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: SIMRAN GHUMAN & ASSOCIATES ‘CA SIMRAN GHUMAN B.COM (PROF), CA, CS #03 URBAN ESTATE, BLOCK C, PHAS JALANDHAR C. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN to certify that the following are the assets of Jaspal Singh S/o Baldev Singh (Passport: K1023476) resident of H. No. 260 Gali Baba Nikka Singh Dharamkot, Moga, Punjab, India 142042 for the year ending 19.02.2022 is as under: St? Particulars ‘Amount (INR) No. B Property measuring 8 maria is situated at H.No 260 Gali Baba Nikka 49,73,750.00 Singh Dharamkot, Moga, Punjab-142042 (ownership in the name S. Mahinderjit Kaur) 2 Property measuring 20 maria is situated at Village Pandori Dharamkot 45,00,000.00 Moga, Punjab (ownership in the name S. Jaspal Singh) Total immovable Assets '9473750.00 Movable Assets: (Annexure B) Sr. Particulars “Amonut (INR) i No. a j 1 Balance in Saving a/c 921010050306897 with AXIS BANK, Jalandhar as on 11007000.00 18.01.2022 (name of Jaspal Singh) Zz Present Market Value of Gold Jewellery weight 114,96@4600 in the '524400.00 name of Jaspal Singh {as certified by M/s Maharani Jewellers, Jalandhar as on 21.02-2022 3. (Cash in Hand 150000.00 __| (as certified by Jaspal singh on self declaration basis as on 21.02.2022) Total Annexure B 1681400.00 Ph, No.: +91 90417 28581, 95019-28581 E-mail: SIMRAN GHUMAN & ASSOCIATES ‘CA SIMRAN GHUMAN B.COM (PROF), CA, CS #03 URBAN ESTATE, BLOCK C, PHASE JALANDHAR CT Net Assets (A+B) 11155150.00 Liabilities (as certified by Jaspal Singh) oe __ 0.00 Total Net Assets 11155150.00 ‘CAD@ 58.49 on 21.02.2022 190800.14 cap Annual income 1. | Gross Total income for AY. 20221-2022 330000.00 (as per Income Tax Return) Total Annual Income '330000.00 ‘CAD @ 58.49 on 21.02.2022 5644.39 cad This certificate issued for the purpose of the Embassy only as Jaspal Singh intends to apply for visa abroad. NOTE: The certificate is issued on the specific request of the customers keeping in view that the documents/records shown to us are genuine and neither manipulation/alteration is made to the documents NOR the documents are fictitious. Furthermore the responsibility of truthiness/geniuses of record & documents lies on the applicant. Cid oa tha deren Besplanetin pst fo ux Jaspal Singh umgyt Associates sien \ yA accountant Vertication Verified from the records produced before us Dated 21.02.2022 Place : Jalandhar Ph. No.: +91 90417 28581, 95019-28581 E-mail: Er.Parmod Kumar CIVIL ENGINEER, APPROVED VALUER, SAFETY ENGINEER Diploma & BE (Chil Eng.}, AMICE (inca), Member Council of Engineers & Valuers, NEBOSH GC), 1OSH (MS) Approved Valuer (Rega Na.CEVISM'1042) NEBOSH! IGC (Ragd No.SQA Ref: R34804) AVICE Regd No.53705) OLDEN AVENUE Ref. No. PK/VAL/001 Dated VALUATION REPORT REGARDING FAIR MARKET VALUE OF PROPERTY The valuation certificate for the Market Value of the property belonging to S. Jaspal Singh S/o Baldev Singh resident of H NO. 260 Gali Baba Nikka Singh Dharamkot Moga,Punjab,India, 142042 NoTE:- ‘The market valuation certificate is based upon certain information given by the property owner. Fard Jamabandi along with English Translation attached herewith, VALUATION SYNOPSIS:- 1) Purpose of valuation : Fair Market Value 2) Date of valuation : 15th Feb 2022 3) Location : Village Pandori Dharamkot Moga 4) Description : Agriculture Land 5) Total Area of Land 112 Kanal 00 Marla or 1 Acre 4 Kanal 00 Marla ‘SPECIAL NOTE: LAcre = — 8Kanal = 1 Kanal = 20 Marla Marla = — 272Sq.Ft.