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New Results for Wireless Multihop Diversity Systems

Diomidis S. Michalopoulos 1 , George K. Karagiannidis and Theodoros A. Tsiftsisy

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Grecce.
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, GR-26500, Greece

Abstract: We study the performance of multihop diver- lower bounds for the performance of multihop transmis-
sity systems with non-regenerative relays over independent sions with non-regenerative relays over independent and
and non-identical Rayleigh fading channels. The analysis non-identical distributed Nakagami-m fading channels.
is based on the evaluation of the instantaneous end-to-end The concept of multihop diversity, where the nodes of
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), depending on the type of the a multihop system using spatial diversity combine con-
relay and the diversity scheme used. A closed-form ex-
current reception of signals that have been transmitted
pression is derived for the average end-to-end SNR, when
xed-gain relays and a maximal ratio combiner (MRC) are
by all the preceding nodes, has been introduced recently
used, whereas an analytical expression formula for the av- by Boyer et al. in [5]. Tight upper bounds for the end-
erage symbol-error rate, is presented. The results show to-end probability of outage and error for decoded and
that multihop diversity systems outperform conventional ampli ed relaying, have been derived.
telecommunication systems in terms of ASER when the In this paper, a multihop diversity relaying system is
same amount of energy is assumed to be consumed in both considered employed CSI-assisted or xed gain relays.
cases. Closed-form expressions for the instantaneous end-to-
end SNR is studied for both types of relays and for the
1. Introduction
case where selection combining (SC) or maximal-ratio
Wireless multihop communications systems have re- combining (MRC) receivers are considered in each node.
cently proposed as a viable option versus traditional These general formulae for the instantaneous SNR are
communication networks due to the bene ts in the area applied to evaluate the performance of mulithop diver-
of network deployment, connectivity and capacity. Re- sity systems over Rayleigh fading channels. Average
laying techniques can solve problems of network con- end-to-end SNR and average symbol error probability
nectivity where traditional architectures are impractical (ASER) are studied. A variety of numerical examples
due to location constraints and can be applied to cellular, are presented for a two-class multihop diversity system
wireless local area networks (WLAN), and hybrid net- (i.e., two relays, six links) and computer simulation ex-
works. In multihop communications systems, the source amples verify the accuracy of the presented mathemati-
communicates with the receiver via a number of relays. cal analysis.
Therefore, these systems have the advantage of broaden- The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
ing the coverage without using large transmitting power In Section II, the multihop diversity system under con-
in the transmitter [1]-[5]. Recently, the concept of co- sideration is presented and a brief analysis of gain relays
operative/collaborative diversity has gained great inter- is executed. Next, in Section III the instantaneous end-
est. Mobile users cooperate/collaborate with each other to-end SNR is derived for both types of gain relays and
in order to exploit the bene ts of spatial diversity without diversity schemes. In Section IV, a performance evalu-
the need of using physical antenna arrays [6]-[9]. ation of the system is studied giving results on average
The performance analysis of multihop wireless com- SNR and ASER. Finally, numerical examples are dis-
munication systems operating in fading channels has cussed in Section V and concluding remarks are given in
been an important eld of research in the past few years. Section VI.
Hasna and Alouini have evaluated the end-to-end outage
probability of multihop wireless systems both for regen- 2. System and Channel Model
erative and non-regenerative channel state information
We consider a N -class non-regenerative multihop di-
(CSI)-assisted relays over Nakagami-m fading channels
versity system, where N non regenerative relays coop-
[3]. Moreover, the same authors have studied the out-
erate in order to transmit the information signal from a
age and the error performance of dual-hop systems with
source node S to a destination node D [5], as shown
regenerative and non-regenerative relays over Rayleigh
in Fig. 1. Each node receives the signals transmitted
[1], [4] and Nakagami-m [2] fading channels. Further-
by all the preceding terminals and combines them using
more, Tsiftsis et al. presented a new upper bound for the
one of the well known diversity techniques. After that,
end-to-end SNR and have ef ciently evaluated the aver-
it ampli es and transmits the combined signal to all the
age error probability in dual-hop collaborative diversity
following nodes, including the destination terminal. De-
systems, especially at low SNRs [10]. Additionally, in
note by Rk ; 1 k N the system relays. Let ij
[11], Karagiannidis et al. have presented closed-form
be the instantaneous SNR at the input of the jth termi-
1 The work of Mr. Michalopoulos is supported by the Greek General nal concerning the hop between the ith and the jth ter-
Secretariat of Research and Technology under PENED'04. minal, e.g., ij = (Pi =N0 ) a2ij ; where aij is the fading
Figure 1: The N -class multihop diversity system Figure 2: A simple dual-hop system

