. Kanury, Oregon State University, USA. Can
you tell me where in your model are the appar-
Stephen Niksa, SRI International, USA. Your ently important variables--the porosity of the
inference of liquid-phase combustion is incon- insulation, the ambient O 2 content, insulation
sistent with (a) the presence of fuel vapor thickness--taken into account?
throughout the pore volume at temperatures
well below the boiling point and (b) the faster Author's Reply. As yet the model does not take
oxidation rates of fuel vapors compared to the account of porosity, 0 2 content, etc. These
burning rates of condensed fuels. Considering features are part of a distributed model which
that the volume of vapor released up to the we plan to develop at a later stage in the
ignition point is far larger than the pore vol- project.

Lawrence A. Kennedy, The Ohio State Univer- the weight of the absorbed combustible fluid
sity, USA. The phenomenon you describe is not equals the dry weight of the insulating mate-
unknown in the literature. Our own work on rial. Does your analysis confirm this observa-
combustion in porous media (this symp, 04E-2) tion and permit determination of the optima
shows that a thermal field can couple with low for other fuels and substrates? Experimentally,
reaction and so feed back energy, drastically you've made a valuable contribution showing
elevating the temperature and resulting in a that an inert substrate readily supports self-
reaction wave propagating through the porous heating. Why didn't you make a standard
media. There is a wealth of work under the "Beever plot" of critical conditions as a func-
title of filtration combustion which is in the tion of size for your system [1]?
literature and which is relevant to the problem
you are examining. I'd suggest that you draw
upon this existing knowledge. REFERENCE
Beever, P. F., in S.F.P.E. Handbook of Fire Protection
Author's Reply. Our initial interest is in the Engineering, P. J. DiNenno, et al., eds., NFPA, Quincy,
origin of, and conditions for, the onset of a MA, 1988, pp. 1-341-1-359.
high temperature combustion phenomenon. In
the next stage we would wish to understand Author's Reply. After preliminary experimental
better the nature of the propagating combus- tests, we made the present study at only one
tion wave, which could be clearly seen in the specific loading throughout, in order to unify
experiments under supercritical conditions. the tests across the range of alcohols used. We
Your indication of the source of information recognize that the amount of combustible fluid
about related phenomena is helpful to that initially present could well be important (as
part of our program. shown by Bowes) and we plan to investigate
this. Similarly we worked only with one size of
block of inert material in the experiments. The
Patrick J. Pagni, University of California, Berke- simple, non-spatially-dependent theory does
ley, USA. Bowes, in your ref. 1, p. 394, suggests not take account directly of size. Beever plots
that for linseed oil on cotton an optimum fuel can be made once we alter block sizes in future
loading for self-heating occurs at one-half, i.e., experiments.

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