Network Diagram

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Network Diagram

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Network Diagram

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Network Diagram

1. Draw an AOA network diagram representing the project. Put the node numbers in

circles and draw arrows from node to node, labeling each arrow with the activity

letter. MS Powerpoint or Visio are good tools for this task.

E=2 H=2 K=2

3 6 8 9


A=2 C=3 F=3 I=5

1 2 4

5 7


2. Identify all of the parts on the network diagram and note how long they are, using

the figure below as a guide for how to represent each path.

The weights are put on each of the edge of this network diagram. The path

represents the all edges connecting the starting node to end node of the diagram.

Network Diagram

The length of the path is equal to the total of the weight of each of edge falling in

the way to that path.

There can be easily identified four paths in this diagram-

1. Path 1-2-3-6-8-9

The length can be given as- 2+2+2+2+2=10 Days

2. Path 1-2-4-6-8-9

The length can be given as-2+3+3+2+2=12 Days

3. Path 1-2-4-6-7-8-9

The length can be given as-2+3+3+5+1+2=16 Days

4. Path 1-2-5-7-8-9

The length can be given as-2+4+6+1+2=15 Days

3. What is the critical path for this project and how long is it?

The critical path is given as the longest path of the network diagram which could

be given by the path with length of 16 days (Path no 3 above) formed by 1-2-4-6-


4. When is the earliest possible time that this project can be completed?

As it is clear from the figure that the earliest reach to the destination node is the

path number 1 with 10 days formed by the node-1-2-3-6-8-9

5. Enter the information into MS Project.

Please see attached file ms “project1.pp”

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