amplitude of that hop, Pi is the instantaneous transmit- where

ting power of the ith terminal and N0 is the Additive
max (x1 ; :::; xn ) when using SC
White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) power, which is consid- D (x1 ; x2 ; :::; xn ) =
x1 + ::: + xn when using MRC
ered identical in each intermediate channel. We assume
identical at fading in each channel. Let Gk be the gain
is a function describing the diversity type used each time.
of the relay Rk ;which can be either xed or non- xed.
It is obvious that (5) gives the end-to-end SNR in a multi-
In the former case, the relay gain is set to be
hop diversity system when a single non-regenerative re-
1 lay is considered. Thus, the original complicated system
G2k = (1)
Ck N0 has been simpli ed to an equivalent one, which has the
where Ck is a constant describing Gk ; while in the latter classical structure of a single transmitter and receiver,
case, the relay gain is variable, (i.e., aiming to limit the the SNR of which is given in (5).
output power of the relay [12])
3.1.1. Two-class Multihop Diversity System
G2k = (2) Next, a special case of a multihop diversity system which
a2eqk + N0
is employing two non-regenerative relays, is considered.
or simply Each relay combines the receiving signals using one of
G2k = (3) the above diversity techniques. In such case, the destina-
a2eqk tion terminal combines the received signals transmitted
called respectively as CSI-assisted and modi ed CSI- by the terminals S; R1 ;and R2 : Let PN represents the
assisted relays. These gains require knowledge of the noise power at the input of the destination terminal and
aeqk of the equivalent channel in the input of the relay PD;Ri ; PD;S represent the instantaneous power associ-
Rk : We denote as equivalent the single channel between ated with the signal incident from the relay Ri and the
the transmitter and the Rk , which can be regarded as the source terminal respectively. The ratio PD;R2 =PN can
substitute of the complicated multihop relaying channel be evaluated by applying (5) into (4) as
in terms of system performance. h i
SR1 R1 R2
PD;R2 D SR ; C 1 + R1 R2 R2 D
3. Instantaneous end-to-end SNR
= : (7)
PN C2 + R2 D
3.1. Fixed Gain Relays
Consider the non-regenerative dual-hop system with Equivalently, the ratio PD;R1 =PN describes the over-
xed gain relay shown in Fig. 2. The end-to-end SNR is all SNR in a non-regenerative dual-hop system and is
given in [2] as given using (4) by
dualhop;f G = 1 2
(4) = SR1 R1 D
: (8)
C+ 2
PN C1 + R1 D

