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Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1

Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

What do I need At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
to learn? 1. solve problems involving increasing and decreasing functions
2. solve problems involving tangent and normals
2. solve problems involving maxima and minima

What to remember?
Increasing and Decreasing Function

1. Given f(x) = x3 + 6x2 + 9x

a. Find the open intervals where the given function is increasing or decreasing
b. Locate all the points where the tangent line is horizontal
c. Graph the function

a. f(x) = x3 + 6x2 + 9x, f1(x)= 3x2 + 12x + 9

f(x)= 0 Critical numbers are -3 and -1. The points determine the
3x2 + 12x + 9=0 three intervals namely, ( -∞, -3), ( -3, -1) and ( -1, ∞).
3( x+3) ( x+1) = 0 The graph is increasing on ( -∞, -3).
X= -3 and x = -1 The graph is decreasing on ( -3, -1).
The graph is increasing on ( -1, ∞).
b. Horizontal tangents can be found by solving for f1(x) = 0. f1(x) =
0 , when x= -3 and -1

c. Graph

2. Given f(x) = 2x3 -15x2 + 36x -24

a. Find the open intervals where the given function is increasing or decreasing
b. Locate all the points where the tangent line is horizontal
c. Graph the function

a. f(x) = 2x3 -15x2 + 36x -24 , y1 = 6x2 – 30x + 36

0 = 6x2 – 30x + 36 The graph is increasing on (-∞, 2)
6 (x2 – 5x + 6) = 0 The graph is deceasing on ( 2, 3)
6 (x -2) (x-3) = 0 The graph is increasing on (3, ∞)
X = 2, x = 3

b. Points where the tangent line is horizontal are 2 and 3.

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 1

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and
Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1
Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

c. Graph

3. Given f(x) = x3 + 3x2 - 9x + 4

a. Find the open intervals where the given function is increasing or decreasing
b. Locate all the points where the tangent line is horizontal
c.Graph the function

a. y= x3 + 3x2 - 9x + 4
y1 =3x2 + 6x – 9
0 =3x2 + 6x – 9 The graph is increasing on (-∞, -3)
3(x2 + 2x – 3) = 0 The graph is deceasing on ( -3, 1)
3(x2 + 2x – 3) = 0 The graph is increasing on (1, ∞)
3(x+3) (x-1) = 0
x= -3, x= 1

b. Horizontal tangents are x= -3 and 1 c.

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 2

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and
Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1
Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

Tangents and Normals

4. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the curve y = x3 at the point (2,8). y1 =

3x2 , m= 3(2)2 = 12

equation of the tangent

y-8 = 12(x-2)
y-8 = 12x – 24
0= 12x- y -16

Equation of Normal
y – 8 = −112(x -2)
12y – 96 = -x +2
x + 12y -98 = 0

Maxima and Minima

5. Find the absolute maximum and minimum values if they exist over the given interval: y= x2
– 5x – 36; [-8,8]
critical number
y= x2 – 5x – 36 , y1 = 2x – 5
zero only at x = 5 at [-8,8]
f(-8) = 68 absolute maximum
f(5) = -169 absolute minimum
2 4
f(8) = -12

6. Find the absolute maximum and minimum values if they exist over the given interval: y =
(x+2)3 -1; on [-3, 0].

Critical number y1 = 3(x+2)2

Critical number is -2
f(-3) = -2 absolute minimum
f(-2)= -1
f(0)= 7 absolute maximum

7. Find two real numbers with sum 16 and product as great as possible.

x + y = 16 Find the critical points z

y = 16 – x = 16x – x2
z = product
z = xy z1(z) = 0 , and find x
= x (16 – x) z1 = 16 – 2x
= 16x – x2 0 = 16 – 2x
2x = 16

The product is a maximum when x = 8 and y = 8.

∴ the maximum product is 64

The graph shows that it is open downward when the curve reaches its maximum value, 64.