(Pacca) 207 Sq, Ft. (Kacha) VALUATION OF LAND:- The valuation of land depends upon its size, location and its placements, So, viewing all these facts and sale instance in the locality the value of Land as under:~ Total Area of Land : 12 Kanal 00 Marla or 1 Acre 4 Kanal 00 Marla ‘At Per Market Rate per Acre Rs. 30,00,000/- Per Acre So Total Cost of land Rs. + 45,00,000/- CERTIFICATE: Ondine shewsseel ies Upesaby carty thet tho vaiue of vey» mentioned property is fair and reasonable at Rs. 45,00,000/- (Rupees Forty Five\Lal He ER. PARM begets 120-Goxson Avenue Phos Gama Road, Jalandhar FORM INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN VERIFICATION FORM | “Sssment Year ITR-V {Where the data ofthe Retin of come in Form FTR-1 (SAAD), FTR-2, 1 2020-21 THR-SUGAM), ITH, [TR filed but NOT vere lesen} (Pea eRe 12 he Income Rls, 192) Name JASPAL SINGH eo EHSPS2800D a ITR-2 139(1)-Onor before due dat. ig Acknowledgement Number | 1767951601 00121 VERIFICATION son! daughter of aS = Se —_slemnly declare that to ihe best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the return which has been submitied by me vide acknowledgement number_176705160100121 ‘correct and complete and is in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. | further declare that ram making this retum in-my capacity as_sett and | am also competent to make Ithis return and verify it. am holding permanent account number_EHSPS2800D. H,_JASPAL SINGH BALDEY SINGH. Signature Date of submission | 10-01-2021 132809 Source IP address_| 196,202.109.50 gee HEAPS ‘cvuPsa6e 2175759601002 065529 2FESDOSAYSAORETFBODATF2E2000400A, Instructions: 1, Please send the duly signed (preferably in blue ink) Form ITR-V to “Centralized Processing Centre, Income Tax} Department, Bengaluru 560500", by ORDINARY POST OR SPEED POST ONLY, so as to reach within 120 days} {from date of submission of ITR. Alternately, you may e-verify the electronic transmitted return data using Aadhaat OTP or Login to e-Filing account through Net-Banking login or EVC obtained generated using Pre-Validated Bank| Account/Demat Account or EVC generated through Bank ATM, >. It Form ITR-V ts received beyond the 120th day of electronic transmission of the return data or e-Verified beyond the 120th day of electronic transmission of the return data, then the day on which e-Verified or the Form ITR-V is| received at Centralized Processing Cente, Income Tax Department, Bengalura would be treated asthe date of flag the Income Tax Retura and all consequences of Income Tax Act shall accordingly wil e applicable. ‘3. Form ITR-Y shall not be received in any other office of the Income Tax Department or in any other manner. The| confirmation of receipt of this Form ITR-V at ITD-CPC will be sent to the e-mail Id registered in the e-Filing account. |On successful verification, the return filing acknowledgement ean be downloaded from ¢-Filing portal as a proof of] |completion of process of filing the return of Income. NAME OF ASSESSEE PAN FATHER'S NAME BALDEV SINGH RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : S/O BALDEV SINGH, H NO 260 GALI BABA NIKKA SINGH DHARAMKOT MOGA 142042 STATUS INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT YEAR: 2020 - 2021 WARD NO FINANCIAL YEAR 2019 - 2020 GENDER ALE DATE OF BIRTH 08/01/1987 EMAIL ADDRESS. RESIDENTIAL STATUS — : RESIDENT NAME OF BANK. UNION BANK IFSC CODE UBINO539058 ACCOUNT NO. 581402010065190 RETURN ORIGINAL (FILING DATE : 10/01/2021 & NO. : 176795160100121) ‘COMPUTATION OF TOTAL INCOME 340000 MISC. INCOME 340000 TOTAL 340000 GROSS TOTAL INCOME 340000 80C DEDUCTION 43762 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 13762 TOTAL INCOME 326238 TOTAL INCOME ROUNDED OFF U/S 288A 326240, COMPUTATION OF TAX ON TOTAL INCOME TAX ON RS. 250000 NIL TAX ON RS. 76240 (326240-250000) @ 5% 3812 TAX ON RS. 326240 3812 3812 LESS : REBATE U/S 87A 3812 TAX PAYABLE. NIL LIC 13762 TOTAL 13762 INDIAN INCOME TAX RETURN VERIFICATION FORM Fae FORM See SREr [aces For TRA (GAHAN TRO ‘= FORM | where the data ofthe Retum of Income in Form ITR-1 (SAHA), ITR-2.ITR-3, ‘Year TTR-4{SUGAM), ITR-5, ITR-7 filed but NOT verified