where C is a constant describing the relay gain and The ratio PD;S =PN is by de nition
1 ; 2 are the instantaneous SNR at the hop between the
source and the relay terminal and at the hop between the = SD : (9)
relay and the destination terminal, respectively. Also, it PN
is assumed that R2 is the destination terminal, and that is Therefore, the overall SNR can be written as
equipped with one of the two most frequently used com-
biners, i.e., an MRC or an SC. The R2 terminal receives eq;2;f G =D ; ;
signals incident from the two preceding terminals, S and PN PN PN
0 h i 1
R1 , concurrently. Thus, the end-to-end SNR at the out- SR1 R1 R2
D SR2 ; C1 + R2 D
put of the R2 combiner is = D @ SD ; SR1 R1 D ;
R1 R2
C1 + R1 D C2 + R2 D
SR1 R1 R2
eq;1;f G =D SR2 ; (5) (10)
C1 + R1 R2
0 !
3.1.2. N -class Multihop Diversity System eq;N 1 RN D
eq;N;M CSI =D eq;N 1;M CSI ; 0
Now, let us assume that a new relay, R3 ; is added to eq;N 1 + RN D
the existing set of two relays, while all the other system (18)
nodes remain constant: The destination terminal com- To summarize, the instantaneous end-to-end SNR in
bines the signal incident from the preceding terminals a N -class multihop diversity system can be given using
S; R1 ; R2 and R3 , hence the overall SNR in such case the following expression
will be the combination of eq;2 and PD;R3 =PN ; i.e., 0
eq;N =D eq;N 1 ; G eq;N 1 ; RN D (19)
eq;3;f G =D eq;2;f G ; : (11)
PN where
The terminal R3 combines the signal transmitted from 8 xy
< xed-gain relays
terminals S; R1 ; R2 ; thus the equivalent SNR in its input CN +y
can be regarded as the end-to-end SNR in a two-class G (x; y) = x+y+1 CSI-assisted relays
: xy
x+y modi ed CSI-assisted relays
multihop diversity system, denoted by eq;2;f G , where
the source and destination nodes are the nodes S; R3 re- (20)
spectively, and R1 ; R2 are the system relays. Thus, the is a function describing the type of each relay gain.
ratio PD;R3 =PN is the equivalent SNR of a simple dual-
hop system where the SNR in the input of the relay is
4. Performance Analysis of the Two-Class
Multihop Diversity System in Fading
eq;2;f G , and the SNR at the hop between the relay and
the destination terminal is R3 D: ; expressed by Environment
Assume that the fading in all intermediate chan-
PD;R3 eq;2;f G R3 D
= : (12) nels in Fig. 1 is Rayleigh distributed, with probability
PN C3 + R3 D
density function (PDF) given by
Using (11) and (12), !
0 ! 2aij a2ij
eq;2;f G R3 D faij (aij ) = exp ; aij 0 8i; j (21)
eq;3;f G =D eq;2;f G ; : (13) ij ij
C3 + R3 D

In general, when a new relay, RN ; is added to the exist- where ij = E a2ij = a2 ij and E [ ] stands for the
ing set of N 1 relays in a xed gain multihop diversity expectation value. It is known that the SNR in a Rayleigh
system with known overall SNR eq;N 1;f G; the overall fading environment is exponentially distributed, hence
SNR in the resultant N -class multihop diversity system the PDF of ij can be expressed as
can be evaluated recursively as follows
! 1 ij
eq;N 1 RN D
f ij ij = exp 8i; j (22)
eq;N;f G =D eq;N 1;f G ; (14) ij ij
0 where ij = E ij :
where eq;N 1 is the end-to-end SNR in a (N 1)-class
4.1. Average End-To-End SNR
multihop diversity system which differs from the origi-
Next, we derive a closed form expression for the av-
nal (N 1)-class system in the fact that the destination
erage end-to-end SNR with respect to the intermediate
terminal of the former is the RN 1 relay of the latter.
channels' average SNRs. From (10), the average end-
3.2. General Case
to-end SNR in a two-class non-regenerative multihop di-
Considering the above, it is easy to provide the in- versity system with xed gain relays can be expressed
stantaneous end-to-end SNR in a N -class multihop di- as
versity system using CSI or modi ed CSI-assisted re-
lays. The end-to-end SNR in a CSI-assisted and mod- E eq;2
i ed CSI-assisted dual-hop system is given in [2], and 2 0 h i 13
SR1 R1 R2
equals respectively to SR1 R1 D
D SR2 ; C1 + R2 D
= E 4D @ A5
R1 R2
SD ; ;
= 1 2
(15) C1 + R1 D C2 + R2 D
1 + 2 +1
1 2
dualhop;M CSI = (16)
+ 2 1 Assuming MRC at all terminals, (23) can be written as
Therefore, the end-to-end SNR in an N -class mul-
tihop diversity system, when CSI-assisted and modi- =E =E[ SR1 R1 D
eq;2 eq;2 SD ] +E
ed CSI-assisted gain relays are considered, can be ex- C1 + R1 D
pressed respectively as 2 SR1 R1 R2
! SR2 + C1 + R2 D
+E4 5
0 R1 R2

eq;N 1 RN D C2 +
eq;N 1;CSI ;
R2 D
eq;N;CSI 0
eq;N 1 + RN D +1
(17) =I +J +K (24)
where Therefore, from (24), (25), (31), (32) and after some sim-
pli cations we obtain
I =E[ SD ] = SD ; (25)
C1 C1
C1 SR1 exp 0;
R1 R2 R1 D
SR1 R1 D = +
J =E (26) eq;2 SD SR1
R1 D
C1 + R1 D 0 1
C1 C1
C1 SR1 exp 0;
and @ SR1 + SR2
R1 R2 R1 R2
R1 R2