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 3

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and
Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1
Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

8. Find two positive numbers whose sum is 20 and whose product is as large as
If one number is x,
then the other is ( 20 – x)
their product is f(x)= x(20 – x) = 20x – x2
the derivative y1= 20 – 2x
factor 2(10 – x)
the two numbers we seek are x =10, and 20 – x = 10

Physics Falling object

1.A rock is dropped from a seven story building. It falls 64 feet.

a. How long will it take the rock to hit the ground?
b. At what rate will the rock be falling when it hits the ground?
c. What is the average speed of the rock during its journey?

a. d=16t2, but d = 64 ft
64= 16t2
T= 2 sec.
𝑑𝑓 𝑓(𝑥+ ∆𝑥)−𝑓(𝑥) where f =d and x = t
b. 𝑑𝑥 = ∆𝑥→0
lim ∆𝑥
= 16t2
=32t but t= 2 sec If an object falls for t seconds,
= 32 (2) then its distance d (in feet) and its
= 64 ft/ sec speed s (in feet per second) are
∆𝑓 𝑓(𝑥 + ∆𝑥)−𝑓(𝑥) given by the equations.
c. =
∆𝑥 ∆𝑥 d= 16t2
= 64 𝑓𝑡= 32 ft / sec s= 32t
2 𝑠𝑒𝑐

2. Given: 1. 1 sec 2. 10 sec

Find: a. distance an object will
b. instantaneous speed of an object after it has fallen for the given amount of time
c. the average speed of an object that falls for the given amount of time
1. a. d=16t2, b t= 1 sec and d = f, t = x
∴ d= 16 (1)2
= 16 ft
𝑑𝑓 𝑓(𝑥+ ∆𝑥)−𝑓(𝑥)
1.b. = lim = 16t2 = 32t but t = 1 sec
𝑑𝑡 ∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥
∴ = 32t = 32(1) = 32 ft / sec
∆𝑓 𝑓(𝑡 + ∆𝑡)−𝑓(𝑡)
1. 𝑐. ∆𝑡 = ∆𝑡
= 16 ft/sec
1 𝑠𝑒𝑐

2.a. d=16t2, b t= 10 sec and d = f, t = x

∴ d= 16 (10)2
= 1600 ft
𝑑𝑓 𝑓(𝑥+ ∆𝑥)−𝑓(𝑥)
2.b. = lim = 16t2 = 32t but t = 10 sec
𝑑𝑡 ∆𝑥→0 ∆𝑥
∴ = 32t = 32(10) = 320 ft / sec

∆𝑓 𝑓(𝑡 + ∆𝑡)−𝑓(𝑡)
2. 𝑐. ∆𝑡= ∆𝑡
= 160 ft/sec
10 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 4

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and
Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1
Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

Solve the problems.

1.What is the abscissa of the point on y= x2 - x where the tangent is horizontal? 2.Find

the slope of the curve y= 3x-2x2 at the point (2, -2).

3. Find the equation of the tangent of the curve y = 2x – x2 at the point A(2, 0).

4. Find the equations of the tangent and normal to the graph of the given function at the
given point.

1. y = 3x2 -2x + 1, ( 2,9)

2. y = 1 + 3√𝑥 , ( 4, 7)
3. y = x √𝑥 − 1 , ( 5, 10)
4. y2 = 𝑥3 , ( 2, 2 )
5. y = 2
, (1,2)

5. Find the two numbers whose sum is 640 and whose product is as large as possible.

6. Find two numbers whose sum is 8, such that the sum of their square is a minimum.

7. The sum of one number and three times the second number is 30. What number should
be selected so that their product is as large as possible?

8. Find the dimensions of a rectangle with a perimeter of 144 cm that will produce the
maximum area.

9. What is the are of the largest rectangle that can be drawn in a circle of radius 8?

10. Find the tangent to x2 + y2 = 5 and parallel to 2x – y =4.

11. A rectangle is to be inscribed in a semicircle of radius 2. What is the largest area a

rectangle can have and what its dimensions?

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 5

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and
Calculus 1 with Learning Material 1
Analytic Geometry Conic Sections

5. Find the area of the triangle formed by the coordinate axes and the tangent to x + y =
5 at (1,5).

Matthew E. Cañeda, MAED 6

Agusan del Sur State college of Agriculture and

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