electronically, 2021-22 ‘Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1952) Name JASPAL SINGH PAN EHSPS2800D Se ee riedus | 130(1)Retunfled on orbetoe de date | gfliog Acknowledgement eee VERIFICATION |, JASPALSINGH son/ daughter of BALDEV SINGH , solemnly dectare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in the retuin which has been submitted by me vide acknowledgement number 589521610301221 is correct and complete and is in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. | further declare that | am making this return in my capacity as Self and | am also competent to make this retum and verify it. | am holding permanent account number EHSPS2800D Signature > Sbetesion 30-De02024 Sties Paik, TAB ap Me Pt system Generated Vata ara hv, Ta Barcode/GR Code CYJPS0668F035895216103012216E7CBOAESB1D9BE9GAF39180ADBF26ES5A8699CA Instructions: 1. Please send the duly signed (preferably in blue ink) Form ITRV to “Centralized Processing Cente, Income Tax Deparment, Bengaluru 860500", by ORDINARY POST OR SPEED POST ONLY, Alternately, you may e-venly the elearoni ransmited relum data ving Aadhaar OTP of Log fo eFilng acount through Nei Banking login OF EVC ‘obtained generated using Pre-Validated Bank Accoun/Demat Account or EVC generated through Bank ATM 2, Form ITR-V shall not be received in any other office ofthe Income-ax Department or in any other manner. The omfmation of receipt ofthis Form 1TFLY at ITD-GPC wil be sont tothe email id registered inthe © Fling account, | 3. On successful verification, the retum fling acknowledgement can be downloaded from e-Filing portal as a proof of ‘Completion of process of fing the return of Income NAME OF ASSESSEE —: JASPAL SINGH PAN : CYJPSO668F FATHER'S NAME BALDEV SINGH RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : S/O BALDEV SINGH, H NO 260 GAL! BABA NIKKA SINGH DHARAMKOT MOGA 142042 STATUS. INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT YEAR: 2021 - 2022 ‘WARD NO. FINANCIAL YEAR + 2020 - 2021 GENDER MALE DATE OF BIRTH 08/01/1987 EMAIL ADDRESS: RESIDENTIAL STATUS =: RESIDENT NAME OF BANK UNION BANK OF INDIA IFSC CODE UBIN0539058 ACCOUNT NO. 581402010065190 OPTED FOR TAXATION : NO UIS 115BAC RETURN ORIGINAL (FILING DATE : 30/12/2021 & NO. : 589521610301221) COMPUTATION OF TOTAL INCOME PROFITS AND GAINS FROM BUSINESS AND 330000 PROFESSION PROFIT U/S 44AD - TRADING PROFIT DEEMED U/S 44AD @ 8% OF RS. 1320000 105600 PROFIT DECLARED U/S 44AD @ 25% OF RS. 1320000 330000 PROFIT (HIGHER OF THE ABOVE) 330000 CAPITAL GAINS 0 LONG TERM CAPITAL GAIN 48031 LONG TERM CAPITAL LOSS C/F Rs. 48031 INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES Prone | ci eageiamen 250001 PART TIME. 125000 TOTAL 125000 GROSS TOTAL INCOME 455000 TOTAL INCOME 455000 TOTAL INCOME ROUNDED OFF U/S 288A 455000 COMPUTATION OF TAX ON TOTAL INCOME TAX ON RS. 250000 NIL TAX ON RS. 205000 (455000-250000) @ 5% 40250 TAX ON RS. 455000 ——10250 10250 LESS : REBATE U/S 87A, 40250 TAX PAYABLE NIL Balance Sheet (Regular books of account of business or profession are not maintained) ‘Sundry Debtors Rs. Nil Sundry Creditors Rs. Nil Stock-in-trade Rs. Nil Cash Balance Rs. 28000.00 LOSSES TABLE AY. HEAD LOSSES BROUGHT | SET-OFF | CARRIED FORWARD FORWARD. 2021-22 [Long Term Capital Loss E 1 48031 STATEMENT OF LONG TERM CAPITAL GAIN Parteiar “Salos | Indexed] —Tranafor | indenod Coat] Exempt] Captal Gan Preaivear | Costes | expenses of PLOT 0000009 Tnprovernent tar «svosr2nany Cogn 3 0.9} 00000 210205) ‘340031 0.00) -48057-00] To] 6037-0 z Tah 7 Value of properly as per slamp valuation authonty: 600000; Cost 600000 * (301/254) = 848031 “Contes cae, PAN House for at nds of iamons: We si IEICATE eB Wey TO WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN This to certify that S. JASPAL SINGH S/o BALDEV SINGH Resident of H NO 260 