2 SR1 R1 R2
3 +
SR2 + C1 + R2 D R2 D
K =E4 5:
R1 R2
(27) C2 C2
C2 + R2 D C2 exp 0;
R2 D
R2 D R2 D
Assuming mutually independent fading in each pair of
intermediate channels, (26) and (27) can be rewritten as One choice for the xed gains is set to be equal to
the average of modi ed CSI-assisted gains shown in (3),
J= R1 D speci cally
C1 + R1 D " #
Z1 1 1
R1 D 1 R1 D G2k = E 2 = ; (34)
= SR1 exp d R1 D aeqk 2
a eqk
C1 + R1 D R1 D R1 D
(28) which represents an upper bound for the "semi-blind"
xed relay gain as de ned in [2] by
" #
2 1
R1 R2 R2 D Gk = E 2 : (35)
K= SR2 + SR1 E E aeqk + N0
C1 + R1 R2 C2 + R2 D
2 3
Z1 R1 R2 Then, from (1),
SR1 R1 R2
=4 SR2 + e R1 R2
d R1 R2
5 a2 eqk
R1 R2 C1 + R1 R2 Ck = : (36)
0 N0
R2 D 1 R2 D It is easy to notice that a2 eq1 = a2 SR1 ; hence
exp d R2 D
C2 + R2 D R2 D R2 D
a2 eqk 1 1
(29) C1 = =E SR1 = SR1 (37)
Note Rthat each integral
in (28) and (29) has the general Considering MRC receivers in all relays, (5) yields
1 x
form 0 +x e dx, a solution of which is given in [13,
eq. (3.353.5)] PS 2 SR1 R1 R2
eq;1;f G = a eqk = E SR2 + :
Z N0 C1 + R1 R2
x x= c c (38)
e dx = + c Ei e
0 c+x Using (30) and (38), (36) yields
c c
= ce 0; (30) 1 SR1
C2 = SR2 + R1 R2 SR1 e
R1 R2
PS R1 R2 R1 R2
where Ei ( ) and ( ; ) denote the exponential integral
If the average power of the source relay is set equal to
function and incomplete gamma function de ned respec-
unity for simplicity, (37) and (39) can be expressed as
tively in [13, eq. (8.211.1)] and [13, eq. (8.350.2)].
By substituting (30) to (28) and to (29), J and K can be C1 = (40)
rewritten as
C1 C1 C2 = SR2 + R1 R2 SR1 e
R1 R2
J= SR1 R1 D C1 exp 0; R1 R2 R1 R2
R1 D R1 D (41)
By substituting (40) and (41) in (33), an expression of
the average end-to-end SNR with respect to each average
C1 intermediate hop SNR is derived.
K= SR2 + SR1 R1 R2 C1 e R1 R2
R1 R2 4.2. ASER
C2 C2 Having found expressions for the instantaneous over-
R2 D C2 exp 0;
R2 D R2 D all SNR in a N -class multihop diversity system we can
(32) analytically evaluate the ASER by averaging speci c
functions of the overall SNR, depending on the mod-
ulation scheme used, with respect to each intermediate
channel fading distribution, e.g., for BPSK modulation
scheme the ASER can be evaluated as:
Z1 Z1 Z1
1 p
Pe = ::: erfc eq;N
0 0 0
f SD
( SD ) d SD ( SD ) f Sj Sj d Sj Sj
j 2N
f iD
( iD ) d iD ( iD ) f ij ij d ij ij
i 2N i;j 2N


where eq;N is given in (19), erfc( ) is the complemen-

tary error function and N is the set consisting of the sys-
tem relays fR1 ; :::; RN g : For Rayleigh fading distribu-
tion, the average bit error rate (BER) can be evaluated by
Figure 3: Comparison between the two-class multi-
substituting (22) into (42):
hop diversity system and the direct reference channel in
5. Numerical Examples and Discussion terms of average BER.