Gali Baba Nikka Singh Dharamkot, Moga (Pb, said to be the owner of gold jewellery has brought the gold jewellery for valuation. We have weighted and checked the purity of gold ornaments to the best of our knowledge and skill and valued it as per the prevailing gold rates as of now. We have no direct or indirect interest in the below described gold jewellery. Today's 22kt gold rate is Rs. 4600.00 per ‘gram. Purpose of Valuation For Embassy [S.No Gr. Wt (Grams) | Nett We (Grams) | Purity | Amount (RS) 1 | 115000.00 2. Necklace 128800.00__ | 3. | Bangles | 4. | Rings | 101200.00 5 Ear Rings 5980.00 [6 Tikka s | Total | WE DECLARE THAT WE HAVE TESTED AND VALUED THE ABOVE ORNAMENTS AND JEWELLERY TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL. Proprietior Rakesh Wadhwa h AXIS BANK JASPALSINGH Statement Genvated By: 198738 Joint Holder Branch : GT Road, Moga H.No, 260 Gall Baba Nikka Singh Gall Dharamkot Moge ‘scheme: SAVING ACCOUNT-NORMAL PUNIAB Currency : INR 142082 statement of Acount No. 52101005030687 forthe period rom: 1.072021 020012022) Tran Date] cha Particulars Debit ] Credit | Balance | Ini No. sr. [OPENING BALANCE 2.09 loro7 2021 [sAK/CASH DEP/SAK23971 4 4 Eee 3000.00 | 5000.00 | 651 [oe.o7-2021 [be Caré Charges ISSUE aoe an 295.00 4475000 | 665 os 07-202 fs20010073502476: 4 4 nt. P 01-04-2021 to 30-06-2021 ed Se | loxo7-2021 [ACH/WsF INDIA/I5169, 300.00) #563000] 659 4-07-2021 [ari WITHDRAWL 0000.00 25630.00] 610 20.07.2021 INEFY/10BAR5202107060052316 7 /OEEEKSHA/INDIAN/NEFT ee eee |=. 707-2021 [cast OEPOSIT MODEL TOWN KFT -45000.00] 13563000] 665 fos-08-202 INeFT/10BAN21187311908/M 7 Baal 135000.00 | 270630.00) 610 i008 2028 ee ere = ane saan [ess 708-202 [ATM WITHDRAWL 725000: 765630.00] _ 665 8-08-2021 INeFT/i0gaRs20210707002768 h7N ARINDEUNOIAN//RTGS apt i ee alse aoe 202 INEFT/IOBARS20210707002259397 aL aEDUE IIS 190000.00 | 38563000 610 24-08-2021 [Atha WITHDRAWL 70000.09 375630.00| _ 610 [os-05-2023 INEFT_IN:NO171604552302357 [BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE bear Eee fae0s-2001 [SaK/CASH DeP/SAK261880121997 es epee 315000.00] 672130.00 fs009-2020 INEFT/i0BARS20210707002268 I 7N ARINDELINDIAN//RTGS eae eee |e Tran Date | Gra Perens Debt] Grea] bance] nn No we en BALANCE 30635000 aa0 20a pa0010073500476: 1 PO OL 07 2021 — to 30-00 2021, TIO 70aT SAK/CASI/DEP/SARTGTBROIDIOO7 Sees, Ne ae cash oePossr ean lato WITHA 000 was] a0 ai-a021 SAK/CRSH/OEP/SARIOIBSOL2DU7 Frese 720000.00 | 911350.00| 659 earzoRr lat WITHDRAW moO wees 16-11-2021 |SAK/CASH/DEP/SAK26188012519/ = 3000000 | 91635000 | 66s peo Revi Joooon aaron asaac3 [aaros0 TaoTAs 0 a-2031 Pa WiTHDRAWL 0000.0 340245 00] 0 122021 SAK/CASH/DEP/SAETOTBSOLISGI7 presses 20000000 | 104024509 ear 0a Rev Joo000/e6TOTaSs709 Tao Tooren0 00] —e10 lnansacrio TOTAL 303145.0] 1310145 00 vos aavance 100700009 Lutes conta teste an meet of an sri dynein hs Sateen tA eae at te te noun te cant orc ‘Teg anc a ar uplayd cae rato the etn ander nr It a and hc ace ag ‘lathe aroun mre en ay Mee er Bane eslaye may et eh ete abe Dane Fe ay ether \We woe ore ht lyn ark dot at ak you to par what fr aac patna ag and et card nant hough mats OR phone al father. wo Bo ater tht os ork el nt be ible or am loses ae from you hrc tr i pmo an tt cr rt pone Pee caper by frerting ch cougam ens reed bout stmt sere shina EGSTERED OFFICES RANK. TRU opp. Sarthoa Temple aw Grn Arad sms. hs soten ererteutotnd eae nose Legen CONN - Transaction through internet banking VMT-ICON Visa money transfer through internet banking SEED AUTOSWEEP- Transfer to linked fixed deposit (a) \ REV SWEEP- interest on linked fixed deposit +) ‘SWEEP TRF- Transfer from linked fixed deposit/Account y/ \VMT-- Visa money transfer through ATM ‘CWOR- Cash withdrawl through ATM

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