In this section we provide numerical examples of the

results presented so far, concerning the overall system
performance and the dependence on the intermediate approximation of P eq : Fig. 3 depicts the average BER
channels' average SNR. The theoretic results are com- versus the average direct channel SNR ( SD ). The com-
pared to the corresponding ones derived from simula- parison between multihop diversity system and the direct
tions. In simulations, a BPSK modulation scheme is reference channel shows a noteworthy improvement on
used; the interference among the nodes is assumed to be system performance, which becomes wider as SD in-
negligible, and the relaying is taking place in separate or- creases. In Fig. 4, the comparison between MRC and
thogonal channels. The normalized average SNR of the SC performance is presented, in terms of ASER. In both
intermediate channels with respect to SD is set as fol- cases, C1 is evaluated directly from (40). For the MRC
lows: SR1 = SD = 3; R1 R2 = SD = 3; R2 D = SD = case, C2 is calculated from (41), while in SC case, C2
3; SR2 = SD = 2; R1D = SD = 2: is evaluated from simulation results, due to the fact that
5.1. Overall System Performance a closed form of which does not exist. The results show
5.1.1. ASER a constant, approximately 3 dB improvement on system
performance when using MRC instead of SC.
From (42), assuming xed gain relays according to (34),
a comparison can be derived between the two-class mul-
5.1.2. Average End-To-End SNR
tihop diversity system and the direct reference channel,
on the basis of ASER. As direct reference channel we In Fig. 5 the average overall SNR versus SD is plot-
denote the direct source-destination channel with instan- ted, for various values of the ratio = SR1 = SD =
taneous SNR given by R1 R2 = SD = R2 D = SD and = SR2 = SD =
R1 D = SD : The diversity type used in this example is
Peq 2
SN RSD;ref = a ; (43) MRC, and each relay gain is set xed according to (34).
N0 SD As it was expected, the results show a linear increase
where Peq represents the instantaneous power transmit- on eq;2 with respect to SD , which becomes greater as
ted by all system nodes. For computing the average the ratios and increase. Note that for high values of
value of Peq ; we used the approximation SD , the cases when ( ; ) = (3; 2) and (2; 3) result in
approximately the same eq;2 :
P eq ' (N + 1) P S ; (44) 5.2. Dependence on the Intermediate Channels' Av-
erage SNR
assuming uniform transmitting power allocation among In Fig. 6, the overall average BER is depicted, when
the nodes. In fact, (N + 1) P S represents an upper
SD = 16 dB and the normalized average SNR of a sin-
bound of P eq , due to the fact that (34) is an upper bound gle hop takes values in the interval [0 dB; 10 dB] ; while
of (35), where by de nition the average power transmit- all other intermediate average SNRs remain constant to
ted by each node is identical2 . In cases when the sig- their original values. Observing these gures, we con-
nal degradation due to noise is small compared to the clude to the following:
degradation due to multipath fading, (44) gives a tight
2 This holds under the assumption that the gain of each relay does 1. A possible change on the fading state of a single
not exceed its saturation point. intermediate link have a slight or none impact on
Figure 4: Comparison of the average BER using MRC Figure 6: ASER dependence on average intermediate
and SC receivers. channels' SNR

3. The R1 -R2 link has approximately none impact on

total system performance. The explanation is in-
tuitive, claiming that the overall performance does
not relatively depend on the intermediate channels
that connect two system relays, due to the existence
of diversity.

6. Conclusion
In this paper, we studied the performance of non-
regenerative wireless multihop diversity systems. We
showed that these systems outperform the conventional
ones, in terms of ASER, and that the intermediate chan-
nels' dependence is greater on the channels ending at the
destination terminal D; in the case where each relay gain
is given by (34). However, the main drawback of those
Figure 5: Average overall SNR dependence on average systems is their high complexity, and this is the rea-
intermediate channels' SNR son why ef cient protocols and an in-depth cross-layer
analysis are needed, in order to ef ciently operate.

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